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2 NEPIEXOMENA CONTENTS EI:HTH'EI: NPO'KEKAHMENON OI\'IAHINN INVITEO LECTUFEBS Obscruatrons and.o.sderalons conceminq Myce aean!'derqro!n'l {el rrouscs or spr.o.hanrbe6 especaly al Mvce.ae Trvns and llhak' 3 rropnrf')rtorlq k.l o(d{.r., YLo ro lnoy.lo nfyoö(d n Kplvtc u6lxo qlq r,llkitvli ortv Tlplven KoL mfv ookil Texrs a.n l.crr.oosy Th b.! fn iqs ot id. meral!rlv n lfe easlerrr Nlid lenanenn (eql.vd(dl T.[d\oYr Or onopl.q rn!!.roi,\orpyloq drtv avorollkt MrooY.o J P. Oi.soN flerodorus ArstotLe a' d soundtrr! wellnr5 The decp s.a a5 a lronler n th+r CLaiscd word :l: ^ -/oö " ao u.. iooo 0- r' s ßo0ro Ooloooo ul olrvopoiov KIdoLKo (öo]ro ' J. C. PolAsAr Mir,"ra5 andcrdfistrn.shp. BronzeA.lecrele '..-o.oöq ' r 'r ' Yr,\r M. T. WFrcHr ll.dersrdnd nq lhe Antiktlhera mecharr5nl 49 Koiovötot ro! f'txovoroü iov AvrL(uorlpov T. TEPOYMNOT X.LpolpyrKo spyo^.'o olv opxolorlro Sür9 caltools rn antq!ry X. NToYMN T Xaoloyio KoroL(ovolio otrl eqpqrnq EioXlS ro! xd^xou 61 Tech.ology and economy on Thera du ng the Bfonze Age

3 np6rn Evörrlro First Part THE MATEBIALS Kov(oford. I6xlo^oyio nopoyoyiq Ko( n.q.pyooloq npoiöwov qü^o!, Productron a.d p.occss ng ol timber O KaeBorarrH. K. Nroyu, O. NaEpH, M. Tmpr^xonoy oy, t. Mran(or.rn\ ', o, A,o'. 1, rooo!,, ror,.oo, L r.. tr., i N...4rl.r rtou.o,vrö, -.o,oö r -.IV oo,, O KaNAvoyrarN. K DouN F NEzEr M cr:or.^k.rntro! y B^:rs^(ori A Iechnooq,ca rpproich to lhe s ver and tea.t productoo d!n.q tfre Inle Neonhrc r..1lhe Proto Hetadc perod n rhe i/e5ogera ntanr Anca Mso^ olptl(i lrliq xo\klvov öok+rirlv rß Mrvorkrlq tnoxas ono ro KüOtpo A metallrlica slldy ol M.oa. copper sampes tröm Krlh ra M. KoyH, E. Ax.p onoy^oy-m^rkoyj E. n^n{o.^oy-m^muymkhj A. PFr{d-vEvEcG, n. fia.an^peofoy or a9 M.^rt rß dümooß (orrtq r.xvftnq (ordok.uiq Xotrvov hgri)v npoioropßm.noxits on6rov EMfvLKo (d /upovl(o xdpo Nt Kou.E AroAEop.llo! [l{r! E ParvocLD! M^N!u,,axr. A PF Fr! VEvt.s. P PapaNoFEorolLoJ SlLdy ol ih. composrtion afd manltactu..g technrques ot preh stanc brorze swords lrom Craece ard Alba.ra E. rsnsamrmän IyBprÄH Iro epyomipro ro! WKtvoioü Xplooxdou Avoolvo.q r.p";" -o Xp"oo KoouiuGo to! EovKoü ApXoLoIoyLKoü Mouo.Lou E KoNsraNrMor Swtuol n lhe workshop olthe myce.aea. cräftsma. Fevva orrechnqles on the gotd lewe lery orlhe NatronatAfchaeotogica MLseum K. GEsEr The pronlclion ol Cyp.ot tbuias H nopoyoyrt KwpLoKdv nepovdv r tu\raxr,fto'. H tu$o^i rov Xd\oüxov Ko(oorrdov nq KLjf,pou o.fv ovomuqf qq L'Jrpßnq oi]v opxoloorq The conlrburion oi Cypror copper deposirsro rhe deleopmenl ot medcne n a quty Y. BAc(E-FoFs&Fc, L, GFAroN. E. HraarsNEi-HoLoau, C. F sbefc,y, aassr^xos Ance.t ron solrces n Solther. petoponnessls. creece 9a

4 Y BACf-FOFSBERC. L. GFANDLN. E HTAq*N A'HOLOAA C F SEEFG Y BASSAXOS Apxoieq dnydq oröfpou aq NorLo ndonöwloo S ver amalgam plal nq ard ls app'callon n Foman con prodlctro'. 124 EnLl rd\ oon!r. dld^youdo opyupou KoL I tldoployl] rlq mrlv Kmookeun Popoituv volr'op@ov P. VAssrLLo!, G. Manra lnco, C. SaMAsa l DE CaFo 135 Coroson emuation ol ancent Cu bas.]alovs bv th' use or laboralory allovs n Ar^Eor.GMaRA rco K IAMA ^ T Dr cäuo npooo!,.ioof ö(oßpoo'lc opxniov rtpolorov Xo^NoÜ oo Kpolr'lrov tpyooiilplov KONIAMATA, XPO'TIKEI MORTAAS, PIGMENTS C. ALravrLü, E. ClLrsEmo, V La Bos4, P MrLrrELLo 145 The aslrak lronr Phaslos ReätDnshrps lrelwcc. tecnroollv and nsrory C AlravLrr, E qrberrn.v LA R.s^ P MLrr.LLo l.,aopo(r, rfq Oolmo! Ix.ott\ r.lyoloy(q KoL Lmopo! I nanänänn!, M treo^rr^oy M$int öofiq!öpouilkov Kovrrudrov opxoroq rtxvo^'lroc P^PAYANN'. M srefann!! Stldy oi tlre slrlct(e oi hvdraurc moat.rs ot an'erl technologv M. O.^oh.neor, l. ltu{rcr. XP Xt?F,e noj I M!\'rr{ K T^. nanmoypar, K. KYP ^KoY lx.örooraq!öpoulrkov ooß rokov'opordv rlt lloo'l rfv ftrxvo^oylo (.poyoyrlq opxoiov Kovro orov rff (nnpoü M FLoopHou. oanno! CHir /crz.hnrsro!. MaNLAT i' K GL ParaDolHti. K KYHLAio! The desgn ol hydiaulr Inr Plasters based o' the lechnoogv orprodrcl on ol anclenl pasteß In Cvprls I n^nan^nm, B. nma M.I-arn rou unömpopoloq opxoiov enröoniöo! qjlll]jlöorov I PAPÄTIANN V PACtsIA Sludy otlhe slbstructlre ol a.dent lloor mosacs I. N.IiELLIEA,, The krene in Mega6. The analvsrs oi a lh. black laver on lhe ioor plasler H (pqvrl tov Meropov H ovoluof l.ftoü poüpo! srpouqöq 60 onixplopo rou öoneöou X, MnpEKoyMKH. B, n.parerth:. 179 To npoolvo xpdtrd dlv qpxoio M ]{KI (oypd9rktl Cts Buecouuxr, V PERosrsrs The g.een colour. ancienl Greel pantng

5 KEPAMEIKH CEFAMICS A.omparatve ook at üe lse ot lhe poner s whee n Bronz Aqe Gr_"ec_" 189 ilno ouyfplrlk't 8.oprq qq tt!{r!q r.u xrpq l.kou rpoxoij mlv E,\,\o6o Kora iry Enoxi rou xoi(ol A. nadanännonoy^oy t95 Ar.haeod\elr cal res..[lr arakr.r. Therr A reteren.e to ceram.s r. KlPnMripoY - M.Nr ldh ol por,.l(ol(alßovol mov no,urrrlo Ko(ovrq li KAHÄMErtso! MrN id Tfe pollery k ns al Poymyo! Koznf ^ Xap^MMnoyr. M. r\y(ap^onöy^oy. E. AHMoy. t O(oNoMoy 213 Or(j6d x.pofrxdv Klürv()v orov n.ijrrulo Ko(ovlq TetoloyLo (oroqkrurtq Lr OrÄHAlM.ous. M Lyk^F.or.llrrr L Lr Mo! c O(rNoM.Ll A 'trolp or ponery kkrs at Poytrryos (czar [irnrhcl[io te.hfot.oy Arcenr Greek cefan. k Ins afd th. r.oilr bul or to the lech.oioly.nd or!ai zaron.rrrrc polter:i wo srrop5 ApXoLoL rmfvl(oi K.porr LroL (llßovor(ol I ollfol KoL rntv optovodrt 'ov.ptoor pldv Ktnlr!.I(itq rouq o v r.ivotoylu K. O PanrHr 22A K\'ßovor {ollvol P'orervrov.pyoo:ftprov iiroq t,1o! ol I u.loio iorroyoyl(rtq Exvo^oy'dq 221 Kl.5 fui.ac-"s or small ndlsrry wo.kshops {ath i.firr.) ssres or p/oducr on r.ch.oogy GTASS KqLvoro! q ntv r Xlo^oyLo KqrodK un! uo-\oöov uldv ncri nv ym.prt EnoX! ro! Xo&oü do Xopo ro! A,yqio! 239 N w trends n the producton tech.oogy otaegean vrreous mareras A. Arrn{^Pc 217 Evö.iqerc öpoootplorfroq ptoofrtpiov laloupyioq orf o.ooo\ovikf Indcatro.s ol glasswo.kng aclnity rn Thessatc.rk npopopoix'j rcl PotroiKrt ualonoriq KoL üo\olpyio O EMoö(öq Xdpos. 254 Pre foman a.d Boman gassmakrng and giassworkng The Hetadtc,egon

6 A. lrmrmoy, A. ANrorAPd 261 ^iyloooo Ä.Eßo lr]s dpxolo< (olpeqo'ov'kn(!o^o!py{oq f popmponorro{ (ol oöctoöd D I!:N^TADO! A ANTONAFAS B nglaldrclonary ol ancenl and med ev. gasswork ng l.rms TEXNOAONA NAPATOTH: XAI ENE=EPTA:IA: NPO,iONTON :Y OY. YOA'MATO' XTN PRODUCIION AND PROCESSING OF TIMBER. TEXTILES EIC X. MaaN^t 269 A'Xir.q ll.iov onoxpolrotrivou Ä10!! rf( nololor ris.norriq ui'lv El,\oöo ltre Pala o rthr sl.nc atowrieads n Grecc. Thri use or enrery n Brof4 Alc A.!.ran and tasle'r Nleilletran..f M-"lliodoogcapproach!.na prelniaiy ie5llts 216 N xpnot rß dpüplöoq oro AtYnro Kl ntv AvoroÄL(r M.odYi. Koro rrlv tnoxlr r!! Xo,\Ko! M.8oöorotLiaq npoouyyiotlt ro flpo(.ropxrlkd onalt\lo!utu r InANT^AXH. CNF. Mo!UI.FAT 2,31 r.ioni! oloylo( ololvro mf rafloplvl G SPANr r^r. ahf lvlorl'r..ar Thr-o.ds slr nas cords In sarlürr H Kd\ooonlr(LKrt rilart mo npolo.opl(o akportp oirpoq aas[elry on F.ehislor. Akrol I Th.rn N. B. OAKMPHI To lr'illvo oyy.lo ootv opl.lo EMoöo 296 Woode. vases. ancenl (:lr-"e.e

7 5 Aeürepn Evdrnro TA OPTANA KAI fa EPTMEIA Second Part THE INSTRUMENTS [,leasuremenl devrc s MEASUFE!]IENT OEVICES K. nanaoarew, Ao. nanaronoy^or, T. Poyronoy^or, ^. oparkoy^hr, M- n^{4.onoy^ot, A. I(EnnprL n. Poyronoy^o!, T TmNonoy^ot trponyu.vo y.olr.rako npolino mlq rolxoypoal.( roü npormopr(o! o,xrqrou AKporf plou towoprvn! K PÄpaoovsFsEls A PaN^ri)tsouori C FtoossopolLos, O FFAco!1. M P^N^ün öul.:i A SKi ufs. P BolsroFoulos, G G^uNo.o!l.:l Advanced geomelfrca models r.llre wa pantngs ol rh p.ehistorc selllenre.l at Akotrfl, TherJ F rrrprtrl(a r.xvf mrtv opxoro Findöo Measrr mefl technqlcs. ancef( Gree.e x. ^ror I. polol q! Io(oq fllv ropoöodtrov opoßlkov!öpou^lkov poloyldv Tire walerclock ol Caza n lhe tradrron olarabl. water co.ks o. 8Aöa Ampoldpos, n one,x6vlot rtq oupüudq oau{por do LnL;;o astrolabe. represenratron ofihe ceesta sphere or ltre plane MUSICAL INSTfiUMENTS o. Mna\oY. ApXoLoL.MryKoi duloi onv.ro! rwou MLo rruclq rnrvofof rou 40! or n x (or I rqd!\f rov nvelmov opyovov O BaNo! Ance.t Gree[ a!]o' olcombrnat d type A mechancai.ve.td. olthe4ice.r 8c and rhe evolulro. the wr.d rnsüufients TEXNIKA EPTMEIA TECHNICAI TOOLS tr. rmf hf Mirpeq Köorn-r!fiov qnö q oumoy'r Ir lookou Jewelry moulds oi Sl. Tsakos calection E, MrqÄAoYerF MlxfvoiKo opyol io quloupy'kts H n pmoof ro! ocnopvo! Mycenea. cape.lry loos The case olthe adze M. CECoARELLT....36j Greek mechanlcs of mach nery rn the eary works on modern TMM F 0.o1 Tq E\,\r,. l( L',o\.'.c d.c Jltor'q do lol -o!p.o ftl tnq!.oplüs!ryqvov Ko( lnxovldlov

8 Tpir4 Ev6rrlro OITEXNOAOTIEI Third Part TECHNOLOGIES Agnc!1t!ral techf ology Build ng technology ATPOIIKH TEXNO OTIA AGRICULTU RAL TECH NOLOGY l. armna!, Y aoj^dzrev 3/3 An.oiKcuort (ol ounfptort rpoallov orrtv Avoro,\Lxi udlkovr('t Koro rfv sf Xürrio To nopo6 Lyud rou Yufalsrle F.od itor.q and p.eservn! n tasle.ir Bika. durn! rh.5lh ml..'!nl BC The cde olyunatsre A. r. BoP^or 3a0 aloxpov'k.q r.xvrrcq df aurruo't apn.ndvov ll ntplmoort lov Mcyopov Ddchronc lechnqles. the plantalof ofweyards Ttr case ol Melara TT. KoYPATY APATnN^ 338 nooooployf ntq opxoros o{vrkfs r.iao,\oyiqq qrt pööo qq oyopo! or'r.0o,\odooll.vol olvor Sr KolMko! DHAGoNA Adaplat'o. ol üe anc'enl wnre lechroogy lo rhe rr nd ollhe madel Wnes l lhalassomeno To trixvlouo Kd ro u.rpfud rov olrtpov qtv opxqio r^\vl(i raxvrl w.now nc and measln.q ot the grarn n the ancrent Greek an OIKOAOMIKH AUILDING TECHNOLOGY O, rüu8onsnn, E, TrsEnH, rr. ANftrpEy, K. NroyNH, n. Mr 403 I'o',.'o no^.oöolro, -o' o'r'@,.rts oro ro Mroo r! o.oo rl N dlem't noxri ror qv nporo I oölq I nrpioöo O KlevoyrANNr. E TsELEp, KL DEMEraro! K OolNr P McAElDl New rinds concernng to lhe lown pannrng and (he afchtecture ol the NL and the efl perod n lhe Mesoga pla. Atlrca A. G. aenvenf rc\öx!! ( ilvos) N oß@rki opxr.no{(i rns ftp(larq n.p6öo! KorooxeuoqkjS rexmres xol runo^oyio o'klov

9 Po ioch.r (Lem.os) Domesl c arch l{llr ol the yel ow per od Construclon lech. ales and lypology or houses OßoöotiKes nopmpioels p.oo ono qv rtxq r]lq Enornq rou xo,\trou TlqonoLrlr.veq iuoev.q KorodK.u.( Notes on the bu'd nq lechnoloqy ol lhe Aege.n Bronze Aqe through conlemporary an d epd ö.s Sla.därd zed p refabncated sl tu ct!.es lhc lse oi t'nbe.. M.oa. archde.lue Eramp es oi bu dtr.ls lrom Mara m Crele rlxpnf lll^.!.il! Uv., Kll dnlr.rovlq nopoö Lyldo dno ro M{,\( The My. nlern -"n! f"-eß Exrense and piove.a..e O( MlK'tvor.L trüovlrcl: El.röL(.!dr trol rpotn uol B MAIMXN TpLyorvLKoi GporroL ntq AKp.noIf! hol uuootlrro Ko,\ulrlq olllöorov KolpLov Th. lmnlt!ar il.x. ht-'a.ropol:r ol Atlref5 rd.l Ihe covcfn! syslenrs A TaNöuus AboLrl.lamps and dow! rl lhe o-"flralbl ldrrq ol tlre Pr.py, a ol lfrc Atfie. an A.roporrs r48 Ix.rL^o rr. (u!i.oprlo!! trar hlqt.!q,o!qrov np..l^oldv.ri AoryoiKnq Anp.noÄfq A. NA@r 157 '!Ko! rtpo t4*lno 'r ro düorqln oloprfoß \uko.tj '^(ikou m.po ll gardtrrq llre hf! rreclra.l5m ykosl 6.E.E t k.pä,i OLxoöoFiq qcpoqpfo.lt o. {igo ro! Aor-\rln Lo! amöuupo! VE E S KYAAK slrlcrura obsetoslo.s ön bu ldrngs n rhe sanclüary ofaskepos u Epdauros O. G- RoMANo, T. E. ANlprAixI. E. r. ANdparu 472 t^öooro oo,oo dßo o..,.l.o,.-.onoooo!,. D G RoMANo G.E.ANouraNis E G andtsanrs The des g. ol an ancent lo.q dsta.ce race couße O. AoaNrrDy, 8. Meüa, M- Mra, M. tfann.oy 460 OL(oöolNq repßiq rov ^oqpdvrov ovonöpovrou Toirpiou F. ATHANASo!. V. MaDMA M. Ma M SÄFANroo! Bu d.g tedinqles oirhe barhs in the GarLerus palace complex. Thessalonikl 'D. AoaNNroy, B. MMMA. M. Mr4,!!. :lfainäoy.,188 opoo[op!öipoof Kdr KdoüK ltt ro! tioptrdptvou öcnaöou lou Oro,!\or _u. o.o.opu! ro- tup ol oq Orcoüo, 'rl 4L

10 F AiNANÄSOU V MACMA. M M} M SAAANTOO! Marble veneenng a.d lhe conskuctof ol the marble I oor ot the O.tagon o, Galeius palä.6 compler n lhessaon kl t. Bo ^?.) To pofoiko oö.r. rtq NLKonoMq mrtv HneLpo rhe Foman Odeum o' Nrkopo s I Ep.us M.trro^rtrdo, I n^n!rßnn{ T.Xr.IoyLK! XopoxrlpLmLKo n,\ivfov onö!vf!.io qr pdlolk q fl.plööol M STLIANtrII] IPA'AYANN fech.oroqrc. ch!ricterslcs of m!d br.ks ot lh. rornirl crj rrtrnr trni Anre.ed.nts ol lhc maf leallr.es ol lhe ärch ecrln. ol the classcr Greck fipd!.q lopeeq tov KlpLov Xopcnfpmr(ov irt( upxrr KrovLKfa rll dnohfq tläfvrk c (ol PoJtroLKfq neproöou a. royprdrr!t! ^ 1. r( (oroo(rrnrq oykorr m,q rdrud(lu.q forpfq lly(p(ikn ovrxv nnt rtc.a: L!q cxloyvooioc uilkov Kor rnlnlllrfq m{q p.yo, q!oä!ta nroox.u.q nn!orlprrq optol.rf.q Fr.nr'slructures ol volume lo siruct!res ol iorir' Con0.r.rve Irac.ij.J the deveopdrenlol technooqy mate.als xrd sc..cc n the irqe 5cae dome strucl!res ol rh.lale a.l qu 1y n. f. OovMAt t27 r. tsu(ov(lvovukropl(o nlplorlplo lrvourt KoL.qoflr.yrt rov ßoorKüv opxov )"1ro!pyroq rou c.lonnr korro! bolerl Ti. Byz.nrrn.- parce pyr3ter unr (KrowenOe a.d appr.alor o hc basr!.rkfg princ'ples ol lhe raddtor ard thc bo dr) lr. n. n^nam^prnonoy^o: F o. I ro.'.'o'od 1 a o.öo..,o.,o/"o-po'ooouo.i.!o o, Mepoq I H npooopoioot Sr P PaPAMARTNoPoULo: Ulas lhe caprtalot AUantis a giagant[ prehetorc pro]ect? Part The sduano. Ir. n. nana{aprnonoy^o! 544 Hrov I npor.uouoorls Arlowiöoq dvollyo(loio fipolfioplko GpL(ö.pto: M.po{ lr ll e.p.wuöifs rou n^orovo( Si. P PAPAMAF NoPolLos Was the capta olaranrs a gagadc prehstonc proiect? Pan I Paros relabriry A, N. ar.em(h:, A- KomonaNNH:... 5sj H otrox r.lot do plvolko noätrlopb A N ANcEdkrs, D KoursoyANNs wastewaief managemenl n rhe mnoa. clvilzation

11 B Ap^eaN r\or. E Xov{roypF. L o! n{ To lru&]vdü6 onodpoyyrmlxö oud.npo rß Konoiöoq Nro öeöolevo Ko( npore( rlurlo.(q V AAAVANTNOS E KOINTOUF I FAPPAS Ihe Mycenean drarnage system o{ Kopars New lacls and p.elm.ary assessments tr. n n^nam^pronoy^or ] 6r.np!yo rou:ip[f oroprdyeyovb!!u8.wo Sr P F^P^M^HrN.]P.tr o. X.ß.s ca.a ll'sto.ca rea ly or myrh, 457 EvrunooLox6 ö.iuo!öpd!irxiq opxtrero!l(ri! porrohdv xp.vov mf v nlorl!örou ALö!!or.ixou Ar mtnesevc case ol hydrallc archlectlr. ot lhe Romaf err n Floünopo rs. Didymote.hon xp Xo{r! F K. Mr{o) Ap Xuror,\rttcv. q nry ovoro^'hrt BoLorio Crn KoN r\x K MEMos Ancie.l harbolrs.n rhe easlerir Ao. Mllary harbortuorks I anc nt Me.l eranean Te.hnoolrcr rsp.cts or llr developmenr.nd l!..ton folplkcq vomlkiq elxmomoo.rq oltv optqi.i Mrooy.LO TLXao,\otLKo (rtrfloro rlq e.iltnq Ke l&r olpyüdrlroq rouq H U.yo,\rt o,\uoröo rou $pdrlou KoÄnou (olt onokorodddf rfs 'ftopnis o^io.lo! cq ßu(o(Lvf Kovoowrvolno^f The bg cha. öl Ihe Golde. Born a.d rhe r sroraion oi trsroflca rurn n byzanl. Constant nop e ROAO CONSTRUCTION T. A. nrkoyn 607 To oo8.pb U upoiro (1.10 p )rou oploio! qto ilorou ooüoü öt{!ou ^Lep u!4ror Kd'.p!nve'o ( ) The srandard galge (t 40 m I o he anoenr.an.whe road.erwo EAAOOTEXNIXA EPTA SOII STFUCTUFES D. ZEK(os, J. MaNoosAKrs, A. c. ArsaNAsopooLos 6j5 Georech.i engineering practrce n the My naean cvtrzatton (1600.ltl)O BC)

12 rl ZEßot I l4änovlaktst Ar AoÄNÄlo.oY^oY EQoptroo!,vf Ye@repLKrl pryovlkjl oro M!(!voLKö no^troud ( n X ) N r. Mo-AoHr. N. Z!'@o'w arroro gpoylo a,u(io( N lmolrar:i N ZAFcDolu:i Th a.c nl dam ol AYza 622 NAYTIKH TEXNOAOTIA NAVAL TECHNOTOGY X- E, TzlN H voürlkntlpotrorlkrl opxolo^o'/lo Kor tr!.vo ö6(l!o nllpotro C E T/^u:l Nr!Ü.r e{permcnrrlrr.haeoioqy n.d the ntrn trrd precon.lronskn N. nep^(o^o.or 639 t, nrpootro rov turnäil\.iörjv r.rvlkl] oldlunkf npomylkrl Iou fuoor The.rossng ol thc sympleqad.s a lecrtr caln.nyts.r lrre ßrrtf A KrMAprfloy 645 fldirönr rou Oöuoo8o Avo(rt'ovroq rnv LqopLKf npuyuurr(oqro mo.rrorl ll y5ses rah: In sear.lr ol h'slor.ilreaily rlldepo5 N c KYuüs 651 l lr.^-oo' iril ''p p' u "+oo'o't.l NOAEMIKH TEXNOAOT A IMILITAFY ENGINEERING C. FRANcrs, T. E. FNLL, M. T wfrchr The bro.ze sprng calapult: A cäse sludy 'n the.novallon adaptalo. and ditluson oltech.oogy n a.c'ent Greece C FRANds. T E FHLL.M T WF6tsr o xo,\xörovoq KoronsÄrß p'o pelflf n.edorüov. lto rfv Ko'volopto npoooprotri (ot ö(oöoq! lrtq tiao)'otioq o.n! opxqio EMoöo B. r, :ramaronoy^oy H rexvoloyio rov onlnxüv qniöov The lechnology of tlre sheds ol lne hopl(es A. nann^ On-\o ypoftö. öxäo qpotfd(o dr]v Ydopn Enoxr) rou Xd,\io! mo AL\oLo Avonopöc.odt (or npotlglx.r$o rov rexvoäoy('nv xopoxmp@lkov: H n piftootr qq ooniöqs

13 Arms d pcted and arns n llncton n the Aegean ottie Lale Bfofze Age Reprodlclon versus reany In the iechno ogeariearures oithe Shre d o. PHr^t XTULKo Kor llroäoyrko 6nio mfv opxororfro 679 chemica a.d boloqrca weapons n anrrqrly AYTOMATONOIHTIKH K. KoreNAr ior op6ao xnoröeuopdvov t.a.e. nupyou K@oqKrut ro! droror Ororprxou orrorroror ro! Hlovoq K K,ir^NAj and qroup ot sl!rde.ß The sldrd n! rhearn allomaron ol flcron 649

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16 'YZHTH:H EIAIKNN: O MHXANI>MO: TON ANTIKYOHPON ROUND TABLE: THE ANTIKYTHEBA MECHANISM n. r\rmrr. Enfuro( ^.uolvntq a(fenoleo( d.pßöv ro! lfxovloloi rov AwrLoipov npo9.pftn AvoxoLvoot I terpdxnr Ko0rtyuaq ApLqor l.iou novcnlornli.rl AüpovolLK,q muxiq {ou l rovlorni rov A{r(uorlpov E AiÄpEonoy^oy Ma.koy t0vß6 ApxdoloyL(o Moud.iir) tq.rdq ro! lfxovoioll rov A&Kuoipdv M 216, pono'^o' I 0,. At^o'olor-d Mu, u r, tlmoy'i Xoi(dv O urlxovlopoqrov Aqüuofpov M T. Wirc{ knpenalcol.ge R,-sponse lo the.l s.usson Eup r'ipro Iuyypoeaov

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