Dog. Dr. Murat UZAM LOJIK DEVRE TASARIMI DERS NOTLARI. Memary cell circuit. Writer'Read

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1 LOJK DEVRE TASARM DERS NOTLAR Memary cell circuit Writer'Read Dog. Dr. Murat UZAM LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

2 LOJiK. DEVEeTAsAB-tM \'.lja-u, t<s. 1 Tat- 5".g,.o\ \.^,..! L-.,.oa\o-1 t e-v.o-"lkris $l'-b.i 'y1o ^ge Cs/o^. y*p, /a"a l^ 'j.e'a'/"".la"c ttlz""n ' l"''+4 / mks L.u. \.( f C - "{1,alul Q'.""ilr) o4" v<',','n (1,;"ht,),,, -> aq ts4 e,h,fznc^,tlk lrt//ot "r /on, /d- /z S il d"^/..1<'' h;y:t^l;lu alo.<l S6;ylz sr^,{lo,1 Jtrr/,r! ' L.q bt. qr /eictl g"tv,/i li^ /zsil dl.vrcla- (ssf), /2 f*"t'!li^ 4 Crl- 'r. ct ( qus) :'12:/00 // " grp,/, k-l\,'l ^tu,'1" (Ls'D 100-'1000 '! Q','"hl),., ',J-, fiir4olz 'trlyuo t o/tt r< aile/t'" /o'efiri.r) 6 c3 -kat QiL ', q 4, evl$),loai&^{-.21q B.T' L. ( p--s,'s/ir -T..^sit/4. L'l"A) bt lt.i t. ( b,h& i, +:?., 'c'+pfi;rn"#*:h ",,') dt cl (19n,'k!'. L-p/"1'/t Lo;,'L) et M0 s 7 tutulol- ols,'/ fl CMAS G'"Lga /t.l KL vl DL ql 'L/.-" 7o.t "lc/l.t- ) ',?t) L, t<-n /h.o(la Lu /l^, S*,2 A B 6 /_.'-N v B *' "1-/- ' LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

3 LoJ,,A"r- D,9_r', 1(6. Z_ trtl' lr-:^ $e.a'a: a1a,,,at l, " lo.a-ttl atl"ff /-r/': -f TL aslr,jzt btt /a4prsrara oly'+;t L,'. /;r; a/;r. TTL L/.- CM0S o.-a.,"1- Lullon,l'n Ji,'h o,'f '/""J'z "^ktn HczL,'. C d" t'thl *4rc ai/zsin de-/.,, /-e,'rz,/ qlzt r< L;. Veled it ( N/ AJD \,U" V yhbtail (uorz) /<_zrprtto/rn btl, k^ 4 d-e,u o/o l^- f,-.a.,nasrl "'- /on Ls,'gon /".,n.j 4t ed,'l^tsi ic,/ a lu llat^tla h &-ql./ Japr,tL,,r StJtr?l <- Jj','/.t ' tc dt-ur'etf,v a il ljo *t L/oL" /o. Atr L,rr e/b..\,!i t\.1 oi/ /<_t-^ ll Jz- //,.1f2..,,,,c,.t,r /nrltt';ht )'.-"-,4-'l"lut'aln lsl/t- /.t//it"/"n' -T.L,- " L trr*/ l,'t" ta, nn Li {c /-ot vl/ur '^a,'n La l-a./q larla ye-.t l^..'slir. No*,,',ut stutll, O?*ni k t#;t! : as lsz.r,' h'f z'tc*ta n /"'olt' -f, 'lt^, 112f "<,jn "se /-TL ai/e5; t'g,'a 6c-s/aat gz.t'l^; +fv 7 0,2f V. Vtu( Cn/lo 5 ' ' Gc-,'/in V111Q,r,a) Vrf-trru,t) Se-"y.L,r,' 5 uu,o o,.,' Lo,'iL '!. ) TTL(X,","1),V...2V?'6,tv, Vsp Y lh ^in " tsv.w tl V, ta''at o/'r' lip,'/c 9V "ge/0u f l],;/ges r' 3,tv 7,w)+ 1,5 y' 0 Bt/ CA40J( s,,'f) LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

4 L-1. [e*.t"s.3 voh VAD 2,\V You& 0 b6lger -TTL(atL,t) -ftl(atl,7) O,(1V vol,,,, cv4os (<, hr ) Ct/' (,lose Aegla,-,Lih-.-.-L L;;ila t do-^t.t e-fu*^aa laaaln e.le'a-t 4 sagt g1 Lelotlol la.ja k-,?.-. -by,"1 (po n -oot) 4 tllt.tlha brf /a^- L,'/ecnA "/on-rrl'' 1'/4 y,a-,'/,'r. A4 l;lenjnn -r/'t "-lz-",,nt n bal/a"jg-uj,a qhaf< A4 /e /t QafiS1r. Gcrtl+n A-g,t,Ll.jr ( Nc;'. i,-^",ih) bz.w,-tn,.qol'svlzn.e-ll'lc^'l"ile.4t g-p.ui.tgsi.a 9s.c lf l-q.4gtll,,it., ilae,f n' { ' Qtr:ltr bdf^fs,httat TTL'd./ 0,t,, v'a"' z4 baajl gi,rslli L".w B6'*!" ;,: i '^:,r:zy f ot/y:l.r,. Ctl'tOs'h g:,;l/-c L"jrStLlfr LzJl.'"z C,&.//,Li^,i %Jo,t' /OV.t" qahsan CM0!' un 3;.;lh; La(ty4/,1o, 3v'/,t.. tv', 2., - fvr''/..,('t-g,/,'41 'kgint-' (oe - r,,it,u.i i ( PrcTaagddo" Azlt4 ) b;;,/o / da-t ^e- qat/tnq y't-zla as r lattq /tt Zttt ttqu "-k^n,n,,, rtr,i eeq,'ls^at/ be/, r/er' -7.'^t,'! lp'7lz-,h g./,5,& > '<Jarat t {/;i; "; l"l'lp;,'r,le-, be-/' r/" L, r f.<laat lea lcaaq /.'ant,')/ir 4^'1,5^ayJc,al"*..' l';,*t /.p-v'z e'/2*u tl ' g 9,'<4 s"'tytl q'hth/ o /'r..o, n s-i"rlo/ 1rnu1,',da[c' 3. a'2*1a< J4//2'41 9e+'4',q1, "/< 4.zn i r. LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM -v

5 l--1. L"rt,Tes.4 TTL,t'lo-.r,' r- 3-'il;Ll..i TTL,ti/zs,' e,n J:sky.l r' Q- "ts L-t-r-; /'p /"r,/<- e.<i7iz 7q ---> 5q --) e.n,l:s lr.tye / ot s l4-:'; t-af s._r i at. J hnj-.1 TTt, 71" gzrisi l0,'s, 7 j00 - ve-d'1,'l L-apt S r l0^n 4a l,1u-u t cdh lri r 71, 1ru'a" g tr"// rn ) Q eto.c ( q,7f - t,zrv. -)> b.t.., t? t-'c \ e.','s t' / b,. );S;L 9;e1,, TTL ) Tq L r-e-n.ri 4s*&^ skaol^.f Tf L'e [ea o. &'."u,., at"p^er kri ' l^ dov"-a r a,rltn/..q[!t' 1t+- s!,' sal/a"*,r1.,r.. Varf,/ta qz.a'l^^.g! L,'^uL kl/ql,/- L h''.fi kc?;a g!,, r';l,f,"i^l q,5sf,.-,;c 7+ L00,/L dlil bf,s, " /l-w- g39 h-acca1 o,l-/.agayrlrun ge<'l,'a<-5; 33 aoao s.n:xdiq B" st-; g31 Atrcon<<tarn h, z-r)o, n *U pllle- 4alt5oa\./"o ^ " L /oo"zlzt y'.rt//ar,/tc "lc- tj l;lu)' 4,r1, 7TL /7+ H 5:c-i5i 4 t. t ^ O 42a /t o / llq9 t). Y;L.srL hrt /' o/o" to,,, s ert'ilt- /zir,; L olo;<. /,'.l,t',^24 a /4,- [.u/larl*'5ltr.. H 1-.h gtkel hr zo/-. qa/,shi,n1 r.q ]sln-;,: 0r/t/o^o 4.ltk1t"t qq a'&+vtti,,6.,-* ra..tlr. flrz- a.lfrf//r/an o,jq lgtrto'q /,r'o,1,-.'i/rr. Crfu/aa.'a celai,' 3:9 z3 iw'r1r, r-' d) scaolll, 7r,, 7( 5 s.r,,b,' tf L. qile s,),1< ",-, J*1,.' h,z/, c"//s*a.e,,'1.-/.,4"- b;.;olir. b;r,ol;r. C" Ca/,5a14 s, h'ttn, o.lh.,t-l.... 4,nnorr,q/, 44a<t,qtot t2 /.trs,) bo ba7 z re r'c L.l/elt kolleh fozt: cr.qstr\a d.t/slt\q sc S" l"o l- //Lu //, c/rlaf l-:lj,n DrA?.,!:Yd t"fr; An- y'.tns,j /Ji",p.r',,r. O.k/..ya 14aqtat'u e. C"'/, J u -rflt,n./t'.?t.r.oryrq4, a.?yv. _r_{j il toa 2At-^44 f...h qoz- 9 Ok htz/, c,at,5 a 7 ll+as ;,.-h /- iltf c s.zr,'s/ a)<- LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

6 L-1. Ao,t'Tu'T ") b+';! G;11; s:,_h"f-ll, Trt, 7Qt_s su-isi 4;*n" L- l"t/la''lo*4- o/o'u'*"" azhlfi 1fuh*"" -a 4 c., */h/^'s/, raz. Jo/ay,s'.,tlc CaltSn^a 4r, b,."t,lt\.-4l,tc "Lu sr-,' leirgol< u- qu/a'r,-* Aa dt hnt hr/" /ar'//cnrra b /4n, 6,tln^a /1 h"trn A. p,t'tr; ae/.h'p; 3iq ZwW, or*a/a*.q *o. eattrltm g..t '[-pr.l!i?, f ao.,- tn 4'zuSXn z-.c r1^zn la-41 LS sz,'- "LX?i.f >'fi+t U.:*;-fr*:y'"7),p.""7*ff; Bi. oje C Se'-r's/ va.jt"r. Ar/e /.. uq'/r.r t/<- Qal' Srrr,a 9 z'-,'/iaal. -f f!. J 11" /c"t-"r17n ati41, J tr. Fe/.--1 f ffi:,?i:tnflro1'lnt,shr. -Pyos,e/o.:1 ic"' TTL 4lzripr 4 /"t., n of,t L"l Ln /o" g,'.,i/er. -TfL e- b-,r'-^o' n'n ol,t A2-.k4n2,,L/. c,'r,', L ^,lo isz t4a,ti t'nprgh 9q clat poz r'/,'/ E-'.t"t, i /LaeTilnrants ;.t< "Lu lutp,' q,.,'r/- y' /,co.t vav,ld1l1mr gv3,'"b,' dolvrqatr. et..-,, L n".r,.-f 96,&- L-'nt "" gryc^.<grl'/r'r. ffi5hl" E-.' d. k-, p /L,' JXvq ot3,f_'"' "o)t' ^Gr-;',; nwva4tp ttac - ") t -\ 4'/#tr,r"'"'' ( c:_t P- ----{\ r rtl-l/.f el.;/./ ifn'l'"- '-L" ) \-- c v, v [EG tl --> VEYA, VCYAAE -> C-t,>,"r.- Ug g" / o no a -C n y a //.r Ltp,lon,r lorh l'alan vw + S- V'At.? 4 o f.7..fa b"9 /a oa< /, dc TTL. e-/."'- n lat'nofq L-ll^",.1a", s,'as,e/f zria,: Ls./tn- tn - 4Sr"- S t r<-lc--l. /' q.ol htzlr o/mz/,dr. 6u s;'c.. u"s clra b;ttslt o lvrjq det rz c,, L-rSt,,c/a,zS, /ej/ oa S 6.J /.-L,'/r,/ ' s, F/,'p - F/"p o S,'/at4. V1 fqqtcr qib; /zz.z-/<-- 4<. o,9il,atyoa ar-.- /; io rva,/ane,j,si ftlfr;d d..4-4l 4!zay<a /n hg trlt qdl'sr,.4t44 /12'd"4-?1 O/4latltf. fqvat y,:lsel-,,? 4;f? dt''."je s.. h ^ i //,*f 14,?. g,,s,hy//er,!:. if j, i,,li'b,fu #,,, 91fr*r >cnf m. r t ' -: --J -' i -,/,,r.. <,-tu/ At - /iat- ' elhn' s-r1_,,// S 44,/ LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM ir Eto* Efff'' Lt2t ;,;i"';; '.L " c ; 4JT.,e P::'k;h'n ",zt(u e:y'a u;r#!' 7 o z ii[4l1,"-! tl."s e "@*ofk!'xo

7 L-oj, AQt"TEr' 6 -D>- -h- Scl lvq'ff 6W A c A,,,L N;T 8-b (Op"- C. ll.-{or) L.o//uLl-]zb t L tl c1 tkrf (cr ctlu bpfzal [- //o n' 1. n e.,lz-*e ^ SaA t t/ 4/., au /hu L ',q/; qi ^ O opea c-o llc z-fer,' lcttl tqt^ L-/lzt /drla NiNl Lo4,-t, \ A s (- A $( er e---- tl'"'iw: beh /io/i' a,l,e f A B' cb 1l.t //a n, o,a 4- L-of ' tdy, t "\.o glre s.t,l//c LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

8 ':x,^' U 9 knnuo /u TTL ( 74,...-_sA*. ) a,z-" is h^ a'/,' t//'1,rol La/ t,s k^r/c,.eq /ru/b"r/,,t L".tl.o / L-j. k, T4/.,' *-Y o _-F-j V: L*.L a*rpnabas C faqpoa Laprsr C+ NoT Laft'l TTL VQ- C-/t405'ua B,7ltn^n lof /on,7r Cl4oS vz Trr L,",. l/lle saf l,llr g.15 Ln //o.,/qb:/r,r. *,o11 Ao'-r- n"" n.91 4 CtulO S',., a t L,4 CfuloS/o scrrus crvlo S a,^,l hr( (z-l(;r l; zrt B J-r'"+n c.,'n,' Lnj'la/'*': a1 4t/tt1tn Scfzeaf ; e h.z.o.1<y,s7 b1 L<r/z'.n',2- f zrt'/,'-t t.' c) 6. al"'la'a SCg tl ) yejt rr,^1 ga,n'tra^l1,' caas '.s;ptl4 t4! s o.un yo LtQ.. Z, L l+.fl r..,4-*l u.rtr/,. o /a^q Lih Jr r. LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

9 f t siu,.j',.* Tru ZS Settr'++11. TTL &'r il e4[- 74LS s.r."tt4 TTL '.M0s L.'t -!.-.. -q4-oot l0 40 <U (-n l-j..b-",7;.t A.'/-/r-;n,i T/h,,L L-." Lk-r/tLt"rl 10 to 3 z 't0 Qc,c/rt' snr( V l or9 or4 0,1 zr s (30; Sh"fl 5H FT AEGT5T6<S.r<;rk r/or(fp)b,i., "lii;tl - s7k -,.c,,,n/.l_,a,,/s,,, *.^rta; 'f; ",#"i J: tr' h,, #,' il "'!,i, i' ; #, t f : tfi!,' ( :'x. il:n:f,,.,' a r 4a :";L'^ Y:!,J;'; r:ii./t " i;^tr"&i.%. V L,'.1 s*, q s h ;l{.iolt /L. oo f, r 'r.', 1 6hta br tl ;^ s o-iq / sh, {} '/e/t 4rt t"l loils ltu or{ 4"h L,'.ls ouf,i. J.' (--:v--:---:./ Jz fi Lls ouf s c-a"a f in, Fo.a llel o,.' J4{" Llt,u* 7,n/14 ou{ LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

10 o/z-1oo,la & r f g 5aole-n r, Sor'r'c d!t,f.{ c ^rr.l s{-f.11 S"n^c in - S ea"o1 9u, lr,,*s''tl:: htat f4^ b- Za&\a^4a b,'ls iu / Sl.'ft K4-rk h-s L;/s,y, ' ln,t,la- V,'^r,.qe " L7. L"'t. T";. 7 se. i o h-ol- l<al"/ e.elr. L,'. h,+..lalol ndt. Bu srllj" agar 2 zl<'lj*, s-a. i e / d$arl?ll,r-f J.?:r1-T^l-'-.1 "'0.*. --g- r.,.u41iry' $ Q- c? 'Qo Sb-n'o / ia - Pnnlln! o ul lh.ff p-s,rk s C 1,0,{ J'li lit) <\.P a('^t' tr& "Cte'; trh. \ocl- in cef ll --l/' t,o,l ld e c l() t\a!jq >c \:-./,?c,l'"isp 0. 4,0u r." in c{r Qr Qs "lnjt "lo& -D;.2 l (o (r Qo ge-<e.s il JK oo \,t t, q" 4 LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

11 Dsp CP U E;,L ::'r*:'fi bi$r LzXar '''u As r- ' S=,t Dt/c--> 93 g=o Qo a- Asa D3 J M,#;^,- Jo\s", P, \.z bl Sa Dlu LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

12 ELs-la te A B 7+Ls tb t+ seaql ;" p".'l/.j.ul 54 Dq L1 Mr, T* 7+Ls'l6q L;. ).t;le.l^ tt".-.- f-a'l L-J' 5.a.-/ e irlh' to v" *l+l!,, Lr tl,. X bifl'f. sh f / n--e;ry'<.,/a'r. Bl ef t;/ A y,"t" "/o.< L. B 1'.;sL.-'"doa,hr-/ L"J{U,/.' il...i7t', il.?. ef'l' p,,'.'l * L.;,L- Sd.;ULst^d.- olorsq Jal st /\c^ b;l9i L o(!r, /11.!, du ruq t.tlr,?lt" loii3i "'0' o lur-,- 'r+s<"t ZLtlt ) u <-uas Jt{t. -flfu/anwa t+,^ <'lut[o. s,fr. olvr- {o rre 5e* t7 fo *Alo 4G ti Low c.f, c* f."^s,1,'o n \ML) c12 t"i ln L J or.t's ttddz ou A ufs M A B uto a-g kjc.h*\ L X x L L-L 6t#F n / L "lo'16 ft h L 9,-4t H + 1 L H h 4 H jo -1ro a7 1Ll = tow o(fige c4i H (t"\ t Aton v,l1nrt h$ls /. : do"'l a-.6 9 n. t-owg. "-s.- lz!*r: ;t, J'<zk //.j"-t 'y'i-tkj<-./ k la r<kat'j;...t. //'L-, kl-.l l/'.- oufr,,t',. $ cto4a. Qz Ql QT r.x 6 Gi LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

13 A,B b,k iqprfs c P cl,.l (A-A',," H(GH G";Y Jez) '',puf l,ll /A'sln' p-t"-/ Cl.rt'vz Low) t'ap"t' QnQr )'ttfutf:? LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

14 SHtFr/LoAb P.".ll.( i,g;s"-;" dl,'// A.tx#.' )o1, lat.7is. 11 bq tu Sat ql uic c (,o clz fh;#/ hcl C a tll u. r,1.,-?z+tlc tos ' A, \ bt1 Pa.d el loqc\t!trlt 4,0 br!_l {r FONCTOJ TAg.E 4+ry-_fo-4r_ p."alle\ lo.1l "4" r-la,g" i^f\) + J < lcp x x f t_ X l X X L H L - Fl x q -q, at q, o^ 11i LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM ;i,

15 2otr" bet' T<s' /.1f Not c H = HG/ volkge lorol l.u = fl GH /t t on- tef-,.rp hut pr;or +o +{e' Low-fo-rl6tl cl*l<, { -_ r.w /t 4 f"a^s rt'ir1 L-_ a! ' ose carrc le*[,-5 incli.<*c *ls s*q*e,l.l-ht re_k"e-n< oo*po.f.ont sa,*-uv /i.n f.ier h +At Low -fo-hbll c/".*- l"."rilio,t X =olo"'* ca.a = uow-h-htgh e/ocl hq"t;/1bn ft- A us (P i" t'f i. t - sil s l'iff rgi /oele-l i" - Senbf oul Nsi s-..,'r.ll 6p; glegla folse- ' Lv '. elo.b e'nav t< inpuf P 1- : p c"ulle.l lo cd or. N-\, P"nllcl da{r'lap,{r ;;, O+ s''*pyt 'f i:sr rr r) frn.*'0,,t / Jic g,oa bs Fi A1 trr ls 6L i D7 Q7 1 ol LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

16 L";. Lw. T"l /3 c-locl" alel 4 bi+ ' ["i;it;i-":b Qo Qr Qr Q: Lr"v 7+LS 43:; Univztsq P ^ 6 o, t. \ t^put' \.. \K '+1, t <'l9f + L'+ SA"'4J F-e-ekl'r!! ' Po^tt"] 5-ble (."'l've lo*) /aptt H'Pz: P.*ll"l 4,'!. iap,t /s i. n',s* sj'.si(rcavt'hijl) t'a7{ T ' t, k( t 7e,7) 1 cp ' CloclaCAe*iuc Hi[ 6oiyil9) Xi TL Y - o;fd; ttlo, rtdo n: A(e^). /{( -",il9r. r/ala / olv? tt\l q0 q\ q1 W. ' laosk ktj(k'l;n' b-) inp"'* go-qj; Po"all'l o"lp'tls r,t3 : Co*-plu-zal-.,1 /"sl s /l7c 6 p.rahiag mo&-s vf s ha l t Qo Asu^" rcsel L X x L L L L \h;l+.9] /i.'* shqe- H t\ h 4 tl 61. 7i shi(+, re"szt q q. " 4 h (,\ L o- (9 5h thtft, rehia o. Po,q - Lz LJ- oi+;t;- ifl,to1qle " r H h 1,, t X s.'-r2- h " A X 4" 9o 9, 9. llel load x P4 P' ttz Pj l? o v lfutt LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM 1

17 5-il d"l" in t;3ht/re( FJ ls.- -.,' l zx(, i Mv,\ tt LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

18 Loi, trev.7is./4 a M-e MR s rt- 5r _-r_ - _]_ - f i--- PE h P :l' r (o,p, 'Pt ''4,,Pr (^ h, l^ )'qr le, 1 d< )o,/ Ur \ 0: 3 daac 4., '.:;' 5e-;6t shtfl s+,q/ Sh"ff ( tu Nl oi tv./ ea cl toal ^ ;rj t, t ^ t B id ire-ho,,4.t rv'tf /2-24'f F.r Q: cl" p vlse- 4- bif hjr.n.l;",* sl";{t t9;sk' --7= LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

19 1-.j.lra.Tct'1 cl( rieht/ie tfrl" '^ o" Ql + Qe 03 asso^a- t l,\^f,a laz ba?in"/,y Qo.l Qr "/ Qr; OQ=/ \y /r.t'l,l-rt =r, t < 49L.+- btf bt c'l t lcc.f1o/iall U^tr'a-.Sc/ S 11, ftt P"A P, $,1, MoJ-.o,',{*t i"p"i-: MAg" bs( 1t,t <l 4 L)l- ui vr'iv, SB a",4t Qr O3 f eg r's fzr Pr-F3: Fo."\\.[ &k inpof-: bse, S..tol (sn{i rtght).\qf ia6vl \su: tt ( t l"ft) 4 ', cn.ctocl,^.;u. h,gln 5r,"q Jre)/np M-[, M,s{-.-,*s.) Ql6}' ue torj,;prt Qo-Qr, Yad,q\ -t,,fp,*s L.' H X: L: L; P" {9")',y modz l 5{ 0r 5e &R Dst Eo Qr qt 6F L X k L L L H"J 11 L ( X x x E. q tu shr{t l"{ H h X 9- q, -a x x L q^ c 9z H h X h v 1, tuslr,pt- n'.thf H L H h X x H 3" c Pq."ll.-[ l,a. H k h X A P^ P p p rl P3 LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM


21 Li. Lett.Tcs.l4 So S1 m'r Dsp Dsr. t" p, t P3 Q,f a. o3 sh;#.;g.t 'w[/a F""t//z-l loq6,/t/l?,4.thia4 ts Stltlchao^ovt q po5,/"v<- y'n.ntrlfo" /l' c- l"ol, is."in t, t At4 by op'pla:ne fr". L;lt.S Jqh l" la- 7a -z lle-l iapul ", 'J- '/, s o"d ^^^l o - L:^/. hrpa iti iaz 3" 3. a^,1 anj 51 thvuls. L- T Lrfh-T'ln*"" C-n"n'{ 7. s t hif+ P-t,g isk-- C-o"'k-: ir(', ro', C'ur'rk' clocl FulJc fj,. L,'t,J,h hro ^ (aua l<.,,- LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

22 L.j, ber.t"t, '17 l0 o o l2 tloo llto t, l1 lttl t 0ltl l6 oot/ t7 O 6 o l- p,. h{ f,'hds'{pz--"r- :loclpulsa SQ Qr 03 o oo o o.1 f(e Th! B,-^,." Co.,n f-^ rit.j 6, ql.orr,on lnrnn drj y' ron,,.lf a\1,a' 0p Qr q 0.l o o o o o 4 a 2 0 o 0 t, t9 o o o o o o (. o n o e o 0 4 o t) o tl o 0 o 0 4 s o o o, o o o c\ocl Pllsc ao Qr Qr Qr Qr Qe psh:"111 (t o r oooooosi ) 4o Ar Qa q3 al 8y Qb 0 Qr LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

23 L"j.Le't lzs $ (B ELLEL) /14 Fl?A._ E let1, AN LAB v E peoaram LA\J A ai u: A Laiik ETEMA^/LAQ. lutuozyl B;,*.1 (,'t-'1,) b,'lq,/,-!,. Aofizo,ao qqz (,u,ik) lo,nu/u )/< tlaztltr y1- o h-.., (.<la ) La.nofu.'/e 7t fi2t2." ol,un,.,r/at.4ofi2,,/rbilqi Jne" lqr"o1le. ', isot;'f al<4 o /a n"a Lalce l".,..den p/utu. /ar. //o- 1"''r" L5l!1eu'2{d,r'<st.J' ill b"l'r* /,,r.'fle- L,.. do_f"'t;,r*, L6/- J9s; /":. J7&,L;.Ay a."l L,/,h*ive eltr. Gc;-/lLk, 1,'. tu l"'2t,1'.f olef alayq<ae ' b;f t4qtst oaua kafas/fs/r; be/irlo.= G.r-.^zll' Ll. L-oeis;/2" Lvk LzJ'.1//,'r. "ft Qp.,/oY,on o/2f",/a,',a e.2z-.,tza /a,.,a olo^. ( /,r {o' d7l la,..a 'M',,t, h;c"z hucr4 Jo,,'; 49'n, n 'S*r HoAza/o.. 4,> l,'l -ft"n ),Jrf u.lo-- *ine' Jl ift-t-fl"^rj^,,1 \ n6ola'1, 1o4o10to :+L lolllolllol( lo l4jj,-"2-.tlce,' f_h_++_+-]--l-]o,jj,{i3 n b+l;l.r t l-t t l-f o)r.ct;s\". -' Ll-LLl l-l ],r'*" " ) / _sx^ r";}l; ),. t;. La dla. wq-l-r (1*Z\ tji,\b4 Lir o), J^<. o oj'.ar*c b,., - {o".,r b;13;3,' dqi 1{i.e"et<,4a^i Lil3ij, -)^F'l"r. // 0 a Jd..-ss z qjdxls n-l ies/+ b of lo 8t;t=4b'1+- tit a rna,1 bt ",Y0,,4 Fd.t rl'q Lzu4tw't Wp aj h,{ wo.j co n *a ins by*cs Renb Coru) bnlrl bils;"!^ l";. h-o plat ta, alr r, \"n V;r qi *,s+e,v L le;j dol rs ltr*tol^ h"{'r."t i f tz." kn' (meno.y opa< /r'ons) /4a-.+to,u ajl*ts /Y<, s1.'- (tu A l) r eo,d wr'lk Co ^1,o ;^ p ',,1s /vtcmo.q hufy'.rr9;51<r (lwbr ) J"l" a/z ls ov{ LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

24 L-;.b"u,T*' 49 g t""tt"r i 1t-; P g : yr "gn,- <-o.rn'[-<.r +). go^lu oj,.cs h"+\ L bul,, ka"frol h^l-l'(t 'l) \V Ltlc h"t+, Lus) 'h^ f rrod. el2'1*o<-alr. " tn 46 Lill:L qdrcslni i h livo, eat-r * PC 'btk' * dv d,jfzt PC'd-^ 7 lvl hq'u<.-a J re.s,-{ lh - J z<i adz.'l dll.+<'r.ltr, + so^a P P"!' f':.uq Singa ti 3o ^dt./,'t ' ' 6ir ov-u i t, U;.i; nja,l i,'." 1; lt :d,*:r;.l -,f.'.'?':' "., ^ li!^r' y t, " \ 1e9i,!e-qt,ltr' t,,t /.t. t^ ^,A6,, MKA o-=@*9 cj og*!.-4<^ eof o oottoa nrqa.v d."-lj< o 2 g.-* tt- Mns,#Fs OOO0o0ooooOO@lt "l^14 'l oo o t /t4br. ;-- lw'ntrv qdd'<:j 3 &bdzr J ( { * 'af'-d., 'r"-iv^ al'rv-s in L- Jt,iil;r rrr' i sk ',r-n l^.^{' - b6l- -{- -9 -i --, :o' 1* ll {-\ cl?+ -J + i:/ f : a- g ir? rt 'il. -9 JT q o {{ c0-5-! $ t rl, fr t L lr \9 " o O_: LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM q.--- -s t$ -3 tl -s

25 \q,ril4!,,n Hof,.," Tipl"-, 't'lou'ttt'zg *W ;? rf { "Wfr :,ffi.!.at :f*i.fffl" x &m W n i u F,:::-' ^*i' q -a tff '! ii r?'t7 ""6q b, W;,F!iri :-. +;rs, A,.r 'r' *: r",i1i'l?., Y^X''/ffi,. Yi.Hif {t::at "' /! i,c. " 3 t,ir' i o' :' A ry 1", tbif y ;' "E! E *r'x sist ds-^-,ty,."/ t ffe, U^:YXr"!*b:."u, yat i,v tzu a n r n1 u - u ;/ " e,troit-" i:l*,t', a;;',a-a" t 1."r"_, r <t, or' i L /<-n,/.'t n r- ryw: t:# #, i ;rl;ffi.lrxnut :,t Rn.M Ln / o n t ca t- n n.1..*!- t ZLf i:. f"* "..- i " f; a;i*t,'i tt t!2.'' T ",:,: ;""n"1!, u k : 3;'m#,: ;ni *$. Stlz <.- Aztal 1<-1,-".o /9r.; r; - ilc o /a.<tl L4t lla ",u li.t1 r-, 7 B;pV7 5,.i-,,14""1,J<J,;-F r e p RA M, ^ ",i ;"jf^,;#m"', ni "?,'!,*,4,,! */ ;i l:#t' ffi,#, *, " "W --*l l--- r le FPRar4l - J i#* H,'",*f ', i;fr h, Y," ; - :W ic, r*i #_ ;' ;7;ffi, li if_ :v.'ift!:? fah.!::&: ^"'-'" i:if,^t ^::1s..4 ds4/;, urou''f,./'io ld^'t^ h, ls,' L-.tqLolur. v lsipot"r tuto s shal Rlll (s BAttt) LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

26 L.;. Aztt. Tc:-Zl,;,' *1i; 1s ffi t ::;hh i'::'"6# *ufo' 6 eu " : 2,t.- ;! r *,.,, rii r ffiir;ffitr # t rlr!,i :: "#' r:,ffi,'i# ffi'# A *i ; i;:'-# '3?,! :" g,, +' ffi ' r, il',^ i* u; l" : B ffi ff{ o*fsn 9 ArM'lo. sch " 1e,/u n.^, ) r,10ut!1 L X4 (a hicre o', Sq L-1.,,-.ts-i.i.-r"; L"f(f.'\ ) z^ v /h basi{ sqir' 4;. lvbr*.7 Ar,.'1 Z^worAs x^ bls \,--=-'< -1 /n olrf P+s AOrt gap,sr s "f. sq{tr br *'nl lre - *-1 hi c,.a- Sq.Llar h',i..rr hj'. ft,t<-r N 0s h) <,< h.r )ii Q.< 0'l Sqllr,,r" n*,f// B,fo[;;,.^':Tii' r;til,rh"9: fr 'ill rlfie" a, n /o5 t /a L i lir. ce.l' t^a P''Ltv' 7 W"t;:!tV;;i;r',li',i;ji'7'!i,; Y*: W_{' ),"w+,-o::.:, ""3; LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM tj

27 5X Y lx-t!d.f o L /ufn' X=no nl-e Ae n3 -- Ega.?s-=-4Ec ne-ab higa <'l"r1lar' t-or1.uet/. es. XL,V F"(A,B,C). (qt q,l) F, = Aic-*,tEct,4sd+/4gi W, :.L,ff ui^",*alfr,;".kir/*,:f{i>;.; rz_<,,.2s,.n r rl Tl?.l -t- b6 8L M3 LO ^! F t^^ t At A,.A, Ao elo. q-,t tt t "lje / \r,l 6 A odoo c0ol ol t o o'o -ol ao 40 t,t O 1't o lo o0 t l Ol oo 0l.t ool la a,t 0l l0 1 o 40 0l'l 0 tc t't 40 ot \ ,l o 0o l4 1l t4o { o ol o \ a0 O o\o 0 D o ; anl, (t i, o' o o ao 0 F2 c a--2^ (0,2, 3, t (,7 t8'g ) h=z^(0,1,1,3, t', 1, 8,9 ) c =E^ (o,l,i,q ;f, (. +?.9i d =7^(0,2,t,c,6,t1) e =l- (o,2,6, &,) f =:- (9,q,r,L,t,ot) $-2- (:,?,\,t,6,t,1) A3 qr16 L J beo&<!q (. + 9 L r3 t5 th6 t'8 Mt0 Y's ' '*4.J --t i '-t r i -J -l : _T -1 -t' - i t1 li l ll Tl --.t ) '1-,1 "+.-" i i i-: *-r - ll ti l -1 -r-1 r't--l-_l ll.t,ri Cq {l"u ' ---> LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

28 W BcA'Je-^ 3 ilove Lodunq Lo/ J-.t,1slh Jtt',<s,'n,. L,'. P-o M fu lla,,a,al g,rwl hrc{iriaiz - 'l-.rl',r O, cdt/j - lj-v ---: -f ^ '/ / t '- -,- ^- rf e ^ ---) / >ej, t4- k- 4 &,o a-lt- tr '* "-.^ \ LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

29 5RAM'1. r /"; &r,tlr,2s 8;, Ki. st'hk sl-hl LAth Z-A4 ( { SM4) )Kt1M) L;r' btpola. ttdsl4 fbh: 11* L105 /44)."1^Jnll"&n,ntndzlJa.\ /an L,'la; hcc rz 1'z- in Ja^ o/,,,tir. Bo " Lilq i h; c,el.; L". hiil, L Pt!.an b, q/,,tl..te4"tva vulv., Du b/tt '.]L Lre, Lz-r. l,lq, lq, ol"alo ohalo lq,,wu la,,qqa a t)a.aqa^ u4.aqt^ J," L;r;u b,;^4k k'*r. *. B,'. 8". B'i Ljl": Ljlo L7/s,' /t...-<-s l;.-<-sitwi nr- u.tulon L,'/c i e^l;,' a^l;,' i-,,/ail,'l+1" L',/ddl,'L L"." u.t "ls i,--.'- "L-tl^ F-,.*. goul" Li/g; So/1.q L,'" Jat s4 uzz '/L boflr-.' bi. h;te; J*J^4 ga.z'lr.4 d, Lr.' alq i 5 tw-olza l.ahn n {z-la 'rarf nh' t L;ll,,LslLAM, oo Ot l\? selo-t llaljtttt n til5 pr / t ^4,5 n 4'/4 L^Sor 0utpr.rf r^ P,,l Oulpul h"'k +x 4 SBArvl rc.j/ w-ite ' A-Az', 1".'h ler,h Je. Lo //oo ty'rt FF '/".J^ c/""/. p,t/s< go/e/ur. s;"..r.cjl (sc) 'lttrct'e ilz'li h/a,ap uk ojj*.r 4 le.i-, "t^ 4, ingots baodtt' a! 0L Da N?C'rt etwl[e fud/r,r/nle, bq/q evlpelt LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

30 !";'L*.r*. z4 we A" As 46wor) x *Y/"r Qp /ry,'c sy*l'/ Q3 A;d 6o-, / og;c Jt'a3rt',n /NPW )vtputt 0PEP*/M a? 7 h a, L H x ot tto.',t {"4J L L fl''c L L H HiA :^r/*1 wn'lc " 1r Fl X HiA;, A,iql/.,i, t b- br, A"l",,,puh X,"' A,, AJJ*,, e'- Ol ' 6o1q o'$, s. ee ; cl"i2 a^alle ap',]- ( qch ve /-Ovt : t117,'1- c,ulle, npu/- ' (ao*\z L)w ). $.Beu'lart ":!:r,. ),,ol olaml +4Fln TTL R.At4 k*,lazl 17, p, i, t i!' i- i " t;,[, #;';;'Hl: :.,!: T r 2, p,,,iff ffi r.-,i, %ii'',i L7;k, ^ a ' r?,'f!.^,! u'f:'i' ;""ffi n/ J,7 n o.'-'o / uer\lrzu rxpaajs0/j (aarta! 6E,vif LL ra4t).. A,te.yc'ti. L{,-n,n ( 4l,^:,^".y"/riu. worj. /r-611 _ Ac,L;. e"letkl<, b;11,.,,.^. s1,s'\"!p-a,... /oap.t,,'ks/ ( -il -.i".,h'- o4,er salr,.tj t c,.,/h At-, il" s,i L,.d'-^ 9 tn4 /ch/< lo;/,'t. tr"12. 9c,,',7 t</,jo;t62" ",1o,a/oL),,.t_ od'4r Aib; we ta"tre/ /"a/la.aa,/l)- e)i/n-s;x /. 7"31T'"'",' W".J (e^gl xpn*;o,r ( lallin4e- Uztaltg,'"u r.,on'/<lna1 B,', A"{uJaL' /rn-,,^" utnn/r6nnn arl L,'//<ria la (//s, o. /1.,l,na /, J,r" ltrnrla igin b"b: A.ll"A, tlojik DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

31 L-J" hrr '7"s. Z, g.on'l..,l L,)i*- v",nl*tnun 9*t l4il"g,' P4M 25-6 x 8 "\J&'lj lt,)t co n*r( a b" Ebt G^f''l- *.P (t) ilai ax AJ Jl,6X i( ;t; +", ^tr2 to aat *1 f t, / +l q -16 ;( xtl t, tr A+-+ Sc- 51- fom d"h bat Jr',lt Lus! gu5 E uls bift PoM'" h,"llo"onl 2t6 xt Aoti psarlagwl LsB g4m t-glx(1 M38 tb\ 2r(xg PdU 9,t ('z\ O:J b o{r but! ^tq u "rlpul s, -_ r: J is. q,l&,<_ J.t:uJ s e..ylrr. t, JArrts /4j tk\ ^* 4Fr-l 2{6xl F-oru L Qo Qr Or- Qr Qq Qs Qt Qr D"lq fus Gnkl 2r8 xg go fi4 W /t 4onz 25Lvla LoA lz.,l\o^"," 2,6 x'l L om /osr lot,n' > cll&p --'> LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

32 'i L- 6;, ^+- J"he$ L4J g!;+3 b,ts Bn^^ zr'x t CoM 2 zr6xa Po tt 3 2t6xl" So (zrebv ) 4 L b,tls "Lli b,rs LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

33 AHMET ODABAŞ '2 [ Lr'1'J,ar'Tcs (An,l'fo rd' VuL'""'- \tz,^'rnl'l$'latra B^;t l-h'l*{ Qptq"L,.1"1n,,laslq. vo'olor.,quna l.a.s,/,l /,i Pr{Arh B;. 'dot b& }vrz. la /sc Pw,v, "r,iet5 Htr "l4.q i. is' /c. ra,-/rn B,'. A /14,q14 +,'b,' g,'rt,'sht' vl, b,'lry,,' qrqf /"t.r Uu)./tlv!.lnu,1 gen,,i/c11'/rr,rz1,' ol,4fitru./qr, l'/'-t Llli,, i,.'ih' t;l,,'(q/4{lbi)!.g*hn, tu -, L. [,1f,'lo,li hnn t4 /n.e i t li s hk-' rt t)h t Mt frz. b"6 {a ^a'ar',/*res,' iq r'n ug knaury/u,bmeoq '74rz,r^ara21a/, "'rj b.rf t ) ) hh'gic, wrdrr RAM'/r",n b u l,r^,rtu: /,j.rrz,t, "S req in iq/ao,l- /^aa/e-u/fur, /o -pon/o r Zr/j.t ' r\/v:r ^ s\t_'tr q)-/f *) -/- AdA'{,', 'Jo 2fi r 4 p-al/t n * q h L 216 y P &.Att'le/L eo/,7^rr,' m b, s," L,'/t- a4uz zr6xq EAM ze6xtl."*jl D.o{q [.J",^ h O\tf nh ov.l- brts,^,,*rl zt6 x t BA V b,* 2hry- 1(rq 74rft7 SR.AM/.ullq,an L lgx t SeA/vl hso.(og,otz. u{'14'r iad'.as : BAt't s [dr\ tiai rn* lgx\ 7e &. 11 {o EE! $ 3.: o-r!: *o *{f J-s- B 3 7 qfltl 5 R/w C b#a {tl Lrus t \ LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

34 L"j,L*, Tqs, Z+ iw t 2 y'a,v g.t44 A 402+ x + v SKAM *asdrlag,mz, Ek"Afttt [alloail*4. 'l1zq X t /e;t Ao A' Ar At Aq Ar n7 Ar Ag cs F ttd t rl0z ElAs t/0tl 6', ctqip Sele"t we; Wn{* (rvble Ao41; frf"f'crr in Puts lorllat; bs$q L?#l[r{Pt frpdl hr,[ *: tt kv tr tr tr og /t?l 3! 2ll4 rloq i ryy'i(7yq, ra^^ ffi it,) f/oq Ao Dr brbr -l j.rd{c. Enf, ["tt lo rrs cs r/0t ztt u rlw 1 tt.xqu'[ rlr,e ertm -',ottv\ b,t D"r bo b1 w l 4k r E 6;t R.4t4 LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

35 y,lord Copor'fi Expanr io^ 1* po/r'ae Kapostksini Oe",i/hu') L"j, bu,tqs.?g Bf. kfrrnjrl' LJhu- tr-opasrhiai etr-l*rrrulc Gia qol<sh-r'n tu,", a. /,",l*ul,4,n t'r/*, etu ze6xe ry*" e t;+5 L. cr^fr-l lov S LOML zrtr,r\ \**q hts ul t- z 1-b"[ {.!lresf bvs f* At A, A, laq /tf la. 4t (/r : RoMl, Zt6x\ rqo,qr,q. soa 5, t koolz z56x Q 0r Qu 1l!(q U/'t* Zf6X q,(lxq P-c 114 b" ll",sry L,tt // f<garlaxtnt2, 3: 7 Qt( t'j 4 - l,;l dn'la 6u5 G"f* bos 5q tl r -/ Od!/: 4 la,rz il, q&x: 4 R ne,/ 6l* { 4 k^u &ou 216 x q 7q F ttl {6x4 24t14 thx4 lu lor,.o..ql- l,l L x 8 6,'t 5 P.AA4 L" llorwn t" 32,y t {{ srara q ZL,r 8 PfiU 'l s R4fl4 fag,arlagnt4 q LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

36 AHMET ODABAŞ Loj, bat, Tos.2? LOGC DEVCES P r o gprogrammable.o*lo'*tll,'.,'k- Aa1f \o. L1 PROGRAMMABLE LOGC ARRAYS n^shle!-"3k (nr-n)! -"'', Arr"y (PLA) ' fr3,,ifle,.ni giplc n g,'r,'sl;, ve h,b;. PtA 'P,^ L^f, L0M_'un -gop g,ltslt!,', ta n ola, b^n rh *ory 'foitr_s,l,lon, k_44s;l a&-lil,'r. R-oM',afa'aafu) PLA'n, rq gopit) n Bl, Q.Zl{J,r" R"'on4',j;L' yerir,z, g/rfp., {o4. F/rzn/en'ni.-t Se+i/m,', dc-codn., ( Lnd,r+f.tJ AN6 di,,?*k.rrri 1:!P,h,!,o,rtnt q.lqn b,'. nm)ue)ffur, Pt4'J;/u' ise, q,hf, fo"hlt^oa fa.,n., nu41d-nn.g"*r.*,olr'+i^ OR sluzk-it','s/<n,'.d k1,." /okn 1c.e{u-n qarprm 1-e-im/eriai "02, fto ft lr, i^pul Jz sqqr sr nr n b ) aj V ol,* r 5o. &",,*rnj.,- R.OMlr.llo^^it, PLA L,,ll""- ANb Jah^e elanon.',l{ r.f ol- e{, g,'r i s 1 ma3 a,[r c td- f lll- * lo- r i"ia s49 tsr nr n,,ol olmr s t c l atr um v \ PLA'lar U'/oiJon tlt ha jarrto,ytt'lt'c R.,C p /ar* var,'orl/esl G;r ;p dt4ir lr *"ter inin [r. Oo) h/ 0( P f"u rop - m q or*pu f,n"/-'o* 0n,J F.(A.B,CJ'X*.( o,f,q,6) = Ats+ AC \ Ft (,0, B,c)"e (2J,r.,,4,+) = B *Ac FrU, B,c) = X,.( o,/, L,6) = AB +Be % {o,b,c)= 2.rn( z,s,r,l,?l=ac +B - "* l*--,'r.'t/o.i (P,oolu.l C" r Ptm Br. Azs<- PLA nnt,t /, rh'l<l,'lir. Fro ducl* -&^fb.=, 9 a,t"llt*t ";;:;p'f;*" ABc n 00- tt 01o 0 4oo -4 -\{i ^-"_.e"?!!.&!"e.q.r. AD'-.. LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 p*ii* cit^pleryankj "o* {,,, lla,,atra L ) i, ge-rq Pt n " eh-k1t'iri,'tt'2, Ji)zl*,r&l.i Ll. Joprr/,r1. kb/"s, i/e /u- ort/pr/s Ft 4 tc ( AC \. ba-glan6.'e,t,u!q.qerr,el {-nlus;qo,il c-r,nda J ", L, 5 i<,'n & gop, l,'r,.1e-im/<r,' B Bd {." Lti.toa/n",^, L: t\: t /e.rms) GVa J.jzkr)"okl-\ i c,":i{i, loi,ih'r,'l^is 1- AC ) ot/\,tta zlz--,nan lo.ii= i7/z-nn 0e djrle,*indt u4gun,garle-z r,.ee^.*. /, Z F h ',,.i 1 fzulla,,rlhal,l frf" AB 1 AE nc+b Ag+BL A0 Fs: Ac+B ol co,l 0. oo o 4 cauple62a{.o f, nol pr<sur/ / Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

37 A B c Yl.f qi 'b^t -Tas.?0 wi" s\ r..-_k$*f_*- c B *p*l a= A.B / \ Fo -Fz Fs AB Ac BC Ac A B ge AC t*o rl F. fr LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

38 t"1. bw.ti,s. 3!. PLA /vlasl -pro7ldrnma,/ 6le- P ta \ F;eld -p.t6rt^rnqb/e (-USL " PLA, F PL+,r) Bosi leltiril ryr S bi. r.$*1--t FPLA 7iD', -r plarc ) i \ y,*t-0" cross - poinl \ r"* 0' 0t,onhcl Sigor{c \. ilonu tdl;ll"-, * BirqolL FPLA art*<n-l*"nole - f /nt n *e-s,'ai ( e-t/ rt';,'n;) al/mqga n A -'--lt-. B +)L>A 7 (4 ) rlont'nwsba A B,'S/<n,' /u/" fia&- gdn#dn X0K \ fu.. t lo*^ (. b ) hvr'sion ; c,, Lr s ftnl-1,'tlon/n - Lopi/ or*i-l lut "", 4 -lt\,_- C &-J)J c = A-B +AE',{A -_cool -o'- tll { ol 4 tl O '* Birc,ola FFLA'Jb,". bus tlg /.onwnlu qrletsla r trqrdrn.o ' q ( L,^-lt") ta51/"ndg, s c$larrra la f q in e *! -- ie' LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

39 oc ^= AsA,+ ArArh+ A;EAA, c7! tf t0 t= ACa_* Fl A, + 4'4, 0 Ct tl l0!ao o\ tt rf 4o= As A, Ao+!tA, An 'rj 0f lt to t Q/' 9l tl lo,bo= rfr*a.[r hile rts A,A" i#"fur-', u t-o 8t t t,0 d=4 A^A,n*lr@rlriLt AsA-l,t A3A1A, f = h AsA"4* Arlrtr,* ArA,+ trrn,**7, trra,a"t Asfl"A, LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

40 AHMET ODABAŞ LoJ,De^/,%s. % (t,9, fn i, 2,1, lo, t t,!3,45) l r ( ^, b, c, d ) = x* (",3,i 6,?, 10,4f, ltrr't5) f,h,h'e,j) = :; (6,77t7, t3t14,,5) =2^ o 0\ cd OO 0t ( ab tt T L - f. P L A f^lr,'qorrlofrnt J /.v ll odn l- ge.qel/e5lr'riniz..4.b l0 0c ol rl 0t t0 la ll fr= o[;+ q7.l+le fz= c+ 6'bJ + bj+lc. PLA loblosu ft ",8 gd b.c c 6,b,e qbe cl ccl bc l -0 --t0t '{. 4 lao t 0 0 o o 040 o10. a a oot *-fi>-r,r #1 -f">_6 qb be LOJİK DEVRELER DERSİ --- DERS NOTLAR KSM 2 bc abd abc acd Lr Doç. Dr. Murat UZAM

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