AOIO FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT. in Government Act of 1978 Rev FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2005 (5 U.S.C. app Jl) 2. Court or Organization

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From this document you will learn the answers to the following questions:

  • What is the abbreviation for spouses?

  • What are the Gain Codes?

  • What is the main characteristic of the report?


1 ' Report Required by the Ethics AOO FNANCAL DSCLOSURE REPORT in Government Act of 1978 Rev FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2005 (5 U.S.C. app Jl). Person Reporting (last name, first, middle initial) Copenhaver, Jr., John T Court or Organization U.S.D.C. S.D. W.Va Title (Article judges indicate active or senior status; magistrate judges indicate full or part-time) Sa. Report Type (check appropriate type) Nomination, Date D D D Reviewing Officer. ' 6. Reporting Period 01/01/2005 United States District Judge nitial Annual Final 12/31/2005 Sb. Amended Report 7. Chambers or Office Address 8. On the basis of the information contained in this Report and any modifications pertaining thereto, it is, in my opinion, in compliance P.O. Box 2546 Charleston, WV ' ' D with applicable laws and regulations. MPORTANTNO'S:' thf instrucdns accpib,;ying this form must be fol/owetl Complete all parts, checking the NONE box for each part where yoii have no reportable information. Sign on last page. Date to. POSTONS. (Reporting individual only; see pp of instructions.) D NONE (No reportable positions.) POSTON NAME OF ORGANZATON/ENTTY. Member, Board of Directors Sarah & Pauline Maier Foundation, nc. (non-prft) Administrator Estate of "" '. AGREEMENTS. (Reporting individual only; see pp of instructions.) le NONE (No reportable agreements.) PARTES AND TERMS.

2 FNANCAL DSCLOSURE REPORT Page 2 of8 Copenhaver, Jr., John T 05/15/2006 ll. NON-NVESTMENT N COME. (Reporting individual and spouse; see pp of instructions.) A. Filer's Non-nvestment ncome [K NONE (No reportable non-investment income.) SOURCE AND TYPE NCOME (yours, not spouse's) 1. B. Spouse's Non-nvestment ncome - f you were married during any portion of the reporting year, complete this section. (Dollar amount not required exi::ept for honoraria.) [K NONE (No reportable non-investment income.) SOURCE AND TYPE 1. JV. REMBURSEMENTS - transportation,, entertainmenl (ncludes those to spouse and dependent children. See pp of instructions.) [K NONE (No reportable reimbursements.) SOURCE DESCRPTON.

3 FNANCAL DSCLOSURE REPORT Page 3 of8 Copenhaver, Jr., John T V. GFTS. (lnc/11des those to spouse and dependent children. See pp ofinstr11ctio11s.) [K NONE (No reportable gifts.) SOURCE DESCRPTON. VJ. LABLTES. (lnc/11des those of spouse and dependent children. See pp of instructions.) [K NONE (No reportable liabilities.) CREDTOR DESCRPTON VALUE CODE.

4 1 _ FNANCAL DSCLOSURE REPORT Page 4 of8 Copenhaver, Jr., John T. Rental #, Charleston, WV 1/2 App raisal A Rent L Q 6/80 i 05/15/2006 V. NVESTMENTS and TRUSTS - income, value, transactions tincludes those of the spouse and dependent children. see PP of filing instructions) D,-- NONE (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.) A. B. c. D. Description of Assets ncome during Gross value at end of Transactions during reporting period (including trust assets) reporting period reporting period () (2) () (2) (1) f not exempt from disclosure Place "(X)" after each asset Amount Type( e.g. Value Value Type (e.g. (2) (3) (4) (5) exe mpt from prior disclosure Code div., rent, Code2 Method buy, sell, Dato Value Gain dentity of (A-H) or int.) (J-P) Code3 merger. Month- Code2 Code 1 buyer/seller (Q-W) redemption) Day (J-P) (A-HJ (if private transaction). -- Smith Barney Citigroup 112 SB Money A nterest J T Funds C P CL A Smith Barney Citigroup, Citibank c nterest M T Nevada, FSB, NA Smith Barney Citig roup, (S) SB Money A nterest J T FundsC PCLA Est.of 112 SB A nterest J T Money Funds C P CL A 6. Est.of 112 Bank A nterest J T One CD 7. Est.of 1/2 int., A Dividend K T WesBanco stock 8. Chas. A WV-1/2-app rs'l 6/80 None J Q Bream, Kan.Co. A None J Q pp JO. Smith Barney Funds, nc. - RA Large A Dividend K T Cap Value Fund CLA 11. Rental #2, Charleston, WV. c Rent K R Purchased 11 /83 1 Rental #3, Charleston, WV. A Rent K R Purchased 12/86 1 Huntington Bancshares West Virginia, B Dividend L T nc. - Stock 1 Exxon Mobil-Stock A Dividend K T 1 Bank One Chase - Mny Mkt Act A nterest L T Balance ( incl nee Bank One CD) J 6. Bank One Chase -Checking Account A nterest L T 17. U.S. Treasury Bonds B nterest K T. ncome Gain Codes: A =$1,000 or less B =$1,00 - $2,500 c=$2,501 - $5,000 0=$5,001-$15,000 E =$15,001 -$50,000 (See Columns Bl and 04) F=$50,00 - $ 00,000 G =$ $1,000,000 H =$1,000,001 -$5,000,000 H2=More than $000,000 Value Codes J =$15,000 or less K=$15,001 -$50,000 L =$50,001 -$100,000 M =$ 00,00 $ (See Columns Cl and 03) N=$250,00 - $500,000 0=$500,00 -$1,000,000 Pl =$1,000,001 -$000,000 P2 =$5,000,001 -$25,000,000 Value Method Codes P3 =$2000,001 -$50,000,000 R =Cost (Real Estate Only) P4 =More than $50,000,000 T =Cash Markel (Sec Column CZ) Q =Appraisal V =Other S =Assessment U=Book Value W=Estimated -

5 FNANCAL DSCLOSURE REPORT Page5of8 Copenhaver, Jr., John T 05/15/2006 V. NVESTMENTS and TRUSTS - income, value, transactions (includes 11iose of11te spo11se and dependent children. see pp of filing ins1r11c1io11sj D NONE (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.) A. B. Description of Assets including trust assets) Piace "(X)" after each asset exe mpt from prior disclosure () Amount Code (A-H) ncome during reporting period - (2) () Type (e.g. c. Gross value at end of reporting period Value div., rent, Code 2 or int.) (J-P) (2) Value Method Code 3 (Q-W) () Type (e.g. buy, sell, merger, redemption) D Transactions during reporting period f not exempt from disclosure (2) (3) (4) (5) Date Value Gain dentity of Month- Code 2 Code buyer/seller Day (J-P) (A-H) (if private transaction) Fidelity Trust Fund - shares A Dividend J T 19. U.S. Series EE Bonds - converted to Bank One Securities Corp 20. Min. nt. Kan. Co. WV-1/4 Rocky Fork App 6/80 ofiiiij A nterest K T 21. Min. nt. Kan. Co., WV-1/4 o - Rocky Fork App 6/80 2 Min.nt. Kan. Co. WV-1/8 ofi River - App'! 6/80 2 Min. nt. Kan. Co. WV-1/8 of.. Poca R. Hills-App6/80 2 Min. nt. Kan. Co. WV-1/2 of11/48 of -oca R. App.6/80 2 Min. nt. Kan. Co. WY-1/8 o. Grapevine Crk. App.6/80 M!n.lnt.Kan.Co. WV-1/2 of5/48 of uppers Ck. App.6/ Min.nt.Putnam Co., WV-1/2 o Kan. Hills-App.6/80.. -!. Putnam Co., WV-1/2 of an. Hills-App 6/ Min. nt. Kan, Co., WY-Tate Lease/Colubmia Gas A Rent J w 30. Massmutual Corporate lnvs nc9mut Fd A Dividend K T 3. Neuberger & Bemian Equity FDS (Focus.Mu! Fd A Dividend L T 3 T. Rowe Price GNMA Fd (S) Mut Fd B Dividend K T 3 T. Rowe Price New ncome FD MutFd n. A Dividend K T 3 Vanguard Fi.ome Secs Fd (GNMA)MutF A Dividend K T. ncome Gain Codes: A =$1,000 or less B =$1,0-1 -$2,500 c=$2,501 -$5,000 D=$5,0-1 -$15,000 E=$15,0-1 -$50,000 (See Columns Bl and D4) F=$50,0- - $100,00- G =$10-,0-1 -$1,0-0,0-0 H =$1,000,0-1 -$5,000,0-0 H2 =More than $5,000,000 Value Codes J=$15,000 or less K=$15,0- -$50,0-0 L=$50,0- -$10-,000 M =$ 0-,0- -$250,0-0 (See Columns Cl and 03) N=$250,0-1 -$50-,0-0 0=$50-,0- -S!,000,0-0 Pl =S!,00-,001-$5,000,000 P2 =$5,000,0-1 -$25,00-,000 Value Method Codes PJ =$25,000,0-1 -$50,000,00- (See Column C2) Q =Appraisal U=Book Value R =Cost (Real Es1ate Only) V=Other P4 =More than $50,000,000 S =Assessment W =Estimated T =Cash Market

6 i FNANCAL DSCLOSURE REPORT Dale of Report Page 6 of8 Copenhaver, Jr., John T V. NVESTMENTS and TRUSTS - income, va1ue, 1ransac1ions (includes those of11ie spouse and dependent c1ii1dren. sec PP offili11c i11s1ruc1io11sj NONE (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.) D A. B. Description of Assets ncome during i! l c. Gross value al end of (including trust assets) reporting period reporting period () f not exempt from disclosure Place "(X)" after each asset Amount Type(e.g. Value Value Type(e.g. (2) (3) (4) (5) exempt from prior disclosure Code div., rent, Code 2 Method buy, sell, Date Value Gain dentity of (A-H) or int.) (J-P) Code3 merger, Month - Code 2 Code buyer/seller (Q-W) redemption) Day (J-P) (A-HJ (if private transaction) (2) () (2) () - D , Transactions during reporting period -- 3 Verizon Communications stoc. A Dividend J T 36. Prime Obligations Fund 39. A nterest J T. ncome Gain Codes: A =$1,000 or less B =$1,00 - $2,500 c=$2,501 -$5,000 D=$5,00 -$15,000 E=$15,001 -$50,000 (Sec Columns B1 and 04} F=$50,00 - $100,000 G=$ 00,00 -$1,000, =$1,000,00 -$5,000,000 H2 =More than $5,000,000 Value Codes J =$15,000 or less K=$15,001 -$50,000 L =$50,00 - $100,000 M =S00,001 -$ (See Columns CJ and 03} N=$250,00 -$500,000 0 =$500,00 - S 1,000,000 P =$1,000,00 -$5,000,000 P2 =$5,000,001 -$25,000,000 Value Method Codes P3 =$25,000,001 - $50,000,000 R =Cost (Real Es1ate Only) P4 =More than $50,000,000 T=Cash Market (See Column C2) Q=Appraisal V=Other S =Assessment U=Book Value W=Estimated

7 FNANCAL DSCLOSURE REPORT Date or Report Page 7of8 Copenhaver, Jr., John T V. ADDTONAL NFORMATON OR EXPLANATONS. (lndicate partofreport.) Part Vil, Lines 30 through 36, acquired by s of January, 2005, by inheritance from

8 FNANCAL DSCLOSURE REPORT Page 8of8 Copenhaver, Jr., John T 05/15/2006 X. CERTFCATON. certify that all informa.tion given above (including information pertaining to my spouse and minor or dependent children, if any) is accurate, true, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that any information not reported was withheld because it met applicable statutory provisions permitting non-disclosure. further certify that earned income from outside employment and honoraria and the acceptance of gifts which have been reported are in compliance with the provisions of 5 U.S.C. app. 501 et. seq., 5 U.S.C. 7353, and Judicial Conference regulations. Signature Date "';: S,.00 6 NOTE: ANY VDUAL WHO KNOWNGLY AND WLFULLY FALSFES OR FALS TO FLE THS REPORT MAY BE SUBJECT TO CVL AND CRMNAL SANCTONS (5 U.S.C. app. 104) FLNG NSTRUCTONS Mail signed original and 3 additional copies to: Committee on Financial Disclosure Administrative Offce of the United States Courts Suite One Columbus Circle, N.E. Washington, D.C