Electrical engineering and information Technology. elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie

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1 Electrical engineering and information Technology elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie PATENT ATTORNEYS AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW PATENT- UND RECHTSANWÄLTE


3 EINLEITUNG INTRODUCTION Global Inventions Need Global Protection GLOBALE ERFINDUNGEN BRAUCHEN GLOBALEN SCHUTZ The inventions made in recent decades in the wideranging field of electrical engineering and information technology have dramatically impacted people s lives all over the world, more than any other kind of invention. The Internet, for instance, has given almost everyone access to information and also allowed new forms of technological cooperation in global competition. Without these inventions in this high-tech field, modern civilization and its commercial success would be unimaginable. The developments in telecommunications will also continue in the future to guarantee global intercommunication from anywhere in the world at continuously increasing speeds. At the same time, today s electrical engineers are developing new ways to responsibly meet the need for individual mobility by utilizing the progress made in electrical engineering and electrically powered engines. Only by applying modern electrical engineering can traditional technologies be improved and thus made fit for the future. Sound knowledge of technical concepts as well as experience and expertise in patent law are vital when protecting intellectual property in the high-tech electrical engineering field. Exactly because technological solutions often require software to be realized, it is imperative that the laws and provisions to protect these must be further developed. The practice of patent law and the ability to provide excellent advice must continuously be advanced and adapted. The electrical engineering / IT group at Hoffmann Eitle has been advising companies for decades regarding the drafting and filing of patent applications as well as the defense and enforcement of their intellectual property rights. The group consists of patent attorneys with indepth technical know-how in electrical engineering, electronics and information technology, and in particular also in telecommunications, computer science, communications engineering, modern energy technology, automation technology and semiconductor electronics. The members of this group have acquired their knowledge and experience during their university studies and by practical work in the industry. This long and intense technical education combined with broad expertise in patent law allows Hoffmann Eitle to successfully advise its clients also in such complicated technologies as telecommunications (3G/LTE), software and computers. In the field of software patents, the attorneys of the electrical engineering / IT group have had a very large impact over the years on the rulings issued by the German Federal Patent Court and by the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office. Numerous parallel-litigated infringement and nullity actions have been conducted and coordinated in Europe and internationally in which our team has repeatedly proved its expertise. The group has also acquired specialized knowledge in the field of border seizures and the related preliminary injunction proceedings before German courts. Erfindungen in dem weiten Feld der modernen Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie haben das Leben und Zusammenarbeiten der Menschen auf der ganzen Welt grundlegend und stärker als jede andere Art von Erfindungen beeinflusst und verändert. Das Internet brachte den weltweiten Zugriff auf Informationen und hat zu neuen Formen der technologischen Zusammenarbeit im globalen Wettbewerb geführt. Eine moderne Gesellschaft und deren wirtschaftlicher Erfolg sind ohne Erfindungen in diesem High-Tech-Bereich nicht mehr vorstellbar. Entwicklungen im Bereich der Telekommunikation werden auch in Zukunft die globale Vernetzung von jedem Standort der Erde aus bei immer höheren Zugriffsgeschwindigkeiten sicherstellen. Gleichzeitig zeigt die moderne Elektrotechnik neue Wege auf, wie durch Fortschritte in der Energietechnik und der Technik der Energiespeicher und Elektroantriebe das Bedürfnis der Menschen nach individueller Mobilität in naher Zukunft verantwortungsvoll befriedigt werden können. Andere klassische Technologien können nur mit Hilfe der modernen Elektrotechnik und Elektronik optimiert und für die Zukunft fit gemacht werden. Für den Schutz des geistigen Eigentums in diesen Hochtechnologien sind eine fundierte Kenntnis der technischen Zusammenhänge, sowie besondere patentrechtliche Qualitäten erforderlich. Gerade weil viele technologische Ansätze oftmals durch Software realisiert werden, muss auch hier die Entwicklung der gesetzlichen Vorschriften und der Rechtsprechung weiter vorangetrieben und die patentanwaltliche Praxis und Beratung laufend fortentwickelt werden. Das E-Tech/IT-Team von Hoffmann Eitle hat über Jahrzehnte Unternehmen in allen Bereichen bei der Anmeldung, Verteidigung und Durchsetzung ihrer gewerblichen Schutzrechte beraten. Das Team besteht aus Patentanwälten, die ihre Spezialkenntnisse in der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik, insbesondere im Bereich Telekommunikation und IT, aber auch in der modernen Energie-, Automatisierungsund Halbleitertechnik, an Universitäten, technischen Hochschulen und in der Industrie erworben haben. Die fundierte technische Ausbildung, verbunden mit der patentrechtlichen Expertise, ermöglicht es dem E-Tech/ IT-Team, Mandanten auch in hochkomplizierten Technologien, wie im Telekommunikationsbereich (3G/LTE) und im Computer- und Softwarebereich, erfolgreich zu beraten. Im Bereich der Software-Patentierung haben die Anwälte des E-Tech/IT-Teams die Rechtsprechung des Bundespatentgerichts und der EPA-Beschwerdekammern maßgeblich beeinflusst. In zahlreichen parallel geführten Verletzungs- und Nichtigkeitsverfahren im europäischen Raum konnte das Team seine Kompetenz wiederholt unter Beweis stellen und dabei die Mandanten auch mit Grenzbeschlagnahmen und den damit verbundenen einstweiligen Verfügungsverfahren vor den deutschen Gerichten unterstützen.

4 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ELEKTROTECHNIK UND INFORMATIONSTECHNOLOGIE The electrical engineering and information technology department, established by the previous partner Bernhard von Fischern, is headed at Hoffmann Eitle s main offices in Munich and London by Rainer Zangs and David Sproston, respectively. All members of the E-Tech/IT team have been able to broaden the technical and legal know-how gained during the course of their university or PhD studies through hands-on research and development work both in Germany and abroad. Die Abteilung Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie, aufgebaut von dem früheren Partner Bernhard von Fischern, ist in den beiden Hauptstandorten der Kanzlei in München und London vertreten, im Münchner Büro geführt von Rainer Zangs und im Londoner Büro von David Sproston. Alle Kollegen des E-Tech/IT-Teams haben die im Rahmen von Studium bzw. Promotion erworbenen technischen und rechtlichen Kenntnisse durch weitere praktische Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten im In- und Ausland vertieft. The linkage of tech nical and legal know-how ensures a successful application, defense and enforcement of patents. Die Verknüpfung von technischem und rechtlichem Know-how garantiert eine erfolgreiche Anmeldung, Verteidigung und Durchsetzung von Patenten.

5 DIE ABTEILUNG THE DEPARTMENT HIGH-TECh INVENTIONS A REAL CHALLENGE HIGH-TECh ERFINDUNGEN EINE ECHTE HERAUSFORDERUNG A thorough education and training in electrical engineering and information technology is vital as the inventions handled by the electrical engineering / IT group are highly complex. A level of technology has been reached that only a patent attorney with technical expertise can understand. Only these specialists have the specific technical knowledge and patent know-how to recognize the inventive idea and to best draft the patent application and handle the patenting process. When providing advice on patent applications, we try to involve a number of members of the team so that they will all benefit from learning about the new technologies. This also gives us the flexibility to be able to support our clients quickly and promptly when the need arises by being able to always consult experienced colleagues. The group has used its competence to efficiently and successfully handle a large number of patent applications both in Germany and in other countries, and it has cooperated in patent litigation in Europe, Japan and the USA, particularly regarding the highly competitive market for GSM mobile communication. Eine fundierte technische Ausbildung ist unverzichtbar, weil die Erfindungen, die vom E-Tech/IT-Team der Kanzlei betreut werden, hochkomplex und anspruchsvoll sind und ein technologisches Niveau erreicht haben, dass nur noch Patentanwälte mit technischen Spezialkenntnissen den Erfindungsgedanken erfassen und angemessen bearbeiten können. Dabei legt das E-Tech/IT-Team bei der Betreuung der übertragenen Fälle großen Wert darauf, dass sich Spezialwissen nicht auf einzelne Kollegen konzentriert, sondern dass sich mehrere Kollegen Kenntnisse über moderne Technologien an Fällen erarbeiten. Dadurch ist das Team in der Lage, jederzeit die Mandanten auch bei spontan steigendem Beratungsbedarf durch Hinzuziehung von eingearbeiteten Kollegen zu unterstützen. Auf Grundlage seiner Kompetenzen hat das E-Tech/IT- Team effizient und erfolgreich eine große Zahl von Patentanmeldungen im In- und Ausland betreut und an patentrechtlichen Streitigkeiten in Europa, Japan und USA mitgewirkt, insbesondere in dem hart umkämpften Mobilfunkmarkt. A highly specialized team with sound know-how in DE, EP and US law is able to ensure comprehensive global protection for in ventions in the field of electrical engineering. Ein hochspezialisiertes Team mit fundiertem Knowhow im DE-, EP- und US-Recht garantiert den umfassenden globalen Schutz der elektrotechnischen Erfindungen.

6 The Munich Team Rainer E. Zangs Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering, German and European Patent Attorney Veit Frank Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering, M.Sc. (Imperial College London), German and European Patent Attorney before the German Patent and Trademark Office, the Federal Patent Court and the European Patent Office, nullity actions and litigation, especially in the area of semi con ductor and circuit technologies, telecommunication, medical devices, electromobility and energy systems. before the German Patent and Trademark Office, the Federal Patent Court and the European Patent Office; nullity actions, litigation and preliminary injunction proceedings, especially in the area of mobile communications, digital and analogue circuits and systems and antenna technology. German Patent Attorney Bar Association, EPI, FICPI. Numerous lectures both in Germany and abroad on intellectual property law. Studied general electrical engineering at the Technical University of Aachen (RWTH), particularly in the field of telecommunications, computer science, micro-electronics and theoretical electronic engineering, graduating in Participated in a research project of the Ministry of Re search and Technology (BMFT) of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1983 to Practical experience as an engineer with Philips GmbH in Aachen. With Hoffmann Eitle since 1987, German Patent Attorney since 1990, European Patent Attorney since 1992, partner since Head of the IT/Business Process Development Division of Hoffmann Eitle. Married, two children. Interests include applied computer technologies, jazz music and ballroom dancing. German Patent Attorney Bar Association, EPI, FICPI. Studied electrical engineering at the Technical University of Aachen (RWTH), with emphasis on the fields of telecommunications, high frequency technology, control engineering and circuit design, graduating in Scholarship from the Technical University of Aachen for post-graduate studies and research in the field of digital telecommunications at the Imperial College, London. Awarded an M.Sc. by the University of London in With Hoffmann Eitle since 1990, German Patent Attorney since 1993, European Patent Attorney since 1994, partner since Married, four children. In his free time he enjoys classical music and electronics. A patent, even for a small detail in a radio transmitter, can be of decisive importance for the market success of a product. Ein Patent, sogar für eine ein fache Detailerfindung bei einem Funksender, kann für den Markterfolg eines Pro dukts von entscheidender Bedeutung sein.

7 elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie Electrical engineering and information Technology Dr. Thomas B. Koch PH.D. (University College London), Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering, German and European Patent Attorney before the German Patent and Trademark Office, the Federal Patent Court and the European Patent Office; nullity actions, litigation and preliminary injunction proceedings, especially in the area of mobile communications, TV technology, semiconductor technology, internet, software patenting, e-commerce patenting, and general electronics and computers. Articles in various German dailies, the Internet Law Review, the VDI Nachrichten and other technical journals; numerous lectures on IP law at technical universities (Technical University Munich; University College London) and companies in Germany, Japan, US and UK. German Patent Attorney Bar Association, EPI, FICPI, CIPA. Studied electrical engineering at the Technical University Munich specialising in telecommunications, high frequency engineering and computers, with research in the field of optical communica tions at the University College London and the Research Laboratories of Siemens AG, Munich. Scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Program (DAAD) for postgraduate studies at the University College London. Awarded a Ph.D. (integrated optics) in electrical engineering from the University of London in Lecturer in microwave technologies at King s College London from Lecturer on IP law at Saarland University from ; regular lectures on patent law at the Technical University Munich. With Hoffmann Eitle since 1991, German Patent Attorney since 1995, European Patent Attorney since Partner since Dr. Georg Siegert Dr.-Ing. (electrical engineering), Dipl.-Phys. degree in Physics, German and European Patent Attorney before the German Patent and Trademark Office, the Federal Patent Court and the European Patent Office, nullity suits and litigation proceedings, especially in the area of mobile communications, computers and semiconductor technology. Numerous lectures both in Germany and abroad on intellectual property law. German Patent Attorney Bar Association, EPI, FICPI, AIPLA. Studied physics at the University of Ulm and the Université de Paris VII, emphasis on theoretical physics and solid state physics. Maître en Physique in Dipl.-Phys. in Doctoral thesis at the University of the Federal Armed Forces, Munich, in cooperation with industrial R&D at Siemens AG, on sub-micron transistors. Doctorate awarded in With Hoffmann Eitle since 1994, German Patent Attorney since 1998, European Patent Attorney since Partner since Married. Interests include sports (tennis), literature and history. Dr. Stefan Mayrhofer LL.M., Dr.-Ing. (electrical engineering), Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering, German and European Patent Attorney before the German Patent and Trademark Office, the Federal Patent Court and the European Patent Office; nullity proceedings and patent litigation proceedings, especially in the area of mobile communications, computer technology and internet. Numerous lectures both in Germany and abroad on intellectual property law. German Patent Attorney Bar Association, EPI, FICPI. Studied electrical engineering at the Friedrich- Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremburg with emphasis on IT, control engineering and theoretical electrical engineering, graduating in Doctoral thesis in the field of algorithms for the design of VLSI electronic circuits as part of an industrial project (in 1993). Research conducted at the University of California at Berkeley, USA ( ). Active in the field of patents since With Hoffmann Eitle since German Patent Attorney since 1997 and European Patent Attorney since Master of Laws in European IP Law in Partner since Interests include tennis, music, playing the guitar and travelling. Married, two children. Interests: Member of the German-American and the German- British Society Munich, member of a Munich Lions Club, theatre, classical music and jazz, playing the piano and sailing.

8 Dr. Lorenz von Kurowski DR.-ING. (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING), DIPL.-ING. DEGREE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, GERMAN AND EUROPEAN PATENT ATTORNEY before the German Patent and Trademark Office Office, the Federal Patent Court and the European Patent Office; nullity and litigation proceedings. Particular experience in the area of mobile communication, software-based systems, optoelectronics, satellite based navigation, medical electronics, image processing. Numerous lectures both in Germany and abroad on intellectual property law. German Patent Attorney Bar Association, EPI, FICPI. Studied electrical engineering at the Technical University Munich with emphasis on communications and control engineering, graduating in Five years of experience as research engineer in industrial R&D in the United States. Research in image analysis, ultrasound and nuclear magnetic resonance systems in cooperation with Princeton University, USA. Doctorate degree awarded in 1997 from Ruhr University Bochum in the field of medical electronics. With Hoffmann Eitle since German Patent Attorney since 1999, European Patent Attorney since Partner since Married, three children. Interests include wind surfing, sailing, skiing, parachuting, foreign cultures and photography. Dr. Markus G. Müller Dr. rer. nat. (Physics), M.SC. (University of Massachusetts), Dipl.-Phys., German and european Patent Attorney ; legal opinions as well as German litigation proceedings and nullity actions. Technical areas: optoelectronics, semiconductor physics, medical physics and imaging, telecommunications, automotive and lighting electronics. and lectures in patent law, particularly on computer-implemented inventions, optics and medical physics, as well as patents in these technical fields. German Patent Attorney Bar Association, EPI, FICPI. Studied physics at the University of Heidelberg, University of Massachusetts and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Received his Master of Science degree from the University of Massachusetts in 1997, on a master s thesis on the optical characterization of quantum dot structures. Received his diploma degree in 1999 and completed his Ph.D. thesis in 2002 at the Spectroscopy Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in cooperation with the University of Heidelberg in the field of biomedical optics. In 2002 temporary analyst with Siemens Management Consulting in the USA. Training periods at the German Federal Patent Court and Civil Court in Munich. With Hoffmann Eitle since German Patent Attorney since European Patent Attorney since Interests include tennis, skiing, playing music, scuba diving and sailing. Nicolas Douxchamps Ir. (Electrical Engineering), Belgian and European Patent Attorney Prosecution before the European Patent Office; legal opinions, litigation proceedings and descriptive seizures, especially in the area of mobile communications, electronics, software and network technologies. EPI. Studied electrical engineering at the University of Louvain, Belgium ( ) and at the University of York, UK ( ), with an emphasis on telecommunications and electronics. Master thesis on channel modelling for micro- and picocellular wideband communications systems at the Electromagnetics Microwave Communication Laboratory (EMIC), University of Louvain. Three years of experience as software research engineer and consultant in object-oriented technology, application security and fault-tolerance testing. In the patent profession since European Patent Attorney since Belgian Patent Attorney since With Hoffmann Eitle since 2006.

9 elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie Electrical engineering and information Technology Dott. Michele Baccelli Degree in electrical engineering (Dott. in Ing.), Italian and European patent attorney Examination, appeal and opposition proceedings before the European Patent Office, especially in the areas of telecommunications, software patents, electronics/circuit technologies. Assisting clients in nullity and litigation proceedings, also cross-country. Counseling in licensing negotiations, particularly in relation to technical aspects of small to large patent portfolios. Lecturer abroad, especially on EPO-related matters. Author of articles on European practice of software patents. Professional memberships Italian Patent Attorney Bar Association, EPI. Graduated in electrical engineering from the University of L'Aquila, Italy, specialising in electromagnetic compatibility. Research focusing on electromagnetic software simulators. Visiting researcher at University of Kentucky, KY, US. From 1999 to 2002, with SONY International Europe in Munich, later Sony Ericsson, working initially as mobile phones development engineer and then as project manager, leading product and new technologies projects. From 2003 to 2008, patent examiner at the European Patent Office, Munich, handling examination cases also as chairman, especially in the area of telecommunications. Joined Hoffmann Eitle in Italian Patent Attorney since European Patent Attorney since Married. Interests include travelling, photography and playing football. Dr. Dominik Scheible DR. RER. NAT., DIPL.-PHYS. (UNIV.), GERMAN AND EUROPEAN PATENT ATTORNEY, EUROPEAN TRADEMARK ATTORNEY before the German Patent and Trademark Office, the Federal Patent Court and the European Patent Office. Representing in nullity actions before the Federal Patent Court and assisting in litigation cases before German civil courts. Technical fields: Telecommunications, electronics and fields interfacing mechanical and electrical engineering. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS German Patent Attorney Bar Association, EPI, FICPI, DPG. Studied physics at the Ludwig-Maximilians- University Munich ( ) and at the Imperial College London ( ). Master's thesis on optical data transmission devices (occasional). Diploma thesis on nanoelectromechanical (NEMS) charge transport (2001). Dissertation on the integration of electronic functionality into nanomechanical systems as a member of the Kotthaus Group at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich and as a guest researcher of the Blick Group at the University of Wisconsin Madison and of the Dolgopolov Group at the Russian Academy of Sciences Chernogolovka. Various scientific publications in the fields of solidstate physics and nano device engineering. German Patent Attorney since 2008, European Patent Attorney since With Hoffmann Eitle since Married, two children. Leisure interests include cooking, mountaineering and metal machining. Giovanni Corneo MASTER DEGREE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (DOTT. IN ING.), ITALIAN and EUROPEAN PATENT ATTORNEY SPECIALISATION before the European Patent Office; technical expertise in patent nullity and infringement proceedings before the Italian courts. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Italian Patent Attorney Bar Association, EPI. CAREER Studied electrical engineering at the Politecnico di Milano (IT) and TU Delft (NL) with emphasis on power systems and power electronics. Graduated cum laude at Politecnico di Milano in 2002, with master thesis relating to power frequency converters. Active in the field of patents since Worked in a private practice in Italy for eight years. Italian Patent Attorney since European Patent Attorney since Joined Hoffmann Eitle in PERSONAL INFORMATION Leisure interests include various sport activities, travelling and cooking.

10 Dr. Thyl Engelhardt Dr. rer. nat., German and European patent attorney DR. Axel Esser DR. RER. NAT. (PHYSICS), DIPL.-PHYS. Benjamin Bubendorfer Dipl.-Ing. degree in information technology, German Patent Attorney before the German Patent and Trademark Office, the Federal Patent Court and the European Patent Office; digital electronics and software, bio-informatics. Professional memberships German Patent Attorney Bar Association, EPI, German Association of Patent Attorneys. Studied at the universities of Cologne and Munich (LMU), doctorate awarded in 1993 from the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen, where he also worked part-time in the IT department of his institute. Training as patent attorney in a mid-sized firm with mostly US and Japanese clients, with a focus on printer and semiconductor technology. German Patent Attorney since 1998, European Patent Attorney since Worked inter alia as an external attorney for Siemens and ABB. With Hoffmann Eitle since SPECIALISATION Optics, semiconductor technologies, nanotechnologies, medical technologies. PUBLICATIONS Numerous academic publications in Semiconductor and Medical Technologies. CAREER Studied physics at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. Ph.D. thesis in the field of optics in semiconductor nanostructures at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Weizmann Institute of Science and Harvard University. Research Faculty Member at the Division of Health Sciences and Technologies, Massachusetts Institute of Technologies ( ). With Hoffmann Eitle since Intellectual property rights in the field of information and communication technology, especially in the area of mobile communication, computers, human-machine interaction, media technology, software. Studied information technology at the Technical University Munich (department of electrical engineering and information technology), Bachelor s thesis at the Technical University Munich in the field of communication networks, Diploma thesis at the Technical University Munich in the field of human-machine communication. With Hoffmann Eitle since German Patent Attorney since Married. Leisure interests include cooking, politics, various sports and music. Married, two children. Interests include classical horse dressage, photography and computer technologies.

11 elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie Electrical engineering and information Technology Daniel S. Roser Dipl.-Ing. Degree in Microsystems Engineering, European patent attorney DR. Roland Schieren DR. RER. NAT. (PHYSICS), M.SC. (IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON) dr. Danche Spirkoska jovanov DR. RER. NAT. (PHYSICS), M.SC. (PHYSICS) Experience in patent prosecution across the fields of electronics and telecommunications. Particular interests include mobile communications, integrated circuits, analog circuit design, CMOS and CCD image sensors, MEMS, and devices for molecular diagnostics. Studied Microsystems Engineering at the Albert-Ludwigs University in Freiburg ( ). Internship at the Robert Bosch Research and Technology Center (RTC) in Palo Alto, California ( ), in collaboration with Stanford University. Diploma thesis at the Robert Bosch RTC in the field of CMOS image sensors ( ). With Hoffmann Eitle since European Patent Attorney since Interests include jazz guitar and photography. Examination proceedings before the German Patent and Trademark Office and the European Patent Office in the area of telecommunication, software and electronics. Numerous publications in the field of elementary particle physics. Studied physics at RWTH Aachen. Stay abroad at NTNU Trondheim, Norway. Received his Master's degree from Imperial College London in Ph.D. awarded in the field of theoretical particle physics in 2010 by the Technical University Munich. With Hoffmann Eitle since Married. Leisure interests include hockey, skiing and travelling. Examination proceedings before the European Patent Office in the area of telecommunications and electronics. Particular knowledge in solid state electronics and nanotechnology. Numerous scientific publications in the field of physics of semiconductor nanostructures. Studied applied physics at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Received her Master of Science in Engineering Physics degree from the Technical University Munich in Ph.D. awarded in 2010 by the Technical University Munich in the field of physics of semiconductor nanowires. Post-doctoral research fellow at the Walter Schottky Institute, Technical University Munich in the period of Ph.D. scholarship from the Karl-Max von Bauernfeind-Verein zur Förderung der Technischen Universität München. With Hoffmann Eitle since Married. Interests include literature, biking, cooking and hiking.

12 The London Team Stephen J. Avery M.A. (Engineering Science), British and European Patent Attorney David Sproston B.Sc. (Physics), British and European Patent and Trademark Attorney Prosecution before the UK and European Patent Offices, opposition and appeal proceedings before the European Patent Office, especially in the area of electronics/circuit technologies and semiconductor technologies. Numerous papers presented also as lectures both in Germany and abroad on intellectual property law. Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (Fellow), EPI, AIPLA, FICPI, UNION, AIPPI. Studied engineering science at the University of Oxford, specialising in electronic circuit theory, telecommunications, control engineer ing, electrical machines, computer programming as well as thermodynamics, strength of materials and mechanics to 1981 training and experience with British patent attorney firms, British and European Patent Attorney since 1980, with Hoffmann Eitle since 1981, partner since Married with three children. Interests include music, electronics, amateur radio (G7JKW), sailing, researching family history. Specialising in patents for electronics, IT, computing, software and business methods, extensive experience of drafting, filing and prosecuting applications in UK, Europe and throughout the world (particularly USA). Clients include multinational companies, small and medium sized enterprises and private inventors. Conducted many oppositions and appeals at the European Patent Office. In addition, wide experience of infringement and validity searches, evaluations and opinions, UK preaction proceedings, licence negotiations, licence drafting and patent sales. Professional memberships Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (Fellow), EPI, AIPLA, FICPI. Studied physics at King s College, London University, graduating in 1988 with first class honours degree. From 1988 to 1992, technical consultant with a leading consultancy firm, conducting projects in a wide range of technologies (including electronics, computers, communication systems, image processing and information technology) for clients including national and local government departments, international agencies and industrial companies in the UK and throughout Europe. In 1992, joined the patent profession with a British firm, qualifying as a British Patent Attorney in 1995 and as a European Patent Attorney in With Hoffmann Eitle since 2006; partner since Married with two children. Leisure interests include most sports, and in particular fly fishing.

13 elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie Electrical engineering and information Technology Dr. Marko Dragosavac PH.D. (Physics), M.Sci. (Natural Sciences), British and European Patent Attorney Benjamin Levine M.ENG., B.A. (ENGINEERING), european patent attorney Drafting and prosecution of applications before the European and UK Patent Offices in many high-technology fields, including semiconductor technology, optics, telecommunications and signal processing. Prosecution of applications before the European Patent Office and the UK Intellectual Property Office, especially in the fields of electronics, telecommunications, signal processing, semiconductors and optoelectronics. Various papers and conference contributions in the field of semiconductor physics. Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys, Institute of Engineering and Technology. Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (Associate), EPI, The Institute of Physics. Studied natural sciences at the University of Cambridge ( ), specialising in experimental and theoretical physics, graduating with M.A. and M.Sci. first class honours degrees. M.Sci. dissertation title: Electromagnetic Models for Superconducting Detector Circuits. Completed a Ph.D. in semiconductor physics at the Cavendish Laboratory of the University of Cambridge, undertaking experimental studies of electron transport in ultrathin oxide silicon Mosfets, in collaboration with IBM Research Division ( ). Postdoctoral Research Associate at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, USA, before joining Hoffmann Eitle in Obtained Certificate in Intellectual Property Law at Queen Mary University of London in British and European Patent Attorney since Studied engineering at Downing College, Cambridge University ( ), specialising in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Awarded Masters for final year; thesis titled SMS-Based Household Controller. Work experience with a leading mobile telephone company in the areas of GSM and GPRS telephony, a leading defence contractor in the area of radar, and a leading technology consultancy company in the area of green technologies. With Hoffmann Eitle since European Patent Attorney since Personal INFORMATION Interests include electronics, cycling, Hebrew, cooking and cinema. Leisure interests include gliding, mountaineering and tennis. Even inventions of small details can result in a considerable market lead imitations can only be effectively avoided by means of patent protection. Selbst kleine Detailerfindungen können einen erheblichen Marktvorsprung erzielen nur mit einem Patentschutz können sklavische Nachahmungen effektiv vermieden werden.

14 and Seminars Publikationen und Seminare Presenting papers in the field of industrial property rights is also a part of the extensive advisory services offered by the electrical engineering / IT group. The group is often asked to organize either in Germany or abroad seminars for the patent departments of the companies we advise, and we are always glad to do so. Furthermore, the group also provides many contributions to the Euro Law Course regularly held by Hoffmann Eitle in Munich and London, and to a patent law seminar organized in Japan. In addition, members of the group regularly publish articles in well-known journals such as the Internet Law Review, and hold lectures at national and international conferences. These publications and lectures help to advance our own expertise, but they also provide us with the opportunity to exchange ideas with colleagues all over the world. By this, we remain up-todate and are able to provide our clients with the best and most comprehensive advice. Zu der umfassenden Beratung des E-Tech/IT-Teams gehört auch die Vortrags- und Publikationstätigkeit im gewerblichen Rechtsschutz. So werden von dem Team jedes Jahr Seminare in den Patentabteilungen der betreuten Firmen im In- und Ausland nach Wunsch organisiert und durchgeführt. Zusätzlich kommen viele Beiträge des von Hoffmann Eitle in München und London regelmäßig veranstalteten Euro Law Course und eines in Japan organisierten Patentrechtsseminars aus den Reihen der Abteilung Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie. Publikationen in renommierten Zeitschriften, wie Internet Law Review, und Vorträge auf nationalen und internationalen Konferenzen runden die Vortrags- und Publikationstätigkeit des E-Tech/IT-Teams ab. Diese dienen einerseits der eigenen laufenden Fortbildung und andererseits dem Gedankenaustausch mit Kollegen aus der ganzen Welt, um für eine umfassende Beratung der Mandanten laufend auf dem neuesten Stand zu sein.

15 09/2013 Design: Agentur2 GmbH, Munich Fotos: Gert Krautbauer Steinskulptur: Eva Warmuth, Strohhaus, Wargolshausen, Germany Please visit us at Besuchen Sie uns unter

16 MÜNCHEN LONDON Düsseldorf Hamburg Arabellastrasse München Germany Phone Fax Harmsworth House Bouverie Street London EC4Y 8DP Great Britain Phone Fax Niederkasseler Lohweg Düsseldorf Germany Phone Fax Neuer Wall Hamburg Germany Phone Fax In cooperation with Hoffmann Eitle S.r.l. MILANO Operational Branch registered Office Via Torino 2 foro Buonaparte Milano Milano Italy Italy Phone info@hoffmanneitle.it Fax In cooperation with Hoffmann Eitle S.L.U. Madrid Paseo de la Habana, 9 11 madrid@hoffmanneitle.com Madrid Spain Phone Fax

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