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1 Dr A Sahu Dept of Computer Science & Engeerg IIT Guwahati Admistrative thgs SML stallation and Book ML Motivation ML : Meta Language (Basic Concepts) Expression, Type Consistency, Variable & Environment Tuples and Lists Function: it s easy and it is fun Patterns Function Defitions, Local environment usg let Exception and I/O Course Structure : Functional Programmg (ML: Meta Lang.) 25% Logic Programmg (Prolog) 25% Concurrent/Parallel Programmg (Java/Cilk) 50% Lab hours : Mon 2PM 5PM (It is not mandatory to be present Lab) Tutorial hours Mon 5 6PM, 2001 (Mandatory) TAs : Debanjan, Pratik, Tarun and Rajendra Course website Assignments: One basic and one advanced from each part (Total 6 Assignments) ML Programmg: Basic (10%), Advanced (15%) Prolog programmg: Basic (10%), Advanced (15%) ParallelProgrammg: Programmg: Basic (20%), Advanced/Project (30%) Demos of Last Assignment/Project only Absolute Gradg Copy case any Assignment lead to F Grade ML Motivation : Why to Study? Functional Programmg Language: Entirely different paradigms Other than C Style for, while, do_while Thkg terms of Recursion Composite functions Functor (function on structures) Interactive type type expression, evaluate and get result Standard Meta language (SML) SML stallation Available for both Lux and Wdow ML Basic (Tutorial 1) ML Basic (Tutorial 1) ML Advanced (Tutorial 2 and 3) Jeffrey D. Ullman, Elements of ML Programmg, Prentice Hall,

2 Expression Type Consistency Variable & Environment Tuples and Lists Function: it s easy and it is fun Patterns Function Defitions Local environment usg let Exception and I/O $ sml Standard ML of New Jersey v [built: Tue Jul 30 09:57: ] - prt "hello world"; hello world val it = () : unit - $ sml Standard ML of New Jersey v [built: Tue Jul 30 09:57: ] -1+2*3; val it =7 : t We typed the expr 1+2*3 and ML respond the value of variable it is 7. Constants : Integer, Real, Boolean, Strg Arithmetic Operations Arithmetic : +,, *, div and mod ; val it =5.2 : real val it 5.2 : real -43 div ( 8 mod 3 ) * 5 ; val it 105 : t Result type is also out put Unary operator mus is ~ - ~3+4; val it =1 : t Result type Strg operations - house ^ cat ; val it = housecat : strg - loleium ^ ; val it= loleium : strg Comparison Operations -2<1+3; val it =true : bool - abc <= ab ; val it false : bool Precedence of comparison is less as compared to arithmetic ops Logical Operators -1<2 orelase 3>4; val it=true: bool 1<2 andalso 3>4; val it=false: bool The If then else Operator -if 1<2 then 3+4 else 5+6; val it =7 : t 2

3 Almost strictly Typed Language -1+2; val it=3 : t ; val it=3.0; real ; stdin: Error: operator and operand don't agree [literal] operator doma: real * real operand: real * t expression: if 1<2 then 3 else 4.0; stdin: Error: types of if branches do not agree [literal] then branch: t else branch: real expression: if 1 < 2 then 3 else 4.0 -if 2 then 3 else 4; stdin: Error: test expression if is not of type bool [literal] test t expression: t expression: if 2 then 3 else 4 Some time we have a reason to convert (coerce) from one type to another -real(4); val it=4.0 :real -5.3/real(4); val it=1.325 :real; -ceilg(3.5); val it=4 :t -floor(~3.5); val it=~4 :t -truncate(2.5); val it =2 : t -ord( a ); val it =97 : t -ord( a )-ord( A ); val it =32 :t -chr(97); val it = a : strg An Assignment like statement -val pi= ; val pi= :real -val radius=4.0; val radius=4.0:real -pi*radius*radius; val it= :real -val area= pi*radius*radius; val area= :real Tuple is kd of record -val t=(4,5.0, six ); val t=(4,5.0, six ):t*real*strg -val t1=(1,2,3); val t1=(1,2,3):t*t*t -vall t2=(1,(2,3.0)); (2 val t2==(1,(2,3.0)):t*(t*real) Accessg tuples -#1(t); val it=4:t -#3(t); val it= six :strg 3

4 List : element of same type -[1,2,3]; val it=[1,2,3]:t list -[ a ]; val it=[ a ] :strg list -[ a,3]; stdin: Error: operator and operand don't agree [literal] operator doma: strg * strg list operand: strg * t list expression: "a" :: 3 :: nil Operator head hd and tail tl Head of list is an element and tail of a list is a list -val L=[1,2,3]; val L=[1,2,3]:t list -hd(l); val it=1: t -tl(l); val it=[2,3]: t list -tl(tl(tl(l))); val it=[]:t list Cons operator (: : ) take an element and a list and produce a list -2::[3,4]; val it=[2,3,4]:t list -2.0::nil; val it=[2.0]: real list -1::2::3::4; Right associative: 1:: (2:: (3:: nil)) val it=[1,2,3,4]: t list Concatenation (@): concatenate two list of same type -[1,2]@[3,4]; val it=[1,2,3,4]: t list explode -expolde( abcd ); val it=[ a, b, c, d ]:strg list -expolde( ); val it=[]: strg list implode -implode([ a, bc, d ]); val it= abcd : strg -implode(nil); val it=[]: strg ML: Functional Programmg Language It s easy: It s fun Defe the function and use this function as argument seamlessly Use function place Where more traditional languages uses iterations (while, for, stmt loops) to defe Format fun <identifier> (<param list>) = expression; Examples -fun upper (c)= chr(ord (c) -32); val upper=fn: strg->strg Doma Range -upper( a ); val it= A : strg Parameter type -fun square(x:real)=x*x; val square=fn: real -> real -val area=3.142 * square 5.0; val area=70.55: real 4

5 Parameter type: Another example -fun square(x)=x*x; val square=fn: t -> t -val area=3.142 * square 5; stdin: Error: operator and operand don't agree [tycon mismatch] operator doma: real * real operand: real * t expression: pi * square 5 Function with three parameters -fun max3(a:t,b,c)= if a>b then if a>c then a else c else if b>c then b else c; val max3=fn: t*t*t->t Here ML deduce d b and c are teger type as if then else require same type parameters max3 works -max3(1,2,4); for val it=4:t -val t=(1,2,4); this type val t = (1,2,4):t*t*t also -max3(t); val it=4:t Recursive function A basis (base case) : for significantly small arguments we compute result without makg recursive call An ductive step: can t be handled by basic, we call function recursively one or more time with smaller argument -fun fact (n) = if n=0 then 1 else n*fact(n-1); val fact = fn : t -> t Other examples -fun reverse(l)= if L=nil then nil else reverse(tl(l))@ [hd(l)]; val reverse =fn: a list -> a list -reverse([1,2,3]; val it=[3,2,1]: a list fun reverse(l)= if L=nil then nil else reverse(tl(l))@ [hd(l)]; reverse([1,2,3]; Reverse.ml -use Reverse.ml ; (* Use file *) -open Math; (*Open library math *) -open Real; -open Int; -open List; Non Lear Recursion -fun(comb(n,m)=(*assume 0<=m<=n*) if m=0 orelse m=n then 1 else comb(n-1,m)+comb(n-1,m-1); val comb=fn:t*t ->t -comb(4,2); val it=6:t 5

6 Dependent recursive functions -fun odd (n) = if n=0 then false else even (n-1) and even (n) = if n=0 then true else odd (n-1); val odd = fn : t -> bool val even = fn : t -> bool -odd(4); val it=false : bool -even(4); val it=true : bool Dependent recursive functions -fun take (L) = if L=nil then nil else if hd(l)::skip(tl(l)) and skip(l) = if L=nil then nil else take(tl(l)); val take = fn : a list -> a list val skip = fn : a list -> a list -take([1,2,3,4,5); val it=[1,3,5]: t list -skip([ a, b, c, d, e ]); val it=[ b, d ] : strg list Matchg declaration - val (fst, snd) = (4, 4.45); val fst = 4 : t val snd = 4.45 : real -val abscissa=x, ordate=y = abscissa=1.2, ordate=3.2; val x = 1.2 : real val y = 3.2 : real -val b=x,...=a=2,b="s,c=3.4,d=[1]; val x = "s" : strg - val 2=x,... = (1,2,3); val x = 2 : t -val (x,x) = (2,3); stdin: Error: duplicate variable pattern(s): x -val (x,_,y,_) = (1,2,3,4); val x = 1 : t val y = 3 : t -val head :: _ = [1, 2, 3]; stdin: Warng: bdg not exhaustive head :: _ =... val head = 1 : t -fun reverse(nil)=nil reverse(x::xs)=reverse(xs)@[x]; val reverse =fn: a list -> a list -fun comb(n,0)=1 comb(n,n)=1 comb(n,m)=comb(n-1,m)+comb(n-1,m-1); Error: duplicate variable pattern(s):n fun comb(_,0)=1 if m=n then 1 else comb(n,m)=comb(n-1,m)+comb(n-1,m-1); val comb=fn:t*t -> t -fun sumpairs(nil)=0 SumPair((x,y)::zs)=x+y+sumPair(zs); val reverse =fn: (t*t)list -> t -sumpairs([(1,2),(1,5),(~3,6)]); val it= 12: t -fun sumll(nil)=0 sumll(nil::ys)=sumll(ys) sumll(x::xs)::ys)=x+sumlist(xs::ys); val sumll=fn: t list list->t -sumll([[1,2],nil,[3,4,5],[6])); val it=21:t 6

7 #clude<stdio.h> char A='E'; t ma() char A='M'; char A='B'; prtf("inside Block %c\n",a); extern char A; prtf("inside Ext Block %c\n",a); prtf("inside Ma %c\n",a); #clude<stdio.h> char A='E'; t ma() char A='M'; char *p=&a; //Save before decl. char A='B'; prtf("inside Block %c\n",a); prtf( Saved Value=%c\n",*p); extern char A; prtf("inside Ext Block %c\n",a); prtf("inside Ma %c\n",a); #clude<stdio.h> /* In C++, this feature has been removed, encourage to use :: */ void Resolve() prtf("external\n"); t ma() void Resolve()prtf("Ma\n"); void Resolve()prtf("Block\n"); Resolve(); extern void Resolve(); Resolve(); Resolve(); let val=<first variable>=<first expr>; val= <second variable>=<second expr>; val= <last variable>=<last expr> expression Expression can be combation expression and functions -fun hudreadthpower(x:real)= let val four=x*x*x*x; val twenty=four*four*four*four*four twenty*twenty*twenty*twenty*twenty val hundreadthpower: fn : real->real -hundreadthpower(2.0); val it= e30 :real -fun split(nil)=nil split([a])=([a],nil); split(a::b::cs)= let val (M,N)=split(cs) (a::m,b::n) It divide the list to two equal parts with alternative element val split: fn : a list-> a list* a list -split([1,2,3,4,5]); val it=(1,3,5],[2,4]): t list * t list 7

8 -fun merge(nil,m)=m merge(n,nil)=n; merge(x:;xs,y::ys)= if (x<y) then x::merge(xs,y::ys) else y::merge(x::xs,ys); ys); val merge=fn: a list* a list-> a list -fun mergesort(nil)=nil mergesort([a])=([a]); mergesort(l)= let val (M,N)=split(L); val M=mergeSort(M); val N=mergeSort(N) Split(L): divide the list to two equal parts with alternative elements merge(m,n) val mergesort: fn : a list-> a list -5 div 0; uncaught exception Div 5.0/0.0 uncaught exception Div hd(nil); uncaught exception Hd chr(500); uncaught exception Chr -exception BadN; exception badn - fun fact (n) = if n<0 raise BadN else if n=0 then 1 else n*fact(n-1); val fact=fn:t->t -exception BadM; exception badm fun comb(n,m) = if n<0 then raise BadN else if m<0 orelse m>n then raise BadM else if m=0 orelse m=1 then 1 else comb(n-1,m)+comb(n-1,m-1) val comb = fn : t*t->t fun comb(n,m) = let exception BadN; exception BadM; if n<0 then raise BadN else if m<0 orelse m>n then raise BadM else if m=0 orelse m=1 then 1 else comb(n-1,m)+comb(n-1,m-1) val comb = fn : t*t->t - fun id x = x; val id = fn : 'a -> 'a - (id 1, id "two"); val it = (1,"two") : t * strg - fun fst (x,y) = x; val fst = fn : 'a * 'b -> 'a - fun snd (x,y) = y; val snd = fn : 'a * 'b -> 'b - fst (1,"two"); val it = 1 : t - fst ([true, false], ); val it = [true,false] : bool list - fst (1,"two") + snd ((1,2), hd [1,2,3]); val it = 2 : t 8

9 - fun switch (x,y) = (y,x); val switch = fn : 'a * 'b -> 'b * 'a - switch (2, "abc"); val it = ("abc",2) : strg * t - switch (2, ); val it = ( ,2) : real * t - #2 (switch ([6,9], (fn x =>x))); val it = [6,9] : t list - fun null (nil) = true null (_::_) = false; val null = fn : 'a list -> bool - fun length (x) = if null x then 0 else length (tl x) + 1; val length = fn : 'a list -> t Op: convertg fix operators to function names -2+3; val it 5: t -op + (2,3); val it 5: t -fun map = map (f,nil) = nil map (f,h::t) = f(h) :: map (f,t); val map = fn : ('a->'b)*'a list -> 'b list -fun square(x:t)=x*x; val sqaure= fn:t->t -map(square,[1,2,3]); val it=[1,4,9]; -map (fn x=>x+1, [1,2,3,4,5]); val it = [2,3,4,5,6] : t list -map(~,[1,2,3]); val it = [~1,~2,~3]: t list Defe function onle -fun comp(f,g)= let fun C(x)=G(F(x)) C val map = fn : ('a->'b)* ( b-> c)-> ('a-> c) -fun F(x)=x+3; val F=fn:t->t -fun G(y)=y*y+2*y; val G = fn: t->t -val H=comp(F,G);; val H= fn:t->t -H(10); val it=195; - val f = comp (Math.s, Math.cos); val f = fn : real -> real - val g = Math.s o Math.cos; (* Composition "o" is predefed *) val g = fn : real -> real - f(0.25); val it = : real - g(0.25); val it = : real Dividg a to b to n equal parts of some n Let h=(b a)/n; Area of i th trapezoid has width δ runs from a+(i 1)h to a+ih is = Area= h( f ( a + ( i 1) h) + f ( a + ih) )/ 2 Total Area 9

10 Recursive defition of this Will be Total Area=Area of first trapezoid + rest area h(f(a)+f(a+h))/2 + Trap(a+h,b,n 1,F) -fun sqaure:real)=x+x; val square :fn :real->real; -fun trap(a,b,n,f) = if n<=0 orelse b-a<=0.0 then 0.0 else let val h=(b-a)/real(n) h*(f(a)+f(a+h))/2.0+trap(a+h,b,n-1,f) val trap=fn:real8real*t*(real->real)->real; -trap(0.0,1.0,8, square); Val it = :real -exception Emptylist; exception EmptyList; -fun reduce(f,nil) =raise EmptyList reduce(f,[a]) = a; reduce(f,x::xs)=f(x,reduce(f,xs); val reduce:fn: ( a* a-> a)* alist-> a -reduce(+,[1,4,8]); val it=13:t -fun plus(x:real)=x+y; val plus:fn :real*real->real n n 2 2 Var = ( ai ) / n (( ai ) / n) i= 1 i= 1 -fun variance(l)= let val n=length(l) reduce(plus,map(sqaure(l))/n - square(reduce(plus,l)/n) val variance = fn: real list->real -variance ([1.0,2.0,5.0,8.0]); val it =7.5:real 10

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