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1 PROGRAMMA DI APPRENDIMENTO PERMANENTE Programma settoriale Leonardo da Vinci Azione Partenariati Multilaterali Bando scadenza 21 febbraio 2012 Elenco candidature ammissibili N. PROGETTO ORGANISMO CITTA'-PROV ACRONIMO TITOLO DE2-LEO Accademia Europea di Firenze FIRENZE EuPQua ECVET II European Partnership for Quality and Implementation of the European Credit System in VET II DE2-LEO ACCADEMIA ITALIANA DI PERMACULTURA VENTIMIGLIA (IM) TPE Teaching Permaculture in Europe: Sustainable Ways of Sharing Knowledge TR1-LEO ACCADEMIA PSICOLOGIA APPLICATA Palermo DISSABLED Disabled Individuals Success Stories Are Bringing Life in Education of Disabled Youngs PT1-LEO Accademia Vetrinistica Italiana Milano EuroMerchandising EuroMerchandising - "A collaborative network to enhance the job of Window Dressing" TR1-LEO Acli Campi Flegrei (Associazioni Cristiane Lavoratori Italiani) Monte di Procida (Napoli ) Euro-Flora Euro-Flora reinforces European Labor Market LI1-LEO ACS Registrars Italia Matera (MT) Open virtual University (OvU) The network platform 'Open virtual University' as connecting link between business and education PL1-LEO ADMISURA S.R.L. MILANO Mobile Teacher Partnership for supporting VET teachers, trainers and counselors in mobile competencies PT1-LEO AGAT Associazione Geografica per lambiente e il Territorio Roma GEO GLOBAL ECOTOURISM OUTCOME TR1-LEO AGENZIA FORMAZIONE ORIENTAMENTO LAVORO SUD MILANO Rozzano (MI) SEP Smart Employability Program LV1-LEO Agenzia per la Formazione, l`orientamento e il Lavoro della Provincia di Como Sectoral cooperation and improvement of vocational education in the hairdresser field Como PT1-LEO Agenzia per la Mobilità Internazionale Arezzo (AR) Blend@Me PL1-LEO AGRECOR STUDIO DI GAETANO SINATTI & C. S.A.S Ostra Vetere (AN) Edu-Organic-AnimalWelfare Standards and education in organic animal production and welfare in the EU SE1-LEO AgriNewTech s.r.l. (ANT) Torino EWMKE European waste management knowledge exchange PT1-LEO AIAB CAMPANIA - Associazione Italiana per l'agricoltura Biologica NAPOLI MAPkURI Medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) Vocational Education Training - knowledge, use and rural improvement PT1-LEO AIM Agency for Interculture and Mobility Roma EESS European Entrepreneurship Support Systems: Towards 2020 Strategy PL1-LEO Amministrazione Provinciale di Viterbo Viterbo ETHER E-learning for Traditional Handicraft across EuRope ETHER RO1-LEO Anolf-Rovigo Associazione Nazionale oltre le frontiere Rovigo Developing communication skills in multicultural environment for nurses and care workers HU1-LEO ANTARES Società per lo sviluppo dei sistemi organizzativi srl Rome ProEthics Train ProEthics Training Partnership RO1-LEO Anziani e Non Solo societa cooperativa Carpi (MO) Developing communication skills in multicultural environment for nurses and care workers IT1-LEO Apogeo Consorzio per la Comunicazione Milano ECOGREEN THINK SUSTAINABLE, REASON GREEN ECONOMY TR1-LEO ARCHIVIO DELLA MEMORIA Roma Europe Job Bank IT1-LEO ARSAP-IMPRESA SOCIALE Pordenone TYPI Together for young people inclusion FR1-LEO ARSI Vele Scarlatte Milano LEO-II To lern from each other IS1-LEO ARTE DELLA PRATICA SOCIETÀ COOPERATIVA San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) FOR INTEGRATION TOLERACE LT1-LEO ASA S.r.l. Bitonto (BA) MMEEMS Modern methods of entrepreneurship education in modern society

2 DE2-LEO Associazione Academia Symphonica di Udine Cividale del Friuli (UD) Vom Autograph zur Aufführung NL1-LEO Associazione Adriatica per gli Immigrati Vasto (CH) IDMIGRANT Who am I? Searching for my identity: Social, Personal and Political definition of the identity of migrant youth LV1-LEO Associazione Agreenment Rimini Career-edu Career education - a path to effective vocational education GB2-LEO Associazione Albero d'argento Salemi (TP) Be my guest: your language, my language, One Europe DE2-LEO Associazione Antigone Calabria ONLUS Catanzaro LABOURATORY IT1-LEO Associazione Artistica Culturale A. Rocca Messina Mobility Soul Mobility Soul -How can the availability of information and guidance related to mobility be improved PL1-LEO Associazione Biocert NAPOLI LOVEt II Elaboration of the best practice models of the knowledge transfer from science to practice in the organic farming sector TR1-LEO Associazione Centro Studi Città di Foligno Foligno (PG) Employment for Everyone Enchancing Employment Opportunities of Disabled People in EU Through The Improvement of Their Competencies in Vet CY1-LEO Associazione Comunicareilsociale.it Molfetta (BA) m-com Community Media Empowering Program BG1-LEO Associazione Count Basie GENOVA A JOB IN MUSIC - WHY NOT? Expert meetings and exchange of VET professionals and learners in the fields of modern music and improvisation AT1-LEO ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE ASSODEON ORTONA (CH) IEAT Intercultural Eventmanagement and Training IT1-LEO Associazione Culturale Epoca Ardore Marina (RC) BSE Biological sustainability for employment: from the seed of grapes to a glass of wine IT1-LEO ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE FORTES Altavilla Vicentina (VI) MAPS MAPPING OF SME POTENTIALS IN TRAINING PROCESSES IT1-LEO Associazione culturale La luna al guinzaglio Potenza MYEYE Magazine of Young Europeans: this is Your Europe! IT1-LEO Associazione Culturale Musical e Formazione Avezzano (AQ) Euro Musical Theatre Learning Cooperazione transnazionale europea per la formazione dei formatori di performer di "musical theatre" ES1-LEO Associazione culturale ONLUS Compagnia Elefanti Pozzuoli (NA) INTERCIRCUS SCHOOL NET TR1-LEO Associazione Darsana Teranga - ADT Vibo Valentia TATRA Engrave Talent of Middle Aged Women in TouR Leading Competencies - Improve Access to Labour Market TR1-LEO Associazione di Promozione Sociale Young Effect Magenta (MI) ORGANIC EUROPE ORGANIC EUROPE: Organising Reinforcing Generating Approach In Common Europe GB2-LEO ASSOCIAZIONE DIAGONAL TRENTO Safe and Well Safe and Well IT1-LEO Associazione FORMA.Azione srl Perugia CO.CO.M.- NET COmmon COmpetence Modelling - NETwork FR1-LEO Associazione Formazione 80 Torino ECVET MOBILITY NET ECVET MOBILITY NET RO1-LEO Associazione Formazione Professionale del Patronato San Vincenzo Bergamo CO-BUS-VET COMPARISON OF BUSINESS POLICIES IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN EU COUNTRIES AND ADAPTATION OF GOOD PRACTICES AT VET SHOOLS AND VET PROVIDERS TR1-LEO ASSOCIAZIONE GI.A.S.T. Vernole (LE) OPENDOOR OPEN THE DOOR FOR YOUR FUTURE THROUGH LANGUAGE LEARNING CH1-LEO Associazione ICLeS- Istituto per la Clinica dei Legami Sociali Milano APEPeLS Accueil de la petite enfance, parentalité et lien social IT1-LEO ASSOCIAZIONE IDEA LAVORO ONLUS TORINO TYPI Together for young people inclusion ES1-LEO ASSOCIAZIONE IDENTITA' LUCANA Potenza (PZ) SKILLS TEACHERS DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SKILLS FOR TEACHERS TR1-LEO ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA PER LE TECNOLOGIE E L'AMBIENTE - AITA NAPOLI COACH Qualitative approach towards practical training in dual vocational training system TR1-LEO ASSOCIAZIONE LEPIDO ROCCO MOTTA DI LIVENZA (TV) SIMS-VET Developing and Improving The Designing and Simulation Systems in Vocational Education TR1-LEO Associazione Lingua Piú Città di Castello (PG) TPA Development of Training System Based on Project Approach ES1-LEO Associazione N.E.T. - Networking Education and Training Roncaglia di Ponte San Nicolò (PD) ACT YOUR JOB

3 GB2-LEO ASSOCIAZIONE NAZIONALE DI AZIONE SOCIALE PROVINCIA POTENZA Potenza (PZ) Soc Media Use of new technologies on marketing activities TR1-LEO Associazione Novacomunicazione Giulianova (TE) INTEGRATION OF THE DISADVANTAGED YOUNGSTERS INTO SOCIETY THROUGH VOCATIONAL EDUCATION IT1-LEO ASSOCIAZIONE ORIUS Bologna S.E.GR.E. Social Enterprises & Green Economy: new models of European development TR1-LEO Associazione per il Coordinamento Nazionale degli Insegnanti Padova SIAP (Special, Intelligent and Peaceful) Social Skill Improvement of Autistic Pupils with ICT Specializzati e la ricerca sulle situazioni di handicap TR1-LEO Associazione per la formazione e l'inserimento lavorativo Avellino VOCO Volunteer Coordinators FR1-LEO Associazione Piccole Industrie Pescara Montesilvano (PE) ECO-BAT ECO-BAT : FORMER LES PETITES ENTREPRISES DU BATIMENT POUR UN DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE FR1-LEO Associazione Prisma Promozione Ricerca e Sviluppo del management CATANIA Sustainable e-tourism Sustainable e-tourism : former les professionnels du tourisme au développement durable et à l'identité locale via le e-learning GB2-LEO Associazione Qanat Arte e Spettacolo Grugliasco (TO) Circo2 Circonnection 2 - Training programme for Street Theatre Professionals IE1-LEO Associazione Scuola Viva onlus Roma "BITSE" (Barriers which Inhibit the Transition An examination of barriers which inhibit the transition from school to employment for persons with from School to Employment) disabilities in matters relating to vocational education and training RO1-LEO Associazione Servizi Assistenza Domiciliare Perugia Valorizing Home Economics Based Life Skills of Senior Women through Business Networking LV1-LEO Associazione TRAMES Russi (RA) INNO-PROM INNOVATION OF LOCAL PRODUCTS MARKETING AND PROMOTION GB2-LEO Associazione Tramondo Sant'Arpino (CE) TALK Talk: Training and Learning Kit for workers and aspiring trainees in pre and out of school care IT1-LEO Azienda Agricola Maria Consilia Antonelli Tagliacozzo (AQ) Agritourism: New Skills Needed FR1-LEO Azienda Unità Locale Socio Sanitaria n. 9 di Treviso TREVISO ABOVE ABOVE - ABillities On the move SI1-LEO Barz and Hippo di Mazzocchi Davide & C. snc Cavenago Brianza (MB) WMC We manage to create TR1-LEO BRITISH INSTITUTE ASSOCIATION OF VASTO VASTO (CH) IVOLATEC Improving Vocational Languace Teaching Through CLIL TR1-LEO C.N.A. Confederazione Nazionale dell' Artigianato e della Piccola e Media Pesaro IFARD Innovative Applications About Fight Against Unemployment For The Regional Development. Impresa di Pesaro e Urbino FR1-LEO Cantiere dell'immaginario Napoli Declic'In Declic'Industry - Motivating for vocational training and work in the industry IT1-LEO CARE S.r.L. Casalina Deruta (PG) DE3MO Designing a European Environmental Education MOdel RO1-LEO CARPIFORMAZIONE srl Carpi (MO) PDCF Prevent Dropout-have Confidence in Future BG1-LEO CE.S.CO.T. Veneto (Centro Sviluppo Commercio Turismo e Terziario Padova CULTAGE Culinary heritage Veneto) IT1-LEO CEIPES - Centro Internazionale per la Promozione dell'educazione e lo Palermo Skill Assessment Job Coaching for people with learning disabilities Sviluppo FR1-LEO CEMEA del Mezzogiorno onlus Roma OTESHA Skills GB2-LEO Centro di Documentazione sui Conflitti Ambientali - CDCA Rome ECOLAV Environmental Competences towards LAbour market and Vet systems FR1-LEO Centro di Formazione Professionale CE.FO.PRO Paternò (CT) PORTA À PORTA Porta à Porta : Métiers et activités touristiques liés aux portes d'entrée stratégiques des territoires DE2-LEO Centro di Iniziativa Europea soc. coop. Milano Development of Women Skilled Labour IT1-LEO Centro Diffusione Imprenditoriale della Toscana s. cons.r.l. Firenze PIL Path Improving Longligelearning through Self Guidance Tools IS1-LEO Centro d'iniziativa per l'europa del Piemonte (CIE Piemonte) TORINO ERAW Every day racism at the workplace - How does it feel? What can we do? IT1-LEO Centro Educazione Media Pavia NETWORD NET work of WORDS TR1-LEO Centro Italiano Di Analisi Sensoriale Matelica (MC) IMGW Improving Mediterranean Gastronomy and Wine Tourism Knowledge

4 CY1-LEO CENTRO ITALIANO PER LA RICERCA, LA CONSERVAZIONE E L'AMBIENTE Cassino (FR) EUBIRDS European Union for Birds (CISCA) TR1-LEO Centro Machiavelli Scuola di Lingua e Cultura Italiana Firenze FestEVET Festival Entrepreneurship for VET ES1-LEO CENTRO PER LO SVILUPPO CREATIVO - DANILO DOLCI Partinico (PA) Re-energising the VET Practitioner IT1-LEO Centro Servizi Lavoratori srl (CSL srl) Torino VOILA VOcational Intereuropean Learning needs & Aspects for SMEs TR1-LEO Centro Servizi srl Matera Mod-COOPIT Model of Cooperation Between IT School and Sector TR1-LEO Centro Sportivo Educativo Nazionale Roma QUALVET Quality assurance in non formal education tools for evaluation of the key competencies for a good transition from school to the labor market RO1-LEO Centro Studi e Formazione Villa Montesca Città di Castello (PG) SILVIA Supporting the Integration on the Labor market for Visually Impaired Adults IT1-LEO CERES Centro di ricerche economiche e sociali Roma BRIC in TOUR Redefining Learning outcomes and training to prepare future workers of the tourism sector IT1-LEO CFIQ-Consorzio per la Formazione, l'innovazione e la Qualità Pinerolo (TO) VOILA VOcational Intereuropean Learning needs & Aspects for SMEs DE2-LEO Chernobyl 2000 O.N.L.U.S. Borgaro Torinese (TO) BILIUM Bilingualismus Upgrade Module CZ1-LEO Circolo FE.N.A.P.I di Novara Novara START2GROW Further training and education of startup companies, trainers and Business Angels RO1-LEO Città dei Giovani Onlus Assisi (PG) SEE Stimulating Entrepreneurship in Europe IT1-LEO Civiform società cooperativa sociale Cividale del Friuli (UD) Na.Be.L.E. Natural Beauty & Lifestyle in Europe BG1-LEO CO.RI.S.S. Cooperative Riunite Socio Sanitarie Tiriolo (CZ) TTDys Training Teachers on Dyslexia LV1-LEO CODACONS - Coordinamento delle Associazioni per la difesa Lecce Formula for Success Local capacity building through active multinational cooperation dell'ambiente e dei diritti degli Utenti e dei Consumatori ES1-LEO Comitato provinciale per l'orientamento scolastico e professionale Verona VET-LM CONNECTION Network for the analysis and development of employability strategies in Europe VERONA LV1-LEO Comune di Alì Terme Alì Terme INNO-PROM INNOVATION OF LOCAL PRODUCTS MARKETING AND PROMOTION CZ1-LEO COMUNE DI ANGUILLARA SABATIA Anguillara Sabatia (ROMA) ICT tools for teaching and learning technical English BG1-LEO Comune di Carpignano Salentino Carpignano Salentino (LE) Monum-know Knowledge for protection of historic monuments SE1-LEO Comune di Castro Castro (LE) Raise awareness of Atypical parkinsonism GR1-LEO COMUNE DI ERCHIE ERCHIE (BR) CROCOSE-TT The Crucial Role Of the Counsellor in Overcoming Social Exclusion - Tools and Techniques TR1-LEO Comune di Gagliano del Capo Gagliano del Capo (LE) JOST Journey To The Safe Traffic TR1-LEO Comune di Minervino di Lecce Lecce JOST Journey To The Safe Traffic IT1-LEO Comune di Oriolo Romano Oriolo Romano (RM) YOU DECIDE YOUth participacion In DEmocracy CZ1-LEO Comune di Otranto Lecce GradComp Raising professional competences of graduates towards higher competitiveness on the European labour market TR1-LEO Comune di Penne Penne (PE) IVOLATEC Improving Vocational Language Teaching Through CLIL PL1-LEO Comune di Salve Salve (LE) B-IN-SKILL Developing intercultural skills in business environment TR1-LEO Comune di Sant'Angelo in Vado SantAngelo in vado (PU) Development of guidance and counselling instruments in vocational education NL1-LEO Comune di Satriano di Lucania Satriano di Lucania (PZ) EU - porcelain European cultural heritage - from past to future: creating base for the professional training system in porcelain art (craft) BG1-LEO Comune di Specchia Specchia (LE) Monum-know Knowledge for protection of historic monuments

5 LV1-LEO Comune di Sternatia Sternatia (Le) Formula for Success Local capacity building through active multinational cooperation IT1-LEO COMUNE DI UDINE Udine CuEd CULINARY EDUCATION FOR A RESPONSIBLE EATING FR1-LEO COMUNITÀ MONTANA ALTO TANARO CEBANO MONREGALESE CEVA (CN) EUROMEPPAM "EUROMEPPAM" : Métiers des Plantes à Parfum, Aromatiques et Médicinales FR1-LEO COMUNITA MONTANA VALSESIA Varallo Sesia (VC) WATER JOBS WATER JOBS : Développement des métiers de la gestion, du traitement et de la distribution de l'eau LV1-LEO CONFAO - Consorzio Nazionale per la Formazione, l'aggiornamento e ROMA Val-Pro Sharing knowledge and best practices to Promote Validation of Outcomes of Non-formal and l'orientamento informal Learning IT1-LEO Confartigianato Vicenza Vicenza HABEBB Hair and beauty excellences beyond borders TR1-LEO CONFCOMMERCIO MOLISE Campobasso ETM to BOOM Empowering Tourism Management to Boom Tourists in our Region BE3-LEO CONFEDERAZIONE ITALIANA AGRICOLTORI FIRENZE BERA-I Better extension results in agricultural innovation BE2-LEO Confederazione Italiana della Vite e del Vino Unione Italiana Vini (UIV) ROMA ArtdeVivreVET VET on Wine, Health and Responsible Drinking - Art de Vivre PL1-LEO CONFESERCENTI PROVINCIALE DI CAGLIARI Cagliari Entrepreneurship and modern IT technology IT1-LEO Confindustria Veneto SIAV Mestre (VE) SPONGE Absorptive capacity for innovation in SMEs TR1-LEO Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) - Istituto per le Tecnologie Roma VecNET Vocational Education Coorperation and Network Didattiche (ITD) IT1-LEO CONSORZIO CENTRO ARVALIA ROMA SCINTILLA Sustain the city: the Natural Mall SI1-LEO Consorzio Distretto Veneto dei Beni Culturali Marghera (VE) EU BILL OF QUANTITY Presentation, comparison and analysis of construction calculation methods in vocational or technical secondary schools, and ways of preparing bills of quantites PL1-LEO CONSORZIO EUROPA 93 TORINO (TO) PRO-WEB Professional Tutorials for Web Designing PL1-LEO Consorzio Grafico Editoriale Molisano CO.GE.M. Campobasso (CB) From VET to WOW GB2-LEO Consorzio MateraHUB Industrie Culturali e Creative Matera (MT) Skills SETS Skills for Social Entrepreneurs in the Third Sector DE2-LEO Consorzio Scuola Comunità Impresa (CSCI) Novara (NO) AGE Administrations go Europe! CZ1-LEO Consorzio Sociale CO.IN Società Cooperativa Sociale ROMA (RM) IT CHANCE Employing Disabled People through IT tools in the EU NL1-LEO COOP Sociale Raymond Gledhill Onlus Marino Laziale (RM) TOGETHER Benchmarking of different therapeutic approaches for the recovery of socially excluded people because of their drug addiction CZ1-LEO Coop. Tulipano 86 Roccalumera (ME) EWE EWE - Equal Woman is Efficient FR1-LEO Cooperativa Olivicola di Arnasco Arnasco (SV) Échanges européens sur l'apprentissage des techniques de construction en pierre sèche, sur le métier, et sur la qualification du bâtisseur CH1-LEO Cooperativa Orso Scs Torino ConVET Connectivity in Vocational Education and Training PT1-LEO Cooperativa sociale a.r.l. ALTHAEA Avellino PORTAL PROMISE OF RECOGNITION IN TECHNOLOGY AND LEARNING TR1-LEO Cooperativa Sociale di Solidarietà a r. l. ASPIC - Associazione Per lo Roma SELECTORS Social Entrepreneur Lectors sviluppo dell'individuo e della Comunità DE2-LEO Cooperativa Sociale Il Grafo - Gruppo di ricerca per l'attività sociale e la Milano EYDEL Exchange of experiences of Experts working with Youth who have Deficits in Education and Learning formazione IT1-LEO Cooperativa Sociale Il Grande Carro Roma TR.I.P. Training paths for the labour inclusion of disadvantaged persons with mental health disease PL1-LEO Cooperativa sociale Kara Bobowski Modigliana (FC) Job4All Job4All: Professional job counselling for people with disabilities ES1-LEO COSVITEC soc. cons. ar.l. NAPOLI TDP: New Ideas. TRAINING DISABLED PEOPLE: New Ideas DE2-LEO Cramars Società Cooperativa Sociale Tolmezzo (UD) BuCoSoMa Business Competence in Social Management

6 PT1-LEO CREATIV COOPERATIVA SOCIALE SAN POLO D'ENZA (RE) PL, CLM and SE for Trainers in VET Productive Learning, Creative Learning Method and Social Enterpreneurship for Trainers in VET HU1-LEO CSCS Centro Servizi Cultura Sviluppo Srl Pistoia MOMO MOMO - More Mobility for Europe TR1-LEO CTP - Centro Territoriale Permanente di Adria e del Bassopolesine Adria (RO) BCGCIV The Best Choice For Good Career In Vet HU1-LEO Cultural Association NU Pontedera (PI) Mind the Gap - Between Dance and It's Audience TR1-LEO Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Università degli Studi di Trieste Trieste VESSEN Vocational Education of Student Skills and Employee Needs SK1-LEO DIZ - I.S.I.S. - Joef Stefan, Terst, IT TRIESTE Rozvoj vzdelanostných a kvalifikacných rámcov. Moderné metódy a formy odborného vzdelávania v nových technológiach, pre uplatnenie sa na európskom trhu práce IT1-LEO E.C.I.P.A. UMBRIA - Ente Confederale Istruzione Professionale PERUGIA ADDED VALUE FOR CRAFT ADvancing needed skills to VALorize sustainable Employment FOR CRAFTsmen Artigianato e Piccola Impresa UMBRIA IT1-LEO Ecipa scarl Marghera (VE) SPONGE Absorptive capacity for innovation in SMEs PL1-LEO Ecoturismo Italia Cagliari SFORCE Support for certified ecotourism learning programme in european rural areas IT1-LEO EDA Servizi Società Cooperativa FIRENZE E.L.L.A. European Librarian and Learning Approach IT1-LEO Eduforma srl Vigonza (PD) SEMPRE Sense of Initiative: The key to open the doors of the labor market PL1-LEO EloVir92 Torino B-IN-SKILL Developing intercultural skills in business environment TR1-LEO ELSFORM-EUROPA LAVORO SERVIZI E FORMAZIONE PANTHEON PARK Chieti IVOLATEC Improving Vocational Language Teaching Through CLIL S.r.l GB2-LEO ENAIP Impresa Sociale srl Roma ROCO Employment for People with Special Needs - Removing Obstacles, Creating Opportunities IT1-LEO ENFAP - Ente Nazionale Formazione e Aggiornamento Professionale - FIRENZE MAT Music - Art - Technical: professional competencies for a closer link between VET system and working Comitato Regionale Toscano life PL1-LEO Ente Chiesa Villaggio Santa Marta Ascoli Piceno SENIOR UNDER MY SKIN Senior under my skin - joint qualitative development programme for social care personnel NL1-LEO Ente d'ambito Sociale n. 25 Monteodorisio (CH) EU - porcelain European cultural heritage - from past to future: creating base for the professional training system in porcelain art (craft) CH1-LEO Ente Nazionale ACLI Istruzione Professionale Roma FLinVET Exploring Conceptions of Financial Literacy in the European VET Context BG1-LEO Eprojectconsult Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) ProPass Professional Passports IT1-LEO ERREPI S.p.A. Radio Popolare Milano NETWORD NET work of WORDS HU1-LEO ETN Management s.r.l. Potenza Youth worker - the profession of the dedicated helpers HU1-LEO EUROCOM SRL. Como (CO) CCC Cooperation Causes Competitiveness IT1-LEO EUROCREA MERCHANT SRL Milano STEP 4 All Supporting Training on European Projects for All PL1-LEO EUROCULTURA Vicenza GeVET Gender dimension in VET DE2-LEO Euroform RFS Rende (CS) ivoc ivoc international supporting network for vocational and academic guidance staff GR1-LEO Eurogems organisation for civil society empowerment Treviso VET FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION The system of Modern Professional Education and Training in Europe, as a prerequisite for the professional and social rehabilitation of graduates with learning difficulties IT1-LEO EURO-NET Potenza C.A.S.E.S. WORK C.A.S.E.S. WORK - Collaborative And Social EnterpriseS as a new model of economic activity and WORK opportunity TR1-LEO European Academy for Rural Territory Hospitality Potenza VESURT Vocational Education for the Sustainable Development of Rural Tourism Enterprises SE1-LEO European atheneum of floral art (EAFA) Bugnara (AQ) Learning outcomes by FlorCert Learning outcomes in upper secondary florist education by using FlorCert as a quality ensurance tool GB2-LEO European Centre of Abruzzo - Lo Spazio Delle Idee s.c.s.a.r.l. Roseto degli Abruzzi (TE) DPEHS Developing pathways for education and industry in the Hospitality Sector

7 PT1-LEO EUROPEAN COOPERATION NETWORK OFFIDA (AP) EESS European Entrepreneurship Support Systems: Towards 2020 Strategy TR1-LEO Expert Italia S.r.l. Milano COVET TRUE CRITERIA FOR COOPERATION OF VET AND BUSINESS LIFE TR1-LEO F.I.L. s.p.a. FORMAZIONE INNOVAZIONE LAVORO Prato (PO) IPSD Integration Program for School Dropouts IT1-LEO FABBRICA CULTURA SOCIETA' COOPERATIVA CONSORTILE SAN BENEDETTO DEL TRONTO (AP) CSC CULTURAL SKILLS AND CLUSTERS IT1-LEO Federazione Italiana Aerobic e Fitness (FIAF) Roma FELT2 Fitness Elearning Team Training DE2-LEO Federazione Italiana Nuoto (FIN) Roma Safety Managers Safer Europe by higher qualified water safety managers (EQF) DE2-LEO Federazione Nazionale CNOS-FAP Roma Integration turns into inclusion FR1-LEO FEDERAZIONE Servizi Civili e Sociali/Centro Nazionale Opere Salesiane ROMA EDUC' EUROPE II LE GROUPE COMME VECTEUR ET VALEUR DU TRAVAIL SOCIO-EDUCATIF FR1-LEO FEDERMANAGER MINERVA Roma Business Women TR1-LEO Fondazione Abacus Istituto Europeo di Ricerca Studio e Formazione Potenza VecNET Vocational Education Coorperation and Network CH1-LEO Fondazione Casa di Carità Arti e Mestieri Torino ConVET Connectivity in Vocational Education and Training TR1-LEO Fondazione del Vastese per l'ambiente e lo sviluppo Sostenibile Scerni (CH) Green Skills ADAPTING VOCATIONAL EDUCATION TO GREEN SKILLS IT1-LEO FONDAZIONE DI FIRENZE PER L'ARTIGIANATO ARTISTICO FIRENZE ComPASS Craftsmen Orientation Monitoring - Pass DE2-LEO Fondazione Donizetti BERGAMO Vom Autograph zur Aufführung NL1-LEO Fondazione Giacomo Rumor Centro Produttività Veneto Vicenza Columbus Columbus: Capitalize opportunities for environmental awareness of entrepreneurial employeeship IT1-LEO Fondazione I.T.S- "Istituto Tecnico Superiore Alta Formazione per le Nuove Tecnologie per il Made in Italy nel comparto Agroalimentare" Viterbo G.L.A.D. Green Learning Agreement Development ES1-LEO Fondazione Istituto sui Trasporti e la Logistica (ITL) Bologna LOG-CERT LOG-CERT: European Certification Reference adapted to Spanish transport sector and logistics TR1-LEO Fondazione ISTUD per la cultura dimpresa e di gestione MILANO UNENT UNLEASH THE ENTREPRENEUR IN YOU PL1-LEO FONDAZIONE LUIGI CLERICI MILANO Developing an European enotourism by raising the qualifications of winemakers in the field of viticulture, wine and hospitality with the use of local products TR1-LEO FONDAZIONE MEDIT SILVA FRONTONE (PU) RIGHT CAREER CHOICE FOR A HAPPY TOMORROW TR1-LEO Fondazione onlus Enrico Puccinelli Perugia Integration of Disabled Persons to Labour Market with Support of ICT TR1-LEO Fondazione Ospedali Riuniti Ancona Onlus ANCONA Guidebook for Patients' Relatives Guiding the patients' relatives with the help of illness management handbook including the 50 most common illnesses TR1-LEO Fondazione Padre Alberto Mileno Vocational Training Center Padre Vasto (CH) VGforESL Vocational Guidance For Early School Leavers Massimiliano Kolbe BE2-LEO Fondazione Villa Fabris - Centro europeo per i mestieri del patrimonio Thiene (VI) FEMP Towards a European Federation of Architectural Heritage Skills TR1-LEO FONDAZIONE VILLAGGIO DEI RAGAZZI "DON SALVATORE D'ANGELO" MADDALONI (CE) Vocational Education Benefits LI1-LEO For SAS di Paolo Tubino & C. Genova Open virtual University (OvU) The network platform 'Open virtual University' as connecting link between business and education DE2-LEO For.Ma. - Formazione Mantova Mantova Easy-Mobil Mobilitätsnetzwerk Ost-Südosteuropa für Auszubildende mit erhöhtem Förderbedarf TR1-LEO FPEurope Foligno Projects in Europe Foligno (PG) PAKTV Project Auditing Know-How Transfer to VET Actors DE2-LEO FUTURA COOP Senigallia (AN) INNOPART Innovative cooperation ensures vocational success and social participation TR1-LEO GALILEO.IT S.r.l. ROMA RIGHT CAREER CHOICE FOR A HAPPY TOMORROW

8 IT1-LEO GenerAzioni - società cooperativa Novara INTEGREEN Integrating the green alternative into VET training for the service sector CZ1-LEO GESCO Consorzio di Cooperative Sociali NAPOLI BBB BBB - Building Better Bridges PL1-LEO GHEA Societa Cooperativa Vittorio Veneto (TV) Informal learning-good way to acquire new qualifications and skills TR1-LEO GIOCAMONDO scarl Ascoli Piceno World in the Tray WIT GB2-LEO Giuseppe Labita Consulenza & Formazione E C. S.A.S Palermo TESSA Training-Employment Support for Senior Adults PL1-LEO GM INFANZIA scarl Ascoli Piceno INNOVA PLUS INNOVA PLUS. Innovative teaching and pedagogical approach towards children' in preschool education IT1-LEO Gruppo ins. di Pablo Coniglio Poggibonsi (SI) ICP inside Course Portal TR1-LEO H.T. srl Potenza NETCNET NETWORKING FOR COMPUTER NETWORK GR1-LEO I.I.S. L.LUZZATTI Venezia Mestre (VE) VET-SOFT-LO Vocational Education and Training with the aid of educational and professional software for better learning outcomes TR1-LEO I.I.S. VALENTINO BOSSO - AUGUSTO MONTI Torino SHAFUNS SHAPING THE FUTURE AT UNTROUBLED SCHOOLS PT1-LEO I.I.S.Don Milani-Pertini GROTTAGLIE (TA) Pack4Training Preparatory Training Package for Students in VET For Work Placements Abroad LV1-LEO I.I.S.S. ENRICO DE NICOLA SAN GIOVANNI LA PUNTA (CT) DELM DISCOVERING EUROPEAN LABOUR MARKET TR1-LEO I.IS.S.S "STENIO" Termini Imerese (Palermo) Promote Youth Entrepreneurship BE2-LEO I.P.S.A.A. ALFREDO MARIA MAZZEI GIARRE (CT) AGROCUA Vers la certification par Unités d'apprentissage dans les formations agronomiques, s'y préparer : un défi IT1-LEO I.P.S.C.T. L. Cossa Pavia ENGINE Engaged in improving English for the labour market IT1-LEO I.P.S.I.A A. Ferrari Maranello (MO) AXE Apprenticeship across Europe TR1-LEO I.T.I.S. "A. Pacinotti " Taranto LET'S EAT HEALTHYLY AND MOVE TO THE FUTURE GB2-LEO IAL Emillia Romagna Bologna TCTSLCN Technology Competencies for Teachers - a way to effective learning for people with speech, language and communication needs TR1-LEO IAL Innovazione Apprendimento Lavoro Friuli Venezia Giulia Srl Impresa Pordenone Taste the Past Sociale TR1-LEO IAL Innovazione Apprendimento Lavoro Marche S.r.l. Impresa Sociale Ancona EDP ECVET DIGITAL PLATFORM IT1-LEO Ideazione srl Alba (CN) SUITES Start Up In Tourism. European Support IT1-LEO ifool Europe Roma MYEYE Magazine of Young Europeans: this is Your Europe! ES1-LEO IIS IPSIA ITI "Ezio Aletti" Trebisacce (CS) Professional Development through Moodle: A Look into the Past, Present and Future IT1-LEO IL BIANCOSPINO SOCIETA' COOPERATIVA SOCIALE Como eintre einnovation for TRaining and Employability ES1-LEO IL FARO DEL MEDITERRANEO Palermo ASEW A source of employment, wines ES1-LEO Immaginazione e lavoro soc. coop. Torino VETOPEINNOVATION Collaborative environment among students, learning communities and companies for the generation and support of innovative ideas in VET FR1-LEO IMPRONTE VEGETALI CALTAGIRONE EUROMEPPAM "EUROMEPPAM" : Métiers des Plantes à Parfum, Aromatiques et Médicinales IT1-LEO INFORMAMENTIS EUROPA Santa Maria Capua Vetere (CE) JOB EYE JOB Education for Young Employment TR1-LEO Innovare & Progettare sas Sala Consilina (SA) DTICT Developing Teachers ICT Usage in Vocational Education GB2-LEO Innovazione Apprendimento Lavoro Umbria Srl Perugia Creative Apprenticeships in Europe: Best Practice Models

9 IT1-LEO INNOVAZIONE SOCIALE Montebelluna (TV) COM-UP COOPERATION IN BRINGING UP CHILDREN WITH IMPROVED COMMUNICATION SKILLS TR1-LEO International Language School Roma EDFACORE Educational Problems Faced in Cosmopolitan Regions by Teachers and Ways of Removing PL1-LEO IRECOOP EMILIA-ROMAGNA Bologna Job4All Job4All: Professional job counselling for people with disabilities DE2-LEO ISMO SRL - ISTITUTO PER GLI STUDI MULTIDICIPLINARI NELLE MILANO PLAN_VIEW Planning an Adapted Network in Vocational Education of Elder Workseekers ORGANIZZAZIONI BG1-LEO Istituti di Istruzione Superiore Aldini Valeriani e Sirani Bologna Entrepreneurship and Business School for Young Entrepreneurs TR1-LEO Istituto Alberghiero di Stato dei servizi Alberghieri e della Ristorazione Catania Traditional Methods of Cooking "Karol Wojtyla" GB2-LEO Istituto Antonio Provolo Centro Servizi formativi Verona ECOLAV Environmental Competences towards LAbour market and Vet systems TR1-LEO Istituto Comprensivo Verona 15 -Borgo Venezia Verona ISAT Intergenerational Solidarity Among Teachers AT1-LEO Istituto Comprensivo, Altopiano di Piné Baselga di Pinè (TN) Preparing for Success in Music! BE3-LEO Istituto Degli Innocenti Firenze PRISM Partnership & PRofessionality In Situations of alleged child Maltreatment TR1-LEO ISTITUTO DI FORMAZIONE PER LE PICCOLE E MEDIE IMPRESE PROMETEO TRANI The Impact of Vocational Counselling in VET PUGLIA GB2-LEO Istituto di Istruzione Superiore "A.Panzini" per i servizi di Senigallia (AN) PfE Passion for Enterprise Enogastronomia, Ospitalità Alberghiera e Turismo BG1-LEO ISTITUTO DI ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE "F.SCO D'AGUIRRE" SALEMI (TP) TGT Developing Training Materials for Teaching Golf Tourism ES1-LEO Istituto di Istruzione Superiore 'E. Usuelli Ruzza' Padova CATWALK A CHANCE TO WORK AND LEARN TOGETHER IN EUROPE TR1-LEO Istituto di Istruzione Superiore ITC 2 "Cesare Beccaria" Carbonia (CI) BBIATA Beyond Numbers and Borders: An Innovative Approach to Accountancy RO1-LEO Istituto di istruzione Superiore Statale " Bonomi/Mazzolari" Mantova MANTOVA Viresinfo Virtuel versus Réalité - promouvoir un style de vie sain pour les futurs informaticiens en vue d'une bonne insertion dans la vie active CZ1-LEO Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Via Copernico Pomezia (RM) PARTNERSHIP FOR STRONGER EUROPE PARTNERSHIP FOR STRONGER EUROPE - YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS ARE RUNNING INTERNATIONAL STUDENT COMPANIES TR1-LEO Istituto di Metodologie Chimiche del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IMC-CNR) Monterotondo Scalo (ROMA) DEVSID Developing vocational knowledge and skills and foreign language abilities of the participants during the process of developing SID material TR1-LEO ISTITUTO D'ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE "FERRARIS-BRUNELLESCHI" EMPOLI (FI) OPENDOOR OPEN THE DOOR FOR YOUR FUTURE THROUGH LANGUAGE LEARNING RO1-LEO ISTITUTO D'ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE "MANCINI" COSENZA COSENZA THE VET SCHOOLS - GATEWAYS TO ACQUIRING THE NECESSARY COMPETENCES FOR A SUCCESSFUL CAREER RO1-LEO ISTITUTO D'ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE A.MOTTI Reggio Emilia FCPJMT Formation des compétences professionnelles des jeunes sur le marché du travail GR1-LEO ISTITUTO DON CALABRIA FERRARA Teaching entrepreneurship with e-comic Creating an interactive e-book with comics for teaching entrepreneurship in VET book SK1-LEO Istituto Formazione Operatori Aziendali Reggio Emilia MORE4LESS More possibilities for minorities with less opportunities FR1-LEO Istituto Istruzione Secondaria "Oscar ROMERO" Rivoli (TO) D.D.A.H.E Le Développement Durable Appliqué à l' Habitat en Europe ES1-LEO ISTITUTO ISTRUZIONE SECONDARIA SUPERIORE ROSA LUXEMBURG ACQUAVIVA DELLE FONTI-(BA) EVTUM ENRICH VOCATIONAL TRAINING THROUGH UNCONVENTIONAL METHODS IN THE EU COUNTRIES SI1-LEO ISTITUTO ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE "LARGO BRODOLINI" POMEZIA (RM) IH 1 Intelligent House HR1-LEO ISTITUTO PROFESSIONALE DI STATO PER I SERVIZI ALBERGHIERI E DELLA RISTORAZIONE GIOVANNI MARCHITELLI DI VILLA SANTA MARIA Villa Santa Maria (CH) Gastromores Researching needs of the tourism and hospitality sector, familiarizing with gastronomy mores and mastering lingual barriers tied to the profession so trainees in vocational education and training are more competitive when they enter the labour market PL1-LEO Istituto Professionale per I'Industria e I'Artigianato "Enrico Fermi" CATANIA ESPA European Skills Passport in Agriculture TR1-LEO TR1-LEO ISTITUTO PROFESSIONALE PER L'ENOGASTRONOMIA E L'OSPITALITA' ALBERGHIERA COLLEGIO MELLERIO ROSMINI SCARL ISTITUTO REGIONALE PER LA FORMAZIONE E LA RICERCA - I.Re. Forr. Soc. Coop. DOMODOSSOLA (VB) CD Cultural Dishes POTENZA VIOLENCE NOWHERE!!! THE EFFECTS OF VIOLENCE ON THE EDUCATION AND FINDING SOLUTIONS FOR THESE PROBLEMS

10 FR1-LEO Istituto Regionale Rittmeyer per i Ciechi Trieste AEPVI Access to Employment for People with Vision Impairment GB2-LEO ISTITUTO ROMANO PER LA FORMAZIONE IMPRENDITORIALE- CAMERA DI Roma QUEST Quality for European mobility for Small Businesses and Trainees COMMERCIO DI ROMA PT1-LEO Istituto Secondario d'istruzione Superiore G. Meroni Lissone (MB) Wood Workers Abroad Contributes for new methodologies and tools to promote the recognition of qualifications for the mobility of workers - wood and furniture sector PL1-LEO ISTITUTO STATALE D' ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE B. STRINGHER - UDINE UDINE WiTH.C Wise Teacher - Healthy Child - courses for teachers on dietetics and healthy nutrition of children and adolescents HU1-LEO Istituto Statale di Istruzione Secondaria Carlo Anti Villafranca di Verona (VR) BIS Modell of Business Processes in Secondary School BE3-LEO Istituto Statale di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore PAOLO FRISI Milano Share experiences on different levels in industry and vocational training to improve the labour opportunities for light mentaly disabled children on the labour market PT1-LEO ISTITUTO STATALE DI ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE ISAAC NEWTON Varese S.K.I.L.L. Schools, Knowledge, Internships, Lifelong Learning RO1-LEO Istituto Superiore "Majorana" Palermo Viresinfo Virtuel versus Réalité - promouvoir un style de vie sain pour les futurs informaticiens en vue d'une bonne insertion dans la vie active PL1-LEO Istituto Superiore Statale "E.Montale-Nuovo IPC" Genova TBT - SMART Tomorrow Becomes Today - Student-Made Advanced Real Technology FR1-LEO Istituto Tecnico Commerciale e per Geometri "Enrico Fermi" Pontedera (PI) LET Learning Entrepreneurship on Tourism TR1-LEO Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Statale e per il Turismo "Padre A. M. CORATO (BA) TWIE The Workshops in Europe TANNOIA" SK1-LEO Istituto Tecnico Industriale E.Majorana Milazzo (ME) FIVETCFL Formal and Informal Vocational Education and Training in the Context of Foreign Languages ES1-LEO ISTITUTO TECNICO INDUSTRIALE STATALE "GALILEO GALILEI" GIOIA DEL COLLE (BA) WORKVET In the workplace: Exploring and comparing VET systems and the skills and requirements to facilitate employment CZ1-LEO Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale Galileo Galilei Roma Roma SEN School Electronic News DE2-LEO ISTITUTO TECNICO TECNOLOGICO STATALE ALESSANDRO VOLTA Perugia PRO - VET4D Developing a best practice toolkit for cooperation between institutions for disabled people and vocational schools TR1-LEO IstitutoTecnico Industriale Statale Ettore Majorana- Martina Franca (Ta) Martina Franca (TA) M.O.V.E Mechatronics Orientation in e-vocational English TR1-LEO ITC ENRICO TOSI - CENTRO IDA - ISTRUZIONE DEGLI ADULTI Busto Arsizio (VA) SWVVVSW Strengthening The Women Victims of Violence with the Vocational and Social Works CY1-LEO Krom Ltd. San Salvo (CH) ETSU European Tools and Skills for Unemployed ES1-LEO La Città del Sole Società Cooperativa Vasto (CH) EMOTIONS Enhancing children s prosocial Behavior in the Classroom through emotions world FR1-LEO La Sfinge srl Chiusi (SI) D.D.A.H.E Le Développement Durable Appliqué à l' Habitat en Europe PL1-LEO LABBFOR - LABORATORIO PER LA PROGETTAZIONE LA RICERCA E LA NAPOLI People - Creators of a Successful Enterprise FORMAZIONE IT1-LEO L'ARCOBALENO SERVIZI Soc. Coop. Sociale REGGIO EMILIA DL Manual for LD Different Languages Manual for Learning Disabilities PT1-LEO Lascaux s.r.l Arezzo CCIRA CCIRA Promoting Cultural and Creative Industries in Rural Areas IT1-LEO LD Strategy s.r.l. Acquapendente (VT) G.L.A.D. Green Learning Agreement Development ES1-LEO Liceo Artistico Statale Policarpo Petrocchi Pistoia DFVT Designing a future vocational training TR1-LEO LICEO SCIENTIFICO STATALE "Ettore MAJORANA" LATINA InvesTab PCs Investigating the usage areas of tablet PCs PL1-LEO Link Consulting srl Potenza Gender and ICT Gender Sensitive Guidance in ICT PL1-LEO Lombardia Digitale Milano edusmart "edusmart - mobile learning to support professional development for women" RO1-LEO LUETEC Libera Università Europea Terza Età Campania Napoli RTT RELAXING TECHNIQUES IN TRAINING IT1-LEO M.M. Mondo Musica Perugia Euro Musical Theatre Learning Cooperazione transnazionale europea per la formazione dei formatori di performer di "musical theatre"

11 GB2-LEO Mainstreaming Agenda Palermo MWWM Making Waste Work for Me FR1-LEO MECASTONE Bisceglie (BT) Leo-EcoConstruct European Training Units for an Ecological Bricklaying FR1-LEO Med.O.R.O. s.c. a r.l. Organizzazione per la Ricerca, l'occupazione e lo Catania WATER JOBS WATER JOBS : Développement des métiers de la gestion, du traitement et de la distribution de l'eau Sviluppo Territoriale del Mediterraneo TR1-LEO Mediali s.r.l PALERMO E-Learning in vocational training systems IT1-LEO Melting Pro. Laboratorio per la Cultura Roma UpSKILL Up Skilling cultural managers: matching skills needs by improving vocational training TR1-LEO Mercury Srl Firenze NCHHADOE Natural,Cultural,Historical Heritages and Development of Ecotourism TR1-LEO Mètexis Informatica S.r.l. Palermo Mod-COOPIT Model of Cooperation Between IT School and Sector AT1-LEO METROPOLI - AZIENDA SPECIALE CAMERA DI COMMERCIO DI FIRENZE FLORENCE Start 50+ Starting business in later life TR1-LEO Milad Associazione interculturale Modena InvesTab PCs Investigating the usage areas of tablet PCs TR1-LEO Mine Vaganti European Youth Group Perfugas (SS) TOUR-ALL TOURISM FOR ALL, ALL FOR TOURISM TR1-LEO Miur USR Sicilia Ufficio XV Ambito Territoriale per la Provincia di Palermo TTERV Training of Trainers for The European Rising Values Palermo RO1-LEO Movimento Cristiano Lavoratori Sede Potenza Potenza SMART Short Module Adult Reconversion Training RO1-LEO Nkey s.r.l. Santa Croce sull'arno (PI) TBE TechBusiness Enterprise TR1-LEO NUCLEO AMBIENTALE A CAVALLO Giulianova (TE) DISCOVER DISCOVER A NEW WORKING FIELD IT1-LEO OPHISERVICE SOCIETA' COOPERATIVA Offida (AP) CSC CULTURAL SKILLS AND CLUSTERS FR1-LEO Parco Naturale delle Alpi Marittime Valdieri (CN) Échanges européens sur l'apprentissage des techniques de construction en pierre sèche, sur le métier, et sur la qualification du bâtisseur PT1-LEO Parsec Associazione di Ricerca e Interventi Sociali Rome INNO-SOCIAL Learning path for the applicability of Commercial models of Innovation to the Social Area GB2-LEO Passaggi Trebisacce (CS) Facilitating Multi-Cultural Groups in VET ES1-LEO PFORM SRL Salerno SKILLS TEACHERS DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SKILLS FOR TEACHERS TR1-LEO Polisportiva Adige Buon Pastore Verona LET'S EAT HEALTHYLY AND MOVE TO THE FUTURE PL1-LEO POLIZIA DI STATO - SCUOLA PER IL CONTROLLO DEL TERRITORIO Pescara DZO Vocational training as part of education and training of law enforcement officers GB2-LEO PRO TEMPORE SOCIETA' COOPERATIVA A R.L. PARTINICO (PA) JEM Job Seeking and Employability Support for Migrants: Toolkit for Trainers GB2-LEO Procura della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Palermo Palermo CRAC Criminal Asset Confiscation TR1-LEO Progetto Mondialità - Organismo di volontariato internazionale di Puglia BARI INTEGRATION OF THE DISADVANTAGED YOUNGSTERS INTO SOCIETY THROUGH VOCATIONAL EDUCATION RO1-LEO PROMETEO REGGIO DI CALABRIA Professional tourism training -an approach of social and intercultural values RO1-LEO Promimpresa srl San Cataldo (CL) TEAM (Training, Education, Acting, Improve team working competencies and promote a transfer of strategies between sports, arts, Management) business and the classroom IT1-LEO Provincia di Livorno Livorno DD2: WISE over 50 From Digital Divide to Digital Device: over 50 Working to Improve Silver Economy DE2-LEO Punto Missione Onlus Brescia EYDEL Exchange of experiences of Experts working with Youth who have Deficits in Education and Learning FR1-LEO QUALITAS FORUM SRL Firenze Restauration et développement durable EE1-LEO Qualitas Promozione e Sviluppo Progetti Firenze CT Train Construction Trainers Training

12 IT1-LEO Quality Program sas di Nicola Martulli e co. Matera Enabling Communities to Raise their Socio-Economic Profile through Enterprise and Entrepreneurialism ES1-LEO RCS Sport S.p.A. Milano NEWS New Economy from World of Sport CZ1-LEO Regione Molise -Assessorato alle Politiche del Lavoro e della Formazione Campobasso IT CHANCE Employing Disabled People through IT tools in the EU Professionale IT1-LEO Scuola Centrale Formazione Venezia-Mestre (VE) Work & Train Promoting training and inclusion of the disadvantaged groups through working activities PL1-LEO Scuola di Robotica Genova TBT - SMART Tomorrow Becomes Today - Student-Made Advanced Real Technology TR1-LEO Scuola Superiore del Commercio del Turismo dei Servizi e delle Milano Incence Intercultural Driving Licence - vocational Professioni GB2-LEO SEND Palermo IQ Intelligent Quality - Quality at Work IT1-LEO Sharing Europe FIRENZE BGAP Bridge the gap FR1-LEO SHORELINE TRIESTE NAT&NTIC Development of capacity building of staff among european nature conservation organizations and interchange of experiences on the integration of new technologies for the conservation and management of European natural protected areas GB2-LEO SINERGIA Società cooperativa sociale BITONTO (BA) TCTSLCN Technology Competencies for Teachers - a way to effective learning for people with speech, language and communication needs IT1-LEO SISTEMA TURISMO SRL Potenza Mobility HUB - WOCS Mobility HUB for Workplacement Opportunities in the Childcare sector BE3-LEO SOCIETA' COOPERATIVA SOCIALE L'ASSISTENZA - SERVIZI LANCIANO (CH) CONVERT Reorientation of direct care givers that are no longer capable for the job towards more INFERMIERISTICI A DOMICILIO - ONLUS administrative functions trough a tailored (in service) training on medical office management TR1-LEO SOFOCLE LEVERANO (LE) TOUR-ALL TOURISM FOR ALL, ALL FOR TOURISM RO1-LEO SOGEMONT srl Policoro (MT) ECHSSSE Entrepreneurial Competencies and Horizontal (Soft) Skills for Social Entrepreneurs NL1-LEO SOLCO Brescia Solidarietà e Cooperazione Consorzio di Cooperative Brescia Way2Work Way2Work Sociali Soc. Coop. Sociale IT1-LEO Starting Work Impresa Sociale srl Como eintre einnovation for TRaining and Employability BG1-LEO Studio Centro Veneto sas Vicenza COMPETENCE Sharing good practices in providing competences to workforce CZ1-LEO Studio Legale Sturdà Lecce GradComp Raising professional competences of graduates towards higher competitiveness on the European labour market TR1-LEO Studiodomino srl Potenza PRO-ENT Promoting Entrepreneurship IT1-LEO Submeet Association San Salvo (CH) IQEM Increasing Quality of European Mobility in VET RO1-LEO SUMUP Roma ROCPM Reinforcing old craft: partnership for mobility PL1-LEO T.I.S Maremma Toscana Società Cooperativa Follonica (GR) STEWARD STEWARD - strenghtening social skills and key competences in hospitality services IT1-LEO Talasso Benessere Mediterranea San Vincenzo (LI) HeTherWe Health and thermal wellness TR1-LEO Tecnogea S.r.l. Castellammare di Stabia (NA) ME-LPT Moodle E-Learning Platforms and Technologies Project TR1-LEO Tendenze Economiche Regionali - TENDER Ancona A new start Vocational Education and Social Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons ES1-LEO TENIMENTI FANINI s.a.s CASTIGLIONE DEL LAGO (PG) ECOTOUR Ecotourism training concept ES1-LEO TERTULIA ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE Senigallia (AN) GREEN PEARLS RO1-LEO Tice cooperativa sociale ONLUS Nibbiano (PC) Sharing good practice in the field of psycho-motor development LT1-LEO TRAINING 2000 Mondavio (PU) ComInTrain Development of VET language teachers competences in intercultural training FR1-LEO TRUST Tecnologie e Risorse Umane per Sviluppo e Trasferimento S.r.l. Roma SOSMIE Soft skills for migrants in Europe

13 IT1-LEO Umbra Acque SpA Perugia CO.CO.M.- NET COmmon COmpetence Modelling - NETwork RO1-LEO Umbria Training Centre, IT Scheggino (PG) QualVET Towards a reciprocal recognition of quality assurance systems in VET for Tourism DE2-LEO Uni.T.S. Università del Terzo Settore Pisa VICOVET Virtual cooperation between theory and practice in VET and further training in the health and social care sector TR1-LEO Unione del Commercio del Turismo dei Servizi e delle Professioni della Milano Incence Intercultural Driving Licence - vocational Provincia di Milano FR1-LEO Unione Italiana dei Ciechi e degli Ipovedenti ONLUS - Sezione Provinciale Ascoli-Piceno ICT USE FOR VI Partnership activities between EU countries for the use of assistive technologies for people with di Ascoli Piceno vision impairement GB2-LEO Unione Italiana Sport Per Tutti Roma WSM Women, sport and the media SE1-LEO Università Ca Foscari Venezia Venezia Spread Spread the sign PL1-LEO Università degli Studi della Tuscia Viterbo LOVEt II Elaboration of the best practice models of the knowledge transfer from science to practice in the organic farming sector IT1-LEO UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI DI CAMERINO CAMERINO (MC) INTRA-JOBS Academic placement services TR1-LEO Università degli studi di Macerata Macerata IMGW Improving Mediterranean Gastronomy and Wine Tourism Knowledge IT1-LEO Università degli studi di Milano Milano HeTherWe Health and thermal wellness RO1-LEO UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI DI PARMA, Cattedra di Psicologia Parma Sharing good practice in the field of psycho-motor development PL1-LEO UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI DI PERUGIA Perugia People - Creators of a Successful Enterprise FR1-LEO Università degli Studi di Roma Foro Italico Roma Formation Entrepreneuriat social en Europe IT1-LEO Università delle LiberEtà del Fvg Udine CuEd CULINARY EDUCATION FOR A RESPONSIBLE EATING GR1-LEO UNIVERSITA' DI NAPOLI FEDERICO II NAPOLI Awaredent 2 The use of lifelong learning and e-learning as an educational tool to improve oral cancer screening and early detection by medical and dental professionals in Europe RO1-LEO Università Popolare della Terza Età e di tutte le Età della Tuscia Viterbo EUROGUIDANCE EUROPEAN CAREER GUIDANCE - Strengthening InterOrganisational Practice to improve the Quality of Vocational Education in Cooperation with Labor Market GR1-LEO UNIVPM - Università Politecnica delle Marche Torrette (AN) ANSWERS 4 PATIENTS Advancing Nursing Skills within Europe: Religious/Spiritual Needs for Patients TR1-LEO Vicolocorto Pesaro (PU) D.I.R.F.T. Do It Right First Time IT1-LEO VINIDEA srl Ponte dell'olio (PC) TISVIT Training in Sustainable Viticulture: a link between producers and vocational training institutions GB2-LEO VITERBO ARTEMUSICA Viterbo Facilitating Multi-Cultural Groups in VET PL1-LEO Work in Progress Galatone (LE) ProfEthics Professional ethics in EU countries-the exchange of experiences IT1-LEO Xenon Elettronica di Serri Piero Serramazzoni (MO) AXE Apprenticeship across Europe PL1-LEO YAP - Youth Action for Peace - Italy Roma Work and Learn Work and Learn HU1-LEO YMCA PARTHENOPE ONLUS Napoli LWMS Wine Drinking for Inspired Thinking Local Wine and Marketing Strategies TR1-LEO YouNet Bologna FIRSTEP FIRST STEP OF CAREER PLANNING: Improving the Productivity of Vocational Guidance and Orientation Tools IT1-LEO YOUTH EUROPE SERVICE Potenza VETO CLIMATE CHANGES VET in animation, respect environment and stop the CLIMATE CHANGES

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