of the vehicle, a very strange thing happened to me, my whole body started shaking, but not like when you are cold, it's like really, really shaking.

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1 On "It's Supernatural," it should have been a deadly car accident but it was actually a miracle in the making. See how a young boy died and went to heaven on the night of the wreck, and see the amazing gift from God that Aldo and his mother are sharing with the world. Do angels exist? Are healing miracles real? Is there life after death? Can people get supernatural help from another dimension? Has the future been written in advance? Sid Roth has spent twenty-five years researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid on this edition of, "It's Supernatural." Sid: Hello Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it is naturally supernatural. My guest from South Africa, she was actually Mrs. South Africa, good marriage, wonderful children, wonderful career, everything is perfect. And one night her husband is driving the entire family and her whole life shattered, explain. Retha: Yes, it was a very bad car accident and after the accident we all fell out of the car and me and my husband tried to figure out where the children were and they weren't in the car anymore. So I ran around in the dark night to find my children, and that was really the worst day of my life to realize they were not in the car anymore. We found the little one and he was first out of the car, and then he was explaining later to us, cause he only had a couple of bruises and cuts, that Jesus caught him. And the moment he said that I thought you know we taught our children nice, I didn't take it serious, and then I found my son at the opposite of the highway on the other side of the highway. Sid: It was dark, how did you find him there? Retha: You know I was running round, everybody that stopped just called out his name, and he didn't answer. And as I was running around, I asked the Lord, Lord you help me. And the next thing the Spirit of God just led me to the other side of the highway, my husband said to me he would never be there, he will never be there, it is too far. But I ran and I just fell over his body. So I spoke to him but he was already in a coma so I thought he was dead. Sid: But you were also concerned that another car might hit you, it was coming toward you and it was night, what happened to you at that moment? Retha: While I was busy with him trying to figure out if he was alive or not, a car tried to avoid the accident scene and all the people stopped, so he went in the bush and this was exactly where we were. So I jumped up because I realized this car is going to drive over us. And as I jumped up and I looked into the lights

2 of the vehicle, a very strange thing happened to me, my whole body started shaking, but not like when you are cold, it's like really, really shaking. And I was looking at the lights of this car and the next thing after the shaking the heat, it is like fire, I could tell where it went, it went right through my whole body, and after that, I could say it is here and then at my feet, and right after that the peace of the living God was with me. And to have peace in this worse situation Sid: It's almost impossible to imagine. Retha: But that is when the presence of God is there then you have that peace. Sid: And of course you son, you could see, was dead, but you found out later when you were having that peace, what was going on with your son? Retha: When I had this peace, he was in heaven. Jesus, what happened actually, then later on after he was in a coma for months, and he came out of the coma and couldn't speak, the only thing he could do was write, and then he was explaining what he was writing to me, that night at that bad accident scene I looked into Jesus eyes, Messiah's eyes, where he took him, picked him up and took him to heaven where he was in heaven the whole time and God was teaching him the word, the word of God is today in his heart. Sid: Did he know the word; did he know the Bible? Retha: Oh no, oh no not at all, I mean he was a normal, 12-year-old kid. Sid: So while he was in heaven the whole word was downloaded into him? Retha: Absolutely, today he can tell you any scripture. When he writes he can just download scriptures. And then in heaven the time, and he also said, "If you do not surrender me Mommy to Jesus, I would have been dead." And so yeah Sid: How did he know you surrendered him to Jesus? Retha: For me that was the strangest part because he could not, because he was in a coma in my eyes, but while he was on the machines and they told me that they would stop the machines I ran opposite, I stayed in a room, I ran into the room and did a strange thing in my eyes, I took my jacket and I pulled it over my face. And I didn't know then, but today I know that it is like a prayer closet, and I called out to the Lord. Sid: We Jewish people used to take a talliet and put it, and some still do it today over our head, and that's what Jesus did when he said, "Go into the closet," he put the talliet or prayer shawl over his head. Retha: Yes, and then God spoke to me in an audible voice and he said to me, "Are you willing to surrender him to me?" And I really was not ready but God asked that from Abram and he asks it for all of us, because he was like an idol in my life, and God don't want us to have idols, and he wants to be our first love, and that is why I needed to surrender him and that is why he

3 could know that I surrendered him to Jesus. And he said to me in this letter, if you did not surrender me I would have been dead. Sid: Well you know the thing that is really hard for me to comprehend is when I look at your book, A Message From God, it says I want to dedicate this book to Duane and Anton in heaven, what is this all about? Retha: All the time while he was in heaven God showed him the whole place and the houses and the children and the babies and everything. And then he came back and one day he starts writing about the two children he saw in heaven, so he gave the addresses of the parents, and he was studying about birth children, how they are so happy in heaven that they do not want to come back. But the children are worried about the parents, have they ever surrendered their life to Jesus? And he gave this little letter and said, "Your son is happy, he is healed, he is complete, but what about you? So I was really thinking this medicine is too strong, how can this be? And I just kept the letters separate. And one day a friend visited us and he was writing because he couldn't speak and said, "My mother is not obedient to God's voice." And is said, "What do you mean?" And he said, "Those three letters." So this friend of mine took these two letters Sid: How could you find these two kids that he met in heaven? Retha: He gave the address, he says Sid: He had the address? Retha: Yes! Sid: How could he know the address? Retha: It's impossible. Sid: Hold that thought. Let me tell you something, this is amazing. And when you find out what Aldo is writing, messages from God, you'll be, I mean this is so wonderful. Not many books will I read twice, but this is a book I want to read many times because it has got the life of God in here, intimacy with God, don't go away, we'll be right back. We'll be right back to "It's Supernatural." Call now and receive your copy of Retha and Aldo McPherson's book, "A Message From God," In this book you will read a true inspiring story of a mother and son's journey from fear and despair to miraculous recovery and revelation of God's love. You will read a true story of 12-year-old Aldo McPherson as he lay in a coma the result of a car accident and his supernatural journey to heaven where he met Jesus, saw the angels, Moses and Abraham. You will read the messages God gave him.

4 This book is filled with Aldo's actual handwritten letters revealing God's direct message about the last days and how we should prepare for the return of Jesus. As you read this moving book, you will receive faith to believe God for your own miracles and you will clearly: This anointed book will give you a hunger to pursue an intimate relationship with God as never before. Don't miss out on getting your copy of Retha and Aldo McPherson's book, A Message From God: We now return to "It's Supernatural." Sid: Hello, Sid Roth here with Retha McPherson. Retha, this is such an amazing story, your son literally died, he went to heaven, he came back with the word of God downloaded in him, he didn't have it before he went, he knew two young boys that had died and he wanted a message to go to their parents and he knew where they lived, but when he came back to life and you were nursing him at home, what was wrong with him physically? Retha: He had a very bad head injury, so with a head injury on the mid-brain, brain stem, the left side, the right side, he couldn't walk, he couldn't talk, he couldn't speak, he couldn't eat, he could do nothing. He could really do nothing. That's why we took him home, actually they gave us an address and told us to book him there, but we took him home because I knew what God said to me God said to me, "I'm going to heal this child and this child is going to tell the world that Jesus is alive." So we took him home and we nursed him and for months he was blind, he couldn't speak and anything of that. But while we were keeping on speaking life into him, God was healing him day by day by day. And then eventually the one eye opened but the other eye was still blind, and after the nurses left he slept in front of my bed and that night he woke me, he couldn't speak, he was writing, he woke me and said he wants to write something and he said to me, "Did you see Jesus?" I said no. He said he was right here in the room. I said no I had a dream, like you speak to Jesus in a dream. He said no mommy he was here, he touched my eye. And the first thing I said to him was can you see now. Sid: Of course. Retha: And he says, "No." And I cried out to the Lord, I said "Lord I need a miracle now." He says, "No, you need faith now." Faith, and then two weeks later as I came back one night that blind eye was still open because every night you had to put sulph in to close it, and the blind eye was open and I was just kneeling and praying softly in my spirit to him and afterwards I just gave him a kiss like this and he did it back.

5 And the blind eye was open and the other one was asleep and I asked him, "Love, can you see me?" And he just showed me yes. And he kept on writing and he said I told you he was here and he touched my eye. And then I realized God's timing is just different than ours, but what God started he will complete in our lives. Sid: Now he is actually receiving messages from God and he is writing these messages down and you have these messages in your book, give me an example of one of the messages. Retha: One of the messages was, well a couple of months ago he woke me, he wrote this morning he said to me, "Mommy Jesus spoke to me last night about his word and he is coming again." And these letters are on the website, you can see it there, "which is going to be very, very, very soon, do you know that Mommy?" And then he would tell about the bride, Jesus wants to come and fetch his bride but his bride is not ready. Sid: Tell me about, because this is amazing when he was weeping one day about the golden bridge. Retha: Yes, He can't cry like he normally cries, he would just make noises, and he was laying his head on his arms and crying and I said why are you crying? And he says in heaven there is a golden bridge and after the bridge there is a huge door with pearls around it. He says, "But there are people standing outside and they are crying." And I said, "Why are they crying?" He says, "They can't go in." And I said, "Into what?" He looked at me and said, "Don't tell me you don't know." I said, "No, I'm not sure." He says, "There is a wedding feast inside and everybody is not ready." So every day he will journal a whole page and that next morning he only did this, he wrote Matthew 25 and he left for school. Sid: And he should have not even known what was in Matthew 25. Letha: Well I didn't. Sid: So you read it immediately. Letha: Yes I ran to my bible and I read it. It was about the Ten Virgins. Sid: Five wise, five foolish. Letha: Five were wise and five were foolish, five were ready and five were not. And I tell you this as a bride today, we are all in church, but Jesus did not come to give us religion, he came for an intimate passionate love relationship with a King. Sid: I've got a question for you. You went in South Africa to a good, born again charismatic church, the best in the city, you certainly heard the truth, what was the difference between you today, and when you were Mrs. South Africa, and going to the church, what is the difference?

6 Retha: The difference is sometimes we are sitting in church and we think the church is the place where we can get everything, but you get knowledge. And the fruit of knowledge is works. And I think the church today, the church is me and you, you know, I'm not talking about a specific church, knowledge gives you works, the fruit of knowledge is works but the fruit of the Spirit and the fruit of a rhema word is an intimate love relationship with a King, and the difference is that we keep ourselves busy with works instead of with the King. Sid: So today, how have you changed? What is different about you? Retha: My whole life changed because the night when God revealed himself to me I found out how much he loves me and it is all about love. And because God loves me so much I can walk this walk of faith, and because I know now his character, I can trust my whole life in his hands, and I can just give everything to him and just seeking his presence all the time and not seeing what I can do for him and trying to impress him with my works. It is a different thing, a whole different thing, and now the peace is always there because his presence brings peace. And as you push into God's presence, there you will find the miracle of signs, the wonders, the broken heart healed, everything that we ever need on earth. Sid: But you had an encounter from Jesus, about this book, don't go away, we'll be right back. We'll be right back to, "It's Supernatural." Sid Roth has found the key to worldwide revival This is God's time to reach the Jewish people with his love. Messiah Jesus has torn down the wall dividing Jew and Gentile, the two together form one new man to reach the world. God's method to reach the Jewish people is through signs and wonders. This is why our website, SidRoth.org is jam-packed with tools to equip you to move in signs and wonders, understand Israel and the Jewish roots of the church. Log on to: We now return to, "It's Supernatural." Sid: Hello, Sid Roth here with Retha McPherson, and Retha, this is such a wonderful thing that has happened in your family, but the book was ready to come out and someone put some doubt in your mind, and you prayed for all you were worth and you had a visit, tell me about that? Retha: Yes, I really said to the Lord, I said Lord you know what, I don't want to doubt you, I don't want to put something out for faith, but I need to know if this is what you want me to do, the book, and I cried that night and he, Jesus himself, came into my room, and the shekinah glory

7 just filled the room, it was white, white glory of God, his shekinah glory, and then I spoke to him, I said, "Jesus is this you?" He says, "Yes." I forgot about the book, I said to him, "Just tell me why you are so good to me?" And he answered and said, "Because you love me so much." And then he said, "The book." He says, "Give me back the book." So I saw myself giving Jesus the book, so he took the book just like this, and he blew his Spirit in the book. Because we all need his ruach breath, and he did that and he gave it back to me, he says, "Everybody that reads this book, they will receive my Spirit, they will feel my Spirit, the Spirit of Truth will open up this truth to them." Sid: Okay, I can tell you when I read this book I could literally feel the presence of God pushing me into a greater love relationship with him, this book is new but have you been getting reports from other people besides me? Retha: All around the world, I tell the first thing, and then I get tears in my eyes because the first thing people tell me is I could not leave the book and the Spirit of God really spoke to me the whole way and I felt the presence of God and the Spirit of God. And that is all I want to know because this is exactly what Jesus told me will happen. Sid: You were at the U.N. and there was a beautiful mosaic and God spoke to you, tell me about that. Retha: The February just before the accident, me and my family were visiting New York, and we were at the U.N. and I looked at this mosaic, I did a strange thing, I said to all, "Come and stand here and let me take a picture of you at the back of the mosaic." And as I took that picture the Spirit of the Living God said to me a rhema word, and he said, "All the broken pieces of your life is nothing more than a beautiful mosaic of your future." And this is what me and my family are busy doing now. The Holy Spirit created a new life for us and we have to take the pieces of your life and create a new mosaic. Sid: In your book you talk about it is either let God create a new mosaic of your life, or go back and grab the pieces and try to put it together yourself, and you cut yourself. Retha: You will find there are two people. One will ask the Lord to help you to put it all together and create a new mosaic, the other one will also gather the pieces, because that is part of trauma. And you will gather the pieces, but you will find after a year when you are past there, you will see there's blood and there are bruises and cuts, because they have not stopped building this mosaic. Life is like that. You have to make a choice with what you have in your hands. Beautiful or powerful, you can't be both. You have to surrender your life to God and God will help you to create this mosaic. All the broken pieces of our lives, what you see is nothing more than a beautiful mosaic of your future, and this is life. Sid: Now there was a message I read about that your

8 son talked about from Revelation and he said we are the Laodicea church. What did he mean? Retha: Yes one morning he was writing and he said Mommy you have to go and tell the world that Jesus says, "This is the Laodicea church." My husband asked me what is the Laodicea church, I said that this is the last church in the Book of Revelation, so I went to the Lord, I said Lord what do you want to tell me about, I prayed, I was in a church that Sunday and I said what do you want me to tell the people. And I was starting telling the people this Sunday about the Laodicea church and I said you know he was explaining and he says cold or hot but now you are lukewarm. And the Spirit of God stopped me, he said, "No, wait, wait, what do you people call cold?" We said, in South Africa we said, "Ice cold." And if it is hot, like fire, and the rest, lukewarm. So you can choose today, are you ice cold or are you fire hot, hot like fire? Sid: What does he say will happen if we are just like everyone else, lukewarm? Retha: In lukewarm you see this is where you don't need God, everything is so great in your life and this is what the book of Revelation says, he says I will spit you out of my mouth. Sid: But you were like that. Retha: Exactly. Sid: I mean you went to church, you considered yourself a Christian, but you were doing it yourself, your way. Retha: Exactly, you see God wants to have his fire; he wants us to have this fire of God inside of you. And if you sitting today listening to us, if you don't feel the fire of the Living God in you, you have to know, you have to push in, there is more, there is more than just being born again, there is the fire of the Living God, there is abundant life that he speaks about in the word, in John 10:10, he said I sent the Messiah so that you can have life, and life in abundance, and that's right now, for us now, but you really have to push into his presence, and we have to want to have an intimate love relationship with the Lord, and then you realize you can do nothing, we need the Lord. Sid: Not only do we need the Lord, you need the Lord. You need to know, you could be going to a church, a synagogue, a mosque, but do you have this intimacy with God? This passion you can't work up, you can't do works, it is a gift from God but this is what the Bible says, if you draw near to God, and of course you must draw near to him in truth, and there is no other name given unto men in which we must be saved but the name of Jesus. If you draw near to God he says I promise you, I God promise you, I promise you, I will draw near to you. So step one is to tell God you are sorry, you are sorry for all the sins, all the unforgiveness, all the unbelief, all the lack of trust, all the things you have done wrong, and all of

9 those hurts, just give it to him, tell him you are sorry for what you did wrong, you are sorry for the way things are going, you are sorry that your mosaic, that beautiful picture is all shattered, and you are ready to let him put that mosaic back together. And what you need to do is to tell him you are sorry, ask him to forgive him of all of your sins, and come and live inside of you, and let him create the greatest mosaic the world has ever seen. You are a masterpiece because I am looking at you through God's eyes right now, I am not looking at you through what the mess the world has made of you and you have made of the world, I am saying those broken pieces, you can be in a self-pity or you can say Holy Spirit I give up, make a masterpiece out of my life. I want to love you more, I want to know you, I want to go to that great Jewish wedding. And Retha, if you have never been to a Jewish wedding you don't know what fun is, but I am talking about the Jewish wedding in heaven. You have an engraved invitation; just accept it. Call now and receive your copy of Retha and Aldo McPherson's book, "A Message From God," In this book you will read a true inspiring story of a mother and son's journey from fear and despair to miraculous recovery and revelation of God's love. You will read a true story of 12-year-old Aldo McPherson as he lay in a coma the result of a car accident and his supernatural journey to heaven where he met Jesus, saw the angels, Moses and Abraham. You will read the messages God gave him. This book is filled with Aldo's actual handwritten letters revealing God's direct message about the last days and how we should prepare for the return of Jesus. As you read this moving book, you will receive faith to believe God for your own miracles and you will clearly: This anointed book will give you a hunger to pursue an intimate relationship with God as never before. Don't miss out on getting your copy of Letha and Aldo McPherson's book, A Message From God: If you're encouraged and helped by these television programs please consider assisting us with future productions. Send your tax-deductible gift to:

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