Diocese of Nashville Catholic Schools Office 30 White Bridge Road, Nashville, TN Curriculum Overview PreK Grade 8

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1 Catholic Schools Office 30 White Bridge Road, Nashville, TN Curriculum Overview PreK Grade 8 Click on titles below to navigate to pages. Algebra Art Band Health Language Library Math Music PE Religion Science: PreK Fifth Science: Sixth Eighth Social Studies Spanish Technology

2 Curriculum Guide: Algebra Sequence Order Guide ID Description 1 ALG-56 Order of operations. 2 ALG-55 Translate verbal phrases and write algebraic expressions. 3 ALG-72 Translate verbal sentences into algebraic equations. Properties: additive identity, additive inverse, associative, commutative, distributive, multiplicative identity, multiplicative inverse, substitution. 4 ALG-52 5 ALG-10 Perform operations on algebraic expressions and informally justify the procedures chosen. 6 ALG-23 Articulate and apply algebraic properties in symbolic manipulation. 7 ALG-1 Demonstrate an understanding of the subsets, elements, properties, and operations of the real number system. 8 ALG-3 Articulate, model, and apply the concept of inverse (e.g., opposites, reciprocals, and powers and roots). 9 ALG-4 Describe, model, and apply inverse operations. 10 ALG-6 Connect physical, graphical, verbal, and symbolic representations of absolute value. 11 ALG-20 Apply the concept of variable in simplifying algebraic expressions, solving equations, and solving inequalities. 12 ALG-16 Communicate the meaning of variables in algebraic expressions, equations, and inequalities. 13 ALG-14 Use estimation to make predictions and test reasonableness of results. 14 ALG-39 Solving equations with variables on both sides. 15 ALG-57 Solve multi-step equations. 16 ALG-61 Add and subtract polynomials. 17 ALG-53 Simplify polynomials by combining like terms. 18 ALG-59 Multiply polynomials. 19 ALG-74 Solve formulas for specified variables. 20 ALG-60 Solve word problems involving distance, wind/water, coins, mixture and consecutive integers. Demonstrate an understanding of unit rates and other derived and indirect measurements (e.g., velocity, miles per hour, revolutions per minute, cost per unit). 21 ALG ALG-5 Apply number theory concepts (e.g. primes, factors, divisibility and multiples in mathematical problem solving). 23 ALG-37 Simplify monomials. 24 ALG-65 Divide monomials and polynomials. Factor polynomials using 4 types: common factor, difference between two perfect squares, trinomials that factors as a binomial square and regrouping. 25 ALG ALG-63 Solve equations by factoring. 27 ALG-42 Solve rational equations. 28 ALG-31 Apply geometric properties, formulas, and relationships to solve real-world problems. 29 ALG-35 Analyze mathematical patterns related to algebra and geometry in real-world problem solving. 30 ALG-11 Use concepts of length, area, and volume to estimate and solve real-world problems. 31 ALG-41 Add and subtract rational expressions. 32 ALG-38 Multiplication and division of rational expressions. 33 ALG-70 Add, subtract, multiply and divide rational numbers. 34 ALG-9 Communicate the concepts and strategies being used in estimation, measurement, and computation. Solve problems in number theory, geometry, probability and statistics, and measurement and estimation using algebraic thinking and symbolism. 35 ALG ALG-66 Simplify zero exponents. 37 ALG-54 Simplify negative exponents. 38 ALG-75 Use a coordinate plane to graph ordered pairs. 39 ALG-92 Find x- and y- intercepts of a linear equation. : Updated by math teachers spring Page 1 of 2

3 Curriculum Guide: Algebra Sequence Order Guide ID Description 40 ALG-76 Graph linear equations including horizontal lines and vertical lines. 41 ALG-77 Find the slope of a line using two points. 42 ALG-81 Transform a linear equation into standard form. 43 ALG-79 Use slope and any point on the line to write an equation. 44 ALG-80 Write equation of a line given two points on the line. 45 ALG-43 Write standard and slope-intercept form of linear equations. 46 ALG-44 Write linear equations concerning parallel and perpendicular lines. 47 ALG-17 Identify and represent a variety of functions. 48 ALG-90 Represent functions as ordered pairs. 49 ALG-91 Determine if an equation is a function. 50 ALG-24 Identify relationships which can and which cannot be represented by a function. 51 ALG-25 Describe the domain and range of functions and articulate restrictions imposed either by the operations or by the real-life situations which the functions represent. 52 ALG-36 Use algebraic thinking to generalize a pattern by expressing the pattern in functional notation. 53 ALG-22 Model real-world phenomena using functions and graphs. 54 ALG-26 Describe the transformation of the graph that occurs when coefficients and/or constants of the corresponding linear equations are changed. 55 ALG-28 Make predictions for a linear data set using a line of best fit. 56 ALG-7 Use real numbers to represent real-world applications (e.g. slope, rate of change, and proportionality). 57 ALG-18 Apply the concept of rate of change to slope. 58 ALG-19 Interpret results of algebraic procedures. 59 ALG-94 Solve systems of linear equations using graphing, substitution, and linear combination methods and apply to word problems. 60 ALG-21 Interpret graphs that depict real-world phenomena. 61 ALG-78 Solve and graph the solution of absolute value equations. 62 ALG-83 Solve and graph compound inequalities. 63 ALG-82 Solve and graph linear inequalities in one and two variables. 64 ALG-2 Demonstrate an understanding of the relative size of rational and irrational numbers. Select and apply an appropriate method (i.e. mental arithmetic, paper and pencil, or technology) for computing with real numbers, and 65 ALG-8 evaluate the reasonableness of results. 66 ALG-45 Simplify radicals. 67 ALG-46 Add and multiply radicals. 68 ALG-47 Divide radicals. 69 ALG-33 Apply right triangle relationships including the Pythagorean Theorem and the distance formula. 70 ALG-48 Solve radical equations. 71 ALG-49 Solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula and factoring. 72 ALG-50 Solve quadratic equations by completing the binomial square. 73 ALG-68 Solve quadratic word problems. 74 ALG-84 Graft linear equations using point-shape, y-intercept and standard form. : Updated by math teachers spring Page 2 of 2

4 Curriculum Guide: Art PreK-Grade 8/ Guide ID Description Gr PreK Gr K Gr 1 Gr 2 Gr 3 Gr 4 Gr 5 Gr 6 Gr 7 Gr 8 Artistic Skills 001 Participates in activities that foster fine motor development. 002 Make use of manipulative materials that vary in size and skill requirement. 003 Cleans up appropriate work area 004 Gains ability in using different art media in a variety of ways for creative expression and representation 005 Draws using crayons, pencils, a variety of markers, paint. 006 Holds and uses scissors and pencils correctly 007 Uses glue properly 009 Progresses in ability to create drawings, paintings, models and other art creations that have more details. 011 Identifies basic geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval 012 Identifies five basic forms: cube, cone, cylinder, pyramid and sphere 013 Identifies lines (i.e.curved, straight, wavy, zig-zag, horizontal, vertical). 014 Draws from memory, observation, and imagination 015 Draws around shapes with a pencil Recognizes drawing materials can be used in different ways: points (sharpened-blunt), 016 overlapping, pressing heavily, pressing lightly 017 Uses scissors to cut along a pre-drawn line 018 Identifies color hues: red, yellow, blue, orange, green, violet, black, white, brown 019 Identifies primary and secondary colors 020 Identifies warm colors as yellow, orange, red 021 Identifies cool colors as green, blue, violet 022 Recognizes that mixing primary colors creates secondary colors 023 Identifies art that uses more of one element than another, such as textures, lines, patterns 024 Distinguishes between visual texture and actual texture 025 Paints and draws with one color and develops rhythmic patterns 026 Demonstrates resist process in combination of crayon and thinned paint 027 Creates art from recycled or natural materials (collages, sculptures, monoprints) 030 Distinguishes paintings from sculpture 031 Recognizes that artists often mix media 032 Uses print making process 033 Locates the horizon in a picture 034 Explores clay, related themes and techniques 035 Distinguishes man-made and natural elements of design 036 Creates drawings, paintings, models and other art creations that have more details 037 Experiment with a variety of mediums and art materials for tactile experience and exploration 038 Create artistic works with intent and purpose using varying tools, texture, color, and technique Art teachers updated curriculum Italicized standards are TN Developmental Standards Page 1 of 3

5 Guide ID Curriculum Guide: Art PreK-Grade 8/ Description Identifies likenesses and differences: large-small, few-many, dark-light, bright-dull, thickthin; surface qualities (textures): rough-smooth, coarse-slick, warm-cold, soft-hard Gr PreK Gr K Gr 1 Gr 2 Gr 3 Gr 4 Gr 5 Gr 6 Gr 7 Gr Describes objects/colors/textures/lines/shapes that can be seen in art works 200 Uses negative space in designing 201 Uses shading to indicate the source of light 202 Recognizes overlapping to create depth. 203 Recognizes varying points of view in picture plans 204 Mixes secondary colors Identifies paintings and varying works of different media such as sculptures, collages, weavings Explores three dimensional media--for example, clay 207 Utilizes weaving techniques 211 Identifies symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes and designs 300 Draws straight lines with a pencil and ruler 301 Draws one point perspective 302 Identifies color qualities such as intensity, brightness, and value 303 Recognizes an arch, dome, column, etc. 304 Mounts pictures on a larger sheet of paper 400 Creates tint adding white; shade adding black; and tone using complimentary colors 401 Explores a variety of sculpture, media and techniques such as pulp, strips, and use of molds to create dimensional and relief sculptures Creates art incorporating elements and principles previously introduced (pattern, texture, line, color) Identifies positive/negative space 501 Draws two point perspective 502 Makes smooth gradations creating values 503 Distinguishes between transparent and opaque paint 504 Distinguishes between relief and free-standing sculpture 505 Recognizes art styles as realistic, non-objective, abstract, op, pop, etc Art History 208 Recognizes art created by artists introduced in the course 209 Recognizes architecture as a form of art 210 Understands weaving as an early art form to create clothing and shelter for people 305 Recognizes other art forms such as video, drama, dance, photography 306 Recognizes stained glass as a form of art 307 Recognizes kinetic sculpture 403 Recognizes calligraphy as an art form 506 Studies the development of historical art periods and representative artists of those periods Art: Personal Development 008 Expresses personal ideas, thoughts, and feelings through drawing Art teachers updated curriculum Italicized standards are TN Developmental Standards Page 2 of 3

6 Curriculum Guide: Art PreK-Grade 8/ Guide ID Description Gr PreK Gr K Gr 1 Gr 2 Gr 3 Gr 4 Gr 5 Gr 6 Gr 7 Gr Responds to artistic creations or events. 028 Develops a sense of pride, confidence, and satisfaction in creations of self and others 039 Respond and react to visual arts created by self and others 308 Learns to describe, analyze, interpret, and judge art works 402 Chooses personal classwork to put in an exhibit and explain decision 404 Chooses artist's work which is most preferred Art in Society 029 Recognizes art can tell stories 309 Recognizes different cultures have their own art forms 405 Explores forms of commercial art: product design, graphics, advertising 600 Develops an awareness of how societies express values and beliefs through visual forms Art teachers updated curriculum Italicized standards are TN Developmental Standards Page 3 of 3

7 Curriculum Guide: Band Grades 5-8/ Guide ID Description Gr 5 Gr 6 Gr 7 Gr 8 Basic Skills 500 The instrument: identify parts of the instrument 501 The instrument: assemble the instrument 502 The instrument: demonstrate proper care of the instrument 503 Reed instruments: choose and care for reeds 504 Use proper posture: total body support, arm, hand, wrist, and finger positions 505 Playing posture woodwinds, brass: properly support the instrument while sitting or standing to play Playing posture percussion: use proper grip/playing position for snare drum, bass drum, mallet percussion instruments Tone quality: produce sounds demonstrating characteristic tone quality 508 Tone quality: demonstrate an awareness of ways to improve tone quality 509 Tone quality: define and interpret through performance, variations in dynamics: forte and piano 510 Tone quality woodwinds, brass: use proper breathing techniques 511 Tone quality woodwinds, brass: play with good embouchure 512 Tone quality woodwinds, brass: produce an evenly sustained tone on a single note 513 Tone quality percussion: demonstrate an awareness of variations in sound which result from using different beaters, mallets and sticks (if available) 514 Pitch: identify and define flat, sharp, and natural signs 515 Pitch: identify and play in the key signatures of concert b flat 516 Pitch: identify and play all pitches through B flat concert scale 517 Pitch woodwinds, brass: use alternate fingerings/position introduced appropriately in exercises and repertoire 518 Tuning and intonation: identify and utilize the tuning mechanisms of the instrument 519 Tuning and intonation: demonstrate ability to tune to a given pitch 520 Tuning and intonation woodwinds, brass: improve intonation by making appropriate adjustments in embouchure, posture and breath support 801 Tone quality: demonstrate an even tone while varying the dynamic level in scale and arpeggio patterns and in repertoire 802 Tone quality: demonstrate consistent tone quality across the range while playing scales 803 Tone quality: demonstrate consistent tone quality over all dynamics from pianissimo through fortissimo 804 Tone quality: define and interpret thorough performance, variations in all dynamics (pianissimo through fortissimo) 805 Tone quality percussion: produce an even sound while playing 807 Tone quality percussion: demonstrate production of even, sustained sounds while rolling long notes 808 Tone quality percussion: recognize the produce an appropriate tone quality for each instrument studied 809 Pitch: identify and play in the key signatures of concert B flat, E flat, F as a base line 811 Pitch: perform a chromatic scale off one octave 813 Tuning and intonation: demonstrate an increasing ability to adjust the instrument to a given pitch 814 Tuning and intonation: develop the ability to tune one's instrument and correct intonation problems while playing Culminating Performance 546 Evaluate one's own performance of an exercise or solo 547 Perform as a member of the full band and demonstrate mastery of technical and musical demands previously introduced 664 Perform a solo or ensemble piece which demonstrates the technical and musical mastery learned in the second year Page 1 of 3 Updated by band teachers in 2014 Guide ID reflects grade level objective is introduced, e.g. 500 Grade 5, 800 Grade 8, etc.

8 Curriculum Guide: Band Grades 5-8/ Guide ID Description Gr 5 Gr 6 Gr 7 Gr Evaluate one's own performance of an exercise or solo and compare to others' evaluations of the same performance Perform repertoire as a member of the full band, which demonstrates the technical and musical mastery learning in 666 Standard of Excellence, Book Two 667 Demonstrate appropriate performance etiquette 736 Perform repertoire as a member of the full band, which demonstrates technical and musical mastery learning 847 Perform repertoire as a member of the full band, which demonstrates technical and musical mastery learning Musical Concepts 525 Rhythmic perception: count and perform rhythm patterns combining various notes and rests 526 Woodwinds, brass, percussion: whole note, whole rest, half note, half rest, quarter note, quarter rest, eighth note, eighth rest, dotted half note 527 Drums: whole note, whole rest, half note, half rest, quarter note, quarter rest, eighth note, eighth rest, dotted half note, sixteenth note, sixteenth rest 528 Pitch perception: name the lines and spaces on the staff of the treble or bass clef 529 Pitch perception: define and interpret through performance, accidentals and key signatures 530 Melodic perception: define and interpret through performance, phrase and breath marks 610 Rhythm perception: count and perform rhythm patterns combining various notes and rests: woodwinds, brass, mallets: whole note, whole rest, half note, half rest, quarter note, quarter rest, eighth note, eighth rest Rhythm perception: count and perform rhythm patterns combining various notes and rests: woodwinds, brass, 611 mallets: dotted half note, dotted quarter note, and syncopation (eighth-quarter-eighth) Rhythm perception: drums: count and perform rhythm patterns combining various notes and rests: whole note, whole 612 rest, half note, half rest, quarter note, quarter rest, eighth note, eighth rest 613 Rhythm perception: drums: count and perform rhythm patterns combining various notes and rests: dotted half note, sixteenth notes, eighth and two sixteenths, and an eighth dotted quarter note, and syncopation (eighth-quarter-eighth) 614 Rhythm perception: define common time, 4/4, 3/4, and 2/4 time signatures 615 Rhythm perception: define and perform in cut time 616 Rhythm perception: perform rhythm patterns incorporating syncopation 617 Rhythm perception: perform rhythm patterns incorporating fermátas 618 Rhythm perception: perform rhythmic patterns incorporating syncopation 619 Rhythm perception: count and perform rhythm patterns incorporating ties 620 Rhythm perceptions: count and perform rhythm patterns incorporating pick-up notes 621 Rhythm perceptions: replicate the two beat, three beat, four beat conducting patterns 622 Pitch perception: identify the lines and spaces of the staff in treble or bass clef 623 Pitch perception: identify and perform key signatures: flat, sharp, natural: key signatures of concert B flat 624 Melodic perception: define and interpret through performance, phrase, and breath marks 625 Melodic perception: define and recognize melodic contour by steps, skip, and leaps 629 Melodic perception: be introduced to the theme(s) in compositions 630 Melodic perception: be introduced to a countermelody 632 Melodic perception: be introduced to compositions Symbols and terms: define and perform various symbols and terms: repeat, solo, soli, tutti, unison, accent, first and 633 second endings, one measure repeat sign, long rest Symbols and terms: be introduced to d.c. al fine, syncopation, interval, d.s. al fine, enharmonic, staccato, tenuto, 634 legato, major chord, minor chord, d.c. al coda, and coda 651 Sight reading: sight read a short piece that encompasses the technical and musical scope Updated by band teachers in 2014 Page 2 of 3 Guide ID reflects grade level objective is introduced, e.g. 500 Grade 5, 800 Grade 8, etc.

9 Curriculum Guide: Band Grades 5-8/ Guide ID Description Gr 5 Gr 6 Gr 7 Gr Rhythm perception: count and perform rhythm patterns combining various notes and rests (woodwinds, brass, mallets): whole note, whole rest, half note, half rest, quarter note, quarter rest, eighth note, eighth rest (cont.) 715 Rhythm perception: count and perform rhythm patterns combining various notes and rests (woodwinds, brass, mallets): dotted half note, dotted quarter note and syncopation (eighth-quarter-eighth), sixteenth notes (cont.) 716 Rhythm perception: count and perform rhythm patterns combining various notes and rests (woodwinds, brass, mallets): eighth and two sixteenths, two sixteenth and an eighth, dotted eighth and sixteenth note, triplet (cont.) 717 Rhythm perception: count and perform rhythm patterns combining various notes and rests (woodwinds, brass, mallets): sixteenth and dotted eighth, sixteenth-eighth-sixteenth, sixteenth rest, dotted quarter rest 718 Rhythm perception: drums: whole note, whole rest, half note, half rest, quarter note, quarter rest, eighth note, eighth rest, dotted half note, sixteenth note, eighth, and two sixteenths, and an eighth dotted quarter note and syncopation (1/8-1/4-1/8) 719 Pitch perception: define and interpret through performance accidentals and key signatures: flat, sharp, natural: key signatures of concert B flat, E Flat, F 721 Symbols and terms: define and interpret through performance, variations in dynamics: Pianissimo, piano, mezzo piano, mezzo forte, forte, fortissimo, crescendo, and decrescendo, sporzando and forte-piano 722 Symbols and terms: be introduced to variations in tempo: largo, andante, andantino, moderato, allegro, allegretto, maestoso, ritardando, accelerando 733 Sight reading: sight read a short piece that encompasses the technical and musical scope of third year 821 Rhythm perception drums: define common time, 4/4, 3/4, and 2/4 time signatures 823 Rhythm perception drums: perform rhythm patterns incorporating fermatas 824 Rhythm perception drums: perform rhythmic patterns incorporating syncopation 825 Rhythm perception drums: count and perform rhythm patterns incorporating ties 826 Rhythm perception drums: count and perform rhythm patterns incorporating pick-up notes 831 Melodic perception: define and interpret through performance, phrase and breath marks 832 Melodic perception: define and recognize melodic contour by steps, skips, and leaps 845 Sight read a short piece that encompasses the technical and musical scope of the 4th year Musical Judgments 541 Play each piece in the correct style 660 Play each piece in the correct style Special Techniques 521 Woodwind, brass technique: use the proper technique in the attack and release of sounds: tongue, accent and slur 522 Brass: demonstrate lip slurs from a concert Bb (B Flat) to a concert F 523 Trombone: demonstrate legato tonguing and slide slurs 524 Snare drum: identify and rudiments (single paradiddle, flam, double strokes and buzz strokes) 600 Woodwind, brass: use the proper technique in the attack and release of sounds: tongue, accent, and slur 601 Woodwind, brass: demonstrate the use of staccato, tenuto, and legato articulations 602 Brass: demonstrate lip slur on concert B flat 603 Trombone: demonstrate legato tonguing and slide slurs 604 Percussion: demonstrate proper technique when playing snare drum, bass drum, mallet percussion instruments 605 Percussion: be introduced to snare drum: identify and play rudiments: 5 stroke, 9 stroke, flam, flam tap 701 Trombone: continue developing legato tonguing and slide slurs 704 Percussion: demonstrate proper technique when playing snare drum, bass drum, mallet percussion instruments, and if available, timpani, suspended cymbal, triangle, wood block, sleigh bells, tambourine, maracas, claves, temple blocks, crash cymbals, bongo Updated by band teachers in 2014 Page 3 of 3 Guide ID reflects grade level objective is introduced, e.g. 500 Grade 5, 800 Grade 8, etc.

10 School Name: Curriculum Overview xls Curriculum Guide: Health Teacher Name: Standard Category Objective GR K Gr 1 Gr 2 Gr 3 Gr 4 Gr 5 Gr 6 Gr 7 Gr 8 STANDARD 1: The student will demonstrate the ability to implement decision making and goal setting skills to promote his/her personal health and wellness, thereby enhancing quality of life for himself/herself and those around him/her. 1 HR Introduce the decision-making process 1 HR Demonstrates making personal choices based on reasoned arguments 1 HR Review the decision-making process 1 HR Describes individual goals and aspirations for healthy living Identifies choices and examine alternatives and consequences of each choice when 1 HR making decisions as it relates to healthy living 1 HR Differentiates between long and short-term personal goals Analyzes the effectiveness of personal decision-making as it relates to future health 1 HR/PE and wellness outcomes STANDARD 2: The student will understand the importance of personal hygiene practices as related to healthy living. Identifies proper personal hygiene skills (e.g. hand washing, shampooing, flossing, 2 PE/HR tooth brushing, bathing) 2 PE/HR Identifies the consequences of poor oral hygiene (e.g. cavities, gum disease, loss of teeth) Describes basic personal hygiene methods including hand washing, dental/oral care, 2 PE bathing/shampooing, and dressing 2 PE Explains how personal hygiene practices can affect personal health and social relationships 2 PE Identifies and evaluates basic personal hygiene habits Analyzes personal choices related to hygiene and their influences on others as they 2 PE relate to healthy living (e.g., clean clothing, body and hair, tattoos, and body piercing) STANDARD 3: The student will understand the role of body systems as related to healthy living. 3 HR/S Identifies the basic body parts; their names and location 3 HR/S Identifies the functions of the basic body systems (e.g. heart, lungs, brain, stomach) 3 HR/S Identifies and classifies components of major body systems Explains repercussions of risky behaviors on body systems (e.g. smoking, legal and 3 HR/S/R illegal drug use, alcohol, sexual activity, and high fat diet) 3 PE/HR Explains the benefits of good posture on personal health (e.g. breathing, back health) Names basic human body organs (e.g. heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, liver, and 3 S brain) Adapted from Tennessee Health Education Standards (2008) Page 1 of 9 Guide ID reflects grade level objective is introduced, 001 PK-K, 100 Grade 1, etc.

11 School Name: Curriculum Overview xls Curriculum Guide: Health Teacher Name: Standard Category Objective GR K Gr 1 Gr 2 Gr 3 Gr 4 Gr 5 Gr 6 Gr 7 Gr 8 STANDARD 4: The student will understand the relationship of physical activity and rest to healthy living. Identifies the importance of participating in the recommended one hour of daily 4 PE physical activity 4 PE Describes how getting the recommended eight to ten hours of sleep daily contributes to healthy living 4 PE Explains the role of adequate sleep in health and performance of daily activities 4 PE Identifies how poor food choices and physical inactivity contribute to the development of chronic diseases (e.g. obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes) Determines the benefits of exercise in relation to improved health during all stages of 4 PE life 4 PE Assesses the relationship of physical activity to other areas of personal health (social, mental, and emotional well-being) 4 PE Understands the link between physical activity and positive stress management and emotional well-being STANDARD 5: The student will understand the relationship of nutrition to healthy living. 5 HR/S Identifies the USDA My Plate guidelines for healthy eating 5 HR/S Describes the importance of healthy meals and snacks Uses the My Plate as a guide for choosing a variety of foods necessary for good 5 HR health 5 PE Explains how personal health and body composition is influenced by balancing diet and physical exercise 5 PE Identifies the causes of obesity Describes that adequate water intake and a nutritious breakfast are essential 5 PE components of healthy living 5 PE Explains the food and exercise pyramids 5 PE Identifies the energy nutrients (fats, carbohydrates and protein) and non-energy nutrients (vitamins, minerals and water) Understands the relationship between energy intake and energy output ( calories in = 5 PE calories out ) 5 PE Explains how the essential nutrients relate to body growth and development STANDARD 6: The student will understand the contributions of family relationships to healthy living. 6 C/HR Identifies the signs of abuse (emotional and physical abuse) 6 HR Demonstrates respect for the responsibilities of each person within the family Adapted from Tennessee Health Education Standards (2008) Page 2 of 9 Guide ID reflects grade level objective is introduced, 001 PK-K, 100 Grade 1, etc.

12 School Name: Curriculum Overview xls Curriculum Guide: Health Teacher Name: Standard Category Objective GR K Gr 1 Gr 2 Gr 3 Gr 4 Gr 5 Gr 6 Gr 7 Gr 8 6 HR Understands cultural differences exist and influence family customs Describes describe a variety of family structures (e.g. two parent, single parent, 6 HR blended, extended, foster, and adopted) and how they change over time 6 HR Identifies being loved and cared for are basic human needs 6 R/C Describes family structures, roles, and how they may change Identifies how family values impact gender discrimination, harassment, and various 6 R/C types of abuse (domestic violence, sexual, emotional) 6 R/HR/C Discusses expectations and stereotypes about the opposite sex. STANDARD 7: The student will understand the stages of human growth and development. 7 HR/R Defines adolescence, puberty and human development 7 HR/R Identifies the components of the male and female reproductive system 7 HR/R Identifies sexual feelings common to adolescents and differentiate between having sexual feelings and acting on them 7 HR/R Discuss HIV/STI (sexually transmitted infection) symptoms, treatments, and complications 7 HR/R Identifies reasons for abstaining from sexual activity 7 PE/S Identifies the components of the male and female reproductive system 7 R Identifies abstinence from sexual activity as the responsible and preferred choice for adolescents Review how physical growth and development is accompanied by changes in 7 R/HR emotions Describes how physical growth and development is accompanied by changes in 7 R/HR emotions 7 R/HR Demonstrates how to be respectful of others as they grow and develop Describes respectful ways to be supportive of their classmates (e.g. voice changes-- 7 R/HR students laugh and body odor) STANDARD 8: The student will understand the importance of positive self-concept and interpersonal relationships for healthy living. 8 HR Identifies the characteristics of a friend 8 HR Identifies list of positive traits about themselves 8 HR Identifies the characteristics of a bully Adapted from Tennessee Health Education Standards (2008) Page 3 of 9 Guide ID reflects grade level objective is introduced, 001 PK-K, 100 Grade 1, etc.

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