Technische dokurnentat ie. TRADËCOM INTERNATICft{AL E}.V. HONDSDIJK 1.A - POSïBUS 60.?396 ZH KOUDEKERK A/D RIJN. TEL {N'.

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1 Technische dkurnentat ie TRADËCOM NTERNATCft{AL E}.V. HONDSDJK 1.A - POSïBUS 60.?396 ZH KOUDEKERK A/D RJN. TEL {N'. TELEX 39466

2 Ner^rS;31n C:P.;'1'1 s)'5teíír descriptin is:ue 3'Ct l) rrtrducttn The l..ler,,rfr.a.rn f:p,/m EyE terr af,era.te:. r^li th turr menrc,ny cc'lr{ igur at ians - the :12 ( a'nd éqh.' Ei'stemE.. -.r?k 5.}-Eterrl nequtr'ee. a..ler,..frain A c,l- At) ÀFrd a {lpp,r, Érs; cr:,rrtr.t, lier.r.,.rith at c,rr e fic,p,p, l'di:.c rlr.irre. Tfre {f. :.},Et*m requiree. tfre Ê)iErsrr:in bc'i' +itt*c t^rith i'4i' e>: tra. F:t-rt'l ifr a.rjditic,r,. :. ltl-rc,ugrh tfre tvrc :.ÍstÊtTrÉ rarcrf irr tfrf EÈnrÉ te.rà)'r 'r'f,u ÍTr:.i i irr d tfràt :RÍTr8 Ë'{ tl-ré [:F"'t1 Fr!''cQr'amE i'ru L"r! =rr tc' f uí-r 'i r.<ill c,rr.i i,f,èr'a.té irr tl'ie i'.rl'i :.'li': Ër'Ëten;. Fc'r'Êxàtrrtrle l^l[tf:[ts:txf wil Orrl i' FUfr 'r, :r ó4 1. e.>':.ten,, The Sàme disce CRlr E'? uë'êd ic'r e ither EY tëm. 2) Enter irr,3 tl're EP/fi zêtènl ":-Fl"i" t,l ith tfre :llf. t.f,/1.1 Sr'st*nr tl-rrs. ÊiÍ-r drre i:'uéino tfrê Ë'-ríïisr,rj rr.e,n, B;E: lrl: C,t Er' t'f e :irrq tfr * StOp' h.e.r' Êrlr FÈ'i^lËrUE. Tfr e Ê'ql. i:'ètenr 'CF'..'l"l CÊ.Í-r Onl r' E,e ËrrtÉr'ed E,r' EÈle;tirrg :.:" ii-è'itr tl-ré :)'ÊtÈ,r;' ÍTrPFrU' Tfr e Él':tÈÍr ii-r itr'rn,attc,ri v.rill E* read iran' dr'i'.',* Ê àl'l titë Ca,F,.r'r,,fr-,r. rtrë=ëà,1ê r^.rill b,* dr:.p'iar*eí. Êt t!-ri= F,':,ir't rf àrr ir,iti-4. ff,tríírirràir rj ha: E,ÉÊFr t,'" tfre Ë;ETll'jlT F,rË'Ql'iÍTr ;t'."ii t'3 Èi':.ÊC'..jtEd. 0ther'hriEÈ th* lj"pryt prtr'mf,t. "Ë,"' t''ri i E* di :'p'l ared. :il Tfr l.;8,r'e'c,3r d Tl-r e l,:,ei'e,c,a.ré c,f,ér'ê.tê: il-r a :l igfr tl.r dr{iêrèrrt t'.rci' tfr è.fr UrrdËi f-r,t,t ÍTr.3. c,1116,tr6,5,-=.. Tl-rË iirst il',ir,.l i: tl-' :t cërlr tf;l:l cc,rfë: r,'lij1 ac,èrate 3.= i:'..j:lrol Undef tfm,. Ïïtr: lrrèêtrr t-haf-! +:'r e'': Anrt'lÊ i'' is rrt imri,ediatelf'fcr::-iele t cfràrrqe the nide,l'i the 5Ën Êr. usirrq crrtr.1..'t.!. T da tfris the cêdes ha.rre tc'eê Eerrt t ti-rèéèrr. * tr'tc!: ta get C,urrd this i:. t us.e tl-ië iact tha.t tr,: crítrírahd F,rc,Ëí'.a.ÍTr rè{lècte ufrrêcgqnteat, le crrítrítrlrr,j=. i }'c,u v.ti:h :3i' to nrê,p tlr g(r'een Ela.;k,:,fr rral:rr trrfr itg tr'f,é íc'llc,trine ':ritrl.''i';t cfrtr l.,/cl and rrer,,rl irr e. Tl-rt.tFeerr r,.ri l l cl-rerrrrê {al l t'v,.'ed Er'.a. 'r';'il ta inérca.t* ths.t tl-re ÊC,F,tr.;, prqr'àír ctc,ê=r'-t urr der'etêr'd. Ti,e dez:ireé eï{*ct L.,Jtl'l houtevet. frár.rè Eeen acfriet,éd. Sirrce thè cgrrtr'c, r hme, irrsent arrd escafe l":: Éys a.r'e reail.' crrtrl fie),s.s ttr Ê.e will alec nt have the exf,ected ef{ect' unleê: tfre pr.c,grë.m being run will interprete them' Ctrre e{fect is that cur-fgr. le{t +ten ÍrreE.ns.delete the chê.r'3.cter' rr tfre leit. and shr{t cra.r lef t {ten rreê.rr delete Ét,Èri'tfr ing n tf: e leít upt tfr G F,r.mF,t (ií a.n>'). Ma.rry PrgramÉ (e.9. WC'RE,STAR) t^rill u. di++ Í' írt cerrtr'c'l ke>'ê fí' cunên mvcments. The l.le,rrbrairr ke;vt,ga.r'd ha: ft,--r'del?te'l-ey. trlhen the delete ke>'i r Ê+Éi eé ta irr EP,/11 dcunrena.t irr Gr in CP/n pnqfanr dcun'er'tat irr tf're crrtr'l,ey s.frc,uld b* used r"rth tfre CtTrrrè ke>' instea'd. F'

3 L NeurBrain C,f'tn system dercriptin ls.sue 3.0 Thc cntrl 0 t funetinr nh, hrvr n?w m.rningr. Cntrl./0 t cntnl/7 have n e{{ect (they cr'e t hr,vc special meànings under llp/t1), Cntr l,zb wi set e.nd unset the. tel ytrpe caf,ê'. When th is mdc it. set all lettere Le>'ed in will be nrade int cepitrls whethcn r nt the shift kcy is pn"6ted. This is:.imiler tc'tht ld cntrl,/l functirr, Whenevtn this mde ie s3t, the mde will Ere dirplayêd n thr 6ingle line ditplrx in mdel AD NewBr,rins. T btrin the mqan ingi thc cntrlz'0 t cntnl/9 k?ye had prrv iutl y, cntnl,/9 shuld be preseed be{rehand.. The etc'p key hae n ef f ec t. Tfre the ke>,barci perf.tec n e tyfe-afres.d bu{{er, which mcang that àrr)'thing typed in will be etr'ed urrtil tfre rr xt inprlt is ncquir'ed,,. -. 4> Scr.een cdel The ECF fr uêed b>'c.p/11 íe eimiler t the rrr'írr&l scf Êrr editr except it ie much sinrpler. t Feretes. n a 23 br' 8B 6cneen usin r the nr'ítral clraracten Éet. C,;raracters whge tc,f Eit ar'e will displ af &cccrí^ding t tfri cur r'ent TV nrde. lrlher, ',fre et.t cêl urrrrr he.; be*n t)'ë,f! t thr curêc,r :tayr.n the chsr'acter t,ut chs.rrges f r'm & ine t a bl ck tc indicaie tfrat tfre next chànecten t)'ped wi apfrebr' rr the next ine. Thcs.e ccntrl cdes nt isted belw wil Fr?n{nn, n ecticrr D.t tfrc Ír,ÍïrÈhte b,ut tfrey may E,e mede t d smêthing st e later' tinre a.nd E.huld be e etroided. 00H - Null. N actin. 0lH - lnrrrt llnr. Thl lirres Erelw tfrc icrllcd deurn. Thr curr'rrrt line is cl mc'ved t the le,f t hand side. OzH -.Oelcte line. The current line is deleted be w ( i+ eny) er*e scrl ed Up. A b'l ank ine. i: bttm f thr scr?en. 03H [telete t the end f line. The chanàcter at ell chane.cters t the right f it (if any) ó.pe 9PaCe S. 05H Gur$sn ff. Thr cunrr wi calsc t flrlh. \',, curr?rrt in? (if rny) lrc err'ed rnd the currn ir tnd tfre lines nterte et tf'9 the cu:'.r and cnuerted te 0óH Gurrr n. Th curin wi rtert t flerh. 08H BackÉplcc. The cursr i s mved ne rprce tc thc lcft, r i+ it wls n thr le{t herrd tldr t the right hend side but nc { thr abvc inc (the 80th chrtttctar ). í thr cufgr wà3 r.t the tp-le{t it ir mvrd t thr tp-r i ght cernfn. CltH - TaÈ,. Splccs. Ànt print'cd until thr clumn numb?r ir multiplc + 8, A new line is taken i{ n?cesllr'y. 3 Fage 2

4 l,leweneirr CP/ 1 e.yatem dcer_riptin t.c.ue -J.0 3 OÉH Cur scrr. dwn. The cunén is mcved ne ipece ds,r^.rrr, cuns.n &nc, rras'at if thr the b,.ittm { the ËcreÉn, tfre ÉcrÊÉFr re and scnlled à blanlr ine up irrserted at tfre t,ttm. OBH up. The cur.i.crr ie. mved,uf,nnc inr, rlnir,jy rt th tt inr. urrlcé.é it w.t OcH cur'sn right. The,r. is. mved ne p:itin r ight t tfre t r' if i t waê be>'c,rrd tfre n ightmst cc,l uíir, r,r,,;i curêr) th b,lck it is- mved t tfrc secnd cíun,n Grr trre rrê), t l ine. 0t'H Ê;r'ra.ige retur'rr. The cur.é.r iê. nrc,rred tc, the.le{t cur'rent ine c{ the H i necr't mc'd. Fur'tfret' trcrrr-cc,n tc,i cfràr ac ier the.cur'er s. a.r.e i psitic'n. neer tc,j at witfr the cf'ara.cter psitic,n Fr'Êviusl> et tf,e cur.ér. and char.acter.e ta tfre rigfrt f it mved t cha'r3'cte''è the right. ver'fltrring tf,* r'igfrt r,anci s.ide lst' c,i ttrf É.cr.eeri ïhie mdi ane is cir,celled wrïen ànc,ther. crrtrl Ê.en t chr.rrctgn. rg l4h Escape. The fc,llntn cnanè.c ter' ie nat irrterf,rete crrtr'l :(8. cce, a sxcept fr 0f whicfr is alr,raye ignc,re. t 5H Cl ear. l ine. The cur ren t i in* is cur'sr ÍÍr\,Êd t tfre lef t hand eid*. wr'itten trrirh ÉFaceE. B.nd the lc, cur.ésr.pasrtin. Fallr,rrirrr_.r tfris. cc,rrtr.c,.i c,:,,je 1r,.,! the next che:'acter.s Êetrt ar.f irrterfr.etèd Ë: tt,*-.iri,n l.r, ta wfrtcir Frurr!, r. the curggr' ehuld È,e set. The cc, lijmn tr uí:8,èr. Êent Ehuld f tret' Ee The tp nu, ie r'w arrd tfre.,lef trir:t ciumrr l. clumr, is l7h Set Tv mde. Fllwing thie cr,trl ce the rrêxt s'ent char.acter. wil set the Tv Entr^l negister whene.\,er be!ng \ha.t :,cr.eerr ie. 0nly bite 0 i.r, ar.* irrter.p,reted. detenmineg Bit 0 tfre backgrund cc, ltrur (0 ÍrrÉB.rr :, E,acr..c,rund da.r.k, bacl'igrund 1 bright). Bit r deter.nrirree hc,;-cnailacï-;, tiith E,it? set ar'e interpr.eted (0 gir.r36 charactër.ê, cheracter ;llrzjs ZF É,t). lëh elete. lef t. Tfre ch&facter tc, the le{t t ihe deletid curec,r. ie Lnd sube'equent ch&rb.cters are mved cne péërtri,.rl leít' The tc, tfrê cufer' ir nrved rre p:.itin lef twar.dr.. wrr. + n the thr l rf cur.ëc,r tmrt cl umn f n rc t l n, tlkrn. l?h [re r te. The chari.c ter &t the cursr is. de r ÉuDsequent e tcd rnd chtnacters lrc mved rre Fcitin tc, tfre lef t.!ah - cl can Écr'3en. Thc Écreen ie c rnd the cun$f il nrvcd t the tp leít cr.nen. Fage 3

5 (+ NewErrairr C'P/V s)'ê.tem des.criptin sstlê 3.0 BH Ee.cepe2. + th ie ie' {cl t^,ed bv Ànvth ing then then t-r then nc, ac t in is tat<en et the mment ( these sequenceb ene r?.erved {pr, extaneion). l+ it is {llwed b7 '}' then à cnvent ina'l curscr' psi t irr ing ts'kes pl ace ' t"ri tfr the rt{' eddres'e' {llwed by thc cc,lumn }ddr'ct. n this c&3e tfr? tc'p lrft crnlr i s at Z0ti r?0h. CH - Cur'sn hnre le{t. As cer'naige Feturrr' i!)h frem r'ight. The cunsr i6 616t/Êd tc' the right clumn i.n the ine t.i^iith blcl: cur'esr'/'!eh c:ur:c,r. fruríírè. Tl're CUr'Êr' is mc',,r;d t t-frp t;'c' i*'t l FH - C'l ean ËrF;?ÊÍr. nl= 1Aii... 5) 0ther dev i ces cérrrê1, rnet n t;e 3:2k E.yÊ.teÍïr the PTR: 6,(.ric* i:. e.lurar'ê Set ta tl're Frinter' prt, a.nd the RDR: àrrd PU': de''iceê àrê Eet t the cmnrurr icatic'ne [,Crnt. Tf,eee Are eet to t^l6rk at fi'00 E'Ëuá. lrr +-lrë ó4k Ei'Ëtenr tfre t,rte ueed wi l l E,e in the ei: F Er,E in E'a'r: ur t l l t'p used insteedt but tnese mer- be sfi31tged br u:ing the t:ol'lfitiur pfsr.:ràítr' t CC:SF l.t'c.t E? F'r ge 4

6 í CF'/n utility dcunrerrta.tirr icsue 7,Cr l) rrtnductin Tl-ri:. dcunrent neiens t tfre Fr'Ë,gr'aÍrrÊ.Frrc'vided cirr the NewBrain ËFr,l"l S).E.tem disc thrt àre trtiucëd b,)'cirund>' Eutirresg S>'stemÉ' The:.e pr,c,rjr.áítr:. ar'r F,ar.ticula.r' tc, tfré l..let^le:r'a.rrr ËP'lt'1 É')'Étem and rril'l f r.,r8r.k: Grr.i.n:!. tfrer' cp/:t.l g.:r':teírr. n addi t ic,rr tfrè)' r.vil nt r.rrc,t.f. rrritl-i the [.lgr,,rf; 1"1Pt']4:.,ÉtÈtTr (F,r,:,,Jr'á.nr l^tfri'lfr u.rrl'. tlith bc'tfr r,,ri j t,é ie.eue,j t,.rith tfrs l"lf'r'l'1 g:.;:ténr,'. Tfr e:'e Fr'c'graÍrrg sfrcul O ÍrCrt È,e u=ed tfrr'c,ugfr, a. rrett4r'p-ed Er'it*nr '?> FOR"AT Elarrií ÉrÊËÊ.rru=t t,e ig,r'niatte'j l.rith thig Frgr':''ÍTr E'et'rr'e ueé' t^jtrefr it is irrr.,gl..ed it t^,rill à5h. r^tfricr'drlvé ie t Ee u:*d {cr' the te,f.ítrítrê.t-ttnq (rt,ëf;.tic,n. t+ l'r:'u l-ràtjê tr,rrg'erl ltrc'l'è df it'r;el it l= f.écoitrít,értded tc, U=Ê A. di++éf ent C,rr Ê '.:'É:. àrr:'irif -r ;t Ët Of [r áë &F.t,r'.]r[.F' Ët?E'rrdF'r.e Ë'rrÈv.tliFrÉ.T ref'r.c'gr.a.mviilltl-rèi-ra:f'yutc, pli,:*'a Elar, l,: dtsr irr tl'rê et;.t*d Ar ive à.fr d EreÉ-a rt Ér'rrl in*' + i';'rj frb.r/* 3 É.trrBiè ctr'ir.r* Ei':t*nr it i: lflrp'r3f'tarrr at tl"rr: pc'irrt tc' r.eítfc"./* >'c,t)r Ev'iten iisr ;trr d F'la.ce a!'lsrrk di='c irt tlre dr'lt'è' C,tfrÊrr.qiEe lrur' Sr'Êtenr dr:c r^till EËrlCrÍTrÊ iarn'ate'j' TO à\'gié aici,jent: it is 3.!tGC,6 tdea. tc't'tl-rt*-p'r';'tect 'crur Ër'g't*rÍr óie;' i+ ètr.r,inirrg rt,tlr;r. tfra.n rrewl irre ie t,r'ëêeèd at tfri: Ê'C'irrt COntr'C'l '''r iil r.e r-ur.rr tc, tfr i quegt irr. frr,c* rrer^r lrre E 5'r e:seé the d :'c wi'i be ic,rme.ttecj, At tl-re encl the {iret quèëtic,rr r,r;'l 'l.t'e r'èëëf:: Èd and >'u can {nnrat a.rrthen rjisc, lf i'c'u wi:'fr tc'èi'it tfr a [rl'[rqf&ítr t,r'e:: rrér.\rl ine. Eeir'e i'u dc tfr i: nrahe sur'e tha't a :'l's'tem di:'c i ' in r-i: age.irr. 3) S\'E;CiEN Tlr is F rc,gfam CCF ieê. tfre S)'E tenr irrtc'nnrat iorr Crl'r tfre r Ë:Ér'"tÊCj tracl"e fornr Grre dle.c to ts.frc,tfrèl. TfriS'sl'rC'uld ueua'll.r't'e dirrr e a+tér' a irn,a.tting a rrerrr di:c. Tfre irrfc,rnratic'n g6'piéd r.'rill irr':lue tfré cc,rr{ in in{r.nrs.t irr,.rrci th* irt i t iè.i círítràl-rci ine ' l"lher' activa.ted it urill {ir's.t ael'l {r the letter'c'i tfre dr'i"'e ir$n' wfrich tfre System infc,r'nratin is t Ee r'ead. Enter tl're etreí trri the dr.iv8 àfrd preês Írewl in9. The 6)'E.tenr in{qrma,t trr v.ti therr E' r.ead {rm tlra.t dn ive. t r,,ri then ae.l(ed wfrer'e tfre irrir'nra.t ic' rr i: t be urn i t t-en t. Answer th is in the E.è.ntÉ t'rà.! r ànd th* irr{nmat an wi therr be urn i t terr. Th ie quest ic'n t^ri then EÊ r-epeated. TO exit the pr'grarír pr'eéë newl irte Gr crrtr'l'rc' Èr êftr pint disce in the dn ives nriy È'e PËÍrr\rÊd r' r'epl aced 3e-' r equ ir'ed' Page

7 v CF/l"l utiiitv dcumentatin Es'ue 2'0 4) SETNT ThiÊ Frc'gram r^ril ut, an initia' crrrítrand tl'r at t^ri'l t'e executed E,YtheCP/l1G},9f.ÊíTrtrl r lrcld-btingtlres),stem.frexamplc'yu 616;v r^rieh a.t.^,ai.s'ià u=*.^j6rdstar. r'16àn tfre t'r'(rqf 3'Tr is a'ct ivated i t 'UJE:tt witl pnmfrt *l if, '>'. Type irr the cmíïrènd )'u t^ris'h e'g' an prcée newl ine. + yu wiet-, t c ea.n the in i t ial cmmerrd iu'-t -ff,* Fr eêe nev,rl in". irr i t ial ;t**n6 g'ri then r'ef r' tsce thc pr?\' ius Cllr.TleÀr.l t.rècírí03rrduírc rangedpnegécntr'l/c.ntetherttllre ÊÍrrÍÍr*.Frd t,,i l l t,e crlt tlrp Jl*a i; 'jr irre A:.'1'l r'' F''l ace i t lr t-l-rer,ji E.cË.i,f,u ÍTruËt either f?erêtst tfre 5rf cr$fa'íïr c'r'g'ï'::ciel'l t'ê tfre ther disc:. 5) E),iT T r is exite the C'P/ "l g;,,stem. n tl-re case + the:{2k CP/ 1 gr.gten, tfre scrèen v.rill gc,blank tenrg'c'r'irilz' E 'ir:'r'p neetarting Err-ic;lc:. l^lhi'l e thie i: ccuning )'t,: Ír ê)'t'reeé 1i-rÊ Ei'c'F' i'e)' t'c' r.eerrt*r f:p/l'1 irrstee.d (a.s' n!rrlrt'rfrue'i' ht itl-' tl're c''ll E>'StÊïr tfre ÍrrRirrÍTrtr'utrrillresFFear'and)'crucanth Freele':t'Éurne:lt pl GOr &ÍTt. ii ) 5[ CtF t' Thi: ië a F'rc'Qr3'nt.,i.,3t cc'f',v.ê a dig'c trac.' b.r, t.ra'c '. u.ll. Én frí-ri.r' 3. :irr..-,., e drit.e Ê ar'.:']:t,. e, TrrÈ r.è1r'.:c? tc.iill t re F:rrl'l r,.rit. ts. ÍriJCF. a.ê 'r-,::itlê {r'c,m tfre g.g,sr'cê ci isg Srrd tfr rr rr'rr'ite tfrie' t'l' th* de=tirre.tit,rr diec. l^tl-rerr tl'rè prcrqraítr i= :'tarted uf it r'rri EaY,,F. lê.:e E.Ë.ni-.ce Éis.g in, rl:", Ír, is t,,rill therr t' readl 8'rrd therr itrarille,a..'*.,placedestina.ticndie.cin,jri(.lee:''.tl-risurilit r rr bev.rnit}.ente.t ref.r.cese.u', re?rrdit uril.l s.a.y 'TyF,e C t cntirrue with anther ct'.r* penatign r' netll ine t r'e turn t the 9y 'teírr" ' r') [rëof t' Thie i: a. FrgrS.m t cf:t'e di:'c t^jhén t dr'ir''eê êrè availa't'le' t^jfrén it- Ete.rts up it t"rill sey "FlaÊF - c'urcè di:'c irr dritre Ê3 and,jes.tinatic,n disc in dr'ive B! àrrd t:'p'e S (r'1'9141 i;'rp tc' quit)"' Anr cttren l,iey wil caus.e t[; Pr'c'gr'aÍtr a'er t ' A tra'cl:' b/ tr'a'cl';.t per.atin wiit therr take placer- &rrd the rigirri'l pr'rtrpt will rea.f,peer. This png &ÍÏt te. il.l nl>, rlrl( n tw sin,ilerl), iguned drives. i.ptp Efruld Ee us'ed atherwise)' C:SF 13./5'/83 F'a ge Z.

8 + CO.FCiURE pfgnaíír dcumentat i n i :.Eue 1,0 l) lntnductian Tfre l.ler^rerain C.P,/11 COiF6URE Frgnanr wfrich will r'un under btl', 32K ènd é,41( CP,/F\ s),steírr: a'l rars tfre user' tc, :e t h is CP/n Systenr a.ccër'dirrg t the t>'fe { die'c dr'ivee a.rrd deuices fre wiahee' t uêe. The irr{r.mat irr is F,FC,ce:E.ed arrd wr i tterr i.c, the finst Êectr + the i in:.t tr'acl.: c'i tfre dr'iv Eg,Ëc t + ied a t the eírd. Th ie' inic,rnrs.t in is tl,ue cf' ied dur irrg SYS;CiEt'l s.rrc des' nt af {ect the { i e: c,n the digc. The irr{c,r'nrat in i: crrrl }' r'ea.d in at cgl d bc't timer Ê. urilí'nc,t trce until tfrat ccur'8. t^lfrsn a sld bt the cc,n{iguratin in{c'r'n,atirr ie rea.d {+ the diec in F,hy:.ical dn ive 0 (usual y A: ). The in{ë,í-'nra.t icrn n discs in 3.nv ther' dr.iue:. ie igrrc'red. The csní igur'e.t ic,n irrf crírrat in is used in E,rftfr C.?,/11 syetems àrrd in bth the pa.ged è,.frd ngn-t,aged tilsctt E r's t enrs. 2) 9tar'tir'g uf the C'.CF pr.grtrpt (á)i errter C:O '{FGUF: and F,reEE newl ii-,e. hlfreh r.urrnirrg the Frgram, a.t a.nv F,c'int tfre u:.èr' ÍÍrêr' atrandn the FrqraÍïr E,)' t>'pirrg Crrtnl./C. a.nd FrC, CfrS.nQÊ '^ ll l Ee rí [,.lherr a.rrsrr.fer.rng a que tin tfre cf'/l'1 line editr' cslr EF used t crrect artêr^rêr.e. rrce newl ine hae beerr F,ressed it is rrt F,EE.ible t cr'rect airt'err'r'ë.. Tfre XSUB utility nra>'prvè useiul. 3) Crr{ i gur i ng tlre d i sc s 3.1) Hr,^r nra.ny disc dr'ives da >'c'u t^rieh t cc,n{igur'e Errter. tfre rrumb'er C,f di:.c dr'i.*,eg there are in >":'ur' S>'Stem. TfriS r,,,ill UÉUall), be a mèximum { 4t but ÍTrA)'t,e nts,r'ê if vu frà.v A f,ar.cj disc t have a RAM dis.c íac i i t>'. i { i'c,u Êt,ec ii.r nrc,re than tfrére are the {lpp>'disc crrrrrtr'c'ller will rrc't at''i8ct' hut tfrer'ë t^ri l l be e..stnarrge del a>' c'f a {eur EecrrdË rr cc,l d bc't ir'g tlh i l e the csrr trl l en at temp ts t r eca.l i b'ra.te the uf:ê t tached dr'i ve:'. Fr.Crm now 9l'r the queetins will be agked {c,r ÊàCfr dr'ive. 3.2) trlha.t ie the phyeical dnivê rruiírbêr (UEuall>'rr) This give: the hardware dr ivc FrutrrErÊr t be dr i vcs. Ueuel y yu shul d rêgprrd with thr ií vu ha.v: herd discs r FA' disc {ac diííer'cnt-. used t 3.cceÊÊ the sugget.ted vtluc, but ilitr'c tl-rc> nrly be Page t --''.;,..i..:; -i'"*n4jil.;.; ránvr*:d,'i'r,-.'.

9 g CO.FGURE FngreÍÍr dcumentat in se.ue.0 3.3) trlhat is the gep length (usually 42, \au shc,uld alwa>,s. entec 42 unlees ygu ccntnliers. har,re ether disc 3.4) Nhat is the gef length n fnmatting Yu shud at^re'"ë. errter 40 unleee )'u have'arrge disc dr' ives.?.3t t.,.ll'r;t is the spec i al F,ararÍteter' b:'te f th* dni,.re (usus. ll>'crt This r,,rill b,e.0 tfrr.retr settir,g cer' bits cer'tairr irrtene:tirrgl ef{ects.. Setting bit [t r..rill ca.ue.e data tc'è,e rea.d and wr itten t tfre disc in inverted f c,r'nrat. This càfr Ere used f n p),èítrf,le u.rhen rea.dina' Super'Brain disc {c'r'nrats, Setting Eit t^ril i. cause the disc cntl er tc, d:,ut'l e the tracl.i rrurrrber wherr seel; inq a cer ta. in tr ack i tfruel'r tfre c)'l inder rtunre'er' irr the Ê.ec tn s.eanched ir urill remain uncl'ra.nged). Thi: càn be ueê+ul {er' reading a 4L1 trac!, s per irrcfr t.tfl) 'lc'rmatted di:.c trritfr a.?é, TP'e. t is nt r.ècmrrende t urr i te t B diec in tfr is nrcrdp as i t me)' rrt t'e r'ead bv ê. 4S TP dn i'.te. 3.é) telhat is tl're seek rate {r' the diec in nrill is-ecrrde. C:nsult tfre tecl'rrrica. ma.rrua. fr' tfr.e dr'irte >'c,u ene us.irrcr a.n,j enter irr tfre cc,rf?ct c,alue, f irr dub,t 3! i: :a+e Eut sl,f,t.'.,. J+ the he:. Eeerr E.up,p'l ied b'r' C;rur'd.r' Elu:ir'esg. S;'--..tems tfre r.ra. lue )'u r'equine e.fruld t'e -suffl ied. 3.7> klfra.t is the sectf size (51? r lct74') Tfre disc ctrrrtr'sllen and SUF,F,r'ts tt.r sizes { ph1'sical sectr' Ei:e, 512 àrrd tf-t24. Hweven the Ec,{ t,rri r,nly'sutt'r't a Sl: b>'te sectn E.pctr' r^ril b'e ur:ed. e)ífè.rrsirr Ec,x i: u:.ed. Ll:ually E Sl2 blte 3.8) Hc'u,r nra.rr )' Eectns are ther'e t'er trecl'. Tlr is quest isn re+ens t t he n uírrbe r' c'{ Fl'rys. ical sec tre (l.l0t CF'/l'1 Êectcr't) there are Per tracl(. lf 5'25 inch discs tre being ue.ed thene is a maximum f t0 (which is the us.u,b.l t,alue) lr :'12 byte sectc,ns and 5 lctr' lq'/.4 È,yte s'ec tn:.. Fege 2 r. r., :.j - : * r' {i' : ài' f.l.. t l. ii ll#i;lé.*'-rái,i, r-;g'i'- :, :-; :{.; r,

10 9l COl.lFlCURE pnsgr'am dcumentat in gsue 1.0 3,?) t.lfrat is tfrt cl,.cw íectr' (usua.lly 0)'nral v yu wi errter 0. Th i:. is because when )'u f nmat a disc the cntr'c'ller r.rill ha.rd-{r'm;.t the mst ptinrum el.,er.rr factr'r-rrrt tfr disc. Hwe,,,er )'c'u ma)'wi6h tc, use t s{tware FHeu, tg r'et.d ther f nmats + disc. Fr' exampl e ÍÍràr'ry SuperBra.irr {rma.ts use e. :.l4etr{a.ctc,r f 2, The skeur {a.ctn gr'eater tha.rr the nunreen a{ F,hl.sical E.Éctns ekip,p'ed b,etweerr needing l. trasf. irr the lc'gical l)' car'nect crden. 3.10) Hw mani'sides dc,ee the dritre l'r3rre (1 crr 2't Enter fr,eingle sided'dr'irres anrj? fr' dc,ut, le-sided drir,res. Yu may { ËGur'se errten {r' a duble-e.ided dr' i{ }u wi:.h t nead a singl e sided disc in i t. + yu answer 2 ybu rrti therr be a.slr.ed: 3.t0.1) Ar'e the tracl,, E nunrbered... + )'cu fr3.\rê a daut, le-:ided dr'irre.r'u can eitlrer usè the tr'acl<e. n crr e side c'+ the diec ic,j ler4rgrj E,)' tfre'1 E c,n the C'tfrer' Ê.icie, r.r'cru can use { irs.t a tr a.cp. Grr crrré E ide, tfreh c. tr',; n the ther. { r'c,u urish t use the tr'mer' tfren r'epl>', i+ th; latten (trrhicl'r i:. nrgre e+íicient arr d is the ueuêl l.ler^lerain tc,i-íírts.t) tfrêfr t' [r'l r'7, l'1arr>' a. ien tr'nr;.ts \e.è. SuF,ËrE, dc, htrèr,rer' u:-è thè i,:rmer C fr Ífr. :l.11) Hc,r.^r marrv track:. F,Én srcie are thene Fr tfre die.c Tc, a.nsr.{rer' this queetian )'cu shuid r'e{er tc tfrè tecfrrrica. ÍTr3.rruè. + the disc dnive. Fr a 5.2=, irrch drir-re nrltrèl y i,t t,.ri be 4Ct f n a 48 TP dn ive and 80 {r Ë\ 9'd TP dr'ive. 3.12) Ht.r ÍTrany ane reser'rred tusually?) The usuel aneujen urill be?. The F.''s.tem infr:,nni.itirr in tfré NewFrain sy:.teírr tre.c14s tal:e uf 7H È,>'tesr and tfre r?'ved traclrs ehuld be enugh ta hld this 3.17) t^lhat is the blcksize in Kbytes (ttrlzr4rgr Gr' ló) UE.ual ly it wil Ee Z {n 40 TP s.inglez'duble :.ided dr'ives and 4 ín ÉCr TPt dubl sided dnivec. Other'{rmat dis.c:. trr&>/ }rb.\r3 ther blcl,:sizes. lí intrc,ducing a. wier'd fr'nrat a. rule { thuírrb is t use E,l aclisize that wi give i-bu be trrreen l2ê and 7=l3 blcks. The nrs.ximum huríreer + E,lcks. is 5t?. Ctrrce )'Ë,u fràtrê èhehr F?d thie questin tl're Frgra.m will te'l i'c,u tfre disc ity. Th ie nray be ess tha.n the advent ised ca.pac r tl {r ttrr r ag.rrs. Fir.stl y it des. nt incl ude the EF,ace {r the EyÊ.tem Pegc 3 r,l-ir, -,-,,1#,'.j ;i-g ;4;-;rf i:j *Ï;t r;e'i:-+trtj..&i.,i - ^,,

11 ...: L'. i -.. CONFGURE prgram dcumentetin rsue tracke à.rrd :.ecndl), it will be e multiple í the brlcksize and àny dd àíïlcrufrt is unubcd. Thie urill be the vrlue displr.ycd uhen d i ng a 9TAT OF;fi:. 3.18) Hvr man)' entr ies ê.í'e tfrer'e in the directc,ry (mul tiple s+ n) Usua. lly tfrls will Ee the lwest huíírt, r' F,ssit,'l e. lí it is greaten than lzer tfren a méseàge r^iil be utput r,.rhich s.tates tha.t Grrly 128 entrie: u.till t,ê cl'reck-ed. This metsns. tt-rat tfrp C:Fr'l'1 sygtenr r^rill nly suíïrchecli tfre {irst 129 dinectr>'entr'iee. rrr its s.vst nr rrrhich detects trrhether' the discs haue t,êbn cha.rrged EUr'ret'titiusl>'. 3.1t-) s the disc rerrc,va.ble (1=),esr!=;1 g,) y a.rrsr{rer', Eut {r rrgh-r' írr\raerl e frard dis.cs and RAí dis': {acilities it mê}'be rrrërf Ê e++iciër,t ti sr; Ë.r,.,àr [t. + yc,u ànêurer [t the f.p/11 s>'steíïr t,.rill nc't uee it: directc,r.r'sumcl'recf. É>Etenr tc, detect rà'hêther' the fiê.rr b'een cfr anaed. 4) Cc,n{ iunirrg d*vices Tfr i s i rr{c,r'me.t i rr i -. nl >' u:ed irr the c,.il. E:F'/14 si':.teírr. t deecn ibe the d*rrice: that Àre atta.cfredtc, tfre f.p'.2'11 lc,gical cjel,icef (OFYTE i: frc,t us.ed). E;trea.rr 0 r.eier.e t tlre l:e.''!rg.3rfr, strea.m r'e{er'e. t the s.èr' Èn.'ea.n'? r'e{er'e tc,the F'rir,tÊr, 3l re{ers tc, the reader'zlpurrth a.nd ea.n,.1 ie. {r Lei't'c,a.rd s.ta.tu3. \E,U Sir C'Uld t.êée,efro e.e.f;, ll irr Ull ÍTrÊ =..i U:t fr Êhrline): Str'e;.m 0 Str eam 9tr'eam 2 Stneam :{ S:tr'ea.m 4 l9 (nra.,'- t,e é. ÈFr Eu-rÍTrp t,tc,tc,t>.f,!i r tlt. rrull 1Ë, O, null ló, 0, L0 17, 0, rq 3r 0r null 5) Finishirrg at the end it tr,ill asl,. )'C,U r^rl'r ich dr- ive yc,u r^l is.l'r the Cc'rr {iquratir' in{c,rmatic,n tc, be r.^rl' i t ten tc,. Tfr i e i s. )'Ë,ur a.: t cha.rrce t- Fress crrtn1,"c. :í A th*r, rep,lr'0. i+ B then etc. Th* in{rmatin will then te written tc, the disc àrrd tfre Er'r'àÍTr rrii l l {inis.h. csp 3./ 4./83 4 ; -*; i;.;j,..;;.'. ir.,i';.,,. -,',;*gt4i li:.i.,

12 tl OeEcniptin f the l'ler^rbr'arrr DStO Ey terír íssue l.[l lntr'uctien Th* Ner^r6r;.irr [rl5;[:10 E)zsten, F,r'vides the àbilit). f at.e.embler F,Í'trgra.ÍÍr. cí^ frigh-level language Fr'gr'EÍïrs (e.9. BAglC, COl"lALr tc' uëe the f ac il it ie:. í the í.p,/11 7,7 di:.c f il ir-rg E.ystem, wi thut a.c tual r' c'perat ing urrder' CF,'l"i. Tfr ie is. dne E)' pru iding 4 dev ice dr'i.,rer':., derrit*:. l2-15, whicl-r r.^rfrè[r c:. leci in tl-ré cc'r'r'ect rra.nnër. Frc,t.riËlÉ the pri,r-lra.m r^rrth'i;l :.ri d r-ind,f,nr êc:ése ta disc iiles, Errd tfre at,il i't:r tc r'ead a.nd'uf,date th,i directcr)'. TfreE.e der.ricei a,.raila.b, le undef È,i,tfr the F,agÈd arrd nl-,rr-f,a.ged l.ler^lpfain Gper'a.t i ng E)'E terrg,, F,r'v i cied tha.t tfrè d i Ec Ctrtrl l et b,è'x t s FÍ*ÊiPfrt in tfre Ér' ténr. i,s.c0 {iles Since [,]5[.0 u:è:. the f,p/11 2,7 drsc iirr,g s):-tem. the {ierri..írrê u:.*d aré the saítrê aë us.ed b)'f:f.'11'1?,7. Tfra.t is àfr ptin:. dr'ive iderrtrtier' r,rhicfr ia a drive l*tter is, l'l sr^16s1 by a. calnr Ê. l-g cfràra.cter f ilèfràítrê ptic,r,al:'ic, l lr,.red Ei à.n t^lfricfr i:. a dc,t {c'l E.i' -.:t cha.r'a.c ter':. E;l tr a. ch3.r ac ter's irr e i tfrer 'i ie d a.r'e te[ri,f d. E,.,: an,f, leg.c,{ f il*treítréé. a.r.e FF;E[,, F,F[rt-:F;ÊilÍ.ErAÉ,, á[r d fl stl.[t!rf.ë.[lf"i, trjfrsir,:,f,enin:r á. tile!,ëru rrr ill frts.\r tc' F.pÊCif), the i i l ;rla.íïrè. rr EÊ,nrg :,p'ec ia'i c ir'cunrë tb.rrëèë. i'g,u ca.n use arírt igucru =. íii;na.ítre=.. rr tfr*s.è tra:f=.r a ':!' ie a.'r..,.rildcard" char.a.cter., B.rrd a. 'r' ÊFeci+r':. t-h:t tfre r'e=t c,f the f i*ld i:. tc,b,e cmprleted witl-r r^rildcar'd ch3.ra.cter:.. Fr.ei.á.ÍrrF, le rr?:'r' +riil nr;.tch:1, ZT, : etc., à.rrd "r.c:l"i" will matcfr ceri)e.[:l'1, As;lr.ccrl.1! s.t*t.c:01"1 Étc. "i.ii" nrè.tche a. ll {iles. tjfren àn.unànrtriguc,u: {ilêrró.írre ie. r'equir'ed there sfr uld te ttr-r Gccurr'encÉ-s. G+ r'àrr c'r' ";'rr. All lettere in íilefràítrèë àne cc,rrver'ted tc' cs.f,ita.l 'l ettens autnra.ticall>'. Oevice 12 BDSCO Thi:. pfcruides a cgírrpletel>'birrar;- iile serial 1/O {a.ciliti'. lzjherr GF,er'irrg the device the F,ara.n'eten :trirrcr Ehuld Êc,ntairr è.fr UrràírrEriguus í i l ename. The br'tee. + tfre { i 1e cè.fr therr E,* r'ea.d crr' writterrr depending gn whetfrir the file wa: perrêd ír' irr5,rj1 c'r utf,ut. An attempt t read {nm a í il e c'féfrêd f c,r' c,utg'ut r' wr'ite t a {ile pened fn input will r'esult in nc, actin. An attenrp, l t read F, the end { f ile will r'es.ult tr-r á.n err'c'r. Nte srlatg'1rs;- tha.t the C.F/n íiling eystem dc'ee.frc,t rír Ë.1,: È rrtè c'l the end c,f {ile àrrd É the end sí f ile er'r'gr'v.ri1l rret Ee ra.ised until tfre sectr frb.ê beerr entinely read. E,e,.ricÉ l: i: r'ec.=ítrnrèrrded {err :.avirrg Errd la.ding BASC and COl"lÊL F,Í'Ggr'8.ÍTr!1 3.rrd fc,r' rea.din,_:r irr as.enrbl Ér pr'gr ams a.:sembl ed bv, CP./l"i ËÊsenr!,i er' irrtc, ê Ë:itt1 i il e. All utput f ile stneams must he cl:ed. lila:rrrg-i è.f, irrput iiie ha.e n ef{ect but it is advised that Fngnams gl,c,ild d eg. --.: t.:. Pege

13 (L NewBrain ETSCO syst m descriptirr isrue 1.0 Oevice l3 - TDSC0 evíce l--'1 ie extr.emel>, eimilan t device 12, Eut panater in à urev Êc' the.t tevt f il ee. cr'eated by e CP,/1.1 editr Gr krfd pncefe.r can be read n wn i tten. Wher, utput ing t à { i e t,ened by dev ice l3 e line-t'eed ic. insented a{ter. eueiy carraige r.eturn, and AH iê tr'eated àê à f ie tenmine.tar which is utpu whren clsing {ile. Liliet{ise when neading {nm& f ile pened b,y deuice l3 linefeeds'aré ignr'ed èrrd AH ie a.s an end c,{ *íle indicatr.. t+lhen end-{-{ile is reached lah ie neturrred wherr it"lput is called, 3:::::_11_:_lt scr c' 7.'---- Deuice l4 pr'videg the f acil ity + nandm f ile accese. ts F,crwèn is hurer,rèr'fan gneater tharr tha.t f CP,/1.,1 rarrdm {ile facility as it t,r'c'\,ides {r' recr'dg. c)+ va.riat, le.-ize {r.c,n, Eryte t tfre max imum l'1h.vtes t b* read ar' r^rr'i t ten e.t eny t,a: i t rn uri th in the f i e. Fi i es 4r'e pened in the sê.ítre fià.hrrpr. ee. irr dev icee. L? B.[rd 13" tfrugf, in tfr ie casè i t ie. immater ial a= tc, r,rhethen tfr e der",ice ig. r_,l,pn i,:'r irrg,,:t c,n utg,ut. Once e {ile has t, 8h pened b}, device 4e è.rr), Ê. quênce È,* rea.d:. r'rqritee cê..n be per{r'med. Fe{re each ie dc,ne a.:.i>r-bytp hêàder. Eequence ÍrruÊt t'p Ê. rrt t the der,rice. This cgrr Eis.ts f tr.v thr.êê b'>'te b in;.r.r" nuneer'e c,f trth icfr th Írrc,E.t a ign i{ ica.rrt h,r,te:. :.frc,,.r'i d t,è ssrr t {rr'rt. Tfre iir:.t numeei.ê.[,egi+'r,: the p,c,:.itirrr r,.riil-rin +i. e tfrat the 1./Et ig t crírrtrrêrrêê irm. áfrd therr il-r e l*ncth t,i àr?3 that ie 'ic' be tnansp.uted. lje i ther' r-r{ the:.e truírre,bf.s shc,u ld frb.\r their nr6:t eíerr i{ica.nt bit eet, l,.lfrethen the tr.e.në.f,utatic,rr i= B.!-r 'input r' 3.n utput ie deter'nrined È,)' tfrè rr Xt t'cr té,ee perfcrr.1;r d. The pr'gr anr tfren must e i tfrer r'ead r v.rr.i te thp nunrben c,i bytes tha.t he Êpec i{ ied the ength + the tr arrsputat in t be. t^lfren tr'ans.e.ctic,rrs with a {ile ha.,s Eeen ccmp'l eted. then it mus.t be cleed i+ it ha.e Eeen updated, and slruld in an), caêe be c sed.! t is werth nt ing that tfre c,f/n í i ing EyetÊÍÍldr-'e.Z h Cr t prv ide {c,r the del e t in { B.reaE nc, nger ir.ed irr a r. a r' donl f iler s if device t4 is t t,ê used {n à data. base { it;" ther, eithen the da.ta s).stem shuld reuse r.edundà.rrt ar.ea:. C'r es shau d pr.v i de f n cpy i ng t a new regtr.uc tur'ed íile s.nd deletin + the ld {ilc. Exanrp e l 0 OPEt*l4, l 4, "TEMP 20 ll.lfut( "STARTtNG ADDRESS. )XrGOSUBl00 30 NPUT( "LE{GTH,')XrGOSL B00 4G LNPUT(, 'PUT OR OUTPLÍT?..)AE: t FAll=,'0, THET, c.o 50 FORA=lT0X C+ETl{14,Y PUTy:NEXTA r put 3:60TOZ0 é0 LNPUT ('STRNG?')At:FORA=0 TC X-l 70 PL Tflt 4,t'41D$.(At3,A+ 1-( NT(A,/LEhl(At$) rlef{ ) ) ) :t.jeiita: GTO?0 t Cc 0 PUT{ 4 r X/é553ó, ( X,/23é) At.tO2SS, X- ( NT (),1./?Sê, ) r:5é, ) : RET

14 (j NewE:r.ain i)lgc:tl e.)'etem'iptic,n issue 1.0 Dcvica l5 gc,lgctcl ThiÉ F,revides the ia.cil ity { rea.dir,g i.rrd upda.ting the directn>'. t^jfrerr pcned n pá.r3íír3tcné. afe requined r.nd tht prt numtrrn lhuld be 0 " The prcrgt Enr inter'aste u.rr th dev ice dr iver by meané + csnduct ing tr.arreact ic'n5. ThÈ F,rgram wi { in=.t t"lr'i te e dec inra.l digi t t thc dev ice t indicetc v.rhrt k r nd f tnrrrrect in ir' r.equir.ed. EaCh l'r Ers its Ou\,rr numeer. UJ'ren parë.metent t d*vice 15, sf,ages, T*Bs, and nev.rlines ane q,ralid 5ÈFanatr'E. hfhen receiuirrg results {rnr device 15, a. rreutl irre char'ècter will nrank the arrd c,f the r'eeul t. The reet c'+ the tr'ansa.ct in ciepende n the rruíírber', The var i cuê. tr anë'act i rrg are! T:,pe 0 - [relet;iile. TakeF.aE.Ê.r-luÍÍrÊi'rt rn tsmb,iguc,jë f ilefrêíítê and deletee all {ilee ms.tching it. l',l r'es.ult ia retur'rrè'j. - Rerrame{ie. Ta.}<es B.s ê.rgurírentê trlc unarírbiguus {ilenamee, ànd cau ÊE the {lr'e.t {ile t Ee r' h3nrêd es the sesnd tilerrame, N r'eeult ie retur'ned. Tï;,? Select di:.c, This tel,.e.: a. c;.p,ital letter tss ar'gument ir:t:ca.tirrg tlre new defa.u'l t riu +Or' al'l Ê'u3:ÊQuerrt dis'c GF,Èratic,rr s. N r'e:.ult is rêt,jrned. Tvpe :< Seanch {r. { ine.t. Tfr i:. in i t iatès a directr';v eéar'ch prccès9. Ttris ta.hee &[r a.mbiguc,us {ilsnb.trr 8.8 ê.r!uírr?rrt e.nd retunng ti-ie {iret f ilerraííre matchirrg it. l+!-ir'itrêtëh rg {ur'd tfrêrr à frull :.trirrg is rétur'ned. Tf,pe 4 Sear'cfr {n ÍrÈ)it, ThiE muet rr'l ;'Ee callei a.{t:r a tzpe :{ trr. 4 trarre.actin. tt tal,.eê.rrrr ts.r'!uít,prit Erut r'eturne tl're lréxt matching ii'l efrè.írré. + nc íurtl'rer nratch ie. {gur,d therr e ncil str'ing is re turned. T>,pe 5 Return default disc, This tal<es n ar'gument but returns a letter giving tfré cul"f rrt de{ault ÉiEc. T>,Fe 6 disc É',Étem. ThiE talies n êrgunrerrt Bi-rd n neeult. This r'eë të the t'f',/11 f illng É)'stem. Separatns.between a.rgurtrënts. can be ccmíriaë, nêtàjl irreê, r tae=. Res.ults retunned will Ere ternrinated by e t,ëwl irr. Exrmplr { u6a! T btalrr e {ull directnv f a. drive. 'l lg Lll.lFUT (.telhich "')e.j dnive da wísh e dir'ectr)' + 20 a!ébchr$(agc(aíè) 0R 3?> 3Ct tf ac('r" OR ri)"d" THE]'{ PRNT 'Dr'ive must b: Ê '- - 4g OPENi 5r lstprtntl{tsr 3rr!F{ r' l*.x' 30 Lt.lPUTflt5,e.tÈr tf a3()"thei.l PRTNT aí tprll.ltfll5'4:6oto ó0 CLOSEà15:END 50 3

15 ítt l.letre:rain irlsëtr g)'e.tenr desc; iptin ie:ue 1'l:l C) S;Cl O l-lc'dul s.r i t>' Tfre t,l:,t l r]t mc,du i * r'equ ir'ee thr ee sub'f u t irre-= t t'* F'r crv ided a: e),: ter'r'èl rc,utine:. 1;11ft.Fl'l, Et{[rCFl'1, Èrrd BtlOS; ' Tfie {ir'et tt^tc'3'r' tal led l^th*rr an)' f,i de,.,icee l? tc' l5 are É'F'err ed c'r' clt':ed' BttR!; iz e\t,"sted tc,perfrnr tl-rè e*rmè {urrctiar, a: tl-r e tlf,'l'1 Bt)5 {urrctic'rr' Tfris F,Fr,ri,Jes. ic,r' tl-re use c{ the trlgf: rlr nrdule v'ritl-r 3 CF'21'lCtS Ê.>..;tenr tc, a. llc,,,,.r èccees. t tfr e cerr trbl iiiing r'gtenr r',rithin è1 rfetrr!ë'r.f.. Ctr wha.tè; LlF'.,'l"l CCrÍÍrp'atiErle Ei05 Sl'ÊtÊnt is UtÈd' Te;frrrical nc'te lrjherrarridlgr-:l0de'.'iceir'perre'!tl'recf"'l'liilinlre>'ëtertrls inr.rc,duced, a.nd t,)'cainq ttlitc'pt'l c'r El'{t'fF'l'l 3 uëe E'lruFtt r"'i Ee rbt[rta.irred. li the U:e COunt {all: tc'0t tl-re Êt'a':e ra}:'err tr'' tfre {i'l ir,g :i,=.tpítr ÍTlà.} 8, r'elinquisfred. ThenP t+ri'l nt Ee twc'gg'piee r-,i the {il irrg :.)'=tenr A.t à.rrr' Brr e tinre' rr tfre [rr!'l-r -['aged ='r'ëtêíír t-fre {iiirrg Ê*m lri'l r.:.ê.-; :;:,-t-?r r':'\'tá:.. r' t'l-rê F\a'led g:'gtèn' il-r* tri!:rl. lr-; :,vgt*rrr cla.inr: Ë.Fi *rr tire Fá'J tê'i- it= Ërr'irr rieê' Er r r' [r urr,rl'?f E l5r-r - ElË,: iri*rrts.m8. Ti-re iilèrràltr8 Fti-Ê"!i'jed ae F'à'rá'mtetÉr L'tl-r ÊFr c,;*r,irr,l d?(.'lc e i2, l!': Ë'F l4 Qr E euice 15 àf'f'jír*frt i: E.r'Frt=.Cticaili. irrc.c,r. ggt-' F is -"tï'eic'ic"j: t^rl-r Ft it Êl'r Ê'rlld F'r't' b'e' ;51 rrc,,.ll errrtr, Erther' a pl-ri'sicel 'JiS':?FF'l':- fr3ec'c':tjrrgd Or tfré Érrd-c,+-iil* l-rà.5 h'een reacl-reci CrFt ielri':; 1!' 15t - ftut-fut tfré 'Ji-'c frêe er.r.ftrr..eit.rerà'e, r1,:ica. discer.f.crr. -rê.êccurredr. te;.:'nre {ui. 153 [tirectc,r)'enr'c'p. A {ile requested dc'?ê nt eilist irr the directar},lt redinectcr.>,is*u. l,rtl.rerêt^le.s3'ph>,eita.ldigc er'r'r' r,.rh?fr r'ee.di rrq i-he di r'ectr'1" 134 lr'i t i al i :'a.t i c,n c,a.,jed. e i t-irar' due tc pi- rr. Tne ËP"1"1 { i irrg sr'ë tenr cu d nc't be lacl.l { ÍÍrPtrrc,Ft'i n a. disc {-e'ult' Tr.a.rrÊ.èCf-ic,n errrr. Witfr derrices 14 Ërrd 15, irrputtit"rg t"'therr &Fr autput rz.ltse XprgctÈdt Gr' u ice venea'' l:,é, lrlt F,r.t zer. 0pening de'ice l5 with ts hh-iêl'c'fc'r't' 157 Filer'átTr8 t lc,ng. A {ileh3.írr? Fresented t gerrice l5 ig t':'ê' c'ne, t 59 - Trensàc t ic'n t>'pe ennr ' de,.,ice ts is illegal. Arr transac t in nunrt'er' Ftr'eÊenterJ ta t5f, Rarrdc,m tra.neput erff. AttenrPt t sccess a 4ile be>'t'nd Er l'tb>'tes., c,f È lerrgth { Z r'c' l-r3 ' b'eerr EFeci{ied' F'a ge 4

16 r> a a l.jerrrfnain tilsë10 s,)'eteíír descriptin issue 1,0 t^jith s.c'ítre pfry's.icai disc err'rs, a. mesê.age ma.i'be c,utput t crregl e in a.ddi t in t tfre ernr cndi t ir:n t,e irrg ra i:ed. the CS.F' ( r'5./83:t F;';; 5

17 tb lss,^c (. q/+/s3 f-p r^+1rcté$ a.u Fr'rQhr r ss{^q. s. l.ler,.rer'ai n F,aeed nremr>' c,fenat i rrg systenr l) rrtnductisrr Tl'r e f',lerr.rbrê.ifr F,aged nrerí'c,r')'fer'ating s)'stem allt^te. the t use ÍTrE,ne nreítrc,r). tl-rsrr the nrma. l 280 ii4k addnese spêce è. llt,'rs. f'1ucfr c,{ i. l-re des iet-, in t*nnr:. ai 1/í-r fr3.t. treerr taken {r'cnr the Frl,Frp,.tged c,f,êr'ating st'stenr. The des.ign r^ra.-e, ba=.ed c'n the tr PtrÈ-'sity {c'r hig;r'l y e+iicient rreítrc'r')' ètrcees a.rr d rïra!-rë.rjêtrrêfr t-r 3.rr ir e{f icient F r'tr'en3.m ent.r ir'crfrítrêfrt sl.rr i tch inb..:,) H:.r dr,.'à.r.e ' ' Tl-re ha.r.dr,.ta.r.g r,,rhicl-r err ts.t, l*s the tjei,.rbrain tt, Ë.CceE: F,a.rJeci nrênrc,r'>' is h*ld irr the l' exfsrr ÊiOrr frgr'l'. l-'ienrc,r".r'lrrl-rether FlÍf'1 c'!- F;AlÍ is 'Ji,.rr,Jed rrr ttr, Êf'Frtiguc'u:. FrGEE c'i Eli,.. A i:tinctic,rr ig. nre,--l* irr tl're frar.cil.,..ràr.p. r.,.rl-rich i: r'eilected irr tl-r* Ê.c,*tr..r.rts.Í*e b,elr.r,r;,g3 FiOl'1?.rr d RÀl'l t,a:jp.. Tl-re ier[r Cè.f-r à.cceee. èt B.Fr )'c,rrè tinre i4fi. + rtrêltrc,r']'t r,lhiah i:. diili!rfl intr, Et Ëtf:. :;Ll:lTg. Ër, 1'FèÈ rràfr t,e t,ruqf't irr t àírr':. 1r, t, frl ÍTrÈ\rptTrpt-rr { data tal,le.- c'l3.cp r,.tl-rên this. r:'ccul-e.r tt-lt tl'r É f ;r.; i= ÍrË.dp to rji'hàírrically cl-r a.rrqé tl-r e f';.;'d1.,t.3.t-'p inr;'lpmerit?,f a.ddre=: trar'sla.tran {unctic,r, trrhicl-r CC'rr'.rÈr'tg 1-l-r e Ë:[t Q?rrFr'ated irrr:' B. S.:,:tenr l-r iqhr^::>.a.ddne -e. The l-r a.r.,ji, acdre:s tr.;.rrg.iatic't-' furrcí.i':,t-r ta.kes ë.tr additie,rral h,it aë irr f,ut, Thi: bit is called Ali a.rr tr m3r'be rlérrér'af-ed t')' è!-ri' ècti'.r* irardwar.g elenrerr t t i.e. marrr Fr,:'ÊÈ' tr'r t)l'lai ''ê tfr e h;r d, ;.ddr es.= tr a.ns at ic'rr iun': t i c'rr, Tl-r is F'l-O'..r iëe: {':r!.fi a.ditic,rra.l Ë.slc'ts ce.lted tl-re ÊLTEF.l'l'rTi\.r E;LT Ë;ET. ]rr i,l-r* cà:e { the F,rc,ce::Ë'r tri Eettir,cr è.rr d uneêtting { tfr is E' it ;ê.ue.e a cfrrflete crrè.nqe irr tl-r e t,ageê. that it c3.n àccpië.. The us.e { thes.e al tenna.t irre sl ts i s. aqus t the ZE:[t a t:f rrat i '.re reqiei-ers 3.rrd thei' reêer't.,ed fr 'l'etènr use. 3r Furrdam*rrta.l s. 3,1) S;lc,t allcatin The a ll ce.t in + s] ts Êha.nges dtrra.n,ical l>' a.ccndinq tc, tl-rp requ i red enr,r i rc,nment a{ the cunnentl>' pf'crqf3.írr, t is ust-r al l-rurevèi ic,r '-,':,t ;:l ii,.,:..!. tc crrtsin the S;.r-E;TEt.1 FÊ1lE. Tfri: i s e pa.etê { RAt'i r,.rhc,se data structunes a.r? {urrdanrêr,tel t the S)'gtenr C,F,er'a.tin. lrr r.rrl-i Ët fc'llr^r9 it is B.sEUrrr d that thi:. EàÈe is ê l t^t;.}'e irr s f [t. Fape 1

18 + NeurErai r, Faged memr)' ÉF,eratinq s)'etem lse.ue C.1 3.7) Preeervatic,n 1 pr'crgram state Nr'nralli' the Eta.te f 3. FngFË.nr ie sá.r,ed wherr e. subnc,utirre is called bz" g,usf ing the regi:.ter: rrt the handrlrane stack. n à F,aged )'Etenr this is nt adequater &s the :ubrutine mèy urieh tè, actèee its r\,rr Fages { r.rrí'1..ëf,ace. rr c,r'dêr tlrat tfre F,àge: that tfre cal irrg rc,ut ine r^rà.,.: irrg ar'e : t i è.ccessibl e v.rfrerr tfre subr ut ine has been { in ished, the :ubnut ine mè.}' dec ide t E.ave tfre t,ar-ree.that the ca.lling cade rrrcê. n the E.tacll.efrd restr'e thfítr;{terwar'ds. t is rr Èt F,c,ssit'le hr,.revên t read the hz.r'dt'ta.r'e tc,'uèr'wfricfr p,3qge ar'e cur'r'errtly Er^ritched in. Tc'gÈt rund tfr is there ar'e in the s)':tem Fage 6 2-E..rte lc,catic,n:. called!;0 t 9,7,^thare th fruítrtrèr'e c,{ tlre Fé.gÉÊ. r^rl'rich a.r'e currerrtl>' reqi,derrt a.r'e kept. Al F,rgranrÊ. êrê ÍïruSt there{ë,r'e ufdate tfrese lqca.tic,rre. ii tfre>'bring in fiê(.{ pageê. a.nd F,Êr'{c,rm :)'s.tenr ca.'le (see belc,irr ), Als.a r^rherr F,epfrnr inq a Ê/EtÉnr call a. F,ngra.m must E,B a.hrr'e c,f r,,rhich E. lts the s.>,stem call FreEe[.\,ÈE.r deett,r,)'e r paeeë:- irric'rme.tirr ir'. 3r.3:) Fc,rnrat i lc,catrgrr: 90 t S:7 Eaifr 5rr lê'ca.tic'n cèrr tains. a t(,jc' t'r'te euatrtit)'r^,rl-rirfr,tc,r-r tairr-= t.rhat r4è.:. r^tr i tterr ta the F,3gs str'ê r,.rfrè.rr the F,age rrras F,l;c*d in Elc,t n, E;it: li: t l5 mu:.t a. lr..rat's Ëc,rrt-Êin thè lralue rr. E: rf. l! ie. alwa),s [1. El i t: 0 tc' 1l cc,rrta in tfre F, s.fé rruffrt,ép. t^jheri r^rr'i t ing t;, tl-rè F,à.ge :tr'é tnè tr^rc, E:i'te què.ntitr'r:. FrÊ:.ented Í-r Al5-nËr and [i7-ti[t. E>a.nrple: Fret.ervincr èrrd re:tnrng B F, irr :. lct 7, L[, HL, ( S7 ) PUSH HL ;Cde tha.t uees 7 F.OP HL L[r E, H LT' Ë, F.A6EREG 0LtT (c),l L[r (S?),HL 3.4) The cncept c+ F. F,s.g rrumben A: stated a.bve thf rrumben is è, l2 bit quantity. Hurerrsr in the ce. e c,{ R0Hr gince ZP'l cde is Í-rcrt r'elca.ta.tle, èny given rc,utine will c'nl)'rurr crr'ectl>'rdfren placed in 3. certairr slc't. t is thene{r'e custmar'>' t u.e tfrè ter'm Ê,age rruíírbér { a. r'utine ïr- ÍrrÊ a ê t,i t euàrrt i ty, cn ta in irrg the af Fr'pr iate el t irrfc,r'ma.tian irr the tf S bite. lrr the caëe c,t RA'1, tfre s, lc,t bite 3re Ê.et tc,(t a.nd ar'e add*d ée needed r*rirêrr Er'irrgirrg in è. t,è.9e. F';.ge Z

19 rg l.letrrbna in t,aged memr.y Ferating systsnr - ssue ) Openrting sy,e.tenr call: The facilitie:. { the per.atirrg s),s.tem ar.e available tc, pr'enàítr the Eï>, Íïr B.hs a{ a. S),STEl.l C:ALL. There ma.}, te up t?sa attailae,'le E.r'.tenr calls, eech identi{ied E,r a zc:ot)e. A F,ngntsírr ÍÍrà). make a Ê)'sterÍr cal'l b)'ueing the ZEtO nestart instnuctirr nsf SA. {llr.,red b}'the zcde. c:ntnl ie pa:sed t the byte- +;ii"*;;à tfre Zcde n ctnf,letin f the sy:tenr cell. + a. RST 4Ct is useo] it fr8.s. the e++ect a{ a C:ALL Nc i.. the :>,stem ca.ll is. made nryif tfre cà.rr'i'{'l ag ie clea.rr C,tfr Êrl^ris.Ë il-rer.e is n a.ctin tatren. Tfr e e. l t;r n: t ive r egister.s àne de: tr.c,).êd in a. :),Ê.tpm cal r è.rrd c3.nlr f b'8 used tcrr' c.6n6l irrq Fa.r'à.meter: crr neceirring neeul ts. TfrÈne ar * ;.. = s'rre si's tem íac i i t iee. u.'h ich can àlr.rra),e. be acceesed E,y rrearr Ê c'{ ê. rr9r'ítri. ZËir C.ALL. irrgtr'uctic,nr brut uness c,therr^'iê.e s.tat-edr all tfre sys.ten, calls. à.r.é hr* the r.esta.r.ts. S>'stem call: tha.t are per+r'ítred r,.rith the r.estart ar.e a.ll E,r.c,ught int 7, t^rhich ie. à.1r.^r3,y.g F, Slt Z ca.nnt ther.efr.e Ee us.ed {r' p i.s: irrq irr ir,r.nrà t ion i rr thes.e cáse-g. 4 ) l"lenrr.y Írra.Fr a13eítre n t The F,àgÈ,j nrenrr.,- Fer.e.tingr:),.tenr allc,r.^rs a. r. ich r.rarietl, c,f ràra.,.g. irr r,.rhicfr è Ff.OgnêÍtr Íïri,.), C,t, trt rí-hsf,aceerrd data s.tructuree, thugfr it i:. en,,ri:aqed tfr a.t Írrcr-et requir'enrerr t.:. r^rill be Sa.tis{ied by tl're us.e C'+ the rrêrríc,r. l fitzrtaqements>'s t em c,t l"1l.1s. 4, 'i Th e Menrc,r.r. Ma.n aepme rr t S1,:. t- em Tl-re f"1t"le; pen{r'm: rrrêíhr)' nra.fra.èêírprr l. f,rp r.atins ail,tr.,,r irr et tlt* Frr L-'Qràm tc, cn\rpfr i nt l >' uê.e il-re {ul l r,aqi d nremr}. capat i i i t iee cr.t the l'jet'rrêr'ain. The {ur,danrerrtal cc,frcéft + the Mlíg ts the r.rejerlt. An E.iect is a da.ta. r.ecnd f a.n).slze Eetween 0 arrd é5sztr E,i.teg. The si:e { tl-re aeject i: iixed nce it has Eeen cr.ea.ted h,ut it cantente ma./ h,e charrpsd a.t èny time. As'sc'ciated t'.ritfr ea.tfr al,ject i: ê.n CTB.ECT l'.lul.1befi. r^rhicfr is tretrr.reen and ó5535 (tfrere càtrngt be an t,.iect whèsê nuítrb,er is È sa 0 car, t'e uged è.. a 'nul, F,inter. irr qr Èàt irrg data. tur *: ). *rr t'ject u.rill altrrè>'s. hàv the :arrre rr umt,er untíl it is deleted, a.rrd cts'n Grrlv be r'efer'ed t t,' meane. c,{ that rrunrber. 0b.i ect r,umt,ers ene,.\r Fr purelv' tnarrs,i rrt quarrtities. That ie. ta se.>, tfrat re a data r'tr'ucture ie stsr'ed an r backing stne end therr nestr.ed, the l'1ms is unlikely t allc,èa.te the saírr rrumbefs t the E,.iectE. Ther'eíne rrrhen such e. date. str.ucture is bein-q placed Ë,n the backing stne a di++enerit system af ne{ t; ti-,e cc,n tituent pa.r'ts c,{ the data str.ucture gtruld be enrpli.ed i+ the :tr.uctur.e { the da.ta str'uctur'e is t b'e mainta.ined (this dee. nt + cgur'ée ínval idate the ue { data e.tnuc n tra.clr irr th Íïrselves e.g. indexed:equêr,tibl as. the pirrters us.ed c,n thpëe er'e p,gsitic,ns tr the t,acking Etc,r.e nredium). Fege s, r!'.'.,...r.^1.';..?t -1.'.\..r

20 l0l NewBr'e. r n F,agËd menrsr), GF, ing s),etem ssue 0. An ab'.iect may be ref erenced by the systenr cal.l e. 6ETOB and GETOB (used b)'a 280 CALL instnuctin). Fan CiETOBr R entí.y HL is the t,.iect number. 0;', exit the b-iect is placed in e.lts and z, and the ZErO lcetirr f il-re iiret b>.te al the bject is in HL. Registene BctrE are pr.esérved. nl>. the f irst grg0 b,>,tes { the c'è''iect ere guaraunteed t Ee GETGB nruch the ame {unctir, à.s GETOB but E.Fr e>,: tre. F,arànreteÍ- in DE wfrich is the requined c'f{set witfrin the Eject. On exit HL ie the Ze0 lc'catir, 1 the c,e,.iect àrrd its c, 0rrly the sue,sequent glscl Er'te:. c'i the b,ject are therr a.rra.ilable. The bject (r.f,a.nt c,{) rrly r'eírrêirrê. a.rrailable urrtil è sut,sequent ca. ll t tfre ]'lmsr F urrtil a :.)'s.tenr call tha.t rírenrc,ry a.llca.tirr (e.g. c,paning a E.tneam). An c,bject ie. created t,. Í.lEf^JOE, wfrich r.equest:. tfre cr.eetirr f á.n E.rect + size'e:[: t,).tè:, [rn exit c6.r'r;,r,,rill b,e clean arrd HL will È'e the c,b',iect nuírrbèr. qi'.ren b), t-fr Ml.js; t that E,iect. Als a l'letiob alsc' penf Bnms ê.rr impl ied CiET0E and the cat in { the f ir's.t È,>'te f the E,jÉct ie irr t)e rr e:: it. BC: is t,rèserved. l+ rrr4er/er the cà.r'r')'{lag i: set rr exit tfren a.n er.rr.ha.e c,ë á.n àfr er'r.r.rrijítreen is. leit irr A (tf,e c,è,.i ect rarill Frcrt Eeerr cr'eatedl. An t,.i ect i:. del*ted bi't)elcre,, r..rhicfr tal,.es. in HL t-hê b,,i ect rrume,èr' c{ tfre c,e.i ect t b* deleted. E)EHL F,re=.Êr.\red. All l'11'í5 ca.l le. destrc,),slts arrd?. Ê'i ths,ggh the fíf.1'3 ha.s a.:imple inrer.{ace it hói qr'eë.t p,crt^rèf., è.ftd is u:.ed h'y th* p-,,.g*d irrput..rutput E.).stenr rl :ee Eel '.^r) fr creat i r'cr bu{fene. {r-'r.deuice dr.irrere, àrrd all th; data Etr'uctunes íc,n the l.lev.rer'ain C:Ctl.lÊL s.i.steírr ther. tha.n its r.urr-tinre :tacl.:. 4,2) \/i de meítctr.'t, e c;.t i n nlz pa.r'ts c,f the RAl.1 harre the necès:.à.r.l. hardr+rar.e aseccia.ted with it sg that it càn Ee used ftrr Er:r.eÊn di:.plar f ileg' Tfrus a separ'ate szetenr is.used t e.licrcate rride mèrrr)' apeè.s (c,tfren ÍD Írrr.r. allcatian s),stenre vjill ue.e nn_vide menrcr.,,_ P:fl: usirrq rridec, rreítrr)). Lilre the l"1tíg il-rer.e NEJVf)EÊr! DEL\t;EO arrd CiETr..'lFEt--l furrctin: arra.ilaele, n a.dditin there a.r.e rre-b)'te vide E,iect rrumbéns, t is imp::.ib,le {r. tfrer-e ta be c. rride ar'ea. rrunrerêr. ZSS. t is rbcrítrtír rrded tfrat vide ÍÍreÍrrÊt-) al C,cat in rrl ). be uëed {c,r. v ideo meítrn), pur.f,ses.. The s ize { àneae requested will be rc,undêd utt t multiplrr ai lzg E)rter. 6ET.lrEir t,rirrgs int slt 4rjré,, and T ttre uideg, Ë.reà plh=,e rruítrt,pr. ie. irr A, retuí rrir,g in HL the lscatic,n f it. prcê.êrved. BCC)E GETVDEO neeidee. irr the system F,eg :.nd is cal ed wi il-r 3 Z8O CALL instruc t ic,n. l.let^j'..'loec allca.tes è. vide merrr.r, c,{ retur'nin tlitfr càr.í.y eet arrd A=er.r.r rrjnre,er. n f ; i A=rr i decr t, j ec t rruíírber.. ECJEHL t r eé.er ved. ize Et. E)'tes, ur'e. c,therwis.e 4

21 ?t Neu.rBrai n F s.ged memr)' per at ing sys.tem ssue 0.1 r)el\jdec' deletee prnters in the a.r e as mrre d a.í ê videc e.r'ea. nunrb'er A. n additin centain E.ystem pàge updeted i+ the>' pirrt int vide reeul t. BCDEHL Fneserved. 4.3) Page a.'l lcatin This is B. {acilit>'r^rhse use shc,uld be extnenrely spaning. There urill t,ê t inres urherr à F'nenam rrril nequ ire 3 Pêg? cf t^tnkgf,s.ce t e.g. l1l-ls: t^rhen its curr'ent t'ages ar'e Ê)íhà.uEted. A -.l'etenr call F:ECTUES;TF*6E is Fnv ided f n tfr is F,ur F5e. l t Ehul d E str eesed tha.t tfr ts i: the l rtest l eve l { C,vÊr.Ë.l l FarJ? a.ll c'cat ic,rr E.nd r,jhen tl-r i: {ac i i t>' is used tfrè pr'er'anr hae t E,e3r' ir, mind tu.r;' th irrge: l) The [rrqr'àít1 trràintains t.p,er{r'n, fris. c,urrr Qa.r'b'a,ge gr3, llectin Ë.rrd trrè.)'be nequined tc' nrcve his. pagee fr'urírr ne F'lace tc, anthen ttrt neque:.t {r'm the per'ating s}'etenr (the exceptin t t-his being tfre user' prgrram) e.nd 2) Page Fer'a.tir-'r' E. ce.n E,E ext-nemel)'êltrr 3. tta.rje nequest ca.n caus.e è. cítrprlete EyÊtenr,;ge cllecti;,n t take plê.ce. 4,3.1) Tfre r'eeic'n E.tÊtÈm All RA''i F,:.9Ês a.llcated, tfrer' tha.n tfre st'etem Ftsge, all belc,ng tc' a. r'errirr. Th r'e a.r'p lé eerr ràl pur'fee reqir's. (.rrur'rbened(t- 15). Tfr e Fàee:. t'er'r;irrr=r t' r'eeic,n hê.r,re cntiqut'ue nunrber'er èirui l-,;,,t i,i,iirèf i'ltmt'ere ths.n thgê Ë'{ a le:êer rrunr!,èi-ed r'êqion. t^jfr err a. reque:.t {ar' a t,a,lê is. nre,j*. the ;sqi6'n FrUÍrEpr.ÍTrU-ct :. lwa.i': E* :p c i{ i ed. A sf,ec ial r eg irr ( rr urírb,er' 255) uë.*d t.'' tfrë t'id* írt?trter"tr e., rrrfrich is ent ir'el:,' 5.eF'arste è.ë tfre ttide g.up'g,c,rtinq RA'1 frêê. the fr igfre:t F,3g huírrtr?fê.. 4,3.?) The reeicrr tahle The r'eqirr table is.kept in the s)'sterír è.rrd tir? stetu: c'i eeclr negin. Each r.ein h:.s a. eiv-bi'te entr,'-. Tfre {ir'st tr^rc'h>'tes arê tfre Fage number + tl-re lc,t{es.i- F,age E,elngirrg t tfrat r.eqirr (tfre Ênd { the negin ie. {c'und {r'nr tfre e.ub'sequen t err tri'). The ther {ur E,>'tes ar'e tfre real a.ddr'ess af tfr e r'eeic,n marr è.ger. (page number {llwed lr'/ l.:at-in irr p'age). The rer--rin rranaq r'ccnsiste f tw r'utines., CiTiFFAGECCTLLEC.T0R B.rrd l'1ove[tf. The íovelf rutine is àê uíïrpd ta be a.t a. lca.tin thr'ee b>'tei gn?eten than tha.t f tfre regin Íïra.rràe tp whicl-r it. wl'rene tfre GARBAGECOLLEC:TOR nutine resides.. The M0VEUP r'utine ÍÍrË/ be mitted in the ctsëe B{ r'egin 0. Ther'e i: rrb entr'y fr negirr 255. At tlre end f tfre ta.b'le is. a. dumn,i' entr>, t marll tfre end c,+ negin 15. Th ie is al sc, cal ed REGTCTF, F'age 5

22 L] l*leurbr'a i rr paged nremny F,erat i ng :.>'stem ssue 0.1 4,3,=1) Respnsibilities. { the regirr managen Tfre l''l\,'elf rutine is caled witfr A equà. 1 t tt,e numben f thàt F a.gé Ë tfre r'egic'rr must m\re UF,. The reqirr manager :.heuld mere ), mve h ie F,i.geE up the r equested àírrc,ufrt end upda.te ite. data. :tnuctunes i+ necefsen>.. [..rhen ca.lle,j the t,à.s t,c,inter. wi nat have been uf,da ted thc,ugf' tfre pinter {r. the r.eginr et'vr it r,,rrll h;.ve. Ttre ÍTràitr regrstens càtr be destr.),ed. Tfre CiAFÊ*[iE[:0LLE--T0F. is ca.l ed rrri tf, A Êqua l tc, tfre rruíïrer r. ai F,ègÉS tfre f eq i On hes to mf,r.rg glg,r:rh. Tfr,S ion ríràhagér. Sl-r C,u d ÍTrrtr\rÉ thè regin drr,rrr tha.t nuírrben í F.6geSr B.rrd alsc, a.tiemp,t t reduce tfr e ÍTr ÍnË,r',r, requinee t,r tt b>, per{br.nrirr q a ganb, cc, llectic,n Gr trrhatê\'èr' is apprprrate, l^lfrêrr ca. lle il-r e pinter. r..r ill hal,e beerr updated b,ut rrc,t tfra.t c,i tfre regic,rr É.Eve. On exit A s.huld tre the rlunreer' { Pa.gps tfra.t the errd f tfre regin ha.s mued (this is' tfren p;'ssed n t the r'egirr e.t'l-n,e fc,r' its callectr), Eut the ther marn reë;isters cà.rr ts d*>.ed..j.!r.4) Oper'a.tin c'f tf,è F,a.gÉ a.lj,r;atar [^herr RE ]{ - ES;TFAC;E i'- c;lled, A is the number f r.equíred F,3geE àrrct B is tfré r'eeiurr nuriibêí^. Crn exit the carr), tla.g-r is set i{ tfrerê wèg s ta.ilure, a.rrd Ê cc,fri-airr : a.n er'rn numter.. Cr ther.u,ri:.e nc, r'eeul t is retur.rr d. Et.t,EHL are t,êrued. The alnithm us*ci E,t'the [,à,-ie allcàturr is l) Checl{ rl-rat the SFacÉ e>1 -l) ists i rrc,t c:. ll all tfr e r'ec,ic,rr Íïrènaqer.s ('l c,w neins. í ir sf-) t cl ec t qàr t,àqe and checfr a.ea irr ( if tfrer.e is st i irrsuíiicient sf,aee then Frrcr, g) c.a. ll il-re r.eqic,n ffra.frigèr-a. c,f thc's* r'egirrg. r^rith fr iefrer rerri,:,rr Í-rurrrbÊ[ thaír that { tfre ;6,r_.,iGr, in r,.rhich the is ta t,e a.l ic,cated tc, nrcrre uf, (high regins {ir':.t). { a. regin h;.:. n pè,_ies then the r.egian marrager. ie l.rc,t cal led. A ceírrrrrn Êr'r'r' irr r,rritirrq r'egirr Írranaqer.g. is the.t the iata. s'tr'uctur'* in tfre regin is let in B.Ír incn:ietent r{fiêrr calirrq FjE&LESTFAGE lr'the reqic,n. è.hd e Fc'ssiEle r.èeulting cs t the GARETnËEC:0LLE[:TOF: i tfre r.egin fi.r.r-rêê F c,f,erate: incr'rectl>'. Atterrtirr shuld!,ê tc, tfris. pintl 4.3.5) Regirr rruíírtêr s.l lcatin Ther'e is n dynan'ic r'eqic,n a.llcatr' negin rrumher.s ere iixed. F:egin 0 is. reser'ved fer the user,m. F:egin is ueé Ey the D9C0 svs'tem. Regirr E; i.- used b), tfre f4l.15. Otr,er. r.egrsns witfr evcrr nuítre Í8. l.r'3 r' Ë,3r'vÊd f c,r {utune uee, a.rr ct d,j t,uiir;rírêd rcgians &ng fr uêe. Page ó

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