Base Set Cards. Action Cards (Yellow Text Fields) Kräuterhexe Herb Witch (2) Schwarzer Ritter Black Knight (3) Raubzug Brigand (1)

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1 Action Cards (Yellow Text Fields) Schwarzer Ritter Black Knight (3) Roll! On a 1-5, your opponent must return a Knight of your choice to his hand. If you roll a 6, you must return a Knight of his choice to your hand. If you have no Knights yourself, you can still play the Schwarzer Ritter. If you roll a 6, you yourself lose no Knights. Countered by: Kräuterhexe (Herb Witch). Feuerteufel Pyromaniac (2) Roll! On a 1-5, your opponent must return a Building of your choice to his hand. If you roll a 6, you must return a Building of his choice to your hand. If you have no Buildings yourself, you can still play the Feuerteufel. If you roll a 6, you yourself lose no Buildings. Fleets and Knights are not Buildings! Countered by: Bischof (Bishop). Karawane Caravan (1) Convert your own resources. Trade in two resources of your choice (the same or different) for two others of your choice (also the same or different). Example: The player rotates his Forest card from 3 to 1 Timber, then rotates a Mountain and a Field by 1 unit each. Base Set Cards Kräuterhexe Herb Witch (2) Play this card to counter the Schwarzer Ritter (Black Knight). The attacker loses on a 3, 4, 5 or 6. This card must be played before the attacker s die roll. Raubzug Brigand (1) Roll! On a 1-5, take two resources of your choice from your opponent. If you roll a 6, your opponent takes two resources of his choice from you. If your opponent only has one resource, you can only steal one. A resource can only be stolen if you can accommodate it in one of your Regions. Countered by: Bischof (Bishop). Alchimist Alchemist (2) Play this card before rolling the dice. Choose the result of the Production dieroll. The Production die is not rolled; the player chooses a number and places the die with that number facing up. The result applies to both players. The Event die is rolled normally. Card Descriptions: Base Set Page 1

2 Spion Spy (3) Your opponent must reveal all the cards in his hand. Look through them and select one. You may play this card immediately or you may add the card to your hand. Bischof Bishop (2) Play this card to counter the Raubzug (Brigand) or Feuerteufel (Pyromaniac) cards. The attacker loses on a roll of 3,4,5 or 6. This card must be played before the attacker s die roll. Event cards (Blue Text Fields) Seuche Plague (2) All 4 Region cards adjacent to a City lose 1 resource each (if any exist). Affects both players. Works only against Cities. Regions adjacent to 2 Cities still only lose one resource Prevented by: Badhaus (Bath House) and Wasserversorgung (Aqueduct). Kundschafter Scout (2) Play this card immediately after building a Settlement. Look through all the cards in the Region stack and select the two cards which will border your new Settlement, then reshuffle the Region stack. Use this card to eliminate resource bottlenecks and ensure your principality has the Regions you desire. Händler Trader (3) Take 2 resources of your choice from your opponent and give him one resource of your This forced resource exchange is naturally only allowed with existing resources. In addition, both players must be able to accommodate the exchanged resources. (For example, if you only have one Forest card and it already has 3 Timber, you can t receive any more Timber.) Baumeister Master Builder (1) Each player can trade in one card from his hand for a new one of his choice from any one Development stack. The player whose turn it is selects a stack to search first. His opponent must then choose a different stack to search. The order of cards in the stacks must not be altered. Card Descriptions: Base Set Page 2

3 Bürgerkrieg Civil War (1) Each player must return a Knight card or a Fleet card to his hand. His opponent chooses the card. The player whose turn it is chooses first. If you have no Knights and no Fleets, you are not affected by this card. Prevented by: Kirche (Church). Ertragreiches Jahr Productive Year (2) Every Region that borders on a Befestigtes Lager (Fortified Warehouse) gets one extra resource. Applies to both players. Regions which are adjacent to two Befestigtes Lager cards receive 2 resources. Naturally, Regions which already have 3 resources receive no more. Fortschritt Progress (2) Each player gets an extra resource for each Kloster (Cloister), Bibliothek (Library) and Universität (University) in his principality. Applies to both players. Example: a player has in his principality 2 Kloster (Cloister) cards and 1 Bibliothek (Library). He immediately receives any 3 resources of his choice and rotates the corresponding Region cards to show higher numbers. The Universität (University) card is a component of the the Wissenschaft & Fortschritt Expansion. Jahreswechsel Year End (1) Reshuffle the Event stack. Konflikt Conflict (1) The player who does not control the Knight token must reveal his hand. The player controlling the Knight token selects two cards from his opponent s hand and returns them to the bottom of a Development stack. The player who does not control the Knight token can replenish his hand at the end of his own turn. If nobody holds the Knight token, this card has no effect. Card Descriptions: Base Set Page 3

4 Territorial Upgrade Cards (Green Text Fields) Getreidemühle Grist Mill (1) Doubles the Wheat production from the neighboring Field Region(s). Example: A Getreidemühle lies between two Field cards. If the number on one of these Field cards is rolled, that card receives 2 Wheat instead of 1. If the card already has 2 Wheat, it only gets one more. Sägewerk Sawmill (1) Doubles the Timber production from the neighboring Forest Region(s). Example: A Sägewerk lies between two Forest cards. If the number on one of these Forest cards is rolled, that card receives 2 Timber instead of 1. If the card already has 2 Timber, it only gets one more. Zeigel-Brennerei Brickworks (1) Doubles the Brick production from the neighboring Hills Region(s). Example: A Zeigel-Brennerei lies between two Hills cards. If the number on one of these Hills cards is rolled, that card receives 2 Brick instead of 1. If the card already has 2 Brick, it only gets one more. Getreide-Handelsflotte Wheat Trading Fleet (1) Wheat. You may trade two Wheat resources for any one resource of your can exchange 2 Wheat resources for a single other resource unit when the Wheat Trading Fleet lies between, for example, 2 Forest cards. Holz-Handelsflotte Timber Trading Fleet (1) Timber. You may trade two Timber resources for any one resource of your can exchange 2 Timber resources for a single other resource unit when the Timber Trading Fleet lies between, for example, 2 Hills cards. Lehm-Handelsflotte Brick Trading Fleet (1) Brick. You may trade two Brick resources for any one resource of your can exchange 2 Brick resources for a single other resource unit when the Brick Trading Fleet lies between, for example, 2 Pasture cards. Card Descriptions: Base Set Page 4

5 Woll-Manufaktur Wool Manufacturer (1) Doubles the Wool production from the neighboring Pasture Region(s). Example: A Woll-Manufaktur lies between two Pasture cards. If the number on one of these Pasture cards is rolled, that card receives 2 Wool instead of 1. If the card already has 2 Wool, it only gets one more. Eisengießerei Iron Foundry (1) Doubles the Ore production from the neighboring Mountains Region(s). Example: An Eisengießerei lies between two Mountains cards. If the number on one of these Mountains cards is rolled, that card receives 2 Ore instead of 1. If the card already has 2 Ore, it only gets one more. Schmiede Smithy (1) Each Knight in your principality gains one additional Strength Point. Example: A player has 2 Knights in his principality. One Knight has a strength of 2 and the other has a strength of 3. The player s total strength is therefore 5. If the player builds a Schmiede, his Knights each increase their strengths by 1, thereby increasing the player s total strength to7. Woll-Handelsflotte Wool Trading Fleet (1) Wool. You may trade two Wool resources for any one resource of your can exchange 2 Wool resources for a single other resource unit when the Wool Trading Fleet lies between, for example, 2 Mountains cards. Erz-Handelsflotte Ore Trading Fleet (1) Ore. You may trade two Ore resources for any one resource of your can exchange 2 Ore resources for a single other resource unit when the Ore Trading Fleet lies between, for example, 2 Stream cards. Gold-Handelsflotte Gold Trading Fleet (1) Gold. You may trade two Gold resources for any one resource of your can exchange 2 Gold resources for a single other resource unit when the Gold Trading Fleet lies between, for example, 2 Fields cards. Card Descriptions: Base Set Page 5

6 Befestigtes Lager Fortified Warehouse (3) Do not count the stored resources of the two neighboring Regions when the Robber Assault Event is rolled. If the Robber Assault Event is rolled and the player has 8 or more resources in addition to those protected by Befestigtes Lager cards, the player loses all his Wool and Ore resources even those protected by a Befestigtes Lager. Falk der Schöne Falk the Fair (1) Card Text: He does battle to impress the Ladies. He s more nobility than Knight. with a black 1 has a strength of 1. A Knight with a red 5 has 5 Tournament Hagen der Unheimliche Hagen the Sinister (1) Card Text: Wild and agile. with a black 1 has a strength of 1. A Knight with a red 2 has 2 Tournament Konrad der Flinke Konrad the Swift (1) Kloster Cloister (2) For every Kloster in your principality, your hand limit increases by one card. In other words, each Kloster allows you to hold an additional card in your hand. When you build a Kloster, you must wait until the end of your turn before drawing enough cards to reach your new hand limit. If a player loses a Kloster, he must immediately slip one of his cards facedown under a Development stack of his Götz Eisenfaust Götz Ironfist (1) Card Text: Inventor of the all-around defense. No grass grows in his wake. with a black 5 has a strength of 5. A Knight with a red 2 has 2 Tournament Karl der Mächtige Karl the Mighty (1) Card Text: Woe when he is unleashed. with a black 7 has a strength of 7. A Knight with a red 1 has 1 Tournament Point. Otto der Berserker Otto the Berserker (1) Card Text: Fells foes from afar. Card Text: Catan s one-man army. with a black 2 has a strength of 2. with a black 3 has a strength of 3. A Knight with a red 1 has 1 Tournament A Knight with a red 2 has 2 Tournament Point. Card Descriptions: Base Set Page 6

7 Pippin der Kurze Pippin the Short (1) Card Text: One must not overlook him. with a black 1 has a strength of 1. A Knight with a red 3 has 3 Tournament Siegfried Ohneland Siegfried Lackland (1) Card Text: Brave, noble, poor. with a black 1 has a strength of 1. A Knight with a red 1 has 1 Tournament Point. Walther der Wüterich Walther the Enraged (1) Card Text: Feared by friend and foe. with a black 3 has a strength of 3. A Knight with a red 1 has 1 Tournament Point. City Upgrade Cards (Red Text Fields) Badhaus Bath House (2) Protects all 4 Regions bordering its City from the effects of Seuche (Plague). If the Seuche card is turned up, none of the 4 Regions surrounding the City wherein the Badhaus is located will lose a resource. Markt Marketplace (1) Card Text: From Catan s farmland fresh onto the table. The only effect of this upgrade is to increase your Commerce Wasserversorgung Aqueduct/Water Supply (2) Protects all Regions in a principality from the effects of Seuche (Plague). If the Seuche card is turned up, none of your Regions will lose any resources. Handelskontor Counting House (1) Card Text: Nowhere do cash boxes ring more sweetly. The only effect of this upgrade is to increase your Commerce Card Descriptions: Base Set Page 7

8 Händlerzunft Traders Guild (1) Card Text: Taking is more delightful than giving. The only effect of this upgrade is to increase your Commerce Hafen Harbor (1) Each Fleet in your principality is worth one additional Commerce Point. Example: A player has 3 Fleets. After building the Hafen (Harbor), his Fleets are worth 6 Commerce Points instead of 3. Bibliothek Library (3) For every Bibliothek in your principality, your hand limit increases by one card. In other words, each Bibliothek allows you to hold an additional card in your hand. When you build a Bibliothek, you must wait until the end of your turn before drawing enough cards to reach your new hand limit. If a player loses a Bibliothek, he must immediately slip one of his cards facedown under a Development stack of his Kirche Church (2) Protects all Knights and Fleets in its City from the effects of Bürgerkrieg (Civil War). When the Bürgerkrieg Event is turned up, your opponent may not choose any Knights or Fleets from the City wherein the Kirche is located. Rathaus City Hall (2) Reduces the cost of searching a Development stack to a single resource. At the end of your turn, when you exchange a card or replenish your hand, you need only pay one resource to search through a Development stack of your If a player has 2 Rathaus cards, he must still spend 1 resource to search a Development stack. Münzgießerei Mint (1) You may trade Gold for other resources at a 1:1 ratio. You must be able to accommodate the new resources. Der Koloss von Catan The Colossus of Catan (1) Card Text: Glory and Honor to the Builder. The only function of this monument is to score 2 VPs. Card Descriptions: Base Set Page 8

9 Read Me In addition to this document, there are 7 others which you may find useful: Instructions Base Set Instructions Theme Sets Card Descriptions Handel & Wandel Card Descriptions Politik & Intrige Card Descriptions Ritter & Händler Card Descriptions Wissenschaft & Fortschritt Card Descriptions Zauberer & Drachen All of these documents are American English translations of the instructions and card descriptions for the German edition of Die Siedler von Catan: Das Kartenspiel. Instructions for use: All of the documents have been sized so that they can be cut to fit inside the game packaging. The final size of each page should be 7.25 inches high by 7.5 inches wide. Cut one half inch off the left side, the right side and the top of each page. Cut 3.25 inches off the bottom of each page. I recommend that you print the instructions in color. When you want to find a card description while playing the game, color images will greatly facilitate doing so. Credits: These documents are based largely on translations done by Peter Card, Philip Homatidis, Chris Farrell and Richard Ingram. Many, many thanks to them. After running into a few discrepancies between the different translations (as well as finding some card descriptions which left out significant bullet items), I decided to check the translations for all the sets against the German originals, sentence by sentence. I used Alta Vista s Babel Fish translator for most of it. When Babel Fish didn t yield clear enough results, I used Sail Labs T1 translator. Often this would offer a different enough translation that the intended meaning became clear. For individual words which neither translator could handle, I used the web-trans Dictionary at Clausthal University of Technology. Background for these translations: When I first got the game, I found myself trying to match the translated instructions with the diagrams and other graphics in the original German instructions booklets. To make it easier to learn the game, I scanned in the graphics and inserted them into the translations. One of the problems I ran into when I was learning the game was that Peter Card s translation of the Base game instructions used different names from Philip Homatidis s card labels (and both used different terminology from Chris Farrell s and Richard Ingram s translations of the Theme set instructions). I ve re-worked the translations so that the instructions for the various sets all use uniform terminology. I haven t seen Mayfair s English version of the Base set (the only English language set available at this time), so my choices for the card titles are arbitrary. I put English translation stickers on the cards from the Base set but I soon found that the stickers interfered with shuffling and that the stickers began to show signs of wear right away. Besides, I felt the stickers interfered with the aesthetics of the cards, and most of the cards depict symbols which make their purposes evident. I removed the stickers and set about learning to play without them. It turned out to be pretty easy, and I find mispronounced German card names more fun than the English translations. I put the German card titles first (followed in parentheses by their English translations) in order to facilitate looking up card descriptions by their German titles. This document is not a verbatim translation. It s not even new material, for the most part. While I did translate the original instructions sentence by sentence, I did so only to ensure that no significant points were misrepresented or omitted from the existing English instructions. Where necessary, I made changes. What items do I consider significant? Any item which might conceivably relate to gameplay. All this, just because I m too impatient to wait for Mayfair to publish the Theme sets in English. S. G. Hughes Card Descriptions: Base Set Page 9

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