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2 Examine te number of Hebre letters in te sepirotic names on te Qabalistic Tree of Life. rtk consists of tree letters. Tis coul be equate to te triangle tat as tree sies. In aition, rtk is pure unit, an tus, te triangle relates because it is a smbol of absolute unit of opposing forces. mkj an nb bot ave four letters. For eac of tem e can ascribe te square. lg, rbg, trapt an tklm eac ave five letters in teir name. Tus, e coul ascribe te pentagram to tese sepirot. sj, jp (Paca), jxn an eac ave tree letters like rtk. In aition, tu as tree letters. Note: jp is anoter term for rbg, an lg is anoter title for sj. rtk nb mkj tu rbg jp sj lg trapt jxn s tklm 2

3 Te total of letters in all te names, combine, equal fift. Tis irectl relates to te number of gates of unerstaning in te Qabala (I = 10, H = 5, 10 x 5 = 50, 50 = n). jp an means "fear" in Hebre. Tis is expresse in te passage: "Te Lor is te beginning of Wisom." lg relates to sj. Its efinition in Hebre is magnificence. Tis allues to Go's magnificence, an it is an expression of His merc an love. A more esoteric efinition of sj is "love." Tree basic classes no sum up te sepirot, incluing tu. Te tree classes are te triangle, te square, an te pentagram. 3

4 Dra a line connecting te sepirot. In actualit, e ill ra tent-to lines. In tis iagram, e o not connect te sepirot in te usual manner as in te Minutum Munum iagram. Rater, likes are connecte to likes; pentagram to pentagrams, triangles to triangles, etc.. Tere are tirteen lines tat join initiall tose sepirot uner te triangle, tree for uner te square, an six lines uner te pentagram. Using te sstem of QBL of Nine Cambers, e can take te letters of eac sepirotic name an translate it into a lineal smbol of te sepirot. 4

5 5 k r t 1 KET HER j k m CHOK MAH 2 b n 3 BI NAH DA- ATH u t g b r 5 GEB URAH g l 4 GED ULAH PACH AD 5 j p a p t r t 6 TIPH ARETH CHE SED 4 j s s 9 YE SOD 8 HOD 7 NET ZACH n x j 10 MAL KUTH m t k l HER

6 Taking te Yetziratic attributions an placing tem in combination it te former iagram, e arrive at a satisfactor analsis compoune of bot scales of interpretation. Note tat te lineal figures of te tens an unres are istinguise from tose of te units b being encircle it eiter one or to ras. If e furter place tese itin te lineal figure of te ole name of te sepirot, a specific kin of ieroglp ill result. Tis ieroglp ma ten be utilize b te Aept on talismata an for bot invocational an evocational ork. In aition, if te glp be painte in te proper colors, it ma ten be utilize as a potent sigil for skring or traveling in te Spirit Vision. Eac glp ma be represente b an Angelic form as explaine in our paper on te Rose an sigil. q z p k x a j r t u m c f b g s l n 6

7 In accorance it te QBL of Nine Cambers, te numerical values of te tent-to pats are ten allotte uner te sepirot. A I Q rtk M f l B K R mkj B K A G L S nb g O D M T sj C N L H N, K rbg a V S, M trapt b i Z O, N jxn c j C P, P F T Tz, Tz s e k Te lineal figure ma ten be place in te folloing classification: f B K Y g C a b i c j F e k l A L 7

8 Polgons an Polgrams (Reprint from te 2=9 grae.) A basic unerstaning of polgons an polgrams is essential for te magical ork of te Teoricus. In iger graes, ou ma or ma not ecie to ork it tese figures, but if ou ork at all in te area of talismanic ork, ou ill be using polgons an polgrams. Te point itin te circle, te Primorial Point, is a representation of rtk. Muc can be sai about tis Primorial Point, for in it is te potential of all tings an of no ting. All tings emanate from te Primorial Point, an all tings en at te Primorial Point. Te cross itin te circle is attribute to mkj. Here, e ave te Root of Wisom accoring to te Seper Yetzira. Tus, te cross itin te circle is a representation of all tings an no ting in perfect armon an balance, as ell as unit. nb is represente b te triangle insie te circle. Te triangle is te onl lineal figure in ic all te surfaces can be reuce. Wat e are saing ere is tat ever polgon can be ivie into triangles b simpl raing lines from its angles to its center. Te triangle is te simplest of all lineal figures, terefore, it is te first of all lineal figures. In te Neopte Initiation of te Hermetic Orer of te Golen Dan, e state tat in all tings tere are to opposing forces an a tir force uniting tem. Tis oul refer to te tria ic operates in all tings, especiall te Supernals. It oul also refer to nb, te tir sepira. We see clearl tat nb is an amalgamation of te top tree Supernals. Tis is empasize in te lesson, "Unerstaning of te Human Personalit in te Worl of te Qabala." Te top tree sepirot are referre to as te Greater Nescama, ereas nb is referre to as te Lesser Nescama. Te triangle oul also refer to te planet of L an to te element of O. Te color of L is black an tat of O is re. Terefore, te black triangle oul represent L an a re triangle oul represent te element of O. Note also tat a ite triangle represents te Supernals. We also ave anoter tria, te tree principles of nature: P, 3, an Q. All of tese smbols can be exemplifie in te triangle, ic oul give reference to nb. Te square is anoter lineal figure tat is generall unerstoo to represent equation an stabilit. Witin te smbol of te square is inclue te iea of surface an superficial measurement. Te square refers to te Quaternar of all tings an to te Tetra of te ol name ic operates troug te four elements. Te square is attribute to sj, te fourt sepira. It oul equall correspon to te planet K. It is also a fitting representative of te four elements tat ill eventuall take on manifestation. Te next figure is te pentangle. Tis refers to te sepira of rbg an te planet Mars. Te pentangle can be trace in to ifferent as. Wen it is reflecte from ever secon point, it is calle te pentagon, ic is referre to rbg an F. Te same figure, en reflecte from ever tir point, is calle te pentagram. 8

9 Te pentagon is a smbol tat naturall represents te poer an essence of te penta. Tis operates troug nature b te ispersal of an te four elements troug it. Te pentagram is calle te Signet Star of te Microcosm. It is a goo an ol smbol. It is a positive smbol tat represents man it is arms an legs extene, aoring te Lor of te Universe. It also represents te omination of te Higer Will of te ruling over te elements. Anoter a of putting tis is min over matter. Wen te pentagram as a single point onar, it is ten knon to be a negative or evil smbol. It becomes representative of a goat's ea or a emon's ea. Tis is a representation of te abasement of reason an te loss of reason beneat te blin force of matter. Notice tat e in't sa beneat te blin force of. It is beneat te blin force of gross matter. Te inverte pentagram is also a representation of te elevation or aoration of anarc above orer. It is also te elevation of conflicting forces riven simpl b cance or apazarness above te elevation of te Divine Unknoable One. Te uprigt pentagram represents te force of an te four elements governe b te five letters of te name of te restorer of all tings. Te element of is fuse beteen te spiritual/iger an te munane/loer, c. Wit a circle ran aroun te pentagram, it represents te \brk an te Weel of. One final point of smbolism of te pentagram is tat it becomes a tremenous force for te letter, te feminine aspect, te letter of te great Supernal Moter, \ma ama. If e reflect from ever secon point of te smbol of te exangle, it oul ten be title a exagon. Wen it is reflecte from ever tir point, it ten takes on te form of te exagram. Tis smbol, te exagram, irectl refers to te sepira trapt. Te exangle is a fitting representative for te poers of te exa ic operates troug nature. Te exa oes tis b te ispersal of ras of te various planets an te zoiacal emanations penetrating troug te A. Tose o is to pursue astrolog ill unerstan tat a sextile is bot poerful an goo. If e take te number of egrees of te great circle an cut it off at sixt egree angles, e form tis astrological sextile aspect. It is not quite relate to te A nature as is te exagram. It soul be remembere tat te suffix "-gon" reall relates to te ispersion of energ, te istribution of energ, an a raiation of force. Wen a exagram is use as te iagram, it represents concentrate force. Bot are applicable, te exagon oul be for spreaing energies an te exagram oul be for specific or concentration of energies, as ell as sealing. You soul remember tat at times in magical orkings, bot of tem ma be emploe, but te exagon alas initiates te irl. We call te exagram te Signet Star of te Macrocosm. It is te sign of te Macrocosm, te greater or outer orl. Te six angles easil represent te six-a perio of creation as epicte in Genesis, ile its sntesis can be akin to te sevent a, a perio of rest. Tis is summe up b its exagonal center. 9

10 Let us ivert a moment to te subject of te Unicursal Hexagram. For ears, it as tougt b folloers of Aleister Crole tat e a invente tis particular exagram. After stuies of earl orer ocuments, it as etermine tat te Unicursal Hexagram as use b earl member of our Orer of te R.R. et A.C. It is believe tat te matematician, Pascal, invente te Unicursal Hexagram. He live about te time of Jon Dee. Tere are some specific orkings ere Jon Dee an Kell ere commane b Angelic forces to use a exagram tat as not ran in to strokes of te pen or an, but b a single stroke. Tis, oever, as not iel emploe b our founers, but as use for tose specific Enocian orkings. Te Unicursal Hexagram emplos or enotes te rulersip of presienc of te A an 5 over te four elements. All of tese are unite in as te come togeter. Tere is some information about te Unicursal Hexagram in various books ic ill be covere in iger graes for tose of ou o oul is to pursue tis exagram an its orkings. In regars to te traitional exagram, ic is often times calle te Star of Davi or Jeis Star. It represents te force of te planets acting troug te various signs of te zoiac. Tis is ver poerful an effective in sealing te astral image of Nature uner te presienc of te sepirot, as ell as te seven palaces. Te exagram is especiall attribute to A. Tis smbol is one of great poer an of great strengt. In it are bot te combination of te pentagram an te cross, tus, forming a ver potent an positive tria ic are in armon it eac oter. Te eptangle refers to te sevent sepira of jxn. As e isperse te poer of te seven planets troug te eek an te ear, e ave te creation of te eptagon. It also allues to te seven colors of te rainbo. Te eptagram is te star of F an is applicable to er nature. Te lineal figure of te seven planets is te eptagram, ic is representative of F gates or entrances. It is also a fitting smbol of te Isis of Nature, as ell as te seven loer sepirot of te Brie. Tis is a poerful smbol en F or jxn energ nees to be emploe. It is extremel effective in te use of talismans for tose o are overl intellectual in teir tinking. It becomes a fitting smbol for concentration an meitation for tose o are overl influence b B. Te eigt sepira of is represente b te octangle. Te poer of te ogoa an te octagon are naturall represente in te octangle. It is tis smbol tat naturall sos te ispersal of te ras of te elements in teir ual aspects. Remember tat tere is a ual aspect to everting uner te leaersip an presienc of te eigt letters of te name. Te octangle, en it is reflecte from eac tir point, iels eigt triangles. Tese eigt triangles become representative of te tria operating itin eac element in its ual form. Tus, e ave te positive an te negative uner te poer of te tir aspect of te tria ic becomes na, but is ritten as if it is boun togeter as an If e take te octagram an reflect it from ever fourt point, e ave te star of B, an tis certainl is akin to te nature of B. It is a furter potent smbol representing te bining togeter of concentrate positive an negative forces of nature an of te elements, uner te name of an We must alas remember tat na is te ke of. 10

11 Te enneangle is referre to te nint sepira of s. It is representative of te poer of te ennea an te enneagon. It also sos te operating poer of nature b te ispersal of te ras of te seven planets, an of te Hea an Tail of te Dragon of te Moon, oterise knon as Caua an Caput Draconis. Wen e reflect on te enneagram from ever tir point, e fin tat e arrive at te triple ternar operating bot in te seven planets it te Caua an Caput Draconis of 5 an also it te alcemical principles countercange an interoven. It is not akin muc to te nature of 5 as it is to te spere of s. It is onl en te enneagram is reflecte from ever fift point tat it becomes consonant it te nature of 5. Te enneagram is te star of 5. It is a fitting representation of te 5's aministration to te L troug te virtues of te solar sstem uner te presienc of te sepirot. Wen te enneagram is reflecte from ever fourt point, it is compose of te tree triangles unite it a circle ic allues to te triple ternar of te tree alcemical principles, Q3P. Wen reflecte from ever fourt point, it is not so muc in armon it te nature of te 5 as en te enneagram is reflecte from te fift point. Te ecangle represents te poer of te eca an te ecagon. Te ecagon sos te poer of te eca operating in nature b te ispersal of te ras of te ten sepirot. Te number of egrees of te great circle cut off beteen its angles is tirt-six. Te ecagram reflecte from ever tir point is especiall in armon it tklm. Tis sos te tria operating troug te angle of to pentagons it a circle. It also allues to te tree alcemical principles, plus, plus te four elements in teir positive an negative form, all uner te presienc of te ten sepirot. Te ecagram, reflecte from te fift point, is compose of to pentagrams itin a circle. It allues to te operation of te uplicate of te Tetragrammaton. It also refers to te concentration of positive an negative forces of an of te four elements uner te presienc of nb, te convolution an revolution of forces uner Aima. As a general rule, te enecagram refers to te tplq. Wen it is reflecte from ever fort point, it represents teir restriction. Hoever, from oter reflections, it inicates te tplq operation troug nature. Tus, e can sa tat te enecangle naturall represents te evil an imperfect nature of te eneca an te enecagon. Tis is igligte b te ispersal of te eleven curses of Mount Ebal troug te Universe. Te oecangle refers to te zoiac. It represents te poer of te oeca. Te oecagon represents te influences of te zoiac troug nature. Hoever, te oecagram represents its constriction. Te number of egrees of te great circle cut off beteen its angles is tirt. Tis forms a eak astrological semi-sextile. One final note is tat en using tese lineal figures later in te forming of talismans uner te irections of te sepirot, e must remember tat all of te sepirot belo te point of mkj soul ave a ouble, triple, or quaruple form of 11

12 For example, let's take te eptangle of jxn, te eptagon an te to forms of te eptagram. Te soul all be unite in te same talisman it te extremities of te angles coinciing. You ill be utilizing tese figures for potent an poerful planetar, zoiacal, an sepirotic ork. It is not necessar to ave ever aspect of ever figure memorize, but ou soul ave a orking knolege of eac figure an o it applies to ever sepirot an ever planet. Tis ill give ou a basic unerstaning an allo te information to seep into our min an tus be easil utilize later for potent, poerful orkings. 12

13 rtk mkj B M N Q L P L K O nb sj c M F N k c F L O rbg b e 13

14 A b F a l L k A j i K B c e 5 g f C trapt jxn C L A K 5 B F 14

15 n a a n a B n Q L K P F 5 A B C s 15

16 rtk tklm mkj s nb sj jxn rbg trapt tklm 16

17 c e b f a g l k i j c e b f a g l k i j 17

18 tklm mkj nb s 5 B C 5 L K F A sj rbg jxn rtk trapt 18

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