WHOQOL-BREF. June U.S. Version. University of Washington Seattle, Washington United States of America

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1 WHOQOL-BREF June 1997 U.S. Version University of Washington Seattle, Washington United States of America Emblem...Soul Catcher: a Northwest Coast Indian symbol of physical and mental well-being. Artist: Marvin Oliver

2 WHOQOL-BREF About You Before you begin we would like to ask you to answer a few general questions about yourself by circling the correct answer or by filling in the space provided. 1. What is your gender Male Female 2. What is your date of birth? / / Day Month Year 3. What is the highest education you received? None at all Elementary School High School College 4. What is your marital status? Single Separated Married Divorced Living as Married Widowed 5. Are you currently ill? Yes No 6. If something is wrong with your health, what do you think it is? illness/problem WHOQOL-BREF, Questionnaire, June 1997, Updated 1/10/2014 2

3 Instructions This questionnaire asks how you feel about your quality of life, health, or other areas of your life. Please answer all the questions. If you are unsure about which response to give to a question, please choose the one that appears most appropriate. This can often be your first response. Please keep in mind your standards, hopes, pleasures and concerns. We ask that you think about your life in the last two weeks. For example, thinking about the last two weeks, a question might ask: Do you get the kind of support from others that you need? Not at all A little Moderately Mostly Completely You should circle the number that best fits how much support you got from others over the last two weeks. So you would circle the number 4 if you got a great deal of support from others. ο Do you get the kind of support from others that you need? Not at all A little Moderately Mostly Completely You would circle number 1 if you did not get any of the support that you needed from others in the last two weeks. ο Do you get the kind of support from others that you need? Not at all A little Moderately Mostly Completely WHOQOL-BREF, Questionnaire, June 1997, Updated 1/10/2014 3

4 Please read each question, assess your feelings, and circle the number on the scale that gives the best answer for you for each question. G1 / G How would you rate your quality of life? Very poor Poor Neither poor Good nor good Very Good G4 / G How satisfied are health? Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied satisfied nor dissatisfied Very satisfied The following questions ask about how much you have experienced certain things in the last two weeks. F1.4 / F To what extent do you feel that physical pain prevents you from doing what you need to do? Not at all A little A moderate Very much amount An extreme amount F11.3 / F F4.1 / F How much do you need any medical treatment to function in your daily life? 5. How much do you enjoy life? WHOQOL-BREF, Questionnaire, June 1997, Updated 1/10/2014 4

5 F24.2 / F To what extent do you feel your life to be meaningful? Not at all A little A moderate Very much amount An extreme amount F5.2 / F7.1.6 F16.1 / F F22.1 / F How well are you able to concentrate? 8. How safe do you feel in your daily life? 9. How healthy is your physical environment? Not at all Slightly A Moderate Very much amount Extremely The following questions ask about how completely you experience or were able to do certain things in the last two weeks. F2.1 / F Do you have enough energy for everyday life? Not at all A little Moderately Mostly Completely F7.1 / F9.1.2 F18.1 / F Are you able to accept your bodily appearance? 12. Have you enough money to meet your needs? WHOQOL-BREF, Questionnaire, June 1997, Updated 1/10/2014 5

6 F20.1 / F F21.1 / F How available to you is the information that you need in your day-to-day life? 14. To what extent do you have the opportunity for leisure activities? Not at all A little Moderately Mostly Completely F9.1 / F How well are you able to get around? Very poor Poor Neither poor Well nor well Very well The following questions ask you to say how good or satisfied you have felt about various aspects of your life over the last two weeks. F3.3 / F How satisfied are sleep? Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied satisfied nor dissatisfied Very satisfied F10.3 / F F12.4 / F How satisfied are ability to perform your daily living activities? 18. How satisfied are capacity for work? WHOQOL-BREF, Questionnaire, June 1997, Updated 1/10/2014 6

7 F6.4 / F8.2.2 F13.3 / F F15.3 / F How satisfied are self? 20. How satisfied are personal relationships? 21. How satisfied are sex life? Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied satisfied nor dissatisfied Very satisfied F14.4 / F F17.3 / F F19.3 / F F.23.3 / F How satisfied are you with the support you get from your friends? 23. How satisfied are you with the conditions of your living place? 24. How satisfied are access to health services? 25. How satisfied are mode of transportation? WHOQOL-BREF, Questionnaire, June 1997, Updated 1/10/2014 7

8 The follow question refers to how often you have felt or experienced certain things in the last two weeks. Never Seldom F8.1 / F How often do you have negative feelings, such as blue mood, despair, anxiety, depression? Quite often Very often Always Did someone help you to fill out this form? (Please circle Yes or No) Yes No How long did it take to fill out this form? THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP WHOQOL-BREF, Questionnaire, June 1997, Updated 1/10/2014 8

9 WHOQOL-BREF Scoring The WHOQOL-Bref, still in field trials, is a subset of 26 items taken from the WHOQOL-100. The same steps for the scoring WHOQOL-100 should be followed to achieve scores for the Bref. Although scoring the Bref is identical to scoring the WHOQOL-100, there are some differences that need to be addressed: The WHOQOL-Bref does not have facet scores Mean substitutions are recommended for Domain 1 Physical Health and Domain 4 Environment if no more than one item is coded missing Only three items need to be reversed before scoring The WHOQOL-Bref (Field Trial Version) produces a profile with four domain scores and two individually scored items about an individual s overall perception of quality of life and health. The four domain scores are scaled in a positive direction with higher scores indicating a higher quality of life. Three items of the Bref must be reversed before scoring. They can be seen in Table 9, indicated by the - (reverse) denotation in the Direction of scaling column. TABLE 9. Scoring Domains of the WHOQOL-BREF Domains and questions 236/BREF Direction of scaling Raw domain score Raw item score Overall Quality of Life and General Health...(2-10) G1.1/B1 How would you rate your quality of life? +...(1-5) G2.3/B2 How satisfied are health? +...(1-5) Domain 1 Physical Health...(7-35) F1.2.5/B3 To what extent do you feel that physical pain prevents you from -(reverse)...(1-5) doing what you need to do? F13.1.4/B4 How much do you need any medical treatment to function in -(reverse)...(1-5) your daily life? F2.1.1/B10 Do you have enough energy for everyday life? +...(1-5) F11.1.1/B15 How well are you able to get around? +...(1-5) F4.1.1/B16 How satisfied are sleep +...(1-5) F12.2.3/B17 How satisfied are ability to perform your daily +...(1-5) living activities? F16.2.1/B18 How satisfied are capacity for work? +...(1-5) Domain 2 Psychological...(6-30) F6.1.2/B5 How much do you enjoy life? +...(1-5) F29.1.3/B6 To what extent do you feel your life to be meaningful? +...(1-5) F7.1.6/B7 How well are you able to concentrate? +...(1-5) F9.1.2/B11 Are you able to accept your bodily appearance? +...(1-5) F8.2.1/B19 How satisfied are self? +...(1-5) F10.1.2/B26 How often do you have negative feelings such as blue mood, despair, anxiety, depression? - (reverse)...(1-5) Domain 3 Social relationships...(3-15) F17.1.3/B20 How satisfied are personal relationships? +...(1-5) F3.2.1/B21 How satisfied are sex life? +...(1-5) F18.2.5/B22 How satisfied are with the support you get from your friends? +...(1-5) WHOQOL Manual-Body.doc, updated 10/12/2005, 4:14 PM 35

10 Domains and questions 236/BREF Direction of scaling Raw domain score Raw item score Domain 4 Environment...(8-40) F20.1.2/B8 How safe do you feel in your daily life? +...(1-5) F27.1.2/B9 How healthy is your physical environment? +...(1-5) F23.1.1/B12 Have you enough money to meet your needs? +...(1-5) F25.1.1/B13 How available to you is the information that you need in your +...(1-5) daily-to-day life? F26.1.2/B14 To what extent do you have the opportunity for leisure activities? +...(1-5) F21.2.2/B23 How satisfied are you with the condition of your living place? +...(1-5) F24.2.1/B24 How satisfied are access to health services? +...(1-5) F28.2.2/B25 How satisfied are transport? +...(1-5) If no more than one item from the Physical Health or Environment domains has been coded as missing, we recommend that a domain score be calculated by substituting a personspecific average across the completed items in the same scale. For example, if a respondent does not have a value for item B16 How satisfied are sleep? in the Physical Health domain, but has answered all of the other items in that domain, then the value for item B16 would be the average of the remaining 6 items. If two or more items are coded missing in these two domains, the domain score should not be calculated, likewise if any items are coded missing in the Psychological and Social Relationships domains, a domain score for that respondent would not be calculated. After item recoding and handling of missing data, a raw score is computed by a simple algebraic sum of each item in each of the four domains. Once complete, check the frequencies of each domain to be sure that the scores are within the correct range indicated in Table 9 Raw domain score column. The next step is to transform each raw scale score using the formula on page 31. The possible raw score ranges for each domain are as follows: Physical Health=28, Psychological=24, Social Relationships=12, and Environment=32. SCORING EXERCISE AND TEST DATASET FOR THE WHOQOL-BREF INSTRUMENT The purpose of this scoring exercise is to help WHOQOL-Bref rs to evaluate results from each step in the process of calculating the Domain summary scores of the instrument. This exercise was created for SPSS rs, but with minor modifications, can be adapted for other computer programs or can be ful for those scoring the survey manually. A test dataset and SPSS code for scoring the WHOQOL-Bref a computer diskette in this packet. The test dataset, which is called WQ_BREF.TXT on the diskette, contains data from 64 administrations of the WHOQOL-BREF. The data can be seen in Appendix F. The enclosed diskette also provides the r with the SPSS syntax d to: import raw data into SPSS format [WQ_B_DL.SPS] derive the WHOQOL-BREF domain summaries [WQ_BREF.SPS] The SPSS code (called WQ_BREF.SPS ) on the diskette begins by labeling all items and checking for out-or-range values. It then recodes the 3 negatively stated items so that a WHOQOL Manual-Body.doc, updated 10/12/2005, 4:14 PM 36

11 higher score indicates better health. The 4 domains are then scored, labeled, and transformed to a 0 to 100 scale d to interpret and compare to other validated instrument tools such as the WHOQOL-100. A copy of the SPSS syntax is reproduced in Appendix F. Table 10 presents statistics for the transformed domains for the WHOQOL-Bref. After scoring the test dataset, the means, standard deviations, and minimum and maximum observed values should agree with those presented in Table 10 TABLE 10. Test Dataset Descriptive Statistics: WHOQOL-BREF Descriptive Statistics Physical (TRANSFORMED) Psychological (TRANSFORMED) Social Relations (TRANSFORMED) Environment (TRANSFORMED) Valid N (listwise) N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation WHOQOL Manual-Body.doc, updated 10/12/2005, 4:14 PM 37


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