Developing a Media and Information Literacy program: a MIL program guide for teachers and librarians in Elementary School in Indonesia

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1 Developing a Media and Information Literacy program: a MIL program guide for teachers and librarians in Elementary School in Indonesia by Hanna Latuputty, SS dan Dr Dede Mulkan Background Many media formats as sources of information today, is growing rapidly with the discovery of information and communications technology. Someone who needs information is no longer limited by space and time as information can be quickly accessed and obtained at anytime and anywhere. One example of the easiest and often found in our daily lives is the access of children to television. Most of the time of children at home, spent with the television media. Evenmore the media is said to have replaced the role of parents in raising their children at home. Unfortunately, not all television shows have positive values to the lives of children. Most of the television shows contain unappropriate messages. Many people disagree with the content of television entertainment shows which contain elements of violence, hedonism and the world of fantasy and mystical. Children could be easly believe and adopting such messages into their live. Consequently, these types of shows will threat children's character development. Moreover, some of them actually played at certain hours when children are at home and being in situations without parental supervision. A way to overcome this situation is the accompanying of parents. When the children were caught up by this spectacle, parents direct and guide them with explanation to encounter the negative impression to them. Thus, children can learn to select the information that goes to them through this medium. On the other hand, if children were not accompanied while watching such television shows, then the negative effects which may appeare of those shows will affect children's behavior. Unfortunately, assistance to children when they access the medium of television, can not be carried out continuously by the parents or adults. Therefore, children need to be equipped with information literacy and media literacy. Information literacy and media literacy education needs to be given to children at an early age. Information literacy and media literacy is not merely as a filter for them in receiving the 1

2 message delivered by the media but to equip them to be lifelong learners who have critical thinking, daring to voice out their aspirations and to participate actively in democratic life. These two literacies education are crucial given by parents at home and educators at school. Therefore, adults need to be trained in advance about the skills, before they will pass it on to children. An international initiative on awareness of information literacy and media literacy has been done by UNESCO in some countries. UNESCO launched a training program called Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Workshop. The MIL workshop in Indonesia has been done by the Children's Media Education Foundation (Yayasan Pengembangan Media Anak) in collaboration with the University of Indonesia (UI). The training was held in July 2011 at the University of Indonesia, Depok. The training used its main publication as a primary source: Media and Information Literacy: a Curriculum for Teachers which has also been translated into Bahasa Indonesia. The document is expected to be useful as a framework to develop a new program geared for teachers so that they become media and information literate. One of the requirements suggested to enjoy the benefits of MIL was: MIL Curriculum should enable teachers to teach media and information literacy to students with the objectives of essentials providing them with tools so that they can engage with media and information channels as autonomous and rational young citizen. (UNESCO: 2011, 20) In report document of this training, stated that one of the implementation strategies that can be applied to follow up this training is to split the modules in to several different trainings based on the level difficulties. For example, there should be MIL beginner, intermediate and advanced trainings. Also in the preface to the document, UNESCO confirms that the second phase of this training initiative is to adapt the curriculum and conduct a pilot of this training. Based on these studies, the objectives of this paper firstly is to adjust the concept and implementation of information and media literacy of the document into one scheme of concepts. The adaptation form is standing at the viewpoint of information literacy. Media literacy will become part of information literacy process. Secondly, from MIL Core Teacher Competencies, the authors will develop a MIL program guide based on the moduls and units from each mentioned competencies into Pupil Competencies. These competencies would be the MIL program guide for students in Grade 3. 2

3 Information Literacy, Media Literacy, Information and Media Literacy Information Literacy a. Development in Indonesia Campaigns on how importance of information literacy in Indonesia has started around the year The National Library, Center for Scientific Documentation and Information- Indonesian Institute of Science and Technology (PDII-LIPI), Ministry of Research and Technology have initiated seminars which then followed by several schools, colleges, universities and professional associations. One of the professional associations that plays an active role in this campaign is the Association of Indonesian School Information Professional (Asosiasi Pekerja Informasi Sekolah Indonesia/APISI). Since its establishment in 2006, APISI has visited several cities in Indonesia to hold a seminar or training on information literacy, both to the school librarians and teachers. The reason is that information literacy education at the level of formal education should begin from the acquisition of skills by the educators including teachers and school librarians. APISI also identified that there is an alignment in basic concept between Indonesian National Education System in Undang Undang No. 20 Tahun 2003 and information literacy. In APISI s Indonesian Training Workshop on Information Literacy (IWIL) document revealed that one of the goals of National Education System is to prepare students to become responsible citizens. Preparing students to be responsible citizens is also a principle of information literacy. Principle of education in National Education Sytem is to prepare students to be a lifelong learner. Again, to become a lifelong learner is also part of the concept of information literacy. If the information literacy education consistently applied and supported by reasonable facilities and infrastructure, the vision of the 2025 National Education System to produce smart and competitive beings can be realized. It also will support the National Education long term plan in the Year to produce students with international competitiveness. In practice, the implementation of information literacy is still a business that should continue to be pursued. IWIL document also showed that the lesson plans created by a teachers for a particular subject were loaded with the goals to be achieved in a short period of time. Thus the process the information literacy skills for students were very limited. Not many schools are able to apply information literacy learning in a structured way. Most private 3

4 and international schools have discretion to apply this information literacy programs and usually the initiative came from the librarian. b. Definition and Implementation of Information Literacy Program Information literacy is the ability to perform knowledge management and the ability to learn continuously (Diao Ai Lien et al: 2010, p 2). American Library Association revealed that to be information literate, a person must be able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use the needed information effectively. (American Library Association, Presidential Committee on Information Literacy, Final Report, January 10, 1989) From the various definitions, APISI stated that "information literacy includes an understanding of and ability to recognize when information is needed, find information, evaluating information, using information obtained with the effective and ethical mengkomunikasinnya". (APISI, 2008:15). The whole process of information literacy is shown in Figure 1. Furthermore APISI also mentioned that information literacy is a learning process on how to learn because these skills are a prerequisite for participation in the information society, and that information literacy is a basic human right to lifelong learning. Clearly that information literacy is needed in today's information age in schools, workplaces and public life. Problem-solving skills with the appropriate source of information are prerequisites for lifelong learning and prepare students to be independent in solving any problems. Figure 1. Information Literacy Process 4

5 Information has become a commodity of the battle fought in the global arena. Who can control the information then he will survive, and the key of all is having information literacy. Library user education is one of the components of information literacy programs for students held by the librarian. Apart from giving a general induction about the library, information literacy process also need to be taught. These can be done independently as part of library activities or conducted in collaboration with the teachers. Based on field observations, the more influential and considered to be effective is to work with the teachers of certain subjects. This can be succesful in schools that have put the education system with teachers as facilitators to provide greater opportunities for students to solve problems using various sources of information. The role of librarians in providing education about the use of the library, information retrieval and information use ethically is very important. Media Literacy a. Developments in Indonesia If we look at recent developments, the most open door and is very easy to be accessed by anyone in the acquiring of information is through the mass media. Access to information is very easy to obtain. In Indonesia media literacy activity is driven more by concerns that the media can cause negative effects. Those who are concerned with the interaction patterns of children with media and media contents usually come from the parents, teachers, religious leaders, NGOs, universities, student groups, etc. They struggled to find ways to beat unsafe and unhealthy shows, such as to reduce the hours that children spent watching TV, choose a show, doing the right assistance, and information dissemination through various forums. Hendriyani and B. Guntarto reported that "average time spent by younger children aged 5-9 years in 2000 was 4 hours, 4.3 hours in 2009 and 3.9 hours in While older children aged years spent more time on television: 4.2 hours in 2000, 4.6 hours in 2005 and 4.4 hours in 2010 ". (Hendriyani and B. Guntarto: 2011, 2). This facts indicate that the activity the children spent during their leisure time is watching television. The other facts that the various media that owned by Jakarta's household are mobile phones, books, a video player, radio, magazines, game player and a computer (Hendriyani, et al, 2011). It shows us that people now has applied both traditional and new media at the same time. In 1991 there was a seminar on children and television which raised the need to protect children from negative media effect held by Indonesian Children's Welfare 5

6 Foundation (Indonesian Child Welfare Foundation / YKAI) and the Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (Amic) (Hendriyani and B. Guntarto: ). There were also series of activities by many organisations after 2002 about enlighting people on media effects. Recent activities on raising media awareness were held in 2011called First Conference of Media Literacy in January and Media and Information Literacy: Curriculum for Teachers in July to which its primary document become the main publication reference of this writing. b. Definition and Implementation of Media Literacy Program Shows which appear on television screens have passed through a long process, involving actors such as: reporter, cameraman, producer, presenter, editor, etc. The final result seen by the audience is not something objective or natural as it is supposed to be. Many decisions related to the creation of a text, while the audience only saw the end result. Audience does not know ideas that are fabricated in the process of creation, which may produce an infinite and variety of media texts. All television shows have its own language, which can be understood by carefully analyzing the various sounds (audio) and pictures (visual), which are used to convey the message. Spectators have different educational background, age, occupation, race, religion, ethnicity, gender, and different life experiences. Two people who consume the same media text probably will get a very different meaning from one to another. Display text or media text is not objective, because the show contains certain values. A show tells us about who or what issues are important. In contrary, by not showing a particular person or an issue, television stating that the person or the other issues are not important. Messages conveyed by television basically made to obtain a lot of audience, so advertisers can market their products in the program. We need to understand the financial motivation, to find out the real interests served by the media. The situation behind the scenes like these should be understood by the audience. That is also one reason why media literacy is necessary. Audience need to be critical and determine the information according to their needs, and not the will of a program producer. Hendriyani and B. Guntarto (2011:10) stated that the tentative definition of media literacy would be the ability to use media critically. The definition includes the knowledge about the media, the ability to select and search media contents as well as to create the content of the media for one's benefits. 6

7 Media is being used to convey messages which can influence us in what we think, we feel, we buy without being aware about it. As a communication tool to mass audiences, media messages are constructed by embedded values, point of views, social, political or commercial messeges implication (Media Literacy:2004). As stressed by Potter (2005:16) that "taking control is what media literacy is all about. Therefore the audience should have the ability to read media messages. It means they have to understand the media literacy process which are accessing, analyzing, evaluating and creating their own opinion as part of self expression using appropriate media (Media Literacy: 2004). The process of media literacy is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 Media Litearcy Process Other definition stating that media literacy is the ability to critizise the content of media and to have full understanding the reality. There are at least four skills needed in media literacy: the ability to access the media, analyze media content conformed to the context, criticizes the mass media, and write their own messages in various forms and types of media. ( 7

8 Media Literacy Organisation mentioned that there are five core concepts as a framework to help understanding of media messages: a. All media messages are constructed b. Media messages are constructed using a creative languages with its own rules c. Different people experience the same message differently d. Media have embedded values and points of view e. Most media messages are organized to gain profit and / or power ( Information and Media Literacy Having discussed the concept of information literacy and media literacy in general, we will raise the concept and implementation of the two concepts become media and information literacy as contained in document Media and Information Literacy: a Curriculum for Teachers. MIL concept was developed in the context of the realization of democracy and good governance. (UNESCO: 2011, 26) as shown in figure below. Figure 3. MIL and Its Importance to Democracy and Good Governance As shown in the background of this paper, the media literacy was put as part of information literacy concept. There are two activities that are performed both in the information literacy and media literacy which are locating and accessing information. In media literacy, the process is then deepened with analyzing and evaluating the information 8

9 from the media. The next process would be synthesizing the information received as part of information literacy process. The differences between the media literacy and information literacy were shown in creating information part. In information literacy process, someone creates new knowledge as part of his or her purpose to solve the problem. In media literacy process, someone creates new knowledge not only as part of his or her purpose to solve the problem, but also he or she would choose an appropriate media to voice out his or her opinion to be known by other people in terms of his or her participation in democracy and good governance circumstance. We then endeavour to illustrate the MIL concept and application in the Figure 4 as shown below: Figure 4. MIL Concept and Application MIL therefore becomes essential skills to be thought in formal education as early a stage as possible. Becoming a media and information literate, someone would be able to solve the problem in daily life, working life, academic purpose or event in their entertaining options. UNESCO confirmed that the important points of teaching media and information 9

10 literacy for students are they would be able the make informed decisions, learn about the world around them, build a sense of community, maintain public discourse and engage in public learning. In the future MIL would equip them to be critical thinkers and responsible citizens who understand how to use media as a tool to self-expression as part of their active participation in society. MIL Program Guide for Students in Elementary 3 (SD Class 3) Now we will develop a program based on MIL concept for students in Grade 3 in Elementary School in Indonesia. Grade 3 has been chosen for it is the last grade of first three low levels before they enter to the three higher levels, which are Grade 4, 5 and 6. Grade 3 also still applying thematic learning model of which give an opportunity in flexibility in teaching. Actually this is the opportunity for teachers and librarians to develop and instill the MIL competencies into their teaching and learning activites. This, of course, would ask the creativity in collaborating lesson topics and the competencies. There are seven competencies in MIL Core Teacher Competencies (UNESCO: 2011, 29-34). Each competency has few relevant moduls. There are also few units under each module as shown in Figure 5 below: Figure 5 MIL Core Teacher Competencies 10

11 To produce a guide to develop MIL program, we use all the teachers core competencies and lead it into Pupil Competencies. However, we only select relevant modules and units to students in Grade 3. Figure 6 below will show the seven MIL Core Teacher Competencies and selected modules and units for Grade 3. Figure 6 MIL Program Guide for Students in Elementary 3 11

12 We also reviewed all the thematic textbooks which are used for this grade in Semester 1 and Semester 2 to get an overview understading on what themes taught in that grade and how the competencies could possibly be implemented. The books reviewed were Buku Tematik 3A-3H, 2010 and all published by PT Gramedia, Jakarta, Indonesia. In addition, a computer book used by this grade also reviewed. These are the books currently used for Grade 3 in a private school in Tangerang, Banten which applies Indonesia curriculum, KTSP. The lesson taught in Computer lesson based on the book titled Pintar Bersama Mr. Kid: Pendidikan Komputer by PesonaEdu ilearning. The topic includes Book Workshop to enable students to create comic; Press writer to create a publication such as wall magazine ; Microsoft Word to enable them typing a story, insert a picture, capture image and save the work; Microsoft Powerpoint to do simple presentation and Kanvas to draw pictures. This showed us that the lessons taught are very closely related to some competencies developed for MIL students. It means that there are open opportunities and possibilities to implement MIL to Grade 3 students especially in the competency in creating information using media technology. Teaching could be carried out collaboratively between teacher and librarian or as individual library program carried out by librarians. Teacher could also adopt and embedded the competencies into any relevant topic and learning activites. Conclusion Media and information literacy could be delivered as one package of MIL lesson in school. This is important because to be media and information literate citizenship, students need to be equipped with these skills as early as possible. It includes how they understand and utilize media and other information provider to participate actively in democracy and good governance. Media literacy is placed under information literacy process which both of them has similar parts which are accessing and locating information. In media literacy there are also two other process activities which include analyzing and evaluating the information conveyed by the media. The differences are laid on its purpose of using the information through the various of media. Media literacy has a part of self expression and participation after engage with the media messages. Information literacy will end up with a solution of a problem to be used either for personal purpose or other purpose. Both literacies require a various information sources and the ability to use them in ethical manners and critical thinking to evaluate them. 12

13 There are many opportunities to develop Media and Information Literacy: Curriculum for Teachers document into various types of school levels or adults training such as teachers, parents, librarians, college students etc. Creativity in developing a lesson plan is needed especially when it will be delivered in collaborative way. 13

14 BIBLIOGRAPHY Asosiasi Pekerja Informasi Sekolah Indonesia (APISI) Aplikasi Literasi Informasi dalam Kurikulum Nasional (KTSP): Contoh Penerapan untuk Tingkat SD, SMP dan SMA. Cerdas bermedia untuk toleransi Web. 5 th April ( Diao Ai Lien Literasi Informasi: 7 Langkah knowledge management. Jakarta: UNIKA ATMAJAYA, pp 1-2 Hendriyani and B Guntarto Defining Media Literacy in Indonesia. Paper presented at the International Association of Media Communication Research, Istanbul, Turkey Hendriyani, Hollander, E., d Haenens, L., & Beentjes, J.(2011. Children s television in Indonesia: broadcasting polity and the growth of an industry. Journal of Children and Media, 5 (1) February, pp Hendriyani, Hollander, E., d Haenens, L., & Beentjes, J Children s media use in Indonesia United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisations (UNESCO) Media and Information Literacy: Curriculum for Teachers. Paris: UNESCO Miragtia, Steven AMS Grade 6 Media Literacy. Term One: Introduction to Media Literacy Concepts: an introduction to the 5 key concepts and the media triangle. Web. 5 April ( Media Literacy Wynnwood, Pa : Schlessinger Media, DVD. Potter, W. James Media Literacy. 5 th ed. California:Sage Publication. 14


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