The Origins of MOOCs: The Beginning of the Revolution of All At Once-Ness. Detra D. Johnson, Ph.D. Student

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1 Running Header: HISTORY OF MOOCS 1 The Origins of MOOCs: The Beginning of the Revolution of All At Once-Ness Detra D. Johnson, Ph.D. Student Dr. Fredrick Nafukho, Professor & Head Educational Administration & Human Resource Development John LeCounte, Ph.D. Student/Graduate Assistant Celestino Valentin, Ph.D. Student/Teaching Assistant Marie A. Valentin, Ph.D. Student/Teaching Assistant Texas A&M University 511 Harrington Tower 4226 TAMU College Station, TX Addresses:,,,, Stream: Strategic HRD (PO) - Building learning culture, capacity and capability Submission Type: Refereed Paper 1250 words max.

2 HISTORY OF MOOCS 2 The Origins of MOOCs: The Beginning of the Revolution of All At Once-Ness Abstract Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore massive open online courses (MOOCs) as a research initiative for the sustainable practice to extend access to postsecondary credentials through innovative pedagogical platforms. Specifically, this paper seeks to examine the origins and future implications of massive production and distribution of distance and online learning that creates an all-at-once-ness of shared knowledge. Design/methodology/approach - The paper adopted the literature review approach. The authors performed a thorough search to find empirical studies, scholarly journal articles and integrative literature selections from scholarly blogs, open reports, press releases, white paper, trade journals and research papers that serve as the foundation for the research of this relatively new phenomenon. The search focused on the origins and future implications of massive open online courses at colleges and universities. Findings - Findings from this research study will provide relevant research on MOOCs and the implementation of such models, which will require universities to adapt inevitable comprehensive and strategic transformation. Research Limitations/Implications - Presenting the history and origin of massive open online courses may unearth some implications of the benefits, the challenges, the return on investment analysis and the future of globalized sustainability of MOOCs in higher education as producers of mass education. Originality/value - This paper highlights this emergent field of elearning and distance learning to help to facilitate the notion that knowledge can be distributed across multiple networks of connection so that educational experiences are distributed across and transcend learning structures, networks and instructional applications through a state of all-at-once-ness. This exploratory research assumes that there are only a limited or non-existent studies and a lack of theoretical foundations in the MOOC research area. Keywords massive open online courses, distance and online learning, globalization, higher education, sustainability, all-at-once-ness, strategic Submission Type Refereed Paper

3 Running Header: HISTORY OF MOOCS 3 The Origins of MOOCs: The Beginning of the Revolution of All At Once-Ness Introduction Unlike open or distance learning, massive open online courses (MOOCs) are a relative new learning phenomenon that provides a combination of elearning and open education opportunities. With the explosion of fast and inexpensive communication, social networking and active engagement of tens of hundreds of learners, the phenomenon of massive open online courses (MOOCs) can potentially create an apocalyptic impact on both technological and societal developments of personal learning environments across the globe. The rise of multimedia, radio, television and the Internet has created the potential to conduct college-level courses and education beyond traditional university and college walls. This emergent field of learning helps to facilitate the notion that knowledge can be distributed across multiple networks of connection so that educational experiences are distributed across and transcend learning structures, networks and instructional applications (Levy, 2011). Moreover, massive open online courses enhance college-level knowledge and learning which becomes available to thousands who may have limited access to traditional college courses (Marshall, 2013). Definitions of MOOCs Dave Cormier and Bryan Alexander originated the term MOOCs in Canada at the University of Manitoba to describe an open online course, Connectivism and Connective Knowledge, that was presented to 25 fee-paying

4 HISTORY OF MOOCS 4 students and to over 2,000 non-paying students (Daniel, 2012; dewaard, 2011; Siemens, 2013). The complexity of MOOCs has been described as all-at-onceness which implies that the massive production and distribution of learning occurs in the context of open, distance and online learning through mediums such as Moodle, Skype, blogs, elearning chat rooms, Wikis, s, Twitter and Facebook (Koutropoulos & Hogue, 2012; Levy, 2011). More so, MOOC does not occur in a single place or environment, but learning is distributed through web access. Course facilitators and student participants engage in activities and learning experiences through the aggregation of reading, watching and interacting with multiple web technologies of one s individual preference and sharing their knowledge with others at their own discretion (Levy, 2011; Marshall, 2013; McAuley, Stewart, Siemens & Cormier, 2010). Purpose of Research The purpose of this paper is to explore massive open online courses as a research initiative for strategic and sustainable practice to extend access to postsecondary credentials through innovative pedagogical platforms. Specifically, this paper seeks to examine the origins and future implications of massive production and distribution of distance and online learning that creates an all-at-once-ness of shared knowledge. In addition, the paper examines the origin, history, and development of MOOCs.

5 Running Header: HISTORY OF MOOCS 5 Problem Statement This paper highlights this emergent field of elearning and distance learning to help to facilitate the notion that knowledge can be distributed across multiple networks of connection so that educational experiences are distributed across and transcend learning structures, networks and instructional applications through a state of all-at-once-ness. Unfortunately, due the recent status of MOOCs and its capacity to attract attention to this millennial phenomenon in the horizon, very little is understood about the relevant origins and future importance in the modern educational technology of distance/online learning. The gravity of this new form of online learning and teaching raises questions about the future of teaching, the value of college degrees and certifications and the effect of technology on how universities and colleges distribute this type of personalized learning platform. Research Question(s) MOOCs have the potential capacity to offer opportunities for both nonprofit and for-profit organizations to share in the global market of higher education. However, due to the limited number of academic research and immature status, much is still to be discovered about the history, origins and future implications of MOOCs. Thus, the following research questions will help to investigate and frame the origins for MOOCs in colleges and universities. To achieve the purpose of this research, the following research questions guided this inquiry: (1) What are the origins of MOOCs? (2) What is the nature of MOOCs in higher education? (3) What strategies should higher education

6 HISTORY OF MOOCS 6 institutes implement to shift their strategic focus when implementing MOOCs? and (4) What are the future implications of MOOCs in higher education? Methods An integrative literature review and expanded exploration of scholarly blogs, open reports, press releases and research papers will serve as the foundation for the research of this relatively new phenomenon. Few academic studies have provided a systematic approach to understanding the historical implications of MOOCs. Findings from the limited number of research studies will help to frame the origins and implications for MOOCs in colleges and universities. Underlying Theories of History and Origins of MOOCs A learning network-like structure, MOOC, was unveiled at the University of Manitoba entitled, Connectivism and Connective Knowledge (Bovern, 2013; Daniel, 2012). Due to the newness of this imagined area of study, researchers are now directing more attention to the theoretical rationale and implications of MOOCs. Therefore, this innovative area of learning requires the constructivist theoretical approach to learning based on the philosophical view of how we come to understand or know (Savery & Duffy, 2001). It is not feasible to assume that we can share understandings considering that understanding and knowing are individual constructions. However, as individuals we can test the degree to which our individual understandings are like-minded with others. This approach acknowledges that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and that

7 Running Header: HISTORY OF MOOCS 7 individual learning can be enhanced from the experiences of personal relevance presented through MOOCs personalized learning environments (Lebow, 1993). The constructivist approach at the individual level is applicable and relevant to the learning processes provided through MOOCs which emphasizes the learner s role and responsibility (Erlandson, Harris, Skipper, & Allen, 1993). Constructivism can be developed through cohesive and challenging experiences scaled to massive audiences of divergent learning profiles connected through social interactions that can be facilitated amidst an open environment. The open learning environment incorporates choices of technology and modes of interaction to personalize learning, to engage in dialogue, argument and conversation and to creatively think while participating through connection, collaboration and sharing (Rodriguez, 2012). At the organizational level, human resource practices may be used to develop both individual and organizational capabilities that contribute to these experiences of learning. Human resource practices can build human capital, social capital, organization capacity and individual capacity through the implementation of MOOCs. MOOCs can serve as a conduit or link between employee outcomes and customer outcomes by aggregating all of the knowledge in the institution (Storey, Wright & Ulrich, 2009). History of MOOCs In order to gain a better insight of MOOCs, the historical context and origins of the development of this educational innovation must be studied and examined. The massive production and distribution of learning has been

8 HISTORY OF MOOCS 8 surfacing over the last decade through systematic waves of innovation and technological advances. Each wave of advancement exhibits strategic implementation rooted within the ideas of openness in education and access to everyone regardless of demographic, economic or geographical boundaries (Yuan & Powell, 2013). In the third wave of educational technology advances, George Siemens and Stephen Downes designed the first cmooc, Connectivism and Connective Knowledge course in 2008 (See Figure 2). As identified in Figures 1 and 2, the previous development of open education resources (OER) from the era was identified as the second wave of online and distance learning in educational technology (El Ahrache, Badir, Tabaa & Medouri, 2013; Siemens, 2013). The first wave evolved from elearning to online learning as an accompaniment to campus-based learning during the period of 1990 until 1999 (See Figure 1). Currently, student learners and college professors are experiencing the emergence of Stanford s xmoocs (2011), MIT s edx (2012) and OU s Futurelearn (2013) as competitive forces in the global marketing of online education (Yuan & Powell, 2013). However, as technology continue to improve and revenues continue to rise in MOOC development, the expansion of this phenomenon will increasingly morph into one the best revolutions of educational technology online learning (Van der Merwe, 2011).

9 Running Header: HISTORY OF MOOCS 9 Figure 1: Shift of Distance Learning to Online Learning Use$of$ Technology$ Online$ educa3on$from$ the$delivery$of$ informa3on$of$ interac3on$with$ teachers$and$ peer$students$ ICT$policy$ First$Wave $ Increase$in$ credit$courses$$$ Second$Wave $ All$courses$ online$ Third$Wave $ 100%$study$ pace$all$online$ No$separate$ICT$ policy;$fully$ integrated$in$ the$ department s$ opera3ons$ 1990$1996& 1997$1999& 2000$2003& 2004& 2005& 2006& 2007& 2008& 2009& 2010& ICT,$World$Wide$Web$and$ $replaces$course$ material$ Hiring$of$ICT$specific$ staff$ Distance$courses$in$general$educa3on$use$ MOODLE$as$a$management$system$ **Derived from Department of Education ( ) Figure 2: MOOCs and Open Education Timeline **Derived from ( )

10 HISTORY OF MOOCS 10 Findings Massive open online courses (MOOCs) provide evolutionary insight into the endless possibilities of educational technology and open or distance learning. MOOCs allow learners to participate in global learning opportunities that are personalized and more affordable than the traditional channels of educational environments. In as shown in Table 1, preliminary findings indicate that the opportunity to engage in this relatively new and innovative phenomenon warrants attention to the fast revolutionary landscape of mass education. Raising publicity as an enhancement for universities, gaining political and social partnerships for global connectivity, and presenting universal outreach for new student markets presents unlimited opportunities of engagement between universities and with students all over the world. Table 1: History and Origins of MOOCs: Systematic Development of MOOCs

11 Running Header: HISTORY OF MOOCS 11 Implications for Practice Due to institutional limitations, consideration should be made for the sustainable practice to extend access to postsecondary credentials through innovative pedagogical platforms. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) provide evolutionary insight into the endless possibilities of educational technology and open or distance learning. MOOCs allow learners to participate in global opportunities that are personalized and more affordable than the traditional channels of educational environments. Moreover, massive open online courses enhance college-level knowledge and learning which becomes available to thousands who may not have access to traditional college courses. MOOCs enable higher education institutions to focus on the valuable and internal resources of faculty and staff capabilities that already exist in the organization that can assist in outperforming competitors (Storey, Wright &

12 HISTORY OF MOOCS 12 Ulrich, 2009). Distinguished professors from the university often facilitate MOOCs. Therefore, partnerships with other colleges and universities help to support strategic alliances, which can form appropriate employee-matching provisions that can link faculty and staff for maximum collaboration (Daniel, 2012). More so, employee-matching provisions can provide opportunities for highly competent students to be connected with potential employers (2012). Other implications for practice includes that strategic human resource development should evaluate the effectiveness of this emergence of MOOCs by considering its impact on the following characteristics of basic strategic and organizational goals: 1. Forward looking by forecasting potential advantages and disadvantages of implementing MOOCs; 2. Focusing on organizational or business problems rather than human resource issues that can be improved by implementing MOOCs; 3. Determining a measurable impact on the workforce s productivity from utilizing MOOCs; and 4. Using available resources for several human resource functions throughout the university or learning organization (Sullivan, 2004, p. 11). Higher education institutions and learning organizations should take into account a few qualifying criteria when determining the strategic capacity and capability from implementing massive open online courses. First, the broad impact of the effectiveness and sustainability of MOOCs should be determined prior to beginning MOOC programs. Second, a focus on future needs and whether the organization is capable of meeting these needs to solve potential problems. Next, competitiveness, both domestic and internationally, may be a

13 Running Header: HISTORY OF MOOCS 13 major concern to recognize how effective the implementation of MOOCs can be. Equally, cost benefit and revenue impact must be analyzed to identify MOOC sustainability throughout the organization from the perspective of multiple departments. Finally, the direct impact of long-term goals and objectives must be considered (Sullivan, 2004). Future Implications of MOOCs Future implications indicate that with increasing technological revolution that is constantly spreading across the world, on line platform, specifically, MOOCs will continue to develop and be sustained across global personal learning networks and personal learning environments (Covach, 2013). Unlike other Internet ventures in academia that started with great excitement, the scale of involvement with MOOCs indicates that this platform will continue to survive even if institutions and businesses are losing money (Daniel, 2012). Ultimately, MOOCs can impact colleges and universities by encouraging institutions to strategically develop and initiate distinct missions about transforming teaching and learning and by identifying alternative educational technological connectivity to tap into the global student market (Fini, 2009). Higher educational institutes must strategically shift their focus and performance culture in order to develop the capacity to compete in tomorrow s market. Performance culture can be these integrated systems, processes and tools that are crucial to focus shifts that can produce extraordinary results in the organization. Examples of shifts in focus indicate that universities with high expectations and a desire for continuous learning and information sharing are

14 HISTORY OF MOOCS 14 willing to become more strategic by developing programs such as MOOCs which can have the highest impact on increasing employee productivity, reducing labor costs, improving customer service or satisfaction, expansion into new markets, increasing revenues or profits, increasing returns on investments (ROI), increasing market share and creating new customers by providing a competitive advantage over direct competitors (Sullivan, 2004). The innovative practices of MOOCs provide access for worldwide employers that are implementing MOOCs technology to be allied with highly skilled and educated workforce (Trucano, Further research is needed to guide government, policy makers and higher education institutions to make decisions regarding student access, student engagement, and student success to sustain quality courses and to recruit, select, hire and retain quality faculty. Implications for research can include considerations of the challenges and advantages of MOOCs to continue competing in international and national employers while meeting the radical changes in higher education and technological innovations (Chen, Barnett, & Stephens, 2013). As new technologies and educational platforms continue to transform, there is considerable uncertainty about what works best for new educational learning environments. Therefore, attempts to address this concerns lends to a new and provocative research strand (dewaard, et al., 2011). Conclusion This research study will provide relevant research on MOOCs and the implementation of such models, which will require universities to adapt inevitable

15 Running Header: HISTORY OF MOOCS 15 comprehensive transformation. Presenting the history and origin of massive open online courses may unearth some implications of the benefits, the challenges, the return on investment analysis and the future of globalized sustainability of MOOCs in higher education as producers of mass education. MOOCs have demonstrated the ability to stimulate conversations about the opportunities to redefine, rethink and transform educational practices in higher education. While at the same, understanding the potential challenges and significance of university, non-profit and for-profit organizations sustainability a new global market becomes equally important.

16 HISTORY OF MOOCS 16 References Boven, D.T. (2013). The next fame changer: The historical antecedents of the MOOC movement in education. elearning Papers, 33. Retrieved from Chen, X., Barnett, D. R., & Stephens, C. (2013). Fad or future: The advantages and challenges of massive open online courses. Paper presentation at the Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult and Higher Education, Lindenwood University, St. Charles, MO., September 20-21, Covach, J. (2013). To MOOC or not to MOOC? Journal at the Society for Music Theory, 19(5), 1-6. Daniel, J. (2012). Making sense of MOOCs: Musing in a maze of myth, paradox and possibility. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 3. dewaard, I. (2011). Explore a new learning frontier: MOOCs. Learning Solutions Magazine. Retrieved from dewaard, I., Abajian, S., Gallagher, M. S., Hogue, R., Keskin, N., Koutropoulos, A., & Rodriguez, O.C. (2011). Using mlearning and MOOCs to understand chaos, emergence, and complexity in education. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 12(7), El Ahrache, S. I., Badir, H., Tabaa, Y., & Medouri, A. (2013). Massive Open Online Courses: A New Dawn for Higher Education? International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, 5(5), Erlandson, D.A., Harris, E.L., Skipper, B.L., & Allen, S.D. (1993). Doing Naturalistic Inquiry. California: SAGE Publications, Inc. Fini, A. (2009). The technological dimension of a massive open online course: The case of the CCK08 course tools. The International Review Of Research In Open And Distance Learning, 10(5). Koutropoulos, A., & Hogue, R. J. (2012). How to Succeed in a MOOC-Massive Online Open Course Retrievied from Lebow, D. (1993). Constructivist values for instructional systems design: Five principles toward a new mindset. Educational technology research and development, 41(3), 4-16.

17 Running Header: HISTORY OF MOOCS 17 Levy, D. (2011). Lessons learned from participating in a connectivist massive online open course (MOOC). Proceedings of the Chais Conference on instructional technologies research at Raanana, The Open University of Israel. Retrieved from McAuley A., Stewart B., Siemens G. & Cormier D. (2010) The MOOC Model for Digital Practice. University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PE. Retrieved from Marshall, S.J. (2013). Evaluating the strategic and leadership challenges of MOOCs. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 9(2), 1-9. Rodriguez, C. O. (2012). MOOCs and the Al-Stanford like courses: Two successful and distinct course formats for massive open online courses. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning. Retrieved from Savery, J.R. & Duffy, T.M. (2001). Problem-based learning: An instructional model and its constructivist framework. Technical Report No , Center for Research on Learning and Technology. Retrieved from http: Siemens G. (2013). Massive open online courses: Innovation in education? In: Open Educational Resources: Innovation, Research and Practice. McGreal R, et al. (editors). Athabasca, Canada: Athabasca University Press, pp Storey, J., Wright, P.M. & Ulrich, D. (2009). Introduction pp Storey, Wright & Ulrich Eds. In The Routledge Companion to Strategic Human Resource Development, New York, NY: Routledge. Sullivan, J. (2004). Rethinking strategic HR: HR s role in building a performance culture. CCH Incorporated, Chicago, IL. Trucano, M. (2013, April 12). EDuTech. EduTech A world bank blog on ICT use in Education. Retrieved from Van der Merwe, A. (2011). Can online learning boost academic performance? A microeconomics study. International Business & Economics Research Journal (IBER), 10(8), Yuan, L., Powell, S., & CETIS, J. (2013). MOOCs and Open Education: Implications for Higher Education. Retrieved from


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