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1 ZONGULDAK KARAELMAS ÜNİVERSİTESİ AKADEMİK YILI HAZIRLIK MUAFİYET SINAVI Sınav Tarihi: Sınav Saati: 10:00 12:30 Kitapçık Türü A ADI : SOYADI : ÖĞRENCİ NO : BÖLÜMÜ : SALON NUMARASI : AÇIKLAMA 1. Bu sınav kitapçığında 100 adet soru bulunmaktadır. Sınav için verilen süre 150 dakikadır. (2,5 saat) 2. Soru kitapçığınızın türü A dır. Kitapçık türünüzü cevap kağıdındaki ilgili alana kodlayınız. Aksi takdirde sınavınız değerlendirilemez. 3. Cevaplamaya istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz. 4. Her sorunun sadece bir doğru cevabı vardır. Birden fazla seçenek işaretlendiğinde cevabınız yanlış kabul edilir. 5. Optik formunuzu katlamayınız, kırıştırmayınız ve kirletmeyiniz. Yumuşak uçlu kalem ve silgi kullanınız. 6. Formunuzun üzerine adınızı, soyadınızı, numaranızı ve cinsiyetinizi yazıp doğru ve eksiksiz şekilde kodlayınız. 7. Bu sınavın değerlendirilmesi doğru cevap sayısı üzerinden yapılacaktır. Yanlış cevaplar, doğru cevapları götürmez. 8. Sınavda uyulacak diğer kurallar kitapçığın arka kapağında yazılıdır.

2 sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen kelime ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 1. Spacecrafts and satellites are made of durable materials, so they can operate in high and low temperatures in outer space. A) slowly B) extremely C) simply D) gradually E) cautiously 6. The little boy was of the dog, and he began to cry loudly. A) surprised B) satisfied C) afraid D) respectful E) angry 2. Nobody is sure, but Mr. Thomson will attend the staff meeting this afternoon. A) seriously B) intentionally C) carelessly D) temporarily E) probably 7. The candidate couldn t understand the instructions because they weren t enough. A) rough B) effective C) clear D) complicated E) optimistic 3. An astronomer s job is to the outer space with telescopes and keep records. A) refuse B) join C) collect D) observe E) comment 8. The path into the jungle was full of dangerous animals and poisonous plants, so our guide didn t want to walking along that route. A) go on B) turn off C) take up D) get up E) go after 4. The chairman has a financial expert to the monthly meeting to ask him for advice. A) invited B) suspected C) insisted D) ignored E) informed 9. you me to give you an aspirin to relieve your headache? A) Do / like B) Would / ask C) Will / mind D) Would / mind E) Would / like 5. Poor children need to receive financial to attend university. A) evidence B) support C) information D) account E) exchange 10. Teenagers smoke because it is harmful to their health. A) mustn t B) can t C) couldn t D) needn t E) may not 2

3 11. The US government many ways to prevent terrorism since Twin Towers by terrorists in A) develops / are attacked B) developed / were being attacked C) is developing / have been attacked D) has developed / were attacked E) had developed / had been attacked 15. Billy lost the race because all other runners ran him. A) the fastest B) faster C) faster than D) so fast that E) as fast as 12. Please the manager during the lunch-break because he an important phone call. A) not call / has been making B) don t call / will be making C) not calling / is making D) don t call / will have made E) not to call / makes 16. Unless you start a sport like jogging, you won t be able to avoid on weight. A) doing / putting B) to do / put C) doing / to put D) to do / to put E) do / putting 13. Our office at the moment and the furniture in next week when the work is over. A) has been painted / are moved B) is painted / are being moved C) was being painted / would be moved D) will be painted / will have been moved E) is being painted / will be moved 17. At the moment, we need a secretary is hardworking and a consultant we can trust in our office. A) that / where B) whose / that C) who / whom D) which / whose E) who / whose 14. Computers so common in everyday life if they so functional. A) wouldn t be / weren t B) aren t / wouldn t be C) wouldn t be / haven t been D) won t have been / aren t E) weren t / hadn t been 18. Extensive investigation is being done to discover or started the forest fire. A) what / which B) who / what C) whom / whose D) where / when E) why / how 3

4 19. the progress in the field of medicine, some diseases like AIDS still can t be cured. A) Although B) Consequently C) Even if D) Despite E) However 23. You needn t ask me to hang the curtain for you. You are tall me, so you can do it by yourself. A) more / than B) as / as C) too / to D) so / that E) such / as 20. Wood is the raw material for many things, tables, doors, paper and pencils we use frequently in our daily lives. A) similarly B) such as C) just as D) as soon as E) consequently 24. Bruce is interested English literature, and Shakespeare s poetry is his favourite works. A) for / in B) in / with C) with / on D) of / about E) in / among 21. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson miss very much whenever they have to go on a business trip on their own. A) each other B) the other C) another D) others E) any other 25. The Amazon is longest river in world. A) a / a B) a / the C) the / the D) a / any E) the / a 22. My colleagues don t have problems in using the new security system, but I have. A) many / any B) much / a few C) any / some D) a little / enough E) a few / many 4

5 sorularda aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. Zonguldak is a city (26) is located on Western Black Sea region. It is famous (27) its coal mines and natural beauties. It is primarily known as an industrial city because coal (28) there since the beginning of the 17 th century. (29), the city has wonderful natural beauties. Everyone should come and enjoy the nature in this small but (30) city sorularda aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. People move from a city to another (31) many reasons. For instance, young people move (32) get university education. Others try (33) better living conditions in different cities. As a result, people see (34) cities and atmospheres. This change (35) pleasant for some, but difficult for others. However, they have to get used to it A) which B) whose C) whom D) where E) who A) about B) with C) to D) of E) for A) for B) of C) on D) from E) in A) despite B) because C) so that D) although E) in order to 28. A) had been mined B) is mined C) has been mined D) was mined E) was being mined 33. A) find B) finding C) to find D) finds E) found 29. A) Therefore B) Besides C) For instance D) In short E) However 34. A) crowded B) silent C) same D) various E) pessimistic 30. A) dreadful B) casual C) enthusiastic D) lovely E) polluted 35. A) must have been B) may be C) had to be D) could have been E) should be 5

6 sorularda verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. 36. Watching movies at home has been a popular spare-time activity. A) since home cinema systems started to be sold for low prices in 2004 B) even though many people preferred going to the cinema in the past C) although image and sound quality has improved a lot D) when people feel they have nothing to do in the evenings E) because the prices of cinema tickets have dropped considerably 39. Although the speed limit is 120 km/h on highways,. A) the value on the speedometer may be wrong B) some people travel faster when there is no police around C) four people died in the bus accident D) riding a motorcycle without a helmet is banned E) ambulances have the right to ignore red lights 37. The victims of the plane crash had already died. A) when one of the passengers had a heart attack soon after taking off B) by the time the rescue teams arrived C) even though some of them are seriously wounded D) because a fire has suddenly started on one of the engines E) when the outside temperature dropped below zero at night 40. I may decide to sell my car in the future. A) if I found a newer one for a reasonable price B) although I hadn t made up my mind yet C) if petrol prices keep rising sharply D) unless I move to a flat very close to my work E) if I had needed to pay off my debts 38. whose decisions affect the whole world. A) Fortunately, monarchy has been eliminated B) It sometimes proves hard to govern a country C) Nobody can govern a country on his own D) The project turned out to be a failure E) Today, there are several leaders 41. Kim s parents often wish. A) she will enter the university she has always wanted B) she has the qualifications to apply for the job C) they had a bungalow in the countryside to spend their weekends D) they win a lot of money from the lottery E) they move to a different city 6

7 42. that the Titanic could sink after hitting an iceberg. A) Nobody was able to predict B) The captain refused to reduce the speed C) We still don t know for sure D) The designers of the ship were asked E) The passengers were immediately rescued 45. Richard hasn t been to Moscow since he was 5 years old. A) It has been 5 years since Richard returned from Moscow. B) Richard last went to Moscow 5 years ago. C) Richard hasn t been to Moscow for 5 years. D) Richard last went to Moscow when he was a 5 year-old boy. E) Richard lived in Moscow for 5 years when he was a child. 43. The receptionist wanted to know. A) after we had asked him the price of a room with a double bed B) that snacks were free after dinner C) whether there is a mini-bar in our room D) while we were carrying our luggage upstairs E) how long we were going to stay at the hotel 46. Europeans were the first to take horses to America. A) If Europeans hadn t taken horses to America, Americans wouldn t have known anything about this animal. B) The European settlers in America toured the continent on horseback. C) There were no horses in America before Europeans took them there. D) Native Americans began to ride horses after Europeans took them there. E) At first, Europeans could travel in America only on horseback sorularda verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz. 44. We needn t take the bus because the post office is only several hundred meters away. A) Though the post office is not far away, we may take the bus. B) We are going to the post office on foot. C) We never go to the post office by bus as we prefer walking there. D) It is not necessary for us to go to the post office by bus since it is not far away. E) We would like to walk to the post office which is near our house. 47. My son did better than I had expected in the exam. A) My son finally passed his exam by getting a good mark. B) My son got a mark as high as everyone expected from the exam. C) I was surprised that my son did better than everyone expected in the exam. D) Fortunately, my son did not fail his exam once more. E) I had expected my son to get a lower mark from the exam. 7

8 48. Despite their great effort, the rescue team couldn t save anyone from the fire. A) Everyone in the building died because the fire had already been spread by the time the rescue team arrived. B) The rescue operation would have been a failure if the rescue team hadn t worked hard. C) The rescue operation was successful in spite of the difficulties the rescue team faced. D) The rescue team failed to save people from the fire although they worked hard. E) The rescue team would have managed to save people from the fire if they had worked harder. 49. I regret not telling you about the problem before it got worse. A) I shouldn t have told you everything about the problem before it started. B) Although I told you everything about the problem in time, it got worse anyway. C) Even if I had told you everything, the problem would have got worse. D) By the time the problem got worse, I had told you everything. E) I wish I had told you about the problem early enough sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz. 51. One of your friends has borrowed your dictionary, but he hasn t brought it back on the date he promised. Today, you need your dictionary, so you want to get it back. You phone your friend and tell him politely: A) Do you know where I can buy a good dictionary? B) When will you learn to be more responsible? You must give my dictionary back at once. C) I will never lend you anything because you never return anything in time. D) Hi, Bob, I would like you to look up the meanings of some words from my dictionary. E) I will be very pleased if you give my dictionary back, I really need it today. 50. Bob always gets up early even though he is a retired man. A) Bob began to get up late as soon as he retired. B) Bob never gets up late although he isn t working any longer. C) Bob hates getting up late ever since he started working. D) Bob used to get up early before he retired. E) Bob never got up early when he was working. 52. You are going to the airport to meet one of your new business partners for the first time. She phones before her plane takes off and asks how she would recognize you. You say: A) Actually I m very good looking, and everybody says so. B) It will be a great pleasure for me to welcome you. C) I think we haven t met before, so I won t be able to recognize you either. D) It is strange that you still don t know me. E) I m blonde and I ll be wearing a dark suit and a red tie. 8

9 53. You have to catch a train in half an hour. At that moment, an old friend calls you. However, you don t have time to talk. You say: A) Couldn t you find any other time to call? You always make me mad! B) You can call me whenever you want. C) Do you mind if I called you in a few hours as I m in a big rush now? D) Would you like to come with me to my aunt s? E) I m so glad for your call as it s been years since we last met. 54. You enter your favourite restaurant to have lunch. You see that all seats are full. There is only one near an old lady. You go near her and ask for a permission to sit down saying: A) Would you mind if I sat next to you? B) Can you please sit somewhere else? This is my usual table. C) Shall we go to my favourite restaurant to have lunch together today? D) Is it true that this restaurant cooks excellent steaks? E) I am going to order your meal if you let me sit next to you. 56. Your mother has had a terrible headache for three days. Though she takes medicines, the ache never goes away. You are worried because you think there may be something wrong with her, you advise her: A) Do you feel there is something wrong with you? B) If I were you, I wouldn t spend so many hours in front of the computer screen. C) I think you should visit your doctor without wasting time just in case there is something wrong. D) One of my colleagues had a similar headache and he suddenly died several days after the ache started. E) I think you should stop eating so much, it is ruining your health. 55. You arrive home from school and you are very hungry. You see that your mother is busy cooking, but you want to eat something quickly. You ask your mother: A) I am dying of thirst, can I have a drink? B) Why do you always cook such delicious meals? C) Why does it take so long to cook this meal? D) Mum, can you make me a sandwich instead? I am too hungry to wait. E) I am going to eat out with my friends this evening, could you give me some money? 57. A friend asks you how to operate the camcorder he has just bought. However, you have never used a camcorder before. So, you offer a better way of solving the problem: A) I think you should take it back to the store where you bought it and ask them to solve the problem. B) I m sorry, but you know I can t use even my own camcorder properly. C) You can learn by practising you know, just switch it on and press every button. D) I have no idea about how to use a camcorder, but why don t you read the owner s manual? E) That s so simple my dear. You just press the red button and recording begins. 9

10 sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. 58. Sarah: Did you meet anyone you know at the seminar last weekend? Kimberley: Sarah: Really? Why? Kimberley: Nothing was interesting and new. It was just a repetition of the previous one. A) Yes, I met an old friend whom I hadn t seen for ages. B) It was an enjoyable seminar which covered useful subjects. C) Being together with people you know was very enjoyable. D) At first, I couldn t talk to anyone, but later on we started to have a nice time. E) Not many, in fact, it was one of the most boring seminars I have ever attended. 60. Kim: Why is unemployment still a big problem? Tom: Kim: I see. So, why aren t there enough positions? Tom: Because businesses are growing much slower than the population. A) Because there are more young people who want to get jobs than the positions available. B) Some people who don t have the necessary qualifications apply for jobs. C) Many workers in our country earn less money than they deserve. D) Actually, there are many ways of looking for a job and everyone should try them once. E) Because a lot of major companies have decided to decrease salaries. 59. Mike: I really can t understand how my boss learned that I have another part-time job. Simon: Mike: You must be joking. But why? Simon: He asked me, and I had to tell the truth. A) No way. I trust everyone in this office. B) I am sorry. I have to admit I told him. C) There must be a spy among us. D) Don t you remember? You told him about it at the party last night. E) I think Jane told him about your parttime job. 61. Kate: Bill: Yes and no. Kate: Why do you say that? Bill: Well, I liked the style, but I m not sure about the colour. A) How was the shopping? B) Did you go shopping yesterday? C) Did you really pay $100 for this t- shirt? D) Do you really think that this colour suits you? E) Did you like the t-shirt that you received as a birthday present? 10

11 62. Patrick: I really love to do motor racing. Alex: Isn t it dangerous? Patrick: Alex: Well; if I had such a bad experience, I wouldn t even think about it. A) Yes, accidents can occur, of course, I broke my arm once. B) If you wear a helmet and a seat belt, you don t get hurt. C) Some people say so, but I don t agree. D) Yes, but I love the excitement of racing. E) I think the danger makes it more attractive. 64. Son: I am afraid there is a burglar in the backyard, let s call the police. Father: Son: Really? I don t think it s really him. Father: Look, he is waving at you. A) No, there isn t. He is a repairman from the gas company. B) I don t know the man exactly, but I don t think he is a burglar. C) There is nothing except our dog and some birds there. D) No need for that, it is not a burglar, it is our neighbour Mr. Slim in his Halloween costume. E) Stop imagining things, and don t panic, your father is here. 63. Janet: What about going to the cinema tonight? Bob: Janet: OK. Which one? Bob: What about the one whose fragment we saw yesterday? A) You choose, you watch films more than I do. B) It doesn t matter as long as the film is good. C) Will it be a horror film or a fantastic one? D) Well, not the one Bob told about. E) Good idea! Shall we watch a horror film? sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. 65. (I) Heavy traffic in İstanbul has always been a problem and the authorities have always tried to find solutions for it. (II) The OGS (Automatic Pass System) is one of them. (III) Everyone can get an OGS device for a small price to get through ticket boxes without waiting. (IV) The EDS (Electronic Supervision System) prevents drivers from blocking emergency lanes. (V) This small device will save most of the time you spend in traffic jams. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 11

12 66. (I) Websites store all their information on databases. (II) For instance, when a user registers on the site, all his information is saved on a database. (III) His name, surname, mail address, birth date are some pieces of such information. (IV) For this reason, the security of this information is very important. (V) Online criminals have hacked more than a million sites in the U.S. this year. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 69. (I) People have different studying habits. (III) Some like studying on his own in silent places like libraries. (III) Others don t mind the noise and study in public places. (IV) Crowds and noise won t be a problem for them because they aren t distracted easily. (V) Students who study regularly rarely fail their exams. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 67. (I) For many students, the first year in a university is the most difficult one. (II) Some academic staff unfortunately assign the students a lot of work. (III) Even though the new friends can replace the old ones at home, adapting to a new environment can still be troublesome. (IV) The change in living conditions also increases the feeling of homesickness. (V) This bad feeling may continue until the student totally adapts to his new environment. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 70. (I) When I arrived in the hall, the lecture had already begun. (II) There was deep silence, and everybody was listening carefully. (III) I walked slowly to the back rows to find a place to sit. (IV) Professor Slim has always been a tolerant lecturer. (V) I wanted to be as silent as possible not to disturb my friends. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 68. (I) In the wild, the average area an elephant lives in is about 20 square miles. (II) They travel in this area and meet many other animals. (III) A male elephant usually weighs more than pounds. (IV) However, the elephants which live in zoos have a very different lifestyle. (V) They have to live in closed places, they are often alone and they can t travel to anywhere. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 71. (I) Ancient Egyptians believed that people would need their belongings after they were dead. (II) Therefore, they buried their dead with their valuable things. (III) However, almost all tombs have been robbed. (IV) This practice has helped us to learn about their history. (V) We have chances of finding original ancient equipment and learning about Egyptian culture. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 12

13 72. (I) Hunting whales has been banned by the Japanese government. (II) The Japanese has long been a nation which is interested in fishing. (III) However, some fishermen still go on hunting them. (IV) If they are caught, they get severely punished. (V) But the problem is that those hunters are rarely caught. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. 73. Wars cause destruction, life loss and poverty. So, why do people fight in wars although they know that it will cause such bad things?. However, all these reasons aren t worth killing each other. Unfortunately, people don t take the decision to fight in a war themselves. The leaders take the decision, but the citizens suffer from it. A) They usually fight for more land, money or power B) Every day, several Palestinians are killed by Israelites C) The US occupation of Iraq is unacceptable for Middle-Eastern countries D) Some African countries are suffering from civil war at the moment E) In many countries, men have to join the army when there is a war 74. If you think that your life is monotonous, you can make some simple changes. For example, don t eat your lunch at the same place every day, and try tasting different dishes.. You will feel as if you were traveling to a different place. All these changes may bring some excitement to your life. A) Don t let the busy life worry you, and think positively and optimistically B) You can also go home by following a route you have never used before C) Try meeting some friends whom you haven t seen for ages at the weekend D) Be careful not to eat fatty and starchy foods which will make you put on weight E) Share any joyful experience you have had with your colleagues 75. Young children are often very curious during the first few years of their lives. After they begin talking, they start asking questions about almost everything they see around them.. Getting answers makes children calmer and more satisfied. Besides, they feel that they are being respected. A) Some toys with pointed edges may be very dangerous for young children B) When they grow up, they have to cope with the stress of their exams C) It is advised that parents should send their children to kindergarten D) Learning to read opens a wide world of knowledge to children E) Although these questions may be boring for parents, they should always be answered 13

14 76. Aborigines are Australia s native people. According to recent statistics, about 400,000 aborigines live in Australia. They migrated from somewhere in Asia at least 30,000 years ago.. However, all of them have strong ties with each other such as spiritual beliefs and culture of storytelling and art. A) Aborigines have strange beliefs and rituals B) There are about 550 different groups of aborigines in Australia C) They were hunter-gatherers in their past lives in Asia D) Many of them died during the migration from Asia to Australia E) Their lifestyle has attracted the attention of scientists and sociologists 78. Cleaning carpets can be tiring. But there is an easy way to clean them: Put some vinegar in water and brush the carpet with this. If the carpet is very dirty, the process gets a bit complicated.. Then, apply the water with vinegar, you will see that it is cleaned without much effort as you brush it. A) Many cleaning stores can clean carpets effortlessly and cheaply B) Many cleaning products contain toxic chemicals that can be harmful C) The best way is to cover new carpets with a protective cloth D) Before brushing, pour some boiling water and wait for ten minutes E) Silk Persian carpets should be treated with warm soapy water if a layer of dust has covered them 77. Kevin met his wife Sarah at high school at the age of 18. They were in the same class and shared almost the same interests. They usually spent time together.. At the 3 rd grade, he proposed marriage to her and she accepted that willingly. A) After high school, they entered the same department at Leicester university B) At the time, the government didn t support scientific studies C) However, Sarah s father didn t let them marry D) Kevin still hasn t got his MA degree though Sarah already has it E) But Kevin had to leave school to support his family 79. The most attractive thing for university students is being independent. In other words, nobody tells them when to get up, when to go to school, and when to come home.. For instance, they can wear mini skirts, crazy hats and unusual jeans freely. And also, they can listen to their favourite music without interference from parents and neighbours. In short, university life means freedom. A) This means they are free to do whatever they want B) And also students have to obey some rules when they live with their friends C) But society has some rules that prevent students from doing harmful things D) Parents should be more careful in order to keep their children under control E) However, parents don t let them move to another house with their friends 14

15 soruları aşağıdaki parçaya gore cevaplayınız. When men and women are together, there are two worlds - his and hers. They have different values, ways of thinking and habits. Scientists accept that a few of the differences between men and women are biological. Men s and women s brains, for example, are different. The way they use them is different, too. Women have larger connections between their brain s left and right parts. This gives women the ability to have better learning and speaking skills. Men, on the other hand, have greater separation between the left and right parts of their brains. This explains their skills for thinking and reasoning. 82. According to the passage, the difference between men and women s brains. A) gets greater as they get older B) doesn t actually mean that they are biologically different C) is because of the link between the left and right parts D) is still unknown to scientists E) makes them physically as well as biologically different from each other soruları aşağıdaki parçaya gore cevaplayınız. 80. The passage mainly explains. A) the ways of teaching men and women more effectively B) the reasons for physical differences between men and women C) how men and women can get to know each other D) why women use their brains better than men do E) how and why women s brains work differently 81. We learn from the passage that the connection between the left and right parts of women s brain. A) makes them better learners and speakers than men B) totally explains why women are more intelligent than men C) can make them more emotional than men D) doesn t need to be studied in detail E) is the main reason why they think better than men Fast food is still very popular these days although it often contains too much fat, sodium and calories. Why do so many people prefer it despite knowing that it is unhealthy? To begin with, it is easy to prepare and practical to eat. Besides, it is easily found and has many kinds. At any shopping mall, for example, customers have many choices at the food court. To avoid too much fat or salt, they can choose healthier options: salads, turkey sandwiches and so on. On a busy Saturday, with two hungry kids, a mother out shopping is happy to find exactly the right food to eat in a short time. Last but not least, fast food is also cheap; most menu items offer a full meal for under ten dollars. All these reasons make fast food so popular. 83. It is clear from the passage that fast food is a kind of food. A) that includes more calories than any other kind of food B) which is quick and practical C) which is served only in shopping malls D) which causes serious health problems such as heart disease E) whose popularity is still decreasing 15

16 84. As we learn from the passage, fast food. A) offers different options to people with different preferences B) is mostly consumed by children and teenagers C) is actually very healthy D) is more delicious than home-made food E) is usually preferred by working mothers to feed their children quickly 86. It is clear from the passage that Suma wrestlers. A) are all popular people in Japan B) are both tall and fat C) can beat everyone they fight D) usually weigh less than 130 kilograms E) eat really a lot 85. The passage tells that fast food is still popular. A) as it doesn t cause any serious health problems B) because salads and turkey sandwiches have started to be sold, too C) because prices of fast food never rise D) in spite of the fact that most people are aware of its harm to health E) even though most markets and restaurants don t serve it 87. According to the passage, to win suma wrestling matches. A) the wrestlers have to hit, kick or injure their opponents B) the wrestlers have to end the match in less than one minute C) most of the wrestlers try to gain as much weight as possible D) one wrestler has to throw his opponent out of the ring or force him to the ground E) all wrestlers go through a lot of training soruları aşağıdaki parçaya gore cevaplayınız. Suma wrestling is a very popular sport in Japan. The Suma champions are very large men who are not only tall but also weigh 130 kilograms or more. The reason why these wrestlers are so big is that the object of the game is for one wrestler to either throw his opponent out of the ring or to force him to the ground. The larger is a wrestler, the greater is his chance of winning a fight. These matches are usually very short. Actually most of them last less than one minute. 88. We can conclude from the passage that large suma wrestlers. A) can win matches more easily B) rarely weigh more than 130 kilograms C) are sometimes injured during matches D) sometimes injure their opponents badly E) are more popular than small wrestlers in Japan 16

17 soruları aşağıdaki parçaya gore cevaplayınız. The tornado is like a giant vacuum cleaner which sucks up anything in its path. The great power of tornadoes is almost unbelievable. It can tear up trees, carry buildings away, and can even lift large trucks off the highway. The most violent force of tornado is found inside them, where there is a powerful vacuum. This vacuum is the cause of the great power of tornado. When the vacuum moves over a place where the air pressure is under normal, the sudden change in the air pressure creates a very strong wind. This wind can damage everything on its way. Now, you can imagine that a tornado is a great natural disaster causer. 89. It is told in the passage that tornadoes. A) can cause floods B) are worse than natural disasters C) pollute the environment D) do more harm to trees than buildings E) can even lift very heavy objects off the ground 91. We can understand from the passage that tornadoes harm buildings. A) when they throw the objects they have sucked up on them B) because of their very strong wind C) because air pressure is lower on the ground D) unless there are trees around them E) only when they have a powerful vacuum soruları aşağıdaki parçaya gore cevaplayınız. Anger is a natural emotion that can have many reasons. Anger should be expressed without offending other people. Ideally, people should get angry for only important things. This can warn other people to act in a proper way. If you act on your anger immediately, you often regret it. It is best to keep your anger under control and let it pass. Over time, in minutes or days, you can think over the situation calmly and find a better solution. 90. We learn from the text that what determines the strength of a tornado is. A) the air pressure that often changes B) the strong wind called vacuum C) the number of objects it lifts off the ground D) daily temperature differences E) how long it lasts 92. According to the passage, anger. A) can t be prevented, but should be carefully expressed B) almost always causes people to get offended C) is expressed more often for unimportant things D) can be very useful if expressed as soon as you feel it E) often takes weeks to pass 17

18 93. It s stated in the passage that anger can sometimes be useful. A) because the angry person feels very relieved B) although it ruins people s health if they get angry very often C) because it can be a warning for other people D) though not getting angry at all is the best E) unless the person who gets angry has no health problems 95. According to the passage, the Nobel Prizes. A) are mostly given to successful chemists B) are large sums of money given to encourage scientific studies C) first began to be given to physicists D) aim to encourage writers to produce more literature E) are given for successful works in many different fields 94. We learn from the passage that if we get angry for some reasons,. A) we should forget it immediately even if there is a serious problem B) the anger usually lasts for a very short time C) we should shout and act violently D) we should wait to calm down before we take a decision E) it takes a long time to find a solution for the thing we are angry about 96. We understand from the passage that the first Nobel Prizes. A) were given exactly one year after Alfred Nobel died B) were given only to scientists C) were given by Alfred Nobel himself before his death D) were given in spite of all financial difficulties the jury experienced E) were considered quite unimportant by the receivers soruları aşağıdaki parçaya gore cevaplayınız. Nobel prizes are given annually for successful works in different fields namely physics, chemistry, medicine, economics, literature and international peace by an international fund. The fund started to give the awards on the first death anniversary of the famous scientist Alfred Nobel. Although the awards are supposed to be given on an objective basis, sometimes politics play a significant role in the jury s decision. 97. It is stated in the passage that the decision on who will get the prize. A) was always taken by Alfred Nobel until he died B) is taken by the government after a long period of consideration C) is sometimes affected by political issues D) is taken by the president of the country that organizes the event E) is rarely taken in an objective way 18

19 soruları aşağıdaki parçaya gore cevaplayınız. Red is the colour of fire and blood, so it is associated with war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love. Red is a very emotionally intense colour. It enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate, and raises blood pressure. It is a colour found in many national flags. Red is widely used to indicate danger (high voltage signs, traffic lights, etc). This colour is also commonly associated with energy, so you can use it when promoting energy drinks, games, cars, items related to sports and high physical activity It is implied in the text that energy drinks, games, cars and sports equipment. A) can effectively be advertised using the colour red B) should always be sold in red packages C) don t draw much attention from customers unless they are red D) may make their customers badtempered if they are red E) are certainly worth buying if they are promoted in red TEST BİTTİ. 98. According to the passage, the colour red. YANITLARINIZI KONTROL EDİNİZ. A) makes people more emotional than they normally are B) can be associated with both positive and negative concepts C) always signals dangerous situations D) may cause health problems if viewed for a long time E) is found in the national flags of all nations 99. One can understand from the passage that. A) the idea of connection between colours and personality is nonsense B) the colour red is generally related to negative feelings C) colours have always been a subject of research for humans D) people are likely to behave violently if they see the color red. E) human beings are influenced by the colour red both physically and emotionally 19

20 SINAVDA UYULACAK KURALLAR 1. Sınav süresi 2,5 saat (150 dakika) dır. Sınav, saat 10:00 da başlayacak ve 12:30 da sona erecektir. 2. Sınav süresi içerisinde ilk yarım saat ve son 15 dakika sınav salonunu terk etmenize izin verilmeyecektir. 3. Sınav esnasında sınav salonundan ayrılan öğrenci tekrar içeriye alınmayacaktır. Bu nedenle tuvalet vb. ihtiyaçlarınızı sınav başlamadan gideriniz. 4. Sınav salonunda cep telefonu kullanmak kesinlikle yasaktır. Sınav başlamadan önce cep telefonlarınızı kapalı konuma getiriniz. Saat fonksiyonunu kullanmak için dahi olsa telefonunuzu kullanmayınız. Sınavın bitmesine ne kadar süre kaldığı, 1 saat, 30 dakika ve 10 dakika kala sizlere sınav görevlisi tarafından yüksek sesle hatırlatılacaktır. 5. Sınava başlamadan önce öğrenci kimlik kartınızı çıkarınız ve görevlilere mutlaka gösteriniz. Kimliksiz öğrenciler salon sınav tutanağına işlenecek, sınavlarının geçerli olup olmayacağı daha sonra değerlendirilecektir. 6. Sınavda optik form kullanılmaktadır. Forma yumuşak uçlu kurşun kalemle işaretleme yapınız. Yanıt değiştirmeniz gerektiğinde yumuşak bir silgi ile temizce siliniz. Formu kırıştırmayınız ve katlamayınız. 7. Öğrenci numaranızı, adınızı, soyadınızı, cinsiyetinizi ve en önemlisi kitapçık türünüzü optik form üzerine kodlayınız. Numara, ad ve soyadınızın yanlış veya eksik kodlanması durumunda sınavınızın değerlendirilmesi mümkün değildir. 8. Tüm sorular optik form üzerine işaretlenecek ve optik form üzerinden değerlendirme yapılacaktır. Kitapçık üzerine işaretlediğiniz yanıt dikkate alınmayacaktır. 9. Sınava başlamadan önce yoklama kağıdına adınızı, soyadınızı, numaranızı ve bölümünüzü yazıp imzalayınız. 10. Kitapçığınızı aldıktan sonra eksik sayfa veya basım hatası olup olmadığını mutlaka kontrol ediniz. Sorun varsa gözetmeninizden yeni kitapçık isteyiniz. 11. Sınav sonunda tüm öğrenciler soru kitapçığını ve optik formu sınav görevlisine eksiksiz teslim etmek zorundadır. 12. Soru kitapçığının tamamını veya sayfalarını sınav salonundan çıkarmak ve yanıtları başka bir kağıda yazarak sınav salonundan çıkarmak yasaktır. Tespit edildiği takdirde öğrencinin sınavı iptal edilir. 13. Sınav süresince konuşmak, diğer adayları rahatsız edecek davranışlarda bulunmak, kalem-silgi alışverişi yapmak, kopya çekmek veya buna teşebbüs etmek yasaktır. 14. Sınav kurallarına uymadığınız veya kopya çekmeye kalkıştığınız takdirde salon görevlisinin sizi salondan uzaklaştırma ve sınavınızı geçersiz sayma yetkisi vardır. 15. Sınava giren tüm öğrencilerin, sınavda okunan duyuruları dinlemeleri, kitapçık üzerinde ve arkasında yazılı açıklamaları okumaları zorunludur. Kitapçık üzerindeki açıklamaların okunmamasından kaynaklanabilecek sorunlardan öğrencinin kendisi sorumludur. Başarılar Dileriz... 20

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