Northampton Strategic Community Regeneration Needs Assessment

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1 Northampton Borough Council Northampton Strategic Community Regeneration Needs Assessment April

2 Introduction Northampton has a diverse population, which is increasing and is set to continue to increase. Estimates indicate that Northampton s population has reached 205,200 with a projected forecast to reach 235,800 by Northampton is rated as an average town (IMD 2007) however the levels of deprivation vary across Northampton, with considerable differences for those living in the most deprived and the least deprived areas of the town. Northampton s less prosperous communities are unlikely to improve without intervention and a planned strategic approach to overcoming inequality between communities. Rationale There is a hierarchical structure of policies and strategies that seek to provide a framework to enable improvements to the quality of life in our towns and cities and turn around fortunes of communities where increasing numbers of people no longer wish to live and enable the creation of sustainable communities which: Are economically prosperous Have decent homes at a price people can afford Enjoy a well-designed, accessible and pleasant living environment Are effectively governed Safeguard the environment At the National level Government has provided a wide range of direction and guidance:- 1. Sustainable Communities Plan (2003) 2. Decent Homes Standard (2006) 3. Planning and Compulsory Act (2004) - this sets the requirement for Local Development Framework. 4. Housing and Regeneration Bill (2008) 5. Equalities Bill (2009) 6. DCLG (2009), Transforming Places, Changing Lives The regional and sub-regional structure is provided through: Regional Economic Strategy MK South Midlands sub-regional strategy Sub regional Economic Strategy Northampton Borough Council is responsible for delivering a framework to meet both Government and local needs: Local Strategic Partnerships Sustainable Community Strategy. Local Development Framework Northampton Housing Strategy Economic Regeneration Strategy - Northampton Corporate Plan ( ) Definition of Regeneration Nationally Regeneration is defined as: A set of activities that reverses economic, social and physical decline in areas where market forces will not do this without support from the government. It is time limited to transform places and economies (Regeneration Framework, Changing Lives: Taking Forward the Regeneration Framework 2009). 2

3 Locally regeneration requires concerted social, economic and physical action between partners to support people in neighbourhoods experiencing multiple deprivation issues, in order to reverse decline and create sustainable communities. Social Inequalities generally include: The levels of crime and disorder, education training and skills and health. Economic Inequalities generally include: Rate of employment and related to this the levels of income. Physical Inequalities generally include: The state of the living environment; barriers to housing and services. Purpose of this Needs Assessment Document Northampton Regeneration Needs Assessment aims to identify the areas most in need of intervention. This will inform the: Emerging Local Development Framework, Review of the Northampton Community Strategy and Northampton Borough Councils Corporate Plan Regeneration and Development Service Plan This Needs Assessment will support the Council to take a needs led area based prioritised approach to regeneration, based on a clear and robust evidence base. Northampton Borough Council does not have sufficient resources to tackle every area in need of improvement within the town. Priority areas will initially be identified. Further work / engagement with partners and communities will be needed to agree a programme of action and funding opportunities. It is recognised that individual action plans for each area will differ considerably from each other, as the circumstances of economic, social and physical decline from area to area vary Background on Northampton Demography Mid year population estimates 2008 indicate that Northampton s population has reached 205,200 with a forecast (with housing growth) to reach 235,800 by Northampton s 0-15 year olds make up 19.3% of the population, with people of working age 16 to 64 male/59 female 64.3% (a decreasing amount) and older people 65 male/60 female 16.4% (increasing). Population Population Age Groups 2001 Population 2008 Population % Change in Population ,900 37, ,600 29, ,900 62, ,300 49, ,600 14, and over 12,900 13, Total 194, , Table 2.5 Population Estimates in Northampton Source: Office National Statistics 3

4 In 2008 the number of people aged 65 or over was 14%. In 2007 the percentage of the population over 60 who live in households that are income deprived was 18.7%. (NBC Medium Term Financial Plan) Northampton lies within the Milton Keynes South Midlands growth area, as determined by government s Sustainable Communities Plan. The Council is supporting the growth that seeks to deliver 43,000 homes in Northampton by Which will mean a forecast (with housing growth) increase in population to approx. 270,000 by Ethnicity In 2001, the census estimated the population of the BME community to be 16,341. Compared to the 1991 Census, this is an increase of 51%. The biggest increase in BME communities within these figures was Black African, who saw their population quadruple in size between 1991 and The next largest increase was from the Chinese community, which increased by 82%. The ethnic composition of Northampton according to the 2001 census is predominantly White 91.6%, Asian groups 3.27%, black groups 2.5%, mixed 1.73% and Chinese other 1.01%. In Northampton people from an ethnic minority background make up just over 12% of the young people population. In 2006, 11.3% of Northampton s population are from minority ethnic groups compared to 8.5% in 2001 (Office for National Statistics 2006). Anecdotally evidence suggests Northampton has an increasing migrant population, which will place differing demands on services and service providers. The demographic make up is constantly changing, with Northampton town experiencing an increase in the number of residents from an Eastern European backgrounds. The May 2008 School Census shows that there were 853 children in Northamptonshire s schools whose first language is Polish. This compares to 400 the previous year. Demography Issues: The growth agenda brings major challenges and opportunities for Regeneration, Planning and Housing to provide a strategic overview of the towns regeneration through its economy, and securing funding to drive change. In Northampton, the larger numbers of year olds are indicative of the high number of students residing in Northampton, and attending Northampton University, Northampton College and Nene College and other educational establishments. Increasing the skills level in the town but requiring intervention to retain the skills in the town and promote business start-ups. Age profile changes in Northampton from 2006 to 2016 suggest that there will be proportionately fewer of the population at a working age and proportionately more of a retired population; indicating Northampton has an ageing population and a need for services to adapt to this. 4

5 Population Densities Northampton has an average of people per hectare (Source Office for National Statistics). Population densities are significantly higher than the average in some areas of Northampton - Central Kings Heath in Spencer Ward; people per hectare, Briar Hill East in St James Ward; people per hectare Grange Road and Greenfield Road in Eastfield Ward; people per hectare Methodology In order to identify the areas in Northampton in greatest need of intervention, four key sources of information that measure the social, economic and physical qualities of areas are used: 1. Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2007(IMD) DCLG 2. Housing Asset Strategy and Decent Homes assessments (Northampton Borough Council) 3. The National Indicators for Change to measure Regeneration progress as set out in the Communities and Local Government document Transforming places changing lives DCLG 4. Safer Stronger Northampton Partnership, Partnership strategic Assessment. Area based data is only one-way of identifying social exclusion. There will be groups of people experiencing deprivation who will be too few in a particular area to lead to that area being prioritised statistically. There will be other patterns of deprivation affecting, some black and ethnic minority groups or disabled people, which justify action to address their needs. Outline of 4 Datasets 1. Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) IMD provides evidence down to Super Output Areas (SOAs), which have resident populations of between 1,000 and 2,000 people. The IMD forms the main evidence for identifying inequalities in the social, economic and physical qualities of areas. The information on Indices of deprivation are updated every two to three years by Government, and it is a nationally recognised data source. The last update of data was in IMD information is based on a number of different sources, which are collated by the Office for National Statistics. There are some failings of the information: SOAs don t always follow what can be recognised as accepted communities / neighbourhoods Not all organisations follow the SOA boundaries for their delineation of boundaries and information gathering. This means it can be difficult to compare additional information to IMD data. However, the use of SOAs avoids the problems caused by the inconsistent and unstable electoral ward geography. SOAs are better for statistical comparison as they are of much more consistent size. Each layer has a specified minimum population to avoid the risk of data disclosure (releasing data that could be traced to individuals). SOAs will not be subject to frequent 5

6 boundary change, so are more suitable for comparison over time. The IMD provides information on: 1. Barriers to Housing and Services 2. Living Environment 3. Crime and Disorder 4. Education Training and skills 5. Health and Disability 6. Employment 7. Income 2. (Emerging) Housing Asset Strategy and Decent Homes Assessments and (Emerging) Housing Strategy These provide evidence down to a housing estate area basis. There are a total of 90,850 dwellings in Northampton, 12,270 are managed and owned by the Council, with a further 700 leasehold flats. This represents 13.5% of the total dwelling stock in the Borough. NBC Housing Services and Management are currently compiling a comprehensive assessment of the current condition of housing stock and a Housing Strategy. (Emerging) Housing Asset Strategy Once the condition of housing has been assessed a financial assessment on how its housing stock will meet decent homes standards is undertaken. This stock assessment is based on NBC ownership of property and on an identified housing estate basis. Many Housing estates have problems that are cost inhibitive to put right (or to bring up to decent home standard) and it may be better value to demolish and rebuild. The examination of the required investment needs has estimated that the Council has a shortfall of 72m, for the total amount of investment required to bring all the Council s stock up to the Decent Homes Standard (DHS). Any major refurbishment or demolition options cannot be moved forward without carrying out consultation with all residents and discussions on the options for the highlighted estates. The assessment identifies the areas that are greatest cause for concern in relation to cost to bring up to the required standards and the concentration of homes not likely to meet decent homes standards without outside (outside NBC capital programme Housing Revenue Account) financial investment. (Emerging) Housing Strategy The emerging Housing Strategy sets out the Council s plans for housing in Northampton from The document represents a new approach for the Borough Council. The strategy recognises the wider strategic role that Northampton has in place shaping, and the co-ordination role to facilitate the delivery of future growth and the maintenance of existing dwellings. With the help of a range of private and public sector partners, there are four priorities for attention, which are: Managing supply and growth for the future of Northampton; Creating resilient and cohesive communities; 6

7 Delivering well-designed, high quality homes, neighbourhoods and services; and Improving customer access, opportunity and choice 3. The National Indicators for change to Measure Regeneration The Department of Communities and Local Governments (DCLG) has identified in its Transforming Places, Changing Lives publication (2009) a set of measurements that are key to effectively measure progress against the economic causes of deprivation and suggest the social benefits will follow. There are issues with using these datasets as not all information can be collated at below a Borough level and currently limited information is available at ward level. This advocates that successful regeneration strengthens communities by creating new economic opportunities. Regeneration investment should create more jobs or help people to access jobs over the longer term. The most important indicators according to DCLG are: 1. Overall employment rate (NI 151); and 2. Working age people claiming out of work benefits in the worst performing neighbourhoods (NI 153). To promote an understanding of the drivers across a full range of indicators it is necessary to assess what is holding an area back from economic recovery. The following headline regeneration indicators have been identified from the National Indicator Set to help monitor progress: 3. Overall/general satisfaction with local area (NI 5) 4. The environment for a thriving third sector (NI 7) 5. Serious violent crime rate (NI15) 6. Serious acquisitive crime rate (NI16) 7. Reduction in schools where fewer than 30 per cent of pupils achieve 5 or more A* C grades at GCSE including English and Maths (NI 78) 8. Proportion of children in poverty (NI 116) 9. All-age all cause mortality rate (NI 120) 10. Working age population qualified to at least Level 2 or higher (NI 163) to 18 year olds who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) (NI 117) 12. Average earnings of employees in the area (NI 166) 13. New business registration rate (NI 171) 14. Working age people with access to employment by public transport (and other specified modes) (NI 176) 15. Planning to adapt to climate change (NI 188) This information is collated at a Borough level and from this set of 15 indicators. NBC can identify some of the key issues for the town in comparison to regional and national. It may be possible to use this data to develop a performance framework for regeneration. 4. Safer Stronger Northampton Partnership, Partnership Strategic Assessment. The Safer Stronger Northampton Partnership is required to carry out an annual assessment to provide a high-level, forward looking evaluation of crime; misuse of alcohol and other drugs; anti-social behaviour; and, behaviour adversely affecting the 7

8 environment. This evidence is shown at Super Output (SOA) Level. The assessment is intended to enable the Safer Stronger Northampton Partnership to respond more effectively to the communities they serve. The analysis provided is from a wide range of relevant datasets and intelligence, including expert opinion and guidance. The assessment identifies the areas that are greatest cause for concern in relation to crime Assessment Results 1. Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) The Index of Multiple Deprivation is a national measure that combines a number of indicators, chosen to cover a range of economic, social and housing issues, into a single deprivation score for each small area in England. The indicators are combined from 6 domains of deprivation. (Income, Employment, Health, Skills and Training, Crime and Disorder). The scores and ranking for areas are provided for each individual domain and for an all domain result. This allows each area to be ranked relative to one another according to their level of deprivation. The IMD has been produced 3 times since 2003 however this information cannot currently be used to track progress over time, apart from the Income and Employment domain. It is hoped that as data quality improves it will be possible to create time series data. According to the 2007 IMD, Northampton is ranked 140th out of 354 local authorities. Putting Northampton in the top 40% of most deprived Local Authority areas nationally. The index maps deprivation down to sub ward super output areas (SOAs), these have populations ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 people. Northampton is broken down into 129 SOAs. Each Ward is divided up into 5 or 6 SOAs each SOA has been assigned an identification number e.g. 021A. 8

9 The table below shows the number of super-output areas in Northampton that are amongst the 20% most deprived in the country in each of the domains in the Index of Multiple Deprivation. IMD Domains No. of Northampton SOAs in 10% most deprived nationally No. of Northampton SOAs falling in 10% - 20% most deprived nationally Total No. of SOAs falling in top 20% All Domain Index Income Deprivation Employment Deprivation Health Deprivation and Disability Education, Skills and Training Deprivation Crime and Disorder Living Environment Barriers to Housing and Services of the 129 Super Output Areas (SOAs) in Northampton fall within the 20% most deprived areas nationally according to the all domain index (19% of the total Northampton SOAs). These SOAs fall within twelve of the Borough s wards: Billing, Castle, Delapre, Eastfield, Lumbertubs, St David, St James, St Crispin, Old Duston, Spencer and Thorplands. 2 fall within the 5% of most deprived SOAs in England both of these are in Castle Ward. 9

10 Map Highlighting SOAs in top 20% nationally according to the all domain index of multiple deprivation: 10

11 Castle Ward (2 SOAs) The IMD highlight the SOAs of Spring Boroughs and Semilong East towards Barrack Road as the most deprived SOAs in Northampton - both falling into the top 5% of most deprived SOAs in England. The IMD key issues highlighted for Spring Boroughs are: 1. Crime and disorder 2. Employment 3. Education and training Skills 4. Health and disability 5. Income Spencer Ward (5 out of 6 SOAs) The IMD highlight Spencer Ward as the most deprived Ward in Northampton as 5 of its 6 SOAs are in the top 20% of deprivation indices. 3 of the SOAs are within the worst 11%. Therefore a higher number of the population of the ward suffer higher levels of deprivation then any other ward. The highest 2 issues for the 5 SOAs in Spencer are Crime and Disorder Education and Training Skills. Eastfield Ward (1 SOA) Grange Road and Greenfield Road SOA fall within the top 10% of deprived areas nationally. The issues for the SOA area are related to the majority of domains; income, employment, health and disability, education and training skills, crime. All of these domains fall within in the top 10% of deprivation nationally. St James Ward (1 SOA) Briar Hill East SOA falls within the top 10% of deprived areas nationally. The issues for the SOA area are related to three domains; income, education and training skills, crime All of these domains fall in the top 10% of deprivation nationally. Billing Ward (1 SOA) Bellinge/Crow Lane SOA falls within the top 10% of deprived areas nationally. The issues for the SOA area are related to, crime and disorder. Lumbertubs Ward (4 out of 6 SOAs) The Indices of Deprivation highlight Lumbertubs Ward as the third most deprived Ward in Northampton. 4 of its 6 SOAs are in the top 20% of deprivation indices. The highest 2 issues for the 4 SOAs in Lumbertubs are related to: Crime and Disorder Education and Training Skills. 11

12 Thorplands Ward (2 out of 6 SOAs) 2 SOAs in Thorplands Thorplands North West and Thorplands North East fall within the top 20% of SOAs. The key issues highlighted by the domains are: Crime and Disorder Education and Training Skills. St Davids Ward (2 out of 6 SOAs) 2 SOAs in St Davids St Davids South West and St Davids South East fall within top 20% of deprived areas. The key issues highlighted by domain are: Crime and Disorder Education and Training Skills Delapre Ward (2 out of 6 SOAs) 2 SOAs in Delapre Delapre Central and Delapre South fall within top 20% of deprived areas. The key issues highlighted by domain are: Crime and Disorder Education and Training Skills. St Crispin Ward All 6 of the SOAs in St Crispin fall within the top 30% of deprived areas nationally according to the IMD rankings. The significant deprivation indicator for St Crispin Ward is Crime and Disorder (with 5 of its 6 SOAs being within the top 10% nationally for Crime and Disorder) 12

13 Summary of results for IMD Top 3 Ward Priorities Ward No. of SOAs in top 20% per ward % Rank of IMD position Nationally of the most deprived Wards Greatest Inequalities as an average Priority Order. Spencer 5 of the % 1 Castle 2 of the % 2 Lumbertubs 4 of the % 3 Top 10 SOAs Priorities Super Output Areas - SOAs Wards Rank of IMD position % of most deprived SOAs in England 10 most deprived SOAs in Northampton Spring Boroughs (021A) Castle Semilong East/Barrack Road (021C) Castle Central and South Kings Heath (017E) Spencer Grange Road / Greenfield Avenue (012A) Eastfield Briar Hill East (026C) St James Bellinge/Crow Lane (011A) Billing Central/West Spencer (017A) Spencer North Spencer and South Kings Heath (017C) Spencer St Davids East (009D) St David Blackthorn (007D) Lumbertubs

14 2. (Emerging) Housing Asset Strategy, Decent Homes assessments and (Emerging) Housing Strategy In Northampton the key areas where housing will not meet Decent Homes Standards by 2010 are: Spring Boroughs in Castle Ward Central Kings Heath in Spencer Ward, Briar Hill East in St James Ward Grange Road and Greenfield Road in Eastfield Ward Lumbertubs Ward and Thorplands Ward Population densities are significantly higher per hectare in the areas (highlighted below) than the average for Northampton people per hectare: Central Kings Heath in Spencer Ward per hectare, Briar Hill East in St James Ward per hectare Grange Road and Greenfield Road in Eastfield Ward per hectare There is a high proportion of single occupancy households in some areas when compared to the average in Northampton as a whole at 29.8%. Spring Boroughs in Castle Ward has 60.1% single households Central Kings Heath in Spencer Ward has 38.8% single households Briar Hill East in St James Ward has 33.6% single households Grange Road and Greenfield Road in Eastfield Ward has 39.9% single households Many housing estates within the identified SOAs and Wards have problems that are cost inhibitive to put right, from a housing perspective, and it may be better value to demolish and rebuild. Areas outlined below have a low ownership level, against the national average of private ownership of 68.7% Spring Boroughs in Castle Ward only 16.6% of properties are privately owned Central Kings Heath in Spencer Ward only 29.8% of properties are privately owned Briar Hill East in St James Ward only 40.4% of properties are privately owned Grange Road and Greenfield Road in Eastfield Ward only 11.3% of are privately properties owned 14

15 As can be seen from the identified blue shaded areas from the map of Northampton above the main areas of housing concern are: 1. Northampton North West Spencer Ward particular Kings Heath Estate and North Spencer. 2. Central Northampton Castle Ward, particular the estates of St James End, Spring Boroughs, Semilong East/Barrack Road and the Mounts. 15

16 3. Northampton East Lumbertubs, Thorplands, Billing and Ecton Brook Wards, these include the estates/communities of Bellinge, Blackthorn, Goldings, Thorplands, Rectory Farm, Great Billing, Ecton Brook, Lodge Farm, Standens Barn and Billing Brook. 1. Northampton North West. In Kings Heath Estate, the Council own 886 dwellings on the estate. It will be important that if the Dallington Grange housing development is brought forward it is not developed in isolation from the surrounding community in Kings Heath. 2. Central Northampton, In Spring Boroughs, the Council own 83% of dwellings in the Estate. The dwellings mainly comprise high to medium rise flats, which were built when the Victorian terraces were subject to clearance in the 1950 s. In addition to the deprivation issues experienced, a significant proportion of this estate is Council owned stock and will fail to meet the Decent Homes Standard by Northampton East, was built by the Northampton development Corporation in the 1970 s and much of the housing stock within this area is coming to the end of its expected life. The Estates Review process has identified a number of estates in the east of Northampton where decent homes funding on its own will not create sustainable communities that can deliver high quality landlord services and achieve resident satisfaction. Over the past 3 years, over 30% of council rented stock in east Northampton has been void. These estates are defined by a number of issues including: Poor stock and estate layout Socio-economic challenges Lack of distinction between public and private areas High incidences of crime and antisocial behaviour Low educational attainment 16

17 Summary of results from housing documents The Information from the (Emerging) Housing Asset Strategy, Decent Homes Assessments and (Emerging) Housing Strategy suggests: Top 5 SOAs for Intervention Ward Areas Identified Areas in Greatest Need of Intervention in Priority Order. Castle Spring Boroughs 1 Spencer Central Kings Heath 2 Briar Hill East St James Ward 3 Eastfield Grange Road and Greenfield Road 4 Lumbertubs and Thorplands Bellinge, Thorplands and Blackthorn 5 3. The National Indicators for Change to measure Regeneration Not all information collected for the National Indicators recommended through the Framework for Regeneration is available at below Borough level. The current information available is NI151, NI153, NI5, NI15 and NI16. Overall employment rate (NI 151) Overall employment rate in Northampton (of working age population) is 93.7%, East Midlands 93.6%. %. (Data source census 2001 most up to date down to ward level) Wards with below Borough average employment rates are: Overall employment rate (data source 2001) Wards % Employment Rate Castle 91.2% Eastfield 93.3% Lumbertubs 90.7% St Crispin 92.9% St Davids 92.9% Spencer 90.0% 17

18 Working age people claiming out of work benefits in the worst performing neighbourhoods (NI 153) (Data source Nomis, August 2009) Wards where there is higher than Borough Average (13.7%) claiming out of work benefits Wards % Working age people claiming out of work benefits Billing 14.5 Castle 24 Delapre 14.9 Eastfield 18.9 Ecton Brook 15.6 Lumbertubs 22.0 St Crispin 17.3 St Davids 19.9 St James 16 Spencer 23.6 Thorplands 21.9 Serious violent crime rate (NI15) The average Number of Serious Violent Crimes committed (at ward level) between 1 st April 2009 and the 31 st October 2009 was 113 reported incidences. Wards where there is higher than Borough Average (113) incidences of serious violent crimes. Wards No of Crimes Recorded 01/04/09-31/10/09 Castle 661 Delapre 120 Lumbertubs 149 St Crispin 321 Spencer 127 Thorplands

19 Serious acquisitive crime (NI16) The average Number of serious acquisitive crimes committed (at ward level) between 1 st April 2009 and the 31 st October 2009 was 114 reported incidences. Wards where there is higher than Borough Average (114) incidences of serious acquisitive crimes. Wards No of Crimes Recorded 01/04/09-31/10/09 Abington 162 Castle 282 Delapre 182 Eastfield 133 Kingsley 128 Lumbertubs 120 St Crispin 237 St James 141 Spencer 143 Thorplands 136 Data for the following indicators is collected by other agencies and it is not clear whether this information is currently available at below borough level: Reduction in schools where fewer than 30 per cent of pupils achieve 5 or more A* C grades at GCSE including English and Maths (NI 78) Proportion of children in poverty (NI 116) All-age all cause mortality rate (NI 120) Working age population qualified to at least Level 2 or higher (NI 163) 16 to 18 year olds who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) (NI 117) Average earnings of employees in the area (NI 166) Working age people with access to employment by public transport (and other specified modes) (NI 176) 19

20 It is unlikely that the following indicators are available below borough level Planning to adapt to climate change (NI 188) New business registration rate (NI 171) The environment for a thriving third sector (NI 7) 20

21 4. Safer Stronger Northampton Partnership, Partnership Strategic Assessment. The analysis provided below is from a wide range of relevant datasets and intelligence collected by ComPass on behalf of the Northampton Safer Stronger Partnership. The Strategic Assessment provides a high level forward looking evaluation of crime; the misuse of alcohol and other drugs; antisocial behaviour; and behaviour adversely affecting the environment in Northampton. This Partnership Strategic Assessment Highlights key data information by crime type Provides an analysis of the crime type Key findings. Using the information provided in the Strategic Assessment it is possible to highlight key issues/ areas of concern in Northampton. Alcohol The highest incidences of Alcohol related Violence Offences, Assault and Injury Offences; Alcohol related ambulance callouts and people currently on the Probation Caseload are in: Castle Ward specifically the SOAs of Spring Boroughs 021A, Semilong East/Barrack Road 021C St Crispin Ward, specifically the Town Centre SOA, 025A. Environmental The highest incidences of environmental issues, including Criminal Damage, ASB, Council Noise Complaints, Graffiti and Secondary Malicious Fires are in: Castle Ward, specifically the SOAs of Spring Boroughs and Semilong East/Barrack Road St Crispin Ward, specifically the SOA covering the Town Centre. Acquisitive Crime The top five worse SOAs for Acquisitive Crime are in: Billing, 011A, Castle, 021A, 021C St. Crispin, 025A and Delapre, 028A Domestic Burglary The highest rates of domestic burglary are in: Thorplands and Lumbertubs Victimisation The area in Northampton Borough that ranked highest for volumes of victimisation against young people 17 and under was Castle (Spring Boroughs) 021A. Castle is also the top area for volumes of hate crimes and incidents and crimes committed against older people. 21

22 Excluded Pupils The areas with the highest volumes of excluded pupils residing are in: Thorplands, 004E Ecton Brook, 005C St. David, 009C Eastfield, 012A Spencer, 017E Old Duston, 018A and Old Duston, 018B. 22

23 Number of times SOAs are specifically identified in Safer Stronger Northampton Partnerships Strategic Assessment as locations of key incidents of crime type: SOAs Alcohol Related Crimes Concerns Anti Social Behaviour related incidences Acquisitive Crime and Commercial Burglary Domestic Burglary Victimisation of Young People Highest volumes of Young People with Court outcomes Highest pupils residing with exclusions Crime against older people Incidences of Hate Crime Spring Boroughs 021A 6 Total Semilong East/Barrack Road 021C 3 Central Kings Heath 017E 1 Old Duston 018A 1 Ryehill 018B 1 Grange Road and 1 Greenfield Road 012A Briar Hill East 026C 1 Town Centre 025A 3 Rushmere 020C 1 Bellinge / Crow Lane in 1 Billing Ward 011A Southfields 004B 1 Thorplands Estate Central and South 004C Lumbertubs Weston Favell 007C 1 1 Rectory Farm North 005C 1 St David Estate North 009C 1 Southfields and 2 Thorplands Estate East 004E Cotton End 028A 2 Upper Mounts 023A 1 23

24 Summary of results from the Safer Stronger Northampton Partnership, Partnership Strategic Assessment suggests the SOAs most effected by particular crime types reviewed are: Ward - SOA Castle Ward - Spring Boroughs Castle Ward - Semilong East/Barrack Road St Crispin Ward - Town Centre Thorplands Ward - Southfields and Thorplands Estate East St Crispin Ward - Cotton End Summary Analysis of the drivers of Deprivation in Northampton Economic Employment levels within the Borough are traditionally high however there are a areas within the Town where unemployment is significantly higher than the rest of the Borough. Many issues associated with deprivation in Northampton are linked to low-skilled workers and low pay at a time where the economy when more highly skilled workforce is required. In addition many residents in the most deprived areas do not own their own homes. Economic activity is low, often with few local work opportunities. There is a need to ensure that there is a local employment strategy, promotion of social enterprise, a mixed housing tenure etc. Physical The quality of the physical environment can be a main factor is determining residents satisfaction with an area and is impacted upon by poor housing, poor facilities and poor environment. Using current information the state of the physical environment is not a major contributor to deprivation in Northampton. However, the condition of housing stock in many of the areas is poor and in need of major investment to reach Decent Home Standard. A feature of many of the estates is poor layout and areas of open space, which is of poor quality and contributes to levels of anti-social behaviour in an area. Such circumstances lead to a vicious circle of reducing pride and increasing anti-social behaviour. 24

25 Social Household poverty is determined by analysis of working age benefit claimants, incapacity unemployment and lone parents benefits. In terms of improving household incomes it is important to focus on bringing people into the labour market. The Government has focused on job seekers but more recently policy has had more of an emphasis on those claiming incapacity benefit and lone parents. In addition to deprivation there are a range of social issues facing Northampton. As the population grows the demographic structures are also likely to change with increasing numbers of children (0-4) and a growth in older people. Crime is a key factor for deprivation in the majority of areas of deprivation in Northampton Emerging Priorities Area Key drivers of deprivation within main areas identified through the analysis (Percentages shown, are an average of the deprivation position nationally of all the SOAs in the Ward according to IMD, except where stated) Castle Ward Particularly Spring Boroughs, Semilong East and Barrack Road Spencer Ward - Particularly Kings Heath and Spencer Central, West and North. High levels of crime and disorder across the Ward 8.4% most deprived nationally, coupled with identification of problematic areas within Castle Ward through the Northampton Safer Stronger Partnership - Strategic Assessment. Areas of poor social housing (particularly Spring Boroughs), within a poor living environment 15.5% most deprived nationally. There is a low level of education training and skills 18.5% most deprived nationally and this has driven low levels of employment 22.1% (of working age population claiming benefits) and income levels of 21.91% most deprived nationally. Poor health has also been a consequence of above factors with a position of 19.9% most deprived nationally. High levels of crime and disorder across the Ward 9.1% most deprived nationally. Areas of poor social housing (particularly Kings Heath Estate). There is a low level of education training and skills 6.3% most deprived nationally and this has driven low levels of employment 23% (of working age population claiming benefits) and income levels of 14.4% most deprived nationally. Poor health has also been a consequence of above factors with a position of 22.6% most deprived nationally. 25

26 Northampton East Particularly Bellinge, Blackthorn, Thorplands, Lumbertubs and Lings Estates. High levels of crime and disorder across the Wards of Lumbertubs, Thorplands, Ecton Brook and Billing Wards combined 9.5% most deprived nationally, coupled with identification of problematic areas within Lumbertubs Ward through the Northampton Safer Stronger Partnership - Strategic Assessment. Areas of poor social housing (particularly Blackthorn and Bellinge). There is a low level of education training and skills 22% most deprived nationally and this has driven low levels of employment 18.1% (of working age population claiming benefits) and income levels of 31.6% most deprived nationally. Poor health has also been a consequence of above factors with a position of 22.6% most deprived nationally. This emerging priorities assessment shows issues in particular areas are as a consequence of a combination of a number of key drivers such as economic, physical and social factors. Some of these overarching issues cannot be tackled on an area basis for example improving education, skills and training in schools, colleges and universities. 26

27 Opportunities / Current Regeneration Programmes There are several initiatives being developed and implemented by Northampton Borough Council and partners, which are seeking to address the inequalities (economic, social and physical circumstances) faced by residents. Current Key Programmes and Opportunities in Northampton are: - Programmes 1. Local Area Agreements and the refresh of Northampton s Sustainable Communities Strategy This sets out the priorities for the local area, agreed between central government and Northampton Local Strategic Partnership and other key partners at the local (Borough) level. It sets out the local priorities that will make the town a better place to be; the targets are negotiated and should be achieved as part of a coordinated effort between all the main public sector organisations in Northampton. 2. Northampton Safer Stronger Partnership programme The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 requires the formation of multiagency partnerships to tackle issues of crime and disorder within their area. Part of this requirement is the development and implementation of a rolling three-year strategy. Crime prevention initiatives have been directed at areas as priorities this has included Spring Boroughs, the Town Centre and Thorplands in recent years. 3. Housing Private Finance Initiative (PFI) is a potential 100m investment in housing regeneration in two estates in Northampton East. Eastfield Estate mainly Grange Road and Greenfield Road areas Thorplands Estate. It is envisaged that the Housing PFI scheme in the 2 estates chosen, will consist of a mixture of refurbishment work, demolition of existing homes and new build affordable homes. It is proposed that the investment in these estates through PFI will act as a catalyst for action to reduce the inequalities in their economic, social and physical circumstances. 27

28 Further Opportunities Dallington Grange The emerging housing development at Dallington Grange has the potential through a wider Northampton North West Regeneration Strategy and the formation of a Regeneration body, to impact on the wider Kings Heath and Spencer. Central Area Action Plan The emerging Central Area Action Plan (CAAP) will be the Strategy for Northampton s Town Central area and identifies Spring Boroughs in Castle Ward as a key regeneration area. The Policy for regenerating the area includes: Redevelopment of some of the housing stock which fails to meet Decent Homes standard to a mix of private and affordable homes as well as development that encourages mixed communities. A greater mix of uses within the area, in particular employment and offices. Neighbourhood scale retailing and leisure, improvements to the layout and high quality design. Improved community safety and improved pedestrian links with the town centre especially across Horsemarket. West Northamptonshire Development Corporation has plans to improve the Central Station and link it with the town centre, through Spring Boroughs. Area Based Working NBC is developing a programme focused around neighbourhoods and communities Which aims to put in place a new way of working focused around neighbourhoods and communities that has the potential to deliver real change to all areas of Northampton. The programme will extend Borough Council services and include services such as Police, NCC and PCT. The programme aims to include supporting targeted interventions to close the gap between the poorest and most affluent neighbourhoods so that nobody is disadvantaged by where they live. 28

29 Next Steps Agreements required: 1. An area based regeneration approach needs to be agreed 2. The areas to concentrate efforts on need to be agreed. 3. A lead organisation or service area needs to be identified to coordinate an area based Community Regeneration approach in the identified areas. Future Actions: 4. Development of local plans or Regeneration Frameworks for specific areas need to be produced in partnership with local residents and institutional stakeholders. These plans need to build on existing relationships and initiatives. The plans/frameworks would include further analysis of the areas to determine strengths, weaknesses and opportunities. 5. These plans will include Timescales, Work streams / potential projects, and potential sources of funding Bibliography Northamptonshire Local Area Agreement, Northampton Local Strategic Partnership, Sustainable Community Strategy, Primary Care Trust, Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (2008) The Emerging Northampton Housing Asset Management Strategy (2009) Northampton Borough Council, Housing Strategy Consultation Draft v6 Northampton Borough Council, Medium Term Financial Strategy 2010/11 to 2012/13 Safer Stronger Northampton Partnership, Partnership Strategic assessment (November 2009) Northamptonshire Observatory, Indices of Multiple Deprivation Update (2007) Environmental Warden Coverage Maps (2010) West Northamptonshire Emergent Joint Core Strategy (2009) Reviewing and Sustaining Communities: Northamptonshire, Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy, Northampton Observatory Information on LSOAs IMD 2007 update (2007). NOMIS Official Labour Market Statistics, Office for National Statistics (2009) 29

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