GCSE Religious Studies SpeciÞ cation A Unit 3 Roman Catholicism

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1 Advent Advent wreath the Adoration of the Cross the Altar of Repose Apostles Creed Ascension Ash Wednesday authority baptism believers baptism Bible bishop Breaking of Bread Christian Christmas Christmas crib church The start of the Christian liturgical year. The period beginning four Sundays before Christmas and ending on Christmas Eve, in which Christians look forward to coming of Christ at Christmas. The themes of Advent are expectation, judgement and the Second Coming. This is an old custom associated with the Advent season. Five candles are placed in an evergreen wreath. The outer four (three purple and one pink) are lit on the four Sundays of Advent. The Þ fth, central, candle (white) often called the Christ candle is lit on Christmas morning. This is an act of devotion. On Good Friday a wooden cross is laid in front of the congregation and each person comes forward to kiss it. The priest says This is the wood of the cross on which hung the saviour of the world. The response is Come let us worship. When the Mass is over on Holy Thursday, the consecrated Bread is taken in procession to the Altar of Repose. This is a side chapel set aside for private prayer to remember Jesus going to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. People are asked to pray privately at this Altar before the Blessed Sacrament until midnight to remind them of the agony of Jesus in the garden and his arrest. A statement setting out the main beliefs of the Christian faith, based on the central teachings of the Apostles. The event 40 days after the Resurrection, when Jesus returned to God, the Father, in Heaven recorded in Luke 24 and Acts 1. This is the Þ rst day of Lent, a time of penitence. People come to church on this day and have the sign of the cross marked on their foreheads with ashes. Christians believe that the Bible, religious leaders and statements of belief, eg the Apostles Creed, should be respected as conveying deep religious truths. The sacrament through which people become members of the Church. Baptism involves the use of water as a symbol of the washing away of sin. It is a rite of initiation. Initiation into the Church, by immersion in water, of people old enough to understand the ceremony/rite and willing to live a Christian life. Some denominations prefer this to infant baptism. This form of baptism contains many similarities to the baptism of Jesus. Sacred book for Christians containing both the Old and New Testaments. A high-ranking clergyman within a diocese who has the authority to conþ rm and ordain. Alternative name for the Eucharist or Holy Communion. Someone who believes in Jesus Christ and follows the religion based on his teachings. The Feast Day commemorating the birth of Jesus (25 December in most Churches). The crib is a model of a stable, showing the scene of Jesus birth. It includes the main characters and animals in the Christmas story Mary, Joseph, angels, shepherds, cattle, sheep, etc. Some people wait until Christmas morning to put the Þ gure of Jesus into the crib and until the Feast of the Epiphany (January 6 th ) for the wise men. 1. The Holy People of God, also called the Body of Christ, among whom Christ is present and active. 2. Members of a particular Christian denomination/tradition. 3. A building in which Christians worship.

2 The Church as the Body of Christ Communion of Saints conþ rmation distribution of ashes Easter Easter Day Easter Sunday Easter Vigil Epiphany Eucharist fasting fundamentalism Good Friday Holy Communion Holy Spirit Holy Week The belief that the Church is God s people and that it is present wherever people are living a Christian life. used to describe all Christian believers, both living and dead. The sacrament in which the faith of the believer is conþ rmed or strengthened by the Holy Spirit. Those being conþ rmed personally conþ rm their acceptance of the promises made by others at their baptism. Different dioceses celebrate conþ rmation at different ages. People come to church on Ash Wednesday and have the sign of the cross marked on their foreheads with ashes which have been made from the burning of the previous year s palms. The ash is a reminder that human beings only have a brief time on earth and a sign that they are really sorry for their sins. The religious season celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. It starts on Easter Day and Þ nishes with the feast of Pentecost. The day when the Resurrection of Jesus is celebrated by Christians. Another term for Easter Day. The Roman Catholic main celebration of Easter is at midnight on Holy Saturday. The ceremony is in four parts: a service of light; a service of readings; a service of baptism and an Easter Eucharist. This word literally means revealing. It is a Christian festival held on January 6 th in celebration of Jesus as the Messiah and the Son of God to the gentile world. On the feast of the Epiphany, Christians particularly remember the visit of the Magi (the Wise Men). Literally thanksgiving. Another name for Holy Communion and a service in which the sacriþ cial death and resurrection of Jesus are celebrated, using bread and wine. Thanks are given to God for his creation of the world, for the life, death and resurrection of Jesus and for the bread and wine which many Christians refer to as Jesus Body and Blood. People fast during Lent as a way of preparing for Easter. Fasting helps Christians to focus on what they really need for survival as opposed to luxuries. It can take more than one form. It may literally involve giving up some meals or certain foods. It can also mean trying to do something about having a bad temper or other faults of character or giving up forms of entertainment as a sign of the serious way that Lent is observed. Belief in the Bible as a factual historical record; miracles are accepted as events that happened exactly as described. For example, a fundamentalist will accept that Jesus fed 5000 people with Þ ve loaves and two Þ sh. Fundamentalists believe that the Bible is divinely inspired without error. The Friday before Easter, when Christians remember the cruciþ xion and death of Jesus. Another name for the Eucharist in which the sacriþ cial death and resurrection of Jesus are celebrated using bread and wine. The third person of the Holy Trinity who descended like a dove on Jesus at his baptism. Christians believe that the Holy Spirit is present and inspires them. The last week in Lent (the week before Easter Sunday beginning on Palm Sunday), during which believers think about the suffering and death of Jesus.

3 icon Incarnation infant baptism initiation the institution of the Eucharist Jesus Judgment Lent liberal view literalism liturgical worship Lord s Prayer Lord s Supper The Magisterium Mary Mass The Mass of the Lord s Supper Maundy Thursday Mother of God non-liturgical worship A religious image of Jesus or one of the saints, used by Orthodox Christians and others. They are more than simply aids to prayer, as they are seen as being Þ lled with the spirit of the person shown. God taking the human form of Jesus. Initiation into the Church of babies and young children, where promises are taken on their behalf by adults. The infant is freed from sin and introduced to the saving love of God and the support of the Christian community. Formal entry into a religion. For Roman Catholics initiation begins at baptism and concludes when the Eucharist and ConÞ rmation have also been received. Christians remember the events of the night before Jesus died. At the Last Supper Jesus gave his disciples bread and wine to represent his body and blood. This is the institution of the Eucharist (the Þ rst Mass) that is re-enacted at every Mass therefore it is customary to receive communion on this Thursday. Jesus commanded us to do this in memory of me ie the institution of the priesthood. 1 st century Jewish teacher and holy man, believed by Christians to be the Son of God. The return of Christ at the end of the world to judge the living and the dead. The forty day period before Easter, in which Christians are called to pray, fast and give to charity in preparation for Easter. It recalls the forty days that Jesus spent in the wilderness after his baptism. The view that the Bible s authors were guided by God, but, being human, they could have made mistakes, meaning that the Bible is not entirely accurate, and need not be taken literally. This approach focuses on the spiritual truth within parables, imaginative stories and accounts of the miracles. A liberal might believe that Jesus willingness to share a small amount of food among a large crowd of people was more important than the exact facts of the story. A belief that every word of the Bible is literally true. For example in the six day creation account of Genesis 1, each day is literally understood as a 24-hour period. Literalism is an extreme form of fundamentalism. A church service which follows a set text or ritual. The prayer taught to the disciples by Jesus; also known as the Our Father. Alternative name for the Eucharist or Breaking of Bread. The teaching authority of the Roman Catholic Church. The mother of Jesus. Mary is held in great honour by many Christians as the Mother of God. Another term for the Eucharist, normally used by Roman Catholics. The rite is divided into two parts, the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Christians share in the same meal just as Jesus disciples did at the Last Supper. This term is more often used by the Free Churches (Baptists, and Pentecostal Churches, etc) by doing exactly as Jesus did. They do not believe that there is anything special in the actual Bread and Wine. The day before Good Friday, on which Christians remember the Last Supper. An alternative title for Mary, based on the belief that Jesus is God. A service which does not follow a set text or ritual. This type of worship is often spontaneous or charismatic in nature.

4 Orthodox the Our Father Palm Sunday Paschal Candle The Passion Pentecost Peter pilgrimage the Pope private worship Protestant public worship the Resurrection rites of passage rosary sacraments salvation sin Son of God spontaneous worship The most popular Christian tradition in some parts of Eastern Europe. There are two main Orthodox Churches Greek and Russian. Services are heavily traditional and ritualistic. The name of the Lord s prayer in Catholic churches. The prayer taught to the disciples by Jesus. The Þ rst day of Holy Week, when Christians remember Jesus entry into Jerusalem (re Mark ). The candle which is lit on Holy Saturday to symbolise the light of Christ s resurrection. The term used to describe Jesus suffering prior to his death. The festival that takes place 50 days after Easter. It remembers when the Apostles felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. Recorded in Acts Often regarded as being the birthday of the Christian Church. The leading Apostle. Peter was the Rock on which Jesus based the Church and was the Þ rst pope. A journey by a Christian to a holy site, eg Lourdes. Pilgrimage is itself an act of worship and devotion. The head of the Roman Catholic Church. The successor of Peter who was appointed to lead the Church by Jesus. A believer giving God praise and worship on his or her own. The Churches that protested against and broke away from the Roman Catholic Church during the Reformation. Services are generally based more closely on the Bible than those of the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches. Christians gathering together to praise God. When Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Day. An event recorded in all four gospels and the central belief of Christianity. Events which indicate that a person is moving on to a new stage in their life, eg baptism, marriage. 1. A method of prayer, mainly used by Roman Catholics. 2. The beads used during the praying of the Rosary. Rites and rituals through which the believer receives a special gift of grace, eg baptism or the Eucharist. Roman Catholics believe that sacraments are outward signs of inward grace. Different Christian traditions celebrate different sacraments. Saving the soul, deliverance from sin and admission to heaven brought about by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Behaviour which is against God s laws and wishes/against principles of morality. A thought, word or action which is wrong, which people know is wrong and which people freely choose. A title used for Jesus, the second person in the Trinity; denotes the special relationship between Jesus and God. Worship which has no set structure, but which allows worshippers to say or do what seems right at the time. Worshippers believe that they are guided in this by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes referred to as Charismatic worship.

5 structured worship Stations of the Cross Trinity united services of witness the washing of feet works of mercy Worship which follows a Þ xed pattern, eg Mass has a clear set structure that the priest follows. The congregation are familiar with the structure which tends to remain unchanged. People feel comfortable in the service. A series of images or pictures in a church of the events of Jesus trial and execution. The belief that there are three persons in the One God. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are separate, but are also one being. In many towns all the Christian Churches have a united service on Good Friday, often carrying a cross in procession through the main streets. This reminds all people to thank Jesus for the death he suffered for all mankind. It is a special service where the last week of Jesus life from Jerusalem to Calvary is revisited. Usually 12 parishioners sit at the front of the church and have their feet washed by the priest during the Holy Thursday Mass, a reminder that Jesus washed the feet of his disciples in the Upper Room at the Last Supper. (This was usually the job of servants to wash the feet of their guests, commonplace in the East where people walked in sandals on dry, dusty roads.) Jesus gave the disciples a new command (mandatum) to love one another. Works of mercy are intended to help those people who are in need. Lent can help Christians to share what they have with those people who are worse off than themselves. It is a way of helping Christians to get a right balance in life towards possessions.

6 Useful terms (teachers might wish to include these in the delivery of the unit) altar Anglican anointing apostles apostolic succession cathedral chapel chrism cross cruciþ x cruciþ xion dedication denomination diocese doctrine dogma Easter Triduum encyclical episcopal Ex Cathedra font gospel iconastasis A type of table used for Holy Communion. It is a symbol of the table used by Jesus at the Last Supper and reminds Roman Catholics of the sacriþ ce of the Mass and the sacriþ cial nature of Jesus death. A member of the Church of England, or the Churches worldwide that are linked to it. Being blessed with holy oil (chrism). This occurs during the sacraments, eg baptism, conþ rmation and the anointing of the sick. The Þ rst disciples of Jesus who became the leaders of the Early Church. The word means sent out. The belief that the head of Jesus Church is the Pope and that there has been an unbroken line of succession from St Peter to the current Pope. The Pope (and bishops) inherits the powers Jesus gave to the apostles. The principal/main church of a Bishop s diocese. It is where the bishop s ofþcial seat of authority, his cathedra is placed. 1. A small place of worship, sometimes inside a church. 2. A plain building used instead of a Church in some Protestant traditions. Holy oil. Oil that has been specially blessed and used in sacraments of baptism, conþ rmation and anointing the sick. 1. A Christian symbol, based on the sacriþ ce of Jesus at his cruciþ xion. 2. The object on which Jesus was cruciþ ed. A cross, with the Þ gure of Jesus on it, which Christians use as a remembrance of the sacriþ ce of Jesus and as a visible sign of their faith. 1. Roman method of execution by which criminals were Þ xed to a cross; 2. The execution and death of Jesus on Good Friday. 1. When something or someone is offered to God, or made holy by a religious ceremony. 2. Ceremony in which parents thank God for the gift of a child. A distinct group within the Christian faith, with its own organisation and traditions. Some of the major Christian denominations in Britain and Ireland include the Roman Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian and Anglican churches. The geographical area under the care of a bishop. The beliefs and teachings of a particular religion or denomination within a religion. The principles/beliefs laid down by the authority of the Church. A term used to describe the three days leading up to the celebration of Easter, Maundy (Holy) Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. A papal letter on a speciþ c subject addressed to lay Roman Catholics and the clergy. An adjective meaning of a bishop. It is often used to describe a church organisation based around the authority and teaching of the bishops. A papal pronouncement. The receptacle in church holding the water used for baptism. Literally Good News ; there are four Gospels in the New Testament telling of the life and work of Jesus. Screen covered with icons separating the sanctuary from the nave (the main body) of Orthodox churches, symbolises the division between heaven and earth.

7 Useful terms (teachers might wish to include these in the delivery of the unit) Immaculate Conception infallibility Jesus Prayer Last Supper Lay Ministry lectern liturgy meeting house Methodist New Testament Old Testament pulpit Quaker the Reformation Roman Catholic sermon shrine tabernacle Vatican Vatican Council veneration virgin virgin birth The belief that the Virgin Mary was conceived in her mother s womb free from sin. The principle that the ofþ cial statements of the Pope are God s will and so cannot be incorrect, said especially of the Pope speaking ex cathedra. A simple prayer, frequently repeated, focussing on the name of Jesus, eg Jesus, Saviour, have mercy on me. The Þ nal meal that Jesus ate with his disciples, on the evening before his execution. It was based on the Jewish Passover and is the basis of Holy Communion today. A role of service within the Church. All those who are not ordained are expected to serve God and others in their daily lives. A reading desk in a Christian Church, Chapel or Cathedral. The set text and structure which religious services follow. The place of worship for Quakers. An evangelical Protestant Church. It began when John Wesley, and his followers, who eventually broke away from the Church of England in the 19 th century. The books of the Bible concerning the life and teachings of Jesus and his followers. The books of the Bible, originally written in Hebrew, about the Jews before the time of Jesus. It speaks of God s covenant relationship with his people. A raised area in church from which the sermon is preached. A member of the Society of Friends, a Christian tradition that does not have ministers or a written statement of beliefs. They do not celebrate any of the sacraments. The period when the Protestant Churches broke away from the Roman Catholic Church in the 16 th century. The tradition within the Christian Church which is led by the Pope. Seven sacraments are celebrated. A speech, normally within a church service, in which the preacher explains some part of the Christian faith and encourages the listeners to follow the Christian way of life. A holy place of worship or pilgrimage. The place in a church where the consecrated Communion bread is usually kept. 1. Independent state and centre of Roman Catholicism. 2. Papal government. A council of the Roman Catholic Church, where all the bishops gather to discuss matters relating to the Church. Having special respect for something. Catholics have special respect for Mary, but do not worship her. A person who has never had sexual intercourse. The belief that Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus and that she had conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit.

8 Notes: The Assessment and QualiÞ cations Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number ) and a registered charity (registered charity number ). Registered address: AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX. Dr Michael Cresswell, Director General. aqa.org.uk

21. What was the original sin? A. It was Adam and Eve=s sin of pride and disobedience to God=s law. 22. When did you receive a share in God=s life

21. What was the original sin? A. It was Adam and Eve=s sin of pride and disobedience to God=s law. 22. When did you receive a share in God=s life 92 Questions 1. How many Gods are there? A. One. 2. How many Persons are there in God? A. Three persons in God. 3. Who are they? What are their names? A. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

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