Professional Indemnity Insurance All you need to know

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1 diret line for usiness Professionl Indemnity Insurne All you need to know

2 Professionl Indemnity Insurne Professionl Insurne [Teh] Free Business Advie Servie These helplines re provided for Your use whilst Your Poliy is in fore. Eurolw Commeril Legl nd UK Tx Advie Unlimited ess to tem of legl dvisors, for onfidentil legl dvie nd guidne on ny ommeril legl prolem suh s: Employment VAT Proseution Contrt disputes Lndlord nd tennt disputes Plese note tht dvie on motoring mtters is not ville. Eurolw Commeril Legl dvie n only e offered in respet of mtters sujet to the lws of nd within the jurisdition of ourts or triunls of: Englnd Sotlnd Wles nd Northern Irelnd the Chnnel Islnds nd the Isle of Mn ny other memer ountry of the Europen Union Switzerlnd nd Norwy Tx dvie n only e offered in respet of mtters sujet to the lws of the United Kingdom. Speilist legl dvie is provided 9m - 5pm, Mondy to Fridy, exluding puli nd nk holidys. If lls re mde outside these times, You will e lled k the next working dy etween 9m nd 5pm. Stress Reltionship Depression Berevement Fmily This servie n lso help with: Onwrd referrl to relevnt voluntry, self-help groups or professionl servies Avilility of plnned (weekly) telephone ounselling sessions, time to suit ller Detils of fe to fe ounsellors in Your re Any osts rising from the use of these referrl servies will not e pid y DAS. This helpline is provided on Our ehlf y DAS Legl Expenses Insurne Compny Ltd, ll lls re reorded. DAS will not ept responsiility if the telephone helpline servies operted y them re unville for resons they nnot ontrol. In ddition to these helplines, DAS offer on Our ehlf ess to the DAS Employment Mnul. Employment mnul The DAS Employment Mnul offers omprehensive, up to dte guidne on rpidly hnging employment lw. To view it, plese visit nd selet Employment Mnul. All the setions of this we-sed doument n e printed off for Your own use. Contt DAS t with Your emil ddress, quoting Your poliy numer nd DAS will ontt You y emil to inform You of future updtes to the informtion. Tx dvie is provided y tx dvisors 9m 5pm, Mondy to Fridy, exluding puli nd nk holidys. If lls re mde outside these times, You will e lled k the next working dy etween 9m nd 5pm. This helpline is provided on Our ehlf y DAS Legl Expenses Insurne Compny Limited ll lls re reorded. Stress Counselling Helpline Aville 24 hours eh dy, 7 dys every week, ll yer round. A onfidentil ounselling servie for ny employee (nd their fmily) over the telephone, ssisting issues suh s: Diret Line insurne poliies re underwritten y U K Insurne Limited, Registered offie: The Whrf, Neville Street, Leeds LS1 4AZ. Registered in Englnd nd Wles No U K Insurne Limited is uthorised y the Prudentil Regultion Authority nd regulted y the Finnil Condut Authority nd the Prudentil Regultion Authority, registrtion numer Clls my e reorded. 0

3 Professionl Indemnity Insurne Professionl Insurne [Teh] Definitions For the purposes of this Poliy the words or terms tht pper in old will e interpreted s follows: Breh of ontrt will men reh of written ontrt to design, produe or supply IT servies or Deliverles. Cirumstne will men ny irumstne or stte of ffirs or event whih might resonly e expeted to give rise to Clim ginst You. Clim written demnd for finnil ompenstion from You in onsequene of n lleged reh of ontrt or reh of professionl duty on the prt of You whih gives rise to third prty loss. Compenstory dmges will men ompenstory wrds or settlements. Computer system will men ny omputer, dt proessing equipment, medi or prt thereof, or system of dt storge nd retrievl, or ommunitions system, network, protool or prt thereof, or ny omputer softwre (inluding ut not limited to pplition softwre, operting systems, runtime environments or ompilers), firmwre or miroode, or ny eletroni douments utilised in the ownership, seurity nd mngement of Your eletroni ommunitions system, world-wide we site, internet site, intrnet site, extrnet site or we ddress(es). Defene osts nd expenses will men ll osts nd expenses inurred, with Our prior onsent, in the investigtion, defene nd settlement of ny Clim or ny Cirumstne first notified during the Period of insurne. It does not inlude Your own osts nd expenses. Deliverles will men ny hrdwre, firmwre, peripherls, softwre, ling or eletroni equipment. Douments will men digitised dt, informtion reorded or stored in formt for use with omputer, miroode, deeds, wills, greements, mps, plns, reords, written or printed ooks, letters, ertifites, written or printed douments or forms of ny nture whtsoever (exluding ny erer onds or oupons, nk or urreny notes, shre ertifites, stmps or other negotile pper). Employee will men: d e Exess ny person employed y You under ontrt of servie, trining or pprentieship; nd ny voluntry worker; nd ny loum, sesonl or temporry personnel; nd ny self-employed person or entity ting s freelne onsultnt; ut only if suh person or entity is working under Your diretion, ontrol nd supervision. will men the first mount s speified in the Shedule pyle y You in respet of eh nd every Clim fter the pplition of ll terms nd onditions of this poliy. The Indemnity limit is dditionl to the Exess. The Exess is not pplile to Defene osts nd expenses (unless expressly stted otherwise in the Shedule). Finnilly ssoited person or entity will men: d ny usiness ontrolled or mnged y You or in whih You hve n exeutive interest; ny ompny in whih You diretly or indiretly own or ontrol more thn 15% of the issued shre pitl; ny person hving n exeutive or mngeril role in Your firm or who would e onsidered to e shdow diretor (s defined in s.251 of the Insolveny At 1986); ny ompny tht diretly or indiretly owns or ontrols ny of the issued shre pitl of Your firm or ny of whose issued shre pitl is diretly or indiretly owned or ontrolled y ny other ompny or person who diretly or indiretly owns or ontrols ny of the issued shre pitl. Indemnity limit will men Our totl liility to py Compenstory dmges, limnt s osts, fees nd expenses nd will not exeed: with regrd to Insuring Cluse 2, for Clims rising diretly or indiretly from ny dishonest, frudulent or mliious ts or omissions of ny former or present Employees or su-ontrtors the sum stted in the Shedule inlusive of Defene osts nd expenses in respet of ny one Clim nd in totl for ll Clims first mde during the Period of insurne; in ll other ses (exept where speifi sums re stted in the Insuring Cluses of the Poliy) the sum(s) stted in the Shedule in respet of ny one Clim. Diret Line insurne poliies re underwritten y U K Insurne Limited, Registered offie: The Whrf, Neville Street, Leeds LS1 4AZ. Registered in Englnd nd Wles No U K Insurne Limited is uthorised y the Prudentil Regultion Authority nd regulted y the Finnil Condut Authority nd the Prudentil Regultion Authority, registrtion numer Clls my e reorded. 1

4 Professionl Indemnity Insurne Professionl Insurne [Teh] If more thn one person is entitled to n indemnity under the terms of this Poliy then Our totl liility to ll suh persons will not exeed the Indemnity limit. For the voidne of dout, Our totl liility to indemnify You under the Insuring Cluses nd Extensions will not exeed the sum stted in the Shedule. IT servies will men ny servies provided in the ordinry ourse of Your usiness inluding ut not limited to dt proessing, dt wrehousing, domin nme registrtion, the provision of outsoured servies, systems nlysis nd design, teleommunitions nd dt servies, mintenne, wesite design, we hosting servies. Liquidted dmges will men sum of money or formul used to determine genuine pre-estimte of loss nd dmge ttriutle to speified Breh of ontrt (ove ny Exess stted in the Shedule) on the prt of You, provided tht t the time the sum or formul ws reted nd greed etween the prties to the ontrt s eing representtive of fir, resonle nd justifile refletion of the loss osioned y the reh. Suh sum of money or formul nnot e ove ny mount tht would e reoverle hd the Clim een mde nd determined s ommon lw Clim for Breh of ontrt. Multimedi tivities will men pulishing, rodsting, ommunitions or ny other dissemintion of dt, text, sounds, imges or similr ontent, ts ommitted in the proess of reserhing, investigting, gthering, quiring, otining, prepring, ompiling, or produing dt, text, sounds, imges or similr ontent, or the liensing, syndition, serilistion, distriution, sle or lese of dt, text, sounds, imges or similr ontent. Shedule will men the doument titled Shedule tht inludes the nme of You, the premium nd other vriles to this Poliy (inluding endorsement luses) nd is inorported in this Poliy. Shedules my e reissued from time to time nd eh suessor overrides the erlier Shedule. Virus will men ny unuthorised exeutle ode tht replites itself through Computer system or network nd whih ontins instrutions to initite n event on the infeted Computer system, using modifition of or dmge to or otherwise dversely ffeting the opertion of ny Computer system, whether termed virus, logi om, worm, Trojn Horse or known y ny other nme. We / Us / Our U K Insurne Limited nd/or suh other uthorised Insurer s U K Insurne Limited my ontrt to underwrite ny prt of this Poliy. You / Your / Yours will men ny person or firm stted in the Shedule nd inludes: e f g the urrent or previous prtners, diretors, prinipls, memers or Employees of ny firm or ompny stted in the Shedule; ny other person who eomes prtner, diretor, prinipl, memer or Employee of ny firm or ompny stted in the Shedule; entity tht eomes n dditionl You under the terms of Extension 3 Mergers nd Aquisitions. Notifition osts will men the resonle nd neessry osts inurred y You to drft, send nd dminister notifition ommunitions to those whose dt You n show hs een stolen or mispled. Period of insurne will men tht s stted in the Shedule. Proposl will men the online Client Detil Sttement of Ft nd ny online renewl delrtion signed y You together with ny other informtion supplied y You to Us efore ineption or renewl of this Poliy. Professionl usiness is the usiness of Yours s stted in the Shedule inluding Multimedi tivities. Diret Line insurne poliies re underwritten y U K Insurne Limited, Registered offie: The Whrf, Neville Street, Leeds LS1 4AZ. Registered in Englnd nd Wles No U K Insurne Limited is uthorised y the Prudentil Regultion Authority nd regulted y the Finnil Condut Authority nd the Prudentil Regultion Authority, registrtion numer Clls my e reorded. 2

5 Professionl Indemnity Insurne Professionl Insurne [Teh] Bsis of the ontrt The Proposl will e the sis of nd inorported in this ontrt. INSURING CLAUSES In onsidertion of the premium hving een pid to Us, You re indemnified s follows: 1 Indemnity Up to the Indemnity limit for ny Clim first mde ginst You during the Period of insurne for whih You re llegedly lile to py Compenstory dmges (inluding limnt s osts nd expenses) nd rising out of the ordinry ourse of the Professionl usiness within the geogrphil limits stted within the Shedule, in onsequene of: Breh of ontrt to design or supply Deliverles or provide IT servies inluding indemnity for Liquidted dmges; reh of professionl duty, negligent t, negligent error, negligent omission, negligent missttement or negligent misrepresenttion; 2 3 Dishonesty Up to the Indemnity limit for ny Clim first mde ginst You during the Period of insurne for whih You re llegedly lile to py Compenstory dmges (inluding limnt s osts nd expenses) nd rising out of the ordinry ourse of the Professionl usiness within the geogrphil limits stted within the Shedule, s onsequene of dishonest, frudulent or mliious t or omission of ny former or present Employee (whih for the voidne of dout for the purpose of this insuring luse does not inlude ny prinipl, prtner, memer or diretor of Yours). Dt protetion defene osts Up to mximum of 250,000 in the ggregte in the Period of insurne, in respet of legl osts nd expenses inurred with Our prior onsent in the defene of ny riminl proeedings rought under The Dt Protetion At or similr legisltion provided lwys tht: the t, error or omission giving rise to the proeedings will hve een ommitted y You in the ordinry ourse of the Professionl usiness; d e f g h i j the filure to protet ginst unuthorised ess to, unuthorised use of, or denil of servie ttk ginst Your Computer system; trnsmission of Virus; defmtion or other tort relted to disprgement of hrter, reputtion or feelings of ny person or orgnistion inluding liel, slnder, produt; disprgement nd mliious flsehood; reh of onfidentility or other invsion, misuse of privte informtion, infringement or interferene with rights of privy or puliity inluding flse light nd the puli dislosure of privte fts inluding misuse of ny informtion whih is either onfidentil or sujet to sttutory restritions; infringement of intelletul property rights inluding opyright, title, slogn, trdemrk, trde nme, trde seret, domin nme or mettg, morl rights, mispproprition of formts, hrters, trde nmes, hrter nmes, titles, plots, musil ompositions, voies, slogns, grphi mteril or rtwork, pssing off nd plgirism nd ommeril pproprition of nme or likeness; the misplement of or dmge to Douments; ny other ivil liility. 4 5 We will e entitled to ppoint soliitors nd ounsel to t on Your ehlf ; We will hve no liility to py osts inurred susequent to ple or finding of guilt on Your prt,or in the event tht ounsel should dvise tht there re no resonle prospets of suessfully defending the proeedings, exept for osts inurred solely for the purpose of mking ple in mitigtion efore sentening or osts inurred in mking n ppel if ounsel will dvise tht the prospets of suessful ppel following finding of guilt re resonle; Reputtion mngement Following Clim under Insuring Cluses 1 or 2 for ll resonle osts inurred with Our prior written onsent (not to e unresonly withheld) for puli reltions nd/or risis mngement onsultnt to vert or mitigte ny mteril dmge to Your usiness reputtion. Costs for proseuting infringement of Your intelletul property rights Up to mximum of 25,000 in the ggregte in the Period of insurne, for lims first mde y You during the Period of insurne for resonle nd neessry osts nd expenses inurred with Our prior onsent in proseuting ny lim for infringement of intelletul property rights first disovered during the Period of insurne where the ownership of suh rights is vested in You. Diret Line insurne poliies re underwritten y U K Insurne Limited, Registered offie: The Whrf, Neville Street, Leeds LS1 4AZ. Registered in Englnd nd Wles No U K Insurne Limited is uthorised y the Prudentil Regultion Authority nd regulted y the Finnil Condut Authority nd the Prudentil Regultion Authority, registrtion numer Clls my e reorded. 3

6 Professionl Indemnity Insurne Professionl Insurne [Teh] For the purposes of this Insuring Cluse We will only give prior onsent where You hve provided, t Your own expense, n opinion from soliitor, rrister or suitly qulified intelletul property gent evidening the existene of Your intelletul property rights, the infringement of those rights, mesurle loss nd resonle prospet of suess. 6 7 Irreoverle fees For mtters first notified y Your during the Period of insurne relting to mounts owed to You, inluding mounts leglly owed y You to su-ontrtors or suppliers, due to the refusl of Your lient to py for work done y You for them where suh lient hs resonle grounds for eing disstisfied with the work nd thretens to ring Clim for more thn the mount owed. In suh irumstnes, if it is possile to settle the dispute y greeing not to pursue the outstnding mount, We will gree to py the mount owed if they onsider tht it will void legitimte Clim for greter mount. If, following this, Clim still rises then the mount pid under this Cluse will e deduted from the Indemnity limit. If You eventully reover the det then the mount pid y Us must e repid to Us less Your resonle expenses of reovering the det due. Costs for representtion All legl osts inurred with Our prior onsent for representtion t ny inquiry or other proeeding whih hs, in Our sole opinion, diret relevne to ny Clim, Cirumstne or event whih ould form the sujet of indemnity under this Setion. For the voidne of dout, Costs for representtion over does not pply to Insuring Cluse 5. Diret Line insurne poliies re underwritten y U K Insurne Limited, Registered offie: The Whrf, Neville Street, Leeds LS1 4AZ. Registered in Englnd nd Wles No U K Insurne Limited is uthorised y the Prudentil Regultion Authority nd regulted y the Finnil Condut Authority nd the Prudentil Regultion Authority, registrtion numer Clls my e reorded. 4

7 Professionl Indemnity Insurne Professionl Insurne [Teh] Extensions In respet of indemnity provided under Insuring Cluse 1 nd sujet otherwise to Poliy terms nd onditions the following extensions of over pply: Joint ventures You re indemnified up to the Indemnity limit for ny Clim or Cirumstne rising from the Professionl usiness rried out y or in the nme of ny joint venture or ny other profit-shring rrngement ut only in respet of the ts or omissions of You; Indemnity to prinipls If You so request, We will indemnify ny Prinipl with whom You hve entered into n greement s fr s is neessry to meet the requirements of suh greement ut only in respet of liility inurred to independent third prties rising diretly from the Professionl usiness servies performed y You nd sujet lwys to the terms nd onditions of this Poliy; Mergers nd quisitions If during the Period of Insurne You: purhse ssets or quire liilities from nother entity in n mount no greter thn 10% of Your ssets of s listed in its most reent finnil sttement; or 6 7 Compenstion for ourt ttendne In the event of ny of the persons stted elow ttending ourt s witness t the request of Us in onnetion with Clim in respet of whih You re entitled to indemnity under these setions We will provide ompenstion to You t the following rtes per dy for eh dy on whih ttendne is required: ny diretor or prtner of Yours: 250; ny Employee of Yours: 100; Defene osts nd expenses In respet of Insuring Cluse 1 We will py in ddition to the Indemnity limit (unless stted otherwise) ll Defene osts nd expenses provided tht: if pid Clim exeeds the Indemnity limit We will only e lile for tht proportion of the Defene osts nd expenses whih the Indemnity limit ers to the mount of the pid Clim; in the event tht We elet to mke pyment to You pursunt to Notifition nd Clims Condition 2.2 then We will hve no liility to py Defene osts nd expenses inurred fter the dte upon whih suh pyment is mde. d quire nother entity whose nnul revenues re no more thn 10% of Your nnul revenues for Your lst ompleted finnil yer; nd there is no mteril devition to Your Professionl usiness; nd prior to the quisition of the quired ompny not eing wre of ny professionl indemnity lims or irumstnes tht ould give rise to lim; then this Poliy will utomtilly inlude suh entity s You ut only in respet of ny t or omission ourring on or fter the dte of merger or quisition unless otherwise greed y Us; 4 5 Su-ontrtors Where You hve engged third prty under written ontrt to provide IT Servies under Your supervision, We will indemnify You for ny Clim rought s result of the suontrtors work undertken on Your ehlf to the extent tht You hve not wived or otherwise impired ny rights of reourse ginst sid su-ontrtors; Notifition osts Up to mximum of 250,000 in the ggregte in the Period of insurne with Our prior onsent; Diret Line insurne poliies re underwritten y U K Insurne Limited, Registered offie: The Whrf, Neville Street, Leeds LS1 4AZ. Registered in Englnd nd Wles No U K Insurne Limited is uthorised y the Prudentil Regultion Authority nd regulted y the Finnil Condut Authority nd the Prudentil Regultion Authority, registrtion numer Clls my e reorded. 5

8 Professionl Indemnity Insurne Professionl Insurne [Teh] Exlusions These Exlusions set out wht is not overed under this Poliy. We will not e lile to indemnify You ginst ny Clim: Asestos rising diretly or indiretly out of or resulting from or in onsequene of or in ny wy involving sestos or ny mterils ontining sestos in whtever form or quntity; Bodily injury/property dmge for odily injury, sikness, disese, psyhologil injury, emotionl distress, nervous shok or deth sustined y ny person or ny loss, dmge or destrution of property unless suh Clim rises diretly from ny designs, plns, speifition, formule, diretions or dvie provided in ny IT servies or Deliverles; Cirumstnes known t ineption rising out of ny Cirumstne of whih You were, or ought resonly to hve een, wre t ineption of this Poliy, whether notified under ny other insurne or not; Commeril disputes rising from ny ommeril dispute etween You nd Your usiness prtners or usiness ssoites, inluding ut not limited to ny reseller, distriutor, originl equipment mnufturer, third-prty sles gent, systems integrtor, or joint venture prtner, ut only to the extent suh Clim is sed upon: ommission or roylty, or ny other term upon whih suh prtner or ssoite is to e ompensted in onnetion with doing usiness with You, or ny ompenstion or remunertion promised or owed y You pursunt to those terms; or Your deision to ese doing usiness with suh prtner or ssoite; Delierte ts rising diretly or indiretly from ny delierte or rekless reh, t, omission, or infringement ommitted, ondoned or ignored y You (unless overed under Insuring Cluse 2.) For the voidne of dout no indemnity will e given under Insuring Cluse 2 in the event tht ny prinipl, prtner, memer or diretor of Yours onspired to ommit or ondoned ny suh dishonest, frudulent or mliious t or omission; Finnilly ssoited persons or entities mde upon You y ny Finnilly ssoited person or entity whether lone or jointly with ny other person or entity. However, this exlusion will not pply to ny Clim rought ginst suh Finnilly ssoited person or entity y n independent third prty nd whih would, ut for this exlusion, e overed y this Poliy; Finnil dvie rising diretly or indiretly from ny investment, the provision of ny finne or other finnil dvie; Fines nd penlties for penlties, fines, multiple, exemplry, or other non- Compenstory dmges wrded other thn in tions rought for defmtion s fr s they re overed y this Poliy; Gming, gmling or lotteries rising diretly or indiretly from the use or provision of ny gming, gmling or lotteries unless Clim rises diretly from IT Servies; Insolveny/nkrupty of You rising out of or relting diretly or indiretly to the insolveny or nkrupty of You; Legl tion in respet of n tion for Compenstory dmges: rought outside the Jurisdition stted in the Shedule (the Jurisdition ) (inluding the enforement within the Jurisdition of judgment or finding of nother ourt or triunl tht is not within the Jurisdition); in whih it is ontended tht the governing lw is outside the Jurisdition; rought outside the Jurisdition to enfore judgment or finding of ourt or other triunl in ny other jurisdition; Where no Jurisdition is speified in the Shedule then the Jurisdition will e Worldwide ut exluding: 1. the United Sttes of Ameri, its territories nd/or possessions; or 2. Cnd; Loss, dmge or destrution of erer onds or oupons rising from the loss, dmge or destrution of ny erer onds, oupons, nk or urreny notes, shre ertifites, stmps or other negotile pper; Osenity rising from ny osenity, lsphemy or pornogrphi mteril; Other ppointments mde ginst You in the pity of: diretor or offier of You or of ny other ompny or rising out of the mngement of You or of ny other ompny; or trustee of ny trust or s offier or employee of ny pension fund or ny other employee enefit sheme, whether for the enefit of memers or Employees of You or otherwise; Ptents notwithstnding Insuring Cluse 1h), rising diretly or indiretly from the infringement of ny ptent; Diret Line insurne poliies re underwritten y U K Insurne Limited, Registered offie: The Whrf, Neville Street, Leeds LS1 4AZ. Registered in Englnd nd Wles No U K Insurne Limited is uthorised y the Prudentil Regultion Authority nd regulted y the Finnil Condut Authority nd the Prudentil Regultion Authority, registrtion numer Clls my e reorded. 6

9 Professionl Indemnity Insurne Professionl Insurne [Teh] Rdiotive ontmintion or explosive nuler ssemlies diretly or indiretly relted to, used y or ontriuted to, y or rising from: ionising rdition or ontmintion y rdiotivity from ny nuler fuel or from ny nuler wste from the omustion of nuler fuel; or the rdiotive, toxi, explosive or other hzrdous properties of ny explosive nuler ssemly or nuler omponent thereof; Rell osts rising from the osts nd expenses inurred in the rell, repir, nd replement of ny Deliverles or the refund of ny money pid to third prty in onnetion with the rell of ny Deliverles; Retrotive dte rising from ny t or omission tht ourred prior to the Retrotive dte stted in the Shedule; Seepge nd pollution sed upon, rising out of or relting diretly or indiretly to, in onsequene of or in ny wy involving seepge, pollution or ontmintion of ny kind; Tkeover or merger rising diretly or indiretly y reson of ts, errors or omissions ommitted y You fter the dte of its merger with or quisition y nother entity unless otherwise greed y Us; Third prty defet rising diretly or indiretly from ny defet in ny Deliverle supplied y third prty. However, this exlusion does not pply to ny mount you stisfy us tht you re leglly le to reover under written ontrt; Trding losses rising out of: 25 Wr nd Terrorism rising diretly or indiretly out of, hppening through or in onsequene of, wr, invsion, ts of foreign or terrorist enemies (inluding ut not limited to politil nd religious), hostilities (whether wr e delred or not), ivil wr, reellion, revolution, insurretion, militry or usurped power or onfistion or ntionlistion or requisition or destrution of or dmge to property y or under the order of ny government or puli or lol uthority. Mtters Insurle Elsewhere Employee enefit shemes / stoks nd shres rising diretly or indiretly from the opertion or dministrtion of ny pension or other employee enefit sheme or trust fund, or the sle or purhse or deling in ny stoks, shres or seurities or the misuse of ny informtion relting to them or the reh of ny relted legisltion or regultion; Employers liility rising diretly or indiretly from odily injury, sikness, disese, psyhologil injury, emotionl distress, nervous shok or deth sustined y ny Employee rising out of or in the ourse of their employment y You, or for ny reh of ny oligtion owed y You s n employer to ny prtner, prinipl, diretor, memer or Employee or pplint for employment; Lnd, uildings, irrft, wterrft or vehiles rising diretly or indiretly from the ownership, possession or use y You or on Your ehlf of ny lnd, uildings, irrft, wterrft, vessel or mehnilly propelled vehile; Other insurne in respet of whih You re entitled to indemnity under ny other insurne exept in respet of ny exess eyond the mount whih is pyle under suh other insurne. ny trding loss or trding liility inurred y ny usiness mnged or rried on y You (inluding the loss of ny lient ount or usiness); loss used y You in onsequene of shre or sset sle to ny prospetive purhser, ssoited usiness, merger prtner, JV prtner or similr euse of ny missttement or misrepresenttion mde y You; the tul or lleged over-hrging or improper reeipt of fees y You; Utility provider rising out of the filure of the servie provided y n internet servie provider, ny teleommunitions provider or other utility provider; Virus rising diretly or indiretly from ny Virus provided tht this exlusion will not pply in respet of ny Clim mde y n independent third prty s result of the unintentionl trnsmission of Virus; Diret Line insurne poliies re underwritten y U K Insurne Limited, Registered offie: The Whrf, Neville Street, Leeds LS1 4AZ. Registered in Englnd nd Wles No U K Insurne Limited is uthorised y the Prudentil Regultion Authority nd regulted y the Finnil Condut Authority nd the Prudentil Regultion Authority, registrtion numer Clls my e reorded. 7

10 Professionl Indemnity Insurne Professionl Insurne [Teh] NOTIFICATION AND CLAIMS CONDITIONS 1 Clim/irumstne notifition As onditions preedent to Your right to e indemnified under this Poliy You : 1.1. will inform Us s soon s possile nd in ny event within 28 dys of the reeipt, wreness or disovery during the Period of insurne of: d ny Clim mde ginst You; ny notie of intention of Clim ginst You; ny Cirumstne; the disovery of resonle use for suspiion of dishonesty or frud; provided lwys tht suh notifition is reeived y Us efore the expiry of the Period of insurne, or if You renew this Poliy with Us, within 7 dys fter its expiry. Suh notie hving een given s required in, or d ove, ny susequent Clim mde will e deemed to hve een mde during the Period of insurne; 1.2. will not, in the event of Clim, or the disovery of informtion whih my give rise to Clim, dmit liility for or settle ny Clim, or inur ny osts or expenses in onnetion therewith, without Our written onsent ; 1.3. will, s soon s prtile given the irumstnes, give ll suh informtion nd ssistne s We my require nd provide Your full o-opertion in the defene or settlement of ny suh Clim or relting to the reovery or surogtion proess of ny settled Clim; 2 3 Condut of Clims 2.1 following notifition under ondition 1 ove We will e entitled t Our own expense to tke over nd within Our sole disretion to ondut in Your nme the defene nd settlement of ny suh Clim; Nevertheless neither You nor Us will e required to ontest ny legl proeedings unless Queens Counsel (to e mutully greed upon y You nd Us) will dvise tht suh proeedings should e ontested; 2.2 We my t ny time in onnetion with ny Clim mde, py to You the Indemnity limit (fter dedution of ny sums lredy pid) or ny lesser sum for whih, in Our sole opinion, the Clim n e settled nd upon suh pyment eing mde We will relinquish the ondut nd ontrol of nd hve no further liility in onnetion with the Clim. For the voidne of dout We will hve no liility to py Defene osts nd expenses inurred fter the dte upon whih ny suh pyment is mde; 2.3 You will py the relevnt Exess nd We will only mke pyment under this Poliy fter the pplile Exess hs een fully pid other thn in reltion to pyment eing mde under 2.2 ove. Multiple Clims from single soure All Clims nd Cirumstnes whih rise from the sme originl use or event, single soure or repeted or ontinuing prolem in your work will e treted s single Clim or Cirumstne regrdless of the numer of persons liming indemnity. This inludes suh Clims nd Cirumstnes rising fter, s well s during, the Period of insurne will not destroy evidene, supporting informtion or doumenttion without Our prior onsent; nor destroy ny Deliverles or other property relting to Clim under this Poliy; Every letter of lim, writ, summons or proess nd ll douments relting thereto nd ny other written notifition of lim will e forwrded, unnswered, to Us immeditely they re reeived. You will t ll times, in ddition to Your oligtions set out ove, fford suh informtion to nd o-operte with Us to llow Us to e le to omply with suh relevnt Prtie Diretions nd Pre-Ation Protools s my e issued nd pproved from time to time y the Hed of Civil Justie. Diret Line insurne poliies re underwritten y U K Insurne Limited, Registered offie: The Whrf, Neville Street, Leeds LS1 4AZ. Registered in Englnd nd Wles No U K Insurne Limited is uthorised y the Prudentil Regultion Authority nd regulted y the Finnil Condut Authority nd the Prudentil Regultion Authority, registrtion numer Clls my e reorded. 8

11 Professionl Indemnity Insurne Professionl Insurne [Teh] GENERAL CONDITIONS Cnelltion This Poliy my e nelled y or on ehlf of Us y fourteen dys notie given in writing to You on the sis of Our reeiving or retining pyment of premium pro rt to the period tht We will hve een on risk. Dishonest or frudulent t or omission In the event of Clim whih involves the dishonest, frudulent or mliious t or omission of ny former or present Employee You will tke ll resonle tion (inluding legl proeedings) to otin reimursement from the Employee onerned (nd from ny Employee who my hve onspired to ommit or hve ondoned suh t) or from the estte or legl representtives of suh Employee. Any monies whih ut for suh dishonest, frudulent or mliious t or omission would e due to suh Employee from You or ny monies held y You for suh Employee will e deduted from ny mount pyle under this Poliy. Frudulent lims If You will sumit ny lim knowing the sme to e flse or frudulent s regrds mount or otherwise this Poliy will eome void nd ll lims hereunder will e forfeited. Invlidity If ny provision of this Poliy is found y ny ourt or dministrtive ody of ompetent jurisdition to e invlid or unenforele this will not ffet the other provisions of this Poliy whih will remin in full fore nd effet. Non-dislosure We will not exerise its right to void this Poliy for resons of non-dislosure, untrue sttements or misrepresenttion of fts provided tht You n estlish, to Our stisftion, tht ny suh nondislosure, untrue sttements or misrepresenttion of fts were not mde negligently nd were lso free of ny frudulent ondut or intent to deeive. In reltion to ny Clim or Clims first mde ginst You nd notified to Us during the Period of insurne, if suh non-dislosure, untrue sttements or misrepresenttion of fts onsist of or inlude filure to inform Us of ny relted Cirumstne then Exlusion 3 will not pply provided lwys tht: if the Clim or Cirumstne should hve een notified under preeding insurne then where this Poliy ffords greter or wider over thn tht to whih You would hve een entitled under the preeding insurne, We will only e lile to py wht You would hve een entitled to under the preeding insurne; where Your reh of ny ondition ontined in this Poliy hs resulted in prejudie to Us in the hndling or settlement of ny Clim We will redue ny pyment under this Poliy to suh mount tht in Our opinion would hve een pyle in the sene of suh prejudie; no indemnity will e fforded in respet of suh Clim or Cirumstne if there ws no immeditely preeding nd vlid insurne in ple. Noties Notie will e deemed to e duly reeived in the ourse of post if sent y pre-pid letter post properly ddressed to: in the se of You, to Your lst known ddress; in the se of Us, to U K Insurne Limited nd/or suh other uthorised Insurer s U K Insurne Limited my ontrt to underwrite ny prt of this Poliy. Other prties You nd Us re the only prties to this ontrt nd no other person hs ny rights to enfore ny term of this Poliy. You will not ssign or trnsfer their rights under the Poliy without the written greement of Us. Poliy onstrution nd disputes Any phrse or word in this Poliy nd the Shedule will e interpreted in ordne with the lws of Englnd nd Wles. The Poliy nd the Shedule will e red together s one ontrt nd ny word or expression to whih speifi mening hs een tthed in ny prt of this Poliy or the Shedule will er suh speifi mening wherever it my pper. Any dispute onerning the interprettion of the terms, onditions or exlusions ontined herein is understood nd greed y oth You nd Us to e sujet to the lws of Englnd nd Wles. Eh prty grees to refer ny suh dispute to meditor to e greed etween You nd Us within 14 working dys of ny dispute rising under the Poliy. If meditor is not greed then either prty my pply to the Centre for Effetive Dispute Resolution ( CEDR ) for the ppointment of meditor. The prties gree to shre eqully the osts of CEDR nd of the meditor nd tht the referene of the dispute to medition will e onduted in onfidene. You nd Us gree to perform their respetive ontinuing oligtions under this Poliy while the dispute is resolved unless the nture of the dispute prevents suh ontinued performne of those oligtions. If ny suh dispute is not resolved y medition or You nd Us nnot gree upon the ppointment of meditor or the form tht the medition will tke the dispute will e sumitted to the jurisdition of ny ourt of ompetent jurisdition within Englnd nd Wles nd eh prty grees to omply with ll requirements neessry to give suh ourt jurisdition. Resonle steps to void Loss Without prejudie to the Notifition nd Clim Conditions in this Poliy, You will tke ll resonle steps efore entering into ontrt for IT Servies or Deliverles to: void or mitigte ny onsequentil or pure eonomi loss; Diret Line insurne poliies re underwritten y U K Insurne Limited, Registered offie: The Whrf, Neville Street, Leeds LS1 4AZ. Registered in Englnd nd Wles No U K Insurne Limited is uthorised y the Prudentil Regultion Authority nd regulted y the Finnil Condut Authority nd the Prudentil Regultion Authority, registrtion numer Clls my e reorded. 9

12 Professionl Indemnity Insurne Professionl Insurne [Teh] d to ensure tht it ould provide the required level nd quntity of IT Servies nd Deliverles using the resoures ville to You, nd ple of performing the ontrt in ordne with the terms nd onditions; not restrit reovery rights with ny third prty with whom ontrt is entered; will dhere to ny legl dvie reeived. 12 Sntions nd Emrgo We will not e deemed to provide over nd will not e lile to py ny lim or provide ny enefit hereunder to the extent tht the provision of suh over, pyment of suh lim or provision of suh enefit would expose Us to ny sntion, prohiition or restrition under United Ntions resolutions or the trde or eonomi sntions, lws or regultions of the Europen Union, Jpn, United Kingdom or United Sttes of Ameri. You will protet Your Computer system y: d e f g hving Virus protetion softwre operting in ple whih is running, orretly onfigured nd regulrly or utomtilly updted; hving fire wll or similr onfigured devie to ontrol ess to its Computer system; enrypting nd ontrolling the ess to its Computer system nd externl devies inluding plug-in devies networked to Your Computer system; ontrolling unuthorised ess to its Computer system y orretly onfiguring its wireless network; hnging ll psswords on informtion nd ommunition ssets t lest every 60 dys nd nel ny usernme, pssword or other seurity protetion fter it knew or hd resonle grounds to suspet tht it hd een ville to ny unuthorised person; tking regulr k-up opies of ny dt, file or progrmme on its Computer system; hving n opertionl system for logging nd monitoring user tivity on its Computer system Susriing Insurer Our oligtions under this poliy re severl nd not joint nd re limited solely to the extent of their individul susriptions. We re not responsile for the susription of ny o-susriing insurer who for ny reson does not stisfy ll or prt of its oligtions. Wiver of surogtion ginst Employees We will not exerise ny right of surogtion ginst ny former or present Employee, unless We will hve mde pyment rought out or ontriuted to y ny t or omission of the Employee or former Employee whih ws dishonest, frudulent or mliious or the Employee or former Employee onspired to ommit or ondoned ny suh dishonest, frudulent or mliious t. Diret Line insurne poliies re underwritten y U K Insurne Limited, Registered offie: The Whrf, Neville Street, Leeds LS1 4AZ. Registered in Englnd nd Wles No U K Insurne Limited is uthorised y the Prudentil Regultion Authority nd regulted y the Finnil Condut Authority nd the Prudentil Regultion Authority, registrtion numer Clls my e reorded. 10

13 Professionl Indemnity Insurne Professionl Insurne [Teh] Importnt Informtion Your right to nel If, fter uying your poliy, you deide tht the over does not meet your needs plese return ll your douments within 14 dys of reeiving them or of the strt dte of the poliy (whihever is lter) to Customer Reltions Tem t Diret Line for Business, PO Box 106, 37 Brod Street, Bristol BS99 7NQ nd we will refund ny premium you hve pid, providing tht you hve not mde ny lim. If you nel your poliy fter tht time we will refund ny premium pid for the remining period of insurne on pro rt sis, providing tht you hve not mde ny lim during the urrent period of insurne. How to mke lim Professionl Indemnity Clims re mnged in prtnership with HCC Interntionl To mke lim, emil How to omplin If you need to omplin, plese ll us on our priority numer / If your omplint is out lim plese ontt your lims hndler whose detils will e shown in your lims douments. If you wnt to omplin in writing, send your letter to one of the following: Detils of Finnil Servies Compenstion Sheme Under the Finnil Servies nd Mrkets At 2000, should the ompny e unle to meet ll its liilities to poliyholders, ompenstion my e ville. Insurne dvising nd rrnging is overed for 90% of the lim without ny upper limit. For ompulsory lsses of insurne, insurne dvising nd rrnging is overed for 100% of the lim, without ny upper limit. Informtion n e otined on request, or y visiting the Finnil Servies Compenstion Sheme wesite Automti Renewls We my utomtilly renew your poliy on the renewl dte. If we pln to utomtilly renew your poliy, we will let you know we re plnning to do this efore your over ends together with sending you detils of the renewl premium. If you do not wnt to renew this poliy, you should let us know efore the renewl dte. English Lnguge We hve supplied this Agreement nd other informtion to you in English nd we will ontinue to ommunite with you in English. Sttement of Needs We hve not given you personl reommendtion s to whether this poliy is suitle for your speifi needs For omplints out lims, the Tehnil Opertions Mnger t the ddress shown in your lims douments For other omplints, the Customer Reltions Tem t Diret Line for Business, Churhill Court, Westmorelnd Rod, Bromley BR1 1DP. If we nnot settle the mtter with you, you my refer your omplint to the Finnil Omudsmn Servie (FOS). Their ddress is: Exhnge Tower, London E14 9SR phone numer or Detils out our Regultor U K Insurne Limited is uthorised y the Prudentil Regultion Authority nd regulted y the Finnil Condut Authority nd the Prudentil Regultion Authority under registrtion numer The Finnil Condut Authority wesite, whih inludes register of ll regulted firms, n e visited t or the Finnil Condut Authority n e ontted on Whoever you re ontting, plese lwys quote your Poliy Numer s it will help your enquiry or omplint e delt with promptly. Diret Line insurne poliies re underwritten y U K Insurne Limited, Registered offie: The Whrf, Neville Street, Leeds LS1 4AZ. Registered in Englnd nd Wles No U K Insurne Limited is uthorised y the Prudentil Regultion Authority nd regulted y the Finnil Condut Authority nd the Prudentil Regultion Authority, registrtion numer Clls my e reorded. 11

14 Professionl Indemnity Insurne Professionl Insurne [Teh] Diret Line For Business Privy Notie At Diret Line we re wre of the trust you ple in us when you uy our produts nd our responsiility to protet your informtion. This notie desries who we re, why we need to ollet your informtion nd how we will use it. We will tell you who we shre your informtion with nd how we use it to improve the servie we provide to our ustomers. 1 Privy Why we need your informtion We need your informtion nd tht of others you nme on the poliy to give you quottions, nd mnge your insurne poliy, inluding underwriting nd lims hndling. Your informtion omprises of ll the detils we hold out you nd your trnstions nd inludes informtion we otin out you from third prties. We will only ollet the informtion we need so tht we n provide you with the servie you expet from us. How we will use your informtion nd who we will shre it with Diret Line insurne poliies re underwritten y U K Insurne Limited (UKI). When you give us your informtion, it will e used nd shred within the UKI owned rnds. We will do tht in order to provide you with the est possile produts nd servie experiene. For full list of our rnds plese visit Use the informtion we hold in our system out you nd tht of others nmed on the poliy (for exmple nmed drivers, joint poliy holders), Shre the informtion with genies tht rry out ertin tivities on our ehlf (for exmple mrketing genies or those who help us underwrite your poliy), Use nd shre your informtion with our pproved suppliers where this is resonly required to help del with your lim or let you enefit from our poliyholder servies, inluding with our redit hire providers nd legl dvisors, Dislose some of your informtion nd tht of others nmed on the poliy to other Insurer, third prty underwriters, reinsurers, redit referene, frud prevention, regultors nd lw enforement genies nd other ompnies tht provide servie to us or you. We do not dislose your informtion to nyone outside the Group exept where: We hve your permission, We re required or permitted to do so y lw, We my trnsfer rights nd oligtions under this greement. Where we trnsfer your informtion From time to time we my require servies from suppliers tht re sed worldwide nd your informtion will e shred with them for the purposes of providing tht servie. Where we engge these suppliers we mke sure tht they pply the sme levels of protetion, seurity nd onfidentility we pply. However, suh informtion my e essed y lw enforement genies nd other uthorities to prevent nd detet rime nd omply with legl oligtions. During the ourse of our delings with you we my need to use your informtion to: Assess finnil nd insurne risks, Prevent nd detet rime inluding nti-money lundering nd finnil sntions, To omply with our legl nd regultory oligtions, Develop our produts, servies, systems nd reltionships with you, Reord your preferenes in respet of produts nd servies, Reover ny det or if you hve ny outstnding det from previous delings with us we will only offer you poliy upon settlement of the full outstnding mount, Review our reords for signs of ny previous frudulent tivity whih my ffet our ility to offer you over. In rrying out the tions ove we my: Employers Liility Tring Offie (ELTO) We re lso required to supply Employers Liility insurne poliy detils to the Employers Liility Tring Offie (ELTO). These detils will e dded onto the Employers Liility Dtse (ELD), whih will e mnged y ELTO. This dtse will e essile y ny limnts, nd will ssist limnts who hve suffered n employment relted injury or disese rising out of their ourse of employment in the UK, to find the Insurer tht ws providing Employers Liility over during their relevnt period of employment nd lso to find the relevnt Employers Liility insurne poliies. Sensitive Informtion Some of the personl informtion we sk you for my e sensitive personl informtion, s defined y the Dt Protetion At 1998 (suh s informtion out helth or riminl onvitions). We will not use suh sensitive personl dt out you or others exept for the speifi purpose for whih you provide it nd to provide the servies desried in your poliy douments. Diret Line insurne poliies re underwritten y U K Insurne Limited, Registered offie: The Whrf, Neville Street, Leeds LS1 4AZ. Registered in Englnd nd Wles No U K Insurne Limited is uthorised y the Prudentil Regultion Authority nd regulted y the Finnil Condut Authority nd the Prudentil Regultion Authority, registrtion numer Clls my e reorded. 12

15 Professionl Indemnity Insurne Professionl Insurne [Teh] Deling with other people It is our poliy to del with your spouse or prtner who lls us on your ehlf, provided they re nmed on the poliy. Plese tell us who they re when you tke out your poliy. If you would like someone else to del with your poliy on your ehlf on regulr sis plese let us know. In some exeptionl ses we my lso del with other people who ll on your ehlf, with your onsent. If t ny time you would prefer us to del only with you, plese let us know. Keeping you informed From time to time we my ontt you with speil offers or suggest produts whih my e of interest to you. If you would like not to reeive ny of these updtes you n sk us to stop t ny time. You n do tht y simply lling our ustomers servies deprtment or y writing to Dt Protetion Offier t UKI, Churhill Court, Westmorelnd Rod, Bromley BR1 1DP. From time to time we my need to hnge the wy we use your informtion. Where we elieve you my not resonly expet suh hnge we will write to you. When we do so, you will hve 60 dys to ojet to the hnge ut if we do not her from you within tht time you onsent to tht hnge. 2 Frud Prevention nd Anti-Money Lundering Plese tke time to red the following s it ontins importnt informtion relting to the detils you hve given or should give to us. You should show this notie to nyone whose dt hs een supplied to us in onnetion with your poliy. To prevent nd detet frud we my t ny time: Shre informtion with other orgnistions nd puli odies inluding the polie lthough we only do so in ompline with the Dt Protetion At Chek nd/or file detils with frud prevention genies nd dtses nd if we re given flse or inurte informtion nd we identify frud, we will reord this. We nd other orgnistions my lso use nd serh these genies nd dtses from the UK nd other ountries to: Help mke deisions out the provision nd dministrtion of insurne, redit nd relted servies for you nd memers of your household. Tre detors or enefiiries, reover det, prevent frud, nd to mnge your ounts or insurne poliies. Chek your identity to prevent money lundering, unless you provide us with other stisftory proof of identity. Lw enforement genies my ess nd use this informtion. We nd other orgnistions my lso ess nd use this informtion to prevent frud nd money lundering, for exmple when: Cheking pplitions for, nd mnging redit nd other filities nd reovering det. Cheking insurne proposls nd lims. Cheking detils of jo pplints nd employees. We, nd other orgnistions tht my ess nd use informtion reorded y frud prevention genies, my do so from other ountries. We n provide the nmes nd ddresses of the genies we use if you would like opy of your informtion held y them. Plese ontt: Dt Protetion Offier t UKI, Churhill Court, Westmorelnd Rod, Bromley BR1 1DP quoting your referene. The genies my hrge fee. Finnil Sntions We will use informtion out you nd tht of others nmed on poliy to ensure ompline with finnil sntions in effet in the UK nd interntionlly. This will inlude the heking of your informtion ginst the HM Tresury list of finnil sntions trgets s well s other pulilly ville sntions lists. Your informtion nd tht of others nmed on poliy my e shred with HM Tresury nd other interntionl regultors where pproprite. You my lso e ontted in order to provide further detils in order to ensure ompline with Finnil Sntions requirements. Credit Referene Agenies We rry out onsumer serh when ny pplition for insurne is sumitted to evlute insurne risks. This is done only using the dt tht is pulilly essile on your redit file (i.e. nkrupty, CCJ nd eletorl roll informtion). Informtion out ess to the puli prt of your redit file is utomtilly deleted fter 12 months nd in no wy ffets your ility to otin redit. You will hve een sked to gree to this when you first ontted us ut plese ensure tht you only provide us with sensitive informtion out other people with their onsent. Aess to your informtion You hve the right to see the informtion we hold out you. This is lled Sujet Aess Request. If you would like opy of your informtion, plese write to: Dt Aess Tem t UKI, Churhill Court, Westmorelnd Rod, Bromley BR1 1DP quoting your referene. A fee my e pyle. Diret Line insurne poliies re underwritten y U K Insurne Limited, Registered offie: The Whrf, Neville Street, Leeds LS1 4AZ. Registered in Englnd nd Wles No U K Insurne Limited is uthorised y the Prudentil Regultion Authority nd regulted y the Finnil Condut Authority nd the Prudentil Regultion Authority, registrtion numer Clls my e reorded. 13

16 essentil over for professionls Informtion Helpline: Our lines re open 8m-8pm Mondy to Fridy, 9m-5pm Sturdy nd 10m-4pm Sundy Buy online t Diret Line shll lso e hppy to send you ny of our rohures, letters or sttements in Brille, lrge print or udio, upon request. Diret Line insurne poliies re underwritten y U K Insurne Limited. Registered offie: The Whrf, Neville Street Leeds LS1 4AZ. Registered in Englnd nd Wles, Compny No U K Insurne Limited is uthorised y the Prudentil Regultion Authority nd regulted y the Finnil Condut Authority nd the Prudentil Regultion Authority. Clls my e reorded. DL4B 0715 diret line for usiness

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