ISIP Plattform für strategische Innovationsinitiativen für kleine und mittlere Betriebe aus der Branche für Kinderprodukte

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From this document you will learn the answers to the following questions:

  • What did the methodology used to extract information from potential end users?

  • What is the Requirements for SMEs?

  • What was used to extract information from potential end users?


1 ISIP Plattform für strategische Innovationsinitiativen für kleine und mittlere Betriebe aus der Branche für Kinderprodukte LLP ES-LEONARDO-LMP 1

2 LEONARDO-LMP) Projektinformation Titel: Projektnummer: ISIP Plattform für strategische Innovationsinitiativen für kleine und mittlere Betriebe aus der Branche für Kinderprodukte LLP ES-LEONARDO-LMP Jahr: 2012 Projekttyp: Status: Land: Marketing Text: Innovationsentwicklung laufend EU-Zentralisierte Projekte Das Projekt ISIP hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Konkurrenzfähigkeit von kleinen und mittleren Betrieben zu verbessern, die sich der Herstellung von Produkten für Kinder widmen. Die ISIP- Plattform bietet spezielle Fortbildungskurse über Innovationstrategien sowie Werkzeuge, um die für jeden einzelnen Betrieb sinnvollen strategischen Innovationsinitiativen zu definieren. Die Plattform ISIP verbessert die Arbeitskapazität der Schlüsselfiguren des Personals der Betriebe, schult sie in der Definition und der Weiterentwicklung von Innovationsstrategien, die die Effizienz der Innovationsplanung sowie die Entwicklung von soliden Innovationsprojekten fördern. Alles dies geschieht, um neue Produkte, Prozesse und Dienstleistungen zu schaffen, die die Konkurrenzfähigkeit stärken sowie das wirtschaftliche Wachstum und die Arbeitsplätze der Betriebe sichern. Zusammenfassung: In all European sectors, skills needed by workers and employers are changing rapidly due to diverse factors: technological change, global competition, ageing populations and evolving social structures. Furthermore, Europe foresees an increasing demand for a high-qualified and adaptable workforce and more skills-dependent jobs with a decline of the proportion of jobs requiring low levels of education attainment from 26.2% to 18.5%. On the other hand, it is agreed the important role SME play in creating more and better jobs in Europe. However, SME find it difficult to develop plans and initiatives on research and innovation which yields lower levels of product innovation and undermines competitiveness as a result. Children's product industry (eg. footwear, childcare, furniture, toys, textiles, etc.) suffers from above features even greatly due to additional factors like aggressive competition, price-pressure from low-labour cost, shifting of production sites, the low-skilled nature of most of their job roles or the fact that a vast number of enterprises are SMEs with limited resources. This project will put together organisations with expertise and knowledge in children's product industry to develop a platform that provides customized training on innovation strategy methodology and concepts for the acquirement of key competences on the matter as well as eases the development of innovation strategic initiatives by providing an adequate tool that will enable SME to define initial guidelines for innovation according to the specific characteristics of each company. Apart from the training material and the tool for the definition of innovation strategic initiatives, the platform will also include tutoring support to the learning process of key staff and two existing tools that will assist SME to assess themselves from an innovation standpoint: - AIJU Competitive Intelligence System with external key sectoral data. - IEP Innovation Management System for internal evaluation. Beschreibung: Themen: Sektoren: The project will set-up an appropriate sectoral tool (ISIP platform), addressed to allow the SMEs managers to define their Innovation Strategic Initiative Plans, facilitating them with information, customised training, consultancy and monitoring in the process. All aforementioned shall increase innovation planning efficiency and the development of sound innovation projects to yield new products, processes or services. ISIP ultimately help foster a culture of innovation among companies in the sector (especially SMEs). *** Unternehmen, KMU *** Weiterbildung *** Verarbeitendes Gewerbe/Herstellung von Waren *** Erbringung von Sonstigen Dienstleistungen 2

3 LEONARDO-LMP) Projektinformation * Information und Kommunikation Produkt Typen: Produktinformation: Projektwebseite: Unterlagen für offenen Unterricht Module Fernlehre Homepage The developed platform offers SME managers a method to develop its strategic plan innovation initiatives contributing to increased competitiveness of European enterprises based on knowledge and effective management and efficient. The platform resulting from the project will be available in 5 languages (English, French, Spanish, Italian, and Czech) to increase acceptance of the course in Europe

4 LEONARDO-LMP) Vertragnehmer Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: ASOCIACIÓN DE INVESTIGACIÓN DE LA INDUSTRIA DEL JUGUETE, CONEXAS Y Ibi (Alicante) Comunidad Valenciana ES-Spanien Forschungseinrichtung Kontaktperson Name: Adresse: Stadt: Land: Telefon: Fax: Homepage: Jaime Vilaplana Avenida de la Industria, 23 Ibi (Alicante) ES-Spanien 4

5 LEONARDO-LMP) Koordinator Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: ASOCIACIÓN DE INVESTIGACIÓN DE LA INDUSTRIA DEL JUGUETE, CONEXAS Y Ibi (Alicante) Comunidad Valenciana ES-Spanien Forschungseinrichtung Kontaktperson Name: Adresse: Stadt: Land: Telefon: Fax: Homepage: Jaime Vilaplana Avenida de la Industria, 23 Ibi (Alicante) ES-Spanien 5

6 Partner Partner 1 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: TELE REGIONS NET Brussels Bruxelles Cap, Brussel Hof BE-Belgien Verband/nicht regierungsgebundene Organisation Partner 2 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: Grifo multimedia srl Ruvo di Puglia Puglia IT-Italien KMU - Klein- und Mittelunternehmen (bis zu 250 Mitarbeiter) Partner 3 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: European Children's Fashion Association Valencia Comunidad Valenciana ES-Spanien Verband/nicht regierungsgebundene Organisation Partner 4 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: INSTITUTO DE ECONOMÍA PUBLICA, S.L. Valencia Comunidad Valenciana ES-Spanien andere 6

7 Partner Partner 5 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: Association for Toy and Play Prague Praha CZ-Tschechien Verband/nicht regierungsgebundene Organisation 7

8 Produkte Requirements from SMEs to deploy innovation strategies in Children products Industry Success Stories from SMEs Innovation Strategic Initiatives planning process model Platform specifications ISIP Guidelines and Template ISIP materials ISIP platform User Manual Pilot test report ISIP platform Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 Workshop 4 Final Conference (Workshop 5) Progress Report: Public Part (first year) Final Report: Public Part 8

9 Produkt 'Requirements from SMEs to deploy innovation strategies in Children products Industry' Titel: Requirements from SMEs to deploy innovation strategies in Children products Industry Produkttyp: andere Beschreibung: The report will contain the conclusions derived from the study and analysis of the needs detected (knowledge, skills and competencies) across Europe regarding the innovation strategies definition and implementation applied to companies in the children products industry. these companies; and Resultat: Information issue of the analysis will be structured as follows: - General conclusions for Europe as a whole - Conclusions related to needs/gaps for each country/region due to specific features such as the type of predominant industry clusters - Methodology applied to extract information from potential end-users Anwendungsbereich: Information to validate the platform and the training materials Produktsprachen: Englisch product files Requirements for SMEs D1.1 Requirements for SMEs.pdf Requirements for SME 9

10 Produkt 'Success Stories from SMEs' ISIP Plattform für strategische Innovationsinitiativen für kleine und mittlere Betriebe Titel: Success Stories from SMEs Produkttyp: Unterlagen für offenen Unterricht Beschreibung: The success stories will be structured as: - Company identification - Background - Strategic challenges - Innovation strategies - Implementation - Results these companies; and Resultat: The report will contain the conclusions derived from the study and analysis of the needs detected (knowledge, skills and competencies) across Europe regarding the innovation strategies definition and implementation applied to companies in the children products industry. Anwendungsbereich: Information to include on the platform Produktsprachen: Englisch product files Success stories from SME D1.2 Success Stories from SMEs.pdf Success stories from SME 10

11 Produkt 'Innovation Strategic Initiatives planning process model' Titel: Innovation Strategic Initiatives planning process model Produkttyp: andere Beschreibung: The deliverable is the integration of the reports and database. This is a confidential product. these companies; and Resultat: The report will include: - Process model. - Relations between phases. - Relations with external tools. - Resources database. Anwendungsbereich: Creation for the platform Produktsprachen: Englisch 11

12 Produkt 'Platform specifications' ISIP Plattform für strategische Innovationsinitiativen für kleine und mittlere Betriebe Titel: Platform specifications Produkttyp: andere Beschreibung: This deliverable will provide the functional specifications of the platform, including how the platform will manage the different training components supporting the innovation process model specified from the technical point of view. This is a confidential product. these companies; and Resultat: Functional specifications of the platform Anwendungsbereich: Development of the platform Produktsprachen: Englisch 12

13 Produkt 'ISIP Guidelines and Template' ISIP Plattform für strategische Innovationsinitiativen für kleine und mittlere Betriebe Titel: ISIP Guidelines and Template Produkttyp: andere Beschreibung: It will contain the ISIP guidelines and templates and will also include the adjustment and link with ISIP platform of the two external systems (AIJU Competitive Intelligence System and IEP Innovation Management System) to be used to perform external and internal analysis of SME within the Innovation Strategic methodology. This is a confidential product. these companies; and Resultat: - Guidelines and templates - the adjustment and link with ISIP platform of the two external systems Anwendungsbereich: Development of the platform Produktsprachen: Englisch 13

14 Produkt 'ISIP materials' Titel: ISIP materials ISIP Plattform für strategische Innovationsinitiativen für kleine und mittlere Betriebe Produkttyp: Unterlagen für offenen Unterricht Beschreibung: This deliverable will develop all the training materials to be integrated in the platform (- Training modules and Training resources. This deliverable will include the adjustment and link with ISIP platform of the two external systems. This is a confidential product. these companies; and Resultat: All the training materials to be integrated in the platform (- Training modules and Training resources. The adjustment and link with ISIP platform of the two external systems Anwendungsbereich: Development of the platform Produktsprachen: Englisch 14

15 Produkt 'ISIP platform User Manual' ISIP Plattform für strategische Innovationsinitiativen für kleine und mittlere Betriebe Titel: ISIP platform User Manual Produkttyp: Unterlagen für offenen Unterricht Beschreibung: The deliverable will provide the User Manual, both for SMEs managers and Consultants in their operational use. these companies; and Resultat: The User Manual of the platform Anwendungsbereich: To explain the operation of the platform Produktsprachen: Englisch Tschechisch Italienisch Französisch Spanisch 15

16 Produkt 'Pilot test report' Titel: Pilot test report Produkttyp: andere ISIP Plattform für strategische Innovationsinitiativen für kleine und mittlere Betriebe Beschreibung: This information will be used to revise and improve the course and assure its adequacy to the project objectives.this is a confidential product. these companies; and Resultat: This deliverable will describe all the activities taking place to define and develop the pilot tests taking place in the different national scenarios. In addition, the work performed to treat the results and extract worthy information to improve the system prototype and contents/materials will be reported in this deliverable. This information will be used to revise and improve the course and assure its adequacy to the project objectives. Anwendungsbereich: The platform Produktsprachen: Englisch 16

17 Produkt 'ISIP platform' Titel: ISIP platform Produkttyp: Fernlehre ISIP Plattform für strategische Innovationsinitiativen für kleine und mittlere Betriebe Beschreibung: This deliverable will be the final product ready to be commercialised. This platform will be ready to use for exploitation. these companies; and Resultat: ISIP platform Anwendungsbereich: Open and distance learning Produktsprachen: Italienisch Spanisch Tschechisch Englisch Französisch 17

18 Produkt 'Workshop 1' Titel: Workshop 1 Produkttyp: andere Beschreibung: The workshop will be held in Ibi (Alicante) and will be led by AIJU. these companies; and Anwendungsbereich: Resultat: In this event the ISIP project will be presented aims, objectives, expected outcomes and scheduling will be presented. Potential end users, stakeholders (public and private) and local media will be invited to the event. Produktsprachen: Englisch product files Workshop 1 D9.6 Workshop 1 IBI.pdf Workshop

19 Produkt 'Workshop 2' Titel: Workshop 2 Produkttyp: andere Beschreibung: The workshop will be held in Valencia and will be led by CFE. these companies; and Anwendungsbereich: Resultat: In this event the non- confidential results from WP1 will be presented as well as the planning for the following actions to be undertaken in the next 7 months (i.e. WP2, WP3 and WP4). Potential end users, stakeholders (public and private) and local media will be invited to the event. Produktsprachen: Englisch product files Workshop 2 D.9.7 Workshop 2 VALENCIA.pdf Workshop

20 Produkt 'Workshop 3' Titel: Workshop 3 Produkttyp: andere Beschreibung: The workshop will be held in ITALY and will be led by GRIFO. these companies; and Anwendungsbereich: Resultat: In this event, the non- confidential results from WP2, WP3 and WP4 will be presented as well as the planning for the following actions to be undertaken in the next 6 months (i.e. finalization of WP3, WP4 and WP5). Potential end users, stakeholders (public and private) and local media will be invited to the event. Produktsprachen: Englisch product files Workshop 3 D9.8 ISIP Workshop 3 BARI.pdf Workshop

21 Produkt 'Workshop 4' Titel: Workshop 4 Produkttyp: andere Beschreibung: The workshop will be held in PRAGUE and will be led by SHH. these companies; and Anwendungsbereich: Resultat: In this event, the non- confidential results from WP3, WP4 and the WP5 will be presented as well as the planning for the following actions to be undertaken in the next 6 months. Potential end users, stakeholders (public and private) and local media will be invited to the event. Produktsprachen: Englisch 21

22 Produkt 'Final Conference (Workshop 5)' ISIP Plattform für strategische Innovationsinitiativen für kleine und mittlere Betriebe Titel: Final Conference (Workshop 5) Produkttyp: andere Beschreibung: The Final Conference will be held in BRUSSELS and will be led by TRN. these companies; and Anwendungsbereich: Resultat: In this event, the non-confidential results of the whole project. Potential end users, stakeholders (public and private) and local media will be invited to the event. The Final Conference will be organised, in collaboration with European key actors, to show and demonstrate the project results. If possible (depending on dates), this event will be made coincident with a major event in the field of children s products sectors, in this case the location of the event will be changed. Produktsprachen: Englisch 22

23 Produkt 'Progress Report: Public Part (first year)' Titel: Progress Report: Public Part (first year) Produkttyp: andere Beschreibung: The Public Part contains the description of the project s objectives and results, presented against the work programme, how they were achieved, how they will be exploited and how they contribute to EU policies. these companies; and Resultat: The report that contains description of the project s objectives and results, presented against the work programme, how they were achieved, how they will be exploited and how they contribute to EU policies. Anwendungsbereich: General information about the ISIP project. Produktsprachen: Englisch product files Progress Report: Public Part (first year) 2012_2977_PR_ISIP_pub.pdf Progress Report:Public Part (first year) 23

24 Produkt 'Final Report: Public Part' ISIP Plattform für strategische Innovationsinitiativen für kleine und mittlere Betriebe Titel: Final Report: Public Part Produkttyp: andere Beschreibung: The Public Part contains the description of the project s objectives and results, presented against the work programme, how they were achieved, how they will be exploited and how they contribute to EU policies. these companies; and Resultat: The report that contains description of the project s objectives and results, presented against the work programme, how they were achieved, how they will be exploited and how they contribute to EU policies. Anwendungsbereich: General information about the ISIP project. Produktsprachen: Englisch product files Final Report: Public Part 2012_2977_FR_ISIP_pub.pdf Final report: Public part 24

25 Veranstaltungen Final Conference (Workshop 5) Datum Beschreibung Zielgruppe Öffentlich Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort The Final Conference will be held in BRUSSELS and will be led by TRN. In this event, the non-confidential results of the whole project will be presented. Potential end users, stakeholders (public and private) and local media will be invited to the event. Öffentliche Veranstaltung From 22nd to 23rd October 2014 took place in Brussels the fifth workshop of ISIP Project. Steering Committee regular meeting (Brussels) Datum Beschreibung Meeting organization will be the joint responsibility of AIJU and the partner hosting the meeting. Minutes of the meetings will be distributed by AIJU. The Steering Committe will meet every 6 months. They will be chaired by project coordinator, will deal with: -Authorisation of the release of deliverables (approval of deliverables). -Approval of WP commencement. -Monitoring of milestones (stop/go decision points). -Resolution of administrative and contractual issues within the partnership and the EC. -Ultimate decision point for any project issues (technical, contractual or commercial). Further meetings could be necessary in order to deal with unforeseen events, they will be held by teleconference. Zielgruppe Öffentlich Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort Members of consortium Geschlossene Veranstaltung The meeting will be held in Brussels the 22nd and 23rd of October,

26 Veranstaltungen Workshop 4 Datum Beschreibung Zielgruppe Öffentlich Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort The workshop will be held in PRAGUE and will be led by SHH. In this event, the nonconfidential results from WP3, WP4 and the WP5 will be presented as well as the planning for the following actions to be undertaken in the next 6 months. Potential end users, stakeholders (public and private) and local media will be invited to the event. Öffentliche Veranstaltung The event will be held in Prague,from the 10th until the 13th of July, Steering Committee regular meeting (Prague) Datum Beschreibung Meeting organization will be the joint responsibility of AIJU and the partner hosting the meeting. Minutes of the meetings will be distributed by AIJU. The Steering Committe will meet every 6 months. They will be chaired by project coordinator, will deal with: -Authorisation of the release of deliverables (approval of deliverables). -Approval of WP commencement. -Monitoring of milestones (stop/go decision points). -Resolution of administrative and contractual issues within the partnership and the EC. -Ultimate decision point for any project issues (technical, contractual or commercial). Further meetings could be necessary in order to deal with unforeseen events, they will be held by teleconference. Zielgruppe Öffentlich Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort Members of consortium Geschlossene Veranstaltung The meeting will be held in Prague the 8th and 9th of April,

27 Veranstaltungen Workshop 3 Datum Beschreibung Zielgruppe Öffentlich Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort The workshop will be held in ITALY and will be led by GRIFO. In this event, the nonconfidential results from WP2, WP3 and WP4 will be presented as well as the planning for the following actions to be undertaken in the next 6 months (i.e. finalization of WP3, WP4 and WP5). Potential end users, stakeholders (public and private) and local media will be invited to the event. Öffentliche Veranstaltung The project will be held in Bari the 30th of October,2013. The event will start at 15:30. Steering Committee regular meeting (Bari) Datum Beschreibung Meeting organization will be the joint responsibility of AIJU and the partner hosting the meeting. Minutes of the meetings will be distributed by AIJU. The Steering Committe will meet every 6 months. They will be chaired by project coordinator, will deal with: -Authorisation of the release of deliverables (approval of deliverables). -Approval of WP commencement. -Monitoring of milestones (stop/go decision points). -Resolution of administrative and contractual issues within the partnership and the EC. -Ultimate decision point for any project issues (technical, contractual or commercial). Further meetings could be necessary in order to deal with unforeseen events, they will be held by teleconference. Zielgruppe Öffentlich Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort Members of consortium Geschlossene Veranstaltung The meeting will be held in Bari the 15th and 16th of October,

28 Veranstaltungen Steering Committee extraordinary meeting (valencia) Datum Beschreibung This meeting was held given the need to plan two work packages, as since the 2nd meeting of Project ISIP in Valencia (Spain) in M5 (March) until the next meeting, in M12 (October) in Bari (Italy), according to DoW, it takes a few months and these WP get started. Zielgruppe Öffentlich Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort Members of consortium Geschlossene Veranstaltung The meeting will be held in Valencia the 26th of July, Workshop 2 Datum Beschreibung Zielgruppe Öffentlich Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort The workshop will be held in Valencia and will be led by CFE. In this event the nonconfidential results from WP1 will be presented as well as the planning for the following actions to be undertaken in the next 7 months (i.e. WP2, WP3 and WP4). Potential end users, stakeholders (public and private) and local media will be invited to the event. Öffentliche Veranstaltung The event will be held in Valencia, the 7th of March,

29 Veranstaltungen Steering Committee regular meeting (Valencia) Datum Beschreibung Meeting organization will be the joint responsibility of AIJU and the partner hosting the meeting. Minutes of the meetings will be distributed by AIJU. The Steering Committe will meet every 6 months. They will be chaired by project coordinator, will deal with: -Authorisation of the release of deliverables (approval of deliverables). -Approval of WP commencement. -Monitoring of milestones (stop/go decision points). -Resolution of administrative and contractual issues within the partnership and the EC. -Ultimate decision point for any project issues (technical, contractual or commercial). Further meetings could be necessary in order to deal with unforeseen events, they will be held by teleconference. Zielgruppe Öffentlich Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort Members of consortium Geschlossene Veranstaltung The meeting will be held in Valencia the 7th and 8th of March, Workshop 1 Datum Beschreibung Zielgruppe Öffentlich Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort The workshop will be held in Ibi (Alicante) and will be led by AIJU. In this event the ISIP project will be presented aims, objectives, expected outcomes and scheduling will be presented. Potential end users, stakeholders (public and private) and local media. Öffentliche Veranstaltung The project will be presented in Ibi the 8th of November,2012. The event will start at 10:00 and finish at

30 Veranstaltungen Steering Committee regular meeting (Ibi) Datum Beschreibung Meeting organization will be the joint responsibility of AIJU and the partner hosting the meeting. Minutes of the meetings will be distributed by AIJU. The Steering Committe will meet every 6 months. They will be chaired by project coordinator, will deal with: -Authorisation of the release of deliverables (approval of deliverables). -Approval of WP commencement. -Monitoring of milestones (stop/go decision points). -Resolution of administrative and contractual issues within the partnership and the EC. -Ultimate decision point for any project issues (technical, contractual or commercial). Further meetings could be necessary in order to deal with unforeseen events, they will be held by teleconference. Zielgruppe Öffentlich Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort Members of consortium Geschlossene Veranstaltung The meeting will be held in Ibi the 8th and 9th of November,

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