Publicatielijst van Marcel van Marrewijk

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1 Publicatielijst van Marcel van Marrewijk Eigen publicatie Epub versie beschikbaar: publicatiedatum ; genomineerd voor managementboek 2012 # verkochte exemplaren: 1100 (uitverkocht) 1. Cubrix, zicht op organisatieontwikkeling en performanceverbetering, Virtu Publications (zelf uitgegeven) Identieke heruitgave: 2. Handboek Organisatieontwikkeling, Academic Service (2014) In co-auteurschap: 1. Koplopers in de Zorg - Jaap Jan Brouwer en Marcel van Marrewijk [December 2014] 2. De contouren van een bevrijde universiteit: omslag in denken en handelen met Roel in t Veld [1995, editor en mede-auteur] Mee-maker in boekpublicaties van derden: 3. Innoveerkracht: 12 visionairs over nieuw leiderschap en sociale innovatie - Guido van de Wiel en Remco Mosterman [2013, Van Gorcum] o Sommige ijsbergen drijven tegen de wind in. 4. Derde generatie Kwaliteitsmodellen - Antonie Reigchling en Jan Jonker (red) [ ] o Hoofdstuk 13: De medewerker als actor: de intrinsieke kwaliteit van organisaties - De rol van de BPR-Toolbox in professionele organisaties 5. Koplopers in de Zorg - Jaap Jan Brouwer en Guido van der Zwan i.s.m. Marcel van Marrewijk [ ] o 6 interviews met bestuurders van zorginstellingen, zie ook: 6. Perspectieven op Kwaliteit: verdieping, verbreding, bundeling en daadkracht - Kees de Vaal (red) [2012] - pg 60-65: fasegewijze orientatie op kwaliteit 7. Citation Classic - Business Ethics [ selected paper on CSR] 8. Krachtbron van een Lerende Organisatie - Cees Hoogendijk [2010, mee-maker] 9. Implementatiekunst Pentascope [2008, 1 hoofdstuk] 10. Kracht zonder Macht Cees Hoogendijk [2008, mee-maker] 11. EFMD - Corporate Social Responsibility [2006, 1 hoofdstuk] Overzicht publicaties in scientific journals: 1. A typology of institutional frameworks supporting corporate sustainability [2010, May edition, Journal of Technology and Investments (TI)] [2012: #downloads: 1074, #viewed: 3676] 2. Strategic Orientations; Multiple ways for implementing sustainable performance [2010, May edition, Journal of Technology and Investments (TI)] [2012: #downloads: 1620; #viewed: 5558, #Citations: 3] 3. The Cubrix, integral value-driven framework for organizational development [2010, January, Journal of Technology and Investments (TI)] [2014: #downloads: 1475 times and viewed: 5084] 4. A Value-Based and Multi-Level Model of Macro Economies [2010, January, Journal of Technology and Investments (TI)] [per : #downloads: 1475 and viewed: 5084] 5. Multiple levels of decisionmaking: ethical management in various business context [2005, Journal of Management and Decision Making] 6. A developmental approach towards Corporate Sustainability -The European Corporate Sustainability Framework for managing complexity and corporate transition (UN-publication 2004) 7. A developmental approach to business excellence * [2004, Journal of Business Ethics] Publicatielijst Marcel van Marrewijk dd: 4 november

2 8. The hidden hand in cultural governance: the case of Humanitas ten year period of transformation [2004, Journal of Business Ethics] 9. The social dimension of organizations : recent experiences with Great Place to Work assessment practices [2004, Journal of Business Ethics] 10. A Value Based Approach to Organization Types: Towards a coherent set of stakeholder-oriented management tools [2004, Journal of Business Ethics] 11. European Corporate Sustainability Framework - for managing complexity and corporate transformation * [2003, Journal of Business Ethics] 12. Human Capital Management * [2003, Journal of Business Ethics] 13. Multiple Levels of CS * [2003, Journal of Business Ethics] 14. Concepts & Definitions of CSR and CS [2003, Journal of Business Ethics] 15. European Corporate Sustainability Framework [2002, Journal for Business Performance Measurement] 16. Social Dimensions of Business Excellence* [2001, International Journal of Corporate Sustainability] Opmerkingen: Papers gemarkeerd met een * zijn geschreven samen met een co-auteur Paper # 14 is internationaal geselecteerd als een van de meest waardevolle bijdragen aan CSR en opnieuw uitgebracht in the Library of Corporate Responsibility, Naar aanleiding van het jubileum van 100 edities Ethics Management is een internationale citation index opgemaakt en paper #14 staat in de top 33! Via zijn bovenstaande papers meer dan 2000 keer gedownload. Publicaties in magazines (forthcoming) 1. AI-summit over de digitale werkplek September Een fasegewijze oriëntatie op radical change - Een visie op transformeren vanuit de Cubrix (September 2014) 3. Waardegedreven en contextgerelateerde wijzen van duurzaam - en maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen - Weconomy (2012) Publicaties in magazines 4. Duurzame inzetbaarheid in gemeenteland o.m. gepubliceerd in HRzone, BGMagazine juli Het kan ook anders! Spreek elkaar aan op kracht en potentie, niet alleen op elkaars tekortkomingen - AI Magazine maart Ranking the winners: welcome to the world of make-belief, BG-Magazine, Zes mythes over bevlogenheid - met Peter Dona: o.m. gepubliceerd in HRStrategie, BG Magazine 8. Kritiek gewaardereerd, bijdragen aan AI-Magazine #4, 2013* 9. Managen? Alleen als de bijsluiter aangeeft dat het kan! - BG Magazine en Eforis 10. Cultural fit als selectiecriterium - BG Magazine en Eforis 11. Generative Engagement: Going beyond the Positive for Transformational Change - Ron Fry & Gervase Bush. [2012, verslag van WAIC, AI-Magazine #3] 12. An engineer s dream: the story of Melotte - Mario Fleurinck [2012, verslag van WAIC, AI- Magazine #3] 13. A company based on Love - Ilja Heitlager [2012, verslag van WAIC, AI-Magazine #3] 14. Societal Appreciative Inquiry: rethinking human dignity and sustainability for re-inventing society - Klaas van Egmond [2012, verslag van WAIC, AI-Magazine #3] 15. Fasegewijze oriëntatie op people management [2012, BG Magazine] 16. Communicatiestijl en waarderende grondhouding; een dialogische verkenning - Ge(s)laagde Communicatie[2011, AI-Magazine #2] 17. De professionele netwerkorganisatie en het betrokkenheidsparadigma [2010, Online platform 'de mens centraal] 18. Appreciative Inquiry en Heartmath [2010, AI-Magazine, 1ste editie] 19. European Corporate Sustainability Framework [2004, Irish Quality Magazine] 20. Maatschappelijk Verantwoord/Duurzaam Ondernemen, NEN, 2004 Publicatielijst Marcel van Marrewijk dd: 4 november

3 21. Maatschappelijk Verantwoord/Duurzaam Ondernemen, NKK, Maatschappelijke Verantwoord Ondernemen [2003, Sigma] Columnist 1. Financieel Dagblad: "Het eeuwig tekort" [2005] 2. Huisblad CSU: Plezier in werken [2005] 3. Investor In People Magazine "Dynamiek" [Juni 2004] 4. European Organisation for Quality magazine: "Quality and Sustainability" [Maart 2004] 5. Maandelijkse columns in Specifiek, magazine over kwaliteitsmanagement [ ] White papers & rapporten 1. Innovatie in de professionele ontwikkeling van mens en organisatie visie op NieuwLeren [aug 2014] 2. INK Rapport: excelleren in een weerbarstige praktijk [2001: evaluatie 10 jaar INK Model] 3. Haalbaarheidsstudie congreslocaties in Rotterdam [1992] Blogs 1. Organisatie energie 29 september Werkelijkheid 18 september Het kan ook anders! 25 februari We blokkeren de ontwikkeling 21 oktober Pitch voor MVO Zorgnetwerk 13 juni Managen? Alleen als het kan! 12 augustus Strength based lean six sigma 2 juni In memoriam: Aad van Marrewijk 24 mei Lezing in het Veerhuis 8 maart We moeten de Grieken helpen 23 november Thrive the movie 13 november Belmundo 23 oktober Vlaams-Nederlandse AI-Bijeenkomst te Antwerpen 19 oktober Coverkeuze van de Cubrix 9 oktober Modern onderzoek 3 oktober Ongein met banken 23 juli Vlaamse AI-dag 3 april QBricks 28 februari Beyond Prince II 25 januari De kleur van waarheid 30 december Synergie - Het Gele waardesysteem 30 december Verslag van Slow Chaos 18 december Noviteiten van de Cubrix 27 november Het boek de Cubrix kan besteld worden 14 november Orde & Chaos 4 november 26. Het Groene waardesysteem 25 oktober Het Oranje waardesysteem 17 oktober Het Blauwe waardesysteem 11 oktober Het verslag van slow presteren 2 oktober Het Rode waardesysteem 2 oktober Het Paarse waardesysteem 29 september Happiness@work 29 september Our common Future 20 september Slow presteren 6 september Stilstaan bij vertrouwen 28 augustus Gezocht: bestuurders met lef! - 4 augustus Slow trust event 30 juni Waarderend onderzoeken van positiviteit en congruentie 6 juni Positiviteit en werken vanuit rust 29 mei 2010 Publicatielijst Marcel van Marrewijk dd: 4 november

4 40. PLAN B opmaat naar een nieuwe wereld 13 mei Vertrouwen 26 april Vlechtwerken 16 april Beat the masters 11 april Concurrentie in de zorg 29 maart Over vertrouwen 18 maart Koploperz en meesterlijke organisaties 11 maart Een veelkleurig perspectief op implementeren 11 maart Ontzorgen 7 maart Verslag slow learning event 27 februari SS Rotterdam 22 februari Aldoende leert men 27 januari Kerstoverdenking december Verbindend leidinggeven tijdens SLOW 2 december Besturingsvraagstukken rondom projectmanagement 26 november Prijzenslag 4 november Veerkrachtig denken 1 november Management bashing 1 november Modellen contest 15 september Slow 19 juli De acadroom 12 juli Summercamp Quality in Healthcare 12 juli Dalai Lama 7 juni Trends in leiderschap 2 juni Dantefactor 2 juni Lijstjes en awards 2 juni OM contra Yomanda 23 mei Graaigedrag verklaard 19 mei Verslag KIO (Koplopers in Ontwikkeling) 9 april Besparen op verpleegzorg - 7 april Visies op kapitalisme 7 april Lichtpuntjes 4 april Naar een ideale leeromgeving 9 maart De koplopers van morgen 26 januari Implicatiesa voor de kwaliteitsprofessional 14 november Vertrouwen in tijden van crises 12 november 2008 Prive publicaties Dagboek van een Reiziger: deel I - Japan en Zuid Korea 1988 Dagboek van een Reiziger: deel II - Japan 1988 en Taiwan 1989 Dagboek van een Reiziger: deel IIII - Maleisie en Indonesie 1989 Dagboek van een Reiziger: deel IV - Thailand, India en Pakistan 1989 Samenvattingen academic papers A typology of institutional frameworks supporting corporate sustainability IN: Journal of Technology and Investments: May 2010 According to Dr. Clare Graves, mankind has developed eight core value systems, as responses to prevailing circumstances. This phase wise orientation to (environmental) contexts and value systems suggests that a one-solution-fits-all concept of corporate sustainability is not adequate. This chapter introduces an integral business framework, a sequence of ideal type organizations - each characterized by specific institutional arrangements - supporting and enabling particular sets of sustainability efforts aligning organizational development phases. Each phase presents a specific definition and manifestation of sustainability, linked to particular (societal) circumstances and related value systems. Strategic Orientations; Multiple ways for implementing sustainable performance In: Journal of Technology and Investments: May 2010 Publicatielijst Marcel van Marrewijk dd: 4 november

5 The Four Phase Model, created by prof.dr. Teun W. Hardjono in 1995, distinguishes four ideal type strategic orientations and shows that these strategies brighten and dim in a specific sequence, adding the most required competences to the organization, and creating a natural rhythm to corporate dynamics. By applying this theory one can understand the nature and whereabouts of the organization s systemic constraints, revealing the basic features for creating a roadmap towards sustainable performance improvement and competence development. The model generates the top priorities, selects the most adequate (ideal type) interventions and key performance indicators. Combining strategic situations as indicated by the Four Phase Model and phase-wise contexts as introduced by Spiral Dynamics, provides a conceptual synergy with four innovative outcomes: Firstly, aligned with specific contexts, the strategic interventions and KPI s can be made more specific and practical, thus creating a roadmap for performance improvement and organizational development. Secondly, it structures change management into four distinctive hierarchical complexity levels: (1) enhancing fundamental skills, structures and procedures (vitalizing); (2) improving contemporary levels, aligned with the dominant value system (optimizing); (3) new re-orientations while continuing within current systems (shifting) and (4) a transformation to a more complex context or emerging value system (transforming). Thirdly, powered with the combined understanding of above concepts, one can deduct the specific context and situation for each intervention, instrument or approach to be applied effectively. Fourthly, the combination provided the bases for the so-called Strategy Scan and Strategic Sustainability Scan. The Cubrix, An Integral Framework for Managing Performance Improvement and Organisational Development In: Journal of Technology and Investments: February 2010, ISSN Print: , ISSN Online: Marcel van Marrewijk, academic director of Research to Improve, has developed an integral, multilevel, multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder management framework, based on a phase-wise development approach as described by Clare Graves Levels of Existence Theory, Ken Wilber s Four Quadrant Theory and the author s Global Excellence Model. This conceptual framework is coined, the Cubrix. A Value-Based and Multi-Level Model of Economic systems In: Journal of Technology and Investments: February 2010, ISSN Print: , ISSN Online: (orginally written: 2007) This paper shortly introduces the three original concepts and shows how these models have been merged into the Cubrix. In part two the author demonstrates how Research to Improve designed various surveys, scans, monitors and assessments, all based on this framework. Furthermore, the Cubrix has also been supportive in designing the Performance Improvement Cycle and offer input for developing roadmaps for transitions. Academics from various European Business Schools and researchers from Great Place to Work Institutes have analyzed Europe s largest employee database on workplace perceptions. This EU Workclimate project, coordinated by Esade s Institute of Labour Studies, concluded that consistently over the years particular clusters of countries showed better workclimate performances than other. The author introduces a sequence of ideal type economic systems, based on Spiral Dynamics, a theory explaining levels of existence within people, groups of people, organizations and societies. Per type the author elaborated on the underlying value systems and relating institutional structures, such as leadership style, governance and measurement format. As a summary, a Transition Matrix is presented which indicate the paradigm shifts per discipline, as manifested in the subsequent ideal type economic systems. This paper provides provisional answers to the following questions which are vitally important for Europe ability to meet world class performance in the near future. Does this theory explain the clusters in economics performance? Can we described national economies adequately by these ideal type economic systems? Do countries seem to converge to a particular level or does Europe exist of leading and lagging contributors to the European Economy? What are the consequences of an European Economic model consisting of a sequence of various economic systems? A developmental approach towards Corporate Sustainability: The European Corporate Sustainability Framework for managing complexity and corporate transition In: Journal of Ethical Management Decision Making, Vol. 6, Nos. 3/4, 2005, Publicatielijst Marcel van Marrewijk dd: 4 november

6 This paper describes a phase-wise development approach, which generates a sequence of meaningful interpretations of Corporate Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility (CS-R). These interpretations constitute the basis of the European Corporate Sustainability Framework, recently developed with the support of the European Commission. This new-generation management framework supports organizations in managing complexity, implementing CS-R and corporate transition. The framework also sets the foundation for a systemic and coherent set of sustainability tools for management purposes to be used in a stakeholder approach. Marcel van Marrewijk & Dr. Hans M. Becker (2004) The Hidden Hand of Cultural Governance: The transformation process of Humanitas, a Communitydriven organization providing cure, care, housing and well-being to elderly people In: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 55 No. 2, December 2004, This article gives a practice-based and theoretical overview of the transformation from a traditional hierarchical organization in the care & cure sector towards a so-called Community-driven organization providing human happiness to 6,000 elderly people. The actual case study is intertwined with conceptual information for better understanding of the innovative transition which took place at Humanitas. The case description includes its initial situation, its new core values, mission and objectives and shows the sequence of emerging policies and interventions that resulted in a stakeholder oriented business model for the care sector. The selected concepts are Graves Emerging Cyclical Level of Existence Theory (or Spiral Dynamics), Ken Wilber s Four Quadrant Model, Roberts Simons Four Levers of Control and various elements from the European Corporate Sustainability Framework, sponsored by the European Commission. The conclusion marks the match between theory and practice in transforming Humanitas Rotterdam into providing cure, care, housing and well-being to elderly people. Marcel van Marrewijk, Iris Wuisman, Wim de Cleyn, Joanne Timmers, Virgilio Panapanaan and Lassi Linnanen (2004) A Phase-wise Development Approach to Business Excellence: Towards an innovative, stakeholderoriented assessment tool for organizational excellence and CSR In: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 55 No. 2, December 2004, The European Corporate Sustainability Framework (ECSF) is, among other concepts, based on a phase-wise development approach as described by Clare Graves Levels of Existence Theory. As much as corporate sustainability has a sequence of adequate interpretations, aligned with each development level, also the notion of business excellence can be defined at multiple levels, as this paper demonstrates. Furthermore, the authors analyze the current EFQM Excellence Model for particular biases towards various development levels and suggest a new and innovative two-step approach to assessing organizational performance with respect to organizational excellence and corporate sustainability. According to the organization s ambition, the assessment is either limited to a shareholder approach, mainly focusing at optimal usage of resources, or it also includes an additional assessment format based on the stakeholder approach, with specific reference to the organization s performance on the financial, social and ecological bottom line. This paper demonstrates the need and feasibility of an EFQM-Based assessment tool with a combined focus on corporate sustainability and organizational excellence. Marcel van Marrewijk (2004) The Social Dimension of Organizations: Recent experiences with Great Place to Work assessment practices In: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 55 No. 2, December 2004, This paper elaborates on conceptual, empirical and practical arguments why corporations need to focus on their social dimensions, in order to further enhance organizational performance. The paper starts with an introduction on the general trend towards inclusiveness and connectedness. It then elaborates on the phase-wise development of cultures and organizational structures. Managing corporate improvement by building cultures of trust is the central focus of this contribution. By showing the cultural dimensions of Great Places to Work and their workplace practices, worthwhile experiences leading to organizational improvement and superior financial performance are Publicatielijst Marcel van Marrewijk dd: 4 november

7 demonstrated. Marcel van Marrewijk (2004) A Value Based Approach to Organization Types: Towards a coherent set of stakeholder-oriented management tools In: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 55 No. 2, December 2004, This paper describes a set of ideal type organizations in a developmental sequence. As these descriptions are based on Spiral Dynamics (or Emerging Cyclical Levels of Existence Theory - ECLET), the types are labeled as Order, Success, Community and Synergy. Per type the author elaborated on the underlying value system and relating institutional structures, such as leadership role, governance and measurement format. As a summary, a Transition Matrix is presented which indicate the paradigm shifts per discipline/department, as manifested in the subsequent ideal type organizations. As Order and Success generally describe the majority of corporations in Western Economies, the latter two types introduce new approaches to more innovative and more sustainable/responsible ways to doing business. Based on Community Values, the author introduces a new measurement format which is the foundation for a systemic and coherent set of management tools to be used in a stakeholder approach. These tools relate to the strategic, tactical and operational tasks of management and have been developed by researchers of the ECSF consortium. The set includes two tools which are generic: the Strategic Sustainability Scan (Strategy) and the Sustainability Matrix, which is a self-assessment tool (tactics). Three operational tools are context and industry specific: These are the Community related Responsive Business Scorecard and Benchmark Format for measuring and monitoring sustainability performance and a methodology a Management Information System to generate information on people, planet and profit in order to provide data for the set of key performance indicators. Marcel van Marrewijk (2002) European Corporate Sustainability Framework - for managing complexity and corporate transformation In: International Journal of Business Performance Measurement, Vol.5 Nos.2/3, 2003, The EU financed European Corporate Sustainability Framework (ECSF-) project is developing a multilayer business framework with an analytical, contextual, situational and dynamic dimension, facilitating managing complexity and corporate change. It provides coherent sets of corporate institutional arrangements, including or based upon values systems, business philosophies, approaches, concepts and (measurement) tools. Marcel van Marrewijk & Joanne Timmers, Erasmus University Rotterdam (2002) Human Capital Management: managing employee motivation,dedication and commitment In: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol 44, nr 2 and 3, May 2003, The traditional Human Resource Management practices do not match advanced sustainability principles nor is it aligned with EFQM management principles. In addition HRM was not able to generate the necessary company loyalty, dedication and employee motivation. This paper elaborates on a sustainable way of managing people, based upon alignment and dialogue between the individual employees and the organization. The practical implementation is demonstrated in operations, corporate learning and corporate identity/company values. Marcel van Marrewijk & Teun W. Hardjono, ERBS/Erasmus University Rotterdam (2002) European Corporate Sustainability Framework (ECSF) for managing complexity and corporate transformation In: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol 44, nr 2 and 3, May 2003, The European Corporate Sustainability Framework (ECSF) is a new generation management framework, aimed to meet increased corporate complexity and support corporate transformation towards more sustainable ways of doing business. It is a multi-layer, integral business framework with an analytical, contextual, situational and dynamic dimension. Analytically, the framework is structured according to four focus points - the constitutional, conceptual, behavioural and evaluative perspective - providing integrative designs of complex and Publicatielijst Marcel van Marrewijk dd: 4 november

8 dynamic phenomena. The framework includes coherent sets of business philosophies, approaches, concepts and tools that structures corporate realities and generates sequences of steps in order to obtain adequate institutional structures, a road to corporate transformation and higher performance levels. Marcel van Marrewijk & Marco Werre, De Boer & Ritsema van Eck (2002) Multiple Levels of Corporate Sustainability In: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol 44, nr 2 and 3, May 2003, According to Dr. Clare Graves, mankind has developed eight core value systems, as responses to prevailing circumstances. Given different contexts and value systems, a one-solution-fits-all concept of corporate sustainability is not reasonable. Therefore this paper presents various definitions and forms of sustainability, each linked to specific (societal) circumstances and related value systems. A sustainability framework - an essential element of the overall European Corporate Sustainability Framework - is described showing six types of organizations at different developmental stages, with different forms of corporate sustainability, each supported by specific institutional arrangements. Marcel van Marrewijk (2002) Concepts and Definitions of CSR and Corporate Sustainability: between agency and communion In: Journal of Business Ethics Vol 44, nr 2 and 3, May 2003, Republished in: The Library of Corporate Responsibilities, This paper provides an overview of the contemporary debate on the concepts and definitions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Corporate Sustainability (CS). The conclusions, based on historical perspectives, philosophical analyses, impact of changing contexts and situations and practical considerations, show that 'one solution fits all'-definition for CS(R) should be abandoned, accepting various and more specific definitions matching the development, awareness and ambition levels of organizations. Marcel van Marrewijk & Teun W. Hardjono, ERBS/Erasmus University Rotterdam (2001) The Social Dimensions of Business Excellence In: Corporate Environmental Strategy, Vol.8, No. 4 (2001) This article first introduces the European Business Excellence Model (EFQM model), which have facilitated the transformation toward an integral management approach, including openings to corporate social responsibility. The authors will than elaborate on the cultural context of companies engaged in CSR and SRI activities. Furthermore they will end this article with an overview of CSR activities, structured according the EFQM model. Publicatielijst Marcel van Marrewijk dd: 4 november

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