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1 Bestilt venligst direkte på Facit til Enhver mangfoldiggørelse af dette hæfte er forbudt. Indhold Break 4th Round Side 2-3 Signs of the City 4-5 Verbs I To Do 6 Menu 7 Crossword 8 Numbers 9 A An Places to Go 11 Jeopardy Verbs II To Have 14 Confusion Words: Because Of Corse 15 Female Male 16 Give a Clue 17 The Hidden Kitten! 18 Odd Man Out! 19 Some Any (Pronoun) 20 Nouns 21 How Does it Sound? 22 Great Britain 23 The British Flag, Britain and Ireland Map of Great Britain 26 Guess the Countries 27 Tourist Brochure 28 Something is Wrong! 29 Help! Emergency! 30 At On In (Prepositions) 31 Where Do You Find These Things? 32 Game On Your Way Home 33 Tongue Twisters 34 Asking Questions 35 Find the Spies 36 Put Things Together 37 Crosswords Verbs III To Be 40 Verbs Weak Form 41 Verbs Strong Form 42 Adjectives 43 Adjectives Descriptions 44 Confusion Words: No Now Know 45 Crossword 46 Confusion Words: Shoot Shot Should Shut 47 Mådeudsagnsord (Modal verb) 48 Confusion Words: To Too Two 49 Word Grouping 50 Prepositions 51 Complaints Confusion Words: The They 54 Word Categories 55 Game of Gallows 56 Friends 57 An Explanation, Please! 58 What Are You Talking About? 59 Sports English/Danish dictionary Danish/English dictionary Forord Break 4th Round er et supplerende materiale i engelsk for 6. kl., som bygger videre på principperne fra 1st, 2nd og 3rd Round. Det er et kreativt materiale med varierede og aktiverende opgavetyper. Hæftet har mange anvendelsesmuligheder. I kraft af ovennævnte koncept kan det bruges på andre klassetrin end det nævnte. Det kan bruges til generel indlæring, differentiering, repetition og variation i den daglige undervisning, ligesom det vil være oplagt at bruge forskellige arbejdsformer til de forskellige former for opgaver. Desuden vil det bibringe eleverne ideer og aktiviteter, de kan vende tilbage til igen og igen. Mange af opgaverne kan eleverne med fordel selv give nyt indhold og præsentere for hinanden. Hæftet tilgodeser såvel den mundtlige- som skriftlige dimension, og indholder grammatik, forvekslingsord, spil, opgaver til fremme af ordforråd og sproglig opmærksomhed samt konkret almenviden. De faglige termer bliver indarbejdet som let tilgængelige og overskuelige tommelfingerregler, og ordbøger gøres til et dagligt værktøj. På forlagets elev-hjemmeside: kan der findes flere grammatiske opgaver til eleverne, og på forlagets hjemmeside findes facitlisterne til hæfterne. Denne blyant ved en opgave betyder, at du skal skrive på engelsk i dit kladdehæfte.

2 P L C E T A I O C H O C E A H T E O C E R D O T R K O S I B R R Y U E R M A K E T B K E S E M H I R E S E R U C H R E S A U A N L T H E H O C H C H E N T S T P O T O F I E 2 Forlaget Delta

3 1) A terrible windy weather has blown a lot of letters off the signs of the city. The road sweeper has gathered the blown down letters in a container. Are you able to reconstruct the signs? If you like you can work with a classmate. Gloses: kiosk tøjbutik supermarked skole købmand politistation hotel biograf slagter kirke restaurant bager frisør bibliotek museum læge tandlæge postkontor H T E S C O E K A O P I O C H B K E R H E C C R B R I N E A S U A O H R E T U E E K R A M P L A C T E E S M I O E H O C R H U C Y T T E L H R H E I S R N O T T S F T D O E 2) Choose at least five jobs you can have at the places mentioned above. Write as showed the advantages (+) and disadvantages (-) of the jobs. Use your notebook and do like this: Postman Advantages (+) Outdoor work, daily exercises, talking to people... Disadvantages (-) Up early in the morning, sometimes heavy work, low wage... 3) Now you are going to visit some of the places in the city. Write sentences telling what you say or ask for at the places. Example: At the church What a lot of beautiful flowers you have here today! Are you going to have a wedding? Break 4 3

4 Verbs I To Do To do i nutid I you he, she, it we you they do do does do do do HUSK: -s i 3. person ental i nutid! To do i datid I you he, she, it we you they did did did did did did Læg mærke til, at udsagnsordet i datid kun findes i én form. Indsæt den rigtige form af to do i nutid: 1) Does she like cheese? 2) I do not think that he knows what he does wrong. 3) Does the family live here? 4) You do not look like a Chinese to me! 5) The dog does not sleep much. 6) We do our homework at 4 o clock every day. 7) It does not rain today. 8) You do everything completely wrong, I think! 9) They do a great job here. 10) Does the farmer sell milk? Indsæt den rigtige form af to do i datid: 1) He did not like the weather that day. 2) Did you meet my brothers? 3) Where did she go last night? 4) They certainly did a good job in the garden. 5) We did what we had to do. 6) I did not mean to hurt you. 7) Liza and Joe always did their very best. 8) Every day I did my exercises. 9) It did not do any harm. 10) Please, can you tell me what they? did 4 Forlaget Delta

5 Førnutid og førdatid dannes ved hjælp af hjælpeudsagnsordet to have: På kan du finde flere af disse opgaver. To do i førnutid I have done you have done he, she, it has done we have done you have done they have done To do i førdatid I had done you had done he, she, it had done we had done you had done they had done Indsæt den rigtige form af to do i førnutid: 1) We have done our very best! 2) He has never done anything wrong on purpose. 3) Have you done your chores? 4) The flood has not done any damage so far. 5) I have often done things, which I later regret. 6) My mother has already done the laundry. 7) Has Peter done the cooking today? 8) The cat has done this mess, not I! 9) I think they have done far too much! 10) I know what you have! done Indsæt den rigtige form af to do i førdatid: 1) Even though the dog looked frightening, it had never done any harm to anybody. 2) You had certainly done a nice work. 3) Until then he felt that he had always done everything wrong. 4) Did you realize what you had actually? done 5) He told me all about how he had done it. 6) She had done everything possible. 7) As expected we were blamed for what we had. done 8) I thought seriously about what I had done and why. 9) In their younger days the criminals had done terrible things. 10) I had never done a better bargain! Break 4 5

6 Menu Can you put the dishes in their right places? Fruit salad Soda pop Spaghetti Roast pork Shrimps Garlic bread Ice cream Whisky Chocolate cake Sandwich Grilled steak Onion Mussels Minestrone Fish & chips Spring roll Juice Crabs Tomato Pudding Chicken drumstick Curry Omelette Salmon Roast beef Wine Tournedos Pie Salad Lamb Hamburger Hot dog Beer Potato Lobster Starters/Lunch Menu Soups Salad Garlic bread Sandwich Omelette Fish & chips Shrimps Mussels Crabs Lobster Salmon Fish Children's menu Chicken drumstick Spaghetti Hamburger Hot dog Spring roll Drinks Juice Beer Soda pop Wine Whisky Minestrone Curry Potato Tomato Onion Dinners Roast beef Lamb Grilled steak Tournedos Roast pork Desserts Fruit salad Chocolate cake Ice cream Pudding Pie 6 Forlaget Delta

7 Crossword Down Across Find opposites 2 Opposite of light 19 Opposite of insane 3 Opposite of black 20 Opposite of girl 4 Opposite of ugly 21 Opposite of warm 5 Opposite of beautiful 22 Opposite of high 7 Opposite of old 24 Opposite of smart 8 Opposite of glad 26 Opposite of small 11 Opposite of in 28 Opposite of slow 14 Opposite of left 30 Opposite of wet 1 Opposite of young 13 Opposite of out 3 Opposite of man 15 Opposite of day 4 Opposite of white 16 Opposite of sad 6 Opposite of woman 17 Opposite of dark 7 Opposite of no 18 Opposite of fat 9 Opposite of right 23 Opposite of sour 10 Opposite of yes 25 Opposite of short 12 Opposite of night 27 Opposite of soft B 29 Opposite of rich S O D F A Y A A W M A N R S H E B L C K B T H I N E O I T U M A N L O G Y E S G U D O A L E F N O D A Y I N R U N F N I H T G L A D U O S L I G H T S E E T T D P O R I Y H A D Find ten opposites of your own. Break 4 7

8 Numbers Write the correct numbers from the box on the lines. ninety fourteen eighty-nine sixteen fifteen eighty forty sixty-eight fifty-three seventy thirteen forty-one nineteen sixty ninety-three thirty-six thirty-one sixty-five seventy-four thirty eighteen seventeen fifty seventy-three 93 ninety-three 31 thirty-one 60 sixty 13 thirteen 18 eighteen 50 fifty 74 seventy-four 14 fourteen 70 seventy 17 seventeen 80 eighty 68 sixty-eight 19 nineteen 73 seventy-three 89 eighty-nine 40 forty 65 sixty-five 36 thirty-six 16 sixteen 90 ninety 15 fifteen 30 thirty 41 forty-one 53 fifty-three 8 Forlaget Delta

9 A An Ubestemte kendeord Hvis et ord begynder med en vokal i udtale, skal du bruge an som ubestemt kendeord. På engelsk er der kun a, e, i, o og nogle gange u med ren vokallyd i udtale. Læg mærke til, at bogstavet y udtales med j-lyd: young, og at det samme nogle gange gælder for u: university. Eksempler: Would you like an apple? It took them an hour to get there. (NB! h-et er stumt!). Indsæt a eller an i sætningerne: 1 They had an ill grandmother. 2 We have bought a new computer. 3 It took them about a year to build the house. 4 I have never had an uncle and an aunt. 5 He was known as an honest man. 6 I think this is an ugly shirt! 7 She has a beautiful long hair. 8 They saw an owl in the forest. 9 I wish you a nice flight to Tunesia. 10 He was just an old man. 11 I have a brother and a sister. 12 Last month we had an Australian visitor. 13 It is a really hot summer! 14 Would you like an ice cream? 15 I can see a police officer and a fireman from here. A) Use a dictionary. Find words starting with a, e, i, o, and u pronounced as a vowel. Choose words pronounced with consonants like b, m, and t as well. (åben opgave) B) Make up sentences with the words where the indefinite article a or an is missing. E.g.: My grandmother has bought an umbrella with big flowers. I have a dog and my neighbour has a parrot. Swap your sentences with a classmate s and fill in the right words. (åben opgave) C) Use your dictionary again. How many words do you know with u pronounced as a j? (åben opgave) Break 4 9

10 30 Places to Go Find the words horizontal, vertical and diagonal. b s u n d e r g r o u n d t t t r e s t a u r a n t o a c a s t l e d l g x o w d s y t h e a t r e v w e i c b k i o s k m n p n r u h a r b o u r v c l c x m o n u m e n t h y i a m b o k c i r c u s n b p u c l s q u a r e e z r i s x i g h j c p m k o a t e b c t j h p a r k o r a u p l a y g r o u n d y l m a l l f h g a l l e r y s q s t r e e t b s h o p A) Write the words in your notebook. Se næste side. B) Write a short essay about a place you have found interesting to go. 10 Forlaget Delta

11 Side 10, opg. A. Vandret: Lodret: Diagonalt: underground tower station restaurant museum city castle stadium cafe theatre school cinema kiosk bank church harbour zoo monument library (out) circus town square capital park agency playground gallery street shop mall 10 Forlaget Delta

12 Jeopardy Here you have the answers. Ask the right questions. Use your notebook. 1) Something you open to get into a house. 2) The coldest and darkest season of the year. 3) You go to the cinema to watch this. 4) Something you can have your money in. 5) The seventh month of the year. 6) A thing in which you can fly to the moon. 7) The postman delivers it. 8) A piece of furniture in which you can sleep. 9) A grey animal with big ears and a trunk. 10) A lamp in the street with green, yellow, and red light. 11) People who used to live in wigwams. 12) A person who wears a uniform and is called a cop. 13) A building in which people can have an operation. 14) The bones in your body. 15) The language the Frenchmen speak. 16) The things that light up the sky at night. 17) The sort of weather that makes you wet. 18) The number that consists of a one and six noughts. 19) The language they speak in London. 20) A mother, a father, and their children. A) Make up your own Jeopardy containing between 10 and 20 answers. Swap answers with a classmate. Write down the question for each answer. B) Crack the code. These are words without vowels. Can you guess their meanings? Write the words on the lines. CHRSTMS Christmas DNMRK Denmark MTHR Mother SPGHTT Spaghetti BNN Banana HRS Horse FTBLL Football CMPTR Computer TCHR Teacher CRCS Circus THS S DTCTV WRK! This is detective work! C) Make up code words or lines of your own. Swap with a classmate. Break 4 11

13 Side 11, opg. A. 1. What is a door? 2. What is winter? 3. What is a film, a movie? 4. What is a purse? 5. What is July? 6. What is a spaceship, ect.? 7. What is the mail, a letter, ect.? 8. What is a bed? 9. What is an elephant? 10. What is a traffic light? 11. What are Indians? 12. What is a policeman, bobby, ect.? 13. What is a hospital? 14. What is a skeleton? 15. What is French? 16. What are the stars? 17. What is rain? 18. What is a million ? 19. What is English? 20. What is a family? Break 4 11

14 Verbs II To Have To have i nutid I have you have he, she, it has we have you have they have HUSK: -s i 3. person ental i nutid! To have i datid I had you had he, she, it had we had you had they had Læg mærke til, at udsagnsordet i datid kun findes i én form. Indsæt den rigtige form af to have i nutid: 1) He has three brothers. 2) I have 100, I think. 3) You certainly have a cute dog! 4) She has many interests. 5) You all have the right answer. 6) Tonight it has rained a lot. 7) We have a newborn baby in our family. 8) They have more points than we. have 9) The tiger in zoo has two cubs. 10) Please, do not tell me what I have to do! Indsæt den rigtige form af to have i datid: 1) You actually had the best cards. 2) When I was a child, I had no TV. 3) Yesterday we had guests from Africa. 4) Until last year my uncle had a nice house in Spain. 5) That day you all just had a bad day, right? 6) Because Jim was asleep, Jane had to walk the dog. 7) The boy had wonderful red hair. 8) They had no more money left. 9) Their new car had a nice colour. 10) The teacher had four children of his own. 12 Forlaget Delta

15 Førnutid og førdatid dannes også her ved hjælp af to have: To have i førnutid I have had you have had he, she, it has had we have had you have had they have had To have i førdatid I had had you had had he, she, it had had we had had you had had they had had Læg mærke til, at førdatid er ens i alle former. Det er altså på hjælpeudsagnsordet to have, som her er den første udgave af ordet, man kan se, om formen er førnutid eller førdatid! Indsæt den rigtige form af to have i førnutid: 1) They have had a wonderful holiday in Singapore. 2) Nick has had his first driving lesson. 3) The dog has had a bad disease. 4) You have had your chances. 5) I have had a really nice trip with my best friend. 6) My grandparents have had seven dogs all in all. 7) She has had a nice birthday party. 8) We have never had any children. 9) You have all had your turns. 10) In this game he has had a lot of good luck! Indsæt den rigtige form af to have i førdatid: 1) At that time I had had the bike for twelve years. 2) She had had a red cat before this one. 3) They had had a good time in Germany. 4) He had had a nice birthday. 5) Julie and Jacob had had a lovely trip to the beach. 6) We had never had such an experience before. 7) He had had all the luck he could ever ask for. 8) My family had had a good holiday, until the storm raged over the island. 9) It was the best job I had ever! had 10) She had had enough, I think! På kan du finde flere af disse opgaver. Break 4 13

16 Because Of Course Confusion words. Because Of course = fordi/på grund af = selvfølgelig E.g.: I am hungry because I forgot to eat my lunch. Of course you can do it! Indsæt because og of course de rigtige steder: 1) Are you ready?! Of course 2) Nobody likes him because of his bad behavior. 3) She could not go to the party because of too much homework. 4) Yes, of course you are right! 5) I am looking very much forward to my birthday,! of course 6) Because of the car accident my father was late for work. 7) This must be your book, because it is not mine. 8) Of course I love my dog! 9) He had to go to bed early because of his headache. 10) Can I have another cake? Yes,! of course 11) Of course I am tired. It is four o clock in the morning! 12) I will give you this present because you are my best friend. 13) You can always trust me,! of course 14) Because of the exciting movie nobody said a word. 15) You can do what you like,. of course 16) We had to go home because of the bad weather. 17) She was late because her bike had a puncture. 18) Poul was mad at Mary because she had eaten his sweets. 19) Of course my little brother can have my toy, because I do not need it any longer. 20) I am so happy because our holidays begin tomorrow. 14 Forlaget Delta

17 Female Male Here you have the female word. Find the male word! E.g.: Hen Cock Lioness Lion Grandmother Grandfather Wife Husband Actress Actor Stewardess Steward Niece Nephew Queen King Englishwoman Englisman Waitress Waiter Girl Boy Princess Prince Mare Stallion Mother Father Daughter Son Aunt Uncle Sister Brother Cow Bull Hostress Host Countess Count Woman Man Find girls names and boys names: b r i a n x r j i m m y s e m o n i c a o r i t a u t t o m n a y e l r o n s t b q c a r o l u o l g a Se næste side. y e b i l l d i c k w x n a n n j a c k z y m a r y Write small poems including names like these: Bill loves his skateboard and Liz her roller skates. Many battles they have fought, but now they are best mates. Break 4 15

18 Side 15, opg. B. Vandret: Brian Jimmy Monica Rita Tom Ron Olga Bill Dick Ann Jack Mary Carol Lodret: Betty Ben Nina Carl Ray Joe Liz Lucy Susan Break 4 15

19 Give a Clue Work in pairs. Each of you must write 5 or 6 clues on a piece of paper, which the other one has to guess. E.g.: 6 (e.g. how many people you are in your family, your house number, or the age of your little brother) Oscar (e.g. the name of your first playmate, the postman, or your grandfather) 1975 (e.g. the year your aunt was born, your family moved to town, or your father was in Australia) Daisy (e.g. the name of your neighbour s cat, the pet name of the Danish queen, or the name of your aunt) 42,2 (e.g. the height of your dog, the number of kilometres of the marathon race your mother has been running, or how tall you were when you were born) It is all up to you just use your imagination! Now the first of you starts making guesses (in English, of course!) and the other one tries to help a little by saying, Not exactly, but, Try with another family member, You are almost there, etc. When you have got all the answers you change roles. ODD MAN OUT! Write the words on the line. bird right country runs sun book dog out forest home moon pencil goat down lake rides star ruler cat left west walks cloud scissors east up city reads wind best fish or river sleeps is rubber Key sentence: east or west home is best What does it mean? _ (åben opgave) 16 Forlaget Delta

20 The Hidden Kitten! Work in pairs. One of you decides where the kitten is. The other one is going to find it asking questions like: Is it under the bed? Is it in the cooker? Is it on top of the wardrobe? Etc. When the kitten is found, you change roles. Mini competition: Who asked the highest and the smallest number of questions to find the kitten? Which one of you won the competition and why? Discuss in English. Break 4 17

21 Odd Man Out! If necessary use a dictionary. Main category: Animals Cock Sheep Calf Foal Goat Tail Turkey Main category: Jobs/Occupations Lawyer Butcher Writer Grocer Button Hairdresser Captain Main category: Flowers Tulips Roses Violets Daisies Sunflowers Lilies Scissors Main category: Instruments Flute Organ Clarinet Closet Keyboard Saxophone Trumpet Main category: Bed Clothes Blanket Sheet Bedding Pillow Plaid Plaster Bedspread Main category: Pet names Honey Darling Sweetie Sugar Dear Love Chubby Main category: Ethnicities Indian Native American Greenhorn African Aborigine Chinese European Main category: Food Cauliflower Muffin Chicken Strawberry Cheek Mousse Cheese Main category: Verbs Climb Float Dive Move Dream Declare Purple Pick up a word from each box and make up a story. E.g.: Once upon a time there was a hairdresser, who had a turkey as a pet. She called it Honey. She loved roses and to play on her saxophone, and Honey often laid on a pillow listening to her while he ate muffins. One day the hairdresser fell in love with an Eskimo and they all moved to Paris and lived happily ever after. 18 Forlaget Delta

22 Some Any Pronouns Some betyder nogen. Det bruges i fremsættende sætninger, og i spørgende sætninger, hvor man forventer et positivt svar. E.g.: Here you have some photos of our new puppy. Can you lend me some money? Any betyder nogen overhovedet. Det bruges især ved spørgende og nægtende sætninger. E.g.: Do you like any kinds of sports? I can t see any clean glasses. Indsæt some og any de rigtige steder. 1) Do you have any money? 2) Some people never learn to control their tempers. 3) I have some really good news for you. 4) No, I do not have any siblings. 5) In chess he cannot compete with any of his friends. 6) I will not do this any longer. 7) Here you have some coke and chocolate. 8) Some of the players are too young. 9) It will not do you any good! 10) Do you see any street names over there? 11) Some of us have had a really exciting experience! 12) Grandpa does not like any of the new kinds of music. 13) Some of you have forgotten to lock your bicycles. 14) I would like you to buy me some new magazines. 15) I do not have any more sweets left. 16) In the middle of the night they could hear some strange sounds. 17) Would you like me to buy any kinds of fresh fruit? 18) We saw some buskers in the street. 19) Our neighbours have some really beautiful roses in their garden. 20) Do you have any money for the bus? Break 4 19

23 Nouns Singular plural Normalt sætter man s på entalsformen: one girl two girls. Ord, der ender på s og andre hvislelyde (x/z/sh/ch), får tilføjet es: one box two boxes. Indsæt navneordet i flertal: 1) My parents have two cars (car). 2) Look, there are three foxes (fox). 3) All the busses are yellow here (bus). 4) My mother has been studying at four different schools (school). 5) Will you please do the dishes (dish)? 6) My grandparents have several cats (cat). 7) The streets are very crowded, I think (street). 8) We have a lot of birds in our garden (bird). 9) In this town there are two churches (church). 10) Do you have more sweets left (sweet)? 11) They have bought themselves new beds today (bed). 12) Our lunches together have always been very cosy (lunch). 13) There are only eight boys in our class (boy). 14) This is one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen (beach). 15) We have bought new lamps for our summer cottage (lamp). 16) Once I read a nice story about three princesses (princess). 17) I always have so many wishes for Christmas (wish). 18) The dogs ran after the cats (dog/cat). A Look around in your classroom and find nouns. Write the nouns on two lists in the singular and plural. Use your notebook. Do like this: The singular The plural one cupboard two cupboards Who can make the longest list? B Tell about the things and furniture in your own room. How does it look? What do you like or dislike? Do you wish any new things for your room for Christmas or your birthday? 20 Forlaget Delta

24 How Does it Sound? Find the rhyming words and fill in the blanks as shown. Watch out! The spelling might fool you! E.g.: blue new axe try frame nut ring knife care fun smoke ear stop owl school howl eye key life tool cat son end farm girl send coke pearl bat here put air freeze alarm tax came wear thing tub hot tea foot chair sneeze Write rhyming pairs. cat bat axe tax try eye frame came nut hot ring thing knife life care air fun son smoke coke ear here stop tub owl howl school tool key tea end send farm alarm girl pearl put foot freeze sneeze wear chair A An Make a diagram and put the correct indefinite article (a/an) in front like this: Use the nouns of the rhyming words above. Se næste side. A a flag An an eye Break 4 21

25 Side 21, opg. B. A: An: a cat an axe a bat an eye a tax an ear a frame an owl a nut an end a ring an alarm a thing a knife a life a son a coke a tub a howl a school a tool a key a farm a girl a pearl a foot a sneeze a chair Break 4 21

26 Great Britain Find the names of the towns. There are more than 30. Fill in the blanks. Look at an English map. m n o t t i n g h a m g x n c b a e a s t b o u r n e l v o t i n b a t h r j p b l c a x r e r c a m b r i d g e u o s b w w m h b j p d s u l l t r g r i e i e e x o o t b z f o k o i c j n s r j o v o l w a n w w g h g g t d c l e l i p s w i c h b r h e e a e r b n j t w n c t o i a r e r u g b y l e e d s o l m m x n d e r b y x w z s t n t s e y l i v e r p o o l o c j o b s o x f o r d h u l l r x c n y n r t f e d i n b u r g h j b z o k h a s t i n g s l o n d o n w Nottingham Derby York Luton Eastbourne Liverpool Aberdeen Cork Bath Oxford Cardiff Windsor Cambridge Hull Poole Glasgow Sull Edinburgh Dover Brighton Ipswich Hastings Bristol Norwich Rugby London Dublin Bolton Leeds Manchester Belfast Grimsby Birmingham Chester 22 Forlaget Delta

27 The British flag Colour the flag called Union Jack. (Use crayons, not ink pens.) The present look of the flag came into existence in 1801 as a union between the red English cross with the name of George, the white Scottish cross with the name of Andreas, and the red Irish cross with the name of Patrick. A little history. Britain and Ireland Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales. Eire (The Republic of Ireland) is independent. Northern Ireland is a self-governing part of Great Britain. For many years there have been power struggles between the Catholics and the Protestants in this area. But together the four parts are called the United Kingdom. During the time of colonization, which started in the 15th and 16th century through especially voyages of discovery, England became the greatest power in the world. It had colonies all over the world, for instance in Australia, Africa, America, India, but also Ireland and Scotland just to mention some of them. Together it was called the British Empire. Through trade, including slave trade, England exploited the colonies for the sake of its own profit, and it left the colonies impoverished and underdeveloped. Today all these colonies are independent countries, but the British supremacy for many years is the reason for a lot of the problems some of these countries have to face even today. Break 4 23

28 Map of Great Britain A B Shetland Islands Orkney Islands G H Rupublic of Ireland Isle of Man A C Hebrides I England D Scotland E North Sea B F Northern Ireland C L D E F 24 G H J K 26 Wales English Channel J I K L Atlantic Orean 24 Forlaget Delta

29 A little geography 1) Here you have some names. Write them in the right boxes on the map. Atlantic Ocean Orkney Islands England English Channel North Sea Hebrides Northern Ireland Isle of Man Republic of Ireland Scotland Shetland Islands Wales 2) Write the names of the towns you have found in the crossword on page 22. If you miss some use a map to find them. Aberdeen Edinburgh Glasgow York Leeds Liverpool Bolton Manchester Birmingham Derby Nottingham Norwich Ipswich Cambridge Rugby Luton Oxford Windsor London Cardiff Bristol Bath Poole Belfast Dublin Cork Dover Hastings Eastbourne Brighton Hull 3) Put the words in the right places. Grimsby 1. Traffic on the left 4. Big Ben 7. The river Thames 2. Underground station 5. Heathrow Airport 8. School uniform 3. Bobby 6. Double-decker 9. Buckingham Palace ) Mini project Work in pairs or small groups. Choose a British subject, for instance: A town A sightseeing A famous person and find information about it. Present your work in class. Break 4 25

30 Guess the Countries The names of the countries are in a total mess. Are you able to sort it out? Here are the Danish words. Remember to start the names of the countries with a capital letter. Australien England Holland Japan Spanien Belgien Finland Indien Kina Sverige Canada Frankrig Italien Norge Tyskland Danmark Grækenland Israel Rusland Østrig E.g.: planod reamndk liafnnd nadnlge ligubem inpas wesdne lahdnol isarlauta ceranf Poland Denmark Finland England Belgium Spain Sweden Holland Australia France atiyl meynarg wonary niiad hican ssurai aaacnd pjaan usratai saleri eeecrg Italy Germany Norway India China Russia Canada Japan Austria Israel Greece AN INTERVIEW ABOUT COUNTRIES A) Answer the following questions. 1) Which countries in the world have you been to? (åben opgave) 2) Which country did you like the best? Why? 3) Where would you like to go to in the future? Why? 4) Where in the world do they speak English as a mother tongue? 5) Why do they not speak Danish or Polish? B) Write a short essay about a travel you have done/read about/heard about. 26 Forlaget Delta

31 Tourist Brochure Work in groups. Design a tourist brochure about Explore your own country. How can you best present your homeland? What do you think tourists find to be our main attractions? Find information on the Internet and word the brochure in your own way. Tell about your work and your brochure in class. Break 4 27

32 Something is Wrong! 1) Look at the two pictures and write the names of the things missing on the second picture: nose fly telescope lens flag cat watch mouse pipe sail tennis ball canon sweeper christmas decoration flower ponytail sock smoke bullet moustache sea gull explosion 2) Write a short story in your notebook in which you use some of the words. 28 Forlaget Delta

33 Help! Emergency! Who can help you? Write on the line. I have a toothache! My hair needs to be cut dentist My leg is broken! doctor My house is on fire! hairdresser I cannot see much! optician My dog is ill! My car has broken down! mechanic My bag has been stolen! fireman My dress is dirty! dry cleaner My trouseres are too long! tailor My windows are dirty! window cleaner Where are the sightseeings? guide vet My light is out of function! electrician My water is running! plumber My shoes are worn out! shoe repair A man has fallen in the street. Call 911! paramedic police I am hungry! pizza baker I need exercise! fitness instructor What can I do with my money? banker I would really like to learn to speak French! teacher teacher shoe repair police dentist hairdresser electrician tailor fitness instructor vet fireman mechanic pizza baker paramedic window cleaner optician dry cleaner guide doctor banker plumber Break 4 29

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