Inner Product Spaces. 7.1 Inner Products

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1 7 Inner Product Spaces 71 Inner Products Recall that if z is a complex number, then z denotes the conjugate of z, Re(z) denotes the real part of z, and Im(z) denotes the imaginary part of z By definition, a + bi = a bi, Re(a + bi) = a, Im(a + bi) = b for any a, b R Throughout this chapter we take F to represent any field that is a subfield of the complex numbers C, which is to say F is a field consisting of objects on which the operation of conjugation may be done This of course includes C itself, as well as the field of real numbers R, rational numbers Q, and others Definition 71 An inner product on a vector space V over F is a function : V V F that associates each pair of vectors (u, v) V V with a scalar u, v F in accordance with the following axioms: IP1 u, v = v, u for all u, v V IP2 u + v, w = u, w + v, w for all u, v, w V IP3 au, v = a u, v for all u, v V and a F IP4 u, u > 0 for all u 0 A vector space V together with an associated inner product is called an inner product space and denoted by (V, ) Remark Care must be taken to not confuse the symbol for the inner product of two vectors u, v with, say, the symbol for a euclidean vector x, y R 2 that is used in some textbooks (particularly calculus books) One features a pair of vectors between angle brackets, while the other features a pair of scalars An inner product associated with a vector space V over C is generally complex-valued and called a hermitian inner product or simply a hermitian product, in which case the pair (V, ) is called a hermitian inner product space Axiom IP1 is the conjugate symmetry property If V is a vector space over R (or some subfield of R), then this axiom becomes and is called the symmetry property u, v = v, u for all u, v V

2 Axioms IP2 and IP3 taken together are the linearity properties, and using them we easily obtain u v, w = u + ( v), w = u, w + v, w = u, w v, w Axiom IP4 is the positive-definiteness property Products which satisfy all axioms save IP4 (or which satisfy a modified version of IP4) are also of theoretical interest, but will not be entertained in this chapter Theorem 72 Let (V, ) be an inner product space over F For u, v, w V and a F, the following properties hold: 1 0, u = u, 0 = 0 2 u, v + w = u, v + u, w 3 u, av = ā u, v 4 u, u = 0 if and only if u = 0 5 If u, v = u, w for all u V, then v = w Proof Proof of Part (1): Let u V By Axiom IP2 we have 0, u = 0 + 0, u = 0, u + 0, u Subtracting 0, u from the leftmost and rightmost expressions yields 0, u = 0 as desired Then u, 0 = 0, u = 0 = 0 completes the proof Proof of Part (2): For any u, v, w V we have u, v + w = v + w, u Axiom IP1 = v, u + w, u Axiom IP2 = v, u + w, u Property of complex conjugates = u, v + u, w Axiom IP1 2 Proof of Part (3): For any u, v V and a F we have u, av = av, u Axiom IP1 = a v, u Axiom IP3 = ā v, u Property of complex conjugates = ā u, v Axiom IP1 Proof of Part (4): The contrapositive of Axiom IP4 states that if u, u 0, then u = 0 Thus, in particular, u, u = 0 implies that u = 0

3 3 For the converse, suppose that u = 0 Then, applying Axiom IP2, u, u = 0, 0 = 0 + 0, 0 = 0, 0 + 0, 0 ; that is, 0, 0 + 0, 0 = 0, 0, from which we obtain 0, 0 = 0 We conclude that u = 0 implies that u, u = 0 Proof of Part (4): Suppose that u, v = u, w for all u V Then u, v w = u, v + ( 1)w = u, v + u, ( 1)w = u, v + ( 1) u, w = u, v u, w = u, v u, v = 0 for all u V, making use of Proposition 33, parts (2) and (3), and the property x + ( 1)y = x y for x, y F Letting u = v w subsequently yields v w, v w = 0, so that v w = 0 by part (4), and therefore v = w One sure result that obtains from Axiom IP4 and Theorem 72(4) is that u, u 0 for all u V This will be important when the discussion turns to norms in the next section Recall the euclidean dot product as defined for vectors in R n : x 1 y 1 x = and y = x n y n x y = y x = [ x ] 1 y 1 y n = x n x k y k It is easily verified that the euclidean dot product applied to R n satisfies the four axioms of an inner product, and so (R n, ) is an inner product space It might be assumed that (C n, ) is also an inner product space (where as usual C n is taken to have underlying field C), but this is not the case Consider for instance the vector z = [ 1 i ] in C 2 We have z z = z z = [ 1 i ][ 1 i ] = i 2 = 1 + ( 1) = 0; that is, z z = 0 even though z 0, and so Axiom IP4 fails! Or consider z = [ i 0 0 ] in C 3, for which we find that z z = z z = [ i 0 0 ] i 0 = i 2 = 1 < 0 0

4 and again Axiom IP4 fails To remedy the situation only requires a modest modification of the dot product definition For the definition we need the conjugate transpose matrix operation: If A = [a ij ] Mat m,n (C), then set 4 Thus, in particular, if then A = A = [a ij ] z 1 z = C n, z n z = [ z 1 z n ] Definition 73 If w, z C n, then the hermitian dot product of w and z is w z = z w = [ w ] 1 z 1 z n = w k z k (1) w n The natural isomorphism [a] 1 1 a is an implicit part of the definition, so that the hermitian dot product produces a scalar value as expected Letting denote the hermitian dot product, we return to the vector [ 1 i ] C 2 and find that [ ] [ ] 1 1 = [ 1 i ][ ] 1 = [ 1 i ][ ] 1 = i( i) = 1 i i i i i 2 = 1 ( 1) = 2, which is an outcome that does not run afoul of Axiom IP4 and so corrects the problem [ 1 i ] presented for the euclidean dot product above The hermitian dot product becomes the euclidean dot product when applied to vectors in R n : letting x, y R n we have x y = y x = y x = [ ] y 1 y n x 1 x n = [ ] y 1 y n x 1 x n = y x, since y k R implies that y k = y k for each 1 k n For this reason we will henceforth always assume (unless stated otherwise) that denotes the hermitian dot product, and call it simply the dot product Example 74 Let a, b R such that a < b, and let V be the vector space over R consisting of all continuous functions f : [a, b] R Given f, g V, define f, g = b a fg (2) We verify that (V, ) is an inner product space Since f, g is real-valued for any f, g V, we have f, g = b a fg = b a gf = g, f = g, f

5 and thus Axiom IP1 is confirmed Next, for any f, g, h V we have f + g, h = b a (f + g)h = confirming Axiom IP2 Axiom IP3 obtains readily: af, g = b a b a (af)g = (fh + fg) = b a b a a(fg) = a fh + b a b a fg = f, h + f, g, fg = a f, g Next, for any f V we have f 2 (x) 0 for all x [a, b], and so f, f = b a f 2 0 follows from an established property of the definite integral Finally, if b a f 2 = 0 it follows from another property of definite integrals that f(x) = 0 for all x [a, b], which is to say f = 0 and therefore Axiom IP4 holds Example 75 Recall the notion of the trace of a square matrix, which is a linear transformation tr : Mat n (F) F given by tr(a) = for each A = [a ij ] Mat n (F) Letting F = R, define : Sym n (R) Sym n (R) R by a ii A, B = tr(ab) The claim is that (Sym n (R), ) is an inner product space To substantiate the claim we must verify that the four axioms of an inner product are satisfied Let A = [a ij ] and B = [b ij ] be elements of Sym n (R) The ii-entry of AB is n a ijb ji, and so tr(ab) = a ij b ji (3) The ii-entry of BA is n b ija ji, from which we obtain tr(ba) = b ij a ji = = b ji a ij (Interchange i and j) a ij b ji (Interchange summations) 5

6 6 Hence = tr(ab) (Equation (3)) A, B = tr(ab) = tr(ba) = B, A and Axiom IP1 is confirmed to hold In Chapter 4 it was found that the trace operation is a linear transformation, and so for any A, B, C Sym n (R) and x R we have and A + B, C = tr((a + B)C) = tr(ac + BC) = tr(ac) + tr(bc) = A, C + B, C xa, B = tr((xa)b) = tr(x(ab)) = x tr(ab) = x A, B, which confirms Axioms IP2 and IP3 Next, observing that A = [a ij ] Sym n (R) if and only if a ij = a ji for all 1 i, j n, we have A, A = tr(a 2 ) = a ij a ji = a ij a ij = a 2 ij 0 It is easy to see that if tr(a 2 ) = 0, then we must have a ij = 0 for all 1 i, j n, and thus A = O n Axiom IP4 is confirmed

7 7 72 Norms Given an inner product space (V, ) and a vector u V, we define the norm of u to be the scalar u = u, u If u = 1 we say that u is a unit vector Notice that, by Axiom IP4, u is always a nonnegative real number The distance d(u, v) between two vectors u, v V is given by also always a nonnegative real number If d(u, v) = u v, u, v = 0 we say that u and v are orthogonal and write u v Proposition 76 Let (V, ) be an inner product space If W V is a subspace of V, then is also a subspace of V W = {v V : v, w = 0 for all w W } (4) Proof Suppose u, v W Then for any w W we have u + v, w = u, w + v, w = = 0, which shows that u + v W Moreover, for any a F we have au, w = a u, w = a(0) = 0 for any w W, which shows that au W Since W V is closed under scalar multiplication and vector addition, we conclude that it is a subspace of V The subspace W defined by (4) is called the orthogonal complement of W 1 If v W, then we say v is orthogonal to W and write v W Proposition 77 Let (V, ) be an inner product space Let w 1,, w m V, and define the subspace U = {v V : v w i for all 1 i m} If W = Span{w 1,, w m }, then U = W Proof It is a routine matter to verify that U is indeed a subspace of V Let v U For any w W we have w = c 1 w c m w m for some c 1,, c m F, and then since v w i implies w i, v = 0 we obtain m w, v = c iw i, v = m c i w i, v = m c i(0) = 0 1 The symbol W is often read as W perp

8 by Axioms IP2 and IP3 Hence v w for all w W, so that v W and therefore U W Next, let v W Then w, v = 0 for all w W, or equivalently m c iw i, v = 0 (5) for any c 1,, c m F If for any 1 i m we choose c i = 1 and c j = 0 for j i, then (5) gives w i, v = 0 Thus v w i for all 1 i m, implying that v U and so W U Therefore U = W Let v (V, ) such that v = 0 Given any u (V, ) there can be found some c F such that v, u cv = 0 Indeed v, u cv = 0 v, u v, cv = 0 v, u c v, v = 0 where v, v 0 since v 0 c v, v = v, u c v, v = v, u c v, v = u, v c = 8 u, v v, v, (6) Definition 78 Let v 0 The orthogonal projection of u onto v is given by Theorem 79 Let u, v (V, ) 1 Pythagorean Theorem: If u v, then 2 Parallelogram Law: 3 Schwarz Inequality: 4 Triangle Inequality: proj v u = u, v v, v v u + v 2 = u 2 + v 2 u + v 2 + u v 2 = 2 u v 2 u, v u v u + v u + v Proof Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem: Suppose u v, so that u, v = v, u = 0 By direct calculation we have u + v 2 = u + v, u + v = u, u + v + v, u + v Axiom IP2 = u, u + u, v + v, u + v, v Theorem 72(2) = u, u + v, v = u 2 + v 2

9 9 Proof of the Parallelogram Law: We have u + v 2 = u, u + u, v + v, u + v, v = u 2 + u, v + v, u + v 2 (7) from the proof of the Pythagorean Theorem, and u v 2 = u v, u v = u 2 u, v v, u + v 2 (8) Adding equations (7) and (8) completes the proof Proof of the Schwarz Inequality: If u = 0 or v = 0, then by Theorem 72(1) we obtain which affirms the theorem s conclusion Suppose u, v 0, and let Now, by (6), u, v = 0 = 0 = u v, c = u, v v, v = u, v v 2 u cv, cv = c u cv, v = c v, u cv = c( 0) = c(0) = 0 Thus u cv and cv are orthogonal, and by the Pythagorean Theorem u 2 = (u cv) + cv 2 = u cv 2 + cv 2 Hence cv 2 u 2 since u cv 2 0 However, recalling that z z = z 2 for any z F, we obtain cv 2 = cv, cv = c c v, v = c 2 v 2 u, v 2 = v 2 u, v 2 =, v 4 v 2 and so cv 2 u 2 implies that Therefore we have u, v 2 v 2 u 2 u, v 2 u 2 v 2, and taking the square root of both sides completes the proof Proof of the Triangle Inequality: For any u, v V we have u, v = a + bi for some a, b R, so that the real part of u, v is Re( u, v ) = a (If V is a vector field over R then b = 0, but this will not affect our analysis) By the Schwarz Inequality we have a2 + b 2 = a + bi = u, v u v, and since it follows that Re ( u, v ) = a a = a 2 a 2 + b 2, Re ( u, v ) u v (9)

10 10 Recalling the property of complex numbers z + z = 2 Re(z), we have u, v + v, u = u, v + u, v = 2 Re ( u, v ) (10) Now, u + v 2 = u 2 + u, v + v, u + v 2 Equation (7) = u Re ( u, v ) + v 2 Equation (10) u u v + v 2, Inequality (9) and so u + v 2 ( u + v ) 2 Taking the square root of both sides completes the proof Proposition 710 Let (V, ) be an inner product space, and let v 1,, v n V be such that v i 0 for each 1 i n and v i v j whenever i j If v V and for each 1 i n, then is orthogonal to v 1,, v n c i = v, v i v i, v i v c i v i Proof Fix 1 k n Since v k 0 we have v k, v k 0 Also v i, v j = 0 whenever i j Now, v c i v i, v k = v, v k c i v i, v k = v, v k c i v i, v k = v, v k c k v k, v k = v, v k v, v k v k, v k v k, v k = v, v k v, v k = 0, and therefore v n c kv k v k for any 1 k n Proposition 711 Let (V, ) be an inner product space, and let v 1,, v n V be such that v i 0 for each 1 i n and v i v j whenever i j If v V and c i = v, v i / v i, v i for each 1 i n, then v n v c n iv i a iv i for any a 1,, a n F

11 Proof Fix v V and a 1,, a n F, and let c i = v, v i / v i, v i for each 1 i n First we observe that for any scalars x 1,, x n we have v n c kv k, n x iv i = n v n c kv k, x i v i Theorem 72(2) = n x i v n c kv k, v i Theorem 72(3) = n x i(0) = 0, Proposition 710 which is to say that v n c kv k is orthogonal to any linear combination of the vectors v 1,, v n In particular v c i v i (c i a i )v i, and so by the Pythagorean Theorem v n a 2 v n iv i = c iv i + n (c 2 i a i )v i = v n c 2 n iv i + (c 2 i a i )v i v n c 2 iv i Taking square roots completes the proof 11

12 12 73 Orthogonal Bases If B = {v 1,, v n } is a basis for a vector space V and, : V V F is an inner product, then we refer to B as a basis for the inner product space (V, ) Definition 712 Let B = {v 1,, v n } be a basis for an inner product space (V, ) If v i v j whenever i j, then B is an orthogonal basis If B is an orthogonal basis such that v i = 1 for all i, then B is called an orthonormal basis Lemma 713 Let v 1,, v n (V, ) be nonzero vectors If v i v j whenever i j, then v 1,, v n are linearly independent Proof Suppose that v i v j whenever i j Let x 1,, x n F and set Now, for each 1 i n, On the other hand, Hence x 1 v x n v n = 0 (11) x k v k, v i = 0, v i = 0 x k v k, v i = x k v k, v i = x i v i, v i x i v i, v i = 0, and since v i 0 implies v i, v i = 0, it follows that x i = 0 Therefore (11) leads to the conclusion that x 1 = = x n = 0, and so v 1,, v n are linearly independent Theorem 714 (Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Process) Let m N For any n N, if (V, ) is an inner product space over F with dim(v ) = m + n, W is a subspace of V with orthogonal basis (w i ) m, and (w 1,, w m, u m+1,, u m+n ) (12) is a basis for V, then an orthogonal basis for V is (w i ) m+n, where w i = u i for each m + 1 i m + n Moreover, for all 1 k n i 1 u i, w k w k, w k w k (13) Span(w i ) m+k = Span(w 1,, w m, u m+1,, u m+k ) (14) Note that the existence of vectors u m+1,, u m+n V such that (12) is a basis for V is assured by Theorem 353 Also observe that, since m, n N implies m + n 2, the theorem does not address one-dimensional vector spaces This is because one-dimensional vector spaces are not of much interest: any nonzero vector serves as an orthogonal basis!

13 Proof We carry out an argument by induction on n by first considering the case when n = 1 That is, we let m N be arbitrary, and suppose (V, ) is an inner product space with dim(v ) = m + 1, W is a subspace of V with orthogonal basis (w i ) m, and B = (w 1,, w m, u m+1 ) is a basis for V Let m u m+1, w k w m+1 = u m+1 w k, w k w k If w m+1 = 0, then u m+1 = m u m+1, w k w k, w k w k obtains, so that u m+1 Span(w i ) m and by Proposition 338 it follows that B is a linearly dependent set a contradiction Hence w m+1 0 is assured Moreover w m+1 is orthogonal to w 1,, w m by Proposition 710, implying that w i w j for all 1 i, j m + 1 such that i j Since {w 1,, w m+1 } is an orthogonal set of nonzero vectors, by Lemma 713 it is also a linearly independent set Therefore, by Theorem 352, (w i ) m+1 is a basis for V that is also an orthogonal basis We have proven that the theorem is true in the base case when n = 1 Next, suppose the theorem is true for some particular n N Fix m N, suppose (V, ) is an inner product space with dim(v ) = m + n + 1, W is a subspace of V with orthogonal basis (w i ) m, and B = (w 1,, w m, u m+1,, u m+n+1 ) is a basis for V Let V = Span(B \ {u m+n+1 }), which is to say (V, ) is an inner product space with basis B = (w 1,, w m, u m+1,, u m+n ), and W is a subspace of V Since dim(v ) = m + n, by our inductive hypothesis we conclude that (w i ) m+n, where i 1 u i, w k wi = ui w k, w k w k for each m + 1 i m + n, is an orthogonal basis for V Now, V is a subspace of V with orthogonal basis (w i ) m+n, and C = (w 1,, w m+n, u m+n+1 ) is a basis for V (To substantiate the latter claim use Proposition 338 twice: first to find that u m+n+1 / Span(B ) = V = Span(w i ) m+n, and then to find that C is a linearly independent set Now invoke Theorem 352) Applying the base case proven above, only with m replaced by m + n, we conclude that (w i ) m+n+1 is an orthogonal basis for V, where w m+n+1 = u m+n+1 m+n u m+n+1, w k w k w k, w k We have now shown that if the theorem holds when m N is arbitrary and dim(v ) = m+n, then it holds when m N is arbitrary and dim(v ) = m + n + 1 All but the last statement of the theorem is now proven by the Principle of Induction 13

14 Finally, to see that (14) holds for each 1 k n, simply note from (13) that each vector in (w i ) m+k lies in Span(w 1,, w m, u m+1,, u m+k ), and also each vector in (w 1,, w m, u m+1,, u m+k ) lies in Span(w i ) m+k Corollary 715 If (V, ) is a nontrivial finite-dimensional inner product space over F, then it has an orthonormal basis Example 716 Give the vector space R 3 the customary dot product, thereby producing the inner product space (R 3, ) Let u 1 = 1 1, u 2 = 1 1, u 3 = Then B = {u 1, u 2, u 3 } is a basis for (R 3, ) Use the Gram-Schmidt Process to transform B into an orthogonal basis for (R 3, ), and then find an orthonormal basis for (R 3, ) Solution Let w 1 = u 1 Then {w 1 } is an orthogonal basis for the subspace W = Span{w 1 } Certainly W R 3, and we already know that {w 1, u 2, u 3 } is a basis for R 3 Hence we have the essential ingredients to commence the Gram-Schmidt Process and find vectors w 2 and w 3 so that {w 1, w 2, w 3 } constitutes an orthogonal basis for (R 3, ) The formula for finding w i (where i = 2, 3) is Hence and w i = u i i 1 u i w k w k w k w k w 2 = u 2 u 2 w 1 w 1 = 1 1 [ 1, 1, 0] [1, 1, 1] 1 1 = 1 1, w 1 w 1 0 [1, 1, 1] [1, 1, 1] u 3 w k w 3 = u 3 w k = u 3 u 3 w 1 w 1 u 3 w 2 w 2 w k w k w 1 w 1 w 2 w 2 = = 1/6 1/ /3 (Note: it should not be surprising that w 2 = u 2 since u 2 is in fact already orthogonal to w 1 ) We have obtained {w 1, w 2, w 3 } = 1 1, 1 1, 1/ /3 as an orthogonal basis for (R 3, ) 14

15 To find an orthonormal basis all we need do is normalize the vectors w 1, w 2 and w 3 We have ŵ 1 = w [ ] 1 1 w 1 = 1 1 3,,, ŵ 2 = w [ w 2 = 1 1,, 0], 2 2 and ŵ 3 = w [ 3 1 w 3 = 1 6,, 2 ] 6 6 The set {ŵ 1, ŵ 2, ŵ 3 } is an orthonormal basis for (R 3, ) Example 717 Recall the vector space P 2 (R) of polynomial functions of degree at most 2 with coefficients in R, which here we shall denote simply by P 2 Define p, q = for all p, q P 2 The verification that (P 2, ) is an inner product space proceeds in much the same way as Example 74 Apply the Gram-Schmidt Process to transform the standard basis E = {1, x, x 2 } into an orthonormal basis for (P 2, ) Solution Let w 1 = 1, the polynomial function with constant value 1 If W = Span{w 1 }, then W is a subspace of P 2 such that W P 2, and {w 1 } is an orthogonal basis for W Starting with w 1, we employ the Gram-Schmidt Process to obtain w 2 and w 3 from u 2 = x and u 3 = x 2, respectively We have and 1 1 pq w 2 = u 2 u 2, w 1 w 1, w 1 w x, 1 1 = x 1, 1 = x 1 1 x dx dx = x 0 2 = x, w 3 = u 3 u 3, w 1 w 1, w 1 w 1 u 3, w 2 w 2, w 2 w 2 = x 2 x2, 1 1, 1 x2, x x, x x 1 1 = x 2 1 x2 dx 1 1 dx 1 x3 dx x2 dx x = x2 1, 3 and so {w 1, w 2, w 3 } = { } 1, x, x is an orthogonal basis for P 2 To find an orthonormal basis we need only normalize the vectors w 1, w 2 and w 3 From w 1 = w 1, w 1 = 1 1, 1 = 1 dx = 2, 1 w 2 = w 2, w 2 = 1 x, x = 1 x2 2 dx =, 3 and w 3 = x2 w 3, w 3 = 1, 3 x ( ) = x dx = 8, 45 we obtain ŵ 1 = w 1 w 1 = 1 2, ŵ 2 = w 2 w 2 = 6 2 x, ŵ 3 = w 3 w 3 = 10 4 (3x2 1) 15

16 The set {ŵ 1, ŵ 2, ŵ 3 }, which consists of the first three of what are known as normalized Legendre polynomials, is an orthonormal basis for (P 2, ) Proposition 718 Let (V, ) be an inner product space over F with dim(v ) = n > 0, let be an orthogonal basis for V, and let Then U = W, W = U, and B = {w 1,, w r, u 1,, u s } W = Span{w 1,, w r } and U = Span{u 1,, u s } dim(w ) + dim(w ) = dim(v ) Proof Let u U Then there exist scalars x 1,, x s F such that s u = x i u i Let w W be arbitrary, so that w = r y j w j for scalars y 1,, y r F Now, s u, w = x iu i, w = s x i u i, w (Axiom IP2) = s (x i u i, r ) y jw j = s ( r ) x i u i, y j w j (Theorem 72(2)) = s ( r ) x i ȳj u i, w j (Theorem 72(3)) 16 Since B is an orthogonal basis we have u i, w j = 0 for all 1 i s and 1 j r, so that s r u, w = x i ȳ j u i, w j = 0 and therefore u w Since w W is arbitrary, we conclude that u W and hence U W Next, let v W Since B is a basis for V, there exist scalars x 1,, x s, y 1,, y r F such that s r v = x i u i + y j w j Fix 1 k r Since y k w k W we have v, y k w k = 0 (15)

17 On the other hand, since u i, w k = 0 for all 1 i s, and w j, w k = 0 for all j k, we have s r v, y k w k = x i ȳ k u i, w k + y j ȳ k w j, w k = y k ȳ k w k, w k = y k 2 w k, w k (16) Combining (15) and (16) yields y k 2 w k, w k = 0, and since w k 0 implies that w k, w k 0 by Axiom IP4, it follows that y k = 0 We conclude, then, that s v = x i u i U, and so W U Therefore U = W, and by symmetry W = U Finally, since {u 1,, u s } is a basis for U and {w 1,, w r } is a basis for W, we obtain dim(v ) = n = r + s = dim(w ) + dim(u) = dim(w ) + dim(w ), 17 which completes the proof The conclusions of Proposition 718 in fact apply to any arbitrary subspace of an inner product space, as the next theorem establishes Theorem 719 Let W be a subspace of an inner product space (V, ) over F Then and (W ) = W dim(w ) + dim(w ) = dim(v ) Proof The proof is trivial in the case when dim(v ) = 0, since the only possible subspace is then {0} So suppose henceforth that n = dim(v ) > 0 If W = {0}, then W = V Now, and since dim({0}) = 0 we have (W ) = V = {0} = W, dim(v ) = dim({0}) + dim(v ) = dim(w ) + dim(w ) If W = V, then W = {0} and a symmetrical argument to the one above leads to the same conclusions Set m = dim(w ), and suppose W {0} and W V Then m n by Theorem 354(2), and m n by Theorem 354(3), so that 0 < m < n Since W is a nontrivial vector space in its own right, by Corollary 715 it has an orthogonal basis {w 1,, w m } Since W V it follows by Theorem 714 that there exist w m+1,, w n V such that B = {w 1,, w n } is an orthogonal basis for V Observing that W = Span{w 1,, w m } and defining U = Span{w m+1,, w n },

18 18 by Proposition 718 we have U = W, W = U, and dim(w ) + dim(w ) = dim(v ) Finally, observe that (W ) = U = W, which finishes the proof The dimension equation in Theorem 719 amounts to a generalization of Proposition 446 from the setting of real euclidean vector spaces (equipped specifically with the euclidean dot product) to that of abstract inner product spaces over an arbitrary field F Example 720 As a compelling application of some of the developments thus far, we give a proof that the row rank of a matrix equals its column rank that is quite different (and shorter) than the proof given in 36 Let A = [a ij ] Mat m,n (R) Define the linear transformation L : R n R m by L(x) = Ax, and let a 1,, a m R n be such that a 1,, a m are the row vectors of A Then Nul(L) is a subspace of the inner product space (R n, ) by Proposition 414, and so too is Row(A) = Span{a 1,, a m } 2 Now, so that x Nul(L) Ax = 0 a 1 x x a 1 = = a mx x a m Nul(L) = {x R n : x a i for all 1 i m} and by Proposition 77 we have Nul(L) = Row(A) By Theorem 719 whence and finally Next, by Theorem 437, dim(row(a)) + dim(row(a) ) = dim(r n ), 0 0 row-rank(a) + dim(nul(l)) = n row-rank(a) = n dim(nul(l)) dim(nul(l)) + dim(img(l)) = dim(r n ), and since Img(L) = Col(A) by Proposition 435, it follows that x a 1,, x a m, n = dim(r n ) = dim(nul(l)) + dim(col(a)) = dim(nul(l)) + col-rank(a) and finally Therefore and we re done col-rank(a) = n dim(nul(l)) row-rank(a) = col-rank(a) = n dim(nul(l)), 2 We cleave here to the convention that elements of R n are column vectors (ie n 1 column matrices)

19 Proposition 721 If W is a subspace of an inner product space (V, ) over F, then V = W W Proof The situation is trivial in the cases when W = {0} or W = V, so suppose W is a subspace such that W {0}, V Let dim(w ) = m and dim(v ) = n, and note that 0 < m < n Since (W, ) is a nontrivial inner product space, by Corollary 715 is has an orthogonal basis {w 1,, w m } By Theorem 714 there exist w m+1,, w n V such that B = {w 1,, w n } is an orthogonal basis for V, and W = Span{w m+1,, w n } by Proposition 718 Let v V Since Span(B) = V, there exist scalars c 1,, c n F such that m v = c k w k = c k w k + c k w k, k=m+1 and so v W + W Hence V W + W, and since the reverse containment is obvious we have V = W + W Suppose that v W W From v W we have v w for all w W, and since v W it follows that v v Thus v, v = 0, and so v = 0 by Theorem 72(4) Hence W W {0}, and since the reverse containment is obvious we have W W = {0} Since V = W + W and W W = {0}, we conclude that V = W W Corollary 722 If W is a subspace of an inner product space (V, ) over F, then dim(w W ) = dim(w ) + dim(w ) Proof By Proposition 721 we have V = W W, and thus dim(v ) = dim(w W ) The conclusion then follows from Theorem 719 The corollary could also be proved quite easily by utilizing Proposition 436, which applies to abstract vector spaces over F For the following theorem we take all vectors in F n to be, as ever, n 1 column matrices (ie column vectors) Theorem 723 Let (V, ) be an inner product space over F ordered orthonormal basis for V, then for all u, v V 19 If O = (w 1,, w n ) is an u, v = [v] O[u] O (17) Proof Let u, v V, so there exist a 1,, a n, b 1,, b n F such that and hence u = a 1 w a n w n and v = b 1 w b n w n, a 1 [u] O = and [v] O = a n b n b 1

20 Now, because O is orthonormal, w i, w j = 0 whenever i j, and w i, w i = w i 2 = 1 for all i = 1,, n By Definition 71 and Theorem 72 we obtain u, v = a i w i, b j w j = a i bj w i, w j as desired = a i bi w i, w i = a i bi = [v] O[u] O, In the case when F = R we find that [v] O = [v] O, since the components of [v] O are all real numbers, and thus we readily obtain the following Corollary 724 If (V, ) is an inner product space over R, and O = (w 1,, w n ) is an ordered orthonormal basis for V, then 20 for all u, v V u, v = [v] O[u] O In Theorem 723, let ϕ O : V F n denote the O-coordinate map, so that for all v V, and then (17) may be written as ϕ O (v) = [v] O u, v = ϕ O (u) ϕ O (v), recalling Definition 73 Now, if V denotes the norm in V and F n the norm in F n, then v V = v, v = ϕ O (v) ϕ O (v) = ϕ O (v) F n (18) for all v V In fact, if d V and d F n are the distance functions on V and F n, respectively, so that for any u, v V and x, y F n we have then it follows from (18) that d V (u, v) = u v V and d F n(x, y) = x y F n, d V (u, v) = u v V = ϕ O (u v) F n = ϕ O (u) ϕ O (v) F n = d F n(ϕ O (u), ϕ O (v)), (19) recalling that ϕ O is an isomorphism Equation (18) exhibits a property of the transformation ϕ O that is called norm-preserving, and equation (19) exhibits the distance-preserving property of ϕ O Definition 725 Let (U, U ) and (V, V ) be inner product spaces, and let U and V denote the norms on U and V induced by the inner products U and V, respectively A linear transformation L : U V is an isometry if it is norm-preserving; that is, u U = L(u) V for all u U If L is also an isomorphism, then (U, U ) and (V, V ) are said to be isometrically isomorphic

21 Thus we see that the transformation ϕ O is an isometry as well as an isomorphism, where it must not be forgotten that O represents an orthonormal basis for an inner product space (V, ) over F of dimension n 1 By Corollary 715 every such inner product space admits an orthonormal basis, and so must be isometrically isomorphic to (F n, ) 21

22 22 74 Quadratic Forms In this section elements of the vector space F n will be represented by column matrices, which is to say any x F n is to be regarded as an n 1 matrix: x 1 x = x n In particular if x, y R n, the Euclidean dot product x y is given as and the Euclidean norm x is given as x y = x y, x = x x = x x (20) Strictly speaking, since x is an 1 n matrix and y is n 1 matrix, the product x y is a 1 1 matrix However, throughout this section as in the past, we identify a 1 1 matrix with its sole scalar-valued entry via the natural isomorphism [c] c Definition 726 Let A Mat n (F) The quadratic form associated with A is the function Q A : F n F given by Q A (x) = x Ax for all x F n Again, the natural isomorphism [c] c is implicitly built into the definition of Q A, so that x Ax is regarded as a scalar If A = [a ij ] n and x = [x 1 x n ], it is routine to verify that Q A (x) = a ij x i x j (21) Example 727 Let Then A = and x = x y z Q A (x) = [ x y z ] x y = [ x y z ] 3x y + 2z x + y + 4z z 2x + 4y 2z = x(3x y + 2z) + y( x + y + 4z) + z(2x + 4y 2z) = 3x 2 2xy + 4xz + y 2 + 8yz 2z 2 is the quadratic form associated with A

23 then More generally, if is the associated quadratic form A = a b c b d e c e f Q A (x) = ax 2 + 2bxy + 2cxz + dy 2 + 2eyz + fz 2 (22) For n N define S n to be the set of all unit vectors in the vector space R n+1 with respect to the Euclidean dot product: x 1 n+1 S n = {x R n+1 : x = 1} = R n+1 : x 2 k = 1 x n+1 The set S n may be referred to as the n-sphere or the (n-dimensional) unit sphere 3 If n = 1 we obtain a circle centered at 0, 0, {[ ] } x S 1 = R y 2 : x 2 + y 2 = 1, and if n = 2 we obtain a sphere with center 0, 0, 0, S 1 = x y R 2 : x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1 z The next proposition establishes an important property of the quadratic forms of symmetric matrices that have, in particular, real-valued entries It depends on a fact from analysis, not proven here, that if f : S R n R is a continuous function and S is a closed and bounded set, then f attains a maximum value on S That is, there exists some x 0 S such that f(x 0 ) = max{f(x) : x S} Certainly S n 1, as a subset of R n, is closed and bounded with respect to the Euclidean dot product Also a cursory examination of (21) should make it clear that, for any A Mat n (R), the function Q A is a polynomial function Hence Q A is continuous on R n with respect to the Euclidean dot product, which easily implies that Q A is continuous on S n 1 R n Proposition 728 Let A Sym n (R) Suppose v, w S n 1 are such that Q A (v) = max{q A (x) : x S n 1 } and Q A (w) = min{q A (x) : x S n 1 } Then v and w are eigenvectors of A 23 3 It makes no difference whether we regard the elements of S n as vectors or points For consistency s sake we keep on with the vector interpretation here, but later will make occasional use of the point interpretation to aid intuitive understanding

24 24 Proof Define U R n to be the set U = {u R n : u v = 0} Since v = 1 implies that v 0, by Example 437 we find that U is a subspace of R n and dim(u) = n 1 By Proposition 444 dim(u ) = dim(r n ) dim(u) = n (n 1) = 1, and since clearly v U and {v} is a linearly independent set, it follows by Theorem 352(1) that {v} is a basis for U Hence U = Span(v) = {cv : c R} Fix u U such that u = 1, and define the vector-valued function f : R R n by f(t) = sin(t)u + cos(t)v Since v v = v 2 = 1, u u = u 2 = 1, and u v = 0, we find that f(t) 2 = f(t) f(t) = ( sin(t)u + cos(t)v ) ( sin(t)u + cos(t)v ) = sin 2 (t)u u + 2 cos(t) sin(t)u v + cos 2 (t)v v = sin 2 (t) + cos 2 (t) = 1, and so f(t) S n 1 for all t R That is, the function f can be regarded as defining a curve on the unit sphere S n 1, and f(0) = v shows that the curve passes through the point v Letting we have and so by definition u 1 v 1 u = and v = u n v n u 1 sin(t) + v 1 cos(t) f(t) =, u n sin(t) + v n cos(t) u 1 cos(t) v 1 sin(t) f (t) = = cos(t)u sin(t)v u n cos(t) v n sin(t) Now, letting g = Q A f and defining the function Af by (Af)(t) = Af(t) for t R, we have g(t) = Q A (f(t)) = f(t) Af(t) = f(t) Af(t) = f(t) (Af)(t) By the Product Rule of dot product differentiation, g (t) = f (t) (Af)(t) + f(t) (Af) (t) = f (t) Af(t) + f(t) Af (t) = f (t) Af(t) + f(t) Af (t) (23)

25 Since f(t) Af (t) is a scalar it equals its own transpose, and so by Proposition 213 and the fact that A = A we obtain f(t) Af (t) = ( f(t) Af (t) ) = f (t) A f(t) = f (t) Af(t) Combining this result with (23) yields g (t) = 2f (t) Af(t) (24) Because the function f maps from R to S n 1, the function Q A : S n 1 R has a maximum at v S n 1, and g(0) = Q A (f(0)) = Q A (v), it follows that the function g : R R has a local maximum at t = 0 Thus, since g (0) exists, it further follows by Fermat s Theorem in 41 of the Calculus Notes that g (0) = 0 From (24) we have u Av = u Av = f (0) Af(0) = 0, and since u U is arbitrary we conclude that Av u for all u U Therefore Av U = {x R n : x u for all u U} = Span(v), and so there must exist some λ R such that Av = λv Since v R n is nonzero, we conclude that v is an eigenvector of A The proof that w is also an eigenvector of A is very much the same argument and so is omitted Proposition 729 If A Sym n (R), then the maximum value of Q A on S n 1 is equal to the largest real eigenvalue of A, and the minimum value equals the smallest real eigenvalue Proof By Proposition 728 and the details of its proof, we know that Q A : S n 1 R has a maximum at some v S n 1, that v is an eigenvalue of A, and that the corresponding eigenvalue λ is a real number Now, recalling (20) and noting that v S n 1 implies v = 1, we have Q A (v) = v Av = v λv = λv v = λ v 2 = λ This demonstrates that the maximum value of Q A on S n 1 equals a real eigenvalue of A Now, if µ is a real eigenvalue of A and u is a corresponding eigenvector, then û = u/ u is also a corresponding eigenvector since by Proposition 66 the eigenspace E A (µ) is a subspace of R n and hence closed under scalar multiplication Because û S n 1 and Q A has a maximum on S n 1 at v, we have Q A (û) Q A (v) = λ But we also have Q A (û) = û Aû = û µû = µû û = µ û 2 = µ, and hence µ λ This demonstrates that λ is the largest real eigenvalue of A, and therefore the maximum value of Q A on S n 1 equals the largest real eigenvalue of A The proof that the minimum value of Q A on S n 1 is equal to the smallest real eigenvalue of A is similar and so omitted From Proposition 728 and the particulars of its proof we immediately obtain the following result 25

26 Corollary 730 If A Sym n (R), then A has a real eigenvalue with a corresponding eigenvector in R n An eigenvector in R n is also known as a real eigenvector, so the corollary could be phrased as follows: Every real symmetric matrix has a real eigenvalue with a corresponding real eigenvector Example 731 Find the maximum and minimum value of the function ϕ : R 3 R given by on the unit sphere S 2 ϕ(x, y, z) = x 2 4xy + 4y 2 4yz + z 2 (25) Solution Comparing (25) to equation (22) in Example 727, we see we have a = 1, b = 2, c = 0, d = 4, e = 2, and f = 1 Thus the function ϕ is the quadratic form associated with the matrix A = a b c b d e = c e f The characteristic polynomial of A is 1 t 2 0 P A (t) = det(a ti 3 ) = 2 4 t t = ( 1) 1+1 (1 t) 4 t t + ( 1)1+2 ( 2) t and so = t 3 + 6t 2 t 4, P A (t) = 0 t 3 6t 2 + t + 4 = 0 By the Rational Zeros Theorem of algebra, the only rational numbers that may be zeros of P A are ±1, ±2, and ±4 It happens that 1 is in fact a zero, and so by the Factor Theorem of algebra t 1 must be a factor of P A (t) Now, whence we obtain t 3 6t 2 + t + 4 t 1 = t 2 5t 4, P A (t) = 0 (t 1)(t 2 5t 4) = 0 t = 1 or t 2 5t 4 = 0, and so P A (t) = 0 implies that t By Theorem 618 the eigenvalues of A are { λ 1 = , 5 } 41, 1 2, λ 2 = 5 41, λ 3 = 1, 2 26

27 so by Proposition 729 the maximum value of ϕ on S 2 is λ 1 (approximately 5702) and the minimum value is λ 2 (approximately 0702) The statement of Corollary 730, achieved by means of rather nontrivial results from analysis and topology, can in fact be wholly subsumed by a much stronger theorem whose proof makes use of only the most basic properties of complex numbers Recall that the standard form for elements of C n is x + iy, where x, y R n Recall also that z = z for any z C n, so in particular (z ) = z and z = z Theorem 732 All eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix A are real, and if x + iy C n is a complex eigenvector corresponding to λ, then either x or y is a real eigenvector corresponding to λ Proof Suppose A Sym n (R), and let λ be an eigenvalue of A with corresponding eigenvector z = x + iy C n So z 0 is such that Az = λz Since A = A and A = A, we obtain z Az = z Az = z A (z ) = ( z Az ) = z Az, (26) where the last equality is due to the fact that z Az is a 1 1 matrix and hence symmetric On the other hand, z Az = z (λz) = λ(z z) = λ z 2 (27) Equations (26) and (27), taken together, imply that λ z 2 = λ z 2, where z 0 since z 0, and so we obtain λ = λ Therefore λ is real Now, A(x + iy) = λ(x + iy) Ax + iay = λx + iλy, and since the entries of A are real, λ is real, and x, y R n, it follows that Ax = λx and Ay = λy We observed earlier that x + iy 0, so either x 0 or y 0 Therefore either x or y is a real eigenvector corresponding to λ 27

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