Can someone speak some Korean to tell him where the aperture button is?

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1 Adempiere 中文手册

2 Can someone speak some Korean to tell him where the aperture button is? 目录 ADempiere 项目...4 版权说明...4 ADempiere Business Suite...5 商业过程...5 Quote to Cash...6 商业文档规则...7 文档状态...7 文档顺序...7 文档类型引擎...8 Requisition to Pay...8 客户关系管理 CRM...9 合作伙伴关系管理 Partner Relations Management...10 供应链管理...11 效能分析 Performance Analysis...12 网上商店 Web Store...13 财务整合 Financials Integration...13 技术 Technology...14 KPI 仪表板...15 Rich and Reach 用户界面...15 Swing 客户端改进...16 安全漏洞补丁...17 Web HTML 用户界面...18 应用程序字典配置 Pack Tool...19 The Victoria Edition Victoria 版本...20 版本信息...21 Bug Fixes...21 Enhancements / Feature Requests...26 Feature Request...29

3 以前的的版本...30 Highlights...30 Enhancements...30 Bug Fixes...31 Additional...32 Patches...32

4 ADempiere 项目 ADempiere 项目 是非常优秀的开源 ERP 项目 目 前应用于很多中小型企业 包括零售业 贸易 制造业和公共服务机构 更多 信息请访问 版权说明 本 文 档 包 含 源 自 其 他 机 构 的 版 权 信 息 如 ComPiere Inc USA ADempiere Bazaar 和 red1 马来西亚 本文档可以自由传阅 不 得用于商业行为 作者对文档的准确性与内容不负任何责任 作者站点请访 问

5 ADempiere Business Suite ADempiere 所有模块遵循商业过程管理而不是单独部门过程 如 在 销售模块 中安排了 现金支付 在 购置模块 Purchasing 中调用 Requisition-to-Pay ADempiere 同时支持商业规则配置 如支持条件 发货 计价 用户不需要编码就可以采用新的商业参数配置 应用程序字典 商业过程 ADempiere 采用商业过程驱动而不是传统的部门业务驱动 目前 管理 模型扁平化是一个趋势 特别是中小型企业 很多 NB 人物经常担负不同的商 业任务 甚至是多个相关的商业过程 表 2-1 说明每个商业过程相关的传统任务 传统过程 总分类账 付账 收账 采购订单 销售订单 库存管理 固定资产 CRM Quote to Cash Requisition to pay 客户管理 供应链 效能分析

6 Quote to Cash Quote to Cash 现金报价 涉及的商业过程包括为客户 潜在客户 创建报价单 订单管理 库存管理与现金收入 此功能与库存和执行模块高度 整合 或者说与供应链管理 SCM 和客户管理 CM 在传统的系统中 通常在订单与收账模块中实现 功能整合情况极佳 发票决不会意外的被取出 也不会出现订购的原材 料没有到位情况下的支付 这些作为 销售订单 的元素的数量信息保存在 产品信息 窗口 下面再做订单的时候可以快速浏览

7 商业文档规则 在整个 SCM 供应链管理 中 基于 文档基本类型 Document Base Type 的管理规则实现了多功能且规章严明 disciplined 控制 而对 于 销售订单 Sales Order 来说 这种管理规则表现形式是一个系统 化的预先设定的轨迹 文档状态 标准商业文档状态标记商业生命周 期的每个阶段 文档顺序 每个 文档类型 Document 都有自己的文档序列号 如果用户没有

8 设置 Search Key 的值 这些序列号可以是缺省设置或管理员设置 文档类型引擎 基于 文档基本类型 属性的文档管理采用专用过程来管理商业文档生 命周期 每个 文档基本类型 又可以划分为格式化的 文档类型 Document Types. 文档类型 计划 Proposal 报价单 Quotation 标准订单 文档基本类型 销售订单 销售订单 销售订单 仓库订单 销售订单 信用卡订单 POS 订单 预付 销售订单 销售订单 销售订单 描述 非实盘 实盘 批次驱动 Batch-driven 提 货 单 Delivery Note 发票 发票及付款 收款后发货 自动生成./. Reserve Stock./. 手工生成 转换为其他类型 转换为其他类型 普通发货与发票 发货 普通发票 发货+发票 发货+发票+收款./. 发票+发货 收款 Requisition to Pay 现 金 报 价 Quote to Cash 控 制 客 户 的 应 收 账 款 Accounts Receiv -ables 而 申请支付 Requisition to Pay 流程覆盖整个 应付账款 Accounts Payable 包括供应商和卖方商业过程中的创建 申请 采购订单 发票进款及支付过程 此功能整合在 SCM 中 在传统系统中 这些功能一般在 采购 与 应付账款 模块中

9 Materials Receipt 实现了供应商分期交货 系统持续跟踪未交货结余 用户可以清楚的看到分期付款与延期交货过程 客户关系管理 CRM 系统内嵌客户关系管理模块 提供所有客户与潜在客户相关活动的逻辑 视图 客户管理功能是整个商业过程的一个部分 客户管理功能是实时的 且对结算功能来说不可分批或同步

10 合作伙伴关系管理 Partner Relations Management 合作伙伴关系管理在不同当事人间建立联系 允许他们来管理 首位分 布 lead distribution 服 务 请 求 相 关 分 布 collateral distribution 和行销费用 同时还可以实现集中服务 系统所有当事人或

11 商业实体都以商业伙伴分类 包括供应商 客户或雇员 每个独立用户都有一 个 SalesRep 属性 可以是代理 也可以是其他伙伴企业的联系人 商业合作 伙伴的每个类型都会有一个单独的域属性来标识它在系统中的行为方式 供应链管理 供应链管理涵盖一个当事人和它的组织的所有材料管理活动 包括库存 收据 发货 运输与存货数量 ADempiere 中产品分为物件 服务或资源 产品可 以附在 PriceLists 或定位器 Locators 上用以全面掌握产品状态

12 效能分析 Performance Analysis 效能分析模块实现成本与会计账目规模报表 在传统系统中 这些功能 一般在报表与普通分类帐模块中实现 其他产生会计分录的模块也会实现

13 网上商店 Web Store Adempiere Web Store 提供所有我们需要的网上商店功能 网上商店的信 息与标准程序共享 不需要再做同步或其他的整合工作 网上商店组件可以 定制 财务整合 Financials Integration 采用 ADempiere 的最大优势就是其与财务和会计的整合 用户可以很容 易的查询财务决算

14 技术 Technology ADempiere 继 承 ERP2 的 技 术 架 构 采 用 成 熟 的 WEB 企 业 概 念 如 J2EE Jboss 或面向服务架构实现仪表板外表 报警 电子商务与开放标 准的兼容性 HTML 开始页面包含所有功能选项如网上商店 CRM 与 WEB 启动界面配置 同时提供手册与在线帮助 采用开放标准的会计模块支持多种工具软件

15 KPI 仪表板 JAVA 客户端程序通过单点登录来控制用户访问窗口 表单和过程 每个用 户都可以查看自己的需求 报警和工作流活动 仪表板最新的更新工作由奥地 利人 Stefan Kuthan 完成 JAVA 富客户端实现快速友好的相关组件访问 如文档 商业伙伴 规则和 定价等 Rich and Reach 用户界面 JAVA 客户端界面提供一个高度定制的 RICH 客户端供没有编程经验的用 户使用 整个应用中所有菜单按钮都是标准的

16 Swing 客户端改进 在 Compiere260a 之 后 ADempiere 改 进 了 Swing 与 DB 连 接 这 些 工 作 由 马 来 西 亚 Low Hengsin 完成 每次登录 Login 对话框强制进 行数据库连接测试 当然这个选项

17 可以在 Window Preference Settings 中禁用 用户使用同一个菜单打开一个 窗口后 再次打开这个窗口 程序将打开同一个窗口实例而不是再开一个窗 口 现在用户也可以不关闭整个程序登出系统 这样用户可以更快的重新登 录系统 因为应用实例已经在运行 安全漏洞补丁 WEB HTML 继承了一个严重的安全安全漏洞 用户密码可以很容易的被一 个 简 单 URL 攻 击 取 走 Victoria 版本引入了补丁 伊朗人 Bahman 完成了这项工作

18 Web HTML 用户界面 ADempiere 对 HTML 界 面 进 行 了 重 大 改 进 感 谢 美 国 人 Robert Klein Web 用户界面由应用程序字典自动动态生成 同时这也减轻了编码工 作 因为此功能可以被富客户端和 HTML 客户端同时使用 应用程序字典配置 应用程序字典实现了不用编码就可以更改应用程序

19 用户可以通过修改应用程序字典来定义菜单 窗口 标签和列的外观与操 作 2Pack Tool Robert Klein 还为社区提供一个工具 用户可以保存自己的定制 使用 2Pack 插件框架 用户可以轻松实现核心应用的导入/导出 2Pack 可以将程 序模块打包或剔除 如 固定资产 Fixed Assets Rolbert Klein 模

20 块和墨西哥人 Victor Perez 贡献的 Libreo Manufacturing 和 HR 模块 The Victoria Edition Victoria 版本 在社区版本发行同时 ADempiere 还将向大众提供更稳定功能更强的版

21 本 版本信息 Bug Fixes BF [ ] CashLine bank account is filled even if is not bank transfer (Teo Sarca) BF [ ] NPE when you enter "+" in a numeric field (Teo Sarca) Bug Fix [ ] Locator field cleared in Physical Inventory (Carlos Ruiz) Bug Fix in AD [ ] AD_Color.ColorType is defined as Color and must be List (Carlos Ruiz) BF [ ] Server Processes are using Server's context (Teo Sarca) Bug Fix [ ] Add or Copy Accounts failing / postgres (Carlos Ruiz) Bug fix [ ] SQL Error with M_Package (Carlos Ruiz) Corrects bug and in the HTML Client Robert Klein minor - add index out of bound check. Convert Postgres (Heng Sin) [ ] Printing time in format (Victor Perez) [ ] Create Package error. (Carlos Ruiz) Fixed some issues with SQLJ and views. (Bahman) [ ] Issue when you need buy with um minor that stoked. (Heng Sin) [ ] Minor bugs in MSysConfig. (Heng Sin) [ ] Add attribute instance retrieval method to MProduct. (Heng Sin) Corrected DB_VERSION and DATE_VERSION to " ". (Bahman) [ ] Some Workflow Actions Are Not Implemented (Karsten Thiemann) [ ] Attachment doesn't support update (Heng Sin) [ ] Report window doesn't have the focus when launch from window (Heng Sin) [ ] Can't open attribute instance window for new product (Heng Sin)

22 [ ] Report window doesn't have the focus when launch from window (Heng Sin) [ ] MTable.getPO doesn't load virtual column (Heng Sin) Try not to look worried. We ran out of money to get the cameraman a coke. [ ] mtable.getpo should return null when query return no result (Heng Sin) [ ] Product Category Tree has problems for new records (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] firedatastatuseevent in GridTab should be public (Heng Sin) [ ] Clob/blob datatype is string or byte[] in postgresql (Heng Sin) [ ] Create Report Line Bug (Heng Sin) [ ] Info Account - Posting Type is not translated (Teo Sarca) [ ] Error show PO different Receipt Warehouse in Create From (Victor Perez) [ ] Encryption for password wrongly managed (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] Fixed 2Pack columnid error in PackRoll (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] 2Pack i18n issue (Carlos Ruiz) Accepted patch with modifications : [ ] Fix bug Create Price List process bug (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] nullpointerexception generating price lists (Carlos Ruiz) Reapply 2866 Security Fix. Robert Klein [ ] enhanced group favorites (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) [ ] Adding duplicated item to TreeBar only throws Exception (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) [ ] enhanced dashboard / graph package (Heng Sin) unregistered bug - clob should map to Text instead of bytea for postgresql. (Heng Sin) Reversed changes in WFilter and build.xml. Robert Klein Corrected in WebField, window.css and window.js Robert Klein [ ] MLImportStructure Bugs (Fernando Cezar Lucktemberg) Correct issue with clearing frame. Corrects defect # Robert Klein

23 [ ] NPE on locator fields that are not mandatory (Teo Sarca) [ ] NPE on locator fields that are not mandatory (Teo Sarca) fixes around MProductTest (Teo Sarca) Correct Button format on Attachment Window Robert Klein Zoom does not always opens a window Robert Klein Report and Process does not open up until a window is opened Robert Klein Copyright label is wrong on the index page Robert Klein Lookup fields to do not fire callouts Robert Klein Password reset does not work on WebUI Robert Klein [ ] Error when try synchronize column with reference table (Victor Perez) [ ] Help window not working on java 6 (Teo Sarca) [ ] Can't add attributes to attribute set (Heng Sin) [ ] Grid mode editing not working with combo boxes (Teo Sarca) [ ] Error DB_PostgreSQL.convertStatement with (Heng Sin) [ ] Some Workflow Actions Are Not Implemented (Karsten Thiemann) [ ] Convert fails for type only ALTER...MODIFY statement (Heng Sin) Fixed add column with default value failed - reported by Tim during testing of 2pack import of Libero. (Heng Sin) [ ] Error when try copy commission (Victor Perez) [ ] WebUI: Access to system-level windows without authentication (Bahman) [ ] Automatic change of status on requests is not happening (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] Workflow - Node With Process Gives NPE (Karsten Thiemann) In Location Dialog don't show Online button for countries not configured (Carlos Ruiz) BugFix (Michael Judd) BF [ ] Document Attachment error with Version 2739 (Teo Sarca) BugFix (Michael Judd) reversing class to static as no other call except (Redhuan) Amounts over fail in VPayment for Credit Card and Check(Cheque) (Michael Judd) BF: error when applying this script on customized AD_Element, AD_Column, AD_Field tables. (Teo Sarca) [ ] Problem in Doc_MatchInv DECODE Function (Heng Sin) Fix Oracle SQL (Michael Judd) [ ] Incorrect path reference in GenerateModel.launch (Michael Judd) [ ] Editable number field for inactive record (Teo Sarca) [ ] Business Partner Open Balance Incorrect (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] Payment Selection Exception (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] NPE saving on window (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] Load jasper report file from attachment (Heng Sin) Fixing two detected errors in dictionary with IsTranslated definition (Carlos Ruiz) Fix -> Print preview not working when translated after revision 2710 (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] Average Costing & Landed Cost fix (Fernando Cezar Lucktemberg) [ ] NPE when closing a window (Teo Sarca)

24 fix launch file to include needed jasperreport jar (Heng Sin) [ ] Wrong Accounting in Returns (Victor Perez) Average Costing & Landed Cost fixes (User:Armenrz) [ ] PriceList Version is empty in Product-Price tab (Teo Sarca) [ ] Organization in Window "Role" problem (Teo Sarca) [ ] getlookup_tableembed error for self referecing references (Teo Sarca) [ ] getlookup_tabledirembed error when BaseColumn is sql query (Teo Sarca) [ ] Warning on numeric field with range set (Teo Sarca) Added some ordering changes to the handle import functions to help with dependency errors. (Tim Heath) [ ] Dunning Run Create is using inactive BP locations (Teo Sarca) [ ] Print Dunning Letters: null pointer (Teo Sarca) refresh of combo doesn't work (Heng Sin) WebUI: set the "background" frame "WCmd" to noresize (Teo Sarca) Minor import fix (Teo Sarca) [ ] Import Formats are accesible for all tenants (Teo Sarca) Test to validate the wellformedness of PackOut.xml (Tim Heath) [ ] Standalone Jasper Report only with full path possible (Victor Perez) Added missing sql scripts for the "PrintPreview" message (Johannes Gubo) [ ] Add Print Preview button (Johannes Gubo) Jasper Reports as well as normal processes are now both working again. (Johannes Gubo) Fixed by class validation and minimal usage of reflection. (Johannes Gubo) processclass is not forced to be a SvrProcess class, it can be also a ReportStarter one (used with Jasper Reports) (Johannes Gubo) Bug introduced with new process invocation methods. (Johannes Gubo) With the new process invokation methods Jasper Reports get started twice, fixed this issue (Johannes Gubo) Fixed wrong resultset column index and better exception/error handling (Johannes Gubo) instr.indexof(";"); modified to instr.indexof(';'); (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) [ ] Reporting Functionality ( zk client ) (Heng Sin) [ ] Add Print Preview button (Heng Sin) [ ] GridTable error when there is no model generated (Teo Sarca) [ ] Mandatory fields with AutoCompletion have incorrect color (Teo Sarca) [ ] AutoCompletion: drop down box is showed even if i press Caps (Teo Sarca) [ ] Error when you create a new record that has mandatory values (Teo Sarca) [ ] Any window with product attribute on first tab is not workin (Teo Sarca) [ ] Right click on AutoCompletion box is not working as expected (Teo Sarca) [ ] PO.is_Changed() and PO.is_ValueChanged are not consistent (Teo Sarca) [ ] Sorting should be language-sensitive (Teo Sarca) [ ] MLookupFactory: TableDirEmbed -> TableEmbed not supported (Teo Sarca) [ ] MLookupFactory.getLookup_TableDirEmbed is not translated (Teo Sarca) [ ] Acct Viewer sorting is very very slow (Teo Sarca) [ ] "Zoom-Popup" not Working after Auto-Completion Patch (Heng Sin) [ ] Product Window Giving Error after Auto-Completion Patch (Victor Perez) [ ] When export 2Pack create without Workflow,PrintFormat,etc (Victor Perez) Bug fix for bug #: (Tim Heath) [ ] Autocompletion on comboboxes (Heng Sin) [ ] System Alert Processor exception (Heng Sin)

25 [ ] Refactoring of ProcessCtl and ServerBean (Heng Sin) Fixed a bug when exporting a process/report (Tim Heath) [ ] When you modify product's name it throws SQLException (Teo Sarca) Fixed bug dealing with outputing a printformat for a process when AD_PrintFormat_ID was 0. (Tim Heath) ID error. ad_field_id already exists and is used by a column called "PrintFormat" (Johannes Gubo) [ ] Convert failed with decode in quoted string (Heng Sin) [ ] AdempiereMonitor shows the directories from the log dir (Teo Sarca) Used this test to fix bug #: (Tim Heath) Fixed bug dealing with not exporting a sub printformat. BUG #: (Tim Heath) Major printformat bug fixed. (Tim Heath) Corrected a missing argument and added single quotes on D. (Tim Heath) Added ad_printformat_id numeric(10,0) so needed to regenerate the x class. (Tim Heath) Fixed arg value to Generate Model to have single quotes around it. (Tim Heath) Fixed alter statement. (Tim Heath) AD table changes needed for printformat 2pack PackOut type export. (Tim Heath) [ ] MLocatorLookup - weird error (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] QtyOrdered wrongly updated (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] Material Receipt - Create Lines From - Invalid column index (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] Server bean allows remote unauthenticated queries (Heng Sin) Handle exception/error with Assert.Fail instead of System.out (Heng Sin) Added AD_Client_ID=11 to (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Fixed the Issue with PrintFormat when import a process (Victor Perez) [ ] Issue with lower case when try create printformat (Victor Perez) minor edit to the readme to state the correct order to run the migration scripts croo [ ] password is required even if not IsSTMPAuthorization (Teo Sarca) [ ] DunningEntry Amt not updated correctly (Teo Sarca) [ Bugs ] Shortcut not working for combobox and button (Bahman) [ ] DB password printed on screen. (Heng Sin) [ ] DunningEntry Amt not updated correctly (Teo Sarca) [ ] Server bean allows remote unauthenticated queries (Heng Sin) Added security token validation for wan profile. (Heng Sin) [ ] Server bean allows remote unauthenticated queries (Heng Sin) [ ] Wrong usage of =="" (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) [ ] Server Management doesn't decrypt password (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] Column encryption not working on String (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] Changing BPartner in a completed document should be denied (Teo Sarca) [ ] E: paymenttermdiscount not using C_NonBusinessDay (Teo Sarca) [ ] Dunning print shows duplicate lines (Teo Sarca) [ ] E: paymenttermdiscount not using C_NonBusinessDay (Teo Sarca) [ ] DB password printed on screen. (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Datatype NUMBER does not exist in postgresql, changed to NUMERIC (Johannes Gubo) [ ] User can enter more characters than max size field (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Added 'base' project to classpath in order to work with Adempiere version > 3.2 (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) [ ] Five 2Pack bugs (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] Out of memory when running Run_build.bat (Heng Sin) [ ] List shrink to one element on requery after add new element (Carlos Ruiz)

26 [ ] Shortcut Alt-L not working for Lookup on Menu (Heng Sin) Fixed issue after package refactoring. (Heng Sin) A little more on [ ] Tax Rates By Zip Code (Carlos Ruiz) minor, fixed build issue. (Heng Sin) Fixed classpath issue (missing junit libraries) (Johannes Gubo) [ ] Tax Rates By Zip Code (Johannes Gubo) [ ] ignores Product Categroy Tree (Karsten Thiemann) [ ] Tax Rates By Zip Code (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] R_IssueSource not a System table. (Fernando Cezar Lucktemberg) Fixed NetBeans project file to work after merging source folders, fixed classpath (Johannes Gubo) Missing classpath references caused classes not found during build under NetBeans as well as standalone, added the missing libraries to the classpath (base.path) (Johannes Gubo) tools/lib/servlet.jar not existing, changed classpath to reference servlet-api.jar instead (Johannes Gubo) minor - update junit classpath reference (Heng Sin) fixed eclipse classpath and launch configuration (Heng Sin) [ ] SQLJ Date problem in PostgreSQL (Heng Sin) GL Distribution only works for Accounts (User:Armenrz) (User:Armenrz) Non-Item isstocked flag (User:Armenrz) (User:Armenrz) [ ] "View" menu elements dont open result window (Heng Sin) [ ] Portuguese (pt_pt) Language and Accounting Pack (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) [ ] Russian Language pack for version Contributed by Anatoly Ustyugov. (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) minor, put back command so that user can read the error message printed on console. (Heng Sin) Should install jdk first before database (Heng Sin) better indentation (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] Fixed Assets package is broking synchronize translation (Carlos Ruiz) - 003_make_feature_ _optional.sql - update for those who already ran the 002 (Carlos Ruiz) 002_add_feature_ sql - change it to make new parameter optional (Carlos Ruiz) - minor indentation enhancement (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] order reserves at the wrong locator (Karsten Thiemann) [ ] Resort Lines By Pressing Shift+Up/Down (Karsten Thiemann) [ ] Accounting error introduced by "Allow Negative Posting" (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] "Generate Invoices (manual)" show locked records. (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) [ ] Generate Shipments (manual) show locked records (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) [ ] ADempiere won't open browser in Mac OS (Fernando Cezar Lucktemberg) [ ] RUN_ImportAdempiere.bat fails on Postgres (Heng Sin) [ ] Workflow tab just allow to navigate first two activities (Carlos Ruiz) Enhancements / Feature Requests [ ] Refactoring of PackInHandler (Heng Sin)

27 Bug Fix [ ] Inventory Move should warn if insufficient stock on hand (Armen Rizal) FR [ ] ADempiere copy, Excel/OO Calc paste (Teo Sarca) [ ] RMA Feature (aj_kimball) add index out of bound check. (Heng Sin) added missing migration script for postgresql. (Heng Sin) Added local GenerateModel.launch to svn:ignore. (Heng Sin) drop System.out.println (Carlos Ruiz) Correction: "User Window" and "User Form" are implemented - thank you Matthias (oleoh) for the correction (Karsten Thiemann) new general.classpath without dbport (Carlos Ruiz) drop not needed dbport subdirectory (Carlos Ruiz) assign window to new table Dashboard (Carlos Ruiz) Migration script for dashboard (Carlos Ruiz) minor, increase log level to warning from info if failed to create log file. (Heng Sin) increase log level to severe if blog or clob save failed with exception (Heng Sin) Updated Calendar10.gif so now visible again in IE6 Robert Klein Reversed changes Selenium and Joomla integration in index.html abd window.js Robert Klein Correct build.xml to remove deletion of lib directories. Robert Klein I told you guys that we don t have to bring our own cams. Just say, Wow, that looks cute. Minor java generics improvement (Teo Sarca) Enhancement Fixed Eclipse settings! (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Test case to test creation of a Product. (Tim Heath) Cleanup: removed unused imports (Teo Sarca) Cleanup: removed unused imports (Teo Sarca) Deleted GenerateModel.launch (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Aded GenerateModel-general.launch (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Added "@Override" annotation to overrides methods (Teo Sarca) Changing heap space in compilation to avoid problem (Carlos Ruiz) make entry of classname for jasperreport process optional (Heng Sin) Libero version of PackOut.xml that works, had to make some changes to get it to work. (Tim Heath)

28 Changed to make a full import of libero 2pack possible. (Tim Heath) Enhancements: Average Costing & Landed Cost (User:Armenrz) Refactoring - move business logic to model, clean up. (Heng Sin) Refactoring - move business logic code from AReport to MPrintFormat (Heng Sin) Add hook to allow Env to work in a multi user environment, i.e servlet base UI (Heng Sin) Added a target to run the MLImportStructureTest main function. (Tim Heath) Added a main so I can see the output as it is running. (Tim Heath) All types in the PackOut.xml can be imported if they are in the right order. (Tim Heath) Testing the new approach at importing 2pack xml. (Tim Heath) Removed the reflection code, replaced by a cast to ProcessCall (thanks to Hengsin for the hint!) (Johannes Gubo) Rebranding and cleanup of lines which say that modification of log is violation os license. (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) added check to avoid infinite recursion (Heng Sin) Update of Russian translation by Anatoly Ustyugov. (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Ensure m_lookup and p_data is in sync after refresh. (Heng Sin) Modified ddlutils views for oracle and postgresql (Teo Sarca) Added bin/ directory to ignore list (Teo Sarca) Added initial AdempiereTestCase (Teo Sarca) file must not be stored in SVN Repository. (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Refactoring to better separate business logic from view (Heng Sin) German Translation by version 1.2 for ADempiere 1.5 (Karsten Thiemann) Feature Request [ ] Dependant Mandatory Field (Karsten Thiemann) improve build performance (Heng Sin) svn:ignore for (Heng Sin) minor - svn:ignore for build (Heng Sin) minor localization fix for exceptions: use getlocalizedmessage instead of getmessage (Teo Sarca) Added a GenerateModel ant target. (Tim Heath) Fix element_id on scripts (Carlos Ruiz) 008_2pack_enhancements_printformat.sql for oracle (Carlos Ruiz) 2pack_enhancements (Tim Heath) Implemented JAAS authentication for server bean (Heng Sin) Functional test to import a 2pack package. (Tim Heath) Added the ability to export a print format as a seperate type. (Tim Heath) Added a new test dealing with creation of a 2pack export package. (Tim Heath) Removed individual launch configurations. (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Added launch configuration for FunctionalTestSuite. (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Adding an example implementation of TestSuite (Heng Sin) Refactored functional tests (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Created org.adempiere.test.utils package and added DBUtils (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Added new functional tests dealing with importing of business partners, (Tim Heath) Added a testfunctional target and new tests to execute. (Tim Heath) minor - javadoc and license header (Heng Sin) Reorganzation of tests (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Improvement in MProductTest. Better time statistics (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Added MProductTest Eclipse launcher. (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov)

29 Added MProductTest, whihc test Product creation. (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Needed change to make the WAN port work behind firewall with just WAN port opened (database port closed) (Carlos Ruiz) Commented System.out.println which print user password! Bug item # (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Duplicate sql function - see ProductAttribute.sql file (Teo Sarca) added junit to build class path instead of build/base.jar (Teo Sarca) It test creation of MLocation records. (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Added JUnit exmaple test. (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Don't synchronize column with database by default, synchronize only if you mark column as getissyncdatabase='y' (Carlos Ruiz) Some rebranding (Carlos Ruiz) Allow SQLStatements specific for postgres (Carlos Ruiz) some basic package documentation (Heng Sin) Integrate Tim Heath enhancements on 2pack (Carlos Ruiz) Added junit.jar to base project else it do not compile. (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) remove dbport, print and interface project reference (Heng Sin) remove dbport and print reference (Heng Sin) Moved lots of sources and packages to base as discussed in forums (Heng Sin) Deleted not necessary folder. (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) dropped the AD_Synchronize specific for Oracle for easier maintenance. (Carlos Ruiz) Feature Request (Michael Judd) Contribution [ ] Simplify _.. classes (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Contribution [ ] Enable Adempiere to work with Google (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Smal html file which helps in UNICODE encoding. (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Added the RegionName field. (Fernando Cezar Lucktemberg) Added the Brazilian Regions, as they're missing on the DB. (Fernando Cezar Lucktemberg) FEATURE: Add Post code lookup infrastructure (Michael Judd) Feature Request (Michael Judd) FR [ ] Dependant Mandatory Field (Teo Sarca) [ FeatureRequests ] Performance Dashboard Update Mechanism. Also did some cleanup. (Bahman) Feature Request [ ] Store Archive In File System Or In DB (Karsten Thiemann) Added MProductTest Eclipse launcher. (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Added MProductTest, which test Product creation. (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Needed change to make the WAN port work behind firewall with just WAN port opened (database port closed) (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] Delete hard code to set a Column, Tab, Window, PrintFormat (Victor Perez)

30 FR [ ] ModelValidator for BeforePost and AfterPost (Carlos Ruiz) 以前的的版本 以下是以前 MayDay 版本信息 No wonder ours crashed. We gave it the wrong name Highlights Stabilization and refactoring of postgres port (Heng Sin) Enhancements [ ] current ADempiere show credit and debit negative (Victor Perez) - Add C_AcctSchema.IsAllowNegativePosting (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] Add role checking on max rows to Info windows (User:Armenrz) [ ] ModelValidator on modelchange after events (Teo Sarca, Carlos Ruiz) Remove of ROWNUM (oracle-specific) for better database independence (Heng Sin) [ ] ModelValidator.afterLoadPreferences will be useful (Teo Sarca) Complete submission of Access to a tab in a window programmatically (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] Silently pass AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID and AD_User_ID to JasperReports (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) [ ] Sort tab doesn't have ignore support (Teo Sarca) [ ] Sort tab is modifing readonly records (Teo Sarca) [ ] Sort Tab - add drag and drop support (Teo Sarca) [ ] Sort Tab is navigable (Teo Sarca) Save optimization - save only what have changed (Teo Sarca) [ ] Export translation xml files are not indented (Teo Sarca) Search Product Info by Supplier (Michael Judd) Product Category Tree enhancement (Karsten Thiemann) [ ] Change VFormat on runtime and add a mask that uppercases any char (Fernando Cezar

31 Lucktemberg) Bug Fixes [ ] Error when you try comple a shipment or receipt and tax is 0 (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] PO not saved if just custom column changed (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] NPE in Payment window (Teo Sarca) [ ] Import BPartner Problem (Teo Sarca) Fixed non UTF-characters. Corrected some translation errors (Daniel Norin) [ ] Shipment doesn't copy order priority (Teo Sarca) [ ] MMovementLine: beforesave Qty precision error (Teo Sarca) [ ] Problem with Replenish Report when you use custom type (Heng Sin) [ ] Invoice: inconsistent use of TaxAmt, LineTotalAmt (Teo Sarca) [ ] Manual tax not added to InvoiceTax (Teo Sarca) [ ] Issue when push button Paymenet Rule for Order Complete (Victor Perez) [ ] Error generate invoice line ad charge and should use product (Victor Perez) [ ] Quotes needed when CLASSPATH has spaces (JohnSweval, Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) [ ] Can not delete Banks, Charges, Business Partner Groups (Teo Sarca) [ ] Non printing images from database (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] PackOut - output dir is wrong (Teo Sarca) [ ] PackOut - streams are not closed (Teo Sarca) [ ] PackOut - field IsReadOnly/isReadWrite is incorrect exported (Teo Sarca) [ ] 2Pack is not exporting/importing column version (Teo Sarca) [ ] Field overwritten in BPartner window (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] FAPACK006 (Fixed Assets) Import Problem (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] ORA-00972: identifier is too long (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] MColumn.getSQLDataType: Unhandled Data Type = 28 (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] VFile is not firing Vetoable Change (Teo Sarca) [ ] VFile is not using the field name (Teo Sarca) [ ] Sort tabs working wrongly (Teo Sarca) [ ] Import Account parent key not shown (Carlos Ruiz) [ ] Convert.recoverQuotedStrings() error on strings with <--> (Teo Sarca) [ ] Home button not working correctly (Teo Sarca) [ ] Wrong transaction isolationlevel in ReportStart class (Johannes Gubo) [ ] Problems with Circular Callout (Heng Sin, Carlos Ruiz) [ ] Payment allocation issues (contributed by Fabian Aguilar - OFBConsulting, integrated by Carlos Ruiz) [ ] Windows are not showing when they are minimized (Teo Sarca) [ ] ISO country and currency codes have changed (Dukai, Michael Judd) [ ] Account Combination Form(VAccountDialog) translation issue (Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Prevent generated UPDATE statement to double quote the default value, this causes an error on postgresql (Johannes Gubo) [ ] PackOut export data not working in postgresql (Teo Sarca) [ ] Column synchronization for mandatory columns doesn't work (Heng Sin)

32 [ ] Process Parameters Panel overwrites window context (Teo Sarca) [ ] Export & import WF in 2Pack (Tim Heath) [ ] 2pack is not exporting Dynamic Validation (Tim Heath) [ ] Wrong pricelists displayed on order screen (Michael Judd) [ ] Add rounding rule - price ends in 9 or 5 (Michael Judd, Johannes Gubo, Carlos Ruiz) [ ] Info windows on canceling when loading (Teo Sarca) [ ] Copy from other PrintFormat doesn't work anymore (Heng Sin) [ ] RecordInfo NPE for some Table references (Teo Sarca) [ ] Find not working the save if role has query limit (Teo Sarca) [ ] Closing the application is not consistent (Teo Sarca) [ ] Document Status=Completed but Processed=N (Teo Sarca) [ ] Can't merge products when there are costing records (Teo Sarca) [ ] Find dialog: custom text fields should respond to enter (Teo Sarca) [ ] Truncated characters for pt_br lang files. Converted the truncated files to unicode hex format. (Fernando Cezar Lucktemberg) [ ] Dependency problem when modifying AD Columns and Sync. (Heng Sin) Additional [ ] Code cleanup (Stefan Huehner) [ ] Remove use of mydevenvtemplate script (Heng Sin) Added xml files for Hungarian language Added Japanese translation (kubotti, Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) [ ] Romanian Language Pack (Ioan Bogdan, Teo Sarca) [ ] Romanian Accounting Schema (Ioan Bogdan, Teo Sarca) Removed fyracle and derby from trunk Contributed Adempiere Account Editor (Daniel Norin) [ ] Austrian Accounting Schema (Chrisc_at, Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Localizations for Spain & Catalonia (Jordi Luna - recavap, Trifon Nikolaev Trifonov) Patches As announced this version is going to be maintained for some time (still not determined) for production purposes. Please download last patches file from sourceforge here: ADempiere Patches Installation instructions here: Patches_Installation patches_3.2_ jar Covering the following critical bugs found on 3.2 Bug Workflow tab just allow to navigate first two activities Bug Accounting error introduced by "Allow Negative Posting" Patched classes: org/compiere/acct/fact.class

33 org/compiere/apps/wf/wfactivity.class We have just concluded another forking conspiracy. It is called BreadFirst.

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