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2 FRONDITHA CARE B Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age and dreams are forever The development of our vision, mission, and values define our organisation s direction. These statements underpin everything we do at Fronditha Care to ensure we provide the best care for our elders. Our vision To become a leader in the provision of residential and community aged care services in Australia Our mission Promoting the wellbeing of frail older people by: Excellence in care and support; Providing care which is consistent with people s linguistic and cultural identity Our values Compassion Equality Integrity Respect Supporting social pluralism and cultural diversity Continuous learning Open communication Teamwork and excellence Our commitment Developing best practice Acknowledging our historical legacy of looking after Greek elderly Being a leader and innovator in multicultural quality aged care service delivery Building a culture of continuous quality improvement Being consultative, collaborative and working in partnership with other service providers and CALD communities Patron: Honourable Linda Dessau AM Governor of Victoria


4 FRONDITHA CARE 02 PRESIDENT S REPORT It is with great pleasure to present this year s annual report. The Directors of Fronditha Care together with the management have worked diligently over the past twelve months to ensure that we continued to meet our strategic goals and service objectives. Fronditha Care continued in the reporting period to be a successful community organisation in the Greek Australian community providing residential and community support services to the elderly. In co-operation with my fellow directors, our members and volunteers and our professional staff we continued to meet the needs of our elderly in our care but we also ensured that our plans for the future expansion of Fronditha Care continued as planned. This year the Board of Directors embarked on the plans to redevelop our older nursing home at Clayton South. This major expansion and redevelopment will cost Fronditha Care in excess of $20 million. This major project involves the rebuilding of both the Steyi Nursing home and Pronia hostel and the refurbishment of our Memory Support Unit Galini. It is anticipated that the new facility will cater for 150 residents when it is complete. The first stage of this major initiative is due for completion in December 2015 and we anticipate that we will be able to provide the highest standard of residential care in an attractive and comfortable environment. As part of the redevelopment we anticipate to also establish the first Multiple Sclerosis (MS) unit in the Greek community thanks to the generosity of our donors Nick and Anna Vournazos. A major highlight this year was the outstanding result Fronditha Care received in the accreditation of our four residential facilities in Melbourne. This assessment which was undertaken by the Federal Government s Australian Aged Care Quality Agency produced the best ever results for Fronditha Care. Having achieved compliance with all the standards, the Board of Directors were delighted that our residential facilities are accredited to serve the community for the next three years. Another important initiative this year was the implementation of the Federal Government s Consumer Directed Care policies within Fronditha Care s Community Service programs. This reform enables our clients to receive the service arrangements that they require and choose. Our preparation and responsiveness to implement this initiative also enables Fronditha Care to respond to the needs of the elderly in the community into the future. The greatest asset of Fronditha Care is its people, staff and volunteers who work passionately and beyond the call of duty to ensure that our elderly receive quality services in an environment that respects their dignity and culture. I wish to thank our volunteers for all the great work that they do. This year we paid specific attention to the training needs of our volunteers and I was very honoured to convey our appreciation of their efforts at the second Volunteer Recognition Ceremony in May this year. I also wish to express the Board s gratitude to our three auxiliary fundraising committees for their ongoing support - the Templestowe, Thornbury and St Albans Auxiliaries and the Hippocrates Association in Newcastle who again this year organised several fundraising events and raised much needed finances to support our mission. Of particular importance, was the collaborative work of the three Auxiliaries in Melbourne to raise funds for the new gardens at the St Albans Thalpori aged care residential facility. These new landscaped gardens will provide our residents with a beautiful garden for them to enjoy. I am also grateful to our outstanding CEO, George Lekakis AO, and his dedicated staff for their contribution to Fronditha Care and for ensuring that all our accreditation standards and strategic goals are met. Their commitment, professionalism and willingness to embrace innovation resulted in an excellent year, achieving many important program and budget outcomes. I would also like to acknowledge the hard work and generosity of our outgoing Board Member, Ms Kalle Amanatides. On behalf of Fronditha Care I wish to thank all board members who have demonstrated a high level of commitment and dedication to their role as Directors to the many facets of the organisation. It is important to look back on another year of success. Despite the challenges and continuing financial commitments ahead, I remain optimistic that with the support of the community, the generosity of our donors and the dedication of our staff and volunteers, we will be able to continue to fulfil our mission of responding effectively and appropriately to the needs of our elderly now and into the future. Mike Zafiropoulos, AM JP President

5 ANNUAL REPORT 14/15 03 ΑΝΑΦΟΡΆ ΠΡΟΈΔΡΟΥ Με μεγάλη χαρά σας παρουσιάζω και φέτος την Ετήσια Έκθεση. Το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο και η Διοίκηση της «Φροντίδας», εργάστηκαν επιμελώς τους τελευταίους δώδεκα μήνες, για να διασφαλίσουν την συνεχή επίτευξη των στόχων του οργανισμού και την καλυτέρευση των υπηρεσιών μας. Η «Φροντίδα» συνέχισε και γι αυτή την χρονική περίοδο, να αποτελεί έναν από τους πιο επιτυχημένους οργανισμούς της Ελληνο- Αυστραλιανής παροικίας, στην παροχή ιδρυματικών και κοινωνικών υπηρεσιών φροντίδας σε ηλικιωμένους. Σε συνεργασία με τους συναδέλφους στο Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο, τα μέλη, τους εθελοντές και το ειδικευμένο προσωπικό μας, συνεχίζουμε να καλύπτουμε τις ανάγκες μέριμνας των ηλικιωμένων μας, αλλά και να εξασφαλίζουμε ότι τα σχέδια της μελλοντικής επέκτασης της «Φροντίδας», συνεχίζονται όπως προγραμματίσαμε. Αυτό το χρόνο, το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο ξεκίνησε τα σχέδια ανάπλασης του παλαιότερου γηριατρείου μας στο Clayton South. Αυτή η τεράστια επέκταση και ανάπλαση, θα κοστίσει στη «Φροντίδα» περισσότερα από 20 εκατομμύρια δολάρια. Το σημαντικό αυτό έργο, εμπεριέχει την ανακατασκευή του γηριατρείου «Στέγη» και του ξενώνα «Πρόνοια», όπως και την ανακαίνιση της Μονάδας Υποστήριξης Μνήμης «Γαλήνη». Προβλέπεται ότι η νέα εγκατάσταση, θα καλύπτει τις ανάγκες 150 ενοίκων, όταν ολοκληρωθεί. Το πρώτο στάδιο αυτής της εξαιρετικά σημαντικής πρωτοβουλίας, ολοκληρώνεται τον Δεκέμβριο του 2015 και αναμένουμε ότι θα παρέχουμε το υψηλότερο επίπεδο ιδρυματικής φροντίδας σε ένα ελκυστικό και άνετο περιβάλλον. Ως τμήμα αυτής της ανάπλασης, προσδοκούμε να ιδρύσουμε την πρώτη Μονάδα Σκλήρυνσης Κατά Πλάκας στην Ελληνική κοινότητα, χάρις στην γενναιοδωρία των δωρητών μας Άννας και Νίκου Βουρνάζου. Πολύ σημαντικό επίτευγμα της χρονιάς που πέρασε, ήταν το εξαιρετικό αποτέλεσμα που πέτυχε η «Φροντίδα» στη διαπίστευση των τεσσάρων εγκαταστάσεων της Μελβούρνης. Αυτή η αξιολόγηση που έγινε από το Γραφείο Ελέγχου της Ποιότητας των Μονάδων και των Υπηρεσιών Φροντίδας Ηλικιωμένων, της Ομοσπονδιακής Κυβέρνησης της Αυστραλίας,απέφερε τα καλύτερα αποτελέσματα όλων των εποχών για τη «Φροντίδα». Έχοντας επιτύχει συμβατότητα με όλες τις προδιαγραφές, όλο το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο είμαστε ενθουσιασμένοι, που τα ιδρύματά μας είναι διαπιστευμένα να υπηρετούν την παροικία μας, για τα επόμενα τρία χρόνια. Ακόμα μια σημαντική πρωτοβουλία αυτού του έτους, ήταν η εφαρμογή των Κανόνων Άμεσης Φροντίδας Καταναλωτή της Ομοσπονδιακής Κυβέρνησης, στα προγράμματα Κοινωνικών Υπηρεσιών της «Φροντίδας». Αυτή η μεταρρύθμιση, επιτρέπει στους πελάτες μας να λαμβάνουν τις υπηρεσίες που έχουν ανάγκη και επιλέγουν. Η προετοιμασία μας και η ετοιμότητά μας να εφαρμόσουμε αυτή την πρωτοβουλία, δίνει επίσης τη δυνατότητα στη «Φροντίδα», να ανταποκριθεί στις μελλοντικές ανάγκες των ηλικιωμένων της παροικίας μας. Το μεγαλύτερο προσόν της «Φροντίδας» είναι οι άνθρωποί της, το προσωπικό και οι εθελοντές, που εργάζονται με αυτοθυσία και πέρα απο το καθήκον τους για να εξασφαλίσουν άριστες υπηρεσίες στους ηλικιωμένους μας και ένα περιβάλλον που σέβεται την αξιοπρέπειά τους και την κουλτούρα τους. Θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω τους εθελοντές μας, για την θαυμάσια δουλειά που κάνουν. Αυτή τη χρονιά επικεντρώσαμε την προσοχή μας στις εκπαιδευτικές ανάγκες των εθελοντών μας, και ήταν πολύ τιμητικό για μένα να μεταφέρω την εκτίμηση όλων μας για τις προσπάθειές τους, στην 2η Τελετή Αναγνώρισης για τους Εθελοντές, που έγινε το Μάϊο αυτού του έτους. Θα ήθελα επίσης, να εκφράσω την ευγνωμοσύνη του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου προς τις τρεις βοηθητικές επιτροπές συγκέντρωσης χρημάτων για τη συνεχή υποστήριξή τους. Αυτές οι επιτροπές, που βρίσκονται στο Templestowe, στο Thornbury και στο St Albans, μαζί με την Ένωση Ιπποκράτης στο Newcastle, για άλλη μία φορά διοργάνωσαν αρκετές εκδηλώσεις φιλανθρωπικού χαρακτήρα, καταφέρνοντας να συγκεντρωσουν χρήματα για την υποστήριξη και υλοποίηση του οράματός μας. Ιδιαιτέρως σημαντική, ήταν η συντονισμένη προσπάθειά τους για την συγκέντρωση πόρων, για τους καινούργιους κήπους στις εγκαταστάσεις της «Θαλπωρής» στο St Albans. Αυτοί οι νέοι διαμορφωμένοι κήποι θα παρέχουν στους ηλικιωμένους μας ένα νέο ξεχωριστό τοπίο για να το απολαμβάνουν. Είμαι επίσης ευγνώμων, στον έξοχο Γενικό Διευθυντή μας κ. Γιώργο Λεκάκη και στο αφοσιωμένο προσωπικό του, που με τη συμβολή τους διασφαλίστηκε, ότι όλες οι προδιαγραφές διαπίστευσης και όλοι οι στρατηγικοί στόχοι έχουν επιτευχθεί. Η αφοσίωση, ο επαγγελματισμός και η προθυμία τους να υιοθετήσουν καινοτομίες, οδήγησαν σε μία εξαιρετική χρονιά, επιτυγχάνοντας πολύ σημαντικά αποτελέσματα στον προγραμματισμό και τον προϋπολογισμό. Θα ήθελα επίσης να αναγνωρίσω τη σκληρή δουλειά και τη γενναιοδωρία του απερχόμενου μέλους του Συμβουλίου κας Καλλιρόης Αμανατίδη. Εκ μέρους της «Φροντίδας», θα ήθελα επίσης να ευχαριστήσω, όλα τα μέλη του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου, που έχουν επιδείξει ιδιαίτερη δέσμευση και αφοσίωση στο ρόλο τους, στις πολυάριθμες πτυχές του οργανισμού. Είναι πολύ σημαντικό να κοιτάξουμε και να αναλογιστούμε την επιτυχία αυτής της χρονιάς που μας πέρασε. Παρά τις προκλήσεις και τις συνεχιζόμενες χρηματοοικονομικές δεσμεύσεις, παραμένω αισιόδοξος, ότι με την υποστήριξη της παροικίας, τη γενναιοδωρία των χορηγών μας, καθώς και με την αφοσίωση του προσωπικού και των εθελοντών μας, θα είμαστε σε θέση να εκπληρώσουμε την αποστολή μας, ανταποκρινόμενοι στις διάφορες ανάγκες των ηλικιωμένων μας, τόσο στο παρόν όσο και στο μέλλον. Σάκης Ζαφειρόπουλος, AM JP Πρόεδρος

6 FRONDITHA CARE 04 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER S REPORT The period under review was a year full of important achievements at Fronditha Care. In our second year of the strategic plan, it was important to continue our work in providing quality services to the elderly in our care and to fulfil our planned major capital works and budgeted initiatives. In anticipation of four nursing home accreditations in Melbourne by the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency (AACQA) in 2015 the management and nursing home staff of Fronditha Care embarked upon major preparations for this process. All operational policies and procedures were reviewed and updated to meet the highest standards. We also commenced refurbishing and preparing each aged care facility. We consulted with our elderly about improvements and lifestyle initiatives, and our staff embarked on a rigorous professional staff development program. The result of all this work was rewarded with four successful accreditation outcomes at our four aged care residential facilities, at Clayton South, Templestowe, St Albans and Thornbury. The AACQA representatives commented on the uniqueness of Fronditha Care and its quality nursing and culturally specific lifestyle programs. We were all very proud of this result, which provides accreditation for the next three years at all four facilities. In the period under review we also welcomed our new manager Stephanie Elliott at our Newcastle facility. Upon her arrival she embarked on several improvement strategies and by all accounts the residents and their families have welcomed the changes. In our community services department we continued to provide the much needed home-care services, activity centre based programs and host home programs with success. We also managed to prepare all of our clients for the anticipated Federal Government Consumer Directed Care (CDC) policies and by all accounts, our clients have been informed and supported through this process. In the same period, the Federal Government granted Fronditha Care an additional 30 home care packages bringing the total to 155 home care packages to be delivered annually. This year we also embarked on the largest redevelopment capital works project undertaken by Fronditha Care with the rebuilding of the Clayton South aged care residential facility. With the Board of Directors deciding to rebuild Pronia in March this year the total cost of the project is estimated to be $20 million. The first stage of the project which includes the rebuilding of Steyi will be finishing in December this year. We are all looking forward to the new modern state of the art facility, which will cater for the community for the next thirty years. This year we also renewed our Volunteer Support Program which provided support and training to our volunteers. The work of our volunteers is highly valued at Fronditha Care and we welcome and support all our new volunteers that joined us this year. We also introduced the Community Visitors Program enabling visitation to elderly living alone at home. In the period under review, we also continued to lead as an employer of first choice and supported staff to lead in the provision of quality professional care. We conducted a workforce analysis and noted that Fronditha Care currently employs 581 staff. We also embarked on the first year of our labour agreement with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection in August 2014 and this has enabled us to hire additional Greek-speaking personal care staff. This new recruitment process is timely as we commenced operations at the new Thornbury facility which required us to recruit additional human resources. We conducted an extensive staff development and training program (203 training sessions) for all staff and continued with induction courses for new staff and our leadership training for staff for whom we anticipate to lead Fronditha Care into the future. We also introduced a new uniform for all staff to wear at work. Furthermore, we encouraged and procured partnerships with the community that promoted support and quality care for our elderly. As a consequence, we enjoyed extensive relationships and collaborations within the aged and multi-cultural services sector and continued to partner with brokerage agencies. We also received support from many services, clubs and community groups and continued to receive significant donations and bequests. With respect to Fronditha Care s finances and physical resources much was achieved in the period under review. We have robust and transparent financial systems and policies in place and our financial modelling has established seven years of growth into the future. We also achieved a 6 and 12 monthly scheduled auditing of financial accounts and managed our loan repayments and investments. I can happily report that we met all budget targets and exceeded our projected surplus. We continued updating our prudential bond management and liquidity policies and financed major capital and small infrastructure projects and loan repayments as planned. Our rebuilding and refurbishment program has been projected to be $20M over the next 7 years. Our net asset value is approximately $60M. We also implemented our systems and procedures to align with the introduction of the Living Longer Living Better reforms and I can report that following 1 July 2014 all the reforms were successfully introduced. By all accounts it was another great year. In conclusion I want to thank all of our volunteers who support our programs across Fronditha Care. They are indeed wonderful and I sincerely thank them for their contributions. I wish to thank my industrious and committed executive team, our managers and all our fantastic staff in our residential and community care programs. I wish to note the work and support of our General Manager of Operations Jim Scantsonihas who has achieved a 20 year milestone this year working at Fronditha Care. Jim is much respected as manager of our Nursing operations and has enjoyed a fruitful and positive working relationship with all our managers and nursing home staff. I also welcome Heleni Bagiartakis our new manager of Community Services. Finally, I wish to thank the Board of Directors and Members of Fronditha Care for their dedication and service to the organisation. I look forward to working with everybody in the year ahead. George Lekakis AO JP (B.A., BSW) CEO

7 ANNUAL REPORT 14/15 05 ΑΝΑΦΟΡΆ ΓΕΝΙΚΟΎ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΤΉ Η ανασκόπηση της περιόδου , δείχνει ότι ήταν μια χρονιά γεμάτη επιτυχίες για την «Φροντίδα». Διανύοντας τη δεύτερη χρονιά του στρατηγικού σχεδιασμού , ήταν πολύ σημαντικό να συνεχιστεί το έργο μας στην παροχή υπηρεσιών υψηλής ποιότητας στους ηλικιωμένους που φροντίζουμε, να εκπληρώσουμε όλα τα προσχεδιασμένα έργα μεγάλου κεφαλαίου και τις προϋπολογισμένες πρωτοβουλίες. Εν αναμονή της διαπίστευσης των 4 γηριατρείων μας στην Μελβούρνη, από το Γραφείο Ελέγχου της Ποιότητας των Μονάδων και των Υπηρεσιών Φροντίδας Ηλικιωμένων, της Ομοσπονδιακής Κυβέρνησης της Αυστραλίας (AACQA), κατά το δεύτερο μισό αυτού του χρόνου, η διοίκηση και το νοσηλευτικό προσωπικό της «Φροντίδας», ξεκίνησαν μεγάλες προετοιμασίες για αυτή τη διαδικασία. Όλοι οι κανόνες λειτουργίας και οι διαδικασίες επανεξετάστηκαν και αναβαθμίστηκαν, ώστε να πληρούν τις ανώτερες προδιαγραφές. Επίσης, ξεκινήσαμε ανακαινίσεις και προετοιμάσαμε κάθε εγκατάσταση ξεχωριστά. Συμβουλευτήκαμε τους ηλικιωμένους μας για βελτιώσεις και ψυχαγωγικές πρωτοβουλίες, ενώ το προσωπικό μας συμμετείχε σε ένα απαιτητικό πρόγραμμα εξέλιξης εργατικού δυναμικού. Το αποτέλεσμα όλης αυτής της δουλειάς, επιβραβεύτηκε με τέσσερις επιτυχείς εκβάσεις διαπίστευσης για τα 4 γηριατρεία μας, στο Clayton South, στο Templestowe, στο St Albans και στο Thornbury. Οι πραγματογνώμονες του Γραφείου Ελέγχου (AACQA) αναφέρθηκαν στην μοναδικότητα της «Φροντίδας», τα ποιοτικά νοσηλευτικά και στα πολιτιστικώς ιδιαίτερα, ψυχαγωγικά προγράμματά της. Είμαστε όλοι πολύ υπερήφανοι γι αυτό το αποτέλεσμα, το οποίο συνεπάγεται διαπίστευση λειτουργίας για τις τέσσερις εγκαταστάσεις μας, για τα επόμενα τρία χρόνια. Στην περίοδο ανασκόπησης, καλωσορίσαμε τη νέα μας Διευθύντρια Stephanie Elliot στις εγκαταστάσεις μας στο Newcastle. Από την άφιξή της ξεκίνησε αρκετά βελτιωτικά πλάνα και κατά γενική ομολογία, οι διαμένοντες και οι συγγενείς τους είναι ευχαριστημένοι με τις αλλαγές. Στο τμήμα των Κοινωνικών Υπηρεσιών συνεχίζουμε να παρέχουμε, τις αναγκαίες υπηρεσίες βοήθειας στο σπίτι, τα προγράμματα δραστηριοτήτων και το πρόγραμμα φιλοξενίας κατ οίκον, με πολύ μεγάλη επιτυχία. Καταφέραμε επίσης, να προετοιμάσουμε τους πελάτες μας για τις προσδοκούμενες μεταρρυθμίσεις της Ομοσπονδιακής Κυβέρνησης, στην Κατευθυνόμενη Φροντίδα Καταναλωτή και πράγματι, όλοι οι πελάτες μας ενημερώθηκαν και υποστηρίχθηκαν καθ όλη τη διάρκεια της διαδικασίας. Την ίδια περίοδο, η Ομοσπονδιακή Κυβέρνηση παραχώρησε στη «Φροντίδα» 30 επιπλέον πακέτα βοήθειας στο σπίτι, φτάνοντας συνολικά τα 155 πακέτα βοήθειας στο σπίτι που παρέχονται ετησίως. Αυτή τη χρονιά επίσης, ξεκινήσαμε το μεγάλο έργο ανάπλασης που ανάλαβε η «Φροντίδα», με την ανακατασκευή της εγκατάστασης στο Clayton South. Με την απόφαση του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου για την ανακατασκευή της Πρόνοιας το Μάρτιο αυτού του έτους, το συνολικό κόστος του έργου υπολογίζεται σε 20 εκατομμύρια δολάρια. Το πρώτο στάδιο του έργου, που περιλαμβάνει την ανακατασκευή της «Στέγης» θα τελειώσει τον Δεκέμβριο αυτού του έτους. Περιμένουμε όλοι με ανυπομονησία, αυτό το μοντέρνο κτίριο έργο τέχνης, που θα εξυπηρετεί την Κοινότητά μας για τα επόμενα 30 χρόνια. Το τρέχων έτος εξάλλου, ανανεώσαμε το Πρόγραμμα Υποστήριξης Εθελοντών, το οποίο παρέχει υποστήριξη και εκπαίδευση στους εθελοντές μας. Το έργο των εθελοντών εκτιμάται πάρα πολύ στη «Φροντίδα» και γι αυτό καλωσορίζουμε και υποστηρίζουμε όλους τους νέους εθελοντές, που ήρθαν μαζί μας και φέτος. Ακόμη, εισαγάγαμε το Πρόγραμμα Κοινωνικών Επισκεπτών, που επιτρέπει την επίσκεψη σε ηλικιωμένους, οι οποίοι ζουν μόνοι στο σπίτι. Στην εξεταζόμενη περίοδο, συνεχίζουμε να ηγούμαστε ως εργοδότες πρώτης επιλογής και να υποστηρίζουμε το προσωπικό μας, ώστε να πρωτοπορεί στην παροχή ποιοτικής επαγγελματικής φροντίδας. Διενεργήσαμε μια ανάλυση του εργατικού δυναμικού και σημειώθηκε ότι η «Φροντίδα» αυτή τη στιγμή, απασχολεί εργασιακά 581 άτομα. Μπήκαμε στην πρώτη χρονιά της εργασιακής μας συμφωνίας με το Τμήμα Μετανάστευσης και Προστασίας Συνόρων, από τον Αύγουστο του 2014 και αυτό μας επέτρεψε να προσλάβουμε, πρόσθετο Ελληνόφωνο προσωπικό ατομικής φροντίδας. Αυτή η νέα διαδικασία προσλήψεων ήρθε έγκαιρα, καθώς αρχίσαμε δραστηριότητες στην Νέα πτέρυγα του Thornbury, που απαιτούσαν την πρόσληψη πρόσθετου ανθρώπινου δυναμικού. Διεξαγάγαμε ένα εκτεταμένο πρόγραμμα βελτίωσης και εκπαίδευσης (με 203 εκπαιδευτικές ενότητες) για όλο το προσωπικό, συνεχίσαμε τα προγράμματα εισαγωγής για το νέο προσωπικό, όπως επίσης και το εκπαιδευτικό μας σεμινάριο ηγεσίας, για αυτούς που αναμένουμε να ηγηθούν της «Φροντίδας» στο μέλλον. Θεσπίσαμε επίσης μια νέα ενδυμασία, που θα φορά το προσωπικό μας στην εργασία του. Επιπροσθέτως, ενθαρύναμε και κατοχυρώσαμε συνεργασίες με την κοινότητα, οι οποίες προώθησαν υποστήριξη και ποιοτική φροντίδα στους ηλικιωμένους μας. Κατά συνέπεια, εδραιώσαμε εκτεταμένες σχέσεις και συνεργασίες στο τομέα της παροχής υπηρεσιών φροντίδας ηλικιωμένων και πολυπολιτισμού και συνεχίσαμε να συνεργαζόμαστε με διάφορες χρηματιστηριακές υπηρεσίες. Λάβαμε ακόμα υποστήριξη από πολλές υπηρεσίες, σωματεία και κοινωνικές ομάδες και συνεχίσαμε να λαμβάνουμε σημαντικές δωρεές και κληροδοτήματα. Με σεβασμό στα οικονομικά και τους φυσικούς πόρους της «Φροντίδας», πολλά επιτεύχθηκαν κατά την εξεταζόμενη περίοδο. Έχουμε εύρωστα και διαφανή οικονομικά συστήματα και κανόνες σε ετοιμότητα και η οικονομική μας ευελιξία έχει εδραιώσει επτά χρόνια μελλοντικής ανάπτυξης. Επιτύχαμε ακόμη, έναν εξάμηνο και έναν ετήσιο προγραμματισμένο οικονομικό έλεγχο των λογαριασμών μας και διευθετήσαμε τις αποπληρωμές των δανείων μας και τις επενδύσεις μας. Μπορώ να ανακοινώσω με χαρά, ότι επιτεύχθηκαν όλοι οι στόχοι του προϋπολογισμού μας και διευρύναμε το προβλεπόμενο πλεόνασμά μας. Συνεχίσαμε να αναβαθμίζουμε την διακριτική διαχείριση εγγυητικών και τις πολιτικές ρευστότητας και χρηματοδοτήσαμε μεγάλα κεφάλαια, όπως και μικρά σχέδια υποδομής καθώς και αποπληρωμές δανείων, όπως ήταν προγραμματισμένο. Το πρόγραμμά μας για ανοικοδόμηση και ανακαίνιση έχει προβλεφθεί να είναι 20 εκατομμύρια δολάρια για τα επόμενα 7 χρόνια. Τα καθαρά περιουσιακά στοιχεία μας ανέρχονται στα 60 εκατομμύρια δολάρια. Προσαρμόσαμε τα συστήματά μας και τις διάφορες διαδικασίες μας, ούτως ώστε να συμπίπτουν με τις μεταρρυθμίσεις που ακολούθησαν από το Living Longer Living Better και μπορώ να αναφέρω ότι μετά την 1η Ιουλίου του 2014, όλες αυτές οι αλλαγές παρουσιάστηκαν επιτυχώς. Κατά γενική ομολογία ήταν ακόμη μια θαυμάσια χρονιά. Εν κατακλείδι, θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω όλους τους εθελοντές μας, που υποστηρίζουν τα προγράμματά της «Φροντίδας» κατά το σύνολό τους. Είναι πράγματι υπέροχοι και τους ευχαριστώ απο καρδιάς για την συνεισφορά τους. Θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω τα έμπειρα και αφοσιωμένα εκτελεστικά στελέχη μου, τους Διευθυντές μας και όλο το υπέροχο προσωπικό, που εργάζεται στους οίκους ευγηρίας και στα προγράμματα κοινωνικής φροντίδας. Θα ήθελα να υπογραμμίσω το έργο και τη βοήθεια του Διευθυντή Λειτουργίας Δημήτρη Σγαντσονύχα, που φέτος έφτασε στο ορόσημο των 20 ετών υπηρεσίας στην «Φροντίδα». Ο Δημήτρης, είναι αξιοσέβαστος ως Διευθυντής Λειτουργίας των Γηριατρείων μας και απολαμβάνει μια καρποφόρα και θετική σχέση συνεργασίας, με όλους τους Διευθυντές και όλο το προσωπικό των γηριατρείων μας. Θα ήθελα επίσης να καλωσορίσω την Ελένη Μπαγιαρτάκη, ως νέα Διευθύντρια Κοινωνικών Υπηρεσιών. Τέλος, θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο και τα Μέλη της «Φροντίδας», για την αφοσίωσή τους και τις υπηρεσίες τους στον οργανισμό. Ανυπομονώ να συνεργαστώ ξανά με όλους, το επόμενο έτος. Γεώργιος Λεκάκης, AO JP (B.A., BSW) Γενικός Διευθυντής

8 FRONDITHA CARE 06 SPECIAL DEDICATION STORGI S TEN YEAR HISTORY CELEBRATING 10 SUCCESSFUL YEARS OF AGED CARE PROVISION We would like to acknowledge the efforts of STORGI s management, staff, volunteers, ladies auxiliary, donors, residents and the families of our residents who have all contributed to the 10 Year Success Story of STORGI


10 FRONDITHA CARE 08 STORGI CELEBRATING 10 SUCCESSFUL YEARS OF AGED CARE PROVISION In February, 2015, STORGI recently completed a two day accreditation audit and it achieved excellent results, which resulted in a further 3 year accreditation Angela Cox, MRC Storgi

11 ANNUAL REPORT 14 /15 09

12 FRONDITHA CARE 10 STORGI CELEBRATING 10 SUCCESSFUL YEARS OF AGED CARE PROVISION The Fronditha Care Storgi (meaning affection ) aged care facility...celebrated its 10 Year Anniversary... amidst a joyous climate of live music and dance, delicious Greek food, fun and laughter Fronditha Care s facility in Lower Templestowe, STORGI, reached a very significant milestone when it celebrated its 10 Year Anniversary on the 9th of May, The 10 year success story of STORGI is testament to the pioneering work that Fronditha Care is undertaking in aged care provision for those of a CALD background. The decision to construct an aged care facility in Lower Templestowe was based on the need to provide the Greek elderly in the Eastern suburbs of Melbourne with cultural specific aged care. In 2001, the land was purchased for over $ After carefully reviewing the site and consulting with relevant stakeholders, in March 2002 the application for a building permit for the residential facility was submitted to Manningham City Council. The Templestowe Auxiliary showed its commitment by commencing their fundraising efforts in May 2003 with their first fundraiser, a regional walkathon, raising $ To this day, the contribution of the Templestowe Auxiliary is highly regarded by the organisation. In 2004 the Fronditha Care Templestowe 60 bed residential care facility came to life with the laying of the foundation stone. The total cost of construction amounted to $5.5 million. Fronditha Care Templestowe officially opened its doors on the 9th May 2005, when the first residents were admitted into the facility. After a competition for the name of the facility was held in the same month, the facility was officially named STORGI, meaning affection. To date, STORGI has cared for 244 residents and currently employs 80 staff. In February, 2015, STORGI recently completed a two day accreditation audit and it achieved excellent results, which resulted in a further 3 year accreditation. The Fronditha Care Storgi (meaning affection ) aged care facility in Lower Templestowe celebrated its 10 Year Anniversary on Wednesday, 13th May 2015, amidst a joyous climate of live music and dance, delicious Greek food, fun and laughter. The President of Fronditha Care s Board of Directors, Mike Zafiropoulos AM, set the tone of the event with a heart felt address where he highlighted the culture of continuous improvement of facilities and services that is central to the ethos of Fronditha Care and acknowledged the invaluable work that the volunteers of the organisation have contributed towards the success of Storgi. This was followed by addresses from Jacob Fronistas OAM (Fronditha Care Board Treasurer), Virginia Nakas (Fronditha Care Lower Templestowe Auxiliary Convener), Angela Cox (Residential Care Manager of Storgi ), Tasoula Kordaris (Fronditha Care volunteer) and Mr Ross Alatsas, Acting Chairperson of the Victorian Multicultural Commission. Virginia Nakas was particularly proud of the women who comprise the Templestowe Auxiliary, who through a number of fund-raising events have raised more than $80,000 for Fronditha Care during the last 12 months. The anniversary was marked by a range of mouth-watering Greek delights for the residents and their friends and families, while Manolis Nikolaidis and Kostas Kolokithas shared their guitar and bouzouki talents with the attendees, spicing up the event with a true Greek festive flavour.

13 To date Storgi has cared for 244 residents and currently employs 80 staff ANNUAL REPORT 14/15 11

14 FRONDITHA CARE 12 TRIBUTES RETIREMENT OF MR ANDREAS THEODOULOU Fronditha Care would like to recognise the outstanding volunteer work, dedication and service to the Greek elderly in Victoria of Andrew Theodoulou, who, at the age of 86, after 35 years as a Fronditha Care member and volunteer, announced his retirement saying, I am getting old and tired. I love the elderly but I am old myself. Andrew s commitment to his community and to volunteerism began in 1966 when he, together with other Greek migrants, formed the Greek Community of Clayton, with Andrew as its first President. In 1972, he became the first Greek Councillor of the then City of Oakleigh where his persistent lobbying for cultural specific aged care resulted in a $100,000 grant, which was used to purchase the land where Fronditha Care built the first aged care residential facility for Greek elders in Victoria. He served as a director of the Fronditha Care Board for 25 years and was a member of various building subcommittees. He provided endless volunteer hours to organise events, working bees and engaged in fundraising activities. He provided friendship and support to many people. Fronditha Care considers Andrew Theodoulou s efforts to have been invaluable and pivotal to laying the foundations for the organisation s current successes and wishes him and his wife Fani a fulfilling life until a great old age. PASSING OF THE LATE ANNA GEORGOUSSIS OAM MEMORIAL TRIBUTE Fronditha Care would like to recognise the selfless contributions and legacy of Anna Georgoussis OAM, who passed away in April Anna was an exceptional volunteer and supporter of Fronditha Care for over three decades. She was a Life Governor of Fronditha Care, having served as a director for over 25 years. She served as President of the Clayton Auxiliary for over three decades with distinction. She is fondly remembered by all, for her involvement in fundraising, the organisation of events, Christmas and Easter celebrations, monthly lunches, provision of gifts and clothing, and for arranging welfare assistance for residents. She particularly loved organising excursions and recreational outings for the residents. Moreover, as a podiatrist, she offered her services for many decades free-of-charge to all the residents. Anna remained a dedicated visitor to the Clayton facility residents until her health prevented her in recent times. She provided comfort and support to them all. Fronditha Care sends its deepest condolences to her son Paul and daughter Daphne and the family of Mrs Anna Georgoussis OAM. Fronditha Care considers her to be an outstanding and eminent person that has left a legacy for all of us to follow. PASSING OF THE LATE JOHN BASIL SALVARIS OAM MEMORIAL TRIBUTE The Fronditha Care Board of Directors, management and staff would like to convey their sincere condolences following the passing of Mr John Basil Salvaris OAM. Mr Salvaris was the first President of Fronditha Care in 1977 and served at an executive level until As a Life Governor of Fronditha Care, Mr Salvaris and his wife Stella were great supporters of Fronditha Care. Fronditha Care sends its deepest condolences to the family of John Basil Salvaris OAM. It was John s pioneering work with others that established the first aged care facility for Greek speaking elderly in Victoria. His work leaves a legacy which we are determined to continue. We are eternally appreciative of his contribution. PASSING OF THE LATE PETER POLITES MEMORIAL TRIBUTE The Fronditha Care Board of Directors, management and staff would like to express its sincere condolences following the passing of the late Mr Peter Polites. Mr Polites was one of the original trustees of the Australian Greek Society for the Care of the Elderly. His pioneering legal work led to the establishment of the society which later became Fronditha Care. As a Life Governor of Fronditha Care, Mr Peter Polites and his wife Patricia were great supporters of Fronditha Care. On behalf of the Board of Directors and management of Fronditha Care we would like to express our sincere condolences and appreciation for all his work and contributions. PASSING OF THE LATE SOPHIA DEDOUSIS MEMORIAL TRIBUTE On behalf of the Board of Directors, management, staff and volunteers of Fronditha Care, we wish to convey our sincerest condolences following the passing of Mrs Sophia Dedousis. Mrs Dedousis was a cherished, dedicated, committed and long-serving member, supporter and volunteer of Fronditha Care. Her giving nature and tireless efforts have long been recognised and appreciated by our organisation. The numerous fundraising and public relations endeavours she undertook as a devoted member of the Templestowe Auxiliary have made a very valuable contribution to the lives of our elderly. We are eternally appreciative of her work and she leaves a legacy with Fronditha Care which we are determined to honour and continue. CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT Andrew Theodoulou. Anna Georgoussis with fellow Fronditha Care Radiothon Volunteers. Peter Polites. Anna Georgoussis receiving a Fronditha Care Long Service Staff Recognition Award. Sophia Dedoussis. Anna Georgoussis going on a bus trip with Fronditha Care residents. John Basil Salvaris OAM. Anna Georgoussis.

15 ANNUAL REPORT 14/15 13


17 The Floratos family s act of generosity is very welcome and is an example to all in the community to follow. Mr Zafiropoulos, President Our fellow members of the community have raised these funds with a lot of hard work and sacrifice. George Lekakis, CEO ANNUAL REPORT 14/15 15 HIGHLIGHTS DONATIONS This year Fronditha Care received many donations from individuals and organisations in the community. The generosity of spirit and goodwill was evident throughout the year. Most of the contributions were also directed to Fronditha Care s rebuilding project at Clayton. The total sum donated this year was $1,046, We sincerely thank everyone who supported Fronditha Care this year. MAJOR AND GENERAL DONATIONS Mr Nick and Mrs Anna Vournazos We received the second instalment ($750,000) of the previously announced donation of $1.5 million by Mr Nick and Mrs Anna Vournazos. This generous contribution is dedicated to the construction of the first wing for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) sufferers in the Greek community at the Clayton Aged Care Residential Facility. The Board of Directors and staff of Fronditha Care are grateful for the generosity of Mr Nick and Mrs Anna Vournazos and we thank them sincerely for their support of Fronditha Care. $100,000 donation from Floratos family On the 5th of November 2014, Mr Mike Zafiropoulos announced a major donation of $100, to Fronditha Care from Mr Dimitrios and Mrs Spiridoula Floratos. The generous financial donation was made towards the rebuilding of Fronditha Care s residential aged care facility at Clayton, which is expected to be completed in December Mr Zafiropoulos thanked Mr and Mrs Floratos for their generosity declaring, their philanthropy allows Fronditha Care to respond to the needs of our elderly in need and the Floratos family s act of generosity is very welcome and is an example to all in the community to follow. Mr Dimitrios Floratos arrived in Australia in 1959 and Spiridoula arrived in 1961 from Kephalonia, Greece. Enjoying success in the building industry the Floratos family has built over 200 residential homes and has made a lifetime commitment to community service, with Mrs Spiridoula Floratos receiving recognition for her services to the Greek Community in Dandenong. They also recently provided scholarships to students for excellence in VCE Modern Greek at Oakleigh Grammar. Mr Zafiropoulos sincerely thanked both Dimitrios and Spiridoula Floratos for their generosity and support of Fronditha Care. Yiannis Ploutarhos generously gave $45,533 to Fronditha Care and brings much joy to our residents The Famous Greek singer, Yiannis Ploutarhos held a good will concert on the 3rd November, 2014 at Melbourne s prestigious Hamer Hall, to mark the 20th Anniversary of 3XY Radio Hellas. All proceeds went to three not for profit organisations, of which Fronditha Care was one. The generous donation of $45,533 to Fronditha Care illustrates Yiannis Ploutarchos generosity of spirit. Following the outstanding concert Yiannis Ploutarhos attended and gave much joy to our residents at our Thornbury facility. We would like to thank Yiannis Ploutarhos and the Greek Media Group and Mr Ross Alatsas for including us in this endeavour. We also thank the Nafsika Stamoulis Foundation for an additional $10,000 which was donated to Fronditha Care this year. $44,155 donation to Fronditha Care and a historic epilogue for the Panagia Vlaherneon Assocation of Melbourne The committee of the Panagia Vlaherneon Association of Melbourne, Saint Vlaherna met with Board Members and Management of Fronditha Care on Friday 8th May 2015 to present a cheque of $44, and to announce the end of their club s history. The President of Panagia Vlaherneon, Mr Papahronis stated Our Club has aged, many friends and relatives have passed away and the younger generation does not seem interested in taking the reigns. We did not have to think hard about how we would end the history of our club. Fronditha Care was the first not for profit charitable organisation we had in mind, since our community is ageing and our care needs are multiplying daily. We therefore took the decision to wind-up the club and to donate our funds to Fronditha Care. The organisation has always engaged in charitable activity and so we chose to complete our 30 year journey by honouring the history of the club and its members by becoming Benefactors. We consider this to be the most meaningful way of ending our story. Mike Zafiropoulos thanked the Association, stating, You are in a position to see where your donation will go as he showed them the construction site at Clayton which is nearing completion, next to Fronditha Care PRONIA and GALINI in Clayton. Without contributions such as yours, none of this would have been possible. George Lekakis stated: Our fellow members of the community have raised these funds with a lot of hard work and sacrifice and for this reason their donation surpasses its monetary value and bestows a great honour and responsibility towards all of us at Fronditha Care, to rise to their expectations. $25,000 bequest to Fronditha Care Fronditha Care is sincerely thankful for the $25,000 bequest received from the Estate of the late Mr Bill Petropoulos. The donated bequest funds were well received by Fronditha Care and have been allocated to the redevelopment of the Clayton residential facility. It is thanks to the generosity and goodwill of donors that Fronditha Care is able to maximise its provision of services, excellent care and redevelopment of new premises for residents. Fronditha Care could not possibly sustain such wonderful results within the organisation if it were not for the very generous contributions such as these. To make a donation to Fronditha Care please see page 64. CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT Mrs Anna and Mr Nick Vournazos with M. Zafiropoulos. P. Mavroudis, Yiannis Ploutarhos, Mr Dimitrios & Spiridoula Floratos, M. Zafiropoulos, J. Fronistas. Yiannis Ploutarhos and Thornbury resident Voula Bitsonis. N. Thodos, G. Papahronis, P. Koutsougeras, M. Zafiropoulos. Yiannis Ploutarhos & Fronditha Care residents. Fronditha Care residents & family members with Yiannis Ploutarhos. TOTAL DONATED IN THE FINANCIAL PERIOD $1,046,312

18 FRONDITHA CARE 16 HIGHLIGHTS MEMORIAL DONATIONS Fronditha Care receives donations from families of deceased residents and supporters of Fronditha Care in lieu of flowers. This financial year we received a total of $60, in memorial donations. We are extremely grateful for this act of generosity and send our sincere condolences and gratitude to all the families that have supported us. Donations received in Memory of: Helen Akritidis Maria Alexiadis Periklis Alexopoulos Nicolaos Antonellos Maria Athanasopoulos Jack Bisas Elizabeth Crocaris Vasso Demas Andreas Demetriou Angela Divaris Sofia Georgalis Angela Georgiou Anna Georgoussis Panagiotis Giannakakis Stan Grigoropoulos Fotios Karamitsis Peter Karayiannis Steve Karras Vasiliki Karras Angela Katsalas Eugenia Katsoris Irene Katsoulis Nerantza Konstandaras Steve Kyris Helen Liakopoulos Mary Magriplis Paul Maretis Christos Mercoulias Arthur Mihailidis Andronika Nicolaidis Angelis Pandazopoulos Maria Papadopoulos Helen Patrikopoulos Christos Pavlidis Peter Polites Theo Poulokefalos Harry Robotis Spiros Robotis Sofia Roufidis Paraskevi Roukas John Salvaris Eleni Terzakis Anastasia Tsekouras

19 ANNUAL REPORT 14/15 17 Major building works continue for the New Clayton Aged Care residential facility In the period under review, Fronditha Care has undertaken the rebuilding of the Clayton Aged Care residential facility. The rebuilding of the new Steyi wing of the Clayton residential aged care facility commenced in earnest in July The building works for the first stage are anticipated to be completed by December The second stage which includes the rebuilding of Pronia and refurbishment of the Galini Memory Support Unit will commence after the first stage is completed. It is anticipated that the entire building project will be completed in December 2017.

20 FRONDITHA CARE 18 HIGHLIGHTS Newcastle Gala Ball This year s Fronditha Care Gala Ball proved to be quite the extravaganza being hosted by the Hippocrates Association in Newcastle, NSW. Its success surpassed every expectation and raised $20,000 for the Fronditha Care Newcastle facility. This event marked the 21st annual ball held by the organisation that had some very distinguished guests attend; Nuatali Nelmes (Mayor of Newcastle), Father Nicholas Zervas, Tim Crakanthorp (State Member for Newcastle), Sharon Claydon (Federal Member for Newcastle), Jacob Fronistas (Fronditha Care Board Treasurer), Adam Lepides (Representative of the Macedonian Brotherhood), Lulu Tantos (Representative for the Greek Community of Newcastle), Paul Mylonas (President of the Agion Apostolon Community), Anna Marendy (President of the Hippocrates Association) and Margaret McNaughton (previous Member for Maitland) and many others. Natasha Beyersdorf of NBN Television hosted the event, and musical entertainment was provided by the group The Years and Tommy Tsonis with his famous bouzouki. Anna Marendy gave a special mention to the sponsors Delphi Bank and Hartmann medical supplies, who, throughout the years, have been constantly by our side supporting us in any way they can. RAISED AT THE NEWCASTLE GALA BALL $20,000.00

21 Auxiliaries THORNBURY ANESI - AUXILIARY We congratulate the hard work of the Thornbury Auxiliary members, both past and present, and celebrate their immense achievement for raising $140,000 to purchase a new bus for the Fronditha Care Thornbury, Anesi residents. The acquisition of the new Toyota Coaster Bus worth $140,000 has been made possible by funds collected through great fundraising efforts by the Fronditha Care Thornbury Auxiliary members over many years. The new bus caters for 17 passengers and can accommodate 2-3 wheelchairs. The bus is used for recreational transport purposes for the residents of the Thornbury, Anesi facility who go out weekly to many places of interest. We sincerely thank the Thornbury Auxiliary members for their support. Thornbury Auxiliary Members Nicky Pezaros, Barbara Karanicolas, Patty Soumblis, Fred Tsindos, Soula Hatz TEMPLESTOWE STORGI - AUXILIARY The highlight for the Templestowe Auxiliary this year was their very successful fundraising Christmas luncheon that was held at the St Haralambos Hall in Templestowe on 20 November The Auxiliary members raised an outstanding amount of $40,000. We sincerely thank them for their exceptional fund raising efforts this year. Templestowe Auxiliary Members Virginia Nakas, Bessy Mougos, Rita Gabriel, Chrissa Karas, Judy Tandos, Anthoula Paraskeva, Anne Keldoulis, Tasia Koutsoheras, Dora Toussas, Nitsa Thomas, Rena Frangioudakis, Joanna Andrianopoulos, Yiota Passios, Adriana Agrotis, Mary Kazanis, Angeliki Puckey, Faye Gianakopoulos, Sophia Dedousis, Katy Nicolopoulos RAISED AT THE TEMPLESTOWE CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON $40,000.00

22 FRONDITHA CARE 20 HIGHLIGHTS ST ALBANS THALPORI - AUXILIARY The ladies of the St Albans Auxiliary hosted a very successful afternoon tea at the St Albans Fronditha Care residential facility on Saturday 25th October 2014 to celebrate the much anticipated opening of the newly refurbished St Albans Recreation, Activities and Television Room. Sincere thanks were extended to all who attended and showed their support for the great efforts of the St Albans Auxiliary members in raising $14,000 for Fronditha Care residents to enjoy their newly restored recreation room. We sincerely thank the St Albans Auxiliary members for all of their efforts. St Albans Auxiliary Members Mary Calombaris, Nita (Eleni) Rizopoulos, Litsa (Evangelia) Charalambidis, Daisy (Despina) Finiotis, Eleni Albanis FAMILY FUN DAY COMBINED AUXILIARIES EVENT $27,136 was raised for Fronditha Care at the combined Auxiliary Family Fun Day event. On Sunday, the 1st of March, the Family Fun Day fundraising event organised by the Nafpaktian Philanthropic Association, George Kyritsis and the three Fronditha Care Auxiliaries was deemed a great success and thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. The day was filled with fun activities including face painting, pony rides, jumping castles and a special guest appearance by Master Chef George Calombaris, who judged the exciting cooking contest! Participants enjoyed a sprightly day with their family and friends filled with fun, food and dancing to live Greek music. All three Fronditha Care Auxiliaries - Thornbury, Templestowe and St Albans were commended on their successful first joint event and for their much appreciated ongoing contributions and fundraising efforts. Funds raised at the Fronditha Care Family Fun Day have been allocated to the construction and landscaping of a grassed area into an impressive garden and paved area, at the St Albans Thalpori residential facility, on target to be completed by the end of October Fronditha Care Auxiliary Groups The Fronditha Care Templestowe, Thornbury and St Albans Auxiliary groups have generated significant fundraising activity in the period under review. The total combined amount raised by the Fronditha Care Auxiliaries was $83, We sincerely appreciate all members of the Auxiliaries and their fundraising efforts and ongoing support of Fronditha Care. RAISED FOR FRONDITHA CARE AT THE COMBINED AUXILIARIES AND NAFPAKTIAN PHILANTHROPIC ASSOCIATION FAMILY FUN DAY EVENT $27,136

23 ANNUAL REPORT 14/15 21 RESIDENTIAL CARE SERVICES The residential aged care services offered by Fronditha Care could not be better portrayed than by the outstanding results that the organisation s Victorian facilities at Thornbury, Lower Templestowe, St. Albans and Clayton received in 2015, after undergoing vigorous accreditation auditing from the Federal Government s Australian Aged Care Quality Agency. The assessors were genuinely moved by the beautiful sense of community within our aged care facilities and the excellent feedback from residents, who feel very loved and cared for. The clinical care documentation and lifestyle activities were described as fantastic and the staff was commended on the level of passion and pride that they ve shown. Moreover, the assessors drew attention to the highly impressive work achieved by Fronditha Care in the realm of culture specific aged care. Fronditha Care Newcastle, NSW, is expected to achieve the same results when it undergoes its accreditation in 2016.

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