Sparks. A Newsletter of Hong Wen School Issue 02 November 2012

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1 Sparks HONG WEN A Newsletter of Hong Wen School Issue 02 November 宏 文 学 校 中 华 文 化 艺 术 外 展 活 动 在 第 二 学 段, 我 们 一 共 办 了 三 场 外 展 活 动 日 期 地 点 对 象 分 享 项 目 分 享 的 同 学 3 月 22 日 宏 文 学 校 200 名 拉 丁 马 士 小 四 学 生 书 法 水 墨 36 名 小 二 至 2:00-4:20 12 位 拉 丁 马 士 老 师 象 棋 围 棋 小 六 的 同 学 拉 丁 马 士 小 学 母 语 双 周 活 动 ) 剪 纸 中 国 结 武 术 节 令 鼓 3 月 29 日 国 家 图 书 馆 开 放 给 5-12 岁 的 儿 童 报 名 参 加 书 法 7 名 书 法 班 的 同 学 3:00-4:00 国 家 图 书 馆 的 文 化 分 享 活 动 ) 4 月 3 月 立 化 小 学 立 化 小 学 小 五 及 小 六 的 同 学 书 法 水 墨 20 名 小 二 至 小 五 的 同 学 2:00-4:00 ( 立 化 小 学 母 语 双 周 活 动 ) 二 胡 古 筝 剪 纸 中 国 结 瞧, 我 们 的 手 艺 可 不 赖! 同 学 们 的 水 墨 画 成 品 看, 这 一 笔 应 该 是 这 样 写 的 试 一 试 参 与 分 享 的 同 学 都 非 常 自 豪 地 表 示 能 够 把 在 课 堂 里 所 学 到 的 中 华 文 化 艺 术 带 出 课 堂 外 与 外 校 的 同 学 分 享, 是 他 们 感 到 非 常 满 足 的 一 件 事 通 过 这 类 分 享 活 动, 也 加 深 了 他 们 自 己 的 学 习 来 参 加 外 展 活 动 的 同 学 老 师 和 家 长, 也 对 这 项 外 展 活 动 留 下 深 刻 的 印 象 P1 P2 Activity Day Pupils making figures using tangrams. This Mathematics activity tests their creativity and encourages problem-solving. Reflections My favourite activities are Fun With Tangrams and the Learning Centre. I have learnt to make many shapes with the tangrams. - Yu Qing, 2 Patience I have learnt to work together with my friends. Dylan Gan, 2 Patience I enjoyed all the activities. I had such a great time and I wish that there are many more days like the P2 Activity Day. - Cheryl Tan, 2 Kindness Pupils cooperating to solve a Chinese task. At the Science station, pupils use their sense of smell to identify the items. For the English station, pupils toss the cube and apply their phonics skills. A pupil showing her beautifully made goodie bag to hold all the tokens from all the stations. 1 Pupils learn about National Education and show their appreciation towards Singapore.

2 P5 Camp serve! Service wit h a sm ile. It s a joy to Night walk is so fun! Be care ful! It is pitch dark! We will float tog eth er as one. Are you dressing me up with a harness? Tea mwo rk is the key to success in rafti ng! Let us work together! Don t worry! We know you can do it! If you drop, we pull! Students Reflections Lee Jia Yi (5K) : During the P5 Camp, I learnt to be independent, share things with my friends and take good care of myself. Lee Joey (5K) : The P5 Camp is indeed awesome! Other than playing fun games, I learnt to cooperate with my friends and work together as a team. Bo ndin g ga m es he lp us r! kn ow on e an ot he r bette ts Commen sch ool wit h our De bri ef an d sha rin g sessio n in have lea rnt. tea che rs to con soli date wh at we Javan Teo (5K) : The P5 Camp was indeed a wonderful and enriching experience for me. I learnt how to wash my own cup and plate, be responsible for my own belongings and also be more tolerant and compassionate towards my friends. Lin Kyun Hui : On the third day of the camp, there were no activities except prize presentation. Although my team had lost, I have learnt that although we do not know one another, we must respect one another by lending a helping hand. Lee Zi An : I enjoyed the rock wall climbing the most because the rock wall was the biggest I have ever seen in my life! I climbed about three-quarters of it and then my hands felt very weak. I had thought about giving up but my groupmates kept on encouraging me. My trainer also told me not to stop. Then I started thinking if anyone could do it, then why couldn t I? I finally climbed to the top. From this camp, I have learnt not to give up when we are near to the finishing line. The same goes for studying. Since we have already studied for so many years, we cannot give up on studying now. Kenneth Chan : I challenged high elements such as rock wall, abseiling and zip line. I overcame the obstacles and my fear of height. I am satisfied with my performance. I made a lot of friends during the camp and we encouraged one another to accomplish the tasks. Camping days may be over but memories will last forever. Lim Leshawn : When we were to perform for our campfire, I felt very nervous. But then I told myself that that was a once-in-a-lifetime performance that I would be having and I gained more confidence. After the performance, I was very pleased with myself. 2

3 English Fortnight The inaugural English Fortnight 2012 organised by the English Department was held in Term 2 from 29 March to 5 April. The event aimed to develop confidence in pupils spoken English and foster good speaking skills. Throughout these two weeks, pupils engaged themselves in an array of classroom and recess activities that focused on listening, reading and speaking. Activities included storytelling, Show and Tell and Drama performances. Posters were displayed around the school to reinforce the use of correct English. The games booths were definitely a hit among pupils during recess. There was active participation in the games held in different venues around the school where pupils were challenged in language aspects like listening, sentence construction, phonics and pronunciation. The event was indeed enjoyed by all who had fun while learning and thus inculcated the love for English Language. Drama performance by the English Speech and Drama Club Upper primary pupil delivering her speech in front of an audience. Pupils had fun using the IPad and participating in the game of Boggle 3

4 Lion s Club tree planting The school s Environment Committee had a new collaboration project with Lions Club Singapore this year in support of the Million Tree Planting Campaign organised by Lions Club International. We are supporting this noteworthy campaign by adopting two of the sponsored trees. Funds were raised for Lions Club Singapore through the sponsorship of trees by various organisations. The two new trees are now thriving in our school compound, next to Gates 1 and 5. Teachers Day During the Teachers Day celebration, some of our pupils volunteered to perform for the teachers with the help from our Parent-Support-Group (PSG). The performances included different dances such as ballet, hip-hop, jazz and tap as well as song items. Our teachers were also treated to a spectacular performance of the piano recitals by two of our younger pupils. To encourage pupils to show appreciation to the teachers, they were also given a note-pad to pen down their appreciation for their teachers. 4

5 Children s Day We celebrated Children s Day on the 4th of October this year. With the help of our dedicated and friendly Parent Support Group and parent volunteers, the multi-purpose hall was beautifully decorated, and the game booths for the carnival were prepared in anticipation of the pupils arrival. As the pupils filed into the hall in the early morning for assembly, they could hardly contain their excitement when they saw the decorations in the hall. They had a fun-filled hour at the game carnival and many requested for more time at the carnival! On top of that, a group of very talented teachers put up a wonderful musical performance at the Children s Day concert. The pupils were enthralled by the performance. Laughter and applauses were heard throughout the concert. In all, it was a memorable day for both the pupils and teachers! Project ROCK (Reaching Out to the Community through Kindness) Project ROCK is a collaboration between Hong Wen School and the Whampoa McNair Residents Committee. The aims are to bring cheer to the needy residents and to give an opportunity to our pupils to demonstrate their compassion for others in the community. This event took place on 4th of October, the day the school celebrated Children s Day. The guest-of-honour was Mr Heng Chee How, Senior Minister of State, Prime Minister s Office and Member of Parliament for Whampoa SMC. Mr Heng handed the goodies bags to representatives from our school as a symbolic handover. All the primary five pupils were supposed to bring the goodies bags to the recipients in their flats however due to the heavy downpour, the pupils were not able to walk to the blocks. Their spirit was not dampened though as one group of pupils was selected to represent them to bring a few sets of the goodie bags in a mini-van. The Environment Committee came onboard to teach the pupil representatives to pass the message on recycling plastic bags and bottles to the recipients. Used plastic bottles were made into shapes of frogs with a written message in them to spread the importance of recycling. Mr Heng was also presented with one of the frog bottles as a souvenir. This event would not be successfully carried out without the generous donation of the pupils and their parents, the help of the school s Parent Support Group (PSG) led by Ms Lynn Tan Lee Hong who helped to sort out the goodies bags. A BIG THANK YOU to all who have helped in one way or the other! 5

6 中秋庆祝会 今天是我们盼望已久的中秋庆祝会 每个 人脸上都浮现出开心的笑容 在这次的中 秋表演中 华乐团 古筝团 华族舞蹈 团 合唱团 华文演艺班 武术队和跳绳 队都参与其中 除了礼堂的表演 同学们 也在我们的露天广场观赏相声和猜灯谜 同学们和家长听了毛老师中国画的讲座 后 也迫不及待地尝试画中国画 那日 我们家长会的家长也帮忙筹办了一 场义卖会 参加的同学还真不少呢 不光 是义卖会 那晚还有许多有趣的游戏和活 动 大家都玩得乐不思蜀 如果感到肚子 饿 还有月饼 中国茶和柚子供给大家品 尝 在中秋节柔美月光的伴随下 同学们愉快 地踏上归途 - 刘积蓄 5H/5CCL taff New S 同学们提着灯笼去游园了 大家来尝尝美味的月饼吧 毛老师让大家对中国画有更深 一层的了解 家长会主办游戏让学生参与 Welcome to the Big and Happy Hong Wen Family! Ms Michelle Tan Learning is a continual process. When we stop learning, we stop growing. I personally like this quote and it is even more applicable to me now as a beginning teacher in Hong Wen School. The support from the school, fellow colleagues and parents I ve had so far definitely contributed to my learning and growth. I look forward to more opportunities to pass on this drive for learning to my pupils and make learning enjoyable! MS Olivia Judithe Chan It is said that a school s environment is the thread that connects the multitude of activities in the campus. If there indeed is an ounce of truth in this belief, then I must attest to the fact that Hong Wen s vibrant environment plays a significant role in the myriad of activities during and after school. Not only does such a positive climate facilitate students active learning, it also enables teachers like me to learn as we teach and in the midst of doing so, feel youthful once again! Ms Yip Shi Ying I have had a more than wonderful experience during my ten weeks of practicum in HWS. Hence, when I was notified of being posted to HWS, I was genuinely grateful. Teaching Chinese these days is not an easy task, but I am truly fortunate to be able to teach in a school which highly values Chinese, which is a very beautiful language. I also love the way the school thoughtfully plans the many fun and interactive activities for students outside curriculum time, enabling them to learn beyond the textbook. Lastly, I would like to say that I am looking forward to my teaching journey in HWS! Thank You and Good Luck! Mr Desmond Seah I am grateful to finally be posted back to Hong Wen School as a music teacher, and to be working among passionate colleagues. I am honoured to be in a school which is so steeped in Chinese culture, and places so much emphasis on inculcating good values in students. I firmly believe that through fun and meaningful music lessons, our students will become more confident and better prepared to adapt to changes around them. I am truly glad to be teaching a subject that I love, and hope to impart that same love for music to our students. Ms Sandy Ng I am really excited to be part of Hong Wen Family! The rich and vibrant Chinese culture is a niche in Hong Wen School and our students are very fortunate to have the opportunity to be studying here. I am marvelled at the numerous quality programmes organised by our teachers and how involved our students were! Hong Wen has really lived up to its vision of being a happy, healthy and vibrant learning organisation. Ms Chang Ai Jia It has been a great pleasure to have taught at Hong Wen School during my practicum and words cannot describe how glad I am to be able to come back here to teach again. The environment and culture here is fantastic because of all my friendly and helpful colleagues and students. I am looking forward to contribute to the continuous and progressive learning of the students here in Hong Wen, as well as the progress of the school on the whole. Thank you everyone for your guidance! Ms Jermaine Tan Gracious. This is the word I would use to describe the colleagues I have at HWS. Being a new teacher in this school, I have much to learn just like a student and I am truly grateful for the guidance given. I look forward to a fun, fruitful and fulfilling journey of teaching and learning at HWS. Ms Chen Shuyi My journey as a teacher in Hong Wen School has been exciting and enriching so far. I may not live near the school and have to travel quite a distance from home but the caring colleagues and adorable children have made the travel worth it. I look forward to immersing myself in the rich Chinese culture here while learning from teachers, students and parents. Congratulations to Mr Anthony Ruben Aruldass on the arrival of his new bundle of joy, Jerome Ritik Aruldass. Congratulations to Mr Alvin Lim on the arrival of his new bundle of joy, Mira Lim Yi Xin. Congratulations to Mrs Cindy Oh on the arrival of her new bundle of joy Julian Oh Rong Wen! We would like to bid farewell to Mdm Grace Kang Chu Ai, Mdm Mas Sumiyami Bte Abdul Gani, Mdm Wu Yau Hoi and Miss Wong Yap Sow and thank them for their invaluable service. We wish them all the best in their future endeavours. 6

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