Harmony Centre Family Bible Study

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1 Lesson 2 THE FALL OF MAN PURPOSE OF LESSON: 1.To show that God planned out everything He intends to do before He ever started creating the universe. 2.To show that God's ultimate objective is to obtain for Himself an eternal dwelling place where He will have companionship while at the same time be regarded as Lord of All. Introductory Thoughts: It is important that your students begin to see the Big Picture. You will begin establishing this in their minds by showing them some of the things that God planned out before He ever started creating. It is also extremely important that your students realize that God is not responsible for all the sorrow and misery in the world man is. It is man's rebellion against God and his unwillingness to submit to God's authority that has brought such corruption to the world. Be sure to emphasize the seriousness of disobeying the plain teachings of the Word of God. What is Prophecy? Isaiah 46:9-10 Before creating anything, God planned out everything He intended to do. The Bible says, Known to God from eternity are all His works (Acts 15:18). Because He knows exactly what He is going to do, God is able to anticipate, or see in advance, His every act. The Bible says that God is able to call those things which do not yet exist as though they already did (Romans 4:17). When He communicates to mankind what He is planning to do, this is called prophecy. God has revealed many times what He intended to do long before He actually did it. In fact, the Bible says, Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets (Amos 3:7). Bible prophecy is God telling man what He is going to do before He does it. There are at least three things that God planned to do before He began creating the universe: 1. 1 Peter 1:20 Before the world was founded, God planned the Messiah, the Lesson 2, Page 1

2 man we know as Jesus Christ. 2. Ephesians 1:3-4 Before the world was founded, God planned to have an assembly of holy, blameless people. We call this the Church. It is up to each one of us to decide whether or not we will be part of this assembly. 3. Titus 1:1-2 Before time began, God planned that both the Messiah and His assembly of holy people would live forever. The Dwelling Place of God What was God's purpose in planning these things? Certainly it involved more than just saving man. If that's all it was, then why didn't God simply keep man from needing salvation? But God's purpose goes beyond simply saving man. He is building for Himself a dwelling place where He will be glorified for eternity. Psalms 132:13-14 Zion is another name for Israel and Jerusalem. Symbolically it refers to the Church the body of believers. God has chosen Zion as the earthly place where He will dwell and rest forever. Isaiah 66:1-2 God's building process begins within the heart of man, for God does not dwell in buildings made by men's hands He lives in the hearts of people. He knows that if He can possess a man's heart, He possesses the entire man. This is why we are told to love the Lord with all our heart. Anyone can be a part of God's eternal resting place by simply submitting his heart to God. The number one qualification is a poor, or humble, spirit. Jesus said, Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:3). God's building program will be completed on a specific day which has been planned since before the creation when Jesus Christ will gather together all who belong to Him. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 This is the event we call the Rapture, which means the catching away of God's people. We don't know exactly when this event will take place, but we do know that we are living in the last days before the second coming of Jesus Christ. The Making of Adam Genesis 2:4-7 Adam was made of both earth and spirit, combined into one living being. The earthly part connected Him to the creation; the spiritual part connected him to God. As a perfect sinless man, Adam is symbolic of Jesus Christ. The Bible says that Adam was a type [or pattern] of Him who was to come (Romans 5:14). The Apostle Paul gives us additional insight into the relationship between Adam and Christ. Lesson 2, Page 2

3 1 Corinthians 15:45 Paul wants us to know that Jesus was a man like Adam; yet He was also more than a man He was, and is, the eternal Spirit of God. 1 Corinthians 15:46-47 Again, Paul reiterates that Jesus was God Himself (the Lord from heaven), who was manifest in human flesh. 1 Corinthians 15:48-49 We all know what it is like to have an earthly body such as Adam had, but one day all believers will inherit an eternal body such as Jesus Christ has had ever since His resurrection. The Garden of Eden Genesis 2:8-9 The word Eden means pleasure. God put the original man in the Garden of Pleasure, not the prison of pain, sorrow, and suffering. Those things didn't come along until later. It seems as though the first man had it pretty good in the beginning. Genesis 2:15-17 Why did God make this one restriction? It was to see whether or not Adam would obey Him. But why was this important? Because, if Adam obeyed God's commandment, he would be demonstrating that he acknowledged God's right to rule over His own creation. If he disobeyed, however, he would be blatantly denying God's authority and even denying who God really is. Does it seem as though God gave Adam some hard thing to do? The Bible says that God's commandments are not burdensome (1 John 5:3). It is disobedience that makes life hard and difficult. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil gave Adam an opportunity to demonstrate His loyalty and submission to the One who gave him life. The Formation of the Bride Genesis 2:18-20 Up to this point, everything that God had made was very good (especially cheerful and pleasant). The only thing that was not good was man being alone. This symbolizes God being alone. God's dwelling place, which is the entire body of true Christians, is sometimes called the bride of Christ. The helper that would be comparable, or suitable, for Adam was to be his bride, Eve. Genesis 2:21-25 The first woman was made from a rib taken out of Adam's side as he slept. This symbolizes the New Testament Church coming forth out of the side of Jesus Christ. Since the Bible sometimes refers to death as sleeping, Jesus in a sense entered into a deep sleep Lesson 2, Page 3

4 when He died on the cross. The Bible tells us, But when they came to Jesus and saw that He was already dead, they did not break His legs. But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out (John 19:30,33-34). The blood of Christ and the water of baptism are the mediums by which God brings forth His bride the Church. Ephesians 5:25-32 Paul uses the relationship between a man and his wife to describe the spiritual relationship between Christ and His Church. Jesus wants us to be joined together with Him in an intimate union. He loves us the way a husband is to love His wife. Notice that He is coming for a glorious Church. This is because He is preparing the Church to be His glorious eternal resting place! The Serpent Intrudes Everything seemed to be going along well. Adam and Eve were together. They had plenty to eat. They didn't have to work too hard. They could do just about whatever they wanted. But then a intruder entered the scene. Genesis 3:1 Is this really what God had said? In a technical sense, yes it was. They could not eat from every tree. They could, however, eat from every tree but one. This is how the devil operates: What God has designed to give us maximum liberty while at the same time maintaining His headship, the devil twists so that it seems as though God is keeping us in bondage. Genesis 3:2-3 Is this really what God had said? No! Eve added to the Word of God. He hadn't said anything about not touching the tree. This shows how important it is for us to know the Bible. Because she didn't really know what God had said, she was susceptible to being deceived. Genesis 3:4-5 When the devil saw that Eve didn't really know the Word of God, he knew he could tell her an outright lie. He also knew that he could attack God's motives. Essentially, the devil convinced Eve that God was depriving her of certain knowledge in order to keep her from being like God. The question is, How has the knowledge of evil ever helped anyone? Sin Enters the World Genesis 3:6-12 As we all know, Eve believed the devil's lie and ate the forbidden fruit. It wasn't the fruit that was evil; it was the disobedience. Then, after she had eaten, she gave it to her husband and he ate. Lesson 2, Page 4

5 The first thing that happened after they ate was that they realized they were naked they were exposed so they tried to cover themselves with fig leaves. The next thing that happened was that they didn't want to be around God any more. This is because they knew in their hearts that they owed Him their lives the wages of sin is death, and they had sinned. Make sure you stress this point: God did not turn away from man; man turned away from God. Jesus said, I have come to seek and to save that which was lost (Luke 19:10). Even after Adam and Eve had directly disobeyed Him, God came looking for them, hoping to find a basis to forgive them. But the man was unwilling to admit any guilt for what he had done. Instead he passed the buck. Adam blamed his sin on his wife, and his wife blamed her sin on the devil. Neither were willing to take responsibility for their own actions. Actually, Adam blamed his failure on God. He said, The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate. There is no indication at all that there was any sorrow, any regret, or any repentance. Just the accusation: If you hadn't given me this woman, God, I wouldn't be in trouble now. Genesis 3:13 The woman wouldn't admit any guilt either. All she could do is blame her failure on the devil. But the devil didn't make her sin, he only tempted her. Both Adam and Eve chose to disobey God's command. Genesis 3:14-15 Because he tempted Eve to sin against God, the serpent (representing the devil) would have to crawl on his belly and eat the dust of the earth. The Bible says that the devil roams the earth seeking someone to devour. Since man is made of the dust of the earth, it is people he is after. Genesis 3:16 The woman would bring forth children in pain and her husband would be responsible for ruling over her. Why? Paul explained, For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression (1 Timothy 2:13-14). Genesis 3:17-19 Man would now have to labor and toil in order to provide food for his family. God Provides a Covering Genesis 3:20-21 God made Adam and Eve coverings of animal skins. This established the principle of substitutionary death. On the day they sinned, Adam and Eve did not die, but something died, the blood of something was shed. This is symbolic of the blood of Christ that covers our sins. Lesson 2, Page 5

6 Genesis 3:22-24 God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Pleasure. No longer would they be permitted to live in a place of comfort and ease. But this wasn't God's fault; it was theirs. They forfeited the privilege of living in Paradise by disobeying God. QUESTION: Why was it an act of divine love to put Adam and Eve out of Paradise? QUESTION: If God had allowed them to stay there, if they had eaten of the Tree of Life, do you think they would have ever come back to God? If Adam and Eve had remained in rebellion against God, all their descendants would have been rebels, and God would not have been able to fulfill His plan to build an eternal dwelling place where He would be glorified. God Will Fulfill His Plan The Bible says that in the last days, some people will be lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God (2 Timothy 3:4). This was Adam's and Eve's problem. If we want to one day enter into that place of eternal pleasure and joy, we must first show that we love God more than we love His blessings. He must become our source of pleasure. Psalms 16:11 says, In Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Once God sees that we love Him more than we love the pleasures of this life, or the life to come, then He will be assured that we will stay faithful to Him for eternity. The Book of Revelation says, To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God (v. 2:7). Revelation 22:14 The Bible has one theme from Genesis to Revelation. It was written to tell us how rebellious human beings can partake of the Tree of Life through the Lord Jesus Christ. Lesson 2, Page 6

7 Teacher s Outline for Lesson 2. What is Prophecy? Isaiah 46:9-10 Before creating anything, God planned out everything He intended to do. When He communicates to mankind what He is planning to do, this is called prophecy. There are at least three things that God planned to do before He began creating the universe: 1. 1 Peter 1:20 God planned the Messiah, the man we know as Jesus Christ. 2. Ephesians 1:3-4 God planned an assembly of holy people called the Church. 3. Titus 1:1-2 God planned that the Messiah and His holy people would live forever. The Dwelling Place of God Psalms 132:13-14 Zion is another name for Israel and refers to the Church. Isaiah 66:1-2 God dwells in the hearts of men. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 The Rapture is the catching away of God's people. The Making of Man Genesis 2:4-7 Adam was a type [or pattern] of Him who was to come (Romans 5:14). 1 Corinthians 15:45-49 Jesus was a man like Adam; yet was also more than a man. He was also God Himself (the Lord from heaven ).. The Formation of the Bride Genesis 2:8-25 Why did God place this one restriction on man? If Adam obeyed God's commandment, he would be demonstrating that he acknowledged God's authority. The woman made from a rib symbolizes the New Testament Church coming forth from the side of Jesus Christ (blood and water). Ephesians 5:25-32 The relationship between a man and his wife parallels the spiritual relationship between Christ and His Church. Sin Enters the World Genesis 3:1-24 If God had allowed Adam and Eve to stay in Eden, would they have ever come back to God? Revelation 22:14 The Bible has one theme from Genesis to Revelation. Lesson 2, Page 7

8 Pathfinders Home Bible Study Lesson 2. Student Review 1. Read Isaiah 46:9-10 God planned in advance everything He intends to do. When He tells man what He is going to do, this is called. 2. Three things that God planned before He created anything are: (refer to 1 Peter 1:20) (refer to Ephesians 1:4) (refer to Titus 1:2) 3. Read Psalms 132:13-14 God's eternal plan is to prepare Himself a. 4. Read Isaiah 66:1-2 God's building process begins in the of man. 5. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 Those who are alive at the coming of the Lord will be to meet Him in the air. 6. Read Genesis 2:4-25 The word "Eden" means. 7. God placed one restriction on Adam to see if he would Him. 8. The only thing in the entire creation that was not good was Adam being. 9. Adam is symbolic of ; Eve is symbolic of the (refer to Ephesians 5:22-33). 10. The two mediums through which Christ brings forth His "bride" are and (refer to John 19:33-34). 11. Read Genesis 3:1-24 The devil was able to deceive the woman because she didn't know the of. 12. It was not the fruit that was evil; it was their. 13. After they sinned, Adam and Eve suddenly knew they were. 14. The devil crawls on his belly seeking to devour those made of. 15. God told the woman that she would have in childbirth and that her husband would over her. 16. God told the man that he would have to hard to feed his family. 17. In order for God to provide a covering for their nakedness, an had to die Lesson 2, Page 8

9 18. The death of the animal instituted the principle of death. 19. The banishment of Adam and Eve from the garden was an act of divine. 20. Read Revelation 22:14 Those who keep God's commandments have the right to the Tree of. Versions of the Bible Every word of God is pure. Proverbs 30:5 Unfortunately, not every translation of the Word of God is pure. As you consider which version of the Bible you will use for reading and study, consider the following facts: The Bible was first translated into English in 1384 by John Wycliffe. His version was not taken from the original languages, but from a Latin translation called the Vulgate. The first translation from the original Greek and Hebrew was published in 1534 by William Tyndale. Over the next 75 years, several revisions were made, culminating in The King James Version, which was first published in The Kings James Version of the Bible has been the most popular English translation for nearly 500 years. It has been revised several times and published under the following titles: The Revised Version (1885); The American Standard Version (1901); The Revised Standard Version (1946); The New King James Version (1977); and The New American Standard Version (1985). Several of these revisions contain the liberal biases of the translators and are generally considered inadequate for serious study. The New King James Verison is true to the integrity of the original King James but has made some corrections and improvements. It has also eliminated the Old English styling. As of today there are over 50 translations of the Bible in English. Beware, because many of them are distortions and perversions of truth. For example... The New World Translation contains the doctrinal biases the Jehovah s Witnesses and is completely unacceptable for serious study. The Jerusalem Bible contains extensive notes promoting extra-biblical Roman Catholic doctrines. The Living Bible is a free-style paraphrase and is not a translation at all. It reflects the opinions of its writer and is completely unacceptable for serious study. Some other interesting English versions are... The Weymouth Version (1902) is an idiomatic translation into every-day English. The Moffatt Version (1925) is from the original languages and is highly readable. The Amplified Version (1965) is actually a mini-commentary in which the meanings of the words in each verse are amplified or expanded. Lesson 2, Page 9

10 The New English Bible (1970) uses the sense-for-sense approach rather than wordfor-word. It is a new translation from the original languages. The New International Version (1973) is a new translation from the original languages. It is readable and widely used, but is weak for doctrinal study. Lesson 2, Page 10


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