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1 Bibliografia Vengono qui riportati solo i riferimenti a libri o a riviste scientifiche: quando nel testo si rimanda ad articoli di quotidiani o a siti web, il riferimento viene citato in nota. Nel testo, l anno che accompagna i rinvii bibliografici secondo il sistema autore-data è quello dell edizione originale, mentre i rimandi ai numeri di pagina si riferiscono sempre alla traduzione italiana o tedesca, qualora questa bibliografia la riporta. Mitcher Y. Abolafia, 1998, Markets as cultures: an ethnographic approach, in M. Callon (Ed.), The Laws of the Market, Blackwell, Oxford, pp Michel Aglietta e Andrè Orléan 1982, La violence de la monnaie, P.U.F., Paris Jean-Christophe Agnew 1986, Worlds Apart. The Market and the Theater in Anglo-American Thought , Cambridge U.P., Cambridge George A. Akerlof 1970, The Market for Lemons : Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism, The Quartely Journal of Econmics, 84, August 1970, pp Reprinted in An economic theorist s book of tales, Cambridge U.P., Cambridge, 1984, pp , An economic theorist s book of tales, Cambridge U.P., Cambridge Franklin Allen e Douglas Gale, 2003, Capital Adequacy Regulation: In Search of a Rationale, in R. Arnott, B.Greenwald, R.Kanbur, B.Nalebuff (Eds.), Economics in an Imperfect World. Essays in Honor of Joseph E.Stiglitz, The MIT Press, Cambridge (Mass.), pp Larry Allen 2001, The Global Financial System , Reaktion Books, London (tr. it. Il sistema finanziario globale. Dal 1750 a oggi, Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2002) Joyce Oldham Appleby 1978, Economic Thought and Ideology in Seventeenth-Century England, Princeton U.P., Princeton (NJ)

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Born on October 30, 1967, in Rome Married to Silvia, with two children: Livia (7), and Penelope (5).

Born on October 30, 1967, in Rome Married to Silvia, with two children: Livia (7), and Penelope (5). NICOLA AMENDOLA CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL E-mail: Web Site: Office: nicola.amendola@uniroma2.it http://www.economia.uniroma2.it/amendola.htm Dipartimento di Economia e Istituzioni Università di Roma Tor

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1985: Visiting scholar, University of Virginia, Department of Economics, 1986: Visiting research fellow, Glasgow University, Department of Economics.

1985: Visiting scholar, University of Virginia, Department of Economics, 1986: Visiting research fellow, Glasgow University, Department of Economics. CURRICULUM VITAE: Professor. MAURO GALLEGATI BORN: Macerata, Italy, March 8, 1958 CURRENT POSITION: Full Professor, Facolt di Giurisprudenza, Universit di Teramo, Italy, 1995-. PREVIOUS POSITIONS: 1988-1992:

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