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1 BOTHEHOOD GENEL SPECIL ULES Contempt (Dark Legion): ll Brotherhood Squads have a Contempt (Dark Legion) Special Skill. Power of the rt: Each Brotherhood Squad must take one or two Psychic Powers from the following rts. The same Power cannot be taken more than once per Squad and up to two rt Powers can be cast by each Squad per Game Turn. Each rt Power costs Points, unless stated otherwise, and the cost is added to the cost of the Squad Commander. The effects of each rt Power are dependent on the army arlord. ny odel from Squad can use Power of rt unless stated otherwise. Psychic (B) Type rt Powers do not cost ction Points to cast. Squad can only be targeted once by each Power (B) or (D) Type of Power per Game Turn, unless stated otherwise. The Cardinal s Sacred Domination of Squad Psychic (B) The rt of the CHNGELING The Cardinal s Sacred Domination If successfully cast, the Squad with the The Cardinal s Sacred Domination rt Power led by a: Close Combat arlord: eceives a + odifier to and gains Impenetrable rmour ()* against anged ttacks. anged arlord: eceives a + odifier to S and gains Impenetrable rmour ()* against Close Combat ttacks. Psychic arlord: eceives a + odifier to P and gains Impenetrable rmour ()* against Psychic (S) anged ttacks. *Designer note: If the Squad already has an Impenetrable rmour Value which is higher than, keep the higher value. Emerald Bastion of Psychic (B) Emerald Bastion If successfully cast, place a mm Emerald Bastion token ( with V SP, Light Terrain/Cover) within of the casting odel. Friendly odels can benefits from the odifiers of up to two Emerald Bastion tokens. Close Combat arlord: ny enemy odels targeting a friendly odel within of the Emerald Bastion token with a anged ttack receive a - odifier to S. anged arlord: ny enemy odels targeting a friendly odel within of the Emerald Bastion token with a ttack receive a - odifier to. Psychic arlord: ny enemy odels targeting a friendly odel within of the Emerald Bastion token with a anged or ttack receive a - odifier to S or. Empathic Heart of 8 Psychic (D) Empathic Heart If successfully cast the Empathic Heart rt Power affects the Target enemy Squad on Small Bases as follows (depending on the Friendly arlord s Type: anged, or Psychic). This rt Power does not affect Fearless Squads. Close Combat arlord: n enemy odel affected by Empathic Heart must pass a P test in order to conduct a anged ttack. If failed the odel loses an ction Point. second attempt to complete a anged ttack can be made (if the first is failed and the odel has ction Points to use) by passing another P test. If a second attempt is failed the odel is immediately Deactivated. anged arlord: n Enemy odel affected by Empathic Heart must pass a P test in order to conduct a ttack. If failed the odel loses an ction Point. second attempt to complete a ttack can be made (if the first is failed and the odel has ction Points to use) by passing another P test. If a second attempt is failed the odel is immediately Deactivated. Psychic arlord: n Enemy odel affected by Empathic Heart must pass a P test in order to conduct a or anged ttack. If failed the odel loses an ction Point. second attempt to complete a or anged ttack can be made (if the first is failed and the odel has ction Points to use) by passing another P test. If a second attempt is failed the odel is immediately Deactivated.

2 Hymn of Durand of Squad Psychic (B) Hymn of Durand ( Points) If successfully cast, the Squad with the Hymn of Durand rt Power led by a: Close Combat arlord: utomatically pass any Break and Pinning tests. anged arlord: utomatically passes any Break tests. Psychic arlord: utomatically passes any Break and Pinning tests and gain the Fearless Special Skill. The rt of ENTLIS ll rt of the entalist rt Powers use the following: Guided by the Cardinal s Foresight ll arlords: If successfully cast, the Squad gains the of Heal (8) Special Skill. t the end of Game Turn each Squad Psychic (B) odel in the Squad takes a St Piercing utohit with Critical Force (). arlords and Lords take a St4 Blast utohit with Critical Force (). Heal rolls cannot be made against ound Effects inflicted by this utohit. ight of eckoning ll arlords: If successfully cast, the Squad Gains a +4 odifier to St and Con. Fortitude of the Penitent ll arlords: If successfully cast, the Squad s rmour Value receives a + odifier and gains Impenetrable rmour (). If the Squad already has an Impenetrable rmour Value it receives a + odifier. Sacred arriors cannot be affected by Fortitude of the Penitent. Encouraged Corporeal Fortitude ll arlords: If successfully cast, the Squad gains a + odifier to and P. ountainous einforcement of Psychic (B) The rt of the ELEENTS ountainous einforcement If successfully cast, place a mm ountainous einforcement token within of the casting odel. Close Combat arlord: ll Terrain except Open Terrain within of the ountainous einforcement token counts as Heavy Terrain for Cover. anged arlord: ll Light Terrain within of the ountainous einforcement token counts as Heavy Terrain for ovement. Psychic arlord: ll Light Terrain within of the ountainous einforcement token provides Heavy Cover and counts as Heavy Terrain for ovement. Cleansing Bolt of Thunderous Light of Squad Psychic (B) Cleansing Bolt of Thunderous Light If successfully cast, the Squad with the Cleansing Bolt of Thunderous Light rt Power led by a: Close Combat arlord: Cannot be targeted by any anged ttacks from further than 8 away. The Squad Boosted by the Cleansing Bolt of Thunderous Light Power cannot make any anged ttacks. anged arlord: Gains the Fear () Special Skill. Psychic arlord: Can reroll any P test they are called to make (including P rmour Saves against Psychic (S) anged ttacks). The Persistence of Time of Squad Psychic (B) The Persistence of Time ( Points) If successfully cast, the Squad with the Persistence of Time rt Power led by a: Close Combat arlord: ay make a Basic Close Combat ction for ction Points. anged arlord: ay make an im ction for ction Points. Psychic arlord: ay make either a Psychic (S) or (D) attempt for ction Points.

3 Spatial arp ift of 8 Psychic (D) Spatial arp ift If successfully cast, place a mm Spatial arp ift token (with V 6 SP, Light Terrain/Cover) within 8 of the casting odel. Centre a SE Template over the token and scatter D/4. Close Combat arlord: Every Enemy odel on Small or edium Bases within the Template must pass P test or receive a Stun Effect. maximum of tokens can be in play at any time. anged and Psychic arlord: Every odel within the SE Template must pass a P test or take a St 6 Piercing utohit. maximum of 4 tokens can be in play at any time. The Cardinal s Crimson dmonition of 4 Psychic (S) The rt of KINETICS The Cardinal s Crimson dmonition ( Points) Close Combat arlord: odels on Small Bases that receive a ound Effect also receive a Stun Effect. anged arlord: The Squad that receives a ound Effect caused by The Cardinal s Crimson dmonition must immediately take a Pinning test. Psychic arlord: ound Effects caused by The Cardinal s Crimson dmonition gain Critical Force (). The scent of the uby Light of 6 Psychic (S) Psychic arlord: This anged ttack has Critical Damage () and Critical Force (). The scent of the uby Light Close Combat arlord: The anged ttack is Type: Psychic (S) Blast. This anged ttack has Critical Damage (). anged arlord: The anged ttack is Type: Psychic (S) ail. The uddy Bloom of the Fire Flower of FT Psychic (S) The uddy Bloom of the Fire Flower Close Combat arlord: No additional effects. anged arlord: No additional effects. Psychic arlord: This anged ttack has Critical Damage () and Critical Force (). Vermillion Banner of 6/SE Psychic (D) Vermillion Banner ( Points) Close Combat and anged arlord: Nominate a piece of Terrain within 6 of the caster. Centre a SE Template on any point of the Terrain. Every odel within the SE Template receives a St8 Piercing utohit. Psychic arlord: s Close Combat and anged arlord except the utohit is St9 Piercing. The rt of DOINNCE The Cardinal s Censure of 8 Psychic (S) The Cardinal s Censure ( Points) ll arlords: Squads on Small or edium Bases only; if any odel from the Squad is removed from the Game as a casualty by The Cardinal s Censure the Squad cannot use any ctive Skills (including eapons ctive Skills).

4 The Visage of the Ghostly Light ( Points) The Visage of the Ghostly Light of 4 6 Psychic (S) Inscription found in the Cell of Dimios, the Heretic of Spareos: Heed of the Ghost she did. Laugh we did. ppear he did. Die they did. Close Combat arlord: If successfully cast, odels in the Squad may make a ove, un or Engage ction through all Terrain (including walls etc.) and have the Predatory Senses Special Skill. If, for some reason, a odel would end its ovement in Impassable Terrain, reduce ovement to place the odel legally. anged and Psychic arlord: If successfully cast, odels in the Squad do not need LOS and can make anged ttacks through all Terrain (including walls etc.) but their S is halved. Enemy odels cannot claim any Cover odifiers against odels using the The Lift of the uby Light rt Power. Escalation of the Light ll arlords: If the P test for the Primary Target is of passed and the Primary Target survived, the Esca4 6 Psychic (S) lation of the Light progresses to thenearest Enemy odel within. On a D roll of -7 the nearest odel within receives a Piercing utohit with a St. Continue this for up to more shots ( in total) modifying the St and of the anged ttack by - from the previous utohit (to minimum of ). If there are no previously unaffected odels within the of the odel most recently hit or affected odel survived, the Escalation of the Light dissipates with no further effect. Escalation of the Light inding Path of Confusion Close Combat and anged arlord: If successfully of cast the Target enemy Squad receives a - odifier to 8 Psychic (D) P. Squads can be affected by up to three inding Path of Confusion rt Powers. Psychic arlord: If successfully cast the Target enemy Squad receives a - odifier to P. Squads can be affected by up to three inding Path of Confusion rt Powers. inding Path of Confusion 4

5 CDINL DOINIC S P 9 9 6(4) 7 : arlord (Psychic), edium Base (4mm). Unique EQUIPENT: Bringer of Light Broadsword, Blessed Vestments. OU: Blessed Vestments: (No eapon Type odifi- CLOSE COBT EPON: ers taken). SPECIL SKILLS: Fearless, Inspiring Presence (ll Brotherhood), ura of Light, Book of Faith, Cleansing edemption, esistant to Dark Symmetry, Unmatched astery of the rt, The Silence. Passive: ura of Light: The glow which emanates from His Holiness blinds all the Cardinal s foes. S tests targeted at Cardinal Dominic receive an addition - odifier. Passive: esistant to Dark Symmetry: henever a Dark Symmetry Power is directed at Cardinal Dominic, the player controlling Cardinal Dominic must roll a D, on a roll of or less the Dark Symmetry Power is completely ignored. Passive: Unmatched astery of the rt: Each Game Turn, Cardinal Dominic may attempt to cast up to 4 rt Powers, but may not cast the same Power twice. Cardinal Dominic must be upgraded with six rt Powers from any rt Path for Free. ctive: Book of Faith: Turn to Burn esource Card. ll friendly odels within 6 of Cardinal Dominic gain Fearless Special Skill. If the friendly model is a Squad Commander, every model in his Squad gains Fearless Special Skill. ctive: Cleansing edemption: Once per ctivation, Turn to Burn esource Card and use ction Points. The Cardinal completes a Cleansing edemption on a successfully P test. The Cleansing edemption is an explosion attack centred on the Cardinal. ll odels within 4 of the Cardinal s Base suffer an utohit of St4 Blast. No Heal rolls can be made against the Cleansing edemption. Cardinal Dominic may not use any rt Powers in a Game Turn he attempts Cleansing edemption. Cardinal Dominic is unaffected by Cleansing edemption. ctive: The Silence: Turn to Burn esource Cards. No odels (except Dominic) on the battlefield can use any ctive Skills (including eapons ctive Skills) unless they Turn to Burn esource Cards per ctive Skill. Bringer of Light Broadsword O. + Blast Passive: Blessed Blade: Heal rolls cannot be taken against ound Effects caused by the Bringer of Light Broadsword. Passive: Soul evenge: For each Enemy odel removed as casualty from the Game by the Bringer of Light Broadsword the enemy arlord receives a S Piercing utohit.

6 BLESSED VEL LU S p () 9 : arlord (Close Combat), edium Base (4mm). Unique S p () 7 : Lord, edium Base (4mm). Unique EQUIPENT: P6 Punisher Handgun, Blessed Castigator Power Spear, Blessed Valkyrie rmour. SQUD UPGDES: The Blessed Vestal Laura must be upgraded with two rt Powers from the rt of entalism for Free. OU: Blessed Valkyrie rmour: (No negative eapon Type odifiers taken). CLOSE COBT EPON: NGED EPON: P6 Punisher Handgun Blessed Castigator Power Spear of O 8 Piercing (P). + Plasma SPECIL SKILLS: Fearless, apid Deployment, Vestal of the Valkyries, Shield of the Cardinal, Beacon of Light, thletic ssault Passive: Vestal of the Valkyries: n army which contains The Blessed Vestal Laura may include up to two Squads of Valkyries as Troop choices. Passive: Shield of the Cardinal: Brotherhood rt Powers cast by friendly casters within 8 of Laura may use her LOS and measure range from her, as if it was her casting the Power. Passive: Beacon of Light: ll enemy odels within 8 of Laura suffer a - odifier to. Passive: Cardinal s Blood: Heal rolls cannot be taken against Close Combat ttacks made by Blessed Vestal Laura. Passive: thletic ssault: Laura can instantly move up to in any direction after successfully removing from play all enemy odels in her. Passive: Parry: odels with a Blessed Castigator Power Spear gain Impenetrable rmour () against Close Combat ttacks. Passive: Electro-agnetic Shock: For every ound Effect caused by this weapon to odels on Small or edium Bases, the odels also receive a Stun Effect. ctive: ace-swing: Turn to Burn esource Card. The Blessed Vestal Laura performs a ace-swing Close Combat Special ction. The o of this ction is reduced to and cannot be increased by any means. Every odel within. of Laura receives a St4 Piercing utohit. 6

7 LOD INQUISITO JOIS HILK S p () : arlord (anged), edium Base (4mm), Unique S p () : Lord, edium Base (4mm), Unique EQUIPENT: Blessed C-4 Justifier, Holy Disemboweller Chainripper, Blessed Inquisitor rmour. SQUD UPGDES: Lord Inquisitor ajoris Hamilkar may take rt Powers from the same rt Path for Free. OU: Blessed Inquisitor rmour: (No negative eapon odifiers taken) NGED EPON: CLOSE COBT EPON: Blessed C-4 Justifier Holy Disemboweller Chain ipper of O 4 Piercing (). + Piercing Passive: Short-ange: The C-4 is incredibly hard-hitting at short range. To represent this, when firing the C4 at a target within 6, the weapon is St8. Passive: Loop shot: can be cumulatively increased by by adding a - odifier to its St. (e.g. St9, 8 St). St cannot be increased by reducing. For every 4 increase the Value receives a - odifier. ctive: Power Up: Once per ctivation, Turn to Burn esource Card. The weapon receives a + odifier to St. ctive: Holy Bullet: Turn to Burn esource Card. Lord Inquisitor ajoris Hamilkar may Target any odel out of LOS (but in his Front Facing). o is reduced to and cannot be increased by any means. Heal rolls cannot be taken against ound Effects caused by this weapon. 7 ctive: Disembowelment: Turn to Burn esource Card. The Holy Disemboweller Chain ipper gains Critical Force () and a + odifier to. SPECIL SKILLS: Fearless, Vigilant atchman, IN NOINE CDINLIS!, Tactical Genius, Cardinal s Blood, Brotherhood Book of Law. Passive: Vigilant atchman: Lord Inquisitor ajoris Hamilkar may complete a Sentry ction for ction Point. Passive: Cardinal s Blood: Heal rolls cannot be taken against Close Combat ttacks made by Lord Inquisitor ajoris Hamilkar. ctive: IN NOINE CDINLIS!: Turn to Burn esource Card. odel within 8 of Lord Inquisitor ajoris Hamilkar must immediately pass a test with a -6 odifier. If failed its Squad is Pinned. ctive: Tactical Genius: Turn to Burn esource Card. During Lord Hamilkar s ctivation, the opposing player must reveal which Squad they will ctivate next. ctive: Brotherhood Book of Law: Turn to Burn esource Card. Lord Inquisitor ajoris Hamilkar gains the Fear () Special Skill.

8 CUCIFIE S P 7 6 () 8 : Lord, edium Base (4mm) EQUIPENT: P6 Punisher Handguns, ortis SQUD UPGDES: Crucifier may take rt Powers from the same rt Path for Free. OU: Swords, Crucifier rmour. Crucifier rmour: (No negative eapon Type odifiers taken). NGED EPON: CLOSE COBT EPON: P6 Punisher Handguns ortis Swords of O 4 Piercing (P) Piercing ctive: Electroshock mmo: Turn to Burn esource Card. Vehicles that receive SP Damage and have not already been ctivated this Game Turn count as Deactivated. Owner of the Vehicle can ignore the effects of Electorshock mmo by Turning to Burn esource Cards. SPECIL SKILLS: Fear (), Fearless, Duellist, Predator Senses, urderous Tornado, Focused elee ttack, Surgical ssault, Thunder Slam. Passive: Surgical ssault: Crucifier may make anged ttacks, even whilst Engaged. Targets may not receive Cover odifiers from odels within the Crucifier s. Passive: urderous Tornado: The Crucifier may make Engage ctions and anged and Close Combat ttacks in its Front and ear Facing. Passive: ssassinate: hen Engaged in the target s ear Facing, odels that are using ortis Swords gain + St and + o. Passive: Cardinal s Blood: Heal rolls cannot be taken against Close Combat ttacks made by this weapon. ctive: Focused elee ttack: Turn to Burn esource Cards. The Crucifier gains a + odifier to o. odel which uses this Special Skill cannot use the Surgical ssault Special Skill. ctive: Thunder Slam: Turn to Burn esource Cards. Every enemy odel on a Small or edium Base within 4 of a Crucifier must pass a Con test. If failed the odel receives a Stun Effect. 8

9 BOTHEHOOD TOOPES S p : Troops, Small Bases (mm). SQUD COPOSITION: Brotherhood Trooper Squad Commander, 4 Brotherhood Troopers. SQUD SIZE: - Brotherhood Troopers OU: Brotherhood Trooper rmour: (- Blast). If upgraded with Guardian Shield: (No negative eapon Type odifiers taken) Guardian Shield Special ules: hen carrying this shield, a Brotherhood Trooper has Impenetrable rmour () against Close Combat and anged ttacks in their Front Facing. NGED EPONS: SQUD UPGDES: dd up to 7 extra Brotherhood Troopers for Points each. in odels may add a Scope to their C-9 Volcano for pts each. The entire Squad may swap their C-9 Volcano ssault ifle and Combat Knife for a etaliator Sword and Guardian Shield for Points per odel. The Squad Commander may be upgraded with the edic () Special Skill for Points. EQUIPENT: C-9 Volcano ssault ifle, Combat Knife, Brotherhood Trooper rmour. CLOSE COBT EPONS: C-9 Volcano ssault ifle Combat Knife of o 4 Piercing () BB + Piercing o + Plasma C-9 Volcano ssault ifle - Scoped of 8 4 Piercing () Passive: Sniper ifle: odel equipped with the C-9 Volcano ssault ifle - Scoped gains the Sniper Special Skill. SPECIL SKILLS: Bringers of the Light Passive: Bringers of the Light: Squad of Brotherhood Troopers or Valkyries may be taken in a Capitol, Bauhaus or Imperial Force as a Support Choice. 9 retaliator sword

10 SCED IOS S p : Troops, Small Bases (mm). SQUD COPOSITION: Sacred arrior Squad Commander, Sacred arriors. SQUD UPGDES: dd up to 7 extra Sacred ar- riors for 8 Points each. EQUIPENT: venger Sword, Protector Power SQUD SIZE: - Sacred arriors. OU: Protector Power Shields (No eapon Type Shields. SPECIL SKILLS: Fearless, Protector Power Shield, CLOSE COBT EPON: odifiers taken). Protector Power Shield Special ules: Sacred arriors have the Impenetrable rmour (4) against anged and Close Combat ttacks in their Front Facing. Eye to Eye, Furious Zeal, Blessed by the Cardinal, Brotherhood Book of Law, Passive: Protector Power Shield: ny successful rmour test against a anged ttack with a Type Piercing weapon can be deflected if the Scared arrior passes a P test. Deflected anged ttack can be targeted against unengaged enemy odel within 6. The deflected anged ttack is an utohit with weapon s St and Value. Passive: Eye to Eye: Sacred arriors cannot use Psychic (S) rt Powers. ctive: Furious Zeal: Turn to Burn esource Card, a Squad of Sacred arrior s venger Swords have their range increased to. and receive a + odifier to o. Passive: Blessed by the Cardinal: The Squad has Heal (X) where X is number of Sacred arriors in the Squad (up to a maximum of Heal (6)). ctive: Brotherhood Book of Law: Turn to Burn esource Card, the Squad gains Fear (). venger Sword O +4 Plasma Passive: Electro-agnetic Shock: For every ound Effect caused to a odel on a Small or edium Base by this weapon, the target also receives a Stun Effect.

11 INQUISITOS S p () : Support, edium Bases (4mm). SQUD COPOSITION: Inquisitor Squad Commander. SQUD SIZE: -4 Inquisitors. OU: Inquisitor rmour: (- Blast) NGED EPON: SQUD UPGDES: The Squad may take rt Power from any rt Path for Free. dd up to extra Inquisitors for Points each. EQUIPENT: C-4 Justifier, Holy Disemboweller Chainblade, Inquisitor rmour. CLOSE COBT EPON: C-4 Justifier Holy Disemboweller Chainblade of O 4 Piercing () + Piercing Passive: Short-ange: The C-4 is incredibly hard-hitting at short range. To represent this, when firing the C4 at a target within 6, the weapon is St8. Passive: Loop shot: can be cumulatively increased by by adding a - odifier to its St. (e.g. St9, 8 St). St cannot be increased by reducing. For every 4 increase the Value receives a - odifier. ctive: Power Up: Turn to Burn esource Card. The weapon receives a + odifier to St. ctive: Disembowelment: Turn to Burn esource Card. The Holy Disemboweller Chainblade gains Critical Force (). SPECIL SKILLS: Dispersible, Fearless, Stay Frosty, ctive: IN NOINE CDINLIS!:!: Turn to Burn esource Card, the player may select an enemy odel within 8 of the Inquisitor odel that is activating this Special Skill. The enemy odel must pass a test, if failed its Squad is Pinned. ctive: Brotherhood Book of Law: Turn to Burn esource Card, an Inquisitor gains the Fear () Special Skill. Vigilant atchmen, IN NOINE CDINLIS!, Brotherhood Book of Law. Passive: Vigilant atchmen: n Inquisitor can make a Sentry ction for ction Point. Passive: Beams of Light: Brotherhood Troop Type Squad Commanders can be upgraded to an Inquisitor for Points. The Inquisitor keeps his Statline and the Special Skills except Dispersible and Stay Frosty.

12 VLKYIE S p 8 6 : Support, Small Bases (mm) SQUD COPOSITION: Valkyrie Squad Commander, 4 Valkyries. SQUD SIZE: - Valkyries. OU: Valkyrie rmour: (- Blast) SQUD UPGDES: dd up to extra Valkyries for Points each. The Squad may be upgraded with only one rt Power. This Power may only be cast by the Squad Commander (Not cting Squad Commanders). in Valkyries may swap their P6 Punisher Handgun for an C- Cleansing Flamethrower for Free. EQUIPENT: P6 Punisher Handgun, Castigator Power Spear, Valkyrie rmour. NGED EPONS: CLOSE COBT EPON: P6 Punisher Handgun Castigator Power Spear of O 8 Piercing (P). + Plasma C- Cleansing Flamethrower of SFT Blast (F) SPECIL SKILLS: Fearless, apid Deployment, Blinding Light, Bringers of the Light ctive: Blinding Light: Turn to Burn esource Card at the beginning of the Squad s ctivation. ll anged ttacks targeted at the Valkyries suffer a - odifier. Passive: Bringers of the Light: Squad of Brotherhood Troopers or Valkyries may be taken in a Capitol, Bauhaus or Imperial Force as a Support Choice. Passive: Parry: odels with a Blessed Castigator Power Spear gain Impenetrable rmour () against Close Combat ttacks. Passive: Electro-agnetic Shock: For every ound Effect caused by this weapon on odels on Small Bases, the target also receives a Stun Effect. ctive: ace-swing: Turn to Burn esource Card to complete a ace-swing Special Close Combat ttack. Every odel within receives a St Piercing utohit. Ignore the effects of Electro-agnetic Shock Special ule when completing a ace-swing.

13 OTIFICTOS S p : Support, Small Bases (mm). SQUD COPOSITION: ortificator Squad Commander, 4 ortificators. SQUD SIZE: - ortificators. OU: ortificator rmour: (Plasma -). NGED EPONS: SQUD UPGDES: dd up to extra ortificators for Points each EQUIPENT: Piranha Handgun, Blessed Fragmentation Grenades, ortis Sword, ortificator rmour. CLOSE COBT EPON: Piranha Handgun ortis Sword of O Piercing (P) + Piercing Blessed Fragmentation Grenades of St Blast (G) Passive: ssassinate: hen making a Close Combat ttack in a ear Facing, the Close Combat ttack gains a + odifier to St and o. Passive: Cardinal s Blood: Heal rolls cannot be taken against Close Combat ttacks made by this weapon. Passive: Cleansing Flame: gainst targets which have the Fear Special Skill, Blessed Fragmentation Grenades gain a + odifier to St. SPECIL SKILLS: Infiltrate, Predator Senses, Fearless, Fear (), Camouflage (), Pathfinder, Void, True ssassins, Dodge. ctive: Void: ortificators have the ability to more than blend into their environment; they find a different plane of existence. t the beginning of the Squad ctivation, as long as no odels in the Squad are Engaged, for ction Point per odel, the entire Squad can use the Void Squad Special ction. Void ortificators cannot be Engaged or targeted by any anged or Close Combat ttacks or any Special Skills. Void odels ignore ound Effects caused by Blast or ail weapons. Friendly and Enemy odels may pass through Void ortificators but may not end their ovement on top of them. If, for some reason, a odel would end its ovement on top of a Void ortificator, reduce ovement to place the odel legally. The ortificator Squad loses Void once a odel from the Squad completes any ction (excluding the Pass ction). Passive: True ssassins: ortificators cannot Control or interact with Objectives or Control Table Zones. Passive: Dodge: ortificators ignore any ound Effects on a roll -. oll for Dodge prior to rmour test and or Heal rolls.

14 GUDI OBLTI S p () : Support, edium Bases (4mm). SQUD COPOSITION: Guardiani Oblati (they consider the arlord as their Squad Commander) SQUD SIZE:, 4 or 6 Guardiani Oblati. SQUD UPGDES: dd Guardiani Oblati for Points or 4 for Points. EQUIPENT: Hellvatican Fists, Blessed Guardio rmour. OU: Blessed Guardio rmour: (- Piercing). EPONS: Hellvatican Fists: Each Guardiano Oblato has two arm weapons known as Hellvatican Fists, both of these consist of an C-P Cleansing Flamethrower, valanche Handgun, Consecrated Blade and a Concussive Hammer. They can quickly switch between each weapon, retracting and presenting each from their arms as needed. Each Guardiano Oblato may use any weapon up to two times per ction Point. E.g. For Shooting ction a Guardiano Oblato fires his valanche Hand Gun and his C-P, whereas the other Guardiano fires both his C-P. In close combat the first Guardiano chooses to use his Hammer weapons twice, while the other uses the Hammer from one arm and the Blade from the other. Passive: eapons of Finesse: The Hellvatican Fist eapons of and o cannot be increased by any means. C-P Cleansing Flamethrower of FT 4 Blast (F) Consecrated Blade o. + Plasma valanche Handgun of Piercing (P) Passive: etal Grinder: The weapon has Critical Damage (). SPECIL SKILLS: Fearless, Predator Senses, Slippery, Holy Guardians, epentance, Nulled, Cardinal s Blood, Bound to the Light, here Needed ost. Passive: Holy Guardians: The ange of the arlord s Shielded Special Skill is increased to 6 if any odel with the Holy Guardians Special Skill is within 6 of the arlord. The Guardio Oblati Squad may apid Deploy, if they do so due to the here needed ost Special Skill they must deploy instantly the arlord receives a ound Effect and as close to the arlord as legally possible and do not Scatter. Passive: epentance: If the arlord s ound Value is reduced to or less, place a LE Template over each Guardiano Oblato. Each odel within Template immediately receives a S Piercing utohit with no Heal rolls allowed. ny remaining Guardiani Oblati are then removed from the Game as casualties. Passive: Nulled: Guardiani Oblati cannot take or use any Psychic Powers and they ignore any effects of (D) or (B) Type Psychic Powers. Passive: For the Light: test of - causes a Critical Force (). Concussive Hammer o + Piercing Passive: odels on Small or edium Bases that receive a ound Effect must pass a Con test or receive a Stun Effect. Passive: Cardinal s Blood: Heal rolls cannot be taken against Close Combat and anged ttacks made by the Guardiani Oblati. Passive: Flesh in Steel: Guardiani Oblati ignore the Critical Force (X) Special ule. Passive: Bound to the Light: Each Guardiano Oblato must finish their ctivation within 9 of the arlord or are considered out of Squad Coherency in the next Game Turn. They are a separate Squad to the arlord, but must always ctivate in the owning players subsequent ctivation Phase after the arlord (unless they have already ctivated during that Game Turn). ctive: here Needed ost:the Guardiani Oblati can be called to defend the arlord at the end of his ctivation by Turning to Burn esource Card or for Free immediately after a ound Effect is applied to the arlord. They must deploy as close to arlord as legally possible and they do not Scatter. If they deploy in their they receive their normal Engage Bonus. 4

15 JUDICTO BTTLE LKE S P SP Hull / V SP eapon / V SP Legs / V Sp Engines / V If SP= or less, the Vehicle is Destroyed but remains in play as a piece of Heavy Terrain. 4 If SP= or less, the vehicle may no longer use its main weapons. : Light Vehicle (Light alker), Large Base (mm) 4 V BCK P If SP= or less, the Vehicle explodes! easuring from the hull of the vehicle with a range equal in to D/4. Each odel within this range takes a S4 Piercing utohit on a roll of -. SQUD UPGDES: dd up to extra Judicators for Points each. Judicator may replace its etaliator Broadsword with a second C- Crusader Cannon and Stomp for Points. SQUD COPOSITION: Judicator Battle alker SQUD SIZE: - Judicators. OU: Judicator Battle alker rmour (No eap- C- Crusader Cannon, etaliator Broadsword, Judicator Battle alker rmour. NGED EPONS: SEDY EPONS: on Type odifiers taken). C- Crusader Cannon EQUIPENT: etaliator Broadsword of o 8 4 Plasma () 4 6 Piercing ctive: Double Tap: t the beginning of ctivation Turn to Burn esource Cards. The Judicator may re-roll any failed S tests. Passive: Loop shot: can be cumulatively increased by by adding a - odifier to its St. (e.g. St, St). St cannot be increased by reducing. For every 4 increase the Value receives a - odifier. SPECIL SKILLS: Fearless, Thunderous dvance, Crushing ssault. Passive: Crushing ssault: dd a + odifier to Engage Bonus. ctive: Thunderous dvance: t the beginning of a odel s ctivation Turn to Burn esource Card. If a Judicator makes a ove, un or Engage ction reduce S of all odels on Small and edium Base within 8 of the Judicator, (measure the distance at the end of its ovement) by -4. This effect is not cumulative with other Judicators. 4 If SP= or less, the vehicle cannot move or pivot. It also cannot use its Secondary eapons. V FONT Passive: Electro-agnetic Shock: For every ound Effect caused by this weapon to odels on Small or edium Bases, the odels also receive a Stun Effect. ctive: Fervent ssault: Turn to Burn esource Card to increase the etaliator Broadsword s o to 4. OP o Piercing

16 ICUS JETFIGHTE S P SP Cockpit / V SP Nose / V SP ing / V SP unitions / V 6 8 If SP= or less, the Vehicle is Destroyed but remains in play as a piece of Heavy Terrain. 8 If SP= or less, the vehicle may no longer use its main weapon. 7 V FONT V BCK P If SP= or less, the Vehicle explodes! easuring from the hull of the vehicle with a range equal in to D/. Each odel within this range takes a S4 Piercing utohit on a roll of -. For every SP taken, the vehicle modifies its value by -. : Heavy Vehicle (Hoverer). SQUD COPOSITION: Icarus Jetfighter SQUD SIZE: Icarus Jetfighter Cardinal s Fury Gatling Guns, Fore-ounted Firefist Flamethrower, Graveyard Bombs, Supersonic Plates and Bulletproof Hover Skirt. EQUIPENT: NGED EPONS: SEDY EPONS: OU: Supersonic Plates and Bulletproof Hover Skirt (No negative eapon type odifiers taken) Cardinal s Fury Gatling Guns Fore-mounted Firefist Flamethrower of of 8 6 Piercing () FT 4 Blast (F) of * Blast (G) Passive: Darkslayer mmunition: Before making a Shooting ction with the Cardinal s Fury Gatling Guns, the Player can choose to fire the Darkslayer mmunition. Graveyard Bombs Darkslayer mmunition of ail () Passive: Crack Shot: The Darkslayer mmunition has Critical Damage (). ctive: Graveyard Bomb Drop: Icarus Jetfighters may always fire their Graveyard Bombs, regardless of how fast they move. If the player wishes to fire the Graveyard Bombs they must spend ction Points. Icarus must make a Combat ove. Centre a SE Template within a 4 of the Icarus and Scatter D/4. SPECIL SKILLS: Flyer, Supersonic Boom. Passive: Flyer: The Icarus Jetfighter must make a ove ction of at least 4 every Game Turn. The Icarus cannot be targeted by Template weapons. Icarus cannot be Engaged or complete an Engage ction. ctive: Supersonic Boom: Turn to Burn esource Cards and spend ction Points. The Icarus is removed from the Board and can be redeployed in the following Game Turn using apid Deployment rules, ignoring the effect of rolling a natural. dditionally on a roll of - a Sonic Boom is achieved. ll odels within 6 of the Icarus receive a Strength utohit. 6

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