Koberg urbanruralism

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1 Koberg urbanruralism

2 Welcome urban, adj.[û r'ban] relating to a city or city life; from Latin urbanus from urbs 'city'. ruralist, n. [rur'a-list] an advocate of rural living; from Latin ruralis from rus country. urban ruralism, n. balancing the urban and the rural in harmony, the equilibrium of urbania and rurality, bringing the two extremes together to make a single statement.

3 5 Our vision fro m n a tu re w e lo v e c re a tin g o u r w a lls fo r o ffic e, h o m e, a re n a a n d m a lls e v e ry th in g w e d o is d o n e w ith p a s s io n n o t g o n e in a m in u te lik e s o m e n e w fa s h io n b u t lo n g te rm c o m m itm e n t to a ll o u r c lie n ts w e b u ild o u r b u s in e s s o n tru s t a n d re lia n c e

4 7 Our mission O u r m is s io n is to d e liv e r a s im p le, q u a lity a n d e ffe c tiv e s o lu tio n to th e e c o lo g ic a l re q u ire m e n ts o f to d a y in a n e n v iro n m e n ta lly a n d s o c ia lly re s p o n s ib le w a y. Simple A m o d u la r s y s te m a n d q u ic k in s ta lla tio n p ro c e d u re. Quality P ro v e n b ra n d, b e s p o k e d e s ig n s e rv ic e a n d a 1 0 y e a r w a rra n ty. Effective In s ta n t c o v e ra g e o n th e d a y o f in s ta lla tio n.

5 9 Our values Honesty H o n e s ty, lo y a lty a n d tru s t a re a n d w ill b e p la c e d a b o v e a ll e ls e, a s th e y a re th e s ta rtin g b lo c k s in e v e ry s u c c e s s fu l re la tio n s h ip. Response W e u n d e rs ta n d th a t th e re is n o tim e lik e th e p re s e n t in o u r b u s in e s s jo u rn e y. W e s e t tig h t d e a d lin e s a n d a g g re s s iv e c h a lle n g e s a n d p u s h o u rs e lv e s h a rd to a c h ie v e th e m. An y e n q u iry w ill b e d e a lt w ith q u ic k ly a n d w ith u n d e rs ta n d in g. Teamwork W e u n d e rs ta n d th a t te a m s d e v e lo p d ire c tio n, m o m e n tu m a n d c o m m itm e n t b y w o rk in g to s h a p e a m e a n in g fu l p u rp o s e. W e re c o g n is e th a t in d iv id u a ls h a v e d iffe re n t s tre n g th s th a t, w h e n b le n d e d to g e th e r, c re a te a p o w e rfu l d riv e. Ownership W e firm ly b e lie v e in in v e s tin g in p e o p le. Ea c h e m p lo y e e c a n a n d m u s t m a k e a d iffe re n c e, a n d d e s e rv e s to b e lis te n e d to o a n d tre a te d fa irly a n d w ith re s p e c t. Support T h e c o n c e p t o f s u p p o rt in c lu d e s h e lp, a s s is ta n c e a n d p ro v is io n. T o a s s is t w ith y o u r s u c c e s s, w e b e lie v e in g o in g th e e x tra d is ta n c e, a n d w ill p ro v id e a h ig h le v e l o f te c h n ic a l s u p p o rt to a ll o u r c lie n ts b o th e x is tin g a n d p o te n tia l. Delivery W e re c o g n is e th e im p o rta n c e o f tim e. S te p s w ill b e ta k e n to d e liv e r q u a lity p ro d u c ts e v e ry tim e, o n tim e.

6 11 where there s a wall W e a re Eu ro p e s le a d in g p ro v id e r o f L iv in g W a lls. U s in g o u r p a te n te d m o d u la r s y s te m - AN S L iv in g W a ll S y s te m - w e o ffe r th e c o m p le te s o lu tio n : d e s ig n, m a n u fa c tu re, e s ta b lis h m e n t, in s ta lla tio n a n d o n -g o in g m a in te n a n c e. there s a way

7 13 Archi-texture The first time a painting has ever been turned into a Living Wall. This wall has been designed to bring a masterpiece to life. One of Van Gogh s famous paintings, A Wheatfield, was depicted in plants. The true painting can be seen within the National Gallery. 640 modules were grown, using over 8000 plants of varying species. The artwork was created by hand-planting each plant into the modules, using a numbered drawing. The modules were grown on our nurseries in Aldingbourne, hung vertically to establish and then dispatched. Due to the very tight deadline on the project, the whole installation took three days to complete.

8 15 Hundreds of Living Walls have been installed, which are used in many diverse environments Hotels Receptions Architects Atria Commercial Offices Roof Gardens Events & Exhibitions Airports Government Departments Break Out Areas Showrooms Shopping Malls Councils Courtyards Universities Museums Entrances Schools & Colleges Balconies Restaurants Designers We works closely with architects and local councils to transform towns and cities into greener environments. Living Walls can provide environmental benefits in the form of biodiversity, thermal insulation and cooling benefit to the building and noise attenuation. All Wall Systems are designed by our in house team working with clients, designers and architects to any specific style and shape, in both interior and exterior environments. Plant species, selected from an extensive proven planting list purposely designed for the ANS System, are chosen according to the location of the walls. The modules are then planted by hand from a design plan, providing a living solution with colour and texture.

9 17 living UP THERE HIGH IN THE SKIES CONCRETE MONSTERS FILL MY EYES HOW DRAB THE SLABS WITH LIFELESS STARES THEIR VIRTUAL CRY OF WHO ON EARTH CARES THESE FINGERS OF BRICK AND GLASS AND STEEL POINTING UP AS IF TO APPEAL TURN US INTO ORGANIC TOWERS ADORN US NOW WITH BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS DON T GIVE THE GIANTS A LOOK OF PITY LET THEM BREATHE LIFE INTO THE CITY aspired to create a living wall solution that replicated nature as closely as possible and had to be a cradle to cradle system. And so was born The ANS Living Wall System : 100% recycled material incorporating organically grown media and backed by our 10 year comprehensive warranty. This proven modular system can be built up and around any structure, to any size - a living work of art professionally designed and delivered to site fully planted to give instant full impact. The system incorporates a fully automatic irrigation system to allow every area of the wall the correct amount of water.

10 Living Walls have the capacity to provide sound insulation for buildings, and absorb surrounding noise. They beautify otherwise barren eyesores of our cityscape and provide unique opportunities for design and creativity. softening of the city enhances image beautification of the landscape can be designed to form dramatic shadows by incorporating plants and lighting LIVINGWALLS ECOTIST Rain water can be harvested and easily re-absorbed. Soils and plants have absorption properties that traditional building materials do not have. THE NEW CITY OF CULTURE Plants help to add oxygen to the air therefore reducing industrial smog, and the planting helps to cool the ambient air temperature. Movement, colour, sound and texture of plants add to the overall health and well being of citizens. 19 insulating properties longer life facades enhances property value fire resistance protects from elements of rain and wind damage URBAN BREATH ROOTS TO THE CITY LIFE STYLE On-going watering of plants assists with reducing global warming, through an increase in evaporation levels and a higher transfer of solar energy. biodiversity in the urban area habitats, breeding and nesting possibilities offsets carbon footprint air purification can be included in the BREEAM rating lowers the heat island effect in the urban area recyclable utilises rain water harvesting reduces smog from traffic fumes provides protection for flora and fauna CRADLE TO CRADLE STREETLIFE LETTHECITY LIVE&BREATHE URBAN RURALISM LIVING FORTHE CITY THE NEW URBAN HORIZON colourful bespoke designs personalised logos educational can be incorporated with other wall cladding Habitat preservation and protection of flora and fauna, as buildings in urban areas can still have a rural haven and contribute to preserving biological diversity. Increased urban habitat for song birds and butterflies.

11 21 outsidein urban place is where they serve alive to form the perfect curve

12 upstairs downstairs the new direction in city landscaping a lift to all floors 23 hotel motel, urban king these living walls are the inn thing

13 25 haute cuisine... greens with everything. Create an ambience that gives back what was once removed. Bring rurality to whatever you innovate. Let urbania live and breathe plantatia and create the perfect equilibrium. Love steel, love chrome, love wood... now add the vital ingredient. gastro, pesto, haute cuisine urban eating touch of green

14 27 Plantfood The wall at the M&S store in Norwich was designed to blend in with the existing open space to the rear of the church and increase the visual drama of the urban landscape. 152 square metres of wall was covered with species indigenous to the local area. The range of plants selected comprised 11 different varieties which flower at different times of the year, hence the wall will visibly change through the seasons. a wall so tall to set the mood enchanting plants for simply food take time out, call in here enjoy good chat and atmosphere aroma derived from coffee bean a living wall there to be seen

15 29 who says the garden belongs outside? bring it in. At last the outside world fuses with indoor life. It s the new wallpaper. The new way to decorate. Green goes with everything. And each day it ll look a little different as it breathes life into the home. Water the walls, don t emulsion. Create a picture that s unique. And put your signature on it. A sense of belonging. urbanruralism

16 31 outward bound this peaceful zone so rarely found this urban place so outward bound

17 Gentle streams drop to a pond plants so green adorned with frond and sat behind the waterfall the beauty of the living wall 33 Green turns togold at the Chelsea Flower Show This design is inspired by the winding jungle streams and rich traditional architecture of the Malaysian archipelago. The layout captures the sinuous movement of a brown limestone riverbed, carved out by a slowly moving stream, leaving pebbled deposits along the naturally planted terraces. urbanruralism

18 transformations making urban

19 35 transformations making urban rural

20 37 planning The Living Wall production begins at our nurseries. Here the modules are hand planted by our team of horticulturists, and remain on our nurseries to give time to allow the planting to become fully established. This is very important to ensure the longevity of the wall. Once they are ready for installation, they are transported to site on a trolley system for protection of the plants. The wall is then assembled by one of our dedicated installation teams. T IA R E L L A S P R IN G S Y M P H O N Y L IR IO P E M U S C A R I H E U C H E R A G R E E N S P IC E S T A C H Y S L A N A T A V IN C A M IN O R B O W L E S P U R P L E C A R E X F R O S T E D C U R L S P O L Y P O D IU M V U L G A R E H E U C H E R A P U R P L E P E T T IC O A T S T IA R E L L A IR O N B U T T E R F L Y S T A IN L E S S S T E E L S E C T IO N W IT H B A C K L IG H T IN G

21 39 nature s way The Body Shop has it mapped out. Another very interesting internal living wall. This was installed for the Body Shop group in the Westfield (Stratford) complex. Due to the nature of the store, a living wall depicting a world map was requested. Soleirolia soleirolii was used for the sea a number of herbs and other plants formed the countries. The wall is divided by the shop front glass, meaning 2/3s of the wall is inside the shop and 1/3 is outside. Each country contains native species of plants, which then corresponds with the line of natural products in the shop. Plants are regularly replaced to keep up with the changing product lines.

22 41 urban build could mean the end to our fine little feathered friend so to give them all a place to rest we ve built in places to nest ecological the story of the birds and bees One of the key features of a living wall is providing habitat for urban wildlife. A large number of animal species are happy to live in urban areas if a suitable habitat can be found. Habitat boxes coupled with carefully chosen plant species, can create fantastic roosting/nesting places for birds and hibernation opportunities for insects. We are able to offer bird, bee and bat boxes, together with insect hotels fully installed into the living wall modules. Our in-house design team will work closely with you as the client to ensure the nesting boxes are installed on the right elevation and that the correct dimension of box is used for the bird species. All habitat boxes are manufactured from sustainable FSC timber and have extremely good insulation properties, making them warm in winter and cool in summer. None of the nesting boxes have decorations that predators could cling to and threaten the birds inside.

23 s p r in k e r s w a r m y e llo w s, v ib r a n t r e d s r e p r e s e n t in g t h e s u n vino verde The world s first living billboard was successfully installed at the Westfield Shopping Centre, West London. Working with us, wine company Banrock Station created this superb work of art to publicise their donation of 30,000 to help preserve 2100 acres of British wildflower meadows. In place for two weeks, the billboard had an integrated pump, so that shoppers can water the floral installation! pavementart B o t t le la b e l 3 D b e e a d d e d d e p t h t o w o r k o f a r t d a r k g r e e n p la n t f o r b o t t le w it h lig h t g r e e n t o c r e a t e h ig h lig h t a m ix o f p u r p le s, p in k s a n d w h it e s g r o w in g t h r o u g h t h e b o t t le g r e e n t o r e p r e s e n t f o a m in g w in e 3 D b u t t e r f ly a d d in g d e p t h t o w o r k o f a r t w a t e r f e a t u r e im a g e o f s k y d ig it a lly p r in t e d a s b a c k d r o p

24 43 vino verde The world s first living billboard was successfully installed at the Westfield Shopping Centre, West London. Working with ANS, wine company Banrock Station created this superb work of art to publicise their donation of 30,000 to help preserve 2100 acres of British wildflower meadows. In place for two weeks, the billboard had an integrated pump, so that shoppers can water the floral installation! pavementart

25 45 Easy living. The living screen,offers everything that you d expect from a living wall - a fresh, healthy environment combined with a dynamic visual to complement any location it s in. And there is no requirement for plumbing. The unit is self contained with its own water tank discretely hidden away in the base section with a fully automated irrigation system. The living screen makes the ideal feature wall, partition wall, divider for sectioning offices, dining areas and/or communal meeting places. Of course, should you wish to rearrange the area, the unit is easy to reposition wherever. Simple. Kobergmobilewall

26 47 breathing Base units and side panels can be manufactured in any RAL colour. Graphics can be applied to make the unit customised and unique. life Wherever you need to place a screen why not have it in living green? Destinations Offices Board rooms Receptions Meeting areas Kitchens Restaurants Public houses Libraries Care homes Hospitals Gymnasiums Health spas Airports Public transport depots Corridors Placement Along walls Office dividers/partitions Island sites

27 freestyle 49 livingexamples 500m 2 have been supplied and were installed on the Aquatic Centre. After extensive research by the architects involved in the project, the Living Wall System was the only system that could handle the complex curves and angles of the structure. Planted with blue moor grasses (Sesleria Caerulea), the design was to resemble the rippling of water. As the plants move, swathes of blue and green are created, achieving an awe-inspiring visual impact to the already stunning Aquatic centre. The images shown were taken through the installation! see the swathes of blue green pass created by the living grass

28 51 Dizzy heights Eat up your greens This is an interesting project, right in the middle of a large shopping centre in Christchurch, New Zealand. A framework was constructed, with the facility to hang modules on one side. Once installed, the back of the framework was then covered with murals etc to finish it all off. making an entrance This superb interior wall was recently installed in an executive lounge at the Biggin Hill Airport. A maintenance team regularly visits the wall to carry out a health check on all planting, calibrate irrigation if needed and apply a liquid feed. This ensures the wall is always looking its best as it greets passengers! The living wall at the Network Housing Group s new affordable housing development, near Hommerton Station (London). It stands the tallest living wall in Europe; possibly the world. Topping out at the 14th floor, the wall covers over 220m 2, using over 24,600 plants. The project won the Estates Gazette Green Award Residential Development of the year. Maintenance visit at Digby road When a maintenance visit is due, ANS call in the abseilers! At 13 storeys high, this method is the only realistic way of doing it! Not a job for those who suffer acrophobia.

29 53 Growing up A flight of fancy Heathrow Airport Heathrow goes green! The Living Wall was installed in the No 1 Traveller Lounge at Heathrow Airport Terminal 3, replicating the wall ANS had already installed in their lounge at North Terminal, Gatwick Airport. Choose your airport; inspect a wall! Ecology meets economy The London School of Economics realised the ecological benefits of installing a living wall on its property. A superb location was found on the 4th floor terrace area, which is viewed by over 9000 students. Fermoy Road, North London Amidst the dust and traffic of busy North London, a vertical landscape has been installed at the end of a 5 storey residential block of flats. The vertical landscape helps reduce the noise levels of city traffic, thereby creating a welcoming environment for the residents.

30 mm damp proof membrane PFC irrigation pipe channel Indicative existing structure FSC pressure treated softwood battens fixed to existing structure at 250mm centres Waterproof membrane ANS fixing rails fixed to surfaces at 500mm centres capillary matting vertical structure for hanging The science bit hanging bracket pre-planted before installation fitted to fixing rails 60mm stainless steel fixing attaches module to hanging rail for extra security horizontal fixing rail 16mm diam. pipework with inline pressure compensated emitters at 125mm centres ANS living wall module build up Drainage channel



33 Koberg living walls The Living Wall System

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