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1 HELPDESK SYSTEM FOR FACULTY SULIYANI BT HJ RAHIM This report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Computer Science (Software Development) FACULTY OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITI TEKNIKAL MALAYSIA MELAKA 2007

2 ABSTRACT The title of Projek Sarjana Muda 2 (PSM 2) is "Helpdesk System for Faculty" that will be developed to faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FTMK). This system is replacing system manual to online. These system have 2 modules are request installation software and failure facilities. Other than that, adrnin can add, update and delete information in database. The system enable users make application to install software and failure facilities online. After make application, users can see status the application online. The system choose methodology waterfall. Generally, this system explanation about background project, methodology that will be used, how the analysis executed, design of database and interface, implementation and testing of system. The online system becomes systematic and also regular missing data.

3 ABSTRAK Tajuk Projek Sarjana Muda 2 (PSM 2) ialah "Helpdesk System for Faculty" yang dibanguakan untuk fakulti Teknologi Maklumat dm Komunikasi (FTMK). Sistem ini menggantikan sistem manual kepada sistem berkomputer. Sistem ini mempunyai 2 rnodul iaitu installation perisian dan aduan kerosakan perkakasan dan perisian. Selain itu, admin boleh menambah, mengemaskini dan memadarn maklurnat-maklurnat yang berkenaan di dalarn pangkalan data. Sistem ini memudahkan pengguna membuat permohonan untuk installation perisian dan mengadu kerosakan yang terdapat di dalarn sesebuah komputer. Selepas membuat permohonan, pengguna boleh melihat status permohonan secara berkomputer. Sistern ini memilih untuk menggunakan methodology waterfall Secara keseluruhannya, sistem ini menerangkan latarbelakang projek, methodology yang digunakan, bagaimana analisis dilaksanakan, rekabentuk pangkalan hta dan antaramuka, pelbarn dan seterusnya melaksanakan pengujian kepada sistem :ersebut. Sistem yang berasaskan komputer lebih sisternatik dan teratur serta nengelakkan kehilangan data.

4 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Background Since UTeM has been declared as the first technical university in Malaysia, there are 5 faculties. One of faculty in UTeM is Faculty of Information and Communications Technology (FTMK) provides a number of undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The scope of current system just is booking the room labs. At FTMK, there have 28 labs that will be used by students and lectures as user. For each lab have 31 computers that will be managed by Lab Management Committee and Technician as Administrator. The name of systems is Helpdesk System for Faculty that will be developed for organization that is enable adrnin manages the labs easily. The modules of system contain two modules that are facilities failure; and request installation software. The technician can detect harm of computer via facilities failure form online from users. Automatically, technician will know which lab and computer that have damage. The systems that will be developed also enable users to make possible apply request software installation online. The users can see the status application online. Users can know the software information via listing software online. The task admin is approving the status application software request and facilities failure online. Other than that, admin can add, edit, delete and modified the software information.

5 Problem Statement a. Apply request software installation manually The process request software manually, request software installation form obtained fiom adrnin. Users need to fill request software installation form manually and send to admin to get approval status. After the form approved, users will passing the form to technician for making the installation. It is difficult because users require spending a long time to apply request software installation form. From interview technician, time consuming to installation about 2 weeks. The situation causes the process learning and teaching becomes hindered. b. Technician difficult to check damage computer At the FTMK, there are 8 technicians to control 28 labs and for each lab with 31 computers to services. The manual process, technicians is using a book report facilities failure for each lab. Lectures need to notes damage facilities in a book report. Technicians will checking the book report and taking action to repair computer. The situation takes time and difficult to users. At the same time, technicians cannot service computers in short time. The situation will be missing book report easily. Automatically, the data not secure.

6 13 Project Objective To have an online helpdesk system that able: a. To easy technician job Technician can detect harm computer by online form from users, Technicians do not have to go to computer one by one. Technician will repair certain computers that have damage via online form users. Technician takes a short time to repair the computer. Notifl the technician where there are failures of any referred computers. Shorted time taken to repair computers and notifl technician of request for new facilities feature. Beside that, technician can update, delete, modify and add the information software in the system. b. To help lectures and students The system can help to ensure the learning and teaching process become smoothly and effective. The users can know listing software online. c. To easy admin job Admin can manage labs systematically. The admin of task is able to add, update, delete and modified information in the system.

7 1.4 Project Scope a. The level user of system is : i. Admin ( Lab management committee and Technician) ii. User ( Students and Lectures from FTMK only) The system controlled by admin. The main scope function of system is request installation software and facilities failure. The technicians function to repair computer and install request software. The admin function enables to perform add, delete, modified, and edit information in the system. The admin also approve status application request installation software and facilities failure. The users function to apply request installation software and facilities failure. Beside that, user can view status approve and information software. b. The system contains two modules that are facilities failure and request installation software. The first module is facilities failure is support the technician to detect the harm computer through message users by application facilities failure form online. The request software can apply and obtain information software online. c. The specific platform The platform system for software divide is equipment/development tools and operating system/server. The specific equipmentmevelopment tools PHP and operating systedserver is apache server and window XP. The platform hardware is personal computer.

8 1.5 Project Significance The significance systems help to ensure the learning and teaching process become smoothly and effective. The missing data can solved to save in the database. The system is making easy job technicians to detect harm computer by message fkom users. Technicians can update, delete, modie and add the information software on demand basis. The system can help users to ensure the learning and teaching process become smoothly and effective. Lab management committee can manage labs systematically. The lab management committee of task is able to add, update, delete and modified information software.

9 1.6 Expected Output The output of this project is a web-base helpdesk application, but controlled by adrnin. For administrator site, the admin functions enable register for users to get usernarne and password to login the system. Beside that, the admin can perform add, delete, modified and edit information. For lectures and students site is can apply request installation software and facilities failure online. They also obtain information software online. The system support technician can detect the harm computer by application facilities failure from users. Therefore, technicians no take a long time to service the computer. The system will be listing the information software that have in labs. The Helpdesk System support technician who is they can see report facilities failure by month.

10 1.7 Conclusion Since UTeM has been declared as the first technical university in Malaysia, it is necessary to have a system that helps UTeM to manage any progress systematically. Here, for title of Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM) propose to produce a system named Helpdesk System for Faculty. The generally function as request installation software and facilities failure online for each computer in the lab at Faculty of Information and Communications Technology (FTMK). The function in particular is to know information software Basically, Helpdesk System for Faculty has it own functions such as registration for login, add, delete, modify and edit information which is only can be apply by admin, detect the damage any computers in lab by application facilities failure form, application for request installation software, status for application online and report facilities failure by month. The next activities will be developed is chapter 11. The chapter I1 is literature review and project methodology. In chapter 11, need make the study case about existing helpdesk system. Relate among existing system with system will be developed.

11 CHAPTER I1 LITERATURE REVIEW AND PROJECT METHODOLOGY 2.1 Introduction Literature review is process of searching, collecting, and analyzing and drawing conclusion from all debates and issues raised in relevant body of literature that implies of make use of other people work that related to the topic of the pro-ject. These review that can be books, journals, technical reports, proceeding conferences, anonymous references, publication of international bodies or agencies and also web pages or e-book that contain the topic that been studied. The review will help in making comparison and interpret the pro-ject that is done. Fact and finding that are based on development and management of helpdesk, helpdesk issue that rising and also the benefit of helpdesk system. User perception of the helpdesk and also management is also discusses in the chapter. The helpdesk is characterized by the following properties. Helpdesk fulfils the support functions for its customer. The helpdesk customers are people that use the support of a helpdesk. Subject of support is product and services. Helpdesk serves as a central single point of contact for question and problem reports. It forms as organizational entity within an enterprise. Helpdesk are solution oriented. The purpose is the efficient and effective answer of questions or solution of problems. Decentralized the helpdesk can be distributed transparently over several locations from user's perspective (Khosrow, 2002).

12 The helpdesk is created to protect the developers from excessive interruption by the users. However the helpdesk has limited knowledge and passes the majority of its queries on to the developers (Khosrow, 2002). 2.2 Facts and findings Fact and finding that are based on development and management of helpdesk, helpdesk issue that rising and also the benefit of helpdesk system Domain The domain after some research and finding process, as we can see here the domain of this project is focus on online processing for lab management progress Existing System Case Study 1: Kuitho Application Helpdesk Kuittho Application Helpdesk is the support for the person in charge of system in term of helping user with their incident. The strengths of the system user can explore the information they need by browsing the database and find the answers in the database without referring to the helpdesk personnel. User will be send a notification that tells the issues or response has been added to the system. The system is available in client server mode; the user can access the system from their computer. Kuittho Application Helpdesk has some weaknesses is different information in knowledge base. A good knowledge base source needs a variety data and information that will make the knowledge base

13 more useful. Report of the issues is available in a form where list issues and user of the system. The module that been develop inside the helpdesk has been tested but still may lack of consistency. The name of system is Kuithho Application Helpdesk. The system developed for IT Department in Kuithho. There are two users for the system is user site and administrator site. The user site can search and view information. The administrator site is able to insert, update, delete, search and save information. The purpose of system is keeping track all of the application system inside Kuittho quick and easily. First example is alternative for manual record file system. Second example is all the application record is saving in one place. The second purpose is give user the latest update of the system that they are using. Instance user can check for any change and update function or module that already had been stated inside the system. IT department staff do not need to tell the updating that been made to user one by one. The last purpose is reducing call volumes form user. Can volume fkom user that has common problem or incident can be reduced when they refer to the Kuittho Application Helpdesk for support and information. New user can make references to the Kuittho Application Helpdesk for help and support. The scope of system Kuittho Application Helpdesk will give a systematically computerized list of application system and program inside Kuittho. User of the system is separate to two that is administrator and user. Administrator of the system is helpdesk staff and user that are the staff that are using any application system inside Kuittho. This system is accessed using the local intranet connection inside Kuittho. The platform of the system Kuittho Application Helpdesk is web based. The sof ware that used to develop the system is operating system (Window 2000 Professional), web server (Apache HTTP server ), database (MySql version 4.1), web browser (Internet Explorer 5.5) and Scripting (Personal Home Page Hypertext Pre-Processor (PHP). Develop the

14 system take time about four months to achieve the main objective which is help user to send their issues and receive the response to their problem. The justification about the system is good and support IT Department staff concentrate with their work with the reducing of call for user for common incident that already stated in the Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Case study 2: Web-Based Helpdesk with Spam Filtering Web-Based Helpdesk with Spam Filtering is a relatively new enhancement of helpdesk system. Purpose of this project is to replace the traditional helpdesk technology which is using telephone technology. This project completed with spam filtering in order to prevent unwanted report (spam) fiom interrupt this application. It is a security part for this application. The main activities for this project are the users make a problem report to admin and admin will reply the solution to the users. The weakness of the system is no auto reply solution to client. Example the admin need to view the request flom the clients and must reply the solution to them. Secondly, no auto delete for bulk (spam) report. The admin need to confirm whether it is spam or not. If it is really spam the admin will delete the report manually by select the report and click button delete. This project does not estimate specific of time for client receives the reply solution from admin. The clients need to check everyday until they have received the replied solution fiom the admin. This project will have two types of report that is genuine report will be replied by admin and for bulk (spam) report will be deleted or moved by admin. If the spam report is deleted, it's no notification to the client say that their report was deleted by admin. It will make the client still waiting the solution fiom admin. The strengths in the Web-Based Helpdesk with

15 application is used for user make a problem report to the admin and waits the reply solution from admin. But sometime the users have sent unwanted report to admin and also called spam. The admin has responsible to control the problem report from the users by setting blacklist and white list keyword in the application. As mentioned above, the weaknesses can be improved or enhanced because is not something impossible but just a matter of time and resource. Other than that, the auto delete function for sparn report also is a plan for future time. The function only focuses to spam report fkom the users. Once the adrnin has been declaring the report as spam it will be deleted automatically in a period of time that has been set by admin. Another proposition for improvement is make the notification to the client after the adrnin delete their problem report because categorized as spam. By this way, the client will know about the status for their report. A Web Based Help Desk with Spam Filtering is a system act as an assistance resource that troubleshoots problems with computer and similar. This project is developed for company that offers IT trading and services. The level user is client side and administrator side. The purpose develop the system is to develop a web based helpdesk that can operate in fully computing environment. Beside that, the filter problem report received identify whether it is genuine report or spam by using Blacklist and White list filtering technique. The scopes for Web Based Helpdesk with Spam Filtering is this application contains five modules that are search, view, insert, delete and update functions. The client side is for user to make problem report to administrator and check solution that was replied from administrator, search the solution from the helpdesk database, delete the previous solution that was own account, change own password and update account. The administrator side is for admin check request from client, reply solution to client, register new client, change

16 own password, add new solution into the database, manage blacklists and white list settings and add new admin. Filtering sparn from interrupt this application by checking the particular keywords. The platform that used web based and open source. The sohare requirement is Macromedia Dream weaver, Personal Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP), Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), JavaScript, Operating system / server, window server 2003, internet information system (IIS), MySQL. The system developed take time about 4 month, start 8hb May 2006 until 18 September The Web-Based Helpdesk with Spam Filtering can support user to much because replace the tradition helpdesk that is using telephone technology. Beside that, support admin in order to solve the problem form the users with more better Case study 3: Web Based Helpdesk Application Web-based Helpdesk is a system act as an assistance resource that troubleshoots problem with computers and similar products. A typical helpdesk has several functions. It provides users a central point to receive help on various computer issues. It increase efficiency and productivity among support center by allowing IT technicians, customers, or other desktop support member's connectivity form any network location. Because web interface components are thin-client applications, they can be accessed by a large number of concurrent users from most HTML web browsers. A web-based system should be easy to use and at the same time the security requirements should not be sacrificed to the ease of use. However, the reality is usually the opposite where security is compromise to ease of use. The security which is desire in a web-based helpdesk application is difficult to be achieved at a reasonable cost.

17 One of the existing web-based helpdesk application is service desk plus. A Helpdesk module enables end-users to submit trouble tickets via a browser or through . It automates several key workflow tasks such as case routing, acknowledging requesterltechnician notifications and handling of SLA (service Level Agreement) rules. As a result, support organization can now realize higher levels of productivity, keep everyone informed, provide superior service, improve problem resolution times, share knowledge effectively and keep end-users happy. Service Desk Plus being a 100 % submits requests repot from any where, any time using just a browser. Table 2.1: Comparison Existing System Name of Web-Based Helpdesk Web-Based Helpdesk Kuittho system Application with Spam Filtering Application Helpdesk Interface User fiiendly User friendly User friendly Security secured secured secured Technology Online system Online system Online system Objective achieve objective Not complete objective achieve objective Function Understanding and Ease to use Understanding easy to use and easy to use Feature Troubleshoots problem Solution of problem Notify computers facilities information facilities

18 Conclusion The conclusion as of each case study, there are different scope. Almost of functions for three cases, study is similar. The main objective in each case study based on problem. The system that will be developed important because have specific scope. From this case study, get idea that scope for the system that will be developed is Helpdesk system for FTMK. The system can support adrnin to control the lab management FTMK. The technician can detect the harm computer by application facilities failure online fiom users Technique One type of methodology has been selected to develop this monitoring system, to ensure the implementation process will run smoothly. "According to H.A.Simon (1969), there are three approaches to build a system, which are traditional approach, Object-Oriented methodology, and component- based methodology. The first approach is traditional approach where it arrives at function system decomposition as a vital model. The spiral model is a model that had been proposed by Boehm (1988) that combined iterative nature in prototyping with systematic aspect of the sequential model." Object-Oriented Methodology decomposed the system with respect to data and slight hint on structure. "By referring to Dr. Dorsey and R.Heidicka(l999) they had seen that by using this approach their designs had improved greatly, where the number of entities in the model had decreased, the structure are much more robust, flexible and easy to maintain". Therefore,

19 whenever the latest user requirements pop up, a possibility to make changes can reduce. In object-oriented methodology, a designer or analyst will use Unified Modeling Language (UML) to visualize all the relationship to replace the tradition method, which is Entity Relation Diagram (ERD). The major advantage of UML is addition of process information into data model for an instance, when association entities arise fiom many to many relationships there are no way to show the exact number of business rule. In the case, UML can show the accurate cardinality. The third approach is waterfall model is a popular version of the systems development life cycle model for software engineering. Often considered the classic approach to the systems development life cycle, the waterfall model describes a development method that is rigid and linear. Waterfall development has distinct goals for each phase of development where each phase completed to next one started and there is no turning back. From three-approach comparison, waterfall model is an approach that will be used during implementation phase. The perceived advantages of the waterfall process are that it allows fbr departmentalization and managerial control. A schedule is typically set with deadlines for each stage of development and a product can proceed through the development process. In theory, this process leads to the project being delivered on time because each ~hase has been planned in detail. 2.3 Project Methodology Waterfall model has be selected as a methodology for the Helpdesk System for Faculty project proposed and will be implementing along the system development process to ensure the objectives of the project can fulfilled. The waterfall model derives its name due to the cascading effect from one phase to the other as is illustrated in Figure 2.2.

20 The waterfall model is simply states that first one should think about what being built, then establish the plan for how it should be built and then build it. It allows for a software engineering methodology that is more in alignment with hardware engineering methods and practices. It forces a discipline process to avoid the pressures of waiting code doing before it is know what is to be built. The description of each activity in every stage is list as following: Preliminary planning phase 1 Analysis and requirement phase 1 System design phase Development and implementation phase System testing phase Operation and maintenance Figure 2.1: Waterfall Model

21 2.3.1 This is explanation about the waterfall model for each phase: a. Preliminary planning phase In this phase, it determines the worthiness of the Helpdesk System for Faculty project and creates a plan to complete the project of a detailed study and analysis. All the planning of helpdesk system that concerned with this application will be planning. It includes the scope, plan and information of helpdesk system. Helpdesk system of planning includes resources and schedule planning. See table 2.2 objective of helpdesk system planning type. Table 2.2: Objective of Planning Type Type Resource Planning Schedule Planning Objective To plan the addition necessary devices that needs to use to establish Helpdesk System for Faculty. Schedule development used the result of all the preceding. Helpdesk system of time management processes to determine the start and end date of the Helpdesk System for Faculty. b. Analysis and requirement phase Analysis and requirement phase is the second phase in waterfall model. In this stage, study and research of Helpdesk System for faculty have to carry out understand the issues concerning the system and the nature of the system. The main objective of this stage is to establish the

22 make easy job admin and helping lectures and users in applying request software and failure facilities. An interview had been hold with the administrator officer and technician to verify the problem of current system. c. System design phase The third phase of the waterfall model is system design phase. The design phase is a phase where architecture is being establishing accordingly to the requirements from analysis phase in order to fulfill the scope and objective of helpdesk system. It is focusing on the specifications of a details computer based solution. d. Development and implementation phase Development and implementation phase is the fourth phase in waterfall model. The real code is writing in the phase. It also includes coordinating people and other resource to carry out the helpdesk system plan and produce the products or deliverables of the helpdesk system phase. The implementation phase involves changing from the design phase to the system development and implementation like installation, configuration and error removal. Helpdesk System for Faculty will be tested from time to time in the phase. e. System testing phase The Helpdesk System for Faculty program are written as a series of individual modules. These should be subject to separate and detailed test. The system is then tested as a whole. It means the separate modules are brought together and will be tested as a complete system. The system need will be tested to ensure that interfaces between modules work (integration testing), the system works on the indented platform and with the expected volume of data (volume testing) and that, and the system does what the user requires.

23 f. Operation and maintenance phase The Helpdesk System for Faculty ready will be implemented. This includes training of students and staff FTMK to use the system maintenance and enhancement to meet new requirements. Maintenance on the system includes fixing bugs that are discovering. Maintenance is crucial to ensure that the system remains useful. 2.4 Project Requirements Helpdesk System for Faculty needs software and hardware requirement to be implemented. This requirement is part of the development process through the process of delivering the system Software Requirement PHP Apache Server Window XP Hardware Requirement Personal Computer ( PCs ) Other Requirements i Not applicable

24 2.5 Project Schedule and Milestone The project schedule and milestone is explanation about period take time to develop for each module of helpdesk system. The schedule and milestone can refer to appendix. 2.6 Conclusion Literature review gives the overall overview the system that will be developed. The situation of the similar system that has been built is analyzed in case study. Book and journals that related with the project topic can be good reference. Methodology that been use will help in making the project planning, analysis, design, implementation and also testing phase. These phases are eventually help in delivering a good system that contains all the software engineering aspect and quality. Hardware and software is important in making the system. The next chapter is analysis phase. Analysis phase preview the analysis activities and how it would be developed. Analyze problem of the current system and propose the solution. Requirement analysis describes the functional requirement, hardware, software and its network. We have well managed the system into sub task and divide it into per person. We can see that our system has becomes one part of important management application. As we notice, the system for sure would help administrator to manage thousand data. Differs fkom the current system, the new system is far more effective and efficient. It is obvious that the new system should be develop and apply in our work.

25 CHAPTER I11 ANALYSIS 3.1 Introduction Analysis phase is the phases of describing who the system will be used for, what the system will be do, and where and when it will be used (Dennis and Wixom 2003). In this chapter, the analysis phase is focus on analysis of the current system and the new system. During analysis phase the current system or as is system will be investigates, identifies improvement opportunity and develop the new concept of the system. This chapter will also look on system requirement for the new system and how to implement statement and requirement analysis. This chapter focuses on analysis design and problem analysis of the current system scenario. System analysis is the process, of gathering information about the current system, identifying its strength and problem and analyzing it's to produce a concept for the new system. For these explanations will include the figures of diagram presented in Data Flow Diagram (DFD). This chapter will also feature the requirement analysis that will consist of main functional requirement of the system followed by the detailed explanation. Beside that it will elaborate on other common system requirement such as software requirement and hardware requirements. This chapter will be continued with conclusion where by it will conclude about this chapter and also gives an overview about the next chapter 4, Design.

26 3.2 Problem Analysis Faculty Information and Communication Technology (FTMK) is among the first establish when UTeM established in 1 December 2000, it start operate when the first intake of 165 student in 22 Jun The objective of faculty is to be professional and qualified academic center in IT industry and act as a "stimulant" of ICT industry in Malaysia. The management lab handled by Puan Norhafeizah bt Hassan as Penyelaras Makmal and under Penyelaras Makmal have 8 technician. The technicians are responsible 28 labs. For each lab have 31 computers include computer lecture. Currently, FTMK lab management currently still uses manual system to handle the lab management process. The stakeholders are students, lectures, lab management committee and technician. The manual system for request installation software, lecturers and students are required to fill forms to apply the request. Before they apply forms, they need to obtain the forms from lab management committee and then fill it in. After that, they completed the forms; they must submit the form to lab management committee to get approval. After that, the form have been marked and verified, technician will prepare the lab room and install the request software. The technicians take time about 2 weeks to make installation sohare request. The manual for facilities failure, lectures will be informing the damage of computer via book report and then, technicians will be checking the report. They take time about 3 days to repair the computer and usually, time consuming for technicians to repair the computer depend on schedule class lecture, that means when lab no class. The status repairing will be informed in the same report form. The lab management is very important because lab management committee should have control 28 labs and technician make sure no occurs damage computer. At the same time, lab management significant to lectures and students to make easy learning and teaching. The disharmony of current system is making all work users to be slow.

27 Finally, the helpdesk system for faculty will be developed to support the Lab Management Committee to control the labs and computers to be systematic and effective. Technician can make early detection problem of computer. Lectures and students will be obtaining facilities failure; and request installation software form online. Figure 3.1 is flowchart of current system.


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