STRONGER by DEGREES Accountability Report. Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education KENTUCKY COUNCIL ON POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION

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1 STRONGER by DEGREES Accountability Report Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education 1

2 FROM THE PRESIDENT I am pleased to introduce the new, state-level annual accountability report for Stronger by Degrees: A Strategic Agenda for Kentucky Postsecondary and Adult Educa on, This report highlights progress made in key areas and outlines numerous challenges that lay ahead in building the adult and higher educa on networks needed to drive Kentucky s growth and development. In the past year, the Council has developed the implementa on process for its new Strategic Agenda, including the establishment of stretch-achievable targets for the plan s performance metrics. At the state level, performance targets reflect the level of progress needed to meet the ambi ous goals of House Bill 1 (1997), especially parity with the na on in terms of educa onal a ainment and quality of life. This work was guided by benchmarking against other states, as well as a recent na onal report assessing Kentucky s progress toward achieving House Bill 1 (1997) goals, which can be found at h p:// Ins tu onal targets were nego ated with each public university, the KCTCS system office, and with the Associa on of Independent Kentucky Colleges and Universi es (AIKCU). Complete ins tu onal-level scorecards with targets and progress informa on are available online through the Stronger by Degrees dashboard at h p:// shtm Campus leaders, guided by ins tu onal strategic plans that complement this Agenda, are working to fulfill their commitment to mee ng our common goals. In addi on to the online dashboard developed for public communica on, the Council has ini ated annual statelevel updates and progress reports by ins tu ons at Council mee ngs to ensure con nual accountability. Highlights Some progress was made in the college readiness focus area, although less than would be needed to meet the aggressive 2015 goals established in Senate Bill 1 (2009). Of par cular concern is the need to improve new teacher excellence, given the key role higher educa on plays in training P-12 educators. Adult educa on saw a strong increase in the number of GED graduates and is well on its way to reaching its 2015 target. Kentucky con nues to experience strong growth in degrees and creden als conferred, especially at the undergraduate level. Gradua on rates cked upward, but some achievement gaps widened. The financial support necessary for student success eroded at the state level, with declines in state appropria ons and in the availability of need-based financial aid. Fortunately, federal investment in the Pell grant program provided stability in the net direct cost of educa on for lowincome students. Key measures of higher educa on s impact on economic and community development the educa onal a ainment of young adults and comple ons in science, technology, engineering, mathema cs and health both improved. However, research and development were flat, largely in response to decreases in federal research expenditures. Instruc on at Kentucky s ins tu ons of higher learning con nues to innovate, as seen in the strong growth of online learning. Increases in efficiency remain elusive, however, and we are commi ed to improving how we measure and report this important dimension of postsecondary educa on. I invite you to explore this extensive report, which includes descrip ons of Council and ins tu onal efforts to reach its policy objec ves and performance targets. Robert L. King, President Council on Postsecondary Educa on 2

3 TABLE OF CONTENTS State Performance Dashboard...4 How to Read this Report... 6 College Readiness College readiness of college entrants... 7 College readiness of all high school graduates...8 College-going of high school graduates...9 GED graduates in Kentucky...10 New teacher excellence (top 15% nationally) Student Success Associate degrees conferred Bachelor s degrees conferred Graduate degrees conferred...14 Transfer from KCTCS to four-year colleges and universities Graduation rate (bachelor s)...16 Bachelor s graduation rate gaps (income)...17 Bachelor s graduation rate gaps (college readiness)...18 Bachelor s graduation rate gaps (underrepresented minority)...19 Graduation rate (associate)...20 Associate graduation rate gaps (income) Associate graduation rate gaps (college readiness)...22 Associate graduation rate gaps (underrepresented minority)...23 State appropriations for public higher education Qualified low-income students without grants...25 Net direct cost for low-income students Research, Economic & Community Development Externally-funded research and development...27 Degrees and credentials in STEM+H fields Educational attainment of young adults Efficiency & Innovation Online learning Credits attempted by degree graduates...31 Degree productivity related to education and related expenditures...32 Metric Definitions

4 STATE PERFORMANCE SCORECARD College Readiness Student Success Degrees & creden als (total) 55,106 59,408 59, % 24.0% Associate degrees 8,603 9,267 9, % 23.0% Bachelor s degrees 19,693 20,318 22, % 11.0% Master s degrees 7,329 7,697 8, % 13.0% Doctoral degrees - research % 1.0% Doctoral degrees - professional practice 1,023 1,197 1, % 34.0% Bachelor s gradua on rate 47.0% 48.2% 53.0% 20.0% 3.0% Bachelor s gradua on rate gap: Income -Low-income grad. rate/ Moderate-high grad. rate) Bachelor s gradua on rate gap: College readiness -Underprepared/Prepared grad. rate Bachelor s gradua on rate gap: Underrepresented minority -Underrepresented minority/ Non-underrepresented minority grad. rate 10.5 ppt 46% / 57% 25.4 ppt 31% / 56% 15.2 ppt 33% / 48.4% Most Recent 18.4 ppt 35% / 53% 26.1 ppt 29% / 55% 13.7 ppt 36% / 49.7% Target Progress to Target Trend Icon Five- Change Readiness of Kentucky high school graduates who enter 61.8% 62.0% 77.0% 1.0% 8.0% college Readiness of all high school graduates 31.8% 33.6% 66.0% 5.0% NA College-going rate of high school graduates 67.6% 67.6% 72.0% 0% 8.0% GED graduates 9,357 10,294 11, % 14.0% New teacher excellence (Percent scoring in top 15% na onally on teacher exam) 17.0% 16.9% 22.0% 0% 0% 7.0 ppt 0% NA 18 ppt 0% NA 11 ppt 36.0% 5% = Met Target = On Track = Some Progress = Holding Steady =Losing Ground 4

5 STATE PERFORMANCE SCORECARD Student Success Most Recent Target Progress to Target Trend Icon Five- Change Associate gradua on rate 12.6% 13.6% 14.8% 45.0% NA Associate gradua on rate gap: Income -Low-income grad. rate/ Moderate-high grad. rate) Associate gradua on rate gap: College Readiness -Underprepared/Prepared grad. rate Associate gradua on rate gap: Underrepresented minority -Underrepresented minority/ Non-underrepresented minority grad. rate 3.1 ppt 11% / 14% 15.3 ppt 8% / 23% 5.9 ppt 7% / 13% 5.8 ppt 11% / 17% 15.1 ppt 11% / 27% 6.8 ppt 7% / 14% Transfers from KCTCS 8,376 9,683 9, % 2.1 ppt 0% NA 10.2 ppt 4.0% NA 3.9 ppt 0% NA NA Net direct cost -$1,413 -$1,622 -$1, % NA State appropria ons for public higher educa on (in millions) $1,029 $1,007 $1,069 0% 0% Qualified students not receiving need-based state financial aid 68,259 90,424 34,000 0% 100% Research, Economic & Community Development Externally-funded research & development (in thousands) $375,326 $371,761 $455,000 0% 15.0% STEM+H degrees 17,306 18,869 19, % 35.0% Educa onal a ainment (associate and above, ages 25-54) 31.6% 32.3% 37.0% 13.0% NA Efficiency and Innovation Online learning 14.1% 16.2% 18.4% 49% 184% Credits to degree-bachelor s % NA Credits to degree-associate % 1% Degree produc vity rela ve to educa on and % 0% related expenditures = Met Target = On Track = Some Progress = Holding Steady =Losing Ground 5

6 HOW TO READ THIS REPORT WHAT S NEW The Stronger by Degrees Accountability Report takes a new approach to displaying progress on key performance metrics. To increase postsecondary educa on s focus on long-range outcomes, 2014 targets were nego ated with Kentucky s public universi es and KCTCS instead of annual targets as in years past. Progress is shown from the year (either or , depending on the metric) to the 2014 target; annual updates will be added as they become available. TREND ICONS The trend icons (the various arrows and the star) reflect the current year s progress in rela on to the 2014 target. More technically, the trend icon is assigned based on the current year value as it relates to a straight-line trajectory drawn from the year to the 2014 target. The blue bar corresponding to the current year value must be at or above the straight-line trajectory to be considered on track to meet the target. Of course, change rarely happens in a straight line. This visualiza on merely provides a means of quicly understanding progress toward reaching 2014 targets. LEGEND: Each page includes a legend that briefly describes and highlights the trend icon assigned to that metric. In the example below, the trend icon is some progress, because the blue bar that corresponds to the current year value falls within the light green area. ON TRACK: Current year value is on track if the blue bar falls within the dark green area Target CURRENT YEAR VALUE Current year value is progressing but not on track to reach target if the blue bar falls within the light green area. Straight-line trajectory Decline from MET GOAL: Performance meets or exceeds target if the current year value is equal to or greater than the 2014 target (gold bar). HOLDING STEADY: Current year value shows little or no improvement over if the blue bar falls within the light gold area (within -5% to +15% of ). Current year value is lower than the (blue bar falls within the red area). 6

7 COLLEGE READINESS College readiness of college entrants Policy Objective 1: Increase the number of college-ready Kentuckians entering postsecondary education. 1% The propor on of Kentucky high school graduates who entered college fully ready for credit-bearing coursework increased very slightly. Kentucky only made a frac on of the progress needed to meet the Council s statewide target, which reflects the level of college readiness sought by Senate Bill 1 (2009). 77% 61.8% 62.0% Decline from Target Academic standards for college and career readiness and curriculum and assessment have undergone a review process. The result is an aligned set of academic standards and learning outcomes that indicate readiness for credit-bearing English, mathema cs, and reading-intensive courses, as well as a set of common college readiness indicators for the three subject areas. These indicators will be used by K-12, adult educa on, and all public postsecondary ins tu ons as interven on, bridge, and transi on programs are designed. CPE, in partnership with KDE, led development of the Unified Strategy for College and Career Readiness. The defined unified strategies include: (1) accelerated learning opportuni es; (2) secondary interven on programs; (3) college and career readiness advising; and (4) postsecondary college persistence and degree comple on. Implementa on is underway. High school teachers and postsecondary faculty have developed transi onal course frameworks for wri ng, reading, and mathema cs. Students who complete a transi onal course or interven on in high school, take a free, online college placement exam, and meet college readiness benchmarks before high school gradua on are guaranteed placement into credit-bearing courses in college. The Council con nues to provide informa on about evidencebased college readiness programs, bridge programming, and services suppor ng high school and adult students entering college underprepared for credit-bearing coursework. Kentucky s public ins tu ons will fully implement redesigned programming for transi onal, developmental, and supplemental coursework based on the newly-aligned standards and assessments by fall Three assessment academies based at universi es are working with districts in the region to determine needs for professional development based on the analysis of student and teacher data. 7

8 COLLEGE READINESS College readiness of all high school graduates Policy Objective 1: Increase the number of college-ready Kentuckians entering postsecondary education. 5% The high school gradua ng class of 2010 was more college-ready than the class of 2009, but college readiness is not growing at a fast enough pace to meet the aggressive goals of Senate Bill 1 (2009). 66% 31.8% 33.6% Decline from Target Data source: Kentucky Department of Educa on (KDE), High School Graduates College/Career Readiness Percentage High school teachers and postsecondary faculty developed transi onal course frameworks for wri ng, reading, and mathema cs. High school students who successfully complete the transi onal courses or other interven on programs and score at college readiness levels on approved placement examina ons will be guaranteed placement into credit-bearing courses in college. Middle school transi onal courses have been developed for students not mee ng college readiness benchmarks in the 8th grade to help them meet appropriate standards prior to high school. An Advising Toolkit has been developed for all middle and high school teachers focusing on the skills and a tudes needed to enter college or the 21st century workplace. An ini a ve called Opera on Prepara on is also underway to help students understand college and career readiness. Eight educa onal leadership networks were established throughout the state to support full implementa on of the common core standards. Online professional development modules were launched to inform colleges of educa on about Senate Bill 1 (2009), the Kentucky Core Academic Standards, and the impact on standards, assessment, accountability measures, and introductory-level coursework. Modules include Mathema cs, English/Language Arts and Literacy, and Assessment Prac ces. Regional workshops and webinars were held to provide informa on and training for faculty. Policy alignment connec ng the new minimum high school gradua on requirements to pre-college curriculum standards is complete. Teachers and postsecondary faculty will work with KDE and CPE on a Southern Regional Educa on Board ini a ve, supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Founda on, to design mul -state high school senior year transi on courses for college readiness. A statewide dual credit policy and set of Kentucky standard acceptable scores for Advanced Placement (AP) and College- Level Examina on Program (CLEP) exams is complete. The set of standardized scores will be implemented in fall 2012, and the policy will be implemented by fall

9 COLLEGE READINESS College-going of high school graduates Policy Objective 1: Increase the number of college-ready Kentuckians entering postsecondary education. 0% College-going directly from high school decreased slightly in 2011, a er reaching an all- me high in the year of % 67.6% 66.7% Decline from Target Data Source: KHEAA Kentucky Educa onal Excellence Scholarship (KEES) database; Na onal Student Clearinghouse Student Tracker; CPE Comprehensive Database (KPEDS) The Kentucky College Coaches program is a statewide, nearpeer advising program that uses recent college graduates to mentor middle and high school students. In its first year, the program funded 65 full me AmeriCorps members to serve as College Coaches. The program focuses on assis ng firstgenera on college students and popula ons with low rates of college enrollment. Schools are expanding Advanced Placement (AP) and Interna onal Baccalaureate (IB) programs and encouraging more students to enroll. In 2010, nearly 10,000 Kentucky students took AP courses, and nearly 5,000 of these scored high enough to earn college credit (3 or higher). AdvanceKY, a statewide ini a ve lead by the Kentucky Science and Technology Corpora on, has expanded underrepresented minority students par cipa on in AP courses. Dual credit opportuni es are being provided across the higher educa on system. KCTCS and the public universi es have partnered with high schools to promote college and career readiness within dual credit programs. In fall 2011, there were over 23,000 students enrolled at public colleges in dual enrollment courses. Kentucky recently became one of 41 states par cipa ng in a Jobs for the Future (JFF) ini a ve to expand early college programs for students who may not have considered postsecondary educa on. GEAR UP Kentucky is a federally-funded program administered by CPE that encourages middle and high school students to stay in school, study hard, and take the right courses to go to college. The Council received a new GEAR UP grant in fall 2011 focused on improving the skills of at-risk students and influencing their educa onal choices through enhanced guidance and support. GEAR UP also helps students prepare and plan for college and become aware of financial aid opportuni es. A statewide dual credit policy and set of Kentucky standard acceptable scores for na onal exams has been approved by the Council. The former will be implemented in fall 2013 and the la er in fall Several early and middle college ini a ves are underway to encourage high school students to prepare for college early and begin taking credit-bearing coursework that counts toward a postsecondary creden al or degree. In some programs, a student can earn an associate degree during high school. 9

10 COLLEGE READINESS GED graduates in Kentucky Policy Objective 2: Increase the number of college-ready GED graduates. 44% The number of GED graduates in Kentucky jumped 10 percent in 2011, reaching a level seen only once in the past decade. Kentucky s 2010 GED pass rate was 81 percent, which exceeded the na onal GED pass rate of 74 percent. 11,500 9,357 10,294 Decline from Target Data Source: KYAE Adult Educa on Repor ng Informa on Network (AERIN) and NRSpro To promote GED comple on, free GED tes ng was offered from mid-march to June 30, 2011, for students who demonstrated readiness to pass the exam. KYAE revised its performance funding model for 2012 to be er focus programs on achieving goals in the areas of enrollment, academic performance, GED a ainment, and transi ons to postsecondary educa on. KYAE has elevated minimum educa onal requirements for new program directors and instructors and eliminated the grandfathered status of nondegreed instructors. KYAE, KCTCS and the Kentucky Educa on and Workforce Development Cabinet were awarded a $1.6 million grant to help more Kentuckians earn college credit and workforce creden als. The three-year grant is part of Accelera ng Opportunity, an ini a ve supported by a strategic partnership of five leading philanthropies. The Accelera ng Opportunity pilot seeks to put adult students on track to earn a postsecondary creden al by integra ng the delivery of basic academic and technical skills. KYAE is offering free GED tes ng through June 30, 2012, and is waiving the usual $60 test fee. Through a partnership with the Kentucky Broadcaster s Associa on, KYAE is conduc ng an outreach campaign featuring a television public service announcement produced by the Na onal Ad Council. The partnership also includes a short-term radio campaign to promote free GED tes ng. Kentucky was one of the first states to adopt the NGA- CCSSO Common Core State Standards at all educa onal levels P-12, postsecondary and adult educa on. Over three years, adult educa on program directors and instructors are par cipa ng in intensive professional development leading to implementa on of KYAE Common Core Standards (KCCS) in English/language arts and mathema cs. Beginning July 1, 2012, all programs will implement the delivery of services within a managed program model based on scheduled orienta on, classes and educa onal alterna ves. Research suggests that the managed program model results in increased student reten on and results. 10

11 COLLEGE READINESS New teacher excellence (top 15% nationally) Policy Objective 3: Increase the effectiveness of Kentucky s P-12 teachers and school leaders. Kentucky s teacher prepara on programs effec vely held steady in the propor on of licensure exam takers who earned a top score on this fundamental assessment. Ins tu ons movement on this metric was slight, some increasing by one percentage point and some declining, but with the overall effect of a decline of a tenth of a percentage point. 22% 0% 17% 16.9% Target Decline from Data Source: Educa on Professional Standards Board from ETS Score Reports CPE s work in this area is conducted with the leadership of the Educa on Professional Standards Board (EPSB), the state board that licenses educators and educator prepara on programs. Recent collabora ons include: The review of teacher-leader master s degrees for rank change and principal prepara on programs to focus on student achievement, the use of assessment data, and to emphasize differen ated learning and leadership development. Teacher prepara on program regula ons have been revised to require all new teacher candidates to pass a rigorous basic skills test in math, reading, and wri ng. Also, GPA scores for admission to teacher prepara on programs have been raised, and high-quality clinical experiences and mentoring required. EPSB s new data dashboard provides more extensive and detailed data for teacher educa on programs to use in program improvement. Development of an evalua on process for educator prepara on programs that includes con nuous electronic program review and approval, a Quality Performance Index (QPI) for all programs, and a value-added measure based on P-12 student performance data. New programs for teacher-leaders and principals will be completed, with revisions to superintendent programs to ensure consistency. Three assessment academies are currently providing professional development to address college readiness and success. These academies are formed by public universi es, KCTCS ins tu ons, P-12 schools, adult educa on programs, and independent colleges and universi es. CPE staff will work with EPSB and a group of educa on program deans to develop training on collabora ve and co-teaching models to increase the effec veness of clinical prepara on models for teachers. This work should have a significant impact on the preparedness of new teachers as they enter the profession. CPE is in the process of developing a partnership with the Kentucky Associa on of Colleges of Teacher Educa on to enhance and expand the implementa on of clinical prepara on models of teacher educa on across the state. 11

12 STUDENT SUCCESS Associate degrees conferred Policy Objective 4: Increase high quality degree production and completion rates at all levels... 74% Degrees and creden als con nued their upward trend in The number of associate degrees conferred increased at a faster rate than that needed to achieve Kentucky s 2014 a ainment goal, and closed three-quarters of the gap between the and target. 9,500 8,603 9,267 Decline from Target CPE s Strategic Agenda places a greater emphasis on associate degree produc on and comple on and places associate degree a ainment at the heart of Kentucky s longterm goals. As part of this redefini on, CPE commissioned a study of the degree produc on levels needed to achieve the long-term educa onal a ainment goals and established statelevel targets. To encourage students at KCTCS to complete an associate degree before transferring to a four-year ins tu on, the new statewide General Educa on Transfer Policy requires all public universi es to admit any holder of an AA or AS degree at the junior level with all ins tu on-wide lower-division general educa on requirements met. KCTCS is par cipa ng in the Council s new Kentucky Delivery Network, a voluntary associa on of public colleges and universi es working to improve degree comple on using the program improvement methodology of the US Educa on Delivery Ins tute. The Network provides free professional consul ng to the campuses and access to best-prac ces na onwide. The Council will con nue to work with KCTCS and its colleges through the Kentucky Delivery Network to build ins tu onal capacity to drive change and increase degree comple ons and gradua on rates. KCTCS faculty and administrators worked together to develop a common course numbering system, to be implemented in the academic year, which will assist the many associate-seeking students who take courses at mul ple KCTCS colleges to aggregate their coursework toward a degree. KCTCS leadership is working to develop career pathways in select fields that educate working students on the value of moving from nondegree-seeking workforce training, to obtaining a short-term creden al, to pursuing associate degrees. 12

13 STUDENT SUCCESS Bachelor s degrees conferred Policy Objective 4: Increase high quality degree production and completion rates at all levels... 19% The number of bachelor s degrees conferred increased substan ally, but not enough to be on-track to achieve Kentucky s 2014 a ainment goal for young adults. 22,900 19,693 20,318 Decline from Target CPE worked with ins tu ons to set targets for bachelor s degree produc on and analyze statewide data to provide context for this process. Working with Na onal Center for Higher Educa on Management Systems staff, HB 1 (1997) improvement goals for student success were updated and used to inform the 2015 targets for degree comple ons. CPE has established the Kentucky Delivery Network, a voluntary associa on of public colleges and universi es working to improve degree comple on using the program improvement methodology of the US Educa on Delivery Ins tute. The Network provides free professional consul ng to campuses and access to best prac ces na onwide. CPE joined Complete College America s Alliance of States, a group of 30 states commi ed to making college comple on a top priority by se ng comple on goals through 2020 and collec ng and repor ng common measures of progress. CPE worked with universi es to recruit, retain, and graduate former bachelor s-seeking students who dropped out with a large number of credit hours through Project Graduate. 650 students were enrolled in this program statewide in fall CPE worked with groups of faculty and administrators at each public ins tu on to iden fy courses and standard scores for awarding credit for AP and CLEP exams. This created the Kentucky Standard Acceptable Scores for Na onal Exams Table, which is incorporated in the General Educa on Transfer Policy and Implementa on Guidelines. CPE will work to develop and expand the Kentucky Delivery Network to build ins tu onal capacity to drive change and increase degree comple ons and gradua on rates. CPE will work with campuses to evaluate their credit for prior learning policies, analyze the need for statewide guidelines, and promote awareness of faculty training and development. CPE will promote awareness of and training in flexible academic program delivery models. 13

14 STUDENT SUCCESS Graduate degrees conferred Policy Objective 4: Increase high quality degree production and completion rates at all levels... 37% The number of masters, doctoral and other graduate-level degrees and cer ficates conferred also increased, closing the gap between and target by one-quarter. This metric is on-track to meet the 2014 target. 10,250 8,854 9,373 Decline from Target CPE approved four new advanced prac ce doctorates (Doctor of Nursing Prac ce) at Eastern Kentucky University, Murray State University, Northern Kentucky University, and Western Kentucky University. CPE staff worked with the Legisla ve Research Commission to promulgate an administra ve regula on, 13 KAR 2:110, outlining the criteria for the approval of new advanced prac ce doctorates. In , CPE staff worked closely with the Educa on Professional Standards Board to revise requirements for master s degrees for teachers to emphasize teacher leadership. Several programs have been approved and more are currently under considera on. Among other criteria, programs must collaborate with districts in the design of programs; focus on student achievement; maintain a differen ated program based on candidate interests and needs; u lize assessment data; and provide opportuni es for candidates to increase content knowledge and emphasize reflec ons that inform prac ce and leadership development. CPE will work with campuses to promote the crea on of new graduate programs and the redesign of exis ng graduate programs, especially those that are most important to Kentucky s research and economic development goals. Upcoming work will be primarily through the Council s College2Career study group, a grant-funded research study to be concluded in the middle of The work of this group will provide tools to help state agencies and postsecondary ins tu ons iden fy occupa ons in which highly-skilled, graduate-level workers are needed, especially in industries targeted for growth by the Cabinet for Economic Development. 14

15 STUDENT SUCCESS Transfer from KCTCS to four-year colleges and universities Policy Objective 4: Increase high quality degree production and completion rates at all levels... Kentucky is well on its way to increasing the number of students who transfer credit from KCTCS to a four-year ins tu on by 15 percent. In addi on to the numbers reported below, newly-collected data from Kentucky s licensed, non-public ins tu ons show an addi onal 5,556 students who transferred from KCTCS to a proprietary four-year ins tu on in fall , % 8,376 9,683 Decline from Target Student transfer from KCTCS to four-year ins tu ons has long been a focus of CPE s efforts a focus that has intensified with the passage of House Bill 160 (2010), manda ng transferrelated reforms. Essen al alignment work includes: Revision to an administra ve regula on that gives KCTCS AA and AS graduates priority admission over out-of-state students that meet the same admission criteria. A working group of registrars from public ins tu ons collaborated to iden fy and expand common transcript elements to facilitate transfer. CPE worked with groups of faculty and administrators at each public university to create the new General Educa on Transfer Policy and Implementa on Guidelines, approved by the CPE in June 2011 and effec ve in the academic year. A statewide course classifica on system for general educa on classes has been developed based on agreed-upon sets of learning outcomes in each general educa on block area. CPE launched in spring This website provides students, advisors, and the general public with one central loca on for informa on on the transfer process, ins tu onal transfer policies, degree program requirements, and transfer contact informa on. It allows users to find ins tu on-specific course equivalencies that will be accepted and applied toward gradua on requirements for specific degree objec ves. The website also charts degree pathways, which lay out the courses that KCTCS students should take in order to complete their associate degree and transfer into specific baccalaureate programs. Implementa on of a new formal transfer student appeal process as required by the General Educa on Transfer Policy and Implementa on Guidelines. CPE will work with ins tu ons to create a statewide general educa on assessment plan. 15

16 STUDENT SUCCESS Graduation rate (bachelor s) Policy Objective 4: Increase high quality degree production and completion rates at all levels... 20% The bachelor s gradua on rate increased moderately in over, making a solid gain but not enough to meet Kentucky s 2014 target. Note: This metric s status measures against the and does not take the rate into considera on. 53.0% 47.0% 48.2% Decline from Target The Kentucky Student Success Summit in April 2012 brought na onally renowned experts to the state to work with faculty and staff on ways to incorporate high-impact prac ces into the classroom, maximize first year experience programs, and close achievement gaps. CPE worked with ins tu ons to set targets for bachelor s degree produc on and analyze statewide data to provide a context for this process. Working with Na onal Center for Higher Educa on Management Systems (NCHEMS) staff, HB 1 (1997) improvement goals for student success were updated and used to inform the 2015 targets for degree comple ons. The Council has established the Kentucky Delivery Network, a voluntary associa on of public colleges and universi es working to improve degree comple on using the program improvement methodology of the US Educa on Delivery Ins tute. The Network provides free professional consul ng to the campuses and access to best-prac ces na onwide. To ease the path to degree comple on, CPE has been working with the public universi es to review bachelor s degree requirements and limit the minimum credit hour requirement to 120 hours, unless specialized or professional accredita on standards dictate otherwise. Kentucky is one of five states selected by the Quality Collabora ve to implement a grant for faculty development and the development of new student learning outcomes assessment approaches. Kentucky is the seventh official state partner in Liberal Educa on and America s Promise (LEAP). Using LEAP resources, Kentucky colleges and universi es will clarify the common learning outcomes all Kentucky two-year and fouryear college students should be able to demonstrate. CPE will iden fy best prac ces, facilitate professional development opportuni es, and help campuses evaluate various course redesign op ons for gateway math and English courses. 16

17 STUDENT SUCCESS Bachelor s graduation rate gaps (income) Policy Objective 4:... [C]lose achievement gaps, particularly for lower-income students. 0% The gradua on rate gap between low-income and middle-to-upper income students widened considerably over the past two years, primarily due to a sharp decrease in the gradua on rate of Pell grant recipients who entered college in the fall of Low-income students Moderate to high-income students 46.2% 56.7% 10.5 ppt. gap 34.5% 52.9% 18.4 ppt. gap 2014 Target: 7 ppt. gap Decline from Data Sources: CPE Comprehensive Database (KPEDS), KHEAA ISIR (FAFSA) records for Pell eligibility. The Kentucky Student Success Summit in April 2012 brought na onally renowned experts to the state to work with community college faculty and staff on ways to incorporate high-impact prac ces into the classroom, maximize first year experience programs, and close achievement gaps. Through the work of the Kentucky Delivery Network, the Council has developed detailed leading indicators about lowincome students to assist the ins tu ons in iden fying these students and their roadblocks to degree comple on. Par cipated in the na onal Access2Success ini a ve, which requires member systems to track the progress of low-income and underrepresented minority students and provides ideas and assistance with improvement. Con nue to highlight the needs of low-income students through the work of the Kentucky Delivery Network and par cipate in na onal ini a ves aimed at informing and suppor ng campus improvement efforts. The Council will con nue to aggressively promote state financial aid policies and funding levels that help students con nue and complete their studies, regardless of their family s income level. CPE will encourage ins tu ons to conduct campus-based climate and culture studies to iden fy opportuni es to enhance a suppor ve campus environment for all students. 17

18 STUDENT SUCCESS Bachelor s graduation rate gaps (college readiness) Policy Objective 4:... [C]lose achievement gaps, particularly for underprepared students. 0% The gap between the bachelor s degree gradua on rate of students who entered college-ready and those that were not widened slightly over the two year period. Not collegeready students 56.1% 55.3% 25.4 ppt. gap 30.7% 29.2% 26.1 ppt. gap Collegeready students 2014 Target: 18 ppt. gap Decline from CPE, in partnership with KDE, led the development of the Unified Strategy for College and Career Readiness. Postsecondary persistence and comple on by underprepared students is one of the four strategies iden fied to reduce the need for remedia on of recent high school graduates by 50 percent by 2014 and to increase college comple on rates of students entering without being prepared for credit-bearing coursework. Summer bridge programming, offered on most public postsecondary campuses, builds skills for students entering college not yet prepared for credit-bearing coursework. Student mentoring, academic advising, and tutoring are essen al components of these programs and have demonstrated success in closing the gaps for first-genera on students and other diverse student popula ons. The Kentucky Student Success Summit in April 2012 brought na onally renowned experts to the state to work with community college faculty and staff on ways to incorporate high-impact prac ces into the classroom, maximize first year experience programs, and close achievement gaps. CPE will con nue its work to make developmental educa on less burdensome and more effec ve. CPE will work with its postsecondary partners to fully implement campus bridge programming for successful student transi ons, developmental educa on, and supplemental coursework based on the newly aligned standards and assessment by fall CPE will con nue to work with KCTCS to implement developmental modules for mathema cs, reading, and wri ng via KCTCS Learn On Demand, an online degree program targeted at non-tradi onal, working adults. CPE will con nue to encourage ins tu ons to create strong supplemental course offerings so that students developmental needs can be met through credit-bearing, rather than noncredit bearing, coursework. 18

19 STUDENT SUCCESS Bachelor s graduation rate gaps (underrepresented minority) Policy Objective 4:... [C]lose achievement gaps, particularly for underrepresented minority students. 36% The gap between the bachelor s degree gradua on rate of underrepresented minority students and White and Asian students narrowed by a full percentage point over the period, moving toward the 2014 target, but not quite fast enough to be on track to meet the target by Underrep. minority students Other race/ethnicities 48.4% 49.7% 15.2 ppt. gap 36.0% 33.2% 13.7 ppt. gap 2014 Target: 11 ppt. gap Decline from In 2011, CPE coordinated the development of ins tu on diversity plans consistent with the new statewide policy focused on student diversity, student success, workforce diversity, and campus climate. At the Kentucky Student Success Summit in April 2012, one workshop focused on the philosophy, curriculum, and pedagogy from the Umoja Community, a network of African American student success programs across the state of California. The presenter shared detailed educa onal strategies, student tes monials, curriculum, lessons, and data from this highly successful program for possible replica on in Kentucky. Through the work of the Kentucky Delivery Network, the Council has developed detailed leading indicators about underrepresented minority students to assist ins tu ons in iden fying roadblocks to degree comple on. CPE administers the Governor s Minority Student College Prepara on Program to improve the college-readiness of underrepresented minority students while in middle and high school. Plans are underway for the annual Academically Proficient High School Junior and Senior Diversity Conference, which educates minority students on college op ons and college admissions procedures. CPE will evaluate success in implemen ng the statewide diversity policy through the collec on and dissemina on of data, in addi on to reports developed by the ins tu ons. CPE will con nue to highlight the needs of underrepresented minority students through the work of the Kentucky Delivery Network and par cipa on in na onal ini a ves such as the Access2Success ini a ve, which requires member systems to track the progress of low-income and underrepresented minority students. CPE will encourage ins tu ons to conduct campus-based climate and culture studies to iden fy opportuni es to enhance a suppor ve campus environment for all students. 19

20 STUDENT SUCCESS Graduation rate (associate) Policy Objective 4: Increase high quality degree production and completion rates at all levels... 45% The gradua on rate of associate degree-seeking students at colleges in the Kentucky Community and Technical College System increased substan ally and is on track to meet the 2014 target. 14.8% 12.6% 13.6% Decline from Update Target State legisla on and CPE policy ini a ves resulted in a number of changes that will facilitate the efficient accumula on of credit and mely comple on of associate degrees at KCTCS, such as: Required faculty and administrators to develop a common course numbering system, which will be implemented in the academic year. Encouraged KCTCS to review their academic programming and limit associate degree requirements to 60 credit hours, unless specialized or professional accredita on standards require addi onal hours. Changes to the General Educa on Transfer Policy and Implementa on Guidelines guarantee that universi es will admit students as juniors with all general educa on standards met if they transfer with an associate of arts or sciences degree. Students are encouraged to complete an AA/AS prior to transferring. With funding CPE received from Complete College America, KCTCS will improve the success of students in their online Learn on Demand degree programs by adding transforma ve advising and tutoring technologies, a customized orienta on module for developmental students, and focused training and professional development for advisors. CPE will iden fy best prac ces, facilitate professional development opportuni es, and help campuses evaluate various course redesign op ons for gateway math and English courses. 20

21 STUDENT SUCCESS Associate graduation rate gaps (income) Policy Objective 4:... [C]lose achievement gaps, particularly for lower-income students. 0% The gradua on rate gap between low-income and moderate to high-income students widened considerably, due to a substan al increase in the gradua on rate of moderate to high-income students in % Low-income students 13.9% 3.1 ppt. gap 10.8% 10.9% 5.8 ppt. gap Moderate to highincome students 2014 Target: 2.1 ppt. gap Decline from Data Sources: CPE Comprehensive Database (KPEDS), KHEAA ISIR (FAFSA) records for Pell eligibility. The Kentucky Student Success Summit in April 2012 brought na onally renowned experts to the state to work with community college faculty and staff on ways to incorporate high-impact prac ces into the classroom, maximize first year experience programs, and close achievement gaps. Through the work of the Kentucky Delivery Network, the Council has developed detailed leading indicators about lowincome students to assist the ins tu ons in iden fying these students and their roadblocks to degree comple on. Par cipated in the na onal Access2Success ini a ve, which requires member systems to track the progress of low-income and underrepresented minority students and provides ideas and assistance with improvement. Con nue to highlight the needs of low-income students through the work of the Kentucky Delivery Network, and par cipate in na onal ini a ves aimed at informing and suppor ng campus improvement efforts. The Council will con nue to aggressively promote state financial aid policies and funding levels that help students con nue and complete their studies, regardless of their family s income level. CPE will encourage ins tu ons to conduct campus-based climate and culture studies to iden fy opportuni es to enhance a suppor ve campus environment for all students. 21

22 STUDENT SUCCESS Associate graduation rate gaps (college readiness) Policy Objective 4:... [C]lose achievement gaps, particularly for underprepared students. The gap between the associate degree gradua on rate of students who entered college-ready and those that were not decreased, but not enough to be on track to meet the 2014 target. 4% 26.5% Not college-ready students College-ready students 7.5% 22.8% 15.3 ppt. gap 11.4% 15.1 ppt. gap 2014 Target: 10.2 ppt. gap Decline from CPE, in partnership with KDE, led the development of the Unified Strategy for College and Career Readiness. Postsecondary persistence and comple on by underprepared students is one of the four strategies iden fied to reduce the need for remedia on of recent high school graduates by 50 percent by 2014 and to increase college comple on rates of students entering without being prepared for credit-bearing coursework. Summer bridge programming, offered on most public postsecondary campuses, builds skills for students entering college not yet prepared for credit-bearing coursework. Student mentoring, academic advising, and tutoring are essen al components of these programs and have demonstrated success in closing the gaps for first-genera on students and other diverse student popula ons. The Kentucky Student Success Summit in April 2012 brought na onally renowned experts to the state to work with community college faculty and staff on ways to incorporate high-impact prac ces into the classroom, maximize first year experience programs, and close achievement gaps. CPE will con nue its work to make developmental educa on less burdensome and more effec ve. CPE will work with its postsecondary partners to fully implement campus bridge programming for successful student transi ons, developmental educa on, and supplemental coursework based on the newly aligned standards and assessment by fall CPE will con nue to work with KCTCS to implement developmental modules for mathema cs, reading, and wri ng via KCTCS Learn On Demand, an online degree program targeted at non-tradi onal, working adults. CPE will con nue to encourage ins tu ons to create strong supplemental course offerings so that students developmental needs can be met through credit-bearing, rather than noncredit bearing, coursework. 22

23 STUDENT SUCCESS Associate graduation rate gaps (underrepresented minority) Policy Objective 4:... [C]lose achievement gaps, particularly for underrepresented minority students. The gap between the associate degree gradua on rate of underrepresented minority students and white and Asian students increased by nearly a full percentage point over the period. 0% Underrep. minority students Other race/ethnicities 13.1% 5.9 ppt. gap 7.2% 7.3% 14.1% 6.8 ppt. gap 2014 Target: 3.9 ppt. gap Decline from In 2011, CPE coordinated the development of ins tu on diversity plans consistent with the new statewide policy focused on student diversity, student success, workforce diversity, and campus climate. At the Kentucky Student Success Summit in April 2012, one workshop focused on the philosophy, curriculum, and pedagogy from the Umoja Community, a network of African American student success programs across the state of California. The presenter shared detailed educa onal strategies, student tes monials, curriculum, lessons, and data from this highly successful program for possible replica on in Kentucky. Through the work of the Kentucky Delivery Network, the Council has developed detailed leading indicators about underrepresented minority students to assist ins tu ons in iden fying roadblocks to degree comple on. CPE administers the Governor s Minority Student College Prepara on Program to improve the college-readiness of underrepresented minority students while in middle and high school. Plans are underway for the annual Academically Proficient High School Junior and Senior Diversity Conference, which educates minority students on college op ons and college admissions procedures. CPE will evaluate success in implemen ng the statewide diversity policy through the collec on and dissemina on of data, in addi on to reports developed by the ins tu ons. CPE will con nue to highlight the needs of underrepresented minority students through the work of the Kentucky Delivery Network and par cipa on in na onal ini a ves such as the Access2Success ini a ve, which requires member systems to track the progress of low-income and underrepresented minority students. CPE will encourage ins tu ons to conduct campus-based climate and culture studies to iden fy opportuni es to enhance a suppor ve campus environment for all students. 23

24 STUDENT SUCCESS State appropriations for public higher education Policy Objective 5: Decrease financial barriers to college access and completion. State general fund appropria ons for higher educa on fell for the fourth straight year in , resul ng in a 10 percent cut in four years. Higher educa on has also received an addi onal 6.4 percent or $63 million state appropria on reduc on in the upcoming biennium. Although state appropria ons have been reduced significantly since FY08, these cuts are about half the reduc on of many state agencies. $1,069 0% $1,029 $1,007 Decline from Target Data Source: Enacted Budgets of the Commonwealth and Budget Reduc on (infla on adjusted) The best way to keep college affordable is to adequately fund public postsecondary educa on. In November 2011, CPE submi ed its budget request seeking addi onal state opera ng support for ins tu ons. While this request was not funded, it clearly laid out postsecondary educa on s needs moving forward: The request included $37.2 million in unfunded maintenance and opera ng (M&O) funds for new facili es for , as well as $3 million in new M&O for The request included $57.2 million or a 5.7 percent increase in strategic investments aligned with CPE s new Strategic Agenda including funds for college readiness, performance funds to promote student success, and significant new investments in research support for UK and UofL, including an addi onal round of Bucks for Brains. CPE presented a new, mul -year capital concept ($3 billion in capital investments over six years or approximately 38 percent of projected need) using data from a recent comprehensive facili es study to improve the balance between capital renewal/major renova on and new projects. While 2013 is not a year in which the Kentucky legislature produces a biennial budget, CPE will con nue to advocate for increased state appropria ons for public higher educa on by: Providing reports and presenta ons to state and local leadership that detail the vital role public higher educa on plays in Kentucky s communi es and workforce. Producing a report on college and university finance to be er explain how the state s dollars are put to work on campus Working with public ins tu ons and execu ve and legisla ve leadership on a long-term funding plan which focuses resources on achieving CPE s Strategic Agenda and HB 1 (1997) reform goals. Improving documenta on and communica on of ins tu onal efficiency and cost containment ac vi es. 24

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