Longbridge Area Action Plan Travel Management Strategy

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1 Longbridge Area Action Plan Travel Management Strategy Birmingham City Council March 2008

2 Prepared by:... Approved by:... Jo France Jo France Associate Director Associate Director Longbridge Area Action Plan Rev No Comments Date 4 FINAL 20/03/08 3 Draft v 3 17/03/08 2 Draft v.2 29/01/08 1 Draft v.1 21/12/07 Beaufort House, 94/96 Newhall Street, Birmingham, B3 1PB Telephone: Fax: Website: Job No Reference TMS Date Created January 2008 This contains confidential and commercially sensitive information, which shall not be disclosed to third parties. f:\dp\projects\50010tbmd longbridge aap\documents\outgoing\final reports\travel management strategy report\report\final travel management strategy (issued ).doc

3 Table of Contents 1 Introduction Introduction Overall Transport Strategy within the Longbridge AAP AAP Objectives Our Sustainable Vision for Longbridge Integrated Approach Aims & Objectives Other Strategy Documents Report Structure Pedestrian and Cycle Baseline Review Introduction Transport Policy Sustainable Conditions Census data & Site Observations Summary Inter-Site Movement and Infrastructure Introduction Access Points & Sustainable Gateways Cycling facilities within the development: External Movement and Infrastructure Introduction Key Corridors Other Facilities Summary of Pedestrian and Cycle Proposals Introduction Public Transport Strategy Introduction Bus Strategy Proposed Infrastructure Provision Rail Strategy Car Parking Strategy Introduction Methods of car parking management On Street Parking Birmingham Car Parking Standards Other Considerations Recommended Approach Summary Travel Planning Introduction What is a Travel Plan The need for a Travel Plan The Aims of a Travel Plan Key Elements Travel Plan Management Initiatives and Measures Targets Implementation and Funding Summary... 50

4 9 Mode Split Introduction Existing Mode Share Proposed Mode Shift Monitoring Monitoring Summary Summary & Conclusions Overview Strategy for Action Future Travel Management... 59

5 1 Introduction

6 Faber Maunsell Longbridge Area Action Plan 3 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction Faber Maunsell have been commissioned to develop a Transport Management Strategy (TMS) to support the Longbridge Area Action Plan (AAP). 1.2 Overall Transport Strategy within the Longbridge AAP The Travel Management Strategy, together with the Longbridge Bus and Rail Strategies, seeks to achieve a transport network that serves the Longbridge residential areas and proposed development areas efficiently, providing access to employment and services where there is demand. The overall aim of the strategies is to provide an improved transport network within the area and to help to meet the Longbridge AAP objectives set out below. 1.3 AAP Objectives The vision and the objectives of the AAP have been developed following a consultation exercise with stakeholders and local residents. The objectives of the AAP that emerged were: Objective 1: To establish sustainable communities, which embody the principles of sustainable development and meet social, economic and environmental needs in a balanced and integrated way and meet the needs of existing and future generations. Objective 2: To be at the forefront of sustainable development with commercial buildings, community facilities and housing which showcase excellence in all aspects of environmental sustainability. A key aim is to achieve carbon neutral standards within the lifespan of the scheme. Objective 3: To establish a rich tapestry of quality connected open spaces, and river corridors across the Longbridge development, which provide for visual amenity, recreational use, nature conservation and address flood risk requirements across the plan area, and to protect and enhance the historic environment. Objective 4: To implement an integrated and sustainable transport infrastructure strategy for Longbridge, which secures appropriate investment in key public transport improvements and road infrastructure and supports the effective management of sustainable travel patterns across the site. Objective 5: To implement a comprehensive programme of management for the development including a local centre management programme, management of open spaces, and the public realm. Objective 6: To achieve excellence in design through the creation of high quality developments and design that helps create a real sense of place with buildings, streets, spaces, features and facilities of which people are justifiably proud. Objective 7: To support the continued development of Longbridge as a regional investment location for industry and employment, securing economic diversification and business growth, providing 10,000 jobs, protecting existing employment and providing a long-term sustainable job environment. Objective 8: To support the protection of land for general industrial uses including the Nanjing Automotive Corporation site and Cofton Centre. Objective 9: The development of a 25ha Regional Investment Site (RIS) which is attractive to high profile regional, national and international investors as well as a major location for high technology businesses.

7 Faber Maunsell Longbridge Area Action Plan 4 Objective 10: To ensure that employment opportunities are accessible to all and assist in securing the provision of employment and training opportunities for local residents, with no investment being lost for the lack of suitably qualified and skilled people. Objective 11: To support a local culture of enterprise, entrepreneurial activity, innovation and sustainable business growth and development. Objective 12: To create a sustainable mixed-use centre for Longbridge, which meets local needs by providing a range of quality retail, commercial, leisure, education and residential uses and establishes a distinctive sense of place and heart for the community. Objective 13: To deliver a minimum of 1,400 new dwellings to help meet existing and future housing needs and to create a sustainable mixed-use community. Objective 14: New homes will provide a mix of type, size and tenure including affordable housing, high density layout appropriate to the location of the site and be designed to highest standards. The aim is to achieve carbon neutral standards within the lifespan of the scheme, and where appropriate, to achieve lifetime homes standards. The regeneration of Longbridge following the closure of MG Rover allows the opportunity to create a new vision for the area to drive and sustain long term social, economic and environmental vitality of the local area. As part of this process the overall transport strategy for the AAP is: To create an environment where transport safety, freedom of movement and choice are a guiding principle for planning, design and implementation. To create a transport network that offers choice and promotes freedom of movement by walking, cycling, public transport and private car. To provide efficient and effective public transport services that enable greater access to employment, health services, education, retail, leisure and recreation facilities. To support an integrated transport strategy evaluating the potential for a transport interchange, Strategic Park & Ride (P&R) facility, A38 and Longbridge Lane enhancements with frequent local services to local centres including Frankley and Rubery. 1.4 Our Sustainable Vision for Longbridge The driving factor for the development of Longbridge is to create a Sustainable Community for the future and for the people of Longbridge. The overarching vision for the TMS can be summarised as follows: "Create a multi-land use area that is attractive, pleasant and vibrant. The environment, facilities and nature of the area will make walking, cycling and using public transport the modes of choice" The development of the AAP is an opportunity to create a community which champions healthy living and encourages wide-spread good practice in terms of exercise and avoiding unnecessary car use. To achieve this end, it is necessary to provide both the hard infrastructure and facilities to allow people the option of using alternative modes to the car. 1.5 Integrated Approach It is necessary for all elements of the Transport Strategy to incorporate the sustainable approach championed by this TMS. This TMS strategy seeks to prioritise pedestrian and cycle access and seek to provide a comprehensive network of pedestrian and cycle routes. The environment will be appropriately landscaped aligned with well-linked pedestrian and cycle paths, routed along wild life and river-walks and other desire lines, particularly to Public Transport Interchanges and P&R Facilities. It is expected that the regenerated area of Longbridge will be so pleasant and well-connected that walking, cycling and public transport will become modes of choice.

8 Faber Maunsell Longbridge Area Action Plan Aims & Objectives The main aim of this report is to provide a basis for managing car parking demand and provision, and to set out the high level proposals for pedestrians and cyclists. The strategy will form a basis for future site specific Travel Plans. Details of how the future Travel Plans for each type of land use will be developed and implemented is also considered. Additionally, proposals developed as part of the Rail Strategy and Bus Strategy reports are outlined and considered further. This strategy presents routes in a hierarchy of strategic importance that will be used to define landscaping treatment from a basis of internal and external movements. This will be undertaken specifically to reduce the need to use motorised transport for short journeys. Car parking across the site will be provided in a way having due regard to the accessibility of the site. It is known that both the level of car parking provision and management of such can have a significant impact on peoples travel habits. Therefore the strategy will consider the likely level of car parking for each land use, and proposed methods of car parking control. The TMS will co-ordinate an integrated and sustainable approach to: Managing car parking demand and provision. Encouraging travel for pedestrians and cyclists to create places that people want to walk and cycle in. Creating an environment where transport safety, freedom of movement and choice are guiding principals. Influencing travel behaviour through education, training, marketing and promotion. This will be achieved by adopting an approach that prioritises the movement and needs of pedestrians and cyclists. Facilities for pedestrians and cyclists will be at the forefront of detailed design priorities when the transport options for the area are developed, providing a network of routes that follow desire lines and link into existing local routes. The objectives of this strategy are to: Reduce reliance on single-occupied car journeys. Improve public transport. Provide guidance on demand management. Develop justifiable modal split targets. Introduce mechanisms for the implementation of Travel Plans to deliver the aspirations of the TMS. Encourage healthier and more sustainable travel. The TMS will adopt a vision and approach to drive and sustain long term social, economic and environmental vitality of the area, following principals of best practice and Government Policy. 1.7 Other Strategy Documents The Longbridge AAP Travel Management Strategy is linked to other Longbridge reports and strategies, as detailed in Figure 1.1. The following section describes some of these key reports, which have been developed to support the AAP by Birmingham City Council (BCC), Bromsgrove District Council (BDC), Worcestershire County Council (WCC) and Centro. These documents build upon work undertaken by the Halcrow Group on behalf of the developers (St. Modwen Properties plc). The Longbridge AAP Travel Demand Model (TDM) Report details the methodology used in the travel demand model for the development. The model is more complex than the basic fourstage template, but trip generation, trip distribution, mode split, and trip assignment are all steps in the process. The TDM, created to assess peak-period transport demand as part of the AAP process, includes a 38-zone highway network model covering key links in the local area, as well as the nearest M5 and M42 motorway junctions. Outputs from the TDM have been used to assess the impact of the development on congestion and mode shares, and have informed the specification of proposed transport interventions within the strategy. The Longbridge AAP Rail Strategy supports the delivery of the AAP s objectives by identifying and recommending the rail options that will be most effective, while successfully

9 Faber Maunsell Longbridge Area Action Plan 6 accommodating the travel demand created through the redevelopment of the Longbridge area. By reviewing current policy documents and infrastructure, the strategy identifies options for the progression of rail transport within Longbridge and the wider area. The Longbridge AAP Bus Strategy explores the different options that are available to providing bus services throughout the site, using existing and new infrastructure to ensure a significant proportion of trips are made by public transport, contributing to the sustainability of the development. Through the provision of an attractive set of public transport facilities and services, it is hoped that a contribution can be made towards slowing the growth in congestion on the main road corridors as well as providing wider benefits, for example improved accessibility to existing and new job opportunities, leisure facilities, education and health care. The Rail Strategy and the Bus Strategy have used the TDM as a basis for the development of options for improving access to the Longbridge area by bus and rail respectively. Options have been assessed for their practicability, and on the basis of client input and consultation with other key stakeholders a package of interventions have been recommended. Figure 1.1: Linkages between baseline reports and strategies 1.8 Report Structure The TMS is structured into eight sections as follows: Section 2 provides a summary of the baseline conditions that were outlined in the relevant sections of the Baseline Report to provide a context for content of this report. Section 3 considers the intra-site movements and facilities including the proposed key access points into the redeveloped area. Section 4 looks at how the key access points will integrate with the existing facilities and key corridors for the inter site movements. Section 5 summarises the proposals set out in Section 3 and Section 4 to provide a hierarchy of movements. Section 6 summarises the key points that form the pedestrian, cycle, bus and rail strategies. Section 7 addresses the car parking strategy for the site. Section 8 looks at travel planning for the site. In particular, how Travel Plans for each land use type will be developed and implemented as the development progresses.

10 Faber Maunsell Longbridge Area Action Plan 7 Section 9 provides a summary of targets for modal splits for each aspect of future land use type at Longbridge developed for the Travel Demand Model. Section 10 outlines the proposed monitoring strategy for the Longbridge development. Section 11 summarises and concludes the report.

11 2 Pedestrian and Cycle Baseline Review

12 Faber Maunsell Longbridge Area Action Plan 9 2 Pedestrian and Cycle Baseline Review 2.1 Introduction This section will provide a summary of the key points that emerged from the Baseline Report prepared by Halcrow regarding pedestrian and cycle journeys. 2.2 Transport Policy A review of relevant policy has been undertaken to identify key issues that need to be considered in the Longbridge AAP Travel Management Strategy with regard to pedestrians and cyclists National Planning Policy Guidance 13 (PPG13) PPG 13 establishes the national policy regarding transport and development. The objectives of PPG 13 are to: promote more sustainable transport choices for both people and for moving freight; promote accessibility to jobs, shopping, leisure facilities and services by public transport, walking and cycling, and reduce the need to travel, especially by car PPG 13 advocates that a key planning objective is to ensure that jobs, shopping, leisure facilities and services are accessible by public transport, walking, and cycling. This is important for all, but especially for those who do not have regular use of a car, and to promote social inclusion. A key element of policy is the consideration of the availability of car parking which has a major influence on the means of transport people choose for their journeys. Reducing the amount of parking in development is essential, as part of a package of planning and transport measures to promote sustainable travel choices. At the same time, the amount of good quality cycle parking in developments should be increased to promote more cycle use. The availability and use of public transport is also a very important factor in determining locational policies designed to reduce the need for travel by car. PPG 13 advocates that walking is the most important mode of travel at the local level and offers the greatest potential to replace short car trips, particularly under 2 kilometres. In particular attention should be paid to: review existing provision for pedestrians, in order to identify the network of routes and locations (including the links between key land uses) pay particular attention to the design, location and access arrangements of new development to help promote walking as a prime means of access; promoting high density, mixed use development in and around town centres and near to major transport interchanges; creating more direct, safe and secure walking routes, particularly in and around town centres and local neighbourhoods, and to schools and stations, to reduce the actual walking distance between land uses, and to public transport; and Cycling also the potential to substitute for short car trips, particularly those under 5km, and to form part of a longer journey by public transport. In particular attention should be paid to: reviewing existing provision for cyclists, influencing the design, location and access arrangements of development seek the provision of convenient, safe and secure cycle parking and changing facilities in developments and the provision of cycle storage facilities

13 Faber Maunsell Longbridge Area Action Plan 10 seek the provision of cycle routes and cycle priority measures in major new developments West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy The West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) supersedes Regional Planning Guidance (RPG11). The RSS was developed to enable different regions to sustainably meet their needs in a mutually supportive way. Specifically in terms of walking and cycling the RSS sets out the following policies: Policy T2: Reducing the need to travel. Policy T2 states those developments which generate significant travel demands to be located where their accessibility by walking and cycling is maximised. High density development will be supported in such locations in accordance with policy CF4 ; Policy T3: Walking and Cycling. Policy T3 states that development plans and local transport plans could provide greater opportunities for walking and cycling by: developing safe, secure, convenient and attractive networks which connect residential and employment areas; giving pedestrians and cyclists priority in built up areas; providing links between smaller settlements and centres and development of greenways and quiet roads; improving the National Cycle Network; making the most effective use of canal towpaths; expanding cycle & ride and cycle carriage on public transport; and ensuring that new developments and infrastructure proposals improve walking and cycling access West Midlands Local Transport Plan 2006 The West Midlands 2006 LTP sets out the initiatives and plans for the West Midlands region tackling transport problems it currently faces. The seven authorities for the West Midlands Metropolitan Area have formally agreed a shared vision for: Towns, cities and local centres that are attractive and vibrant, where and walking and cycling are common place. The LTP has a wide ranging programme of strategies to meet the key objectives and targets, and in particular: Make best use of the existing transport network, including walking and cycling; A continued programme to improve conditions for pedestrians and cyclists; and Efforts to achieve modal shift on non-essential car trips particularly those to school and work by delivering good accessibility to all. In addition, contained within the appendices of the LTP are a series of more detailed strategies for the different modes of transport, including a strategy for both walking and cycling: The Walking Strategy recognises increases in journeys undertaken on foot as an important contribution to creating a healthier, safer, more accessible and more affordable lifestyle for all. The strategy therefore has a key role to play with regard to the vision of the West Midlands as a place where walking will be 'commonplace' and where people increasingly choose to walk for shorter journeys and are not discouraged due to fears for road safety or personal security; and The Cycling Strategy states that the vision is of a vibrant, thriving community where everyone will be able to have a better quality of life that is not dependent on the availability of a car. As a result, cycling would be common place in an environment where people can make direct, attractive, safe and comfortable journeys by bicycle, and through creating the right environment, and with the right motivation, more people will be encouraged to cycle for utility journeys, for leisure and for tourism, helping to create a healthier, safer, more accessible, more prosperous and more sustainable society.

14 Faber Maunsell Longbridge Area Action Plan Worcestershire County Council LTP The LTP strategy to improve accessibility recognises the importance of encouraging greater walking and cycling for utility and leisure journeys, which in turn would lead to a healthier population. The strategy focuses on the following areas/initiatives: Investment in walk and cycle networks; Sustainable Travel Town; and Rights of Way Improvement Plan. The LTP states that walking and cycling are the modes that are available to virtually everyone, and therefore are realistic options for the majority of journeys made. As a result, providing good footways and footpaths that are well lit wide and linked to safe crossing points of the road network are essential to encourage people to make local trips predominantly on foot. Specifically in terms of walking the Worcestershire County Council LTP sets out the following policies: Policy WALK1: Implement a Countywide programme of improvements to the pedestrian network; Policy WALK2: Encourage people to make local journeys on foot by providing good quality information on walking routes through the publication of walk/cycle maps for all areas of the County; and Policy WALK3: Improve pedestrian facilities to enable isolated and/or vulnerable people safe and convenient access to essential services. The LTP recognises the potential to increase the amount of cycling within Worcestershire s main urban areas, with cycle networks already being well established within Worcester in particular. As a result, one of the main objectives within the LTP is to fill the gaps in the cycle networks by working alongside projects such as the Worcester Sustainable Travel Town partnership and through Cycle Forums. In relation to cycling the Worcestershire County Council LTP sets out the following policies: Policy CYC1: Implement a Countywide programme of improvements to the cycle network; Policy CYC2: Work with SUSTRANS to further develop an inter-urban network of cycle routes providing strategic links across the County including the National Cycle Network; Policy CYC3: Provide secure cycle parking facilities at key destinations such as town centres and retail parks, transport interchanges, and workplaces/schools; and Policy CYC4: Encourage people to make local journeys by bike by providing good quality information on cycling routes through the publication of walk/cycle maps for all areas of the County A Cycling Strategy for Birmingham 2008 Consultation The strategy recognises that cycling can bring many benefits to Birmingham as it contributes to reducing congestion, improving health, improving accessibility to employment and other local facilities/services, as well as helping to lessen the carbon footprint. The cycling strategy is aiming to increase the cycling levels across the city by encouraging people to think about the type of journey they are making, consider if it can be made by bicycle and take practical steps to make cycling a real option. The vision of cycling in Birmingham is more people cycling more often to help keep us healthy and active, keep our air clean and help tackle congestion. To help achieve this vision the strategy concentrates on delivering the following four targeted areas of cycling provision: Working with school children, staff and parents to encourage more cycling to and from school ; Continue the improvement of cycling accident statistics through road safety education and training ;

15 Faber Maunsell Longbridge Area Action Plan 12 Working closely with TravelWise affiliates and the Be Birmingham Partnership to raise the profile of cycling ; and Develop and implement a Strategic Cycle Network across Birmingham. In addition, to help guide the four focussed areas of work proposed within the cycling strategy, a comprehensive framework of policies and actions have been developed, including 10 policies and 31 actions to help contribute to achieving the vision of the strategy A Walking Strategy for Birmingham, February 2003 The Walking Strategy states that of all the journeys made in Birmingham, approximately 42% are less than 2km and this is a distance that a person of average fitness could walk in minutes. It is considered that car journeys account for approximately 33% of these trips, so there is clearly significant potential for increasing the level of walking for short trips, and hence reducing the decline in walking that has emerged in recent years. The Walking Strategy sets out the following key objectives: To reduce the amount of short journeys made by private car through encouraging a modal shift to walking; To set out the role that walking can play in meeting the transportation needs of residents and visitors; To assist in meeting health improvement targets by developing walking as a key public health initiative; To promote the role of walking for leisure, environmental and personal security benefits; Through a linked action plan, to assist in the delivery of city and national strategies; and To propose a methodology for setting targets, monitoring progress and reviewing achievements. The walking strategy sets out a combination of focussed initiatives/actions that are directed towards promoting walking in conjunction with education, retail and leisure, employment and health, and a range of city wide policies that are required to bring about the Visions objective of providing safe, people friendly streets. It recognises that reliance on the car for many types of personal journeys is not always sustainable, therefore good quality alternatives for certain key journey types must be developed and promoted. 2.3 Sustainable Conditions There are a number of good walking routes in the Longbridge area which include the Birmingham Greenway which links Watford Gap in Staffordshire to Cofton Park. The 23 mile route runs from northeast to southwest, through parks and open spaces and alongside rivers and canals, including Sutton Park, Aston Park, the Rea Valley, Bournville and the edge of Lickey Hills. There are a number of walking initiatives in place such as Walk 2000 which promotes walking for health in Birmingham. The three aims of the project are to way mark 2km walking routes in parks and open spaces; provide walking group led by qualified Walk Leaders and to train people to become Walk Leaders on a nationally accredited course. Presently the nearest way marked walking route is in Frankley but is hoped that in the future the routes will be included in Longbridge. There are good cycle links in the local area, with a combination of signed and surfaced off road routes. In particular the Rea Valley Route (National Cycle Network 5) runs directly around the vicinity of the site and provides a safe, attractive and largely traffic free link between Birmingham and Kings Norton Park. A comprehensive summary of key roads and existing facilities in the vicinity of Longbridge AAP is outlined in Table 2.1 overleaf.

16 Faber Maunsell Longbridge Area Action Plan 13

17 Faber Maunsell Longbridge Area Action Plan 14 Table 2.1: Existing Pedestrian Facilities on Key Roads in Study Area Crossing Facilities Road Safety / Accident Data Desire Lines Overview Crossing facilities are reasonable, with three pelican crossings in the following locations: Outside Longbridge Station. Near to Sunbury Road. Near the Coombes Lane/Turves Green mini-roundabout. Pedestrians can also cross at the junction with the A38. Longbridge Lane is a busy road with a 30mph speed limit and a poor safety record, particularly near the junction of Bristol Road (A38) and between the Station and Coombes Lane. Recorded accident data shows over 25 slight accidents and 3 serious accidents. In addition there has been one fatality on Bristol Road (A38) a short distance from the Longbridge Lane junction. Longbridge Lane Desire lines lead from residential areas around Longbridge Lane to the train station and to bus stops on Longbridge Lane and Bristol Road (A38). Desire lines also lead to a number of schools nearby, including Albert Bradbeer Junior & Infant Schools; Cofton Primary School; St John Fisher's RC Primary School; and St Columba's RC Primary School. Other desire lines include the shops on Longbridge Lane and Bristol Road South (A38) particularly Morrison's Superstore, leisure facilities in the Great Park and recreational space in Cofton Park. Fairfield Grove/Thurlestone Road//Darmont Road/Edenhurst Road and Coombes Lane On street lighting is reasonable, signage is poor and the pavements are narrow in parts. It would be preferable for the crossings to be Toucan, particularly the crossing outside Longbridge Station which is directly in-line with an advisory cycle route on Tessall Lane. No official crossing facilities. Residential roads with a speed limit of 30mph and some road safety issues. Recorded accident data shows 2 slight accidents on Thurlestone Road near to Longbridge Lane. 1 slight accident on Dearmont Road. 2 serious accidents occurred on Edenhurst Road, 1 at the busy junction with Coombes Lane and Groveley Lane. There have been a cluster of accidents on Groveley Lane near this junction, 1 of them fatal. There have been a number of accidents on Coombes Lane, some serious. Desire lines lead from residential areas around Longbridge Lane to the train station and to bus stops on Longbridge Lane and Bristol Road (A38). Desire lines also lead to a number of schools nearby, including Albert Bradbeer Junior & Infant Schools; Cofton Primary School; St John Fisher's RC Primary School; and St Columba's RC Primary School. Other desire lines include the shops on Longbridge Lane and Bristol Road South (A38) particularly Morrison's Superstore, leisure facilities in the Great Park and recreational space in Cofton Park. Residential roads with wide pavements and dropped kerbs. Unpleasant narrow alley leading into Fairfield Road with lots of graffiti. Crossing is difficult in places, particularly at the junctions of Edenhurst Road, Coombes Lane and Groveley Lane. Pedestrian facilities are reasonable along these roads and could be improved by the provision of safe crossing points such as zebra crossings and traffic islands. On street lighting is dated. There are no official crossing facilities on Groveley Lane. Groveley Lane has a speed limit of 30mph but has an extremely poor safety record with 2 fatalities. The scene of one of the fatalities is next to the narrow bridge which Groveley Lane Desire lines lead from residential areas around Longbridge Lane to the train station and to bus stops on Longbridge Lane and Bristol Road (A38). Desire lines also lead to Groveley Lane is a wide and busy road, with poor pedestrian crossing facilities. There are narrow pavements in parts. At the bridge, visibility is limited and the footpath

18 Faber Maunsell Longbridge Area Action Plan 15 Crossing Facilities Road Safety / Accident Data Desire Lines Overview There are no official crossing facilities on Lowhill Lane. A wide junction joining Lowhill Lane with Lickey Road/Bristol Road South makes pedestrian crossing difficult. There is a toucan crossing on Hollymoor Way as part of the Rea Valley Cycle Route. has poor visibility and inadequate space for pedestrians. Serious accidents have occurred near the roundabout with Longbridge Lane and Cofton Road and the junction of Edenhurst Road and Coombes Lane. Lowhill Lane has a speed limit of 30mph. Serious accident at the junction of Groveley Lane and Lowhill Lane and a scattering of slight accidents, particularly at the junction with Lickey Road (A38). Residential Roads with speed limit of 30mph. There are no reported accidents on Hollymoor way and surrounding roads. Lowhill Lane a number of schools nearby, including Albert Bradbeer Junior & Infant Schools; Cofton Primary School; St John Fisher's RC Primary School; and St Columba's RC Primary School. Other desire lines include the shops on Longbridge Lane and Bristol Road South (A38) particularly Morrison's Superstore, leisure facilities in the Great Park and recreational space in Cofton Park. Additionally, to the Cofton Centre. Desire lines lead from residential areas around Longbridge Lane to the train station and to bus stops on Longbridge Lane and Bristol Road (A38). Desire lines also lead to a number of schools nearby, including Albert Bradbeer Junior & Infant Schools; Cofton Primary School; St John Fisher's RC Primary School; and St Columba's RC Primary School. Other desire lines include the shops on Longbridge Lane and Bristol Road South (A38) particularly Morrison's Superstore, leisure facilities in the Great Park and recreational space in Cofton Park. Additionally, to the Cofton Centre. Hollymoor Way and surrounding roads Desire lines lead to the facilities in Great Park such as the Reaside Clinic, the UGC Cinema, Hollywood Bowl, Premier Travel Inn, Gala Bingo and Frankie & Bennies. Also leads to the Rea Valley Route, shops only runs on one side of the road. There is a wide junction as Groveley Lane joins with Lowhill Lane. On street lighting is good. Slow traffic signage is reasonable but destination signage is poor. Lowhill Lane has wide footpaths but are of poor quality. Scope to improve footpath and cycle lane provision. On-street lighting outdated and needs improvement. Signage is poor. The cycle and pedestrian facilities are excellent in this area of Longbridge and we would like to see these facilities extended throughout the rest of the site. There are shared cycle and pedestrian

19 Faber Maunsell Longbridge Area Action Plan 16 Crossing Facilities Road Safety / Accident Data Desire Lines Overview and facilities on Bristol Road South such as Morrisons, the playing field and numerous educational facilities. routes with good signage. Street lighting is good and there are traffic calming measures in place on some roads. Four pelican crossings on Lickey Road/ Bristol Road (A38) in the following locations: Near Toll House Drive Outside St Columba's Primary School next to Longbridge Island Near to the Lickey Road/Groveley Lane roundabout. Lickey Road shortly after the roundabout when approaching from Barnt Green Road/Groveley Lane. It is very difficult to cross the road around the Longbridge Island Roundabout as there are no crossing facilities. Crossing facilities along Bristol Road South are infrequent considering the significance of the road, but where they do exist they are adequate. Lickey Road/Bristol Road (A38 North of Lickey Road) Lickey Road/Bristol Road (A38) is a key arterial route with a 40mph speed limit. A large number of accidents have occurred around the junction with Bristol Road South (A38). This is a very difficult crossing point which could explain the high number of accidents. There has been one fatal accident near the junction with Longbridge Lane and two serious accidents. This is a very busy part of the road. Bristol Road South (A38) is a key arterial route with a 40mph speed limit. Road safety is relatively poor with a number of recorded accidents. A cluster of slight accidents have occurred around the junction of Longbridge Island. This area has already been identified as unpleasant for pedestrians and difficult to cross. More serious accidents have Bristol Road South (A38) Desire lines from residential estates on Lickey Road lead to St Columba's Primary School and Rednal Junior & Infants Schools. Other desire lines lead to shops on Bristol Road South (A38) including Morrisons, leisure facilities in Great Park and recreational space in Cofton Park. In the opposite direction desire lines lead to the Lickey Hills, including the Visitors Centre, Billberry Hill Training Centre and Cofton Hackett. Desire lines lead to a number of education establishments in the area, including St Columba's Primary School, Rednal Junior & Infants Schools, St James RC Primary School, Colmers College, Colmers Farm Junior & Infants Schools and the adjacent playing field and sports pitch. Desire lines also lead to shops on Bristol Wide and busy road which consists of 4 lanes of traffic. Wide junction with Lowhill Lane is difficult for pedestrians to cross. There are a number of vehicle turning points along the road which can cause an additional hazard for pedestrians crossing. The quality of footpaths is fairly poor with uneven flagstones, and are narrow in places. There is a wide grass verge. A number of kerbs are not dropped such as on Toll House Road. Footpaths are cluttered in places due to signage and bollards. Very busy road which consists of 4 lanes of fast moving traffic. Crossing facilities are good in parts but in places the road remains very difficult to cross safely. There are good crossing facilities, particularly outside Colmers School and Leisure Centre. The pedestrian environment around Morrisons is good with

20 Faber Maunsell Longbridge Area Action Plan 17 Crossing Facilities Road Safety / Accident Data Desire Lines Overview There are a number of pelican crossings further down Bristol Road South in the following locations: Near Macdonalds. Outside Colmers College close to Colmers Farm Infant and Junior Schools. Near to Morrisons Superstore. Extremely difficult for pedestrians to safely cross the Tessall Lane/Bristol Road cross roads. Ideally pedestrians should be able to cross the road directly, with signals stopping all traffic allowing pedestrians to cross diagonally, saving them negotiating both Tessall Lane then Bristol Road. There are no other pelican crossings on Tessall Lane. Ideally there should be a crossing at the junction of Tessall Lane and Longbridge Lane. occurred further down Bristol Road South (A38) near to Ashill Road. Tessall Lane has a modest accident history with 2 accidents at the junction with Longbridge Lane. The speed limit is 30mph. Tessall Lane Road South including the Morrisons Superstore and facilities in Great Park including the Reaside Clinic, UGC Cinema, Hollywood Bowl, Premier Travel Inn, Gala Bingo and Frankie & Bennies Restaurant. There is a comprehensive cycle network nearby, the Rea Valley Millennium Route and Route 5, which links other parts of the site and should form the basis of routed desire lines. Other desire lines are to the Train Station on Longbridge Lane and to bus routes on Bristol Road and Bristol Road South. Desire lines lead to the Longbridge Station and the facilities on Longbridge Lane. Other desire lines lead to Bristol Road, Great Park and surrounding facilities including Morrisons, the UGC Cinema, Hollywood Bowl, Gala Bingo and the Fitness Club. Desire lines also lead to the Rae Valley Route towards Northfield Station and Great Park. ramp access. Pavements are mostly wide but could be better maintained with more dropped kerbs, especially considering the number of nurseries in the immediate vicinity. Street lighting is good and there are speed cameras and warning signs along with school signs and school flashing yellow lights. Parked cars on the pavements are obstructive to pedestrians and block the throughway, as seen opposite McDonalds. Tessall Lane is an extremely busy road and is used as a rat run for cars wishing to bypass part of Bristol Road. On the approach to Longbridge Lane the road is cluttered with parked cars from people using the station. The footpath is narrow along this section of the road and the junction with Longbridge Lane is busy and difficult for cyclists and pedestrians to cross. The Rea Valley Route goes off road from Tessall Lane and the route could be improved along this section of road. Street lighting is poor.

21 Faber Maunsell Longbridge Area Action Plan Census data & Site Observations The Census Data 2001 and site observations highlight a number of key issues regarding travel characteristics in the Longbridge area which informs the pedestrian and cycling baseline review. Further information is available in Section 9, but below is a key summary obtained from the census survey. It should be noted that the 2001 census data for the Longbridge area is based on presence of a large local employer (MG Rover) which affects the travel characteristics of journeys to work. It is acknowledged that since the closure of MG Rover journey to work characteristics in the Longbridge area will have altered, however, it is considered that the 2001 Census data can inform the development of transportation strategies Car Ownership There is a higher than average proportion of households with no access to a car or van compared to the national and regional statistics. A third of all households in Longbridge have no access to a car or van, whilst 46% of households in Longbridge have access to one car or van Travel Patterns Of people who live and work in Longbridge only a third of people drive to work. Of people who work in Longbridge and live elsewhere, nearly three quarters of people travel to work as a car driver. Walking trips account for 25% of journeys to work for people who live and work in Longbridge. Of people who live in Longbridge and work elsewhere, 22% of people travel by bus. 8% of journeys to work by people who work in Longbridge and live elsewhere are made by bus. 1% of Longbridge residents cycle to work Pedestrians Pedestrian activity is currently focused on the shops on Longbridge Lane near Longbridge station and on Bristol Road South (A38) around Great Park. The 'walking environment' is poor and could be enhanced to promote more walking in the area. Census 2001 results show that a quarter of people who lived and worked in Longbridge walked to work over double the national average. The opportunity to create high quality and realistic pedestrian links is a fundamental component of the AAP Cyclists Journey to work data from 2001 shows only up to 1% of Longbridge residents cycle to work, below the national average of 3%. The area is linked to National Cycle Network (NCN) Route 5, but generally provision could be improved and the environment for cyclists enhanced to promote more cycling. The creation of a safe, realistic cycling alternative to the car is one of the main objectives of the AAP Transport Strategy. 2.5 Summary This section provides a summary of the baseline walking and cycling characteristics of the Longbridge area which supports strategy development in the following chapters. It highlights the potential of the Longbridge area and the opportunity for creating a vibrant and sustainable local centre. Policy at a national, regional and local level, strongly support the need for communities to be sustainable with excellent and integrated transport links. The needs of pedestrians and cyclists are paramount. In general, access to the Longbridge area by car and public transport is good. There are multiple bus services around the area and a high frequency train service to Birmingham, and a half hourly service to Redditch. Whilst the area is connected with the National Cycle Network and there are other signed cycle routes in the area, the general environment for both cyclists and pedestrians has scope for improvement. The aim would be that by enhancing the environment, facilities and conditions for pedestrians and cyclists, people would be more encouraged to travel by these modes of transport.

22 3 Inter-Site Movement and Infrastructure

23 Faber Maunsell Longbridge Area Action Plan 20 3 Inter-Site Movement and Infrastructure 3.1 Introduction The purpose of this strategy is to establish a framework of access by non car modes of travel, specifically where significant infrastructure is required. It should be noted that this approach should not therefore limit site specific infrastructure and facilities in the wider area. This section assesses options for future movements linking the proposed facilities that will be developed as part of the Longbridge AAP to the wider area. It also focuses on the key access points to the surrounding areas and connections to the inter-site movements as described in the following sections. External site movements are assessed in the following Chapter. As the internal layout of the site is yet to be determined, this section draws upon best practice and provides guidance and recommendations into how pedestrians and cyclists need to be catered for as the site develops. 3.2 Pedestrian & Cycle Movements Best Practice The Department for Transport (DfT) has produced a note on Best Practice for Walking & Cycling (2006). Within this guidance note, basic design requirements for pedestrian and cycling infrastructure provision are identified. These are highlighted as five core principles which are encouraged to be applied to pedestrian and cycling infrastructure in the UK which are applicable to inter-site and external Longbridge AAP movements, these are as follows: Convenience Networks should allow people to take the route that they want, and new facilities should offer a directness and/or reduced delay compared with existing provision. Routes and key destinations should be appropriately signed and street names should be clearly visible. On street route maps would prove helpful at appropriate locations. Published route maps available at a variety of sources. Networks should be unimpeded by street furniture, pavement, parking, and other obstructions which can be hazardous to visually impaired pedestrians. There should be minimum delay for pedestrians and cyclists waiting at signalled crossings. Networks should not face long detours. Trip-end facilities should be clearly marked, conveniently located, and appropriate for the length of stay Accessible Networks should link key trip origins and destinations including public transport access points. Networks should be continuous and direct in terms of distance and journey times. Appropriate provision for crossing busy roads and other barriers in urban and rural areas. Where practical, all parts of each route should be situated on desire lines. Networks should be provided through areas usually inaccessible to motor vehicles. Maintenance of access for pedestrians and cyclists during road-work periods. The needs of users with disabilities should be taken into consideration during the design stage, including consultation with groups representing them Safe Traffic volumes and speeds should be reduced where possible. Opportunities for redistributing space within the highway should be fully explored including, moving kerb-lines, street furniture, providing right turn refuges, or separating conflicting movements by using traffic signals. Surface defects should be treated immediately, vegetation should be regularly cut back to preserve available width and sight lines. Risk of crime must be reduced through the removal of hiding place, provision of lighting, and presence of passive surveillance from neighbouring premises and other users. Waiting rooms and cycle parking etc should be located where people feel safe.

24 Faber Maunsell Longbridge Area Action Plan Comfortable Networks should meet design standards for width, gradient, and surface quality. Networks should cater for all types of user where appropriate. Networks should remain well maintained and regularly swept, with gentle gradients. Dropped kerbs and tactile paving needs to be implemented where appropriate to assist users. Seating at regular intervals is desirable to allow users to stop and rest. Comfort is enhanced when users feel they are free from crime Attractive Aesthetics, noise reduction, and integration with surrounding areas are important. The network environment should be attractive, interesting, free from dog litter, dog mess, and broken glass. Providing users with the ability to stop for a rest or stop to look at a view makes for a more pleasant environment. Networks need to be designed well, finished in attractive materials so that people will want to stop and spend some time there. Surfaces, landscaping, street furniture must be well-maintained and regularly cleaned. Based on this guidance, pedestrian and cycle movements including routes to schools, employment sites, retail facilities, transport links, sport and leisure facilities and open space should be prioritised. The focus should not be on vehicle movements but rather on creating a quality environment for pedestrians and cyclists with the removal of barriers to allow safe, easy and direct pedestrian routes where possible. 3.3 Access Points & Sustainable Gateways Figure 3.1 shows the main access points into the proposed Longbridge development. (Note: figure 3.1 also shows the main pedestrian and cycle corridors which are discussed in more detail in section 4). Access locations have been chosen because they will link areas of the site and connect with the existing network of pedestrian, cycle and public transport routes. They will try to also match desire lines of residents, employees and visitors to the area. Consideration has also been given to the proposed land use and how each area can be adequately served by sustainable modes of transportation. It is important to ensure that wherever possible access points are provided for the convenience and ease of pedestrians and cyclists over vehicle access into the site. In addition at each of the dedicated sustainable entrances into the site, distinctive gateways could be introduced to provide identity to the Longbridge area and promote sustainable modes of transport Access point one Longbridge Island / A38 providing access to the North and West Works Access will be provided to the site on Bristol Road (A38) opposite Longbridge island near the River Rea. Presently the A38 acts as a major barrier to the safe and free movement of pedestrians and cyclists and divides the site. New infrastructure should allow more of the site to be joined up in the key central area, which will include transport interchanges, residential and employment land uses. With the new infrastructure, it is proposed that pedestrian and cycle access from the where Longbridge Island Roundabout is currently located. This access point will provide access for pedestrians and cyclists straight to the heart of the Longbridge development, where the key facilities will possibly include: Employment. Campus facilities. Transport Interchanges. Park & Ride Longbridge Station. Longbridge Bus Interchange. Residential development. The access point will also connect to some key routes, as identified previously including the Lickey Road and Frankley corridors.

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