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1 09 January 2015 Foundation Chapter Management Chapter Effective Selling Chapter Personal Achievement Chapter Interview Chapter

2 Personal Details Nadja Muster Kundenberaterin Wenckebachstr. 17 Berlin Berlin Germany Telephone: Date Completed: 09 January 2015 Date Printed: 07 May 2015 The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 2

3 Contents Introduction... 5 Overview... 6 Personal Style... 6 Interacting with Others... 6 Decision Making... 7 Key Strengths & Weaknesses... 8 Strengths... 8 Possible Weaknesses... 9 Value to the Team Effective Communications Barriers to Effective Communication Possible Blind Spots Opposite Type Suggestions for Development Management Creating the Ideal Environment Managing Nadja Motivating Nadja Management Style Effective Selling Chapter Selling Style Overview Before The Sale Begins Identifying Needs Proposing Handling Buying Resistance Gaining Commitment The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 3 Insights Discovery and Insights Learning Systems were originated by Andi and Andy Lothian. Insights, Insights Discovery and the Insights Wheel are registered trademarks of The Insights Group Ltd.

4 Follow-up and Follow Through Sales Preference Indicators Personal Achievement Chapter Living on Purpose Time and Life Management Personal Creativity Lifelong Learning Learning Styles Interview Questions The Insights Discovery 72 Type Wheel The Insights Discovery Colour Dynamics The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 4 Insights Discovery and Insights Learning Systems were originated by Andi and Andy Lothian. Insights, Insights Discovery and the Insights Wheel are registered trademarks of The Insights Group Ltd.

5 Introduction This Insights Discovery profile is based on Nadja Muster s responses to the Insights Preference Evaluator which was completed on 09 January The origins of personality theory can be traced back to the fifth century BC, when Hippocrates identified four distinct energies exhibited by different people. The Insights System is built around the model of personality first identified by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. This model was published in his 1921 work Psychological Types and developed in subsequent writings. Jung s work on personality and preferences has since been adopted as the seminal work in understanding personality and has been the subject of study for thousands of researchers to the present day. Using Jung's typology, this Insights Discovery profile offers a framework for self-understanding and development. Research suggests that a good understanding of self, both strengths and weaknesses, enables individuals to develop effective strategies for interaction and can help them to better respond to the demands of their environment. Generated from several hundred thousand permutations of statements, this profile is unique. It reports statements which your Evaluator responses indicate may apply to you. Modify or delete any statement which does not apply, but only after checking with colleagues or friends to identify whether the statement may be a blind spot for you. Use this profile pro-actively. That is, identify the key areas in which you can develop and take action. Share the important aspects with friends and colleagues. Ask for feedback from them on areas which seem particularly relevant for you and develop an action plan for growth personally and interpersonally. The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 5

6 Overview These statements provide a broad understanding of Nadja s work style. Use this section to gain a better understanding of her approaches to her activities, relationships and decisions. Personal Style Nadja is a good organiser and seeks to control the world around her with structure and discipline. Correctness, analysis and logic are all-important to her. She believes people should say what they mean and mean what they say. Written communications are most effective with her. She likes to have clear direction in the form of strict agendas, timetables, procedures and regulations, and works well with a checklist. Although others may comment on her serene demeanour, she herself may report that she is feeling quite anxious and distressed. Her observed behaviour does not always match her inner state. Although disinterested in purely scholastic pursuits, knowledge is important for its immediate usefulness to her. She is driven by a high sense of allegiance and obligation, resulting in a commitment to serve her partner, organisation and humanity in general. She relies on what she can hear, see and know from first hand experience. She is quiet, reserved and distant, with a thoughtful appearance. For her, it is actions that speak louder than words. It will frequently annoy her if words are over-used by others. Nadja tends to expect that sound organisation, structure and scheduling will benefit everyone. The process of objective analysis is a source of great enjoyment to her, with the outcome often of much less importance. She tends not to show her private feelings, yet experiences a strong internal personal reaction to many situations and events. Nadja has a gift for seeing the important facts of a situation. She is keen to pick out logical inconsistencies. She is intensely curious and is always seeking to find coherence in endless amounts of data. She handles crises at work in a low key, controlled way. Her commitment to her obligations comes much less in words, and much more in getting things organised and done. Nadja conveys great precision and economy of effort in both thought and language. She tends to be disinterested in subjects for which she sees no practical application. She is a down-to-earth realist and prefers the company of others like herself who mirror her rather quiet and unassuming demeanour. Mapping out a plan, complete with all the steps and details, which is something she can do very well, helps her to balance her inherent lack of drive. Nadja is cautious and traditional, but listens well and likes matters to be factual and clear. She is keenly interested in how and why things work. She finds her source of energy within but primarily perceives the world through her senses. Interacting with Others Cautious, reserved, quiet and inwardly oriented, Nadja is content to work by herself without much control or supervision. She avoids interactions that will make her highly visible to others or where she has to perform or compete for attention. She needs to know that she is making a unique contribution to the organisation. She tends to lose herself in the details and daily operations of a project and, once immersed, she can be rather rigid and unwilling to accept change. She is often inwardly absorbed in her current analysis or problem solving and is inclined towards reticence. The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 6

7 If she is given time to organise her thoughts by a sympathetic and understanding chairperson, she can state her views with clarity and to everyone's benefit. She may feel under strain if she is unclear about what is expected of her or if duties at work are subject to change at short notice. She will often do without something rather than reach out to others to get it. She may seek to reduce her personal needs rather than be dependent on other people. She sees through slick images and false presentations and is wary of being taken in by compliments or praise. To guard against being manipulated she will be sensitive to indications of a hidden agenda. She follows necessary systems and procedures and can be very impatient with others who are less inclined to do so. She may occasionally appear to lack self-confidence, which can be remedied by regular reassurance from people she trusts. She is often friendly, although she tends to avoid socialising at a superficial level. She conveys an image of stability and reliability - an image which can be trusted. She should remember to more frequently consider other people's ideas and feelings, and not to become too rigid and inflexible. She is impatient with people who read between the lines and who focus on the unseen and the unverified. Decision Making Nadja's quizzical and probing nature may create solutions which open up fresh processes. She is uncomfortable moving beyond her own experience until she fully understands the problem. She seeks to review and assimilate the facts without being pressured to make a rapid decision. She has a tendency to separate out the different components of her life, wanting predictability and preferring to know various options in advance. With her focus on the reality of the situation, she trusts the evidence of her senses and relies on carefully accumulated past and present evidence to support her conclusions and future courses of action. She may at times make others feel defensive due to her incisive, critical and often persistent questioning. She usually delays decision making until all the facts and details are available. Nadja's decisions are usually consistent, practical and appropriate. Nadja is extremely realistic and relies on and trusts what her senses tell her about her world. Nadja's decisions tend to be made only after she has gathered sufficient supporting data. Practical and realistic, Nadja is a most matter-of-fact and thorough individual. Valuing logical and impersonal analysis highly, she is organised and systematic in her approach to following tasks through and getting them done. She will support those she considers as friends but can feel rather pressured if made to act against what she considers as her better judgement. She inevitably double-checks decisions imposed from outside, and excels at maintenance and quality control. She may appear dismissive of decisions made on gut-feel rather than objective analysis. She tends to make sound future decisions only after deeper reflection. The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 7

8 Key Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths This section identifies the key strengths which Nadja brings to the organisation. Nadja has abilities, skills and attributes in other areas, but the statements below are likely to be some of the fundamental gifts she has to offer. Nadja s key strengths: Trustworthiness. A strong sense of duty. Encourages structure and order. In touch with herself and her world. Maintains high standards in self and others. Looks before she leaps. Realistic and cautious. Sets high standards for herself and others. Sensible and matter of fact. Sets high personal standards of performance. The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 8

9 Key Strengths & Weaknesses Possible Weaknesses Jung said wisdom accepts that all things have two sides. It has also been said that a weakness is simply an overused strength. Nadja's responses to the Evaluator have suggested these areas as possible weaknesses. Nadja s possible weaknesses: Can look for flaws and errors in almost everything. May be slow to express her thoughts or feelings. Over-reliance on the tried and tested. Seen as a private individual, who prefers her own company. Can be overpowered by the assertiveness of others. May find it difficult to suggest more effective systems and procedures to others. When immersed in a task she may be less receptive to change. The tendency to focus upon past failures rather than significant successes. Her focus on steady efficiency may cause frustration in others. Sometimes stifles innovation in others. The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 9

10 Value to the Team Each person brings a unique set of gifts, attributes and expectations to the environment in which they operate. Add to this list any other experiences, skills or other attributes which Nadja brings, and make the most important items on the list available to other team members. As a team member, Nadja: Prefers to deal with the here and now and is unlikely to be distracted by abstract thinking. Seeks and provides attention to detail. Will help the team to work more effectively. Ensures correct procedures are followed. Encourages a calm environment. Ensures the focus is realistic. Is often the technical expert. Organises facts and gathers information. Encourages accuracy and quality. Ensures decisions are made logically. The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 10

11 Communication Effective Communications Communication can only be effective if it is received and understood by the recipient. For each person certain communication strategies are more effective than others. This section identifies some of the key strategies which will lead to effective communication with Nadja. Identify the most important statements and make them available to colleagues. Strategies for communicating with Nadja: Ensure that your statements are accurate and factual. Be honest, moderately paced, straightforward and open with her. Ensure that she understands the rules. Be seen to do what you say you will. Match and mirror her communication style and slower pace. Speak calmly and quietly, avoiding ostentation and bluster. Respect her privacy. Find out where you can get the extra information she may require. Respect her knowledge of the job. Allow her to explain the logic behind her views. Give her verifiable facts. Talk quietly. The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 11

12 Communication Barriers to Effective Communication Certain strategies will be less effective when communicating with Nadja. Some of the things to be avoided are listed below. This information can be used to develop powerful, effective and mutually acceptable communication strategies. When communicating with Nadja, DO NOT: Call on her when uninvited. Stray from the agenda. Assume that outward calm reflects inner feelings. Set tight deadlines or force her to make an immediate decision. Upset or undermine the status quo. Say one thing and do another. Go to a meeting with her without adequate facts and figures. Assume her pauses imply lack of interest. Force her to take a positive stance on an issue without time for thought. Focus on personal relationships. Substitute rhetoric for accuracy. Try to persuade her to act against deeply held principles. The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 12

13 Possible Blind Spots Our perceptions of self may be different to the perceptions others have of us. We project who we are onto the outside world through our persona and are not always aware of the effect our less conscious behaviours have on others. These less conscious behaviours are termed Blind Spots. Highlight the important statements in this section of which you are unaware and test them for validity by asking for feedback from friends or colleagues. Nadja s possible Blind Spots: Attempting to be more flexible and open-minded will help prevent Nadja from becoming too rigid. She becomes more effective with other people when she directs her keen powers of observation towards being more sensitive and considerate to the people around her. In touch and at peace with herself and the world around her, she automatically resists change to sustain the status quo. She is vulnerable to the criticism of others because she tends to take feedback personally, which leads her to take offence and become discouraged. Nadja may have a tendency to downplay her own self importance. She may need to acknowledge herself for the good work she does. When she is disappointed, she may become negative about everything and everyone around her. As she is constantly on the alert for new sensory information and prefers to keep her options open, she appears rather indecisive to some people. Unless she has the complete plan she may experience tension or frustration. Stubborn about change, she may resist changing a decision once it has been made. She is something of a perfectionist, and can be hypersensitive to criticism of her work. Her ability to detect what might go wrong is perceived by some others as suspicion of anything new and untested. Sometimes envious of others whose drive and enthusiasm seems greater than her own, Nadja should worry less about what others might think of her. When under stress at work, she may need to curb a tendency to become secretive or even rebellious in order to meet the demands of the moment. The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 13

14 Opposite Type The description in this section is based on Nadja's opposite type on the Insights Wheel. Often, we have most difficulty understanding and interacting with those whose preferences are different to our own. Recognising these characteristics can help in developing strategies for personal growth and enhanced interpersonal effectiveness. Recognising your Opposite Type: Nadja s opposite Insights type is the Motivator, Jung s Extraverted Intuitive type. Motivators have the ability to equally value results and people. They dislike detailed work but can do it to achieve a specific short-term objective. They enjoy assignments that they believe makes them look good. Nadja may often see them, however, as too optimistic about what they and other people can produce. Motivators may be difficult to manage. They are not natural administrators. Nadja may perceive the Motivator as indiscreet and sometimes hasty. Motivators need a variety of activities and the opportunity of working in an environment with other people. They may become workaholics if not aware of their limits. Motivators often seek material dominance, social standing and status. They detest routine, detail and close supervision and can be devious or even chameleon-like when something or someone gets in their way. Nadja will often sense a large ego in the Motivator and may wonder why the Motivator would much rather engage in brief, intellectual banter than conclude some task or spend some quiet time on their own. The Motivator may not remain totally committed to a schedule or project if a better or more exciting challenge appears. They can often neglect important preparations that they consider unnecessary. The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 14

15 Opposite Type Communication with Nadja's Opposite Type Written specifically for Nadja, this section suggests some strategies she could use for effective interaction with someone who is her opposite type on the Insights Wheel. Nadja Muster: How you can meet the needs of your Opposite Type: Support her goals with suggestions for achievement. Be ready to acclaim her many ideas. Be alive and entertaining. Talk about her and areas she finds stimulating. Point out the consequences, with care. Respect her global view. Nadja Muster: When dealing with your opposite type DO NOT: Assume that because you have told it like it is, this will make the slightest difference to the way that she does things. Bore her with the routine or details. Let her monopolise the conversation. Say any time will do. Be surprised if she breaks the rules. Challenge her perception of herself. The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 15

16 Suggestions for Development Insights Discovery does not offer direct measures of skill, intelligence, education or training. However, listed below are some suggestions for Nadja s development. Identify the most important areas which have not yet been addressed. These can then be incorporated into a personal development plan. Nadja may benefit from: Asking each person on the team how they feel today. Asking herself what is the worst thing that can happen? then being prepared to accept it should it occur. Greater interaction with all sorts of people. Asking others whether her logic is appreciated. Aiming to become a short term centre of attention. Taking an active part in the process of change. Volunteering to give regular presentations. Offering to speak at the next after dinner occasion. Heightening her energy output to meet increasing deadlines. Quicker decision making. The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 16

17 Management Creating the Ideal Environment People are generally most effective when provided with an environment which suits their preferences and style. It can be uncomfortable to work in an environment which does not. This section should be used to ensure a close match between Nadja s ideal environment and her current one and to identify any possible frustrations. Nadja s Ideal Environment is one in which: There are clearly defined job descriptions. She is able to isolate herself from others if necessary. There are quiet areas to work. Numerical or technical data abounds. A comprehensive welfare policy is provided. There are precise methods and systems. Discipline, quality and consistency are equally valued. Nobody else uses or changes her equipment, paperwork or software. Information is in close proximity, ensuring economy of effort. Her organisational skills are used to the full. The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 17

18 Management Managing Nadja This section identifies some of the most important strategies in managing Nadja. Some of these needs can be met by Nadja herself and some may be met by her colleagues or management. Go through this list to identify the most important current needs, and use it to build a personal management plan. Nadja needs: Clear statement of the relative importance of deadlines and quality. To work with people similar to herself. Assignments that take her away from the workplace. To be given detail-intensive projects. To be given opportunities to display her deep technical knowledge. Rewards for achieving deadlines. A manager who appreciates her need for thinking time. Challenging, complex tasks. Clear statements of requirements and expectations. Occasional visits to clients or exposure to the sharp end. The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 18

19 Management Motivating Nadja It has often been said that it is not possible to motivate anyone - only to provide the environment in which they will motivate themselves. Here are some suggestions which can help to provide motivation for Nadja. With her agreement, build the most important ones into her Performance Management System and Key Result Areas for maximum motivation. Nadja is motivated by: Avoiding frequent meetings. Being able to put it in writing. Successful completion of major projects. Being technically stretched. Gathering and analysing technical information. Appreciation of her quiet dedication to work. Genuine interest in the detail of her work. Being allowed to do detective work. Having a low profile position within the team. Being reassured that she will be allowed to keep technically up to date. The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 19

20 Management Style There are many different approaches to management, most of which have different situational applications. This section identifies Nadja s natural management approach and offers clues to her management style, highlighting both gifts and possible hindrances that can be further explored. In managing others, Nadja may tend to: Keep too many things close to her chest, making others wonder about the true agenda. Want to explain the What, How and Why. Find it difficult to accept radical ideas. Her ideas are down to earth and firmly based. Be good at spotting problems in advance. Become irritated with lack of organisation, preparation or perfection. Overlook the need to encourage others. Not fully appreciate the energies of others. Become stubborn when challenged. Be demanding of accuracy, logic and focus. Come up with ideas which save everybody time and effort. The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 20

21 Effective Selling Chapter Effective selling has three main requirements: First, the salesperson must understand him or herself, and how to build on strengths and develop any areas of weakness, aware of how different customers perceive him or her. Secondly, the salesperson must understand others - particularly customers - who are different. Customers will often have opposing needs, expectations, desires and motivations than those of the salesperson. These distinctions need to be appreciated and respected. Thirdly, the salesperson must learn to adapt his or her behaviour to relate to, connect effectively with, and influence, the customer. This chapter is designed to support the development of each of these requirements at each stage of the sales process. The model below illustrates the conceptual overview of each of these different stages and the corresponding sections explored in this chapter. Use the Effective Selling Chapter to develop strategies for improved customer relationships, greater self-understanding and more & greater sales. The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 21

22 Selling Style Overview These statements provide a broad understanding of Nadja's selling style. Use this section to gain a better understanding of her approaches to her customer relationships. Selling Style Overview Nadja is outstanding at implementing effective sales support procedures and may feel impatience with those who don't carry out designated tasks. She may sometimes appear to withhold information, unless a direct interest in obtaining it is expressed by her customer. She dislikes having her views challenged, where the challenge is without substance or appears illogical to her. She gains immense enjoyment and functions best when she is interacting with other people. She should attempt to deliver her ideas to customers in a way that is more energetic, as well as practical and realistic. She may experience occasional internal turmoil around conflicting customer values, but her customer will be unaware this is so. She is excellent at maintaining objectivity when considering the customer's viewpoint. Possessing a quiet strength and a caring, concerned approach to life, Nadja's sincere manner encourages customers to confide in her. Some customers may find Nadja rather unsympathetic towards their unrealistic expectations if they are seeking creative and innovative solutions in a short time scale. Nadja uses her deeper awareness of the needs of others throughout the sales process. Much of her true style may be hidden from potential customers, as Nadja is unlikely to express her real feelings until she knows someone really well. She does not respond particularly well to demanding sales targets, as her focus is on long term success rather than the attainment of shorter term goals. Her compassionate approach to life means that customers tend to trust her implicitly. The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 22

23 Before The Sale Begins The sale begins long before the formal sales process starts and continues long after it ends. Here are some of the key ideas that Nadja needs to be aware of in the initial stages when planning and approaching the customer. Nadja's key strengths before the sale begins: Thoroughly investigates both customer and competition. Researches thoroughly to avoid potential pitfalls. Approaches lead generation in a systematic and practical way. Usually dresses in a conventional and business-like way. Maintains a comprehensive and current knowledge of products and services. Is systematic in her approach to prospecting. Before the sale begins Nadja could: Reduce her dependence on structure and formal processes. Avoid taking things too seriously. Smile while on the telephone! Remember that "cold-calling" can be handled in a variety of ways. Explore creative ways to generate leads. Visualise positive outcomes at every opportunity. The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 23

24 Identifying Needs In identifying needs, the goal is to find out what the customer's real problems are. Here is an overview and some advice relating to how Nadja may identify customer needs. Nadja's key strengths in identifying sales needs: Checks understanding to ensure the customer's desires have been correctly identified. Recognises the importance of following a specific process to elicit customer needs. Seeks honest, accurate answers. Usually clarifies customer questions before responding. Can rely on tried and tested questioning techniques that aid her understanding of customer needs. Employs good structure while note-taking. When identifying needs Nadja could: Occasionally break with established procedures. Call on the team to support when in new or unfamiliar territory. Learn to become more expressive and spontaneous with the customer. Smile more. Compose "big picture" questions to encourage the customer to talk more subjectively. Remember that outcomes can be more important than the process. The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 24

25 Proposing Having identified the customer's needs, the proposing phase should close the gap between their needs and the current situation. Here are some of the keys for Nadja to develop a powerful and effective proposing style. Nadja's key strengths in proposing: Presents recommendations thoroughly. Follows a logical path that includes all relevant information. Presents ideas that are well considered and designed. Accurately reflects her customer's wants and needs. Uses tried and tested proposal techniques. Makes highly comprehensive proposals. When proposing Nadja could: Consider exactly what the customer is interested and adapt accordingly, leaving the unimportant details alone. Allow for some of the detail to be determined later. Practise being spontaneous! Dress "brightly" or "sensibly" as the occasion requires. Show the enthusiasm to heighten the buyer's attention and sustain interest throughout. Proceed, occasionally in a more adventurous manner. The Insights Group Ltd, All rights reserved. Page 25



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