ࢪ 㛤 ᅜ ࠉ Ẽ ኚ ᨻ ሗ 㞟 ㄆㄪᰝ ࢪ 㛤 ᅜ Ẽ ኚ ᨻ ሗ 㞟 ㄆㄪᰝ ࠉ ሗ ሗ ᖹᡂ ᖺ ᖹᡂ 㸦 ᖺ㸧 ᖺ ᨻἲ ᨻἲ ᅜ㝿༠ຊᶵᵓ㸦-,&$㸧 ࠉ ᅜ㝿༠ຊᶵᵓ 㝈 ࢫ ࠉᮏࠉᕤࠉႠࠉ ࠉᘧࠉ ࠉ ቃ JR ࠉ ࠉసᴗ㸹 ᕝ

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3 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 最 終 報 告 書 目 次 頁 第 1 章 調 査 の 背 景 と 目 的 調 査 の 背 景 調 査 の 目 的 調 査 対 象 地 域 調 査 内 容... 2 第 2 章 文 献 調 査 文 献 調 査 の 目 的 文 献 調 査 の 整 理 方 法... 3 第 3 章 セミナーの 開 催 セミナー 概 要 セミナー 報 告 セミナーまとめ... 5 第 4 章 COP19 への 参 加 COP19 渡 航 前 対 応 COP19 参 加 対 応 COP19 参 加 まとめ 第 5 章 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 における 気 候 変 動 対 策 の 推 進 に 係 る 課 題 と 提 言 課 題 提 言 表 表 2-1 文 献 調 査 対 象 国 及 び 主 な 調 査 項 目... 3 表 3-1 アジア 政 策 対 話 アジェンダ... 5

4 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 第 1 章 調 査 の 背 景 と 目 的 1.1 調 査 の 背 景 地 球 温 暖 化 の 対 応 が 世 界 で 求 められる 昨 今 途 上 国 における 気 候 変 動 緩 和 策 は 気 候 変 動 枠 組 条 約 (UNFCCC) 第 15 回 締 約 国 会 議 (COP15)におけるコペンハーゲン 合 意 以 降 COP16 カン クン 合 意 COP17 ダーバン 決 定 を 経 て 国 別 緩 和 行 動 計 画 (NAMA)の 策 定 や 温 室 効 果 ガスイン ベントリの 作 成 及 び 国 別 報 告 書 に 加 えてそれらを 国 際 的 に 報 告 する 隔 年 更 新 報 告 (BUR)の 作 成 を 行 うことなどが 決 定 されている そして COP17 では 2020 年 以 降 にすべての 国 が 参 加 する 気 候 変 動 対 策 の 法 的 枠 組 みについて 2015 年 までを 目 途 に 議 論 を 進 めることが 合 意 され カンク ン 合 意 ダーバン 決 定 の 実 施 のための 作 業 計 画 が COP18 において 合 意 された 他 方 途 上 国 にお ける 気 候 変 動 適 応 策 は マラケシュ 合 意 に 基 づき 後 発 開 発 途 上 国 (LDC)において 緊 急 性 の 高 い 適 応 ニーズに 対 応 するための 国 家 適 応 行 動 計 画 (NAPAs)が 策 定 されてきたが カンクン 合 意 ダーバン 決 定 を 経 て すべての 国 において 中 長 期 的 な 適 応 ニーズへの 対 応 を 国 家 開 発 計 画 等 に 主 流 化 していくことを 目 的 とした 国 家 適 応 計 画 (NAPs)の 検 討 が 進 められようとしている 途 上 国 における NAMA NAPs 等 の 様 式 内 容 は 定 まったものはなく 各 国 が 個 々の 能 力 に 応 じた 自 主 的 な 取 り 組 みを 行 い 先 進 国 が 必 要 な 支 援 を 行 うことが 求 められている 現 在 アジア 地 域 等 において NAMA の 基 礎 となる 国 別 報 告 書 (National Communications)や 国 家 気 候 変 動 計 画 / 戦 略 の 策 定 が 進 められている 特 に 著 しい 経 済 成 長 を 遂 げているアジア 諸 国 は 経 済 成 長 と 温 室 効 果 ガスの 排 出 削 減 を 両 立 させる 低 炭 素 開 発 を より 早 期 に 開 発 計 画 に 反 映 させていくことが 求 められている かかる 状 況 を 踏 まえ アジアの 開 発 途 上 国 を 対 象 として 国 家 開 発 計 画 / 戦 略 と 整 合 した NAMA や NAPs の 策 定 及 び 実 施 に 向 けて アジア 開 発 途 上 国 の 能 力 強 化 を 目 的 とした 基 礎 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 を 行 った 1.2 調 査 の 目 的 本 業 務 では 気 候 変 動 に 関 する 国 際 交 渉 の 状 況 を 踏 まえて アジア 開 発 途 上 国 を 対 象 として 各 国 における NAMA NAPs の 策 定 検 討 および 実 施 に 関 する 情 報 を 取 りまとめ 各 国 における 気 候 変 動 対 策 の 推 進 にあたって 必 要 な 課 題 や 能 力 強 化 について 調 査 し 提 言 をまとめる 調 査 の 主 な 内 容 は 文 献 調 査 に 加 えて 対 象 国 から 気 候 変 動 対 策 の 計 画 実 施 に 携 わる 担 当 官 等 を 招 聘 し セミナーを 開 催 した また 第 19 回 気 候 変 動 対 策 枠 組 条 約 締 約 国 会 議 (COP19)に 参 加 し アジア 開 発 途 上 国 の 関 係 者 との 対 話 情 報 収 集 を 行 うと 同 時 に 最 新 の 気 候 変 動 国 際 交 渉 の 状 況 を 踏 まえた 提 言 を 行 った 1

5 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 1.3 調 査 対 象 地 域 アジア 地 域 の 開 発 途 上 国 のうち 対 象 国 は 以 下 17 ヶ 国 である 地 域 的 な 内 訳 として アセア ン 諸 国 が 10 カ 国 南 西 アジア 地 域 は 5 カ 国 北 東 アジア 地 域 が 2 カ 国 を 対 象 とした 地 域 ASEAN 南 西 アジア 北 東 アジア 国 名 タイ インドネシア フィリピン マレーシア ベトナム ミャンマー ラオス カンボジア シンガポール ブルネイ インド,バングラデシュ,ネパール,パキスタン,スリランカ 中 国 モンゴル 1.4 調 査 内 容 本 調 査 は 国 内 調 査 として 文 献 調 査 及 びセミナーの 開 催 現 地 調 査 として COP19 での 情 報 収 集 意 見 交 換 等 を 実 施 した 調 査 の 詳 細 は 下 記 のとおりである (1) 文 献 調 査 各 国 が UNFCCC に 提 出 している 国 別 報 告 書 や 国 家 開 発 計 画 国 際 機 関 ドナーの 資 料 デ ータ 等 をもとに 各 国 における 気 候 変 動 対 策 (NAMA NAPs の 計 画 および 実 施 状 況 を 含 む)に ついての 現 状 を 取 りまとめた また 文 献 調 査 の 結 果 は セミナーにおける 資 料 として セミナー 参 加 者 に 配 布 した (2) セミナーの 開 催 セミナーについて 対 象 国 の 政 府 関 係 者 の 招 聘 セミナー 開 催 に 係 る 準 備 を 貴 機 構 と 協 議 の 上 実 施 した 対 象 国 の 政 府 関 係 者 を 招 聘 し 日 本 の 有 識 者 等 を 招 き 気 候 変 動 対 策 の 計 画 実 施 に 関 するセミナーを 開 催 参 加 者 間 の 意 見 交 換 や 日 本 の 知 見 の 共 有 等 を 踏 まえ 課 題 を 整 理 し 能 力 向 上 策 を 検 討 した セミナー 概 要 日 時 :2013 年 8 月 27 日 ~29 日 3 日 間 (2 日 間 : 会 議 1 日 間 : 現 場 見 学 ) 場 所 :グランドアーク 半 蔵 門 参 加 者 :13 ヶ 国 14 名 (3) COP19 への 参 加 COP19 に 参 加 し サイドイベント 等 の 場 において アジア 開 発 途 上 国 の 関 係 者 との 対 話 情 報 収 集 を 行 った 本 件 業 務 の 成 果 の 結 果 概 要 をとりまとめ 国 際 交 渉 関 係 者 開 発 途 上 国 政 府 関 係 者 に 対 する 情 報 発 信 等 を 行 った また 気 候 変 動 国 際 交 渉 国 際 制 度 にかかる 最 新 の 情 報 を 収 集 した 2

6 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 第 2 章 文 献 調 査 2.1 文 献 調 査 の 目 的 各 国 が UNFCCC に 提 出 している 国 別 報 告 書 や 国 家 開 発 計 画 国 際 機 関 ドナーの 資 料 デ ータ 等 をもとに 各 国 における 気 候 変 動 対 策 (NAMA NAPs の 計 画 および 実 施 状 況 を 含 む)に ついての 現 状 を 取 りまとめた また 文 献 調 査 の 結 果 は セミナーにおける 資 料 として 参 加 者 に 配 布 した 2.2 文 献 調 査 の 整 理 方 法 本 調 査 の 対 象 国 である 17 カ 国 について 各 国 の LEDS NAMA NAPs 策 定 及 び 実 施 に 関 す る 文 献 分 析 及 び 関 連 用 語 の 整 理 を 行 い 各 国 における LEDS NAMA NAPs の 計 画 および 実 施 についての 現 状 を 下 記 に 示 す 項 目 ごとに 英 語 にて 取 りまとめた 表 2-1 文 献 調 査 対 象 国 及 び 主 な 調 査 項 目 対 象 国 主 な 調 査 項 目 タイ インドネシア フィリピン マレーシア ベトナム ミャンマー ラオス カンボジア シンガポール ブルネイ インド バングラデシュ ネパール パキ スタン スリランカ 中 国 モンゴル 国 家 開 発 計 画 気 候 変 動 分 野 に 関 する 制 度 及 び 組 織 概 要 適 応 策 及 び 緩 和 策 に 関 する 施 策 気 候 変 動 に 関 する 施 策 及 び 制 度 の 整 備 状 況 GHG インベントリー 緩 和 策 に 関 する 主 要 施 策 適 応 策 に 関 する 主 要 施 策 気 候 変 動 に 関 する 主 要 プロジェクト 文 献 調 査 の 結 果 は 添 付 資 料 1 に 整 理 している 3

7 第 3 章 セミナーの 開 催 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 3.1 セミナー 概 要 2013 年 8 月 27 日 から 3 日 間 東 京 において アジア 諸 国 向 け 気 候 変 動 政 策 対 話 と 題 した 国 際 会 議 を 開 催 アジア 地 域 の 13 ヵ 国 の 気 候 変 動 交 渉 官 及 び 日 本 政 府 関 係 者 が 気 候 変 動 対 策 について 議 論 を 交 わす 場 として 実 施 した People s Republic of Bangladesh Mr. Md. Mahbub Hossain Brunei Darussalam Mr. Eddie Dato Paduka Haji Sunny Kingdom of Cambodia Mr. Ou Chanthearith Republic of Indonesia Mr. Mochammad Farhan Helmy Republic of Korea Mr. Hechul Yoo Ms. Seona Kim Lao People s Democratic Republic Mr. Phouvong Luangxaysana Mongolia Mr. Dorjgurkhem Batbold Republic of the Union of Myanmar Mr. Nay Aye Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal Mr. Vinod Gautam Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mr. Dilshad Ahmad Babar Republic of the Philippines Ms. Mary Ann Limpot Sering Kingdom of Thailand Dr. Sedthapandh Krajangwongs Socialist Republic of Viet Nam Mr. Tan Van Pham Director (Planning, Development & Negotiation), Bangladesh Climate Change Trust (BCCT), Ministry of Environment and Forests Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Development Deputy Director Climate Change Department, Ministry of Environment Secretary of Mitigation Working Group, National Council on Climate Change Director General, International Cooperation Office,Ministry of Environment Program Officer, Global Environmental Division Ministry of Environment Director General, Department of Disaster Management and Climate Change, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Director, International Cooperation Division, Ministry of Environment and Green Development of Mongolia Director-General, Environmental Conservation Department Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry Section Officer Climate Change Management Division, Ministry of Environment Joint Secretary Ministry of Climate Change Vice Chairperson & Executive Director, Climate Change Commission Head, UNFCCC Coordination Section, Climate Change Office, Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy Planning, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Deputy Director General, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 4

8 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 本 セミナーは 外 務 省 及 び 国 際 協 力 機 構 (JICA)のほか 経 済 産 業 省, 財 務 省, 環 境 省 からア ジア 諸 国 に 対 し 日 本 の 気 候 変 動 対 策 や 支 援 について 紹 介 するとともに, 第 19 回 国 連 気 候 変 動 枠 組 条 約 締 約 国 会 議 (COP19)に 向 けた 気 候 変 動 交 渉 に 関 する 意 見 交 換 を 行 うことを 目 的 として 開 催 した また,セミナーの 2 日 目 には 日 本 の 先 端 的 な 環 境 技 術 を 活 用 したスマートビルディングや 高 効 率 石 炭 火 力 発 電 所 の 視 察 等 を 行 った セミナー 参 加 国 は インドネシア,カンボジア,タイ,ブルネイ,フィリピン,ベトナム,ミ ャンマー,ラオス,バングラデシュ,ネパール,パキスタン,モンゴル, 韓 国 の 13 カ 国 である 3.2 セミナー 報 告 セミナーのアジェンダ 及 参 加 者 リストは 下 表 に 示 すとおりである セミナーは 1 日 目 及 び 3 日 目 にアジア 地 域 の 気 候 変 動 交 渉 官 と 日 本 政 府 関 係 者 等 の 協 議 を 行 い 2 日 目 に 日 本 の 最 新 省 エネ 技 術 を 導 入 した 事 例 見 学 を 行 った 表 3-1 アジア 政 策 対 話 アジェンダ 8 月 27 日 (1 日 目 ) Session 1 Each Country Efforts Towards Low Carbon Growth and Cooperation in Asian Countries Session 2 Japan s Cooperation on Climate Change through Multi-Framework Session 3 JICA s Policy on Climate Change Session 4 Workshop Session 5 Recent Development and Future Prospect of the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) 8 月 28 日 (2 日 目 ) Site visit 1 Presentation on climate change projects by private companies and local governments Site visit 2 Visit to high efficiency thermal power plant (J-Power) Site visit 3 Visit to Tokyo Skytree 8 月 29 日 (3 日 目 ) Session 6 Knowledge platform (LoCARNet) Session 7 Open discussion "The way forward - Future cooperation between Asian countries and Japan, with the involvement of various stakeholders" Session 8 Closed session (Climate change negotiation toward COP19) and closing remarks 3.3 セミナーまとめ アジア 諸 国 向 け 気 候 変 動 政 策 対 話 における 議 事 内 容 をセッション 毎 にまとめる 1 日 目 (8 月 27 日 ) - オープニングリマーク: 外 務 省 地 球 規 模 課 題 審 議 官 香 川 剛 廣 - 挨 拶 :JICA 地 球 環 境 部 部 長 不 破 雅 実 5

9 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 プログラム Session 1: Each Countries Efforts Towards Low Carbon Growth and Cooperation in Asian Countries 議 長 外 務 省 国 際 協 力 局 参 事 官 南 博 発 表 者 1 外 務 省 国 際 協 力 局 参 事 官 南 博 発 表 内 容 - 日 本 の GHG 排 出 量 の 推 移 及 び 日 本 の 気 候 変 動 に 対 する 取 り 組 み - アジアにおける 低 炭 素 成 長 に 関 する 支 援 活 動 発 表 者 2 Climate Change Commission, Vice Chairperson & Executive Director, Mary Ann Limpot Sering, 発 表 内 容 - フィリピンにおける 気 候 変 動 対 策 に 関 する 組 織 制 度 - フィリピンが 考 える 適 応 策 と 緩 和 策 の 関 連 性 - フィリピンの GHG 排 出 量 の 現 状 及 びインベントリーの 重 要 性 年 に 決 まる 新 メカニズムの 重 要 性 < 主 な 議 論 > 1. ネパール - ネパール 政 府 は NAPA を 既 に 作 成 済 み 年 に 気 候 変 動 ポリシーを 策 定 - ネパール 全 国 において 気 候 変 動 に 脆 弱 な 地 域 を 特 定 し 2011 年 にその 適 応 策 プランを 策 定 - 2 nd National Communication の 最 終 案 を 作 成 しており 1 カ 月 以 内 に 最 終 化 予 定 2. パキスタン - 世 界 における GHG 排 出 量 のうちパキスタンが 占 めるのは 最 大 でも 0.8% - 排 出 量 は 少 ないが 気 候 変 動 の 影 響 を 最 も 受 ける 国 の 一 つ - 特 に 氷 河 から 溶 け 出 た 水 とモンスーンが 引 き 起 こす 洪 水 被 害 が 深 刻 化 2010 年 には 深 刻 な 洪 水 が 起 こり 洪 水 が 収 まるまで 3 カ 月 かかった - UNFCCC の 支 援 による 調 査 で パキスタンにおいて 2000 年 ~2020 年 にかけて 緩 和 策 に 掛 か るコストは 97 億 ドルと 試 算 された 3. ベトナム - ベトナム 政 府 は 国 家 気 候 変 動 戦 略 や Green Growth 戦 略 省 エネルギーの 促 進 等 気 候 変 動 対 策 に 関 するいくつかのポリシーを 策 定 - 低 炭 素 成 長 に 関 連 し いくつかの 数 値 目 標 を 設 定 例 えば エネルギーセクターからの GHG 排 出 量 を business as usual と 比 較 し 10~20% 削 減 GDP に 対 するエネルギー 消 費 量 の 割 合 を 年 間 1~1.5% 削 減 等 年 7 月 2 日 に 日 本 政 府 と JCM 実 施 の 署 名 をした JCM は 低 炭 素 技 術 の 移 転 に 有 効 であ る - ベトナム 政 府 は 十 分 な 資 金 がなく 先 進 国 からの 技 術 移 転 は 重 要 4. タイ - タイ 政 府 は 今 年 2013~2050 年 の 気 候 変 動 MP を 策 定 予 定 - 緩 和 策 については 今 年 NAMA をどう 実 施 するか 検 討 中 特 にエネルギーと 運 輸 セクターに 注 力 基 準 年 に 比 べ 7~15%もしくは 7~20%の GHG 排 出 量 を 削 減 する 計 画 - 適 応 策 の 推 進 では 地 域 に 根 付 いている 知 識 が 重 要 であり それを 使 った 地 域 コミュニティの 参 加 が 重 要 - 気 候 変 動 対 策 の 推 進 において 研 究 とキャパシティ ディベロップメントが 重 要 日 本 の 支 援 で Climate Change International Training Center (CITC)を 設 立 し 研 究 を 促 進 6

10 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 5. カンボジア - カンボジアは 最 も 脆 弱 な 国 の 一 つであるが 気 候 変 動 対 策 に 関 するキャパシティは 不 十 分 - サイクロンの 被 害 が 顕 在 化 しており 経 済 へのインパクトも 大 きい - カンボジア 政 府 は 1995 年 に 国 連 気 候 変 動 枠 組 条 約 を 批 准 2002 年 に 京 都 議 定 書 を 批 准 - 自 主 的 な GHG 排 出 量 削 減 の 取 り 組 みや CDM の 実 施 にも 取 り 組 んでいる - Green Growth Strategy 2013 to 2030 を 策 定 済 み 6. ミャンマー - 洪 水 や 嵐 土 砂 崩 れ 等 の 増 加 による 被 害 を 懸 念 している - GHG の 排 出 と 吸 収 全 体 で 見 るとミャンマーは GHG の 排 出 国 ではない - UNEP の 支 援 を 受 け NAPA を 策 定 済 み - REDD+は 持 続 可 能 な 森 林 管 理 に 重 要 である - 人 口 増 加 と 農 業 への 依 存 が 気 候 変 動 対 策 において 大 きな 課 題 - 引 き 続 き 地 域 もしくは 世 界 的 な 気 候 変 動 対 策 への 取 り 組 みに 積 極 的 に 関 与 したい 7. ラオス - ラオスからの GHG 排 出 は 非 常 に 少 ない 一 方 気 候 変 動 に 対 して 脆 弱 であり 洪 水 や 干 ばつが 食 糧 保 障 や 国 内 インフラに 影 響 を 与 えている - 低 炭 素 成 長 に 関 するポリシーを 策 定 済 み また 2003 年 に 京 都 議 定 書 を 批 准 - 2 nd National Communication を 2013 年 1 月 NAPA を 2009 年 に 策 定 - 国 家 気 候 変 動 戦 略 を 2010 年 に 気 候 変 動 アクションプラン 2013~2020 年 を 2013 年 4 月 に 策 定 - JCM の 実 施 について 2013 年 8 月 に 署 名 - 気 候 変 動 対 策 においてはキャパシティと 資 金 が 不 足 しており 日 本 や 国 際 機 関 との 協 力 が 必 要 不 可 欠 8. 南 参 事 官 - 日 本 政 府 と 各 国 の 協 力 を 進 めていきたい - アジアは 地 域 的 に 多 様 であり 適 応 策 や 緩 和 策 に 対 する 取 り 組 みは 様 々 - いくつかの 国 は 既 に NAMA やアクションプランを 策 定 している - 気 候 変 動 による 災 害 はアジアで 頻 繁 に 起 こるようになってきている プログラム 発 表 者 Session 2: Japan s Cooperation on Climate Change through Multi-Framework 財 務 省 開 発 企 画 官 緒 方 健 太 郎 発 表 内 容 - 気 候 変 動 ファイナンスの 概 要 - ODA を 通 した 日 本 の 気 候 変 動 に 関 する 開 発 途 上 国 支 援 - CIF や GEF GCF における 日 本 の 役 割 < 主 な 議 論 > 1. パキスタン - 民 間 から 出 る 資 金 は 義 務 的 なものか それとも 自 主 的 なものか 緒 方 開 発 企 画 官 : 自 主 的 なものである 国 際 社 会 では 気 候 対 策 において 毎 年 多 額 の 資 金 を 調 達 しようとしているが 様 々なスキームの 有 効 活 用 が 必 要 である 2. フィリピン - 私 たちは 従 来 の MDB だけでなく 新 しい 資 金 調 達 スキームが 必 要 である GCF をどのよう に 運 用 していく 計 画 なのか 緒 方 開 発 企 画 官 : 気 候 変 動 対 策 における 開 発 途 上 国 支 援 では 日 本 の 納 税 者 の 税 金 を 使 う そ のため もっとも 明 瞭 で 効 果 的 に 使 う 必 要 がある 国 際 社 会 は GCF の 運 用 をすべきである その 7

11 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 運 用 を 最 も 効 果 的 効 果 的 に 実 施 するには 明 確 で 厳 しい 基 準 が 必 要 になるだろう 可 能 な 資 源 を 有 効 活 用 し 将 来 的 に GCF が 効 果 的 効 果 的 に 運 用 されることを 期 待 している プログラム Session 3: JICA s Policy on Climate Change 議 長 JICA 地 球 環 境 部 気 候 変 動 対 策 室 室 長 森 尚 樹 発 表 者 JICA 地 球 環 境 部 気 候 変 動 対 策 室 副 室 長 佐 原 寿 一 郎 発 表 内 容 - 開 発 途 上 国 における 気 候 変 動 対 策 に 関 する JICA の 支 援 < 主 な 議 論 > 1. パキスタン - JICA のローンを 借 りるには 何 か 基 準 はあるのか? 利 率 は 高 いのか 低 いのか? 森 室 長 : 緩 和 策 に 関 するプロジェクトでは 優 遇 条 件 でローンを 貸 し 出 す 適 応 策 でも 同 様 で ある ただし 適 応 策 かどうかきちんと 確 認 が 必 要 である 2. バングラデシュ - 適 応 策 の 推 進 では 研 究 とキャパシティ ディベロップメントが 必 要 である キャパシティ ディベロップメントでは 特 に 気 候 変 動 に 関 する 理 解 を 促 進 することが 必 要 である 森 室 長 :この 分 野 は 支 援 が 難 しいが 日 本 の 研 究 機 関 からの 支 援 や 民 間 コンサルタントと 協 力 して 支 援 をしていきたい 3. ネパール - 支 援 国 を 選 ぶのに 何 か 基 準 はあるのか? 森 室 長 : 特 にはない ただ JICA では 各 国 の 支 援 方 針 を 決 めており その 方 針 に 沿 い 各 国 政 府 と 議 論 を 行 い 支 援 する 分 野 を 決 めている 4. フィリピン - 開 発 途 上 国 に 対 する 従 来 の 財 政 支 援 では 気 候 変 動 対 策 のコストをカバーしきれず 従 来 の ODA を 超 えた 新 たな 財 政 支 援 が 必 要 である 今 国 際 的 に 気 候 変 動 ファイナンスをどうすべ きか 議 論 されているが JICA では ODA の 枠 を 超 えてどのような 財 政 支 援 を 考 えているのか 森 室 長 : 気 候 変 動 対 策 は 開 発 途 上 国 の 発 展 支 援 の 一 部 であり 区 別 することはできない 開 発 途 上 国 の 発 展 支 援 として 気 候 変 動 対 策 支 援 を 行 う 特 に 適 応 策 では 優 遇 条 件 でローンを 行 ってお り それにより 開 発 途 上 国 の 適 応 策 が 推 進 されることを 期 待 している プログラム Session 4: Workshop 議 長 JICA 地 球 環 境 部 気 候 変 動 対 策 室 室 長 森 尚 樹 発 表 者 クライメート エキスパーツ 代 表 松 尾 直 樹 発 表 内 容 - NAMA をより 効 果 的 に 実 施 するために 必 要 な 議 論 及 び 取 り 組 み < 主 な 議 論 > 1. ベトナム - ポリシーNAMA についてもう 少 し 詳 細 に 説 明 してほしい 松 尾 代 表 :NAMA が 何 を 含 むかは 決 まりがない 次 回 の COP において MRV ガイドラインが 作 られる 見 込 みである NAMA の 一 つの 考 えは 効 果 をいかに 定 量 化 するかであり 政 策 もその 効 果 の 定 量 化 は CDM ほどの 厳 格 さは 難 しいものの 可 能 であり また 進 捗 評 価 を 経 た 削 減 努 力 の 拡 大 のために 必 須 項 目 である 8

12 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 2. パキスタン - NAMA は MRV を 行 うことで 効 果 が 出 る ただ MRV にはコストがかかるのが 開 発 途 上 国 で は 問 題 である 松 尾 代 表 :NAMA ではモニタリングして 効 果 を 定 量 化 することが 必 要 項 目 であり 同 時 に 継 続 的 にパフォーマンスを 上 げるためには 不 可 欠 である 3. 森 室 長 NAMA のモニタリングには 実 施 するための 制 度 やキャパシティが 必 要 である そのための 支 援 を JICA が 行 うことも 可 能 である プログラム Session 5: Recent Development and Future Prospect of the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) 議 長 外 務 省 国 際 協 力 局 気 候 変 動 課 課 長 田 村 政 美 発 表 者 1 外 務 省 国 際 協 力 局 気 候 変 動 課 課 長 田 村 政 美 発 表 内 容 - JCM の 概 要 と 狙 い - JCM の 確 立 実 施 に 向 けた 取 り 組 みや 調 査 発 表 者 2 経 済 産 業 省 地 球 環 境 連 携 技 術 室 室 長 八 山 幸 司 発 表 内 容 - JCM における 経 済 産 業 省 の 取 り 組 み 発 表 者 3 環 境 省 地 球 環 境 局 地 球 温 暖 化 対 策 課 市 場 メカニズム 室 国 際 企 画 官 水 野 勇 史 発 表 内 容 - JCM における 環 境 省 の 取 り 組 み 発 表 者 4 Ministry of Environment and Green Development of Mongolia, International Cooperation Division, Director, Dorjgurkhem Batbold 発 表 内 容 - 気 候 変 動 によるモンゴル 国 への 影 響 - 気 候 変 動 に 対 する 政 策 とプログラム - GHG 排 出 量 と 削 減 ポテンシャル - JCM 実 施 のための 組 織 体 制 とキャパシティ ディベロップメント 2013 年 度 に 実 施 する JCM の 構 築 に 関 する 実 現 可 能 性 等 調 査 発 表 者 5 Ministry of Environment and Forests, Bangladesh Climate Change Trust, Director (Planning, Development & Negotiation), Md. Mahbud Hossain 発 表 内 容 - 気 候 変 動 によるバングラデシュ 国 への 影 響 - 気 候 変 動 に 対 する 政 策 とプログラム - CDM の 現 状 と 新 メカニズムの 必 要 性 - JCM への 期 待 と 実 施 に 向 けて 今 後 必 要 な 制 度 整 備 キャパシティ ディベロップメント - クロージングリマーク: 外 務 省 国 際 協 力 局 気 候 変 動 課 交 渉 官 吉 田 綾 < 主 な 議 論 > 1. パキスタン - JCM は 特 定 のセクターのみを 対 象 としているのか それともセクターに 制 限 はないのか? 八 山 室 長 :JCM では 適 格 性 条 件 が 重 要 ではあるが 全 てのセクターを 対 象 としている 2. ネパール - モンゴルの 発 表 内 容 に 対 して 質 問 だが モンゴル 国 内 ではどれだけの 電 力 を 風 力 で 発 電 でき ると 推 定 されているのか? 9

13 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 モンゴル: 現 在 風 力 で 1,100 GW の 発 電 可 能 性 があると 考 えている 2012 年 6 月 15 MW の 風 力 発 電 施 設 の 稼 働 が 始 まっている 3. 韓 国 - JCM のコストの 半 分 は 日 本 政 府 から 補 助 されるようだが 残 りの 半 分 はホスト 国 が 負 担 する のか 水 野 国 際 企 画 官 :スタディプログラムは 全 てのコストを 日 本 側 が 負 担 する 補 助 プログラムで は 最 大 50%を 日 本 政 府 が 負 担 する 日 本 企 業 を 含 む 国 際 コンソーシアムやホスト 国 がその 補 助 金 を 受 け 取 ることができる 残 りの 半 分 はその 国 際 コンソーシアムが 負 担 する 4. ネパール - ネパールは JCM の 署 名 をしていないが JCM の 構 築 に 関 する 実 現 可 能 性 等 調 査 をネパールで 実 施 する 予 定 はあるか? 八 山 室 長 : 署 名 をするかどうかはネパール 政 府 からの 要 請 による 要 請 があれば 我 々は 対 応 す る ネパールでは JCM の 構 築 に 関 する 実 現 可 能 性 等 調 査 がないが 始 めるならまず FS からにな るだろう 5. 八 山 室 長 - 経 済 産 業 省 では JCM の 構 築 に 関 する 実 現 可 能 性 等 調 査 では 比 較 的 小 規 模 なものを 行 ってい る これは 初 期 調 査 として 行 っており その 後 プロジェクトの 本 格 実 施 になるだろう だ が 本 格 実 施 の 際 の 支 援 については 経 済 産 業 省 ではまだどのような 内 容 になるか 決 めてい ない 6. 韓 国 GCF についての 最 新 動 向 だが 本 部 にて 既 に 合 意 がされており 本 部 にてセクレタリーも 選 出 さ れている GCF によってより 気 候 変 動 対 策 が 進 むことを 期 待 している 2 日 目 (8 月 28 日 ) プログラム 企 業 及 び 地 方 自 治 体 による 環 境 気 候 変 動 分 野 における 取 組 のプレゼンテーショ ン 及 び 東 京 ミッドタウンの 空 調 設 備 の 見 学 発 表 者 1 イーソリューションズ 代 表 取 締 役 佐 々 木 経 世 発 表 内 容 - イーソリューションズの 業 務 内 容 - 気 候 変 動 対 策 における JCM の 可 能 性 発 表 者 2 東 芝 大 佐 古 佳 明 発 表 内 容 - コミュニティにおける 再 生 可 能 エネルギーの 利 用 事 例 ( 宮 古 島 及 び 東 京 都 府 中 市 ) 発 表 者 3 NEC 遊 佐 道 彦 発 表 内 容 - NEC が 取 り 組 む 運 転 管 理 及 び 渋 滞 管 理 システムによる 気 候 変 動 への 寄 与 発 表 者 4 北 九 州 市 参 与 大 上 二 三 雄 発 表 内 容 - 北 九 州 市 における 持 続 可 能 な 都 市 開 発 への 取 り 組 み < 主 な 議 論 > 1. バングラデシュ - バングラデシュでは 交 通 管 理 と 廃 棄 物 処 理 が 大 きな 課 題 になっており 環 境 管 理 への 投 資 に 関 心 が 集 まっている 交 通 管 理 による 排 出 削 減 には 非 常 に 関 心 があり 帰 国 したら 専 門 家 と 10

14 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 も 議 論 したい 2. ブルネイ - 北 九 州 のエコシティは 包 括 的 な 取 り 組 みであるが 廃 棄 物 管 理 のみ 等 個 別 に 取 り 組 むことは できるのか 北 九 州 市 大 上 参 与 : 個 別 に 適 用 していくことは 可 能 である 3. カンボジア - 太 陽 光 発 電 に 興 味 を 持 った カンボジアではエネルギーセクターからの 排 出 削 減 に 取 り 組 ん でいるが まだ 65% 世 帯 が 電 気 にアクセスしていない 電 化 についてはドナーの 支 援 も 受 け たいと 思 っている 日 本 のエネルギー 関 連 企 業 特 に 太 陽 光 発 電 関 連 でグループを 作 り カ ンボジアで 開 催 する 会 議 等 に 来 てほしい 4. 韓 国 - 韓 国 ではエネルギーの 供 給 と 需 要 のバランスが 課 題 になっており 特 に 提 供 側 の 不 足 が 問 題 になっている スマートグリッドや 再 生 可 能 エネルギーに 関 心 を 持 っているが エネルギー の 供 給 という 点 で 後 ほどもっと 話 を 聞 きたいと 思 っている - エコドライビングについては GPS や 衛 星 の 技 術 があるので さほど 高 度 な 技 術 を 使 わなく でも 必 要 なデータを 集 められるのではと 思 う ただ 交 通 管 理 による GHG 排 出 削 減 は 興 味 深 く もっと 技 術 が 進 むことを 期 待 したい 5. ラオス - ラオスでも 環 境 問 題 や 持 続 可 能 性 都 市 化 は 問 題 になっている 持 続 可 能 な 都 市 開 発 では JICA の 支 援 も 受 けている 紹 介 頂 いた 技 術 の 導 入 ではコストが 問 題 になると 思 うが これらの 適 用 可 能 性 等 も 今 後 考 えていきたい 6. モンゴル - モンゴルの 人 口 密 度 は 非 常 に 低 いが 東 芝 の 離 島 エネルギー 管 理 モデルは 興 味 深 いものであ った 北 九 州 モデルもモンゴルに 使 えるのではと 思 う 人 口 の 45%が 都 市 部 に 住 んでいるの でエネルギーの 重 要 と 供 給 や 電 源 の 構 成 の 問 題 はきちんと 考 えなければならない - モンゴルと 日 本 は 事 情 が 異 なるが 一 般 的 に 1 世 帯 ではどのぐらいのエネルギーを 消 費 する のか? 東 芝 大 佐 古 氏 : 日 本 では 1 世 帯 約 10kWh の 電 気 消 費 量 である 欧 州 と 比 べ 半 分 であり これ は 既 に 省 電 力 機 器 が 導 入 されているからである もちろん 生 活 スタイルにもよるが エアコンと 冷 蔵 庫 が 主 な 消 費 源 である 7. ミャンマー - 再 生 可 能 エネルギーと 持 続 可 能 な 都 市 開 発 に 非 常 に 興 味 を 持 った 特 に 廃 棄 物 水 環 境 公 害 管 理 は 都 市 開 発 に 重 要 である - ミャンマーでは US-AID とも 協 力 して 持 続 可 能 な 都 市 開 発 を 進 めている 8. ネパール - 北 九 州 モデルについて 聞 いたのは 初 めてである 持 続 可 能 性 という 意 味 で 非 常 に 重 要 と 思 う - CDM では 16 のプロジェクトが 進 んでおり 特 に 太 陽 光 や 風 力 発 電 について 可 能 性 を 検 討 し ている 9. パキスタン - 紹 介 頂 いた 技 術 は 興 味 深 いが その 導 入 コストを 検 討 する 必 要 がある 太 陽 光 は 導 入 コスト が 高 く 水 力 もコストがかかるが これらの 再 生 可 能 エネルギーのコスト 比 較 が 分 かればよ り 良 かったと 思 う 11

15 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 - 交 通 管 理 システムについても 導 入 コストを 知 りたいと 思 った 北 九 州 市 でも 今 の 状 態 に なるまで 必 要 だった 時 間 とコストを 教 えてほしい 北 九 州 市 大 上 参 与 : 時 間 は 30 年 ほどと 思 う コストは 2-3 billion USD である だが このコ ストは 投 資 でもあり 経 済 成 長 に 寄 与 している 10. フィリピン - 北 九 州 市 のツールキットを 共 有 してもらえるか - フィリピンでも 同 様 のエコシティの 取 り 組 みをしているが 資 金 の 面 で 問 題 を 抱 えている フィリピンでは 開 発 はリスク 管 理 をベースにして 進 んでいる また 都 市 化 に 加 え 都 市 部 への 移 住 が 大 きな 問 題 になっている - 北 九 州 市 の 資 金 は 民 間 と 公 共 どれぐらいの 割 合 か - フィリピンの 都 市 サイズは 日 本 より 小 さい ツールキットは 小 規 模 な 都 市 にも 適 用 できるの か 北 九 州 市 大 上 参 与 :ツールキットは 共 有 できる ただし ただ 共 有 するだけでなくどう 活 用 するか 議 論 したい 持 続 可 能 な 都 市 開 発 には 自 治 体 と 民 間 住 民 の 協 力 が 重 要 である インド ネシアのスラバヤとも 協 力 しており 特 にコンポスト 化 に 取 り 組 んでおり 廃 棄 物 管 理 の 良 い 事 例 となっている よって 北 九 州 市 モデルは 小 規 模 な 都 市 にも 適 用 可 能 である 11. タイ - 特 にバンコクでは 公 共 交 通 の 整 備 に 力 を 入 れている - 北 九 州 市 のような 取 り 組 みはタイでも 行 っており 知 識 や 経 験 の 共 有 を 進 めたいと 思 う 12. ベトナム - 運 転 管 理 システムは 興 味 深 い ただ データを 集 める 時 に 個 人 情 報 の 管 理 はどうするのか? 東 芝 大 佐 古 氏 : 再 生 可 能 エネルギーの 導 入 では いかに 投 資 コストを 回 収 するかを 十 分 検 討 する 必 要 がある また 各 地 域 の 電 力 使 用 状 況 例 えば 1 日 中 電 気 が 必 要 か 数 時 間 の 停 電 は 許 容 できるのか 等 も 加 味 する 必 要 がある NEC 遊 佐 氏 : 本 日 説 明 したサービスを 使 うにはユーザーの 同 意 が 必 要 であり その 同 意 に 基 づきデータを 管 理 する 既 に 公 共 サービスとして GPS 等 からデータを 取 り 渋 滞 状 況 を 提 供 して いる 一 方 民 間 の 有 料 サービスとしては 渋 滞 データに 基 づき 最 適 ルートの 検 索 等 を 提 供 して いる プログラム 発 表 者 - J-Power の 業 務 内 容 - 磯 子 火 力 発 電 所 の 特 徴 J-Power 磯 子 火 力 発 電 所 見 学 J-Power 国 際 営 業 部 審 議 役 中 畑 剛 志 J-Power 磯 子 火 力 発 電 所 ISOGO エネルギープラザ 館 長 池 杉 守 発 表 内 容 < 見 学 中 の 質 問 への 回 答 > 1. 磯 子 火 力 発 電 所 の 建 設 コストは?( 池 杉 館 長 より 建 設 コストに 対 して 回 答 ) 2. 売 電 価 格 は? 池 杉 館 長 : 売 電 価 格 の 約 半 分 は 燃 料 コストである J-Power は 民 間 会 社 であり 客 との 交 渉 で 価 格 を 決 める その 後 政 府 へ 報 告 が 必 要 である < 見 学 後 の 意 見 交 換 > 3. パキスタン - J-Power が 支 払 っている 税 金 の 額 はいくらか? 12

16 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 中 畑 審 議 役 : 固 定 資 産 税 のみである - 発 電 コストは?( 池 杉 館 長 より 磯 子 火 力 発 電 所 への 投 資 額 について 回 答 ) 池 杉 館 長 : 発 電 コストは 開 示 できない 4. バングラデシュ - 誰 に 売 電 していて その 売 電 先 はどのように 決 めるのか? 池 杉 館 長 : 東 京 電 力 と 東 北 電 力 に 売 電 している これは 建 設 時 に 既 に 15 年 に 及 ぶ 売 電 契 約 を 締 結 しているためである その 契 約 時 には 推 定 建 設 費 等 も 加 味 する 投 資 額 は 15 年 で 償 却 する が 燃 料 費 は 変 動 するので 時 々の 価 格 によって 精 算 する 5. ネパール - ここで 発 電 した 電 力 は 輸 出 しているのか? 中 畑 審 議 役 : 国 内 需 要 だけである 6. ベトナム - グリッドは 誰 が 所 有 しているのか? 池 杉 館 長 : 民 生 用 の 配 電 線 は 電 力 会 社 が 持 っている J-Power が 所 有 する 送 電 線 は 2,400 km の みである これはもともと J-Power が 国 策 会 社 であり 当 時 は 発 電 所 に 加 え 送 電 線 も 建 設 してい たからである 7. パキスタン - 特 別 損 失 は 何 を 含 むのか? 中 畑 審 議 役 : 海 外 における IPP 事 業 の 失 敗 等 が 含 まれる 8. ミャンマー - なぜ 火 力 発 電 所 は 海 岸 沿 いにあるのか? 池 杉 館 長 : 冷 却 水 として 海 水 を 利 用 するからである 空 冷 に 比 べ 水 冷 の 方 が 効 率 は 良 い 9. ベトナム - スチームに 使 う 水 は 海 水 か 真 水 か? 池 杉 館 長 : 真 水 である 10. クライメート エキスパーツ 松 尾 直 樹 代 表 - 超 々 臨 界 はコストがかかる J-Power の 開 発 途 上 国 での 事 業 展 開 で これは 選 択 肢 となるのか 池 杉 館 長 : 成 り 得 る 実 際 インドネシアの 中 央 ジャワ 州 で 導 入 済 みである だが 500MW 以 上 の 容 量 がないとコストメリットが 出 てこない 投 資 コストも 重 要 だが ライフサイクルコス トも 十 分 検 討 して 技 術 を 決 定 するべきである 日 本 の 技 術 やメンテナンス 技 術 燃 料 コストの 削 減 等 は 誇 ることができる 11. ミャンマー - 海 岸 沿 いにある 発 電 所 では リスク 管 理 はどうしているのか? 池 杉 館 長 : 揺 れに 対 しては 十 分 な 設 計 をしている ただ 3m 以 上 の 津 波 が 来 ると 被 害 を 受 け る ただ 津 波 に 影 響 を 受 けても 発 電 所 を 停 止 すれば それ 以 上 の 作 業 は 発 生 しない ただ そ れからいかに 短 時 間 で 復 旧 するかがポイントとなる 津 波 対 策 はこの 発 電 所 だけでなく 東 京 湾 周 辺 にある 他 の 発 電 所 でも 十 分 検 討 する 必 要 がある 12. ブルネイ - 乾 式 脱 硫 装 置 と 湿 式 の 違 いは? 13

17 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 - 超 々 臨 界 技 術 はもともとどこの 国 の 技 術 か? 池 杉 館 長 : 乾 式 では 脱 硫 に CaCO3 を 使 う 磯 子 火 力 発 電 所 では 99% 以 上 の 脱 硫 を 実 現 してい る 超 々 臨 界 技 術 は J-Power で 開 発 した 技 術 であり もともと 石 炭 の 有 効 活 用 を 考 えたものであ る 13. クライメート エキスパーツ 松 尾 直 樹 代 表 - IGCC( 石 炭 ガス 化 複 合 発 電 )は 難 しい 技 術 である 今 後 開 発 途 上 国 で 微 粉 炭 火 力 と IGCC どちらの 可 能 性 が 高 いのか? 池 杉 館 長 : 日 本 のように 資 源 がない 国 では 微 粉 炭 火 力 で 効 率 向 上 を 図 るのがいいだろう 一 方 石 炭 が 多 く 取 れる 国 では 将 来 的 には IGCC プラントを 導 入 して CO2 を 分 離 して H2 を 作 り 輸 出 することも 可 能 になるだろう 技 術 だけでなく 国 としてのエネルギーポリシーも 考 える 必 要 がある 14. ミャンマー - 日 本 の 発 電 構 成 を 教 えてほしい 池 杉 館 長 : 原 子 力 が 10% 石 炭 25% LNG14% 重 油 15% 水 力 8% 揚 水 0.9% 再 生 可 能 エ ネルギー1.4%である 15. バングラデシュ - J-Power は 海 外 でも 投 資 を 行 うのか? 中 畑 審 議 役 : 既 に 海 外 で 投 資 して 発 電 事 業 を 行 っている GHG 削 減 によるクレジットはあくま で 追 加 収 益 である 当 初 はその 収 益 を 考 えずに 事 業 化 を 検 討 する クライメート エキスパーツ 松 尾 直 樹 代 表 :J-Power が 海 外 で 事 業 を 展 開 するとしても JCM を 適 用 するかどうかは 別 問 題 である プログラム 東 京 スカイツリー 見 学 発 表 者 東 武 エネルギーマネジメント 取 締 役 技 術 部 長 唐 木 彰 発 表 内 容 - 東 京 スカイツリーや 東 京 スカイツリータウン 東 京 ソラマチなどの 複 合 施 設 周 辺 地 域 への 熱 供 給 を 行 う 地 域 冷 暖 房 の 概 要 < 主 な 議 論 > 1. ブルネイ - 水 はどうやって 冷 やすのか 唐 木 技 術 部 長 : 電 気 でチラーを 稼 働 して 動 かす 主 に 夜 間 電 力 を 使 う 地 中 熱 の 利 用 は 一 部 で ある 2. バングラデシュ 省 電 力 量 や CO2 排 出 の 削 減 量 をモニタリングしているか 唐 木 技 術 部 長 : 従 来 のシステムと 比 べ 44%の 省 エネである CO2 では 48%の 削 減 である 3. クライメート エキスパーツ 松 尾 直 樹 代 表 - 発 電 機 はなぜ 入 れなかったのか? 唐 木 技 術 部 長 : 東 京 スカイツリーには 発 電 機 が 入 っており その 電 力 を 使 っており 信 頼 性 が 高 いからである 排 熱 利 用 はしていない 4. パキスタン - この 技 術 は 日 本 の 技 術 か? 海 外 でも 使 っているか? 仕 様 はいくつかあるのか? 14

18 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 唐 木 技 術 部 長 : 日 本 の 技 術 である シンガポール 等 海 外 でも 同 様 の 技 術 が 入 っている 容 量 等 にはいくつかの 仕 様 があり 設 計 次 第 である 5. バングラデシュ - 設 備 の 稼 働 に 必 要 な 電 力 はいくらか? 唐 木 技 術 部 長 : 契 約 では 3,500 kwh である 6. 韓 国 - どのような 仕 組 みで 省 エネや CO2 削 減 を 行 っているのか 唐 木 技 術 部 長 : 大 容 量 の 蓄 熱 槽 を 導 入 している かつ 最 新 の 高 効 率 設 備 を 入 れ 効 率 的 なコ ントロールシステムも 導 入 している 7. パキスタン - システムの 導 入 コストは? 唐 木 技 術 部 長 : 答 えられない 従 来 の 個 別 システムと 比 べると ランニングコストを 含 めてコ ストは 低 い 8. クライメート エキスパーツ 松 尾 直 樹 代 表 - なぜ 複 数 のメーカーの 設 備 を 入 れているのか? - 稼 働 実 績 は 推 定 値 と 比 べて 大 きな 違 いはあったか? 唐 木 技 術 部 長 :それぞれの 設 備 例 えば 冷 水 生 成 や 温 水 生 成 等 で 最 も 効 率 の 良 いものを 選 んだ ためである 事 前 の 推 定 値 を 達 成 している 3 日 目 (8 月 28 日 ) プログラム Session 6:ナレッジプラットフォーム/LoCARNet 議 長 JICA 地 球 環 境 部 気 候 変 動 対 策 室 室 長 森 尚 樹 発 表 者 1 外 務 省 国 際 協 力 局 気 候 変 動 課 課 長 田 村 政 美 発 表 内 容 - 東 アジア 低 炭 素 成 長 パートナーシップについてのイントロダクション 発 表 者 2 JICA 地 球 環 境 部 気 候 変 動 対 策 室 副 室 長 佐 原 寿 一 郎 発 表 内 容 - 東 アジア 低 炭 素 成 長 パートナーシップの 概 要 発 表 者 3 IGES 研 究 顧 問 LCS-RNet/LoCARNet 事 務 局 長 西 岡 秀 三 発 表 内 容 - LoCARNet の 概 要 発 表 者 4 NIES 社 会 環 境 システム 研 究 センター( 持 続 可 能 社 会 システム 研 究 室 ) 主 任 研 究 員 藤 野 純 一 発 表 内 容 - 低 炭 素 社 会 実 現 のための Asia-Pacific Integrated Model(AIM)の 紹 介 < 主 な 議 論 > 1. インドネシア - AIM は 政 策 や 投 資 を 検 討 する 上 での 重 要 な 手 法 となることが 期 待 できる - インドネシアにとって 2014 年 は 重 要 な 年 であり 大 統 領 選 挙 がある また 2015 年 には 新 メカ ニズムの 枠 組 みが 決 まり これは 2020 年 以 降 の 長 期 にわたって 重 要 な 仕 組 みとなる - インドネシアにも 長 期 的 で 包 括 的 なビジョンが 必 要 であり また 科 学 は 政 策 や 投 資 の 検 討 の 際 に 十 分 活 用 されるべきである インドネシアでは 政 策 を 考 える 上 で 人 口 ダイナミクス や 労 働 人 口 の 増 加 を 加 味 する 必 要 がある 15

19 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 - ILO と 協 働 しており green job の 推 進 にも 力 を 入 れている だが 従 来 のビジネスが green job を 提 供 していけるかまだ 検 討 の 余 地 がある 2. ベトナム - アジア 地 域 には 多 くの 科 学 モデルがあるが 政 策 検 討 には 科 学 データをもっと 活 用 していく 必 要 がある - ベトナムでは GHG 削 減 目 標 を 設 定 しているが その 設 定 や 効 果 の 検 証 においても 科 学 分 野 と 十 分 協 力 していく 必 要 がある 3. バングラデシュ - 東 アジアを 中 心 としたネットワークのようだが バングラデシュやネパール パキスタンは どのように 関 与 すればよいのか 田 村 課 長 : 東 アジア 以 外 を 除 外 するものではない 公 式 的 にはいろいろな 外 交 手 続 きが 必 要 だ が 私 の 考 えとしては 知 識 や 経 験 等 を 東 アジア 以 外 とも 共 有 していきたいと 考 えている プログラム 議 長 Session 7: 国 際 交 渉 を 踏 まえた 日 本 とアジア 諸 国 の 協 力 の 方 向 性 (オープンディ スカッション) 外 務 省 国 際 協 力 局 気 候 変 動 課 課 長 田 村 政 美 < 主 な 議 論 > 1. 横 浜 市 温 暖 化 対 策 統 括 本 部 副 本 部 長 森 秀 毅 - 横 浜 市 の 低 炭 素 都 市 とスマートシティ 構 築 に 向 けた 取 り 組 みについて 説 明 2. 東 京 都 環 境 局 都 市 地 球 環 境 部 国 際 環 境 協 力 課 主 任 西 田 裕 子 - 東 京 都 の 気 候 変 動 対 策 ではビルディングセクターに 力 を 入 れている 主 な 3 つの 対 策 のうち 一 つが 比 較 的 大 きなビルに 対 するキャップアンドトレードである 同 プログラムは 2010 年 より 開 始 しており 効 果 を 上 げている もう 一 つが Green Building Rating Program である 最 後 が 比 較 的 小 規 模 なビルに 対 するリポートとベンチマーキングプログラムである - 気 候 変 動 対 策 の - 国 際 協 力 については 開 発 途 上 国 の 自 治 体 等 ともネットワークを 組 み 取 り 組 んでいる - 地 方 自 治 体 が 気 候 変 動 に 取 り 組 むには 予 算 と 人 材 情 報 が 不 足 しているのが 課 題 である この 点 では 自 治 体 間 のネットワークと 中 央 政 府 からの 支 援 が 必 要 である 3. コンサベーション インターナショナル ジャパン 副 代 表 気 候 変 動 プログラム ディレク ター 山 下 加 夏 - 自 然 は 気 候 変 動 を 和 らげる 効 果 がある 自 然 を 緩 和 策 と 適 応 策 として 活 用 することができる - REDD+と JCM の 連 携 を 進 める REDD+ 実 施 の 促 進 を 図 るべきである 年 に 向 け 国 際 社 会 が 合 意 促 進 を 図 るべきである 4. WWF ジャパン 気 候 変 動 エネルギー グループ 気 候 変 動 エネルギー グループ リーダー 山 岸 尚 之 - 欧 州 と 比 べアジア 地 域 は 地 理 的 にも 資 源 的 にも 多 様 である そのため 地 熱 やカーボンマー ケットといった 各 国 が 関 心 を 持 つ 特 定 の 分 野 に 焦 点 を 当 て 取 り 組 んだ 方 が 効 果 的 である - アジアでは 欧 州 と 比 べ 民 間 企 業 の 関 与 が 不 足 している WWF では Climate Service というプロ グラムを 実 施 している この 中 では 企 業 と WWF が 気 候 変 動 対 策 に 関 するメモランダムを 交 わし 企 業 の 取 り 組 みを 促 進 する また トップランナー 方 式 を 似 ているが Top 10 プログ ラムを 実 施 しこの 中 で 家 電 の 省 エネを 評 価 している 5. インドネシア - 紹 介 頂 いた 事 例 は 科 学 と 政 策 立 案 の 関 係 企 業 の 関 与 促 進 に 関 する 良 い 事 例 だと 思 う 16

20 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 - インドネシアでは 包 括 的 な 戦 略 を 検 討 している その 中 では 実 施 可 能 なアクションの 検 討 適 切 なガバナンス 新 たなマーケットメカニズムの 検 討 が 重 要 となっている また キャパ シティ ディベロップメントも 重 要 であり 日 本 の 支 援 を 期 待 している - REDD+についてだが インドネシアでは 今 森 林 と 泥 炭 地 管 理 に 力 を 入 れている - 民 間 との 協 力 についてはさらに 強 化 していく 必 要 がある 6. パキスタン - 知 識 の 共 有 は 非 常 に 重 要 である そのためには trainer s training も 重 要 である - キャパシティ ディベロップメントと 財 政 支 援 技 術 移 転 が 開 発 途 上 国 には 重 要 である 7. 東 京 都 環 境 局 都 市 地 球 環 境 部 国 際 環 境 協 力 課 主 任 西 田 裕 子 - ビルディングセクターでは 技 術 移 転 が 非 常 に 重 要 である ビルのオーナー 等 に 対 し ハード だけでなくソフト 面 での 技 術 移 転 が 必 要 である そのためには 現 状 を 把 握 することが 必 要 で あり MRV システムはその 点 で 重 要 となる 8. コンサベーション インターナショナル ジャパン 副 代 表 気 候 変 動 プログラム ディレク ター 山 下 加 夏 - キャパシティ ディベロップメントや 技 術 移 転 については JICA に 期 待 したい ただし その 持 続 性 を 確 保 する 努 力 が 必 要 である - REDD+の 促 進 により 森 林 保 全 対 策 がきちんと 評 価 されるべきである 9. 横 浜 市 温 暖 化 対 策 統 括 本 部 副 本 部 長 森 秀 毅 - PPP は 地 方 自 治 体 が 民 間 に 新 たなビジネスチャンスを 提 供 できるいい 機 会 である - 横 浜 市 の 取 り 組 みが 開 発 途 上 国 の 他 の 都 市 でも 広 がり 民 間 の 参 加 が 増 えることを 期 待 した い 10. 日 本 テピア パブリック アフェアーズ マネジャー 高 山 恵 - JCM を 含 め 日 本 企 業 が 海 外 で 事 業 展 開 する 際 価 格 競 争 力 が 大 きな 課 題 となる 政 府 からも 何 らかの 支 援 が 必 要 である 11. 数 理 計 画 本 部 副 本 部 長 深 山 暁 生 - モンゴルで 大 気 環 境 改 善 のため ボイラーの 改 善 に 取 り 組 んできた これは 気 候 変 動 にも 貢 献 があると 考 え JCM の 構 築 に 関 する 実 現 可 能 性 等 調 査 を 実 施 している これはコベネフィ ットアプローチであり 今 後 各 国 で 重 要 な 視 点 となるだろう - 開 発 途 上 国 においては MRV の 能 力 強 化 が 必 要 である 12. IGES グリーン 成 長 とグリーン 経 済 領 域 タスクマネジャー(LCS-RNet/LoCARNet 事 務 局 担 当 ) 石 川 智 子 - LCS-RNet(G8 諸 国 の 低 炭 素 政 策 に 関 わる 研 究 者 や 研 究 機 関 のプラットフォーム)では 第 5 回 の 年 会 合 を 終 えたところであり その 中 で 科 学 者 と 政 策 立 案 者 の 連 携 がとても 重 要 でるこ とが 再 認 識 された また 早 急 に 緩 和 策 を 実 施 していく 必 要 がある 13. NIES 社 会 環 境 システム 研 究 センター( 持 続 可 能 社 会 システム 研 究 室 ) 主 任 研 究 員 藤 野 純 一 - トップダウンだけでなく 現 場 の 状 況 に 応 じた 投 資 や 雇 用 計 画 を 検 討 するようなボトムアッ プアプローチも 必 要 と 感 じる 14. JICA 地 球 環 境 部 気 候 変 動 対 策 室 室 長 森 尚 樹 - JICA はコーディネーターのような 機 関 で 開 発 途 上 国 の 開 発 においてニーズとシーズをマッ チングする 取 り 組 みを 行 っている 17

21 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 - また 日 本 と 開 発 途 上 国 の 自 治 体 同 士 の 協 力 促 進 や 資 金 援 助 NGO のコミュニティレベルの 支 援 も 行 っている 15. WWF ジャパン 気 候 変 動 エネルギー グループ 気 候 変 動 エネルギー グループ リーダー 山 岸 尚 之 - アジアの 開 発 途 上 国 では 気 候 変 動 に 関 する 議 論 はまだ 一 般 的 でない 一 方 エネルギーに 関 する 議 論 は 活 発 である 日 本 は 開 発 途 上 国 のエネルギーアクセス 改 善 に 貢 献 できるはずであ る 16. インドネシア - 気 候 変 動 に 関 しプロパガンダ 等 による 意 識 啓 発 が 必 要 である - JCMについては 当 初 警 戒 していた なぜなら JCM は 日 本 の 企 業 に 対 する 補 助 だからである 一 方 インドネシアにとっては 一 つのキャパシティ ディベロップメントであると 考 えてお り また 方 法 論 を 作 るには 資 金 がかかるので 方 法 論 の 面 でも 技 術 移 転 であると 考 えている ただし 投 資 等 今 後 のプロジェクト 展 開 の 可 能 性 はあるが そこまでのスケールアップは まだはっきりしていない 17. モンゴル - 開 発 途 上 国 への 技 術 共 有 はとても 重 要 である 18. 東 京 都 環 境 局 都 市 地 球 環 境 部 国 際 環 境 協 力 課 主 任 西 田 裕 子 地 方 自 治 体 は 多 くのことができる 地 自 体 にとり 大 気 環 境 や 廃 棄 物 管 理 は 重 要 な 課 題 だが コベ ネフィットアプローチのように そうした 従 来 の 課 題 に 気 候 変 動 も 融 合 していくことが 必 要 であ る 18

22 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 オープニングリマークを 行 う 外 務 省 地 球 規 模 課 題 審 議 官 香 川 剛 廣 氏 1 日 目 に 挨 拶 を 行 う JICA 地 球 環 境 部 部 長 不 破 雅 実 氏 1 日 目 には 5 つのセッションを 行 い 気 候 変 動 対 策 における 日 本 の 支 援 と 招 聘 国 の 取 り 組 みについ て 情 報 交 換 Session 3 JICA s Policy on Climate Change JICA の 議 長 を 務 めた JICA 地 球 環 境 部 気 候 変 動 対 策 室 室 長 森 尚 樹 氏 ( 右 ) 開 発 途 上 国 における 気 候 変 動 対 策 への JICA の 支 援 について 紹 介 する JICA 地 球 環 境 部 気 候 変 動 対 策 室 副 室 長 佐 原 寿 一 郎 氏 NAMA をより 効 果 的 に 実 施 するために 必 要 な 取 り 組 みについて 紹 介 する クライメート エキス パーツ 代 表 松 尾 直 樹 氏 19

23 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 東 京 ミッドタウンでは 日 系 企 業 の 気 候 変 動 対 策 に 関 する 業 務 の 紹 介 と 共 に 同 施 設 の 省 エネ 型 空 調 設 備 を 視 察 超 々 臨 界 技 術 を 採 用 した 磯 子 火 力 発 電 所 で 煙 突 を 見 学 する 招 聘 者 同 技 術 の 開 発 途 上 国 での 導 入 可 能 性 について 意 見 が 交 わされた 磯 子 火 力 発 電 所 のタワー 型 ボイラーの 内 部 を 覗 く 招 聘 者 磯 子 火 力 発 電 所 の 排 煙 脱 硫 装 置 環 境 負 荷 を 大 幅 に 低 減 した 技 術 に 関 心 が 集 まった 東 京 スカイツリーでは 東 京 ソラマチ 等 の 複 合 施 設 や 周 辺 地 域 への 熱 供 給 を 行 う 地 域 冷 暖 房 設 備 を 視 察 3 日 目 には 気 候 変 動 対 策 における 日 本 とアジア 諸 国 の 協 力 の 方 向 性 についてフリーディスカッショ ン 20

24 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 第 4 章 COP19 への 参 加 気 候 変 動 対 策 の 国 際 枠 組 みなどについて 話 し 合 う 国 連 気 候 変 動 枠 組 条 約 第 19 回 締 約 国 会 議 (COP19) が 11 月 11~23 日 に ポーランドのワルシャワで 開 催 された 気 候 変 動 枠 組 条 約 締 約 国 会 議 (COP)は 1992 年 にブラジルのリオ デ ジャネイロで 開 催 さ れた 国 連 地 球 サミットで 採 択 された 気 候 変 動 枠 組 条 約 の 締 約 国 が 温 室 効 果 ガスの 排 出 量 削 減 策 を 協 議 する 会 議 である 今 回 のワルシャワ 会 議 で 2020 年 以 降 の 新 しい 枠 組 み 等 につき 参 加 国 間 で 議 論 が 交 わされた 4.1 COP19 渡 航 前 対 応 COP 19 渡 航 前 に 調 査 団 では 事 前 勉 強 資 料 を 用 意 し 貴 機 構 にて 関 係 者 に 対 して COP19 にお けるポイント 等 の 説 明 をするとともに 意 見 交 換 を 行 った( 添 付 資 料 参 照 ) COP 19 のポイント として 開 始 直 前 にリリースされた IPCC 第 5 次 評 価 報 告 書 WG 1 レポート( 気 候 の 物 理 科 学 的 ベース)の 影 響 で 第 4 次 評 価 報 告 書 より 人 間 の 活 動 の 影 響 に 関 してさらにつっこんだ 表 現 とな っている また,その 前 の 補 助 機 関 会 合 において, 意 思 決 定 にかかわる 手 続 き 的 法 的 な 問 題 (コンセン サス 方 式 での 意 思 決 定 の 方 法 )が 再 燃 し,SBI が 事 実 上 開 催 できなかった これが どのような 影 響 を COP 19 に 及 ぼすかどうかも 懸 念 された. COP 19 の 議 論 内 容 は 以 下 の 4.3 およびその 添 付 資 料 を 参 考 にされたいが 上 記 の 点 に 関 して IPCC AR5 (WG 1)の 影 響 は, 新 たに 始 まった 条 約 の 2015 年 レビューなどで 発 表 があったが 今 後 の ADB 交 渉 への 影 響 は 現 時 点 では 明 確 ではなかった また 意 思 決 定 の 手 続 き 規 則 問 題 は と くに 再 燃 することはなかったが 2015 年 のパリ 会 議 に 向 けて やはり 不 安 要 素 となっている 一 方 で 何 らかの 事 前 解 決 (とくに 多 数 決 決 議 の 採 択 )がなされれば 今 後 の 交 渉 にとって 大 きな 前 進 となる 4.2 COP19 参 加 対 応 COP19 会 議 において JICA はサイドイベント 等 や 関 係 機 関 との 会 合 への 参 加 を 通 じて 気 候 変 動 分 野 の 途 上 国 支 援 の 取 り 組 みを 紹 介 し 各 国 の 関 係 者 と 意 見 交 換 を 行 った JICA が 参 加 した 主 なイベント 等 を 下 記 にまとめる 21

25 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 National Adaptation Plan and Insurance 日 時 : 2013 年 11 月 14 日 ( 木 ) 9:30 ~ 11:00 場 所 : 日 本 パビリオン 主 催 : 環 境 省 JICA( 国 際 協 力 機 構 ) テーマ: 国 家 適 応 策 と 保 険 National Adaptation Plan and Insurance 目 的 : 国 レベルの 適 応 策 に 対 して COP19 までの 国 際 的 な 議 論 を 把 握 した 後 インドネシア における 適 応 策 の 具 体 的 な 取 り 組 みとして RAN-API 及 び 農 業 セクターにおける 保 険 制 度 の 説 明 を 受 けた そして 結 びとして 気 候 変 動 適 応 策 に 対 する 保 険 の 必 要 性 を 研 究 者 の 観 点 から 確 認 した 参 加 者 : 約 40 名 1. 発 表 概 要 の 概 要 - 国 立 環 境 研 究 所 の 久 保 田 主 任 研 究 員 によるモデレータにて 本 イベントが 行 われた 冒 頭 環 境 省 白 石 環 境 審 議 官 による 挨 拶 が 行 われた - 環 境 省 地 球 環 境 局 国 際 地 球 温 暖 化 対 策 室 浦 上 室 長 補 佐 より Key Issue on Adaptation in COP19 に 関 して これまでの COP での 議 論 の 経 緯 が 説 明 されると 共 に UNFCCC における 適 応 策 関 連 議 論 の 構 造 について 説 明 があった まとめとして 途 上 国 が 本 当 に 求 める 政 策 擁 護 の 介 在 のレベルを 見 るべきであること 国 及 び 地 方 レベルにおける 適 応 戦 略 の 政 策 への 主 流 化 等 が 必 要 であることが 説 明 された - インドネシア DNPI 適 応 策 WG の Mr. Ari Muhammad より Update on Climate Change Adaptation Planning, Implementation and Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) in Indonesiaに 関 して 報 告 があった インドネシアにおける 適 応 策 計 画 そしてそのモニタリングと 評 価 について RAN-API の 概 要 から 地 方 政 府 の 活 動 までインドネシア 政 府 の 取 り 組 みの 解 説 が 行 われた RAN-API は 既 存 の 政 策 を 基 にセクターターゲットを 補 強 する 働 きがある 点 が 特 徴 であり 国 地 方 レベル での 政 策 に 適 応 戦 略 を 主 流 化 させることは 最 優 先 事 項 と 考 えている - インドネシア 財 務 省 の Dr. Irfa Ampri より Opportunities and Challenges on Implementation of Agricultural Insurance in Indonesia について 発 表 が 行 われた その 中 で 適 応 策 の 予 算 の 一 例 とし て 農 業 セクターにおける 保 証 スキームの 解 説 が 行 われた インドネシア 財 務 省 は 保 険 会 社 を 介 して 農 民 グループへ 適 応 策 支 援 の 一 つとして 保 証 支 援 を 行 っている 2012 年 10 月 より 同 スキームは 東 ジャワ 西 ジャワ 中 央 ジャワの 3 カ 所 で 約 1,000 ha のパイロットプ ロジェクトの 実 績 を 行 っている 農 業 セクターでの 適 応 策 支 援 として 農 民 保 護 と 権 限 委 譲 が キーとなる 要 素 であること 農 業 支 援 は 食 料 安 全 保 障 に 資 すること 等 が 述 べられた - 国 連 大 学 Dr. Koko より Contribution to COP19: opportunities and challenges of insurance に 関 し て 説 明 があった 気 候 変 動 イベントが 1980 年 以 降 ほぼ 継 続 的 に 実 施 れているにもかかわら ず 災 害 被 害 は 右 肩 上 がりであることから 気 候 変 動 に 対 する 保 険 の 重 要 性 が 説 明 された 22

26 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 The NAMA partnership What has happened and where are we going? 日 時 : 2013 年 11 月 14 日 ( 木 )13:00 ~ 14:30 場 所 : Room Wroclaw 主 催 : JICA UNEP GIZ テーマ: NAMA パートナーシップ The NAMA partnership What has happened and where are we going? 目 的 : NAMA パートナーシップを 形 成 する 関 係 組 織 による NAMA パートナーシップの 概 要 と 途 上 国 における JICA や GIZ によるプロジェクトベースでの 取 り 組 み 等 が 紹 介 され た 参 加 者 : 約 100 名 1. 発 表 概 要 の 概 要 - 冒 頭 UNEP の 取 り 組 みが 紹 介 された UNEP は Develop First! の 名 の 下 NAMA の Sustainable Development (SD) コベネフィットの 認 識 評 価 方 法 をどのように 行 うのか 政 府 主 導 の NAMA において 利 害 関 係 者 や 民 間 企 業 の 補 償 をどのように 行 うのか そして 低 炭 素 持 続 的 な 開 発 に 係 る GHG 排 出 削 減 やコベネフィットの 影 響 をどのように MRV するかを 今 後 の 課 題 として 指 摘 している - UNEP は NAMA を 実 施 するために 次 の 5 つのステップを 行 うとの 説 明 があった 1: 国 家 開 発 計 画 における 優 先 課 題 と 低 炭 素 開 発 戦 略 の 文 脈 において SD 対 象 を 認 識 するこ と 2:SD インディケータ 利 害 関 係 者 セーフガードを 考 慮 した NAMA の 設 計 3:NAMA ファイナンスの 検 討 4:MRV の 実 施 そして 5: 新 メカニズム 又 は 多 様 なアプローチによるフレームワークの 下 でのクレジット NAMA の SD 影 響 の 認 証 - GIZ 北 京 MRV ワーキンググループより 交 通 NAMA に 係 る 説 明 が 行 われた MRV に 関 し て 次 の 5 つの 課 題 が 紹 介 された 1: 緩 和 行 動 の 幅 を 広 く 柔 軟 にするため MRV に 利 用 する 情 報 を 精 確 かつ 比 較 できるもの とし 透 明 性 を 確 保 すること 2: 国 内 NAMA およびクレジット NAMA に 対 する MRV の 差 異 を 認 識 すること 3: 多 くの 途 上 国 におけるキャパシティ 不 足 4: 情 報 収 集 に 係 る 関 係 組 織 の 資 金 不 足 5: 先 進 国 が 直 面 している 拡 散 された 情 報 の 収 集 取 りまとめ - GIZ より 交 通 NAMA の 知 見 から 得 た 今 後 の 交 通 NAMA に 対 する 取 り 組 み 方 針 が 紹 介 された - JICA 気 候 変 動 室 佐 原 副 室 長 より JICA による 包 括 的 な 気 候 変 動 支 援 の 概 要 が 説 明 された 後 これまでの 実 績 に 一 部 としてセルビアにて 行 われた NAMA キャパシティビルディング 23

27 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 アジア アフリカにおける NAMA 開 発 キャパシティ デベロップメント 事 業 インドネシ アにおける 気 候 変 動 政 策 支 援 ベトナムにおける 民 間 セクターの 省 エネ 支 援 等 が 紹 介 された - kfw の Mr. Sebastian Hach より How Development Banks can Finance the Implementation of NAMAs のプレゼンが 行 われた 本 セッションでは NAMA パートナーシップにおけるファ イナンスグループの 活 動 の 説 明 が 行 われた 後 NAMA ファイナンスの 実 施 として 低 炭 素 開 発 戦 略 のフレームワークの 構 築 等 が 説 明 され 結 びとして 適 格 性 要 件 の 予 測 可 能 性 NAMA 初 期 段 階 でのファイナンス 検 討 サポート NAMA に 対 する 民 間 セクターの 役 割 の 確 認 等 が 必 要 である 点 が 指 摘 された 2. 質 疑 応 答 主 なものとして 以 下 の 質 疑 応 答 があった Q:NAMA パートナーシップのファイナンスについて どの 程 度 まで 適 用 するのか A:(JICA) 対 象 国 の 知 見 や 計 画 展 望 や 新 規 に 導 入 するもの 等 に 応 じて 適 用 すべきと 考 えてい る A:(GIZ)これまでの 案 件 では 対 象 とならない 孤 立 した 案 件 等 にまで 支 援 が 拡 大 できると 考 え ている Q: NAMA 開 発 に 関 して ファイナンスに 対 する 今 後 の 展 望 を 教 えて 欲 しい A:(GIZ)NAMA ファイナンスに 係 る 事 例 等 を 紹 介 する 等 様 々な 対 応 が 可 能 と 考 えている Q:(ベトナム) 途 上 国 での NAMA 開 発 について 案 件 のオーナーシップをどのように 考 えてい るのか A:(JICA) 政 府 の 政 策 を 熟 慮 して 対 応 すべきと 考 えている A:(GIZ)キャパシティビルディングを 通 して 支 援 すること 等 が 考 えられる Q:(GIZ)サブナショナルをどのように NAMA に 取 り 込 むのか A:(JICA)インドネシアでは サブナショナルへの NAMA 支 援 を 行 っており 中 央 から 地 方 等 といった 流 れで 取 り 込 んでいる A:(GIZ) 案 件 をサブナショナルで 捉 えて 支 援 すること 等 が 考 えられる 3. 会 議 風 景 本 イベントの 会 議 風 景 を 以 下 に 掲 載 する 24

28 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 Development and Climate Days 日 時 : 2013 年 11 月 16~17 日 ( 土 日 )9:00 ~ 17:00( 両 日 共 ) 場 所 : Polonia Palace Hotel 主 催 : JICA GEF iied Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate & Development Knowledge Network テーマ: Development and Climate Days 目 的 : 気 候 変 動 と 開 発 について 専 門 家 によるプレゼンテーションだけでなく ハイレベルによる ディスカッションや 気 候 変 動 を 題 材 としたゲーム 等 様 々な 観 点 から 気 候 変 動 と 開 発 を 検 討 するサイドイベント 参 加 者 : 約 100 名 1. 発 表 概 要 の 概 要 - Development and Climate Days として JICA GEF 赤 十 字 等 によるイベントが COP19 期 間 中 の 週 末 を 利 用 し 2 日 間 に 亘 って 行 われた - 初 日 (11/16)は 開 会 の 挨 拶 として GEF や 赤 十 字 の 挨 拶 と 共 に JICA 気 候 変 動 室 碓 井 氏 が 登 檀 した その 後 午 前 中 のセッションとして Lightning talks : Emerging issues, solutions and actors と 題 したパネルディスカッションが 行 われた ディスカッションでは ガンビア の 事 例 を 用 いた NAPA 優 先 順 位 の 効 果 的 な 実 施 適 応 策 に 対 する 気 候 変 動 リスクと 脆 弱 性 分 析 の 利 用 ガーナの 事 例 にみる 緩 和 策 と 健 康 適 応 策 における 民 間 セクターの 取 り 込 み 等 が 議 論 された - 午 前 の 最 後 のセッションとして プレゼンやパネルディスカッションの 間 を 埋 めるよう に Participatory game: Farmers, Scientists and Negotiators という 気 候 変 動 を 題 材 としたゲーム が 行 われた 同 ゲームでは 気 候 変 動 を 題 材 とした 参 加 型 のゲームが 行 われ 気 候 変 動 の 不 確 実 性 に 対 する 立 場 の 異 なる 者 の 利 害 を 実 感 することをゲームにて 理 解 共 有 した - 午 後 には Challenges and innovations from the field と 題 して 次 のプレゼンが 行 われた 1:Building adaptive capacity and resilience to climate change in Afghanistan (UNEP) 2:Coastal zone management : experiences from Guinea (LDCF project coordinator) 3:Challenges and innovations in SIDS: Expe3riences from Tuvalu 4:Effective early warning systems in Ethiopia 5:Community-based adaptation: A bottom-up approach 6:How LDCF support is contributing toward long-term adaptation - 初 日 最 後 のセッションとして High-level panel: National-level funding of adaptation が 行 われ た 参 加 パネリストは 以 下 の 通 り Diann Black-Layne, Director/Ambassador, Govn t of Antigua and Barbuda Robert Dixon, Climate and Chemicals team leader and head of the GEF delogation Pa Ousman Jarju, Leader negotiator and special climate envoy of the Gambia 25

29 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 Mary Robinson, President of MRFCJ and Former president of Ireland - 翌 11/17 午 前 は 気 候 変 動 を 題 材 としたゲームとして Play : Addressing Negotiation Blockages through Participatory Games が 行 われた - 午 後 のセッションの 冒 頭 JICA 気 候 変 動 室 森 室 長 によるプレゼン JICA s Experiences in Public Awareness and Participation responding to Article 6 of the Convention related to Climate Change が 行 われた プレゼンでは 1 東 日 本 大 震 災 及 び 津 波 被 害 からの 学 び 2 適 応 策 に 対 する JICA アプローチ 3 住 民 啓 発 住 民 参 加 に 対 するケーススタディが 紹 介 された 2. 会 議 風 景 26

30 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 Transportation Day 2013 日 時 : 2013 年 11 月 17 日 ( 日 )16:15 ~ 17:30 場 所 : Hyatt Hotel, Ball room 主 催 : Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) 2013 テーマ: 低 炭 素 アジア 実 現 に 向 けて: 科 学 と 政 策 を 橋 渡 しするモデルの 役 Low Carbon Actions in Asia Modeling to Bridge Science and Policy 目 的 : 緩 和 策 における 交 通 セクターの 貢 献 や 気 候 変 動 における 交 通 政 策 の 促 進 交 通 セクタ ーに 適 したファイナンスやキャパビルの 構 築 等 について ワンディセミナーを 開 催 し た 参 加 者 : 約 100 名 本 セミナーに 係 り Transportation Day のクロージングセッションにのみ 参 加 した 以 下 に 各 ストリーム(セッション)の 結 論 と 今 後 の 課 題 等 についてまとめる 1. 発 表 概 要 の 概 要 - ストリーム 1 は 交 通 セクターに 係 る 緩 和 策 ポテンシャルについて 議 論 され その 結 果 が 報 告 された 低 炭 素 型 の 交 通 事 業 は 重 要 であると 認 識 するも 持 続 的 な 開 発 指 標 に 関 して そ のベネフィットを 分 析 することは 十 分 なされていない このようなに 対 して 緩 和 ポテンシ ャルに 適 用 する 効 果 的 なコミュニケーション 等 が 必 要 である 点 が 指 摘 された そして 今 後 の 対 応 として SLoCaT パートナーによる 持 続 的 な 低 炭 素 交 通 開 発 のための 評 価 指 標 の 開 発 等 が 提 案 された - ストリーム 2 では 途 上 国 における 持 続 的 かつ 低 炭 素 な 交 通 の 政 策 決 定 について 議 論 され 技 術 支 援 等 に 係 る 補 助 金 等 の 適 正 価 格 の 設 定 異 なる 交 通 政 策 の 重 みづけ 交 通 事 業 におけ る 省 エネ 改 善 に 対 する 情 報 技 術 政 策 だけでない 制 度 の 利 用 物 流 システムの 見 直 し 自 転 車 等 の 非 駆 動 交 通 システムの 見 直 し 等 が 必 要 であることがまとめられた - ストリーム 3 では 効 果 的 な 交 通 NAMA を 保 証 することへの 議 論 が 行 われ 利 害 関 係 者 を 巻 き 込 んだ 検 討 持 続 的 な 利 益 追 求 のための NAMA の 活 用 判 断 を 迅 速 に 行 うための 持 続 的 な 利 益 及 び GHG 排 出 量 の MRV 化 等 が 必 要 であることがまとめられた - ストリーム 4A では 交 通 政 策 における 統 合 適 応 策 について 議 論 された 同 ストリームでは エンジニアリングに 係 るオプションとして 技 術 基 準 や 仕 様 書 ベストプラクティス メンテ ナンス 等 の 必 要 性 そして 投 資 マルチセクターからの 活 動 保 険 等 の 必 要 性 が 説 明 され た 今 後 の 対 応 としては 適 応 策 ファンドから 交 通 セクターへのアプローチ キャパビルの 実 施 lesson & learn の 普 及 データ 欠 如 への 対 策 等 を 行 うことを 提 案 している - ストリーム 4B として 持 続 的 な 低 炭 素 交 通 へのファイナンスについて 議 論 の 結 果 が 発 表 さ れた 主 なポイントとして ニーズにマッチしたファイナンスの 実 施 民 間 資 金 ではない 公 的 資 金 の 活 用 長 期 的 な 民 間 資 金 の 流 用 コベネフィットの 包 含 と 収 益 化 気 候 変 動 フレン ドリーなクライテリアの 必 要 性 が 確 認 された そして 今 後 は 交 通 適 応 策 の 実 施 費 用 対 効 果 の 追 求 交 通 インフラに 対 するメンテナンスの 実 施 クライテリアの 設 定 を 行 うことが 必 27

31 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 要 であると 報 告 された 2. 質 疑 応 答 Closing Plenary であったため 特 段 の 質 疑 応 答 はなかった 3. 会 議 風 景 本 イベントの 会 議 風 景 を 以 下 に 掲 載 する Presentation of the NAMA Guidebook 日 時 : 2013 年 11 月 18 日 ( 月 )13:15 ~ 14:45 場 所 : Room Torun 主 催 : UNFCCC テーマ: NAMA ガイドラインの 説 明 Presentation of the NAMA Guideline 1 目 的 : NAMA 設 計 に 係 る UN 関 係 者 からの 知 見 発 表 参 加 者 : 約 120 名 1. 発 表 議 事 の 概 要 - NAMA ガイドブックでは 段 階 的 なアプローチを 採 用 している - ガイドラインには 4 つの 目 的 があり それらは1 Reference for orientation and hands-on advice for planner & project implementers from developing countries 2 Guidance on how to best support the development of NAMAs through technical cooperation 3 Reflect experiences and lessons learned of existing UNDP projects 4 Overview of the international NAMA regime focus on national NAMA frameworks, strategies and cross-sectional issues である - キーセクションとして NAMA の 優 先 度 化 のプロセス NAMA ガバナンスと 実 施 技 術 ガ イダンスと MRV 設 計 NAMA ファイナンスがある - NAMA ガイドブックに 係 る 内 容 説 明 が 行 われた NAMA 構 築 に 関 して ファイナンスと MRV の 観 点 より UNEP RISO Mr. Soren E. Lutken から 発 表 があった NAMA ファイナンスを 構 築

32 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 するためには 既 存 予 算 ファイナンスのタイプと 資 金 源 ファイナンシングバリューチェ ーン 民 間 資 金 の 包 含 等 を 考 慮 することが 重 要 であるとのことが 説 明 された - 現 在 NAMA に 対 して 多 くのファイナンススキームが 存 在 し それらはプライベートに 限 ら ず パブリックセクターへ 投 融 資 可 能 となっている 2. 質 疑 応 答 Q1:(ベネズエラ)プログラム CDM(POA)と NAMA に 関 して 類 似 点 等 を 教 えて 欲 しい? A1:(UNFCCC)CDM と NAMA のターゲットは 同 じであるが CDM はクレジットの 獲 得 を 持 って GHG 排 出 削 減 を 達 成 することを 想 定 している これに 対 し NAMA はポリシー 支 援 を 中 心 に 考 えており その 点 が 異 なると 考 えている Q2:( 南 アフリカ)MRV は 主 に 実 施 段 階 でのものと 考 えている 計 画 段 階 で MRV があまり 良 く 構 築 されていない 場 合 でも 実 施 してしまって 良 いのか? A2:(UNFCCC1) 計 画 段 階 でも MRV の 実 施 可 能 性 を 確 認 すべきである A2:(UNFCCC2)MRV はケースバイケースであると 考 えるため 政 府 が MRV に 対 して 長 期 計 画 にて MRV に 取 り 組 むことが 必 要 と 考 える Q3:NAMA は CDM のキャッチアップに 利 用 できると 思 うか? A3:(UNFCCC)ファイナンスの 点 で NAMA が CDM 支 援 に 貢 献 できると 考 えている Q4:(マレーシア エネルギー 省 )CDM だけではカーボンマーケットを 動 かすことは 難 しいと の 判 断 から マレーシアでは FIT 等 の 政 策 も 構 築 している 勿 論 政 府 として 制 限 なく 支 援 はできないと 思 っている NAMA について 政 府 として 複 雑 なものであると 感 じており どのように NAMA に 関 してスケールアップして 良 いか?と 考 えている A4:(UNFCCC)カーボンマーケットに 対 して CDM だけでは 不 十 分 であると 思 っている その ため まず 考 えるべきは どのようなファイナンスネットワークが 望 ましいのか? 等 を 検 討 すべきである そして 良 いスキームを 構 築 することも 必 要 である そして スケール アップについて 国 際 支 援 を 受 けることも 可 能 と 考 える Q5:(セネガル)NAMA に 関 して 方 法 論 の 開 発 ガイドラインの 作 成 等 と 色 々な 支 援 が 昨 年 だけでも 行 われており 対 応 が 難 しいと 感 じている 可 能 であれば UNFCCC にて 統 一 す ることはできないか? A5:(UNFCCC) 個 々の 支 援 に 対 してガイドライン 等 を 構 築 することは 非 効 率 である そのため コラボレーションについて まずドラフトを 作 成 することが 望 ましいと 考 える Q6:ファイナンスアプローチについて 各 国 の 緩 和 策 政 策 に 関 連 すると 感 じている この 点 につ いてどのように 考 えているか? A6:(UNFCCC)まずは 税 を 考 慮 した 政 策 等 を 検 討 すべきと 考 えているが ファイナンスを 具 体 的 に 行 うことは 難 しいと 考 えている Q7:サポートプロセスについてどのように 実 施 するのか 教 えて 欲 しい 29

33 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 A7:(UNFCCC)どのようなサポートが 利 用 可 能 であるかを 各 ドナーから 集 めた 後 具 体 的 なク ライテリアを 設 けて 検 討 すべきである Japan s technological contribution to realize a low carbon society 日 時 : 2013 年 11 月 20 日 ( 水 )13:00 ~ 14:30 場 所 : 日 本 パビリオン 主 催 : 日 本 経 済 団 体 連 合 ( 経 団 連 ) テーマ: Japan s technological contribution to realize a low carbon society 目 的 : 低 炭 素 社 会 の 実 現 に 向 けた 日 本 産 業 界 特 に 経 団 連 の 取 り 組 みと 今 後 の 展 望 につい て 関 係 者 の 説 明 や 講 演 が 行 われた 参 加 者 : 約 50 名 1. 発 表 議 事 の 概 要 - 経 団 連 地 球 環 境 戦 略 WG 主 査 である 手 塚 氏 をモデレータとして 本 イベントの 議 題 が 勧 めら れた - 経 団 連 副 会 長 坂 根 氏 より 開 会 の 挨 拶 が 寄 せられた 坂 根 氏 より 本 イベントにて 日 本 の 産 業 界 の 低 炭 素 社 会 に 資 する 知 見 を 紹 介 する 旨 と 共 に 経 団 連 による 低 炭 素 化 への 貢 献 を 紹 介 する 旨 の 説 明 があった - ゲストスピーチとし 石 原 環 境 大 臣 より 挨 拶 が 寄 せられた 同 大 臣 からは 気 候 変 動 対 策 に 迅 速 に 取 り 組 むことが 喫 緊 の 課 題 であると 触 れた 上 我 が 国 の 産 業 界 の 貢 献 できる 点 として 攻 めの 地 球 温 暖 化 対 策 を 進 めて 行 く 点 等 が 説 明 された - 主 要 経 済 国 ビジネスフォーラム(Major Economies Business Forum : MEF)の Dr. Brian Flannery より Role of Business and Technology in Managing Climate Risks について 基 調 講 演 が 行 われ た 同 氏 からは 低 炭 素 社 会 形 成 に 向 けて 大 規 模 な 投 資 を 進 めて 行 くこと 投 資 とは 一 線 を 画 して 気 候 変 動 政 策 をビジネス 活 動 の 主 流 化 とするよう 強 化 すること 制 度 化 や 承 認 の 遅 延 がコスト 増 加 を 招 くこと 民 間 企 業 の 投 資 観 点 を 考 慮 すること 等 が 本 講 演 のメッセージとし て 説 明 された - パネルディスカッションとして Japan s technologies contribution to realize a low carbon society on a global scale (challenges, expectation and solution) について JICA 気 候 変 動 室 森 室 長 による モデレータの 下 経 団 連 手 塚 氏 インドネシア DNPIMr. Farhan Helmy ワルシャワ 大 学 Prof. Krzysztof Klincewicz にて 議 論 が 行 われた - パネルディスカッションでは 手 塚 氏 より 京 都 議 定 書 下 での 経 団 連 の 活 動 及 び 経 団 連 によ る 低 炭 素 社 会 へのコミットメントについて 説 明 があった 続 いて インドネシアの Mr. Farhan より Indonesia s Climate Change Policy and Implementation Update としてインドネシアの 政 策 フレームワークや 中 央 地 方 レベルでの 気 候 変 動 活 動 等 について 現 状 が 報 告 された 後 2020 年 に 向 けた 方 針 が 説 明 された - 本 イベントの 結 びとして 経 団 連 副 会 長 坂 根 氏 より 閉 会 の 挨 拶 が 寄 せられた 30

34 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 本 イベントの 会 議 風 景 を 以 下 に 掲 載 する Implementing public climate finance, where do we stand? 日 時 : 2013 年 11 月 20 日 ( 水 )20:15 ~ 21:45 場 所 : Room Cracow 主 催 : France, WRI, JICA テーマ: Implementing public climate finance, where do we stand? 目 的 : 気 候 変 動 ファイナンスを 司 る 各 国 機 関 が 意 見 交 換 を 行 うと 共 に 今 後 気 候 変 動 ファ イナンスがどの 方 向 に 向 かうべき 等 について 関 係 者 の 知 見 や 意 見 が 紹 介 された 参 加 者 : 約 70 名 1. 発 表 議 事 の 概 要 - 冒 頭 Mr. Andrew Steer による 本 イベントの 主 旨 等 が 説 明 された 後 Mr. M. Canfin 大 臣 (フラ ンス)より WRI へのイベント 参 加 への 経 緯 等 が 説 明 された そしてフランス 政 府 として パリで 開 催 される COP21 に 向 け 気 候 変 動 ファイナンスが 検 討 すべき 点 として 4 つのポイン ト(1 現 状 政 策 計 画 への 主 流 化 2 適 応 策 への 追 加 資 金 3 民 間 公 的 資 金 を 適 切 に 利 用 すること 4 方 法 論 )が 重 要 である 点 が 説 明 された - 気 候 変 動 開 発 の 主 流 化 に 対 して 気 候 変 動 コベネフィットへの 取 り 組 み AFD のエネルギー 戦 略 ファイナンシング インフラの 構 築 等 について 考 え 方 が 紹 介 された - JICA 森 気 候 変 動 室 室 長 より Role of International Development Finance Institutions, Holistic Support Approach to Sustainable Development についてのプレゼンが 行 われた 同 プレゼンでは Development Finance Institutes (DFIs)の 挑 戦 や 役 割 として 1 官 民 連 携 に 対 する 効 果 的 な 金 融 商 品 2 法 的 枠 組 みや 制 度 等 の 開 発 そして3 民 間 資 金 のモビライゼーションと 金 融 仲 介 が 歯 車 のように 上 手 く 噛 み 合 うことが 重 要 であると 指 摘 している - また 一 例 として JICA による 気 候 変 動 に 係 る 包 括 的 な 支 援 としてインドネシアの 事 例 が 紹 介 された 同 支 援 では 緩 和 策 適 応 策 と 共 に 主 要 な 政 策 問 題 及 び 分 野 横 断 的 な 政 策 問 題 が 柱 となっていることが 説 明 された 同 国 に 対 する 具 体 的 な 支 援 として 地 熱 発 電 開 発 事 業 独 立 系 発 電 事 業 (IPP) 等 が 紹 介 された 31

35 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 - 今 後 の JICA による 開 発 ファイナンスの 活 動 方 針 として 1 途 上 国 の 政 策 や 法 的 枠 組 み 等 に 通 じたインフラ 開 発 における 包 括 的 な 支 援 の 準 備 2 事 業 認 識 できる DFI 仲 介 機 能 及 びより 大 規 模 民 間 投 資 の 活 用 強 化 3 急 速 な 都 市 化 エネルギー 消 費 廃 棄 物 GHG 排 出 自 然 災 害 によるリスク 集 中 等 を 優 先 とした 都 市 開 発 の 持 続 的 な 追 及 4 途 上 国 と 先 進 国 による 開 発 ファイナンスにおけるパートナーシップを 深 めることが 紹 介 された - IDFC の Ms. Castro より IDCF s green and climate finance implementing climate finance として IDFC の 概 要 2012 年 の 気 候 変 動 に 係 る 活 動 についての 報 告 が 行 われた 特 に IDFC は 近 年 緩 和 策 及 び 適 応 策 に 資 するグリーンファイナンスに 力 を 入 れている 点 が 紹 介 された - CAF の 紹 介 も 行 われた CAF は 2011/12 において 190 億 USD を 融 資 等 しているが そのう ち 42%に 当 る 約 80 億 USD がグリーンファイナンスとなっているとのこと - Green Climate Fund の 新 CEO である Ms. Hela より Green Climate Fund の 紹 介 等 が 行 われた 2. 質 疑 応 答 本 サイドイベントにおける 主 な 質 疑 応 答 は 以 下 の 通 り Q1: 途 上 国 の 支 援 にどの 程 度 グリーンファイナンスが 必 要 であると 思 うか? A1:(Green Climate Fund) 一 例 として アフリカのインフラ 投 資 では 約 3 分 の 1 が 国 際 的 なフ ァイナンスに 依 存 しており 残 りを 政 府 等 の 国 内 ファイナンスで 賄 っている そのため グリーンファイナンスのニーズは 高 いと 考 えている A1:(WB)NAMA ファイナンスに 関 して モザンビークやメキシコが 関 心 を 持 っており 今 後 もファイナンスへの 関 心 が 高 まるものと 思 っている Q2: 気 候 変 動 において 公 的 資 金 が 必 要 であると 思 うが 本 COP でのフランスの 立 場 は? A2:(フランス)グリーンファンドに 積 極 的 に 参 加 するつもりであり EU メンバーとしても 何 か 貢 献 したいと 考 えている Q3:グリーンファンドやカーボンプライスのポテンシャルについて 意 見 を 伺 いたい A3:(JICA) 炭 素 税 について 日 本 政 府 は 3 年 前 より 別 勘 定 としてグリーンファンドを 導 入 して いる そして 日 本 政 府 による 国 内 外 のグリーンインベストメントは ハイブリッド 車 や 省 エネルギー 等 に 割 かれている 但 し 総 額 は 定 かではない A3:(フランス)カーボンプライスが 2014 年 に 10USD 2016 年 に 30USD となるよう EU-ETS だけに 留 まらず 働 きかけて 行 きたいと 考 えており GCF や WB 等 との 協 調 またヨーロッ パ ケベックや 中 国 メキシコ 等 とカーボンプライズについて 協 調 を 図 る 等 といった 経 済 的 政 治 的 な 取 り 組 みを 行 うべきと 考 えている また 数 名 の 傍 聴 者 からグリーンファイナンスに 関 して 会 計 方 法 はどうなっているのか?と の 質 問 等 もあった これに 対 して IDFC より 同 機 関 の 会 計 方 法 や 分 類 方 法 等 が 追 加 説 明 された 4.3 COP19 参 加 まとめ COP 期 間 中 現 地 にて また 事 後 の 12 月 16 日 に COP 19 の 報 告 会 を 行 った( 添 付 資 料 参 照 ) 32

36 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 全 体 評 価 として COP 19 は COP 21 に 向 かう 次 期 枠 組 みプロセス ADP の 中 間 COP であり この 点 で 大 きな 決 定 がなされたわけではない 新 しい 議 定 書 などの 内 容 としてどのようなものにする か 2020 年 までに ambition を 上 げるにはどうするかという 点 は とくに 前 者 が 2014 年 から 具 体 的 交 渉 テキスト 作 成 プロセスにむかった 各 国 の 提 案 がでてきて 本 格 化 してくることになっ ている ファイナンス 面 では 条 約 の 新 しいファイナンシャルメカニズムである GCF が 立 ち 上 がったが まだ 実 体 がない 状 況 である 2020 年 に 先 進 国 全 体 で 年 間 1000 億 ドルの 動 員 を 行 う 長 期 ファイナ ンスのロードマップについては 具 体 的 なものは 合 意 されなかったが 隔 年 の 情 報 提 供 のプロセス が 合 意 された 2013 年 までの 3 年 間 の 短 期 ファイナンス(300 億 ドル 相 当 )では 日 本 の 寄 与 が 先 進 国 全 体 の 約 1/2 にのぼったことが 明 らかになった JCM が 含 まれる 新 しい 市 場 メカニズム 関 係 は 合 意 文 書 を 作 成 することに 至 らなかった 言 い 換 えると ( 個 々のメカニズムなどは 議 論 されてはいないが)さまざまなボトムアップ 的 なアプ ローチを 共 通 のルールを 持 った 一 つの 枠 組 みの 下 に 位 置 づけることの 難 しさが 浮 き 彫 りにされ 具 体 的 かつトップダウン 的 に 監 督 するような 枠 組 みに 合 意 することは 可 能 性 がかなり 低 い 状 況 にある 経 験 を 蓄 積 しそれをシェアし 次 に 繋 げるような 合 意 を 行 うことが 現 実 性 が 高 そうであ る NAMA に 関 して ニーズとシーズのマッチングプラットフォームである NAMA レジストリーが 稼 働 を 始 めた ただ 実 際 のプロジェクトサポートのテンダーを 行 った 英 独 の NAMA ファシリティ ーへの 注 目 度 合 いの 方 が 高 いようであった NAMA は 国 内 MRV ガイドラインができ またそのコン サルテーションを 行 う ICA 専 門 家 に 関 する 手 続 き 等 が 決 定 された 技 術 も TEC CTCN の 準 備 ができ 本 格 的 に 稼 働 してくることになった COP 19 の 決 議 事 項 で 大 きなものは REDD+とロス&ダメージである REDD+は いくつかの COP 決 定 パッケージと 共 に ワルシャワ フレームワーク for REDD+ が でき 8 年 越 しでの 交 渉 を 経 てようやく 正 式 に 動 き 出 せることになった ロス&ダメージも ワルシャワ 国 際 メカニズム for ロス&ダメージが 設 立 され 当 面 はカンク ン 適 応 枠 組 みの 下 で 動 き 出 すこととなった COP 22 で 再 検 討 される その 他 日 本 政 府 は 2020 年 目 標 として 2005 年 比 マイナス 3.8%と 暫 定 目 標 を 発 表 し 同 時 に 2015 年 までの 3 年 間 に 160 億 ドル(うち 公 的 資 金 は 130 億 ドル)の 途 上 国 支 援 を 約 束 した また Actions for Cool Earth( 美 しい 星 への 行 動 )という 戦 略 を 発 表 した 国 際 制 度 として COP 18 で 合 意 された 京 都 議 定 書 ドーハ 改 正 の 批 准 が 進 まないこと CDM の 需 給 関 係 が 回 復 する 見 通 しが 立 たないことなどが 懸 念 材 料 となっている COP 国 際 交 渉 の 外 では 新 設 石 炭 火 力 をどうすべきかという 主 張 において 日 本 を 除 く 先 進 国 や 援 助 機 関 の 非 支 援 決 定 に 対 し 懸 念 を 表 す 勢 力 の 声 が 聞 かれた 33

37 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 第 5 章 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 における 気 候 変 動 対 策 の 推 進 に 係 る 課 題 と 提 言 5.1 課 題 本 調 査 においてアジア 開 発 途 上 国 における 気 候 変 動 対 策 推 進 に 係 る 課 題 を 下 記 にまとめる 1) 気 候 変 動 対 策 は 緩 和 策 も 適 応 策 も より 重 要 な 主 目 的 を 達 成 するためのものである 言 い 換 えると 気 候 変 動 対 策 としての 効 果 を 上 げるためには この( 背 景 にある) 主 目 的 とのシナジーを 最 大 限 に 活 かすようにすることが 必 要 である 気 候 変 動 対 策 は 横 糸 を 通 す クロスカッティングなものであるが 気 候 変 動 が 主 目 的 になることはほとんどない 言 い 換 えると 気 候 対 策 としての 効 果 を 上 げ るためには その 主 目 的 をエンハンスする( 少 なくとも 邪 魔 にならない)ようにデ ザインすべきである 2) 気 候 変 動 対 策 ファイナンスが 途 上 国 との 信 頼 性 という 点 で また 対 策 の 実 効 性 という 点 で 気 候 変 動 国 際 交 渉 の 背 景 の 大 きなものとなっている 国 際 交 渉 においては 途 上 国 と 先 進 国 の 対 決 姿 勢 が 浮 き 彫 りになりがちで 大 きな 決 定 を 行 うときには 最 後 は 資 金 支 援 のコミットが 必 要 になることも 多 い ただ その 数 字 がどのようにつくられたかなど 不 明 確 な 点 も 多 く 先 進 各 国 のスタンスに もばらつきがあり それがまた 途 上 国 との 信 頼 関 係 面 で 影 を 落 としている また 援 助 する 側 もされる 側 も それを 有 効 に 使 いたいという 思 いもあり 資 金 の MRV という 概 念 も 提 唱 されている 3) MRV の 必 要 な 国 際 制 度 が 増 えてきていて 途 上 国 としてそれにどう 対 処 すべきかが 大 き な 課 題 となってきている 国 別 報 告 書 隔 年 アップデート 報 告 書 という 国 としての 報 告 書 とそのアセスメント プロセスである ICA GHG インベントリー NAMA 各 種 市 場 メカニズムなど とく に 緩 和 部 門 で( 程 度 の 差 こそあれ)MRV が 要 求 されるものが 増 えてきている これら MRV は 説 明 責 任 のコンテクストで 導 入 されてきているものであるが そ れが 途 上 国 政 策 担 当 者 にとって 負 荷 でしかない どうやって 対 応 すればよいか 分 からない 対 応 するリソースがないというのが 現 況 に 近 い MRV を 含 めること の 本 来 の 目 的 とするところは それによって 気 候 変 動 対 策 が 進 む ということで あるはずだが 逆 方 向 になっているところもある 4) ともすれば 対 決 姿 勢 となりがちな 気 候 変 動 国 際 交 渉 に 対 比 するものとして 二 国 間 での 協 力 は 低 炭 素 社 会 構 築 という 点 でも 信 頼 感 のある 国 際 制 度 構 築 という 点 でもキーと なる JICA は 途 上 国 にとってまさにその 二 国 間 協 力 で 一 緒 にに 対 策 を 進 めているパー トナーである かつ 実 アクションをともなった 経 験 は 非 常 に 価 値 を 持 つものでも 34

38 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 ある それを 2015 年 末 のパリ 会 議 にむけて 対 立 する 国 際 交 渉 にどう 活 かすかが 重 要 な 課 題 となっている 新 しい 国 際 制 度 では 今 の Annex I/non-Annex I の 再 カテ ゴリー 化 など かなり 政 治 的 色 彩 の 濃 いテーマが 不 可 避 であり 実 益 をともな った 協 力 関 係 というプラスの 要 素 を 活 かさなければ 合 意 はむつかしい 5) 気 候 変 動 分 野 でも 日 本 の 技 術 に 対 する 期 待 が 大 きい 日 本 は 技 術 で 気 候 変 動 問 題 に 貢 献 するというスタンスでもあり また 世 界 から 期 待 されている 点 も 同 様 の 点 が 大 きい その 点 をどう 活 かすかを JICA としても 検 討 する 必 要 がある 国 際 的 にも TEC/CTCN という 組 織 立 てが 動 き 出 したこと 日 本 の 提 唱 する 技 術 指 向 の JCM も 動 きだしその underlying finance に ODA の 海 外 投 融 資 を 使 うファンドが 形 成 されることなど 従 来 型 援 助 でなく 民 間 の 技 術 や 資 金 を いかに JICA を 触 媒 として 活 かせるかも 重 要 な 視 点 になってくる 5.2 提 言 上 記 の 課 題 を 踏 まえた 上 で 以 下 の 点 を 提 言 したい 最 後 のものを 除 いて まずは 調 査 案 件 と して JICA 関 係 者 も 参 画 した 議 論 を 踏 まえて 議 論 を 深 化 していくタイプが 望 ましい (1) JICA の 気 候 ファイナンスおよび 削 減 量 効 果 に 関 する 理 論 的 整 理 日 本 として 短 期 および 長 期 気 候 ファイナンスをコミットしてきているが どのよう に 計 算 するかという 点 が 明 確 でない コミットする 場 合 のスタンスの 明 確 化 と 定 義 を 行 った 上 で 数 字 のコミットを 行 うことで 不 要 な 誤 解 も 避 けられる 加 え て JICA/ 日 本 としての 考 え 方 を 明 確 にできる なお 定 義 は 複 数 あってもよく その 場 合 には 当 然 ながら 数 字 が 異 なってくる 円 借 款 と 無 償 協 力 の 場 合 のファイナンスの 考 え 方 削 減 量 計 算 の 考 え 方 なども 整 理 しておくべきポイントの 一 つである ここで 課 題 となるのは (CDM にも 関 係 した) 追 加 性 の 概 念 をどう 定 義 するか である( 緩 和 策 だけでなく 適 応 策 にも 関 連 する) 追 加 性 の 定 義 は 一 般 にはきちん と 行 うことは 難 しい 言 い 換 えると それに 要 する 各 種 リソースをいたずらに 割 く ことは 活 動 そのものに 悪 影 響 を 与 えうる ただ 適 用 可 能 なシンプルな 定 義 であ れば 運 用 上 あまり 問 題 がないかもしれない いずれにせよ 考 え 方 をきちんと 整 理 しておくことは 必 要 である そして 文 書 化 し ておくことが 望 まれる また ファイナンスにおける 考 え 方 と 緩 和 策 の 削 減 量 計 算 における 考 え 方 の 整 理 をしておく 必 要 がある ひとつのアプローチは まずは JICA の 活 動 すべてを 35

39 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 緩 和 効 果 あり or ニュートラル or 逆 効 果 or 不 明 適 応 効 果 あり or ニュートラル or 逆 効 果 or 不 明 に 分 類 するところからはじめることである また それらをどう 文 書 化 して 対 外 的 に(また 国 内 的 に) 発 信 するかも 重 要 な 点 となる (2) JICA 活 動 の GHG 削 減 効 果 評 価 手 法 の MRV の 哲 学 構 築 と 再 検 討 キーとなる 削 減 策 に 関 して 削 減 量 定 量 評 価 手 法 がある 程 度 用 意 されているが そ の MRV 化 に 関 して 活 動 のパフォーマンスを 上 げる=フォローアップを 含 んだ PDCA サイクル 化 という 視 点 で 再 構 成 を 行 う 方 法 を 検 討 する たとえば 気 候 変 動 対 策 支 援 ツール/ 緩 和 策 を どのように 使 ってもらうべき かという 視 点 で 再 考 改 訂 し いかにすれば 実 効 性 の 高 い= 使 って 意 味 のあるもの とできるかという 方 法 論 を 検 討 する ここでの 意 味 のある ということは 単 に CO 2 削 減 量 を 計 算 するだけでなく それらのモニタリング/ 計 算 結 果 を いかに 有 効 に 活 動 のパフォーマンスを 上 げるために 活 用 するかまで 含 むものとする (3) 途 上 国 NAMA 関 連 支 援 の 戦 略 構 築 NAMA に 関 しては ドナーでは 英 独 が 先 行 する 形 で 動 いているが 日 本 /JICA として の 活 用 方 法 や 戦 略 がまだ 明 確 化 されていない 既 存 の 案 件 を 活 かす 方 法 これからの 案 件 として 組 み 込 む 方 法 などがあるが それ を JICA の 開 発 方 針 ( 民 間 連 携 も 含 む)との 相 乗 効 果 を 生 むようなアプローチがど のようにありえて また 望 ましいのかを 検 討 する そして 具 体 的 案 件 数 件 を たとえばインドネシアにおいて 支 援 / 協 力 する 形 で 形 成 し その 経 験 も 踏 まえて JICA のアプローチのあり 方 を 再 検 討 する (4) 新 しいインディケーターや 評 価 軸 の 開 発 スタディー GHG インベントリーは その 数 字 を 使 って 何 かを 実 施 するには 不 十 分 な 情 報 であ る その 一 方 で たとえば 各 種 エネルギー 消 費 原 単 位 や コスト などは 政 策 判 断 の 際 に 非 常 に 役 に 立 つ 情 報 となる 絶 対 値 や 各 国 比 較 を 行 うことで 自 国 のポジションを 認 識 し どの 分 野 を 優 先 するか 効 果 的 となるかなどが 明 らかに なる 36

40 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 また 時 系 列 (トレンド) 情 報 も 重 要 で たとえばマクロ 経 済 的 な 原 単 位 の 茅 恒 等 式 を 用 いた 推 移 分 析 は 本 調 査 のセミナーでも 発 表 した セクターで 分 けて 分 析 する ことも 有 効 である これらを 掘 り 下 げることで 各 国 の 特 徴 を 明 確 化 し その 国 の 政 策 担 当 者 にとって 非 常 に 有 効 な 情 報 を 提 供 することができる できればデータベース 化 まで 行 い 継 続 的 にスタディーすることが 望 まれる (5) 民 間 資 金 や 技 術 の 活 かし 方 まずは JCM において ODA をいかに 戦 略 的 かつ 説 明 責 任 を 果 たせる 形 で 用 いるか という 点 の 整 理 が 必 要 である どう 切 り 分 け またどう 機 会 創 出 し 相 乗 効 果 をもたせるかなどがポイントとなる いくつかの 有 望 そうな 具 体 的 プロジェクトタイプで きちんと 整 理 しておくべきで ある いままで 対 象 となってこなかった 超 々 臨 界 圧 石 炭 火 力 などの 大 型 案 件 や 高 効 率 機 器 販 売 を JCM 化 する 製 品 なども 対 象 とすべきである その 他 ODA 案 件 の JCM 化 方 法 の 理 論 的 スタンスの 整 理 も 有 用 である これも 一 種 のベースライン 的 な 概 念 の 整 理 となる また 民 間 ビジネスの 環 境 整 備 も 公 的 資 金 の 役 割 でもある 気 候 変 動 関 連 分 野 で 他 の 公 的 資 金 のケースも 含 めて グッドプラクティスのスタディーを 行 っておくこ とが 望 まれる 例 えば ソーラーランタン 分 野 で IFC/WB が Lighting Africa という 性 能 基 準 を 設 けるイニシアティブを 発 足 運 営 していることなどが 挙 げられ る (6) 概 念 の 再 整 理 とスタンスの 明 確 化 上 記 のファイナンスや 緩 和 策 における 追 加 性 や 気 候 変 動 対 策 の 主 流 化 など 概 念 が 明 確 化 されていない( 使 用 する 人 の 独 自 判 断 で 運 用 されている)ものがいく つかある これらを 整 理 しておく 必 要 ある これは 用 語 の 定 義 の 整 理 に 留 まらず JICA としての スタンス にも 関 連 してくる そして 気 候 変 動 問 題 における JICA の 協 力 の 方 向 性 を 改 訂 し その 中 に 述 べ られている 対 応 策 の 方 法 論 まで 示 したものとなることが 望 まれる (7) IPCC 第 5 次 評 価 報 告 書 からの 注 目 すべき 情 報 の 整 理 IPCC AR5 は すでに WG1( 気 候 の 物 理 サイエンス 面 ) 報 告 書 がリリースされ 今 後 3 月 4 月 と WG2( 影 響 と 適 応 ) WG3( 緩 和 )のレポートがリリースされる 予 定 37

41 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 最 終 報 告 書 である これらは 現 時 点 の 知 見 を 集 約 し 厳 しいレビュープロセスを 経 た 極 めて 信 頼 性 の 高 い 情 報 である その 中 から JICA にとって 有 益 かつどのような 知 見 が 得 られるかという 点 は きち んと 整 理 認 識 しておくべき 課 題 である (8) JICA の 具 体 的 活 動 のグッドプラクティスとそのエッセンスの 抽 出 国 際 的 気 候 変 動 の 新 しい 組 織 立 てである CTCN など さまざまな 場 で 重 要 となって くるものは グッドプラクティス の 共 有 である JICA もエネルギー 分 野 などで いくつも 事 例 がある それらをきちんとまとめ 分 類 し( 分 野 発 展 段 階 規 模 等 ) 他 国 への 適 用 のためそのエッセンスを 抽 出 し 報 告 書 化 しておき また 適 宜 アップ デートすることで 気 候 変 動 分 野 において さまざまなチャンネルで 発 信 するとき の 非 常 に 有 用 な 資 料 となる 加 えて 今 後 の JICA の 活 動 を 組 成 していくにあたっても 貴 重 な 資 料 となる (9) COP や SB の 場 におけるサイドイベント+ブース 上 記 で 述 べたようなスタディーの 中 身 の 議 論 や JICA の 行 ってきたグッドプラクテ ィスを 共 有 し 実 施 国 と 共 同 してサイドイベントを 行 うことで JICA 活 動 の 広 報 な らびに 方 法 論 を 改 良 していくための 議 論 などができる 一 方 的 なプレゼンテーションではなく 問 題 意 識 を 共 有 し 議 論 できる 場 とするこ とが 望 まれる チャンネルは サイドイベントとブースの 設 営 がある ワルシャワではじめて 日 本 パビリオンが 設 営 されたが 今 後 はこれが 拡 張 されることが 期 待 され JICA として このような 場 の 活 用 方 法 ( 広 報 活 動 JICA 活 動 へのフィードバック 他 国 との 協 調 を 探 る 場 など)を 検 討 する 必 要 がある 38

42 アジア 開 発 途 上 国 気 候 変 動 政 策 情 報 収 集 確 認 調 査 添 付 資 料 添 付 資 料 1 文 献 調 査

43 1 01 : People s Republic of Bangladesh 1 : Basic Information and Key Indicators Capital Dhaka Area : 144,000 [km 2 ] Population 152,500,000 (2013) GDP, per capita USD (2012) Source: Basic data, Regional affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan 2 : National Development Strategy/Action Plan Bangladesh is now in the period of its Sixth Five Year Plan ( ), which has a set of 16 core targets for enhancing economic growth, poverty reduction, employment generation, human capital development, gender balance and environmental protection. Vision 2021 of the current government envisages to eradicate poverty, increase employment opportunities, ensure food security, provide access to energy & power, and achieve economic and social well-being of all citizens of the country. Bangladesh will achieve this goal through a strategy of pro-poor, climate resilient and low carbon development, based on the four building blocks of the Bali Action Plan adaptation to climate change, mitigation, technology transfer and adequate and timely flow of funds for investment, within an inviolate framework of food, energy, water, livelihoods and health security. In the area of institutional development, the government is setting up new institutions that will help realize the new vision of the government in the coming years. For example, it is in the process of establishing the Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA) as the national nodal authority for coordinating all national efforts in taking forward its sustainable energy agenda for energy efficiency and conservation and renewable energy promotion in the country. 3 : Institutional Arrangement of Ministries (and Key Agencies) 1) Ministry of Environment and Forests The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) is the key institution to address to issues of environment and degradation occurring naturally and due to human interference. This is more an oversight and coordination ministry, rather than having direct control over the agencies of other ministries. The Department of Environment (DoE) under the MoEF deals with climate change issues nationally and internationally in addition to its normal administrative and regulatory functions oriented toward the environment. The MoEF is further tasked with the implementation of the Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP) ) Climate Change Unit (CCU) A National Steering Committee on Climate Change has been established to coordinate and facilitate national actions on climate change. The National Steering Committee reports to the National Environment Committee, which is headed by the Prime Minister. A Climate Change Unit has been set up under the MoEF to support the National Steering Committee on climate change and coordinate with other Ministries and departments implementing projects under BCCSAP. Climate change cells have also been established in different Ministries. 3) National Environmental Committee The National Environmental Committee is headed by the Prime Minister and ensures a strategic overview of environmental issues as well as determines environmental policies. 4) National Steering Committee on Climate Change Immediately after the Bali Conference (COP13), the Government formed the National Steering Committee on Climate Change. It is headed by the Minister of the MoEF and comprises of secretaries of all relevant Ministries as well as civil society representatives and represents the focal point for developing and overseeing implementation of the BCCSAP. Five functional working groups were also constituted on adaptation, mitigation, technology transfer, financing and public awareness. National Environment Committee Headed by Prime Minister Strategic guidance and oversight National Steering Committee on Climate Change Headed by Minister, Chair Ministry of Environment and Forests Overall Coordination and facilitation Climate Change Unit Ministry of Environment and Forests Coordination and management Climate Change Focal Points in all Ministries Plan and implement activities within their remit Climate change negotiations In association with Ministry of Foreign Affairs Source: Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of the People s Republic of Bangladesh Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan 2009 Figure 1 Climate Change Action Plan Organization Chart 1 2

44 2 4 :Mainstreaming Mitigation/Adaptation Actions in National Strategy The Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP) is a part of the overall development strategy of the country. Following COP13 in Bali in 2007, the Government of Bangladesh first submitted its own Bali Action Plan which culminated into the BCCSAP in The BCCSAP was revised in 2009 to take a few progamme areas under consideration. The BCCSAP outlines the core policy, strategy, and action thrusts as a mechanism to respond to and address the risks related to climate change in the country. The BCCSAP is an integral part of the Government s over-all development strategy the Sixth Five Year Plan ( ). The BCCSAP 2009 is offered in two parts; the first one provides background issues related to physical and climatic contexts, core socio-economic realities and policies in the country and the rationale of the vision of future development in the climate change sector. The remaining part of the plan explains a set of programmes under six priority action pillars of the BCCSAP, which encompass 44 programmes listed in the table below. It is a set of 10-year programme ( ) for capacity building and achieving resilience of the country to meet the challenges of climate change over the next years. The six pillars of the BCCSAP are as follows: Theme Food Security, Social Protection and Health Comprehensive Disaster Management Table 1 BCCSAP Programmes Programme - Institutional capacity for research towards climate resilient cultivars and their dissemination - Development of climate resilient cropping system - Adaptation against drought - Adaptation in fisheries sector - Adaptation in livestock sector - Adaptation in health sector - Water and sanitation programme in climate vulnerable areas - Livelihood protection in ecologically fragile areas - Livelihood protection of vulnerable socio-economic groups (incl. women) - Improvement of flood forecasting and early warning system - Improvement of cyclone and storm surge warning - Awareness raising and public education towards climate resilience - Risk management against loss on income and property Infrastructure - Repair and maintenance of existing flood embankments - Repair and maintenance of cyclone shelters - Repair and maintenance of existing coastal polders - Improvement of urban drainage 3 Research Knowledge Management and Mitigation and Low Carbon Development Capacity Building & Institutional Strengthening - Adaptation against floods - Adaptation against tropical cyclones and storm surges - Planning and design of river training works - Planning, design and implementation of resuscitation of river and khals through dredging and de-siltation work - Establishment of centre for knowledge management and training on climate change - Climate change modelling at national and sub-national levels - Preparatory studies for adaptation against sea level rise - Monitoring of ecosystem and biodiversity changes and their impacts - Macroeconomic and sectoral economic impacts of climate change - Monitoring of internal and external migration of adversely impacted population and providing support to them through capacity building for their rehabilitation in new environment - Monitoring of impact on various issues related to management of tourism in Bangladesh and implementation in priority action plan - Improved energy efficiency in production and consumption of energy - Gas exploration and reservoir management - Development of coal mines and coal fired power stations - Renewable energy development - Lower emission from agricultural land - Management of urban waste - Afforestation and reforestation programme - Rapid expansion of energy saving devices - Energy and Water Efficiency in Built Environment - Improvement in energy consumption pattern in transport sector and options for mitigation - Revision of sectoral policies for climate resilience - Main-streaming climate change in national, sectoral and spatial development programmes - Strengthening human resource capacity - Strengthening gender consideration in climate change management - Strengthening institutional capacity for climate change management - Main-streaming climate change in the media Source: Second National Communication of Bangladesh (October 2012) 4

45 3 Adaptation to the climate change impacts is the main focus of BCCSAP. The basic approach is to address economic development and climate change issues in an integrated fashion so that the resilience of the people is increase and climate change impacts managed through effective adaptive activities. As a part of facilitating the implementation of BCCSAP programmes, the MoEF has already approved 66 projects for implementation in various areas related to management of and adaptation to climate change. 5 : Chronological Development of Climate Change-Related Policies and Framework Climate change has already been included partially in the national development planning processes. Environment as a concern for development was first addressed in the Forth Five-Year Plan ( ) of the country and received more emphasis in the Fifth Five Year Plan ( ). The major environmental issues identified and addressed in the Fifth Plan were, among others, natural disasters, pollution, health and sanitation, deforestation, desertification, changes in climatic conditions, salinity and biodiversity all of which directly or indirectly are expected to be impacted by climate change. Bangladesh is moving towards mainstreaming climate change management as an integral part of its national development strategy in the Sixth Five Year Plan ( ). 1) Coastal Zone Policy (2005) Among very few national policies directly address the climate change risks, the most clear-cut policy statements related to climate change has been made in the Coastal Zone Policy of the Ministry of Water Resources in The Coastal Zone Policy directly mentions that the coastal area is vulnerable to risks from climate change. It also points out that the majority of households in the coastal area are vulnerable to climate change. 2) Renewable Energy Policy (2008) Renewable Energy Policy, 2008 of Bangladesh was adopted for, among others, to facilitate reducing global emissions for mitigating climate change. The policy has identified different renewable energy sources like solar, wind energy biomass, biogas, hydro-power and other renewable energy sources include bio-fuels, gasohol, geothermal, river, current, wave and tidal energy. To facilitate the technology transfer process, the Policy prioritizes the option of harnessing the potential of renewable energy resources and dissemination of renewable energy technologies in rural, peri-urban and urban areas. It has also set objectives to create an enabling environment and legal support to encourage the use of renewable energy, promote development of local technology in the field of renewable energy, and promote clean energy for CDM. For institutionalizing the process, the policy proposed establishing a Sustainable Energy Development Agency (SEDA), as a focal point 5 for sustainable energy development and promotion, where sustainable energy comprising renewable energy and energy efficiency with an overall objective to support capacity building, technology and market development. 3) Vision 2021 and Perspective Plan In 2006, the Government of Bangladesh prepared the Vision 2021, which is based on the principle of sustainable development. The management of climate change for sustainable development is an integral part of the Vision The Perspective Plan in 2010 provides the strategy for realizing the Vision 21. Adaptation to the impact of climate change is considered as a cornerstone for sustainable development in the Perspective Plan. The Plan has proposed appropriate adaptation measures to combat the adverse impact of climate change. Along with encouraging adaptation to climate change, the Plan proposes to undertake supportive measures like strengthening regional and national mechanisms for scientific assessment, forecasting and information sharing, etc. 4) The Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy an Action Plan (2009) The Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP) ( ) is a part of the overall development strategy of the country, which provides the principle guideline for adaptation and mitigation planning. 6: Characteristics of GHG Inventory As for national inventory of greenhouse gas, the latest information for 2005 is provided in the Second National Communication of Bangladesh published in October Table 2 GHG Emission by Sector Sub-sector CO 2 CH 4 N 2O % Energy 37, Industrial process 2, Agriculture - 1, LULUCF 18, Waste Unit : 1,000 ton Source: Second National Communication of Bangladesh (October 2012) 6

46 4 7: Key Mitigation Areas and Related Policies and Measures General aspects The Second National Communication considers 21 options for in-depth analysis with potentials of a total reduction of CO2 emission of 7.2mnmt in which the highest potential contribution may come from the introduction of supercritical boilers for coal-fired power plants (1.5mn) and new urea plants (1.3mnmt) which together may reduce about 38-39%. Considering cost-effectiveness and related barriers of such measures, modal shift from road to water transport and solar lantern projects should be more attractive, followed by cogeneration captive power, efficient fan and boilers, improved gas stove and rehabilitation of steel mills. BCCSAP 2009 also identified key sectors that may be affected or is important from the viewpoint of mitigation. (See Table BCCASP Programmes above.) As part of the new generation expansion initiative in line with growing demand, Government has a plan to enhance national power generation capacity to 16,000MW by Expected generation from renewable sources should be then at least 800MW as envisioned in National Renewable Energy Policy (at least 5% from renewable sources). However, since solar power has the most potential source among renewables in the country, the government has already undertaken a number of programmes in utilizing solar power. Around 1.5 million Solar Home Systems have been installed throughout the country generating 65MW of electricity. The Government has envisioned achieving 500 MW solar power developments in Bangladesh with the support of bilateral and multilateral development partners. The programmes to be implemented are of following types: - Installation of Solar Irrigation Pumps - Roof top Solar Power Solution for Commercial and Residential Buildings, Industries - Solar Electrification at Railway Stations - Solar Home Systems in Government and Semi-government Buildings, Remote Education Centres / Schools, Union Information Service Centres, Rural Health Centres, Religious Establishments, etc. - Solar LED Street lighting under City Corporations and Municipalities 2) NAMA-Specific Aspects Bangladesh has not yet submitted NAMA to the UNFCCC, but some potential sectors for mitigation identified by Ministry of Environment and Forests are as follows: 7 Table 3 Potential Sectors for Mitigation Sector Possible Measures Power Sector - Old plants may be replaced - Improved and new technologies may be introduced - Due to shortage of natural gas as primary fuel, it is becoming necessary to rely more on coal. In this case, use of clean coal technology is needed for mitigation Transport - Inefficient vehicles and engines to be replaced - Mass transportation facilities may be expanded Agriculture - water efficiency and energy efficiency to be improved Forestry - Afforestation, reforestation and forest management as sink Waste Management Residential/Commercial - Efficient building design as well as more energy efficient devices and equipment for lighting and cooling - Efficient cooking stoves Industry - Modernization and rehabilitation of old machinery, for example, in urea fertilizer plants, sugar mills, power plants, cement factories and brick kilns Renewables - Use of more renewable energy : solar, wind - Efficient methods of generating renewable energy Source: Low Carbon Path of Development and NAMA: The Case of Bangladesh, Ministry of Environment & Forests Government of Bangladesh, 4 th April 2011 Bangkok 8 : Key Climate-Vulnerability Areas and Related Adaptation Policies and Measures The sectoral vulnerabilities in Bangladesh are summarized as follows in its second national communication: Table 4 Vulnerability of Climate Change on Each Sector Sector Vulnerability Water resources - Water stress will be increased - Water availability will be decreased in dry season and the northwest and southwest regions likely to be suffer the most - Flooded area will be increased by 6% in 2030s and 14% in 2050s respectively - The western parts of the country will be at greater risk for droughts, during both the Kharif (Jan- May) and pre-kharif (Jun-Oct) seasons due to the effects of climate change - The coastal areas of Bangladesh face salinity intrusion and fresh water scarcity during the dry season which will aggravate due to sea level rise, - From the base condition additional 7% (>5ppt) area will be increased in the coastal area. Among the coastal district Bagerhat, Khulna, Satkhira, Barisal, Patualkhaki and Bhola will be more affected. - Additional 7.6 million people will be exposed to high salinity (>5ppt). - About 0.1 million people become homeless every year in the country due to river erosion. Crop-agriculture - Due to carbon fertilization alone Boro production might increase 9.6% with 8

47 5 Sector Vulnerability respect to base year - However, due to temperature and precipitation change over-all production will reduce 13.9% (2050) - Aman and Aus output will reduce at the rates of 0.62% and 1.52% respectively Fisheries - Culture fish production (pond fish) would be decreased due to overtopping of flood water - Capture fisheries especially floodplain fish production will be increased by 9% for A2 emission scenario and 7% for B3 emission scenario in Sea level rise could also push saline water further into the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) delta, reducing habitat for fresh water fish Livestock - The increasing temperature and humidity due o climate change will make livestock, especially cattle, more vulnerable - According to model results, there will be around 2.5% decrease in annual milk production by 2030s and by around 5% in the 2050s due to heat stress - Animal protein output such as milk and meat may fall and consequently livelihood of the rural community will be adversely affected. - In the coastal area, livestock are most vulnerable to cyclones and storm surges along with tidal flooding - About 20% of present area suitable for livestock will be reduced in 2050 for livestock due to sea level rise Human Health - Total malaria affected area will increase - Some new areas not currently vulnerable to malaria may become so exposed - Spatial distribution of malaria infestation will change and low risk areas will increase - In 2050 the central, eastern and southern parts of Bangladesh will be highly vulnerable to diarrhoeal incidence - Seasonal cholera disease can become a regular phenomenon in future - Incidence and severity of heat stress related diseases may increased - Increased salinity in drinking water will limit the access of people to safe drinking water Ecosystems and - The ecosystem and biodiversity of Sundarbans, haor and beel wetlands along Forests with fish and other aquatic life are in mot threat due to climate change induced hazards - Main economic products such as Sundri and Gewa timber output will decline drastically with increase in sea level rise - Sal forest ecosystem at the Madhupur and Barind tract might be affected due to moisture stress during dry period - Chapalish (Artocarpus chaplasha) Garjan (Dipterocarpus spp) will increase 2-7% (in 2030s) and 7-10% (in 2050s) due to increased precipitation. - Climate change induced additional flood will adversely effect jackfruit trees and lower nutritional status of particularly low income people who eat these nutritious fruits Infrastructure - 50% of national highways are under medium vulnerability while another 8% are highly vulnerable by 2050 due to flooding - 10% of regional highways and 8% of railways are under high vulnerability by 2050 due to flooding Urban Area - Urban flooding caused water logging and drainage congestion due to frequent and excessive rainfall - Flash flood and landslides due to hill cutting and excessive rainfall is a continuous threat for the people living in cities and towns of the hilly areas - Cyclone storm surges accompanied flooding will inundate coastal cities - Heat island effects in the urban area is another major threat for people impairing their health and raising morbidity and also mortality - Poor people specially the slum dwellers will be more affected directly and also will have income losses due to morbidity and loss of income 9 Sector Vulnerability - Quality of water (surface and drinking) will deteriorate due to flood, cyclonic storm surges and salinity intrusion Source : Second National Communication of Bangladesh, Ministry of Environment and Forest Government of the People s Republic of Bangladesh, Bangladesh submitted the National Adaption Programme of Action (NAPA) in 2005 to the UNFCCC. The final list of the priority activities stated in its NAMA are as follows: Project Title Reduction of climate change hazards through Coastal afforestation with community participation (Intervention Type) Providing drinking water to coastal communities to combat enhanced salinity due to sea level rise (Intervention Type) Capacity building for integrating Climate Change in planning, designing of infrastructure, conflict management and land-water zoning for water management institutions (Capacity Building Type) Climate change adaptation information dissemination to vulnerable community for emergency preparedness measures and awareness raising on enhanced climatic disasters. (Awareness and Capacity Building Type) Table 5 List of Priority Activities Objective and Activities - Strengthen the adaptive capability further, so as to fact the more vulnerable situation that arises out of climate change scenario - Creation of shelterbelt along the coastal zone - Generation of Employment Opportunities - Enhanced Carbon sink under the global context - Development of a comprehensive strategy for safe drinking water supply in coastal areas - - Incorporation of climate change issues and concerns in water sector policies and plans - Capacity development and networking of water resource sector planners, and professionals to address climate change hazards - Develop mechanisms and tools for both analytical purposes and negotiation, as well as for consideration of more people friendly traditional drainage systems. The development of such tools for negotiation would benefit agriculture, human settlements, forest and fisheries as well as natural and man-made drainage structures. - Delineation of land and water zones considering sustainable use of resources in respect to climate change. - Development of design manuals and identification of vulnerable structures for designing structural adaptation. - Protect people from climate change related health problems through awareness programmes - Development of guidelines for awareness and behavioural change programmes 10 Primary Implementing Agency Forest Department Department of Public Health Engineering Water Planning Organization Ministry Environment Forest Resource of and

48 6 Project Title Construction of flood shelter, and information and assistance centre to cope with enhanced recurrent floods in major floodplains. (Intervention Type) Mainstreaming adaptation to climate change into policies and programmes in different sectors (focusing on disaster management water, agriculture, health and industry) (Capacity Building Type) Inclusion of climate change issues in curriculum at secondary and tertiary educational institution. (Awareness Raising Type) Enhancing resilience of urban infrastructure and industries to impacts of climate change (Capacity Building Type) Development of eco-specific adaptive knowledge on adaptation to climate variability to enhance adaptive capacity for future climate change (Intervention Type) Promotion of research on drought, flood and saline tolerant varieties of crops to facilitate adaptation in future (Research Type) Promoting adaptation to coastal crop agriculture to combat increased salinity (Intervention Type) Objective and Activities - Increase the height and strengthening proposed shelters from climate change induced hazards - To mainstream climate change impact assessment (and adaptation) into sectoral planning and policy in the disaster management, water, agriculture, health and industry sectors - To incorporate climate change impacts and adaptation into school curriculum at secondary and primary levels - To enhance resilience to climate change (including floods and cyclones) in urban and industrial sectors in the major cities - To develop actions in each of the main ecological regions of the country to adapt to the eco-specific impacts of climate change in those regions - To disseminate the knowledge on eco-specific adaptation to the most vulnerable communities in each eco-region (with emphasis on women, children and the elderly). - To develop new varieties of crops such as rice, wheat etc, to tolerate saline, flood and drought conditions. - The main objective of the wet bed no-tillage methods maize production is to produce maize, (before next Boro rice crop) for tidal surge flood affected community after loss of Aman rice crop. It will also help to meet fuel and fodder need of community - Produce selected vegetables and fruits on raised bed to meet day-to-day demands of the affected households. Some cash is also generated from sale proceed of the vegetables. - Motivate the affected community to adapt the above technologies to combat with Primary Implementing Agency Disaster Management Bureau and Local Government Engineering Department Department of Environment Board Education Department Environment NGO consortium of of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute Project Title Adaptation to agriculture systems in areas prone to enhanced flash flooding North East and Central Region (Intervention Type) Adaptation to fisheries in areas prone to enhanced flooding in North East and Central Region through adaptive and diversified fish culture practices (Intervention Type) Promoting adaptation to coastal fisheries through culture of salt tolerant fishy special in coastal areas of Bangladesh (Intervention Type) Exploring options for insurance to cope with enhanced climatic disasters (Research Type) Objective and Activities Primary Implementing Agency coastal inundation due to tidal surge after loss of crops or no crop items. - The main objective of the no-tillage methods potato cultivation is to produce staple food, for flood affected community after loss of Aman rice crop - Produce selected vegetables to meet day-to-day demands of the affected households. Some cash is also generated from sale proceed of the vegetables - Motivate the affected community to adapt the above technologies to combat with inundation due to flood after loss of crops or no crop items The overall objective of the activity is to reduce the Department fish crop loss from increased flooding and promote Fisheries adaptive viable options for fish culture suitable for the flood prone areas of Bangladesh. However, the specific activities would be: - promote/introduce net fencing of ponds to prevent escaping of fishes from culture ponds - promote pen and cage culture of fish in floodplain areas during flood season with as an alternate option for fish culture The overall objective of the project is to utilize the saline waters of the coastal areas to boost up fish production. However, the specific objectives of the project would be to: - Develop culture technology for salt tolerant fish species having potential for use in coastal aquaculture - Piloting and promotion of developed aquaculture in the priority areas of coastal region - Develop linkages with weather forecasting agencies through networking - Helping the coastal aquafarmers, particularly the shrimp farmers, in protecting the crops from floods. - To explore the possibility of insurance market for climate vulnerability in different vulnerable sectors in the country - Inputs and Activities - Experts on insurance and different sectors (incl. infrastructure, agriculture, transport, etc) to be hired to carry out study in consultation with stakeholders from vulnerable sectors Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute Department Fisheries Department Environment of of of 11 12

49 7 The BCCASP, as mentioned above, consists of sill pillars encompassing all major aspects of lives where adaptation would be necessary. This provides a framework to determine adaptation needs and to implement adaptation up to : Major Project List on Climate Change in Bangladesh Table 6 Major Project List on Climate Change in Bangladesh Project title Donor Year Livelihood Adaptation to Climate Change Project FAO Assitant to Local Community on Climate Change Adaptation Danish Government and Disaster Risk Reduction Improving Adaptive Capacity to Climate Variability and Change FAO for Sustainable Food and Livelihood Security in Drought Prone and Coastal Regions of Bangladesh Disaster Risk Reduction Programme in Bangladesh Swiss Government Strengthening Resilience of Water Sector to Climate Change in ADB Khulna Integrated Protected Area Co-management USAID Jolobayhoo-O-Jibon Climate Change Program DFID Bangladesh Pilot Framework on Research Collaboration on Climate Change and the Land, Water and Food Interface UK Collaborative on Development Sciences Supporting Implementation of BCCSAP ADB, GOB Community-based Adaption to Climate Change through Coastal LDCF, UNDP, GOB Afforestation in Bangladesh Bilateral US government program in Bangladesh USAID Bangladesh Integrated Water Resources Assessment AusAID, CSIRO, Research for Development Bangladesh Climate Change Resilience Fund (BCCRF) UK, EU, Denmark, Sweden Comprehensive Disaster Management Program Phase II UK, EU, SIDA, AusAID, UNDP, GOB Rural Electrification Upgradation Project JICA 2010 Bheramara Combined Cycle Power Plant Development Project JICA 2010, 2013 Coastal Climate-Resilient Infrastructure Project ADB Greater Dhaka Sustainable Urban Transport Project ADB Source: Adaptation Fund, Adaptation Partnership, Asia Development Bank, Japan International Cooperation Agency Bangkok, Thailand URL : #search='bangladesh+nama+unfccc 5 Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of the People s Republic of Bangladesh RIO + 20: National Report on Sustainable Development, May 2012 URL : 6 Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of the People s Republic of Bangladesh Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan 2009 URL: +action+plan+2009' 7 Website of Adaptation Fund, Interactive Map of Projects and Programmes URL: 8 Adaptation Partnership, Review of Current and Planned Adaptation Action: South Asia, November 2011 URL: 9 Asia Development Bank 10 Website of Japan International Cooperation Agency Library URL: References 1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan URL : 2 Second National Communication of Bangladesh to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, October 2012 URL: 3 Ministry of Environment and Forest Government of the People s Republic of Bangladesh National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) URL : 4 Ministry of Environment and Forest Government of the People s Republic of Bangladesh Low Carbon Path of Development and NAMA: The Case of Bangladesh, 4 th April 2011, 13 14

50 02 : BRUNEI DARUSSALAM 2010 Established the Brunei National Council on Climate Change 2011 Established the National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Committee Source: Paper for 5 th Meeting of the Southeast Asia Network of Climate Change Focal Points 22 Sept : Basic Information and Key Indicators Capital Bandar Seri Begawan Area 5,765[ km 2 ] Population 0.39 million (2012) GDP, per capita 166 bilion USD (2010) Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (June, 2013) 2 : National Development Strategy/Action Plan Brunei developed the 9 th National Development Plan and currently under preparation of the 10 th National Development Plan. Brunei s national vision is referred to Brunei Danussalam Long-Term Development Plan, Wawasan Brunei 2035 which indicates its vision toward In the vision, as for an environmental strategy, it ensures the proper conservation of natural environment and cultural habitat that will provide health and safety in line with the highest international practices. 3 : Institutional Arrangement of Ministries (and Key Agencies) Key organizations and/or institutions dealing with climate change are: - Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation - Prime Minister s Office - Ministry of Energy - Ministry of Industries and Primary Resources - Ministry of Communication - Ministry of Health - Ministry of Education As for climate change s policy, Brunei supports the vision towards an ASEAN Community and also takes several initiatives in mitigation and adaptation actions in line with sustainable development through the setup of the National Disaster Management Centre. 5 : Characteristics of GHG Inventory (Sectoral and Temporal Dimensions) The Initial National Communication is currently under preparation. 6 : Key Mitigation Areas and Related Policies and Measures Brunei has not prepared NAMA report. The policies related to the mitigation areas are summarized in the following table. Table 2 Policies Related to Mitigation Areas Sector Policies Energy - To reduce 2005 energy intensity by 25% in To establish energy consumption profile - To develop photovoltaic power generation demonstration project plant - To reduce carbon dioxide emission by 960tonnes, representing the CO2 absorption power of approximately 260 hectares of forest Waste - To develop waste minimization policy - To recycle at 15% by 2015 and 20% by To reduce the use of 13 million plastic bags per year Transport - To reduce excise duties by 5% for all hybrid cars - To increase tax duties by 10% for petrol guzzling vehicles Source: Paper for 5 th Meeting of the Southeast Asia Network of Climate Change Focal Points 22 Sept References 1 Brunei s National Vision 2 Paper for 5 th Meeting of the Southeast Asia Network of Climate Change Focal Points 22 Sept : Chronological Development of Climate Change-Related policies and Framework Brunei s chronological development of climate change-related policies is summarized in the following table. Table 1 Chronological Development of Climate Change-Related Policies and Framework Year Policy and Framework 2007 Acceded the UNFCCC in August Acceded the Kyoto Protocol in August

51 9 03 : KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA 1 : Basic Information and Key Indicators Capital Phnom Penh Area 181,000 [km 2 ] Population 13,400,000 (2008) GDP, per capita USD 912 (2012) Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (June, 2013) 2 : National Development Strategy/Action Plan Key policies and actions indicated in National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) were summarized in the following table. Although Cambodia does not have its national sustainable development programme, a number of programmes have been initiated to support the government strategy for sustainable development which integrates climate change concerns into economic and social development policies and plans. Table 1 National Development Strategy Strategy Sub-Strategy Good governance - Fighting corruption - Legal and judicial reform - Public administration reform - Armed force reform Enhancement of agriculture sector Future rehabilitation and construction of physical infrastructure Private sector development and employment generation Capacity building and human resources development Source: National Strategic Development Plan Improving agriculture productivity and diversification - Land reform and clearing of mines - Fisheries reform - Forestry reform - Future rehabilitation and construction of transport infrastructure - Management of water resources and irrigation - Development of the energy sector - Development of information and communication technology - Strengthening private sector and attracting investment - Creation of jobs and ensuring improved working conditions - Promoting small and medium enterprises - Creation of social safety nets - Strengthening the quality of education - Enhancing health service - Implementation of gender policy - Implementation of population policy 3 : Institutional Arrangement of Ministries (and Key Agencies) Institutions arrangement for the climate change in Cambodia is summarized as follows according to published information on NCCC and CCD by the Ministry of the Environment and The 9th Workshop on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventories in Asia (WGIA9) 1. Table 2 Institutions and Functions Institution Function Ministry of the - To lead the current process of developing the Cambodia Climate Change Environment Strategic Plan (CCCSP), which determines the strategies for adaptation and mitigation - (To integrate the other ministries activities toward climate change) The other ministries - To develop sector Climate Change Strategic Plans under the overall framework of the CCCSP Mandates of National - An inter ministerial and cross-sectoral and multi-disciplinary institution Climate Change established in 2006 Committee - Highly policy making organization with preparing, coordinating and monitoring the implementation of policies, strategies, legal instruments, plans and programmes of the royal government Climate Change - To develop, in collaboration with relevant agencies, national strategy, Department action plan and policy and legal instruments related to climate change - To develop national communications and GHG inventory of the Kingdom of Cambodia under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) - To conduct an assessment of potential GHG mitigation and promote the implementation of GHG mitigation projects in the Kingdom of Cambodia with appropriate technology - To conduct assessment of vulnerability and adaptation to climate change and promote implementation of climate change adaptation project in the Kingdom of Cambodia - To promote mainstreaming of climate change in the national development and sectoral plans and coordinate the implementation of clean development mechanism and carbon credit projects in the Kingdom of Cambodia - To promote mainstreaming of climate change in the national development and sectoral plans and coordinate the implementation of clean development mechanism and carbon credit projects in the Kingdom of Cambodia - To promote research, education, dissemination, training, workshop and meeting to promote awareness on climate change and motivate participation of local communities in implementation of climate change response project; - To play role as a focal point for the UNFCCC, Kyoto protocol, CDM, resolutions and IPCC and propose government position for negotiation Climate change - To makes technical activities for developing research of climate change and technical team support NCCC Source: Prepared by the JICA study team summarizing published information on NCCC and CCD by the Ministry of the Environment, the 9th Workshop on GHG Inventories in Asia (WGIA9) 17 1 Climate Change Activities in Cambodia presented by SUM Thy, Ministry of Environment, Cambodia in The 9th Workshop on GHG Inventories in Asia (WGIA9) -Capacity building for measurability, reportability and verifiability July 2011, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 18

52 10 The relation of the institutions/agencies is that National Climate Change Committee (NCCC), which is composed of members of several ministries, develops climate change policy with supports of Climate Change Department (CCD) and Climate Change Technical Team (CCTT). The other ministries develop strategic plans with help of CCD. The structure of CCD is shown below. Unit of Information Management Office of Education and Outreach Unit of Education, Dissemination and Awareness Raising Office of Administration and Planning Unit of Planning, Finance and Procurement Unit of Admin and Human Resource Climate Change Department Office of Vulnerability and Adaptation Unit of Vulnerability Assessment Adaptation Source : Published information by the Ministry of Environment Office Green House Gas (GHG) Inventory and Mitigation Unit of GHG Inventory Figure 1 Organizational Chart of CCD Unit of Mitigation Office of Policy and Coordination Unit of Partnership and Resource Mobilization 4 : Mainstreaming Adaptation/Mitigation Actions in National Development Strategy Unit of Policy Development and Coordination According to Country report April 2, Cambodia will develop mainstreaming actions plan including recommendations on institutional and financial mechanisms, by the end of 2013, with supported by the CCCA and UNDP. The development of a guideline for mainstreaming climate change into sub-national planning is currently being developed through a consultative process. There is also the opportunity for the CCCSP to be integrated into the NSDP in the next planning cycle. 5: Chronological Development of Climate Change-Related Policies and Framework 1) Climate Change Policy Cambodia ratified UNFCCC in 1995, and submitted Initial Cambodia s National Communication under UNFCCC (INC) in National adaptation programme of action (NAPA) was approved in 2006, and The Strategic National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction ( ) (SNAP( )) and NSDP( ) was developed. In order to support realize the implementation for climate change, suggested in NSDP( ), the first draft of CCCSP ( ) has already been prepared based on advisory letter of the Council of Ministers No. 433 according to Workshop on A Systematic and Quantitative Design of Low Carbon Development Plan for Cambodia 3.The NCCC, with the support of the CCD/MOE and the Cambodian Climate Change Alliance Result 1 (Policy Framework and Formulation) has developed a first set of sector plans. As a process, the sector plans are designed to be integrated into the upcoming national policy of the royal government of Cambodia according to the published information on sector plan by the Ministry of Environment. 2) National Efforts/Measures Against Climate Change According to NSDP, national efforts/measures against climate change are as follows. Table 3 National Efforts/Measures Against Climate Change Areas Efforts/Measures Capacity building - To strengthen the capacity of the secretariat of national committee for climate change management - To disperse the preparation of inventory Mainstreaming - To promote and coordinate the mainstreaming of climate change in concerned sectors - To educate and inform the public on climate change. - To carry out the environmental awareness enhancing programmes and the exchange of up-to-date information in order to adapt to climate change Policy - To promote the implementation and update the National Action Programme on climate change adaptation - To implement clean development mechanism and GHG reduction projects Others - To promote establishment of a national fund for climate change - To continue preparing a Second National Report under the United Nations Convention on Climate Change, National Strategy and Action Plan for Climate Change - To mobilise resources and support to deal with climate change problems Source: National Strategic Development Plan : Characteristics of GHG Inventory (Sectoral and Temporal Dimensions) 1) Sectoral Dimension GHG inventory by sector in 1994 and 2000 was summarized in INC and WGIA9 as follows. Land use change and forestry does not include CO 2 adsorption. Adsorbed CO 2 by forest was 52,374 Gg CO 2-eq in Table 4 GHG Emissions by Sector Sector CO 2 (Gg CO 2-eq) Share Percentage Year Energy 1, , Industrial Process n/a Agriculture 10, , Land use change and forestry 446, , Waste Total 459, , Source: Initial National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change The 9th Workshop on GHG Inventories in Asia (WGIA9) 2 Country report April, Mainstreaming climate change resilience into development planning in Cambodia in XXXX 3 The Development Process of Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan (CCCSP) presented by Mr. CHEA, Chan Thou Deputy Director of CCD, MoE in the Workshop on A Systematic and Quantitative Design of Low Carbon Development Plan for Cambodia 22nd April 2013 Himawari Phnom Penh, Cambodia 19 The major GHG emission sources are agriculture and energy except land use change and forestry. The GHG emission by sub sector of agriculture and energy is shown below. 20

53 11 Table 5 GHG Emissions of Agriculture Sector in 1994 Sub-sector Total Emissions Share Percentage (Gg CO 2-eq) (%) Domestic livestock 5, Rice cultivation 3, Grassland burning Agricultural residue burning Agricultural soil 2, Source: Initial National Communication under the United Nations frame work convention on Climate Change Table 6 GHG Emissions by of Energy Sector in 1994 Sub-sector Total Emissions Share Percentage (Gg CO 2-eq) (%) Energy industries Manufacturing industries Transport Commercial/Service Residential Biomass emissions 8, Source: Initial National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change 2) Temporal Dimension The share of GHG emission in 1994 and 2000 is shown in the following figure. Source: Initial National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change, the 9th Workshop on GHG Inventories in Asia (WGIA9) Figure 2 Share of GHG Emission in 1994 and : Key Mitigation Areas and Related Policies and Measures 1) General Aspects Key mitigation areas are energy, transport, land use change and forestry, agriculture according to INC. Share of GHG emission in 1994 Industrial processes 0.01% Energy 1% Land use change and forestry 97% Agriculture 2% Waste 0.06% 21 Waste 0% Share of GHG emission in 2000 Land use change and forestry 50% Energy 6% Industrial processes % Agriculture 44% 2) National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) -Specific Aspects According to Overview of NAMA and CDM project implementation in Cambodia 4, though Cambodia has not yet submitted a list of NAMAs to the secretariat of UNFCCC as of 22 April, 2013, Cambodia has prioritized a number of programme for developing a NAMA in cooperation with Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center of Japan. 3) Mitigation Options The summary of mitigation options by sector is described in INC as follows. Table 7 Mitigation Options by Sectors Sector Mitigation Options Energy - Electricity supply improvement using combined cycle gas turbine - Electricity trading with surrounding countries - Rehabilitation of the electricity system - Provincial and rural electrification with introduction of compact fluorescent lamp and improved cook stove - Commercialization of the supply of electricity - Renewable energy introduction such as mini-hydropower or solar plants - Policy and regulatory reforms; establishment of power sector regulatory framework, institutional, legal and regulatory initiatives (establishment of the Electricity Authority of Cambodia, the Council for the Development of Cambodia and the Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Management), implementation of a study on the privatization and restructuring of power utilities, tax relief for renewable energy projects, Funding for renewable energy projects, and encouragement of utilities and industries to voluntarily reduce GHG emissions - Establishment of energy service companies - Enhancing national capacity in the following areas; energy database, classification of energy data with the economic data, wind energy map, energy audit, inter-agency cooperation Transport - Improvement of national transmission system introducing Phnom Penh City Shuttles - Energy-efficient mass transit (Rural) - Infrastructure for road traffic management - Enforcement of traffic laws - Road improvement in urban areas - Driver and pedestrian training and education - Energy efficient and pollution control technology - Planting more trees along the roads and preserving existing trees Land Use - To enhance management efficiency of the reserved forests and ensure their Change and Forestry appropriate protection and development, including eco-tourism, for employment generation and additional income for the people - To manage protected areas Agriculture - Direct seeding - Wet season zero tillage Education - Introduction of environmental education and awareness programmes at all levels - Organizing various programmes to promote better understanding among the general public and policy makers about climate change by the Ministry of Environment, NGOs and local media 4 Overview of NAMA and CDM project implementation in Cambodia presented by Sum Thy, director, climate change department, ministry of environment 22

54 Source: Initial National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change 4) Mitigation by Sectors According to the Web site of ministry of environment, Cambodia has drafted a first set of sector strategic plan for climate change disclosure in Cambodian language. developed by The Least Developed Countries Expert Group Guidelines for the Preparation of NAPA. The most selected activities are related to agriculture, water resources, rural development and human health. The projects are for example, rehabilitation of a multiple use reservoirs, dams, canals and coastal protection, community activities of community household water supply in coastal provinces, mangrove restoration, irrigation, agricultural soil conservation, and health care against malaria : Key Climate-Vulnerability Areas and Related Adaptation Measures 1) Vulnerability to Climate Change The Vulnerability and Adaptation study was conducted by the National Technical Committee of the CCEAP in order to assess the impacts of climate change on some priority sectors in Cambodia and to identify adaptation options. Impacts of climate change on each sector related in INC are summarized as follows. Table 8 Impacts of Climate Change on Each Sector Sector Impact Climate According to results of the model studies such as SRESA21 (reference) and SRESB1 (policy) and GCM models CCSR and CSIRO - Increase of rainfall by 3% to 35% from the current condition by Increase of temperature within the range of Agriculture - Increase of yields of wet season rice more than that of dry season rice under elevated CO 2 - More variable rice yield in some provinces than under current conditions due to the increase in flood frequency and intensity in surrounding areas of the Tonle Sap Lake and the Mekong River Forestry - Decrease of wet forest area, increase of moist forest - Change of forest productivity and biodiversity - Acceleration of high rate of deforestation Health - Increase of malaria Coastal Zone - To be permanently under water about 0.4% of the total area of Koh Kong province with sea level rises by 1 m Source: Initial National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change 2) Summary of National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) NAPA was endorsed by the councils of ministries in October, According to NAPA, the objectives of the Cambodian NAPA i. To understand the main characteristics of climate hazards in Cambodia ii. To understand mechanisms of climate hazards and climate change iii. To understand existing programmes and institutional arrangements for addressing climate hazards and climate change iv. To identify and prioritise adaptation activities to climate hazards and climate change According to NAPA, many projects for adaptation were planned. From the planned projects, the 20 high priority NAPA activities are selected by scoring system of projects with the criteria 23 3) Adaptation Options Adaptation options are summarized in INC as followings. Table 9 Adaptation Options by Sector Sector Adaptation Options Agriculture - Development of new high yielding varieties - Improvement of crop management and cultural practices - Development of capacity to adapt to current extreme climate events such as development of early warning systems for flooding and development of maps showing rice growing areas of provinces prone to flood and drought - Development of irrigation facilities in low land areas - Increasing planting index in suitable areas - Diversification of foods - Increasing rice production continuing the implementation of irrigated-water policies - Expanding irrigated areas from 16-20% of the total cultivated area - Expanding the rice cultivated area up to 2,500,000 ha in year Increasing yield and production of rice at a rate of 2.7% per annum and improving the quality of agricultural products - Improving technology application and other infrastructures for reducing dependency on the nature - Promoting agricultural diversification - Increasing planting indexes through crop rotation or inter-cropping Forestry - Forest plantation establishment - Conservation of protected areas - Improvement of forest resource management Health - Introducing and expanding control measures to reduce malaria cases through early diagnosis and treatment of the diseases - Distribution of pyrethroid-treated mosquito nets to communities living in high-risk areas to control the vectors - Strengthening programme management and supervisory practices and creation of funds for the provision of mosquito nets and insecticide - Health education programmes with a focus on low cost preventive measures such as improvement of personal hygiene, use of bed nets and destroying the insect breeding sites Coastal Zone - Develop a national strategic response to sea level rise for the coastal areas - Investigate further potential impacts of sea level rise on biogeophysical, socio-economy, marine resources, freshwater, infrastructure, human settlements, and agricultural production - Formulate a comprehensive adjustment and mitigation policy for sea level rise in the context of integrated coastal zone management - Develop computer-based information systems covering the results of surveys, - assessments and observations in order to minimize the impact of sea level rise resulting from climate change - Increase public awareness on the effect of sea level rise on Cambodia s coast 24

55 Sector Adaptation Options - Identify potential donors either multilateral or bilateral sources to assist the country in adaptation to sea level rise - Establish cooperation frameworks, training, technology transfer, surveillance of climate change in case of sea level rise, and the sharing of experiences to assist the government in establishing preparedness response to climate change Source: Initial National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change 4) Adaptation by Sectors According to published information by the Ministry of Environment, Cambodia has drafted a first set of sector adaptation plan for climate change in Cambodian language. director, climate change department, ministry of environment URL: 12 The Development Process of Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan (CCCSP) presented by Mr. CHEA, Chan Thou Deputy Director of CCD, MoE in the Workshop on A Systematic and Quantitative Design of Low Carbon Development Plan for Cambodia 22nd April 2013 Himawari Phnom Penh, Cambodia URL: : Major Project List on Climate Change in Cambodia The major projects supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Bank (WB), and other donors are summarized the following list. Table 10 Major projects list in Cambodia # Project title Donor Year (if available) 1 Climate Resilient Rice Commercialization Sector Development Program ADB 2013/1 2 Mainstreaming Climate Resilience into Development Planning ADB 2012/10 3 Flood Damage Emergency Reconstruction Project ADB 2012/3 4 Strategic Program for Climate Resilience-Phase 1 WB 2012/12 5 Rural Electrification and Transmission Project WB 2010/7 6 Renewable Energy Development Project WB 2003/12 7 Rural Electrification and Transmission Project WB 2003/12 Source: Prepared by the JICA study team with published data by JICA, ADB, and WB 10: References 1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (June, 2013) URL: 2 Published information on NCCC by the Ministry of the Environment URL: 3 Published information on CCD by the Ministry of the Environment URL: 4 Published information on sector plan by the Ministry of the Environment URL: 5 National Strategic Development Plan Climate Change Activities in Cambodia presented by SUM Thy, Ministry of Environment, Cambodia in The 9th Workshop on GHG Inventories in Asia (WGIA9) -Capacity building for measurability, reportability and verifiability July 2011, Phnom Penh, Cambodia URL: 7 Country report April, Mainstreaming climate change resilience into development planning in Cambodia URL: 8 Initial national economic and social development plan 9 Cambodia s initial national communication under the United Nations framework convention on climate change 10 National adaptation programme of action to climate change 11 Overview of NAMA and CDM project implementation in Cambodia presented by Sum Thy, 25 26

56 14 4 : PEOPLE S REPUBLIC OF CHINA 1 : Basic Information and key indicators Capital Beijing Area 9,600,000 [km 2 ] Population Approximately 1.3 billion (2011) GDP per capita USD 5,417 (2011) Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (June, 2013) 2 : National development strategy/action plan China has developed national development plan, called 12 th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development ( ) (12 th FYP). Three key themes in the 12 th FYP are economic restructuring, social equality, and environmental protection. The plans of each themes are as follows. Key themes Restructuring the economy Promoting social equality Protecting the environment Table 1 Key themes and plans of the 12 th FYP Plan - 7 percentage of GDP growth target - To plan several preferential tax, fiscal and procurement policies designed to develop new and environmentally-friendly industries such as new energy and energy conservation - To increase household disposable income - Adding value to Chinese industrial output by promoting investments in new manufacturing equipment and technology - To reduce urban/rural divide by focusing on increasing urbanization - To grow the West through preferential policies such as land credit, lower taxes and subsidies for manufacturers looking to locate inland - To help increase income through raising minimum wage - Developing energy-efficiency technology - 15 percent of its energy come from non-fossil fuels by To set a cap on domestic coal production - To support nuclear, hydropower and wind power Source: 12th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development 3 : Institutional arrangement of the ministries (and key agencies) Institutions arrangement for the climate change in China is summarized as follows according to the Department of the Environment and China s national climate change programme (CNCCC). Table 2 Institutions and their Responsibilities Institution Responsibilities National Leading - Deliberating and determining key national strategies, guidelines and measures Committee on on climate change, as well as coordinating and resolving key issues related to Climate Change climate change Department of - To analyze climate change s impact on economic and social development and Climate Change organize the formulation of major climate change strategies, planning and policies - To take the lead in fulfilling China s commitment to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change To coordinate climate change international cooperation and capacity-building work - To organize the implementation of Clean Development Mechanism related work - To support National Leading Group on Climate Change Source: Prepared by the JICA study team summarizing the published information by the Department of the Environment and China s national climate change programme According to the Department of Climate Change, Chinese government established National Leading Committee on Climate Change (NLCCC) in 2007 in order to effectively address climate change issue, based on the former National Coordination Committee on Climate Change (NCCCC). National Development Reform Commission (NDRC) has the Department of Climate Change (DCC) which comprises four divisions (Figure 1). China intends to establish a regional administration system for coordinating the work in response to climate change. Strategic planning and comprehensive affairs Domestic policies and convention performance NDRC DCC NLCCC International policies and negotiations Foreign co-operation Source: organization chart made by the JICA study team, based on the web site of the Department of climate change and China s national climate change programme Figure 1 Organization chart 27 28

57 15 4 : Mainstreaming mitigation/adaptation actions in the national strategy According to 12 th FYP, one of the key themes is protecting environment which includes GHG emission reductions. China intends to shift its industry to low-carbon. Second national communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change (SNC) indicates that China has promoted education and public awareness to the people by several means. The national development plan and policies including strategies against climate change, institutional arrangement for climate change, implementations of projects for mitigation and adaptation, and enhancement of public awareness support the mainstreaming. 5:Chronological development of climate change-related policies and framework According to SNC, China released its first national strategy on climate change, called China s National Climate Change Program (CNCCP) in Many of the policies have been laid out as well by the Renewable Energy Law of 2005; the Energy Conservation Law of 2008; the Medium- and Long-Term Development Plan for Renewable Energy issued by NDRC, and the 11 th and 12 th FYP ( ). National efforts/measures against climate change According to SNC, during the 12th FYP period, China will change its development modes, and take a green and low-carbon development pathway. The major tasks listed in CNCCP include: (1) enhancing climate system observation (2) advancing R&D in key fields of climate change (3) increasing investment in S&T related to climate change (4) intensifying education, outreach and training on climate change (5) encouraging participation of general public and increasing their awareness of climate change (6) extensively conducting international cooperation and exchanges on climate change. 6 : Characteristics of GHG inventory (sectoral and temporal dimensions) Sectoral dimension GHG inventory by sector in 1994 and 2000 was summarized in Initial national communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change (INC) and SNC as follows. Table 3 GHG emissions by sector Sector CO 2 (Gg CO 2-eq) Share Percentage Year Energy 3,007, , Industrial Process 282,630 60, Agriculture 604,776 81, Land use change and forestry 5 23,713 2, Waste 162,120 11, Total 4,081, , Source: Prepared by the JICA study team based on the Initial National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change and the Second National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change Table 4 GHG emission by sub-sector of energy sector in 2005 Sub-sector Total emissions Share (Gg CO 2-eq) Percentage Fuel combustion 576, Fuel production, processing and conversion 241, Manufacturing industries and construction 211, Transport 43, Business 13, Residents 26, Agriculture fuel combustion 6, Biomass combustion for energy uses 6, Fugitive emissions from fuels 27, Oil and natural gas systems Coal mining 27, Source: Second National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change Temporal dimension The share of GHG emission in 1994 and 2005 is shown in the following figure. Share of GHG emission in 1994 Land use change and forestry 0.6% Waste 3.9% Agriculture 14.8% Industrial processes 7% Share of GHG emission in 2005 Land use change and forestry 0.4% Agriculture 11% Industrial processes 8% Waste 1.6% Energy 73.7% Energy 79% Source: Initial National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change Second National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change Figure 2 Share of GHG emission in 1994 and Land use change and forestry does not include CO 2 adsorption. Adsorbed CO 2 by forest was 431,192 Gg CO 2-eq in 2000, 44,634 Gg CO 2-eq in

58 16 7 : Key mitigation areas and related policies and measures 1) General aspects According to CNCCC, key mitigation areas and main measures are summarized as follows. Areas Energy production and transformation Energy conservation Industrial processes Table 5 Key mitigation areas and measures Measures - To formulate and implement relevant laws and regulations - To strengthen institutional innovation and mechanism construction - To intensify relevant policies and measures in energy industry - To strengthen the development and dissemination of advanced and suitable technologies - To further carry out the 10 key energy conservation priority programmes in the Medium-and-Long-Term Energy Conservation Plan - To encourage the saving of iron and steel, and restrict the export of steel products - To further promote the production of bulk cement and slag cement - To strengthen the emission control of GHG Agriculture - To strengthen the establishment and implementation of laws and regulations, e.g. developing farmland and pasture protection, controlling land reclamation in areas with fragile ecosystems - To construct ecological agriculture in highly-intensive production areas - To enhance technology development and transfer Forestry - To improve formulation and implementation of laws and regulations including development of regulations on conservation of natural forests, regulations on transfer rights of forest - To strengthen key forestry ecological programs such as natural forest protection program, the conversion of cropland to forest program etc. Municipal waste - To strengthen the implementation of relevant laws and regulations, e.g. promoting whole-process management and incorporating the disposal of the municipal domestic waste into the overall planning of the city - Reinforcing technological development and deployment of landfill gas recovery and compost utilization Source: Prepared by the JICA study team based on the China s National Climate Change Programme, Mitigation policy is stated in CNCCP, INC and SNC 2) NAMA-specific aspects According to Letter including autonomous domestic mitigation actions, China will endeavor to lower its carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 40-45% by 2020 compared to the 2005 level, increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 15% by 2020 and increase forest coverage by 40 million ha and forest stock volume by 1.3 billion cubic meters by 2020 from the 2005 levels. These autonomous domestic mitigation actions are voluntary in nature and will be implemented in accordance with the principles and provisions of the UNFCCC, in particular Article 4, paragraph 7 The summary of mitigation options by sector is described in SNC, 11 th FYP and 12 th FYP as follows. Table 6 Mitigation options by sectors Sector State Mitigation options Economic and Taken - Promoting and fostering high-tech industries that are energy-saving and emission reduction Industrial Restructur - To support innovative business growth in the area of energy conservation, environment protection and renewable energy. ing - Controlling overgrowth of high energy consumption and high emission industries To be - To foster and develop strategic emerging industries like energy taken conservation, environment protection, new generation etc.. Energy Conservati on and Improvem ent of Energy Efficiency Developm ent of New and Renewabl e Energy Taken - Amending The Energy Conservation Law - Establishing and improving energy efficiency systems and standards - Implementing pricing policies for energy conservation; taxation reform of natural gas, oil, mineral products - Issuing a series of capital management measures in support of enterprise energy-saving technological alterations - To encourage purchases of energy-saving and environment-friendly automobiles To be - To implement energy-saving retrofit projects such as combined heat and taken power cogeneration, electric motor system energy efficiency, waste heat and pressure utilizations etc.. - To promote energy-efficiency products - Industrializing the energy-saving technologies such as waste heat and pressure utilizations, high efficiency electric motor product - Capability building for energy conservation Taken - The improvement of The Renewable Energy Law - Fiscal and taxation policies aimed at promoting renewable energy development - Active development of nuclear power To be - To develop green and low-carbon energy resources, to promote taken development of new energy industries, and to adjust or optimize its energy mix Forest Taken - Forest-tenure reform to further motivate farmer s initiatives in afforestation and forest conservation - To conserve and increase forest resources and enlarge urban afforestation - Pursuing sustainable forest management by developing and implementing the technical rules - Developing and released the Forestry Action Plan to address Climate Change Industrial Processes Taken - Introducing alternative technologies to replace limestone with carbide slag for cement clinker production - Improving production processes using blast furnace slag and fly ash as mixed additives to cement production - Recycling waste resources like scrap steel To be - To control export of high energy consuming, high polluting and resource taken products - Accelerate the pilot demonstration projects for clean production and circular economy in agriculture, industry and other key sectors - To control waste production and GHG emissions from their original sources and entire processes 3) Mitigation options 31 32

59 17 Sector State Mitigation options Agricultur Taken - Formulating relevant laws and regulations al - Promoting low-emission agricultural technologies Activities - Intermittent paddy field irrigation - Minimum- or non-tillage To be - To accelerate transformation of agricultural development models taken Waste treatment Institution s and Mechanis ms Taken - To improving urban waste-disposal standards - Formulating regulations and intensified technical development and applications - To reform of waste treatment system - Encouraging enterprises to build and use a landfill gas collection and utilization system To be - To improve a waste sorting and recycle system taken - To advocate green and low-carbon consumption concepts Taken - To improve energy statistical and energy-saving accounting systems - Development of CDM projects - Promoting enterprises to actively participate in coping with climate change, and provided incentives - To explore the voluntary GHG emission trading To be - Improving the statistical system and assessment methods of GHG emission taken - To enhance construction of relevant technical support systems, expand experience and practices from the pilot programs, and to gradually establish a national carbon trading market - To research on incentive policies including fiscal, taxation, pricing and financial policies and their enforcements Source: Second National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change 8 : Key climate-vulnerability areas and related adaptation measures 1) Vulnerability to climate change Impacts of climate change on each sector were indicated in SNC shown as below. Table 7 Impacts of climate change on each sector Sector Impact Climate - Temperature - Increase of temperature within the range of degree Celsius in the northwest, northeast, and north China Probably increase by degree Celsius by 2030, degree Celsius by 2050, and degree Celsius by 2100 under a certain scenarios - Precipitation Decrease of the precipitation in spring and autumn significantly at rates of 3.2 mm/decade and 3.6 mm/decade respectively, and increase in summer after 1990s By the end of the 21 st century, increase of annual average precipitation by about 20% under a certain scenarios - Extreme climate event Extreme-hot/cold events and other weather events(local heavy rain, super typhoons, heat waves and droughts, freezing rain and snow) Sector Impact Water - Runoff resources Decrease of annual runoff volume decreased from 0.96% to 36.64% in the past recent 40 years Decrease of the annual runoffs of major rivers in the next 30 years - Drought Continuous and longer droughts over North China since 1980s Under the high GHG emission scenario, Consecutive droughts through summer and autumn - Floods increase - Glaciers reduction - Lakes decrease Agriculture - In the middle-altitude and plateau areas the potential growth season would be prolonged - The fertility period would be shortened - Drop of the cultivated area of single cropping system by 23% - Change of the distribution of cropping system; - Yield Corn decreased by 5% Rice and soybean yields saw a slight increase under the changing climate in the last 3 decades - Disease and pests will reduce crop yield by 10%-15%, cotton yield by more than 20%, and the total loss will account for about 20%-25% of the gross agricultural output. - Food quality descends trend of the amino acid, crude protein, crude fibre, amylase and total saccharide Terrestrial ecosystem - Phenophase period has been advanced in spring in the northeast - Change of distributions of species, vegetation belts and biodiversity decline - Forest productivity decline - The majority of the permafrost in the eastern and southern parts of the Plateau would disappear - Further degradation of wetlands, grassland, and forest - More and wider forest fires in spring and summer - In the past 50 years, sea level has risen at an annual rate of 1.0~3.0 mm In the next 30 years, the average rising amplitude ranging from 80 mm to 130 mm - Sea water intrusion expansion Sea level and sea water intrusion Coast erosion - About 70% of beaches are in the state of erosion-induced retreat. - In the future, all delta regions will be exposed to more severe erosions Marine - Serious damage on wetland and low land ecosystem ecosystem - Coral bleaching Human health - High temperature weather and heat waves lead to higher morbidity and mortality - Extension of the malaria transmission season - Schistosomiasis disease will increase significantly around lake and along river Source: Prepared by the JICA study team based on the Initial National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change and Second National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change 2) Summary of national adaptation programme of action (NAPA) China has not submitted NAPA to UNFCCC yet as of June 2013 according to UNFCCC. 33 3) Adaptation options Though China has not submitted NAPA to UNFCCC yet, China has adaptation options according to SNC as follows. 34

60 18 Sector Water resources Table 8 Adaptation options by sector Adaptation options Adapted - To alleviate the pressure of lack of water resources - To increase the capacity for preventing floods and reducing disasters Adaptive - Establishing a modern water conservancy management system or to be - Building up a water-saving agriculture and industry adapted - Enhancing the protection and building of ecosystem, restoring vegetation cover, preventing and controlling soil erosion and loss Agriculture Adapted - Expansion of the area of paddy-rice fields - Raising multiple cropping index - Selecting, cultivating and popularizing stress-resistant varieties - Active popularization of water-saving agricultural measures, technologies of optimized fertilization and deep fertilization and technologies of comprehensive prevention and control of soil erosion Terrestrial ecosystem Sea level and coastal zone Adaptive or to be adapted Adapted - Adaptive or to be adapted - Change of planting area of each crop - Techniques on optimised fertilization and deep fertilization would be popularised - The techniques for preventing and controlling the plant diseases, pests, overgrowth of weeds and multiplication of mice would be popularized. - Irrigation methods would be improved - The covering rate of grassland would be increased Various laws and regulations related to the protection of terrestrial ecosystem have been formulated and implemented in order to control and stop the deforestation, establish the natural conservation areas and forest parks. - Controlling and stopping the deforestation with implementing the policy for the protection of natural forests - Improving the national network of natural reserves to establish a corridor of natural reserves, and preventing and controlling other human damages and natural disasters - Developing high-quality varieties, developing drought-resistant tree species Adapted - Constructing monitoring system of marine environment at National-level and local-level - Marine natural protection areas have been established Adaptive or to be adapted - The construction of coastal facilities for the protection against sea level rise would be strengthened. - The existing coastal facilities would be heightened and reinforced. Source: Prepared by the JICA study team based on the Initial National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate and Second National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change 4) Adaptation by sectors The 11 th FYP and the 12 th FYP indicated policies and actions taken and to be taken for adaptation as follows. Table 9 Adaptation by sectors Sector State Adaptation measures and actions Agriculture Taken - Deploying high-efficiency water-saving irrigation and rain-fed water efficiency farming techniques - Implementing regional plans for competitive agricultural product layout, and increasing subsides for improved crop varieties - Actively developing intensive and standard livestock production and aquaculture, and facilitating construction of an animal epidemic disease prevention system - Expanding coverage of grassland by reducing grazing intensity, and enhancing managed grasslands Water resources Terrestrial ecosystems Coastal zones Human health To be taken - To implement soil-fertility engineering and soil test-based fertilization - To develop water-saving irrigation and rain-fed farming with water efficiency - To develop new crop varieties, and promote high-yield and high-quality crop Taken - Flood control, sedimentation reduction, drought control,disaster mitigation, water resource development, and urban flood prevention - To build up of a flood/drought control mechanism To be taken - Construction of water conservancy infrastructures - To establish an accountability and assessment system for water resource management Taken - Enhancing recovery and rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems - Establishing and improving an integrated terrestrial ecosystem monitoring system at the national level To be - To establish nature reserves for typical forest species taken - To reinforce vegetation protection in desert areas Taken - Heightening seawalls against typhoon-induced storm surges - Improving relevant laws, regulations and policies to constantly enhance marine ecosystem conservation and rehabilitation To be - To establish an operational marine climate monitoring system, establish taken - To enhance research on climate change impact assessment Taken - Establishing a network-based direct reporting system for infectious disease outbreaks and public health emergencies - Increasing investment in public health system to establish a sound public health emergency response system - Conducting research on climate change impacts on human health To be taken - To establish monitoring network to watch, analyze and assess on real-time basis the potential health hazards due to extreme climate events - To capacity building for monitoring weather and human heath to expand monitoring elements - To develop and establish an early warning system for climate change and human health Source: Second National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change 9: Major Project List on Climate Change in India The recent major projects supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Bank(WB), and other donors are summarized the following list. Table 10 Major projects list in China # Project title Donor Year (if available) 1 Project on Capacity Building on Climate Change and Public JICA 2011/ /03 Participation 35 36

61 19 2 Ningxia Irrigated Agriculture and Water Conservation Demonstration ADB 2012/12- Project 3 Hunan Forest Restoration and Development Project ADB 2013/6-4 Gansu Jiuquan Integrated Urban Environment Improvement Project ADB 2013/6-5 Enhancing the Energy Regulation System for Low-Carbon ADB 2012/10- Development 6 China Energy Efficiency Financing III WB 2011/10-7 Provincial Energy Efficiency Scale-up Program WB 2011/3-8 Shandong Ecological Afforestation WB 2010/5-9 Eco-Farming Project WB 2008/12- Source: Prepared by the JICA study team with published data by JICA,ADB, and WB References 1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan URL: 2 Initial National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change 3 Second National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change 4 China s National Climate Change Programme 5 UNFCCC URL: 6 11th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development 7 12th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development 8 Letter including autonomous domestic mitigation actions URL: 9 China's Policies and Actions for Addressing Climate Change (2012) URL: 10 the National Development Reform Commission URL: 11 the Department of climate change URL: 12 Published data by JICA a0079db5f?OpenDocument 13 Published data by WB 14 Published data by ADB 04 : REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA 1 : Basic Information and Key Indicators Capital Jakarta Area 1,890,000 [km 2 ] Population 9,600,000 (2010) GDP, per capita USD 3,562.9 (2012) Source: Basic data, Regional affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan 2 : National Development Strategy/Action Plan National Action Plan Addressing Climate Change (RAN-MAPI 6 ) was published by state ministry of environment in November The objective in formulating a national action plan to address climate change is for it to be used as guidance to various institutions in carrying out a coordinated and integrated effort to tackle climate change. RAN-MAPI mentions Indonesian development strategy and action plan as follows: - Harmonize all policies and legal instruments to broaden economic activity and maintain the competitiveness of the main production system following the three requirements of socio ecology national development (human/natural wellbeing, productivity and sustainability of natural services); - The main instrument for compliance is the integration and harmonization of spatial use along with the utilization of public resources to overcome the status quo that prevents the implementation of sustainable development in Indonesia; - The achievement of climate change mitigation targets along with social ecology targets should be achieved through adaptation of consumption pattern and sustainable production from all agents of change; - Integration of all mitigation and adaptation targets with social-culture aspects through social preparation and social engineering that is conducted based on the specific characters of local community and environment : Institutional Arrangement of Ministries(and Key Agencies) Climate change and its impact need to be addressed with what happened to deepen understanding of the scientific process, both the causes and the human impact on Indonesian environment. 6 RAN MAPI : Rencana Aksi Nasional dalam Menghadapi Perubahan Iklim 38

62 20 Overcoming the problem of climate change should be carried out by various parties, namely the central government, regional government, private sector, civil society, education, individual and other stakeholders. To coordinate the implementation of the climate change and to strengthen the position of Indonesia in international forums in controlling climate change, the government of Indonesia established the National Council on Climate Change (DNPI 7 ) through Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 46 Year In performing its duties DNPI, "Working Group" and "Division" is organized in internal structure of DNPI. Structure of DNPI is in below. Source: DNPI website Figure 1 Structure of DNPI 4 : Mainstreaming Adaptation/Mitigation Actions in National Development Strategy as; Members of DNPI - Minister of State Secretariat - Cabinet Secretary - Minister of Environment - Minister of Finance - Minister of Home Affairs - Minister of Foreign Affairs - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources - Minister of Forestry - Minister of Agriculture - Minister of Industry - Minister of Public Works - State Minister for Chairperson of the National Development Planning Agency / Head of National Development Planning Agency - Minister of Maritime and Fisheries Affairs - Minister of Trade - Minister of Research and Technology - Minister of Transportation - Minister of Health and Head of the Meteorology - Climatology and Geophysics Agency Working Group - Working Group on Adaptation - Working Group on Mitigation - Working Group on Technology Transfer - Working Group on Finance - Working Group on International Negotiations (Post Kyoto 2012) - Working Group on Land Use and Forestry RAN-MAPI descriptions that relating to the mainstreaming of climate change in Indonesia such 7 DNPI : Dewan Nasional Perubahan Iklim 39 Division - Division of Communication,Information and Education - Division of Carbon Trading Mechanism - Division of Monitoring and Evaluation - Division of Enhancement Research Capacity and Development - Division of General Administration - As an archipelagic state, Indonesia is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Furthermore, as a developing country, it does not have the capacity to adapt to climate change as well as a developed country. Therefore, it is a concern that development conducted by the government will be hampered by the impacts of climate change. - The poor are the group most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, and they are also the most impacted group because of the obstruction of national development. Therefore any response to climate change should include poverty alleviation. The triple track strategy which is pro-poor, pro-job and pro-growth should become an integral part of the national strategy to address climate change. - The national strategy addressing climate change should therefore also be directed to social engineering development, so communities can have a systematic, planned and thorough social change in order to get social and ecological benefit. 5 : Chronological Development of Climate Change-Related Policies and Framework Policies and regulations related climate change in Indonesia are shown in below. Table 1 Policies and Decrees Related Climate Change Year Relevant Policies and Decrees Long term national plan ( ) National action plan addressing climate change (RAN-MAPI) Presidential regulation of the republic of Indonesia No.46 year 2008 on national council for climate change Submission of nationally appropriate mitigation actions to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) secretariat - Indonesia climate change sectoral roadmap National medium-term development plan - Middle term national development plan Presidential regulation of the republic of Indonesia No.61 year 2011 on the National Action Plan for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Reductions (RAN-GRK) Guideline for implementing GHG emission reduction action plan Source: IGES Market Mechanisms Country Fact Sheet January 2013 version, Indonesia second national communication under the UNFCCC 1) Climate Change Policy In Indonesia, climate change policy is mentioned in RAN-MAPI. Policies are mentioned separately divided into Mitigation and Adaptation in the table below. Table 2 Policy of Mitigation and Adaptation Mitigation Policy Adaptation Policy - Management of the economic performance and quality of life of the people should be strongly linked to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and reduced energy intensity of economic growth, to be consistent with Indonesia s commitment to global efforts to tackle climate change. - Mitigation targets will remain difficult to 40 - Sustainable development framework will be consisted by integrates economic, social and ecological aspects. Development that only focuses on economic targets without consideration of natural resource sustainability will increase Indonesian vulnerability to climate change. - Sustainable development framework will be

63 21 achieve as long as the barriers to the achievement of wellbeing and social security, and the maintenance of sustainable natural services are also not reduced. The extension of deforestation and land degradation particularly in the last decade is an expensive lesson in the failure of economic management based only on the three fundamental principles above - The strategy to deliver mitigation targets in the priority economic sectors should be formulated not only to take into account each sector on its own, but also to consider a broader framework including human wellbeing, productivity and the sustainability of natural services. - Although this approach is not primarily driven by Indonesia s commitment under the Namely energy (which includes industry, power plant, transportation, as well as domestic and commercial energy use), forestry, agriculture, and infrastructure sectors) targets. Source: RAN-MAPI 41 consisted by integrates economic, social and ecological aspects. Development that only focuses on economic targets without consideration of natural resource sustainability will increase Indonesian vulnerability to climate change. - The implementation of adaptation activity should be parallel with poverty alleviation efforts and economic development targets for poor communities, which are the group most vulnerable to the impact of climate change. - The development of capacity to adapt to climate change in the future should be based on experience and capacity building to address the present climate risk. - The adaptation agenda to address climate change should be linked to the National Action Plan on Reduction of Disaster Risk (RAN-PRB). RAN-PRB has been established by the Government of Indonesia as a commitment to United Resolution 63/1999. The RAN-PRB objective is to reduce risk factors that cause disaster including those related to environment and natural resources such as climate change. 2) National Efforts/Measures Against Climate Change Implementation plan for climate change in Indonesia is mentioned in RAN-MAPI. Summary of the measures is stated in below. [Medium Term Action: ] - The achievement of mitigation targets from priority sectors along with the achievement of adaptation target throughout the welfare sectors, from the negative impact of climate change to the welfare supporting system and the sustainability of the natural services throughout Indonesia. - The basic social culture appropriate to the long term anticipation of climate change must be developed. Specifically, it should achieve disaster risk reduction that can easily be measured, expressed in terms of public knowledge and awareness of the climate change risks, the availability of life supporting infrastructure and vital production systems, among others. [Long Term Action: ] - A long term learning period for mitigation and adaptation of climate change, that covers one generation until 2050, should not only ensure the resilience and endurance of the Indonesian nation, but should also be able to improve in a sustainable way all the three socio-ecological requirements such as quantity (growth, birth/mortality), quality (degree of health, productivity and cohesively) and mobility (distribution/migration) with environment factor (the availability of resource/ level of damage and pollution). 6 : Characteristics of GHG Inventory As for national inventory of GHG, the latest information is referred in the Indonesia second national communication that is published in 14th January, 2011 by Ministry of Environment, Republic of Indonesia. Summary of GHG emissions in 2000 is shown in below. Table 3 Summary of 2000 GHG Emission and Eemoval (Gg CO2e) CO 2 CH 4 N 2O PFC Total Energy 247, , , NO 280, Industrial 40, , , Process Agriculture 2, , , NO 75, LUCF* 821, NO 821, Waste 1, , , NO 157, Total 1,112, , , ,377, Source : Indonesia second national communication Note: Emission from peat fine was included 7 : Key Mitigation Areas and Related Policies and Measures 1) General Aspects National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) is provided 19th January, GHG emission reduction goal is set as 26% until GHG reduction target for these 5 sectors can be seen in below. The additional 15% with international support (supported NAMAs) to the GHG emission reduction target bringing it up to 41% (from 26%) from Business As Usual (BAU), is achieved by choosing additional program / activities whose implementation does not utilize domestic funding sources (including government s debts) and is not for the reduction of GHG emission traded in the carbon market. Table 4 GHG Emission Reduction Target by Sector Sector Emission Reduction Target (1000t-CO 2) 26% 41% Forestry and Peat land Agriculture Energy and Transportation Industry Waste Source : Guideline for Implementing Green House Gas Emission Reduction Action Plan ;Ministry of National Development Planning / National Development Planning Agency (2011) i) National Action Plan for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction (RAN-GRK 8 ) RAN-GRK elaborates the GHG emissions reduction target into mitigation actions from 5 main sectors that are considered as main contributors to the GHG emissions in Indonesia. RAN-GRK was 8 RAN-GRK : Rencana Aksi Nasional Penurunan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca 42

64 22 published in September 2011 by Ministry of National Development Planning and National Development Planning Agency. It is measurable and can be implemented during the period The overall goal of RAN-GRK is to achieve sustainable development which is mitigation to climate change through the following three RAN-GRK objectives. 1. As a GHG emission reduction implementation reference by priority sectors at the national and local levels 2. As a reference to investment related to GHG emission reduction coordinated at the national and local levels 3. As a reference to GHG emission reduction action plan and strategy development by regions in Indonesia 2) NAMA-specific aspects In Indonesia, mitigation actions are set in NAMA. The reduction will be achieved, inter alia, through the following action: 1. Sustainable peat land management 2. Reduction in rate of deforestation and land degradation 3. Development of carbon sequestration projects in forestry and agriculture 4. Promotion of energy efficiency 5. Development of alternative and renewable energy sources 6. Reduction in Solid and Liquid Waste 7. Shifting to Low-Emission Transportation Model In addition, detail of mitigation action is shown in RAN-MAPI. Mitigation measures of each sector are stated in the table below. Table 5 Mitigation Action by Each Sector Sector Responsible Institutions Measures LULUCF Department of Forestry and Local - Development of plantation forest government - Management of protected forest - Management of conservation forest Marine Department of Forestry Ministry of Environment and Local Government Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment and Department of Forestry Department of Forestry, Department of Finance and National Planning Development Agency National Planning Development Agency, Department of Finance, Ministry of Environment, Department of Forestry and Department of Agriculture Department of Forestry and Local Government - Forest and land rehabilitation - Forest fire prevention - Illegal logging prevention - Sustainable peat land management - Evaluation of monitoring of pilot project on quality improvement of incentive program for REDD - Welfare improvement of the community around forest area - Mangrove and coastal vegetation Sector Responsible Institutions Measures Department of Forestry, Ministry of - Coral reef rehabilitation through Environment and Local transplantation and artificial reefs Government - To extend the marine protected area Energy (Power Plant) Energy (Transportation) Energy (Industry) Energy (Domestic (Household) and commercial)) Energy (others) Source: RAN-MAPI Ministry of Environment, Department of Energy and Mineral Resources, Department of Finance, Local Government Ministry of Transportation, Department of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Finance, Department of Public Works, Local Government Depart of Industry, Ministry of Environment, Department of Energy and Mineral Resources and Department of Finance Ministry of Industry, Department of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Finance, State Ministry of Environment Department of Publi Works and Local Government Department of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Environment, National Development Planning Agency, Department of Communication and Information, Ministry of Finance, Department of National Education and Local Government - Follow up of the inventory and application of low GHG emission - Construct power plant with new and renewable energy sources according to local characteristics - Develop and operate cabon apture storage echnology infrastructure - Inventory and application of low GHG emission technology. - Build mass transportation system with low GHG emission in big and metropolitan cities - Develop electric and hybrid vehicles - Develop vehicles compatible with bio fuel - Follow up inventory and implementation of energy saving technology - Increase the number of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects. - Efficiency in water use - Increase the application of new and renewable energy - Increase the application of waste to energy - All government buildings have used energy saving air condition and energy saving light bulbs. - Waste to energy technology has been operated in big cities % of the population have access to electricity, particularly from renewable energy sources - Energy saving campaign - Introduce energy saving topics in education curriculum - Implementation of energy saving program in Central and local government - Internalize the external costs (such as environmental impact) into the price of fossil fuel - Increase the utilization of new and renewable energy to 10% of total energy consumption - Realization and continue the CDM program - Increase the application of new and renewable energy sources 43 44

65 23 8 : Key climate-vulnerability Areas and Related Adaptation Policies and Measures 1) Vulnerability to Climate Change Impacts and vulnerabilities to climate change in Indonesia are summarized in National Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation (RAN-API 9 ).RAN-API was published in November 2012 by Ministry of National Development Planning. RAN-API contains the action plan for adaptation of priority sectors and cross-sectors in the short-term ( ), mainstreaming of the adaptation action plan into the next national medium-term development plan ( ) and adaptation policy direction in the long-term ( ). The objectives of formulating the RAN-API document are to: - Provide direction for the mainstreaming of issues on climate change adaptation into national development planning process; - Provide direction for sectoral and cross sectoral adaptation actions that are more integrated in the short-term ), medium-term ( ) and long-term ( ); - Provide direction for priority adaptation actions in the short-term that can be proposed and obtain international funding; - As direction for sectors and regions in developing adaptation actions that are in synergy and that endeavour to develop a more effective communication and coordination system. Impact of each sector in Indonesia is in below. Table 6 Impact of Each Sector in Indonesia Sector Impact Surface Temperature - Increased evapotranspiration that can lead to drought - Expended vector insects population spread - Increased spread of diseases through the air medium - Change in pattern of population spread and migration of plant diseases - Change in pattern of fish migration due to change in circulation of sea flow - Brooding of sea water inundations in coastal areas that can push back the coastline - Brooding of sea water intrusion areas through ground water and rivers Rainfall - Drought caused by a deficit in total precipitation - Reduced availability of water due to deficit in precipitation - Floods from increased total, duration, and intensity of rain - Landslides - Decline of agriculture production due to increased temperature and change in rainfall - Increased mosquito population due to many water inundations - Greater spread of diseases through the air medium and water inundations Extreme weather - Consecutive drought years occurrence heavy rain, - Change/shift in seasonal rainfall pattern Storm, Strong winds - Triggered increase of probability increase of heavy rain, strong winds, storm and wave storms 9 RAN-API : Rencana Aksi Nasional Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim 45 Source: RAN-API 2) Summary of National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) is not provided in Indonesia. However, the overall goal of RAN-API is shown in below. 1. Economic Resilience 2. Livelihood Resilience 3. Resilience of Ecosystem 4. Resilience of Special Areas 5. Supporting System Adaptation strategies in the following sector were prepared in RAN-MAPI. Table 7 Adaptation Action by Each Sector Sector Responsible Institutions Measures Water Resource State Ministry of Environment, - Develop trench dam technology Department of Public Works, Office of the Minister of State - Develop technology that could enable salt water to become drinking water for Research and Technology, Local Government - Rehabilitate water management in peat land area - Restoration of river watershed area in stages - Water saving movement Agriculture Marine, Costal and Fisheries Infrastructure State Ministry of Environment, Department of Public Works and Local Government Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, State Ministry of Environment, Department of Public Works and Local Government Department of Public Works, State Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Housing and Local Government 46 - Conduct climate anomaly impact analysis toward seasonal shift to decide the beginning of planting season - Conduct research on superior seeds that resistance to climate change - Development of adaptive track husbandry - Research program on government strategy and policy to address climate change in agriculture sector - Formulate detail planning regarding agriculture development policy - Development program to increase farmer income - Improve various existing step and strategy based on evaluation to various concepts, strategy, efforts and technology - Develop various innovative technology, particularly for superior adaptive variation and technology for management of land and water - Food diversification policy that has been evaluated - Construct the fisherman settlement with the design that already consider sea level rise - Construct drain age system and water absorption well and water reservoir facilities with trees shaded along the road - Construct the pedestrian and bikers

66 24 Health Sector Responsible Institutions Measures facilities with trees shaded along the road - Establish human settlement with stack housing system Forestry Biodiversity Cross Sector and Source: RAN-MAPI Department of Health, State Ministry of Environment and Local Government State Ministry of Environment, Department of Forestry and Local Government Office of the Minister of State for Research and Technology, Department of Energy and Mineral Resources and State Ministry of Environment 9 : Major Project List on Climate Change in Indonesia 47 - Strengthened health surveillance and health protection - Inventory biodiversity in Indonesia - Protection of forest ecosystem - Research in term of government and community science in order to increase the adaptive capacity. - Develop early warning system. # Project title Donor Year (if available) 1 Public Awareness, Training And Education Indonesia Climate Not Available Program On Climate Change Issue For All Change Trust Fund Levels Of Societies In Mitigation And (ICCTF) Adaptation 2 Climate Adaptation Strategies For Rural Aus AID, CSIRO Not Available Livelihoods In Indonesia 3 Climate Adaptation And Disaster Resilience USAID Not Available 4 Indonesia Marine And Climate Support USAID Not Available Project 5 Strategic Planning And Action To Strengthen SCCF, UNDP, West Not Available Climate Resilience Of Rural Communities In Nusa Tenggara Nusa Tenggara Timor Province Province 6 Policy Advice For Environment And Climate German Federal Not Available Change Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development 7 Sub-Project 1 The Project of Low Carbon Development Strategy Project by Integrating NAMA & JICA Not Available Adaptation Into National Development Planning 8 Regional Climate Change Projection Development and Interpretation for Indonesia 9 Adapting to Climate Change in Eastern Indonesia 10 Indonesia Clean Energy Development (ICED) 11 Low-Carbon and Resilient Development Program 12 Climate Change Measurement Program Loan 13 Climate Change Measurement Program Loan (II) AUS AID 14 March 2010 (Final Report) USAID September 2010-September2013 USAID March 2011 September 2014 ADB 9 November 2011 JICA 2008 JICA Climate Change Measurement Program JICA 2010 # Project title Donor Year (if available) Loan (III) 15 Geothermal Development Acceleration JICA 2013 Program (Tulehu Geothermal Power Plant Project E/S ) 16 Indramayu Coal Fired Power Plant Project JICA 2013 (E/S) References Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan URL : Second National Communication of Bangladesh to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, October 2012 URL: Ministry of Environment and Forest Government of the People s Republic of Bangladesh National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) URL : Ministry of Environment and Forest Government of the People s Republic of Bangladesh Low Carbon Path of Development and NAMA: The Case of Bangladesh, 4 th April 2011, Bangkok, Thailand URL : ladesh+nama+unfccc Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of the People s Republic of Bangladesh RIO + 20: National Report on Sustainable Development, May 2012 URL : Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of the People s Republic of Bangladesh Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan 2009 URL: ' Website of Adaptation Fund, Interactive Map of Projects and Programmes URL: Adaptation Partnership, Review of Current and Planned Adaptation Action: South Asia, November 2011 URL: Asia Development Bank Website of Japan International Cooperation Agency Library URL: 48

67 President : Republic of Korea 1 : Basic Information and Key Indicators Capital Soul Area 100,000 [km 2 ] Population 50,000 people (2012) GDP per capita USD million (2012) Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (June, 2013) 2 : National Development Strategy/Action Plan Since President Lee Myung-bag initiated Low carbon, green growth as nation s new guiding economic development philosophy in 2008, stressing that environmental stewardship can be an engine for economic growth in Korea. In 2009, the government announced plans to invest US$85 billion in clean energy technologies and implementing its green growth plan, estimated to create more than one million new jobs and bolster a clean tech export industry. Followed by the President s declaration, as for national strategy related to climate change, Korean government enacts Framework Act on Low Carbon, Green Growth and enforcement ordinance in April, Based on the law, climate change adaption plan(cca), Green Growth 5-year Implementation Plan, National Climate Change Adaptation Master Plan, Action Plans for Each Sector and Local Government are prepared. 3 : Institutional Arrangement or Ministries (and Key Agencies) Korea s institutional arrangement is summarized in the following figure. The key organization is Presidential Committee on Green Growth(PCGG) which is established in PCGG is co-chaired by Prime minister and private sector and includes thirty five commissioners nominated by president. Under President and Prime minister, fifteen relevant ministries are corporate on climate change issues. Presidential Committee on Green Growth (PCGG) - Established in Initiative in addressing climate change Co-chair: Prime Minister + Private Sector Commissioners: - 35 members nominated by President - 13 members designated by law Joint Secretaries-General law - Ministry of Strategy and Finance - Ministry of Education, Science and Technology - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Ministry of Unification - Ministry of Justice - Ministry of Natural Defense - Ministry of Public Administration and Security - Ministry of Culture Sports and Tourism Prime Minister - Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries - Ministry of Knowledge and Economy - Ministry of Health and Welfare - Ministry of Environment - Ministry of Employment and Labor - Ministry of Gender Equality and Family - Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs Source: Korea Environment Institute, Republic of Korea s 3 rd National Communication to UNFCCC Press Release on Enforcement Ordinance of ETS Law, PSGG, 13 Nov 2012 Figure 1 Institutional Framework for Climate Change 4 : Mainstreaming Mitigation/Adaptation Actions in National Strategy According to 11 th NESDP, mainstreaming adaptation/ mitigation actions in Thailand is shown as follows. - To install the value of social responsibility in the populations in the point of view of energy conservation and adaptation to climate change and disasters so that their consumption behaviour could be environmentally responsible - To develop to generate resilience in every dimension of Thailand s progress toward balance and sustainability by restoring and utilizing natural resources and environmental capitals as well as toward low-carbon economy In the strategy for managing natural resources and environment toward sustainability of 11 th NESDP, the following strategies for climate change were stated. - To create resilience so as to prepare for dealing with impacts from climate change and worldwide environmental issues - To enhance the adaptive capacity to meet climate change challenges and disasters at all levels community, regional, and countrywide - To build a secure base of natural resources and a sound environment, support community participation, and safeguard people and the nation from the effects of climate change and disasters - To foster resilience toward trade measures associated with environmental conditions and climate change impacts 49 5 : Chronological Development of Climate Change-Related Policies and Framework 3) Climate Change Policy 50

68 26 The chronological development of climate change related policies and framework is summarized in the following table. Korea has ratified Kyoto Protocol in In 1998, it established a Climate Change Committee which is chaired by Prime Minister in order to prepare National Action Plan for UNFCCC. In 2008, the 3 rd National Communication is submitted to UNFCCC. Table 1 Chronological Development of Climate Change Related Policies and Framework April 1998 Established Climate Change Committee Prepared 1 st National Action Plan for UNFCCC March 2001 Established Special Committee for Climate Change in National Assembly October 2002 Ratification of Kyoto Protocol Prepared 2 nd National Action Plan for UNFCCC Prepared 3 rd National Action Plan for UNFCCC 2006 Established National Inventory System 2008 Submitted 3 rd National Communication to UNFCCC Prepared 4 th National Action Plan for UNFCCC February 2009 Established Presidential Committee on Green Growth November 2009 Set the national mid-term GHG reduction target- 30% reduction below Business As Usual(BAU) scenario by 2020 April 2010 Enforcement of the Framework Act on Low Carbon Green Growth June 2010 Established the GHG Inventory % Research Centre of Korea(GIR) November 2012 Enforcement Decree of the Allocation and Trading of GHG Emissions Allowances passed by the Cabinet Source: Documents prepared by Korea Energy Economics Institute Paper prepared for the 11 th workshop on GHG inventories in Asia by Korea Environmental Corporation (KECO) 6: Characteristics of GHG Inventory (Sectoral and Temporal Dimensions) 1) Sectoral Dimension National inventory data was summarized in Korea s third National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change (TNC) that was prepared in The results of national Green House Gas (GHG) inventory by sector in 2009 were summarized as below. Land use change and forestry used in the following table does not include CO 2 adsorption by forests. Major emission sector is energy sector in Korea which accounts for approximately 85% of total GHG emissions. GHG emissions by sub-sector of energy sector is also indicated in the table 2. Table 2 GHG Inventory by Sector in 2009 Sector CO 2 (CO 2-eq Gg) Percentage (%) Energy Industrial Process Agriculture Waste Total Source: Korea s Third National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change 51 The share of GHG emission in 2009 shown in the table XX is described as the following figure. Source: Korea s Third National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change Agriculture Waste 3% 3% Industrial Process 9% 52 Energy 85% Figure 2 Share of GHG Emission in 2009 Table 3 GHG Emission of Energy Sector in 2009 Sub-Sector Total Emissions Share Percentage (Gg CO 2-eq) (%) Energy industry Manufacturing industry & construction Transport Other Fugitive emission from fuel Total Source: Korea s Third National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change The share of GHG emission by sub sector in 2009 shown in the table 3 is described as the following figure. Fugitive emission from fuel 1% Transport 16% Other 11% Manufacturing industry & construction 28% Energy industry 44% Source: Korea s Third National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change Figure 3 Share of GHG Emission by Sub-Sector in 2009

69 27 7: Key Mitigation Areas and Related Policies and Measures 1) National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) Specific Aspects National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) plan has been submitted to UNFCCC in Table 4 Mitigation Action Plan Mitigation Plan Action Emission Reduction Goal - 30% reduction from Business As Usual(BAU) by 2020 Source: Korea s National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) in ) Mitigation Options Aiming for enhancement of climate change policies to pursue more active, combative measure, Korea developed the Comprehensive Action Plan for climate change , which includes contents related to environment, industry, and a framework for international cooperation. In the plan, mitigation options by sector are summarized as in the following table. Table 4 Mitigation Option by Sectors in Korea Sector Mitigation Options Energy and - To enhance energy demand management in the industrial sector industry - To expand new and renewable clean energy supply - To expand high-efficiency equipment supply - To promote early action on GHG reduction Transport - To enhance management of transport demand and efficient traffic system - To revitalize low emission vehicles - To establish low carbon distribution system Agriculture - To improve agro-daily farming methods Forestry - To protect and expand forest carbon sinks - To implement forest carbon offset projects - To promote use of wood bio-energy Waste - To minimize waste occurrences and resource recovery Source: Korea s Third National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change 8 : Key Climate-Vulnerability Areas and Related Adaptation Measures 1) Vulnerability to Climate Change Impacts of climate change in each sector in Thailand were indicated in SNC as follows. Table 5 Impacts of Climate Change in Each Sector in Korea Sector Impact Health - Increased death and disease from heat waves - Increased death from metrological disasters - Spreading of disease from insects and rodents - Increased patients(e.g. Asthma, allergy Natural disasters - Increased in meteorological disasters - Increased in the scale of disaster damage - Increased frequency of extreme weather Agriculture - Crop cultivation area moving northward - Change of crop cultivation seasons - Obstacles to productivity and stability of agricultural ecosystem Forest - Shift of forest vegetation area 53 Sector Impact - Change of forest ecosystem structure - Increased forest disasters - Change in number of insect pests and disease occurrences Ocean and - Coastal erosion and flooding due to sea level rise fisheries - Damage to marine ecosystem and change in fishery resources due to increasing water temperature Water and - Increased damage from floods, droughts and typhoons management - Increased damage due to deterioration of quality and quantity of water resources Ecosystem - Change in ecosystem due to climate change - Acceleration in domestic inflow of exotic species due to climate change Source: Korea s Third National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change 2) Summary of National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) Korea s National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) has not been provided, however, TNC shows a part of adaptation measures as below. Sector Table 6 National Adaptation Program of Action in Each Sector in Korea Adaptation Measures Health - Investigation of damages from heat waves - Measures to prevent harm to those vulnerable to heat waves - Monitoring and management of infectious dieses - Monitoring and management of infectious dieses from insects and rodents - Expand allergy monitoring and response facilities Natural disasters - Analysis of vulnerable areas and higher disaster prevention standards - Maintain disaster risk facility, build disaster information system - Climate-friendly land use management system Agriculture - Development and dissemination of crop cultivation technologies and new crops - Stable water supply for agricultural use - Prevent storm and flood damage - Forecast and develop system to prevent spread of disease and insect pests and livestock disease Forest - Biodiversity conservation in situ and ex situ Ocean and fisheries - Maintenance and increase of forestry productivity - Prevention policy of forest fire, landslides, and disease and insect pests - Management and adaptive response to sea level rise - Monitoring and forecasting charges in fisheries, ensure future fishery resources - Measures to reduce infectious diseases on fisheries and damage from acidification Water and - Create infrastructure with reduced vulnerability and improve facilities 54

70 28 management - The four major river restoration project - Improved water quality and preservation of river ecosystem Ecosystem - Monitoring system and evaluate vulnerability - Conservation of species and genetic resources and restoration of ecological connection - Preservation and management of damage from foreign species and unexpected outbreaks Source: Korea s Third National Communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change References 1 Republic of Korea s 3 rd National Communication to UNFCCC 2 Press Release on Enforcement Ordinance of ETS Law, PSGG, 13 Nov Documents prepared by Korea Energy Economics Institute, Dr.Seung Jick Yoo 4 Paper prepared for the 11 th workshop on GHG inventories in Asia by Korea Environmental Corporation (KECO) 5 Korea s National Appropriate Mitigation Action(NAMA) in : Lao People s Democratic Republic 1 : Basic Information and Key Indicators Capital Vientiane Area : 240,000 [km 2 ] Population 6,390,000 (2011) GDP, per capita USD 1,7281 (2011) Source : Basic data, Regional affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan 2 : National Development Strategy/Action Plan To improve public awareness and understanding of various stakeholders about climate change, vulnerabilities and impacts, including Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission sources and their relative contributions, and of how climate change will affect the country s economy. Specific guiding principles show in below. 10 These guiding principles are mentioned in National Strategy on Climate Change of the Lao PDR that is published in March, 2010 by Department of Environment, Watershed Resource and Environment Administration. 1) Climate Change Mainstreaming as Core Element: Ensure that climate change adaptation and mitigation are incorporated as a priority into the 7th National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) , as well as into strategies, programmes and projects at all levels of Government, institutions, businesses and local communities, within the framework of sustainable development. Social and economic development and poverty eradication are intended as overriding priorities. 2) International Partnerships: Work with and seek support from international partners for capacity building and development and transfer of technology to support the implementation, adaptation and mitigation strategies and actions for low-carbon growth. 3) Capacity Building as Pressing Priority: Build national capacities in Government agencies, technical institutions, the private sector and local communities to develop and implement climate change adaptation and mitigation for policies and actions 10 National Rio+20 Report for Lao PDR ; Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Vientiane (June 2012) 55 56

71 4) Integrated solutions and co-benefits: Develop and implement integrated adaptation and mitigation solutions that are low-cost, improve energy efficiency, promote cleaner production, build adaptation/ mitigation synergy and generate economic, environmental and socioeconomic benefits 5) Innovative financial instruments: Elaborate appropriate financial packages to ensure optimal implementation of adaptation and mitigation action plans 6) Awareness, education and community participation leading the way: Increase public awareness and understanding of climate change impacts and the need for mindset transformation toward adaptation and mitigation, to mobilize communities to implement climate change adaptation and mitigation actions 3 : Institutional Arrangement of Ministries (and Key Agencies) National Steering Committee on Climate Change (NSCCC) and the Technical Working Group (TWG) is established in Climate change management structure is in below. 4: Mainstreaming Mitigation/Adaptation Actions in National Strategy National Strategy on Climate Change of the Lao PDR is published 2010 to secure a future where the Lao PDR is capable of mitigating and adapting to changing climatic conditions in a way that promotes sustainable economic development, reduces poverty, protects public health and safety, enhances the quality of Lao PDR s natural environment, and advances the quality of life for all Lao people. Major descriptions relating to the mainstreaming in the strategy are stated below. - Reinforce sustainable development goals of the Lao PDR, including measures to achieve low-carbon economic growth - Increase resilience of key sectors of the national economy and natural resources to climate change and its impacts; - Enhance cooperation, strong alliances and partnerships with national stakeholders and international partners to implement the national development goals - Improve public awareness and understanding of various stakeholders about climate change, vulnerabilities and impacts, GHG emission sources and their relative contributions, and of how climate change will impact the country s economy, in order to increase stakeholder willingness to take actions. 29 Source: WGIA8 Note : MAF : Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), WREA : Water Resources & Environment Administration, MPI : Ministry of Planning and Investment, DOE: Designated Ope あ rational Entity Figure 1 Structure of Climate Change Management in Lao PDR 5: Chronological Development of Climate Change Related Policies and Framework Since 1995, when Lao PDR joined the global community by ratifying the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), a series of policies and law are arranged in Lao PDR. Policies and law that related climate change are in below. Table 1 Climate Change Policies and Law Year Policies and Law 1996 Water Law 1996 Forest Law 1996 Land Use Law 1997 Electricity Law 1997 Mining Law 1997 Road Transportation Law 1998 Agriculture Law 1999 Environment Law 1999 Urban Planning Law 2005 Policy on Sustainable Hydro-power Development 2010 Decree on Social and Environment Impact Assessment 2010 Strategy on Climate Change of the Lao PDR 2011 Renewable Energy Development Strategy in Lao PDR Source: WGIA8 11 The 8 th Workshop on GHG Inventories in Asia (WGIA8), July

72 30 1) Climate Change Policy Strategy on Climate Change of Lao PDR is approved by Government of Lao PDR in March Strategy a framework document has identified seven priorities areas for mitigation and adaptation such as; 12 - Agriculture and Food Security - Forestry and Land Use Change - Water Resources - Energy and Transport - Industry - Urban Development - Public Health 2) National Efforts/Measures Against Climate Change Implementation plan such as activities by period for climate change in Lao PDR is not mentioned in any materials. 6 : Characteristics of GHG Inventory As for national inventory of GHG, the latest information are referred in the Lao PDR the first National Communication on Climate Change, is published in November, The net annual CO 2 removal is of the order of Gg, which is much larger than the total fuel based CO 2 emissions of Gg. The total CH 4 emission in the economy is 312 Gg, of which agriculture accounts for 81% of emissions and forestry and waste sectors for the rest. Table 2 Summary of GHG Inventory (Gg) Sector CO 2 CH 4 N 2O Fossil fuel consumption Traditional biomass burned for energy Agriculture Enteric fermentation Manure management Rice cultivation Change in forest and woody biomass -121,614 Forest conversioin Aboveground CO 2 released from on-site burning Forest conversion Aboveground CO 2 released from off-site burning Aboveground release from decay Waste Landfills Waste water 0.32 Grand Total Source: Lao PDR the first National Communication to the UNFCCC 7 : Key Mitigation Areas and Related Policies and Measures 1) General Aspects 12 WGIA8 59 National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) is not provided in Lao PDR at this moment (as of June 2013). GHG reduction target is not set in Lao PDR. 2) NAMA-Specific Aspects In Lao PDR, mitigation actions are stated in the Strategy on Climate Change of the Lao PDR that is provided as the Prime Minister Decree in July Mitigation measures of each sector are stated in the table in below. Table 3 Mitigation Measures in Lao PDR Sector Mitigation Measures Agriculture and - Reducing methane emissions from paddy fields by exercising water Food security management, soil amendments, organic matter management, different tillage, rotation, and cultivar selection - Reducing methane emissions from enteric fermentation by improving production efficiency - Reducing emissions from livestock manure through balanced feeding, lowering the Nitrogen content of the animal feeds, anaerobic digestion for methane production for use as a source of cleaner energy, waste application (dosing and injection) and the introduction of household-based, community-based and animal farm-based biogas facilities - Promoting new technology transfers such as biogas digester for electricity and bio-ethanol production as a means of wastewater treatment generated from agro-processing industries Forestry and Land - Stop slash and burn agriculture by forest management, afforestation of Use Change degraded forest and reforestation to increase the forest cover to 65% by 2015 and 70% by 2020; Enhance carbon sink by making sustainable agriculture land available and encouraging alternative livelihood opportunities such as eco-tourism, non-timber forest products and handicraft - Reducing off-site burning by providing alternative fuels for forest dependent communities, such as biogas, small hydro, energy-saving stoves, use of harvest residues and community-based fuel-wood plantations - Reducing forest fires by setting regulations and necessary measures to intercept and stop forest fires, and providing awareness building and training to villagers on the harmful effects of forest fires and fire prevention - Integrating forest management: including forest-food production systems, use of NTFP (Non-Timber Forest Products) and community-based forest management - Effectively mapping and planning the land use for different purposes over medium and long terms to minimize the issue of land encroachment into the National Protected Area - Pursuing carbon market opportunities and early introduction of pragmatic, flexible mechanisms, particularly the REDD-plus (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and Conservation in developing countries) by implementing more reforestation and afforestation programmes Energy and - Electrification: reaching the target of 70% by 2010 and 90% by 2020, as Transport set in the National Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy (NGPES) - Renewable energy: accelerating the development of such renewable 60

73 31 Sector Mitigation Measures energy sources such as solar and wind as well as hydropower including mini-hydro household-based, institution-based and/or community-based especially for remote communities - Cleaner energy: by making use of the coal-bed methane and coalmine methane, and seeking cleaner technologies for the development of the country s abundant lignite resources - Energy efficiency and savings: by introducing energy-efficient lighting and appliances, and energy-efficient buildings - Low-carbon transport: by promoting the use of alternate energy operated motor vehicles, including cars and motorcycles and pursuing environmental sustainable transport strategy - Improving the public awareness on energy saving through implementing initiatives such as car free day, Earth Day and World Environment Day - Seeking the opportunities under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) or other flexible, pragmatic financing mechanisms to undertake the development of climate-friendly renewable resources, including hydropower (including mini-hydro), biogas, solar, coal-bed and coal-mine methane, non-emission transport, and energy-efficient lighting and buildings Industry - Improving energy efficiency during the production process - Reducing wood waste through the enhancement of furniture manufacturing skills - Promoting the use of waste biomass or agricultural residues to produce renewable energy or thermal energy for drying and heating products through combustion, gastification or pyrolysis Urban Development - Reduction of GHG emissions from the solid waste sector in Lao PDR through applying the 3Rs (reduces, reuse and recycle) - Upgrading solid waste collection services for full coverage of the major urban centers and neighbourhoods, so as to avoid GHG releases from open burning and decomposition - Building recycling facilities in order to reduce the amount of wastes to be disposed in landfills - Composting organic contents to manufacture organic fertilizers - Effectively managing sewage sludge removed from the domestic septic tanks and slurry removed from the waste treatment plants - Constructing new landfill facilities that can capture methane; if financially viable, retrofitting the existing landfill - Promoting environmental sustainable urban development, integrating the issues of waste management, low carbon transportation - Encouraging the participation of the private sector and international partners in GHG emission reduction from wastes under the CDM and other financing mechanisms Source: Strategy on Climate Change of the Lao PDR 8 : Key Climate Vulnerability Areas and Related Adaptation Policies and Measures 1) Vulnerability to Climate Change National Adaptation Programme of Action to Climate Change (NAPA) is provided in March According to NAPA, national statistics on disasters that have occurred over the last three decades, it has been observed that both the severity and frequency of floods and droughts have increased. Floods and droughts have significant impacts on agriculture, forestry, water resources, health and economic growth, and therefore on the livelihoods of the Lao people. 13 2) Summary of National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) NAPA revealed that in Lao PDR there are four main sectors which are directly and severely affected by climate change: agriculture, forestry, water and water resources, and public health. In this regard, the NAPA working under government of Laos identified needs and priority activities for climate change adaptation in four main sectors. Table 4 Adaptation Measures in Lao PDR Sector Measures Agriculture Strengthen the capacity of the National Disaster Management Committees. Promote secondary professions in order to improve the livelihoods of farmers affected by natural disasters induced by climate change. Land use planning in hazard prone and affected areas. Promotion of short-duration paddy and other cash crops in natural hazard prone areas. Technical capacities of local agricultural officers in natural hazard prone areas strengthened. Improve and develop crop varieties and animal species that are better adapted to natural hazard prone areas. Improve and construct crop and animal disease laboratories at central and local levels and build related capacity of technical staff. Train farmers on the processing and storing of human and animal food stuffs. Establishment and strengthening of farmers groups in natural hazard prone areas. Promote soil improvement using locally available organic fertilizer and existing agricultural waste. Develop appropriate bank erosion protection systems for agricultural land in flood prone areas. Promote integrated pest management (IPM) and use of herbal medicines in pest management and livestock treatment. Develop the capacity of technical staff in organic fertilizer research. Forestry Continue the slash and burn eradication programme and permanent job creation program. Strengthen capacity of village forestry volunteers in forest planting, caring and management techniques as well as the use of village forests. Carry out surveys and identify and develop forest areas suitable for supporting seed production. Promote and establish tree nurseries to provide saplings to areas at high risk from flooding or drought. Raise public awareness on wildlife conservation and forest-fire prevention. Set up and further strengthen the technical capacity of the forest fire management teams at provincial, district and village levels. Public awareness campaign to disseminate information on forest and wildlife regulations and laws, and strengthen the implementation of these regulations. Develop agro-forestry systems for watershed protection and erosion reduction in steep areas. Development of small reservoirs in upland areas in order to provide water for wildlife/ aquatic animals and plants during the dry season. Public awareness campaign on pest and disease outbreaks in wildlife caused by National Adaptation Programme of Action to Climate Change (NAPA) 62

74 32 Sector Measures natural disasters, and associated preventive measures. Extension campaign on integrated forest plantation management for crop pest and disease control. Conduct research and select seeds of plant species suitable for flood and drought prone areas. Construct bush fire barriers / forest-fire protection buffer zones in forest conservation areas. Build research capacity on wildlife pests /diseases and outbreaks of animal diseases. Water Awareness raising on water and water resource management. Mapping of flood-prone areas. Establish an early warning system for flood-prone areas, and improve and expand meteorology and hydrology networks and weather monitoring systems. Strengthen institutional and human resource capacities related to water and water resource management. Survey underground water sources in drought prone areas. Study, design and build multi-use reservoirs in drought prone areas. Conservation and development of major watersheds. Build and improve flood protection barriers to protect existing irrigation systems. Improve and protect navigation channels and navigation signs. Repair/rehabilitate infrastructure and utilities damaged by floods in agricultural areas. Public Health Improve systems for the sustainable use of drinking water and sanitation with community participation in flood and drought prone areas. Improve knowledge and skills of engineers who design and build water and sanitation systems. Source :National Adaptation Programme of Action to Climate Change 9 : Major Project List on Climate Change in Lao PDR # Project title Donor 1 Climate Impact And ADB Adaptation Sectoral Strategy For Rural Infrastructure In Lao PDR 2 Improving The UNDP and Resilience of The GEF Agriculture Sector In LAO PDR To Climate Change Impacts 3 Capacity ADB and Enhancement For the Nordic Coping With Climate Change : Lao People s Dem Rep 4 Improving The Resilience Of The Agricultural Sector In Lao PDR To Climate Change Impacts 5 Climate Impact And Adaptation Sectoral Strategy For Rural Infrastructure In Lao Developme nt Fund LDCF ADB Small Grants Year(if available) Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available 63 Category Adaptation Adaptation Capacity development Adaptation Adaptation URL portalb/home.cfm?page=country_pro file&ccode=lao&thistab=adapt ation portalb/home.cfm?page=country_pro file&ccode=lao&thistab=adapt ation portalb/home.cfm?page=country_pro file&ccode=lao&thistab=adapt ation portalb/home.cfm?page=country_pro file&ccode=lao&thistab=adapt ation portalb/home.cfm?page=country_pro file&ccode=lao&thistab=adapt ation # Project title Donor PDR 6 National Adaptation Programme of Action to Climate Change 7 National Capacity Needs Self Assessment for Global Environment Management 8 Vulnerability Assessment of Climate Risks in Attapeu Provinc, Lao PDR 9 MANAGING CLIMATE CHANGE RISKS FOR FOOD SECURITY IN LAO PDR 10 Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change in Laos 11 The Programme for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System United Nations Developme nt Programme (UNDP), Water Resources and Environmen t Administrati on (WREA) UNDP, WREA UNDP IUCN Mekong River Commission (MRC) GEF-FUND ED Programme European Union JICS JICS Year(if available) 64 Category URL 2009 Adaptation ews/local-news/100-un-launches-cli mate-change-programmes-in-laos.ht ml 2009 Capacity Development (Adaptation) January 2005 Adaptation ews/local-news/100-un-launches-cli mate-change-programmes-in-laos.ht ml mmon/download/laos_vulnerability _Assessment_w_cover.pdf July 2011 Adaptation er_upload/eufao-fsi4dm/docs/lao%2 0PDR%20-%20RIMES%20( )%20Managing%20Climate%20Ch ange%20risks%20for%20food%20 Security%20copy.pdf August 2011 October 2011 Not Available Capacity Development (Adaptation) Mitigation mprovement-of-capabilities-to-copewith-natural-disasters-caused-by-cli mate-change-in-laos ta/pdfs/laos.pdf file/pdf/scheme_environment.pdf References 1 Basic data, Regional affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan 2 The 8 th Workshop on GHG Inventories in Asia (WGIA8) 3 Strategy on Climate Change of the Lao PDR 4 National Rio+20 Report for Lao PDR 5 National Adaptation Programme of Action to Climate Change

75 07 : MONGOLIA National Climate Committee (NCC) Ministry of Environment and Green Development (formerly Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism) Climate Change Coordination Office (CCCO) 33 1 : Basic Information and Key Indicators Capital Ulaanbaatar Area 1,564,100 [km 2 ] Population 281,1600 (2011) GDP, per capita USD 2,562 (2011) Source : Basic data, Regional affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan 2 : National Development Strategy/Action Plan The Mongolia National Action Programme on Climate Change (NAPCC) approved in 2000 by Minister for Nature, Environment and Tourism. NAPCC aims not only to meet the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) obligations, but also to set priorities for action and to integrate climate change concerns into other national and sectoral development plans and programmes. The NAPCC is based on the pre-feasibility studies on climate change impact and adaptation assessment, Greenhouse Gases (GHG) inventories, and GHG mitigation analysis. Goal of NAPCC is in below To maintain ecological balances - To develop social and economic resilient to climate change - To reduce vulnerabilities and risks - To mitigate GHG emissions through improvement of economic productivity and efficiency - To support implementation of Green growth policies 3 : Institutional Arrangement of Ministries (and Key Agencies) Climate change organization charts in Mongolia shows in below. The Government has established an inter-disciplinary and inter-sectoral National Climate Committee (NCC) led by the Minister for Nature, Environment and Tourism, to coordinate and guide national activities and measures aimed to adapt to climate change and to mitigate GHG emissions. The NCC approves the country s climate policies and programmes, evaluates projects and contributes to the guidance of related activities. Also, the Government has established the Climate Change Coordi-nation Office (CCCO) under the supervision of the Chairman of the NCC. 14 Source: Mongolia second national communication Market Mechanisms Country Fact Sheets, January 2013 (IGES) 65 Source: Mongolia second national communication Market Mechanisms Country Fact Sheets, January 2013 (IGES) Figure 1 Organizational Chart 4 : Mainstreaming Mitigation/Adaptation Actions in National Strategy The Millennium Development Goals-based Comprehensive National Development Strategy (MDG-based CNDS) of Mongolia approved in January 2008 by the Government of Mongolia. MDG-based CNDS identifies the need to create a sustainable environment for development by promoting capacities and measures on adaptation to climate change, halting imbalances in the country s ecosystems and protecting them. In addition, the MDG-based CNDS includes a Strategic Objective to promote capacity to adapt to climate change and desertification, and to reduce their negative impacts : Chronological Development of Climate Change-Related Policies and Framework The parliament of Mongolia has passed several laws directed toward environmental protection which forms the legal basis for the protection of the environment and Mongolia s natural resources. Climate change related policies and laws are shown in below. Table 1 Relevant Policies and Laws of Climate Change Year Relevant Policies and Laws 1995 The Mongolian Action Program for the 21 st Century(MAP21) 1995 and 2010 The Law on Air 1995 and 2007 The Law on Environmental Protection 1997 The State Policy on the Environment July 2000 The Mongolia National Action Programme on Climate Change (NAPCC) June 2005 The National Renewable Energy Program ( ) 2006 The LPG Programme January 2007 The Renewable Energy Law 2007 Law on Forest 2008 The MDG-based Comprehensive National Development Strategy of Mongolia May 2008 The Transit Mongolia Programme 2009 The Nuclear energy law 2010 NAPCC (Updated) 2010 New Reconstruction Mid-term (development) Program Source: Mongolia second national communication 15 Mongolia second national communication 66

76 34 1) Climate Change Policy NAPCC is updated in Major tasks and solutions in the NAPCC are stated in below Set the legal environment, structure, institutional and management frameworks for addressing on climate change. - Ensure environmental sustainability is maintained and reduce socio-economic vulnerabilities and risks through strengthening the national climate change adaptation capacity. - Mitigate GHG emissions and establish a low carbon economy through the introduction of environmentally friendly technologies and improvement in energy effectiveness and efficiency. - Enhance the national climate observation, research and monitoring network and strengthen employee s capacity - Conduct public awareness campaigns and support citizen and community participation in actions against climate change 2) National Efforts/Measures to Climate Change The NAPCC includes a set of measures actions and strategies in the two periods; 1 st Phase ( ) and 2 nd Phase ( ). Summary of the indicators is stated in the table below. Table 2 Indicators of Each Phase First Phase ( ) Second Phase ( ) - Specific fuel consumption of power plants for - Specific fuel consumption of power plants for electricity generation will not exceed electricity generation will not exceed 340gJ/kWh 340gJ/kWh. - Specific fuel consumption of thermal energy production will be reduced by 20 kgj/gcal compared to Renewable energy will account for 10% of the total national energy production. Heat use will be reduced by 25%. Source: Market Mechanisms Country Fact Sheets, January 2013 (IGES) 67 - Specific fuel consumption of thermal energy production will be reduced by 30 kgj/gcal compared to Renewable energy will account for 20% of the total national energy production. Heat use will be reduced by 30%. 6 : Characteristics of GHG Inventory (Sectoral and Temporal Dimensions) - As for national inventory of GHG, the latest information is referred in the Mongolia second national communication that is published in 10th December, 2010 by Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism, Mongolia. Summary of GHG emissions in is shown in below. 16 Mongolia second national communication Market Mechanisms Country Fact Sheets, January 2013 (IGES) Table 3 Summary of GHG Emission (Gg CO 2e) Characteristic Average Annual Growth Rate (%) Total 23,645 17,205 16,896 16,405 16,910 17,582 18, emissions (source) Energy 12,529 8,710 8,865 9,418 9,247 9,635 10, Industrial processes Agriculture 7,695 6,964 6,748 5,338 5,518 5,854 6, Land-use 1, ,762-1,386-2,112-1,966-2, change and forestry Waste Net emission 22,535 15,044 14,247 13,944 13,755 14,519 15, (source and sink) Source : Mongolia second national communication The share of GHG emission in 2006 shown in the table 3 is described as the following figure. Land Use change and forestry 12% Agriculture 33% Waste 1% 68 Energy 52% Industrial processes 4% Source : Mongolia second national communication Figure 2 Share of GHG Emissions in 2006 The share of GHG emission/ adsorption from 1990 to 2006 shown in the table 3is described as the following figure.

77 35 GHG emission (Gg CO2 equivalent) 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5, Energy Agriculture 69 Year Industrial processes Waste Land Use change and forestry Source : Mongolia second national communication Figure 3 GHG Emission from 1990 to : Key Mitigation Areas and Related Policies and Measures 1) General Aspects Mongolia is a developing country and not assigned greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. Therefore GHG reduction target is not set in Mongolia at this moment (as of August 2013). 2) NAMA-Specific Aspects National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) is provided by Minister of Nature, Environment and Tourism in 28th January Mitigation measures of each sectors are stated in the table below. Table 4 Mitigation Measures in Mongolia Sector Classification Actions Energy supply: Increase renewable options Photovoltaics (PV) and solar heating Mongolia is located in a region with abundant sunshine, typically between 2,250 to 3,300 hours per year. The PV systems have been shown to be the less expensive option compared to small gasoline generators. At present, small-scale PV systems (10 to 1,000 W) are used in remote areas. It has been assessed that PV power systems are competitive with conventional energy sources for small power applications for nomadic families and communities in Mongolia. The installation of large scale PV systems in the Gobi region of Mongolia, may contribute to both protecting against air pollution and supporting regional development. It is necessary to implement pilot research projects in the areas along the railways and consider PVs in the Mongolian Gobi desert and steppe areas in the future. Wind power As in the case of solar energy, there is a potential to supply nomadic generators and herders and farmers in rural areas with small, portable wind generation wind farms systems. Renewable energy development is included in the Government Action Program, and it will serve as the principal way to provide electricity to remote areas and nomadic families. Turbine generators ( kw) could be placed in provincial centers in the southern part of Mongolia. The Sector Classification Actions most promising sites should be prioritized according to technical and economic feasibility of operating kw wind turbine generators in parallel with existing diesel generators. Also, large scale wind farm projects could be implemented in Mongolia. Mongolia has an experience for establishing a wind farm with total capacity of 50 MW in Mongolia. Hydropower plants Hydropower development is one of the best options for electricity supply in remote and consumers with limited demands. A number of promising hydropower sites have been identified in Mongolia. Currently Taishir (11 MW) and Durgun (12 MW) hydropower plants are in operation, and more than 20 hydropower sites have been identified, with capacities ranging from 5 MW to 110 MW. Developments of these plants are in moderate feasible in Mongolia. The Government of Mongolia encourages the use of small and medium sized hydro developments. The emissions reduction potential of this option is high, and its local benefits are expected to outweigh the negative impacts. Taishir and Durgun Hydro Power Plants (HPPs) were registered as Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects with Certified Emission Reductions (CER) of and tons CO 2 per year respectively. In near future, the 220 MW Egiin gol Hydroelectric power generation project. Energy supply: Improve coal quality Coal beneficiation Mongolia has substantial coal reserves. Coal will continue in the future to be the most economic fuel for power and heat generation in the Central Energy System (CES) and for heat generation in provincial centers. There exists no provision for coal preparation at mining sites, and as a result there is no quality control in the supply system. Coal quality often does not meet the minimum standard requirements, and in many cases, emergency situations at the power stations are caused by the low quality of coal. Coal washing can be introduced at the biggest coal mines in Mongolia, such as Baganuur, Shivee-Ovoo and Tavantolgoi. This option is technically feasible; there are low institutional barriers. This option is already included in the Mongolian Environmental Action Plan. Coal briquetting Coal is one of the significant sources of environmental pollutions, especially air pollution. Therefore, to introduce the coal briquetting technology may well be an efficient way to mitigate GHG emissions and reduce air pollution. Some studies and investigations on conventional formed coal briquettes have been carried out by several Mongolian organizations. But the quality of coal briquettes does not meet standards. Feasibility study on production of conventional coal briquettes which carried out by the Mining Institute of Mongolia with support of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), shows that production cost was estimated at tug/tonne i.e 13.5 US$/tonne. According to estimations by Hashimoto Sangyo Company of Japan in Mongolia, the initial capital cost for small scale (5-6 thousand tons per year) coal briquetting plant runs about 9.6 million US$. Compared with other technologies (e.g. liquidification and gasification) for production of clean fuel from coal, the coal briquetting technology has several advantages such as less investment is required and lower life cycle cost. Energy Improve efficiency Supply: of existing Improve coal-fired efficiency of heat-only Boilers heating boilers (HOBs) and install boilers with new design and high One of climate features of Mongolia is that long lasting winter season with extreme cold temperatures which typically drops to (-30) - (-40). Hence heating is an absolute requirement for sustaining life. Typical small heating boiler in provincial centers use tonnes of coal a year in average in order to produce MW power and heating. These boilers provide heating for schools, hospitals, kindergartens and other public institutions with very low efficiency ( ) due to outdated 70

78 36 Sector Classification Actions efficiency equipment. Use of 12 efficient boilers with capacity of 25 MW will give tons/year of CO 2 emission reduction. Installation of 260 new boilers with capacity of 1MW will reduce CO 2 emissions by tons/year. Convert hot water This option will convert hot water boilers to thermal power plants with boilers into small capacity of 5-10 MW. This will allow heating and power supply for the capacity thermal province centers power plants Energy Change fuels for Stoves of households in cities have poor energy efficiency, and pollute Supply: household stoves environment and threaten human health due to insufficient fuel burning. Improve household and furnaces One of potential options to reduce environment pollution and greenhouse gas emission is to change raw coal used in stoves by Liquefied Petroleum stoves and Gas (LPG) and Coal briquette. furnaces Modernize The modernization of stoves and furnaces will reduce CO existing and emissions by 920,000 tons/year. implement the new design for household stoves and furnaces Energy Supply: Improve Improve efficiency and reduce internal use combine heat power plant (CHP) plants and Energy Supply - Increase use of electricity for local heating in cities Building - Building Energy efficiency Improvem ent Use of electricity from grid for individual households in cities Improve district heating system in buildings Install heat and hot water meters in apartments At present, 6 Combined CHP are operating in Mongolia with total installed electrical capacity of 824 MW, steam production capacity of 7100 tonne/h and annual load factor of 71.4 %. Station own use for electricity is 22.3% and for heat production is around 15%. Total CO 2 emissions by the CHP sector amounted to 6,372 Gg. Therefore, CHPs contribute an important part to total national GHG emissions. Especially efficiency improvement including reduction of own use should be seriously considered for greenhouse gas mitigation. Implementation of this options will give 185,000 tons CO 2 reductions per year. The main purpose of this option is to reduce air pollution and GHG emissions in Ulaanbaatar city. The government of Mongolia pays attention on reduction of air pollution in Ulaanbaatar and investigates many alternative options including use of electricity for heating in ger (traditional tent houses) districts. But there are no detailed research and projects have been carried out yet. Energy loss is high in heat distribution systems of Mongolia. Urgent actions are required to reduce the loss such as minimizing leakage and replacement of valves and compensators. Also, residential consumers need to save energy by regulating room temperatures. In Mongolia, about 30 percent of population lives in apartment complexes which connected to the central heat supply network. Many apartments have not heat meters and their heating fee and price is calculated based on fixed tariff that does not reflect the actual amount of heat used. Make insulation The study on heat losses concluded that nearly 40% of the heat supply for improvements for houses and buildings are lost. The heat losses occur through windows, existing buildings walls and doors. To compare these parameters with current standards, it is and implement new lower by 2-3 times; this fact shows that most of the houses have a higher energy efficient than average rate of heat loss. standards for new buildings Improve lighting efficiency in buildings This demand-side management option concerns the use of energy-efficient compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) to replace inefficient incandescent light bulbs (ILB). Lighting demand of households and service sectors accounted 71 Sector Classification Actions for 380 GWh and it is expected to increase in future. Currently, most households and about 30% of service and commercial buildings have incandescent bulb lamps and rests are using fluorescent bulbs. Industry - Energy Efficiency Improvem ent in Industry Transport Agricultur e Improve housekeeping practices Implement motor efficiency improvements Introducing dry-processing in cement industry Use more fuel efficient vehicles Limit the increase of the total number of livestock by increasing the productivity of each type of animal, especially cattle. Mongolian industries have big potential to save energy through energy use management. The energy saving potentials in industries can be divided into easy (no- and low-cost) savings, medium-cost savings and long-term possibilities. Energy saving potential by easy (good housekeeping and energy management) savings is % with a pay- k period less than 1 year. Implementation of this option could give about tons of CO 2 reductions per year. Mongolia is relying very much upon motor systems to power the operations of industrial sectors. Motor systems consume about 70% of industrial electricity in Mongolia. These motor systems are often less efficient than the ones in industrialized countries. Motor efficiency improvement technology includes energy-efficient motors; variable speed drives; improved operation and maintenance; correction of previous over-sizing; improved mechanical power transmission, efficiency of driven equipment. It is estimated that the electricity saving potential equals 20 % of electricity consumption by industrial motors. Implementation of this option could give about tons of CO 2 reductions per year. Changing the wet-processing of cement to dry-processing saves a large amount of energy. Feasibility studies show that 25% of all industrial coal is used for cement production. Wet-processing of cement requires of 1,500 to 1,700 kcal/kg.cl of heating whereas dry processing may require 1,000 to 1,200 kcal/kg.cl. This shows that saving potential of coal consumption in the cement sector is about 40%. The reduction of CO 2 emissions from implementation of this option will be about 147,000 tons per year. Total of 200,288 vehicles were registered in Mongolia only in 2007 which has significant increase of 1.9 times more than the registered vehicles in This rapid growth of traffic and transportation load have intensified negative impacts on the public health and environment pollution. To promote import of fuel efficient vehicles, it can be used economic measures such as implementation of used vehicle import standards and vehicle registration tax to improve overall fuel efficiency of vehicles. Mongolia is one of the few countries with a pastoral nomadic economy with historical traditions of animal husbandry. Pastureland is the primary source of the forage and feed needed to support extensively managed livestock in Mongolia. One of the features of Mongolian animal husbandry is seasonal movement among different pastures so the manure of the animals is managed under aerobic conditions or just as a solid on pastures and ranges. Animal breeds are small and less productive than breeds in other countries. Mongol livestock program is under discussion at the parliament. The program includes five directions such as ensuring sustainable development and creating a good governance at animal husbandry s sector by arranging a good environment of economics and infrastructure for the sector; making products and raw materials of biological high quality and improving the market competitiveness by refining upon livestock breeding and service in accordance with social needs; ensuring health of Mongolian livestock and protecting the social health by bringing the veterinary works and service into international standards; developing livestock husbandry adapted to various changes of climate, nature and ecology and improving the abilities of bearing risks; creating a network of meat procurement and sale by developing the goal-directed market of livestock, livestock raw materials and products, 72

79 37 Sector Classification Actions and accelerating the economic circulation. Forestry Improve forest management Mongolian forests provide a multitude of services in regard to climate change and other environmental problems, including serving as carbon sinks, sources of renewable energy, watershed protection and soil erosion protection. Many of these services have been lost, or will be lost, due to the extreme pressure exerted on Mongolia s forest resources. The following major mitigation options are identified for the forestry sector. Natural regeneration Plantation forestry Agro-forestry Shelter belts Bioelectricity Reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, improve sustainable management of forests and enhance forest carbon stocks in Mongolian forest sector. There are a certain amount of potential of reduction of GHG emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in Mongolia. Therefore, it is possible to initiate and implement a Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD) project in Mongolia through reforestation activities by community based forest management improvement and sustainable use of forest resources. Source: Mongolia Nationally appropriate mitigation actions of developing country Parties 8 : Key Climate-Vulnerability Areas and Related Adaptation Measures 1) Vulnerability to Climate Change Impacts and / or vulnerabilities to climate change in Mongolia are summarized in the Mongolia second national communication stated in the table below. Table 5 Vulnerability and Adaptation of Socio-Economic Sectors and Natural Systems Sector Vulnerability and Impacts Animal Husbandry - Decreased weight and productivity of sheep - Shortened grazing time due to biophysical abilities of animals Rangeland and - Decreased biomass of pasture - Intensifying pasture degradation and desertification ecosystems - Increase of pasture harmful insects, locusts and rodents - Deterioration of biodiversity and rare species Arable farming - Decreasing trend of crop yield - Shortened development stages Forestry - Increasing frequency of forest fires - Extension of forest insects Human health - Increased tendency of cardiovascular diseases - Expansion of food borne diseases - New contagious diseases outbreak (tropical) Water resource - Increasing scarcity of surface water resources - Deterioration of cryosphere - Increased tendency to flooding Natural disaster - Increasing frequency and magnitude of natural disasters Source : Mongolia second national communication 73 2) Summary of National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) is not provided in Mongolia. However, adaptation strategies in the following sectors are mentioned in the Mongolia second national communication. Each strategy has Policies and measures that are shown in below. Table 6 Strategies of Adaptation in Each Sectors Sector Strategy Policies and Measures Animal Reducing land - Improving legislation of pasture leasing, utilization and ownership husbandry degradation and - Conservation of natural grassland through proper management desertification - Cultivation of forage plants and introduction of irrigation technologies - Introduction new varieties of plants resistant to droughts and pets Arable farming Water resource Improved livestock quality and livestock management Improved herders Livelihood Increased food supply Improved agricultural technologies Increased agriculture Production Improved water resource urban - Development of legal and economic leverages in other to control number of livestock and herd structure according to pasture capacity and resources - Improving the quality of biological capacity of livestock - Improving risk management of pastoral livestock and strengthen livestock insurance system - Expanding research and experiment on livestock production and efficiency - Enhancing artificial insemination techniques and veterinary services - Supplementary feeding of animals - Planting of forage and pasture production improvement - Capacity building of agricultural managers and herders - Promoting household and community group based enterprises to process livestock products - Supply herdsmen with portable and renewable energy sources - Promoting value added chains of livestock products and improving market competitiveness - Improving communication system in rural areas - Promoting food processing enterprises - Increasing export of meat and meat products - Expanding farms of milk and meat (cattle, pig, chicken and etc) production in suburban areas - Changing sowing period - Introducing new varieties of crop - Expanding application of fertilizers - Extension of irrigated croplands - Implementing agriculture campaign- ATAR3 in order to meet wheat and vegetables demand of the country - Recovering and vegetating abandoned crop fields unused since Developing infrastructure using market economy leverages - Strengthening agricultural research institution focused on upgrading grain variety, agro chemistry, sowing, technology, agricultural equipments, marketing, pests and diseases, and etc - Improving the structure of information exchange between local and international agricultural institutions and farmers - Developing and implementing integrated river basin management policy and plans in the basins and at national level, coping with desertification 74

80 38 Sector Strategy Policies and Measures management - Reinforcing national policy on coverring upper part of runoff formation zones by the protected area network and protect it s ecosystems - Construct water reservoirs harvesting glacier melting water, lakes and rivers for multipurpose, as regulation of water flows, hydropower generation, drinking and industrial water supply, pasture watering and etc - Reinforcing water storage policy in the upper river basins Increased urban - Encouraging efficient and economic use water resources through water supply water saving technologies, water metering systems, and reuse of water at household and industrial levels - Maintaining promotional activities on water saving and protection - Imposing appropriate and modernized tariff system on water Human health Forestry Increased pastureland and agriculture water supply Improved water quality Changed behavior of population to use water efficiently Reduced risks to human health caused by natural disasters, communicable diseases climate change Ensured sustainability of forest resources and Source : Mongolia second national communication - Building up an oasis network based on the balance of pasture land and heads of livestock - Maintaining, equipping and restoring old wells through proper solution of issues pertaining ownership of wells - Improving efficiency of irrigation system and introducing water saving technologies such as lowflow showers, drip irrigation and night irrigation - Improving the effectiveness of ground water utility - Advancing the level of water purification and sewage water treatment plants in urban areas - Intensification of water substances and sanitation monitoring - Educating public and changing their attitude towards water resource, usage and protection - Implementing the policy on providing equality on water use - Implementing Healthy Mongolian programme in order to change public behavior to prevent health risks and treats - Setting up early warning system of human health risks and improve response capacity - Improving of research capacity of climate change impact on public health - Strengthening forest resource protection and conservation management - Expanding green areas and trees in urban areas - Supporting tree -planting initiatives of individuals and organizations and introduction of advanced technologies - Increased resource of shrubs and bushes in the Gobi desert area through appropriate solutions of household fire fuels 2 The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Japan International Dec Jun 2010 Solar Electricity Generation System Cooperation Agency (JICA) 3 Urban Transport Development Investment Asia Development Sep 2012 Program Bank (ADB) 4 Updating the Energy Sector Development Plan ADB Oct Ulaanbaatar Low Carbon Energy Supply Project ADB Feb 2010 Using a Public-Private Partnership Model 6 Ulaanbaatar Clean Air ADB Dec Capacity Building Program on Clean ADB Oct 2009 Development Mechanism 8 Demonstration Project for Improved Electricity ADB Sep 2009 Services to the Low-Income Communities in Rural Areas 9 Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction ADB Sep 2008 Mar 2013 from Poor Household 10 Sustainable Water Management as a Climate World Wide Fund for Aug 2008 Change Adaptation Strategy in Western Mongolia Nature (WWF) Mongolia References 1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan 2 Mongolia second national communication 3 Market Mechanisms Country Fact Sheets, January 2013 (IGES) 4 Adaptation fund er-security-critical-water-catchment 5 Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) C?OpenDocument&pv=VW Asian Development Bank (ADB) 7 World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Mongolia 9 : Major Project List on Climate Change in Mongolia Major project list in Mongolia is in below. Table 7 Project List on Climate Change in Mongolia No Project Title Donor Year (Approval date) 1 Ecosystem Based Adaptation Approach to United Nations Jun May 2018 Maintaining Water Security in Critical Water Development Catchments in Mongolia Programme (UNDP) 75 76

81 39 08 : REPUBLIC OF THE UNION OF MYANMAR 1 : Basic Information and Key Indicators Capital Naypyidaw Area 680,000 [km 2 ] Population, 62,420,000 (2011) GDP, per capita USD 702 (2010) Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (June, 2013) 2 : National Development Strategy/Action Plan According to National sustainable development strategy for Myanmar (August, 2009), national development strategy is summarized as follows. Table 1 Summary of National Sustainable Development Strategy Goal Areas Example Activities to be Completed/Ongoing Sustainable Forest resources - To formulate and implement a national land-use policy managemen management - Determine the annual allowable cut t of natural resources - To provide mechanism for involvement of international /local institutions, local communities, NGOs - To discourage clear cutting system - To impose effective law on illegal logging - Encourage RIL application - To reforest the watershed areas - To promote ecologically sustainable development such as buffer zone management - To establish mechanisms for benefit sharing in the community forest - To expand participatory forestry / agro-forestry - To encourage urban planting Biodiversity conservation Freshwater resources management Environmental quality management enhancement Management land resources and of - To increase 10 percent of the total areas of the country in key biodiversity areas - To implement conservation actions for priority species - To promote conservation education programme - Formulating Myanmar biodiversity strategy and action plan - To participate actively in the ASEAN working group - To monitor loss of biodiversity outside the protected areas - To implement the integrated water resource management - To protect and restore all bodies of surface and ground water - To establish proper sewage treatment system and constrict waste water treatment - To raise public awareness of water issues - To enact the drafted Myanmar environmental protection law - To promote pollution monitoring - To educate and develop public awareness - Networking with other ASEAN countries for cleaner technologies - To establish a sustainable national inventory system on POPs - To establish land use commission - To review and strengthen laws and policies 77 Goal Areas Example Activities to be Completed/Ongoing - To increase knowledge of desert and mountain ecosystems Management of - To protect and survey environmental damage to coastal areas coastal marine and - To ban destructive fishing methods island ecosystems - To prepare a strategy for sustainable management of island ecosystems - To adopt polluters pay policy and reward those using cleaner methods Management of - To introduce conservation awareness and environmental education ecotourism into the syllabus - To develop an ecotourism policy - To include visitor programmes with conservation issues - To train stuffs Management for - To introduce environmental impact assessment in exploration mineral resources - To use clean technologies in new concession areas, utilization - To identify appropriate locations of solid waste management Management of - To conduct environmental analysis as part of land use planning agriculture, - To monitor the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides livestock and - To promote protection of fisheries in sustainable development fisheries Sustainable energy - To integrate environmental concerns in the formulation of energy production and policies consumption - To develop hydropower resources - To increase use of the renewable energy Integrated economic development Sustainable social development Sustainable industrial, transport and communication Reasonable macroeconomic performance Agriculture, livestock and fisheries - To encourage the production of green products that are able to recycle - To promote establishment of waste treatment facilities - To make several actions for economic growth, price stability, employment opportunity, and international trade - To encourage the followings; sustainable increase of overall agricultural production, surplus in paddy production, self sufficiency, increased production and export of industrial crops etc.. Forest development - To develop forest sector - To promote efficiency in production of goods and services from the forests Mining,Transportat - To boost electric power installation, generation and consumption ion and - To prolong sufficient reserve of mineral resources, green products communication development Tourism - To open the entry points to Myanmar for tourists development - To arrange various tours To create a knowledge-based society - To provide opportunities for all citizens to have access to basic education achieving fender equality and parity Vulnerable group - To reduce violence against women - To promote to facilitate women s access to resources, employments, markets and trade Uplift of health - To reduce child mortality with strengthening rural health department, increase access to emergency care, appropriate health care Culture - To promote the public especially young people to aware needs to preserve and protect Myanmar cultural heritage Social development - To alleviate poverty through tourism and tourism Strengthening - To increase the literacy rate up to 99 percent by

82 Goal Areas Example Activities to be Completed/Ongoing development of - To increase number of community learning centre and to activate the border areas and already established centres national races Source: National sustainable development strategy for Myanmar National sustainable development strategy (NSDS), Myanmar s National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAPA) and environmental law have been developed. Those policies indicate that education and public awareness are parts of the actions to be implemented : Institutional Arrangement of Ministries (and Key Agencies) Institutions arrangement for the climate change in Myanmar is summarized as follows according to the 11 th workshop on GHG inventories in Asia (WGIA11) 17 and Environmental conservation law. Institution National environmental conservation committee (NECC) Table 2 Institutions and Their Functions Functions - Reformed in April Central organization to carry out the national environmental management and to implement effective environmental conservation and protection such as education, accepting technological aids, donations, suggestions and encouragements relating to environmental conservation etc.. - Upgraded in place of the Ministry of forestry in September 2011 for as the focal point for the overall environmental management - Coordinating agency for environmental matters and promoting environmentally sustainable development - Started in 2012 under MOECAF for the effective implementation of environmental conservation and management Ministry of environmental conservation and forestry (MOECAF) The environmental conservation department Source: Prepared by the JICA team based on the 11 th workshop on GHG inventories in Asia and the presentation on Myanmar conservation law and status of environmental rules and guidelines preparation Forest department Dry zone greening dept. Deputy Minister Planning and statistics dept. NECC Union minister Source: The 11 th workshop on GHG inventories in Asia Figure 1 Organizational Chart 4 : Mainstreaming Mitigation/Adaptation Actions in National Strategy 17 Presentation on Myanmar National Communication Report by Than Aye, Director of the department of environmental conservation, the Ministry of environmental conservation and forestry, in the 11 th workshop on GHG inventories in Asia(WGIA11) 5-2 July 2013, Tsukuba, Japan 79 Deputy Minister Environmental conservation dept. Timber enterprise. Land survey dept. 5 : Chronological Development of Climate Change-Related Policies and Framework Climate Change Policy According to WGIA11, chronological development of climate change-related policies is as below. Table 3 Climate Change-Related Policies and Their Summaries Year Policy/ Framework Summary 1994 Environmental policy No available data 1997 Agenda 21 To outline programmes and activities for sustainable consumption and/or production patterns which focuses on environmental, economic, social or cultural aspects of sustainable consumption and production included the following issues Increasing energy and material efficiency in production processes Reducing wastes from production and promoting recycling Promoting use of new and renewable sources of energy Using environmentally sound technologies for sustainable production Reducing wasteful consumption Increasing awareness for sustainable consumption Among the major programmes contained in the Myanmar Agenda 21 are these: Public education and participation; Food and Nutrition; Food Production; Essential consumption items; Production methods; Research and Studies and Institution building 2009 National sustainable Summarized in the second theme in this report development strategy (NSDS) 2012 Environmental conservation law Including following contents; objectives, formation of environmental conservation committee, duties and powers of minister, environmental quality standards, management of urban environment, etc.. Objectives are including as follows: To implement the Myanmar national environmental policy To lay down the basic principles and give guidance for systematic integration of the matters of environmental conservation in the sustainable development process To manage and implement for decrease and loss of natural resources and for enabling the sustainable use beneficially To promote public awareness and cooperation in educational programmes Source: Prepared by the JICA study team based on the 11 th workshop on GHG inventories in Asia and the published information by the UN 80

83 41 Policy guidelines for environmental conservation in Myanmar is consist of the following seven concepts; (1) To conserve forest and biodiversity (2) To reduce air and water pollution (3) To control of industrial waste (4) To extend renewable energy (5) To mobilize participation of people and social organization (6) To lay down new policy for economic development in parallel with environmental conservation (7) To review and amend laws and enact new laws on environmental conservation. 1) National Efforts/Measures Against Climate Change According to WGIA11, national efforts/measures against climate change are as follows. 6 : Characteristics of GHG Inventory (Sectoral and Temporal Dimensions) Sectoral Dimension GHG inventory by sector in 2000 was summarized in Initial national communication under the United Nations framework convention on Climate Change (INC) according to WGIA11 as follows. Table 4 GHG Emissions and Absorption in Myanmar in 2000 Share CO Sector 2 (Gg CO 2-eq) Percentage Removal Gross emission Net emission Gross emission Energy Industry Agriculture 0 22,843 22, Land use change and forestry 142,221 40, , Waste 0 2,826 2, Total 142,221 67, Source: The 11 th workshop on GHG inventories in Asia Waste 4% Land use change and forestry 60% Energy 1% 81 Industrial Process 1% Agriculture 34% Source: The 11 th workshop on GHG inventories in Asia Figure 2 Share of GHG Gross Emissions in : Key Mitigation Areas and Related Policies and Measures 1) General Sspects According to WGIA11, key mitigation areas are seemed to be land use change and forestry, and agriculture because they are main GHG emission sources. Mitigation-related policies are environmental policy, agenda 21, NSDS, and environmental conservation law. 2) Summary of National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) Plan Myanmar has not developed NAMA yet as of July, : Key Climate-Vulnerability Areas and Related Adaptation Measures 5) Vulnerability to Climate Change Impacts of climate change in NAPA are summarized as follows. Table 5 Impacts of Climate Change on Each Sector Sector Impact Climate - Extreme events such as cyclones, strong winds, flood, strong surge, intense rains, extreme high temperature, drought, El Nino Temperature Increase particularly from December - May with the central and northern regions - Rainfall - Increase from March November, decrease from December - February Drought longer period Agriculture - Yield reduction of desirable crops (e.g. rice, wheat, maize, soybean and groundnut) - Weed and pest proliferation - Increase of the likelihood because of the precipitation pattern change - Low-lying coastal rice/local crop cultivation areas for cultivation would be shrunk Forest - Deforestation and deforestation-induced soil degradation/loss - Distribution and composition change such as conversion from forest to less productive grassland Public health - Spread of infectious disease - Increase of heat stress, heat exhaustion, dehydration, cardio-respiratory disease - Increase of transmission rate of mosquito-borne disease such as malaria and dengue Water resources - Diminishing water resources, which cause degradation of vegetation cover - Deterioration of water quality, quantity, and accessibility - Flooding, contamination of water resources, erosion and limited replenishment of waterways - Salt water intrusion - Increase of evaporation rate Coastal zone - Sea-levels rising - Decline of coastal ecosystems, agriculture, and infrastructure Biodiversity - Decrease of biodiversity because of change of species distribution, extreme climate events, Energy,Transport - Decrease of hydropower potential because of flood and drought and Industry Source: Myanmar s NAPA

84 42 6) Summary of National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) Myanmar developed Myanmar s National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAPA) to climate change is published in According to NAPA, Myanmar selected 32 priority activities for eight main sectors, namely; (1) Agriculture; (2) Early warning; (3) Forest; (4) Public health; (5) Water resources; (6) Coastal zone; (7) Energy and industry; (8) Biodiversity, following the guideline outlined by the UNFCCC. 7) Adaptation Options Adaptation options are summarized in NAPA as followings. Table 6 Adaptation Options Sector Priority Adaptation Project Title First priority level sectors: Agriculture, Early warning systems and Forest Agriculture - Reduced climate change vulnerability of rural and subsistence farmers through locally relevant technologies, climate-resilient rice varieties, and ex/in-situ conservation of plant genetic resources. - Increased climate change resilience of rural and subsistence farmers in the Dry and Hilly Zones through legume crop diversification and climate-resilient varieties. - Increasing the climate change resilience of Dry Zone communities by diversifying and intensifying home-gardens through solar-power technology, high-income fruit crops and climate-smart agriculture approaches. - Reducing the vulnerability of livelihoods in agro-ecological zones to climate change through the transfer of a wide range of high-yielding and climate-resilient rice varieties. Early warning - Improving weather observation capacity through a mobile/deployable system weather radar system for providing early warning systems against extreme weather events. - Developing a flood early warning system for reducing the vulnerability of local communities to climate change impacts. - Assessing the hydrological impact of climate change on river systems. - Developing a drought early warning system for reducing the vulnerability of local communities to climate change impacts. Forest - Building the resilience of degraded/sensitive forest areas to climate change impacts through reforestation. - Community-based reforestation for climate-resilient ecosystems and rural livelihoods in degraded watershed areas of the Central Dry Zone. - Community-based mangrove restoration for climate-resilient ecosystems and rural livelihoods in vulnerable and degraded coastal regions. - Enhancing the climate change resilience of rural livelihoods through community-based restoration at the Indawgyi and Inle Lake watershed areas in the Northern Hilly Region. Second priority level sectors: Public health and Water resources Public health - Adaptation to climate change through climate-resilient health facilities in the Rakhine State and Ayeyarwady region - Integration climate change adaptation strategies into the prevention of heat-related disorders in agricultural and industrial workers - Reducing the vulnerability of local communities to climate induced water-related health hazards through the provision of safe water supplies and sanitary latrines Water resources - Assessing the status of dams for providing sustainable water supplies and withstanding flood risks under future climate change - Constructing small-scale water impoundments in Naypyidaw for flood control and increasing water supplies for local communities - Protecting human life and property against extreme climate in the Ayeyarwady river system through channel improvement and adaptation structures - Estimating regional rainfall-runoff relationships for supporting the development of flood early warning systems and ensuring sustainable water management Third priority level sector: Coastal zone Coastal zone - Adaptation to climate change through integrated coastal zone management - Community-based mangrove reforestation Source: Myanmar s NAPA : Major Project List on Climate Change in Myanmar The recent major projects supported by Asian Development Bank (ADB) are summarized the following list. Table 7 Major Project List in Myanmar # Project title Dono r Year 1 Institutional Strengthening of National Energy Management Committee in ADB 2013/4- Energy Policy and Planning 2 Support for Myanmar's Reforms for Inclusive Growth ADB 2013/1-3 Capacity Building Support for Project Identification ADB 2012/12-4 Capacity Development and Institutional Support ADB 2012/12-5 Support for Improving the Business Climate ADB 2012/6- Source: Prepared by the JICA study team with published data by ADB References 1 Myanmar s initial national communication under UNFCCC (submitted December 26, 2012) 2 Myanmar s National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAPA) to climate change is published in National sustainable development strategy for Myanmar (August, 2009) 4 The published information by the UN URL: 5 Presentation on Myanmar National Communication Report by Than Aye, Director of the department of environmental conservation, the Ministry of environmental conservation and forestry, in the 11 th workshop on GHG inventories in Asia(WGIA11) 5-2 July 2013, Tsukuba, Japan 6 Myanmar Environmental Conservation Law, and Status of Environmental Rules and Guidelines Preparation presented by Hla Maung Thein, Deputy Director General, Environmental Conservation Department, MOECAF URL: _Law_and_rules.pdf 7 Published information by ADB

85 43 09 : FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF NEPAL 1 : Basic Information and Key Indicators Capital Kathmandu Area 14.7 [km 2 ] Population 180 (2011) GDP, per capita USD 735 (2011) Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (June, 2013) 2 : National Development Strategy/Action Plan According to the initial national communication to the conference of the parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (INC), in 1957, His Majesty s government of Nepal (HMG) has developed national development plans summarized as follows. Table 1 National Development Strategy/Action Plan Type of Policy/ Action Plan Policy/Action Plan National sustainable - National Economic and Social Development Plans (NESDP)(1957) development policy - Eighth-Plan ( ) - Ninth Plan ( ) - Tenth Plan ( ) - Sustainable development agenda for Nepal Environmental policy - National conservation strategy (NSC) (1990) - Nepal environmental policy action plan (1993) - Environment protection act (1996) - Environment protection rules (1997) Climate change - Rural energy policy (2006) - Subsidy policy for renewable (rural) energy (2009) - Climate change policy (2011) Source: The initial national communication to the conference of the parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 3 : Institutional Arrangement of Ministries (and Key Agencies) Institutions arrangement for the climate change in Nepal is summarized as follows according to published information the Ministry of the Environment. 85 Table 2 Institutions and Their Functions Institution Summary Climate change - Representative: Premier - CCC consists of the premier, vice premier, ministers, specialists council (CCC) - Functions Development of policies related climate change, and implementation of the policies To incorporate measures for climate change into national development agenda International negotiation on climate change Additional fund support for program/project on climate change Coordination Multi-stakeholder - Representative: Secretary, Ministry of Environment - MCCICC consist of NAPA working group coordinators, Minister s of climate change secretariat, Minister s meeting, representatives of national plan committee, initiatives NGO, sub-national government, aid agency coordination - Functions committee To establish and improve the communication among agencies in (MCCICC) climate change areas To contribute to the consensus formation in international negotiations Financial arrangement for actions including NAPA Coordination of the projects/program Source: Prepared by the JICA study team with published information by the Ministry of the Environment 4 : Mainstreaming Mitigation/Adaptation Actions in National Strategy Nepal developed national sustainable development plan and climate change policy to deal with climate change issues. According to INC, Nepal has promoted education and public awareness on climate change in various means to increase understanding of climate change issues, and promoted research as well. 5 : Chronological Development of Climate Change-Related Policies and Framework 4) Climate Change Policy Nepal has developed climate change policy in The summary of the policy is as follows. Table 3 Summary of Nepal Climate Change Policy Outline Overall goal - Establishment of a Climate Change Center within one year for conducting climate change research and monitoring, and regularly providing policy and technical advice to the Government of Nepal - Initiation of community-based local adaptation actions as mentioned in the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) through managing financial resources by Preparation of a national strategy for carbon trade in order to benefit from the Clean Development Mechanism by Formulation and implementation of a low carbon economic development strategy that supports climate-resilient socio-economic development by Assessment of losses and benefits from climate change in various geographical areas and development sectors by Promotion of climate adaptation and adoption of effective measures to address adverse impacts of climate change through technology development and transfer, public awareness raising, capacity building and access to financial resources 86

86 44 Outline Objectives - To establish a Climate Change Center as an effective technical institution to address issues of climate change and also strengthen existing institutions; - To implement climate adaptation-related programmes and maximize the benefits by enhancing positive impacts and mitigating the adverse impacts; - To reduce GHG emissions by promoting the use of clean energy, such as hydro-electricity, renewable and alternative energies, and by increasing energy efficiency and encouraging the use of green technology; - To enhance the climate adaptation and resilience capacity of local communities for optimum utilization of natural resources and their efficient management - To adopt a low-carbon development path by pursuing climate-resilient socio-economic development; - To develop capacity for identifying and quantifying present and future impacts of climate change, adapting to climate risks and adverse impacts of climate change - To improve the living standard of people by maximum utilization of the opportunities created from the climate change-related conventions, protocols and agreements Policy - Climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction - Low carbon development and climate resilience - Access to financial resources and utilization - Capacity building, peoples participation and empowerment - Study and research - Technology development, transfer and utilization - Climate-friendly natural resources management Source: Climate change policy 5) National Efforts/Measures Against Climate Change Policies related climate change is summarized as follows according to INC. Table 4 National Efforts/Measures Against Climate Change Sector Efforts/Measures Energy - To maximize the development of indigenous energy resources - To promote fuel efficient stoves with a strategy to minimize fuel wood consumption - To promote cost effective and environmentally sensitive energy conservation and demand management practices - To devise appropriate mechanisms for financing hydropower projects through commercial sources, as well as encouraging other means of financing - To formulate rational energy pricing so that it reflects the social costs without - compromising overall national goals - To enter into energy import/export agreement keeping in mind the national interest - To give authority to the respective ministries to solve the environmental problems associated with energy supply and demand - To examine the possibility of transferring ownership of government-owned energy sector utilities to the private sector. - Coordinated approach to rural energy development - Establishment of rural energy development fund at the village and district levels Forest - Forest act % of the total land areas as conservation forests Water - Preparation of water management plan resource Agriculture - Breeding strong drought/paste/disease resistant varieties - Soil and water conservation Source: The initial national communication to the conference of the parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 87 6 : Characteristics of GHG Inventory (Sectoral and Temporal Dimensions) Sectoral Dimension - GHG inventory by sector in 1994 was summarized in INC as follows. Land use change and forestry does not include CO 2 adsorption. Adsorbed CO 2 by forest was 14,778 Gg CO 2-eq. Table 5 GHG Emissions by Sector in 1994 Sector Emissions (Gg CO 2-eq) Share Percentage Energy 3, Industrial Process Agriculture 18, Land use change and forestry 22, Waste Total 45, Source: the initial national communication to the conference of the parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - The major GHG emission source is agriculture except land use change and forestry. - The GHG emission by sub sector of agriculture is shown below. Table 6 GHG Emission of Agriculture Sector in 1994 Sub-sector Emissions Share Percentage (Gg CO 2-eq) (%) Enteric fermentation 11, Manure management 1, Rice cultivation 6, Agricultural soil 8, Total 18, Source: the initial national communication to the conference of the parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 7 : Key Mitigation Areas and Related Policies and Measures 1) General Aspects Key mitigation areas are Residential, commercial and industrial, Transport, Forestry, Agriculture, Waste according to INC. In Nepal, the main policy on mitigation is NAPA, which has been developed in Mitigation policies by ministries have also been developed. Mitigation options/measures are emission reduction by energy conservation, renewable energy development, and improvement of agriculture and waste management, and sink increase by afforestation/ reforestation. 2) National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAPA)-Specific Aspects Nepal has developed NAPA in NAPA is summarized as below. Table 7 Contents of NAPA No. Activities 1 Promoting community-based adaptation through integrate management of agriculture, water, forest and biodiversity 2 Building and enhancing adaptive capacity of vulnerable communities through improved system 88

87 45 and access to service related to agricultural development 3 Community based disaster management for facilitating climate adaptation 4 Monitoring and disaster risk reduction 5 Forest ecosystem management for supporting climate led adaptation innovations 6 Adapting to climate change in public health 7 Ecosystem management for climate adaptation 8 Empowering vulnerable communities through sustainable management of water resource and clean energy supply 9 Promoting climate smart urban settlement Source: National appropriate mitigation action 3) Mitigation Options The summary of mitigation options by sector is described in INC as follows. Table 8 Mitigation Options by Sectors Sector Mitigation Options Residential, - To enhance relevant technology and fuel replacement commercial - Demand- side management; curbing demand and industrial - Improving supply and efficiency; improvement in the supply or increase of low carbon fuels such as natural gas, as well as greater use of renewable energy sources and more efficient technologies for power generation - To develop renewable energy (e.g. solar energy, biomass energy, wind energy, and others) Transport - Increase in vehicle performance efficiency - Switch to less greenhouse gas-intensive fuels and transportation modes - Decrease travel distance - Increase occupancy of public vehicles Forestry - Improved technology to reduce fuel wood consumption - Rehabilitating the degraded lands through afforestation and reforestation; - To promote sustainable forest management in leasehold and community forests particularly in the middle hills and the Siwaliks; - Increasing of the CO2 uptake from the atmosphere (by converting low productive land into grassland and range lands); - To promote habitat management for the protected wild animals and plants with particular focus on buffer zones development and management; - To explore opportunities for carbon trading both at domestic and international level, and develop accounting framework for measuring potential changes in forest biomass stocks. - Agroforestry Agriculture - Adoption of reduced tillage practice (zero till or no till or minimum till) in the rice-wheat system to reduce large amounts of carbon emissions. - Adoption of agro-forestry practice to convert unproductive croplands and grassland into another form if agro-forestry sector where maximum atmospheric CO 2 build up is absorbed - Minimizing Methane and Nitrous oxide emission in rice field through improvement in the efficient use of fertilizers such as sulphur coated urea and slow releasing fertilizer, and improvement in irrigation management such as alternate flooding and drying the rice field. Selection of rainfed crop varieties would help to reduce Methane emission - Popularize Biogas plants amongst the rural communities since biogas has been proved as an efficient alternative technology for the rural area to supplement the energy and for environment protection - Improved water management through soil aeration and periodic drainage of paddy fields - Incorporation of pre-fermented farm residues in organic matter amendment. - Proper selection of rice cultivators - Crop rotation - Change in traditional planning practices - Make use of mineral supplements to reduce the amount of feed having the minimum nutrient 89 Sector Mitigation Options requirements - Supplement the poor quality roughage with urea-molasses, legume and/ or low cost agriculture by-products - Carry out chemical treatment of low-quality roughage particularly with urea solution in order to improve its digestibility and to increase the non-protein nitrogen contents of fibrous feed - Expand and conserve pasture forage for dry season feeding particularly for dairy - cattle - Improve ruminant s digestion through better feeding to minimize Methane emission Waste - Recovery and use of landfill gas: The landfill Methane generated in the site should be extracted or collected and used for energy purposes. Possible options for using the gas include: (i) Electric generation and co-generation, (ii) Use the gas for heating purposes including cooking, or steam generation for industrial processes and industrial boilers, (iii)piped supply for using it as natural gas - Reduction of Methane generation: Encouraging minimization of solid waste and proper management en-masse of recycling, incineration and composting can reduce Methane production - Reduction of waste generation at source: Encourage reduction of waste disposal and the recycling of waste at the source itself Source: The initial national communication to the conference of the parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 8 : Key Climate-Vulnerability Areas and Related Adaptation Measures Vulnerability to Climate Change Impacts of climate change on each sector related in INC are summarized as follows. Table 9 Impacts of Climate Change on Each Sector Sector Impact Climate degrees rise during pre-monsoon, monsoon and 0.37 degrees rise in winter periods - 4 degrees rise - 20% increase in precipitation Agriculture - Soil loss - Yield change Under rise in 4 degrees and 20% precipitation,7% of rice yield potential decrease Under doubled CO 2, the wheat yield increases by 60%, maize yield increases 7% - Livestock decrease such as Yaks, which are not tolerant to the high temperature Water resources - Glaciers decrease from 58% to 70% under 4 degree rise - Surface water potential increase by 13% in the Karanali river basin - Water shortage in most of the months because of great variation in seasonal precipitation - Erosion Forestry - Vegetation change - Distribution change Biodiversity - Biodiversity loss Subtropical and warm temperate dry forest will change to warm temperate moist forest in Jumla, cool temperate, steppe and thorn steppe will emerge in warm temperate and desert bush in existing cool temperate regions of Mustang, and forest cool temperate moist forest of this area will convert into warm temperate moist forest. Health - Increase of malaria, Japanese Encephalitis Source: The initial national communication to the conference of the parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 90

88 46 Adaptation Options Adaptation options are summarized in INC as followings. Table 10 Adaptation Options by Sector Sector Adaptation Options Agriculture - Development of new high yielding varieties - To promote d crop diversification - Conservation of drought resistant crop - Hybrid maize program in a full-scale production sytem - Promotion of organic based farming - To discourage the slash and burn agricultural system - Development of early warning system - Agro-forestry and forage development - Comprehensive land use policy - To manage the methane emission and livestock production - Promotion of biogas as a source Water - Understanding of water resources system: resources - Testing of new innovative models - Promotion of research on case studies in different geographical regions within the country - Promotion of research based bilateral, regional, and international collaboration in the sector to understand the problems in the regional and global contexts - Studies on strategies regarding the sustainability of programs including the sustainability of institutional and financial aspects - More efficient management of existing poor water supply infrastructures - Institutional arrangement to limit water demand - Establishment of efficient hydrological forecasting system - Strengthening of watershed management programs - Introduction of improved water management technologies - Introduction of drip irrigation scheme - Introduction of less water intensive crops - Coordination of water resources development among government and NGOs avoiding duplication - Systematic reduction on government subsiding and donor dependencies - Encouragement and incentives on water conservation - Promotion of groundwater recharge technologies - Promotion of indigenous and sustainable technologies - Water harvesting - Development of disaster mitigation measures Forestry - Forest plantation establishment - Conservation of protected areas - Reforestation in a sensitive areas with drought, heat and flood tolerant species Biodiversity - To refine meteorological projection and increase the understanding of how climate affects species. Such studies allow to identify those areas, where communities will be most stressed, as well as alternate areas where they might be saved - Extensive planting of trees particularly in mid-hills to absorb Carbon dioxide could help mitigate Carbon dioxide concentration - Adaptation measures in land use and landscape management, agro-forestry and species-selection, silvi-culture in different ecological zones need to be planned. - Promotion and protection of natural regeneration is required at to be emphasized local levels. - To identify/prioritize species that are relatively vulnerable to Climate Change (endangered species, endemic species) and reforest sensitive areas with drought, heat, flood tolerant varieties - To develop regional plans for non-reserve habitats to conserve populations and resources lying outside protected areas. 91 Sector Adaptation Options - Development and implementation of new and efficient management techniques are needed in reforestation and transplantation programs. - Ecological research and monitoring will yield information on vulnerability and adaptation. Such studies would provide scientific basis for the flexible regional planning to derive and to develop appropriate adaptation measures. Health - To increase cleanliness - Health education - Research and development - To strengthen quarantine program Source: The initial national communication to the conference of the parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 9: Major Project List on Climate Change in Nepal The recent major projects supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Bank(WB), and other donors are summarized the following list. Table 11 Project Lists in Nepal # Project Title Donor Year 1 Mainstreaming Climate Change Risk ADB 2011/12- Management in Development (Asia development bank) 2 Building Climate Resilience of Watersheds in ADB 2011/10- Mountain Eco-Regions 3 Strengthening climate network in Nepal Development Fund, Not available Norway 4 Strengthening capacity for managing climate ADB Not available change and environment 5 Implementing climate change adaptation in Nepal WWF-Nepal Not available 6 Nepal climate change support programme United kingdom Not available 7 Supporting government planning in building ADB/WB(strategic Not available climate resilience climate fund) 8 Community based vulnerability assessment, risk ADB Not available mapping, and adaptation planning Source: Prepared by the JICA study team with published data by ADB and WB References 1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (June, 2013) URL: 2 Published information by the ministry of environment 3 the initial national communication to the conference of the parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 4 National appropriate mitigation action 5 Climate change policy 6 Published data by the world bank b=adaptation 7 Published information by the ADB 92

89 47 10: ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN 1 : Basic Information and Key Indicators Capital Islamabad Area 796,000 [km 2 ] Population 180,710,000 (2011/2012) GNI, per capita USD 1,372 (2011/2012) Source : Basic data, Regional affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan 2 : National Development Strategy/Action Plan The Medium Term Development Framework (MTDF) launched by the Government of Pakistan in July 2005 presented the Vision of a developed, industrialize, just and prosperous Pakistan through rapid and sustainable development, in a resource constrained economy by deploying knowledge inputs, which is envisaged by the Vision Planning Commission of Pakistan, which was authorized to prepare development plans, is working on country s development strategy, in partnership with stakeholders with a focus on revival of the economy for achieving the goal of Strong Economy - Strong Pakistan. The strategy is aimed at stabilizing the economy through minimizing fiscal deficit, adopting self-reliance, focusing on tax reforms, increasing investments; reviving the economy for balanced and sustainable growth through promoting private sector and transforming productive sectors towards value addition through innovation, enhancing quality and productivity; achieving energy security through addressing energy crisis and inefficiencies, adding cheap power to the national grid and replacing expensive dependence on fuel oil to cheaper alternatives to provide affordable energy to citizens, through an integrated energy policy; building modern infrastructure for high growth economy which serves as a corridor and hub of regional trade through efficient transport networks by reducing production and transaction costs for providing a stimulus to economic growth; restoring peace and security through strengthening country s relations with all countries of the world in particular the international economic blocks as well as improving security through initiating various social and entrepreneurial programs in under developed areas; achieving good governance through institutional and governance reforms with a focus on transparency, accountability, merits in appointments, involvement of citizens at all stages of planning, implementation and monitoring, and providing speedy solution through e-governance; and developing enterprising social capital with focus on human development, poverty alleviation and youth empowerment to achieve inclusive growth for a happy and harmonious society. 3 : Institutional Arrangement of Ministries(and Key Agencies) Climate Change Division is the focal point for National Policy, Legislation, Plans, Strategies and programmes with regard to Disaster Management, Climate Change including environmental Protection and preservation. The Division also deals with other countries, international Agencies and Forms for coordination, Monitoring and Implementation of Environmental Agreements. 4 :Mainstreaming Mitigation/Adaptation Actions in National Strategy The National Climate Change Policy 2012 provides a framework for addressing the issues that Pakistan faces or will face in future due to the changing climate. In view of Pakistan s high vulnerability to the adverse impacts of climate change in particular extreme events, adaptation effort is the focus of this policy document. The vulnerabilities of various sectors to climate change have been highlighted and appropriate adaptation measures spelled out. These cover policy measures to address issues in various sectors such as water, agriculture, forestry, coastal areas, biodiversity and other vulnerable ecosystems. Notwithstanding the fact that Pakistan s contribution to global GHG emissions is very small, its role as a responsible member of the global community in combating climate change has been highlighted by giving due importance to mitigation efforts in sectors such as energy forestry, agriculture and livestock. Furthermore, appropriate measures relating to disaster preparedness, capacity building, institutional strengthening; technology transfer; introduction of the climate change issue in higher education curricula; ensuring environmental compliance through EIAs, etc.; addressing the issue of deforestation and illegal trade in timber; promoting CDM, and raising Pakistan s stance regarding climate change at various international forums, have also been incorporated as important components of the policy. The policy provides a comprehensive framework for the development of Action Plans for national efforts on adaptation and mitigation. Its goal is to ensure that climate change is mainstreamed in the economically and socially vulnerable sectors of the economy and to steer Pakistan towards climate resilient development. The main objectives of the Policy include: - To pursue sustained economic growth by appropriately addressing the challenges of climate change; - To integrate climate change policy with other inter-related national policies; - To focus on pro-poor gender sensitive adaptation while also promoting mitigation to the extent possible in a cost-effective manner; 93 94

90 48 - To ensure water security, food security and energy security of the country in the face of the challenges posed by climate change; - To minimize the risks arising from the expected increase in frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as floods, droughts and tropical storms; - To strengthen inter-ministerial decision-making and coordination mechanisms on climate change; - To facilitate effective use of the opportunities, particularly financial, available both nationally and internationally; - To foster the development of appropriate economic incentives to encourage public and private sector investment in adaptation measures; - To enhance the awareness, skill and institutional capacity of relevant stakeholders; - To promote conservation of natural resources and long term sustainability 5 : Chronological Development of Climate Change-Related Policies and Framework 1) Pakistan Environment Protection Act (1997) Pakistan s environmental policy and management framework is based on the Pakistan Environment Protection Act 1997 (PEPA), which in turn replaces the Pakistan Environmental Protection Ordinance promulgated in PEPA has two important responsibilities the creation of institutions and the regulation of activities covering the environment. This legislation has been responsible for the establishment of Pakistan Environmental Protection Council (PEPC), and the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency. The National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) finalized in 1993 further provide standards for industrial and municipal effluents and air emissions. 2) National Conservation Strategy (1992) and National Environmental Action Plan (2001) Major policy initiative in the environment sector have been the enactment of National Conservation Strategy (NCS) in 1992, Forestry Sector Master Plan and NCS plan of Action and the finalization of a National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) in February The NCS lays out the 14 key priority areas for policy formulation and intervention, while NEAP outlines four priority areas for development and implementation of environmental conservation programs clean air, clean water, solid waste management and ecosystem management. Both the NEAP and NCS have indirect relevance to climate change issues. Other climate change related policies of Pakistan are as follows: Table 1 Major Regulations Relevant to Climate Change Date Policy March 2002 National Resettlement Policy August 2005 National Environmental Policy 95 January 2006 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) National Operational Strategy September 2009 Drinking Water Policy January 2010 National Rangeland Policy May 2010 National Forest Policy October 2011 National Water Policy May 2012 National Sustainable Development Strategy August 2012 National Sanitation Policy September 2012 National Climate Change Policy 2012 Source: Ministry of Climate Change, Government of Pakistan 6 : Characteristics of GHG inventory As for national inventory of greenhouse gas, the information for Year is provided in the Pakistan s Initial National Communication, published in November, Table 2 GHG Inventory Sub-sector CO 2 CH 4 N 2O % Energy 77, Industrial process 11, NA NA 7 Agriculture NA 2, LULUCF 6, NA NA 4 Waste NA Unit : 1,000 ton Source : Pakistan s Initial National Communication, November 2003, Government of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Ministry of Environment 7 : Key Mitigation Areas and Related Policies and Measures 1) General Aspects Pakistan s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are low compared to international standards. In 2008 Pakistan s total GHG emissions were 310 million tons of CO2 equivalent. These comprised: CO2 54%; CH4 36%; N2O 9%; CO 0.7%; and NMVOC 0.3% (Source: National GHG inventory 2008). The energy sector is the single largest source of GHG emission in Pakistan; it accounts for nearly 51% of these emissions and is followed by the agriculture sector (39%), industrial processes (6%), LULUCF (3%) emissions and waste (1%) (Source: National GHG inventory 2008). As such, the most important targets for mitigation efforts focused on reduction of GHG emissions are the energy and agriculture sectors. Policy measures for key mitigation areas for Pakistan stated in its National Climate Change Policy 2012 are as follows: Table 3 Measures in Mitigation Sector Policy Measures Energy - Give preferential status to the development and promotion of hydropower generation; - Ensure that the negative impact of hydropower projects on the environment as well as local communities are properly assessed and addressed; - Promote the development of renewable energy resources and technologies such as solar, wind, geothermal and bio-energy - Promote futuristic building designs with solar panels for energy self sufficiency, especially in public sector buildings; 96

91 49 Sector Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation Transportation Policy Measures - Plan the necessary expansion of nuclear power for Pakistan s energy security while ensuring the highest safety standards; - Explore the possibility of obtaining technological know-how and its transfer for installation of clean coal technologies such as pressurized-fluidized-bed-combustion and near-zero emission technology for the vast coal reserves in the south of Pakistan, and their inclusion in future pulverized coal integrated IGCC systems; - Ensure that new coal-fired power stations perform at high-efficiency level and are designed in such a way that they can be easily retro-fitted for CCS; - Install plants to generate power from municipal waste; - Consider introducing carbon tax on the use of environmentally detrimental energy generation from fossil fuels; - Promote and provide incentives for activities required for increasing the energy-mix and switching to low-carbon fossil fuels, and develop indigenous technology for CCS, Waste Heat Recovery, Co-generation; coal bed methane capture, and combined cycle power generation; - Give priority to the import of natural gas, LNG and LPG over import of oil and coal, except for meeting specific fuel requirements, e.g. liquid fuel for transportation, cooking coal for the steel industry. - Strive to conserve energy and improve energy efficiency in all energy using devices and processes; - Examine the gradual introduction of Green Fiscal Reforms in different sectors of the economy, including energy, water and waste/sewage to achieve the objectives of carbon emission reductions; - Incentivize CDM projects in the field of energy efficiency and energy conservation; - Enact and enforce energy conservation legislation and audit standards; - Ensure high quality management of energy production and supply, including reduction in transmission and distribution losses; - Improve energy efficiency in building by standardizing building and construction codes and legislating/creating incentives for retrofitting, maximum use of natural light, better insulation and use of energy efficient lights, boilers, appliances and groundwater pumping units; - Promote and gradually make it mandatory to specify the energy efficiency / fuel consumption rates of energy using equipment and devices of common use. Road Transport - Sensitize the public to the importance of proper vehicle maintenance for fuel efficiency enhancement and reduction of emissions; - Ensure the provision of a fuel efficient public transport system in the country; - Set up and strictly enforce vehicle emission standards; - Examine and implement actions required for the use of b io-fuel for local transport; - Plan and develop mass transit systems in metropolitan cities; - Promote the scope of CDM projects in the transport sector; - Support the private transport sector by providing incentives for reducing emissions and environmentally friendly transport services; - Promote the development and adoption of environmentally friendly transport technologies and efficient management techniques; - Promote greater use of CNG in the transport sector to the extent consistent with the availability of CNG in the market; - Secure financing for technology innovations for urban planning ad the transport sector, specifically to address mitigation issues; - Promote the development of new pipelines for efficient transport of oil in the country - Encourage non-motorized modes of travel, such as bicycle and walking for Sector shorter distances. Policy Measures Aviation - Encourage the national airline to give due consideration to new fuel efficient aircrafts, causing minimum carbon emissions, while planning fleet up-gradation; - Support the ICAO s initiative for carbon emission reduction through improved air traffic management, which includes improved weather services and free flight air routes, instead of defined routes, that hold the potential for reduced flight time and thus fuel consumption; - Participate actively in ICAO s activities and initiatives and ensure that new strategies and policies of ICAO do not hurt the economic interests of developing countries aviation industries. Railway - Ensure the provision of an efficient railway system in the country; - Upgrade and expand the railway network in the country, as the advantages of railway over road travel in terms of carbon emissions are well recognized - Inland Waterways Transport - Develop and promote inland waterways transportation Town Planning - Make installation of wastewater treatment plants an integral part of all sewage schemes; - Ensure separate collection, disposal and re-use of recyclable, composite and biodegradable waste, preferably at source; - Update town planning design principles for lower carbon footprints; - Utilize the potential of CDM by designing zero emission buildings through renewable energy technology; - Make installation of solar water heaters mandatory in commercial and public buildings where water heating is necessary; and - Others* Industries - Incorporate economic incentives to promote emission-reduction by upgrading industrial processes and technologies; - Prepare voluntary CSR guidelines and encourage the corporate sector to create a CSR fund to cover carbon emission reduction efforts in industrial sector; - Promote integration of the Cleaner Production strategy in the industrial sector by making more efficient use of inputs such as energy, water and raw materials; - Promote the use of energy efficient motors in the industrial sector; - Encourage the industrial sector to have periodic Energy Efficiency Audits ; - Develop capacity to monitor and estimate emissions locally for each industry; - Ensure that technology transfer is accelerated for industries like cement manufacturing, to control emissions without hampering the production process. Agriculture and - Explore methods to reduce nitrous oxide release from agricultural soils, e.g. by Livestock changing the mix of chemical fertilizers commonly used; - Promote development of biogas and manure digester for methane reduction and energy production through CDM support - Encourage famers to use appropriate feed mixes and additives to reduce methane production from enteric fermentation/digestion in cattle; - Manage water in rice paddies to control releases of methane from agricultural soils and introduce low water dependent rice varieties; - Promote no till farming for methane abatement; - Promote cultivation of crops used for bio-fuel production, to the extent feasible without threatening the country s food security; and - Others* Carbon - Set annual afforestation and reforestation targets to increase the country s forest 97 98

92 50 Sector Policy Measures Sequestration and cover; Forestry - Strictly prohibit illegal forest cutting and conversion of forest land to non-forest uses; - Enact and enforce laws and regulations required for addressing illegal trade in timber and de-forestation; - Use the vast mass of cultivable wasteland as a carbon sink and to build up organic soil matter; - Provide incentives and alternative fuel and livelihood options to forest dependent communities to prevent deforestation; - Establish linkages with regulated and voluntary carbon markets to promote and encourage forestry mitigation projects in Pakistan; - Secure financial assistance from the World Bank7s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) and UN-REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) program as well as from other international sources to formulate a national program for avoiding deforestation and promoting forest restoration; - Prepare the framework for a national REDD strategy on priority basis and ensure its implementation in accordance with international conventions/ processes; - Develop the legal and institutional framework for improved forest management, investment clearly specifying rights to REDD+ credits; - Restore and establish the blue carbon sequestration capacity of mangroves, sea-grasses and tidal marshes; and - Others* Note: Those with adaptation aspects are excluded from this table. Source: National Climate Change Policy, Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Climate Change, September )NAMA-Specific Aspects Pakistan has not yet submitted its NAMA to the UNFCCC. 8 : Key Climate-Vulnerability Areas and Related Adaptation Policies and Measures The important climate change threats to Pakistan stated in its National Climate Change Policy are as follows: Table 4 Potential Impacts by Climate Change Sector Impact Water resources - Considerable increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, coupled with erratic monsoon rains causing frequent and intense floods and droughts - Projected recession of the Hindu Kush-Karakoram-Himalayan (HKH) glaciers due to global warming and carbon soot deposits from trans-boundary pollution sources, threatening water inflows into the Indus River System (IRS) - Increased siltation of major dams caused by more frequent and intense floods - Increased stress between upper riparian and lower riparian regions in relation to sharing of water resources Coastal Zones - Increased intrusion of saline water in the Indus delta, adversely affecting coastal agriculture, mangroves and the breeding grounds of fish - Threat to coastal areas due to projected sea level rise and increased cyclonic activity due to higher sea surface temperatures Agriculture - Rising temperatures resulting in enhanced heat and water-stressed conditions, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions, leading to reduced agricultural productivity Forestry - Further decrease in the already scanty forest cover from too rapid change in 99 Sector Impact climatic conditions to allow natural migration of adversely affected plant species Human health - Increased health risks and climate change induced mitigation Specific policy measures stated in the National Climate Change Policy for each vulnerable sector are as follows: 1) Water Resources - Water storage and infrastructure (rehabilitation of existing irrigation infrastructure, dam construction, etc.) - Water conservation strategies (providing incentives for adoption of more efficient irrigation techniques, etc.) - Integrated water resource management (protecting groundwater, water treaty with Afghanistan, etc.) - Legislative framework (to protect water resources, etc.) - Enhancing capacity (for sea water utilization, remote sensing and GIS for monitoring, etc.) - Awareness raising 2) Agriculture and Livestock - Research (developing models, new crops, etc.) - Technology (to improve crop productivity and energy efficiency) - General management - Risk management 3) Human Health - Assess the health vulnerabilities of communities in areas most likely to be affected by the adverse impact of climate change, and build their capacities to reduce these vulnerabilities; - Ensure that appropriate measures to address health related climate change issues are incorporated into national health plans - Inform, sensitize, educate and train health personnel and the public about climate change related health issues - Ensure that preventive measures and resources such as vaccines, good quality medication and clean drinking water are available to the general public easily and cost effectively particularly during climate related extreme events 100

93 51 - Upgrade and extend disease outbreak monitoring and forecasting systems to counteract possible climate change health impacts and support prior planning for effective interventions. 4) Forestry - Awareness raising (creating environmental and forest protection clubs at community level) - Research (encouraging empirical research on adaptation of forests, biodiversity and forest management systems to climate change, etc.) - Reforms in governance (to streamline forest ownership structures, etc.) - Enhancing adaptive capacity (to ensure the availability of sufficient and properly trained forest workers with enhanced capabilities to fact the challenges of climate change, etc.) - Forest management ( to pursue afforestation and reforestation programs, etc.) - Arresting soil erosion - Reducing forest fires, disease outbreaks and other damages 5) Biodiversity - Encourage empirical research on flora and fauna in the context of their responses to current and historical climatic changes - Set National Biodiversity Indicators and provide the requisite financial resources for implementation of Biodiversity Action Plan - Establish gene banks, seed banks, zoos and botanical gardens to conserve the biological diversity of valuable species - Integrate conservation and protection of biological diversity into various disciplines such as forestry and marine pastures - Encourage involvement of local communities in conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity - Take necessary measures to establish nature reserves in areas that are rich in biodiversity to preserve their existence - Establish protected areas in all vulnerable ecosystems, particularly in coastal and marine areas - Ensure that ecosystem based adaptation is part of an overall climate change adaptation strategy at al levels (national and local) - Assist genetically impoverished species or those that have important ecosystem functions by providing natural migration corridors as well as assisted migration 101 There are also policy measures provided for other vulnerable ecosystems, such as mountain areas, rangelands and pastures, arid and hyper-arid areas, coastal and marine ecosystems, wetlands and disaster preparedness 9 : Major Project List on Climate Change in Pakistan Table 5 Major Project List on Climate Change in Pakistan Project Title Donor Year Promotion of Rural Livelihoods through Adaptation Support SCCF Programme Integration and Harmonization of Sustainable Development Italy Ongoing Interventions in the Central Karakorum National Park, Pakistan Reducing Risks and Vulnerabilities fro Glacier Lake Outburst Adaptation Fund Floods in Northern Pakistan Floods from the Roof of the World: Protection thanks to applied Swiss Development research Corporation Mangrove for the Future (MFF) Norway, Sweden, 2006-present UNEP, UNDP, etc. Management of Flash Floods: Capacity building and awareness USAID raising in the Hindu Kush Himalayas Glacial Melt and Downstream Impacts on Indus-dependent Water ADB Small Grant Resources and Energy for Adaptation Project Adaptation to Climate Change in the Hindu Kush Himalayas and Norway (through Central Asia UNEP) Protection of Sustainable Policy Initiatives in the Management of BMZ Natural Resources in the Hindu Kush Himalayas South Asia Water Initiative DFID, Australia, Norway Climate Risk Management Technical Assistance Support Project: Sweden and SIDA Phase II through UNDP, UNDP core finance Support to Policy Consultation and Action to boost Sustainable FAO Use of Water and Energy Resources for Agricultural Production and Livelihood Improvement in the Near East and North Africa Region in the context of Climate Change Vulnerability to Climate Change: Adaptation Strategies and ADB layers of resilience The Project for Improvement of Training Capacity on Grid JICA System Operation and Maintenance Strategic Strengthening of Flood Warning and Management JICA 2011 Capacity Flood Emergency Reconstruction Project ADB Renewable Energy Development Sector Investment Program - ADB Tranche 2 Source: Adaptation Fund, Adaptation Partnership, Asia Development Bank, Japan International Cooperation Agency References 1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan URL : 2 Website of Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan URL : 3 Pakistan s Initial National Communications on Climate Change, November 2003, Government of 102

94 Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Ministry of Environment URL : 4 National Climate Change Policy 2012, Government of Pakistan Ministry of Climate Change URL : 5 Website of Ministry of Climate Change, Government of Pakistan URL : 6 Website of Adaptation Fund, Interactive Map of Projects and Programmes URL: 7 Adaptation Partnership, Review of Current and Planned Adaptation Action: South Asia, November 2011 URL: 8 Asia Development Bank 9 Website of Japan International Cooperation Agency Library URL: 11 : REPUBLIC OF PHILIPPINES 1 : Basic Information and Key Indicators Capital Manila Area : 299,404 [km 2 ] Population 94,010,000 (2010) GDP, per capita USD 2,345 (2011) Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (June, 2013) 2 : National Development Strategy/Action Plan The Philippine Development Plan was formulated in accordance with the Constitutional provision of Section 9, Article VII, directing the Government s economic and planning agency to implement a continuing integrated and coordinated programs and policies for national development. In the development plan, it sets up a strategic goal for enhanced resilience of natural systems and improved adaptive capacities of human communities to cope with environmental 52 hazards including climate related risks. In order to pursue the goal, it includes enhancement of the resilience of natural systems, implementation of crosscutting strategies for effective environmental governance, and implementation of research, development, extension and knowledge management such as clean and energy efficient technologies. 3 : Institutional Arrangement of Ministries (and Key Agencies) Institutional arrangement of the ministries and key agencies on climate change in Philippines is indicated in the following chart

95 53 Source: Republic Act No. 9729, An Act Mainstreaming Climate Change Into Government Policy Formulations, Establishing The Framework Strategy And Program On Climate Change, Creating For This Purpose The Climate Change Commission, And For Other Purposes Climate Change Act Of 2009, Administrative Order No January 20, 2010 Subject : Implementing Rules And Regulations Of Republic Act 9729 Figure 1 Organizational Arrangement of Climate Change in the Philippines 4 : Mainstreaming Mitigation/Adaptation Actions in National Strategy The fundemental strategy on climate change in Philippines is National Framework Strategy on Climate Change published in The national strategy indicates national level s visions and missions on climate change including growth targets for mitigation and adaptation. The national framework strategy on climate change set up in the strategy is summarized in the following chart. As for action plan for mitigation and adaptation of climate change at national level, National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP) is developed in 2009 based on the National Framework Strategy on Climate Change. 105 Source:National Framework Strategy on Climate Change Figure 2 National Framework Strategy on Climate Change Table 1 Sumamry of Philippines National Strategy on Climate Change # Policy Summary 1 National Framework <Vision> Strategy on Climate A climate risk-resilient Philippines with healthy, safe, prosperous and Change self-resilient communities, and thriving and productive ecosystems <Goals> To build the adaptive capacity of communities and increase the resilience of natural ecosystems to climate change, and optimize mitigation opportunities towards sustainable development <Growth target for mitigation> Long term goal:shift to low-ghg emissions for sustainable development - Energy efficiency and conservation - Renewable enegy - Environmentaly-sustainable Trasport - Sustainable infrastructure - National REDD +Strategy - Waste Management <Growth target for adaptation> Long term goal:development of adaptation ability of community and 106

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