Esempi di portafogli a cedola mensile

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1 Esempi di portafogli a cedola mensile III trimestre 23 Estate 22 INFORMAZIONI IMPORTANTI: Questo documento contiene informazioni riservate ai clienti professionali e non è destinato a clienti al dettaglio o potenziali clienti al dettaglio. Fidelity fornisce esclusivamente informazioni sui suoi prodotti e non offre consulenza sugli investimenti basata su circostanze individuali. La performance raggiunta in passato non costituisce garanzia dei rendimenti futuri. Per maggiori informazioni si rinvia alla nota metodologica allegata.

2 Indice Esempi di portafoglio 2 Nota metodologica 3 Allegato: Professional Factsheets INFORMAZIONI IMPORTANTI: Questo documento contiene informazioni riservate ai clienti professionali e non è destinato a clienti al dettaglio o potenziali clienti al dettaglio. Fidelity fornisce esclusivamente informazioni sui suoi prodotti e non offre consulenza sugli investimenti basata su circostanze individuali. La performance raggiunta in passato non costituisce garanzia dei rendimenti futuri. Per maggiori informazioni si rinvia alla nota metodologica allegata.

3 Esempio di portafoglio modello GLOBALE Fonte: FIL. Valori espressi in Euro. Dati aggiornati al: /7/23 IL PORTAFOGLIO IN SINTESI Cedola cumulata Rendimento NAV DATI 23.6% Ultimi 2 Mesi 3.6%.63% Ultimi 36 Mesi.66% 5.64% 6.4% 3.% 3.% CARATTERISTICHE* Rendimento totale 5.24% 7.3% ll portafoglio "Globale" illustra a titolo di esempio il mix più efficiente tra i fondi Fidelity a distribuzione mensile della cedola che investono su scala globale. Il portafoglio si basa su una selezione bilanciata di fondi obbligazionari accompagnati dal fondo azionario FF Global Dividend. Il portafoglio è il risultato di un'ottimizzazione basata sulle serie storiche a 36 mesi dei fondi selezionati e rappresenta quindi il mix che avrebbe minimizzato la volatilità complessiva del portafoglio negli ultimi 3 anni tenendo in considerazione i vincoli di ottimizzazione imposti, ad esempio, per garantire la necessaria diversificazione al portafoglio. Rappresenta il portafoglio a distribuzione maggiormente diversificato in termini di asset class Nel portafoglio sono presenti i seguenti fondi: FF Global Strategic Bond FF Glob.High Gr. Inc. (Mincome) I fondi in portafoglio Peso Volatilità* Dividend Yield annuo medio* FF Global Strategic Bond 3.% 3.% 2.79% FF Global Dividend 3.% 8.23% 3.48% FF Glob.High Grade Inc. (Mincome) 23.6% 6.34% 4.77% FF Global High Yield Focus 6.4% 7.33% 4.87% I dati di portafoglio.% 4.59% 3.89% *dati mensili a 36 mesi annualizzati. Le cedole distribuite dal portafoglio Media ultimi 2 mesi Media ultimi 36 mesi Dividend Yield ultimi 2 mesi.3%.3%.3%.3%.29% FF Global Dividend FF Global HY Focus Mensile Annua.3% 3.6%.324% 3.89%.28%.29%.29%.29%.28% FF Global Strategic Bond LU (EUR Hedged, A GMdist) FF Global Dividend LU (EUR, A Mincome) FF Global High Grade Income LU (EUR, A Mincome) E' il fondo flessibile a maggiore delega nella gamma obbligazionaria Fidelity. Il Gestore può investire a livello globale nelle cinque principali asset class obbligazionarie (Governativi, Corporate, High Yield, Debito Emergente e Inflation Linkers). Un attento controllo del rischio rendono il fondo particolarmente adatto anche ai clienti più difensivi Il fondo azionario investe su scala globale nelle così dette "Dividend Queens", ovvero quelle aziende che sono state in grado di generare un livello di dividendo stabilmente superiore alla media del mercato. La cedola viene definita su base periodica in base alle condizioni di mercato e, in genere, è inferiore al potenziale del portafoglio per una maggior stabilità del NAV del fondo Fondo che investe in emissioni governative Investment Grade con duration inferiore ai due anni emesse in valuta locale. Il gestore seleziona i titoli privilegiando quelli con il miglior profilo in termini di rating/rendimento a due anni concentrandosi sulle emissioni con cedola più elevata. Le posizioni sono equipesate al % e vengono ribilanciate trimestralmente. La cedola di questa classe è del tipo "Growth&Income": la cedola viene quindi definita su base periodica in base alle condizioni di mercato e, in genere, è inferiore al potenziale del portafoglio per una maggior stabilità del NAV del fondo % Jul2 Aug2 Sep2 Oct2 Nov2 Dec2 Jan3 Feb3 Mar3 Apr3 May3 Jun3 Jul3 GRAFICI FF Global High Yield Focus LU (EUR hdg, A Mincome) * Per maggiori informazioni sulle caratteristiche e gli obiettivi di investimento dei fondi sottostanti si rinvia ai KIID pubblicati sul sito Il fondo, lanciato nel 22, è gestito da Peter Khan e Ian Spreadbury, due dei gestori obbligazionari di maggior esperienza di Fidelity. Oltre che sulla ricerca FIxedIncome, i gestori del fondo si avvalgono anche della ricerca proprietaria di Fidelity nel campo azionario per selezionare le migliori emissioni ad alto rendimento (così dette "High Yield") a livello globale. Il livello di cedola viene definito su base periodica in base alle condizioni di mercato e, in genere, è inferiore al potenziale del portafoglio per una maggior stabilità del NAV del fondo Nell'ottimizzazione del portafoglio è stato inserito un peso minimo del 3% per i fondi FF Global Strategic Bond e FF Global Dividend per garantire una più efficace diversificazione del portafoglio anche nell'asset class azionaria A 2 MESI Andamento Cumulato NAV:.63% Cedole distribuite: 3.6% Rendimento complessivo: 5.24% 2.35%.3%.25%.2%.5% 8 Valore Quota /7/2 /8/2 /9/2 //2 //2 Cedola mensile Andamento complessivo portafoglio Andamento portafoglio (solo NAV) /2/2 A 36 MESI Andamento Cumulato NAV: 5.64% Cedole distribuite:.66% Rendimento complessivo: 7.3% //3 /2/3 /3/3 /4/3 /5/3 /6/3 Cedola Mensile /7/3.%.5% % 4.4%.35% 2.3%.25%.2%.5%.%.5% 8 Valore Quota /7/ // // /4/ /7/ // //2 /4/2 /7/2 //2 //3 /4/3 % Cedola Mensile /7/3 Cedola mensile Andamento complessivo portafoglio Andamento portafoglio (solo NAV) INFORMAZIONI IMPORTANTI: Questo documento contiene informazioni riservate ai clienti professionali e non è destinato a clienti al dettaglio o potenziali clienti al dettaglio. Fidelity fornisce esclusivamente informazioni sui suoi prodotti e non offre consulenza sugli investimenti basata su circostanze individuali. La performance raggiunta in passato non costituisce garanzia dei rendimenti futuri. Per maggiori informazioni si rinvia alla nota metodologica allegata.

4 Nota metodologica Gli esempi di portafogli ipower si basano sull ottimizzazione delle serie storiche dei fondi sottostanti che vengono selezionati in coerenza con le caratteristiche del portafoglio (per area geografica, rating e /o tipologia di emissione, etc). Il peso dei fondi viene definito sulla base di un ottimizzazione effettuata su base trimestrale con l obiettivo di minimizzare la volatilità complessiva del portafoglio (misurata attraverso la deviazione standard mensile annualizzata). All ottimizzazione possono essere imposti dei vincoli (pesi minimi e/o massimi per singolo fondo) per garantire la corretta diversificazione del portafoglio. Per l ottimizzazione vengono utilizzate le serie storiche degli ultimi 36 mesi rolling delle cedole distribuite su base mensile e comunicate mensilmente da Fidelity e dei NAV del fondo relativi alla data di stacco delle cedole stesse. Tutti i dati relativi (performance, deviazione standard, cedole etc.) sono calcolati in base al numero di quote che sarebbero state effettivamente acquistate all inizio dell orizzonte temporale selezionato (ultimi 2, 24 o 36 mesi, da..29) e mantenute senza alcuna movimentazione fino alla data di aggiornamento del portafoglio. Tutte le serie, ove in valuta di denominazione diversa, sono state convertite in Euro (al cambio Bloomberg della data di stacco del dividendo e di valorizzazione del comparto) In mancanza di serie storiche dei NAV sufficientemente lunghe, queste sono state integrate da indici di mercato adeguati. Dalla data di lancio effettivo dei nuovi fondi, le serie storiche simulate sono state sostituite dai dati reali. Ove disponibili, le serie degli indici utilizzati sono state integrate con le serie storiche della classe ad accumulazione preesistenti del fondo in oggetto, opportunamente decurtate del livello di cedola mensile stimato. I dati relativi alle cedole storicamente pagate, ove mancanti, sono stati stimati utilizzando, in via prudenziale, una cedola mensile pari alla media delle cedole staccate dalla data di lancio effettiva dei fondi. Per i nuovi fondi in classe MINCOME, a cedola mensile predefinita, si è assunta una cedola storica uguale a quella predefinita al lancio dei fondi. Di seguito vengono specificati i benchmark utilizzati per integrare le serie dei relativi fondi e le date di inizio stacco effettivo delle cedole da parte dei nuovi fondi: Fondo: FF Global Dividend A Mincome Proxy: (SDGP Index) Stoxx Global Select Dividend Index Cedola mensile:.3% Data del primo stacco dividendo: Marzo 22 Fondo: FF Global HY Focus A Mincome Proxy: BofA Ml Global HY Cons HDG (benchmark del fondo) Cedola mensile:.393% Data del primo stacco dividendo: Maggio 22 Fondo: FF Asian Bond A Mdist Proxy: BofA ML ADIG (benchmark del fondo) Cedola mensile:.3% Data del primo stacco dividendo: Febbraio 22 Fondo: FF Euro Corporate Bond A Mdist Proxy: BofA ML EMU Corporate (benchmark del fondo) Cedola mensile:.27% Data del primo stacco dividendo: Maggio 2 Fondo: FF European Dividend A Mincome Proxy: MSCI High Dividend Yield Cedola mensile:.3% Data del primo stacco dividendo: Febbraio 23 Fondo: FF EM Inflation Linked Bond A Mdist Proxy: Barclays Emerging Markets Tradable InflationLinked Bond Index (benchmark del fondo) Cedola mensile:.9% Data del primo stacco dividendo: Febbraio 23 Fondo: FF Global High Grade Income A Mincome Proxy: Global High Grade Income USDAMDISTINC Cedola mensile:.25% Data del primo stacco dividendo: Febbraio 23 INFORMAZIONI IMPORTANTI: Questo documento contiene informazioni riservate ai clienti professionali e non è destinato a clienti al dettaglio o potenziali clienti al dettaglio. Fidelity fornisce esclusivamente informazioni sui suoi prodotti e non offre consulenza sugli investimenti basata su circostanze individuali. La performance raggiunta in passato non costituisce garanzia dei rendimenti futuri. Per maggiori informazioni si rinvia alla nota metodologica allegata.

5 Nota metodologica Per le classi di azioni E la differenza commissionale annua rispetto alla classe A MDIST corrispondente e' stata divisa per 2 (i 2 mesi di stacco cedola in un anno) e decurtata dal dividendo effettivamente staccato dal comparto in classe A MDIST, abbassando quindi il livello di Dividend Yield distribuito ma lasciando inalterato il NAV (gia' excedola). I nuovi comparti in classe E per i quali è stata utilizzata la suddetta metodologia sono i seguenti: FF Global HY Focus Class E Mincome (Data del primo stacco dividendo: maggio 22) FF European High Yield Class E Mdist (Data del primo stacco dividendo: febbraio 23) FF Emerging Market Debt E Mdist (Data del primo stacco dividendo: febbraio 22) FF Global High Grade Income E Mdist (Data del primo stacco dividendo: febbraio 23) FF US High Yield E Mdist (Data del primo stacco dividendo: luglio 23) FF EM Inflation Linked Bond E Mdist (Data del primo stacco dividendo: febbraio 23) FF Euro Corporate Bond E Mdist (Data del primo stacco dividendo: febbraio 23) FF Global High Grade Income E Mincome (Data del primo stacco dividendo: febbraio 23) Per le classi di azioni GMDIST, ove disponibili, sono state utilizzate le serie storiche della classe ad accumulazione preesistenti decurtate del livello di cedola mensile stimato. La cedola è calcolata al lordo. Per le classi GMDIST, commissioni e oneri vengono addebitati sul capitale e non sul reddito generato dal comparto. In questa classe di azioni l'eventuale aumento del capitale verrà decurtato delle commissioni e degli oneri, il che significa che il capitale potrebbe ridursi nel tempo nel caso in cui la crescita del comparto non fosse in grado di compensare tale riduzione. I nuovi comparti per i quali è stata utilizzata la seguente metodologia sono i seguenti: FF Global Strategic Bond A GMdist (Data del primo stacco dividendo: gennaio 23) FF Global Strategic Bond E GMdist (Data del primo stacco dividendo: gennaio 23) INFORMAZIONI IMPORTANTI: Questo documento contiene informazioni riservate ai clienti professionali e non è destinato a clienti al dettaglio o potenziali clienti al dettaglio. Fidelity fornisce esclusivamente informazioni sui suoi prodotti e non offre consulenza sugli investimenti basata su circostanze individuali. La performance raggiunta in passato non costituisce garanzia dei rendimenti futuri. Per maggiori informazioni si rinvia alla nota metodologica allegata.

6 pdf GLOBAL STRATEGIC BOND FUND AACCEUR (HEDGED) 3 JUNE 23 Approach and Style Objectives & Investment Policy Aims to maximise return through capital growth and income. At least 7% invested in a broad range of bonds of issuers globally. Has an active asset allocation approach, which may include investment into high yield and emerging markets bonds. Investments will not be required to meet minimum rating standards. Has the freedom to invest outside the fund's principal geographies, market sectors, industries or asset classes. Can invest in bonds issued by governments, companies and other bodies. Can use derivatives with the aim of risk or cost reduction or to generate additional capital or income in line with the fund's risk profile. The fund has discretion in its choices of investments within its objectives and policies. Currency hedging is used to substantially reduce the risk of losses from unfavourable exchange rate movements on holdings in currencies that differ from the dealing currency. Hedging also has the effect of limiting the potential for currency gains to be made. Income is accumulated in the share price. Shares can usually be bought and sold each business day of the fund. This fund may not be appropriate for investors who plan to sell their shares in the fund within 5 years. Investment in the fund should be regarded as a longterm investment. Portfolio Characteristics The fund has the flexibility to invest across the fixed income universe including government and quasigovernment bonds, investment grade credit, high yield bonds, emerging market debt and inflationlinked bonds. The fund can invest across different currencies, regions, sectors, maturities and ratings. The fund aims to generate attractive risk adjusted returns whilst minimising losses. Investment Style The fund is managed using an active strategic and tactical approach as part of a team effort led by the portfolio manager. With the objective being to achieve maximised fixed income total returns the fund has a fullyflexible style, by fusing a topdown asset allocation macro process and bottomup stockpicking style, combined together to provide an allweather, unconstrained approach with the discretion to navigate turbulent market environments within fixed income. Facts Manager: Andy Weir Location: London Appointed to fund: 8.3. Years at Fidelity: 6 Launch date: 8.3. Currency: EUR ISIN: LU Performance for 2 month periods in EUR % Performance for calendar years in EUR % Index Performance to in EUR % cumulative growth annualised growth m YTD yr 3yr 5yr Since Value of! 2, invested,895,969 2,5 2,83 Value invested figures include a standard initial charge, where one is deducted. These figures relate to the fund s past performance, which is not a reliable indicator of future results. Investments denominated in a currency other than the investor s own currency will be subject to movements in foreign exchange rates. The value of investments and any income from them may go down as well as up and an investor may not get back the amount invested. Source of fund performance: Fidelity as at 3/6/23. Performance is excluding initial charge. Basis: navnav with gross income reinvested, in EUR. This information is for Investment Professionals only and should not be relied upon by private investors

7 pdf GLOBAL STRATEGIC BOND FUND AACCEUR (HEDGED) 3 JUNE 23 Portfolio Characteristics Distribution Yield (%) Effective Duration Running Yield (%) Gross Option Adjusted Yield (%) Average Maturity (years) Average Coupon (%) Spread Duration Option Adjusted Spread (Basis Points) Duration Times Spread (DTS) Number of Holdings Number of Names Average Credit Rating BBB Includes the effect of derivatives in the portfolio. Derivatives Exposure Long % Net % Short % Gross % Bond / Interest Rate Futures Interest Rate Swaps Inflation Indexed Swaps Credit Default Swaps Index Credit Default Swaps Mortgage To Be Announced TOTAL Exposure as a percent of total net assets. Excludes FX forwards. Asset Allocation Security Holdings (excl. Derivatives) Contribution to Duration (incl. Derivatives) Contribution to Duration Times Spread (incl. Derivatives) Treasury Index Linked Investment Grade Sovs Supras & Agencies Investment Grade Financials Investment Grade NonFinancials Investment Grade ABS Investment Grade Emerging Markets High Yield Index Credit Default Swaps Other. Interest Rate Derivatives. FX/Derivative P&L.2.9 Cash Rounding Adjustment TOTAL. Security Holdings as a percent of total net assets. Contribution to duration (CTD) and contribution to durationtimesspread (DTS) are in the appropriate units of measure. CTD and DTS include the effect of derivatives. FX / Derivative P&L includes collateral balances with counterparties arising from derivatives used in the fund (this can lead to a negative balance). Index linked includes nongovernment index linked bonds

8 pdf GLOBAL STRATEGIC BOND FUND AACCEUR (HEDGED) 3 JUNE 23 Sector Positioning Security Holdings (excl. Derivatives) Contribution to Duration Times Spread (incl. Derivatives) Treasury 63.3 Quasi / Sov / Supra / Agncy Agency Mortgages Banks & Brokers Insurance Property Other Financials Basic Industry Capital goods Consumer Cyclical Consumer Non Cyclical Energy Transportation Technology Communications Utility Covered ABS / MBS Unclassified Index Credit Default Swaps Interest Rate Derivatives FX/Derivative P&L Cash 4.83 Rounding Adjustment. TOTAL 272 Security Holdings as a percent of total net assets. Contribution to durationtimesspread (DTS) in the appropriate unit of measure. DTS includes the effect of derivatives. FX / Derivative P&L includes collateral balances with counterparties arising from derivatives used in the fund (this can lead to a negative balance). Financial Sector Exposure By Capital Structure Govt Guaranteed Covered Senior Lower Tier 2 Upper Tier 2 Tier Other TOTAL Security Holdings (excl. Derivatives) Contribution to Duration Times Spread (incl. Derivatives) Security Holdings as a percent of total net assets. Contribution to durationtimesspread (DTS) in the appropriate unit of measure. DTS includes the effect of derivatives. FX / Derivative P&L includes collateral balances with counterparties arising from derivatives used in the fund (this can lead to a negative balance). The Financials sector includes the following subsectors: Banks & Brokers, Insurance & Covered. Duration Breakdown (By Currency) USD EUR JPY GBP MXN Other Rounding Adjustment TOTAL Nominal Real Total Duration includes the effect of interest rate derivatives such as government bond futures, inflation swaps and interest rate swaps. Nominal refers to the sensitivity to nominal yields, whereas Real refers to the sensitivity to inflationlinked / real yields. 3

9 pdf GLOBAL STRATEGIC BOND FUND AACCEUR (HEDGED) 3 JUNE 23 Credit Rating AAA/Aaa AA/Aa A BBB/Baa BB/Ba B CC/Ca Not rated Interest Rate Derivatives FX/Derivative P&L Cash Rounding Adjustment TOTAL Security Holdings (excl. Derivatives) Contribution to Duration Times Spread (incl. Derivatives) Exposure as a percent of total net assets and contribution to durationtimesspread (DTS). 'FX / Derivative P&L' includes collateral balances with counterparties arising from derivatives used in the fund (this can lead to a negative balance). DTS includes the effect of derivatives. Lowest rating across S&P, Moody's and Fitch is applied. Maturity Profile (Contribution to Duration) to years to 3 years 3 to 5 years 5 to years to 5 years 5 to 2 years 2 to 25 years 25 to 3 years 3 to 4 years 4 + years Rounding Adjustment TOTAL Includes the effect of interest rate derivatives such as government bond futures, inflation swaps and interest rate swaps. Currency Exposure USD EUR GBP JPY MXN Other Rounding Adjustment TOTAL Exposure as a percent of total net assets. Before Hedging After Hedging Currency breakdown shows the fund level currency exposure. For a hedged share class, the fund would look to hedge the fund currency exposure to the targeted share class currency. Within guidelines, at any given time, there may be some currency exposure intentionally left unhedged. 4

10 pdf GLOBAL STRATEGIC BOND FUND AACCEUR (HEDGED) 3 JUNE 23 Regional Exposure Domicile Of Issuer Security Holdings (excl. Derivatives) Contribution to Duration (incl. Derivatives) Contribution to Duration Times Spread (incl. Derivatives) Multinational.7. United States (& Other Amer.) Canada United Kingdom (& Ire.) France Germany (& Aust.) Benelux Scandinavia Mediterranean Switzerland.4. 5 Other Europe. Japan Australia & N.Z..8. Asia ex Japan ex Aus C.I.S / Eastern Europe Latin America Middle East & N Africa.86. Other.9. 2 Unclassified.3. FX/Derivative P&L.2. Index Credit Default Swaps. Cash. Rounding Adjustment. TOTAL Security Holdings as a percent of total net assets. Contribution to duration (CTD) and contribution to durationtimesspread (DTS) are in the appropriate units of measure. CTD and DTS include the effect of derivatives. FX / Derivative P&L includes collateral balances with counterparties arising from derivatives used in the fund (this can lead to a negative balance). Top Long Exposures By Issuer (T) United States of America (JGB) Japan (TII) United States of America (DBRI) Federal Republic of Germany (DBR) Federal Republic of Germany (BTPS) Republic of Italy (UKT) United Kingdom of Great Britai (MUDI) United Mexican States (SGB) Kingdom of Sweden (UKTI) United Kingdom of Great Britai Top long exposures are those bond issuers that reflect the largest percentage of the fund s total net assets. The effect of credit derivatives is included where the reference entity is a specific bond issuer. Government bond futures and index credit default swaps are excluded. 5

11 pdf GLOBAL STRATEGIC BOND FUND AACCEUR (HEDGED) 3 JUNE 23 Glossary Portfolio Characteristics Distribution Yield (%) The Distribution Yield reflects the amounts that may be expected to be distributed over the next twelve months as a percentage of the midmarket unit price of the fund as at the date shown. It is based on a snapshot of the portfolio on that day. It is net of the fund's annual charges but does not include any preliminary charge and investors may be subject to tax on distributions. Effective Duration Duration is a measure of sensitivity of the fund value to changes in interest rates. Effective duration is a duration calculation for bonds with embedded options (such as a call or a put option). It takes into account that expected cash flows will fluctuate as interest rates change and affect a bond s price. The effective duration of a fund is calculated by a market weighted sum of the effective duration of each individual instrument. The effect of derivatives such as bond futures and interest rate swaps are included in the calculation. Running Yield (%) Describes the income investors get from their portfolio as a percentage of market value of the securities. It should not be relied on as a measure of expected fund return (or distribution). Bonds with high probability of default are excluded from the calculation. The running yield does not reflect the total return over the life of the bond and takes no account of reinvestment risk (the uncertainty about the rate at which future cashflows can be reinvested) or the fact that bonds usually mature at par value, which can be an important component of a bond's return. The running yield does not include the impact of fees. Gross Option Adjusted Yield (%) The Gross Option Adjusted Yield (also known as the redemption yield) is the internal rate of return earned on a bond, assuming that the bond will be held until maturity and all coupon and principal payments will be made. It is an estimation of future return, as the rate at which coupon payments can be reinvested when received is unknown. The portfolio s redemption yield is the value weighted sum of the redemption yield of each individual instrument. The redemption yield is gross of the fund s charges and gross of tax. Average Maturity (Years) The marketweighted average maturity of bonds held in the portfolio. Perpetual bonds are assigned a maturity of 3 December 249. Derivatives are excluded from the calculation. Average Coupon (%) The marketweighted average coupon of bonds held in the portfolio. Derivatives are excluded from the calculation. Spread Duration The sensitivity of the price of a bond to a change in its Option Adjusted Spread. Option Adjusted Spread (Basis Points) Option Adjusted Spread (OAS) measures the yield spread that is not directly attributable to the bond's characteristics. OAS is a measurement tool for evaluating price differences between similar bonds with different embedded options. A larger OAS implies a greater return for greater risks. Duration Times Spread (DTS) DTS is a measure of credit risk sensitivity that utilises credit spread and credit spread duration based on current market valuations. It is superior to spread duration as a stand alone measure of credit risk because it recognises that securities with a higher spread tend to experience greater spread changes. The portfolio s DTS is the value weighted sum of the DTS of each individual instrument. Number of Holdings The number of bonds and derivative instruments held in the fund. Subfund holdings are treated as a single security. FX forwards are excluded. Number of Names The total number of individual issuers whose bonds are held in the fund. Since the fund will often hold more than one bond, this figure is lower than the number of holdings. Average Credit Rating The average of all the bond credit ratings in the fund, expressed using the industry standard letter system (ie AAA, BBB, CCC). This measure gives an idea of how risky the fund s bonds are overall: the lower the average credit rating, the riskier the fund. 6

12 pdf GLOBAL STRATEGIC BOND FUND AACCEUR (HEDGED) 3 JUNE 23 Source of fund performance is Fidelity. Basis: navnav with gross income reinvested. Market indices are sourced from RIMES and other data is sourced from thirdparty providers such as Morningstar. This information is for Investment Professionals only and should not be relied upon by private investors. It must not be reproduced or circulated without prior permission. This communication is not directed at, and must not be acted upon by persons inside the United States and is otherwise only directed at persons residing in jurisdictions where the relevant funds are authorised for distribution or where no such authorisation is required. Fidelity/ Fidelity Worldwide Investment means FIL Limited and its subsidiary companies. Unless otherwise stated, all views are those of Fidelity. Reference in this document to specific securities should not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell these securities, but is included for the purposes of illustration only. Investors should also note that the views expressed may no longer be current and may have already been acted upon by Fidelity. The research and analysis used in this documentation is gathered by Fidelity for its use as an investment manager and may have already been acted upon for its own purposes. Fidelity only offers information on its own products and services and does not provide investment advice based on individual circumstances. Fidelity, Fidelity Worldwide Investment, the Fidelity Worldwide Investment logo and F symbol are trademarks of FIL Limited. Fidelity s is an openended investment company established in Luxembourg with different classes of shares. Reference to FF before a fund name refers to Fidelity s. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. The value of investments can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. For funds that invest in overseas markets, changes in currency exchange rates may affect the value of an investment. Foreign exchange transactions may be effected on an arms length basis by or through Fidelity companies from which a benefit may be derived by such companies. The price of bonds is influenced by movements in interest rates, changes in the credit rating of bond issuers, and other factors such as inflation and market dynamics. In general, as interest rates rise the price of a bond will fall (and vice versa). Bonds with a longer time to maturity are generally affected to a greater degree. The risk of default is based on the issuer's ability to make interest payments and to repay the loan at maturity. Default risk may therefore vary between different government issuers as well as between different corporate issuers. The investment policy of this fund means it can be more than 35% invested in Government and public securities. These can be issued or guaranteed by other countries or Governments. For a full list please refer to the fund's prospectus. We recommend that you obtain detailed information before taking any investment decision. Investments should be made on the basis of the current prospectus/key Investor Information Document (KIID), which is available along with the current annual and semiannual reports free of charge from our European Service Centre in Luxembourg; for Austria: Service point: FIL Investment Services GmbH, Kastanienhöhe, D6476 Kronberg im Taunus, Germany as well as with the Austrian paying agent UniCredit Bank Austria AG, Vordere Zollamtstrasse 3, A3 Wien, FIL (Luxembourg) S.A. Zweigniederlassung Wien, Mariahilfer Strasse 36, 7 Wien or from Fastnet Belgium S.A., the financial service provider in Belgium which head office is based avenue du Port 86C, b32, Bruxelles; from FIL Distributors International Limited for Bermuda at 42 Crow Lane, Pembroke HM 9, Bermuda; for Germany: FIL Investment Services GmbH, Postfach 2237, 666 Frankfurt/Main or Please contact the issuer or the local representative in case you would not like to receive marketing material from Fidelity in the future; from your financial advisor or from the branch of your bank in Italy. Fidelity s II is an openended company established in Luxembourg with different classes of shares and registered only for Professional Investors as defined by art. 3 of CONSOB regulation n. 522/998; from FIL (Luxembourg) S.A., Netherlands Branch (registered with the AFM), World Trade Centre, Tower H, 6th Floor, Zuidplein 52, 77 XV Amsterdam (tel ). Fidelity s and Fidelity s II are authorised to offer participation rights in The Netherlands pursuant to article 2:66 (3) in conjunction with article 2:7 and 2:72 Financial Supervision Act; from your financial advisor or from the branch of your bank in the Nordic countries; For the purposes of distribution in Spain, Fidelity s and Fidelity s II are registered, with the CNMV Register of Foreign Collective Investment Schemes under registration numbers 24 and 37 respectively, where complete information is available from Fidelity s and Fidelity s II s authorised distributors. The purchase of or subscription for shares in Fidelity s and Fidelity s II shall be made on the basis of the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) that investors shall receive in advance. The KIID is available free of charge and for inspection at the offices of locally authorised distributors as well as at the CNMV; from our legal representative in Switzerland: BNP Paribas Securities Services, Paris, succursale de Zurich, Selnaustrasse 6, 82 Zurich. Paying agent for Switzerland is BNP Paribas Securities Services, Paris, succursale de Zurich, Selnaustrasse 6, 82 Zurich; please note that not all funds in the SICAV fund range are suitable for UK investors and tax advice should be sought before investing. Fidelity s and Fidelity s II are recognised under section 264 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2. Investors should note that loss caused by such recognised funds will not be covered by the provisions of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (or by any similar scheme in Luxembourg) if the fund is unable to meet its obligations, however claims for loss in regards to such recognised funds against a FSA authorised firm such as Fidelity will be. The Full Prospectus and Key Investor Information Document (KIID) for these funds are available from Fidelity on request by calling The UK distributor of Fidelity s and Fidelity s II is Fidelity Worldwide Investment. Issued jointly by FIL Investments International (registered in England and Wales), authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Services Authority and FIL Distributors International Limited (registered in Bermuda and licensed to conduct investment business by the Bermuda Monetary Authority). Morningstar annualised growth rates, total return, sector median performance and ranks Data Source 23 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein: () is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. An S&P Capital IQ fund grading represents an opinion only and should not be relied on when making an investment decision. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Currency exchange rates may affect the value of investments. Copyright 23 by McGrawHill international (UK) Limited (S&P), a subsidiary of The McGrawHill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. CSO3463/na 36 7

13 pdf GLOBAL DIVIDEND FUND AMINCOMEEURO 3 JUNE 23 Approach and Style Daniel Roberts uses a bottomup approach to invest in companies that offer a healthy yield underpinned by a growing level of income, as well as the potential for capital growth. When considering potential investment opportunities, he places a large emphasis on the sustainability of the dividend and whether the current share price provides an adequate margin of safety. The portfolio invests across a variety of sectors and geographies, offering a good level of diversification. Daniel manages risk conservatively, focusing on companies with predictable, consistent cash flows and simple, understandable business models with little or no debt on their balance sheets. Facts Launch date: 3..2 Portfolio manager: Daniel Roberts Appointed to fund: 3..2 Years at Fidelity: 2 size: 43m Number of positions in fund*: 5 reference currency: US Dollar (USD) domicile: Luxembourg legal structure: SICAV Management company: FIL Investment Management (Luxembourg) S.A. Capital guarantee: No *A definition of positions can be found on page 3 of this factsheet. Objectives & Investment Policy Share Class Facts Aims to provide income and longterm capital growth. At least 7% invested in income producing company shares globally. The choice of assets is guided by attractive dividend yields in addition to the potential for capital growth. Has the freedom to invest outside the fund's principal geographies, market sectors, industries or asset classes. Can use derivatives with the aim of risk or cost reduction or to generate additional capital or income in line with the fund's risk profile. The fund has discretion in its choices of investments within its objectives and policies. Income is paid to shareholders. The fund seeks to maintain a stable payment per share so far as is reasonable. The payment is not fixed and will vary according to economic and other circumstances, and the ability of the fund to support stable payments without a longterm positive or negative impact on its capital. This may occasionally result in income payment coming out of the capital. Charges are taken from capital. Shares can usually be bought and sold each business day of the fund. This fund may not be appropriate for investors who plan to sell their shares in the fund within 5 years. Investment in the fund should be regarded as a longterm investment. Other share classes may be available. Please refer to the prospectus for more details. Launch date: 3..2 NAV price in share class currency: 2.9 ISIN: LU SEDOL: B6ZQ8 WKN: AJSY2 Dealing cutoff: 7: UK time (normally 8: Central European Time) Distribution frequency: Monthly Charges made to income or capital: Capital Ongoing Charges Figure (OCF) per year: 2.8% (3.4.2) Independent Assessment Information in this section is the latest available at date of publication. Further details can be found in the Glossary section of this factsheet. As some ratings agencies may use past performance to produce their assessments, these are not a reliable indicator of future results. Share Class Risk and Reward Profile This profile is taken from the Key Investor Document (KIID) at the relevant monthend. Because profiles may be updated during a month, please refer to the KIID for the most uptodate information. Lower risk Higher risk Typically lower rewards Typically higher rewards The risk category was calculated using historical volatility data, based upon the methods set by European Union rules. Volatility is influenced by changes in the stock market prices, currencies and interest rates which can be affected unpredictably by diverse factors including political and economic events. The risk category may not be a reliable indication of the future risk profile of the fund. The risk category shown is not guaranteed and may shift over time. The lowest category does not mean 'risk free'. Important Information Before investing you should read the Key Investor Information Document (KIID). Details of where the KIID is available are on the last page of this factsheet. The value of investments and any income from them may go down as well as up and an investor may not get back the amount invested. Where an investor's own currency is different to the currency of the fund's investments, the fund's returns can be affected by fluctuations in currency exchange rates. This information is for Investment Professionals only and should not be relied upon by private investors.

14 pdf GLOBAL DIVIDEND FUND AMINCOMEEURO 3 JUNE 23 These figures relate to the fund s past performance, which is not a reliable indicator of future results. The value of investments and any income from them may go down as well as up and an investor may not get back the amount invested. Performance Comparator(s) Peer Group Universe Market index from 3..2 Morningstar GIF Global Equity Income MSCI AC WORLD (N) Market index is for comparative purposes only unless specifically referenced in the Objectives & Investment Policy on page. The same index is used in the positioning tables on this factsheet. Where the effective date for the current market index is after the share class launch date, full history is available from Fidelity. Cumulative performance in EUR (%) Performance for 2 month periods in EUR (%) Index Index Performance is shown for the last five years (or since launch for funds launched within that period). Performance to in EUR (%) cumulative growth Index cumulative growth annualised growth Index annualised growth m 3m YTD yr 3yr 5yr Since 3..2* Ranking within Peer Group Universe AMINCOMEUSD Total number of funds Quartile ranking** Source of fund performance and volatility and risk measures is Fidelity. Performance is excluding initial charge. Basis: navnav with gross income reinvested, in EUR, net of fees. Market indices are sourced from RIMES and other data is sourced from thirdparty providers such as Morningstar. *Performance commencement date. **Quartile rank refers to performance over time rated on a scale of 4. A ranking of indicates that the item being ranked is in the top 25% of the sample and so on. Rankings are based on a share class that is included in the Peer Group Universe, and may not be the share class of this factsheet. 2

15 pdf GLOBAL DIVIDEND FUND AMINCOMEEURO 3 JUNE 23 Introduction This factsheet contains information about the composition of the fund at a particular point in time. It aims to help you understand how the fund manager is positioned to achieve the fund s objectives. The Equity Exposure table below provides an overall view of the fund. This represents in percentage terms how much of the fund is invested in the market. The higher the figure, the more the fund will take part in any market rises (or falls). The definitions section provides a more comprehensive explanation of the individual elements in the table. The exposure and positioning tables on page 4 break the fund down into a number of different views, each providing a different perspective on the fund s investments. How data is calculated and presented Portfolio composition data has been calculated and presented according to several general principles, which are listed below. Aggregation: all investments, including derivatives, linked to a particular issuing company have been combined to form a total percentage holding for each company. The aggregate holding is referred to in this factsheet as a position. Where a company is listed in two separate countries, each listing may be classified as a separate issuing company. Categorisation: for aggregated investments we use the underlying attributes of the issuing company or common share to determine the appropriate sector, market capitalisation band and geographic area. Derivatives: all derivatives are included on an exposure basis and, where necessary, are deltaadjusted. Deltaadjusting expresses derivatives in terms of the equivalent number of shares that would be needed to generate the same return. Basket securities: securities that represent a number of company shares like index futures or options are allocated to categories (such as country) whenever possible. Otherwise they are included in the Other Index / Unclassified category. Equity Exposure (% TNA) Equity Other Uninvested cash Exposure (% TNA) Definition of terms: Equity: the percentage of the fund that is currently invested in the equity market. Other: the value of any nonequity investments (excluding cash funds) expressed as a percentage of fund TNA. Uninvested cash: this is % minus the fund s Equity exposure and minus Other. This leaves any residual cash exposure that is not invested in shares or via derivatives. % TNA: Data is presented as a percentage of TNA, which stands for Total Net Assets (the value of all the fund s assets after the deduction of any liabilities). Active Money Active Money 89.6% This is the sum of the fund s overweight positions (including effective cash) when compared to the market index. 3

16 pdf GLOBAL DIVIDEND FUND AMINCOMEEURO 3 JUNE 23 Sector/Industry Exposure (% TNA) Market Capitalisation Exposure (% TNA) GICS Sector Index Relative EUR Index Relative Health Care Consumer Discretionary Financials Consumer Staples Industrials Information Technology Telecommunication Services Utilities Energy Materials >bn 5bn 5bn bn Total Market Cap Exposure Index / Unclassified Total Equity Exposure Total Sector Exposure Other Index / Unclassified Total Equity Exposure Country Exposure (% TNA) Regional Exposure (% TNA) Index Relative Index Relative USA United Kingdom Netherlands Japan France Switzerland Germany Denmark Korea (South) Australia Other Countries Total Country Exposure Other Index / Unclassified Total Equity Exposure North America Europe (exuk) UK Japan Emerging Markets Asia Pacific (exjapan) Total Regional Exposure Other Index / Unclassified Total Equity Exposure Top Positions (% TNA) SANOFI MICROSOFT CORP HSBC HOLDINGS PLC REED ELSEVIER NV WOLTERS KLUWER NV 3M CO ASTELLAS PHARMA INC NOVARTIS AG MATTEL INC KIMBERLYCLARK CORP GICS Sector Top Overweight Positions (% TNA) Health Care Information Technology Financials Consumer Discretionary Consumer Discretionary Industrials Health Care Health Care Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Country France USA United Kingdom Netherlands Netherlands USA Japan Switzerland USA USA Index Relative Top Underweight Positions (% TNA) Index Relative Index Relative REED ELSEVIER NV WOLTERS KLUWER NV SANOFI ASTELLAS PHARMA INC 3M CO HSBC HOLDINGS PLC MATTEL INC KIMBERLYCLARK CORP MICROSOFT CORP NOVARTIS AG EXXON MOBIL CORP..3.3 APPLE INC..2.2 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO..8.8 JOHNSON & JOHNSON..8.8 GOOGLE INC..8.8 CHEVRON CORP NEW..7.7 NESTLE SA..7.7 PROCTER & GAMBLE CO..7.7 WELLS FARGO & CO NEW..7.7 IBM CORPORATION..7.7 Positions Concentration (% TNA) Top Top 2 Top Index Definition of terms: Index: the index used in the positioning tables on this page is the index defined in the Performance Comparator(s) section on page 2 of this factsheet. Top Positions: those companies in which the largest percentages of the fund s total net assets are effectively invested. Positions in other funds including ETFs (Exchange Traded s) can appear in this table, but index derivatives form part of an "Other Index / Unclassified" category which will not appear. Top Overweight & Underweight Positions: those positions which have the largest active weight relative to the index. Positions in other funds including ETFs (Exchange Traded s) can appear in this table, but index derivatives form part of an "Other Index / Unclassified" category which will not appear. Positions Concentration: illustrates the weight of the top, 2 and 5 positions in the fund and the weight of the top, 2 and 5 positions in the index. It does not attempt to show the coincidence of security ownership between fund and index. The sector/industry classification used (ie GICS, ICB, TOPIX or IPD) varies by fund. Full descriptions of GICS, ICB, TOPIX and IPD can be found in the glossary. 4

17 pdf GLOBAL DIVIDEND FUND AMINCOMEEURO 3 JUNE 23 Attribution Performance attribution is produced in the currency shown below. For hedged share classes the attribution is shown before the impact of hedging. The contributions shown in the tables are before the impact of charges. If charges are applied, their effect is captured in the Other category in the tables and will also be reflected in the fund return. All investments, including derivatives, linked to a particular issuing company have been combined to form a total percentage for each issuing company. The sector/industry and country contribution tables (where relevant) display a maximum of ten individual sectors/industries or countries. For funds investing in more than ten sectors/industries or countries, only top five and bottom five are listed, with the contribution from other sectors/industries or countries shown in the "Other Sectors" or Other Countries category. Currency of attribution One month relative return (%) US Dollar (USD) 2.5 Position Contribution (%) month TOP CONTRIBUTORS ASTELLAS PHARMA INC KDDI CORP REED ELSEVIER NV ROYAL & SUN ALLIANCE INS GRP TDC A/S SECOM CO LTD APPLE INC SCOR SE LAWSON INC BB&T CORP Average Relative Weight Relative Performance Contribution TOP DETRACTORS ORACLE CORP HSBC HOLDINGS PLC ENI SPA SCHRODERS (NEW) PLC KT & G CORP JOHNSON & JOHNSON EXXON MOBIL CORP WELLS FARGO & CO NEW GOOGLE INC VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS INC Average Relative Weight Relative Performance Contribution Positions in other funds including ETFs (Exchange Traded s) can appear in this table, but index derivatives form part of an "Index / Unclassified" category which will appear in the table(s) below when relevant. Sector/Industry Contribution (%) month Country Contribution (%) month CONTRIBUTIONS TO RELATIVE RETURN CONTRIBUTIONS TO RELATIVE RETURN GICS Sector Financials Health Care Materials Industrials Telecommunication Services Consumer Staples Consumer Discretionary Information Technology Energy Utilities Index / Unclassified Total Primary Assets Other* TOTAL Average Relative Weight Security Selection Sector / Industry Selection Total Relative Contribution Japan United Kingdom USA France Brazil Israel Malaysia South Africa Taiwan Italy Other Countries Index / Unclassified Total Primary Assets Other* TOTAL Average Relative Weight Security Selection Country Selection Total Relative Contribution *Other includes portfolio components not already listed such as cash, expenses and other miscellaneous items. 5

18 pdf GLOBAL DIVIDEND FUND AMINCOMEEURO 3 JUNE 23 Glossary / additional notes Volatility & Risk Annualised volatility: a measure of how variable returns for a fund or comparative market index have been around their historical average (also known as standard deviation ). Two funds may produce the same return over a period. The fund whose monthly returns have varied less will have a lower annualised volatility and will be considered to have achieved its returns with less risk. The calculation is the standard deviation of 36 monthly returns presented as an annualised number. Volatility for funds and indices are calculated independently of each other. Relative volatility: a ratio calculated by comparing the annualised volatility of a fund to the annualised volatility of a comparative market index. A value greater than indicates the fund has been more volatile than the index. A value less than shows the fund has been less volatile than the index. A relative volatility of.2 means the fund has been 2% more volatile than the index, while a measure of.8 would mean the fund has been 2% less volatile than the index. Sharpe ratio: a measure of a fund s riskadjusted performance, taking into account the return on a riskfree investment. The ratio allows an investor to assess whether the fund is generating adequate returns for the level of risk it is taking. The higher the ratio, the better the riskadjusted performance has been. If the ratio is negative, the fund has returned less than the riskfree rate. The ratio is calculated by subtracting the riskfree return (such as cash) in the relevant currency from the fund s return, then dividing the result by the fund s volatility. It is calculated using annualised numbers. Annualised alpha: the difference between a fund s expected return (based on its beta) and the fund s actual return. A fund with a positive alpha has delivered more return than would be expected given its beta. Beta: a measure of a fund s sensitivity to market movements (as represented by a market index). The beta of the market is. by definition. A beta of. shows that the fund could be expected to perform % better than the index in up markets and % worse in down markets, assuming all other factors remain constant. Conversely, a beta of.85 indicates that the fund could be expected to perform 5% worse than the market return during up markets and 5% better during down markets. Annualised tracking error: a measure showing how closely a fund follows the index to which it is being compared. It is the standard deviation of the fund s excess returns. The higher the fund s tracking error, the higher the variability of fund returns around the market index. Information ratio: a measure of a fund s effectiveness in generating excess return for the level of risk taken. An information ratio of.5 shows the fund has delivered an annualised excess return equivalent to half the value of the tracking error. The ratio is calculated by taking the fund s annualised excess return and dividing it by the fund s tracking error. R 2 : a measure representing the degree to which a fund s return can be explained by the returns of a comparative market index. A value of signifies the fund and index are perfectly correlated. A measure of.5 means only 5% of the fund s performance can be explained by the index. If the R2 is.5 or lower, the fund s beta (and therefore its alpha too) is not a reliable measure (due to a low correlation between fund and index). Ongoing charges The ongoing charges figure represents the charges taken from the fund over a year. It is calculated at the fund's financial year end and may vary from year to year. For new funds, the ongoing charges figure is estimated until the fund's financial year end. The types of charges included in the ongoing charges figure are management fees, administration fees, custodian and depositary fees and transaction charges, shareholder reporting costs, regulatory registration fees, Directors fees (where applicable) and bank charges. It excludes: performance fees (where applicable); portfolio transaction costs, except in the case of an entry/exit charge paid by the fund when buying or selling units in another collective investment undertaking. For more information about charges (including details of the fund's financial year end), please consult the charges section in the most recent Prospectus. Historic yield Where shown, this is a percentage calculated by taking the fund's distributions over the prior 2 months divided by the fund's net asset value at the factsheet date. Sector/industry classification GICS: Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) was developed by Standard & Poor's and MSCI Barra. GICS consists of sectors, 24 industry groups, 68 industries and 54 subindustries. More information is available at ICB: The Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) is an industry classification developed by Dow Jones and FTSE. It is used to segregate markets into sectors within the macroeconomy. The ICB uses a system of industries, partitioned into 2 supersectors, which are further divided into 4 sectors, which then contain 4 subsectors. More information is available at TOPIX: Tokyo stock Price Index, commonly known as TOPIX, is a stock market index for the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) in Japan, tracking all domestic companies of the exchange's First Section. It is calculated and published by the TSE. IPD means the Investment Property Databank who are a provider of performance analysis and benchmarking services for investors in real estate. IPD UK Pooled Property s Index All Balanced s is a component of the IPD Pooled s Indices which is published quarterly by IPD. Independent Assessment S&P Capital IQ Research Grading: The grading process involves an analysis of past performance and an interview with the investment manager to gain insight into the way the fund is managed. A platinum grading means that, in the opinion of S&P, the fund demonstrates the highest standards of quality in its sector. A gold grading indicates that fund demonstrates very high standards. A silver rating is awarded for high standards. A bronze grading is assigned to funds that have undergone a change of management, where the new manager or team are yet to build up to 2 months of relevant fund experience. Feri Rating: The rating measures how well a fund has balanced risk and reward relative to its peers. The rating is based solely on performance for funds with a five year track record. s with a shorter history also undergo qualitative assessment. For example, this may include looking at management style. The rating scale is A = very good, B = good, C = average, D = below average and E = poor. Morningstar Star Rating for s: The rating measures how well a fund has balanced risk and reward relative to its peers. Star ratings are strictly based on past performance and Morningstar suggests investors use them to identify funds that are worthy for further research. The top % of funds in a category will receive a 5star rating and the next 22.5% receive a 4star rating. Only ratings of 4 or 5 stars are displayed on the factsheet. Morningstar Style Box: The Morningstar Style Box is a ninesquare grid that provides a graphical representation of the investment style of funds. It is based on fund holdings and classifies funds according to market capitalisation (the vertical axis) and growth and value factors (the horizontal axis). The value and growth factors are based on measures such as earnings, cashflow and dividend yield and use both historical and forwardlooking data. 6

19 pdf GLOBAL DIVIDEND FUND AMINCOMEEURO 3 JUNE 23 Important Information FIL Limited and its respective subsidiaries form the global investment management organisation that is commonly referred to as Fidelity/Fidelity Worldwide Investment. Fidelity only offers information on its own products and services and does not provide investment advice based on individual circumstances. This communication is not directed at, and must not be acted upon by persons inside the United States and is otherwise only directed at persons residing in jurisdictions where the relevant funds are authorised for distribution or where no such authorisation is required. Unless otherwise stated, all views are those of Fidelity. Reference in this document to specific securities or funds should not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell them, but is included for the purposes of illustration only. Investors should also note that the views expressed may no longer be current and may have already been acted upon by Fidelity. The research and analysis used in this documentation is gathered by Fidelity for its use as an investment manager and may have already been acted upon for its own purposes. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. The value of investments can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you invested. Fidelity, Fidelity Worldwide Investment, the Fidelity Worldwide Investment logo and F symbol are trademarks of FIL Limited. This fund is managed by FIL Investment Management (Luxembourg) S.A. This document describes a subfund and share class of Fidelity s (the 'UCITS'). The Prospectus and financial reports are prepared for the entire UCITS. Morningstar annualised growth rates, total return, sector median performance and ranks Data Source 23 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein: () is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. An S&P Capital IQ fund grading represents an opinion only and should not be relied on when making an investment decision. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Currency exchange rates may affect the value of investments. Copyright 23 by McGrawHill international (UK) Limited (S&P), a subsidiary of The McGrawHill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Before investing you should read the Key Investor Information Document (KIID), which is available in your local language through the website or from your distributor. For UK investors, the KIID can be obtained from Fidelity's website at or by calling The full prospectus may also be obtained from Fidelity. Austria: Investments should be made on the basis of the current prospectus/key Investor Information Document (KIID), which is available along with the current annual and semiannual reports free of charge from FIL Investment Services GmbH, Kastanienhöhe, D6476 Kronberg im Taunus, Germany as well as with the Austrian paying agent UniCredit Bank Austria AG, Vordere Zollamtstrasse 3, A3 Wien, FIL (Luxembourg) S.A. Zweigniederlassung Wien, Mariahilfer Strasse 36, 7 Wien or Issued by FIL (Luxembourg) S.A. Denmark: Investments should be made on the basis of the current prospectus/key Investor Information Document (KIID), which is available in your local language along with the current annual and semiannual reports free of charge from your financial advisor or from the branch of your bank or from Issued by FIL (Luxembourg) S.A. Finland: Investments should be made on the basis of the current prospectus/key Investor Information Document (KIID), which is available along with the current annual and semiannual reports free of charge from your financial advisor or from the branch of your bank and from Issued by FIL (Luxembourg) S.A. France: Investments should be made on the basis of the current prospectus/key Investor Information Document (KIID), which is available along with the current annual and semiannual reports free of charge from your financial advisor or from the branch of your bank or visit the Fidelity website. Issued by FIL (Luxembourg) S.A. Germany: Investments should be made on the basis of the current prospectus/key Investor Information Document (KIID), which is available along with the current annual and semiannual reports free of charge from FIL Investment Services GmbH, Postfach 2237, 666 Frankfurt/Main or Issued by FIL Investment Services GmbH. Italy: Investments should be made on the basis of the current prospectus/key Investor Information Document (KIID), which is available along with the current annual and semiannual reports free of charge from your financial advisor or from the branch of your bank. Issued by FIL (Luxembourg) S.A. Luxembourg: Investments should be made on the basis of the current prospectus/key Investor Information Document (KIID), which is available along with the current annual and semiannual reports free of charge from our distributors or Issued by FIL (Luxembourg) S.A. Malta: Investments should be made on the basis of the current prospectus/key Investor Information Document (KIID), which is available along with the current annual and semiannual reports free of charge from Growth Investments Limited (which is licensed by the MFSA). Fidelity s are promoted in Malta by Growth Investments Ltd in terms of the EU UCITS Directive and Legal Notices 27 and 39 of 24. The s are regulated in Luxembourg by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier. Issued by FIL (Luxembourg) S.A. Netherlands: Investments should be made on the basis of the current prospectus/key Investor Information Document (KIID), which is available along with the current annual and semiannual reports free of charge from FIL (Luxembourg) S.A., Netherlands Branch (registered with the AFM), World Trade Centre, Tower H, 6th Floor, Zuidplein 52, 77 XV Amsterdam (tel ) or from Fidelity s is authorised to offer participation rights in The Netherlands pursuant to article 2:66 (3) in conjunction with article 2:7 and 2:72 Financial Supervision Act. Issued by FIL (Luxembourg) S.A. Norway: Investments should be made on the basis of the current prospectus/key Investor Information Document (KIID), which is available along with the current annual and semiannual reports free of charge from your financial advisor or from the branch of your bank or from Issued by FIL (Luxembourg) S.A. Slovakia: Investments should be made on the basis of the current prospectus/key Investor Information Document (KIID), which is available along with the current annual and semiannual reports free of charge from our paying agent UniCredit Bank Slovakia, a.s., Sancova /A 8333, Slovakia. Issued by FIL (Luxembourg) S.A. Spain: Investments should be made on the basis of the current prospectus/key Investor Information Document (KIID), which is available along with the current annual and semiannual reports free of charge. For the purposes of distribution in Spain, Fidelity s is registered with the CNMV Register of Foreign Collective Investment Schemes under registration number 24, where complete information is available from Fidelity s authorised distributors. The purchase of or subscription for shares in Fidelity s shall be made on the basis of the KIID that investors shall receive in advance. The KIID is available for inspection at the offices of locally authorised distributors as well as at the CNMV. Issued by FIL (Luxembourg) S.A. Sweden: Investments should be made on the basis of the current prospectus/key Investor Information Document (KIID), which is available along with the current annual and semiannual reports free of charge from your financial advisor or from the branch of your bank or from Issued by FIL (Luxembourg) S.A. Switzerland: Investments should be made on the basis of the current prospectus and key investor information document, which are available along with the current annual and semiannual reports free of charge from our distributors, from FIL Luxembourg S.A. and from our legal representative in Switzerland. The legal representative and paying agent is BNP Paribas Securities Services, Paris, succursale de Zurich, Selnaustrasse 6, 82 Zurich. Issued by FIL Investments International, authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority. United Kingdom: Please note that not all funds in the SICAV fund range are suitable for UK investors and tax advice should be sought before investing. Fidelity s is recognised under section 264 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2. Investors should note that loss caused by such recognised funds will not be covered by the provisions of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (or by any similar scheme in Luxembourg) if the fund is unable to meet its obligations, however claims for loss in regards to such recognised funds against a Financial Conduct Authority authorised firm such as Fidelity will be. The UK distributor of Fidelity s is Fidelity Worldwide Investment. Issued by FIL Investments International, a firm authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority. FIL Investments International is registered in England and Wales under the company number The registered office of the company is Oakhill House, 3 Tonbridge Road, Hildenborough, Tonbridge, Kent TN 9DZ, United Kingdom. The performance figures shown do not take into account the fund's Initial Charge. If you took an initial charge of 5.25% from an investment, this is the equivalent of reducing a growth rate of 6% per annum over 5 years to 4.9%. This is the highest initial charge applicable, if the initial charge you pay is less than 5.25%, the impact on the overall performance will be less. CSO4925 CL359/NA English 7

20 pro.en.xx.2363.lu39727.pdf GLOBAL HIGH GRADE INCOME AACCUSD 3 JUNE 23 Approach and Style Objectives & Investment Policy Aims to provide attractive current income. At least 7% invested in a worldwide diversified portfolio of high quality and shortdated bonds that are issued and denominated in approximately chosen markets/currencies. High quality bonds are considered to be bonds issued by governments, quasigovernment and supranational entities with investment grade credit ratings (as measured by Standard & Poor s or any equivalent grade of other credit rating agencies). Has the freedom to invest outside the fund's principal geographies, market sectors, industries or asset classes. Investments may be made in bonds issued in currencies other than the fund s reference currency. Exposure to currencies may be hedged, for example with currency forward contracts. The reference currency is the currency used for reporting and may be different from the dealing currency. Can invest in bonds issued by governments, companies and other bodies. Can use derivatives with the aim of risk or cost reduction or to generate additional capital or income in line with the fund's risk profile. The fund has discretion in its choices of investments within its objectives and policies. Income is accumulated in the share price. Shares can usually be bought and sold each business day of the fund. This fund may not be appropriate for investors who plan to sell their shares in the fund within 5 years. Investment in the fund should be regarded as a longterm investment. Portfolio Characteristics The fund invests in highquality bonds issued by governments, quasigovernments and supranational institutions in the approximately chosen international bond markets from a basket of 3; the weighted average credit quality of fund will be high. There will be no active currency management; currency exposure is unhedged and is equally allocated across the selected markets. In summary: Income fund produces monthly income payments for investors from high quality fixed interest investments Low credit risk high quality sovereign bonds are issued by government and related issuers Highly rated offers exposure to high quality sovereign bonds with a high portfolio weighted average credit rating expected to be AAA at inception Currency enhancement expected to be a significant contributor to the total return Diversified invests in markets out of a basket of 3 based on credit quality and yield attractiveness. Investment Style The management of this fund mostly follows a quantitative process with significant input from the quantitative and trading teams. The portfolio manager will work with the quantitative team to construct a portfolio based on the highest possible rating and highest yield that can be derived from the universe of 3 countries from which approximately will be selected. The choice of countries will be based on ) the highest rating that can be attained from the choice of the 3 possible countries based on their sovereign ratings and 2) the highest yielding 2 year swap rates in those countries to ensure the income yield is high. The portfolio manager will then work with the trading team to analyse and select the universe of bonds available from sovereign, quasisovereign and supranational issuers to derive the highest average quality and yield for the portfolio, taking into account market liquidity. Facts Manager: Rick Patel Location: London Appointed to fund: Years at Fidelity: 3 Launch date: Currency: USD ISIN: LU39727 Performance for 2 month periods in USD % Performance for calendar years in USD % Performance to in USD % Volatility & Risk cumulative growth m YTD yr 3yr 5yr Since annualised growth Value of $ 2,5 invested 2,253 2,349 2,27 2,973 Value invested figures include a standard initial charge, where one is deducted. Standard Deviation Annualised Standard Deviation Sharpe Ratio These figures relate to the fund s past performance, which is not a reliable indicator of future results. Investments denominated in a currency other than the investor s own currency will be subject to movements in foreign exchange rates. The value of investments and any income from them may go down as well as up and an investor may not get back the amount invested. Source of fund performance: Fidelity as at 3/6/23. Performance is excluding initial charge. Basis: navnav with gross income reinvested, in USD. This information is for Investment Professionals only and should not be relied upon by private investors


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