GA RY K UEHN. lebt u nd arbeite t i n New York, NY (USA) Preis e und Stipendien

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1 GA RY K UEHN 1939 geboren in P la inf ield, New Jersey (USA) 1962 BA in Kuns tgeschic hte, Drew University, Madd is on, NJ (USA) 1964 MFA Rutgers, The Sta te University of New Jerse y, NJ (USA) lebt u nd arbeite t i n New York, NY (USA) Preis e und Stipendien 1992 Francis J. Greenb urger Award 1978 Fellowship -DAAD, Berlin 1976 Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation Gran t Nat ional Endowment on the Arts Grant 1972 Governor s Purcha se Award, New Jersey Sta te Museum 1967 Nat ional Council on the Arts Grant EINZELAUSSTELLUNGEN (AUSWAHL) 2014 Between Sex and Geome try (kuratier t von Chris t ia ne Meyer -S toll), Kuns t museum Liec hte ns tein, Vad uz (K ) Gestures and Twists, Hä usler Contemporary Zürich 2013 Gary Kuehn, Galer ie Mic ha l Haa s, Berlin Postures (kuratiert von Cindy Hina n t), Joe Shef t el Gal lery, New York 2011 Back to The Future, Arti ssima 18, Turin Gary Kuehn: Expression Suppression Hä us ler Contemporary Zürich Gary Kuehn: Selec ted Works Four Decades Häusler Contemporary Mü n chen 2009 Berli n Series, Galer ie Michae l Ha as, Ber li n (K) 2008 Gary Kuehn: Assertive F igures / Subverted Ges tur es, M useum Gegenstand sfreier Kun st, Otte ndorf (K) 2007 Gary Kuehn: Black Pa in t ings, Art Cologne, Gal erie Michael Haas, Berlin Scrolls, Korn Gallery, Drew University, Madison, NJ 2006 Black Pai nt i ngs, Galerie Haas AG Zür ich, CH ( K) 2005 Esso Gal lery, New York, NY Art Strand, Provincetow n, MA 2003 Summer Figures, Provin cetown M useum, Prov inc etown, MA 2001 The Black Pa i nt ings , Margarete Roeder Gal lery, New York, NY Gary Kuehn: Sculp ture, Extension Gal lery, Johns on Atelier, Mercervil le, NJ 1998 Galer ie Ricke, Kö ln Margarete Roeder Gal ler y, New York, NY 1997 Mi tche l l Algus Gal lery, New York, NY

2 S eite 2 GARY KUEHN 1996 Sculp ture: The Sex of Heavenly Bodies ; P hotogr aphy: Have You Noticed There Are No Trees Growing in Icelan d?, Galer ie Ricke, Köln 1995 Heavenly Bodies, Margarete Roeder Gallery, Ne w York, NY 1993 Gary Kuehn: New Works, Gesture Pa in t ings, Douglas Drake Gal lery, New York, NY Gary Kuehn: Sculp ture of the 1960s, Margarete Roeder Gallery, New Yo rk, NY 1991 Gary Kuehn: Sculp ture, Margarete Roeder Gal ler y, New York, NY The Ges ture Projec t, Do uglas Drake Gallery, Ne w York, NY 1990 Margarete Roeder Gal ler y, New York, NY 1989 The Ges ture Cont ai ned, Douglas Drake Gal lery, New York, NY 1988 Galer ie Ju le Kewenig, Frechen 1987 New Sculp ture Douglas Drake Gallery, New York, NY Gary Kuehn: Bilder und Skulpturen, Galerie Sylv ia Me nze l, Berli n 1986 Gary Kuehn: Sculp ture , Rudolf Zwirner Gal lery, Kö ln (K) Sculp ture (organis iert v. Rudolf Zwirner ), Barb a ra Glads tone G l adsto ne Gal lery, New York Margar ete Roeder Gal ler y, New York Galer ie Ju le Kewenig, Frechen (K ) 1985 Sculp ture, Pa in t ings, an d Drawings, , Art Galaxy, New York 1983 Gary Kuehn: Recent Pa i nt ings, Mar ion Locks, Phil adelp hi a, PA 1982 Chance and Providence, Sergio Tosi Gallery, New York Doug las Drake Gal lery, Kans as City, KS 1981 Gary Kuehn: Etc h ings and Fire -Pr in ts, Sergio Tosi Gal lery, New York 1980 Berli ner Serie, Amerika - Haus, Berlin New Pai n ti ngs, Doug las Drake Gallery, Ka nsas City, KS Gary Kuehn: Berli ner Se rie Bildobjek te u nd Coll age -Ze ichnu ngen, Wür tt embergisc her Ku nstverein, Stu t tgart ( K ) 1979 Galer ie Ricke, Kö ln Gary Kuehn: Neue Arbeiten, Galerie Ze llermayer -Lorenzen, Berlin (K) 1978 Gary Kuehn: Selec ted Works Drew University, Madison, NJ Specia l Projects: Gary K uehn, P.S.1, Long Islan d City, NY Gary Kuehn: Selec ted Works, Eugenia Cucalón Gal lery, New York 1977 Galer ie Ricke, Kö ln, DE Galer ie Georg Nothelfer, Berlin, DE Eugenia Cucalon Gall ery, New York, NY Galer ie Aronowitsc h, Stockholm, SE Douglas Drake G al lery, Kans as City, KS Eugenia Cucalón Gall ery, New York, NY 1976 Sculp ture and Drawings, Mi tz i La ndau Gal lery, Los Angeles, CA Selected Works, Mario n Locks Gal lery, Phi ladelp hi a, PA New Sculp ture, 122 Workshop Inc., New York, NY Gary Kuehn: Pa in t ings, Drawings, Sc ulp ture, Pr i nts Douglas Drake Gal lery, Kans as City, KS 1975 Galer ie Arnesen, Kopenhagen, DK 1974 Gary Kuehn: Selec ted Work, , Stefan otty Gallery, New York (K) Gary Kuehn: Må leri och skulptur, G aler ie Fabia n Carlsson, Gö teburg Gary Kuehn: Pa in t ing, Drawings, Sculpture, Douglas Drake Gal lery, Kan sas City, KS 1972 Pa ley and Lowe, New York, NY 1971 Recent Work, Fisc hbac h Gal lery, New York Neue Galer ie im Alten K urha us, Aache n (kuratie rt v. Wolfgang Becker) (K ) Doug lass College, Rutgers, Sta te University of New Jersey, New Brunsw i ck 1970 Galer ie Erns t, Ha nnover Galer ie Thomas Borgma nn, Köln University of Iowa, Iowa City

3 Seite 3 GARY KUEHN 1969 Fischbac h Gallery, New York Neue Skulp turen, Galer i e Ricke, Köln 1968 Neue Skulp turen, G aler i e Ricke, Kass el Galer ie Chris ti an Stein, Turin 1967 Bia nchin i Gallery, New York, NY Zeichnu ngen und Min i -O bjekte, Galer ie Ricke, Kassel Ku nstm arkt, Galer ie Ric k e, Kölnisc her Kuns tverein, Kö ln 1966 One Ma n, One Piece, Rutgers University, Dougla ss College, New Brunsw i ck, NJ Bia nchin i Gallery, New York, NY 1964 Recent Work, Rutgers University, Doug lass College, New Brunsw ick, NJ GR UPPENAUSSTELLUNGEN (A USWAHL) 2014 Wound and Refuge, K uef er-mar tis -H u us, Ruggell, LI Post/Postmi n ima l, Ku nstmusue m St. Gal len, St. G al len Contemporary Hig hl ights: Abstrac tio n and Form, Wadsworth Athe nae um Museum of Art, Hartford, CT Drawings Artis ts Thoughts, Gal erie Miro, Pr ag Alles Papier!, Hä usler Contemporary, M ünc hen 3D Show, Art Strand, Pr ovincetow n, MA 2013 When Att it udes Become Form, Fondazione Prada, Mil an (K ) A Stone Left Unt urned, Yvon Lamber t, Paris When Att it ude Become Icons, H äus ler Conte mporary Zürich Temperamente auf Pap i er II, Häus ler Contempo rary Zürich Abstrakt, Galer ie Haas AG, Züric h 2011 Auf Papier, Galerie Mic h ael Haas, Berlin (K) Curator s Cho ice: Energ i es, Unp lugged and Reloaded ( kuratier t von Christi na von Rotenh an ), Häus ler Contemporary Zu rich 2010 Funktione n der Zeichnu ng, M useum für Moderne Kuns t (MMK ), Frankfur t Musée Apparte ment Collec tor s Choice : From Private to Pub lic to Private, Häus ler Cont emporary Züric h 2009 Temperamente auf Pap i er, Hä usler Contemporary Zürich 2008 Mi nim al and Concep tu al Art in Europe: The He lg a and Wa l ther Lauffs Collec t ion, David Zwirner Gallery, New York Based on Paper The Marzona Collec tio n, Midd l esbrough Instit ute of Modern Art, Midd lesbrough, UK There is Des ire Left (Kn ock, Knock), K uns tm use um Bern und Mus eum Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden ( K) Techne, Galer ie Mi cha el Haas, Berlin (K ) Loveparade 2 - Collec to r s Choice (kurat iert von Markus Michalke) Hä us l er Contemporary Mü nche n 2007 Gary Kuehn Ric hard Nonas, Esso Gallery, New York A Princ iple of Immortal i ty: Videos from 1970 to the Prese nt (kurati ert v. Fil ippo Fossati und Maur iz io Pellegrin) Macy Art Gallery, Teac h ers College Colu mb ia University, New York Lus t for Life. T he Collec tio n Ricke, K u nstm use u m Liec hte ns tein, Vad uz (K) Das Kapita l. Blue Chips & Masterpieces, Muse um für Moderne Ku nst, Frankfurt Based on Paper, Revolut ion der Ku nst , Die Samm lu ng Marzo na, Kupferstichk abinett, Sta at lic he Museum zu Berlin (K)

4 Seite 4 GARY KUEHN 2006 Um 67. Rudolf Zwirner und die frühen Ja hre des Kuns tm arkts, Köln Galer ie Rudolf Zwirner, Am Kolu mbakirchhof, Köln Photo Exhib i tio n: To Have and To Be, Esso Gall ery, New York I n Mater ia l, Edwar d Tho rp Gallery, New York Twice Drawn: Modern and C ontemporary Drawin gs in Cont ext, The Tang Teaching Mu se um, Skidmore College, Sar at oga Springs, NY 2005 Galer ie Mi cha el Haa s, Berli n, Art Colog ne, Köln I nvita t iona l Exhib it ion, Art Strand Gal lery, Province town, MA Pa in t it Black, Shore Ins ti tu te of Contemporary Arts, Lo ng Branch, NJ Between Exper ience and Understa nding, Dorothy Young Center for the Arts, Drew University, Mad ison, NJ Sweet Temptat ions, K un stmus eum St. Gallen 2004 Ready to Shoot: Fernse hgaler ie Gerry Schum /Videogalerie Schum, K uns th al le Düsse ldorf und Cas ino Luxembourg Forum d ar t conte mp orain, Luxemburg Mus ue de Arte Conte mp orâna de Serralves, Porto Musée d Art moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris Norwich Gallery, Norw ic h School of Art and Design, Norwic h Centro Andalu z de Arte Contemporáneo, Seville (K ) Shore Insti tu te of the Contemporary Arts, Long Branch, NJ (kuratiert v. Douglas Ferrari) 2003 schokolade, was sons t? Samml ung Rolf Ricke, K uns trau m Innsbruck Perpetu um Mob ile, Galer ie Rolf Ricke, Kö ln 2002 Ei nfach Ku nst. Samm l un g Rolf Ricke, Neues Mus eum in Nür nberg, Nürnb erg (K) 2001 Art Works: Samml ung M arzona. K uns t um 1968, Kuns t ha lle Bielefeld, Bielefeld ( K ) Off the Wal l, Bristo l -My ers Squibb Gal lery, Pr in ceton, NJ (K ) Drawings and Pho tographs, M at t hew Marks Galle ry, New York (eine Auss t. zur Unterstü tz ung der Foun datio n fo r Performance Arts, Inc. ) After the Beginn i ng and Before the End, Bergen Ku nstm use u m, Bergen 2000 (E COSI VIA) (AND SO ON): 99 A rtis t i Dell a Collezione Marzo na, Gal leria Commun ale d Arte Moderna e Conte mporanea, Rom (K ) Drawings and Pho tographs: Be nefit for Foundat i on for Contemporary Performance Arts, I nc. Ma tt hew Marks Gal l ery, New York 1999 Dada Country, Hu nt er don Muse um of Art, Clinto n, NJ (K ) 1998 Lean i ng on the Li ne : Drawing as Idiosyncrat ic Art, Province town Art Ass ociat ion & Muse um, Provin ce town, MA und Drawing Invit at i onal Hu nterdon Art Cent er, Cli nto n, NJ A Space Between, Margarete Roeder Gallery, Ne w York (K) Whi te, M itc hell Alg us, New York 1997 Tools As Art II: Explorin g Metap hor: The Hechinger Collection, Na tio na l Building Museum, Washing ton D.C Sculp tures, Boxes, Pa i nt ings, Cucalon Gallery, New York Six Artis ts: The 1990s, New Jersey Sta te Mu seum, Trenton, NJ Gal lery Selections, M argarete Roeder Gallery, Köln Drawing Into Sculpture, kurati ert v. Jo hn Goodyear Green Gal lery, Rutg ers University, New Bruswick, NJ und Mandeville Gal lery, Unio n College, Sc henec tady, NY (1997) Pennsylvani a Sta te Univ ersity, University Park, PA (1997) 1995 Art-Art Magic, E ugenia Cucalo n Gallery, New York Adding It Up, Pr in t Acquisitions , Mus eum of Modern Art, New York Trees, Province town Art Associat ion and Museum, Provincetow n, MA Die Samml ung Marzo na, Museum Moderner Kuns t, Stiftung Ludw ig Wie n, Pal ais Liec hte ns tein ( K) New Jersey Arts Ann ua l, Fine Arts, New Je rsey Sta te Mu seum, Tre n ton, NJ La Vérité Toute Nue, Le Syndicat d I ni ti at ive, Cluis Gestures, Horodne r -Romely Gal lery, New York

5 Seite 5 GARY KUEHN 1994 New Jersey Arts Ann ua l, New Jersey State Muse um, Trento n, NJ ( K ) 5 Gestures, Horodne r R omley Gal lery, New Yor k La Vérité Toute Nue, Le Syndicat d I ni ti at ive, Clu is Casa de la Cultura, Guayaqui l, EC 1993 Drawings: Be nefit for Foundation for Contemporary Performance Art, Le o Castelli, New York Seria, Iberoamericana de Arte, Caracas, VE 1992 Kue hn, Mar ioni, Smit h, Margarete Roeder Gal ler y, New York Gal lery Artis ts, Doug las Drake Gallery, New York 1991 Galer ie Rudolf Zwirner, Köln New Acquis it ions, Le hm bruck Muse um, Duisburg Margarete Roeder Gal ler y, Köln Die Ku nst, Art Cologne, Köln 1990 Che Fare: Concept Art/ Mi nim al /Art Poever /La n d Art, Ku ns tha l le Bie lefeld, Biele feld (K) Two Generat ions of Sculptors, Bris tol -Myers Squibb Gal lery, Pr ince ton, NJ ( K) Margar ete Roeder Gal ler y, New York Eleme n ts of Style, New York, Deson-Saunders Gal lery, Chicago, IL Li nie n, Arbeite n auf Pap ier, Galerie Ricke, Kö ln Black and Wh ite, L in tas Worldwide, New York Pyramiden, Y PO Congres s Center, Ber li n Zeichnu ngen von Bild ha uern, G aler ie Mueller -Ro th, Stut tgart 1989 Aus meiner Sicht, Galerie Ricke, Kö l n ischer Kuns tverein, Kö ln Gary Kuehn, Fred Sandb ack, Michael Ve nez ia, M argarete Roeder Gallery, New York Aus meiner Sicht: Eine Ausste ll u ng von Rolf Ricke, Kö lnisc her Kuns tverein, Kö ln New Work by Gallery Artists, Douglas Drake Gal l ery, New York Made in New York, Center for the Arts, Eas ton, PA (K) Figurat ive Inquiry, Artw orks Gallery, Trento n, NJ Eleme n ts of Style: New York, Deson-Saunders Gal lery, Chicago, IL Made in New York: Encoun ters wit h Contemporary Sculpture ( kuratier t v. Judd Tr uly ) Lafayette College Art Gallery, Wi l l ia ms Cent er for the Arts, Eas ton, PA 1988 Pyramiden (organ is iert v. Galer ie Jule Kewenig), Li n tas Woeldwide, NYC, YPO Congress Center, Ber li n 24 Cubes, Fine Art Center, University of Mass ac h use tts at Amherst, Amherst, MA Zeichnu ng en Yo n Bildhavern, Galerie D & C Mul l er Roth, Stut tgart 1987 The Pop Decade: The Bianchini Gallery in the Sixties Lyman Allyn Muse u m, New London, CT 1986 I naugural Ex hib it ion, Douglas Drake Gallery, Ne w York Colum ns, Galerie Ju le K ewenig, Ha us Bitz, Frechen u nd Galerie Westersingel 8, Rotterdam (K ) Ku nst Ne tzwerk, Hamb u rger Kuns tha l le, Hambur g Die 60er Jahre, Kö ln s Weg zur Ku nstmetropole. Vom Happeni ng zum Ku nstm arkt, Köln isc her Ku ns tverein, Köln (K ) 1985 Clearly Stated, M argaret e Roeder Gallery, New York 1984 Sculp ture from Rutgers, Robeson Center Gal lery, Newark, NJ (K ) Smal l Scal e Sculp ture, Ma tt hews Ham i lto n Gal l ery, Ph il adelp hi a, PA Celebrat ion of th e Hous e, Hu n terdon Art Cent er, Clin ton, NJ (K ) Drawings: Gary Kue hn, Ruth Martin, Ross, Ne he r, Margare te Roeder Gallery, New York Swimmi ng and Othe r Po ols (kuratiert v. Le e Nai man ), Ge tl ar/pa ll /Saper,, New York Colette, Dud ley, Gedeohn, Kue hn, Kriesberg, Rif ka, E ugenia Cuc alo n Gal lery, New York Sculp ture, Eugeni a Cucalon Gallery, New York The Red Stud io, New Yo rk Clearly Stated Draw ings, Margarete Roeder Gall ery, New York

6 Seite 6 GARY KUEHN 1983 A Celebrat ion of Modern Art, The Contine nt al Insur ance Corporat ion, Ne w York (K) The Ferti l ity Imperat ive, Eugenia Cucalon Galler y, New York American Artis ts, Galer i e Rolf Ricke, Köln Works on Paper, Ma t the ws Hami l ton Gallery, Ph i ladelphia, PA Art Galaxy, New York 1982 I nvita t iona l Exhib it ion, Kans as City Art Instit ut e, Char lotte Crosby K emper Gallery, Kans as City, MO Rutgers Mas ter of Fine A rts 20th Ann iversary Exh ibition, New Je rsey State Museum, Trento n, NJ ( K) 1981 Twenty Colog ne Gal ler ie s, Kölner Messe ha lle, Kö ln (K ) 1980 Gerry Schum, Stedelijk Muse um, Ams terdam Wanderauss tellu ng: Muse um Boymans van Beun ingen, Rotterdam, NL; Kö ln isc her Ku nstvere i n, Kö ln, DE; Muse um voor Hedendaa gse Kuns t, Ge n t, BE; Vancouver Art Gal lery, Vancouver, CA Landsc haf tsverband Wes tfale n /L ippe für Ku nst u nd Ku lt ur, We stfälisches ( K ) Reliefs, La ndesmuse um, Müns ter ( K) Douglas Drake Gal lery, Kans as City, KS Sculp tural Forms, Aldric h Muse um of Co ntempor ary Art, Ridgefie ld, CT 1979 Ku nst der Le tz ten 30 Ja hre, Museum Moderner Ku nst, Wien ( K ) 1978 Sculp tors Drawings, Galerie Mue l ler -Roth, Stu tt gart und DAAD Galer ie, Berli n ( K) Muse um des Geldes II, Städtisc he Kuns th al le Düsseldorf und Ku nstverein für die Rhein la nde u nd Westp ha len, Düsse ldorf (K) Bild ha uerzeichnu ngen, Galer ie D + C Muell er -R oth, Stu t tgart (K ) 1977 Document a 6, Kassel (K ) Collec tio n in Progress, Moore College of Art Gal lery, Phi ladelphia, PA ( K ) The Anima ls Are Coming, Eugeni a Cucalon Gal ler y, New York Twelve from Rutgers, U niversity Art Gallery, Rutgers, The Sta te University of New Jersey, New Brunswick (K ) The New Jersey State M useum, Trenton, NJ Sculp ture by Gary Kue h n and Bil l Umbreit, Sommerset Coun ty College, North Branc h, NJ Drawings, Car l Solway, New York 1976 Collec tio n in Progress, Moore College of Art, Ph il adelp hi a, PA Americans, Lunds Ko nstha ll, SE Drawings, Car l Solway, New York Sculp tor s Drawings, Fine Arts Build ing, New York Rooms, organisiert v. I n sti tu te of Art and Urban resources, PS 1, Long Isla nd City, NY ( K ) USA Drawings, Schloss Morsbroich, Leverkusen 1975 Outdoor Sculp ture, Merriewold Wes t Gal l ery, Far Hil ls, NJ (K ) A Change of View, T he Aldric h Muse um of Co nte mporary Art, Ridgefield, CT (K ) Mas terworks in Wood - The Twe nt ie th Century, Portl and Art Muse um, P ortla nd, OR (K ) 1974 I nterna tio na l Sommerud sti l li ng, Galerie Arnesen, Kopenhagen New Jersey Artis ts, Merriewo ld Wes t Gal lery, Far Hil ls, NJ (K ) 4X Min ima l Ar t : Jo Baer, Gary Kuehn, Bruc e Nau man, Richard Serra, Schloss Morsbroich, Leverkusen 1973 Sculp tor s Drawings, Ma rgo Leavin Gall ery, Los Angeles, CA Mi t Kuns t leben, Ku nstv erein Stut tgar t, Stu ttg a rt (K ) Curators Cho ice, New J ersey State Co u ncil of the Arts, Trento n, NJ ( K ) 1972 New Graphics, Galerie R icke, Kö ln Der Bestand 1972, Art around 1970, Neue Galer i e der Stadt Aache n, Aac hen ( K ) Very Small Pai nt i ngs/ob jects /Works on Paper (e ine Aus ste ll u ng der Sammlu ng Mr. und Mrs. Ulfert Wilk e), T he University of Iowa Muse um of Art, Iowa City, IA ( K )

7 Seite 7 GARY KUEHN 1971 Fünf Samm ler Kuns t unserer Zeit, Von der He ydt-m use um, Wupperta l (K ) 1970 Programm III, Galerie R icke, Kö ln I dentifications, Videogalerie Gerry Schum, Han n over Zeichnu ngen amerikanis cher Kü nstler, Galer ie Ricke, Kö ln New Mater ia ls : Procedur es in Sculpture, A ustin Art Center, Trini ty Colle ge, Hartford, CT (K ) Küns tler der Galerie Ricke: Artsc hwager, Bo ll i nger, But he, Kue hn, Serra, So nn ier, Galerie R ic ke, Kö l n New Mater ia ls, Procedur es in Sculpture, Austin Arts Center, Aus ti n, TX Live in Your He ad. When Att it udes Become Form, Ku ns th al le Bern Wan derausste l lu ng: Muse um Ha us Lange, Kr efeld, Germa ny u nd Ins t it ute of Conte mporary Arts, Lo ndon, kurat iert v. Harald Szee man n ( K) Synthes es, Städtisc hes Muse um, Ludw igshafen Whi t ney Muse um Sculpture Ann ua l, New York 1968 Neuw Kuns t USA: Barock -M in ima, Modern Art M useum, Münc hen (K) Programm I, Galer ie Ric ke, Köln Prim ary Structure, Mi ni mal Art, Pop Art, Ant i form, Galerie Ricke, Kas sel Twombly, Colesco t t, Kue hn, M ilwaukee Art Cente r, Mi lwaukee, WI ( K) Mi nim al Ar t, Galerie René Block, Berlin Cool Art Today, Larry Aldrich Museum, Ridgefie l d, CT 1968 Annual Contemporary American Sc ulp ture, Whi tney Mus uem of American Ar t, New York (K) 1967 Ku nstm arkt Kö ln 67, Gürzenic h, Köln ( K) Geometric Art: An Ex hib it ion of Pa in t ings and Construc t ions by Fourtee n Contemporary New Jersey Artis ts, The New Je rsey Sta te Mu seum, Trenton, NJ (K ) American Sculp ture of the Sixtie s, Los Angeles County M use um of Art, Los Angeles, CA - Wanderauss tellu ng: P h i ladelphia Museum of Art, Ph i ladelphia, PA ( K) Pa in ti ng and Sc ulp ture Today, John Herron Muse um, Indian apolis, IN Kent Sta te Invita tio na l, Kent Sta te, Kent, IL 2nd Annu al Arp to Artsc hwager, Ric hard Bella m y / Noah G oldowsky Gal l ery, New York 1966 Kent Sta te Invita tio na l, Kent, OH Arp to Artschwager, Ric hard Bellamy / No ah G oldowsky Gallery, New Yo rk Annu al Exh ibitio n of Sculpture and Pr in ts, Wh it n ey Museum of Americ an Art, Ne w York (K ) Arp to Artschwager, Noah Goldowsky Gallery, Ne w York Eccentric Abs traction kuratier t v. L ucy Lipp ard, F ischbac h Gallery, New York John G. Powers Collectio n, L arry Aldrich Muse um, Ridgefie ld, CT ( K ) Colorado University, Bo ulder, CO 1965 Ten from Rutgers, B ia nc hi ni Gallery, New York ( K)

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