Executive Coaching to Activate the Renegade Leader Within. Renegades Do What Others Won t To Get the Results that Others Don t

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1 Exective Coaching to Activate the Renegade Leader Within Renegades Do What Others Won t To Get the Reslts that Others Don t

2 Introdction Renegade Leaders are a niqe breed of leaders. The Renegade Leader faces a niqe set of challenges that are specific to their Renegade Tribe. And these challenges reqire a special form of Exective Coaching that cstomized to the Renegade s niqe make p, drive, vision, motivation, and obstacles. My goal is to address how a niqe style of Exective Coaching that is cstomized for the Renegade Leader can help these talented individals achieve their big visions. Copyright Debora McLaghlin, The Renegade Leader.

3 What is a Renegade Leader? Renegade leaders have several rare qalities that set them apart from the crowd and pt them on the fast track to big sccess. Renegade Leaders reimagine, rethink, and reinvent themselves and their companies consistently. They are agile, driven, and passionate abot their role it s not jst a paycheck for them, it s a prpose. They re forward thinking; they can see trends in their indstry and make the necessary shifts to stay ahead of the game. Renegade leaders have a long-term vision for their company which involves playing big, making no excses, and staying fiercely dedicated to their company s growth. As front-rnners, they are the first to implement new ideas and innovations. They see possibility where others see barriers. Renegade leaders are creative, flexible and crrent. They take responsibility for driving the company cltre with collaboration, joint leadership, transparent commnication, and innovation. Renegades will do what others won t to get the reslts others don t. When Renegade leaders scceed in inspiring others in the company to get on board their vision, the company has game-changing reslts. Examples of noteworthy Renegade Leaders inclde Steve Jobs and the innovative ways he defined Apple as a brand, Meg Whitman who is taking HP into new directions and Howard Schltz who reinvented Starbcks, trning arond the fate of a declining company and bringing it to its greatest sccess: They are iconic Renegade Leaders. Copyright Debora McLaghlin, The Renegade Leader.

4 The Uniqe Challenges of the Renegade Leader Renegade Leadership is not withot it s challenges. One of their biggest obstacles is inspiring others to get on board their big vision for the company. They are often the mavericks the misnderstood genises who are on the right path, thogh others may not see it becase the Renegades ideas are otside the corporate box. There is a disconnect between the vision they see for the company and the ability of their teams to get on board that vision. The Renegade Leader often finds that their message isn t heard or nderstood, and there is no by-in for their vision. They may even wonder if they are the one who is creating the obstacles. Renegade Leaders often feel stagnant, particlarly in environments that do not embrace their innovative ideas and forward thinking. They might feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities and and lack confidence in their people. They might be frstrated with the interpersonal drama at the office and are tired of ptting ot fires. Yet they know that leading others is a skill they mst master in order to achieve their big vision. Renegade Leaders are highly driven and often feel a sense of rgency. They have a strong need to grow the bsiness of the company, and they know they need to bridge the gap between them and the talent they work with so that the company can make that qantm leap. Often there are Emerging Renegade leaders haven t yet embraced their Renegade role. They may work in traditional environments where innovation and thinking otside the box are discoraged. Their Renegade spirit needs to find expression before that fire gets pt ot. They need a formal permission slip pls the skills and the mindset to step into their Renegade roles and lead their teams with confidence. The trth is, today s leadership style no longer works with today s workforce. Stdies showed that jst 27% of employees are engaged. According to the Gallp organization, this problem costs companies an estimated $350 billion a year in lost prodctivity. The top-down, command-and-control strctres that have dominated the leadership cltre for decades has become otdated. Bsinesses are sffering from these old strctres and the employees sffer too. Employees aren t as responsive, direct orders no longer go nqestioned, and few teams are ready to leap into action. This comes at a high cost. Copyright Debora McLaghlin, The Renegade Leader.

5 Bt the cost for the leader is far greater than that than money. The deep pain that leaders feel from being devaled, not seen, and ineffective can be intolerable. And the possibility that they may not achieve their big vision is devastating. It s the pain bsiness owners and exectives feel when their dreams are not realized and their company fails or is barely getting by. In today s work place, exective s are nder increasing pressre to deliver bigger and better reslts, and to lead their organizations throgh complex and ambigos change. They are expected to anticipate the needs of cstomers, manage remote teams, secre a competitive advantage - and do it all better, cheaper and faster than before. They have to do far more with far less. Organizations depend on their key leadership talent to lead them into a sccessfl ftre. And it s no small ask. The road to sccess contains more hazards than before; invisible pressres that hold many well-edcated and talented leaders back from flfilling their potential. The Renegade Leader needs to sharpen their leadership skills and evolve at a faster rate than ever before; they need individalized development and spport that can enable a qality of thinking and action that keeps them at the top of their game. They need a niqe combination of leadership skills, strategic planning and personal growth. An Exective Coach who nderstands the niqe challenges of the Renegade Leader can provide this. Bt, how do yo know if exective coaching is right for yo? Copyright Debora McLaghlin, The Renegade Leader.

6 What is Exective Coaching and How Can it Help Renegade Leaders? First, let s define the process of exective coaching itself as an integrated development process that helps individals grow throgh the setting and achievement of goals. Goals these individals believe passionately, both personally and professionally. It is then abot tapping into the individal's niqe experience, talents, and wisdom and coaxing ot improvements, be it a new prodct, a new way of doing bsiness, or a new way of interacting with and leading others. Simply pt, coaching enables the individal to flfill their potential, and a coaching cltre enables the organization to do the same. For the Renegade Leader, achieving their big vision for the company is tantamont to their professional and personal flfillment, as they are driven by passion and prpose, and not by the bottom line. As the Renegade Leader begins to see their vision take reality, this creates momentm, which motivates the leader to increase their investment in their company s performance, and this sprns them on to greater and greater sccess. Conversely, if the Renegade Leader does not see progress, they begin to think that their big vision isn t possible within the confines of their company and the limitations of their people. Conseqently, the leader will stagnate, blame themselves, and often give p. In this instance, both the leader and the company lose, never achieving the greatness they were capable of. Coaching is extremely relevant to exectives and leaders within a wide range of organizations. An exective coach brings ot the best in people, challenging them to grow, to search for new answers and perspectives. They can be invalable in giving clear, objective feedback and offering distinctions that the exective cannot see for themselves. Exective coaches develop bsiness leaders by observing them, giding them into new practices, highlighting habits, encoraging them to improve, and enabling them to excel in areas they may not have even thoght possible. Exective coaching drives a cltre of high engagement and positively focsed energy throghot the organization. This engagement is essential for the Renegade Leader to motivate those arond them to get on board their big goals. Copyright Debora McLaghlin, The Renegade Leader.

7 The process itself enables individals to step back from the rotines of their daily activity and identify new soltions to those insrmontable problems that can often be challenging to even acknowledge. It develops powerfl leadership within organizations promoting a constantly evolving and dynamic cltre where learning and development is embraced as the norm, and all individals nderstand and actively engage in their contribtion to achieving the organization s goals. Reasons for Investing in Exective Coaching There is only one valid reason for investing in exective coaching for yor organization to spport yor bsiness strategy and objectives. That s it. Anything else can mean the difference between a worthwhile investment with a strong ROI and a frivolos expense that only scceeded in wasting time and money. Unfortnately many organizations seem to miss this critical point, and they invest in coaching for poor reasons: Or competitors have coaching programs so we thoght we shold get one We need to free or managers from dealing with difficlt employees We have a few managers who need therapy and help with their personal problems We want to reward or talent Or bsiness leaders are frstrated and need to talk it ot with someone Exective coaching is not therapy, conseling or a sbstitte for effective management. However, when aligned, designed and implemented effectively, exective coaching offers a viable soltion for a nmber of isses across bsiness fnctions. Many isses arise within organizations that can negatively impact both individal, leadership and organizational performance; Mergers and acqisitions, restrctring, critical skills shortages, individal transitions like relocations or promotions and of corse, the one constant in all bsiness change. It is in these sitations that the right combination of individal coaching, grop/team coaching and coaching skills training for managers forms part of an integrated and effective development soltion. Copyright Debora McLaghlin, The Renegade Leader.

8 Who Invests in Exective Coaching? The se of exective coaching is widely reported to be growing rapidly. Coaching is now sed by many of world s most admired corporations, from GE to Goldman Sachs. Annal spending on coaching for individals and corporations in the US is estimated at roghly 1 billion dollars. It is the second fastest growing indstry across the world, second only to technology. 95% of organizations that se coaching have increased their tilization of coaching over the past five years, and not one has decreased their annal investment. This sggests that organizations have fond increasing vale in coaching over time. In a srvey by Right Management consltants, 86 percent of companies said they sed coaching to sharpen the skills of individals who have been identified as ftre organizational leaders. When asked for a conservative estimate of monetary payoff from the coaching they got, managers described an average retrn of percent of what the coaching had cost their companies. The 2013 stdy condcted by the Center for Leadership Development and Research at Stanford Gradate School of Bsiness, Stanford University s Rock Center for Corporate Governance, and The Miles Grop indicates that in addition to coaching for all lines of leadership, CEO s are the ones looking to be coached. When asked Whose decision was it for yo to receive coaching? 78% of CEOs said it was their own idea. Twenty-one percent said that coaching was the board chairman s idea. Miles sees this as a positive trend: Becoming a CEO doesn t mean that yo sddenly have all the answers, and these top exectives realize that there is room for growth for everyone. We are moving away from coaching being perceived as remedial to where it shold be: something that improves performance, similar to how elite athletes se a coach. If Renegade Leaders are the front-rnners, the forward thinking individals who have the flexibility to embrace novelty and change, they are perfect candidates for exective coaching. Copyright Debora McLaghlin, The Renegade Leader.

9 Exective Coaching Addresses a Key Concern of Renegade Leaders: Managing Conflict Among their Teams How to handle conflict ranks as highest area of concern for CEOs. When asked which is the biggest area for their own personal development, nearly 43% of CEOs rated conflict management skills the highest. How to manage effectively throgh conflict is clearly one of the top priorities for CEOs, as they are jggling mltiple constitencies every day, says Mr. Miles. When yo are in the CEO role, most things that come to yor desk only get there becase there is a difficlt decision to be made which often has some level of conflict associated with it. Stakeholder overload is a real brden for today s CEO, who mst deftly learn how to negotiate often conflicting agendas. Boards eager for CEOs to improve talent development The top two areas board directors say their CEOs need to work on are mentoring skills/developing internal talent and sharing leadership/delegation skills. Top areas that CEOs se coaching to improve: sharing leadership/delegation, team bilding, conflict management, and mentoring. Bottom of the list: motivational skills, compassion and empathy, and persasion skills. A lot of people steer away from coaching some of the less tangible skills becase they are ncomfortable with toching on these areas or really don t have the capability to do it, says Mr. Miles. These skills are more nanced and actally more difficlt to coach becase many people are more sensitive abot these areas. However, when combined with the harder skills, improving a CEO s ability to motivate and inspire can really make a difference in his or her overall effectiveness. View a diagram of the stdy on Exective Coaching Copyright Debora McLaghlin, The Renegade Leader.

10 Coaching Agendas Coaching provides soltions for a variety of different bsiness isses: 1. Exective development. Promote a safe and efficient environment for senior bsiness leaders to explore and address key development areas as individals and/or to enhance the qality of leadership/teamwork in the senior exective team. Develop a powerfl and strategic approach to the integration of people, cltre and bsiness objectives. 2. Sccession planning. Accelerate the readiness of potential talent throgh one on one or grop coaching. This cold be part of a high potential or fast track program that might also inclde leadership skills development, mentoring, cross cltral assignments and other learning interventions. Also eqip managers with coaching skills to enable a focs on development with their direct reports, to identify and retain talent throghot the organization. 3. Strategic change. Major transformations will reqire spportive people strategies that inspire engagement and/or changes in behavior to meet the performance targets. Barriers to performance can be addressed throgh one on one or grop coaching, to convert stakeholders into change champions that accelerate the pace of transition. Managers can also be provided with the coaching skills to be able to help employees cope with the changes and identify soltions. 4. Workforce planning. Increase employee retention and promote diversity by offering coaching to nderrepresented grops. Improve engagement and employee satisfaction in those hard to fill positions. 5. Capability gaps. Bild necessary skills identified by assessments, peer feedback, poor performance throgh one on one or grop coaching. 6. Transition spport. Provide assistance to individals who are moving throgh critical career transitions (promotions, new fnctions, first global role, new responsibilities/fnction). Coaching can be sed to effectively shorten the learning crve in new positions. It is particlarly sefl in redcing the nmber of failed international assignments, increasing employee satisfaction, decreasing stress, improving prodctivity and retention. 7. Learning and development strategy. Provide integrated development soltions that se coaching to hold individals accontable for meaningfl and sstained behavior change. Offer follow p coaching soltions to leadership development activities, inclding stretch assignments and se coaching to shift the focs of development from the workshop to on the job. Copyright Debora McLaghlin, The Renegade Leader.

11 Benefits of Investing in Exective Coaching Exective coaching provides many different levels of vale to both the individals involved and the organization as a whole. A clearly defined retrn on investment shold be defined early in the process. Or clients report the following benefits: Increased profitability Increased employee engagement Improved retention rates Increased sense of commnity Decreased employee absences Increased job satisfaction Improved morale More opportnities for collaboration Improved levels of trst and openness Higher levels of innovation and employee sggestions Improved levels of teamwork Improved performance across the organization Better levels of cstomer service Increased sales Improved commnication Improved perceptions of the Senior Exective Team (both internally and externally) inclding retention of the bench strength of the Senior Leadership team Improved capability of individals to execte strategy Improved strategic alignment Copyright Debora McLaghlin, The Renegade Leader.

12 Common Challenges to Exective Coaching It is always best to identify potential challenges and obstacles so that particlar attention can be paid to addressing and overcoming challenges as they arise. The bsiness benefits and ROI are not clear for exective coaching. Recent research sggests that many organizations strggle to identify clear ways to demonstrate the bsiness vale of coaching and identifying how coaching otcomes link to bsiness otcomes. This is essential to highlight the effectiveness of yor coaching implementation. Leadership teams that set the prpose, expectations and otcomes for coaching may consider the next step of developing an evalation strategy to measre and better manage the cltre-change process. This strategy shold inclde bsiness metrics and analysis to demonstrate the retrn on the investment in the cltre-change effort. Challenge of global. Bilding the capacity to develop a worldwide athentic, mlticltral approach to coaching that is totally respectfl of diversity in all its shapes, formats and colors. This challenge is only met throgh a real capacity to commnicate and actively collaborate with international partners who empower connection to the common thread of hmanity throghot. Defining a clear approach to developing bsiness leaders. The approach to leadership needs to be clearly defined and commnicated across the entire organization so that people can nderstand what is expected in terms of leadership. Clarity helps to shift the cltre from management to leadership, where leadership is embraced throgh all levels of the organization. Senior Leadership does not walk the talk. Senior leaders set the tone for leadership within an organization. If their leadership does not embrace coaching in action, as well as their words, then a lack of trst will be prevalent within the organization. Senior Leaders are the role models who mst embody and trly integrate a coaching approach into their leadership style in order for others in the organization to accept and embrace coaching as an integral part of their cltre. Copyright Debora McLaghlin, The Renegade Leader.

13 Lack of time and resorces. Time is a key resorce within most organizations and with the increasing pressre placed pon performance it can be challenging for managers to set time aside for learning, delivery of training or to receive coaching. In part, this lack of time may reflect a cltre where learning and coaching are not a top priority. Setting the corse for creating a positive approach to coaching and explicitly making the links to the bsiness will likely shift priorities and increase the time for learning. Individals need to be held accontable for their performance. This is an organization wide isse, and is not merely confined to coaching. It needs to be addressed to improve levels of personal responsibility, general personal and bsiness performance. One way of addressing the accontability isse is by linking coaching otcomes to bsiness otcomes and evalating progress on these otcomes. Assigning clear responsibilities for achieving these otcomes and periodically tracking the progress will reinforce the accontabilities for sccess and bild momentm in a positive direction. Coaching is not perceived in a positive light in the organization. Althogh we do not come across this challenge very often, it still represents a barrier for some organizations. This may be de in part to the fact that, in some organizations, coaching is mainly sed for derailing leaders and managers. In these organizations, it may be that being identified as a candidate for coaching sggests that a serios performance isse has been detected. How coaching is presented internally makes the difference between how it is perceived by the coachee and how it impacts the sccess of the coaching experience. Is coaching right for yor organization? We live in an era of increased competition, tight bdgets, smaller profit margins, downsized workforces and increasing stakeholder expectations. Many employees are strggling to achieve the goals of the organization whilst operating with fewer resorces. This reality has forced exectives to seek ot more innovative methods of creating an edge that will help them flfill their potential and deliver sccess against the organizational goals, sccessflly navigating the very thin line between sccess and failre. Many organizations are finding that an investment in Exective Coaching is the game-changer that enables them to bild and maintain a cltre of excellence. When the Renegade Leader and their teams are activated with the right spport, mindset, and skillset to achieve their goals, the possibilities are endless. Copyright Debora McLaghlin, The Renegade Leader.

14 Using Exective Coaching in Yor Organization Exective Coaching is often thoght of a service that is provided face to face to individals; however the growth of technology means that most coaching assignments now take place remotely sing the telephone and Internet. Increasingly, organizations are also adopting grop/team coaching processes to both redce costs and to make coaching more accessible at different levels throghot the organization. In or experience, grop coaching can be an excellent spport for managers and employees who want to work on real time problem solving. It offers a great way to drive higher levels of engagement throgh management change initiatives. Key Elements of Effective Exective Coaching Many clients ask s how to ensre that they make the right decisions arond implementing exective coaching soltions for bsiness isses. We have pt together the following tips: Get clear on yor organizational strategy for exective coaching. Exective coaching works best when it is an integral part of the organization cltre. It needs to be strategically positioned with clear reasons for engagement and linked to other organizational components that tie the development directly to bsiness strategy. Make sre yo select professionally trained coaches. International Coach Federation (ICF) is the leading organization worldwide for the accreditation and certification of professional coaches. They inclde training on core competence areas with a strict code of ethics and professional condct. In or experience, this is a necessary reqirement for all coaches. Make sre each coaching engagement is based on clear coaching objectives. The criteria for measring the effectiveness of the coaching engagement needs to be clearly defined at the otset and shold inclde defining demonstrable needs, a docmented action plan, and the alignment of individal goals to leadership and team exection. Copyright Debora McLaghlin, The Renegade Leader.

15 Internal verss external coaches. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this qestion as every organizational cltre is different and ths demands a niqe approach. Some organizations are well placed to offer internal coaches to inspire and develop exectives, whilst others wold be better sited to bring in external coaches. Others se a combined approach. Ask yorself the following qestions to discover what wold work best in yor organization: Do we have the bdget to train/hire dedicated coaches internally? Does crrent staff have the time and interest to serve as internal coaches? Are there conflicts of interest that wold prevent internal coaches from effectively coaching others? How wold internal coaches be perceived in terms of credibility? What vale wold an internal/external perspective bring to the coaching? Allow coaching clients to select their own coach. In coaching the qality of relationship between coach and client defines the qality of reslts achieved in the coaching. It is important that all coaching clients are offered a selection of coaches to interview, as it is essential that the client feels willing and able to form a partnership with the coach. Ensre coaching engagements are formally strctred. While open-ended coaching engagements appeal to higher levels within an organization, coaching shold not foster dependency. We recommend that yo set a beginning and an end date and that yo inclde best practice elements sch as a coaching contract, needs assessment, clear coaching objectives, an action plan, and measres of accontability. Develop formal evalation strctres that spport individal and organizational goals. Both individal and grop coaching needs to be measred against pre-existing standards and organizational measres. Key performance indicators are sally a tangible way to evalate the impact of coaching. Copyright Debora McLaghlin, The Renegade Leader.

16 Make sre stakeholders are involved. Individals don t perform in a vacm; their performance impacts others on a daily basis. As sch, others can provide critical inpt, spport, and accontability for coaching clients. Protect coachees by ensring that all coaching follows a clearly defined code of ethics. Coaching mst always be confidential. The coach s commitment mst always be primarily to their coaching client to enable a deep and meaningfl relationship to form. Individals need to be able to trst the confidential natre of the coaching relationship. A formal coaching contract provides a way to define agreement arond different expectations that can exist within organizations inclding, logistics, etiqette, roles, and responsibilities for stakeholders and management. Integrate coaching into ongoing development and evalation systems. In order for the coaching to be relevant for the coaching clients on a daily basis, we recommend that clients discss the key otcomes of the coaching with their performance advisors so they can incorporate their coaching goals into their individal performance plans. These are important connections that maximize the vale of the coaching program beyond the limits of a normal coaching engagement. How Long Before We See Reslts? While the coaching process is not intended to be a qick fix, the individal short-term reslts are often immediate for engaged individals. Motivated leaders reflect on their hidden skills, enhance their problem analysis, and eventally become self-correcting after only a few sessions. In the long term, exective coaching not only improves staff retention, increases prodctivity, and empowers the entire staff, it ltimately benefits the individal client. Copyright Debora McLaghlin, The Renegade Leader.

17 Critical Qestions to Consider: What is the prpose of exective coaching? How are individal behaviors measred and linked to bsiness objectives? How wold yo describe yor crrent approach to exective development? What Learning and Development strategies need integrating with a coaching approach? Do yo have a formalized database of staff, illstrating their skills, expertise and experience? What is yor crrent level of capability within the organization? What internal coaching capability do yo have crrently? When is coaching the best development intervention? What other learning needs have yo identified within the organization that cold potentially be addressed with a coaching approach? Do yo have any mentoring processes in place? Do yo want an elite team of internal coaches? How will yo develop the senior team to embody the development message to the organization? What is the prevailing attitde within the organization towards coaching? Will yo be training management/spervisors as coaches? What ROI do yo want to achieve from yor coaching interventions? How will yo measre progress? Who will be responsible for recriting coaches? What challenges do yo envision for yor organization in the implementation of exective coaching? What is important to yo in yor choice of a service provider? Are yo looking for a collaborative approach? Anything else yo think we shold know... Copyright Debora McLaghlin, The Renegade Leader.

18 Conclsion In today s bsiness world, a new paradigm of leadership mst emerge where we rewrite the old rles that no longer serve the leaders and the employees of the company. We can t do things according to the stats qo. It s no longer working for leaders and employees of all levels. For a bsiness to thrive, there needs to be a seismic shift in how leaders lead. Exective Coaching can bridge the gap between the leader who is stck in the paradigm of old strctres that no longer work to the modern Renegade who leads with innovation, impact, and nstoppable confidence. When a Renegade leader steps into his or her fllest potential, they light the path for other leaders and employees to do the same. The leader benefits, the employees benefit, and in the end, the company benefits. Coaching can be a powerfl process for leading a company transformation and ltimately experience its greatest sccess. It can help develop an organization s capability to perform and sstain a competitive advantage. Coaching needs to be approached with clarity of focs to demonstrate tangible reslts for the bsiness. These reslts come abot by delivering high qality, consistent skill development and empowering a collaborative approach to spporting others on their jorney to improved performance. If strctred well, coaching is a highly effective process for changing behavior and focsing on performance isses. If yo are considering Exective Coaching as a development tool for yor organization, yo shold be aware that developing a coaching cltre across the entire organization can bring many benefits. It is now highlighted as the most effective rote to cltre change and is an activity that is expected to increase in the ftre. Reslts are strong, indicating coaching as an effective process for increasing how leaders develop others and manage their performance. Coaching leads to greater knowledge that is more widely shared and tilized. Decision-making becomes more open, participative, and transparent. Learning and development becomes viewed as a top priority, with less emphasis on making the nmbers. Copyright Debora McLaghlin, The Renegade Leader.

19 The Next Step... At The Renegade Leader, we can help yo decide if Exective Coaching is a valable next step for yo or yor organization. At or company, we: Foster the Renegade Leaders niqe vision and talent by developing their leadership dashboard so they can focs on what is most impactfl. Help Renegade Leaders powerflly commnicate with inflence and impact so their message is heard, nderstood and acted pon. Create a solid strctre for the Renegade Leader to implement innovative ideas. Shift the organizational cltre to align with shared vales and to spr creativity, collaboration and positivity. Copyright Debora McLaghlin, The Renegade Leader.

20 Work collaboratively with HR and Renegade Leaders to define, plan, implement and evalate the need for exective coaching Provide a team of flly accredited, high integrity, professional exective coaches who can work at Senior Exective levels and throghot all levels of the organization Establish the key drivers for exective coaching (throgh strctred interviews, employee srveys and a variety of diagnostic tools) Align and integrate coaching into bsiness and defining a comprehensive ROI Design and implement training programs in basic and advanced coaching skills for both coaches, managers as coaches, and coachees Facilitate Senior Exective Team and HR strategic planning in Cltre Change, Leadership and Advanced Coaching Skills Provide comprehensive training in or live and virtal Renegade Leader Virtal Leadership Academy offering wrap arond spport for all participants. Spervise and facilitate reviews for coaching experience and practice Spport coaching with parallel programs in mentoring and leadership development as needed Provide practical comprehensive frameworks proven to prodce reslts. Transfer skills within yor organization, making Renegade Leadership possible at all levels. Measre progress throghot every engagement. Are yo Ready to Activate the Renegade Leader? To get started, let s begin by having a conversation. Contact CEO Debora McLaghlin at or or complete or Contact Us application at Leave behind every compromise and step into what is possible. Copyright Debora McLaghlin, The Renegade Leader.

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