Conferencia Latinoamericana del Espectro de 2011

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1 master QC logo Respaldada por Conferencia Latinoamericana del Espectro de 2011 Presidente Intercontinental Polanco, Ciudad de México 7-8 de septiembre de 2011 Organizada por Las cuestiones clave sobre la gestión del espectro en la región, analizadas por expertos de todo el mundo Temas Política de Espectro como herramienta para el crecimiento En busca del espectro para la banda ancha inalábrica El papel económico y social de la política en materia del espectro Competencia en el sector de la telefonía móvil Planeación exitosa de licitaciones Espectro para LTE (Evolución a Largo Plazo Long Term Evolution) Oradores Fabio Leite, Secretariado de Radiocomunicaciones de la ITU Jarbas Valente, Consejero, Anatel, Brasil Sebastián Cabello, Director, GSMA Latinoamérica Dionisio Pérez-Jácome, Secretario de Comunicaciones y Transportes, México Thomas Ewers, European Communications Committee (Comité Europeo de Comunicaciones) Ernesto Flores-Roux, CIDE, México Thomas Hazlett, George Mason University, Estados Unidos Eduardo Pérez Motta, COFECO, México Kris Shields, Computech, Estados Unidos José Ayala, Ericsson Latin America Erasmo Rojas, Director para América Latina y el Caribe, 3G Americas La conferencia se presenta en ESPAÑOL E INGLÉS con servicio de traducción Patrocinador platino Patrocinador de oro Patrocinador de plata Respaldada por Socio de Conocimientos

2 Delegates' information pack Contents p3 Agenda in Spanish p5 Agenda in English p7 Speaker biographies p12 Participants list p14 Presentations (Further slides will be available on a USB stick) Platinum Sponsor Ericsson Ericsson is a world-leading provider of telecommunications equipment and related services to mobile and fixed network operators globally. Over 1,000 networks in more than 180 countries utilize the company's network equipment and 40 percent of all mobile calls are made through their systems. Gold Sponsor Huawei Huawei is a leading global information and communications technology solutions provider. The company's products and solutions have been deployed in over 140 countries, serving more than one third of the world s population. Silver Sponsor Qualcomm From its beginnings in 1985, Qualcomm has grown to a worldleading provider of wireless technology and services. Qualcomm is a global company with many facets but all are united by a single, driving passion: to continue to deliver the world s most innovative wireless solutions. The Supporters COFETEL COFETEL is Mexico's Federal Commission of Telecommunications. Its mission is to ensure that Mexicans have access to integral telecoms services under healthily competitive conditions. Other goals include infrastructure, efficient services and the development of new technologies. It also has regulatory responsibilities for broadcasting. CIDE CIDE is one of Mexico s most important centres of teaching and research in the social sciences and has been particularly influential in the development of telecoms policy. It was established as a non-profit public institution in Mexico City in 1974 and is part of the network of highly specialized public centres for research and higher education coordinated by the National Council of Science and Technology. Telecom CIDE is its research program, which focuses on telecommunications public policy issues and the digital divide. The GSMA The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide. Spanning 219 countries, the GSMA unites nearly 800 of the world s mobile operators, as well as more than 200 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset makers, software companies, equipment providers, Internet companies, and media and entertainment organisations. Knowledge Partner Computech Computech has supported over 80 spectrum auctions, resulting in the issuing of 31,000 licenses. While best known for our 16 years of continuous service at the FCC supporting their spectrum auctions program, Computech has worked with telecommunication authorities around the world in a variety of spectrum-related roles. The Organisers PolicyTracker is the online and printed journal of spectrum management (see We have hundreds of subscribers around the world and organise conferences and training courses featuring recognised experts from industry, regulatory bodies and academia.

3 Agenda del DÍA 1: 7 Septiembre Desayuno de bienvenida y registro Palabras de apertura Inauguración Dionisio Pérez-Jácome, Secretario de Comunicaciones y Transportes, México* Discurso de bienvenida Mony de Swaan, Presidente, COFETEL, México* Presentación principal: retos clave en Latinoamérica desde una perspectiva internacional Fabio Leite, ITU Radiocommunications Bureau* (Oficina de Radiocomunicaciones de la ITU) La coordinación internacional es vital para el desarrollo exitoso de una política en materia del espectro y en esta presentación Fabio Leite nos ofrecerá su perspectiva sobre los retos principales a los que se enfrenta la región de Latinoamérica. Transferencia de tecnología a los países latinoamericanos Convergencia y consideraciones reguladoras La conversión digital y el dividendo digital La Conferencia Mundial de Radiocomunicaciones del año próximo La economía de la asignación del espectro El acceso al espectro es la base fundamental de muchos de los sectores empresariales más dinámicos; la política en esta área se está considerando cada vez más como un estímulo esencial para el crecimiento económico. Esta sesión abordará la manera como la política del espectro puede fomentar el crecimiento de la economía, considerando la perspectiva del sector académico y de las entidades reguladoras. Moderador: Dr Fernando Butler, COFETEL Consejo Consultivo Thomas Hazlett, George Mason University, Estados Unidos* Doyle Gallegos, Worldbank Luis Lucatero, COFETEL* la política del espectro, una panorámica de las lecciones de los países desarrollados y emergentes. Moderador: Juan E. Pardinas, IMCO Thomas Ewers, Presidente del European Communications Committee (Comité Europeo de Comunicaciones), CEPT* Roxana Barrantes, Perú * Almuerzo patrocinado por Ericsson En busca del espectro para la banda ancha inalámbrica El uso de datos móviles está creciendo a una velocidad exponencial creando problemas urgentes tanto para los reguladores como para los operadores. Cuánto más espectro nuevo se requiere? Cuando se necesitará? Es el espectro del dividendo digital la única respuesta o puede solucionarse la crisis a través del uso de tecnologías 3G y 4G más eficientes? Cuáles son las posibilidades para la reutilización del espectro existente como las bandas de 900 MHz y 1800 MHz? Podrían las licitaciones de incentivo ser parte de la solución? Esta sesión tomará la forma de seis pequeños discursos de minutos por interesados en la región, a lo que seguirá una discusión de grupo. Moderador: Manuel Rodriguez Arregui Jarbas Valente, Consejero, Anatel * Brett Tarnutzer, FCC* Sebastián Cabello, GSMA* Ernesto Flores, CIDE * Richard Womersley, Director, Helios, UK* Cierre de sesiones del día uno Cena patrocinado por Ericsson Descanso Perspectivas mundiales La política sobre el espectro es un área a la cual la comunidad normativa se refiere constantemente frente a las mejores prácticas internacionales, y esta sesión se centrará en casos de estudio de alrededor del mundo. En muchos sentidos, las economías emergentes están saltándose tecnologías, tal como se demuestra por el rápido crecimiento de las nuevas tecnologías inalámbricas y el avance de los servicios de datos móviles, que están superando con gran rapidez a las líneas de banda ancha fijas. Esta sesión también escuchará, de la entidad en el centro de la cooperación paneuropea en * orador confirmado

4 Agenda del DÍA 2: 8 Septiembre Desayuno de bienvenida Objetivos de adjudicación de licencias: competencia y nuevos participantes La investigación muestra que la competencia en el mercado de la telefonía móvil puede reducir los precios para los consumidores y estimular la creación de nuevos servicios. Sin embargo, no todo mundo está de acuerdo en el número óptimo de operadores, y las técnicas para estimular la competencia tienen una forma variada de país a país. En esta sesión examinaremos algunos casos de estudio internacionales y consideraremos su nivel de relevancia para la región latinoamericana. Moderador: Irene Levy, COFETEL Consejo Consultivo Manuel Diaz, Huawei* Hector Marin, Qualcomm* Mirela Doicu, Alcatel Lucent * Almuerzo patrocinado por Huawei Perspectiva de los operadores Esta sesión tomará una perspectiva de los operadores sobre las necesidades de espectro de los servicios móviles actuales y emergentes. En calidad de partes con intereses creados, el objetivo es entender sus puntos de vista, debido a que sus compañías se verán muy afectadas por las decisiones de la política en materia del espectro. Moderador: Jose Luis Peralta, COFETEL Comisionado Eduardo Pérez Motta (COFECO)* Erasmo Rojas, Director para América Latina y el Caribe, 3G Americas* Judith Mariscal, CIDE* Chris Doyle, Apex Economics y Department of Economics, Warwick University, Reino Unido* Ken Corcoran, América Móvil * Miguel Calderon Lelo de Larrea, Movistar * Eduardo Ruiz Vega, lusacell * Gustavo Cantú, Nextel * Cierre de la conferencia Descanso El proceso de adjudicación de licencias: planeación con éxito de las licitacion Las licitación Las licitación del espectro se han mantenido en un estado de continua evolución desde la primera que fue celebrada en 1989 en Nueva Zelandia. Se han intentado muchos diferentes formatos cuyos enfoques se han ido modificando en función de los desarrollos tecnológicos, los objetivos sociales y los cambios en el entorno competitivo. Esta sesión examinará las licitación recientes en México y en otros lugares, y considerará la manera como los desarrollos recientes en el sector pueden aplicarse a Latinoamérica. Moderador: Clara Luz Álvarez, COFETEL Consejo Consultivo Kris Shields, Computech* Alexander Elbittar, CIDE* Brett Tarnutzer, FCC* Graham Johnson, Aetha Consulting * Tecnología del Espectro Esta sesión tomará una perspectiva de los fabricantes sobre las necesidades de espectro de las tecnologías actuales y emergentes, con especial referencia a 4G y LTE. Considerará el requerimiento de espectro, los planes de banda, la disponibilidad del equipo, así como cuestiones de armonización y de costos. También habrá la oportunidad de examinar las próximas aplicaciones en transporte, salud online, y gobierno online para poder entender sus beneficios sociales y económicos. Moderador: Salma Jalife, COFETEL Consejo Consultivo José Ayala, Ericsson * * orador confirmado

5 The Agenda DAY 1: 7 September Welcome breakfast and registration Opening remarks Inauguration Dionisio Pérez-Jácome, Minister of Transport and Communications, Mexico* Welcome speech Mony de Swaan, President, COFETEL, Mexico* Keynote presentation: key challenges in Latin America from an international perspective Fabio Leite, ITU Radiocommunications Bureau* International co-ordination is vital when developing successful spectrum policy and in this presentation, Fabio Leite will give his perspective on the key challenges facing the Latin America region. Technology transference to Latin American countries Convergence and regulatory concerns Digital switchover and the digital dividend Next year s World Radio Conference Finding the spectrum for wireless broadband Mobile data usage is growing at an exponential rate creating pressing issues for regulators and operators alike. How much new spectrum is required? When will it be needed? Is digital dividend spectrum the only answer or can the crisis be solved through the use of more efficient 3G and 4G technologies. What is the scope for reusing the existing spectrum like the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands? Could incentive auctions be part of the solution? Moderator: Manuel Rodriguez Arregui, COFETEL advisor This session will take the form of six minute pitches by prominent stakeholders in the region, followed by a group discussion. Jarbas Valente, Counselor, Anatel * Brett Tarnutzer, FCC * Sebastián Cabello, GSMA* Ernesto Flores, CIDE * Richard Womersley, Director, Helios, UK* Wrap up day one The economics of spectrum allocation Access to spectrum underlies many of the most dynamic business sectors; policy in this area is increasingly being seen as essential stimulus for economic growth. This session will address how spectrum policy can foster economic growth, considering the perspective of academics and regulators. Moderator: Dr Fernando Butler, COFETEL advisory council Gala dinner sponsored by Ericsson Thomas Hazlett, George Mason University, USA* Doyle Gallegos, Worldbank* Luis Lucatero, COFETEL* Coffee break Global perspectives Spectrum policy is an area in which the policy community is continually benchmarking against international best practice and this session will focus on case studies from around the world. In many respects, emerging economies are leapfrogging technologies, as demonstrated by the rapid growth of new wireless technologies and the advance of mobile data services, which are rapidly overtaking fixed broadband lines. This session will also hear from the body at the heart of pan-european cooperation in spectrum policy. Moderator: Jana Palacios, IMCO Thomas Ewers, Chairman European Communications Committee, CEPT* Roxana Barrantes, Peru * Lunch sponsored by Ericsson * confirmed speaker

6 The Agenda DAY 2: 8 September Welcome breakfast Objectives of licensing: competition and new entrants Research shows that competition in the mobile market can reduce prices for consumers and stimulate new services. However, not everyone agrees on the optimum number of operators and techniques for stimulating competition have varied form country to country. This session will take some international case studies and consider their relevance to the Latin American region. Moderator: Irene Levy, COFETEL advisory council Coffee break Eduardo Pérez Motta (Cofeco)* Erasmo Rojas, Director of Latin America and Caribbean,4G Americas * Judith Mariscal, CIDE* Chris Doyle, Apex Economics and Department of Economics, Warwick University, UK* The licensing process: planning successful auctions Spectrum auctions have been in a state of continuous evolution since the first one was held in New Zealand in Many different formats have been tried with the approaches being amended to take account of technological developments, social goals and changes in the competitive environment. This session will examine recent auctions in Mexico and elsewhere and consider how recent developments in the field can be applied in Latin America. Moderator: Clara Luz Álvarez, COFETEL advisory council Lunch sponsored by Huawei Operators' perspective This session will take an operators perspective on the spectrum needs of current and emerging mobile services. As parties with vested interests, the objective is to understand their views, as their companies will heavily affected by spectrum policy decisions. Moderator: Jose Luis Peralta, COFETEL commissioner Potential speakers: Ken Corcoran, América Móvil * Miguel Calderon Lelo de Larrea, Movistar * Eduardo Ruiz Vega, lusacell * Gustavo Cantú, Nextel * Conference wrap-up Kris Shields, Computech* Alexander Elbittar, CIDE* Brett Tarnutzer, FCC * Graham Johnson, Aetha Consulting Ltd* Spectrum technology This session will take a manufacturers perspective on the spectrum needs of current and emerging mobile technologies, with particular reference to 4G and LTE. It will consider spectrum requirement, band plans, equipment availability as well as issues of harmonisation and costs. It will also be an opportunity to examine upcoming applications in transport, e-health, and e-government to get a sense of their social and economic benefits. Moderator: Salma Jalife, COFETEL advisory council José Ayala, Ericsson * Manuel Diaz, Huawei* Hector Marin, Qualcomm* Mirela Doicu, Alcatel Lucent * * confirmed speaker

7 Speaker Biographies Judith Mariscal Avilés With a Ph.D. from the LBJ School of Public Affairs at UT in Austin, Judith Mariscal Avilés is a full Professor at the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Econmicas (CIDE, Mexico) where she is Director of the Telecommunications Research Program, Telecom-CIDE. Her current research focuses on ICT regulatory and public policies. Member of the Steering Committee for DIRSI, a research network on ICT policy for development in Latin America and the Caribbean as well as Social Witness for Transparency International Chapter Mexico. She is a member of the Advisory Council to COFETEL, and member of the Board of Advisors for Telecommunications Policy Research Conference (TPRC). She has authored numerous articles on telecommunications policy and regulation in leading journals such as Information Technologies and International Development, Telecommunications Policy and Latin American Studies, as well as two books: Unfinished Business: Telecommunications Reform in Mexico, by Praeger Press in 2002 and Digital Poverty: Latin American and Caribbean Perspectives, by ITDG in 2007 coauthored with Hernan Galperin. Jose Ayala Mr. Jose Luis Ayala is currently Head of Government and Industry Relations at Ericsson Latin America.Over the past five years, Mr. Ayala has been providing support to several Governments across the region, in the areas of spectrum auctions, number portability, national ICT plans, e- Education, and infrastructure sharing.his personal ambition is to assist government across the region, to accelerate the massive uptake of Mobile Broadband services to all segments of society.he joined Ericsson in the year 2000, and has held different Sales, Engineering and Business Development positions, involving areas of Mobile Broadband, Softswitch IMS, IP, and Transport Systems.Prior to joining Ericsson, Mr. Ayala built a solid career in the satellite and telecoms industries, as Head of Operations at leading Telecom Operators, residing in Central America, United States and SpainA national of El Salvador, Mr. Ayala is a Telecommunications engineer with over twenty years of experience in the industry. He holds a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and is a Fullbright Scholar. Sebastián M. Cabello, Director GSMA Latin America Sebastián is the director of the GSMA regional office in Latin America, responsible for representing and leading GSMA activities in the region Sebastián has been working at the GSMA since 2006 on issues related to mobile broadband and spectrum in developing countries, and has been based in Latin America. Prior to joining the GSMA, Sebastián worked as a consultant, in private, public as well as international organisations including Organisation of American States (OAS).He holds a master s degree from the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies (IR/PS) of the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) with a specialization in International Economics and a Licenciado degree in Economics from Universidad Nacional del Sur (Argentina). He is also involved in academic activities as associate researcher at the Centre of Technology and Society (CeTyS) of the Universidad de San Andres (Argentina). In 2003, he was honoured with a Fulbright Grant. Ken Corcoran Currently leading the technology area of Telcel and America Movil. He joined Telcel in 2001, and began supporting America Movil in Prior to Telcel/America Movil, Mr. Corcoran served as Regional Vice-President of Network for the West Region of SBC Wireless. During the 1990s, he led the design and implementation of GSM networks in Switzerland and Taiwan, as well as leading the CTIA committee which created the national SS/ backbones resulting seamless automated roaming which is still used today. Mr. Corcoran has 34 years experience in telecommunications.

8 Speaker Biographies Mony de Swaan, President, COFETEL Mony de Swaan has a Bachelors Degree in International Relations from Colegio de México, a Masters Degree in Comparative Policy, and has postgraduate studies about National Security from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In the Public sector he has been advisor to the Election Counselor at Instituto Federal Electoral ( ), Chief of Staff of the Undersecretary of Political Development at Ministry of Interior, Deputy Director of Liason with Federal Government and Civil Society at SEGOB and General Director at the Undersecretary of Urban Development and Land Management. In the Private Sector he was Regional Director of Corporate Affairs for Pfizer Mexico and Central America ( ). From January 2007 to March 2009, De Swaan was Chief of Staff of the General Direction and Head of Liasion Unit at Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. From March 2009 to June 2010, he served as Chief of Staff to the Minister of Communications and Transportation and Chief of the Support Unit of Structural Change at SCT. Mirela Doicu Currently Head of Wireless Policy at the headquarters of Alcatel-Lucent group in Paris. She joined the company in 1995 as a business consultant in the Corporate Strategic Marketing team of the company and joined later the Bell Labs Network Planning, Performance, and Economics team. She has over 13 years of experience in telecommunication industry. She has worked for Zapp Mobile as Product Manager for Business Markets, and for over five years for Orange Romania as Senior Business Analyst. Besides the evolution of telecoms, M. Doicu witnessed the transformation of the airline industry from within at Hungarian Airlines in the early 90s and lived through the market revolution that followed the collapse East European communist states. She holds a MS in Chemistry from the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest and a MBA in Marketing from École des Hautes Études Commerciales Montréal and University of Ottawa. Dr Chris Doyle Chris Doyle is a specialist in regulation and competition issues affecting the electronic communications sector with particular experience in spectrum pricing. He is an Associate- at Warwick Business School and at the Department of Economics, Warwick University. Among his many consulting assignments Dr Doyle was the principal advisor and auction designer for world s first ascending clock spectrum auction held in Nigeria in He is a co-author of Essentials of Modern Spectrum Management, Cambridge University Press Thomas Ewers After a university degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of the Federal Armed Forces, Germany, Mr Ewers has been working continuously since 1992 in the area of national and international spectrum regulation on different levels. Nowadays he is the head of section for international affairs and utilization concepts in the Federal Network Agency, Germany. Having started in the beginning of his career with frequency coordination issues his responsibilities have been broadened to strategic frequency utilization concepts and the transposition of those to the international level of CEPT, EU and ITU. Doing this and having been active in the preparation of several WRC s Mr Ewers participated in a number of international Groups as Head of the German Delegation. He has also chaired several groups and subgroups on the ITU and CEPT level. The activities in ITU focused on Study Group 5 for which he coordinates all German activities on the national level. Between 2003 and beginning of 2008 Mr Ewers has been the Chairman of ITU-R Working Party 8B and is still Vice Chairman of ITU-R SG5.After participating in several meetings of the CEPT Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) and its subordinate groups Mr Ewers has been appointed Chairman of the ECC in December He is also a member of the presidency of the CEPT.

9 Speaker Biographies Ernesto Flores Roux Ernesto worked in McKinsey & Company, Inc., a leading consulting firm, until 2004; he was the partner in charge of the Rio de Janeiro Office and a core member of the Americas Telecommunications Practice. During this time, he worked extensively with the governments of Mexico ( ) and Brazil ( ) in their efforts to restructure and open to competition their telecommunications sector. In 2004 he joined Telefónica, initially as Director of Marketing and Strategy in Mexico, and later in various leadership positions in Peru, China (Beijing), and Brazil. In 2008 he joined the Mexican Ministry of Communications and Transports (SCT) as Chief of Staff of the Undersecretary of Communications. In 2009 he became a researcher at the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE Mexico), focusing his work on telecom public policy issued. He has published extensively in industry and general journals (DIRSI, IMCO, Plano Editorial, Forbes Brasil, Teletime, McKinsey Quarterly, Gazeta Mercantil, Valor Económico, Revista Ahciet, among others). Doyle Gallegos The Global Practice Leader Connectivity Infrastructure in the ICT Sector Unit of the World Bank. In this role Mr. Gallegos leads the Bank s telecommunications policy and regulatory agenda, regional backbone and rural connectivity programs, and implementation of PPPs (Pubic Private Partnerships) as they relate to development of the ICT sector in client countries. He has participated actively in the telecommunications sector for more than 20 years during which time he has developed core competencies in regulatory policy, international business development, strategic analysis and planning, privatization transactions, and implementation of sector reforms and liberalization programs. Prior to joining the World Bank he worked primarily as a consultant in close collaboration with Booz Allen Hamilton as a Senior Advisor and as a Senior Manager in Deloitte Consulting, providing consultancy services to governments and investor and state owned electric, gas, and telecommunications companies throughout the Middle East, Latin America, Europe, and US. Mr. Gallegos also has held senior level positions with telecom start-up and emerging business enterprises. As a VP for Formus Communications, a broadband wireless access provider, he was responsible for strategic and business development efforts, including wireless licensing and start-up operations, in Europe and Latin America. Mr. Gallegos has an MBA in Finance from the University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School and an undergraduate liberal arts degree in Economics from Columbia University. Thomas Hazlett A Professor of Law & Economics at George Mason University, where he also serves as Director of the Information Economy Project. He previously taught at the University of California, Davis and the Wharton School, and is a columnist for the Financial Times. In he served as Chief Economist of the Federal Communications Commission. Graham Johnson Graham Johnson has over 20 years of experience in telecoms and media, having carried out advisory work for governments, regulators, operators and investors worldwide. He opened the Madrid (Spain) office of Analysys Mason (a specialist telecoms strategy consultancy) in 1998, when he began working as a consultant for Iberian and Latin American clients in the broadband and triple play industries, a stream of work which has continued to the present day. He was head of that office until earlier this year, when he moved to Aetha Consulting. Aetha's founders have undertaken over 50 spectrum management policy and auction support projects for clients across the world during the last 5 years. Graham also specialises in telecoms asset valuation, and has appeared as an expert valuer in various proceedings. His recent mobile operator clients include leading operators and MVNOs in the Middle East and Latin America.

10 Speaker Biographies Fabio Leite Fabio is currently the Deputy Director of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau. He has extensive experience in the field of radiocommunications, having taken on varied responsibilities both in ITU and in his native Brazil, in government as well as in industry. Before joining ITU, Mr Leite worked for EMBRATEL, the Brazilian long-distance telecommunication carrier, where he was responsible for the communications system engineering of the first Brazilian domestic satellite system, BRAZILSAT. His duties included application of the Radio Regulations with respect to Brazilian satellite networks, preparing the filings for submission to ITU, and participating in coordination meetings with other countries and international organizations. From 1980 to 1987, he participated in many ITU radiocommuncation conferences and meetings as the member of the Brazilian delegation responsible for technical and regulatory issues. He was elected Vice-Chairman of the ITU Radiocommunication Study Group responsible for satellite services in Dionisio Pérez-Jácome On January , Dionisio Pérez Jácome was appointed Secretary of Communications and Transportation. Previously he acted as Undersecretary for Budget and Public Expenditure at the Ministry of Finance. Before that, he was the Chief of Advisors at the Office of the Presidency. Between 1997 and 2005 he actively participated within the energy sector as President of the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), Executive Director of the National Executive Committee for the capitalization of petrochemical enterprises and head of the Investment Promotion Unit at the Ministry of Energy. He also participated in the NAFTA negotiations and was Mexico s Agricultural and Foresty counselor to Canada. Mr. Pérez Jácome has also worked as consultant in prestigious management consulting firms. He is an economist from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) and has a Masters degree on International Management form the same Institution. He holds a Master on Public Policy from the John. F Kennedy School at Harvard University, and has been professor at the ITAM. Francisco Giacomini Soares Francisco Giacomini Soares is Senior Director of Government Affairs at Qualcomm Incorporated. He joined the company in Francisco is responsible for government related activities in Brazil and Southern Cone countries. Amongst his main activities are spectrum, regulatory and policy issues, participation in the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and CITEL, and social responsibility initiatives such as Wireless Reach. Previously, Francisco worked at ANATEL, the Brazilian Telecommunications Agency since its inception in 1997, and held various roles, including General Manager for Certification, Spectrum Planning and Engineering, and Advisor of the President. During his tenure he led and was part of the Brazilian Administration in different fora, including ITU and CITEL, where he chaired the working group related to IMT spectrum in ITU (WP- 8F), and terrestrial fixed and mobile radio communications services at CITEL (PCCII). At the Ministry of Communications, he was the General Coordinator for Spectrum Planning and Engineering. Francisco serves as Member of the Fiscal Board in Telebrasil. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Brasilia (UnB). Kris Shields Leading Computech s Auction Practice, and specializes in auction systems design and development. He has built spectrum auction systems for a variety of spectrum regulators, including the US, Mexico, and Sweden. Mr. Shields has actively participated in the design, development, and live auction support for the over 30 spectrum auctions. Under his lead, Computech s auction team delivered and supported the FCC s 700MHz auction system, which raised $19.1 billion (USD). Mr. Shields directed Computech s team in the creation of the Computech Auction Platform (CAP), which was used to conduct Mexico s AWS auctions, and Sweden's 800 MHz broadband auction. Mr. Shields is a PMP-certified Project Manager with an MBA from UMD s Smith School of Business, and an undergraduate degree in Information Systems.

11 Speaker Biographies Brett Tarnutzer Brett Tarnutzer began his spectrum auction career in 1994 at the FCC, supporting the first spectrum auctions and later serving as auction branch chief where he oversaw all bidder seminars and mock auctions. After leaving the FCC, he served as a project manager for a software development company where he designed the functional requirements and technical specifications for the FCC s next generation auction system used to auction over $33B of government assets. He also founded an independent consulting firm before rejoining the FCC in 2010 to work on broadband plan initiatives. Richard Womersley Richard is a director with business and technology consultancy Helios. He has 20 years consulting and business experience working in the radio spectrum management, public telecommunications, digital broadcasting and satellite industries. He has worked for regulators, network operators, governments and end-users on issues covering national and international policy; regulation and its impact; pricing, auctions and licensing; cost modelling and tariff setting; planning and consultation; network specification and procurement; monitoring and enforcement; interference and technical investigations and digital switch-over. His work has been international in nature spanning Europe, the Middle East, the Caribbean, Africa, South Asia, East Asia and Australasia. In addition to providing consultancy advice and support, Richard s career has embraced roles as an RF design engineer, transmission manager for BBC World Service and business manager for the UK s largest broadcast infrastructure provider ntl: (now Arqiva) giving him a broad perspective on telecommunications and broadcast technologies and industries, their commercialisation and their regulation.

12 Latin American Spectrum Conference 2011 Delegate List Name Organisation Mailing Country Mr. Graham Johnson Aetha Consulting UK Ms. Mirela Doicu Alcatel-Lucent France Mr. Guillermo Alcarcon Alcatel-Lucent de México S.A. de C.V. México Mr. ENRIQUE GONZALEZ Alcatel-Lucent de México S.A. de C.V. México Dr. Celedonio von Wuthenau Alcatel-Lucent de México S.A. de C.V. Argentina Mr. Ken Corcoran America Movil Mexico Mr. Alejandro Padilla Gonzalez America Movil Mexico Mr. Jarbas Valente ANATEL - Agencia Nacional de Telecomunicacoes Brazil Prof. Maria Luisa Buitrago Moreno Autoridad Nacional de los Servicios Públicos Panamá Prof. David Quiros Tejedor Autoridad Nacional de los Servicios Públicos Panamá Mr. Thomas Ewers BNetzA Germany Mr. Alexander Elbittar CIDE Mexico Mrs. Judith Mariscal CIDE Mexico Mr. Ernesto Flores CIDE Mexico Mr. Manuel Rodriguez Arregui COFETEL advisory council Mexico Ms. Clara Luz Alvarez COFETEL advisory council Mexico Ms. Salma Jalife COFETEL advisory council Mexico Mr. Carlos Casasus COFETEL advisory council Mexico Mr. Ernesto Piedras COFETEL advisory council Mexico Mr. Carlos Escalante COFETEL advisory council Mexico Mr. Gerardo Soria COFETEL advisory council Mexico Mr. Jorge Alvarez Hoth COFETEL advisory council Mexico Ms. Irene Levy COFETEL advisory council Mexico Dr. Fernando Butler COFETEL advisory council Mexico Mr. Fernando Carrillo COFETEL Mexico Mr. Rafael ESLAVA COFETEL Mexico Mr. Ramiro ROBLEDO COFETEL Mexico Mrs. Luz Maria Saldaña COFETEL Mexico Mrs. Ana Luisa Caballero COFETEL México Mr. Mony de Swaan COFETEL Mexico Mr. Jose Luis Peralta COFETEL Mexico Mr. Javier Juarez COFETEL Mexico Mr. Luis Lucatero COFETEL Mexico Mr. Enrique Sclar COFETEL Mexico Mr. Emiliano Diaz Goti COFETEL Mexico Juan Ludlow COFETEL Mexico Mr. Emiliano Diaz Goti COFETEL Mexico Mr. Mario Fromow COFETEL Mexico Alejandra Mayorga COFETEL Mexico Mr. Vincenta Vargas COFETEL Mexico Mr. Ricardo Castaneda COFETEL Mexico Mr. J. D. Murphy Computech, Inc USA Mr. Ruben Marchiani Computech, Inc USA Mr. Lawrence Fitzpatrick Computech, Inc United States Mr. Kristofer Shields Computech, Inc US Mr. Edwin Estrada Directoría de Telecomunicaciones Costa Rica Mr. Javier Camargo Ericsson Telecom Mexico Mr. Jose Ayala Ericsson Telecom Mexico Mr. Brett Tarnutzer FCC - Federal Communications Commission United States

13 Latin American Spectrum Conference 2011 Delegate List Prof. Thomas Hazlett George Mason University US Mr. Julio Cabrera Gerencia de Telecomunicaciones El Salvador Mr. Israel Alonso Miranda Gerencia de Telecomunicaciones El Salvador Mr. Hector Alexander Tejada Gerencia de Telecomunicaciones El Salvador Mr. Sebastian Cabello GSMA UK Mr. Richard Womersley Helios Technology Ltd United Kingdom Mrs. Nieka Jansen INDOTEL Republica Dominicana Mrs. Patricia Mena INDOTEL Republica Dominicana Mr. Carlos Cepeda INDOTEL Republica Dominicana Mr. Luis Scheker INDOTEL Republica Dominicana Mrs. Roxanna Barrantes Instituto de Estudios Peruanos Peru Mr. Israel Rosas IPN Mexico Mr. JULIO MENDEZ LATTICE Mexico Mr. stanley martinez Legal & General Investment Management America USA Mr. Eduardo Ruiz Vega lusacell Mexico Mr. Juan E. Pardinas Mexican Institute for Competitiveness Mexico Mr. Miguel Calderon Lelo de Larrea Movistar Mexico Mr. Gustavo Cantú NEXTEL Mexico Mr. Antonio Garza NEXTEL Mexico Mr. Antonio Diaz NEXTEL Mexico Ms. Eunice Hernandez Ochoa NEXTEL México Mrs. María Gutiérrez Garibi NEXTEL México Dr. Bill Shvodian NII Holdings USA Mr. Michel Hernández Observatel Mexico Mr. Andrew Robateau Public Utilities Commission (PUC) Belize Belize Mr. Francisco Soares Qualcomm Do Brasil Brazil Mr. Dionisio Perez Jacome SCT Mexico Mr. Igor Rosette Secretaría de Seguridad Pública Mexico Mr. Palate Franklin SENATEL Ecuador Mr. Diego Merino SENATEL Ecuador Mrs. Sonia Díaz SENATEL Ecuador Mr. David Paredes SENATEL Ecuador Mr. ADEGBITE AYOKUNMI S K HAYFORD Nigeria Mr. Juan Carlos Flores Sony Electronics - USA USA Mr. George Malcolm Spectrum Management Authority Jamaica Mr. Ida-Gaye Warburton Spectrum Management Authority Jamaica Mr. Rodrigo Tello Secretaría de Seguridad Pública Mexico Mr. George Miley SUTEL Costa Rica Mr. Glenn Fallas SUTEL Costa Rica Mr. Adrian Acuna Murillo SUTEL Costa Rica Mr. Ricardo Tavares TechPolis, Inc. Brazil Mr. Alejandro Cantu Telcel Mexico Mr. Daniel Bernal Telcel Mexico Mr. Miguel Calderon Telefonica Mexico Mexico Mr. Jorge Arreola Telefonica Mexico Mexico Mr. Guillermo Sanchez Peñarroja G. Televisoras Grupo Pacifico Mexico Mr. Antonio Vega Universidad de Guanajuato México Ms. Magdalena Zárate Universidad de Guanajuato México Dr. Chris Doyle Warwick University Business School UK Mr. Doyle Gallegos World Bank United States Mr. Eloy Vidal World Bank United States

14 Latin American Spectrum Conference 2011 Speaker presentations 1. Doyle Gallegos, Worldbank 2. Thomas Ewers, Chairman, European Communications Committee, CEPT 3. Kris Shields, Computech The remaining presentations will be given to delegates on a memory stick at the start of the conference.

15 Spectrum policy as a lever to increase Broadband Penetration and Economic Growth Potential for Latin America Latin America Spectrum Conference, 2011 Mexico City, September 7-8, 2011 Doyle Gallegos World Bank - ICT The importance of Broadband (BB): BB as an economic lever The bottleneck in LAC: Lack of fixed infrastructure The solution: Mobile broadband The LT opportunity and challenges: Fiber optic + Mobile platform The LT approach: Implementing the right policies The first movers: Chile as a case of success Agenda 2 1

16 1. The importance of Broadband (BB) BB has become an economic lever Broadband is playing a transformative role for many economic sectors - Generating employment: Katz (2009)**** estimated that an increase of 8% of BB penetration in 12 LAC countries could result in almost 8% increase on average over their employment rate - Increasing the competitiveness of the businesses and the country as a whole - Integrating the society into the knowledge and information society - Improving the efficiency and quality of public services Notes: * Only includes Germany ** Average of five country studies, including United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and a Middle Eastern country, from various sources 2003 and 2004, and Qiang and Rossotto 2009 study *** Limited to mobile broadband impact in India; + Various countries, upper range applies to developing countries and lower range to developed countries; ++ Sample of 20 OECD countries. **** Countries include Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Venezuela and Uruguay Impact on GDP of 10% increase in BB penetration 1.50% 1.38 % 0.90% Czernich et al % 1.10% Qiang & Rossotto + Source: Katz 2010; Analysis Mason 2010; McKinsey 2010; Qiang & Rossotto 2009, and; Czernich et al , Analysis Mason *** Minimum 0.70% 0.60% McKinsey (average studies) ** Maximum Estimated Impact on LAC GDP of 10% increase in BB penetration Source: IMF for GDP forecast 0.26% 0.24% Katz * Maximum (1.5%) Intermediate (0.87%) Mininum (0.24%) 2011 GDP_PPP Forecast 3 2. The bottleneck in LAC Lack of fixed infrastructure LAC has experienced an impressive growth in mobile network development bridging the gap with OECD countries However, fixed broadband gap has enlarged due to the lack of infrastructure Besides, investments in new fiber optic to expand BB networks are costly and sometimes not economic (especially for certain locations) Mobile telephony penetration (%) Fixed broadband penetration (%) LAC OECD LAC OECD Source: World Bank indicators Source: World Bank indicators 4 2

17 3. The solution Mobile Broadband The trend 12% Broadband access by technology (percentage) Vietnam Emerging countries are shifting investments towards Mobile BB, which is surpassing Fixed BB (cable, ADSL) 8% 4% 0% 2004 Mar 2004 Sep 2005 Mar 2005 Sep 2006 Mar 2006 Sep 2007 Mar 2007 Sep 2008 Mar 2008 Sep 2009 Mar 2009 Sep 2010 Mar 2010 Sep 2011 Mar Fixed Mobile Source: Telegeography database, March 2011 and World Bank database for population data (2008) The long-term scenario However, current backbones, 3G technology, and current spectrum allocations may not be enough to cope with an increasing traffic demand World Forecast of Mobile Data Traffic (Exabits per Month) Source: Cisco Systems 5 4. The LT Opportunity and Challenges Fiber optic + Mobile platform The cost-sustainable opportunity Broad fiber optic backbone Mobile plaftorm Robust and high capacity backbone Part of a regional & international backbone Leveraging the existing mobile network (scalable and less costly approach) Addressing the connectivity gaps 4G is a supportive technologies for the mobile platform The challenges Regulatory and policy enhancements Further investments are necessary Incentives for private sector participation 4G maturity (it is an incipient technology) - Requires additional network investments - Current lack of terminals & voice standards - Refarming and reuse of spectrum 6 3

18 5. The LT Approach Implementation of the right policies 3 Release of suitable spectrum for mobile broadband 1 2 Enabling and fostering development of backbone networks Ensure the capacity to meet demand Create incentives to attract private investment and intervene when necessary Infrastructure sharing Incentives for infrastructure sharing amongst operators to share costs and reduce investment Incentivizes for sharing of fiber infrastructure deployed by other utilities (e.g. electricity, roads, water) Especially in lower bands (that allow wider coverage at lower costs) Leverage digital switchover of broadcasting services to release spectrum Spectrum neutrality Avoid imposing technology/ service restrictions on spectrum Targeted coverage obligations Incentivizes for coverage in underserved areas (link obligations to spectrum granting) Avoid spectrum hoarding Control of appropriate use (e.g. not distorting the market) 7 6.The first movers Chile as a case of success The outcome Broadband access by technology BB uptake has been driven by mobile BB Fixed BB technologies (e.g ADSL, Cable) have been surpassed by mobile Thousands 1,200 1, % of the country will be covered with BB ADSL Cable Mobile Source: SUBTEL database, 2010 The spectrum approach License spectrum to foster BB in underserved areas - Introducing coverage obligations to reach underserved locations - Providing incentives: offered a subsidy through a reverse auction - The auction winner (ENTEL) has achieved the largest share of mobile BB Thousands Mobile broadband subscriptions per operator Jan-13 Source: SUBTEL Mar-13 May-13 Jul-13 Sep-13 Nov-13 Jan-14 Mar-14 May-14 Jul-14 Sep-14 Movistar Claro Entel Nov-14 Jan-15 Mar

19 THANK YOU GRACIAS OBRIGADO Doyle Gallegos Global Practice Leader Connectivity and Infrastructure ICT Sector Unit of the World Bank 5

20 Spectrum harmonisation in Europe: two case studies Thomas Ewers, Chairman, ECC Policy Tracker Latin America Spectrum Conference Mexico City, 7th September 2011 Spectrum harmonisation in Europe: two case studies! CEPT and ECC: who we are and what we do! The ECC approach to cognitive radio! The ECC foundations for the Digital Dividend! German auction of Digital Dividend Spectrum! ECC cooperation with Latin America 1

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