Start Potty Training Version #2. By Carol Cline

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1 Start Potty Training Version #2 By Carol Cline

2 Start Potty Training By Carol Cline Intro (the only way to quick success) Signs their ready and how age plays a factor What to expect while potty training Before potty training picking a date potty or training seat? let child pick their potty where to place potty let child pick their big kid underpants stocking up on food and drink donate/toss out every single diaper Daytime Potty Training stay persistent stay consistent stay positive nighttime potty training different from daytime (can take longer) the weak up routine Tricks and tips rewards Second potty by tv Dealing with obstacles dealing with daycare/family members stop regression taking a break and coming back to it

3 Introduction Congratulations! Not only for deciding to follow my proven and time tested method, but for taking the initiative to potty train your child. This is a bitter sweet time in a parents life because your child is one step closer to becoming fully independent. This guide is now in it's second version and the results of this second version are in... It Works Better Than Ever! The Start Potty Training guide now helps nearly 100% of families who use it! Now notice the words "who use it" because I have specifically done that for one very big reason... This method only brings quick and easy results for those who follow it exactly word for word, every minute of every day. Skip one step or miss even a single accident during the day and you can expect potty training to become a longer process. I want you to understand this now because when day three rolls by and your child still needs more time, it is not that this method is not working... It means that more time, dedication and consistency is needed! So please don't toss in the towel at the end of the three days, keep going. If you stick with the method exactly as outlined, I promise you one day things will simply "click" with your child. Some of what you will read in this guide you may already know. This guide is definitely not reinventing the wheel, so if this is not your first time potty training - you can count on having tried some of the techniques in this book already. What makes this guide powerful is the order, consistency and effectiveness you perform these methods. Forget everything you have heard about potty training in the past and strictly follow my guide from start to finish.

4 If you are currently potty training as of now and just looking for one or two new tips, STOP! It is important that both you AND your child start this method fresh with no other potty training stigma lingering to truly make this work. Take at least a TWO MONTH break before starting this method after using another or giving this method a second try if you don't succeed at first with it. So with that in mind let's get right into it... Signs Their Ready By far one of the most common questions I get asked on a daily basis is "What age is my child ready to be potty trained?" Let me tell you right now that there is no such thing as the right age to begin potty training. While I don't personally condone potty training a child under 18 months of age, it is in fact possible! I have received reports of children as young as 6 months being potty trained within a month. The reason I recommend waiting until at least 18 months, is because this is the average age a child will begin to develop the proper motor skills and bladder control needed to grasp potty training. Children aged two and older typically grasp potty training much faster than a child who is younger but at one big disadvantage. Around the age of two a child will start seeking out their independence... Potty training in a way is a large step towards independence but the disadvantage is that it can easily feel like an enormous change to your child. This is when the dreaded and often repeated dirty N word will come into play...

5 "NO" To avoid having to hear this dirty N word, we look for signs and prepare our child for potty training. Now many will tell you to wait for signs that your child is ready... But who has time to wait? There are a few things we can do starting right now that will have our child showing enough signs their ready to be potty trained - Even if they have never showed a single sign they are ready in the past... The next time you personally have to have a Bowel movement try this... Try This Today Bring your Childs favorite story and toy into the bathroom Have your child play with the toy in the bathroom and read them the story while you are sitting on the toilet After your bowel movement, have them look in the bowl and flush the toilet for you waving goodbye to the poopy This little exercise alone can be very powerful in preparing your child for potty training for a number of reasons... It let's them know that pooping is alright because mommy and daddy do it That by reading and playing, the bathroom can be a fun place and there is nothing scary about pooping or flushing

6 Most importantly, that's where you go when it is time to go potty! I don't feel the need to devote an entire chapter on cleanliness as I feel it is common sense but here are some pointers... Having your child come into the washroom with you makes the perfect opportunity to go over whipping and washing. When children are first starting out I like to make things simple as possible. Save folding toilet paper for when they are ready to move onto the toilet. For now the best way is to have them bunch up the toilet paper and use a new piece of bunched up toilet paper for each wipe. For girls I recommend you show them how to whip front to back as this will avoid any fecal matter coming in contact and infecting their vagina. Something very important not talked about in any other guide out there. A Childs hands are one of the most filthiest parts on their body. Ironically enough they are always rubbing their eyes and sticking their fingers in their mouth, making hand washing extremely important. You might want to place a stool by the sink to insure your child can reach and make it common practice to always ask if they have washed their hands, even have them do it again if you are not positive they actually did wash their hands. I recommend starting to bring them into the washroom with you one week before potty training and continued right through the potty training process for best results. Skipping this step can lead to a child being afraid of using their potty and cause constipation.

7 What To Expect When it comes to potty training, every child is completely different! For some potty training can be a complete breeze and for others a total nightmare. This guide has been specifically tested and designed to make potty training as simple and stress free on both you and your child as possible. But with that in mind it is completely crucial that you enter into potty training with an open mind. Know that accidents will happen and are a normal, guaranteed part of potty training. If you grow more and more frustrated with every clean up or dirty pair of big kid underpants, it is crucial you stick with the plan and remain positive in order to turn things around. What first got me through the frustration and anger when potty training my first child was this... "A few days of frustration and cleaning up constant accidents, was far better than a few more months of changing dirty, smelly diapers" I cannot even begin to tell you how many times I found myself saying that out loud to myself. I hope it sticks with you and motivates you to push through the hard times as it did me. The day things begin to just click with your child feels almost magical. It is a feeling of being proud, excited and relived that I hope you too will get to experience very soon. So with all this in mind, let's talk about all the things that should be done in the days before you start potty training...

8 Potty Preparation The steps you take preparing for potty training are just as important as the training days themselves. Many other guides never even mention preparation and to me that is absurd and the largest reason I have included this chapter in the guide. A guide without preparation instructions is like cooking with a recipe that doesn't include a list of ingredients. So let's now go over everything that should be ready to go before we start potty training. Well, this might seem like the most obvious place to start... The potty itself! Buying a potty might be the most obvious first step but is often the first of many mistakes parents make from the start... Shooting themselves in the foot so to speak. Like most parents do when buying a potty they go out and pick out something nice and affordable, bring it home and come time to potty train they introduce the potty to their child. The problem with this is, you have just picked out a potty that you like. Now that would be fine, if you are the one using the potty! For many parents getting your child to even just sit on the potty alone can be a struggle. To make things much easier down the road, it is crucial you bring your child along and have them pick out the potty they love. Have them sit on a few and do not buy a potty until they find one their comfortable with. When your child feels pride of ownership with their potty, half the battle of them using it goes down the toilet ;-) If they can manage, even let them carry it out of the store! When you arrive back home the next step is to have your little one carry and place the potty in the bathroom. If you have multiple bathrooms, have them place it in the one closest to where they spend the most time during the day. I am having you do this for multiple reasons but there are two main ones. The first being that we are training them to go to the washroom when they have to go potty. You would not believe how many parents skip this step and place a potty in a closet or hallway. We are training them to go potty and the

9 bathroom is the place that this should be done. Down the road when we introduce the toilet it will make things a breeze. The second reason we have your child carry and place their potty in the bathroom is purely psychological. This way they know where to find their potty because they are the ones who brought it there and found their favorite spot for it. Now in the original version of Start Potty Training I had not talked about this but because so many of you written to me asking, I decided I should bring it up in this version... "what about toilet training seats?" Well plain and simple this method is based on potty training and not toilet training. I like to look at it as two different steps. Just as you start a baby off sleeping in a crib and later move them into a big kid bed, the same can be said for potty training. I recommend starting them off on a potty and once they have that, then move them on to the big leagues... The toilet! So in the end it is obviously your choice but know that this method was designed around the potty and results with toilet training seats may not be as quick and simple as you had hoped for. Once we have them pick out the potty our next stop should be your local Walmart or children's clothing store of choice. We want to bring our little one along because this step is another biggie for them. We need to stock up on some big kid underpants! I highly recommend you let your child pick out the underpants they like and don't be surprised if pictures of Spiderman or Barbie has a lot to do with it ;) It is understandable that to a child switching from diapers to big kid underpants is a big change. Super Heroes and Princesses that your child loves make this an easier change for them. The psychology behind having them pick out their own big kid underpants is a lot like with the potty, they are the ones making the decision and when it comes to actually potty training it will feel less like this is being forced upon them. The reason I have suggested Walmart is because we are going completely stock up and as affordably possible. I would recommend buying a week

10 supply and having at least 3 pairs for each day, so having 21 pairs in total before we start. The reason we need so many will become clear when we get into the first day of potty training (if you don't already know where this is heading)... But let's just say that this is the best amount to significantly cut down on the amount of laundry. Now there is only one last stop left on our potty training shopping spree... It is time to head over to our local grocery store and stock up on two very important supplies to speed up potty training: 0. Lots of drinks that they like 1. Lots of high fiber foods that they love So stock up on juices, milk and even treats such as Popsicles are a great way to introduce more liquids into their diet while potty training High fiber foods can be tricky so you might need to be a little creative introducing them. Reading the labels is also very important because we want to introduce high fiber foods but making sure we cut down on the amount of sugar and fat as much as possible. A rule I often use as a guide for how much fiber my child should be receiving daily is a simple one to remember. Take their age and double it when their a child (this rule goes out the window once your child becomes a teenager) so a 2 year old child should be receiving at least 4 grams of fiber daily. Here is a list of some high fiber foods you can include in their meals: Whole grain breads and cereals Apples Oranges Bananas Almonds Peanut butter Yogurt

11 Tuna Granola bars Just to name a few... Introducing more fiber will help eliminate the chance of constipation while potty training and mixed with constantly giving our child more liquids, should help provide us with more opportunities to make a dash for the potty! I have had countless parents with a common issue of their children going pee in their potty but absolutely will not go poop. For you to avoid this problem all together Adding lots of fiber throughout the day to your Child's diet is key, but let's work to further eliminate the chances of this happening... Often children will refuse to go #2 on a potty simply because they had it so good in diapers. Think about it... At a hotel you can make as big of a mess as you want, because when you come back at the end of the day you know everything will be cleaned perfectly for you. It s just easier to make and leave the mess for someone else to clean up because you know you don't have to. It is the exact same way when it comes to your child in diapers. They make the mess knowing darn well that you will clean it up and it is all to easy for them. So if we make changing their diaper harder on them, than potty training might not seem as such an unwelcome change to them. Assuming your child is old enough to take simple orders (if they can't than they truly are not ready to be potty trained), we will try to make changing their dirty diaper just as much of a chore for them as it is for you. One to two weeks before potty training if they have a dirty diaper, make them go and come back with the clean diaper and cloths. When you re done with the dirty diaper, have them take it to the diaper bin for you! The more steps you can give them and the more inconvenient for them you make it... The less likely potty training will seem like harder to them.

12 Also while you're out shopping, have your child pick out their choice of candy. Things like M&M's work best as we will be using them as motivational rewards throughout potty training. Picking a date to potty train... Potty training is not something that should be rushed nor spontaneous. To get the best results you will have to pick three days in a row and make sure nothing will get you sidetracked or act as a potty training roadblock for those three days. Pick three days with no distractions such as family visiting or where you have important errands to run. For three full days you will be stuck at home, by your Childs side constantly and the only thing for you to possibly do it work on potty training. Also think ahead and plan a date at least one or two weeks before any traveling. You want to give your child plenty of time after the three days to master their new for art of potty training. Any situation where your child will be away from home and the ability to run to their potty when it is time to go is a big no no. This will help to further eliminate all regression and where most other potty training fall short and parents find themselves in a worse off situation than from when they started. So with all this stuff at hand, we are now finally ready to begin...

13 The First Day Of Potty Training Well the day has finally come and boy oh boy are we ready and dedicated to doing the best we can! The first day of potty training is an important one. How we deal with today will outline how successful we are in the following two days. There are three golden rules to potty training and I want you to not only know them by heart but follow them every second, of every day while potty training. They are: Do all three and potty training will be quick and easy. Skip just one and things can become a complete nightmare... Be Positive Be Consistent Be Persistent

14 Being Positive: This has everything to do with how quickly and easily potty training will be. Our children often base their emotions and attitude on our own. Ever experienced your child have a slight fall and sit there staring at you emotionless right after for a few seconds? In those few seconds their quickly judging your reaction and basing it on how they should react. If they have a tiny tumble and see you panic and rush over in the few second window their judging your reaction - You can bet there will be tears and dramatics. However if you see them tumble and make light of it, saying something in a playful tone such as "ooopps! Come on, get back up!" all with a big smile on your face, they will nearly always get back up and act as if the fall was nothing because that's how you acted. Well potty training is the same thing... If they have an accident and you react negatively, they will in return retaliate and try to hide from you every time they have to go potty or resort to holding it in for as long as they can. Staying positive is a large key factor into eliminating regression so even when you are at your lowest, drill it in your head and always remember to stay positive. When it comes to times that being positive comes easy, such as having even the tiniest of achievements... React over the moon positive as this will do nothing but lead to even more tiny achievements (letting you know they have to go potty) and before you know it, lead to large milestones in potty training (them just running to the potty on their own when they have to go) Be Consistent This one is tricky because it happens to not only be the easiest one to forget about but also one many parents don't even know they have forgotten to do. In this guide there are very specific things you must do consistently and not doing so will immediately prolong the amount of time it will take to potty train your child (forget doing it in 3 days) And the last "law" of potty training is to always...

15 Be Persistent Easily confused with being consistent but different in its own special ways. To make the meaning of what being persistent is a little clearer, think of something you continue to do even after failure or rejection. An example of this would be persistently asking your child if they have to go potty, even when you know the answer will be "no" even if they do have to go. When you hear other parents talk about potty training one day just clicking for their child, it is often because they have done a good job staying persistent and breaking down their Childs barriers. There they are, the three golden rules to quickly and easily potty training your child in as little as three days. First things first The first step today is often the ones parents cringe at the thought of most. The very first thing I need you to do today is extremely important... Toss out or donate EVERY SINGLE diaper you have in your house and diaper bag Don't even keep one "just in case" because doing so has already set yourself up for failure. The reason why it is so hard for parents to come to terms with this step is because diapers act as a crutch, something we can fall back on when things don't go our way when we expect them to. The day you start potty training is the day your little one becomes an official "big kid" and big kids never wear diapers! The First Morning Make sure you get an early start as we want to make the absolute most of each and every day we are potty training. Make sure you have their potty placed in the most convenient washroom and you have printed out a fun reward chart to track their progress. There are two places I recommend placing your reward chart before you start...

16 The first on your fridge for all to see as this creates a great environment for everyone in the household to be encouraging, saying things like "oh wow, look how good you are doing!" The more praise the better. The second spot being across from their potty in the washroom. The is a great spot because not only will it give them something visually appealing to look at while they are doing their business, it reminds them of their goal. The choice is yours. You want to make your child a high fiber breakfast. I find a fiber rich cereal with milk and a glass of orange juice works best as their getting liquid from both the cereal milk and the juice this way. Sit them down at the table to eat and take this time to fill them in on what is going to be happening over the next few days. Making it sounds fun and believable is key. Show them a pair of the underpants they picked out and explain to them that today you are now a Big Kid and this is what Big Kids wear. After breakfast change them into their big kid underpants and ask them "ok, now do you have to go potty?" This is one question you MUST ask nonstop throughout potty training. Our child will never tell us when they have to go in the beginning and you can bet they most the time you ask, chances are they will say "no" even if they actually DO have to go. This is the "always be persistent" golden rule of potty training coming into play. Over the next three days you and your child will have to be attached to the hip, every half hour or so asking them "do you have to go potty?" if they say "yes" GREAT!... Take them by the hand and run with them to the potty so they can do their business. This is your first potty training breakthrough! BUT More likely than not, they will respond with "no" and that is fine if they do. If it has been some time since they have had to use their potty what you do here is essential to potty training... We can expect an accident to happen at any moment and HAVE to be there for when one occurs. When your child is having an accident you must ketch

17 them in the act every time. Run over and pick them up, saying "ew, ew, ew, yucky" on the way. Place them on their potty to finish but stay positive saying things like "it's alright, we will get it next time! When their done empty the contents into the toilet bowl and allow your child to flush the toilet and wake goodbye. Change their underpants and get ready to start all over using the golden rule of "staying consistent". Accidents are no fun, a little frustrating and a guaranteed fact of potty training. Most children will have content accidents for a full two day or more before things start to just "click" and you start seeing significant progress. So when you start thinking that the program is not working, don't stop! You absolutely MUST never miss an accident for faster results. We need to be 100% consistent so every accident must result in you picking them up and running with them to their potty. Miss one or two and you have set yourself back days of training and in some cases possibly even weeks, it is really that important. When you do start having little achievements make sure to make a BIG deal out of it. Rewards such as stickers on their chart and candy make potty training fun and rewarding for your child. I like to even take it one step further and have my child call their grandma to tell them the good news. Make using the potty successfully a BIG deal and you will start seeing more and more successes. On the flip side, when they fail to use their potty act like it is no big deal at all and they will get it the next time, even if you feel the exact opposite. Most parents who act negative or make a big deal out of not making it to the potty in time often see terrible regression with only their selves to blame for it. So there you have it! Your plan for daytime potty training! Some of it you might have already known, some you might not have. What makes this effective and gets the results is the order in how you go about potty training and that you follow everything laid out here precisely as it is written. Not let me talk a little about night time potty training as it is a whole different ballgame...

18 Night Time Potty Training Most potty training guides consider potty training completely different from night time potty training and never give you a plan for both. We are not only giving you a plan but never talked before secrets that will make potty training at night take a fraction of the time. Keep in mind that for most children under three, night time potty training will not come in 3 nights. This is when bladder control becomes an issue we need to understand. Until 18 month of age children have not fully developed daytime blather control they need to effectively be potty trained. When the ability to control their bladder during the day is still something new to them, expecting them to do the same at night when they are not conscious of their bladder is completely different. At least one hour before you put your child to bed cut them off of all liquids. This step has become a little controversial and a lot of unproven theories are made about using this method. Some believe that not giving a child liquid before bed makes them dream about it in their sleep and more likely to wet their bed because of it. To me this is a pretty comical theory and my solution to it is simple. Cutting off your child from liquid is suggested but not law, meaning if your child asks for a glass of water give them one. I find pouring them half a glass works just fine or finding a smaller glass than normal works great. Also tell them to drink it slowly as they will be less likely to ask for a second. Before bed have them sit on the potty for no longer than 10 minutes and ask them to try their best to go. If they do, great! If not, no problem! Take them to bed and tuck them in. Now here is the secret to night time potty training a mother at my daycare and I had discovered and we perfected together...

19 No matter what this mother had done, her child would simply not use their potty at night. This is when I stumbled upon something new that affected every parent who was night time potty training. Until this Start Potty Training guide was made available, experts where telling parents that accidents at night were all due to their child not being able to control their bladders. So parents went on thinking that this must be the reason their child wets the bed every night, when in fact I have discovered that in most cases this could not be further from the truth. Most children believe it or not do wake up throughout the night for a brief moment before they have an accident. In this moment a choice is made in your Childs mind to ignore the feeling of having to urinate and fallback asleep. Even more shocking and never know before is that a good majority or children are actually wide awake in their beds when soiling the bed. we discovered that most children have it implanted in their minds that late at night never to get out of their beds. So here is what I recommend you try as this gold nugget of advice is quickly or already standard in the latest potty training advice, all starting from my discovery... One hour after not just putting your child to bed, but completely certain that they have been fast sleep the entire 60 minutes... Quietly walk into your Childs bedroom and softly wake them up. Have them come with you into the bathroom and sit on the potty for another 10 minutes but no longer than that. Repeat this same step one hour before they wake up. Again by wake up I mean truly wake up. Most children will stay in bed awake before deciding to get out and it is in this period of time another bedtime accident will occur. Disrupting their sleep gently and having them get out of bed and use their potty significantly helps night time potty training. A large part of this is it simply lets them know that it is ok if they have to get out of bed at night and use their potty. If the potty training experience has been made a positive one thus far and you are truly waking your child up gently out of an hour long deep sleep there should be very little struggle.

20 If they do struggle at first, give it time as this will quickly become part of their night time and morning routine. If some three to four weeks go by and your child still is simply not getting it after the age of two, take them to the doctor as this might be something that needs to be checked out... Keep in mind that this is something uncontrollable and nobody's fault. Mornings they have wet their bed simply have them collect their sheets and place them in the washing machine. Act as if it is no big deal what so ever and reassure them that it's fine. In the past I have used plastic over their mattress but you could also use something as cheap and simple as a shower curtain! The Next Two Days well we have made it through the first day and night, so what about the next two days? well it is pretty much the same as what we have already done because consistency is key remember! Make sure you are starting every day off early and with a good breakfast. Remain positive even when you don't feel like doing so and always be asking your child every half hour or so "do you have to go potty?" because by the end of the second day you might actually start hearing "yes!" Come the end of third day if all goes well, they will be the ones telling you they "have to go potty" and come the end of the third day and so on you can expect to hear "I went potty, I went potty" Remember that sticking by their side each day is key and there should never be even one opportunity to miss your child having an accident. If you do than you are not truly following my guide. Now that is the basic idea of how to potty train in three days. In the following chapters I am going to provide you with some additional but optional tips that will help you gain results even faster and easier...

21 Additional tips and tricks Introducing The Potty And Big Kid Underpants One of the latest tricks to potty training can be a powerful one to significantly reduce the amount of time it takes... If you are going to use this method I recommend doing so the same day you purchase your Childs potty and big kid underpants as mentions in the preparation chapter. I would also repeat this method once more during breakfast when you are introducing your child to their first pair of big kid underpants. Taking your child's favorite stuffed animal or baby doll, place a diaper on them. Grab your Childs new potty, a pair of their new big kid underpants and sit down with your child. Tell them their Teddy is now becoming a big kid just like they are! Tell them becoming a big kid makes you really proud and is really easy. Show them the big kid underwear and explain to them that this is what big kids wear, not diapers. Have your child take the diaper off their doll and replace it with a pair of their big kid underpants. If you are doing this on the day you begin potty training you can also have your child put theirs on after their stuffed animals. Once the big kid underpants are on the stuffed animal, turn it into a fun and humorous game... Take their stuffed animal and gently shake it saying "teddy is starting to feel tingly and needs to use his potty" in a playful voice. Have your child's toy look at them and in a made up voice have their stuffed animal say to your child "I have to go potty! It's potty time!"

22 Ask your child to grab their stuffed animals hand and run them to the potty (at this point it should be place already in the bathroom) Once in the bathroom explain to them that this is where we go pee and poop when we feel tingly too. Go on to show them the first thing we do before sitting on the potty is pull down our big kid underpants. Have them pull down their stuffed animals and then place it on the potty. While the stuffed animal is on the potty, have a small glass of water prepared and just as you lift it off the potty - empty the tiny bit of water in the potty. Act really excited and say "WOW great job Teddy, you went potty!!" Have your child say something encouraging to their teddy also. Then show them how to wipe using the stuffed animal and have your child pull the big kid underpants back up. Why this method works Potty training is just that, training! Any and all visual aids such as this method or even children's books/video can help them come to a better understanding about potty training. This method also makes things fun and has your child become even more involved in the potty training process as they are not practicing what they have learned not only on themselves but also on their stuffed animal. There have been many cases where if a child shows absolutely every single sign of being ready for potty training AND is close to three of older... Parents have had their child fully potty trained in less than one day! Tip To Cut Down On Accidents The number one cause of accidents is your child lack of interest in potty training. Now sometimes it is not that they are truly not interested in potty training, it has more to do with what they are temporarily doing is more interesting to them. We came up with this tip when one parent came to me saying 75-80% of all her child's accidents happened sitting watching the television.

23 I remember years ago shouting out to my oldest that dinner was ready from the kitchen while he was sitting watching tv in the living room. My husband and I had sat down at the table and our son was still nowhere to be found. I got up from the table and went to the living room to tell him again it was dinner time. This time I was looking right at him when I said " honey, dinner time" and... NOTHING! I was only 3 feet from his ear and I might as well have been talking to the wall. Call it selective hearing or television hypnoses but when your child gets into the zone of concentration it is easy for them to truly "check out" from everything... Especially potty training. So what we did is place their child on the potty with their big kid underpants around their ankles when she put a movie or tv show on. This worked on many different levels. It avoided having an accident that would otherwise be unavoidable and gives them experience going in their potty (weather they realize they are or not). At the end of the movie or show check the potty and still reward them if they have gone. Have them come with you to the bathroom and watch as you dump the potty out into the toilet. Have them flush the toilet and again set the potty back down to it's appropriate spot.

24 Potty Training Setbacks First let me say that setback are indeed frustrating and do prolong potty training, they are extremely common. In a recent survey I have discovered that over 80% of families will experience some form or regression during potty training. The number one issue is with the parents approach and attitude towards potty training. You must follow the three golden rules of potty training we talked about perfectly ( always be positive, consistent and persistent). In 99% of potty training regression experiences parents place blame on the method when in fact this cannot be further from the truth... Positivity being the number one factor when coming to preventing potty training regression. If you are not positive your child will mirror your attitude. The second indicator of regression is potty training readiness. You cannot force a child to do something they are not physically and mentally ready for. Here is a table created to outline most regressive behavior and provide you with a general solution...

25 Problem Reason Why It Happens Solutions Child Wont Poop On The Potty - Feels wrong to them after being in a diaper for so long - Fearful about the process - Not yet able to read their body language - Had a bad experience on the potty before - Reassure them - Have them poop in bathroom even if it's in their underpants - Clean them in the bathroom, wipe them on the potty and have them flush - Read and sing to the, Child WAS potty trained but has regressed - Life change is causing stress - Lost interest - You stopped reminding them - Possible medical problem - Give extra love and praise - Reintroduce sticker chart - Talk to health care provider You are getting impatient and angry - Things are not going as you had planned - You have unreasonable expectations - Stop potty training for two months - Talk to your paediatrician

26 Problem Reason Why It Happens Solutions Shows readiness but won't try - Doesn't understand - Process is not interesting enough - Going through a negative phase - Reevaluate your approach - Have a few step-bystep lessons - Use stickers and small prizes Your Child Has Lots of Accidents - They are distracted - Not noticing his bodies signals - Be there to bring him to the potty right away - help them identify their need to go ("you're wiggling; let's go potty") Your Child Is Constipated - Problems with diet - Does not have patience to sit on potty - Feeling pressure - Holding it for too long - Increase fruit, veggies, whole grains and water - Avoid sugar, candy, soda, cheese, rice and

27 Keep things in perspective Potty training is not only brand-new to your child but on top of everything we are trying to un-teach them behaviors such as pooping and peeing in their diaper is ok. For some parents you will see slight improvement over the three days but they are not completely accident free. If this happens to you be understanding that your child needs extra time and keep on going! Do not raise the white flag and surrender after the three days. Keep with the same attitude and stick it out. Too many parents are looking for a potty training easy button that just does not exist. This might be a challenge but you will never get results without putting in the work, period. Patients and understanding is important! It is understandable to feel this is all a little overwhelming and will definitely feel stressed and frustrated more than once. Motivate yourself to push through, as acting on these feelings cause resistance and will set off a chain reaction leading to only more and greater regression. Worst Case Scenario This is one chapter they never included in potty training guides when I was first starting out. You used to read their guide, try their method and assume everything goes perfectly as their guide explained so cleverly in their book. Well I'm a little more realistic and for some, having your child completely potty trained is just not in the cards for you at this point in time. If you have been potty training for a minimum of four weeks with not one single successful trip to the potty for pee... Your child is simply not ready for potty training yet.

28 I strongly recommend you try it again a second time but take a minimum of two months before even attempting it. If your child is younger when you first tried I recommend you not try potty training again until there are at least 22 months of age. If your child is older (3 years and up) and cannot seem to control his bladder enough to get potty training down pat after 7 months, See your family doctor as this could be due to a medical condition and is not anyone's fault. Do not let this chapter discourage you what so ever. So long as your child has shown signs of potty training readiness, has the proper motor skills to control their bladder and walk themselves to the potty... You WILL have successes while potty training Conclusion Potty training is a time of trials and rewards. Your child is growing up and gaining more independence. I don't know a single parent who truly looks forward to potty training but take comfort in knowing it is something every parent, including our own, have had to do. More importantly than the methods included in this guide is the order and approach you take when actually use them. The methods used collectively and in the order described will have your child potty trained. If you have anymore questions what so ever your next step is checking out the Ask Carol section in your member s area. As some of the most common and advanced questions become answered, it is my hope that this will soon become the world s largest potty training encyclopedia! You get unlimited access to the Ask Carol section for free with this guide so definitely check it out here

29 Want To Get The Absolute MOST Out of The Start Potty Training Program? For a very limited time due to high demand, I will be offering priority coaching to a select few every month This is an amazing option if you want to take all the frustration and chance of regression out of potty training. You get instant access to me personally! All Priority coaching members receive my secret linked directly to my cell phone, that I always carry with me 24/7. If you have any question or need any help at all, I will respond to your right away so you can get on with what s important potty training successfully! To find out more about my priority coaching and how to join click here I truly wish you and your family nothing but the best in your potty training efforts, Carol Cline

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