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2 THE INFLECTIONAL MORPHEMES ATTACHED TO VERBS Time and personal inflectional morphemes are attached to nouns, noun compounds, adjectives, prepositional phrases, and verbs. The grammar term noun includes proper nouns such as: Jack, Mehmet, İstanbul, Germany, English ; common nouns such as: book, table, school, television, and abstract nouns such as: poverty, laughter, happiness, kindness, bravery, curiosity, etc. Pronouns are also considered as nouns because they occupy the places of nouns, and act as nouns in sentences. Adjectives are words like good, clever, hardworking, wealthy, attractive, etc. A prepositional phrase in English is a group of words that begins with a preposition and ends either with a noun (a pronoun, or a gerund), or a nominal phrase: On the table", at the table, in the box, at ten o clock, at school, at the door, behind the curtain, in front of the mirror, next to the station, above the clouds, under the table, until morning, since Sunday, and before buying are all prepositional phrases. In Turkish, however, the equivalents of these prepositions are the [E], [DE], [DEN], and [LE] morphemes, which follow nouns attached to them. When compared, English prepositions are prepositional (they are used before nouns) in the sentence order, but in Turkish, the [İ], [E], [DE], [DEN], and [LE] morphemes are postpositional because they follow nouns attached to them. The first category of time morphemes are used attached to nouns, adjectives, adverbials or prepositional phrases, to which [dir, dır, dür, dur, tir, tır, tür, tur] (present); [di, dı, dü, du ti, tı, tü, tu] (past), [miş, mış, müş, muş] (rumor, inference) morphemes are attached. The olacak word is separately used to convey the meaning of will be. The [dir, dır, dür, dur, tir, tır, tür, tur] allomorphs are not normally used in Simple Present Be Tenses, but when they are used, they add different con-cepts to such sentences. These sentences will be explained in the following paragraphs. The equivalents of these be morphemes in English are is, are, was, were, has been, have been, will be, will have been, had been and going to be verb compositions. 2

3 THE SIMPLE PRESENT BE The personal allomorphs used with verb be are as follows: (ben): [im, ım, üm, um]; (sen): [sin, sın, sün, sun]; (o): [ø]; (biz): [iz, ız, üz, uz]; (siz): [sin.iz, sın.ız, sün.üz,]; (on.lar): [ø (ler, lar)] 1. Nouns: Ben bir öğretmen-im (öğ*ret*me*nim). I am a teacher. Sen bir doktor-sun (dok*tor*sun). You are a doctor. O bir doktor (dok*tor). She is a doctor. Biz doktor-uz (dok*to*ruz). We are doctors. Siz bir öğretmen-sin.iz (siz / öğ*ret*men*si*niz). You are a teacher. Onlar asker (on*lar / as*ker). They are soldiers. 2. Adjective: Ben tembel-im (tem*be*lim). I am lazy. Sen çalışkan-sın (ça*lış*kan*sın). You are hardworking. O mutlu(dur) (o / mut*lu). She is happy. Biz iyi-/y/iz (biz / i*yi*yiz). We are all right. (yor*gun*su*nuz). You are tired. Onlar istek-siz. They are unwilling. 3. Prepositional phrase: The allomorphs [de, da, te, ta] are expressed in English in the prepositions of in, at or on. For example: ev-de (at home); okul-da (at school, in school); masa-da (on the table, at the table); kapı-da (at the door); kutu-da (in the box); bahçe-de (in the garden); hastane-de (in hospital, in the hospital); uçak-ta (on the plane). The other [e, a] and [den, dan, ten, tan] allomorphs are not used with the verb be ; they are used together with action verbs like go, come, wait, sleep, etc. When the expressions above end with vowels, they are linked to the personal allomorphs by the /y/ glides: Postacı kapı-da. The postman is at the door. Onlar şimdi uçak-ta. They are on the plane now. Ben kapı-da-/y/ım. I am at the door. Sen akıllı-sın. You are clever. O mutfak-ta. She is in the kitchen. Biz haklı-/y/ız. We are right. Siz güzel-sin.iz. You are beautiful. Onlar çirkin. They are ugly. The same [E], [DE] and [DEN] morphemes are also used attached to ön, arka, yan, üst, karşı, sol, sağ, alt, bitişik nouns, such as ön-e, arka-/y/a, yan-a, üst-e, karşı-/y/a, yukarı-/y/a, ön-de, arka-da, yan-da, alt-ta, üst-te, karşı-da, sağ-da, sol-da, bitişik-te, ön-den, arka-dan, yan-dan, üst-ten, karşı-dan, sağ-dan, yakın-dan. These words are all nouns when they are without suffixes; if they were not, the [E], [DE] and [DEN] morphemes would not be attached to them. When 3

4 they are together with these suffixes, they function as adverbials in sentences. Consequently, as these words are all nouns, they are also used in noun compounds like the simple noun compounds such as oda-/n/ın kapı-/s/ı ; perde-/n/in arka-/s/ı ; ayna-/n/ın ön-ü ; vazo-/n/un yan-ı ; yatak-ın alt-ı (ya*ta*ğın / al*tı); bakkal-ın bitişik-i (bak*ka*lın / bi*ti*şi*ği); koltuk-un sağ-ı (kol*tu*ğun / sa*ğı); bakkal-ın karşı-/s/ı ; ev-in arka-/s/ı. When the above [E], [DE] and [DEN] morphemes are attached to the noun compounds above, they take the /n/ glides. The compounds below are underlined. Compare and consider the following sentences: Kedi perde-/n/in arka-/s/ı/n/-da. (per*de*nin / ar*ka*sı) NP noun compound - /n/da (adverbial predicate) VP (ke*di / per*de*nin / ar*ka*sın*da ). The cat is behind the curtain. Gözlük-ler-im ayna-/n/ın ön-ü/n/-de. (ay*na*nın / ö*nü) (göz*lük*le*rim / ay*na*nın / ö*nün*de ) My glasses are in front of the mirror. Terlikler-in karyola-/n/ın alt-ı/n/-da. (kar*yo*la*nın / al*tı) (ter*lik*le*rin / kar*yo*la*nın / al*tın*da ) Your slippers are under the bed. Ben-im ev-im bakkal-ın bitişik-i/n/-de. (bak*ka*lın / bi*ti*şi*ği) (be*nim / e*vim / bak*ka*lın / bi*ti*şi*ğin*de ) My house is next to the grocer. Sen-in dükkân-ın bakkal-ın karşı-/s/ı/n/-da. (bak*ka*lın / kar*şı*sı) (se*nin / dük*kâ*nın / bak*ka*lın / kar*şı*sın*da ) Your shop is opposite (to) the grocer. İstasyon sol-da. (is*tas*yon / sol*da ) The station is on the left. İstasyon, bakkal-ın sol-u/n/-da. (bak*ka*lın / so*lu) (is*tas*yon / bak*ka*lın / so*lun*da ) The station is on the left of the grocer. Karı-ım ev-de. (ka*rım / ev*de ) My wife is at home. 4

5 Ben, postane-/n/in ön-ü/n/-de-/y/im. (pos*ta*ne*nin / ö*nü) (ben / pos*ta:*ne*nin / ö*nün*de*yim ) I am in front of the post office. In the sentences above, there are no time morphemes attached to the words arkasında, önünde, karşısında, evde, etc.the absence of these time morphemes in the sentences above imply that the time is present. The other [E] and [DEN] morphemes are attached to action verbs. The yes-no interrogatve sentences in The Simple Present be : (Ben) [mi-/y/im?, mı-/y/ım?, mü-/y/üm?, mu-/y/um?] (Sen) [mi-sin?, mı-sın?, mü-sün?, mu-sun?] (O) [mi?, mı?, mü?, mu?] (Biz) [mi-/y/iz?, mı-/y/iz?, mü-/y/üz, mu-/y/uz] (Siz) [mi-sin-iz?, mı-sın-ız?, mü-sün-üz?, mu-sun-uz?] (Onlar) [(ler) mi?, (lar) mı?] (Sen) ev-de mi-sin? (ev*de / mi*sin ) Are you at home? (Siz) iyi mi-sin-iz? (i*yi / mi*si*niz ) Are you all right? (Ben) deli mi-/y/im? (ben / de*li / mi*yim ) Am I crazy? Hazır değil mi-/y/iz? (ha*zır / de*ğil / mi*yiz ) Aren t we ready?. When one of the allomorphs of the [DİR] morpheme attaches to the last words of one of the sentences above, the sentences mean either perhaps" or "I am sure". This difference of meaning can be heard in speech. When a syllable printed in bold face is stressed, the sentence means, I am sure, when it is not, it means "perhaps". The allomorphs of this morpheme are [dir, dır, dür, dur, tir, tır, tür, tur],which are used only for the third peson. (ka*rı*mev*de*dir ) (perhaps); (ka*rım / ev*de*dir ) (I am sure) "bura, "şura", "ora", bu, şu, o could all be used as nouns. When these nouns are attached to the allomorphs of the [E], [DE], and [DEN] 5

6 morphemes, they become adverbials; but if they are attached to the allomorphs of the phoneme [İ], they can be used in the object position in sentences: O bura-da (bur*da). pred adverbial (o / bur*da ) He is here. ("Here" is a predicate adverb.) Ben bura-da-/y/ım (ben / bur*da*yım ) I am here. Kedi şura-da (şur*da). (ke*di / şur*da ) or (ke*di / şur*da ) The cat is there. Onlar ora-da (or*da). (on*lar / or*da ) or (on*lar / or*da ) They are there. Onlar bura-dan (burdan) git-ti-ler, ayrıl-dı-lar. (on*lar / bur*dan / git*ti*ler ) They left here. Bura-dan (burdan) ayrıl-ma. (bur*dan / ay*rıl*ma ) Don't leave here. Onlar ora-dan ayrıl-ı.yor-lar. (on*lar / or*dan / ay*rı*lı*yor*lar ) They are leaving there. Ben bura-/y/ı hiç gör-me-di-im. (ben / bu*ra*yı / hiç / gör*me*dim ) I have never seen here. ("Burayı" is the object of the sentence.) Ben bu-/n/u anla-ma-dı-ım. definite (obj) (ben / bu*nu / an*la*ma*dım ) I didn t understand this. 6

7 Ben bu/n/-lar-ı anla-ma-dı-ım. (ben / bun*la*rı / an*la*ma*dım ) I didn t understand these. The same [DEN] morpheme can be used after bu and o preceded by the advers böyle, önce and sonra to form postpositional phrases, which function as adverbials: bu/n/-dan böyle (bun*dan / böy*le) (from now on); bu/n/-dan sonra (bun*dan / son*ra) (after this); (bun*dan / ön*ce) (before this) When the nouns, adjectives or adverbials ending with vowels attach to the [de, da, te, ta] allomorphs, they take /y/ glides when they attach to the first person singular and plural personal allomorphs: Ben iyi-/y/im. I am all right. Ben bura-da-/y/ım. I am here. Biz iyi-/y/iz. We are all right. Biz evde-/y/iz. We are at home. However, the nouns and adjectives ending with consonants do not need the /y/ glides when they are suffixed by the personal allomorphs. Besides, the final consonants of the preceding words detach from their syllables, and attach to the first vowels of the following morphemes, which are showed by single underlines: Ben öğretmen-im. (ben / öğ*ret*me*nim ) I am a teacher. Ben tembel-im. (ben / tem*be*lim ) I am lazy. Biz çalışkan-ız. (biz / ça*lış*ka*nız ) We are hardworking. The personal allomorphs used in this tense are as follows: (ben) (sen) (o) (biz) (siz) (onlar) [im, ım, üm, um,] [sin, sın, sün, sun] [Ø] [iz, ız, üz, uz] [sin.iz, sın.ız, sün.üz,] [Ø] ([ler, lar]) Ben (bir) öğretmen-im. (ben / bi*röğ*ret*me*nim ) (liaison) I am a teacher. 7

8 Sen (bir) doktor-sun. (sen / bir / dok*tor*sun ) You are a doctor. O (bir) mimar. (o / bir / mi:*mar ) She is an architect. The /i:/ in the last example shows that the /i:/ vowel is lengthened, and the hyphen (-) is used to separate morphemes, not syllables. The syllables are separated by asterisks (*). However, dots are used when inflectional or derivational allomorphs having two or more syllables such as [, ma.lı]. [e.bil, a.bil], [e.cek, a.cak] are separated. Biz öğretmen-iz. (biz / öğ*ret me*niz ) or (bi*zöğ*ret*me*niz ) (liaison) We are teachers. Siz-ler öğretmen-sin.iz. (siz*ler ~/ öğ*ret*men*si*niz ) or (siz*le*röğ*ret*men*si*niz ) (liaison) You are teachers. Onlar öğretmen. (on*lar / öğ*ret*men ) or (on*la*röğ*ret*men ) (liaison) They are teachers. Ben iyi-/y/im. (ben / i*yi*yim ) or (be*ni*yi*yim ) (liaison) I am allright. (The /y/ glide is inserted between the two successive /i/ vowels.) Ben ev-de-/y/im. (ben / ev*de*yim ) or (be*nev*de*yim ) (liaison) I am at home. (The /y/ is a glide inserted between /e/ and /i/ vowels.) Onlar tiyatro-da. (on*lar / ti*yat*ro*da ) They are at the theater. Biz İstanbul -da-/y/ız. (biz / is*tan*bul*da*yız ) or (bi*zis*tan*bul*da*yız ) (liaison) We are in İstanbul. 8

9 Note: "Liaison" means connecting two or more words by detaching the last consonant of a word from its syllable and attaching it to the first vowel of the following word while articulating. Although this consonant transposition helps to improve the fluency of the oral communication, it is not showed in writing. The /y/ glides in the sentences above are used to link the successive vowels /i/ and /i/ in "iyi-/y/im", /e/ and /i/ in "ev-de-/y/im", and /a/ and /ı/ in "İstanbul-da-/y/ız" harmoniously. The Present Tense verb composition of the Turkish language above is also used to express The Present Perfect Tense concept of the English language. In languages, tense and time are different notions. Tense is the physical structure of a verb composition, but time is an abstract concept produced by the human intellect. In other words, one can use the same verb composition to express two different time concepts. For instance, English people say, "I have been here for an hour, but Turkish people say, "*I am here for an hour". This shows us that Turkish people use The Simple Present verb form of the verb "be" both for the Simple Present and for the Present Perfect tenses of the English language. Compare and consider the following sentences: (Ben) şimdi ev-de-/y/im. (ben / şim*di / ev*de*yim ) I am at home now. (Ben) iki saat-tir ev-de-/y/im. (ben / i*ki / sa*at*tir / ev*de*yim ) I have been at home for two hours. (Ben) saat sekiz-den beri ev-de-/y/im. (ben / sa*at / se*kiz*den / be*ri / ev*de*yim ) I have been at home since eight o clock. Ayşe on sene-dir öğretmen. (ay*şe / on / se*ne*dir / öğ*ret*men ) Ayşe has been a teacher for ten years. (Ben) iki saat-tir bur(a)-da-/y/ım. (ben / i*ki / sa*at*tir / bur*da*yım ) I have been here for two hours. 9

10 As it is seen in the sentences above, two different concepts of time of the English language are expressed in only one verb composition in Turkish. Şimdi, iki saattir and saat sekizden beri expressions are enough to convey the difference of time. The personal pronouns in the sentences above are optional elements because they can be understood from the personal allomorphs attached to the verbs of the sentences. However, when the third person singular or plural pronouns are used in place of proper nouns, one cannot understand whom those pronouns stand in for. For example, when I say, I went to Ankara you do not need to ask, Who went to Ankara?" However, when I say, She went to Ankara you immediately ask who she is. Therefore, in the sentence, Ankara ya gitti, the zero morpheme [Ø], which stands for o, does not clearly express who the real person is being talked about. However, if the name of the real person has already been mentioned, the personal pronoun o can naturally be used. To change the above sentences into the negative form, the word değil is used together with personal morphemes: değil-im, değil-sin, değil, değil-iz, değil-sin.iz, degil-(ler) Ben doktor değil-im. (ben / dok*tor / de*ği*lim ) I am not a doctor. Çocuk-lar ev-de değil. (liaison) (Liaisons can only be used in speech; they cannot be used in writing.) (ço*cuk*la*rev*de / de*ğil ) The children are not at home. Bazı çocuk-lar bahçe-de değil. (ba*zı / ço*cuk*lar / bah*çe*de / de*ğil ) Some boys are not in the garden. Biz Ankara'da değil-iz. (biz / an*ka*ra*da / de*ği*liz ) We are not in Ankara. Siz istek-li değil-sin.iz. (siz / is*tek*li / de*ğil*si*niz ) You are not willing. 10

11 When one of the allomorphs [dir, dır, dür, dur, tir, tır, tür, tur] of the morpheme [DİR] is used, the sentence gains either the concepts of perhaps or I am sure : (ço*cuk*lar / ev*de*dir ) (perhaps) (ço*cuk*lar / ev*de*dir ) (I m sure) Bütün kız-lar güzel-dir. (bü*tün / kız*lar / gü*zel*dir ) I m sure all girls are beautiful. (certainty) Bütün kız-lar güzel mi-(dir)? (bü*tün / kız*lar/ gü*zel / mi*dir ) Are all girls beautiful? (What is your opinion?) Bütün kız-lar güzel değil mi? (bü*tün / kız*lar / gü*zel / de*ğil / mi ) Aren t all girls beautiful? Sen öğretmen değil mi-sin? (sen / öğ*ret*men / de*ğil / mi*sin ) Aren t you a teacher? O (bir) öğretmen değil. (o / öğ*ret*men / de*ğil ) She is not a teacher. (certainty) O bir öğretmen değil-dir. (o / bir / öğ*ret*men / de*ğil*dir ) Perhaps, she is not a teacher. (uncertainty) Kocam yorgun. My husband is tired. Kocam yorgun değil. (de*ğil ) My husband is not tired. Kocam yorgun-dur. (Kocam yorgun olabilir.) (possibility) Perhaps my husband is tired, or he may be tired. Ahmet ev-de değil-dir. (ah*met / ev*de / de*ğil*dir ) I guess Ahmet is not at home. (uncertainty) 11

12 Sanırım o, o kadar aptal değil-dir. (sa*nı*rım / o~ / o / ka*dar / ap*tal / de*ğil*dir ) I guess that he is not so stupid. This is a section of my book titled "TURKISH GRAMMAR UPDATED ACA- DEMIC EDITION YUKSEL GOKNEL May 2013". If you want to download and read this book free, you could look for it in your browser. Yüksel Göknel 12

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