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3 0rdering Code TECR 5l!04' -,, TTCR'] 5OAR -, TECT9!2воl 62AR 5x Ocm left side r i*r,oim righi siae l!x2cm l9'ft slde.!6x!2cm r9h,t воide Quantity POLYPROPYLENE MESHES Parietene PP06X PPl50X PP55 6x cm 5x Ocm 5x 5cm /TN l]]]]]]h ffi воlllllllm / t\ fi'ffit-ft'tffl /mrtfrn ]]]:]]]m/ll.l.lllllm rltl=rrltm,4tnrnr n t.ru / il L\ f'n#l+r'] trttfttmm $+tt!+ll!.ul-tlltr'l.ly slyplql 5N/lP[/02 Surgipro mesh rectangular meshes SPM4 5PM[/4 SPM4W SPN/M24 SPN/ 5 SPN/5W SPMN/5 SPM[/46 5PM66W SPMM66, 5PM49 spn/ tew SPN/M 49 Ptys a? i.t,-.pg!_.! 4,2 8,cm Plug o 2.8cm - Patch.5.x2.5cm 2.5x Ocm lvlultifilament z.s*i oir вовоfnoiilur.nt 2.5x Ocm Multifilament open stitch lux5cm lvlonoirlament 8xcm Multifilament &cm Multifllament open stitch 8x'lcm Monofilament 4x6cm lvlonofilament 5x5cm Multifilament open stitch )x )cm tvtonolilamenl lixilc Hво u ltвоf во a m ent 5x22cm Multifilament open stitch 5x22cm Monofilament * Available soon

4 EXTRAPERTONEAL PLACEMENT Parietex multifi lament polyester 0rdering Code Size Quantity Parietex bi dimensioвоal mesh TEC00 P,arietex bi dimensional mesh - rigid TECR00 0x0cm larietex three dimensional TET2O2O TETOO ET50s0 20x20cm 0x0cm 50x50cm Parietene monofilament polypropylene Parietene light 20x20cm 0x0cm 20x20cm 0x0cm 0x2cm NTRAPERTONEAL PLACEMENT Parietex composite - D multifilament polyester mesh with absorbable collagen film PC09F P!0-2F PCo 5F PC020F A9cm A 2n O 5cm O 7.0cn -_ Parietex composite rectangle PCO 50F 5x Ocm 0x20cm 7x28cm All PCO products are available without sutures : Codes wвоthout t (rcog, rco2, rcol5, PCO20, PCal50, PCO205, PCO2520, PCO020, PCO728)

5 Quanti ty P ari etex composi te 05 seri es- opensurgery P C 0t5t00: : P C O20 JC : P C 0252 C- :,- : H i atalherni a 4.,. " -. P co2t', q' tf,вц tw ' P C 02l t: ' * P C O2воr,,,:"a:so' cepa r i e teco n emp o si- te PPi"esl^ r Dmo n o filament e collagen film P ari etene composi te MultifilamentPolyester Mesh Bi-dimensional TECTECR Polypropylene Monofilament Mesh Composite Mesh Standard Weight: 75glm2 DPolyester PCO Light Weight:8g/m2 DPolypropylene PPC

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B I N G O B I N G O. Hf Cd Na Nb Lr. I Fl Fr Mo Si. Ho Bi Ce Eu Ac. Md Co P Pa Tc. Uut Rh K N. Sb At Md H. Bh Cm H Bi Es. Mo Uus Lu P F.

B I N G O B I N G O. Hf Cd Na Nb Lr. I Fl Fr Mo Si. Ho Bi Ce Eu Ac. Md Co P Pa Tc. Uut Rh K N. Sb At Md H. Bh Cm H Bi Es. Mo Uus Lu P F. Hf Cd Na Nb Lr Ho Bi Ce u Ac I Fl Fr Mo i Md Co P Pa Tc Uut Rh K N Dy Cl N Am b At Md H Y Bh Cm H Bi s Mo Uus Lu P F Cu Ar Ag Mg K Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of cience ducation

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