Veterans Benefits Administration - A Guide to Alternatives

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1 LEAVE (S6. Instructionson,.v.rs6) BLANK (NAAA u.e only,,request FOR RECORDS DISPOSITION AUTHORITY JOB NUMB~ ~ 1.7 I.) -2_ N 1- I~... :(:.~ ""-0-: N-A-n~O~N'!'"'A"':'L-A~R~on~~VES~-an""':d~RE~C;';'O;';'RDS";';'';'';A~D~M1Nl~~S~1RA~-=n~O::-:N~(N1~R~) -I DATE RECEIVE~ :.:) WASHINGTON, DC '1 A ~ to ' Q3 1. FROM (Agency 01 establishment) 1--~N-O~ll---FI"C';'A"":n"ON~T~O~A"G"E~N""C-Y--~ ~partirent of Veterans Affairs Z. MAJOR SUBDIVISION 1ft.cconllnc. with 'h. prow,.ioft. or U U.S.C. UOSI,h_ dbp'o.i,ion rcqllut. Veterans Benefits Administration lndudiilsllllcndlmflll.l. 'ppl'oycd Q(~PI. 3. MINOR SUBDIVISION Mninistrative SUpport Staff for llan 'hll lllal be lllarua -di.posilion 110&.pprowed cw Wiahdnw,, In CIOIIIllln NAME OF PERSON WITH WHOM TO CONFER a. TEL PHONE AACHVIST OF 11' UNTED STATES Marjorie M. Leandri (202) e. AGENCY CERl1FICAllON t I hereby certify that I am authorized to act for this agm~ inmatters pertaining to the dis~ition of its records and that the records pro~ed for disposal on the attached 2 page(s) are not now needed for the business I o( this agency or will not be needed after the retention rei1o<ls spedaed; and that written con~rrence (rom. the Ge.neral Accounting Office, under the provisions 0 ntle 8 of the GAO Manual for Guidante of Federal I Agenoe5,. o is not required;. 0 -is attached; or o has been requested. 'I1n.E!r1~ Fh.. ~~ B. M! BERGER.. pi=rector, ~rds t-1anaqerrent. Service..!!..~~TU.RE~AGENC)1AEP6ESENTATIVE ",.,.;:.. :...;~~ N~l;~~~ED SUPERSEDED..! ". -- -" -.' -. -: a.gasor 10. AcnON ;.::r~~~:,,:.-:,-_ ;~~-'-~_~~_~ OF ~M OISP-~QN 7~. TAKEN (NARA JOB ClTATlON USEONLV) an Guaranty Folders-Claims Paid.. Folde and allied security instruments kept in safekeeping files on guarante insured loans in which claims are paid or settled, EXCLUD SECTION 505a oftheserviceman's Readjustment Act of 1944, mended, cases established as acquired loan accounts after cia' payment, and folders continuing as property management docket nder "Common Numbering" system after July Folder documenting esta ishrnent of loan guaranty or insurance; default servicing.story; copies of holder's claim.. and account and analysis; cert ation of veteran's indebtedness to Finance activity;.ver or compromise decision; and related documents, ex t those involving partial claim payments on mobile home ans following liquidation and loans remaining in effect. continuation of liability (resale cases) under 38 U.S.C. 18. Retire folders annually when claims are paid an ere has been no activity in the Property Management System or e Liquidation Claims System in two years and there are pending appeals, legal actions, or any other pending rna DISPOSITION: Destroy folders 32 years after retirement, (or 32 years after records were authorized to be retired), to the Federal Records Center. [Note: This wid accommodate the retirement of records which were not previously scheduled.] " NSN 7~..o-OO STANDARD FORM 115 (REV. 3-91) " PREV10US EDITION NOT USABLe P,.. cribed by NARA 36 CFR

2 ,REQUEST FOR RECORDS DISPOSITION AUTHORITY JOB N~~~BL.ANK (NA~A ~~~ only) :t::) "'-0:-. N-A~n~O~N':"'A~l-A~R~Oil~~VES~-an-d~RE~C~O;';'RDS~;';A~D~M1Nl~~S~lRA~~n~O~N~(Nl~R-) (See Instructions on,everse) N i - )~...,.~ -~ -4 t.o=-:a:;tr.:e:-;:r:;re~c~e~ive'==o~-":"':"-c-_---l.' WASHINGTON. DC FROM (Agenc;y 01 establishment) NOTlFICAllON TO AGENCY Qepartrrent of Veterans Affairs 2. MAJOR SUBDIVISION 1ftecconhftce wuiithe '1'0.1.10". or 44 Veterans Benefits Administration u.s.c. nos. the dla,o.itioft requ~... &nciudlftl.lftrndlmfttl.l. approved ftcrpl. 3. MINOR SUBDIVISION lor lian Ih.1 fnl.'" fnrkcc)-di''posiaion Administrative SUpport Staff Me approwrd- or Wllhdrawft-'" CiOlulftft10,, Marjorie M. Leandri (202) I \ "'4~."'!'NAM~~e=-:O~F-:p:":EAS===:'::O:":N~WI~TH=-=-~WHO~~M~TO~C~:oN~FEA~!""r"a.'"""'='TE""LE~P!""'HON~~e~---4 "DA~TE==---r:NOt~::-=:vssr~OF=="nE~:-:UNTED'==~St="'":":T~ES=.. AGENCY CERTlFICATJON I hereby certify that I am authorized to act for this agen91n matters pertaining to the dis~ition of its records and that the records8ro~ed for disposal on the attached 2 paie(s) are not now needed for the business of this agency or wi not be needed after the retention penoos specified; and that written conct:jrrence from the Ceneral Accounting Office, under the provisions of ntle 8 of the GAO Manual for Guidante of Federal Agendes,'. ID is not required;. 0 -is attached; or o has been requested. ILl if ~~ ~», ~~ I 1 ll.3 B. Mi~ BERGER. _... p.i:rector I ~rds r.1anagarent. Service GRSOR 10. AcnON ITEM e. OESCRIP11ON OF ITEM AND PROPOSED OISPOSITlON SUPERSEDeD TAKEN(NARA...NO. JOB ClTATlON USE ONLY) OATI: ~~TU.RE ~AGEN~REP8ESENTATNE TlTLE Loan Guaranty Folders--Claims Paid.. Folders and allied security instruments kept in safekeeping files on guaranteed insured loans in which claims are paid or settled, EXCLUDING SECTION 505a oftheserviceman's Readjustment Act of 1944, as amended; cases established as acquired loan accounts after claim payment, and folders continuing as property management dockets under "Common Numbering" system after July Folder documenting establishment of loan guaranty or insurance; default servicing history; copies of holder's claim.. and account and analysis; certification of veteran's indebtedness to Finance activity; waiver or compromise decision; and related documents, except those involving partial claim payments on mobile home loans fouowing liquidation and loans remaining in effect with continuation of liability (resale cases) under 38 U.S.C, Retire folders annually when claims are paid and there has been no activity in the Property Management System or the Liquidation Claims System in two years and there are no pending appeals, legal actions, or any other pending matter. DISPOSITION: Destroy folders 32 years after retirement, (or 32 years after records were authorized to be retired), to the Federal Records Center. (Note: This win accommodate the retirement of records which were not previously scheduled.] NSN 7~4().OO-834-<4064 STANDARD FORM 115 (REV. 3-91) P,.. c:tibed by NAFV PREVlOUS EDITION NOT USABLE 36 CFR 122E.. I

3 ~ARA Bulletin No. 9l-~.. Attachment /:1 REQUEST FOR RECORDS DISPOSITION AUTHORITY LEAVE BLANK (NAAA u.. only) JOB N':-'tAPER (See Instructions on reverse) N I-Is;, 9.: ~ ~T~O-:N-A-n~O~N~A~L~A-R~CHI~VES~~a-n-d';;'RE;';';';;C;';'O;';RDS"";;"';"A-D~MlNl"""'~S~lRA~~T1~O~N~(Nl~R-)~ IiD~Ai>iTri:EMR5;E~C=:;:E~IV~E::;:D~~:::::' I " WASHINGTON, DC J.{!t; -l)3 1. FROM (Agency 01 establishment) NOTlFICATlON TO AGENCY Qepartment of Veterans Affairs 2. MAJOR SUBDIVISION In accordance with the proyilion. of U U.S.C. 3303a the di.5t0aition requul Veterans Benefits Administration indudlnl alnendawn\a, la appf'oyedexcept' 3. MINOR SUBDIVISION for it_ that malin marba -diaposltion ROC apprvved- or wilhdrwn-" colulnn 10. Administrative Support Staff 4. NAME OF PERSON WITH WHOM TO CONFER a. TELEPHONE DATE AACH\IIST OF 1HE ~ STATES Marjorie M. Ieandri (202) AGENCV CERTlFICATlON I hereby certify that I am authorized to act for this agen~ inmatters pertaining to the dis~ition of its records and that the records proposed for disposal on the attached 2 page(s) are not now needed for the business of this agency or will not be needed after the retention pen0a5 speafied; and that written ecneurrenee from the Ge.neral Accounting Office, under the provisions of TItle 8 of the GAO Manual for Guidante of Federal Agencies, D is not required;. 0 'is attached; or o has been requested.' 11TL.E p~rectori Records Management.Service 7. 8.GRSOA. 10.ACTION ITEM 8. OESCRlPllON OF ITEM AND PROPOSED OISPOSIllON SUPERSEOED TAKEN(NARA " NO..JOB CITATION USE ONLy) Loan Guaranty Folders--Clatms Paid. Folders and allied security instruments kept in safekeeping files on guaranteed insured loans tn which claims are 'paid or settled, EXCLUDING section the Servicemen's Readjustment 505a of Act of 1944, as amended, cases established as acquired loan accounts after claim payment, and folders continuing as property management dockets under.. "common Numbering" system after July Folders documenting establishment of loan guaranty or insurance; default servicing history; copies of holder's claim and account and analysis; certification of veteran's indebtedness to Finance activity; wa i ver or compromise decision; "and related documents: 11S-1og NSN 7S40-()()"~64 PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLE. STANDARD FORM 1 15 (REV, 3-91> Pr_cribed by NAR.'I 36 CFR 122 r

4 JOB NUMBER PAGE REQUEST FOR RECORDS OISPOSmON AUTHORITY - CONTINUATION I I 2 OF 2 I GRSOR 10. ACTION ITEM 8. DESCRIPTION OF ITEM AND PROPOSED DISPOSITION SUPERSEDED TAKEN (NARA NO. JOB CITATION USE ONLy) Folders retired to Federal record centers in 1980, 1989, and annually beginning in 1993 (except those involving partial claim payments on mobile home loans following liquidation and loans remaining in effect with continuation of liability (resale cas~s) under 38 U.S.C. 1820). DISPOSITION: Retire annually when claims those folders are paid and there has been no activity in the Property Management System or the Liquidation Claims System for two years and. there are no pending appeals, legal actions, or any other pending matter. 32 years after retirement. Destroy \, Two copies. Including original. to be submitted STANDARD FORM 115-A (REV. 3-91) to the National Archives and Records Administration. Prescribed by NARA 36 CFR 1228

5 ~ARA Bulletin No~ Attachment LEAVE BLANK (NARA u Only) REQUEST FOR RECORDS DISPOSITION AUTHORITY JOB NUMBER (58e Instructions on reverse, TO: NA nonal ARCl-OVES and RECORDS ADMINlSlRA non (NlR) DATE RECEIVED WASHINGTON, DC FROM (Agency 01 establishment)...repartment of Veterans Affairs' 2. MAJOR SUBDIVISION " Veterans Benefits Administration 3. MINOR SUBDIVISION Administrative SUppOrt Staff.HOnFICAnON TO AGENCY 4. NAME OF PERSON WITH WHOM TO CONFER 5. TELEPHONE DATE ARCHIVIST OF 1) UNTED STATES -. _. Marjorie M. -Teandri -(202) AGENCY CERnFICAnON I hereby certify that I am authorized to act for this agm~ in matters ~ining to the disp<?sitionof its records. and that the records proposed for disposal on the attached 2 pa~s) are not now needed for the business of this agency or will not be needed after the retention penocrs specified; and that written eeneurrenee from - the Gt;,neral Accounting Office, under the provisions of Title 8 of the CAO Manual for Guidante of federal Agenoes, -. 10is not required;. 0 -is attached; er 0 -has been requested :'--_ GRS OR SUPERSEOED JOeClT~nON Loan Guaranty Folders--Claims paid.~ -- : --. -, Folders and allied security - -- _.," -- instruments - kept in safekeeping files on guaranteed insured loans in which claims areipa t d - or settled, EXCLUDING section 505a 6f the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of , as amended, case~ -establi~hed as --. acquired loan accounts after claim payment, and folders continuing as property management dockets under "Common Numbering" system after July Folders documenting establishment of loan guaranty or insurance; default servicing history; copies of holder's claim and account and analysis; certification of vezeran's indebtedness to Finance activity; - '-waive-r or compr omt sec-dec Ls i.cnj "and related documents:- ' APPROVED: STANDARD FORM 1'5 (REV 3 91) P,_cribed by NAR)) 36 CFR 122r

6 J REQUEST FOR RECORDS DISPOSmON AUTHORITY _ CONTINUATION I..IOB NUMBER PAGE 2 OF 2 J ~, ITEM NO. e. OESCRIPTION OF ITEM AND PROPOSED DISPOSITJON 9. GRS OR SUPERSEDED..lOB CITATION '0. ACTION TAKEN (NARA USE ONLy) Folders retired to Federal record centers in 1980, 1989, and annually beginning in 1993 { xcept those involving partial claim payments on mobile horne loans following liquidation and loans remaining in effect with continuation of liability (resale case s ) under 38 u.s.c ). = DISPOSITION: Retire those folders annually when claims are paid and there has been no activity in the Property Management System or the Liquidation Claims System for two years and. there are no pending appeals, legal actions, or any other pending matter. Destroy 32 years after retirement. --=-." -.-.~, ( Two copies, including original, to be submitted STANDARD FORM 115-A (REV. 3-91) to the National Archives and Records Administration. Prescribed by NARA 36 CFR '228