Sida Cuntooyinku u Saameeyaan Sonkorta Dhiiga: Hage loogu talogalay Bukaanada Soomaalida ee Sonkorowga qaba

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1 Sida Cuntooyinku u Saameeyaan Sonkorta Dhiiga: Hage loogu talogalay Bukaanada Soomaalida ee Sonkorowga qaba How Foods Affect Blood Sugar: A Guide for Somali Patients with Diabetes Authors: Jocelyn James, MD and Yetta Levine

2 Shaxda Tusmada Table of Contents Bogga Page English Somali 2 Table of Contents Shaxda Tusmada 3 Preface Gogoldhig 4-6 Introduction Horudhac 7-9 Carbohydrates Introduction Kaarbohaydareytka Horudhac Carbohydrates Starches Kaarbohaydareytka Istaarjis Carbohydrates Fruits Kaarbohaydareytka Midhaha Carbohydrates Dairy Products Kaarbohaydareytka Waxyaabaha caanaha ka soo baxa ama dairy products Carbohydrates Sweets Kaarbohaydareytka Macmacaanka Drinks Cabitaanada Protein Foods Cuntooyinka Borotiinka ah Vegetable Foods Cuntooyinka Khudaarta Extras (i.e., sugar, honey, spices, salt, jam, Dheeraadyada/Dheeraadka syrup, spreads) Meals Xilliyada cunto cunista Ramadan Ramadaan 91 Review Dib-u-eeg Additional Diabetes Information in the Somali Language Macluumad dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan Sonkorowga oo Af-soomali 2

3 Gogoldhig Preface Qoraalkan waxa loogu talogalay inay isticmaalaan dadka caafimaadka ka shaqeeya marka ay kala xaajoonayaan bukaanada kaarboohaydareytka iyo sonkarta dhiiga. Waxay dhaqan ahaan ku habboon tahay inay muujiso cuntooyinka sida badan ay isticmaalaan bulshada Soomaaliyeed ee Maraykanka degan. This presentation is intended to be used by clinicians when discussing carbohydrates and blood glucose with patients. It is culturally tailored to reflect foods commonly consumed by Somali Americans. Background: Harborview Medical Center (HMC) physician Dr. Carey Jackson identified a need for culturally-tailored visual references tools to use during conversations with diabetic patients about food choices. Methods: Dr. Jocelyn James and Yetta Levine at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, WA, created this tool in consultation with Harborview registered dietitians Karen Conger and Lisa Messerli. Cultural guidance was provided by Somali caseworker / cultural mediator Anab Abdullahi and Somali interpreters Ashwaq Mohamed and Mohamed Hashi. Funding for this education was provided by the Pacific Hospital Preservation and Development Authority (PHPDA). 3

4 Horudhac Introduction Cuntooyinku waxay ka kooban yihiin kaarbohaydareyt, borotiin, iyo baruur. Foods are made up of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Kaarbohaydareytka jidhku wuxuu u isticmaalaa tamarta. Marka aad cunto, waxay sare u qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. Haddii aad sonkorow leedahay, jidhkaagu ma xakamayn karo kor u kicista sonkorta dhiiga qaab caadi ah oo caafimaad leh. Carbohydrates are used by the body for energy. When you eat them, they raise blood sugar. If you have diabetes, your body cannot control this rise in blood sugar in a normal, healthy way. 4

5 Horudhac Introduction Waxa muhiim ah inaad ilaaliso sonkorta dhiigaaga sida ugu caadisan ee suurta galka ah. Tani waxay hoos u dhigi kartaa baahida daawooyinka. Waxayna kaa caawin kartaa ka hortagga indho beelka, dhibaatooyinka kalyaha, goynta xubin jidhka ka mid ah, iyo waxyaalaha kale ee sonkorowgu keeno. It is important to keep your blood sugar as normal as possible. This can decrease the need for medications. It can help prevent blindness, kidney problems, amputations, and other complications of diabetes. 5

6 Horudhac Introduction Cuntooyinka iyo cabitaanada intooda badan waxay leeyihiin kaarbohaydareyt oo waxayna sare u qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. Hase yeeshee, cuntooyinka iyo cabitaanada qaarkood si kuwa kale ka badan ayey sare ugu qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. Most foods and drinks have carbohydrates and raise blood sugar. However, some foods and drinks raise blood sugar more than others do. Dad badan oo leh sonkorow waxay rabaan inay cunaan raashinka ay cunaan qoysaskoodu. Marka aad cunayso cunto kaarbohaydareyt ah, waa inaad yaraysato. Many people with diabetes want to eat the same foods that their families are eating. When you do eat carbohydrate foods, you should eat them in smaller amounts. 6


8 Kaarbohaydareytka Carbohydrates Kaarbohaydareytku waa cuntooyinka kor u qaada sonkorta dhiiga. Cuntooyinkan waxa ku jira kaarbohaydareyt: Carbohydrates are foods that raise blood sugar. These foods contain carbohydrates: Istaarjis oo ay ka mid yihiin: digirta, baastada, rootiga, laxooxda/anjerada, bariiska, iyo khudaarta qaarkood Starches. For example: beans, pasta, bread, anjera, rice, some vegetables. Midhaha Fruit Waxyaabaha caanaha ka soo baxa ama dairy products Dairy Products Macmacaanka Sweets 8

9 Kaarbohaydareytka Carbohydrates Borotiinka, baruurta, iyo khudaarta qaarkood kor uma qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. Proteins, fats, and some vegetables will not raise blood sugar. 9

10 ISTAARJIS Starches 10

11 Istaarjis Starches Istaarjisku kor ayey u qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. Tusaalayaal istaarjiska waxa ka mid ah bariiska, badarka, digirta, rootiga, shuurada, laxooxda/angerada, siiriyaalka (mushaaro), baastada, iyo khudaarta qaarkood. Starches raise blood sugar. Examples of starches include rice, grains, beans, bread, cornmeal, anjera, cereal, pasta, and some vegetables. 11

12 Istaarjis Starches Bariiska bunniga ihi wuu ka caafimaad badan yahay bariiska cad. Wuxuu leeyahay faybar (fiber) iyo nafaqo. Faybarku wuxuu caawiyaa si mindhicirku caafimaad u ahaado. Brown rice is healthier than white rice. It has more fiber and nutrients. Fiber helps keep the intestines healthy. 12

13 Istaarjis Starches Qofka sonkorowga leh, cunista bariis yar ayaa hoos u dhigi kara sonkorta dhiiga. Bariiska cad ama ka bunniga ah kii aad doontaba, in yar ka cun. For someone with diabetes, eating less rice can lower blood sugar. Whether choosing white or brown rice, eat small amounts. 13

14 Istaarjis Starches Baastadu sidoo kale waxay kor u qaadaa sonkorta dhiiga. Dooro xaddi amba mug yar oo baasto ah. Pasta also raises blood sugar. Choose a small amount of pasta. 14

15 Istaarjis Starches Hal qayb oo bariis karsani qiyaastii waa hal koob. Hal koob wuxuu qiyaastii la mid yahay feedhkaaga oo duuban. One portion of cooked rice is about one cup. One cup is about the size of your fist. 15

16 Istaarjis Starches Hal qayb oo oo baasto karsani qiyaastii waa hal koob. Hal koob wuxuu qiyaastii la mid yahay feedhkaaga oo duuban. One portion of cooked pasta is about one cup. One cup is about the size of your fist. 16

17 Istaarjis Starches 100% bastada sarreenka 100% rootiga sarreenka Baastada iyo rootigu waxa laga samayn karaa 100% (boqolkiiba boqol) burka sarreenka. Kani waa ka caafimaad badan yahay baastada cad ama rootiga cad. Muddo yara dheer ayaad dharagsanaan kartaa. Wali waa muhiim inaad in yar ka cunto. Pasta and bread can be made with 100% wheat flour. This is healthier than white pasta or white bread. It can keep you full longer. It is still important to eat small amounts. 17

18 Istaarjis Starches Laxooxda/angerada waxa laga samayn karaa bur/daqiiq kala duwan. Dhammaan burku wuxuu kor u qaadaa sonkorta dhiiga. Hase yeeshee, ka samayn laxooxda burka sarreenka isku-dhan, ama heedda waxay kaa caawineysaa in ay gaabiso ku sii daynta sonkor dhiigaaga. Anjera can be made from many different flours. All flours raise blood sugar. However, making anjera from whole wheat flour or teff will help slow the release of sugar into the blood. 18

19 Istaarjis Starches Cunista laxoox yar iyo khudaar badan, suugo, ama maraq ayaa caawiya sonkorta dhiiga. Eating less anjera and more vegetables, sauce, or stew will help control blood sugar. 19

20 Istaarjis Starches Maadaama malawaxa sidoo kale uu ku jiro bur/daqiiq iyo sonkor, wuxuu kor u qaadaa sonkorta dhiiga. Because malawah also contains flour and sugar, it raises blood sugar. 20

21 Istaarjis Starches chapati/sabaya/sawayat muufo sambusa Sabaayadda, muufada, iyo saambuusaha sidoo kale waxa ku jira bur iyo mararka qaarkood sonkor. Waxay kor u qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. Sabayah, muufo, and sambusa also contain flour and sometimes sugar. They raise blood sugar. 21

22 Istaarjis Starches Siiriyaalku/mushaarada wuxuu yeelan karaa sonkor badan, taas oo sare u qaadaysa sonkorta dhiigga. Dadka qaba sonkorowga waa inay ka fogaadaan siiriyaalka sonkarta leh. Cereals can have a lot of sugar which will raise blood sugar. People with diabetes should avoid sugary cereals. 22

23 Istaarjis Starches Cuntooyinkan Maraykanku waxay kor u qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. Haddii aad cunto, wax yar ka cun. These American foods raise blood sugar. If you eat them, eat them in very small portions. 23

24 MIDHAHA Fruit 24

25 Midhaha Fruit Dhammaan midhuhu waxay kor qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. Midhuhu waa caafimaad, laakiin waa in la cuno wax yar amba sidii cuwaaf ahaaneed. All fruits raise blood sugar. Fruit is healthy, but it should be eaten in smaller portions or as a snack. 25

26 Midhaha Fruit Haddii aad rabto inaad cunto moos xilliga cuntadaada, cunista ½ (badh) oo moos ah wuxuu u fiican yahay xakamaynta sonkorta dhiiga. If you are going to eat a banana with your meal, eating 1/2 a banana is better for blood sugar control. 26

27 Midhaha Fruit Kuwani waa qaybaha midhaha ah ee caafimaadka leh. Cunista hal qayb oo midho ah laba jeer maalintii way fiican tahay cuwaaf ahaan (inta u dhaxaysa xilliyada raashin cunista). These are healthy portions of fruit. Eating 1 portion of fruit two times a day is fine as a snack (in between meals). 27


29 Waxyaabaha caanaha ka soo baxa ama dairy products Dairy products Caanaha iyo caano-fadhigu waxay kor u qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. Badharka caanaha, 2% (boqolkiiba laba) caano, ciirta, iyo caano-fadhiga duxdu ku yar tahay waa caafimaad. Ka cun kuwaas in yar. Caanaha jukulaatada waxa ku badan sonkorta marka loo eego caanaha caadiga ah. Milk and yogurt raise blood sugar. 2% milk, buttermilk, kefir, and low-fat yogurt are healthy. Eat these in small portions. Chocolate milk is higher in sugar than is regular milk. 29

30 MACMACAANKA Sweets 30

31 Macmacaanka Sweets Macmacaanka badanaa waxa ku badan sonkorta iyo daqiiqda. Waxay sare u qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. Sweets usually have a lot of sugar and flour. They raise blood sugar. Dadka qaba sonkorowgu waa inay isku dayaan in ay iska ilaaliyaan kuwan, ama ka cunaan in yar mararka qaarkood. People with diabetes should try to avoid these or eat small amounts of them occasionally. 31

32 Macmacaanka Sweets Haddii qof qaba sonkorow uu cuno macmacaankan, sonkorta dhiigu kor ayey u kacaysaa. If someone with diabetes eats these sweets, blood sugar will go up. 32

33 Macmacaanka Sweets Haddii aad haysato macmacaan, waa kuwan tusaalayaal ah xajmiyada fiican qiyaastii. If you have sweets, here are examples of good portion sizes. 33

34 Macmacaanka Sweets Jukulaatada iyo nacnaca adag waxa laga sameeyey sonkor. Waxay kor u qaadayaan sonkorta dhiiga. Chocolate and hard candy are made of sugar. They raise blood sugar. 34

35 CABITAANADA Drinks 35

36 Cabitaanada Drinks Cabitaanada qaarkood waxa ku jira sonkor aad u badan. Kuwaasi waxay kor u qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga si dhakhso leh caafimaadna uma laha dadka qaba sonkorowga. Some drinks have very high amounts of sugar. These raise blood sugar quickly and are unhealthy for people with diabetes. 36

37 Cabitaanada Drinks Biyuhu waxay muhiim u yihiin caafimaadka. Kor uma qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. Water is important for health. It does not raise blood sugar. 37

38 Cabitaanada Drinks Kafeega iyo shaahu sonkorta dhiiga kor uma qaadaan. Xawaashyada lagu daro kafeegu sonkorta dhiiga kor uma qaadaan. Simple tea and coffee do not raise blood sugar. Spices added to coffee do not raise blood sugar. 38

39 Cabitaanada Drinks Ku darista sonkor ama malab kafeega ama shaaha ayaa sonkorta dhiiga kor u qaada. Adding sugar or honey to coffee or tea raises blood sugar. 39

40 Cabitaanada Drinks Kani waa caano la macaaneeyey oo la fadhiisiyay. Waxa ku jira sonkor badan oo sonkorta dhiigga kor u kicinaysa si dhakhso leh. Caanaha caadiga ah ayaa ka caafimaad badan in lagu daro kafeega iyo shaaha. This is sweetened, condensed milk. It contains a lot of sugar and will raise blood sugar quickly. Regular milk is healthier to add to coffee and tea. 40

41 Cabitaanada Drinks Kuwani waa beddelayaasha sonkorta. Waxa loo isticmaali karaa sonkor ahaan. Sonkorta dhiiga kor uma qaadaan. These are sugar substitutes. They can be used in place of sugar. They do not raise blood sugar. 41

42 Cabitaanada Drinks Cabitaanada midhaha iyo casiirka waxa ku jira sonkor badan. Waxa fiican in laga dheeraado ama wax yar laga cabbo. Halkii aad ka cabbaysay cabitaanada midhaha amba casiir, isku day cunista xaddi yar oo midho daray ah. Smoothies and juices contain a lot of sugar. It is best to avoid them or drink small amounts. Instead of drinking juice or smoothies, try eating a small amount of fresh fruit. 42

43 Cabitaanada Drinks Soodhaha iyo cabitaanada budada lagu dhex qasay ku dhawaan dhammaantood waa sonkor. Waxay sare u qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga si dhakhso leh. Soda and powdered drink mixes are almost all sugar. They raise blood sugar quickly. 43


45 Cuntooyinka Borotiinka ah Protein foods Borotiinadu waa cuntooyinka dhisa muruqyada kana caawiya jidhku inuu bogsado. Waxay caawiyaan dhisidda jidh caafimaad qaba. Proteins are foods that build muscles and help the body heal. They help build a healthy body. 45

46 Cuntooyinka Borotiinka ah Protein foods Marka aad cunto cunayso, ku dar cuntooyinka borotiinka. Borotiinku wuxuu caawiyaa in u gaabiyo dheef shiidista cuntada. Marka dheef shiidku gaabiyo wuxuu caawiyaa inay gaabiso ku sii daynta sonkor dhiigaaga. Tani waxay caawineysaa in sonkorta dhiiga la xakameeyo. Cunista borotiinka xilliyada raashin cunista sidoo kale waxay kaa caawin kartaa inaad dareento dharagsanaan muddo dheer. When you eat a meal, include protein foods. Protein helps slow digestion of food. When digestion slows down it helps slow the release of sugar into the blood. This will help keep blood sugar under control. Eating protein with your meal can also help you feel full longer. 46

47 Cuntooyinka Borotiinka ah Protein foods Cuntooyinkan borotiinka ihi sare uma qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. These protein foods do not raise blood sugar. 47

48 Cuntooyinka Borotiinka ah Protein foods Cuntooyinkan borotiinka ihi sare uma qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. These protein foods do not raise blood sugar. 48

49 Cuntooyinka Borotiinka ah Protein foods Cuntooyinkan borotiinka ihi sida badan sare uma qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. Haddii baradho lagu daro maraqa, waxay sare u qaadaysaa sonkorta dhiiga. These protein foods do not usually raise blood sugar. If potatoes are added to the stew, they will raise blood sugar. 49

50 Cuntooyinka Borotiinka ah Protein foods Digirahani waa istaarjis, laakiin sidoo kale waxay leeyihiin in borotiin ah. Maadaama ay yihiin istaarjis waxay sare u qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. Waxayna kor u qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga si ka badan kalluunka, ukunta, iyo hilibka. Waa caafimaad iyagu, laakiin waa inaad in yar ka cunto. These legumes and beans are starches, but they also have some protein. Because they are starches, they will raise blood sugar. They raise blood sugar more than plain fish, eggs, and meats. They are healthy, but you should eat small amounts of them. 50


52 Cuntooyinka Khudaarta Vegetable foods Khudaartani kor uma qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. These vegetables do not raise blood sugar. 52

53 Cuntooyinka Khudaarta Vegetable foods Khudaartani kor uma qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. These vegetables do not raise blood sugar. 53

54 Cuntooyinka Khudaarta Vegetable foods Khudaartani kor uma qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. These vegetables do not raise blood sugar. 54

55 Cuntooyinka Khudaarta Vegetable foods Khudaartani kor uma qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. These vegetables do not raise blood sugar. 55

56 Cuntooyinka Khudaarta Vegetable foods Kuwani waa khudaar laakiin sidoo kale waa istaarjis (starches). Waxay kor u qaadaan sonkorta dhiigaaga. Wax yar ka cun. These are vegetables, but they are also starches. They will raise blood sugar. Eat smaller amounts of them. 56

57 Cuntooyinka Khudaarta Vegetable foods Aan mar kale eegno khudaarta. Khudaarta bidixda xigtaa kor u qaadi maayaan sonkorta dhiiga. Khudaarta midigta xigtaa sidoo kale waa istaarjis waxayna kor u qaadaan sonkorta dhiigaaga. Wax yar ka cun. Let s look at the vegetables again. The vegetables on the left will not raise blood sugar. The vegetables on the right are also starches and they will raise your blood sugar. Eat smaller amounts of them. 57

58 Cuntooyinka Khudaarta Vegetable foods Saladhkan sare u qaadi maayo sonkorta dhiiga. Saladhkan wali waxba dusha lagagama darin. This salad will not raise blood sugar. This salad does not have dressing on it yet. 58

59 Cuntooyinka Khudaarta Vegetable foods Waxyaalaha dusha lagaga daro saladhka, waxay kor u qaadaan sonkorta dhiigaaga haddii laga sameeyey sonkor ama sharobada galayda/xasiida. Waxyaalaha saladhka dusha lagaga daro ee dhalooyinka ku jira intooda badan waxa ku jira sonkor. Salad dressings will raise your blood sugar if they are made with sugar or corn syrup. Most bottled salad dressings contain sugar. 59

60 Cuntooyinka Khudaarta Vegetable foods Waxaad ka samayn kartaa waxyaalaha dusha lagaga daro saladhka liin dhanaan, khal ama saliid. Tani sare u qaadi mayso sonkorta dhiigaaga. You can make a dressing with lemon or lime, vinegar and oil. This will not raise your blood sugar. 60


62 Dheeraadyada/Dheeraadka Extras Dadku sida badan waxay ku daraan sonkor, malab, ama xawaash cuntada ama cabitaanada. Ku darista sonkor ama malab waxay sare u qaadaa sonkorta dhiiga. Ku darista xawaashyadu kor uma qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. People often add sugar, honey, or spices to food or drinks. Adding sugar or honey raises blood sugar. Adding spices does not raise blood sugar. 62

63 Dheeraadyada/Dheeraadka Extras Xawaashyadu kor uma qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. Spices do not raise blood sugar. 63

64 Dheeraadyada/Dheeraadka Extras Milixda amba cusbadu sare uma qaado sonkorta dhiiga. Hase yeeshee, waxay kor u qaadi kartaa cadaadiska dhiiga (blood pressure). Cunista milix yari waxay u fiican tahay cid kasta. Xawaashyadu waa beddelaad fiican halkii milixda. Salt does not raise blood sugar. However, it can raise blood pressure. Eating less salt is good for everyone. Spices are a good replacement for salt. 64

65 Dheeraadyada/Dheeraadka Extras malmalaado bilaa sonkor ah malmalaado sonkortu ku yar tahay sharoobo sirab oo bilaa sonkor ah Malmalaadada iyo sharoobada sirabku sida badan waxay leeyihiin sonkor badan. Waxa aad u fician inaad iibsato noocyada sonkortu ku yar tahay ama bilaa sonkorta ah. Jam and syrup usually have a lot of sugar. It is best to buy low sugar or sugar-free versions. 65

66 Dheeraadyada/Dheeraadka Extras Noocyadan dusha laga marayo rootigu waxay leeyihiin sonkor badan. Spreads like these have a lot of sugar. 66


68 Xilliyada cunto cunista Meals Khudaarta bilaa istaarjiska ah Badarka iyo khudaarta istaarjiska ah Grains or starchy vegetables Non-starchy vegetables Borotiin Protein Halkani waa 2 saxan si laguu tuso qeybaha raashin cunista caafimaadka leh. Ka dhig kala-badh (1/2) saxankaaga khudaar bilaa istaarjis ah. Ka dhig rubuc (1/4) saxankaaga badar ama khudaarta istaarjiska ah. Ka dhig rubuca (1/4) kale ee saxanka borotiin. Here are 2 plates to show healthy portions of foods. Make half (1/2) of your plate non-starchy vegetables. Make one quarter (1/4) of your plate grains or starchy vegetables. Make the other quarter (1/4) of the plate protein. 68

69 Xilliyada cunto cunista Meals Tallaabada 1 Step 1 Tallaabada 2 Step 2 Tallaabada 3 Step 3 Hal qaab oo loo caawiyo xakamaynta qaybta waa in lagu gurto saladh ama khudaar saxanka ugu horrayn, ka dib lagu daro borotiinka, ka dib lagu daro khudaarta istaarjiska ah, bariis, ama baastana ugu dambaynta. One way to help with portion control is to add salad or vegetables to the plate first, then add the protein, then add starchy vegetables, rice, or pasta last. 69

70 Xilliyada cunto cunista Meals Tallaabada 1 Step 1 Tallaabada 2 Step 2 Tallaabada 3 Step 3 Waa kuwan tallaabooyinku mar kale. Here are those steps again. 70

71 Xilliyada cunto cunista Meals Haddii aad cunayso cuntooyin sonkorta dhiiga sare u qaadaya, wax yar ka cun. Sawiradan soo socdaa waxay muujinayaan tusaalayaal cuntooyinka sare u qaada sonkorta dhiiga si aad ah iyo cuntooyinka sonkorta dhiiga sare u qaada sida yar. If you are eating foods that raise blood sugar, eat them in smaller amounts. The following photographs show examples of meals that raise blood sugar more and meals that raise blood sugar less. 71

72 Xilliyada cunto cunista Meals Cuntadeebaa u fiican qofka qaba sonkorta? Cuntada bidixda ayaa ka fiican ta midigta xigta. Waxay leedahay kaarbohaydareyt yar sababtoo ah waxa ku jira xaddiyo yaryar oo rooti iyo faasuuliye/digir ah. Rootigu waa sarreen isku-dhan, kaasi oo u sii caafimaad badan. Sidoo kale, shaahu wuxuu leeyahay Splenda halkii sonkorta. Which meal is better for someone with diabetes? The meal on the left is better than the one on the right. It has fewer carbohydrates because there are smaller amounts of bread and beans. The bread is whole wheat, which is healthier. Also, the tea has Splenda instead of sugar. 72

73 Xilliyada cunto cunista Meals Cuntadeebaa u fiican qofka qaba sonkorta? Cuntada midigta ayaa ka fiican ta bidixda xigta. Waxa ku yar boorashka waxayna leedahay borotiin badan (ukun). Which meal is better for someone with diabetes? The meal on the right is better than the one on the left. It has less oatmeal, and more protein (egg). 73

74 Xilliyada cunto cunista Meals Cuntadeebaa u fiican qofka qaba sonkorta? Cuntada midigta xigta ayaa ka fiican ta bidixda xigta. Waxa ku yar kaarbohaydareytka sababtoo ah waxa ku jira qurub amba jeex rooti ah shaahana waxa lagu macaaneeyey Splenda xaggii sonkorta. Rootigu waa mid caafimaad leh sababtoo ah waxa laga sameeyey burka sarreenka isku-dhan. Which meal is better for someone with diabetes? The meal on the right is better than the one on the left. It has fewer carbohydrates because there is one piece of bread and the tea is sweetened with Splenda instead of sugar. The bread is healthier because it is made of whole wheat flour. 74

75 Xilliyada cunto cunista Meals Cuntadeebaa u fiican qofka qaba sonkorta? Cuntada bidixda xigta ayaa ka fiican ta midigta xigta, sababtoo ah waxa ku jira borotiin badan (kalluun) iyo khudaar, bariiska iyo mooskuna waa ku yar yihiin. Cuntadan waxay leedahay bariiska bunniga ah, kaasi oo ka caafimaad badan bariiska cad. Which meal is better for someone with diabetes? The meal on the left is better than the one on the right, because it has more protein (fish) and vegetables, and less rice and less banana. This meal has brown rice, which is healthier than white rice. 75

76 Xilliyada cunto cunista Meals Cuntadeebaa u fiican qofka qaba sonkorta? Cuntada midigta xigta ayaa ka fiican ta bidixda xigta, sababtoo ah waxa ku jira borotiin badan (hilib), baastada iyo mooskuna waa ku yar yihiin. Cuntadan sidoo kale waxa ku jira saladh, kaasi oo ka dhigay mid sii nafaqo badan. Which meal is better for someone with diabetes? The meal on the right is better than the one on the left, because it has more protein (meat), less pasta and less banana. This meal also has salad, which makes it more nutritious. 76

77 Xilliyada cunto cunista Meals Cuntadeebaa u fiican qofka qaba sonkorta? Cuntada bidixda xigta ayaa ka fiican ta midigta xigta. Xaddiga cambuulada taasi oo ay ku jiraan faasuuliye/digir iyo bariis ama shaciir ayaa u caafimaad badan qofka qaba sonkorowga. Splenda ayaa la isticmaalaay halkii sonkorta. Which meal is better for someone with diabetes? The meal on the left is better than the one on the right. This amount of ambulo which contains beans and rice or barley is healthier for someone with diabetes. Splenda is used instead of sugar. 77

78 Xilliyada cunto cunista Meals Cuntadeebaa u fiican qofka qaba sonkorta? Cuntada midigta xigta ayaa ka fiican ta bidixda xigta, sababtoo ah waxa ku yar malawaxa. Malabka iyo sonkortu waxay kordhiyaan sonkorta dhiiga. Haddii aad ku darayso malawaxa, in yar ka isticmaal. Which meal is better for someone with diabetes? The meal on the right is better than the one on the left because it has fewer pieces of malawah. Honey and sugar increase blood sugar. If you add them to malawah, use small amounts. 78

79 Xilliyada cunto cunista Meals Cuntadeebaa u fiican qofka qaba sonkorta? Cuntada midigta xigta ayaa ka fiican ta bidixda xigta. Kaarbohaydareytka ayaa ku yar sababtoo ah laxooxda/anjerada ayaa ku yar. Haddii aad haysato jabaati amba sabaayad halkii laxooxda, xaddi la mid ah ka laxooxda midigta xigta ka cun. Which meal is better for someone with diabetes? The meal on the right is better than the one on the left. There are fewer carbohydrates because there is less anjera. If you have jabati or sabayha instead of anjera, have the same amount as the anjera on the right. 79

80 Xilliyada cunto cunista Meals Cuntadeebaa u fiican qofka qaba sonkorta? Cuntada bidixda xigta ayaa ka fiican ta midigta xigta. Kaarbohaydareytka ayaa ku yar sababtoo ah waxa ku jira soor yar. Khudaarta ayaa ku badan, taasi oo ka dhigaysa cuntadan mid sii nafaqo badan. Which meal is better for someone with diabetes? The meal on the left is better than the one on the right. It has fewer carbohydrates because there is less soor. There are lots of vegetables, which makes this meal more nutritious. 80

81 RAMADAAN Ramadan 81

82 Ramadaan Ramadan Ramadaan waa bil aad ugu muhiim ah muslimiinta. Dadka sonkorowga leh, waxa dhici karta inay ku adkaato inay xakameeyaan sonkorta dhiiga wakhtiga Ramadaanta. Qaar badan oo ka mid ah cuntooyinka la cuno wakhtigan sonkorta dhiiga ayey sare u qaadaan. Ramadan is a very important month for Muslims. For people with diabetes, it can be difficult to control blood sugar during Ramadan. Many of the foods eaten during this time raise blood sugar. 82

83 Ramadaan Ramadan Xaddiga iyo xooga daawooyin badan oo ay qaataan dadka qaba sonkorowgu waxa loogu qoray xaddiyada cunto ee caadiga ah iyo wakhtiyada cunto cunista ee caadiga ah. Haddii aad soomayso, waxa muhiim ah inaad qorshe la samaysato bixiyahaaga daryeelka caafimaadka ka hor Ramadaan intayna bilaabmin, si aanay sonkorta dhiigaagu aad hoos ugu dhicin amba aad sare ugu kicin. The amount (dose) of many medications people take for diabetes is prescribed for usual food amounts and usual meal times. If you are observing the fast, it is important to make a plan with your health care provider before Ramadan starts, so that your blood sugar does not go too low or too high. 83

84 Ramadaan Ramadan Sida wakhtiyada kale ee sannadka oo dhan, hubso inaad ku darto borotiin cuntadaada wakhtiga Ramadaanta. Tani waxay caawinaysaa xakamaynta sonkorta dhiiga. Waxay kalooy kaa caawinaysaa in wakhti yara dheer aad iska dharagsanaato. Si aad hoos ugu dhigto harraadka, waxaa ku caawin kara inaad dhinto cunista cuntooyinka shiilan iyo cusbada. Like all other times of the year, be sure to include protein with your meals during Ramadan. This will help keep blood sugar under control. It may also help you feel full longer. To decrease thirst, it will be helpful to cut down on fried foods and salt. 84

85 Ramadaan Ramadan Dhammaan cuntooyinkani kor ayey u qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. All these foods raise blood sugar. 85

86 Ramadaan Ramadan Halkan waxa ah tusaalayaal cuntooyin caafimaad leh oo la cuno ka hor qorrax soo baxa. Cuntooyinkani waa qaar caafimaad leh sababtoo ah waxa ku jira borotiin, kaarbohaydareyt aad u badana kuma jiro. Here are some examples of healthy meals to have before sunrise. These meals are healthy because they have protein and they do not have too many carbohydrates. 86

87 Ramadaan Ramadan Marka aad afurayso, qaado 2 ama 3 xabbo oo timir ah oo isticmaal Splenda ama macaaneeye kale oo macmal ah kafeegaaga ama shaaha. When breaking the fast, take only 2 or 3 dates and use Splenda or another sugar substitute in your coffee or tea. 87

88 Ramadaan Ramadan Ka dib marka aad afurto, haddii aad rabto inaad wax kale cunto, isticmaal rubuc kaliya saxankaaga cuntooyinka sare u qaada sonkorta dhiiga. Ka buuxi inta saxanka ka dhiman khudaar iyo borotiin. After breaking the fast, if you are going to eat again, use only ¼ of your plate for foods that increase blood sugar. Fill the remainder of the plate with vegetables and protein. 88

89 Ramadaan Ramadan Xusuusnoow in cuntooyinkan oo dhani sare u qaadaan sonkorta dhiiga. Isku day inaanad ka cunin hal wax ka badan kuwaas markiiba. Remember that these foods all raise blood sugar. Try not to eat more than one of these at a time. 89

90 Ramadaan Ramadan Haddii aad wax cunto dhawr jeer habeenkii, hubso inaad kala fogayso wax cunista 2 ilaa 3 saacadood habeenkii oo dhan. If you eat several meals during the night, be sure to space meals out by 2 to 3 hours throughout the night. 90

91 Dib-u-eeg Review Aan dib-u-eegno. Si aad u caawiso xakamaynta sonkarta dhiigaaga, xaddid kaarbohaydareytka kuna dar borotiin iyo khudaar cuntadaada. Let s review. To help keep your blood sugar under control, limit carbohydrates and include protein and vegetables with your meals. Inaad bedasho raashinka nooca aad cunto maalin kastaa way kugu adkaaneysaa. Hase yeeshee, waxay caawin kartaa xakamaynta sonkorowga oo xiitaa waxay yarayn kartaa baahida daawooyinka.cunista cunto caafimaad lihi waxay u fiican tahay cid kasta oo qoyskaaga ah. Changing what you eat is difficult. However, it can help control diabetes and can even reduce the need for medications. A healthy diet will benefit everyone in your family. 91

92 Macluumad dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan Sonkorowga oo Af-soomali/Additional Diabetes Information in Somali Si aad u hesho macluumaad dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan Sonkoworga oo luqadda af soomaaliga ah, fadlan fiiri liiska hoos ku yaal: Caafimaadka Dadwaynaha Seattle iyo King County Isbahaysiga REACH (206) ; Toll-free: (800) Ururka Sonkorowga Maraykanka Amba wac: DIABETES (800) Turjumaanada luuqadaha oo dhan ayaa la heli karaa. MedlinePlus waxay haysaa macluumaad sonkorow oo luqadda Af Soomaaliga ku qoran: li EthnoMed 92

93 Additional Diabetes Information in Somali For more information about diabetes in the Somali language, see the list below: Public Health Seattle & King County REACH Coalition h.aspx (206) ; Toll-free: (800) The American Diabetes Association Or call: DIABETES (800) Interpretation in all languages is available. MedlinePlus has diabetes information in the Somali language: #Somali EthnoMed 93

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