Extracting META information from Interbase/Firebird SQL (INFORMATION_SCHEMA)

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1 13 November :30 Extracting META information from Interbase/Firebird SQL (INFORMATION_SCHEMA) By: The SQL 2003 Standard introduced a new schema called INFORMATION_SCHEMA. PostgreSQL, SQL Server and now MySQL have it. ORACLE, DB2, Sybase, Ingres, Informix and other DBMS have something similar, usually called System Tables. The INFORMATION_SCHEMA is meant to be a set of views you can query using regular SELECT statements, for instance if you need to know something about the defined triggers, or the structure of a table to which you have access. Firebird doesn't have it, but you can retrieve pretty much everything you need from the system tables. These are metadata tables, their names start with "RDB$". Let's see how we can retrieve some useful informations from them. Test data We need a few sample tables, indices and views to test the following queries, so let's create them. We also create a sample TRIGGER to emulate the autoincrement feature of mysql, and a simple stored procedure. -- sample data to test Firebird system tables -- TABLE TEST CREATE TABLE TEST ( TEST_NAME CHAR(30) CHARACTER SET NONE NOT NULL COLLATE NONE, TEST_ID INTEGER DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, TEST_DATE TIMESTAMP NOT NULL ALTER TABLE TEST ADD CONSTRAINT PK_TEST PRIMARY KEY (TEST_ID -- TABLE TEST2 with some CONSTRAINTs and an INDEX CREATE TABLE TEST2 ( ID INTEGER NOT NULL, FIELD1 INTEGER, FIELD2 CHAR(15) CHARACTER SET NONE COLLATE NONE, FIELD3 VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET NONE COLLATE NONE, FIELD4 INTEGER, FIELD5 INTEGER, ID2 INTEGER NOT NULL ALTER TABLE TEST2 ADD CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (ID2 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX TEST2_FIELD1ID_IDX ON TEST2(ID, FIELD1 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX TEST2_FIELD4_IDX ON TEST2(FIELD4 CREATE INDEX TEST2_FIELD5_IDX ON TEST2(FIELD5 -- TABLE NUMBERS CREATE TABLE NUMBERS ( NUMBER INTEGER DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, EN CHAR(100) CHARACTER SET ISO8859_1 NOT NULL COLLATE ISO8859_1, FR CHAR(100) CHARACTER SET ISO8859_1 NOT NULL COLLATE ISO8859_1 -- TABLE NEWTABLE CREATE TABLE NEWTABLE ( ID INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, SOMENAME VARCHAR (12), SOMEDESCRIPTION VARCHAR (12) ALTER TABLE NEWTABLE ADD CONSTRAINT PKINDEX_IDX PRIMARY KEY (ID


3 FROM RDB$RELATION_FIELDS WHERE RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG=0; -- or SELECT RDB$RELATION_NAME FROM RDB$RELATIONS WHERE RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG=0; NB: the above queries will list both the user defined tables AND views. To exclude the VIEWs from the resultset, you can write one of these queries: SELECT DISTINCT RDB$RELATION_NAME FROM RDB$RELATION_FIELDS WHERE RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG=0 AND RDB$VIEW_CONTEXT IS NULL; -- or SELECT RDB$RELATION_NAME FROM RDB$RELATIONS WHERE RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG=0 AND RDB$VIEW_BLR IS NULL; List VIEWs Here's the query that will return the names of the VIEWs defined in the current database: SELECT DISTINCT RDB$VIEW_NAME FROM RDB$VIEW_RELATIONS; -- show only the VIEWs referencing a given table SELECT DISTINCT RDB$VIEW_NAME FROM RDB$VIEW_RELATIONS WHERE RDB$RELATION_NAME='TEST'; List users SELECT DISTINCT RDB$USER FROM RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES; List INDICES Here's the query that will return the names of the INDICES defined in the TEST2 table. NB: the CONSTRAINTs are not listed SELECT RDB$INDEX_NAME FROM RDB$INDICES WHERE RDB$RELATION_NAME='TEST2' AND RDB$UNIQUE_FLAG IS NULL AND RDB$FOREIGN_KEY IS NULL; Detailed INDEX info If you want to know which table columns are referenced by an index, try with this query: SELECT RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS.RDB$FIELD_NAME AS field_name,

4 RDB$INDICES.RDB$DESCRIPTION AS description, (RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS.RDB$FIELD_POSITION + 1) AS field_position FROM RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS LEFT JOIN RDB$INDICES ON RDB$INDICES.RDB$INDEX_NAME = RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS.RDB$INDEX_NAME LEFT JOIN RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS ON RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS.RDB$INDEX_NAME = RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS.RDB$INDEX_NAME WHERE UPPER(RDB$INDICES.RDB$RELATION_NAME)='TEST2' -- table name AND UPPER(RDB$INDICES.RDB$INDEX_NAME)='TEST2_FIELD5_IDX' -- index name AND RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS.RDB$CONSTRAINT_TYPE IS NULL ORDER BY RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS.RDB$FIELD_POSITION List CONSTRAINTs Here's the query that will return the names of the CONSTRAINTs defined in the TEST2 table: SELECT RDB$INDEX_NAME FROM RDB$INDICES WHERE RDB$RELATION_NAME='TEST2' -- table name AND ( RDB$UNIQUE_FLAG IS NOT NULL OR RDB$FOREIGN_KEY IS NOT NULL List table fields Here's the query that will return the names of the fields of the TEST2 table: SELECT RDB$FIELD_NAME FROM RDB$RELATION_FIELDS WHERE RDB$RELATION_NAME='TEST2'; If you want some more info about the field definitions, you can retrieve a larger subset of the fields available in the RDB$RELATIONS_FIELDS table: SELECT RDB$FIELD_NAME AS field_name, RDB$FIELD_POSITION AS field_position, RDB$DESCRIPTION AS field_description, RDB$DEFAULT_VALUE AS field_default_value, RDB$NULL_FLAG AS field_not_null_constraint FROM RDB$RELATION_FIELDS WHERE RDB$RELATION_NAME='TEST2'; -- table name Detailed table field info If you want a really detailed description of the field, you have to join the RDB$RELATIONS_FIELDS table with RDB$FIELDS: SELECT r.rdb$field_name AS field_name, r.rdb$description AS field_description, r.rdb$default_value AS field_default_value, r.rdb$null_flag AS field_not_null_constraint, f.rdb$field_length AS field_length, f.rdb$field_precision AS field_precision, f.rdb$field_scale AS field_scale, CASE f.rdb$field_type WHEN 261 THEN 'BLOB' WHEN 14 THEN 'CHAR' WHEN 40 THEN 'CSTRING'

5 WHEN 11 THEN 'D_FLOAT' WHEN 27 THEN 'DOUBLE' WHEN 10 THEN 'FLOAT' WHEN 16 THEN 'INT64' WHEN 8 THEN 'INTEGER' WHEN 9 THEN 'QUAD' WHEN 7 THEN 'SMALLINT' WHEN 12 THEN 'DATE' WHEN 13 THEN 'TIME' WHEN 35 THEN 'TIMESTAMP' WHEN 37 THEN 'VARCHAR' ELSE 'UNKNOWN' END AS field_type, f.rdb$field_sub_type AS field_subtype, coll.rdb$collation_name AS field_collation, cset.rdb$character_set_name AS field_charset FROM RDB$RELATION_FIELDS r LEFT JOIN RDB$FIELDS f ON r.rdb$field_source = f.rdb$field_name LEFT JOIN RDB$COLLATIONS coll ON f.rdb$collation_id = coll.rdb$collation_id LEFT JOIN RDB$CHARACTER_SETS cset ON f.rdb$character_set_id = cset.rdb$character_set_id WHERE r.rdb$relation_name='test2' -- table name ORDER BY r.rdb$field_position; List GENERATORs (sequences) A GENERATOR is a sequential number that can be automatically inserted in a column with the GEN_ID() function. A GENERATOR is often used to ensure a unique value in a PRIMARY KEY that must uniquely identify the associated row. SELECT RDB$GENERATOR_NAME FROM RDB$GENERATORS WHERE RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG IS NULL; List TRIGGERs SELECT * FROM RDB$TRIGGERS WHERE RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG IS NULL; -- list only the triggers for a given table SELECT * FROM RDB$TRIGGERS WHERE RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG IS NULL AND RDB$RELATION_NAME='NEWTABLE'; -- table name List FUNCTIONs (UDF) SELECT * FROM RDB$FUNCTIONS WHERE RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG IS NULL; List Stored Procedures SELECT * FROM RDB$PROCEDURES; List FOREIGN KEY constraints As a bonus, I'm going to show how to get more information for the FOREIGN KEY constraints on a table, i.e.

6 one query that returns the FK names, the names of the table and field they're tied to, the names of the table and field they reference and the action on update/delete. These are the two test tables and the FK constraint: CREATE TABLE "a" ( "id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "name" VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL ALTER TABLE "a" ADD PRIMARY KEY ("id" CREATE TABLE "b" ( "id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "a_id" INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ALTER TABLE "b" ADD PRIMARY KEY ("id" ALTER TABLE "b" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_b" FOREIGN KEY ("a_id") REFERENCES "a"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; And this is the query that will return the above mentioned values (replace the table name in the last line to get the FK definitions relative to another table): SELECT DISTINCT rc.rdb$constraint_name AS "constraint_name", rc.rdb$relation_name AS "on table", d1.rdb$field_name AS "on field", d2.rdb$depended_on_name AS "references table", d2.rdb$field_name AS "references field", refc.rdb$update_rule AS "on update", refc.rdb$delete_rule AS "on delete" FROM RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS AS rc LEFT JOIN RDB$REF_CONSTRAINTS refc ON rc.rdb$constraint_name = refc.rdb$constraint_name LEFT JOIN RDB$DEPENDENCIES d1 ON d1.rdb$depended_on_name = rc.rdb$relation_name LEFT JOIN RDB$DEPENDENCIES d2 ON d1.rdb$dependent_name = d2.rdb$dependent_name WHERE rc.rdb$constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' AND d1.rdb$depended_on_name <> d2.rdb$depended_on_name AND d1.rdb$field_name <> d2.rdb$field_name AND rc.rdb$relation_name = 'b' -- table name Detailed CONSTRAINT info If you want to retrieve detailed info from any constraint (fields, type, rules, referenced table and fields for FOREIGN KEYs, etc.) given its name and table, here's the query to do so: SELECT rc.rdb$constraint_name, s.rdb$field_name AS field_name, rc.rdb$constraint_type AS constraint_type, i.rdb$description AS description, rc.rdb$deferrable AS is_deferrable, rc.rdb$initially_deferred AS is_deferred, refc.rdb$update_rule AS on_update, refc.rdb$delete_rule AS on_delete, refc.rdb$match_option AS match_type, i2.rdb$relation_name AS references_table, s2.rdb$field_name AS references_field, (s.rdb$field_position + 1) AS field_position FROM RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS s LEFT JOIN RDB$INDICES i ON i.rdb$index_name = s.rdb$index_name

7 LEFT JOIN RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS rc ON rc.rdb$index_name = s.rdb$index_name LEFT JOIN RDB$REF_CONSTRAINTS refc ON rc.rdb$constraint_name = refc.rdb$constraint_name LEFT JOIN RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS rc2 ON rc2.rdb$constraint_name = refc.rdb$const_name_uq LEFT JOIN RDB$INDICES i2 ON i2.rdb$index_name = rc2.rdb$index_name LEFT JOIN RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS s2 ON i2.rdb$index_name = s2.rdb$index_name WHERE i.rdb$relation_name='b' -- table name AND rc.rdb$constraint_name='fk_b' -- constraint name AND rc.rdb$constraint_type IS NOT NULL ORDER BY s.rdb$field_position Detailed TRIGGER info SELECT RDB$TRIGGER_NAME AS trigger_name, RDB$RELATION_NAME AS table_name, RDB$TRIGGER_SOURCE AS trigger_body, CASE RDB$TRIGGER_TYPE WHEN 1 THEN 'BEFORE' WHEN 2 THEN 'AFTER' WHEN 3 THEN 'BEFORE' WHEN 4 THEN 'AFTER' WHEN 5 THEN 'BEFORE' WHEN 6 THEN 'AFTER' END AS trigger_type, CASE RDB$TRIGGER_TYPE WHEN 1 THEN 'INSERT' WHEN 2 THEN 'INSERT' WHEN 3 THEN 'UPDATE' WHEN 4 THEN 'UPDATE' WHEN 5 THEN 'DELETE' WHEN 6 THEN 'DELETE' END AS trigger_event, CASE RDB$TRIGGER_INACTIVE WHEN 1 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS trigger_enabled, RDB$DESCRIPTION AS trigger_comment FROM RDB$TRIGGERS WHERE UPPER(RDB$TRIGGER_NAME)='AUTOINCREMENTPK' Detailed VIEW info If, given a VIEW name, you want to retrieve the field aliases and the field names in the original table, you can run this query: SELECT d.rdb$dependent_name AS view_name, r.rdb$field_name AS field_name, d.rdb$depended_on_name AS depended_on_table, d.rdb$field_name AS depended_on_field FROM RDB$DEPENDENCIES d LEFT JOIN RDB$RELATION_FIELDS r ON d.rdb$dependent_name = r.rdb$relation_name AND d.rdb$field_name = r.rdb$base_field WHERE UPPER(d.RDB$DEPENDENT_NAME)='NUMBERSVIEW' AND r.rdb$system_flag = 0 AND d.rdb$dependent_type = 1 --VIEW ORDER BY r.rdb$field_position

8 If you want to get the VIEW definition, though, the above query is not enough. It will only show the matches between aliases and real fields. Use the following query to get the VIEW body: SELECT RDB$VIEW_SOURCE FROM RDB$RELATIONS WHERE RDB$VIEW_SOURCE IS NOT NULL AND UPPER(RDB$RELATION_NAME) = 'NUMBERSVIEW'; One last tip Since Firebird 2.1, you can query the database for some system information, like the engine version, the network protocol, etc. Have a look at the doc/sql.extensions/readme.context_variables2.txt file for a listing of all the system variables that are available. Here's an example of what you can do: SELECT RDB$GET_CONTEXT('SYSTEM', 'ENGINE_VERSION') AS engine_version, RDB$GET_CONTEXT('SYSTEM', 'NETWORK_PROTOCOL') AS protocol, RDB$GET_CONTEXT('SYSTEM', 'CLIENT_ADDRESS') AS address FROM RDB$DATABASE; What else? System tables are a powerful tool in the hands of the Interbase/Firebird db admins. The queries listed in this page are just the top of the iceberg, you can retrieve a lot more from these tables. If you'd like to see some other examples, or have some comments and/or suggestions, just drop me a mail (you can find my address in the footer of this page) and I'll add them to this list. HTH.

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