Mustafa KAHYA Principle of Kalaba High School EU Project Representative

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2 İnanmış bir proje gurubumla AB projesi yapmaya karar verdik. Proje konusu Fizik idi. Öğrenci hem fizik dersini yapacak hem de soyut kavramları somuta çevirecekti. Bu proje çalışmasıyla yönetici-öğretmen ve öğrencisi ile istediğimiz başarıya ulaştık. Öğrencilerimizin Avrupalı öğrencilerle sanki kırk yıllık dostmuş gibi arkadaşlıkları, öğretmenlerimizin ortak ülkelerin öğretmenleriyle- idarecilerle samimiyetleri proje müdürü olarak beni çok duygulandırdı. Avrupa nın en uç kısmı olan Portekiz in güzellikleri, okyanusun dev dalgalarını ve güneşin batışını; her şeyden önce Clara ve Rui Martinezlerin evlerindeki samimi sıcak ve içten misafirperverliklerini, Yunanistan ın İngilizce-Bilgisayar öğretmeni Corc ve Efi nin candan yakınlıklarını, Eşimin kendi çocuğu gibi sevdiği Macaristan ın İngilizce öğretmeni Tibor u okul müdürü İmer i yine Macar Jivotiyi Jivoti nin kız kardeşini, Soğuk iklimin cana yakın Letonya nın okul müdürü İnara yı öğretmeni Ramona yı ve diğer öğretmenlerini Riga gecelerini Baltık kıyılarını unutmak mümkün mü? Bizim 14 öğrencimizi ailelerin yanına sorunsuz bir şekilde yerleştiren Letonya ya teşekkürü bir borç bilirim. Çek Cumhuriyetinin Proje üçlüsünü Ratka-Daşha-Liba ve diğerlerinin samimi candan davranışlarını unutmadım. Bütün gizemiyle tarihi kucaklayan Prag ı Macaristan ın Budapeşte sini Budapeşte deki tarihi dokuyu Osmanlı damgasını buruk seyrettim. İtalyanın proje temsilcisi Rosarya nın hanımefendi davranışlarını diğer öğretmenlerini ve bütün öğrencilerimizi kardeş gibi bağrına basan öğrencilerini hiç unutmayacağım. Avrupalı ortaklarımızın ülkelerine giden renclerimizinkendiyaptkları Fizikyuncaklarını orada bulunan tümülke ğrencilerine işleyişini tanıtırken, heyecanları (İngilizce cümleleri çabuk çabuk söylemeleri görülmeye değerdi. En önemliside Türk kültürünü, rf adet ve gelenklerimizi yaşayarak Avrupalı dostlarımız tanıtan tümöğrenci ve öğretmenlerimizi kutluyorum. Proje sayesinde oluşturduğumuz dostluk bağlarının ve sevgi yumağının sonsuza kadar devam etmesi dileğiyle bu projede yer alan emeği geçen tüm katılımcılara sonsuz teşekkürlerimi sunar her şeyin gönüllerince olmasını dilerim. Avrupalı dostlarım bizler sizleri unutmayacağız, sizlerde bizleri unutmayın. Mustafa KAHYA Kalaba Lisesi Müdürü AB Proje Sorumlusu ve Yetkilisi Hi Everybody! We decided to achieve an EU project with our dedicated project group about Physics. Students would study Physics by trasforming/changing the discrete concept into concrete concept. We reached the succes together with teachers, students and principles. I felt very happy when I saw the friendship between students as if they were very old friends, and sincerity of releationship between our teachers and other teachers,principles and deputy principles. Is it possible to forget the beauty of Portugual the furthest part of Europe,the gigantic waves and the sunset, the warmth and sincere hospitality of Clara and Rui Martinez, friendliness of Gheorge and Efi teachers from Greece, English teacher Tibor from Hungary who my wife liked him as if her child, school principle Imer, Jivoti and his sister from Hungary,and also the warmhearthed Principle Inara,Ramona and other teachers of cold country Letonia, the nights of Riga and the shores of the Baltic? I also appreciate Letonia because of troubleless organization of accomodation of our 14 students. I will never forget the sincere and heartfelt friends Ratka,Dasha and Liba from Czech Republic. I will always remember Prague with its mystery-historic atmosphere and I watched the historic city of Budapest with its historical buildings of Ottoman a little sadly. I willl also never forget the project representative of Italy, Mrs. Rosarya and her teachers and students who received us like brother and sisters. It s worth to see the excitement of our students when they tried to show the mechanism of Physical devices/toys which they had made themselves to the students from other countries with their hasty English. Above all, I congratulate all of our students and teachers for introducing Turkish culture, traditions and customs to our European friends by living. A thousand tender thanks to all participants and contributers in this project with a wish of keeping this friendship and attachment forever and ever. I wish you would never forget us, we will never forget you my dear European friends. Mustafa KAHYA Principle of Kalaba High School EU Project Representative 2

3 OKUL UMUZ Okulumuz, eğitim-öğretim faaliyetlerine 1959 yılında ortaokul olarak başlar te Aydınlıkevler Ortaokulu nun yerini Aydınlıkevler Lisesi alır. Kuruluşundan itibaren pek çok ilke imza atan; müzik, folklor ve sporun bir çok dalında ciddi başarılar elde eden Aydınlıkevler Lisesi, eğitim-öğretim yılında üniversite sınavında, birçok Anadolu Lisesini geride bırakarak, Türkiye 6. sı, eğitim-öğretim yılında da Türkiye 4. sü olur yılından bu yana ise, Anadolu Lisesi sıfatıyla, belli bir sınava tabi tutulan öğrencileri almakta; tecrübeli idari personeli, sınavla atanan uzman öğretmen kadrosu, yeterli teknolojik araç-gereç donanımı ve kaliteli eğitim anlayışı sayesinde, başarılarına her geçen gün bir yenisini eklemektedir. Satranç turnuvalarında, tiyatro yarışmalarında, voleybol, basketbol, güreş vb. sporun farklı dallarında elde ettiği derecelerle, sosyal faaliyetlerdeki başarısını kanıtlarken; üniversite sınavı sonuçlarında ortaya koyduğu yüzdelerle de ders başarısını kanıtlamaktadır eğitim- öğretim yılında mezun olan öğrencilerin %79 u ilk sene üniversiteye yerleşirken, geri kalan öğrencilerin de ikinci sene yerleşmiştir eğitim öğretim School yılında headmaster: ise bu Mgr. oran Bedřich %75 tir. Chromek, Ancak tel.: öğrencilerin yerleştiği 203, üniversitelere chromek(a) ve bölümlere bakıldığında, başarının bir önceki seneden daha yüksek olduğu dikkat çeker.başarı oranını sonraki senelerde %100 e yaklaştırmayı amaçlayan okulumuzun temel misyonu; bir üst öğrenim kurumuna, kişilik ve akademik gelişimlerini potansiyelleri doğrultusunda gerçekleştirmiş, problem çözebilen ve özgür düşünebilen öğrenciler yerleştirmektir. Vizyonu ise öğrencilerimizi bulundukları yerden alıp ait oldukları ideal geleceğe taşımaktır. OUR SCHOOL Our school started Education Period as a secondary 1964 Aydınlıkevler Secondary School converted into Aydınlıkevler High School. Aydınlıkevler High School, which has broken grounds and had important successes in music, national dances and sport, became the sixth in Turkey in university exam in Education Period and became the fourth in Turkey in Education Period in university exam overtaking most of the anatolian high schools. Our school has accepted students who have to pass a national exam and it has continued to add new successes to its present achievement by its experienced administrative staff, specialised 3

4 teachers who are appointed after passing a national exam,its technological equipment and qualified educational insight as an Anatolian High School since 2005.Our school has proved its success in social activities by the degrees it has acquired at chess tournaments, theatre competitions and various fields of sport like volleyball, basketball, wrestling etc. and it has proved its academic success by the percentage at university exam results.79% of the students who graduated in Education Period could enter university in the first year and the rest of the students could enter university in the second Education Period, 75% of the graduates could enter university.if we consider the universities and departments students entered, we can realise that their success is more than the previous years.the main mission of our school,which aims to have 100% success in the future, is to educate studets who can fulfill their personal and academic developments in accordance with their potentials, can solve problems and can become free thinkers for a higher education institutions.the vision of our school is to carry our students to an ideal future that they want to reach. MUSTAFA YILMAZ Bütün katılımcı okullara ve dost okullara teşekkür ediyorum. Bu proje ile, son iki yılda, altı değişik ülkenin eğitimcileri ve öğrencileri biraraya geldiler. Daha önce görmedikleri ülkeleri gördüler. Başka ülkelerden eğitimcileri dost edindiler ve değişik ortamlarını tanıdılar. Kültürel yönden bütün okulların kazançlı olduğuna inanıyorum. Projenin koordinatör okulun müdürü olarak katılımcılara ayrıca teşekkür ederim. Fizik defsi ile ilgili arkadaşlarımızın kazandıkları tecrübelerini kendi okullarında kullanacaklarına inanıyorum. Projenin tüm aşamalarında çalışan, destek veren öğretmenlerimize ve öğrencilerimize teşekkür ediyorum. Avrupa ülkelerinden gelen misafirlerimiz, başka bir amaçla Türkiye ye geldiklerinde, Aydınlıkevler Anadolu Lisesi nde dostlarının olduğunu unutmasınlar. I would like to thank all the participant schools and comrade schools. With this Project, educators from six different countries cametogether in the last two years. They have been to different countries they haven t been before. They have been in different educational atmosphere and met educators from different countries and become friends. I belive that all the schools have benefited from this Project in terms of culture. As the coordinator school of this Project, as the new principal of this coordinator school of this Project, as the new principal of this coordinator school I also thank the participants. I believe that physics teachers will apply the experience that they have gained in this Project in their own schools. I thank our teachers and students who supported us in this Project and worked in every process of this Project. Our guests who come from Europe an Countries to Turkey, shouldn t forget that they have friends at Aydınlıkevler Anatolion High School whenever they come to Turkey for any other purposes. 4

5 ÖĞRETMEN VE ÖĞRENCİ İSİMLERİ Sedef Akın, İsmail Yıldız, Hatice Gürdal, Müjgan Ovacık, Gülnur Banu Ünal, Firdes Polat, M. Zafer Öztürk, Asiye Özle, Nazlı Şahin ve okulumuzun 110 öğrenci, çalışmalarından dolayı teşekkürler. THEACHERS AND STUDENTS Sedef Akın, İsmail Yıldız, Müjgan Ovacık, Hatice Gürdal, Gülnur Banu Ünal, Firdes Polat, M. Zafer Öztürk, Asiye Özle, Nazlı Şahin and in our school 110 students. Thanks to them for their work.. PROJENİN AMACI : Bu projede amaç, yaş grubu arasında bulunan öğrencilerde,fizikteki öğrenilmesi zor soyut kavramları somutlaştırmak ve öğrencilerin derse karşı olumsuz tutumlarını olumluya çevirmek amaçlanmıştır. Bunun için öğrenciler, seçilen fizik konularında senaryolar yazdılar ve bu senaryoları oyunlaştırdılar, filmlerini çektiler, resimlerini çizdiler. Hazırladıkları oyuncaklardaki fiziği anlatmaya çalıştılar.ayrıca öğrencilerdeki, belirlenen fizik konularında bilimsel olarak hazırlanmış üç aşamalı testlerle belirlenen kavram yanılgılarının da kavram karikatürleri ile giderilmesine çalışılmıştır. Bu çalışmalar sırasında katılımcı ülkelerin öğretmen ve öğrencileri kurdukları iletişim ile ülkelerinin kültürlerini, konuştukları dili ve yaşadıkları ülkeyi tanıtmaya çalıştılar. PROJECT AIMS: LET S MAKE PHYSICS ENJOYABLE Most of people think that physics lesson sometimes could be boring, especially in some abstract the project, our main aim is to make these lessons easier and more reach this aim, we are going to write some funny and unusual scenarios which actually explains physical events.the students themselves will act these scenarios in entertaining ways. PLANNED ACTIVITIES: The headings of the subjects will be defined by partners. The partners will form their working groups consisting of students for each subject. Each group will write scenarios mentioned above.4- The videos of mentioned activities will be filmed and photograps will be taken. A competition will be held to choose the best activity scenario during the mobility activities. Students will also draw pictures and cartoons about these activities. In another mobility activity the caricatures are displayed and the best caricature is chosen. A catalogue including all these activities will be made. END RESULTS : Easy and enjoyable physics scenarios explaining physical events. Scenario competition. Behind the camera videos. Cartoon and drawing competition and exhibitions. Catalogue including photos, cartoons and drawing. Science festival. 5

6 SENARYO İSİMLERİ Elektrik Akımı, Statik Elektrik, Kuvvet ve Hareket, Optik, Isı ve Sıcaklık, SCENARIOS LIST Electrick Current, Static Electric, Force and Motion, Optic Heat and Temperature KISA FİLM LİSTESİ Statik Elektrik, Isı ve Sıcaklık SHORT FILMS Static Electric, Heat and Temperature 6

7 KAVRAM KARİKATÜRLERİ Öğrencilerimiz kuvvet hareket, mekanik ve dinamik ile ilgili kavram karikatürleri çizdiler 7

8 CONCEPT CARTOONS Our students made the Concept Cartoons from force and motion, mechanic and dynamics 8

9 KARİKATÜRLER / CARİCATURİES Öğrencilerimiz yaptıkları çalışmaların karikatürlerini çizdiler. Macaristan da çizdikleri karikatürleri sergilediler. Our students drew caricatures of their work. They exhibited drawing in Hungary. FİZİK OYUNCAKLARI / PHYSICS TOYS Öğrencilerimiz oyuncaklardaki fiziği anlatmaya çalıştılar. Oyuncakları Letonya da sergilediler. Physics toys tried to explain. And these physics toys exhibited in Latvia. 3 mayıs tarihli seriden foto.. konulacak.. FİZİK MÜZİĞİ/ PHYSICS SONG Öğrencilerimiz konusu fizik olan şarkısı yaptılar. Şarkının sözleri Isı ve Sıcaklığı anlatıyor Our students made physics song. The song subject : Heat and Temperature This song exhibited in Portugal. YAZ OLSUN, KIŞ OLSUN vücut ısım dengede sebebini öğrendim başvurunca fizik ilkelerine (hayat fizik-kolay fizik-fizik için elele) sıcaklık ve ısıyı karıştırdık birbirine yanılgıdan kurtulduk fiziği öğrenince (hayat fizik-kolay fizik- fizik için elele) 9

10 sıcaklığı farklı iki madde dokununca birbirine başlar enerji transferi ısı deriz biz buna akar sıcaktan soğuğa (hayat fizik-kolay fizik-fizik için elele) sağlanınca sıcaklık dengesi kalkar ortadan ısı enerjisi sıfır celcius derecede ar mı ki suyun e buzun ısı enerjisi (hayat fizik-kolay fizik-fizik için elele) eşit sıcaklıkta olmaz enerji transferi ısı bir enerji, sıcaklıkta bu enerjinin ölçüsü öğrendim fizikle bu bilgiyi (hayat fizik-kolay fizik-fizik İÇİN ELELE) WHETHER IT IS SUMMER OR WINTER My body temperature is in balanced I have learnt its reason After applying physics principles. (hand in handforphysics) xxxxxxxx Mixing heat with temperature We have saved from mistakes After learning physics. (hand in handforphysics) xxxxxxxxx When two substances with different heat Are touching each other Energy transference starts We call it heat It flows from hot tocold (hand in hand for physics) xxxxxxxx When the heat balance is provided The heat energy disappears. In 0 celcius degries Is there heat and energy of waterandice? (hand in hand for physics) xxxxxxxxxx There is noenergy transference in equal heat Heat is an energy Heat is a criteria of this energy I have learnt this information throught physics. 10

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16 Projekt COMENIUS Partnerské země: Turecko, Maďarsko, Lotyšsko, Řecko, Itálie, Portugalsko, Česká republika Cílem projektu bylo použití netradičních forem vyučování a aktivního zapojení žáků při výuce fyziky. Využití scénářů, her, výtvarného i hudebního ztvárnění pomohlo žákům pochopit některé části fyziky. Žáci středních škol sami psali scénáře, vytvářeli pracovní listy a fyzikální hračky, skládali písničky. Práci na projektu kreslili, fotografovali a filmovali. Všechny produkty byly vystaveny během mobilit. Komunikace mezi partnery probíhala v anglickém jazyce. V průběhu práce na projektu byla uspořádána elektronická konference partnerských škol. Na zahraničních výjezdech žáci poznali vzdělávací systém a kulturu partnerských zemí a zdokonalili si nejen jazykové dovednosti, ale také rozvinuli komunikativní, sociální a občanské kompetence. The aim of the project was using nontraditional forms of education and active involving the students in education of physics. Using the scenarios, games, art and music helped the students to understand some parts of physics much better. The students of the high schools wrote scenarios, made educational lists and physics toys, composed the jingles. They draw the pictures, took photos and shot the film about the work at the project. All the products were exposed during the mobilities. The communication between the partners was in English. E-conference of the partner schools was held in the progress of the project. The students learnt about the educational system and culture of the other countries during the mobilities. They also improved their language skills and developed their communicative, social and civil competences. 16

17 Střední odborná škola a Gymnázium Staré Město Velehradská 1527, Staré Město Střední odborná škola a Gymnázium Staré Město je státní střední školou pro regiony Uherského Hradiště, Zlína, Hodonína a dalších. Škola, domov mládeže, tělocvična, sportovní areál, mechanizační hala, arboretum, skleník a pokusná políčka tvoří moderní komplex o rozloze 7 ha. Domov mládeže poskytuje ubytování studentům většiny středních škol v Uherském Hradišti. Školní kuchyně zajišťuje celodenní stravu pro ubytované žáky, dojíždějící žáci mají možnost ve školní jídelně poobědvat. V současné době je na naší škole otevřeno 17 tříd, z toho 9 tříd na Střední odborné škole a 8 tříd na Gymnáziu. Obory vzdělávání: Agropodnikání, Ekonomika a podnikání, Ekologie a životní prostředí, Gymnázium Vocational and Grammar School Staré Město Velehradská 1527, Staré Město , Czech Republic School headmaster: Mgr. Bedřich Chromek, tel.: , chromek(a) Vocational and Grammar School Staré Město is a Czech state secondary school for the regions of Uherské Hradiště, Zlín, Hodonín and others. The school, dormitory, gym, outdoor sports facilities, mechanization hall, arboretum, greenhouse and training fields all together form modern premises on the area of 7 ha. The dormitory offers accommodation to students from most of the secondary schools in the region. The school canteen provides the accommodated students with all-day board and the commuting students with lunch. Currently there are 17 classes at our school, 9 of them at the Vocational and 8 at the Grammar School. Fields of study: Agriculture and farming, Economics and business enterprise, Ecology and environment, Grammar school 17

18 Do projektu se zapojila většina žáků 1. a 2. ročníku gymnázia (2010/11) a 2. a 3. ročníku gymnázia (2011/12). Almost all the students from 1st and 2nd grades (2010/11) and 2nd and 3rd grades (2011/12) were participating in the project Na projektu se žáky pracovali / The teachers participated in/: RNDr. Dagmar Kučerová, RNDr. Radka Gurecká, Mgr. Libuše Vránová, Ing. Ivana Brhelová, Mgr. Simona Kozumplíková, Ing. Markéta Medková, Mgr. Jana Horáková, Mgr. Soňa Patočková 18

19 Čeští žáci vytvořili tyto scénáře: Brownův pohyb, Smolíkovi, Newton a jeho gravitační zákon, Gravitační projekt, Zákon akce a reakce, Změna momentu setrvačnosti. The Czech students made scenarios: Brownian movement, Smolikovi, Newton, Gravitation project, The law of action and reaction, Change of angular momentum. Mobility Česká republika / Czech Republic/ Přehlídka studentských scénářů a scének s fyzikální tématikou. /Students performed their scenarios and some physical shows./ 19

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21 Maďarsko /Hungary/ Přehlídka karikatur a fotografií z práce na projektu /Display of the Caricatures and photos/ David Kratina, Daniela Valová, Iveta Zelenková, Karolína Barotová, Monika Motyčková, Kristýna Prokešová, Martin Rathouský, Veronika Šulová; RNDr. Dagmar Kučerová, RNDr. Radka Gurecká 21

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23 byla uspořádána videokonference. Spojili jsme se s partnery v Turecku, Řecku, Maďarsku a Lotyšsku. Hovořili jsme o průběhu, úspěších a problémech s prací na projektu. The videoconference was held We talked with the partners from Turkey, Greece, Hungary and Latvia about the progress, successes and problems in the project. 23

24 Řecko /Greece/ Přehlídka pracovních listů /Display of the cartoons/ Naši studenti se neúčastnili, vytvořili pracovní listy z kinematiky, dynamiky, mechaniky. Tyto pracovní listy jsme zaslali em. Our students didn t participate, they made the cartoons from kinematics, dynamics, mechanic. We sent these cartoons by . 24

25 Lotyšsko / Latvia/ Přehlídka fyzikálních hraček /Display of physics toys/ Radek Doskočil, Antonín Štěrba, Hana Kuželová, Diana Pavlusíková; Ing. Ivana Brhelová, Ing. Markéta Medková Čeští žáci předvedli: vstaváček, kinetoskop, kaleidoskop, anemometr, autíčko na gumu, model hydraulického zvedáku. /The Czech students made: stand-up Egg, kinetoscope, kaleidoscope, anemometer, elastic-powered car, model of hydraulic heaver/ 25

26 Portugalsko /Portugal/ Přehlídka fyzikálních popěvků a písniček /Display of physics jingles/ Václav Dvořák, Dominik Zach, Karolína Barotová, Kristýna Junáková, Laura Racinová; RNDr. Dagmar Kučerová, RNDr. Radka Gurecká Čeští žáci předvedli písně / The Czech students made jingles/: Planets, Brown 26

27 Turecko /Turkey/ Tereza Píšťková, Kateřina Surovcová, Daniela Valová, Iveta Zelenková; Mgr. Bedřich Chromek (headmaster), RNDr. Dagmar Kučerová, RNDr. Radka Gurecká, Mgr. Libuše Vránová, Mgr. Jana Horáková Naše škola, učitelé a žáci dosáhli psaní textů, komunikace s ostatními studenty, zručnost při výrobě hraček Our school, teachers and students achieved making movies, writing the texts, communication with other students, manual skills during making physical toys Všechny výstupy projektu jsou dostupné na stránkách školy /All of outputs are at school website/ 27


29 Bánki Donát Műszaki Középiskola és Kollégium 4401 Korányi Frigyes út.15 Nyiregyháza Hungary Telephone: Fax: Website:

30 Director s Reflection Being the headteacher of the Bánki Donát Secondary Technical School in Nyiregyháza, Hungary, I have got to express my great satisfaction and appreciation for the work done during the project. The reputation of our school has been improved in great extent in national and international level as well due to the project. It was clearly seen in the increasing number of media opportunities and also in the number of the applicants enrolling in our school. Moreover, we had the chance to present the works of our students and teachers in other European countries as well as in local communities. The parents of the students have also taken part in the different activities and programs like accommodating the students from other nations. The project has not only contributed to make the teaching of physics more successful but to renew and introduce new methodology techniques. The attitude of the students towards physics has moved in a positive way. The repertoire of the teachers methodology techniques have been increased clearly. The number of the misconceptions about the subject has decreased. The students who participated in the project have been showing progress in their studying so it proves that this new kind of approaching is useful. The knowledge of physics and the relation of the reality have been made real in the students as well as the importance of getting to know the natural sciences and the usual phenomena happening in our every day life. The possibility that they could take part in the common cooperation and mobility, resulted in the students social and personal progress in a great extent. Their ability to conform to the new and unfamiliar situations and cultures has improved a lot, not to mention the interpersonal relations of students and teachers, and the understanding and acceptance of the other cultures have deepened in them. 30

31 English Banki Donat is one of the biggest technical institutions in the region. The school takes pupils from 14 years old to 18 years. Part of our aim is to educate the future work force for the county s industrial companies providing the students with appropriate language knowledge and up-to-date technical experience. The school would provide specific expertise for those pupils participating in the project wishing to go into a career in auto mechanic, auto technician and electronic engineering. A high percentage of our pupils come from the most disadvantaged areas of the county. From the work force market point of view Szabolcs-Szatmár- Bereg is one of the counties in the worst employment situation with nearly 40 thousand registered unemployed people in the area. The 17.5 % unemployment rate by far exceeds the national average. Part of the reason of the unfavorable market situation can be found in the changes that Hungary went through in the beginning of the 90s while the regions infrastructure needs to be improved. The county of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg has two main sectors, which are industry and agriculture. The main employers in the region are electronics manufacturers(lego, Electrolux, TDK) and the motor industry multinationals (Michelin), however, several manufacturing and producer companies employ people -mainly for physical work- in a relatively large number. One of the biggest problems of the employers is that there are few people who would meet their needs, which include engineers or technical experts. Our school being one of the biggest technical schools in the area would like to meet the requirements and educate the future work force for the county s industrial companies providing the students with appropriate language knowledge and up-to-date technical experience. Hungarian A Bánki a város, és a megye egyik legnagyobb létszámú középiskolája, a nappali és az esti tagozaton közel 2000-en tanulnak. Az intézményt immár fél évszázada, 1960-ban alapították. Az első tanévet 1960/61-ben jegyezték az akkor még Kossuth Lajos nevét viselő szakközépiskolában. A szakképző iskolát a megyei igények hozták létre, s a műszaki szakképzés területén az első (!) szakközépiskolaként alapították meg.jelenlegi helyére 1978-ban költözött. Bánki Donát, az egyik legnagyobb magyar fizikus nevét 1983-ban vette fel. A képzési kör folyamatosan, a kor követelményeihez igazodva változott ben indult a technikusképzés, s az oktatás 5 évfolyamra bővült. Az iskolából gépjármű-technikusok, általános gépszerelő és karbantartó, valamint híradás technikusok kerültek ki ban alakult ki a jelenlegi képzési struktúra. Minden erőnkkel azon vagyunk, hogy diákjainknak a legnagyobb esélyt biztosítsuk a továbbtanuláshoz, elhelyezkedéshez. Fő tevékenységi körünk a nappali rendszerű általános műveltséget megalapozó és szakképesítés megszerzésére felkészítő iskolai oktatás. Emellett a tanulni vágyó felnőttek számára is biztosítunk tanulási lehetőséget ifjúsági, esti és távoktató jellegű levelező felnőttoktatási tagozatokon. Az intézményben folyó színvonalas pedagógiai munka feltételei adottak. Az iskola jó felszerelt könyvtárral, számítógéptermekkel, tornateremmel, 300 fős kollégiummal, olvasóteremmel, média-teremmel, kondicionáló teremmel rendelkezik. A tanulók korszerűen felszerelt, európai színvonalú műhelyekben sajátíthatják el a szakmájuk gyakorlati részét. Diákjaink több tantárgyat csoportbontásban tanulhatnak (matematika, informatika, szakmai tárgyak). Nagy hangsúlyt fektetünk az egyéni foglalkozásokra. Délutánonként a tanulók az iskolában és a kollégiumban szakkörökön, felkészítőkön, sportfoglalkozásokon vehetnek részt. Ezek közül kiemelkedik a nemzetközi hírnévnek örvendő ROBOTIKA szakkörünk (Kína, USA stb.). Saját kollégiummal rendelkezünk, ahol négyágyas szobákban mindenki szorgalmának és céljainak megfelelően készülhet a másnapi órákra. Az iskolánkba felvett minden új tanulónak biztosítunk kollégiumi férőhelyet, ha igényli. Az iskola büszkesége a hatalmas park, amely lehetőséget nyújt a tanulóknak a szünetek hasznos eltöltésére, osztályrendezvények megrendezésére. Az iskola magas színvonalú oktató-nevelő munkáját tanulóink országos és nemzetközi tanulmányi és szakmai versenyeken való eredményes szereplése bizonyítja. 31

32 Participation Students Csoma József Hábel Ervin Hajdu Gergő Dávid Zsombor Bakkancsos István Sipos Szabolcs Horváth Döme Orosz Péter Papp Gábor Teachers Zsigó Zita Zsigó Zsolt Benkő Imre Lengyel Tibor Herczku László Bakó András Csengeri Tibor 32

33 Zsolt Zsigó Bánki Donát Secondary Technical School, Nyíregyhaza Physics is Life Fizika az élet! It is thought, that physics, physics classes are boring and incomprehensible. By the results of subject knowledge level survey which were done in the last few years science education, including physics is in crisis too. We could say that the situation is dramatic. Physics is the least preferred subject among the students Physics teachers and students of seven European countries (Latvia, Czech Republic, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Italy and Hungary) managed to change the pupil s attitude to physics. The basic idea of the project was born by teachers registered on E-twining. Our most important goal was to make the understanding of the subject easier, enjoyable, taking advantage of the children s natural interest in IKT devices. Thus during the work we have possibility to modernizing the methodology of physics subject, so that we use the element of the today s modern media. From this plan after a few months a common competition was born, which was supported by national offices of some countries, so it became the project called,,comenius School Partnerships. The work is tending in the countries in the same way as it was planned on the first project appointment, two years ago. The full program of the project, the schedule can be seen on the website of the project. After finishing the work the teachers rethink the innovations, and show on the professional forums and striving to integrate the useful elements into the subject. Phases of the work - Identification of misconceptions usage of three-phase tests - Rating of the tests - Discussion of misconceptions, brainstorming about the scenario of the videos of dispel myths - Choosing the best scenario, and performing that (project-meeting) - The editing and sharing of the film. - During the work, caricatures were made about some phases of the work, exhibition - Identification of misconceptions by the concept caricatures - The physics of games motivational experiments; making short films - Let s rap physics! making of the clip and scenario Misconceptions We classified the subject elements of physics into six topics, this classification is arbitrary, and different form the homeland principles. With a three-phase test we founded what physical misconceptions are hidden in the student s head. We translated the tests into Hungarian so that the pupils can write it. As these were really long tests (multipage), therefore we could write it with many students, only two classes wrote them. After the resulting it was revealed, that there are lot of misconceptions in the pupils head. The origins of the misconceptions will be discussed on the 33

34 lesson. After identifying the misconceptions the next task was children to write scenarios in which they play the physical phenomenon, a story that helps to their friends to get free of the misconceptions. Many scenarios like this were born, some of them were made into a short film. We sent the two best short films onto the common website of the project, with the scenario together. On the Czech project meeting we could also watch the other s short films, furthermore we could play two films in live. The beat box rap was a great success and the illustrating of the acceleration of circular motion was popular as well. The groups choose the best ones from the scenarios, making for them the necessary tools, than performance it. The new video is edited and uploaded to a video sharing portal by them. Scenarios can be found on the website of the project. Caricature exhibition The goal of the project meeting in our homeland, in every March is the presentation of the caricatures which were made during the writing and practicing the scenarios of short films. The Hungarian pupils displayed the job of the school talent care round, thus one student about his Nanoyou European Union pilot project, while the robotic science project was showing a spectacular show. The peak of the project meeting was the school catapult competition. The meeting was showed by the Kölcsey TV, and the local daily newspaper as well. Exhibition of concept caricatures Children made concept caricatures that can help to their friens to get free of some physcal misconceptions. Some people in the groups were drawing by hands, some people worked with computer graphics. We were looking for possibilities that can achieve the task with the technology of today. A website, called,,bitstrips affered such a complex bid, that we worked in this. Here, in a virtual class, students with a particular character could share their work with the others. The structure of the concept caricature: - Raising the issue - Wrong answers in the text bubbles - There s always a right answer in the text bubbles 34

35 Physics of toys Teaching physics in Hungary has rich traditions. The home made devices as well as the experimental compositions help the teachers in the process of motivation. These home made devices and equipments have been made with interactive experiments and in a less known way. The 2 most popular novelties were the construction of Leonardo Bridge and the Resonance Dog (called HEKI which was invented by Jozsef Oveges) on the spot, which were a great success for the participants of the project meeting. A short video about how to make the Leonardo Bridge was shared among the partners. Let s rap the physics In the course of teaching physics the music itself appears only as a sound wave. During the project this kind of channel was used too to understand the matter. As English was the common language among the partners while doing the project, that is why we could not make own lyrics. Therefore we chose such lyrics which were proper grammatically and technically and we made own music for them in our own style. The videos that are done already show the progress which is the result of the knowledge obtained during shooting and doing the films. Schedules of the activities and mobilities during the 2 year school. All the partners participated except the Italians. The group has also taken part in several social and cultural activities, such as: o Visit to the school facilities, meeting with the board direction, other students and teachers; o Visit to natural, historical and cultural spots: monuments, museums, natural sites, etc; o Reception and dinner with all teachers from the Turkish partner school and local authorities. Tests to determine the concepts that will serve as a working basis for all products. Scenarios. Shows. participation in the activities of the project. March 23rd 28th: Mobility to Nyíregyháza, Hungary. The Hungarain team hosted the exhibition of Caricatures prepared by all partners. Partners have taken part in a series of cultural activities, involving teachers and students in the school facilities. Moreover, several meetings were held among partner teachers, where issues concerning different school systems and the development, successes and difficulties of activities were discussed. Furthermore, the group has also taken part in several social and cultural activities, such as: Visit to natural, historical and cultural sites. cultural activities, involving teachers and students in the school facilities. 35

36 taken during the two mobilities in the school facilities. Two meetings were held among partner teacher, where issues concerning the development of activities and mobilities to be undertaken were discussed. Additionally,the partners have taken part in several social and cultural activities, such as: o Visit to natural, historical and cultural sites. jingles prepared by all partners. 4 Hungarian teachers and 3 students participated. Partners have taken part in a series of cultural activities, involving teachers and students in the school facilities. Among other activities, the host country prepared a presentation of experiments in the Physics Labs. One meeting was held among partner teacher, to discuss practical issues and work to be done in the Mobilities to Italy and Turkey, as well the content of the final Project Catalogue. The group has also taken part in several social and cultural activities, such as: o Visit to several natural, historical and cultural spots. during the Mobility to Turkey. mobility. products produced during the project. Results of the project What did the students benefit from it? The knowledge of physics and the relation of the reality have been made real in them as well as the importance of getting to know the natural sciences and the usual phenomena happening in our every day life. The possibility that they could take part in the common cooperation and mobilities, resulted in the students social and personal progress in a great extent. Their ability to conform to the new and unfamiliar situations and cultures has improved a lot, not to mention the interpersonal relations of students and teachers, and the understanding and acceptance of the other cultures have deepened in them. The language skills and techniques have been developed spectacularly. Other skills and techniques like drawing, graphics, computer-graphics have also been improved. (IKT competence). The required and necessary techniques and competences for making short videos about sciences have also been improved a lot. For example: (writing scenarios, shooting movies, cutting, editing, applying effects, recording them on 36

37 different mediums etc.) It was a good example for students to see that the knowledge can not be isolated, and for the cultivating of natural sciences needs interdisciplinary approach. They already have the ability to use the great variety of communicational techniques and channels in the every day life. (video conference, sharing files, web2). What did the teachers benefit from it? The teamwork and the interdisciplinary cooperation working became accepted during the working process and more and more times we were able to use it. As a result of the collective work the interpersonal relations between the teachers and students got stronger. The communication of the English language, and the development of scientific and art knowledge was not only used on the target topic but on specific language. Getting to know with the educational systems being used in different countries have helped us to make the efficiency of teaching better with adopting their different methodology techniques applied. What did the school benefit from it? The reputation of our school has been improved in great extent in national and international level as well. It was clearly seen in the increasing number of media opportunities and also in the number of the applicants enrolling in our school. Moreover, we had the chance to present the works of our students and teachers in other European countries as well as in local communities. The parents of the students have also taken part in the different activities and programs like accommodating the students from other nations. The project has not only contributed to make the teaching of physics more successful but to renew and introduce new methodology techniques. The attitude of the students towards physics has moved in a positive way. The repertoire of the teachers methodology techniques have been increased clearly. The number of the misconceptions about the subject has decreased. The students who participated in the project have been showing progress in their studying so it proves that this new kind of approaching is useful. Notes: Website of the project: Bitstrips Az írásban említett videók elérhetősége: Beatbox and Physics Physics of toys: Let`s rap physics 37

38 38

39 Greece Kessaris Leonidas Kontou Efi Nikoloudakis George "Bu proje T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı, AB Eğitim ve Gençlik Programları Merkezi Başkanlığınca (Ulusal Ajans yürütülen Hayatboyu Öğrenme ve Gençlik Programları kapsamında ve Avrupa Komisyonu'ndan sağlanan hibeyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ancak burada yer alan görüşlerden Ulusal Ajans veya Avrupa Komisyonu sorumlu tutulamaz."

40 "Bu proje T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı, AB Eğitim ve Gençlik Programları Merkezi Başkanlığınca (Ulusal Ajans yürütülen Hayatboyu Öğrenme ve Gençlik Programları kapsamında ve Avrupa Komisyonu'ndan sağlanan hibeyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ancak burada yer alan görüşlerden Ulusal Ajans veya Avrupa Komisyonu sorumlu tutulamaz." FINAL REPORT: COMENIUS To:. Throughout its long educational history the Hellenic American Educational Foundation prides itself in leading a variety of innovative programs whose first and foremost target was, apart from enhancing our students academic performance, to make them citizens of the world and enable them to come into contact with a variety of different educational environments, cultures and methodologies. It is an undoubted fact that our participation in the Comenius Program these past two years has proved more than a worthwhile experience for all the parties involved, educators and students alike. Not only have we been given the great opportunity to work and expand on new ideas like the concept cartoons for the teaching of physics, thus rendering the subject much more appealing and constructive, but more importantly we managed to instill in our students the significant principles of team spirit, collegiality and respect to what is considered to be different from an educational point of view. We also feel that we succeeded in equipping our children with all the necessary skills in order for them to advance in life feeling content that they were part of yet another innovative initiative. Last but not least, I should not neglect to mention that our students were also provided with the great chance to interact with a plethora of people from different ethnic, social, religious and financial backgrounds, practicing and improving this way their English but equally importantly broadening their intellectual horizons. I wholeheartedly believe that the same applies to all the educators who were involved in the program. All in all, I will always regard our participation in the Comenius Program as an extremely positive and memorable experience which benefited everyone to a great extent. I will be looking forward to similar worthwhile efforts in the near future. Yours faithfully, The director of the HAEF Psychico College Middle School Apostolos Athanasopoulos 40

41 "Bu proje T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı, AB Eğitim ve Gençlik Programları Merkezi Başkanlığınca (Ulusal Ajans yürütülen Hayatboyu Öğrenme ve Gençlik Programları kapsamında ve Avrupa Komisyonu'ndan sağlanan hibeyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ancak burada yer alan görüşlerden Ulusal Ajans veya Avrupa Komisyonu sorumlu tutulamaz." Names of participating students and teachers. TEACHERS: Kontou Efthalia Efthymia Nikoloudakis Giorgos Petropoulos Athanassios Katsarou Aristea STUDENTS: Mitropoulou Dafni Papastamou Iviana Kitsaki Chara Stoikou Evelina Verigou Eleanna Kliafa Melpomeni Vrondissi Lia Chatsimichali Eftychia Damopoulos Aggelos Chatzidaki Iro Konstadellou Athina Siambani Sofia Siambani Georgia 41

42 "Bu proje T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı, AB Eğitim ve Gençlik Programları Merkezi Başkanlığınca (Ulusal Ajans yürütülen Hayatboyu Öğrenme ve Gençlik Programları kapsamında ve Avrupa Komisyonu'ndan sağlanan hibeyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ancak burada yer alan görüşlerden Ulusal Ajans veya Avrupa Komisyonu sorumlu tutulamaz." Concept cartoons 1) 2) 42

43 "Bu proje T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı, AB Eğitim ve Gençlik Programları Merkezi Başkanlığınca (Ulusal Ajans yürütülen Hayatboyu Öğrenme ve Gençlik Programları kapsamında ve Avrupa Komisyonu'ndan sağlanan hibeyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ancak burada yer alan görüşlerden Ulusal Ajans veya Avrupa Komisyonu sorumlu tutulamaz." 3) 4) 43

44 "Bu proje T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı, AB Eğitim ve Gençlik Programları Merkezi Başkanlığınca (Ulusal Ajans yürütülen Hayatboyu Öğrenme ve Gençlik Programları kapsamında ve Avrupa Komisyonu'ndan sağlanan hibeyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ancak burada yer alan görüşlerden Ulusal Ajans veya Avrupa Komisyonu sorumlu tutulamaz." 5) 6) 44

45 "Bu proje T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı, AB Eğitim ve Gençlik Programları Merkezi Başkanlığınca (Ulusal Ajans yürütülen Hayatboyu Öğrenme ve Gençlik Programları kapsamında ve Avrupa Komisyonu'ndan sağlanan hibeyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ancak burada yer alan görüşlerden Ulusal Ajans veya Avrupa Komisyonu sorumlu tutulamaz." 7) 8) 45

46 "Bu proje T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı, AB Eğitim ve Gençlik Programları Merkezi Başkanlığınca (Ulusal Ajans yürütülen Hayatboyu Öğrenme ve Gençlik Programları kapsamında ve Avrupa Komisyonu'ndan sağlanan hibeyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ancak burada yer alan görüşlerden Ulusal Ajans veya Avrupa Komisyonu sorumlu tutulamaz." 9) 10) 46

47 "Bu proje T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı, AB Eğitim ve Gençlik Programları Merkezi Başkanlığınca (Ulusal Ajans yürütülen Hayatboyu Öğrenme ve Gençlik Programları kapsamında ve Avrupa Komisyonu'ndan sağlanan hibeyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ancak burada yer alan görüşlerden Ulusal Ajans veya Avrupa Komisyonu sorumlu tutulamaz." 11) 12) 47

48 "Bu proje T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı, AB Eğitim ve Gençlik Programları Merkezi Başkanlığınca (Ulusal Ajans yürütülen Hayatboyu Öğrenme ve Gençlik Programları kapsamında ve Avrupa Komisyonu'ndan sağlanan hibeyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ancak burada yer alan görüşlerden Ulusal Ajans veya Avrupa Komisyonu sorumlu tutulamaz." 13) 48

49 "Bu proje T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı, AB Eğitim ve Gençlik Programları Merkezi Başkanlığınca (Ulusal Ajans yürütülen Hayatboyu Öğrenme ve Gençlik Programları kapsamında ve Avrupa Komisyonu'ndan sağlanan hibeyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ancak burada yer alan görüşlerden Ulusal Ajans veya Avrupa Komisyonu sorumlu tutulamaz." Video Charging by induction Introduction of the school (in 2 languages) The educational and pedagogical philosophy of the College is reflected in the HAEF Mission Statement : The mission of the Hellenic American Educational Foundation is to provide, by international standards, the highest quality education to the most deserving candidates and to cultivate in its students those habits of mind, body, and spirit necessary for responsible citizenship in Greece and the world; moral courage, intellectual discipline, compassion, and an unswerving devotion to justice and truth. Our goal is to instill in our students, by teaching and by example, a strong sense of measure. We seek thereby to secure in them the bond between learning and judgment and the affiliation of intelligence and responsibility. Thus do we honor the enduring values embodied in the tradition of both Greece and America. Thus do we cultivate a deep respect for the Greek heritage in all its richness and its complexities. Our primary means of achieving these goals are: Emphasis on developing creativity and the ability to think critically. Harmonious synthesis of humanistic education and technology; and of our local cultural traditions and international intellectual and educational trends. Familiarization with modern research techniques and development of skills for pursuing the in-depth study of specific disciplines. Development of individual initiative and freedom, balanced with social responsibility and team spirit. The HAEF goals are achieved by: Supplementing and enriching the classes of the regular curriculum. Applying contemporary teaching methods and approaches, focusing on the active participation of students, the broad use of the library and the labs, and the diversity of text books. Fostering and promoting role models and intellectual, social and moral values. Offering a plethora of extracurricular activities, such as student Clubs, student publications, collaborative programs involving schools abroad, participation in international educational events and European Union programs. Providing a series of traditional institutions in place at HAEF for decades: debate and forensics competitions, awards and Student Communities 49

50 "Bu proje T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı, AB Eğitim ve Gençlik Programları Merkezi Başkanlığınca (Ulusal Ajans yürütülen Hayatboyu Öğrenme ve Gençlik Programları kapsamında ve Avrupa Komisyonu'ndan sağlanan hibeyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ancak burada yer alan görüşlerden Ulusal Ajans veya Avrupa Komisyonu sorumlu tutulamaz." (which familiarize students with the democratic process, encourage their active involvement in the community and promote contribution to society). " " μ μ " " (Mission Statement) μ μ : " μ μ -μ - μ, μ μ μ :, μ,,. μ μ μ μ, μ μ μ, μ, μ μ μ μ μ., μ μ μ μ., μ μ μ ". : μ μ. μ μ μ, μ μ μ - μ. μ μ. μ μ. : μ μ μ μ μ μμ μ μ, μ μμ μ,,.. μ, μ, μ, : μ, μ, μ, μμ μμ.. μ, :.., 50

51 "Bu proje T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı, AB Eğitim ve Gençlik Programları Merkezi Başkanlığınca (Ulusal Ajans yürütülen Hayatboyu Öğrenme ve Gençlik Programları kapsamında ve Avrupa Komisyonu'ndan sağlanan hibeyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ancak burada yer alan görüşlerden Ulusal Ajans veya Avrupa Komisyonu sorumlu tutulamaz." μ,, ( μ μ μ, μ ),.. E-conference Only one videoconference took place during the two years of the project as was planned. At that video conference Czech Republic, Hungary and Greece which were the first countries that connected, communicated without a problem. Unfortunately a sound problem appeared when Latvia was connected and it became very difficult to hear the sound clearly. Portugal - due to technical reasons (slow speed connection probably) was not connected properly. In general in order to have a video conference without any problems, proper equipment (camera and mic) as well as fast internet access are necessary. There was not any request for any other video conference since the first one. Introduction of the e-conference activity The link for the web conference that was given: Contact addresses Athanasopoulos Apostolos 51

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