Tuesday and Wednesday May 1-2, 2012 Drawing Room - Château Laurier Ottawa, Ontario

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1 Tuesday and Wednesday May 1-2, 2012 Drawing Room - Château Laurier Ottawa, Ontario Mardi et mercredi Le 1er et 2 mai, 2012 Salle Drawing - Château Laurier Ottawa, Ontario

2 Building on Rio+20: Canada s Role and Priorities in a Global Green Economy A two-day conference to examine the policy and economic dimensions of Canada in a global green economy Presented by Sustainable Prosperity and the Institute of the Environment of The University of Ottawa Château Laurier, Ottawa Tuesday and Wednesday, May 1-2, marks the 20 th anniversary of the Rio Earth Summit. The 1992 Earth Summit, attended by more than 100 Heads of Government, was intended to chart a course for global sustainable development with the aim of combatting climate change and protecting biodiversity. This June, Brazil will host Rio+20. While this meeting will be a stocktaking opportunity, it will also be forward-looking, with the Green Economy taking centre stage. The Green Economy has been described by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as one that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. In its simplest expression, a green economy can be thought of as one which is low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive. The Green Economy is increasingly on the global agenda as decision-makers grapple with multiple pressures a warming climate, ocean acidification, deforestation, growing human population and loss of biodiversity all of which could threaten long term prosperity, sustainability of the current global economy and the well-being of the planet s citizens. As the world s leaders prepare to gather in Rio de Janeiro on this important milestone, the Green Economy will be a key to ensuring global sustainability, and this represents both challenges and opportunities for Canada. This two day conference will examine Canada s role in a global Green Economy by: taking stock of Canada s efforts to build a low carbon, Green Economy as an essential strategy for sustainable development on a global basis. providing a cross-cutting view of the policy, economic and governance challenges faced by Canada and other nations, in the context of Rio +20. identifying leading practices and solutions as well as challenges in transitioning to a Green Economy. Conference Overview: The first day of the Conference will emphasize the importance of building a Green Economy, in Canada and around the world what it means to build a Green Economy, how we can measure Canada s progress and overall contribution to a global Green Economy? What are the opportunities and the responsibilities of leaders in industry, government, communities and civil society? The second day will examine Canadian accomplishments, their global significance and future challenges for Canada in its engagement in sustainable development issues and practices. A Green Economy will be built on the strength of Canada s natural resources, its people and our innovative capacity. What does this mean for policy makers and organizational leaders in Canada? How will Canada position itself as a global player in the Green Economy to ensure environmental sustainability?

3 Sur la lancée de Rio+20 : le rôle du Canada et ses priorités dans une économie verte mondiale Conférence sur les dimensions politiques et économiques du rôle joué par le Canada dans une économie mondiale verte La Prospérité durable et l Institut de l Environnement de l Université d Ottawa Château Laurier, Ottawa Mardi et mercredi 1er et 2 mai 2012 En 2012, on célèbre le 20e anniversaire du Sommet de la Terre à Rio de Janeiro, qui s est tenu en 1992 et a réuni plus d une centaine de chefs d État. Le Sommet devait montrer la voie vers le développement durable à l échelle mondiale, afin de combattre les changements climatiques et de protéger la biodiversité. En juin, le Brésil accueillera Rio+20. Ce sera l occasion de faire le bilan, mais également de tourner nos regards vers un avenir où l économie verte occupera une place centrale. Le Programme des Nations Unies pour l environnement décrit l économie verte comme «une économie qui entraîne une amélioration du bien-être humain et de l équité sociale tout en réduisant de manière significative les risques environnementaux et la pénurie de ressources. Sous sa forme la plus simple, elle se caractérise par un faible taux d émission de carbone, l utilisation rationnelle des ressources et l inclusion sociale». L économie verte figure de plus en plus à l ordre du jour des décideurs de la planète, qui font face à de multiples défis : réchauffement climatique, acidification des océans, déforestation, pollution générée par l activité humaine et perte de biodiversité, qui constituent une longue série de menaces à la prospérité à long terme et au développement durable, tant pour l économie mondiale que pour le bien-être des habitants de la planète. À la veille de la rencontre Rio+20 pour marquer cet important anniversaire, le Canada doit prendre note des possibilités offertes par l économie verte, garante du développement durable, et des obstacles qui se dressent elle. Cette conférence consacrera deux journées à l examen du rôle du Canada dans une économie mondiale verte. Pour ce faire : on dressera le bilan des efforts du Canada pour diminuer les émissions de carbone en vue de favoriser l émergence d une économie verte, stratégie essentielle de développement durable à l échelle mondiale; dans le contexte de Rio+20, on donnera un aperçu transversal des problèmes rencontrés par le Canada et les autres Nations sur le plan de la politique, de l économie et de la gouvernance; on mettra en lumière les principales pratiques et solutions adoptées pour faire face aux défis que pose la transition vers une économie verte. Survol de la conférence : La première journée de la conférence portera sur l importance de l économie verte au Canada et dans le monde. Une économie verte, ça veut dire quoi au juste? Comment mesurer les progrès accomplis par le Canada et sa contribution globale en la matière? Quelles sont les responsabilités des entreprises, des gouvernements, des communautés et de la société civile? La seconde journée se penchera sur le progrès accompli par le Canada et sa signification globale. On examinera également les problèmes auxquels le Canada fera face au cours des prochaines années et son engagement envers le développement durable, en théorie et en pratique. Une économie verte prendra appui sur les ressources naturelles et les ressources humaines du Canada et sur notre capacité à innover. Quelles en sont les implications pour les responsables des politiques et pour la classe dirigeante au Canada? Comment le Canada trouvera-t-il sa place en tant qu acteur global dans l économie verte, afin d assurer le développement durable?

4 Tuesday, May 1, 2012 Canada and the World in the Green Economy 7:30 am 8:15 am 8:15 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 10:30 am Moderator: Panel: 10:30 am 11:00 am 11: 00 am 12:00 pm Moderator: Panel: 12:00 pm 1:45 pm 1:45 pm 3:15 pm Moderator: Panel: 3:15 pm 3:30 pm 3:30 pm 4:30 pm Panel: 4:30 pm 5:00 pm Registration and Breakfast Session 1: Honourable Jean Charest, Premier of Québec Session 2: The World at a Crossroads: Shifting to a Green Economy The 1992 UN Rio Earth Summit was the largest gathering of world leaders in modern history. The Summit ended with an action plan for developing the planet sustainably through the 21st century and two new conventions, one on climate change and the other on biodiversity. Canadians played a leading role in the1992 Earth Summit: Maurice Strong was the Summit s Secretary General and Désirée McGraw the Youth Ambassador; they will be joined by UN Executive Coordinator for Rio+20 and former French Environment Minister Brice Lalonde to discuss their thoughts on progress since the '92 Summit and what Canada and the world can accomplish at Rio+20. Dan Gagnier, Sustainable Prosperity Steering Committee Member and Chair, International Institute of Sustainable Development Maurice Strong, 1992 Earth Summit Secretary-General Brice Lalonde, Executive Coordinator, UNCSD Rio +20 Désirée McGraw, World Youth Ambassador to the 1992 Earth Summit and Executive Director, Jeanne Sauvé Foundation Coffee Break Session 3: Packing for Rio: What Leading Economies are Bringing to Rio+20 A Green Economy has been described by UNEP as one which is "low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive. Countries, both developing and developed are being asked to grapple with sustainable development and poverty eradication where one in five people still do not have access to modern energy. Hear directly from leading economies on their energy agenda for Rio+20 and beyond. David Runnalls, Acting Executive Director, Sustainable Prosperity and Visiting Professor, University of Ottawa Janos Pasztor, Executive Secretary, UN Secretary-General s High Level Panel on Global Sustainability Ambassador Ole Andreas Lindeman, Head of the Energy+ team in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo Ambassador Piragibe Tarrago, Brazilian Ambassador to Canada Euan Wallace, Head of Global Issues, British High Commission Networking Lunch Session 4: A National Perspective: How is Canada Performing in Greening the Economy? This session will provide three important perspectives on how we are building a Green Economy and the extent to which Canada is meeting its own policy goals and taking our place as a global player. Canada can play an effective role in the sustainable development goals that are at the heart of Rio +20. Alex Wood, Senior Director of Policy and Markets, Sustainable Prosperity David McLaughlin, President & CEO, National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy Scott Vaughan, Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, Government of Canada Jon Dogterom, Cleantech Practice, Lead Advisor, MaRS Discovery District Coffee Break Session 5: Fork in Canada s Green Economy Road: Where to next? Sustainable Prosperity Chair Stewart Elgie makes the case for Natural Capital Productivity while Lorne Johnson assesses Canada s voluntary versus regulatory approaches and their impacts at home and abroad. Stewart Elgie, Director of the Institute of the Environment and Chair, Sustainable Prosperity Lorne Johnson, Executive Director, Socially and Environmentally Responsible Aggregate Honourable Brad Duguid, Ontario Minister of Economic Development and Innovation Honourable Chris Bentley, Ontario Minister of Energy Reception 1

5 Mardi 1 er mai 2012 L'économie verte au Canada et dans le monde 7 h 30 8 h 15 8 h 15 9 h 9 h 10 h 30 Modérateur : Panel : 10 h h 11 h 12 h Modérateur : Panel : 12 h 13 h h h 15 Modérateur : Panel: 15 h h h h 30 Panel : 16 h h Inscription et petit-déjeuner Première séance : L'honorable Jean Charest, premier ministre du Québec Deuxième séance : Le monde en transition vers une économie verte Le Sommet de la Terre organisé par les Nations Unies en 1992 à Rio de Janeiro a été le plus grand rassemblement de chefs d'état de l'histoire moderne. Au terme du sommet, un plan d'action a été adopté pour le développement durable de la planète au 21e siècle. Deux nouvelles conventions, l'une sur les changements climatiques et l'autre sur la biodiversité, ont été proposées. Les Canadiens ont joué un rôle de premier plan lors du sommet de Dans cette séance, on pourra entendre Maurice Strong, secrétaire général du Sommet de 1992, et Brice Lalonde, actuel coordonnateur exécutif de Rio+20. Daniel Gagnier, président, Institut international du développement durable Maurice Strong, secrétaire général du Sommet de la Terre de 1992 Brice Lalonde, coordonnateur exécutif de Rio+20 Désirée McGraw, Ambassadrice jeunesse auprès du Sommet de la terre a Rio, Directrice générale de la Fondation Jeanne Sauvé Pause Café Troisième séance : En chemin vers Rio+20 : Ce que les principales économies ont à offrir Le Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement décrit l'économie verte comme «une économie [qui] se caractérise par un faible taux d émission de carbone, l utilisation rationnelle des ressources et l inclusion sociale». Tous les pays du monde, qu'ils soient développés ou en voie de développement, doivent contribuer au développement durable et à la lutte contre la pauvreté, alors qu'une personne sur cinq n'a toujours pas accès à l'électricité sur la planète. Des représentants d'économies majeures décriront leur programme pour Rio+20 et au-delà. David Runnalls, directeur exécutif intérimaire, La Prospérité durable et professeur invité à l'université d'ottawa Janos Pasztor, secrétaire exécutif, Groupe de haut niveau sur la viabilité mondiale, créé par le secrétaire général des Nations Unies Ambassadeur Ole Andreas Lindeman, chef de projet sur l'énergie, ministère royal des Affaires étrangères, Norvège Son Excellence Piragibe Tarrago, ambassadeur du Brésil au Canada Euan Wallace, Premier secrétaire, Haut-commissariat du Royaume-Uni Déjeuner de réseautage Quatrième séance : Une perspective nationale sur le rendement du Canada dans sa transition vers une économie Cette séance offre trois importantes perspectives sur la transition du Canada vers une économie verte. On y discutera des progrès accomplis par le Canada dans l'atteinte de ses propres objectifs en matière de politiques et dans le rôle que joue notre pays à l'échelle mondiale. On se penchera également sur la façon dont le Canada peut s'impliquer davantage dans l'atteinte des objectifs de développement durable au cœur de Rio +20 Alex Wood, directeur, Politiques et Marchés, La Prospérité durable David McLaughlin, président-directeur général de la Table ronde nationale sur l'environnement et l'économie Scott Vaughan, commissaire à l environnement et au développement durable Jon Dogterom, Cleantech Practice, conseiller principal, MaRS Discovery District Pause Café Cinquième séance : Au carrefour de l'économie verte au Canada, quel chemin emprunter? Stewart Elgie, président de La Prospérité durable, explique pourquoi le concept de productivité du capital national est une bonne idée et Lorne Johnson fait la liste des démarches volontaires et législatives du Canada et leur impact ici et à l'étranger. Stewart Elgie, directeur de l'institut de l'environnement et président de La Prospérité durable Lorne Johnson, directeur exécutif, Socially and Environmentally Responsible Aggregate [regroupement socialement responsable au plan de l'environnement] L'hon. Brad Duguid, MPP, Ministre du Développement économique et de l'innovation L'hon. Chris Bentley, MPP, Ministre de l'énergie Réception 2

6 Wednesday, May 2, 2012 Building a Green Economy: Policy and Implementation 8:15 am Registration & Breakfast Building a Green Economy on the Strength of our Natural Resources 8:45 am 10:00 am Moderator: Panel: 10:00 am 10:15 am 10:15 am 11:30 am Moderator: Panel: 11:30 am 12:30 pm Moderator: Panel: 12:30 pm 2:00 pm Canada s Forestry Sector : Natural Capital in the Canadian Boreal System Velma McColl, Principal, Earnscliffe Strategy Group Jim Lopez, President and CEO, Tembec Avrim Lazar, former President and CEO, Forest Products Association of Canada Val Courtois, Senior Advisor, Aboriginal Relations, Canadian Boreal Initiative Don Roberts, Managing Director, CIBC World Markets Morning Break Transforming the Energy System Velma McColl, Principal, Earnscliffe Strategy Group Mike Cleland, Nexen Executive in Residence, Canada West Foundation Jim Burpee, President and CEO, Canadian Electricity Association James Meadowcroft, School of Public Policy, Carleton University Dan Wicklum, Chief Executive, Canada s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA) Canadian Mining in Canada and Abroad: How are we Performing? Velma McColl, Principal, Earnscliffe Strategy Group Pierre Gratton, President & CEO, Mining Association of Canada Ron Nielsen, Cliff Resources Alan Young, Director, Materials Efficiency Research Group Networking Luncheon 3

7 Mercredi 2 mai 2012 Politiques et implications d'une transition vers l'économie verte 8 h 15 Inscription et petit-déjeuner Bâtir une économie verte sur la richesse de nos ressources naturelles 8 h h Modérateur : Panel : 10 h 10 h h h 30 Modérateur : Panel : Le secteur forestier au Canada et le capital naturel dans le système boréal canadien Velma McColl, directrice, Earnscliffe Strategy Group Jim Lopez, président-directeur général, Tembec Avrim Lazar, président-directeur général, Association des produits forestiers du Canada Val Courtois, conseillère principale, relations avec les Autochtones, Initiative boréale canadienne Don Roberts, directeur administratif, Marchés mondiaux CIBC Pause Transformer le secteur de l'énergie Velma McColl, directrice, Earnscliffe Strategy Group Mike Cleland, cadre en résidence Nexen, Canada West Foundation Jim Burpee, président-directeur général, Association canadienne de l'électricité James Meadowcroft, École des politiques publiques, Université Carleton Dan Wicklum, Canada s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance [alliance canadienne pour l'innovation en matière de sables bitumineux] 11 h h 30 Modérateur : Panel : 12 h h Le point sur les activités minières canadiennes ici et à l'étranger Velma McColl, directrice, Earnscliffe Strategy Group Pierre Gratton, président-directeur général, Association minière du Canada Ron Nielsen, Cliff Resources Alan Young, directeur, Materials Efficiency Research Group [groupe de recherches sur l'efficacité des matériaux] Déjeuner de réseautage 4


9 Speakers (in alphabetical order) Jim Burpee - President and CEO, Canadian Electricity Association Jim Burpee was appointed President and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) in February As President of CEA, Mr. Burpee acts as spokesperson on issues of national concern to the electric utility industry. Jim Burpee has a long history with the electricity industry both in Canada and globally. He worked for Ontario Hydro and its successor company, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) for over 31 years. He worked in a senior executive capacity for over half that time in a number of roles, including having responsibility for all of OPG s non-nuclear generation fleet, Energy Markets, and Corporate Development. He also has three years of senior executive experience in Ontario Hydro/OPG s nuclear generation business at both Bruce and Pickering Generating Stations. His prior industry experience also includes having served on the Board of the Canadian Electricity Association as a Director from 1993 to 2008, including one year as Chairman. Most recently, Jim served as Chief Executive Officer at Bridge Renewable Energy Technologies Inc., a company which marketed Biomass Gasification Electricity Systems primarily in the developing world. Jim graduated from the University of Toronto with a BASc in Mechanical Engineering. He is a member of Professional Engineers Ontario and the Institute for Corporate Directors. Honourable Jean Charest - Province of Québec Premier In his capacity as federal Environment Minister, Jean Charest headed the Canadian delegation at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in That same year, Canada was the first industrialized country to sign and ratify two of the major treaties resulting from Rio: the Convention on Biodiversity, whose Secretariat is in Montréal, and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which paved the way for the Kyoto Protocol. In 1993, Jean Charest negotiated the environment side agreement under the North American Free Trade Agreement on behalf of Canada. As Premier of Québec, he has continued to undertake actions in support of principles that observe sustainable development and environmental protection. The adoption of the Sustainable Development Act, which added the right to live in a healthful, biodiverse environment to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms; the protection of 50% of the territory covered by the Plan Nord and the adoption of the most ambitious target in North America for the reduction of greenhouse gases; and the deployment of the action plan on climate change adopted by the government of Québec and hailed by the David Suzuki Foundation these are only some of the measures that make Québec a Canadian leader as regards environmental protection and sustainable development in North America. Under Jean Charest s leadership, Québec also created the Climate Leaders Summit, which will hold its fourth meeting in Rio de Janeiro in June. Québec has also joined the Western Climate Initiative, the Climate Registry, the International Carbon Action Partnership, the Territorial Approach to Climate Change initiative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the non-governmental organization The Climate Group. Al Gore is right to qualify Jean Charest as an environmental leader and to say that Québec is doing a much better job than many other regions around the world. According to Mr. Gore, the global warming problem would be on its way to being solved if more countries followed the Québec government s example. Pursuing the mission it gave itself, Jean Charest s government launched one of the largest sustainable development projects of our era in May Plan Nord a high-benefit project that will be deployed over 25 years proves that Québec can rise to the challenge of combining socioeconomic development and environmental protection. 6

10 Speakers (in alphabetical order) Michael Cleland - Nexen Executive in Residence, Canada West Foundation Mr. Cleland is a private consultant with extensive experience in energy and environment policy. He is currently Nexen Executive in Residence at the Canada West Foundation. He is formerly President and CEO of the Canadian Gas Association. Prior to joining CGA, he was Senior Vice President Government Affairs for the Canadian Electricity Association (CEA). In 2000 he was Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM), Energy Sector in the Department of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), formerly Energy, Mines and Resources (EMR) and before that, Director General of the Energy Policy Branch. From 1987 to January 1990, he was Assistant Director, Resource Policy Division in the Department of Finance. Before joining the federal government in 1987, Mr. Cleland worked in Nova Scotia where, he was a principal in the firm of Cleland, Dunsmuir Consulting Ltd., lecturer in business/government relations at the school of Public Administration at Dalhousie University and academic editor of Plan Canada, the journal of the Canadian Institute of Planners. From 1982 to 1985, he was Associate Director of the Centre for Development Projects at Dalhousie University where he was responsible for various management training projects in Zimbabwe and the countries of the Commonwealth Caribbean. Prior to joining Dalhousie University, he occupied a number of positions at the Nova Scotia Departments of Development and Municipal Affairs. Mr. Cleland was born in Quesnel, British Columbia, and educated at the University of British Columbia (BA in political science 1972) and Queens (MPL urban and regional planning 1974). Val Courtois - Senior Advisor for Aboriginal Relations, Canadian Boreal Initiative Valérie is a specialist in aboriginal issues and forest ecology. She completed her undergraduate studies in Forestry Sciences at the University of Moncton in Valerie regularly lectures at conferences and universities around the world, focusing on ecosystem planning and First Nations issues. As environmental planner for the Innu Nation in Labrador from 2003 to 2009, Valerie was responsible for land-use planning and management of environmental programs, and was a co-author on a world-class ecosystem-based forest management plan for a portion of the Innu territory. Valerie has worked as a consultant in Aboriginal Forestry to many First Nations and environmental organizations and as a FSC certification auditor. Valerie has been the Canadian Boreal Initiative s Senior Advisor, Aboriginal Affairs since In 2007, Valerie was awarded the James M. Kitz Award from the Canadian Institute of Forestry for her early-career contributions to the profession of forestry. Valerie is also co-chair of FSC Canada s Board of Directors. Jonathan Dogterom - MaRS Practice Lead for Cleantech Practice Jonathan leads the Cleantech Practice at MaRS Discovery District where he assists Ontario based Cleantech companies in growing their business and raising capital. He has an extensive background in early stage and high growth alternative energy companies. Prior to joining MaRS, Jon led Business Development for Hydrogenics Corporation where he focused on strategic partnerships, product development, and sales and marketing. During his time with Hydrogenics he was involved in the introduction and launch of both the company s fuel cell and hydrogen generation divisions. Jon was also previously with the Pembina Institute where he led corporate consulting services on low-impact renewable energy and energy policy. In 1997 Jon co-founded Sustainable Energy Technologies, which is a leading Canadian provider of power electronics for the solar power industry. 7

11 Honourable Brad Duguid - Ontario Minister of Economic Development and Innovation Brad Duguid serves as Ontario s Minister of Economic Development and Innovation, focussed on creating jobs, promoting Ontario as a smart place to invest and growing a strong, innovative economy. As Ontario s Minister of Energy, Brad Duguid launched Ontario s Long-Term Energy Plan: Building Our Clean Energy Future an ambitious plan that builds on Ontario s commitment to clean energy and the cleaner air, jobs and economic growth associated with it. As Minister of Aboriginal Affairs from 2008 to 2010, Duguid worked at building relationships and launched PLAY a program for aboriginal youth to participate in sports and activities such as hockey and learn life skills. Duguid has also served as Minister of Labour and Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Duguid was first elected as the MPP for the riding of Scarborough Centre in Prior to that, he served on Scarborough and Toronto City Council between 1994 and Brad continues to live in Scarborough with his wife and two kids. Stewart Elgie - Chair, Sustainable Prosperity and Director, Institute of the Environment Stewart Elgie is a professor of law and economics at the University of Ottawa, and director of the University s interdisciplinary Environment Institute. He received his Masters of Law from Harvard, and his doctorate (J.S.D.) from Yale (thesis on forest carbon markets). He is also the founder and chair of Sustainable Prosperity, Canada s major green economy think tank and policy-research network. His research involves many aspects of environmental and economic sustainability, with a particular focus in recent years on market-based approaches. Elgie started his career as an environmental lawyer in Alaska, litigating over the Valdez oil spill. He returned to Canada and founded Ecojustice, now Canada s largest non-profit environmental law organization. He was later hired by Pew Trusts as founding executive director of the multi-stakeholder Canadian Boreal Initiative. Prior to his faculty position at University of Ottawa (2004), Elgie held appoints (part-time) at several Canadian universities (U.B.C., Alberta, York). He has served on or chaired many advisory bodies in the environment/sustainability area. In 2001, Elgie was awarded the Law Society of Upper Canada medal for exceptional lifetime contributions to law the youngest man ever to receive the profession s highest honour. Daniel Gagnier - Steering Committee Member, Sustainable Prosperity and Chair, International Institute for Sustainable Development Mr. Dan Gagnier was appointed Chief of Staff to Quebec Premier Jean Charest in 2007, and stepped down from the position in September, Mr. Gagnier was formerly Alcan Inc. s senior vice president, Corporate and External Affairs. In this position, his responsibilities icluded corporate communications, government relations and environment, health and safety. Prior to joining Alcan in 1994, Mr. Gagnier held a number of senior positions with the governments of Canada, Ontario and Saskatchewan. Mr. Gagnier was Chair of the International Organization s technical committee on Environmental Management (ISO/TC 207). Mr. Gagnier is the past Chairman, Board of Directors, for the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters, past chair of the Canadian Standards Association, and past chair of the International Emissions Trading Association. He is currently the Chairman of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), a member of the Board of Governors, McGill University, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Asia-Pacific Foundation as well as Sustainable Development Technology Canada. Pierre Gratton - President and CEO, Mining Association of Canada Pierre Gratton was appointed President and CEO of the Mining Association of Canada (MAC) on June 1, Based in Ottawa, MAC is the national organization for the Canadian mining industry. Its members are engaged in mineral exploration, mining, smelting, refining and semi-fabrication. Prior to his appointment to MAC, Pierre was President and CEO of Mining Association of British Columbia (MABC). From , Mr. Gratton served as Vice President, Sustainable Development and Public Affairs for the Mining Association of Canada (MAC). In , Mr. Gratton was honoured as a Distinguished Lecturer for the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM). Mr. Gratton holds an M.A. degree in political science and a B.A. from McGill University. Mr. Gratton is married and has one daughter. 8

12 Speakers (in alphabetical order) Lorne Johnson - Executive Director, Socially and Environmentally Responsible Aggregate Lorne Johnson has more than fifteen years of experience in forging collaborative solutions to sustainability challenges in Canada s natural resource sectors. Lorne successfully coordinated the development of social and environmental standards for Canada s forest sector for the FSC s (Forest Stewardship Council) international eco-labeling system between 1996 and 2003 and established several FSC-focused partnerships between World Wildlife Fund Canada (WWF-Canada) and the forest sector. He subsequently served as WWF-Canada s Ottawa Bureau Director between 2005 and 2007 and led that organization s federal government relations efforts focusing on climate change and oceans conservation. Lorne was one of the key facilitators in the two-year-long negotiations that led to the signing of the historical Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement in May 2010 between nine leading environmental groups and twenty-one forest products companies. Between June 2010 and May 2011, he served as the founding Co-Executive Director of the Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement Secretariat and helped design the agreement s implementation processes and mechanisms. Lorne is now the founding Executive Director of SERA-Canada (Socially and Environmentally Responsible Aggregates), a newly established organization that is working to develop social and environmental certification standards for Canada s aggregate sector. He is also currently serving as the Acting President of FSC-Canada. Brice Lalonde - UNCSD Rio +20 Executive Coordinator Mr. Brice Lalonde is a former French Ambassador for climate change international negotiations. He was appointed by the United Nations Secretary General as Assistant Secretary General, Executive Coordinator for Rio+ 20 in January Prior to this, he served as French Minister for the Environment from 1988 to 1992, Chairman of the Round Table for Sustainable Development at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and Senior Adviser for the Environment to the French Government. In addition, he held the position of Director of the Paris office of the Institute for a European Environment Policy. Mr. Lalonde graduated from the Sorbonne University with a degree in classics and law. Avrim Lazar - President and CEO, Forest Products Association of Canada Avrim Lazar served a decade as President & CEO of the Forest Products Association of Canada where he received widespread recognition for his work in making Canada a global leader in progressive forest management. The UN Association in Canada honoured him in 2011 for his leadership in bringing together FPAC member companies with leading environmental groups to sign the landmark Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement. In 2011, he was also named by RISI as one of the top 50 most influential people in the global pulp and paper industry. And in 2012, he is receiving the 2012 Corporate Knights Award of Distinction in recognition of his transformational environmental work. Mr. Lazar has held senior policy positions in the government of Canada in the Ministries of Justice, Agriculture, Environment and Human Resource Development. During this period he was responsible for national policy in areas as diverse as climate change, biodiversity, child poverty, employment insurance and labour force training. Mr. Lazar was Chair of the Committee of the Whole of the Second UN Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in He also chaired the National Business Association Roundtable and is the Past-President of the International Council of Forest and Paper Associations (ICFPA). Mr. Lazar taught high school in Vancouver and Zambia from 1969 to Over the years, Mr. Lazar has given many courses in the graduate studies programs at the University of Ottawa and Carleton University. He holds degrees in science and education, including a B.Sc (1968) from McGill University, a B.Ed (1970) and a PhEd in Ed (1976) from the University of Ottawa. 9

13 Ambassador Ole Andreas Lindeman - Head of the Energy+ team in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo Mr Ole Andreas Lindeman (b 1962), foreign affairs official since Various postings abroad, including the Ukraine, France, Russia, Kosovo. Multilateral experience from OSCE, and NATO and UN desks at MFA. Background as fellow at Norwegian Institute for Defense Studies and as Deputy Director General, Ministry of Trade and Industry. Current position - Ambassador for the International Energy and Climate Initiative (Energy+). Jim Lopez - President and CEO, Tembec Mr. Lopez was appointed President and Chief Executive Officer in January 2006 and has been a Director of the Corporation since January Prior to being named President and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Lopez served as Executive Vice President and President of the Corporation s Forest Products Group from August 2003 to January From 1999 to August 2003, Mr. Lopez was Executive Vice President, Forest Resource Management Group of Tembec. Mr. Lopez also holds a seat on, and is chairman of the board of directors of the Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) and is a co-chairman of the Bi-National Softwood Lumber Council between Canada and the United States. He is a member of the board of directors of FP Innovations and he sits on the President s Board of Advisors for California University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Lopez graduated from California University of Pennsylvania with a bachelor s degree in economics in Velma McColl - Principal, Earnscliffe Velma McColl joined Earnscliffe in February Ms. McColl served as both senior policy and communications advisors to federal Cabinet Ministers across four portfolios Environment, Industry, Health and Fisheries & Oceans. In these capacities, she played a leading role in issues such as climate change, energy, regional economic development, Canada s competitiveness and innovation challenges, and sustainable development. She has an interest in alternate dispute resolution and has worked to find creative solutions across federal/provincial/territorial and international boundaries. Ms. McColl has experience across the public policy spectrum from business to not-for-profit organizations to the public sector. Her career includes success as an entrepreneur as well as projects in the arts, fisheries, conservation, and communication. James Meadowcroft - Professor, School of Public Policy, Carleton University James Meadowcroft is a Professor in both the School of Public Policy and Administration and in the Department of Political Science at Carleton University. His research is focused on the ways in which governments are adjusting their practices and policies to cope with the emergence of problems of the environment and sustainable development. He has written on environmental politics and policy, democratic participation and deliberative democracy, national sustainable development strategies, and socio- technical transitions. Recent work deals with sustainable energy policy and climate mitigation technologies such as carbon capture and storage. 10

14 Speakers (in alphabetical order) Désirée McGraw - Executive Director, Jeanne Sauvé Foundation With twenty years of experience as a consultant, researcher, reporter, senior advisor and spokesperson in the field of sustainable development, Désirée has been described by the national media as one of Canada s ten most influential people on environmental issues. She has served on a number of Canadian delegations to UN conferences, including on Environment and Development (Rio, 1992), the Biodiversity Convention (Nairobi, 2000) and the Climate Change Convention and the Kyoto Protocol (Montreal, 2005). She has also lectured on Sustainable Development and Globalization at McGill University since 2002, prior to which she coordinated outreach for the University s new School of Environment. Today, in her role as Executive Director of the Jeanne Sauvé Foundation, Désirée is responsible for its flagship Sauvé Scholars Program. She leads this unique Canadian global youth leadership program working with emerging leaders from around the world. Now in its seventh year, the Sauvé Scholars Program, whose academic home is McGill University, has welcomed 87 young leaders from 44 countries and all 5 continents. David McLaughlin - President & CEO, National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy David McLaughlin has over 25 years of experience as a senior public policy professional at both the federal and provincial levels of government. He began his career as a policy assistant to the Minister of Health and Social Program Reform in the New Brunswick government from 1980 to He then worked in the federal government as Senior Policy Advisor and Chief of Staff to a number of federal cabinet ministers. In 1992, he joined the Prime Minister s Office as Senior Advisor, Operations, before being appointed Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister in From 1994 to 1999, Mr. McLaughlin worked in the private sector as Partner and Executive Vice President of Veritas Communications Inc., a healthcare communications firm. In 1999, he joined the New Brunswick government as Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs (2001) and Deputy Minister of Policy and Planning ( ). In 2000, he was also appointed as Secretary to the Cabinet Committee on Policy and Priorities. He served as Chief of Staff to the Premier of New Brunswick in In 2003, Mr. McLaughlin was appointed as Deputy Minister to the New Brunswick Commission on Legislative Democracy, an independent, non-partisan commission examining democratic reform. In May 2005, the Premiers of Canada s provinces and territories announced the creation of the Council of the Federation Advisory Panel on Fiscal Imbalance, and Mr. McLaughlin was hired as the Panel s Executive Director. From March 2006 to August 2007, Mr. McLaughlin served as Chief of Staff to the federal Minister of Finance. David has a B.A. degree with Honours in History and Political Science from Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick (1978), a M.A. degree in International Affairs from Carleton University in Ottawa (1980), and a M.B.A. degree from the University of Bath in the United Kingdom (1991). Mr. McLaughlin is a published author. He is an Honourary Fellow of The Royal Canadian Geographical Society. David was appointed as President and CEO of the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy in August Ron Nielsen - Cliff Resources Mr. Nielsen has 20 years of experience as an environmental and sustainability professional in business, government and civil sectors. He is the founder and senior director for the International Centre for Business Innovation and Sustainability in Montreal, Canada where he leads a learning partnership that is developing leading practices to embed sustainability at the core of organizations. Presently, he also holds an academic role as Executive in Residence at Dalhousie University, Faculty of Management in Halifax, Nova Scotia and consultancy positions. For nearly a decade, Mr. Nielsen worked on sustainability with Alcan Inc./Rio Tinto Alcan of Montreal, Canada, serving as director, sustainability and strategic partnerships from 2004 to He led the development and implementation of the company s global sustainability program from the inception to managing the governance and coordination for the global organization. During his career, Mr. Nielsen has held public and private environmental engineering and policy positions within Canada. He has been active in a range of forums and initiatives internationally, including the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Tomorrow s Company, the United Nations Global Compact and the Global Reporting Initiative. 11

15 Janos Pasztor - Executive Secretary, UN Secretary-General s High Level Panel on Global Sustainability A national of Hungary (and later also of Switzerland), Janos Pasztor received his MS and BS degrees at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He has worked for various United Nations as well as non-governmental organizations on issues of energy, environment, and most recently, climate change for some 25 years. His assignments included work with the World Council of Churches (WCC), the World Commission on Environment and Development (the Brundtland Commission ), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), and the secretariat of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED, or the Earth Summit 92 ). During the period he worked at the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in various positions. Before joining the office of the UN Secretary-General in New York in 2008, he was director of the UN Environment Management Group (EMG) in Geneva. From 2008-mid 2010, Mr Pasztor directed the UN Secretary- General s Climate Change Support Team. In 2010, Mr. Pasztor was appointed by the UN Secretary General as the Executive Secretary of the High Level Panel on Global Sustainability. Don Roberts - Managing Director, CIBC World Markets Mr. Roberts is a Vice-Chairman of Wholesale Banking, and Managing Director in Investment Banking with CIBC World Markets Inc.. He leads the Bank s Renewable Energy & Clean Technology Team, and also provides senior coverage for companies in the global forest products industry. In 2011, Mr. Roberts was chosen by Corporate Knights Magazine as the individual in the Financial Services sector who contributed the most to sustainable development in Canada. In addition to his work with CIBC World Markets Inc., Mr. Roberts is also: An Adjunct Professor in the Department of Forest Resource Management at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver); On the Board of Directors, Rights and Resources Institute (Washington, D.C.); and, Serves in an advisory capacity for a range of government, industry, and NGO groups. Mr. Roberts has a Bachelor s degree in Agricultural Economics from the University of British Columbia, a Master s degree in Forestry Economics from the University of California at Berkeley, and both an MBA and doctoral studies in International Finance and Economics from the University of Chicago. He is also a certified Board Director with the Institute of Corporate Directors. David Runnalls - Acting Executive Director, Sustainable Prosperity David Runnalls was President of International Institute for Sustainable Development for the last 11 years. He has served as Co-Chair of the China Council Task Force on WTO and Environment. Runnalls was the Leopold Fellow at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and a member of the federal External Advisory Committee on Smart Regulation (EACSR). He serves as Chair of the Adjudication Panel for the ALCAN Prize for Sustainability. He is a member of the Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies of the United Nations University. He is also a member of the Advisory Committee on Partnerships to the Minister for International Cooperation; a member of the Environment Canada Cross-Cutting Issues table and a member of the Advisory Council for Export Development Canada. He also serves on the Inquiry Team for Tomorrow s Global Company. Maurice Strong - Secretary-General, 1992 Earth Summit Maurice Strong has played a unique and critical role is globalizing the environmental movement. Secretary General of both the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, which launched the world environment movement, and the 1992 Rio Environmental Summit, he was the first Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Maurice F. Strong (born April 29th, 1929, in Oak Lake, Manitoba) has had a career in both business and public service, primarily in the fields of international development, the environment, energy and finance. 12

16 Speakers (in alphabetical order) Piragibe dos Santos Tarrago - Ambassador of Brazil in Canada Has acted mostly in economic matters in his functions in the Ministry of External Relations. Was the main negotiator for Brazil in the NAMA negotiations in the Doha Round ( ) and in the TRIPs negotiations in the Uruguay Round ( ). Was spokesman for the producing countries at the International Coffee Organisation ( ). Negotiated on behalf of the producing countries the International Coffee Agreement Was the head of the division in charge of WTO and relations with the European Union, as well as national co-ordinator for market access, intellectual property, public procurement, competition policy, dispute settlement and electronic commerce in the negotiations on the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas ( ). As Brazilian delegate, participated in several meetings and negotiations on economic matters at the United Nations, especially in ECOSOC, in the General Assembly and in UNCTAD. Also participated in several ministerial meetings of Group 77 and of the South-South Co-operation. Was a member of Brazilian negotiating delegations in the GATT Uruguay Round. Took part in several GATT meetings. Represented Brazil in many WIPO meetings. Attended several ministerial meetings of the WTO Doha Round ( ). Participated in negotiations at the United Nations mainly on matters related to the reform of the Security Council, establishment of the Peace-Building Commission, technical cooperation, sustainable development and environment governance. As USG for Africa and Middle East Affairs, at the Brazilian Chancery, traveled to many African and Middle East countries, leading Brazilian delegations in political consultations and joint-commission meetings.was a member of the Brazilian delegations in receiving Heads of State or Government and Foreign Affairs Ministers of the African and Middle East countries visiting Brazil ( ). Scott Vaughan - Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development Scott Vaughan was appointed Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development in Before joining the Office, he was Director of the Department of Sustainable Development of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington, D.C., where he worked with countries in the hemisphere of the Americas on trans-boundary freshwater management, biodiversity, renewable energy, chemicals management, and environmental law. Mr. Vaughan has been a Visiting Scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Head of Economics and Environment at the NAFTA Environment Commission, and Counsellor at the World Trade Organization (WTO). He held a number of positions with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), including initiating and leading UNEP s Financial Initiative, Deputy Chief of the UNEP environmental economics division, and policy advisor to the then UNEP Executive Director. In the late 1980s, he worked in the Economic and Corporate Affairs department of the Head Office of the Royal Bank. Mr. Vaughan has post-graduate degrees from the London School of Economics, the University of Edinburgh, and Dalhousie University as well as an undergraduate degree from Mount Allison University. Euan Wallace - Head of Global Issues, British High Commission Euan Wallace is a career British diplomat. He is currently First Secretary at the British High Commission in Ottawa where he heads the Global Issues Group covering work on the Environment, Economy, Trade, Energy, Social Policy, Prosperity and Climate Change. Euan has been working in Canada since June Previous diplomatic assignments include: Head of Sustainable Development at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in London; and several posts dealing with security policy including leading work on Conflict Prevention and on preventing the proliferation of Small Arms & Light Weapons. Euan was also Assistant Private Secretary to the FCO's Minister for Europe and has served overseas in Paris, Moscow, at the UN in New York and at the UK Delegation to NATO in Brussels. 13

17 Dan Wicklum - Canada s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA) Dan s initial career was as a linebacker in the CFL, playing with both the Winnipeg Blue Bombers (1988) and the Calgary Stampeders ( ). Dan completed a BSc. in Biology (University of Guelph, 1990) followed by an MSc. in Aquatic Ecology (University of Calgary, 1994). He then went on to obtain a Ph.D. in Aquatic Ecology (University of Montana, 1998). After completing his graduate education, Dan took a faculty position as a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Montana. In 2000, he left academia to become a Senior Policy Advisor to the Canadian Federal Minister of Natural Resources and the Government House Leader, and was subsequently Director of Strategic Alliances for Natural Resources Canada s Canadian Forest Service. Dan then launched, and became Executive Director of, The Canadian Forest Innovation Council before joining Environment Canada in various senior science management roles including Director General of Wildlife and Landscape Science and Director General of Water Science and Technology. Alex Wood - Senior Director, Policy and Markets, Sustainable Prosperity Alex brings extensive experience in the integration of economic and environmental issues in both the U.S. and Canada and joins Sustainable Prosperity from TD Bank Financial Group where he served as Special Advisor, Corporate Environmental Affairs. Before helping to position TD as a leader among North American financial institutions on the issue of climate change, Alex served as Acting Chief Executive Officer and President of the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE). In his tenure at NRTEE he also developed a national program examining the role of fiscal policy in promoting the long-term reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. Alex started his career with the World Wildlife Fund in Washington, D.C., where he worked on issues related to international financial institutions. Alan Young - Director, Materials Efficiency Research Group Alan has worked as a facilitator, planner, analyst and activist with a wide range conservation groups, Aboriginal organizations, companies and governments across Canada. His focus has been on sustainability strategies for the extractive sector which has involved projects throughout North America, Latin America and Europe. He started his work on these issues in 1991 as coordinator of the joint federal/territorial and Aboriginal government Porcupine Caribou Co-Management Board in the Yukon. From 1994 to 2002, he served as Executive Director of the Environmental Mining Council of BC a coalition of national, provincial and local conservation groups. In 2002, Alan left EMCBC to form the Materials Efficiency Research Group ( in order to be able to focus on his interest in bringing different sectors together to build joint solutions to social and environmental issues in the extractive industries. Since 2003 he was work on divers projects including socio-economic impact assessments, large scale conservation strategies, certification programs in the forestry and mining sectors, as well as various legislative reform initiatives in the extractive sectors nationally and internationally. He has been a long time corporate engagement advisor to Canadian Boreal Initiative (CBI), and was recently appointed as the organization s Executive Director. CBI is a pan-canadian multi-sector project addressing issues related to sustainability, conservation and Aboriginal rights. He is former chair of the Forest Stewardship Council of Canada, and currently sits on the national advisory group for the Mining Association of Canada, and is a Director of Global Forest Watch Canada, the Environmental Mining Education Foundation and the Centre for Science in Public Participation. 14

18 Notes:

19 Firmly planted in our Canadian Landscape A donation was made on your behalf to Tree Canada by: A great thank you for your participation Trees do their part... Thank you for doing yours!


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