D2.1 Results of Analysis

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1 Grant agreement no: Project acronym: Project title: IEE/08/631/SI BAMBINI Socialisation towards clean and enery efficient Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) STEER D2.1 Results of Analysis Start date of the action 1. June 2009 Duration: 36 month End date of the action 31. Mai 2012 Version: 1 Prepared by: Don Guikink and Nynke van der Kallen Checked by: Due date 30 June 2010 Verified by: Status: Dissemination level: Final Public Project coordinator Karl Reiter reiter@fgm.at


3 Table of Contents 1 Introduction Background Reading Guide Young Parenthood: a Turbulent Time Introduction Time Geography Child Development From Prenatal to Kindergarten Stages of Development Prenatel (< 0) Early Months (0-1) Creche (1 3) Kindergarten (3 5) Legal Issues Age of a child on bike seat Helmet Requirements Cycling on the street with children Travelling with buggies in the bus, tram, metro, train Ticket prices for children Bike trailers and tricycle use Using skates, skate board on the pavement References Appendix 1: Process from Prebirth to Kindergarten Austria Belgium Bulgaria Germany Greece Netherlands Romania Slovenia Appendix 2: Legal Issues regarding Child Mobility Page 3 of 39

4 6.1 Austria Belgium Bulgaria France Germany Greece Italy Netherlands Romania Slovenia Page 4 of 39

5 1 Introduction 1.1 Background Learning young = doing old, is a well-known (Dutch) expression to indicate the importance of (early) childhood. How proud we are when our young child makes his or her first independent steps in the big world, parents carefully keeping the first pair of shoes that indicated the big steps for their small child. Despite our pride towards the small steps that our children take, we currently live currently in the Age of the Car, where it is socially accepted (and demanded) that we as grown adults can use our cars whenever and wherever we want, unaware (or unwilling?) about the impacts on our environment and future generations. Children are more and more ed on backseats of cars, cannot play on the street freely and are regarded as vulnerable road users. If we want to change the mindset of small children when they grow up, we have to start early. The BAMBINI project supports initiatives to stimulate a change in mindset (and - after a while - in behaviour) towards sustainable modes. In the remaining 2 years of the project, the project partners will realise a number of applications and actions that contribute to a positive mindset towards sustainability for future generations. As a starting point, an important step is to analyse existing know-how on child development (related to mobility) in all the countries involved in the BAMBINI project. 1.2 Reading Guide This Deliverable D2.1 draws the framework conditions that play an important role at the start of the project. In Chapter 2, the period of the Young Parenthood is briefly described. Chapter 3 contains a description of the processes that are important from pre birth to early month periods. Chapter 4 described the legal issues that play an important role for a shift towards sustainable modes. Separate documents exist on the collection of best practices (D2.2), analysis of toys and implementation plan for BAMBINI (D2.3) Page 5 of 39

6 2 Young Parenthood: a Turbulent Time 2.1 Introduction The period of life in which young parents raise their children is often regarded as being the most intensive, challenging, exhausting and (mostly when looking back) rewarding period of life. Time more precisely a lack of time is a dominant factor in decision making, also regarding mobility needs and modal choice. As tasks have to be combined in a very short time-frame, in many cases parents choose to use their car for ation means. As is indicated in the table 2.1 below: 40% of the trips of the age group 0-11 is made as car passenger, this percentage drops to 17% when they start to themselves independently in the next cohort; Percentage of car usage for trips by the age groups 2529 and (56%) are among the highest for all age groups concerned, this is the age groups within which the majority of parents have their children; At the same time, bicycle usage drops significantly (52% --> 23% --> 17%/20%) The table below shows the modal split (in terms of trips) per age group. There are many factors influencing modal choice, among which the parent-factors. The message expressed above serves to give an idea of the Age of the Car the was referred to in the first chapter. Table 2.1 Used modes per trip by people from different age categories in the period (derived from Wegman & Aarts, 2006) Pedestrian 29% 18% 20% 19% 18% 17% 18% 25% 34% Bicycle 29% 52% 23% 17% 20% 23% 22% 24% 17% Moped/Motor 0% 3% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 0% 1% Car (driver & passenger) 40% 17% 37% 56% 56% 55% 54% 46% 38% Bus 1% 5% 8% 2% 1% 1% 2% 2% 4% Tram/metro 0% 1% 3% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% Train 0% 2% 6% 3% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% Other 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 3% Page 6 of 39

7 2.2 Time Geography A well-known theory to support the explanation of choices made by individuals is the Time Geography, by Torsten Hägerstand (1967). Hägerstrand used the theory to demonstrate how human spatial activity is often governed by limitations, and not by independent decisions by spatially or temporally autonomous individuals. He identified three categories of limitations, or "constraints": capability, coupling, and authority. 1. Capability - constraints on the movement of individuals, based on their nature. For example, movement is restricted by biological factors, such as the need for food, drink, and sleep. 2. Coupling - restraints individuals, anchoring them to a location while interacting with other individuals in order to complete a task. 3. Authority - constraints of accessibility to certain places or domains placed on individuals by owners or authorities. Hägerstrand analyses the impact on human behaviour, given the limited availability of time on the one hand and spatial diversification of activities on the other, resulting in so-called time-space prisms. See some examples in graph 2.1 below. Paths describe the movements of individuals, e.g. from home to work. Hägerstrand came up with this concept of a space-time path to illustrate how individual persons navigate their way through the spatial-temporal environment. Time is represented by the vertical axis. The path of a stationary individual will appear as a vertical line between the starting and ending times, and a specific location will trace a vertical "tube" in the same manner. Graph 2.2 Examples of time-space prisms and paths cyclist Car driver Path 1 Path 2 Path 3 meeting time phonecall distance Capability constraints refer to the limitations on human movement due to physical or biological factors. Thus, for example, a person cannot be in two places at one time. A person also cannot travel instantaneously from one location to another, which means that a certain trade off must be made between space and time. Those with access to cars and bullet trains have a spatial-temporal advantage over those who are limited to their feet or bicycles for ation. Page 7 of 39

8 A coupling constraint refers to the need to be in one particular place for a given length of time, often in interaction with other people. This coincidence of space-time paths is described as "bundled" paths in a station's tube. In other words, your space-time path must temporarily link up with those of certain other people to accomplish a particular task. An authority constraint is an area (or "domain") that is controlled by certain people or institutions that set limits on its access to particular individuals or groups. For example, a person's space-time path is normally not permitted to enter restricted areas (e.g. shops after closing time, military basis). Relation to BAMBINI The reasons why parents use cars to bring their children to school, crèche or kindergarten can to a large extend be explained by using their constraints as a starting point. An example of a capability constraint is that in most cases day care centres and schools are in another physical location than offices for work, therefore forcing parents to bring their children to those locations before going to work. This constraint could be reduced by activities aiming at combining locations for day care centres and offices, there are good examples of crèches at office buildings. An alternative measure could be finding a job close to your home environment, reducing the time-space gap and therefore increasing the probability for alternative mode choices. Examples of coupling and authority constraints are that in most cases people have to be at work at e.g o clock, while the school (in most cases around the corner) only starts at To maximise efficiency of time parents drop their children off at day care centres and continue their journey to work. These constraints could be reduced by e.g. allowing more flexibility in working times, or earlier opening of school gates. It is not directly planned in the BAMBINI project to initiate measures that directly influence the time-space sphere. Most actions will be focused on raising awareness with parents and educational staff that alternatives may be very well possible, taken into account the constraints made above. 2.3 Child Development Many studies have been performed to understand the development of children and to find out at what age children are able to perform which tasks. Examples can be found in studies made by Berk (2006), Piaget (1970 s), Welsch (2009) and Johannson (2004) 1. Relating to their mobility, OECD (1998) subdivided children by age which tends to correlate with distance travelled and their range of activity. Younger children walk outside of their neighbourhood only when accompanied by adults. Mostly they begin to walk alone when starting school. Sometimes their parents still cross the main streets with them. Older children, who go to school, travel by foot or by bicycle. The environment they move around is much bigger and more diverse than that used by the younger group. The children s perception about traffic as a total entity and their knowledge about traffic rules is not fully developed until about their tenth year of age. They do not have the ability to cope with complex traffic situations and they easily mix the real world with their imagination. However, even by ten years of age, children s skills and abilities may be insufficient in the context of the potential speed to be attained when cycling. 1 Examples as presented by Prof. M. Johansson at the kick-off meeting of the BAMBINI project in Freiburg in June 2009 Page 8 of 39

9 The child s travel behaviour is influenced by the behaviour of its parents, as shown in the graph 2.3 below. Attitude levels towards motorised are slightly lower if persons were never chauffeured during childhood than if they were. Graph 2.3 Influence of then parent s childhood travel Page 9 of 39

10 3 From Prenatal to Kindergarten 3.1 Stages of Development There exist many subdivisions of age-groups. For the BAMBINI-project, four periods are distinguished: 1. prenatal (< 0) 2. early months (0-1) 3. crèche (1-3) 4. kindergarten (3-5) Each of the periods are described below, with an indication of the processes that young parents go through in each of the countries of the BAMBINI-partners involved. It has been analysed to which extend mobility behaviour is a topic covered by the authorities that play an important role in these processes. Annex 1 contains a detailed overview of the phases of development of the child (or foetus) in each of the countries involved in the BAMBINI project. 3.2 Prenatel (< 0) In all the countries involved, first medical checks regarding pregnancy start at around 2 months after conception. It is then when the (future) parents receive the first proof of the new life. In most cases, medical testing and monitoring is performed by doctors or in hospitals (Greece, Romania, Slovenia, Germany). In some countries, special midwife clinics exist (Netherlands, Bulgaria). Difference between hospital and midwife clinics is that the latter are in most cases located in close vicinity of the homes of the parents and that the consultation process is not only 100% medicalfocused. Some social aspects about becoming a parent are triggered as well, but mobility related issues are hardly reported. Positive exceptions are the Flemish governmental organisation called Kind en Gezin (Child and Family) the Romanian Clinica EVA and the regional hospital Murska Sobota, who organise prenatal courses about expecting a child. In Belgium, mobility and are at least a (minor) topic. During the collection phase of the BAMBINI-project, in some countries a lack of appropriate information on the use of bicycle and public with small children were reported as barriers. Special note: the Netherlands is one of the few countries in Europe where child delivery at home is relatively common. In 2008/2009 around one third of the children were born at home, a number that has been decreasing since the 1950 s (CBS, 2009). The consequence regarding mobility management is that 30% of the Dutch babies have a high chance of being ed in a pram before being taken in a maxi cosy by car. Page 10 of 39

11 3.3 Early Months (0-1) The early-month period can be characterised by a mutual acquaintance between parents and child. In most countries involved, doctors, hospitals and infant welfare centres are the places most often visited for the monitoring of the health and development of the child. Development issues are mainly focused on physical capabilities (hearing, seeing, reflexes). mobility issues are part of the monitoring aspects at the infant welfare institutes. There exist already some examples of activities and/or products related to mobility management and socialisation for the little children and their parents. A full catalogues is available as deliverable D2.2 Collection of Best Practices of the BAMBINI-project. Separately, an analysis has been made on existing (wooden) toys that have a relation with sustainable mobility. This analysis is available as separate annex and serves as input for the Polish partner Bajo for the production of new toys in the BAMBINI-project. Some examples are: In Leuven, a special shop sells slings and organises workshops on how to use them properly. In Belgium, a special website exist to inform parents about the purchase of bicycle trailers ( Examples of sustainable mobility toys ad books Page 11 of 39

12 3.4 Creche (1 3) During the crèche-age, visits to the infant welfare centres are becoming less regular and mainly focus on physical and social skills of children. For example in the Netherlands, the sequence of visiting infant welfare centres drops from once every 3 months in the first year to 1 once every two years at the age of 4, mainly to receive vaccinations. evidence was found in any of the participating countries that mobility management plays a role during the consultation periods. Apparently, raising children seems to receive more mdecial focus than a social issue. During the crèche period, there are examples found of actions that take place at crèche locations to stimulate alternative car use by parents and staff. Most of the actions are focused on development of motoric and social skills, like presented in the table below. Table 3.1 Pedagogoc matrix used at a Dutch crèche (part development) Matrix Pedagogic Development at Dutch Crèches (challenge is to offer every week activities in each category in this matrix) Interaction between the pedagogic employee and the child Caring activities Playing activities Physical environment Physical space Materials and activities Social skills (communication and moral development) Employee and child have small conversations during day care activities Children are taught to wait for their turn when playing Children can dress up like prince/princess, or simulate mother/father situations Employees let the children tell, sing, give examples, etc. Offering possibilities for development Cognitive development (speech-language, fantasy, logic) Physical skills (motoric and sensitive) Parts of the body are mentioned during games and/or caring activities Children are encouraged to climb and move independently during the caring activities There exists interaction between the employee and child during reading Children play outside with sand, toys, grass etc. and are encouraged to mention to the other children what they see. There exists a balanced variety of toys In the playground there exists a variety of toys for climbing, cycling, gliding etc. Fantasy is triggered during fancy stories or plays Employees organise games that stimulate physical activity. (Source: KOBER-group pedagogic matrix, Breda 2009) Page 12 of 39

13 The range of specific interventions offered at creches in the BAMBINI partner countries is described in D2.2 Collection of Best Practices. Some examples are: Drawing competitions in Bulagria Parent Clubs to discuss children s development in Romania Bicycle decoration during special celebration days in the Netherlands (Carnival, Queensday) Activities during the European Mobility Week in various countries 3.5 Kindergarten (3 5) Contrary to the pre births and early month stage and creche period there exist a number of examples of actions related to the kindergarten age, when children learn to cycle an behave as traffic participants. Most of the activities found have a traffic safety component inside, such as Jongleren in the Netherlands ( traffic safety games in Belgium or Bimbinbici in Italy. Examples of more social oriented best practices are: First day at school fairy tale in Greece Walkingbus initiatives in Italy and Austria Actionday Zum Fuss zum Kindergarten in Germany Traffic Snake Games in Belgium, the Nehterlands, Austria and various other EU countries that participated in the STEER project CONNECT Mobility Management actions at kindergartens in Austria there is nothing like starting young Page 13 of 39

14 4 Legal Issues The exisiting legal framework conditions play an important role in stimulating the use of altertnative modes of. The following legal issues have been collected: Age of a child on bike seat Helmet requirements Cycling on the street with children Travelling with buggies in the bus, tram, metro, train Ticket prices for children Bike trailer use Tricycle use A children's bike connected to an adults bike Using skates, skate board on the pavement All information gathered is presented in Annex 2 to this report. 4.1 Age of a child on bike seat Generally speaking, children are allowed to be taken on a bicycle until the age of 7/8. Some examples were found about a minimum age, In Belgium id is advised not to take children an a bike until the age of 1, the Netherlands indicate the limit when a child can sit independently (6-12 months). 4.2 Helmet Requirements formal helmet requirements were found in the BAMBINI countries, except Slovenia where a helmet is required until the age of 14. In some countries it is strongly advised to wear helmets, like eg in France, Belgium and Germany. 4.3 Cycling on the street with children There is some variety in when children are allowed to cycle on the road or on the pavement. In France and Germany, children have to ride on the pavement until the age of 8, in Slovenia this agelimit is 6, in Romania 7, in Belgium 9. In Austria children have to be accompanied by adults until the age of 10. All together, we can conclude that the target group of the BAMBINI project should always be accompanied by adults. 4.4 Travelling with buggies in the bus, tram, metro, train In all countries concerned it is allowed to take your buggy in public, free of charge. Some countries have regulations about the number of buggies that can be ed at the same time. There shoulo dbe enough space and buggies shoul d not block the door. Examples have been found, eg in the Netherlands, where a large group of school children (not in buggies) was refused to the bus, because it was not noticed beforehand. 4.5 Ticket prices for children Page 14 of 39

15 Ticket prices for children are usually lower than prices for adults. The range of ages until which can travel free of charge varies from 3 until 7 years old, at later age (until 10-12) children can travel at reduced price (most cases 40-50% reduction). Some combination tickets (eg a family ticket) allows children to travel for free until the age of eg 12 years. 4.6 Bike trailers and tricycle use striking results or requirements, some countries limit the maximum number of passengers in a bike trailer and/or have specific requirements regarding the shape, size and visibility of the trailer. Regarding tricycle use, they are allowed on the footpath under supervision by an adult. 4.7 Using skates, skate board on the pavement In all countries involved, skaters and skeelers are regarded as pedestrians and therefore follow the laws for pedestrians. In Belgium, the status is linked to the speed, if the skeelerer is travelling at bicycle speed,k then the laws of cyclists count. In the Netherlands, you are allowed to skate on a cycle lane, but not on the road, unless a cycle lane or footpath is missing. Germany regards skates and skeelers as toys, so you should play on the footpath and not on the road or cycle lanes. Page 15 of 39

16 5 References Hägerstrand, Torsten (1967). Innovation Diffusion As a Spatial Process, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, Wegmans & Aarts (2006): Advancing Sustainable safety, national road safety outlook , SWOV Leidschendam OECD (1998): Safety of Vulnerable Road Users, Paris 1998 Johansson (2009): Children s development: an overview. Presentation at the kick-off meeting of the BAMBINI project. Freiburg, July CBS (2009): Webmagazine maandag 16 februari :30 Page 16 of 39

17 5. Appendix 1: Process from Prebirth to Kindergarten Austria Pre-birth Phase Organisation Activity Link with sustainable 0-16 weeks Doctor Determination of pregnancy, gynaecological exam + 1 blood test weeks Doctor gynaecological exam, echo + internal exam 25-28week Doctor gynaecological exam + blood test weeks weeks Doctor gynaecological exam + echo Doctor gynaecological exam Early Months Phase Organisation Activity Link with sustainable 1 week Hospital 4-7 weeks 3-5 months 7-9 months Doctor s office Health check and vaccination by doctor or nurse (incl. orthopaedic, ear-nose-throat, eye exams) Yes / months and ultrasound exam of the hips in the weeks 1 and 6-8 Crèches Page 17 of 39

18 Phase Organisation Activity Link with sustainable months months Doctor s office Eye check Health check and vaccination by doctor or nurse Kindergarten Phase Organisation Activity Link with sustainable months Doctor s office Health check and vaccination by doctor or nurse months Doctor s office Health check and vaccination by doctor or nurse Belgium Pre-birth Phase / age Organisation Activity Link with sustainable 6-12 weeks Gynaecologist First prenatal control weeks Gynaecologist Monthly prenatal control weeks Gynaecologist Every two weeks prenatal control +35 weeks Gynaecologist Weekly prenatal control 0-40 weeks Kind & Gezin 2 Prenatal course expecting a child Yes 2 child & family -Flemish governmental agency with responsibility for young children and families in Flanders. Page 18 of 39

19 Early months Phase / age Organisation Activity 1 week Kind & Gezin Visit of a health visitor in hospital Link with sustainable 2 weeks Kind & Gezin Health visitor at home 6 weeks Kind & Gezin Health visitor at home 1 month 2 month Kind & Gezin Consult in regional office Could be: also social welfare etc. 3 month 4 month 6 month Crèches Phase / age Organisation Activity Link with sustainable 9 month 12 month Kind & Gezin Consult in regional office Could be: also social welfare etc. 15 month 24 month 30 month 3 months 2,5 years Private or Kind&Gezin Crèches or baby minders Kindergarten Phase / age Organisation Activity Link with sustainable 2,5 6 years Kindergarten school Voluntary First year of kindergarten CLB 3 Medical examination at school 3 centrum voor leerlingenbegeleiding centre for student council Page 19 of 39

20 Second year of kindergarten CLB Medical examination at CLB Bulgaria Pre-birth Phase Organisation Activity Link with sustainable 0-4 weeks Doctor Pregnant check 10 weeks Doctor and Midwife tests weeks Doctor and Midwife Echo and tests 32 weeks Doctor and Midwife Doctor and Midwife tests Echo and tests Early months Phase Organisation Activity Link with sustainable First 24 hours Doctor paediatrician Health test 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months Doctor paediatrician or GP (home visits and in consulting room) Health check and vaccination, weight and measure by doctor or nurse 5 months 6 months 7 months 9 months 11 months Page 20 of 39

21 12 months Crèches Phase Organisation Activity Link with sustainable 8 months GP Health check Each 6 months after the 1 st year GP Health check and vaccination by doctor or nurse 8 months - 3 years Crèches Day care Voluntary Kindergarten Phase Organisation Activity 3 year GP Health check and vaccination by doctor or nurse Link with sustainable Each 6 months GP Health check and vaccination by doctor or nurse 3-6 years Kindergarten Socialisation, communication, learning new things; learning how to ride a bike Voluntary Yes Germany Pre-birth Phase / age Organisation Activity Link with sustainable Pregnancy doctor Pregnant check Voluntary 0-1 month week doctor echo Voluntary week doctor echo Voluntary week doctor echo Voluntary Page 21 of 39

22 All 4 weeks doctor Routine check Voluntary Pre-birth course midwife course Voluntary Early months Phase / age Organisation Activity Link with sustainable Directly after the birth doctor First check Voluntary 3-10 days doctor Check und echo of the hip no 4-6 weeks doctor check 3-4 months doctor Check and maybe vaccination 6-7 months doctor Check and maybe vaccination months doctor Check and maybe vaccination Crèches Phase / age Organisation Activity Link with sustainable months doctor Check and maybe vaccination 3 months- Crèches Day care 3 years Kindergarten Phase / age Organisation Activity Link with sustainable 3-6, maybe 7 years kindergarten Day care, preperation for school months after birth months after birth doctor Health Check, vaccination doctor Health check, vaccination 12-6 months before school School doctor/ public health Health and ability check in most states in Page 22 of 39

23 department Germany Greece Pre-birth Phase / age Organisation Activity Link with sustainable 0-4 weeks Hospital Pregnancy check 10 weeks Hospital Medical tests & ultrasound 20 weeks Hospital Medical tests & ultrasound 30 weeks a) Hospital Medical tests & ultrasound b) Public or private hospitals (midwifes) Pre-birth courses Voluntary 40 weeks a) Hospital Medical tests & ultrasound b) Public or private hospitals (midwifes) Pre-birth courses Voluntary Early months Phase / age Organisation Activity Link with sustainable 0 1 month Infant welfare centre or private paediatrician Health check and vaccination by doctor 2 months 3 months 4 months Infant welfare centre or private paediatrician Health check and vaccination by doctor 5 months 6 months Page 23 of 39

24 12 months Infant welfare centre or private paediatrician Health check and vaccination by doctor Crèches Phase / age Organisation Activity / Link with sustainable 15 months Infant welfare centre or private paediatrician Health check and vaccination by doctor 18 months Infant welfare centre or private paediatrician Health check and vaccination by doctor 2 years Infant welfare centre or private paediatrician Health check and vaccination by doctor 3 months Crèches Day care Voluntary 2 years Kindergarten Phase / age Organisation Activity Link with sustainable 2-5 years Infant welfare centre or private paediatrician Health check and vaccination by doctor 2-5 years Kindergarten School Voluntary Netherlands Pre-birth Phase Organisation Activity Link with sustainable 0-4 weeks Doctor Pregnant check Page 24 of 39

25 10 weeks Midwife Echo 20 weeks Midwife Echo Early months Phase Organisation Activity Link with sustainable 1 month 2 months Infant welfare centre Health check and vaccination by doctor or nurse 3 months 4 months 5,5 months 7 months 9 months 11 months Crèches Phase Organisation Activity Link with sustainable 14 months 18 months Infant welfare centre Health check and vaccination by doctor or nurse 2 year 3 year 3 year and 9 months 3 months - 4 years Crèches Day care Voluntary Kindergarten Phase Organisation Activity Link with sustainable Page 25 of 39

26 4 year Infant welfare centre Health check and vaccination by doctor or nurse 4-6 years Kindergarten School Romania Pre-birth Phase / age Organisation Activity Link with sustainable 0-4 weeks Doctor Pregnant check 4-8 weeks Doctor Pregnant check 10 weeks Doctor Echo weeks Doctor Pregnant check 20 weeks Doctor Echo weeks Doctor Pregnant check weeks Doctor Pregnant check weeks Doctor Pregnant check weeks Doctor Pregnant check Early months Phase / age Organisation Activity Link with sustainable 1 month 2 months Infant welfare centre Health check and vaccination by doctor or nurse Voluntary schema 3 months 4 months 5,5 months 7 months Page 26 of 39

27 9 months 11 months 2 months 4 months Infant welfare centre Health check and vaccination by doctor or nurse 6 months 12 months Crèches Phase / age Organisation Activity Link with sustainable 3 months - 3 years Crèches Day care Voluntary Kindergarten Phase / age Organisation Activity Link with sustainable 3-6 years Kindergarten School Slovenia Pre-birth Phase / age Organisation Activity Link with sustainable 0-6 weeks Doctor Pregnant check 8-12 weeks Doctor Pregnant check and Echo 16 weeks Doctor Pregnant check 20 weeks Doctor Pregnant check and Echo Page 27 of 39

28 24 weeks Doctor Pregnant check 28 weeks Doctor Pregnant check 32 weeks Doctor Pregnant check 35 weeks Doctor Pregnant check 36 weeks Doctor Pregnant check 37 weeks Doctor Pregnant check 38 weeks Doctor Pregnant check 39 weeks Doctor Pregnant check 40 weeks Doctor Pregnant check Early months Phase / age Organisation Activity 1 month Paediatrician Health check and vaccination by doctor and nurse 2 month Paediatrician Health check by doctor 3 months Paediatrician Health check and vaccination by doctor and nurse 4 months Paediatrician Health check and vaccination by doctor and nurse 6 months Paediatrician Health check and vaccination by doctor and nurse 9 months Paediatrician Health check by doctor 12 months Paediatrician Health check by doctor Link with sustainable Crèches Page 28 of 39

29 Phase / age Organisation Activity 18 months Paediatrician Health check and vaccination by doctor and nurse Link with sustainable Kindergarten Phase / age Organisation Activity Link with sustainable 3 years Paediatrician Psychologist Health check by doctor Psychological test 5 years Paediatrician Speech terapist Health check and vaccination by doctor Speech test data from Italy and France. Page 29 of 39

30 6 Appendix 2: Legal Issues regarding Child Mobility 6.1 Austria COUNTRY: Austria Laws Guidelines 1 Age of a child on bike seat children up to the age of 8 and the cyclist has to be over 16 years. We have produced guidelines for children in cooperation with the region of Styria. It contains It is only allowed to one child at at time and advice about cycles, trailers, runbikes etc. for the age the seat has to be mounted behind the cyclist. groups of 0-10 years. See: / cms/be itrag/ / / 2 Helmet requirements no There are lots of recommendations in various guidelines suggesting that it is safer for children to wear a helmet when cycling. 3 Cycling on the street with children Children up to the age of 10 years have to be accompanied by a cyclist (at least 16 years of age) and can cycle alone if they have passed a cycling exam. From 12 years onwards every child is allowed to cycle alone. There are guidelines, exercises and advice for the bike exam available. See: 4 Travelling with buggies in the bus, tram, metro, train It is allowed to take a buggy or pushchair into bus, tram, metro or train. But the number is restricted according to space requirements 5 Ticket prices for children usually half of the regular ticket price. But there are special offers (train and regional buses) that with a certain family card children up to 15 years of age travel for free. 6 Bike trailer use Trailers are allowed, for up to two children, depending on the model. The trailer has to have a flagpole with a fluorescent flag and it needs to have taillights if the width exeeds 60 cm. See: / cms/ beitrag / / / 7 Tricycle use Tricycles are not used very much in Austria. Therefore there are no specific regulations and laws yet. Even though it is not allowed to children in a bike seat in front of the cyclist, tricycles do not fall into this category and there are no laws for or against their use. See: / cms/ beitrag / / / 8 A children's bike connected to It is allowed and there are no specific restrictions an adults bike 9 Using skates, skate board on the pavement is only allowed on the pavement 10 Kids Bikes, runbikes etc. on the pavement Bikes are only allowed on the pavement if the size of their wheel diameter does not exeed 30 cm (12 inches) Page 30 of 39

31 6.2 Belgium COUNTRY: Belgium - Mobiel 21 Laws 1 Age of a child on bike seat laws on age. You can only take as much children as their are seats on/ around your bike. Guidelines Kind en Gezin/ Child and Family advices to only take children in a bike seat when they are 1 year old. 2 Helmet requirements helmet required, never. All concerned actors advice to wear a helmet when biking. 3 Cycling on the street with children Children are allowed to bike on the footpath until they are 9 years old. 4 Travelling with buggies in the bus, tram, metro, train It is, of course, allowed to take a buggy on a bus or a train. But there are no rules or legislations. When crowded, mutual understanding is asked of all passengers. 5 Ticket prices for children * Train: under the age of 6: free / / under the age of 12 free when accompanied by an adult with a ticket. Max. 4 children per adult. * bus: below the age of 6: free / / between 6-12 years free when accompanied by an adult with a season ticket 6 Bike trailer use * the bike trailer must be designed to carry children Guidelines from our side: * max number of children as their are seats and belts * only buy your bike trailer with a bike dealer and not * max 1 meter wide via the internet.. * max 2,5 meter long * max 80 kg weight * 2 red reflectors at the backside * 1 red light at the backside when dark * forbidden to bike next to each other when carrying a bike trailer 7 Tricycle use and children bikes * when driving as slow as a pedestrian, then all rules for pedestrians count for you * when having the same speed as a biker, then the rules for bikers account for you * children below the age of 9 are allowed to bike or to skate on the foothpath, whenever the diameter of their wheels isn't bigger than 50 cm * reflectors are not obligated unless driving when dark * the bike needs to have 1 freign * the bike needs to have a bike bell * it is allowed to bike next to each other in the central part of towns and cities, when you don't obstruct traffic coming from the other side 8 A children's bike connected to Same rules as for all bikers an adults bike 9 Using skates, skate board on the pavement * when driving as slow as a pedestrian, then all rules for pedestrians count for you * when having the same speed as a biker, then the rules for bikers account for you * children below the age of 9 are allowed to bike or to skate on the foothpath, whenever the diameter of their wheels isn't bigger than 50 cm Page 31 of 39

32 6.3 Bulgaria COUNTRY: Bulgaria Laws Guidelines 1 Age of a child on bike seat specification of the age in the ROAD TRAFFIC LAW and in REGULATIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ROAD TRAFFIC LAW, but see the note N1 2 Helmet requirements requirements in the ROAD TRAFFIC LAW and in REGULATIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ROAD TRAFFIC LAW 3 Cycling on the street with children specification in the ROAD TRAFFIC LAW and in REGULATIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ROAD TRAFFIC LAW (treatment like a cyclist - see the note N 2) 4 Travelling with buggies in the bus, tram, regulation metro, train 5 Ticket prices for children (up to 7 age) regulation: a lot of companies offert free for children of age below 7. Ticket prices for children (students and university students) Ticket prices for children (students up to 16 years of age, in a populated area where there is no appropriate school) Regulation: students and university students travel at a discount of 30% (in an urban area) and 20% (out of towns) LAW FOR THE PUBLIC EDUCATION: Art.26(3) Provided to students up to 16 years of age, in a populated area where there is no appropriate school, shall be a free and/or boarding-school education in a central school in the closest populated area on the territory of the municipality or of a neighbour municipality, where by this the time for ation and/or the expenses for this purpose are reduced. 6 Bike trailer use specification in the ROAD TRAFFIC LAW and in the REGULATIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ROAD TRAFFIC LAW (treatment like a cyclist - note N 2) 7 Tricycle use specification in the ROAD TRAFFIC LAW and in the REGULATIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ROAD TRAFFIC LAW (treatment like a cyclist - note N2), but see the note N1 8 A children's bike connected to an adults bike specification in the ROAD TRAFFIC LAW and in the REGULATIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ROAD TRAFFIC LAW (treatment like a cyclist - see the note N2) 9 Using skates, skate board on the pavement regulation (treatment like a pedestrian), but see the note N1 documents and guidelines for the concrete bike note N 1 LAW FOR PROTECTION OF THE CHILD Art. 8.(3) Parents, guardians, custodians or other persons who are taking care of a child shall be obliged to accompany their children in public places after 8 p.m, if the child has not reached 14 years of age, respectively after 10 p.m. if the child has reached 14, however is under 18 years of age. (8) Parents, guardians, custodians or other persons who are taking care of a child must not leave their children under 12 years of age without supervision and care if in doing so there will be danger for their physical, mental and moral development. note N 2 6 In the context of the Road traffic low: "Road vehicle" is a unit driven on wheels and used for ation of people and/or cargo. Equivalent to the road vehicles are the trams and the self propelled machines when driving on the roads. "Bicycle" is a vehicle on at least two wheels which is set in motion by the muscular force of the person driving it, with exception of wheelchairs. "Composition of vehicles" are mechanically connected vehicles participating in the traffic as an entity. Page 32 of 39

33 "Driver" is a person who drives a vehicle. "Passenger" is a person who is in or on a vehicle but does not participate in its driving. "Participant in the traffic" is every person who is on the road and by his activity or inactivity influences the traffic on the road. Such are the drivers, the passengers, the pedestrians as well as the persons working on the road. Page 33 of 39

34 6.4 France Page 34 of 39

35 COUNTRY: France Laws Guidelines 1 Age of a child on bike seat no limit of age in the National at Road Code but a no specific guidelines at national level requirement on adapted seats with safety belt and footrest. The driver must also take care that the feet of the child do not risk to injured by the mobile and static parts of the cycle. 2 Helmet requirements no requirement for cyclist whatever is the age wearing an helmet for cyclist is recommended by Ministry in charge of road safety for child and adult (see flyer in attachement) 3 Cycling on the street with children Children under 8 are not allowed to ride in the traffic, children under 7 are allowed to cycle on walkside they must ride on pavement (walkside) or or bike facilities (lanes, path ). Inversely Children over 8 must ride on street or bike facilities. 4 Travelling with buggies in the bus, tram, metro, train Regulation of publict provider (RATB) : Buggies are allowed at every time of the day in all kind of PT vehicles. But there are some conditions for bus such as : 1 or 2 opened out buggies max per bus according to the type of bus, entry by the front door except any other agreement by the busdriver, use the wheelchair places. Bikes are forbidden in metro, bus, tramway, funicular; they are allowed on line 1 on sunday and holy days and on RER lines at any time on saturday, sunday and holy day and out of rush hours all the other days. Skating (roller, board...) is also forbidden in all PT facilities and vehicles. 5 Ticket prices for children The ticket price will vary according to the Transport autority over France. In Ile-de-France (Paris Region), the Transport Authority is STIF, which has competences on regional level. There are mainly 2 types of tickets : the Ticket + and Tickets Ile-de- France (for inter-cities or regional trips). In any case, it is free for children under 4 if they do not sit in. For both tickets, children from 4 to 10 get a discount of 50%, which makes 0,85 euros/ ticket + (the price of the other ticket depends on the length trip). It is also for groups of less than 10 youngs under 16. Ticket+ cost normaly 1,70 euros and gives access to metro lines, RER lines (RATP and SNCF) Inner Paris (zone 1), bus lines in Île-de-France (RATP and OPTILE, except Orlybus and Roissybus, tramway lines (RATP and SNCF), funicular of Montmartre, including connexions between all the networks during 1h30 (tram/ metro/ RER/ bus). The cost of ticket Ile de France depend on length trips. 6 Bike trailer use no regulation in the Road Code for bike trailer on quality such as for baby/ child seat. But another regulation allow to have passengers (2 max) on 2- wheels only for tandems, trailer and side-car, or other adapted engines. But the Road Code (article National recommendations from National Consumers Safety Commission which produce a summary of regulations, results of tests on several brands and recommendations for consumers and constructors ( / article664.html). For R431-6) forbid users of motorbike and cycles of more instance, it is recommended to take care of having a than 2 wheels, or cycles with trailer or side-car to ride flag and reflectors on the trailer. side by side on street. (which is allowed until 2 cyclists max without trailer or side-car) 7 Tricycle use tricycle has the same status as cycle. So they are no specific guidelines at national level unforbidden on pavement (walkside) for children over 8. 8 A children's bike connected to it is forbidden by Road Code for a cyclist to be towed no specific guidelines at national level an adults bike by another vehicle 9 Using skates, skate board on the pavement Rollerskate and skateboard users have no specific new guidelines at national level (White Book, Certu, status in the law (law gap in Road Code), so they are august 2001) in order to make evoluate the legal considered as pedestrian (confirmed by an answer of skating status : recognize them as a mode of Ministry in 2004). Thus they have also to respect their obligations and advantages.for instance, the Law Badinter of 1985 consider that pedestrian, cyclist (or other non motorised mode user) who has (such as bike) and allow riders to use cycling lanes. 2 proposals of law for rollers have been proposed bt deputed (1999, 2005) but none has been yet taken by Assembly. There is also a been hurt by a cardriver is de facto a victim (except if recommendation from the National Consumers Safety he/ she commited an unforgivenable fault which is the only cause of accident). As walkers, they are not allowed to travel or be towed on roadway (Road Code) even on cycling lanes, but only on pavement except if they don't have any choice (absence of Commission in nov 2000 : - public authorities : to change the skaters status, to oblige the wearing of protections during collective activities (already available for activities within schools), to develop specific areas for sportive walkside in inter-city road ou country road). There is skating, to inform on norms... - users no restriction on speed but it is quite obvious that : to wear protections (helmet, and for other parts like pace speed is required regarding responsability in knees...) and reflectors - industrial : to improve case of collision with walkers. Moreover a Mayor (or a information, to develop skating training... Prefet, such as in Paris where skateboarding is regarded as dangerous game and is forbidden on pavement) can forbid skating in some places or restrict skating only to dedicate places such skating playground to protect law and order (Law 2007; For Paris Ordonnance 1862). 10 safety vest/ jacket obligation (since oct 2008) for cyclists (riders and passengers, child or adult) to wear a fluorescent safety vest for trips out of city during night or bad weather It is recommended to wear it also in the city by a lot of cyclists associations. Page 35 of 39

36 6.5 Germany COUNTRY: Germany Laws Guidelines 1 Age of a child on bike seat you can take a child on bike seat when it is able to sit (ca. age of 9 months); seats for the back of the bike are for children till 22 kg; seats for the front till 15 kg; children in bike seats till the age of 7; only people, who are 16 or older are allowed to take a child with them by bike; the seats must have a certificate (TÜV- Sign) 2 Helmet requirements no obligation advice: every child with helmet, also children on bike seats 3 Cycling on the street with children till the age of 8 children must, till the age of 10 children can drive on the pavement; children till 8 are not allowed to drive on the cycle track 4 Travelling with buggies in the bus, tram, metro, train no problems; you can take your buggy with you; you don`t have to pay for a buggy 5 Ticket prices for children don`t pay anything before the age of 6 6 Bike trailer use there is no regulation; in opposite to the bike there is no obligation in using the bike track 7 Tricycle use see skates and scooters 8 A children's bike connected to an adults bike no age regulation; sawn from the law like tandems 9 Using skates, skate board on the pavement skates and scooters are toys and not means of locomotion, so you are not allowed to take the bike track; you are not allowed to take the bus, tram ore undergroundtrain with skates on the feet 6.6 Greece data 6.7 Italy data Page 36 of 39

37 6.8 Netherlands Page 37 of 39

38 COUNTRY: the Netherlands gele cellen zijn nieuwe toegevoegde aspecten De tekst die nog in het nederlands vermeld staat versie Laws bron Guidelines Bron 1 Age of a child on bike seat Kinderzitje: kinderen jonger dan 8 jaar moet u op de fiets vervoeren in een kinderzitje. min. V&W Zodra kind zelfstandig rechtop kan zitten (6 â 12 maanden) Koop- en montage-advies: (i.o.m. Stichting - monteer het stoeltje volgens de gebruiksaanwijzing. Consument en Wel doen: Veiligheid) - zet het kind altijd vast met de veiligheidsgordels; - gebruik desgewenst een fietshelm, om ernstig hoofdletsel te voorkomen. Niet doen: - maak in het begin geen lange tochten. Dat wil zeggen: niet langer dan de tijd die het kind los op de grond kan zitten; - zet de fiets niet neer met het kind nog in het stoeltje. 2 Helmet requirements Helm: een fietshelm is niet verplicht. Wel beschermt een fietshelm uw kind tegen ernstig letsel bij een valpartij. Min. V&W Moet een kind een fietshelm op? Ja, wij vinden van wel. Ook al woon je in een rustige wijk en fietst je kind niet langs drukke wegen... op de stoeprand vallen kan overal. Vooral als je kind met je mee het verkeer ingaat, mag je best voor wat extra bescherming zorgen. In het begin fietsen kinderen nog niet zo stabiel. Ze hoeven maar even afgeleid te zijn, om meteen al slingerend de berm in te rijden. En in de auto draag je toch ook gordels? (i.o.m. Stichting Consument en Veiligheid) 3 Cycling on the street N.A. - N.A. 4 Travelling with buggies in the bus, tram, metro, train NS, RET De optimale methode van kindervervoer in de bus 5 Ticket prices for children In the train: a buggy is free of charge. When the buggy is obstructing the corridor or casuse dangerous situations, the railway guard can refuse you to enter the train. In the bus: Kinderwagens mogen naar binnen door de voor- en achterdeur, zoals vermeld op de stickers op deze deuren. Als basisregel geldt dat er maximaal twee uitgeklapte kinderwagens op de daarvoor bestemdeplek (het balkon) in de bus mee mogen. Als zich al twee kinderwagens in de bus bevinden, dan beslist de chauffeur of er eventueel nog meer kinderwagens mee kunnen. Zo ja, dan dient u deze op verzoek van de chauffeur in te klappen. Doet u dit niet, dan informeert de chauffeur u, dat uzelf de verantwoordelijkheid draagt voor het vervoer van de kinderwagen. Reizigers met een rolstoel hebben voorrang boven reizigers met een kinderwagen als die gelijktijdig de bus in willen gaan. Bij twijfel is het altijd de chauffeur die bepaalt hoeveel (uitgeklapte) kinderwagens er in de bus mee mogen. Afhankelijk van de situatie kan het aantal kinderwagens per rit verschillen en bestaat de mogelijkheid dat een kinderwagen geweigerd wordt. In the tram: City/ regional public system: - children untill 3 years old free of costs - children in the age of 4 till 11 years old: reduduced tarif. Train: - children untill 3 years old free of costs; - children in the age of 4 till 11 years old 40% 6 Bike trailer use differences other than the standards law requirements for a bike. 7 Tricycle use differences other than the standards law requirements for a bike. 8 A children's differences other than the standards law bike connected to requirements for a bike. an adults bike 9 Using skates, skate board on the pavement OV9292 Skaters follow the rules of the pedestrains. Veilig Gebruikers van een step of skeelers, maar ook Vekeer rolschaatsers en skateboarders mogen behalve op de Nederland/ stoep ook op het fietspad. Alleen wanneer er geen Min. V&W stoep of fietspad aanwezig is mogen ze op de rijbaan. Gebruikers van step, skeelers, rolschaatsen en skateboard hebben dezelfde status als voetgangers. Per jaar komen 4600 kinderen tot 14 jaar met hoofdletsel terecht bij de EHBO. Zo'n 700 kinderen belanden in het ziekenhuis en 35 komen om het leven door een fiets-ongeluk. Een fietshelm kan de kans op hoofdletsel met 45% tot 80% verlagen. Zelfs een slechte helm is nog beter dan geen helm. Tips voor het passen van een fietshelm Voor het passen van een helm adviseert de ANWB het volgende: -Zet de helm horizontaal op het hoofd. - Stel de bandjes zo af dat de oren helemaal vrij staan. - De riempjes moeten niet te strak zitten: er moet een vinger tussen passen. - Een helm moet goed op het hoofd blijven staan en niet gemakkelijk van links naar rechts of van voren naar achteren geduwd kunnen worden. - De hoofdhuid moet bij het bewegen van de helm meebewegen. - Sommige helmen moet je passend maken door kussentjes aan de binnenkant te plakken. Te veel kussentjes is niet goed. - Brildragers moeten hun bril opzetten bij het passen. - Liever geen paardenstaarten of speldjes in de helm. - Krijgt u de helm niet passend, koop hem dan niet. Doordat er meerdere typen bussen en kinderwagens zijn en in één bus meerdere soorten zit- en staanplaatsen zijn en er kinderen in verschillende leeftijdscategorieën worden vervoerd, is het lastig om een eenduidige uitspraak te doen. Er zijn ons ook geen onderzoeken bekend naar de meest veilige methode voor het vervoeren van kinderen. Consument en Veiligheid raadt het vervoeren van kinderen op schoot af. Bij het abrupt stoppen of een frontale botsing zal de baby beklemd worden door de benen en borst van de ouder of tussen ouder en rugleuning van de bank voor je. Dit zelfde gevaar is aanwezig als het kind in een draagzak of draakdoek wordt gedragen. (i.o.m. Stichting Consument en Veiligheid) Consument en Veiligheid raadt het volgende aan: 0-9 maanden De baby in de kinderwagenbak laten liggen en de kinderwagenbak dwars op de rijrichting plaatsen. De kinderwagenbak kan op het onderstel blijven (onderstel op de rem) of op de grond worden geplaatst maanden De dreumes in het zitje in de kinderwagen laten zitten, met het tuigje vast. De kinderwagen op de rem zetten en dwars op de rijrichting plaatsen. 1½ jaar - 8 jaar Als het kind nog in een kinderwagen zit, is het voor deze kinderen eveneens het veiligst om ze in de kinderwagen te laten zitten met het tuigje om en de kinderwagen dw Men kan er ook voor kiezen om met het kind te gaan zitten als het kind al goed zelfstandig kan lopen en zitten, en als er banken zijn waar het kind zich goed aan de zijka Het is belangrijk om de kinderwagen dwars op de rijrichting te zetten. Bij bussen zonder aparte bagageruimte, zal dat niet mogelijk zijn. Bussen zouden standaard uitge Conclusie Er is geen onderzoek bekend naar de veiligste methode van vervoeren in openbaar vervoer bussen. Het aantal en de ernst van de ongevallen bij kinderen 0 tot 4 jaar is la There are many pilots in the Netherlands with reduction-programmes for public, e.g. specials tarifs for seniors or children between years old, free, etc. De meningen over de minimumleeftijd voor gebruik van de fietskar, lopen uiteen. Wij kunnen alleen maar zeggen: maak je eigen afweging en doe wat jou verstandig lijkt. Belangrijk is dat je nderen.info baby in een goed stoeltje kan liggen: een maxi-cosi (of ander autostoeltje) of babyschelp. Age recommendation: 2 years. Aanhangfietsen zijn geschikt voor kinderen van 4 jaar (soms 3 jaar) tot negen jaar. Kinderen van vijf en zes jaar passen op alle modellen. Maar bij de andere leeftijden is het ook afhankelijk van het model aanhangfiets. Om veilig te kunnen skateboarden in het verkeer is er door de ANWB, in samenwerking met politie, justitie, ministeries, verkeersveiligheid- en consumentenorganisaties, een gedragscode ontwikkeld. Deze code, genaamd SLAB (Slim Legaal Alert en Beleefd), bevat alles wat je moet weten wanneer je als skateboarder deelneemt aan het verkeer. De belangrijkste punten met betrekking tot de veiligheid staan hieronder genoemd. Fietsersbond - Houd je aan de verkeersregels. - Draag in het verkeer altijd een helm. - Zorg dat je goed zichtbaar en herkenbaar bent in het verkeer, ook in het donker! - Draag geen mp3-speler of discman, zodat je andere weggebruikers goed kunt horen. - Stem je snelheid af op de kwaliteit van de bestrating van de weg en minder snelheid bij de overgang van de ene naar de andere bestrating (bijvoorbeeld bij de overgang van asfalt naar - klinkerbestrating) en bij onregelmatigheden in het wegdek (bijv. een verkeersheuvel). - Vermijd of wees alert bij losliggende stoeptegels, tramrails, plaatsen waar zand, olie, of water ligt en bij opgeplakte belijning. Let extra op dit soort zaken bij wegwerkzaamheden. - Begin je net met skaten? Oefen dan op daarvoor geschikte plekken, en dus niet in het drukke verkeer. - Indien voetpad, trottoirs, (brom-) fietspad en fietsstrook ontbreken dan mag je als skater de rijbaan gebruiken. Houd ook hier rechts en vermijd drukke wegen. - Laat je nooit voortslepen door gemotoriseerde voertuigen. - Zorg dat je een wettelijke aansprakelijkheidsverzekering hebt die schade bij anderen dekt. ANWB Bike seat on front Bike seat on the back Baby on bike European norm EN14344 European norm EN14345 European norm EN14346 voor kinderen tot 15 kilo Koop- en montage-adviezen: - zorg dat de rem- en versnellingskabels niet afgeklemd worden; - gebruik een windscherm. (i.o.m. Stichting Consument en Veiligheid) voor kinderen van 15 tot 25 kilo Koop-montageadviezen: (i.o.m. Stichting - zorg voor goede spaak-afschermers; Consument en - voetensteunen moeten voorzien zijn van spaak-afscherming (voetenkuipje); Veiligheid) - monteer zadelveer-beschermers (zodat er geen kindervingers tussen de zadelveren gestoken kunnen worden); - zorg dat het kind het ringslot niet kan dichttrappen; - zorg voor een hoge rugleuning (voor steun en bescherming). Algemeen advies: vanaf het moment dat een kind zelfstandig kan zitten (ca. 6-9 maanden) is fietsvervoer in een (i.o.m. Stichting fietszitje mogelijk. Tot die tijd kan een baby in een half liggende houding worden vervoerd. Consument en Hiervoor zijn diverse systemen op de markt, zoals een baby-autostoeltje op een speciaal frame Veiligheid) op de bagagedrager, of een baby-autostoeltje of baby-schelp in een fietskar of bakfiets. Praktische tips: - zorg voor een goede bevestiging; - gebruik een tuigje of een gordel om de baby vast te maken; - zorg voor goede ondersteuning van hoofd en rug; - gebruik een stevige en stabiele fiets; - fiets rustig en houd contact. Page 38 of 39


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