VERBS 1 THE PRESENT TENSE [ 1-4] Here I (er) in South Africa. It (er) rather hot even if it is

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1 VERBS 1 THE PRESENT TENSE [ 1-4] Put in the correct form of the verb. Hello! Here I (er) in South Africa. It (er) rather hot even if it is the middle of January. Do you think that (lyder) strange? Well, you see, in South Africa things (er) up-side-down. They (har) summer in the winter and they (fejrer) Christmas in the middle of the summer. So far most things seem all right. But when you come as a foreigner there (er) some things you cannot help noticing. Like the environment. Let me tell you, some South Africans (ved ikke) how to spell that word. Take the famous Kreuger Park where you can see African wildlife. It is a place where every tourist (tager hen), but if you (besøger) it you have to go through areas where you really ought to stop breathing. Mines, ironworks, 1 burning coalfields just belch out dangerous smoke. And absolutely everywhere you go you see plastic bags. Everyone (smider) them away. It s ugly and depressing. Please don t leave the engine running. That s a big joke here! A funny thing (er) the tourist buses. When the tourists (er) out admiring the view the driver (slukker ikke) the engine. So the tourists never (beundrer) the view for a long time. They (springer) back into the buses so they won t choke on the exhaust.

2 VERBS 2 THE PRESENT AND THE PRESENT PROGRESSIVE TENSE [ 1-5] Translate the words in parentheses into English. Christmas in Australia Anders and Jenny are cousins. He lives in Denmark, she Sydney, Australia. Normally they (bor) outside (skriver) letters to each other, but twice a year they phone each other. Anders on Midsummer Eve, Jenny on Christmas Day. Hello. Anders. speaking. Hello Anders. Jenny here. Merry Christmas! Hi Jenny. I (er) so happy to hear from you. Merry Christmas to you. How re things in Denmark? Fine thanks. We ve just had breakfast. Mum and Dad and Hanna (sidder) here at the table next to me. They all Do you have any snow this year? (siger) hello. 2 No, not really. But it (er) rather cold. What about you? What s the weather like? The heat (slår næsten ihjel) us. It s up to forty degrees. So what (laver I)? No one has the energy to do anything. We have been down to the beach today. You know we always (har) a BBQ there together with our friends. That s really Christmas for us. In the morning we (åbner) the gifts then we (går) to the beach. Usually we (svømmer), (leger) games and (spiser) some hamburgers or something light. Then we have the turkey later in the day. But today it was too damn hot to do anything. We skipped the food. We (bader) and (drikker) Cokes.

3 VERBS 3 THE PAST AND THE PAST PERFECT TENSE [ ] You have met a family from Canada that is visiting Denmark. Translate these questions. 1. Vidste I noget om Danmark inden I kom hertil? 2. Hvordan kom I hertil? 3. Har I været her før? 4. Hvad har I set? 5. Hvor boede I? 3 6. Har I smagt noget dansk mad? 7. Hvordan var vejret? 8. Har I fået nogle nye venner? 9. Hvad syntes I bedst om? 10. Har I talt om at komme tilbage til Danmark?

4 VERBS 4 THE PAST AND THE PAST PROGRESSIVE TENSE [ ] I was watching TV when he came home. Why do we use the continuous tense (watching) in the first part of the sentence but the past tense (came) in the last part? Check your answer with the grammar rules. Put the correct forms of the verbs in these sentences. There can be one or two words on the lines. You have to decide what is correct. 1. You shouldn t have disturbed Daniel when he his homework. (do) 2. My Mum French and English at a secondary school. (teach) 4 3. When I home last night Mum the kitchen walls. (come, paint) 4. I the newspaper when you. (read, phone) 5. Dad at a petrol station because he the extra money. (work, need) 6. I couldn t talk to you when you called because I dinner for the family. (make)

5 VERBS 5 WAS OR WERE? [ 12] When do we use was and when do we need to use were for the Danish var? If you are in doubt, check with your grammar rules. I was very worried when my parents were on holiday because my sister was out late every evening with friends who were not the type that my parents would like. Put the correct forms in these sentences. 1. I surprised to see him there, but my friend not. 2. your parents at home when you came home yesterday? 3. Yes, they, and Dad really mad at me because I so late. 4. they on time? 5. No one to blame. 6. My grandfather good at skiing and my grandmother good at skating. They both very interested in winter sports John one of the students who on the plane to London. 8. There two pies in the fridge. 9. Why didn t you answer when I phoned? I know you at home. 10. Yes, I but my brothers practising for a concert so I put in my earplugs and didn t hear the phone. 11. The police investigating the robberies. 12. There n t any money left when we had paid for the disco. 13. Before the crisis, people not interested in trying to save money. 14. there any important news in the paper? 15. I couldn t find the scissors this morning. Where they? 16. What your homework for today?

6 VERBS 6 -ING AFTER A PREPOSITION [ 6] A. Notice how these sentences show you different combinations of a phrases in which a preposition is followed by an -ing form: good at drawing, interested in learning Use that information to do exercise B. Angelo is very good at drawing. Bertha isn t interested in learning languages. Cecil is not very keen on dancing. Dorothea is not afraid of losing. Emmerich is tired of working late. Felicia is sure of winning. B. Translate to English. Gustav er træt af at tabe hver anden match. 6 Anne er meget glad for at spille Trivial Pursuit. Simon er bange for at flyve Jimenez er sikker på at tabe Kristoffer er god til at lyve. Dennis er interesseret i at prøve nye ideer.

7 VERBS 7 -ING AFTER SPECIFIC VERBS [ 7] A. How do the underlined ing phrases translate to Danish? Algernon enjoys singing in the rain. Berenice can t help laughing at him. Carlos avoids talking to people he doesn t know. Daniela always puts off doing her homework. Ephraim has just given up drinking. Frederica keeps on talking about her Harley Davidson. Godiva doesn t mind sleeping in the stable. 7 Hubertus stopped laughing when he fell off the roof. Irmelin went on screaming until she got a lollipop. Jonathan stopped speaking, but not before his listener had fallen asleep. B. Make at least five sentences about your classmates telling what they enjoy, avoid, don t mind, etc.

8 VERBS 8 MODAL VERBS [SEE CHART IN GRAMMAR TOOLS] A. How would you say these sentences in Danish? Note a direct translation doesn t work. 1. You shouldn t watch so much TV. 2. You mustn t leave the kids alone. They ll kill each other. 3. You must find the time to finish the job, but you don t have to do it today. 4. Could you do me a favour? 5. I have not been able to finish the job. B. It s more difficult to go from Danish to English. If in doubt as to how to translate these sentences, use the modal verbs chart in Grammar Tools. 1. Ville du købe lidt mælk til mig? 8 2. Hun burde ikke være ude så sent om natten. 3. Du bliver nødt til at sige det til hende. 4. Har du kunnet lave noget i dag? 5. Du må ikke tro at jeg er doven. 6. Du behøver ikke lave det hele færdigt i dag. 7. Burde du ikke gå ind og lægge dig nu?

9 VERBS 9 QUESTION TAGS [ 26] Amelia hasn t been here, has she? Brutus is an honorable man, isn t he? 1. Why do we use has she (not hasn t she) in the first example and isn t he (not is he) in the second? Write the rule in your own words. 2. Put in the question tags. a. Cecilie was ill yesterday,? b. Doreen didn t tell you anything,? c. Erwin couldn t promise anything,? d. Phillip and Frederik were the best players on the team,? Gwendolyn loved Ernest, didn t she? Rule: With most main verbs you need to use do, does or did to make a question tag. Exceptions to the rule are sentences with a modal verb (example c above), to be (example a + d) and to do (example b) Put in the question tags. a. Hubert loves downhill skiing,? b. Once he fell off the ski lift and cracked his shin,? c. Irmelin never works on a Sunday,? d. She and her sister go to the disco every Saturday,? e. Kilroy won t be here tomorrow,? f. That s too bad,? g. We could ask him to come,?

10 VERBS 10 IRREGULAR VERBS IN THE PAST + PRESENT PERFECT AND PAST PERFECT TENS [ ] Say these sentences in English. Write the correct English verb form next to each number. 1. Tom drak alt for meget til festen. (drink) 2. Duncan begyndte at spille fodbold da han var seks år. (begin) 3. Emma forstod nok ikke hvad jeg sagde. (understand) 4. Pigerne sloges, men drengene græd. (fight) 5. Man kastede ting og sager omkring sig og hun fangede dem. (throw, catch) 6. Han tog nogle venner med sig. (bring) 7. Har du fundet dine nøgler? (find) 8. Hun havde købt alle julegaverne allerede i september. (buy) Jeg slog mig da jeg faldt. (hurt, fall) 10. Jenny har valgt at lære spansk. (choose) 11. Mine forældre gav mig en hund. (give) 12. En eller anden har stjålet mine penge. (steal) 13. Stuart har sovet hele timen. 14. Danmark slog Frankrig Telefonen ringede, men ingen svarede. (ring) 16. Vandet var frosset til is. (freeze) 17. Hvem vandt matchen? (win) 18. Vi svømmede i floden. (swim) 19. Walt havde tændt nogle lys. (light)

11 VERBS 11 MIXED TENSES [ 1-19] A. Some of the verbs are missing from this text. In the infinitive they would be: change, leave, like, move, publish and write. Choose the verb that fits into the text and write it in the correct form. Last year Ken Evans and his parents from the US to South Africa. At first Ken didn t having to home town, but after some weeks he his mind. He letters about his new country to his old school, and the letters were in the school magazine. B. Do the same here with: allow, change, keep, ride, start, stay, tell In his letters Ken his old school mates what the situation was like in South Africa before 1990, when negotiations between Prime 11 Minister de Clerk and Nelson Mandela to Black and white people were the apartheid system. apart, and the Blacks were not to on the same bus or at the same hotel as white people. C. The verbs to put in here are: buy, find, give, know, look, send, take Did you that South Africa is one of the leading diamond producers? Here is some information about how it all started. A young boy was out for something to use to clear a blocked pipe when he a glittering stone. He it home and it to his sister. Later a wealthy man it for 500 and it to London.

12 ARTICLES - A, AN, THE OR NO ARTICLE? [ 32-34] Fill in the blanks. 1. Can you give me apple? 2. This is not only good film - it is excellent film. 3. She says she is brain surgeon but I think she is awful person. 4. Her husband is X-ray nurse, and he is nicest person I have ever met. 5. He went to school at eight. 6. She went to disco at nine. 7. Hurry up! This shouldn t take you half day. 8. Is dinner ready? 9. Can you drive car? New York is on Hudson River. 11. As rule he does what he is supposed to.

13 NATIONALITIES [ 46] Translate the words in parentheses to English. You do remember the difference between English and Danish here, don t you? If that hint doesn t ring a bell, check 46 before you start. So yesterday (europæisk) for a night. It was the night of the (Europa) once again tried to be (europæiske) song Contest. This time the contest was held in (italienske) song won last year. The (Italien) since the (italienske) entry this year had no chance whatsoever. It was a strange mixture of (amerikansk) country-and-western and (russisk) folk songs. Can anyone remember it even this morning? This was the year of mixtures. The (fransk) song sounded very (spansk), while the (spanske), one sung by two gorgeous-looking (spanioler), had the same refrain as the (portugisiske) runner up from 13 last year. The (græske) song was also familiar but I cannot figure out why. The (svenske) entry, sung by two (svenskere) dressed up as scarecrows, was one of my favourites. But that language! Does anyone, including the (svenskerne), understand (svensk)? Another strong entry from Scandinavia was the (danske) song, while the (nordmænd) had a song far too bright and cheerful for me, or maybe far too (norsk). Who can tell? And talk about language! (islandsk) always makes me think about the Dark Ages. That language just doesn t go together with disco rhythms. I still wonder what that song from (Polen) was about. I don t

14 understand a word of (polsk)! (Tyskland) is a (europæisk) super power, but when it comes to song writing the (tyskerne) just don t seem to have the magic touch. The (østrigske) song was this year s best (tyske) entry. The (schweiziske) song was just plain stupid, if you ask me. Perhaps the (schweizerne) should stick to watches and chocolate. And the winner? This year like every other year was (Irland). Everyone seems to think that their great advantage is the language. Just a question from yours truly: Have we (britter) stopped speaking (engelsk) - or why don t we ever win? 14

15 ADJECTIVE OR ADVERB? [GRAMMAR TOOLS SENTENCE CHART ] Choose the right form. 1. This pie tastes wonderful/wonderfully. 2. Listen careful/carefully to what I have to say. 3. You sound angry/angrily. 4. I know he feels bad/badly about it. 5. She shouted loud/loudly. 6. Do you feel good/well about your results? 7. I stayed at home. I didn t feel very well/good 8. John looked quick/quickly at his watch. 9. John looked smart/smartly in his new jeans. 10. I am happy/happily to see you. 11. The food smells delicious/deliciously. Translate and note how adjectives and adverbs work. 12. Hun er en smuk pige. 13. Hun er smuk 14. Hun synger smukt Hun er utrolig smuk. 16. Det er frygtelig varmt i klasseværelset. 17. Tina er en god golfspiller. 18. Hun spiller godt. 19. Ricky kører langsomt. 20. Mr. Jones arbejder næsten ikke. 21. Det var et ualmindelig let spørgsmål.

16 PRONOUNS 1 REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS [ 38] Put in the correct reflexive pronoun. 1. Did you enjoy at the concert, Barbara? 2. Tom thought the smartest person alive. 3. She never forgave for the accident. 4. We earned the money. 5. Did you and Mary write the letter? 6. The Smiths bought a new car. POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS [ 37] Put in the correct form of the possessive pronoun. You and Tom are arguing about whose math book it is. Mum is nearby No Tom, it s not book. It s. Mum, tell him to give it back! 2. Calm down, dear. Are you sure it s and not? 3. Of course I m sure! book is newer than mine. 4. That one looks rather new to me. Let s take a look. Uh oh. Sallie couldn t find book either. It looks like this one is.

17 PRONOUNS 2 WHO OR WHICH? [ 42] Fill the blanks in with who or which. 1. Linda has a son is called David. 2. He goes to a school is rather nice. 3. Mrs. Smith, has been teaching there for years, has a method of teaching grammar 4. always works. 5. She lets kids can t tell the difference between who and which repeat this rule to themselves. (Write your own rule to help those kids) WHAT OR WHICH [ 42] 17 Fill the blanks in with what or which. 1. is your favourite colour? 2. language does he speak? 3. did you answer? 4. is the capital of Denmark? 5. Here we are at Dean Street. of the houses is Tom s? 6. is her job? 7. is his sister s name? 8. do you prefer hard rock or punk?

18 WORD ORDER [ 55-59] A. Compare English and Danish word order: Jeg arbejdede på en bondegård. I worked on a farm. I sommer arbejdede jeg på en bondegård. Last summer I worked on a farm. What made the Danish word order change to verb before subject? Write the rule. B. Compare English and Danish word order again, Jeg spiller altid lidt fodbold, før jeg laver lektier. I always play a little football before I do my homework. Which word class do altid and always belong to? Write the rule in your own words. C. Practice your rules by translating these sentences: 1. I går så jeg en vældig god film Da filmen var slut, gik jeg på MacDonalds 3. Der mødte jeg to af mine venner 4. Næste uge skal jeg spille basket hver aften. 5. Hvis du vil, kan du komme med mig. 6. I dag har jeg lært ti nye ord

19 PREPOSITIONS [GRAMMAR TOOLS PREPOSITIONS + 51] Find the preposition that fits the context. against or towards? 1. The bull came rushing us. 2. No, I have nothing your new girlfriend. 3. The party got rather noisy the end of the evening. as or like? 4. many other boys he wanted to become a professional hockey player. 5. a hockey player he made a lot of money. 6. Don t talk a fool! at, in, on, of or to? Pat is not very interested physics, but she is good chemistry. 8. I m not very keen going a disco tonight. 9. Early the morning, late night, Monday morning, the evening, the middle the night, Christmas Eve, noon, six o clock, 10. He managed do it and he succeeded doing it are two says saying the same thing. 11. Do you believe God?

20 by, for, of, off or with? 12. This coat is made pure wool, and it was designed Kenzo. 13. What do you mean that? 14. That photo was taken the photographer who took the official photo Princess Diana. 15. I m afraid nothing. 16. This is where we get the train. 17. I can t understand why you are so angry me. 18. I have been waiting you hours. ago, during, for, in or since? Translate to Danish and note how tricky this question is. 1. I m going away for a week I m leaving in a week. 3. I left a week ago. 4. I was in London during the heat wave. 5. I haven t been in London since I was 14.

21 Translate to English. It s just as tricky! 6. Vi tog fra byen for en uge siden. 7. Vi skal være væk i tre uger. 8. Vi skal tage hjem om en uge. 9. Vi var ikke i byen under jazzfestivalen. 10. Vi har ikke været i byen siden skolen sluttede. 11. Det er mere end et år siden jeg så hende. 12. Hvornår købte du din nye cykel? For en uge siden Mødet varede i fire timer. to or too? Choose the correct spelling to fill in the blanks. 1. This tea is hot drink 2. Can you turn the music down? It s loud. 3. Come closer! I want see your face. 4. I think the movie was long. 5. I m going South Africa next week. 6. This is good be true!

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